#quackity one-shot
soup--champ · 2 years
Deeply amused by quackity and wilbur's conflicting opinions on /r c!tntduo and i think they should now be applied to how we read their character's dynamic.
c!wilbur is just out here saying the most accidentally homoerotically charged bullshit all the time, not a thought in his head about how it could be interpreted, thinking he is simply just being a cool and suave rival, and then c!quackity is just over here losing his mind because he is yearning and has to keep dealing with increasingly conflicting messages.
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ashleymasenado · 10 months
QSMP Reader Insert One-Shot: It's a Deal
Summary: You were one of the residents of Quesadilla Island running for presidency; at least, you were. Halfway through, you had decided to drop out due to some other runners having similar campaigns to yours. But after listening to them better, something about them makes you uneasy, so you decide to get back into the run…with one of the few people you would ever trust.
Hi everybody! Alexa here! I'm feeling quite optimistic about this little bit I'm writing today, even though I've told myself quite a few times to wait for when I'm getting to the real fic, but that's not important right now. What's important is that I get this out before the final elections on the QSMP, because that's what this one-shot is all about. And man, if you guys have time to read this, might wanna grab a snack and a drink cause this is lengthy; probably one of the longest solo pieces I've tried writing.
Anyway, this is a female reader insert, as those are easier for me to write and because we don't have much girl power on the QSMP. But, if you are not a girl who is reading this, feel free to change things up for your own preference. I am a fifteen-year-old Christian teenage girl, but I know I have to respect and be thoughtful of others. This takes place after the third debate (Day 106). As for what you're up to, well—you'll just have to find out.
Major spoilers if you're not following the QSMP, or if you're still catching up on it. I'm sorry if anything is not entirely accurate to the timeline of the QSMP; I've checked the characters' pages on the QSMP wiki yet they're not entirely up-to-date on events. This is actually the first one-shot in a collection of two or three, because I had to get this out soon with the recent lore on the QSMP being absolutely crazy and getting darker and deeper, and the elections being close to wrapping up. I hope you don't mind what I did to get this out soon, everyone. I just hope I did a good job.
Will also be posted on quotev.com, fanfiction.net, and archiveofourown.org, on my account with the same name: Ashley Masenado, except for fanfiction.net with the username being AshleyMasenado15.
I hope you all enjoy, and remember—stay safe, and stay weird.
I can't believe I'm doing this…
You pursed your lips together as you walked through the woods, far away from the town, one hand in your pocket as the chatters grew quieter and farther away from you as you walked. You shuffled around your fingers, trying to stay calm, as you went over the crazy plan in your head again, over and over, to make sure you had it.
This plan was crazy. You were going crazy, and you absolutely hated it. For a while, you always thought you were the only sane one left on the island—until now. But this—this idea changed that thought. There was no turning back—but now you wished there still was.
Your steps came to a halt as you glanced around your surroundings, then raised your left hand to look at the screen of your Portable Minecraft Guide (PMG). You pulled up the map to check your location, and your icon confirmed that this was exactly where you needed to be. Pulling up the inventory tab, you rummaged through one of your backpacks for the three item kinds you would be needing: lava buckets, water buckets, and a flint and steel.
Your plan was simple: create a Nether portal with the bucket method to get Cucurucho's attention so you could negotiate with it. Normally you wouldn't break the rules on purpose; you had strong morality boundaries after all (unlike a majority of the people on the island). But you had no choice. You had missed the chance and had to come up with this in desperation, especially after what had happened near the end of the debate today. The chaos had prevented you from even getting a chance to see Cucurucho, so this was your best and only shot. You were not going to waste this only chance.
Letting out a deep sigh, you began to build the portal as the afternoon sky gave way to night. The cool breeze cooled the heat on your face, calming your heart from the nerves of today's events. As you poured one lava bucket down, followed by a bucket of water following your exact calculations, your thoughts drifted to the past events that you were around for since the beginning of Quackity's QSMP. Some were fun and fueled your resolve for adventure and to solve the mysteries of the island, while some were quite…depressing. Ordo Theoritas had been reestablished, the Nether portals at the end of the train tracks were a huge discovery, Quackity's mysterious disappearance (which you were still trying to solve today), many eggs had died (including your own, which nearly destroyed you and you were absent for a week, even needing therapy once), and the beginning of the elections of presidency for the island.
That was actually where you were now. Out of pure curiosity you had actually opted to run for president; and being the "do-it to-it" person you were, you went for it. After a bit of hard brainstorming and plenty of rewritten drafts, you had the perfect campaign: a program designed to protect the eggs and the people, and everyone and everything on the island. Cellbit, whose primary goal you knew was to leave the island—you knew he was going to be against the idea. But that didn't bother you, even if he was a good partner outside the elections.
As the elections had gone further with the first debate, you grew bold enough to share your further ambition to bring down the Federation, as they had done nothing to stop the problems of the Binary Code Entity and its attacks on the other eggs. It had been the cause of so many deaths, of people and eggs alike, and all they did was sit back and watch? Well you had had enough. If this so-called government wasn't going to do anything about your problems, you would. You would make sure of that.
At least until the very next debate. After you had heard the proposals of Bad and Baghera, you had decided to drop out of the elections as they had similar ideas to yours, and you figured since they were older than you and had more experience with these things. And besides, you figured with your lack of self-control that you'd probably go mad with power the moment you started your first day. It was probably for the better that you had dropped out. Thanks to some negotiations with Cucurucho and having the official paperwork signed, you were out of the run for presidency.
What some people didn't know, was that not long after the second debate, you were having second thoughts. There were many things you knew that the others did not, and these things worried you. Had you made a mistake to drop out of the elections? Maybe. Especially with Bad's proposal, which you had reflected on more after reading back on your draft for the QSMP newspaper (you were the main editor as it gave you something to do after you lost your egg). You didn't want something like that to happen again; you couldn't let it. You would not let it. If anyone was going to actually make things better on this cursed island, it was going to be you.
As the heaviness of the load in your hands began to lighten, you stopped pouring and put down the empty bucket. The portal was finished and now it only needed to be lit. You stared at the flint and steel in your hand, seething through your teeth at the thought of the crime that was about to be committed. Standing in position and gripping the tools tight, you flicked the flames and the deed was done. Now all you had to do was wait.
As you stood there waiting for Cucurucho to come by and give you your news, you thought of the strange nature of this white robotic bear. Ever since your first interaction with it, you had thought it to be an A.I., due to its use of a soundboard to communicate, having no desire for itself, and its constant presence to ask questions to the reidents as surveys. You were very wary of Cucurucho, especially after its first jumpscare on you. You nearly had a heart attack that day. No joke; you had to pump your fist on your chest plenty of times and your child had to calm you down since you were even laughing your head off with insanity.
