#the games idk im worried none of this is canon enough
boxwinebaddie · 4 months
hi uncle nina! sorry if this is kinda overbearing, but you havent posted anything today so i just wanna check in and make sure youre doing okay! <3
oh my god, sweetheart!!! this is not overbearing AT ALL! this is extremely thoughtful and makes me feel extremely validated. <3
i'm sorry for causing concern, but ty for being concerned about me.
because the school year is coming to a close, things around me at work have been pretty intense, so i've been tossed around like a ragdoll the past week and haven't had much time to write as a result. i also haven't been sleeping very well and rush a lot in the mornings, so i've forgotten to take my mood stabilizer the past couple of days which makes me v sluggish, zombie-ish and unpleasant in general. :/
...when i am like that, as a weird way of sparing you, i suppose, i try not to post on here too much because it feels quite shitty indeed for you to get a notification for my blog just to watch me bitch n moan.
however, i have taken my medication today and feel bad for fumbling kyle week...as we know i'm not really good at holding myself accountable or making deadlines. oddly enough, it's not that i don't want to answer my questions, it's just that other than not being able to really find the time recently, i just can't find the right...words?
( this ask is long and irrelevant, but read if you wish. ilysm. )
or, rather, i don't feel knowledgeable enough the subjects to answer? specifically in the areas of my tsot/tfbw styles and ncuniverses, i feel a little insecure because i don't know sp or the games as well as many other people do, so i'm trying to speed watch episodes/watch speed runs of the games online so i can at least keep some canon intact?
i also am finding that creating and understanding how high fantasy universes work is...difficult? lmao? also because i did crazy stuff with mutations and science and politics in my tfbw ncuniverse, that's also complicated and out of my wheelhouse...tldr: i have big ideas, but i'm not very good at backing them in fact or doing analytical stuff.
but...iiiiii need to, lmao. mental illness, but if i make a universe it has to be fully realized, it has to all make as much sense as possible, echo the canon, enhance it, feel real and be fluid...so if i'm not around too much it's because i'm trying to bolster myself with my sp knowledge ( ik, i'm a fake fan ) and watch/read/research high fantasy concepts and superhero/scientific fiction/dystopian stuff...so if anyone has any recommendations for me to watch or learn from in those realms, i'd appreciate it. again, this is intense...but i care a lot about my craft.
and specifically crafting something worthy of all of you, that makes sense, lives and breathes, reflects the show we love & is interesting.
ANYWAYS!!!! with that said, i got a cool ask about whether or not i have a gunslinger kyle? which? not yet? BUT YOU'RE A GENIUS BABY I AM SOOOOO ON IT!!! please let me cook and watch some things because actually, oh my god, i am very down. i'll update you. i might make a board to gather ideas, omg, omg, it'll be SPICY.
i got an ask about princess kylie, which, bless you, i am also still developing her character, i am going to pour over the books, watch some GOT, do some mapping out, watch some intricate dnd play throughs...and have some answers for you very soon: hang on, baby.
( she's little, bitchy, prissy and does need to be babysat, i'm afraid. )
got some on jersey i'm excited about! sorry for writing that ask meme about the sour skittles like that, again, writing has been trying for me lately and i had a concept that i wanted to share but wasn't sure how to express that. if you guys are alright with getting my asks in the form of notes some times i would appreciate it! anyways, keep your eyes out for some of those...if kyle week runs into next week, sorry.
idk...this is so long. all this to say...i'm really sorry? i haven't been a very solid creator lately, but i'm a little unstable rn. but i am working on it and i hope to be back on the horse by tonight and share my notes at least and show you guys how my brain is working.
in the mean time, please direct as many questions as you would like in the direction of riley, teri and ana who not only are epic writers but have been an epic support system/helping me get back into things.
thank you for caring, thank you for reading...keeping up with this blog and the questions and creating constantly is sometimes challenging, but very rewarding. i promise that i am not neglecting my asks or all of you because i don't care, its actually because i care very much and only want to give you stuff that is awesome and cool and well researched. so, again, just give me a second to get my barings and while it kind of eats at my bad bpd brain i might try and share stuff with you guys that's half baked because the feedback might help.
tldr: i love you, this made no sense, i'm a mess, but i am fine.
miss you and love you. happy kyle week.
-uncle nina
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commanderquinn · 1 year
a list of canon ways in which lillian hart is The Fucking Worst that cora coe deserves financial and emotional compensation for:
-the basis for the big divorce counseling mission is that cora's worried for her mother's safety. that means, before going on a deep cover operation with smugglers known to kill rangers, marines, or anyone else caught trying to interfere with their business, lillian didnt leave her daughter a heads up much less a lead. once the fuck again, this woman decided that her career was more important than her daughter's mental and emotional health. once the fuck again, this woman decided she could just disappear from cora's life and then come back out of the blue without consequence
-when you go to lillian's office to look for her at cora's request, the guy working the desk knows SAM well enough to know his name and give him shit like they've got a personal history, but he??? isnt sure about????? cora's name???? word for word, he looks at her and says "it's cora, right?" you're telling me that this woman doesn't talk about her kid enough for her fellow INVESTIAGATIVE rangers to be sure about her name??? are you SHITTING ME??????? get the fuck out of here. you cant push "ranger family values" and the close ties they have in one breath then claim she likes to keep a professional distance at work in the other. you wanna have the conversation about what fresh hell it is being a working mother in a position of power, lets go, ill have that conversation all day long. but lillian hart is not a fucking example of a working mother and im gonna be pretty fucking insulted for working mothers everywhere if i catch wind of ppl trying to pull that kind of defense card. the woman's an awful parent and should be held the fuck accountable for it. you wanna know how i know????
