#the frankel footage
avaplayzalot · 5 months
Re-rewatching TUA, and I’m on 2x2 “the frankel footage” and I just got to the scene where Five has to describe Diego and he’s all like “imagine Batman, then aim lower”. This is in 1963. Batman at this point wasn’t the brooding and emo sad guy we know today, he was a funny comedic character at this point (I think, I’m just vaguely remembering video essays for this info of Batman). Elliot probably thinks that Diego is some funny stupid idiot who runs around town with weird toys and gadgets and stuff, which isn’t exactly far off and technically five is still right in this way
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dailyflicks · 2 months
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2x02 — The Frankel Footage
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taiturner · 1 year
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VIKTOR HARGREEVES 2x02 “The Frankel Footage” | 3x02 “World’s Biggest Ball of Twine”
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augustjustice · 3 months
Untitled Marmalade fic for wip weekend! 💕💕💕
Thank you so much for the ask, love, I appreciate it! ❤️❤️❤️
In the weeks that followed the arrest of Don Frankels and the escape of the Babydoll Bandit, dreams haunted Otis. Every moment of sleep he managed to snatch was plagued by them, from lucid, hazy cat naps at his desk to the nights he spent tossing and turning in bed, trying fruitlessly to get his thoughts to quit racing. 
Some nights he dreamt of Baron, hair unkempt and drawl slow and soothing, eyes wide and way too innocent for his age. His words, the ones he’d used to paint that pretty little picture of himself as the befuddled lover, too smitten to know better, echoed again and again inside Otis’s head. Even in sleep he couldn’t escape the need to unravel the mystery at the heart of that story, to go over every detail and finally click all the errant puzzle pieces into place. 
What’s real, huh? What’s real, and what’s fake?
Others, the Bandit invaded his dreams in a cloud of pink lace, the flashes swirling through his head pieced together from bank security footage and tales of Marmalade’s wild, spitfire escapades. But the vision he’d built of her over his time in that cell melted away slowly, the sharp visage he’d sketched again and again replaced by big hazel eyes and a sweet, familiar smile.
Two became one as Otis mentally sifted through the truth, circling closer and closer. 
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brokehorrorfan · 11 months
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Spirit Halloween: The Movie will be released on Blu-ray on August 22 via Strike Back Studios. The 2022 supernatural horror adventure was previously only available on DVD.
Rachael Leigh Cook and Christopher Lloyd star with Donavan Colan, Marissa Reyes, Jaiden J. Smith, Dylan Martin Frankel, and Marla Gibbs. David Poag makes his feature directorial debut from a script by Billie Bates.
The first pressing includes four trading cards with monsters from the movie. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Behind-the-scenes featurettes and interviews with cast and crew
Spirit Halloween store grand opening footage
Teaser trailer
TV spots
Alternative posters
4 trading cards
When a new pop-up Halloween store opens in a deserted strip mall, three middle school friends who think they’ve outgrown trick or treating make a dare to spend the night locked inside the store Halloween night. But they soon find out that the store is haunted by an angry evil spirit who has possessed the creepy animatronic characters. The kids will need to embark on a thrilling and spooky adventure in order to survive the night and avoid becoming possessed themselves.
Pre-order Spirit Halloween: The Movie.
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friedthrice · 2 months
TW for assault. This man (Bruce Frankel) had a seizure in the middle of the night so his girlfriend called 911, unfortunately police showed up before paramedics.
This poor man was stumbling in his bedroom, his girlfriend was trying to take care of him, he was slurring but obviously saying “leave me alone.” He was just in his boxer shorts so he was clearly unarmed. All this officer had to do was back up out of the way of the unarmed, disoriented man and wait for paramedics.
Instead he tries to restrain Bruce, and tases him when he is unable to understand and comply with verbal instructions. Even if Bruce was drunk as the office assumed, being drunk in your own home is not a crime. Body cam footage shows that he did not attack the officer, and only resisted when the officer tried to restrain him. They proceed to question him in the hospital while he can barely talk, and handcuff him to the bed.