As time went on and you were noticing patterns in its behavior, you began to understand it more—at least, you hoped it did. Cucurucho was only doing its duty, given to it by the Federation. It was only doing what it was told, even if it did have some… interesting methods to getting the job done. It reminded you of yourself in a way, with your "get-right-to-it-before-I-get-too-lazy" attitude. Except you weren't the kind to use force to get your work done, so of course there were some major differences. At least you didn't laugh in someone's face when they were about to lose the last of their hearts.
A flash of white caught your eye from the trees in the left, and you immediately stepped back as Cucurucho came running. In a single click it destroyed the portal, one block at a time. Not a single trace was left, not even a particle. As soon as the portal was out of existence, it turned around and faced you with that same eerie smile, plastered on its white mask for hours at a time. It sent a chill down your spine whenever you saw it; it was like a prison it couldn't escape. If you still didn't think Cucurucho was just some AIR (Artificial Intelligent Robot, as you called it), you would have felt a little sympathy for it.
"Hello," it said, its iconic leather-cover notebook in its left hand. The feather pen was stuck in-between the pages, serving as a bookmark for where it could write when it had to communicate with the residents beyond its limited soundboard. Its white long-sleeved shirt, white pants, white fingerless gloves, and white socks and shoes were spotless as always, somehow completely free of stain. The white mask sported the usual shiny black eyes and button pink nose, and the unmoving mouth where the soundboard played its repeated words held the same old smile. "You have committed an illegal act. Please, follow me."
"Yes, Cucurucho, I know I did, but I only did this to get your attention," you muttered, holding your hands up in defense as it tried to walk away. "I just wanna talk alright? It's really important, so please just listen."
To your surprise, the bear stopped in its tracks and turned around, returning back to you as it had walked away a few paces. It opened its book and wrote down some quick scribbles, then handed it to you to read.
I'm listening; what is it you need? The text read; inwardly you sighed with relief. You didn't think this plan would have actually worked, and yet it did. You figured it was now best to move on to the next phase, so you explained that you wanted to get back into the elections, and you needed Cucurucho's help for it. The bear was quiet the whole time, completely still as you talked. Halfway through, you realized the danger of the current situation and frowned slightly, looking around to see if anyone was listening in. Internally you sighed and rubbed the bridge of your nose, reprimanding yourself for not thinking this entirely through.
"We're not safe talking about this out here," you said, turning around to the direction of your house. The bear had put the book away, its paws now empty as it stood there; perhaps contemplating its decision in the matter. "Would you mind if we have to go to my house? I think we're close enough to it."
"Okay cool," you said, as you began to walk towards the direction of your home. You turned around to check if Cucurucho was following, and you kept going as it stayed three blocks behind you. As you went, you kept your map window open to make sure you were taking the most inconspicuous route, even making sure no one was following you by checking behind you every minute of the way. Normally you wouldn't call yourself paranoid, but things on the QSMP were making you more and more afraid of the island everyday.
Ever since the death of your egg child, you had been feeling less like your old self. You had become more tense, more wary of your surroundings and especially very careful with who you made friends with. You even stopped frequently hanging out with people, which you used to do plenty before to make more friends and be more socialised. Sometimes when some players would come by to ask how you were, they would be answered with an "I'm fine" and a chill wave. But in reality, sometimes you forgot how to smile a genuinely happy smile.
It took a bit of a long walk and a bit of quick sidestepping to avoid some of the player residents, but you and Cucurucho finally arrived at your little wooden cottage in the larger cherry blossom biome, near a quaint little village where you had built your house. It stood on top of a hill where the sun could shine into your windows. You opened the door to let Osito Bimbo in, then after you closed it you flicked on the lights with your redstone-powered lever that went all the way to some lanterns up on the ceiling.
Your living room was simple, yet enough to make one feel right at home. The red couch on the right side of the house was enough to seat atleast five people, and it was clean and inviting. On the right armrest was a jukebox with a chest labeled "Non-Copyrighted Relaxation Music" on its right side. A window with shutters was on the left wall, the shutters having been pulled up so the sunlight could flow in and warm the room enough; albeit with nighttime coming through, it was more of the sunset coming in. A ceiling fan whirred on in the middle of the ceiling, surrounded by the warm glows of the lanterns above. At the far side of the room were the stairs leading to the upstairs, with the bedrooms and the guest rooms. A hallway to the far left of the room lead to the dining room and the kitchen, where you lead Cucurucho into. You gestured for it to take a seat at one of the chairs at your table, while you went into the kitchen to prepare some refreshments for the both of you.
"Hey Cucurucho," you called from the kitchen while you poured pre-prepared hot water into two little teacups. "Jaiden told me you like tea a few days ago. You want some honey in your green tea?"
Nodding, you took out two of your green tea bags from the second top cabinet, dipping them into the cups and stirring a tablespoon of honey into one of them. You quickly stirred it and carefully made sure to evade the steam quickly lifting from the cup, as to not burn yourself from it. While the cups cooled on the counter, you took out a few home-baked Fita crackers from another one of your storage cabinets and put them on a plate, then put them aside to make room for the cups. After you brought and distributed them on the table, you took one of your discs from the shelf in the living room and played it in the jukebox near the table, then took a seat as you took your cup to sip your tea.
With the comfy music, you took some time to collect your thoughts while you looked around the dining room. The place was rather homey as intended, nice and simple with a long wooden table and wooden cushioned chairs. It took up most of the dining room, but left enough space for people to walk around the table, especially when you needed to serve visitors their refreshments. Lanterns hung from the ceiling from reinforced iron chains, bathing the room in a warm and comfortable glow.
You put down your cup and chewed on some biscuits, then after another sip you took a deep breath and braced yourself. Gently clapping your hands, you turned your attention back to the white bear, who seemed to have not budged from its seat except for having opened its book on the table and the cup in front of it being noticeably half-empty.
"So, Cucurucho," you started, holding out your hands in a hopefully professional manner. "Like I said, I wanted to talk to you about the elections. I would like to get back into the run for presidency."
You shuddered inside; this was new. You didn't think Cucurucho could have its soundboard updated to include new vocabulary, especially since you were used to hearing its usual "Good morning" , "No", "What are you doing?" and its eerie monotone "Hahaha". But maybe it was always there and you just didn't get an opportunity to hear it before.
"I want to get back into the presidency because I am concerned about the proposals of some of the candidates. Not only because of what they plan to do, but also because I am wondering if they will actually do it. Many running candidates often tend to forget about their promises because of their want for power. Once they have the power offered to them, they often forget about what they've promised and only care about themselves. Do you follow me?"
