#i effin cried
kuru-a-roo · 2 years
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The Best Boy 🥪 with his Good Boy 🐶
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stormxpadme · 2 years
xkit rewritten, I love you, but putting the "block post" function in the same menu as the block (user) function is really not the best of ideas on a site of constantly sleep-deprived stupid fucks like me.
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sayitaliano · 7 months
(please refer to this post for the tuta gold definition)
Se partirò If I'll leave A Budapest ti ricorderai In Budapest you'll remember Dei giorni in tenda quella moonlight Of the days in a tent that moonlight (=liquid for vaping) Fumando fino all’alba Smoking until sunrise Non cambierai You'll never change
E non cambierò And I won't change Fottendomi la testa in un night Fucking up my head in a nightclub Soffrire può sembrare un po’ fake Suffering can look a bit fake Se curi le tue lacrime ad un rave If you cure your tears at a rave
Maglia bianca, oro sui denti, blue jeans White shirt, gold on teeth, blue jeans Non paragonarmi a una bitch così Don't compare me to a bitch like that Non era abbastanza noi soli sulla jeep It wasn't enough us alone on the Jeep Ma non sono bravo a rincorrere But I'm not good at chasing
5 cellulari nella tuta gold 5 cellphones inside the golden gym suit Baby non richiamerò Bay I won't call again Ballavamo nella zona nord We were dancing in the north zone Quando mi chiamavi fra When you were calling me bro Con i fiori fiori nella tuta gold With flowers inside the golden gym suit Tu ne fumavi la metà You were smoking half of them
Mi passerà I'll get over it Ricorderò i gilet neri pieni di zucchero I will remember the vests filled with sugar Cambio numero I change my number 5 cellulari nella tuta gold 5 cellphones inside the golden gym suit Baby non richiamerò Baby I won't call again
Dov’è la fiducia diventata arida Where is trust (it) became arid È come l’aria del Sahara It's like the Sahara's air Mi raccontavi storie di gente You were telling me stories of people senza dire mai il nome nome nome Without ever telling (me their) name name name Come l’amico tuo in prigione ma Like your friend in prison but A stare nel quartiere serve fottuta personalità To stay in the district (=bad area/street) one needs an effin' character Se partirai dimmi tua madre chi la consolerà If you'll leave tell me who will comfort your mother
Maglia bianca, oro sui denti, blue jeans White shirt, gold on teeth, blue jeans Non paragonarmi a una bitch così Don't compare me to a bitch like that Non era abbastanza noi soli sulla jeep It wasn't enough us alone on the Jeep Ma non sono bravo a rincorrere But I'm not good at chasing
5 cellulari nella tuta gold 5 cellphones inside the golden gym suit Baby non richiamerò Bay I won't call again Ballavamo nella zona nord We were dancing in the north zone Quando mi chiamavi fra When you were calling me bro Con i fiori fiori nella tuta gold With flowers inside the golden gym suit Tu ne fumavi la metà You were smoking half of them
Mi passerà I'll get over it Ricorderò i gilet neri pieni di zucchero I will remember the black vests filled with sugar Cambio numero I change my number 5 cellulari nella tuta gold 5 cellphones inside the golden gym suit Baby non richiamerò Baby I won't call again
Mi hanno fatto bene le offese Insults did me good Quando fuori dalle medie le ho prese e ho pianto When outside middle school I got hit and cried Dicevi ritornatene al tuo paese You were saying come back to your country Lo sai che non porto rancore You know I don't hold a grudge Anche se papà mi richiederà Even if dad will ask me Di cambiare cognome To change my surname
Ballavamo nella zona nord We were dancing in the north zone Quando mi chiamavi fra When you were calling me bro Con i fiori fiori nella tuta gold With flowers inside the golden gym suit Tu ne fumavi la metà You were smoking half of them
Mi passerà I'll get over it Ricorderò i gilet neri pieni di zucchero I will remember the black vests filled with sugar Cambio numero I change my number 5 cellulari nella tuta gold 5 cellphones inside the golden gym suit Baby non richiamerò Baby I won't call again
5 cellulari nella tuta gold, gold, gold, gold, gold 5 cellphones inside the golden golden golden golden golden gym suit 5 cellulari nella tuta gold 5 cellphones inside the golden gym suit Baby non richiamerò Baby I won't call again
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nikethestatue · 26 days
Honestly, I just can’t understand how people don’t ship Elriel?!!??! All the signs are there!!! Their story is going to be epic, I just know all that forbidden romance, secret glances, and yearning!!!!! I just can’t wait to read their book😆😩❤️‍🔥
I think it's because we've been fed this steady diet of identical female fantasy characters where the only valid way to be is to pick up a sword and best a guy. Like, there is nothing else. If you read anything, especially written by women, it's the default for every single story. Including SJM. Whether it's YA or NA, it's the same effin book every time. Tough, crafty, lost princesses, with unknown, but immense powers, who become capable fighters in 3 months, discover their magic, take revenge on their dead family and fall in love.
