#the game is a glitchy nightmare at times but
kuru-a-roo · 2 years
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The Best Boy 🥪 with his Good Boy 🐶
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maleyanderecafe · 1 month
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Eternal Dreamscape (Visual Novel)
Created by: WaifuMaker Studio
Genre: Horror
This game was submitted for the game jam and the type of glitchy behavior that it has is very fun. That being said there's not a lot of yandere behavior in this game, only things that are sort of hinted at. I do like the glitchy behavior that the game does when going into the room with the yandere. I like his design too, very dream and clown like... I guess, haha. This is written when the original demo came out, so some details have likely changed as I have yet to play the update as of posting this.
The story starts with the MC in a dream, seemingly being there for a long time, not able to get out. The MC tries various ways to get out and decides to try to die in the dream to wake up. They go into the forest and try to get a branch from them, but they fail, only to be interrupted by a clown man who seems to be watching with interest. After he asks for their name, the MC realizes they can't remember it. This clown offers to give the MC a name and if they accept it, he gives the name "Luma" which the MC describes as having a chain around their neck. The clown asks what they're doing around here and the MC states they want to leave, with the clown changing the entire place to a more fluffy room. He offers to make the MC sweets. The MC can also ask what he name is which is done in emotes and gives the MC a headache. He eventually feeds the MC a bunch of cookies which the MC eats after some suspicion. He glitches out for a bit before explaining that he's a dreamwalker, describing that he makes people before comfortable before they wake up so they don't experience nightmares. He glitches out once more with the words of "RUN" showing up on the screen quickly. The game (or possibly souls) starts to warn the MC to get out of there. The MC grabs a knife to defend themselves as the world crumbles around them. The clown warns them that their dream will become a nightmare, to which the MC slashes him and tries to leave out of the door only for the torn up doll to state that they aren't leaving quiiite yet.
As stated before, there isn't really a whole lot going on in this demo, but I think the concept of dreams gives really big creative control over the world and what can happen in it. I'm going to assume the dreamwalker (whose name is labeled by emotes and such) is the one who trapped Luma in here and is trying to keep them here to trap them. It's pretty creepy to have different people (I assume that they are) trying to warn Luma about staying here. I think also that the design for the dreamwalker is pretty unique-definitely fits in with the vibes of a dream...Still, it is very eerie that he was all bent out of shape near the end. I wonder if this isn't the first time that this clown has done something like this before....
That being said, there's not a lot going on, so I can only really speculate. I hope the full game has more fun content to explore. If you are interested, please give it a look!
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rabbitblackx · 1 year
hi! omg i love your blog! can i request something cute with ben drowned? maybe the reader has a nightmare and is scared to fall back to sleep. or is paranoid at night? thank you <33
Thank u that’s so sweet!! <33
BEN Drowned when Reader has a nightmare
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No matter how far you ran or how well you hid, whatever it was that was chasing you always caught up. Frustrated tears threatened to spill as you sprinted down a dim hallway. Just as you thought you were finally far enough from this monster, you could hear it creeping up behind you. You whipped around and tried to scream, but it was cut short when long, sharp claws sliced into your belly
You noisily gasped for air as you shot up from bed, beads of sweat forming along your forehead. Your heart was pounding through your top, where you then shakily clutched it through the fabric
What a dumb nightmare… still scared the hell outta you though. You just hoped nobody heard your rather dramatic awakening…
You wiped the cold tears from your cheeks as you slowly began to calm down. Lucky for you, you didn’t awaken or alert anyone within the large mansion. Well, all but a certain demonic creature that slept within your computer
You then had a second fright that night. You jumped in surprise when your computer from across the room suddenly lit up. Much like a horror movie you once saw, harmless water began to pour out from the screen and along your desk, where it then drizzled to the floor
“BEN?” You whisper yelled. BEN Drowned appeared within the screen, glowing eyes staring curiously at you in the dark. “What’re you doing in there?” You asked
BEN climbed through the computer, hoisting himself out and setting his feet onto the floor. A puddle of water was forming around him, but you would scold him for that in the morning
“I heard you gasp. Are you okay?” BEN whispered
His red eyes squinted subtly when he noticed the faint streaks of tears running down your cheeks
“Oh,” you chuckled nervously. “I had a nightmare.” You waved it off like you weren’t still spooked by it or anything
BEN didn’t look convinced
You shook your head slightly, gazing upon him through teary, sleepy eyes. “It’s dumb.” You whispered with a sad smile
BEN felt stiff and awkward. Probably didn’t help that he was dripping all over your nice floor either. Something in him felt a bit pitiful at the glum features on your face, with your breathing still a little quicker than normal also
A loud silence fell upon you two. You adverted your eyes, an embarrassed blush creeping up your neck. Just when BEN thought he was absolutely useless in comforting you, an idea sprung into his head
“Wait here.” He uttered quietly
You watched in confusion as BEN vaulted himself back into your computer screen. He was only in there for a few moments, before popping his head back out with a mischievous grin. His smile was contagious, because one was forming on your own face too
BEN disappeared within the screen one more time, and you only grew more curious. What was this silly boy doing?
BEN finally climbed fully out of the computer again, holding something behind his back. Before you could ask, he pulled the strange object out from behind and out for you. Your eyes lit up in excitement and wonder
This was no mere object. What BEN held out for you was a cute little character from one of Sally’s video games. It was a pink, robotic dog made from glowing pixels. BEN stole it straight from the game’s code, just to comfort you. You let out a happy little gasp when the fake dog barked gleefully, wagging its tail impossibly fast
“BEN!” You squealed in a hushed tone. The pixelated creature leaped from BEN’s arms and into your own, licking you with its glitchy tongue. “Are you kidding me?” You laughed breathily. “This is freaking awesome!”
BEN smiled, glad you liked it. “He’s gonna have to go back into the game later. Sally would kill me if she saw he wasn’t there anymore.” He explained. “But he can stay with you for the night. He’ll keep the nightmares away.”