"Well, I'm not going to be like that. I've decided that if there's a fat chance that these candidates won't do what they've promised to do, then I'll do it myself, as I've always told myself all the while while I was in the run for presidency. Basically, I'd like to get back into the run for presidency because I want to help the island, and everyone in it, in my own way. What do you say?"
There was another reason you wanted to get back into the run for presidency, but it was one you would rather prefer to keep to yourself. Not only did it make you uncomfortable to think about, but it reminded you of terrible things that only further motivated you to get back into the run. You couldn't let something like that happen again, especially not with Bad and Foolish. They were some of your best friends on the island and the QSMP itself, and there was no way you would let history repeat itself over.
H̷͙͘ö̵̼́w̵̡̾ ̶̝͐c̵̦͝a̸̫̚n̵̞̊ ̷̥̏y̵̻̍ö̷̹́ū̴̠ ̷̭̿b̵̫̚e̶̱͌ ̷̖͠s̷͝ͅo̵̝̓ ̸͇̌c̷͚̚ǎ̵ͅl̴͍͗m̴̲̀ ̷̭̈́ȁ̵̼b̷̧̈́o̵̾ͅu̴̙̍t̶̲̀ ̴̣̋j̶̝̈́ú̸̹s̷̯̋t̵̙͐ ̷͙̊t̴̹̊ă̸͇k̷͚͊ī̶̧n̵͚͘ĝ̶̭ ̸͇̔s̵̤͠ỏ̸͓m̸̜̆e̵̱͊ō̶̫n̸͓̎é̶̩'̸̫͒s̶̔
"̸W̸h̴a̶t̴ ̸h̴a̸p̷p̶e̴n̵e̵d̸ ̷t̷o̴ ̷t̷h̶e̸ ̵B̴a̷d̴ ̵B̶o̶y̴ ̸H̸a̸l̵o̴ ̴I̴ ̵u̸s̵e̶d̴ ̷t̸o̷ ̶k̷n̵o̸w̴?̴!̷"̷
"̸I̴ ̶t̴r̷u̵s̸t̸e̶d̶ ̴y̶o̴u̶
Deciding not to dwell on the past, you looked up and noticed that Cucurucho's notebook was in front of you with the words written inside: "Please wait while I discuss this with my workmates." From across the room, Cucurucho had pulled up a window on its PMG, which you figured was where it was talking with its fellow workers of the Federation. You decided to be patient and think of what you could request to Cucurucho in case it would need you to do something to fulfill your requisition. You carefully closed the notebook with the pen inside as a bookmark and slid it back to the bear, chewing on the rest of the biscuits on the plate while leaving some for Cucurucho.
After only a few minutes, Cucurucho turned off the window and carefully took out a page from its notebook. Your eyes widened as you never thought Cucurucho was allowed to do such a thing. But you figured it was best to say nothing, so instead you opened the chat on your PMG and began to talk with your friend Foolish. The QSMP members were put into an all-members group chat where if a single person messaged, everyone would immediately be able to see it. Luckily, the QSMP admins had created something new for the players: a personal chat similar to the private messages in Minecraft, except without the /msg command which made things a little tedious. You were especially grateful for this new function, which you used plenty of times when you weren't busy building.
Hey Foolish, what's up? You put in the personal chat for Foolish Gamers, his profile picture of him in his shark hoodie and doing a silly face in his selfie. This always made you giggle and actually made you feel a little better when you were feeling down, especially since you all liked to joke about Foolish being a comic relief during all of these hard and angsty times.
Nothing much, just hanging out with Leo rn He typed, an adorable little peace sign emoji following after. An image of Leo with a poppy doing a little dance came on, which you immediately reacted with a little red heart for Leonarda exclusively.
She actually misses seeing you around He texted. Asking when you gonna be able to come see her again
Tell her I said I'm sorry that I can't like, come over cause of how busy I am with my house You replied, with a little sad face emoji with the little teardrop. I do miss seeing all the eggs, Leonarda especially
Cucurucho's usual "Good morning" made you look up from your PMG at the white bear, who gestured to two pieces of paper it slid across the table to you. Curiously, you tilted your head at it then looked down at the paper, and what you saw made your eyes widen.
A little ping made you look back onto the open window, with a message from Foolish saying You still there bud? with the little sad face with puppy eyes. You giggled for a second, then replied with Yeah, but I gotta go now though. On the next message you said Sorry bud Then a little wave emoji, brown for your skin color from your Asian heritage. Bye you texted, putting away the chat window without waiting for an answer. You glanced back at the paper on the table in front of you, your heart dropping once again as you picked it up with the utmost delicacy.
The papers were but pieces of a contract, written down with Cucurucho's iconic feather pen. Despite being written with a feather quill pen, it was very neatly in the Courier New font, as if it were written on a computer and printed. The Federation's logo was in the upper-left corner, as it always were in the bear's notebook (you noticed this logo a while after it would ask you to answer its surveys). You didn't know the Federation was now starting to print contracts for the residents, which was making you nervous, frightened even. Quietly you opted to ask Cucurucho when they had started writing these for the residents, albeit it only answered with an ominous "I don't know. Maybe". With a frown, you began to read through the paper's contents, remembering to read through the fine lines so as not to miss anything majorly important. The contract read as follows:
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The rest of the paper read about an agreement to keep everything about tonight confidential: the meeting, the agreement, every single little detail. Not a word was to be uttered to anyone about what had occurred in this little cottage in the woods, on top of the hill above the village. You wondered how Cucurucho had been able to write this all down if it really wasn't an A.I. Perhaps it had had some help with its fellow members of the Federation, as it had been talking with them in a private chat window just a few minutes earlier.
Speaking of the Osito Bimbo—it was making you nervous; like, somewhat jittery in your seat as you tried not to let your heart pound so hard. It had been staring at you from its side of the table, never moving from its spot except for a few notably missing biscuits off the nearby plate. The cup was empty as well, which made you wonder if Cucurucho had been eating silently while you read as you had not heard a thing.
"So let me get this straight," you said, rubbing the side of your temple to get rid of a small headache and straighten your thoughts. "If I can fulfill the guidelines talked about in this contract, I can get back into the elections—back into the run for presidency right?"
"I don't know. Maybe."
"Mmhmm, right. So this is only effective until July 31 huh? That's plenty of time for such simple items, but I'm not asking for harder work."
Carefully you read the contract's fine lines over again at least three times before nodding and putting down the paper to face Cucurucho. Its black eyes stared back at you as if it were waiting for you to make a move first before it would, and you already knew what it was waiting for. To seal the deal and get you right to work.
You stood up, locking a firm gaze with the white bear as you held out your hand in agreement. This was it—the point of no return. "I've made my decision," you alluded. "I accept your offer, and I understand that there's no turning back from here. From here on out, it's a deal. I'll do my duties well and I'll make you proud."