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she doesn't say cora's name enough for the ranger watching the door to be confident in it, but he remembers alllll the stories of the captain her ex is cozying up to. and lillian is the one to confirm during the quest that she has been getting the stories from cora, so there's some clear "oh she already likes the stranger more than me." i know im reading into it because its fiction and none of these people are real, but ive also, y'know been in cora's shoes, so i can tell you from real life experience that shit does exist. idk if that was the writers INTENT, but it sure does a great job at reflecting a very sad reality
-sam points out its dumb that lillian wants to speed the ship, with her daughter on it, directly at the sydicate. idk abt y'all, but my ship was pretty dinky at that point bc i was focused on outposts, and we got ambushed by like 6 ship waves once we landed for that fight. again, i get it. game mechanics get a higher priority than realism. but this whole "we have to finish this because theres a chance you were spotted trying to rescue me" shit is so. nauseating. theres no demand to drop off cora somewhere safe, theres no "lets call in the cavalry." its this fucking egomaniac looking you dead in the eye and being like "i know i just traumatized the shit out of my kid but i need you to drive us into an ambush while she's still on board. hope you're a good shot because sam and i cant kill them ourselves." and so what that we did that????? YOURE TELLING ME IT WAS JUST THOSE SHIPS???? the rest of the organization is just going to LET IT GO???? like no fucking wonder sam sees himself as the better option even through all his fucking doubt. at least he knows when to turn the fuck around because shit is above his paygrade
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-she has custody rights. she is a decorated and respected ranger. sam being a smuggler wasnt public knowledge, but point out one person in akila who wouldnt believe her in a heartbeat over it. everyone in town gives him nothing but shit, and they all side with his dad who was definitely no picnic to live with. im guessing big emotional detachment there, lotta interrogation and persecution rather than teaching and understanding. HELL, sam would probably own up to his past if lillian outed him for it, he's that type of idiot. at literally any point she could put in the effort to get legal council involved. if she's SOOOO by the law, whats the hold up there???? i agree the kid shouldnt be on my ship while im in the middle of a space fight. ive talked with sam about it, and im not even the kids parent (as of the personal quest). what the fuck are you doing about it lillian????????? oh thats right. we cant get lillian on the phone. whomp whomp.
-she made cora cry. hyper independent, "big girls dont cry" cora coe. multiple times. worse, she made cora cry because she made cora feel like she wasn't as important as lillian's career. i dont give a fuck what criminals are doing. i do not give a fuck. i give a fuck that that little pixel child got her heart broken and there isnt a dialogue for me to call out her mother for being a huge fucking cunt to her own daughter but theres a thousand and one options for me to tell sam he's parenting wrong. he is, and i have no problem using them when they're appropriate, but where the fuck are they for lillian??? why am i not allowed to tear this woman a new asshole at any point, but there's like 20+ extra dialogue options added to every single npc you have a persuade option with???? todd my head hurts and its your fault
-"im sure sam's told you all about me. go on. ask whatever you want." yet there is no option to ask what the fuck her problem is. so, clearly, i cannot, in fact, ask whatever i want.
-"but the looks i got from my fellow rangers reading alexander dumas... we do strange things for kids." yeah hart??? thats your standard????? THATS your idea of going out of your way for your kid??? literally how did sam fall for this woman oh my god i cant even listen to her speak without wanting to use the power of bitchhood i inherited from a long line of angry irish women to ridicule her to tears. maybe then she'll fucking understand how small she makes her fucking kid feel every time she turns a moment of bonding into a little "woe is me and my comfort zone oh how unfortunate i am to have a brilliant daughter that wants to connect with me through her greatest passion"
-she openly admits that she dumped the cargo sam was smuggling not because she felt any connection or sympathy or just didnt want to destroy someones chance at life in a capitalist society, but because he was a good pilot and she didnt want that talent to "go to waste" so she could recruit him. thats not really a thing against cora i just really fucking hate that and the picture it paints of her priorities as a human being
-"if we're going to be really honest here... back when we were a team... cora would follow you everywhere, like a little adoring dog. i... just fell out of it. long before we separated."
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i literally. do not have words for how fucking disgusted i am by that line of dialogue. oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god. i. i TRULY would not even know where to start. the dog comparison makes me violently angry and if you'd given me a punch interrupt at that moment, i would have broken my keyboard punching the accept option
-go replay or watch a recording of that divorce counseling mission one more time. while you're doing it, imagine the roles reversed. imagine youre romancing a character thats a mother bringing cora into space, and the ranger standing in your cockpit asking to finish the mission is her father who took off to live at work once it was clear his little girl liked mommy better. imagine THAT while you listen to the (imo) out of fucking pocket dialogue where sam constantly praises lillian for being "a good ranger/woman." then you come back and tell me how comfortable you are with the concept of lillian hart as a character.