Or they outwit someone and take down the dictator.
The idea that there is more than one type of woman is almost unfathomable and hence Elriel is very difficult for people to comprehend. Like what do you mean she likes to bake and isn't a fighter and she cried?!
Always that, isn't it. 'He' DESERVES 'better'.
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chaos-cousins · 2 months
[An audio file is embedded.
You can hear Ren's voice. "Everything ready for tonight's heist?"
"Yep!" A small boy's voice cries.
There's a pause, before Makoto speaks. "...I don't think you should go. Crow's going to try and stop you, right?"
"Of course! It'd be boring if he didn't."
"Well... He's... acting strange. You've seen Ryuji's face, right?"
"Yeah. That's a... really nasty bruise."
"...Crow gave it to him."
"It was effin' weird, man! He just showed up wearing a black suit and beat the shit outta me! No banter or nothin'! He didn't even pull back his punches!"
"What...? You aren’t going out tonight, right?!"
"Hell no. I'm resting."
"...I don't know what's going on with him. I don't think it's a good idea for you to fight him."
"...Well. I'm his nemesis. If anyone is able to get through to him, it's me. I'll figure out what's going on. I'm going."]
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mintytealfox · 9 months
I gotta know your thoughts what do you think a nortalice vampire au would be like?
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Lemme cook ya something YUMMY MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okay here goes 🤞hopefully its yummy lol
I love that Norton has a Vampy skin so -throws him back in that skin for this- lool
finds the key ingredients: -tragedy ((((all made to look like his parent's death and his almost death look like an accident and probably forcefully turned by dumbass Benny who was promising a better life -screams into a pillow- this round it being Norton who brought Benny into the life of his family (cause of the promises of better lives) which then ultimately ruined the family. something nice and heavy and awful to blame himself for) ((will there be an au where Benny isn't bad? dunno LOL maybe one of these days BUT NOT THIS DAY )))) ✅ -sealed away (after everyone realizes he can't be controlled and tried to blow it all and himself up), so he has that claustrophobia and fear of complete darkness ✅ -is starved from being sealed away for so long ✅ -Grumpy, jaded, and angry with a 1000 yard stare ✅ -only talked to the spooky green eye before he was sealed away (is also the only one who could talk to the spooky green eye) ✅ -When he is accidentally let out, he has abilities that wake up within him and now has access to what Fool's Gold can do. But super out of control until he gets that hunger under control first ✅ -instead of a bat form he has his Fool's Gold like form ✅ -sprinkles a little Case of Vanitas in there with- able to see some memories of those he takes blood from. Likely how he sneaks a peek at flashes of Alice's past after stealing some of her blood in a vial. So he sees those memories when he is alone. -I am also getting a sense that he doesn't like drinking blood from the source. He likes to drain it collect it in containers and drink it later so he doesn't feel as disgusting or disgusted. He seems like a guy who collects and saves rather than takes and wastes.
Now as for who let him out, -points- Orpheus LOL
Orpheus likely makes a deal with him, 'meh I need people killed and you need blood sooooooo, what do you say?' and boiii does Orpheus deliver 🙃 BUT when Alice arrives in place of another, things get tricky. Cause now Norton has different instructions for this one. To mess with her so Orpheus can swoop in and be a hero and friend to get her to join him again like in childhood. Norton doesn't EFFIN CARE 🤣 and is just expecting to be given extra blood in place of what he is loosing in letting Alice stick around longer, but he ends up caring which is alarming to Orpheus. A vampire getting his dead heart to care again rarely turns out well for those in the blood business/deal with them pff. And I bet there was more to the deal, that its a bit more binding than anticipated so this could cause some huge problems.
I am sure Alice will figure it out lol 🤣👏👏👏
but before that I am sure there are some scenes like:
-Norton with Alice and placing his hand in line with the sun to show that it does hurt and he does this to feel something, er rather, a different sort of pain than the constant gnawing sort that plagues him 24/7 Then making a dry joke about how he is afraid of the dark yet stuck in it.