Cucurucho stood up as well and took your hand in a rigid grip, the touch feeling cold despite the warm feel of the fingerless gloves. With a simple handshake and a quick signing, the deed was done, and the deal was sealed.
"I hope you enjoy the island."
"I will, thanks," you muttered as Cucurucho quietly left its seat, pushing back in the chair to the table. You figured it had other duties to attend to after this, so you knew it was time to bid goodbye for now—yet somehow you knew it would always be watching. Showing it the way out from the front door, you waved to it goodbye and good night as you tiredly stretched from the doorway. After it disappeared behind the trees below, you closed the door and went back to the dining room.
The papers still lay on the brown table, a stark contrast in the color scheme that was somehow pleasing to the eye. Your brows furrowed in worry as you picked it up, knowing there was no turning back now from this. You had to do it. For the island's sake, and your friends. Even if you had to explain a ton of things later down the line.
Deciding this needed to be secure, you sealed the document into a spare plastic bag and looked around for a good hiding spot. Your paranoia was making you worry about the thought that someone could come in here while you were gone and steal it out of pure curiosity, then your secret would be out and no one and nothing would be safe. It took you a while to find a secure location, but after that you figured you could rest easy. You pulled up the Settings window on your PMG, then logged off the QSMP for the day.
Back in the real world, you took off the VR helmet and shook the spare strands of hair out of your face. A quick stretch did you good, and then you opened your face cam to talk to your chat. You had been streaming on YouTube for atleast a few hours, and you needed some food and a quick nap; that sounded good enough. And the people in the chat definitely needed some of that too.
"Alright guys, I'd say this is a good time to end today's stream," you said to the camera, smiling for your viewers. You quickly read a few comments asking what was next for the lore, and you said there wasn't going to be too much major stuff except for what had just transpired, so they didn't have to expect much to happen except for stuff-gathering for the rest of the month if you could help it. Some joked that it was a bit like Jaiden's lore on the QSMP, and you couldn't help but agree that it was a bit similar in a way.
"Please note however that everything you have seen or will see in the QSMP is all heavily improvised roleplay, so please do not send any hate to the content creators for any action of theirs you find displeasing. Thank you, God bless, and have a great day."
From there, you ended your stream with your brief ending screen, then you stood up to prepare yourself for the rest of the day. Now out of role play mode, you couldn't wait to see what would await you in the QSMP the next day.
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tharett · 11 months
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Uhhhhh hi, I got here from insta 🧚‍♂️
(Esp: uhhhhhh hola, yo vine del insta 🧚‍♂️)
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—the flood
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SUMMARY | an alert on your phone reminds you just how short life can be
PAIRING | cc!quackity x reader
WARNINGS | death, angst, no happy ending, a bit unrealistic
AUTHORS NOTES | an old idea i had scrapped for over a year. might be a bit choppy so bear with me
📜 Masterlist 📜 Navigation 📜 Rules 📜
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A bright light blinded (Y/n).
Grumbling incoherently, they rubbed at their eyes sleepily. A wave that resembled nausea swept over them, their bed way too comfy to be getting out of right now. Besides, there was no way it could even be close to morning yet.
It took them a few moments before scraping up the strength to open their eyelids.
Their half asleep body fumbled around for a moment before eventually finding the source of the light that was currently burning through their retinas. Picking up their phone with a sigh, the first thing they saw was the ungodly hour.
"Who the fuck texts at four in the moring." They hissed, pissed off at the unknown notification.
(Y/n) scratched away at some of the crust that had gathered around the edges of their eyes as they pulled up the screen with a flick of their thumb. They sighed while starting to read the message.
Then their heart stopped.
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The soft noise of bare feet on carpet emitted from the living room. (Y/n) had found their way into that part of the beach house where their boyfriend lay. Dead asleep on the top of the couch; where he always went when he was having trouble sleeping.
He was wrapped in a mountain of blankets, beanie astray—probably halfway across the room somewhere. Normally (Y/n) would take the moment to admire him, maybe even laugh for a moment or two about the drool trickling down his chin. But all they could focus on right now was staying up right and putting one foot in front of the other.
"Alex." They whispered softly, though a tremor or two could be detected. "Alex, wake up. It's important."
The males arm sluggishly shot out and he grabbed their wrist. He pulled them into a warm embrace, smiling faintly with mischief. Even in his sleep he still found time for jokes.
"M' sleepy." He sighed out, tickling (Y/n)'s face with his warm breath.
"Alex." They raised their voice to the edge of panic, now resorting to violent shakes as a way to jump start his body into gear. "Get up. It's an emergency."
His eyes fluttered open lazily.
"Don't tell me the cat got out again." He joked with a slur. He was clearly drunk on sleep.
"Alex please."
His eyebrows furrowed slowly. Begrudgingly the couch cushions beneath the both of them dipped with his shifting weight. Quackitys hands went to rub at his eyes. Trying to show his partner that he was being serious now.
"S goin on amor?" He managed through a yawn. (Y/n)'s heart seemed to stop working at the question.
Not knowing what else to do, they reached shakily for the phone in their back pocket, turning it on and opening it to show him the same notification they had been sent not but ten minutes ago.
Quackitys face dropped.
"There's a tsunami coming Alex. And we can't get out of here."
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The couple had been sitting at the rentals kitchen for about an hour now.
Two piping hot cups of coffee laid untouched in front of them. The beverage seemed about as apatizing as their situations right now. Neither of them had really wanted anything of the sorts, but nonetheless the coffee machine had been booted up. Maybe out of routine, maybe to find comfort. But whatever it is they were searching for, they wouldn't have to look much longer.
It had been Quackitys idea to go on this little vacation. The streamer life had been catching up to the both of them, and they agreed that a break was long overdue. It had been the perfect plan. A week long vacation at a beach just a few hours away together. A rental house, plenty of sun, and some decent restaurants nearby to get drunk at and sweetly kiss each other after one too many glasses of wine.
All of that seemed so far away now. Like it was for nothing.
"What do we do now." Talking to (Y/n) felt like trying to swallow a mouthful of dry cotten.
"We can't take the evacuation roads. Their all backed up." Quackity answered them with about as much emotion they had put into their own question. Which is to say none.
Throughout their entire relationship with him, (Y/n) had rarely seen Quackity this beaten up about anything before. This whole situation felt like a fever dream at first, but just seeing the look on their boyfriends face when they realized neither of them were gonna make it out alive really sealed the deal.
"I mean." Quackity sat up straighter, reaching out across the table to shakily grab (Y/n)s hand. "We could just enjoy the time we have left."
"Oh yeah? An hour left of our lives to do what. Watch t.v?" Their half-hearted attempt at a joke landed poorly, though he didn't seem to mind.