As an epileptic, I can attest to the fact that Bruce can’t remember this episode at all. From his perspective he went to sleep on a normal night, and then woke up in the hospital being questioned and then arrested on multiple (falsified) charges. Not only that, when he was released from jail he couldn’t remember his partners phone number and had to WALK, BY HIMSELF, IN HIS FUCKING HOSPITAL GOWN AND SLIPPERS to the nearest gas station.
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2.02 The Frankel Footage || 1.07 The Day That Was
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someominousecho · 11 months
I like how Five has one lead and it's Reginald. and he's had the time to have a picture of him from the Frankel Footage printed out, and he's even put it in a little file. he's very professional
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rebelumbrella46 · 1 year
Rewatching TUA - 2x02 “The Frankel Footage”
In the final scene where Five and Diego talk about Reginald, when Five expresses his fear of facing their father after 45 years... and Diego offering him comfort is probably one of my favorite scenes between the two of them.
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And something we don't talk about enough is how Diego manages to keep up and even get the upper hand in a fight with Reginald, who is literally an Alien.
Also, one of the reasons why S2 might be my favorite is because of how they made the assassination of JFK part of the main plot... (Like Allison and the Civil Rights Movement, Luther and Jack Ruby, Diego saving JFK, Viktor causing a nuclear war after stopping the assassination, even Klaus with Dave and enlistment day in the Vietnam War) and how the Frankel Footage and Umbrella Mystery Man happened in real life...
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deathclassic · 2 years
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12 - The Frankel Footage
One of the coolest character designs in my opinion
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godoflesbianss · 2 years
imagine how much faster the umbrella academy season 2 would have gone if they just watched the entire god damn frankel footage the first time?
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seconds-not-decades · 2 years
Step {Back} In Time
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Bad Guy
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
Right Back Where We Started
The Frankel Footage
The Swedish Job
The Majestic 12
A Light Supper
Öga for Öga
The Seven Stages
The End of Something
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The Umbrella Academy: Firecracker - The Frankel Footage (12/30)
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Umbrella Academy Masterlist
warnings: guns
word count: 3549
Five dragged Luther towards the bar.
"I just told you the world was gonna end in ten days.", he said in an accusing manner.
"Yeah, well you always say that. Besides, our sister is either a stripper or an assassin or both. I really don't have time for your second apocalypse, Five.", Luther scoffed.
"Yes, well so far I've been right about the apocalypse."
Luther sighed heavily: "Look, you wanna save the world? Knock yourself out. I'm gonna get Nailah out of that slum as soon as possible. Besides, I've already got a job."
"Wait, you work in this shithole?", Five asked confused.
"Yeah, well my boss owns the place. I'm his bodyman."
"What's that? Like a masseuse or something?"
"Okay, make fun all you want but I take good care of Mr. Ruby."
"Wait, Ruby? The jack Ruby, the gangster that killed Oswald?"
"Yeah, the one and only."
Five snickered: "Well, it finally happened. Your guerrilla DNA has finally taken over your mind."
"Hey, watch it. Jack's a good friend. And I'm sure he'll even help Nailah get out of here.", Luther said glancing towards the stage where Nailah was dancing with knifes.
"And your Number One.", Five countered but followed Luther's gaze. "Número Uno, remember?"
"There is no Number One. Not anymore. Not in 1963.  Look, I've been stranded here alone for a year. What. did you expect?"
"I get it alright? You watched Pogo die, the world exploded and I marooned your big dumb ass in time. I'm sorry, okay? But I'm asking for your help, Luther. The Umbrella Academy needs you."
Luther scoffed: "It doesn't need me. It never did."
In that moment a low swoosh caught Five's attention and one of Ruby's body men fell on the ground. While Luther rushed to his boss Five glanced towards the stage were Nailah was retracting her arm from an elegant arabesque. She finished her dance and bowed deeply, then disappeared behind the stage. Before she left, she threw Five  a warning glance.
Five just leaned back at the bar and ordered a drink, waiting for Nailah to start her questioning. 
Luther was dragging both, the dead bodyman and a weird guy who was talking Mr. Ruby full. 
"Dad should've left him on the moon.", Nailah commented plopping down on the hocker next to Five and ordered an arak with lemon.