-Alice finding out that Norton is haunted by the people he successfully blew up, haunted by the innocent and the guilty but it all feels the same. Then finding the spooky green eye and wondering whatever that is and what is it doing. She can sort of hear its whisperings but not like Norton can. The fact that she can kind of hear anything from it at all is impressive in its own right lol
-Both Alice and Norton feeling gentle touch for the first time in ages (this goes for og Norton and Alice also honestly -cries-)
-Also Benny gonna return fr fr so that won't go well cause I have him mondo baddie in this lol
Its all very interesting veerryy interesting lol
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rainsparadiso · 2 months
Too many times I’ve knocked back shots
Too many girls I’ve rated hot or not
Cried to Coldplay too much
I suspect you’ve cried as much
Living dead but I still dance
Fred Perry jackets and matching pants
Jungle boogie makes me feel fine
Do you think I’ve snorted too many lines
Amy said “you love blow but I love puff”
Remember that when you’re debating stuff
Giant decisions for individuals
Best clean up your ‘effin schedule
Love me some like a cup of joe
Like they say in the states but in England, no
Sing along and bring her a rose
Kiss her slightly as she tip toes
Forget the war going on outside
And let yourself shine oh so bright
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itisjustfei · 2 years
Day 12: favourite tv series
As an opening, I think i mentioned somewhere that I'm a whore for entertainment (though in questionably slump for past few years). Dan sebelum ini ada kaya tren nyebutin the thing to get to know me, jadi inget kan tuh, pas banget yah.
Ok here it is. I'll mention one i have strong feeling to. No specific list.
Secret Love (2013)
No one can convince me to hate about how generic and how cliche the plot is, mainly because ofc I liked the actors who portrayed the protagonist but also because THE CHEMISTRY, and I liked how it make me feel!!! I wish I can watch from the first time again.
Though, It is quite problematic, if I reckon. But every sk drama I watch in that time were mostly problematic, so yeah, what choice do I have (lies).
I still remember the one scene that so right in the feel, (spoiler alert) ketika mereka mau first time, dan si cowo ini nyium luka bakar cewenya, wah, I watched it many years ago, but it's still get me every time.
Goblin (2016)
OFC I'M GONNA MENTION THEY HERE. Ini tuh beneran ada semuanya, angst nya ada, romance nya ada, komedinya ada. Gw masih inget gmana gila nya gw ama series ini, mana kan gw emang suka dilf, and hell they're so effin gorgeous here. I'M GONNA MENTION ABOUT THEIR CHEMISTRY OFC, not only the protagonist, but the whole cast were so perfect for each other, no miss on that part, nothing feel awkward it kinda hit home, I still rewatch the part when they made me laugh so much.
Nirvana in Fire (2015)
Jujur, gw ga suka tipe2 yang bikin gue harus mikir, karena brow otak ini tidak begitu pintar en smart to go through people scheme, but this one?? Hell I love every second of it. Unfortunately , I can't feel a much of a chemistry going, but it is still a masterpiece on plot alone, i don't feel amiss in it. Nah, mulai dari series ini gue mulai mengecambah ke series cina, well mainly period costume drama.
Sebenernya ada sekuel nya dan katanya lebih oke lagi, but I am still enamored by this Mei Changsu and Prince Jing, so leave me alone.
Joy of Life (2019)
It might gonna surpass nirvana in fire if only they're airing all the trilogy, betul, ini series terbagi menjadi 3 bagian dan yang baru tayang baru yang pertamanya aja. Meski begitu gw tidak menyesal (sedikit sebetulnya) karena emang SESERU ITU, hell I don't remember when the last time I was genuinely laugh, a big one by a scene, because it was so unexpectedly funny I crieeed, ofc there's moment too where I cried in tender and sad moments. Again, this far, the plot is soo smooth, didn't feel any amiss, but I can't judge as whole, because again, I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE NEXT SEQUEL BECAUSE THE ENDING WAS LITERALLY A HANGED ONE (and pls tell me when I gonna get the rest????!!!!???)
Word of Honor (2021)
Well, we know how strict that country about bl, but much to my surprise, they're pushing the limits with this series, the gesture, the words, the look, the eyes, omg I can going for long on why they make this sooo obviously gay, but couldn't quite going there it made me on the edge many times! (Like other non canon bl ships I'm currently invested). And one point more they're all pretty ((chefs kiss)). My favorite part were when Wen Kexing deliberately making a fit on everything, my silly clown.