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funnywormz · 3 years
tell me ab ur jevils ….. :3
WAYUGHGH ty for wanting to know abt my take on him!! i might go a bit crazy and im not gonna draft or proofread this post and it'll be very long so im putting it under a read-more in case ppl don't want my random rambles on their dash lol. plus im kinda shy abt it ngl
(DISCLAIMER: none of this is necessarily what i think is actually canon, in fact for a large portion of it im pretty certain it's not canon at all lol. these are just the personal headcanons ive formed around jevil in my head. don't interpret this as a "theory" post or me saying im correct abt this stuff or think it's canon bc i don't at all lol, this is just my personal self indulgent take on jevil and i don't expect anyone to treat it that seriously hehe)
OK SO. quite a bit of this is inspired or was fueled by convos with @/bigshotautos, so credit to them for letting me infodump on them so often and for having some really epic headcanons and ideas. anyways
my headcanon for jevil is that pre-corruption he was really just. a funny little guy. i've drawn my take on pre-corruption jevil a few times
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^ this fella. as you can see he has a few differences to canon jevil, i.e. arrow shaped tail instead of the J shape, white sclera, more rounded and friendly features, no eye makeup/markings, different outfit, eyes wide open 24/7, generally keeps his mouth closed
prior to becoming a jester he was a very lonely small creature. idk if anyone knows where he came from, even himself. initially he was generally ignored and if he was noticed ppl found him unsettling, but after a while he realised he had a talent for trickery and performance, and ppl would enjoy his company and find him entertaining provided he found ways to amuse them. queen in particular took a shine to him and he quickly got a gig as the court jester. during this stage he was very obedient and eager to please. nobody had ever really given him attention before. he's very friendly and perfectly content being treated like a toy or an animal as long as ppl "like" him and pay attention to him.
jevil at this stage is very different to the jevil we know in canon. he keeps his eyes open in a sort of blank wet-eyed stare almost constantly which some ppl find unsettling, and rarely speaks outside of short responses and riddles/wordplay. he's extremely naive and loyal. the royals like him and find him entertaining, but a lot of that is just bc they find his whole existence to be an amusing oddity rather than actually appreciating the effort he puts into his act. and outside of the royals, many of the other servants and townsfolk find him seriously worrying and unsettling, with a lot of them being really suspicious of him.
him and seam become friends bc they often have to work together since seam is the court magician and he's the court jester! seam doesn't quite know what to make of jevil at that point and keeps him at arms length, but they get along well enough with him and enjoy one another's company.
eventually though his loneliness begins to slowly eat away at him though and it's at that point, when he's feeling low and having a hard time maintaining his jester role, that the "mystery contact" shows up. they meet him a few times and ask him if he wants to see the truth and truly understand the people around him, to which he responds with enthusiasm, thinking it'll make him wiser and show him how he can do a better job at pleasing others.
unlike spamton, who i headcanon the mystery contact kinda eased into things with and took a long time to show the shadow crystal to, they show it to jevil after only a few encounters with him. they use it to show him a lot of things, a lot of them horrible things he doesn't understand, and reveal the truth of his world being a game to him. they also show him how alone he truly is, and how he isn't really truly liked by anyone. it's unfortunately the truth, everything that they show him is factually true, but jevil can't really take it. his personality and ego that was already very fragile gets shattered completely. for the first time in his life he understands how little he matters and how little he understands, and how little ppl care abt him.
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^ both of these doodles are referencing his exposure to the shadow crystal and the immediate aftermath, although obv the first one takes a lot of artistic liberty lol. in my headcanon it's the exposure to the things he sees in the crystal that makes his eyes turn black.
the minute jevil sees the truth of his world, he wants nothing more than to forget it, to go back to how he was. but he can't, and he can't "look away" from it, can't stop thinking abt it. he does sleep, but his dreams are plagued by it, and he has a hard time telling the difference between his own dreams and reality, between being awake and being asleep.
at this point his behaviour becomes increasingly erratic, and although some ppl do notice, most of them don't care and see it as confirmation of the biases they already had abt him. seam wants to reach out but they don't know how to. jevil doesn't ask for help directly but he tries to signal that he's in trouble but from his perspective nobody picks up on it or seems to care.
eventually this callous attitude from others, combined with the things the mystery contact has shown him, causes jevil to become bitter. he isolates himself from others, and begins to view them as ignorant and puppet-like, because he knows the truth and they don't. he continues being a jester, but his performances have an edge of malice and cruel humour that they didn't have before. he begins to cope with the knowledge that's been forced on him by viewing it as a good thing, something that makes him freer and wiser than others.
throughout this period his meetings with the mystery contact continue, and eventually they guide him into meeting spamton, with the idea that they could work together and that jevil could help keep spamton focused on what he needs to do. initially, jevil dislikes spamton, he reminds him of the kind of ppl he hates, wealthy and clueless. spamton in turn looks down on jevil at first, and sees him as a freak, which fuels jevil's dislike for spamton bc he knows full well spamton doesn't like him lol.
however, as they're forced to interact with each other, their similarities begin to surface, and soon they start to like each other and take solace in one another. during this period of their lives they're both guarded and jaded ppl, so they never fully open up to each other, but they do become friends and develop mutual romantic feelings, although neither is sure what to do abt it.