The pink dog curled up into your lap, closing its sparkly eyes as it drifted off into a fake sleep. BEN stood by the side of your bed, peering down at the video game creature proudly
When he least expected it, you leaned over and placed a gentle kiss to his bloody cheek. BEN’s creepy eyes grew wide as a blush spread across his young features
“Thank you, BEN. You’re a sweetheart.”
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fireboos99 · 5 months
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So, I heard that there's a creepy Miku art trend on twitter and while it started as just drawing her as creepypasta monsters, any creepypasta I know has been done a million times already (plus people have done video game monsters as well) so I am being predictable by drawing her as the main antagonists of Little Nightmares 1 and 2
I am very happy with that first one (I like me a glitchy aesthetic haha)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
I got an idea, how about about something about how the Poképasta trainers & Pokémon from FNF Lullaby deal with a spunky and energetic reader (who is also a Poképasta trainer that specializes in ghost and psychic type Pokémon)? Obviously, everything’s platonic.
Sure! But I'll be doing just 5 characters bc that’s my limit. I can’t fit every single one in this. sorry
Also to give this Pokepasta!Reader a backstory, they’re a soul who was trapped in the Pokémon Black (creepypasta) bootleg with Ghost as their starter, after Red died in that game. And after many "resets" of the game, they learn to tame Ghost’s murderous antics (and also learn he can’t harm pokepastas).
He’s immediately taken aback, expecting you to be this scary ahh ghost/psychic trainer. It doesn’t help when he’s absolutely terrified of Ghost lingering behind you.
But you reassure him he’s friendly, catching him off-guard with your laugh.
You’re the total opposite of the Pokémon you train. Ghost and psychic-types are meant to be intimidating, alluring, and mysterious...but you break the stereotypes with your energetic personality.
If you have a Hypno or Drowsee in your party, Shinto would be besties with them fr.
And when you see her you’re like “wow that must be a rare species with no fur collar and a short stature!! Where’s her pendulum?”
Grey can’t convince you of her true nature, so he just plays along. You're actually pretty cool.
Silver (Insomnia) 
Your Pokémon aren’t scared by his muffled wailing, and with most of them knowing the move Hypnosis, Feralisleep waking up isn’t a problem.
Even if he did, he’d be too scared to attack anyways thanks to Ghost.
So basically becoming friends with Silver is, in fact, possible.
Of course that takes time given his inability to verbally communicate, but he seems impressed by your strong Pokémon.
Sometimes your energy gets to be overwhelming and he’ll gesture for you to be quiet (mostly bc he doesn’t want his starter to wake up and frighten you away). So you learn to be calmer around the two.
You learn that he hardly ever sleeps, due to his need to watch Feralisleep and his insomnia from nightmares whenever he tries to sleep.
But if you have a Munna on your team, you could absolutely help him with that.
At first his blood goes cold when he sees Ghost bc “isn’t that part of the missing one???” He still has some regrets from using it.
You, however, reassure him this one’s completely different. Plus, you’ve seen Missingno back in your game and knew very well what it was capable of.
After that, Steven calms down, but he still stares at Ghost every once in a while. Clearly he’s unnerved by him, so you show off your other Pokémon to distract him.
Your energy reminds him of Mike’s, but he doesn’t mind you hanging out with him. He became like a dad to you, as he did with Gold and Grey.
One day you see “Miki” and immediately know how she was brought back, though you can understand Steven’s desperation, having lost her in an accident.
The thing with ghost-types is that they’re already dead, in a way, so you didn’t have to fear losing them. But you take good care of the psychic-types on your team, of course. Steven made sure you did.
Glitchy Red
When you first meet him in Glitch City, he was ready to snap your neck at a moment’s notice.
He thought you were one of those NPC trainers until he notices Ghost, and you weren't a blank slate spewing the same dialogue.
You’re just happy seeing Red alive (even if he’s from another game), and you explain where you came from to him, showing him all your Pokémon.
Considering that all the other pokepastas he met seem miserable, he wonders why you’re not the same.
Where’s your anger?? Your rage??? Do you not have any vengeance in your heart????
He’d ask you this, but decides to drop it after seeing you praise your Haunter for their scariest Mean Look.
For a self-aware ghost/psychic trainer, you’re quite cheery.
Buried Alive
You meet Bury while training atop Pokémon Tower, wanting to find a quieter place so the visitors floors below can pay their respects in peace.
Immediately he thinks of you as fresh meat--ripe for the taking--but then notices you also have a Gengar on your team.
Then he brings his out like “same hat!!!!” and the two actually become friends.
They don’t wanna fight, but Bury’s hunger grows stronger the longer you stay near him, so you find some meat for him so he didn’t get those cravings around you.
Since he’s a zombie spirit attached to the tower, he can’t leave, but you’ll visit him every time you return to continue training.
You’re the first human that became his friend.
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eccentric-nucleus · 6 months
actually if i'm gonna make a games rec post.
here are some games i have enjoyed recent-ish.
kenshi. an open-world squad-based rpg with base-building elements. get stronger by getting beaten up. lose a fight and get knocked out, have your weapons and food taken by the bandits that mugged you and left you bleeding to death. get rescued by some slavers that capture you and sell you into slavery. free yourself from slavery and limp away until you roll in hours later with a whole squad of overpowered fighters. then head a little bit too far south and get murdered by skin bandits. they take your skin. this is a completely self-directed game; there's no "main plot", although arguably "figure out the history of the world" is kind of the main 'story' mystery. there's also a bunch of unique recruitable characters with custom-written interactions. i usually recruit exclusively from freeing slaves but you can do w/e.