Dele (2018)
This is an episodic format of a series, I wish they're putting more than 8 episodes. They're not yet exploring the main protagonist. I even need to read the book I literally SALVAGED after 3 years watching the last episode (cr book 2). I'm so in love with the main protagonist, I put his name in my pseudonym, I WISH HE WERE MY REAL HUSBAND (i still am). I can't quite explain it, but holy shit I'm in love. Still dooo.
Daredevil (2015)
It's dark dark and dark, if you watched it, you'll understand what I meant, but he's so cute like cuuuuuutttteeeeeee (tempeleng aja gw) series west genre ini itu gmna ya, plot makin kesini tuh bukan ngeberesin konflik-konflik yg udah tapi malah jadi makin runyam, but I think that's the charm with it, you bared with anticipation, curious of what kind a mess they could make, an even worse after another. Btw sampe postan ini dibuat, belum nonton S3 karena gw denial.
Hannibal (2013)
I think I watched it in it's running through S2, so like, around 2014? Seperti biasa gw nemu di lepi si aa, ya gw tonton. Most of the time I don't get what are they saying, ketinggian otak gw kaga nyampe dah, tapi I'm there not for that but for Mads and Mads only (then for hannigram in S3). And I kinda liked the every 'cruel beauty' they show. My favorite part ofc like everyone were the confession. I still played that part once in a while.
The Mandalorian (2019)
My utmost comfort series, it's so so slooow but I don't hate it, gw baca dimana kalo series ini tuh genrenya family dan gw setujuuuuu, karena despite the dystopian future they depicted, it is a family genre, I'm sooooffffffftttt for Grogu and Din, they're so insufferable sometimes I don't get it why I'm having soft spot for them.
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momoipetals · 2 years
I thought that these moments only happen in books and movies. Nico and I took a break, on the 26th of December 2023. That's our monthsary, marking our 2 years and a month of the relationship. The reason? We don't understand each other. Thought everything was fine, that finally, I can be who I am without someone's eyes. The break-up was mutual, and things aren't working out like they used to. I just needed to breathe. I needed freedom, to walk alone in my shoes, to explore, learn lessons, find my purpose, t answer the questions why, and do stuff on my own. Until one day, he told me that he was dating. In a span of a week, he's already meeting someone. (believe me or not, I'm not a jealous type. And I don't even know but I totally understand where he is coming from, he used to do that during our relationship. He'll find someone he can talk to in our on-and-off relationship. Any woman that he can use to not dwell on our fight. I read some of the conversations, but that never hurt me, I even fucking made it a joke to his face without disgust. Because I know deep down that it was all words and a fling. I have never felt this insane connection before to someone else.) That stung and made me lose my mind. Reason? For I haven't seen him. I haven't touched him, and I haven't seen his eyes when he said that's he dating, even though he let me know that he's not in a serious relationship. He just wanted a companion, a man has needs that I can't provide, and he needs someone who can support him financially. And I can't blame him on that, that is the least he can do to support his family and a brother who is still studying. January 15th, 2023. A week before, I texted him that I wanted clarification. I wanted answers that I can't let go of and have been bugging me for weeks and depriving me to sleep. I'm trying my best to pass out and work myself out just to make myself tired and have a comma. He effin replied but did not receive it not until he sent me a screenshot of the text message, damn. I blocked him (totally forgot about that), Fast forward, we met here at our park around 8-9pm. The reason for a meet-up is to sort things out between us, ask each other what happened in the last few months of our relationship, what went wrong, and asked him to stay because I wanted to get a good night’s sleep, just for one last time. (I miss holding his hands in my sleep, that makes me calm and sleep for more than 24 hours. I just miss everything about him, his hugs.) So, I asked him to pretend that we're still together, although he has already by label, a girlfriend and he does not love. We spend the night together, talking until 2am, Crying, making promises, giving our thoughts, saying why we're still here, why we are holding on instead of moving forward, and why we long for each other. I asked him, after all, that you've been through, all the adjustment, all the cry-alone moments, all the heartache you never mention, all the understanding you've done, why are you still keeping and holding on? "You were there when no one was around. You accepted everything about me. My job. You saw through me, you saw something in me that most people will not accept once they know the truth. Remember the time when I hugged you, I told you that I feel safe and at home around you. You made me feel like hugging my mom for the first time. You broke my shield. The dark aura, the barrier that has been with me throughout these years. You infiltrated the zone that no one has entered. I can only give 20 percent of myself for some, but for you, I gave 101 percent. You know every bit of me and yet you stayed. You are different. You made me see things and taught me lessons I can never imagine that will be useful now that we're not physically around each other. I love you the most." Then we cried. I told him, I tried forgetting everything. I tried not to be bothered by what happened, but I can't. I will love him, hanggang leeg. I tried looking for someone I can talk to, but everything is nonsense. They are not him. People will not understand how my mind works, they'll just tell me that I settle for less and that I deserve so much better. It's me, if I love someone I'll understand every bit of their decision. In the end, he'll just wait for me. For my arrival; to fully accept him as my partner. We may be separate physically, but we both know our promises and our deep connection will never fade.  I'm happy that we both agreed on the lessons we encounter during our journey, and that we can use them once we meet again, once everything's calm. Until the next time, love. I love you so much, Brenzond. 