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^ this is jevil's (and spamton's) appearance during this stage in his life. similar to canon, but mildly friendlier looking, with a different outfit too. his eyes become more heavily lidded and he exposes his teeth more often at this stage.
after a while, jevil begins to realise the negative impact the mystery contact is having on spamton (this idea was directly lifted from convos w bigshotautos so once again credit to them hehe) and begins to try to convince spamton to stop talking to them. it's "too late" for him, but he hopes that he might be able to help spamton and stop him from getting exposed to a shadow crystal. however, spamton views this as jevil trying to steal his thunder and get in favour with the mystery contact (at this point spamton is becoming incredibly paranoid and hungry for power himself), and they have a huge falling out over it.
jevil returns to his own dark world, angry and upset. the mystery contact abandons him completely at this point and without its guidance, combined with the loss of spamton as a close friend, jevil really goes off the deep end. he tries to convince seam of all of the things he's been shown, that their world is just a game, that everything is pointless, etc. seam is scared and confused and obviously doesn't really get what he's saying (at least at that point in their life), so jevil gets frustrated and enraged and decides to attempt to "prove" his perspective by attacking the king, one of the people who used him and mistreated him the most. seam fights him, and eventually is able to stop him after reducing his HP and then casting pacify on him as many times as they can, but they're both left permanently physically and mentally scarred by the battle.
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^ this lol
jevil falls unconscious and seam locks him up in the dungeon. jevil takes a long time to wake up and when he does he's fully fucking bananas lol. he continues to sink deeper into his worldview, coping with everything and rationalising it through the lens of himself being the only free and enlightened one, and everyone else being kept in the dark abt what their reality is. he's not wrong abt everything being a game etc either, but the way he responds to that is to view his own existence and the lives of others as trivial. he copes by forcing his feelings for other ppl away deep down inside himself. he copes by convincing himself that he's having fun, that he's above emotions, that other ppl are just playthings and it's worthless to care abt them.
he's fully deep in this mentality by the time the crew meets him in ch 1, and that combined with being stuck in a dungeon for many years has made him seriously unbalanced. he gets to play his "game" with the main cast and enjoys himself, and then is perfectly happy with the thought of sleeping in kris's inventory forever and giving in to his own perceived insignificance.
however, reuniting with spamton changes this. spamton is still hopeful and longs for better things despite the stuff he's seen, and that combined with jevil's feelings for spamton begins to slowly break down the elaborate facade jevil has built for himself. he doesn't want to care abt spamton, or crave his companionship, but he does. even though he knows it's fruitless and he feels he'll only get hurt, with spamton's help he's able to open up more. caring for someone and wanting to protect them is something that erodes jevil's worldview pretty quickly, bc his view of things pre ch 2 kinda hinges on all other darkners being worthless and stupid and not having the same enlightenment he does. spamton challenges this bc jevil does care abt him involuntarily, and spamton knows the same things that jevil does but still chooses to care and want a better life for himself.
i think ppl often portray jevil as coping better with his corruption than spamton, and although he does seem more at ease with it on the surface, i personally see that as a facade he's been able to put up. he's had longer to form coping mechanisms than spamton has, and just bc his true emotions are buried deep within him now, it doesn't mean they're not there. not to say that spamton isn't fucked up bc he is lol. but jevil's entire outward personality is basically just a scab formed over a very deep emotional wound. it would be a slow process but he would get better with the help of ppl who genuinely care abt him now
OK SORRY im done. that was so long. im not going back and reading any of this bc ik if i do i'll cringe so hard and never post this lol, so sorry if there are mistakes. ty for giving me the opportunity to talk abt my little guy ideas
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planet4546b · 2 years
ok i finished beyond light and wanna put some thoughts here about it while its on the mind. tldr destiny is simultaneously the stupidest game in the world and has moments that are really, really good
eramis is a hugely compelling character with a solid motivation, interesting backstory, and relates to the long running lore weve had about eliksni in absolutely FASCINATING ways. shes instantly one of my fave characters im incredibly compelled by her. they also say that she cant control the darkness because shes ‘too angry’ (?? what.)
given what we know about the darkness bc of 1. votd and 2. ikoras shredded notes, eramis being probably manipulated by the darkness (which. obviously so is the yw in this expansion) and 2. losing control of it explicitly because she couldnt move on from what happened to riis, eramis’ corruption is MUCH more compelling and complex. but in game theyre just like. oh she cant control it because shes evil. destiny. man come on
using darkness is a super fun way to tie new gameplay mechanics to plot, and make a much more concrete parallel between what the light and darkness can do (both being simplified as sources of power is fun) but they truly had some star wars level bullshit about how you control it. oh you can use it safely if its for a noble cause (eramis’ cause was noble). oh you can use it safely if youre strong enough (what???) oh you can use it safely if youre like a good enough person. its all vauge and kinda stupid.