Five eyes her figure. She was wearing a girlish blue skirt and white top and high boots. Her tornado of hair was bound up into an elegant. knot. "You wanna tell me what you're doing here, Five? And while you're at it, why you were gawking at me, especially after you knew it was me up there?", she asked after taking a sip.
"I wasn't gawking."
"Sure you were. So?"
"How long have you been here?", Five asked.
Nailah shrugged: "3 years."
"Shit. And that's what you've been doing?"
Nailah chuckled: "God no. That's just part of the job for tonight."
"You're an assassin, aren't you?", Five crooked his head.
Nailah hummed: "I suppose you'd know, wouldn't you Five. So what? You figured out a way for us to get home?"
"Not really. I do know there's another apocalypse coming."
"Do tell. Why am I not surprised? So, what do we know?", Nailah asked emptying her drink.
"You're just gonna help?"
"Why not? It's either that or kill more people. And I could use a change of scenery."
Nailah and Five got up to leave the club but Five's jacket got stuck. Upon further investigation, Five realised it was a tape recording that had caused the rip in his jacket. 
Diego was pissed and happy. He could't actually decide. He was pissed because Lila had managed to play a vital role in his escape. And because he was snow stuck with her. He was happy because he was finally out of that damn looney-bin.
Running from the police he and Lila managed to find some clothes handing outside to dry. Diego grabbed some clothes and threw them at Lila.
"I'm not gonna get far dressed like some lobotomy case.", Diego said.
"You mean we."
"Look, I appreciate your help but now we go. our separate ways.", Diego said turning around to not have to watch Lila change.
"Why?", she asked.
​​​​​​​"Because they're gonna be looking for us. Together. We stand a better chance on out own."
"You need me. We make a good team.", Lila insisted.
"Too dangerous."
"You didn't think so back at the funhouse when is saved your ass, remember?"
Before Diego could respond a police car came rolling towards them. Quickly, Diego grabbed Lila and they hit behind a pillar. Diego looked. down seeing how close Lila was to him. Their breaths were mingling and if he wanted he could. have kissed her. But he didn't, obviously. 
"Your fly's undone.", Lila whispered.
She smiled pulling the zipper up: "Gotcha."
​​​​​​​"What is wrong with you?", Diego asked but didn't expect and answer.
"Come on, we'll take my car.", Lila said as soon as the police car was out of sight.
Diego looked at her confused. Lila took a stone from the ground and just smashed the window of a nearby car in. She sat in the driver's seat and began playing with the cables until the car engine started.
"What? You don't like the color?", she asked sarcastically seeing Diego's disapproving expression. "Stop being a princess and get in."
Diego sighed but listened and sat in the passenger's seat.
Luther picked up the wallet the guy that's been bothering Mr. Rudy lost while being dragged out. 
Carl Cooper. 
Luther left the club to return the wallet to the guy he had left at the payphone but to his shock he spotted no one other than Vanya driving Carl Cooper away.
Their eyes locked for a second but absolutely nothing besides neutrality was seen in Vanya's gaze. Luther whispered her name in disbelief. Vanya drove away with Carl Cooper before Luther could do anything.
"Elliott, did you develop these photos yourself?", Five asked in the morning. Nailah was still sprawled out on the couch, sleeping like a baby. They had stopped at her apartment before returning to Elliott's to grab Nailah's necessities such as clothes and a sleeping mask.
"Of course.", Elliott confirmed. "Can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighbourhood Fotomat. Government has eyes everywhere."
"I didn't see a darkroom."
​​​​​​​"Yeah, I converted a hallway closet."
Five handed Elliott the tape he had found in his jacket the night before: ​​​​​​​"Can you develop this?"
"Huh. Frankel Footage. Friend of yours?"
"Cousins on my robot mother's side. Can you do it or not?", Five smiled fakely. 
​​​​​​​"Sure I can."
"How long?", Five asked. Elliott began blabbering about all the limitations of the development.
Five lost his patience: "Elliott."
"Five, maybe six hours.", Elliott quickly answered seeing Five's annoyed expression.  