PS: That was the most memorable night I spent with you, aside from the first time we met. It was something. Our souls are connected, we can’t deny that. We have something that no one can take. It was always with you. 
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hercoffeexbooks · 2 years
Before We Were Strangers
When I first read the back blurb, I knew I’m going to be immersed in the story. Second-chance romance has its own way of breaking your heart before you knew it. I have never read Reneé Carlino’s books before and the way how she managed to pull out my heart with how she writes made me want to haul every book she wrote.
BWWS is giving you a teenage-love vibe. This is about a couple who lost their connection after graduating college. It was intriguing to read- ‘cause while reading the first chapters, you could actually tell that these two were head over heels in love with each other- inseparable and intertwined. What could’ve been the problem? Fifteen were such long years to be separated. How could they given-up easily for a love like that? I was mulling on my desk- the pang of sadness I felt while processing the idea of them separating was a hole in my heart.  Would they still be able to pick up the pieces where they left off? How can someone still feel so much about a person after more than a decade even if they already started separate lives? I guess that happens when the closure wasn’t given. You look for them to every place, wanting to see and feel a familiar feeling that you used to savor. How can someone change over time and outgrew you? They cross your mind every effin’ time wondering where it went wrong- where you went wrong? Were you too much to handle at that time? Oh, I could hug Grace for going through such phases in his life!
There are moments in our lives when we wanted to revisit a phase where we feel most alive and loved. And you could choose same decision all over again despite the consequences. What I liked about the story was that they grovel to be back to each other’s life. Yes, there was missed connection between the two- but the moment they meet again every memory came rushing back down the corners and you’ll feel how much they wanted to continue the life they built before. It was such a beautiful story! It made my heart cry and happy at the same time! I would bet every heartbeat of mine to have someone as good as Matt. *cries happily!
Rating this 5⭐️! Yay ♥️
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When Time Ain't on Your Side... RIP
So Bethy has to go and stay with her friends. They are twins and their family are members of Bethy's church and are on her dance team. They've been really kind to her and us and have done everything they can to keep Bethy busy all summer. They took her to a carnival, a theme park, they paid for her to get her ears pierced a few months ago, and then paid for her to get several sets of earrings. They share clothes and games with her.
She's slept over their house many times before and their parents agreed to let Bethy stay there for an extended period of time because we have no money and nowhere to go comes August 31st 2022. Bethy is excited to get out of this shitty motel and be surrounded by happiness all the time, and I'm glad she won't have to be here for this.
That one we had to stay in the van a few months back was terrifying. We had no money and the Paypal was holding a donation for days because of its size so we were sleeping in a parking lot while she was in school and begging God to not have the case worker call us and ask where we were. If we did not have a guaranteed place to sleep, she would have had to take Bethy away that day.
This time is much better because she's allowed to stay as long as we need her to, and it'll get her away from her assaulter. Turns out, his parole officer called the other day to ask if they'd been in contact because he broke the rules and was spotted on a street a few blocks down from where we're at when there's a restraining order on him. He was only allowed to go from his parents' house to his job and anywhere outside the circumference of these two places would mean trouble. He was miles outside it and no one knows how he found out where we are, but he was spotted at a trampoline park the twins introduced Bethy to. It's for kids 17 and under. They'd taken her a few times and even bought her a pass to go whenever she wanted. He was at that place. Miles away from where he is allowed to go. And he is far too old to be going there himself.
So Bethy is now nervous about this and refuses to go to the trampoline park again, and overall it's just best that she doesn't have the chance to see or hear anything about him at all. The twins live over an hour away in the middle of a field with no internet access besides what their cellphones offer. It's better this way.
On our end... we're fucked.