AGAIN, in light of new lore, the idea that light and darkness can in fact be balanced and thats not a bad thing is an idea that works and is compelling (its not the same bullshit as ppl who talk about like ‘grey jedi’ like it does actually make sense). they just give the stupidest answers possible about how that works
actually i am really glad the exo stranger is here. i love her and im glad theyre in some way tying things back to d1 but it did also it still doesnt make sense. tbf none of the plot of this game ever does but whatever. if the black garden ties into shadowkeep (idk how i just know it does) shouldnt. they have put her there?? or made the vex more important here??? baffling. i am not immune to no time to explain though :(
exo stranger eris and drifter funniest group in the WORLD. i know they just grabbed the three characters that were loosely associated w darkness and gave very little info on how they teamed up or like. Why but good god if it isnt hilarious
destiny once again suffers from being an fps :/ girl you made a whole expansion that gives more information on the eliksni, shows them sympathetically in a lot of ways, and truly starts to develop them (more than they already were, which imho was a fair amount) and theyre STILL solely used as canon fodder. wheres that post about making faceless enemies and trying to give them a face lol bc i think of it all the time in this game
yes we did ALSO help save eliksni and maybe i would have felt different about this if i had been playing when this season had come out and had intereacted in any meaningful way with the eliksni in helm/in their city district but also. you know
once again i am saying that the vex are simultaneously the biggest actual existential threat in destiny and also the only enemy group that can truly actually be treated as faceless with no consequences, bc as far as we know they dont have a sense of self in the way we understand, which EVERY OTHER ENEMY GROUP (hive included!!!!) does. but what can you do.
i really like how little you see of the pyramid. also once again destiny environment design absolutely rules. braytech facilities riis-reborn and vex constructions all look so architechturally distinct, unique, interesting, and do a good job of storytelling from a visual perspective. europa is also absolutely GORGEOUS
i am for REALLLLLL worried about ghost. between darkness possessing him, the sheer amount that yw using darkness seems to legitimately terrify him, and also how he acts in wq im Concerned. last weeks strike being arms dealer and seeing how differently he acts in that era as compared to now is legit heartbreaking. also the sheer number of times is started quoting thin line out loud to myself directly after his lines about how scared he was of yw using darkness is UNREAL
i do genuinely think that this game is doing a good job of tying the specific ways that darkness is portrayed and comes up with the themes and lore about what it represents (mostly based on the shredded notes my beloved) and making that argument for what darkness is compelling. esp excited to see how thats executed in shadowkeep bc i think thats such a strong start for its introduction. like i truly can see how its connected and thats very fun
whole expansion being split between development for eliksni and exos (w bonus development for a d1 character) is so up my alley its unreal. enjoyed it overall but also good god destiny is a video game sometimes isnt it
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
I got 25 asks that took me WAY too long to reply to! :}
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I have two top favorite episodes, the cone snail episode and the beluga whales episode.
When it comes to my favorite part of both episodes..?
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..Not happy parts...
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I have absolutely no idea what you just suggested.
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(Referring to this post)
Thank you! That was the intention. :} I was worried that their faces all looked weird..
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You want to learn more? Man.. maybe I should post that headcannon draft..
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Yeah haha, this blog has taken quite the U-turn hasn’t it? I’m just glad everyone seems okay with it so far. <:} I’m excited for season 5 also! I hope it comes out soon! :D
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Yes and no.
Does he think of his crew as children? Absolutely not. They are all fully grown, intelligent and capable adults, and he darn well treats them like it.
But you bet that if one of them is in danger or is frightened, he’s dropping everything he’s doing and rushing to their aid as if they’re his cub that just wondered out onto the highway.
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ME TOO! I always felt like he had this fatherly vibe to him with some professionalism sprinkled on top. Like he’s always looking out for his team because he cares for them and worries about them, but its kind of disguised as him just doing his job as the Captain.
I plan to draw more Protective Barnacles because its my jam, so don’t worry! That side of you will have some more fuel soon XD. And thank you for all the compliments! :}
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Daww thank you, it twaz nothin. I’m just glad that people want to see my art.
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Well, taking everyone into consideration, the tallest is Captain Barnacles, and the shortest is Tomminow. (This little guy 👇)
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The Vegimals aside though? Peso is the shortest. 
(And thank you! I’m glad :})
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Honestly? Awful. I feel like absolute garbage, I just hope this will all finally go away soon.
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Not really no, and no thanks on the cookies, I shouldn’t eat anything until I get super hungry because everything gives me stomachaches.. But a hug would sure be nice right about now.
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I can give you a link to their wiki pages if that’ll help, I’m not really good with my words and you can learn everything you need to know about them there. <:}
Captain Barnacles (The polar bear guy)
Kwazii (The orange pirate cat guy)
Peso (The bby Penguin doktor)
Shellington (Tall Otter boi)
Dashi (Doge girl with skirt)
Professor Inkling (Fancy squik)
Tweak (Green bunny country gal chick)
The Vegimals (Little veggie dudes)
All the Gups (Metal fishes)
The Octopod (Momma metal squik)
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Whos the youngest Octonaut? Well, if we’re not including the Vegimals, I’d say its probably Peso. And the oldest is most likely Professor Inkling.