"No." He shook his head. "I mean, maybe tweet out a goodbye and turn our phones off. Then just, talk. Be with each other for the last bit."
(Y/n)s hand went limp in his own for a second before tightly squeezing back. A silent agreement to what he was proposing.
"This has definitely been a good last week to end things on. Just me and you. I don't think either of us have thought about anything other than how much fun we're having ever since we got here. And I wouldn't want to ruin that now." His adams apple bobbed as he swallowed down whatever emotions he was feeling at the moment. (Y/n) watched it, feeling their own eyes sting with a new set of tears.
"I don't think anything could've ruined you for me Alex. Not even this stupid fucking tsunami." (Y/n) smiled. They wanted to stop the water works, but once they saw Quackity trying to do the same thing it was over.
The pair slowly walked over to the couch Quackity had been peacefully snoring on not so long ago. Wrapping each other in the others embrace instead of blankets this time, they waited for anything to happen as they talked about anything and everything under the sun. Quackitys first stupidly edited video. How they met at a Chipotle of all places. Going to England the first time together to visit friends. Him learning he got into lawyer school. (Y/n) finally reaching 1 million subs. How Techno would be proud of them both, and also probably calling them nerds. It was as if a strange calm had washed over them. Nestling into their hearts as they sat contently on the couch.
And that's how they sat as the wave of water crashed over the pair, ending the tether of their lives with a quick snip.
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genevawren38 · 10 months
QSMP Stories I Have Written
If you want a quick and easy reference to the stories I have told in this universe I will place them and their links below;
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I mainly watch Philza on the QSMP so most of my fics are about q!Philza and his kids besides one which is from q!Wilbur's P.O.V.
Breathing Just to Survive, It's Time to Bring Us Back to Life
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✨q!Philza & Chayanne
✨A non-canon QSMP tale
✨3.3k W.C.
✨Graphic Depictions Of Violence
✨Rise by Ashes Remain
And the Walls Kept Tumbling Down in the City That We Love
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✨q!Philza & q!Wilbur Soot
✨A non-canon QSMP tale
✨3.9k W.C.
✨Graphic Depictions Of Violence
🎵Pompeii by Bastille
Our Past Lives Return Onto a Way
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✨q!Wilbur Soot & Tallulah [Music Duo]
✨Inspired by @/_kaens
✨A non-canon QSMP tale
✨3.5k W.C.
✨Fluff, all the fluff, and Dadbur
🎵Our Past Lives by Far Caspian featuring SOMOH
I Am the Beast That Survived
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✨q!Philza & q!Chayanne & q!Tallulah
✨4.3k W.C.
✨Graphic Depictions Of Violence & MCD
🎵Here Comes the Ravens by Aviators
Chant the Tales and Legends Told, Strengthened by the Hymns of Old
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✨q!Philza & q!Chayanne & q!Tallulah, c!Philza & c!Technoblade [Emerald Duo]
✨4.6k W.C.
🎵Traveler’s Song by Aviators
If the World Wants You Gone, We Will Fight the World
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✨q!Philza & Chayanne & Tallulah
✨4.5k W.C.
✨Demons by Imagine Dragons
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almostdeath · 11 months
Well, well, well. look who is back! I will talk about the reasons for my absense in another post but for now...here is a one shot about the AU that my boyfriend came up with. The siren!AU. We brainstormed quite a lot about it, so I came to the point of writting something small about it! Its pumpkinduo of course. 
Words: 2041
Left behind…almost
The wild waves of the sea thew themselves at the waterline of the ship, causing it to swank from one side to another, as the wind carried the loud chatter. A cacophony of voices, which were interrupted by laughter, till each one vanished like on command as the clacking of heels started to appear, accompanied by louder, thumping footsteps that had a similarity to the stomping of hooves. They stopped only when they reached the edge of the ship, as it was possible to hear the waves splashing beneath them.
-What a sight, right Jonathan? Isn´t this the perfect grave for a pirate? Becoming one with the sea.- The taller man left out a chuckle, before looking around, letting his gaze fall on every member of the crew before pointing at one of them. -Pup, lets get this man his final…gift, so he wont have to struggle to stay on top the entire time. After all...he is my dear friend- the addressed young fox hybrid pressed her fox ears down at that command, knowing exactly what her father meant, trying her best not to meet the gaze of the ram hybrid, whose arms were already tied together, along with him having a cloth in his mouth. The ginger gulped quietly, being under the burning gaze of her father, as she fills a net-bag with a few cannonballs, adding more whenever her father said an almost growling “more”, stopping only when the tall man gave her the gesture to stop.
 Swallowing the lump in her throat, the young hybrid stepped closer to the pirate, tying the net with the heavy weight to his legs before jerking away, when she felt the harsh movement. Schlatt threw his head back, hitting the taller mans forehead as he was bowing down to be close enough to the actual captains goat like ears, causing Wilbur to hiss and take a few steps back, cursing under his breath as he pushed his palm against the face of his daughter to stay on his legs.
-Gods blood, you bastard! I had in mind to just slice your throat but no, you are going to die as slow as possible!- No hesitation, pushing himself off of the young fox hybrid, the man walked forward, pushing both hands against the pirates back, causing him to fall into the waves below.
But everything vanished as the water moved, being forced to shift by another force. Schlatts vision was blurry, as was the person…or creature that made its way closer to him, placing its humanlike hands on the rams cheeks, making him look a bit up, before bowing its head down to observe the pirates feet, swimming down in one fast motion, opening its mouth, full of razor sharp teeth that might easily end a persons life, biting down on the rope that tied the weight to the mans legs. Even though Schlatts eyes started to close and he couldn’t fully comprehend what was happening, he could feel how the slim arms wrapped themselves around his chest, underneath his armpits. The only thing after was just darkness and the sound of the man’s own heartbeat that was desperately trying to keep the blood pumping through the veins in an attempt to protect the organs.
The salt water was making its way in the mans nose, causing him to feel like he was burning from the inside, despite the cold embrace of the water, as the weight on his feet was dragging him down, causing the water pressure to rise, laying down as a heavy weight on Schlatts eardrums, threatening to crush them in any moment. He wasn’t ready to die. There were too many places that were known but unvisited by him, too many treasures waiting for the right person to belong to, too many woman and man alike that still haven’t screamed his name.
The mans amber eyes looked up, as in reality the water surface was getting farther and farther away but his mind was desperately trying to find a way out, going through all memories, stopping on one in particular, which didn’t help. The surface seemed to shift, forming a silhouette that Schlatt new all too well. The space around him tightened more and more, starting to resemble the wooden walls of an old basket, the silhouette moved, reaching down, getting his hands around the man’s throat. 