"Attention all units. We have a code 3-15 at the Holbrook Sanitarium.", the radio speaker boomed. Five's head snapped to the radio.
"The hell is a. code 3-15?", he asked.
​​​​​​​"Fugitives on the run."
"Oh, Diego.", Five sighed listening to where the fugitives were probably right now.
"Who's Diego?", Elliott asked.
"Imagine Batman, then aim lower.", Five answered. ​​​​​​​"You get started on that film. I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Wait what about her?", Elliott asked motioning to a still. passed out Nailah.
​​​​​​​"What about her?"
"I mean, she's hella scary. What am I supposed to do with her?"
"Well, for starters I suggest you don't wake her up. Have coffee ready and bacon. A lot of bacon. Extra crispy.", Five smiled then blitzed away.
Five found Diego and Lila very quickly and scoffed at the predictability of his brother.
"I am not trying to be a hero, okay?", Diegos scoffed annoyed at Lila as Five blitzed onto the backseat.
"They why are you doing this?", Lila asked.
"Because he's an idiot.", Five said making Lila shriek in surprise.
​​​​​​​"Who the hell are you?", she asked disturbed. 
Five smiled sweetly: "Hi. I'm his loving brother."
​​​​​​​"Who left me to rot in the nuthouse.", Diego added.
"To protect you from yourself.", Five bit back.
"That's quite sweet.", Lila commented earning a discerning look from Diego.
"Okay, both of you, out.", Diego ordered.
"Lose the crazy lady and come with me. We have important business", Five ordered back.
"I'm not going anywhere with you.", Diego announced.
Five spotted a police officer walking nearby. He leaned out the car window: "Officer!"
"Hey! What are you doing?", Diego pulled him back.
"I hear there's a reward out for you two."
"He's bluffing.", Lila dismissed him.
Diego and Five stared at each other for a while. "He's not. Fine. I'll go with you.", Diego said in defeat.
"What about me?", Lila asked smiling sweetly.
​​​​​​​"And I'm bringing the crazy lady.", Diego said as a way to annoy Five.
​​​​​​​"Fine. At least. Nailah will have someone to play with.", Five said sarcastically. 
"Where did you get the film? The Frankel Footage. The truth this time.", Elliott asked pointing a rifle at Five, Diego and Lila as soon as they entered his place.
"You know this lunatic?", Diego asked unimpressed.
Five sighed: "New acquaintance. He's harmless."
"Are you sure about that?", Lila asked.
​​​​​​​"Are you or are you not an enemy of the people?", Elliott shouted.
After a minute of silence Diego and Five started debating their answers.
"Such an open-ended question.", Diego commented.
​​​​​​​"Really depends on the people.", Five added.
"You move one muscle and I'll blow your brains out.", Elliott threatened.
"Wait, where's Nailah?", Five asked with a hint of concern ins voice.
"Went to get food. Now don't move!", Elliott trembled.
"You want to take this, or should I?", Diego asked.
​​​​​​​"No, I got this.", Five said.
"Hey, Lila...", Diego began. He was cut off by Five grabbing Elliott's rifle, making him shoot the ceiling. Diego grabbed the weapon and emptied it.
"What the hell just happened?", Lila asked.
"That was my idiot brothers and their chosen 'acquaintances'.", Nailah answered walking up the stairs with a piece of pizza in her hand.
She pulled her sunglasses up into her hair and eyed Diego: "Nice beard. Very caveman."
"Nice to see you too.", Diego hugged her with a half smile.
"They're so cute.", Lila commented at the couple bickering on the tape while painting Elliott's nails. "I love old couple. I'm always so proud of them for not murdering each other."
"Not everyone has murder instincts.", Nailah said sitting in the plush chair with a beer in one hand.
"Why are we watching this?", Diego asked in a tired voice but Five shushed him.
In the tape, Edna and Dan Frankel explained that they were about to see the president on the 22nd of November 1963. The only problem was that there was no possibility of this happening.
"That's six days from now.", Lila said.
​​​​​​​"Holy shit, this is it. The grassy knoll. Kennedy's about to get shot.", Diego suddenly regained his spirit. 