Does anyone have claustrophobia? Yes! Captain Barnacles canonically does. He got trapped in a deep hole in some icy caves as a cub, since then he’s been afraid of tight and closed in spaces. I have extended on that fact and thought of many different scenarios relating to the aftermath of the Octonauts movie, but you know.. still not confident in all this Octonauts stuff so I haven’t posted my headcannons yet. <:/
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Novelas translated into English means Soap Opera.
You think so? I feel like that’s not Kwazii’s thing, he’d probably like horror movies and action filled movies. But Peso probably would like them not gonna lie, him and Dashi would probably watch them together.
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Well, in my draft post I’ve got two headcannons for her so far.
Tweak likes sleeping in the launch bay for the #1 reason that she can hear the water sloshing around in the bay. Which mimics the sound the water in the swamp used to make when she lived there with her Dad.
Tweak gets bad migraines when she’s sick, so the other Octonauts have to do a lot to accommodate her. Because the beds in the med bay aren’t that soft, she prefers to sleep in her room when she’s sick. But then the usually comforting sounds of the water in the launch bay become pain inducing. So the launch bay is emptied of all its water, the lights are shut off and, unless its an emergency, no one is allowed in the launch bay until she recovers. 
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I looked it up, and its true.
KWAZII WAS A GIRL IN THE BOOKS?? THEN WHY IS HE A BOY IN THE SHOW?? WHY DID THEY CHANGE THAT?? WH??? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like this Kwazii more than I would any other version of him, but still, WHY’D THEY CHANGE THAT?? IM GLAD THEY DID BUT WHY??
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Hmm.. let me think...
Captain Barnacles most likely doesn’t ever have uninterrupted free time, and even when he does, he probably still prefers to be up in HQ where anyone can find him if they need him. But lets say for the sake of it that he has some free time and he takes it. He’d probably either want to play his accordion, or want to read a book.
I feel like there’s a lot of different things Kwazii likes to do in his spare time, but goofing around in the Gup-B is probably his favorite.
Peso probably likes to do puzzles and play his xylophone.
Dashi probably reads books while listening to music. How she does both of these things at the same time I have no idea.
Tweak probably plays video games.
Professor Inkling and Shellington both probably read books in their free time.
I’m not too sure what the Vegimals would do in their free time though..
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Oh yes, indeed it does. 
Before becoming the Captain of the Octonauts, Barnacles had to ask himself,  “Am I really ready to be their leader?” Can he handle managing a team of that size? Can he react to situations fast enough and make the right choices? He thought it through and believed that yes. He was ready.
But he wasn’t. He wasn't prepared for that gut wrenching anxiety when one crew member goes missing. He wasn't prepared for the crippling heat that most everywhere else has compared to his home. He wasn't prepared to become so attached to his crew that the thought of something happening to them keeps him awake for nights in a row. He wasn’t prepared for that overwhelming nausea of missing home and his sister. 
There was a lot he didn’t know. They’d all turn to him when something went wrong and ask if everything's going to be okay. He’d say “don’t worry, its all going to be okay.” but he’s just as unsure as everyone else.
Now don't get me wrong, he’s not this completely hopeless and unexperienced Captain that bit off more than he could chew, no. There’s just somethings he didn’t think about before becoming Captain of the Octonauts.
Now usually he can really keep himself composed almost always. He’s very level headed and very good at thinking his way through things, But sometimes? He just.. needs a break. He usually cant get a break because he’s the Captain and always needs to be alert, so everyone else that sees it usually tries to help.
Some crew members, like the Vegimals and Kwazii, have a habit of following the Captain around when they see that he’s tired to keep an eye on him. Others like Shellington and Dashi tend to give him space and keep things quiet for him. Some crew members, like Peso and Tweak tend to clean up around the place to take some weight off the Captains shoulders, they all help him out in some way.
Professor Inkling will sometimes find an excuse to pull him aside to have some tea with him. They’ll sit and talk for a bit but then he’s back up on his feet and back to work. This poor bear..
..hold on.. was this a drawing suggestion?
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Dashi and Tweak would probably hang out in Dashi’s room and goof around. Not sure what they’d do.. maybe read, talk, play games or.. idk pillow fights? I don’t know what girls do on a girls night.
As for everyone else? I also am not sure, I don’t know what all those characters with all their clashing personalities would do on a boys night. Maybe they would all watch a movie? All attempt bake something obnoxious together? They seem like the kind of characters that would do that.
I’ve never been to a girls night or a guys night, so I don't really have much of a base to go off of.. but both groups would probably get together and do something they’d all enjoy. Guys maybe a funny movie, and the girls just talking and reading books? <:D 
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For real that’d be hilarious. Imagine if their voices were deep and gruff too but they just make them sound high pitched for fun?
Dude that’d be so funny. Like Kwazii’s up to his shenanigans again blabbering on about some sea monster or what have you, and Tunip out of nowhere just goes,
“Kwazii legit stop, we all know that you’re just talking about some ordinary sea creature that pirates interpreted as a sea monster.“
The whole crew gon be like
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If this game existed in their world and they all played it.....