wildmender. a survival gardening game. this one came out recently and the devs are still releasing bugfixes; it's unclear if they'll make large content patches in the future. apparently multiplayer can still be pretty glitchy, and there's a water flow bug that i've been finding very frustrating. the way biomes work is kind of unsatisfying. kind of slim content-wise, but still, i really enjoyed what's there. out of all of the climate change terraforming anxiety games i've seen, this has been the one i've most enjoyed.
hellpoint. a scifi soulslike made by a team of like 12 people. previously i had thought things like "it would be neat if dark souls was less linear". hellpoint is a great example of why that might be a nightmare. the areas are connected in such a complex way, with one-way routes and branching unlock keys and secret paths and hidden doors behind hidden doors that it gets profoundly disorienting. a hint: almost every single hidden door in the game (there are a lot) is the middle panel of the same exact three-paneled-wall geometry. once you notice what it is you will see it everywhere. also, the enemy designs are hot.
crystal project. remember playing fan translations of final fantasy v? remember wandering around in old mmos? crystal project is kind of a... turn-based rpg mmo-influenced platformer. with a job system. you can sequence break the game from the tutorial level and also at basically every other point in the game too, although until you know what to look for it might seem like there's a linear critical path. but there's a lot out there. hint: play on easy mode. the combat gets tough later on and the game absolutely expects you to be finding and exploiting some class combinations.
astlibra: revision. a sidescrolling rpg. it must have been released episodically originally or some of the chapter pacing makes no sense. also it was originally released with a mess of art sourced from all sorts of places; 'revision' is a re-release with a more unified art style. it gets extremely anime all the time. there's a whole obligatory section where you have to ask all the women in a town about what kind of panties they're wearing. it's rough. i enjoyed how chaotic the systems are and how much Stuff there is to pick up and upgrade and unlock. the plot goes some unexpected places though it doesn't quite stick the landing, i still enjoyed what it did. also karon should be the love interest instead.
silicon zeroes. a cpu-building puzzle game. this straddles the line between the tech/code games that are literally just "learn a new language and code in it" and ones that are more structure-themed like, idk, spacechem. connect modules to assemble solutions to problems. it takes too long to get to chapter 3, which is where they start asking you to make entire cpus.
ashen. another souls-like. i just really like the environments in this one. the initial area looks gorgeous and the way it changes through the game is really neat to see happen. the seat of the matriarch is wonderfully awful to traverse and i wish there had been two or three more dungeons like it in the game. you can't level up; you gain stats mostly by progressing sidequests and the name quest. i eventually ran out of things to spend money on AND inventory space to store items. the late-game tuning is a little rough but until then it's great. a hint: there are three weapon types and within that type nearly all the weapons are identical. you get thrown so many weapons that don't matter; don't worry about collecting all of them. see above re: running out of space and things to use money for.
i guess it would be cheating to recommend minecraft regrowth or morrowind but i have also been playing those.
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pokepasta-fluffcanons · 11 months
Master List
Gonna go ahead and start working on a master list now! This will be included on the rules list for easy access!
Steven (Strangled Red)
Steven reacting to a shiny Pokemon
Steven allowing his s/o to play with his hair
Steven's reaction to being flirted with/when he gets flustered
Steven's s/o jumping onto his back to calm him down
Steven with an s/o that can interact with ghosts, including Mike
Steven crushing on the same person (s/o) as Mike and the chaos that ensues
Steven reacting to his friend coming out to him as a lesbian
Steven with a very reckless s/o
Steven with an s/o that has black cat energy
Steven with an s/o that had feelings for him before the incident
Quiet time cuddle thoughts with Mike
Mike's reaction to a shiny Pokemon
Mike's reaction to being flirted with/when he gets flustered
Mike with an s/o that will do anything to bring him back
Mike crushing on the same person (s/o) as Steven, and the chaos that ensues
Mike reacting to his s/o bringing him back from the dead
A sometimes corporeal ghost Mike with an s/o that knew him before his death
Mike and Togepi!reader (platonic of course)
Mike reacting to his female friend coming out to him as a lesbian
Mike with an s/o that glitches
Mike with an s/o that has black cat energy
Glitchy Red
Glitchy Red with an NPC (reader) that became sentient
Glitchy Red reacting to being given a gift all of a sudden
Glitchy Red becoming attached to an absolute ray of sunshine player
Glitchy Red becoming friends and getting close to Grey and his sibling
Reader explaining to Glitchy Red what aroace means and that they are aroace
Glitchy Red with an s/o that has become self aware and can manipulate the game
Glitchy Red with an s/o that plays other video games
Playing horror games with Glitchy Red
Glitchy Red with an s/o that is a mechanic and creates a robotic body for him
Blake (Snow on Mount Silver)
Blake baking with his s/o
Blake with an s/o that loves playing with his hair and says sweet things to him
Blake with a blind s/o
Blake’s reaction to a shiny Pokemon
Blake comforting his s/o after a nightmare
Frostbite RED (Snow on Mount Silver)
Red with an s/o that had been trapped on Mount Silver before him
Red’s reaction to a shiny Pokemon
Red meeting s/o’s Pokemon and vice versa
Gold (Lost Silver)
Friendship headcanons
Gold reacting to a shiny Pokemon
Gold reacting to being given a gift all of a sudden
Reader explaining to Gold what aroace means and that they are aroace
Playing horror games with Gold
Grey (Pokemon Bootleg)
Grey's platonic love languages
Grey with an energetic s/o
Grey reacting to a shiny Pokemon
Grey general headcanons
Grey with a deaf s/o
Grey with a very reckless s/o
Grey with an s/o that can only move half their body at once
Grey with an s/o that’s a glitch like Glitchy Red
Grey with an s/o that has an “Apex Team” of Pokemon
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
I had the weirdest god damn dream and I believe part of the reason it happened was cause I read all the previous asks before so I wanna share it here for everyone.
For starters, the world has been taken over by a corrupt organisation that believes in one god and wants everyone to believe in them as well. They started taking over governments and ended up taking up the world in no time, forcing everyone to worship their god. There were three things you needed to do to worship their god: talk about the god, pray to the god and think only about the god; anyone who failed to do so would either get tortured brutally or outright killed.