"How do you have this?", Nailah asked.
​​​​​​​"Hazel died to give me this footage. It must. be the key to stopping doomsday.", Five explained shortly.
"Hazel?", Diego. asked confused. 
"Long story."
"What's doomsday?", Lila asked.
"Longer story."
In the footage the gunshot was echoing through the park. Five seemed to have spotted something and began adjusting the settings until a tall figure with an umbrella was seen in the frame. Nailah, Five and Diego were left speechless for a moment.
"Dad.", all three of them whispered simultaneously. 
"Of course dad would be involved in the assassination. I should've known.", Diego murmured.
Five was pacing around the dark room and scratching his head: "No, you're jumping to collusions."
"Is he though?", Nailah asked.
​​​​​​​"What else was he doing on the grassy knoll, the exact second the president was shot?", Diego asked raising his voice.
​​​​​​​"It doesn't look good, I admit.", Five said agrily.
"Oh, really? Not good. Five, it looks fucking catastrophically.", Nailah said, burying her head in her arms. Five looked at her distressed figure for a couple of seconds.
"No, he's the signalman for the whole damn thing.", Diego said.
"Easy, Diego. Seriously."
"No, it makes sense. This is what Hazel was trying to tell you.", Nailah raised her head again.
"Exactly. We have to stop dad from killing the president.", Diego agreed.
"Alright you two. Dad was no Boy Scout but presidential assassination? It's never been his thing.", Five massaged the bridge of his nose.
"How would you know?", Diego asked.
"Diego, stop.", Nailah tried to intervene.
"No, you skipped out on his golden years.", Diego said in accusing tone.
​​​​​​​"Skipped out? You think I had it easy, Diego? I was alone for 45 years.", Five said bitterly.
"​​​​​​​Guys, we really don't have time for the 'who had it worse' - game. Dad's in Dallas, right? Let's just go talk to him. Elliott, you've got a phone book, right?", Nailah stood up, ready to separate the brothers if they didn't listen to her.
After finding the address, Five decided to leave Elliott with Lila. Only that Lila was nowhere to be found. Diego cursed and before they left, he went to assure Lila everything was fine.
Nailah, Diego and Five arrived at the old version of the umbrella academy late into the night.
Five stared at the symbol engraved into the wall. "You okay?", Diego asked and Nailah scanned Five's face carefully. 
"Yeah, fine. Just...", Five's thought trialed off again.
"How long has it been since you've seen him last?", Nailah asked while Diego began working on the lock.
​​​​​​​"45 years."
"That's a trip.", Diego commented.
"No kidding."
​​​​​​​"You more excited or stressed?", Nailah asked.
Five shot her a confused glance: "Neither? It just feels... weird."
"Stressed it is, then.", Nailah shrugged and Five's lips jerked slightly upwards.
​​​​​​​"You know, when I was stuck there in the apocalypse, there was a day that went by where I didn't hear his voice in my head.", Five confessed leaning against the glass door.
"What was he saying?", Diego asked. 
"I told you so."
Diego scoffed: "Well if dad's here, he's never met you before, so he can't say 'I told you so'."
"I'm sure he'll find a way.", Five said and blitzed inside, opening the door for his siblings.
​​​​​​​"Gotta remember that."​​​​​​​, Diego muttered before heading inside.
Splitting up, the three siblings began searching the house. Whenever one of them tried to turn on a light it immediately went off seconds later.
"That doesn't seem like a great sign.", Nailah muttered, letting small flames light on her fingernails.
Five punched a couch cushion lightly, sending a cloud of dust into the air. ​​​​​​​"Feels more like a front.", he said.
​​​​​​​"A front for what?", Diego asked.
"I don't know.", Five sighed.
​​​​​​​"Well, I'll take the left. Yell if you... uh, get in trouble.", Diego send Nailah and Five a strained smile and disappeared behind a door.
Five opened the other door and bowed playfully: "After you."
"If you're scared just say so.", Nailah said walking through and sending a small spark to burn a little hole into Five's jacket.
Five and Nailah walked silently through a narrow hallway with doors on each side.