Captain Barnacles would make it through a pacifist run and would be satisfied. He’s some kind of weirdo who doesn’t think of characters as real people and doesn’t obsess over them and cry about them. Overall he thinks the game is pretty neat, but probably not his type of game.
Kwazii would want to test his skills by attempting a genocide, but his heart of gold would get in the way and he wouldn’t be able to complete it. He’d feel terrible for killing goat mom, reset and go hard pacifist next round. Overall he thinks the game is awesome.
Peso would want to talk to every character so they’d all be included in the story. He’d go full pacifist and cry over the story and its characters. Overall 10/10 for him.
Dashi would probably cry over the game a lot and would never attempt a genocide run because the characters are now her family.
Shellington would hate the fighting parts so would delay those bits by walking around and talking to characters over and over again.
Tweak would go through a neutral run because she sometimes accidently kills weaker monsters. Overall she loves the story and its characters, 10/10 would play again.
Professor Inkling would become invested in the story I bet. Complimenting the story arcs for the characters and its creative game play. But I feel like he’d only play it once and probably wouldn’t beat it, but would have fun with it none the less.
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Thank you!!!♡♡♡ Man, I never expected such a positive response to switching to Octonauts, I cant believe everyone is so excited about it! I’m so glad you like my Octonauts art, that really makes me feel better and like what I’m drawing is worth while. ɷ◡ɷ
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Aww I’m glad! And oh yeah, the animals at the end were always scary. Remember the Boo the spookfish?
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Boo was a cute little googly eyed fishy boi who was just so sweet and somft until the creATURE REPORT AND I-
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Dawww thank you!! I tried. <:}
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masonscig · 4 years
about me tag game
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
tagged by: i was tagged by a bunch of people so thank u to @lilas, @veeples, @admdmrtn, @agentsunshine, @echohauville and @masonsfangs for thinking of me !!! and im using the edited version by meg @/lilas !!!
tagging: @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @bravomckenzie and whoever else wants to do this !!!
name/nickname: jade / please is there really a way to give me a nickname... most people make it longer when they try LMFAOOO
gender: she/her
star sign: I AM AN ARIES WOMAN [virgo ↑ sagittarius ☽]
height: 4′10...................... anyways
birthday: march 29th [the way im about to have my second birthday in quarantine im absolutely SICK]
lucky number: none bc i have the worst luck on the planet. i like even numbers tho
when did you create this blog: i made this sideblog in like... june i think ?
what do I post: all twc – i reblog twc art, edits, and fics [even though i’ve been really terrible at that lately since i’ve been active in another fandom atm]. i post commissions of my own, occasional headcanons, shitposts, fics every once in a blue moon.... tbh im boring on here :/ sowwy
last thing googled: jared hess’s filmography [nacho libre / gentleman broncos supremacy]
do I get asks: occasionally ! i usually get them from my friends and forget to answer them [i am SO sorry rip to chrisha and esme and kat and becky and alicia and baylee..... yall are the vips i don’t deserve u]. and i get some prompts i never finish.... i love funny anons pls send sum of those
why I chose my url: bc i wanted something relating to mason! and since he doesn’t have a canon last name i had to choose something that was close enough for me. i’m genuinely obsessed w my url like i was FLOORED when it wasn’t copped SKDFKSDJ i don’t think i’d ever change it
*my current projects/wips: i have.... many wips bc ill have an idea and a basic passage and i’ll jot it down and take forever to actually finish it – the attached series is on hiatus for now while i write for another fandom, but i’m working on that, a spiritual sequel to another mason fic i wrote before, another mason fic, a felix fic w my new detective, and some prompts i might get to eventually. i am the literal worst at finishing wips LMFAOOOO
favorite bands: hmm i don’t listen to too many bands, so i’ll include rap groups, and girl groups! foster the people, pivot gang, the internet, bad suns, & two door cinema club, chloe x halle, city girls, and wu-tang clan !
favorite solo artists: buckle up biddies! these are my favs at the moment + some are my favs of all time – rihanna, megan thee stallion, bree runway, smino, tei shi, sza, flo milli, ari lennox, tinashe, slayyyter, cordae, schoolboy q, vince staples ... ok ill stop here
song stuck in my head: unrequited love by thundercat GOD it’s so good but haunting i LOVE it
favorite song: kiss it better by rihanna will always be my favorite song of all time no contest
last movie: don verdean bc i wanted to finish watching all of jared hess’s films ! 
last show: jojo’s bizarre adventure part 5 [i am a mista and bucciarati simp first, human being second]
favorite food: i love food and eating omg so this one is hard as hell
*food I hate: h*t d*gs and chili idk how the hell yall eat that shit
*favorite color: i really love mustard yellow and any deep green color !