Now here's where things kinda get more bizzare. Apparently, to get a hold of more people and monitor them, they decided to take over Genshin and change a lot of things in the game. First, they deleted all the regions so Teyvat was just one big continent named after one of most devout followers in the organisation. Then, they added a bunch of new world quests that talked about their god and achieving these quests wouldn't give you primogems but "good fate" that allowed you to pray for the god and get better rewards. These quests were acted our by fatui but they were portrayal are holy good people that were just trying to spread the message about their god (didn't see any harbringers and there wasn't a mention of them so maybe they don't exist here?). Lastly, all the characters had somehow become self aware and had to follow the same three rules or else they would be punished as well.
In the dream, I was fugitive who was playing this weird genshin. The fugitive didn't believe in the god but pretended to do so to save myself and my family. While playing the game, they decided to open the character menu to check my character's artifacts. When scrolling to Tighnari, he makes a comment about how ridiculous this new rules were and why anyone should follow it. The moment he says that, the screen freezes and becomes progressively more glitchy, slowly covering the whole screen until the only thing that was visible was Tighnari's shock face and his eyes slowly turning black.
"No, wait, I didn't--"
Then, the game restarts on it's own and when they open the character menu again, Tighnari's page is there but Tighnari himself is completely gone.
Afterwards, while playing as Cyno, Cyno makes a passing comment about not being able to find Tighnari and asks the player if they've seen him. They say no and Cyno is obviously disappointed but continues to do the quests together with them. Everything continues on as normal until he says something about their god had changed to another when Buer was already a good enough god for them and the entire screen freezes again. However, instead of the screen getting glitchy, the glitches appear at various parts of his body and slowly eat every part of him, forcing the player to watch as Cyno tries to fight off the mysterious glitchy sustenance until it leaves him with only his neck and his head.
He tries to scream but his vocal chords had long been eaten by the glitches. When the glitches completely swallow his body, they disappear and leave nothing on spot.
There are a few details I left out but typing this in the car is slowly making me carsick so I'll add some of em later djjxnxjx I blame all the faceless ayato and creepypasta stuff HAHHA
I read this before a quiz and it took me long to process this cuz bro. Bro, this could be a good fricking premise for a sagau fic but I already have a sagau fic running lol–
Let's give your nightmare more additional details for the hell of it:
You can't chose any other twin. In this example I'll have Aether as the only traveler you can pick and Lumine is the "God".
This was what the Loom of Fate operations was all about. Don't misunderstand her. She wasn't always like this. At first, her ascension to "Godhood" isn't for her own benefit.
It's yours.
That's because she couldn't take it anymore. She's finally lost it. Lumine couldn't handle the way you've been using everyone except her. Most of all: she feels insulted for your sake that no one cares enough to treat you with respect. In her twin's body, they force you to work commissions and isolate yourself on domains that barely give you proper artifacts. It fills her with rage to watch your party members fail to crit– it disgusts her.
If she could take out all these pests... All these "characters" that worship false Gods like Buer... Then maybe they'll finally recognize you as the one that should sit on the thrones of Celestia.
The first to go would be Xiao and Ganyu. Zhongli was too late to save his subjects.
Zhongli taught them to treat him with reverence. Zhongli taught them Filial piety.
He taught them to respect Rex Lapis. Of course his most loyal subjects would oppose a new ruler.
And there's nothing more painful to a loving parent than the loss of their child.
It was in their death that she realized:
"This feels... Fulfilling."
Yes. Yes, there's no need to change what has been done.
Lumine has gone through enough.
She'll be the overseer of this new world and you will be the one to serve her instead.
Perhaps you continued walking around genshin as a fugitive, thinking that these are all part of some major archon quest with a grand resolution of having Aether and Lumine confront each other head on for all the things she had done with the leylines.
That should be your next move... If you could manage to find Dainsleif.
You couldn't access any archon quests– sometimes you'd see the screen glitch and show where the next scene will take place only for it to be overtaken by messages about devoting yourself to this unnamed God.
Ha. Well. You've had your fun playing the game, right?
It's her turn to control you now.
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that-darn-clown · 2 days
hello i come to you bearing gifts (my rambles about the Security Breach era of the Rewrite)
so, a few important things to note:
the Glamrocks, at least, in their canon form, don't exist. they do have Equivalents, though
Malhare (Glitchy Rabbit Boy) DOES exist..but he's a lot less powerful. he's more a rogue computer program (that's also a small piece of Afton's soul/conscience) that can only manipulate electronics. what he does to Vanny is less outright mind control and more along the lines of him manipulating a Very fucked up and traumatized young woman and then asking her "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you wanna go APESHIT?" and her answer being yes.
Vanny and her father have much larger roles in the lore. specifically, they are related to one of William's '87 victims (the Toy Bonnie kid, Terrence, specifically). Vanny is the kid's niece, and her father was his older brother.
Vanny and her father's last name is Warren. that's a fun Easter Egg that i'll let you find out yourself ;]
WHO'S READY FOR GEN 2 AFTON AND EMILY KIDS?? (Cameron, Gregory, and Cassie)
things are Very different. Mike and Sammy decided to do a small reboot of the franchise, just for nostalgia's sake and to give the local kids a place to hang out. the animatronics are quite different, but they're like. rebooted versions of the OG animatronics + just regular Blackjack (the lone survivor of Henry's attempt to finally end everything. yes, he's still sentient).