"This is how horror movies begin.", Nailah whispered.
"Then let's not attract any unnecessary attention. Put your fingers out.", Five hissed back just as much uncomfortable as Nailah.
Nailah flicked her wrist and the flames went out immediately. Both her and Five began trying to open the doors but all of them were locked.
Nailah slowly opened a door that wasn't locked while Five discovered that the one next to it wasn't locked either. 
Quietly Nailah crept into the cold stone walls searching for a light switch. When she didn't find one she just let her nails serve as candles once again. A room full of hay and scratches on the wall emerged. 
"What the hell are you up to, dad?", Nailah whispered to herself, letting the flame consume her whole hand. 
Careful to not light any hay on fire, Nailah illuminated the whole room. From a corner a low, scared hooting sounded.
Nailah walked towards it and saw a small chimpanzee in hospital pants hiding behind a bed.
"Pogo?", Nailah asked.
The animal chittered lightly, looking at her with big, scared eyes.
"Oh, my God, Pogo.", Nailah choked out through tears.
At the same time, Five discovered another door from the room he was exploring to the room where Nailah and sunken down to her knees in front of Pogo.
"Nai, what are you doing?", Five asked carefully at the sight of his sister kneeling and sobbing with a rather big flame in her hands.
Nailah turned around. The tear streaks on her face were gleaming golden in the fire light. 
"It's Pogo.", she whispered. ​​​​​​​"Pogo, I've missed you so much.", she confessed to the monkey.
Five squatted down next t her: "Hey, there, little buddy. Pogo, it's so good to see you."
Nailah let the fire vanish from one hand raised it to stroke Pogo's head. Five immediately recognised Pogo's fear it the hand again being full of fire and realised Pogo wasn't about to let Nailah touch him.
Without warning Five shoved Nailah aside, losing balance in the process and instead of the girl, he fell victim to Pogo's vicious scratch in an attempt at defence.
Five grunted in pain, grabbing his neck while Nailah's fire got caught up in the hay.
Pogo ran away swiftly.
Nailah cursed seeing the room quickly catching fire.
"Shit, we need to put it out!", Five stood up panicking and looked around for any water nearby.
"Calm down, I've got this.", Nailah stood up as well.
Spreading out her hands she closed her eyes and slowly the fire started to elevate from the floor and formed a liquid wave that washed back into Nailah through her fingertips.
As soon as no heat was left in the room, Nailah gasped for air and stumbled slightly. Five took a step froward ready to catch her but she only raised a hand signalling that it wasn't necessary.
"You okay?", Five asked as both of them left the room through Five's door.
"Where'd you learn that anyways?"
"You were gone a long time, Five. I've learned some new things. Come on, let's go find Diego."
Five and Nailah found their brother unconscious on the ground under the pillars that were holding the building up.
"Shit, he's bleeding.", Five cursed seeing the dark pool of blood forming under Diego.
​​​​​​​"Can you burn that?", Five asked.
Nailah examined the wound: "I don't think so. Dirt's already in there, it would only cause an infection. Come on, let's get him to the car."
Grunting and panting somehow Nailah and Five managed to drag Diego into the backseat of the car. Absolutely ignoring the speed limit, Nailah raced back to Elliott's house.
"Can you go faster?", Five urged.
​​​​​​​"If you want us to die, I can."
Tense silence spread around them.
"You okay?", Nailah asked seeing the scratches on Five's neck.
​​​​​​​"Yeah, I'm fine. Not that deep."
"Why'd you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Push me away from Pogo."
Five stilled for a second as if contemplating what to answer. In truth, he didn't know why himself. It had been an impulse, a split second without judgement or thought.
"'Cause you were weeping like a child without its favourite toy and you had obviously no control over yourself.", Five answered.
​​​​​​​"Well, thanks to you we almost burned down the academy."
"Thanks to me? You're the one with the fire in a room full off flammable stuff."
"That's because I can control myself. Do you remember the last time you couldn't. control yourself? 'Cause I do. You blitzed away and got stuck in the future for 45 years and had most definitely lost your mind. So don't lecture me on self-control, because I have plenty, thank you very much.", Nailah snapped backing anger. Her eyes blinked dangerously.