  A sharp pain stroke Schlatts whole body as he sat up immediately, bowing to the side and throwing up water repeatedly, having to cough between each new portion of water that left his body, opening his eyes, noting with annoyance that his vision was still blurry and looking around, till his gaze fell on the dark haired person in front of him, backing off.
-Who….what are you?!- The person just huffed with annoyance.
-How about “thank you for saving my life” as a start. I could have just let you be fish food.- the young man crossed his arms on his chest before getting up from the sand and starting to walk to the shore. Schlatts eyes widened for a moment as he tried to get up as fast as possible, being uncoordinated and stumbling for a bit before finally managing to get up.
-Hey! I know that voice, you…we met before!- the ram hybrid squinted, looking up and down at the young man in front of him.
-Right, the street market, you were running from the guards!- the other person stopped in his tracks, turning around and Schlatt could see the brief moment of the strangers pupils becoming vertical, being more similar to that of a wild animal. The mans blurry memories started to come together like puzzle pieces, the fast swimming in water, the brief moment of a black, long fishtail being in front of him.
-You are….why would you safe me? You are a pirates natural enemy! A siren!- Despite being vocal, the mans lips formed a smirk.
-Though…I mean…even a creature like you must have some fine taste in men- the other man rose a brow at that statement.
-Who are we talking about? I don’t see any men worth my attention here. And…we are even now. You helped me with the guards. I saved your life.- The dark haired siren stepped closer to the water.
-Wait, wait! Where are you going?! You can’t just leave me here! It’s a stranded island!- Schlatt took a few steps forwards but backed off when stronger waves hit the sand again, threatening to throw him off of his feet.
-I don’t own you anything anymore. Some provision ships sometimes travel along, besides…you are a pirate. Shouldn’t the water around be your element?- Schlatt let out a nervous chuckle.
-Well…sugar…eh…I am a captain, usually…I am on a ship, with a whole crew. And here we have…sand…water…some palm trees and…no, those trees don’t even have coconuts. Ya see the issue? I will starve or die of dehy..drat…ion…and, again…I am a pirate, the only reason why a ship would pick me up is to deliver me to the closest rope from which I will hang. Ya get it?- but, despite all the words said, the siren already jumped into the water.
-Not my problem.- Schlatt could only watch the transformation of the young mans legs getting together, seemingly melting together and getting covered up by dark scales, with some golden ones on the side, when the man disappeared into the waves. The pirate picked up the nearest seashells, throwing them into the water.
-Then go! Swim to your fish friends! Asshole!- the man stumbled back, falling on his back side and growning loudly. Trying to take deep breaths as he looked up at the sky.
-Okay….okay…keep your cool…what would Puffy do? Ugh…she would probably…already build a ship with her own two hands, using everything that is lying around…or…ugh…she would never get in that kind of situation in the first place….- the ram muttered to himself before getting up and looking around, grimacing.
The next few hours passed by way to quickly, while the man tried to collect enough sticks to make a fire for the evening, along with getting material to build a shelter and catch some fish as a possible source of food. First thing on his imaginable list was a shelter, so he tried his best to rip off some leaves from the palm trees and get a few thicker sticks, piercing a few of the leaves on two sides by the sticks, creating a few rows, trying his best to make them stand together. Despite the mans best efforts, the clumsy construction kept falling and as soon as the rams stomach began to growl, he decided to try his luck with the next task. Searching through the inside of his boots, he could take out the little knife and modify one of the sticks enough for it to look like a spear, walking over to the shore and trying to look around. Just the thought of stepping onto the water let shivers down the mans spine, causing him to gulp nervously. So, he tried his best luck closer to the land, slamming down with the spear but only piercing the beach on which he was trapped. Sweat was dripping down the mans forehead and back, when he groaned and threw the spear into the water, dragging himself over to the remaining sticks and the small rocks that he managed to find. Sitting down and piling the sticks up before taking the rocks and trying to beat them against each other to create a spark, looking with a concentrated expression, as the sun was setting, and the waves seemed to splash harder and louder. Attempt after attempt passed, Schlatts ears flickered at each clash of the rocks against one another, till finally his eyes widened again and a few sparks finally landed on the small pile, he immediately bowed down, trying to gently blow on it for the spark to grow into a flame, throwing his hands up in the air with a celebrating scream, starting to laugh. Until his ears perked up at the sound of thunder and a real rain shower started to pour down.
-Ya have to be kidding me! Three days, three days there was not a single drop of rain!- the man pulled his coat over his head, trying to get under one of the trees, before he saw how one of the thunders hit right next to it, causing the man to take a few steps back.
-Got it, tree is..not the best option…- Schlatt looked around with a frown on his face before sitting down on the wet sand, trying to cover himself up with the coat. It will be definitely a long night.
Schlatts nose twitched, he could feels something falling down on his knees, causing him wake up from his sleep and sit up.
-What in gods name!- he had to blink a couple of times to recognize the siren in front of him, looking down and seeing ten if not more fish, which were still moving, on his lap. Before he could say anything, the dark haired man opened his mouth, having an almost disappointed expression on his face.
-You can’t build a shelter. You can’t fish. You can’t even make a simple fire! You…you are the worst pirate I have ever heard of!- the siren was gesturing towards all of yesterdays failed attempts spread on the beach. Before he could continue his rant of disbelief, Schlatt got a smug smirk on his face.
-But...you did hear about me.- The other mans face shifted into an annoyed expression.
-This is not the point! The point is that you would have died if I would have left!-
-That’s what I told ya. But….ya didn’t leave, so ya do care….shelly.- confusion was written all over the young mans face.
-What did you call me?-
-Shelly. Like…a shell from some crab or something…I can call ya scales or….flipper? Ya know, ya didn’t introduce yourself. I am not a witch to know your name.- Despite the clear annoyance on his face, the siren rolled his eyes, sighing.
-Quackity. My name is Quackity.-
-Well…Quackity…ya have the pleasure to be in the company of captain Schlatt-
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ladyddanger · 2 years
(Nobody asked me to write this but I wanted to so here you go.)
Only shooting stars. Or Technoblade, Purpled and Quackity (try to) save the world.
They were twenty minutes late to crash a party and stop their former friends from rising a giant murderous egg.
Luckily Purpled was pretty sure Quackity and Technoblade would kill each other before they ever got there. T his was the group that was supposed to save the world from said murderous egg .
The world was doomed.
“I just really think we should talk about you trying to kill me.” The words sat in the silence of the car like storm clouds brewing.
“I mean I’m sure you’re embarrassed about it. Trying to kill someone and failing is very cringe.” Technoblade offered when Quackity didn’t answer eyes pinned on the road.
Purpled was starting to wonder how Quackity had even gotten a license considering he had hit no less then three different poles, two mail boxes and was going ninety when the speed limit was a solid thirty five.