all of the games are rather different. Help Wanted (original) is more like a collection of smaller Fazbear-Related games (that, in the lore, was used as a way to connect the old Fazbear brand with the reboot) that the player can choose to play through (with Malhare being inside a Tomogatchi-type game of sorts) and having two major protagonists (Summer/Tape Girl and Vanny's father, Bill. although he sucks). Security Breach now Actually has five "nights" (days that Greg spends at the new restaurant mostly on his own; the player would have to complete various tasks to get through the "nights" and be able to leave). Ruin is just Cassie exploring an abandoned Freddy's building (specifically the Fnaf 2 building) and unknowingly being led towards Vanny by Malhare mimicking her friend's voice (Gregory). she doesn't die, thank God. haven't figured Help Wanted 2 out just yet, but it involves Mike's older son, Cameron, having A Bad Time (maybe it'll be similar to a Fnaf 4 situation, where nothing's real and it's a nightmare/dream, except it's lore related stuff and paranormal in nature. i'm also keeping the whole theme of "What Makes You So Special?" because it still fits with the personality i have for Cam: a child with popular parent(s) who just tries to keep out of the spotlight. Cam doesn't know why he's getting involved with the Paranormal Shit out of nowhere, nor why it's happening in his dreams).
Vanny is a copycat killer, but she was kinda still manipulated by Malhare. y'know; a mix of canon and what i think would be a cool idea.
so now: A Brief Plot Summary Of The Games!
Help Wanted: Summer tries dealing with the paranormal Glitch Hare on her computer while trying to figure out why he's here. We also learn, apparently, that William is MARGINALLY (note the word choice here) a better father than Vanessa's father.
Security Breach: Charlie would like to relax and enjoy her afterlife, but apparently William's trying to kill his grandson so she's having to team up with a sentient robot fox to keep this gremlin from dying. How does she team up with the fox? By possessing the other robots for brief periods of time to warn and give advice to her nephew (? in a sense) to keep him from dying.
Ruin: Cassie just wants to explore an abandoned building, William's still pissed that Vanny didn't kill his grandson so now he's trying to get her to kill an Emily child (this would only end even Worse for him because Sammy WILL go ballistic if his daughter dies), and Charlie has to help her niece NOT get killed (the mask this time around is a Puppet Halloween Mask that Charlie can possess at will, and she speaks to Cassie while she wears the mask).
Help Wanted 2: Autistic preteen who also deals with selective mutism has The Worst Fucking Time while dreaming, and does not understand why the spirits of dead kids (and his dead grandfather, who is currently being tortured in hell) are so desperate to want to speak to him as he sleeps.
Random Animatronic: What makes you so special?
Cameron, stressed the fuck out and trying to do things:
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like. this kid doesn't know what's happening. for reference: Cam is around 11-12. Gregory and Cassie are closer to 6-8.
Ough sb is one of my favorite eras for the rewrite, I remember when we were at ren Faire and you explained some of the plot to me!! Anyways. My beloveds as always, sweet bebbies
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superluigiglitchy · 3 months
Really specific ass headcanons on the cast of SMG4
Meggy is really stubborn about sleep not because of her coffee addiction but because of nightmares she has from the anime island incident, the YouTube graveyard and pretty recently from Wild Spaghetti and Wren and pretty much just her trauma in general which results in her having some pretty bad insomnia
She's gotten better though because the glitchy gang don't want a repeat of what happened the last time she didnt sleep for days (read: she got a pretty bad fever because her human body hasnt adjusted to her newly made immune system and prettu much had a breakdown both from the stress, sleep deprivation and delirium caused form her fever) and she's trying to be better for them
What usually helps her sleep is having her cat Loaf near her, having one or more members of the gang sleep in a cuddle pile with her, a good cup of tea with some ramen noodles or the most embarrassing one for her: being rubbed behind her pointed ears
So far Mario and Luigi are some constant cuddle buddies of hers but Tari is a close second with Melony, Boopkins, Saiko and surprisingly Bob in third
With Meggy only looking human physically, she still retains all her inkling functions (plus a little something extra thanks shaggy) meaning yes she can still very much purr and she hates it
Mario and the others often exploit this
I am applying my inklings are basically aquatic cats headcanon onto Meggy and no one can stop me
Saiko is allergic to pollen and is practically knocked out during the first week of spring, yes Tari fusses over her a lot during this time
Bob is capable of being a good business man, he just needs to shed his old habits and bad practices this is easier said than done though
Unbeknownst to anyone not even herself, Tari is very susceptible to viruses, why she hasn't been infected by any is both a combination of dumb luck and being smart on what video games she enters (which is also a result of dumb luck) however that may change soon if TvWare involved now
Kaizo very much teases Saiko about her crush on Tari after he found out every chance he gets, he in turn nearly gets whacked with a hammer by the red faced pinkette
He's super supportive of her crush and will kick anyone's ass who objects, wingmans with Meggy so the idiots can finally confess to eachother
Mario wears a lot of star patches and bandages because he's silly like that
Peach went apocalypse survivor mode for a few weeks and did pretty well while trapped in the demon pit her castle was in, it's just that she got infect by the demon goop A week before SMG4 and the others could go down there to fetch the star, if the crew were to return and search around the remnants of the castle they would find a camcorder and a series of videos tapes of Peach's exploits and find the last 3 tapes are of her expressing her thought as she's been thinking of her actions from the past few years as of late and her regretting how she treated the others, Mario especially and how she wants to apologise to them and treat them all better once she gets out of this literal hell hole
Of course we all knew what happened after that
Luigi has seven evil ex boyfriends, each of which have experienced the wrath of Mario
Mario is also super supportive of Luigi and will also kick anyone's ass who objects
Peach and Daisy are dating, no one is aware of this and no one has figured it out
Pls add Daisy to SMG4 I want to see her kick ass and be a menace
Tari knows some karate moves and will not hesitate to use them post- western spaghetti, clench just speeds up the fighting with a laser and other dubious weapons that Tari didn't know her arm had
Boopkins has a guilty pleasure of watching scooby doo
Smg3 would make an animal sanctuary for any friends Eggdog makes
When Meggy gets sick (which is rare AF) she sorta acts... Kinda like a feral cat
Bob can confirm this statement with all the beak bite mark scars he has and scratches too
For some reason she's not mean to Mario, Luigi, Saiko or Tari (which is to be expected) but also Jubjub and Boopkins
Mario and Luigi consider Meggy A third Mario brother, Meggy cried for an hour straight when she found out about this because of how happy she was
She know uses the named Meggy Spletzer-Mario
Yes I still find it funny Mario and Luigi's last names are Mario so Mario Mario and Luigi Mario
Swag and Chris married for tax benefits
Everyone thinks that's a lie
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wishing-stones · 1 year
Do you think it would be possible to plop down into one of the boys' laps or beside them while they sleep without them trying to kill us? (Excluding the Glitchy man-child because of his haptophobia-)
Yeah totally! Some of them are more receptive than others
Killer might jump, but once he realizes who it is, it’s snuggle time
Dust is pretty chill with it and unconsciously snuggles.