Bethy doesn't know just how bad it is, and she doesn't know how much of a pain in the ass her father had been through all of this. Mom refused to bad-mouth him to her face because she doesn't think such things are okay. She never did it with my sperm donor either. She waited until I was old enough to decide if I liked him or not and then gave her the okay to tear into him whenever necessary.
There's a difference between your sister dragging your dad for being shit, and your mom dragging him for being shit. He isn't my bio dad so there's a space there between us so it isn't triggering if I do it. Bethy doesn't need to deal with any more stress right now though. When she gets too stressed, her lymph nodes swell and then the pain from it will make her vomit for hours.
Bethy will stay with them even when school starts on the 31st. I hope she has a good time with her friends.
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cookkoo · 4 years
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・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+Happy holiday ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
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mooifyourecows · 3 years
its that time of the year again
everybody tell me about your favorite cryptid/mythological creature/legend/supernatural being 🖤 pretty pretty please
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ruiizu1chan · 3 years
Kwbfmsnfne— i made this account to find more dcst/ynm content and to post arts but i haven't done any of my wips yet AAAAAAAAAAAAA
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assumptions i made about tumblr DGS fandom before i showed up here:
kazuma = the hot boy on campus ✅ correct
asoryuu = a top ship ✅ correct
baroryuu = a huge ship that’s as obvious as narumitsu if wildly different ❌ incorrect
herlock/ryuu = a huge ship, of course he slept with his landlord c’mon ❌ incorrect I still don’t even know if there’s a tag for this
homumiko = this is just that one weird rare pair that my sweetie and i see clearly but NO ONE ELSE is going to be into this ❌ wildly incorrect my dear fellow
asobaro / baroaso = totally snuck up on me and i am addicted, at least someone else will be too?? ✅ correct it’s like ten of us
baroasoryuu = almost no one will appreciate the greatness ✅ sighs and clings to rare OT3
no one = will draw every effin detail of nuri’s amazing character designs every time so i can just be lazy myself right ❌ cries in herlock’s buckles
narumitsu = will always pop up to remind me of how i got here in the first place ✅ correct i still love u 4ever
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aidansplaguewind · 3 years
I wasn't going to do a Dexter rant but I'm pissed the freak off at all the people hating the finale.
It's so disrespectful to the writers and to Michael C. Hall who said he came back to properly end the show.
We all whined and cried about the original season 8 finale and they came back 10 years later to set it right. How many shows do that?
You all sound like a bunch of kids whining because you can't have it your way.
It was beautifully done. Yeah, there was the m99 mistake. Because civilians can't get m99 and Dexter is a civilian now. Big effin deal. The killings were so damn similar and this guy happened to fake his death??! I mean come on, she was going to figure it out anyway. Miami should have figured it out.
No more seasons are needed. Why, so they can drag it out and possibly dishonor his character some more?
I love how you all think you could do a better job. I'd like to see it.
Fandoms absolutely LOVE to dissect something they claim to love, and rip it to shreds until they make everyone else hate it too. And it's sad. It's heart breaking.
It was never going to end happily ever after.
After I heard Aidan Gillen say he was really upset about all of the backlash on the Game of Thrones series finale because all these people work so hard on this project, and how it was a show that was impossible to end sme and make everyone happy. They do the best they can (I'm paraphrasing) - it changed my perspective on how us viewers can be so disrespectful.
Find the beauty you can in it. If you love something, thats what you do.
Stop dissecting shit and appreciate the story telling the way people used to. Sheesh man. Y'all take the fun and pleasure out of everything.
I been watching Dexter long before streaming services and before most of you could binge it all in two days. I'm not saying that makes anyone less of a fan. But it was a part of my life for years and years (since season 3 basically. Back when you had to subscribe to Showtime through your cable network), so I had longer to sit with it and think about it.
Oh and all of you saying killing Logan was out of character...have you been watching the same show? Dexter kills because he loves it. Because he has to. He needs to. As someone who has been watching and rewatching Dexter for 14 years, I was not at all surprised he killed Logan. He didn't want to but he started shooting at him. Rule #1: Don't Get Caught. Backed into a corner like that he would do ANYTHING to get out. Except to Harrison. But yeah, totally seen it coming he was gonna kill Logan. Obviously y'all either haven't been paying attention or you're seeing Dexter for who you WANT him to be and not for what he really is.
And I'm at peace with how they ended it this time. It was the only right way to end it. He's free now. Why can't you people understand that? His addiction can't control him anymore. I am a recovering addict so I understand him to a degree. And he's finale free.
I'm done.
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