“I don’t think we have anything to talk about.” Quackity snapped. “I tried to kill you. You killed me, I’m over it.”
“You don’t seem very over it.” Purpled noted helpfully.
Quackity switched lanes without looking behind him, ignoring the honks he got. “Fuck off Purpled.”
Purpled leaned in between them,
(Technoblade had called shotgun with the air of a man who had two siblings leading Purpled to get stuck in the back.) “Can I at least turn on music?”
Quackity sighed and Purpled took that as permission. He slipped his favorite CD in with a grin.
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
Technoblade beamed as he recognized the beat. Quackity just looked annoyed as Purpled started to sing along.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
Quackity turned around to glare at him. “Can you shut up please? I’m trying to drive safely.”
Without Quackity’s guidance the car spun to the right.
Technoblade yelled and reached over Quackity grabbing the wheel.
“Eyes on the road, eyes on the road!” Quackity flinched away almost falling into Technos lap as he struggled to control the car.
“I have only have one thanks to you asshole!”
“We’re all gonna dieeee.” Purpled screamed just to add to the general drama.
Quackity finally wrestled the wheel away from Techno and straightened the car. Purpled slumped back in his seat “I think the car ran better when you weren’t driving it.”
Technoblade laughed and then “hid” it with a cough.
Quackity glared at him. “Got something to say bitch? Do you think you could drive better then me?”
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Technoblade sighed “I’m just sayn I’ve seen Steve drive a golf cart better.”
Quackity made an angry noise that sounded a lot like a quack. “The polar bear Steve? That Steve?”
Purpled sighed bored with the drama. “Are we there yet?”
Techno’s ears flattened slightly as Quackity visibly got angrier. “Have you considered using I statements? For example I’m feel’n sad because Technoblade pointed out I’m a bad driver.”
Quackity turned the car sharply to the right pulling into a driveway. “Why don’t you shove your I statements up your-“
They slammed into a car.
Purpled swore as he was yanked forwards. At the very least he had a clear of Bad’s house.
They had somehow made it without a crash or Quackity and Technoblade killing each other.
Hey, now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Technoblade slowly reached over turned off the music. “Quackity did you just hit a parked car?”
Quackity kicked open the door struggling to get the folds of his red dress out without ripping it.
“Shut up. It’s time to save the world.”
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blue0blink · 9 months
El one shot luckity
🌺”The bugambilia tree”🌺
Ya está en wattpad!!!!!! Para los que se les haga más cómodo en esa plataforma, I hope you all enjoy it;]
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wilbursooted · 2 years
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ranbogoroo · 4 months
Midnight Work – A TNTduo one-shot
Hi!! First time posting smt I wrote here, I never used this but I'll try use it more often! Just wanna make some comments about it, please read it before reading the one-shot
–English it's not my first language(i'm from Brazil) so there might be some errors during the one-shot, but I tried to do the best I can, I wrote this in portuguese for the first time and then changed it to english
–This one-shot is about the characters, not the streamers
–You can think in this one-shot with both c!Tntduo or q!Tntudo, it's just some random AU of them living a normal life, without yk magic and not-normal things, so you can see it as the characters from dsmp or qsmp(also, the personalities might not be so accurate so pls don't say things like "he wouldn't do that", it's called an alternative universe for a reason, not bc it's accurate to the canon things)
–I did this just to practice my writing and creativity, so there may be some continuity errors and some things that are a bit confusing
–I wrote this in the early hours of the morning and when I was getting to the end I was already falling asleep so I made it kind of a lazy ending and I'm not going to fix it for now
–Maybe in a while I'll rewrite this so don't be surprised if you see another version of this in the future
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It wasn't uncommon for Quackity to find Wilbur working in the middle of the night, he was too busy with work, of course Quackity understood that it was complicated to work with music and that Wilbur often had creative blocks, so he spent hours trying to think of new songs and forced himself to stay up until late working, which obviously wasn't healthy for Wilbur. Quackity knew this, he was fully aware of it and so was Wilbur, Quackity cared a lot about his health, of course he did, he was his boyfriend, why not worry? And it was with this thought in mind that Quackity made Wilbur swear that he would no longer sleep so late and would take better care of his health.
Quackity woke up in the middle of the night, he didn't know exactly why he woke up, after a few seconds in that limbo between being asleep and awake he turned to the side and felt the lack of Wilbur in the bed, confused he slowly got up and looked around the room, when he understood what happened Quackity left the room and slowly went to the office of the small apartment, the office that Wilbur used to compose his songs, he saw through a small crack in the door a dim light leaving the office, then slowly opened the door, Quackity saw Wilbur sitting in the chair with several papers spread across the table and with the guitar on his lap, he approached Wilbur slowly and carefully trying not to scare him, now being closer to the table he could better see the papers on the table, several scores and unfinished lyrics, Wilbur was writing something down on a sheet of paper and sometimes he stopped, tapping his pencil on the table and creating a rhythm
—Wilbur?– Quackity said softly and sleepily as he approached Wilbur, he turned back when he heard the other's voice and looked at him for a few seconds before speaking
—Quackity, hi...what are you doing up? Shouldn't you be sleeping at this time?
—You too…– Quackity hugged him and let his head rest on Wilbur's head
—Ah…yeah, you’re right…– Wilbur returned the hug and sighed
—Then why aren't you sleeping?
—I had an idea, I needed to finish it before the idea disappeared from my mind…
—Did it have to be in the middle of the night?—He looked at the digital clock on the desk, 1:35 am
—Believe me, I also wish it hadn't been at dawn...it was sudden
—Wilbur, you promised you would take better care of yourself…
—I know, I'm just going to finish here and I swear I'm going to sleep.–He said and sighed
Quackity let go of the hug and looked at Wilbur.
—No, come to sleep – The Mexican said and held the other’s hands
—Quackity I need to finish here
—You need to sleep—He pulled him to get up
—”But” nothing, come on, let’s go to sleep–Quackity brought Wilbur closer and hugged him sideways, going to the bedroom
They arrived in the room and Quackity pulled Wilbur to lie down on the bed, staying next to him.
—I really needed to finish that song…
—You finish tomorrow, your health is more important—He approached him and rested his head on the British's shoulder
—What if I don't remember my ideas when I wake up?
—I help you think of new ideas
Wilbur sighed
—Look...I know it's difficult for you to come up with new ideas, but if you're tired it'll be even more complicated, rest a little and tomorrow you try again, who knows, maybe it'll even be easier?–Quackity said and gave a kiss on Wilbur's cheek, who smiled and hugged Quackity —Thank you, Quackity…–He said softly and slowly closed his eyes, Quackity just smiled and slowly closed his eyes too, snuggling into the hug and relaxing his body to go back to sleep, Wilbur did the same and faster than they thought, the two fell asleep again.