Axe is a little more dangerous when he’s not lucid, you might wanna wake him up a little bit, but he’s happy to cuddle up.
Cross is a little more reserved, but he cuddles up over the night until he has his skull tucked under your chin.
If Baggs is asleep, he’s too out of it to really object, but will happily cuddle quietly when he comes back around, before you wake up.
Nightmare sleeps pretty lightly, but if you get him while he’s down, he’ll allow it.
Dream loves this. He will happily cuddle up whenever
Ink allows it, but prefers to not be weighed down or distracted if he’s sitting and working. But if he’s laying down, he’s fair game.
Blue is a cuddle fiend. Any time, anywhere.
Error tolerates them if there’s blankets between you. You can bundle up and lean on him if you’re quiet and still.
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
Ghost Mikey but it isn’t a Mikey that died or anything, it’s just a ghost that took a liking to his likeness tries to replicate him. It ends up looking super glitchy physically and sounding very uncanny. It doesn’t speak it own sentences, instead stealing words Mikey has said in his own sentences. He doesn’t completely copy his appearance for character-designs sake, but they still share that similar hairstyle and facial hair most of the other Mikey’s have. His skin is pale, it’s eyes are glazed over and colourless with dark, dark circles under them, and their body is very skinny, damn near skeletal.
Likes to phase through walls and dissapear/reappear to scare people.
It/they/him pronouns :)
Scares the capital s Shit out of Michael and actively enjoys terrifying him, but it’s all in good fun for them :) (Michael does not feel the same)
Acquaintances with Magnus as is expected with both of their supernatural natures/abilities.
Likes Moro but doesn’t bother him too much. Moro likes to keep his distance, but doesn’t mind talking to him.
Likes to scare the shit out of Maharth and Marigold a lot. Maharth would get over the initial scare fairly quickly, meanwhile Marigold is just like “dnaojdosjdoajsosjsoajofhfishri OUT!!! GET OUT!!!!!!” very scared and angrily.
Marco keeps trying to fight them and it is very entertained by his attempts at harm them.
Mud is ALSO scared of him but tries his hardest to pretend he isn’t. Same with Mantis, just, not as scared.
Fuse is unfazed, he’s already haunted by too many ghosts to count.
I think Mikey is the type to say he doesn’t believe in ghosts when he very much does subconsciously so when Ghost Mikey shows up he’s hole “Ndiansksjwojddo GET AWAY FROM ME-“
Meanwhile Nightsky, who has had to deal with Nightmare!Mikey (remember him? Wow I haven’t brought him up in a while) is just unnerved by him, but is more upset by the unpleasant memories of his long-familiar nightmarish fiend.
I think Mellan is a combination of Mud and Mikey. Used to not believe in ghosts, but now that he’s met Ghost Mikey, he tries to pretend he’s not scared of them.
Darklord would, I think, be pretty fascinated by them. I mean. A real life ghost. Just in his shared house. How cool is that?
Moss would be a little unnerved by them, but would get over that initial feeling eventually. He’s a little upset he can’t make them food they can actually eat. Ghost Mikey does enjoy scaring off pests that get pasts Moss’s garden’s (nature friendly!) reinforcements, of which Moss is very grateful for. What’s more nature friendly than just leaving the pests traumatised with no physical injuries? :)
I think Mrithun is also scared of him and as a result just pretends they’re not there in the room with him until he’s absolutely forced to acknowledge it’s presence.
Same with Marius, except instead of being scared of them, he’s just unnerved more than anything.
I think Marvin is very curious about him and likes to ask them questions about their past. Sometimes maybe goes overboard with questions and scares them off. Leaves them little offerings of small gadgets he builds as apologies.
Mirri enjoys playing childish games with Ghost Mikey quite a lot. Ghost Mikey cannot leave Earth, so Mirri cannot bring him to their home or to any places out in space that Mirri wants him to visit. Which is unfortunate! As they’ve gotten very close.
Merryweather! Very scared. Ghost Mikey loves to mess with him and torment him.
Vamps is no stranger to ghosts and thinks they’re kind of fucking annoying. Will get very upset if they start messing with/scaring Merrs’ and will absolutely try to fight them.
Mallory is too high off his ass to care, he’s always seeing ghosts all the time anyways. Was actually the first one to notice Ghost Mikey
AND GB!!!!!!!! Is not scared of him at all. Very familiar with ghosts/supernatural beings. It’s kind of his job to deal with this shit. Will occasionally lose patience and get very frustrated with him when he’s trying to do his job and they won’t let him. But most other times he’s completely okay with them and considers them an acquaintance.
I think his name would be Moyo!! But other suggestions are absolutely open
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glitchyk · 5 months
(I got bored so I made most the explanation in character)
WELCOME! To the amaze-
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System restart.
DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS TADC AU (mini explanation/in character explanation)
(Flash warning/glitchy/static/ somewhat realistic images, skip to end if you don’t want to see it)
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HEY! Okay… thank god you saw this. If you’re seeing this, than that means I’m not the only person trapped here, or at least, I’m not the only one that found my way into the files… If you’re not stuck in the digital world, stay out there, PLEASE! This place is a nightmare, the only working assets are trying to kill me. Let me explain, so you don’t think I’m just making this up…
I found this old game— I… can’t remember my name, but I wanted to see how much I could fix the game and make it compatible, maybe get a couple extra credit points in my technology classes, I don’t remember fully.. but anyways, I put on a headset that had what I scavenged of the game into it, if you see a headset with anything that has ‘C&A’ in the program or ‘circus’
All I know, is that things are literally broken here, there’s an AI that barely can get a word out without stalling, and there’s other… things here. Apparently this used to be some old circus game, “The amazing digital circus” it’s vr, but all of this feels r e a l.
I think it has to do with the games code, but I keep seeing things, things that aren’t there, and it’s always horrific images or things that at maybe one point in time were people… the ‘Caine’ guy calls them… digital hallucinations or something…
I’d advise you don’t mess with this circus, if you can, get rid of the game, I might be.. taken down with it, but I don’t want to risk anyone else getting stuck in this fucking house or horrors—
Just be known, this is a completely random ass person’s random ass idea that a highschool student had for an AU with tadc. The original characters don’t belong to me, only things that belong to me are these versions of the characters, not tadc or the originals, I completely own Sekret. Yet again, this is a horror AU, just be warned.and yea, that was an in-character explanation from the main character up above.
The circus has been abandoned for a while, and the game was ‘fixed’, all the old players are there, but definitely not the same
Wanna see some more of my AU’s? If so, just go here.
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
I admittedly am pretty sad about school of dragons shutting down. I've played that game since I was like. 9 years old. it has, regrettably, attached itself to the very core of my being like a parasite. I'm so very attached to the world and the characters and my dragons, even though the game itself was a glitchy terrible nightmare. the news also came at a time when I'm Fucked up about Everything Constantly. I did not need this!!! 😭😭
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
File: Nes Godzilla
Code Name: The Kaiju within a video game/ The Unheard Destroyer of Earth: Red/ [data expunged]: King of Nightmares
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The sole copy of SCP-ADG is kept at the main storage unit of Site-AA. It is placed within a small cardboard box that is placed within a metal box with a lock on it. Any testing may be approved by at least one Level 3 Foundation staff clearance member or higher. Testing must ALWAY be done with a D Class as the test subject. During testing under no circumstances are any Foundation staff to be in the same room or are to make their observation be made aware. 
SCP-ADG's metal box has been placed in a safe with explosive traps to ensure if someone with the wrong passcode entered, SCP-ADG will be destroyed. The safe is large enough that two AFA-2's armed with Foundation laser guns can fit inside and will ensure that anyone who enters with the right passcode will be shot on sight if they are not Foundation staff or don't have transportation clearance. Testing is no longer allowed with SCP-ADG as doing so might allow SCP-ADG-Red to breach our reality and cause an XK Class End-of-the-World Scenario. 
Description: SCP-ADG is a video game copy of the 1988 game Godzilla: Monster of monsters. Now as everyone knows Godzilla is known by the Foundation as SCP-ABQ so you might be wondering how it's possible for the public to have made a video game about something that should be classified? That's because SCP-ABQ has been spotted quite a few times off the coasts of several major cities all the way back to its discovery back in 1954. Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" tried their best to erase its existence and when it was finally formed in 1980, Mobile Task Force Dionysus-1 "Fake News" helped. However, no matter what they did SCP-ABQ still managed to get caught and circulated within the ever-growing internet. To prevent this from getting out of control Toho Co., Ltd. was asked to create a movie franchise out of the anomaly and using sightings of SCP-ABQ as promotional material. Thus, a long and extremely confusing franchise was created that somehow made millions despite only being made for the purpose of hiding an anomaly in plain view. 
Of course, what started out as a single movie generated a sequel then more, then spin offs and then getting their own franchises and finally videogames. This inadvertently led to the creation of SCP-ADG and quite possibly its anomalous properties as well. SCP-ADG is a seemingly normal copy of the game with a few minor glitches here and there. However, as the player progresses through the game, they will begin to experience strange occurrences. Such oddities include red glitching with uncomfortable noises, characters changing into obscure and grotesque versions of themselves, the appearances of even more disturbing looking kaiju characters, and the game actively asking the player strange questions every so often.  
It seems that the more the player does the more their desire to finish the game increases. This increased drive to finish the game is suspected to unleash the evil entity known as SCP-ADG-RED. SCP-ADG-RED is a grotesque character within the game having 4 insect legs, a slimy bloody body with a short tail, two shriveled up and folded arms, and a face that resembles a human face if it was skinned. SCP-ADG-RED has the anomalous ability to always be aware of the player and what they say, even being able to send messages to them through the screen. 
SCP-ADG-RED has the desire to taunt and torment the player by making the game more glitchy as time goes on and seemingly resemble where it originally came from. Research done by the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare has shown that SCP-ADG has been contaminated with [data expunged] a common partial found within Vibration Crystals when activated. Dr. Goetia believes this means that SCP-ADG-RED was not created by anything in our world but instead came from another reality. It just so happened to get trapped into a game while entering our reality and is currently trying to find a way to get out. 
Unfortunately, some of the partials found on SCP-ADG have been identified as Abyssal partials commonly found within the Abyss where the Scarlet King resides. It is believed that because of this, SCP-ADG-RED is quite possibly a servant, or worse a spawn of the Scarlet King. The working theory is that SCP-ADG-RED was a kaiju created in an alternate earth and tried to use its power to enter our world as well. By failing and entering a video game instead, it tries to torment, kill, and even absorb the souls of those who play its game in order to grow in power. 