Five looked at her shocked and disappointed: "You really think that by playing dirty and hitting sore spots you're making a point?"
Nailah shrugged: "Works for you, doesn't it?"
For the rest of the ride Five and Nailah didn't say a word to each other.
-> Umbrella Academy Masterlist
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shadowisbored · 2 years
I LOVE the banter between Elliot and five in s2 hjhghj
Elliot: FBI?
five: definantly not-
*Elliot freaks out cuz five teleports and five compliments his coffee*
*Elliot tinks five is an alien. five confirms-*
five: Elliot, did you develop these photos yourself?
*Elliot says yes*
five: I didn't see a dark room
Elliot I converted the closet
five: can you delelop this for me?
Elliot: Frankel footage? friends of yours?
five: ah yes, cousins on my robot mother's side-
the sass between the them istg
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marcelotenenbaum · 3 months
Blue Road Partners with Fortune Group to Launch a Condo Project
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Blue Road, a Florida-based integrated developer of hotels, residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects, has announced the sales launch of Nexo Residences, a condo building in North Miami Beach that allows for short-term rentals, in collaboration with Fortune International Group. Fortune International Group has been a leading real estate development, sales, and marketing organization in South Florida for almost four decades.
The 254-unit complex is setting the standard in North Miami Beach's rapidly expanding condo market by offering prospective residents the option of short-term rentals. Located at 13899 Biscayne Boulevard, the property offers residences ready for immediate possession, extensive, flexible home-sharing options, and resort-style facilities.
Nexo Residences offers turnkey apartments ranging from studios to four-bedroom townhomes, starting at $400,000. The townhomes boast interior square footage ranging from 525 to 2,190 square feet. Investors are drawn to this property because homeowners can rent their homes for short, extended, or seasonal stays with no listing limits.
The turnkey apartments feature porcelain flooring, floor-to-ceiling windows, built-in closets in the bedrooms, separate lockable closets for the owners, and spacious balconies with glass railings. European-style kitchens exude a contemporary look with materials like matte black fixtures and quartz countertops. Residents will appreciate the property's enhanced digital amenities, including smart key entry, a self-service package system, and Wi-Fi in all communal spaces.
The two-story arrival lobby and lounge, part of Nexo Residences' amenity portfolio, offer a visually stunning experience upon entering the premises. Inspired by South Florida's allure as a year-round tourist destination, the lobby combines elements of its design with the necessities of a remote work lifestyle. Entertainment options include an outdoor playground for children, a versatile clubroom, and a dedicated area for special events. This digital hub provides an ideal environment for productivity, featuring a business center, café, and coworking spaces spread across two floors.
The fitness facility has a yoga studio, virtual trainer services, and other amenities for health-conscious individuals. Residents can unwind on the picturesque pool deck with a resort-style pool and two spa pools with loungers basking in the Miami sunlight. They can also gather with friends in the summer kitchen before stargazing from the observation deck. Additionally, pet-friendly building residents can rest assured that their furry companions are welcome on the grounds.
Frankel Benayoun Architects Inc. executed the project's design with contributions from the globally renowned Carlos Ott. Their impressive portfolio includes Oasis Wynwood, the Gucci Flagship in Miami's Design District, the W Hotel South Beach, and other notable retail concepts. Their expertise spans landscape architecture, interior design, and beyond. Fortune Development Sales oversees all marketing and sales activities for this condo project.
Nexo Residences' prime location on Biscayne Boulevard, a major thoroughfare, presents an excellent investment opportunity. It is conveniently situated near various attractions for both work and leisure in Miami, Bal Harbour, Aventura, North Bay Village, Sunny Isles, Hollywood Beach, and surrounding areas. The Intracoastal Waterway is easily accessible, and the distances between Miami International Airport and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport are nearly equal. Also, local parks and green spaces are nearby, including Haulover Park and Oleta River State Park. Aventura Mall recently underwent a multimillion-dollar expansion, and Bal Harbour Shops are also close.
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teratomat · 4 years
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