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infizero · 9 months
one day i'll make my beautiful meticulously thought-out c!tntduo animatic with the chess game from falsettos that lives in my brain always. one day.
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guckies · 7 months
Weirdish question but since we got anothet screen pop up of multiple qsmp members that the fed seemed to be watching,
Did we ever find out why Foolish was with everyone on the screen when ElQuackity walked up to the screen during the election arc? Or do we think it was completely about “manipulating and hiring him” to be part of the fed? Like do we really think that was the actual reason?
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What would we do as a collective if right before Quackity and Luzu got into their final battle, Luzu died because of a heart attack?
What would we do then?
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
tbh, as much as i love hating and being a hater, i think /r tntduo in the nevadas era is rly interesting and if i wasn't a toxic karlnapityolo i think their dynamic would rot my brain So Much. however i do unironically strongly dislike ''right person wrong time'' soft pogtopia era ctnt so fucking much. obvs niki's birthday party happened lol, clearly they have a smth.. going on if you want to read it like that, and while i think it could be fun to look at that like that, i personally don't rly think that kind of hurt/comfort, sitting on the roof heart to heart kind of thing really works with them mostly bc, for lack of a better word, i don't think cwilbur really respects cquackity as an equal rly in s1/manburg era. he calls quackity schlatt's bitch for fuck's sake. (and perhaps this is a little bit fair given how swag2020's victory got started off, but i also am a toxic quolo and i feel like reading the whole story cq pays farrrr more he's got narrative consequences than his narrative crimes and it makes it hard for me to get upset w him also he's my special little boy i don't even care, okay?)
cwilbur has that bossy older sibling thing (/aff) going on where he very much sees his position towards a lot ppl during s1 as a leader, older sort of for lack of a better word authoritative figure who knows better than most everyone. (obvs cwilbur mental illness plays into this but it is also kinda not good lol) and im sort of scared to touch this bc i fear it will erupt into the most horrid rancid discourse to grace this fine earth, but the fact that cquackity is a few years (five i think actually lol) younger than cwilbur absolutely plays into this too. im not gonna sit here and go oh no fictional age gap bad bc i gen do not care about how it makes their relationship "toxic" or not lol. (also rpverse tnt my beloved are the only version of ctnt that wont be just a little but toxic imo tbh, the toxic-ness is where the fun comes in lmao.) however, it very much affects how the two of them interact in s1. it doesn't necessarily make their dynamic Bad or #Problematic or one of them using the other etc i don't think, but i do think it's why pogtopia era tnt content that starts w ''these two make out/fuck sometimes but they're both sad and somehow let down walls to take care of each other'' doesn't really work like it does in the las nevadas era. (which even as the worlds most toxic karlnapityolo i v much enjoy if ppl do it right) part of the issue i think is that some ppl transplant their s3 dynamic back into s1 and treat it like its the same, and i don't really think it works.
to me, its that huge change in the dynamic between s1 and s3 that makes nevadas era tntduo so intriguing. its part of what makes the " i don't think about you" line so hot sexy etc imo, the shift from cquackity being so Young in so many ways and then coming back face to face with cwilbur and being able to stand toe to toe with him now. (i am am not immune to girlboss cq.) its cquackity reinventing himself, he's not the little boy who wasn't worth cwilbur considering as a real candidate, one who would never be worth enough to be a real leader of lmanburg. he's not schlatt's bitch anymore, hes no one's bitch. he's not the naive ditz that stood on a hillside at sunset with cwilbur and was told he was too weak, too scared, too soft to do what's needed to get power. but he's better, he's better than that too, there are no walls around las nevadas, and he'll even offer wilbur a job as his vice when he wasn't even let in the gates of wilbur's nation. hes winning and by god will he make sure wilbur knows it. love her shes soooo crazy omg
(is it perhaps not that healthy mental state no it is not but he is like elle woods but withso many more problems he is moving to a brand new city and teaching himself how to die and so long to the person you begged him to be he's down he's dead etc i love characters sooo much)
also if i have to pick up one more rly good s1 cquack character study that suddenly springs ''then wilbur and quackity fucked in pogtopia'' im going to become the joker slash serious
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killercarmen · 2 years
Guys please tell me ur quackbur headcanon I’m back on my bullshit
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almostdeath · 2 years
I felt bad for not posting for such a long time, so here is a small part of a one shot that I am writing:
Soft sunlight was shining through Quackitys panoramic window, illuminating the young man, who was sitting at his work desk, holding a writing pen in one hand, while using his second hand to tap with his fingernails against the hard, wooden surface. His eye was scanning over the document in front of him, each time stopping at the end of a sentence and having to stop over again, while all the letters created a wild dance, not wanting to stay still, not wanting Quackity to understand the meaning of the words in front of him.
Out of the endless labyrinth of purposeless words in his mind, which lose any meaning without the context, which is unassailable, he is taken out by the quiet and rhythmic sound of knocking at his office door. The duck hybrid stopped all his actions, fingers freezing in the air before tapping against his desk again. He slowly looked up at the door, clearing his throat but before he managed to let the question slip from his dry lips, the man already could hear the gentle voice behind the door.
-Pumpkin, can I…come in?- just from the way the ghosts voice sounded, the duck hybrids gaze softened, as the corners of his lips curved up into an smile. He left out a relieved sigh, as he left his pen fall, placing his hands on he edges of the desk, just to push himself back in the office chair, so the duck hybrid could stand up.
-Wait a moment, just let me close the curtains.- the man wanted to groan from his own voice, it sounded hoarse and dry but he knew that the ghost wouldn’t mind, there was just an enthusiastic hum behind the door.
The owner of Las Nevadas walked over to the window, placing his hand on one end of the thick, burgundy curtains, feeling the soft fabric, squeezing it tighter and pulling on it. Slowly Quackitys office became darker, as the light was blocked by the expensive fiber. The duck hybrid looked around for any other light sources and when he didn´t find any he walked over to one of his drawers, opening it and taking out some candles, starting to light those. This could already be called a routine of which Quackity could never get tired.
-You can come in, lamb- the duck hybrid informed, while still holding one of the candles, lighting it up.
There was no need to repeat twice. The ghost didn’t bother to open the door, just entering straight through it, at first having his horns be seen, which had a reddish colour to them. After that, the man let himself be fully seen, feet barely touching the floor and floating over to the duck hybrid, immediately positioning himself behind him, placing both hands on his shoulders and nuzzling against the Hispanic males neck. A shiver ran down Quackitys spine from the cold sensation, he couldn’t hold back a chuckle when Glatt placed a tender kiss right next to his eye, which would never be able to see again.
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