According to the notes left by [data expunged] SCP-ADG-RED is able to trap the souls of those it has killed in the past and use them to gain power. It can even influence those who have only barely played it and make them kill themselves to take their souls even when they aren't anywhere near SCP-ADG. Furthermore, it seemed that the characters of Godzilla, Mothra, Anguirus, and most peculiarly Solomon and Acacius are also victims of SCP-ADG-RED. The working theory is that in this alternate world SCP-ADG-RED managed to kill SCP-ABQ and all of its allies using their souls and the souls of everyone else in that world to transport into our world. Now he uses them as a food source to keep himself alive as he hunts for more souls in our world. 
What makes Solomon and Acacius so peculiar is that neither exist in our world nor do they exist in the movie franchise, so it is assumed they existed in the other world where SCP-ADG-RED came from. However, most peculiarly during testing when a D Class who managed to unlock Acacius, the Golden Light; at the same time, SCP-999 happened to be passing the testing chamber. Though he was at a distance of [data expunged] meters he somehow knew what was happening and clung to the wall saying "Brother, brother!" over and over again. Foundation observation staff mapped the Site and determined that SCP-999 was indeed looking at SCP-ADG while Acacius was on screen.
Because of this, researchers believe that SCP-ADG-RED is in fact a spawn of the Scarlet King and Acacius is his brother. More specifically, a spawn of A'HABBAT the one who rebels against the Scarlet King. Unfortunately, like most of her children, Acacius failed to save his world and had his soul devoured by SCP-ADG-RED as a result. Surprisingly it's only by unlocking Acacius within the game can one defeat SCP-ADG-RED and break from his control. It's for that reason that some staff refer to his character as SCP-ADG-GOLD though it's not official which is why it has not been written on this file. If SCP-ADG-RED truly is a spawn of the Scarlet King, it's impossible to tell which of the brides is his mother. However, Dr. [data expunged] believes that it might be one of those rare occurrences where the Scarlet King [data expunged] with three [data expunged] if this is true, all the more reason to never let SCP-ADG-RED enter our reality. 
SCP-ADG was discovered in 2011 when [data expunged] sold the copy on Ebay for others to buy and play it. What drew Foundation attention to the copy was a bidding war that occurred between Groups of Interest: TotleighSoft and Arcadia. Ultimately Arcadia won but the package was intercepted by Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 "Pony Express" and sent to the Foundation right away. After several tests, some of which ended with SCP-ADG-RED unfortunately killing them and eating their souls, it was concluded that nothing else could be learned from SCP-ADG and that it must be contained forever from there on to prevent it from growing in power. It is unknown how many souls SCP-ADG-RED needs in order to break out of the game but if it ever reaches such an amount there's no telling if the Foundation has now or ever will have the capabilities to stop SCP-ADG-RED. 
Side note: The one who sold SCP-ADG on ebay was found to be trying to tell his story online. He was found all his evidence of his personal encounter were deleted and he was given Class G Amnestics. 
Update 2016 - Group of Interest: Several anomalous bounty hunters hired by Arcadia have tried to attack Site-AA in hopes of obtaining SCP-ADG. Security defenses and personnel have been increased at Site-AA as a result.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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minuy600 · 7 months
The Arcade Games of 1980 #5: Missile Command
If you thought Pac-Man was a fluke and we weren't in the golden age of arcade games yet, hoo boy, think again. Atari may not have impressed me a lot in recent times, but they clap back in some STYLE here.
Don't let the black background fool you, this game is not quite set in space. It did confuse me at first since it looks like you're defending Mars colonies rather than the Earth, but no, the cities you protect were actually supposed to be ones located in California. Which does add a bit of intensity when you think about it.
That's how I would describe the game best: Intense. The game doesn't sugarcoat, being *very* in your face about losing if you don't nab a high score. As soon as you hit the 2x multiplier, missiles come flying at you from all angles and depending on your skill level, your game can be over in the span of 90 seconds. Doesn't mean it's unfair, just that it's faster paced that you may be used to at this point in time.
Which is good! The speed of rounds makes the game incredibly replayable and you don't have to stick around to the slow stages for nearly as long. Blowing stuff up is always a hoot, especially with the large explosions this game hands you. You can make things easier for yourself too, flipping a DIP Switch gives you a city in reserve. The further you get, the higher the multiplier and the more ridiculous your score becomes if you hang on for a bit longer.
I don't have a ton of fluff to ramble on about this time. This is an excellent time and well worth your quarters/purchase of an Atari compilation. Even if it's yet another shooter game- damn I can't escape them can I?
The Verdict
Graphics (8): 8-bit decency that looks perfect for the early Famicom/NES days. It gets especially cool when there's a lot going on, with all those explosion vortexes and whatnot. The game over screen knows how to spook an unassuming player- big letters that yell 'THE END' at ya while the background flashes red. May have given small children nightmares, fits with the cold war theming.
Sound (8): Oooh, punchy, I like it! A lot of the bleeps and detonation noises aren't new, but they were updated to sound less sharp on the ears in the former's case, and more realistic in the latter's. Once again, fits with the scenario you've found yourself in. Can't deny I adore the randomly generated glitchy jingle when you get an extra city, too. A controlled cacophony that I can't get enough of.
Fun Factor (9): Brilliantly chaotic and replayable. Rounds are snappy, the controls are accurate *enough* that I don't find myself too upset when I miss, and there's also the twinge of strategy involved as well- what enemy do you focus on and what sacrifices need to be made? One of the least flawed feeling games yet. 'Polished af', as my informal self would say.
Longevity (9): Cuz rounds are so short, you can argue that reaching the final new aspects (6x multiplier at the 11th screen, no more background color changes some time later) won't take as long as it would with Pac-Man, however you'd be surprised. If you don't get a bit lucky with how the missiles fly towards your cities in the middle stages and don't have super fast access to multitasking, you could be stuck on this one for a very very long time. And you still would wanna play it afterwards, as with the other classics of the era.
My own max was the 7th screen for reference, past the point of new mechanics but well short of truly expert play.
In Conclusion
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