*favorite animal: omg.... i love monkeys and dogs and cats... idk i love all animals tbh KSKDKKDFS
what I’m currently wearing: cotton shorts, a tank top, and my grandpa’s sweater [he passed last year and my grandma gifted a bunch of his old sweaters to me so it’s v comforting]
dream job: haha should i get existential here..... i genuinely don’t know what i’m supposed to be doing w my life SKJFDKSDJKJSD anyways !
dream trip: tokyo w my boyfriend !!!! we’ve been talking about it for years so i think it’d be the trip of a lifetime
*currently reading: i was trying to reread twilight but i got distracted LMAO [don’t worry i read my old copy from middle school i aint giving her any money]
*currently thinking about: finishing wips for an appreciation week i’m running, 
nationality: usa :/
*fun fact: during the first month or so i started dating my bf we were swimming at my house and i tripped over my sleeping dog and tore my knee up and i still have the scar to this day ! and we’re still dating almost 8 years later LMAOOO 
top three fictional universes: god im thinking more anime but i’d prob choose hxh or mha or any universe yuasa comes up with bc he writes women so well
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candygothjester · 4 years
AAAA idk if my other ask went in but I think it was for your oc Jax w 7 and 21 from that as game ?? But if my other one DID go in then dont worry abt this one if u dont wanna alsjdkhfg
IT DID IM JUST so slow at responding to asks omg kjsdhkjsfd
I shan’t complain though because I love rambling about my OCs to no end, though apologies if this lacks coherency it is like 3 AM right now? But thank you sm for the ask!
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
Honestly!! This is something that I’ve struggled for the longest time with! I keep trying to think of a voice for Jax and I’ve yet to settle on anything? I’ve figured his voice would be on the higher end, generally being heavily emotive unless he absolutely wants/needs to mute out his feelings... which, either way, is a good tell to get a grasp on his state of mind in that moment, same with the pitch of it that well follows suit. Jax definitely has an awful singing voice, but I’d imagine him being able to whistle, roll his r’s, and he is (canonically to my campaign!) able to do other accents very well. Otherwise, he has an extremely strong Elvish accent, though I’m not sure what accent in the real world it’d be reflective of (one of my friends suggested Australian, which I can see for better or worse,).
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
yes /j
Realistically? An absolute fuckton of songs, though I’d have to say Grand Finale (matches his general personality and what I want his character growth to be like!) by Studio Killers; Nightlife, Music People, Welcome Kingdom of Addiction, and Ghosts of Utopia (all discuss very corruptive influences on his life and thus how those then reflect on his own actions and ultimately drag him down, making him suffer more and more) by IAMX; The World Does Not Revolve Around You and Irresistible (this man’s awful ego) by Temposhark; and The Prince (his present self more-or-less being reflected upon by him when he’s older) by Madeon! I can’t say this without including songs about his pairings, so I particularly associate Achilles, Come Down (if there’s any song that I could dedicate to their dynamic as a whole, it would be this) by Gang of Youths with Jax and Dekida (where I find that the singer’s voice would match Kida’s, to reflect on the previous question), then world.search(you); (again, another close descriptor of Jax and Hazel’s dynamic, particularly while they both think the other is dead) by Mili with Jax and Hazel! None of these match his music taste, I’d imagine at most he might listen to a FEW songs from IAMX, but regularly I think he’d listen to rap..?
21. What’s a fact you haven’t shared about this oc?
THERE’S SO MUCH... this man has an incredible amount of lore and things to his personality, I couldn’t even begin to start with just one... but I think I’ll go with the most recent development of him since it’s fun? So, to give context, Jax’s forearms and hands are completely black, their surface looking a lot like charred wood with many, many lacerations thanks to corruption from The Tower (and to give even more context, this whole world has a singular set of very magical tarot cards called the Dwelling Cards that all come with their own unique properties, abilities, intuitions, and corruptions, generally being held by a person that matches their stereotypical traits within divination. Only one Card can be held at once by a person, unless that person holds The Fool like Jax), as upon killing his father who held it, Jax took the card and it completely corrupted his hands which now burn with absolute hell levels of pain. From this, his mother created gloves for him which numb the pain of the corruption, though it still hurts plenty and tends to spike at random moments regardless; their edges are magically sewn into his skin to ensure that they will never accidentally come off. Eight levels of context aside and completely disregarding that I’ve mentioned this nowhere before besides TH, the one thing that I really wanted to talk about was the solution since I really haven’t put that anywhere before! I was thinking that when this whole situation gets sorted out and dealt with, since my campaign has an odd focus on elemental creatures (the Bronze Dragon, Mary, & a stone/construct hawk goddess, Uvetta, are like. two major characters), I’d make his blood turn golden in response (I think Uvetta would partake in his healing..? This would take more context, but for basic knowledge she is something of a healer and is also the essential creator of the Dwelling Cards) to match, in a sense, his ego and status, reflective of how much he sees himself as something wonderful and how others do too, but also how he’s not only a “null” prince but an idol, regarded by, looked up to, and favoured by many to the point where he makes his own self conform to these visions much like a trophy. He’s a god in his own right to some extent, the golden blood only reflecting that. On its own, the properties of the blood can be healing at first in regards to a person’s mental state, though if enough of it consumed it quickly becomes addicting and intoxicating whilst not once quenching thirst, only drawing people in to drink more and more. It is cool, kind of like water that’s been sitting out for a while in a colder location, and it solidifies into a metal outside of Jax’s body after some time passes. Since I think it’s cute, his own blush becomes very much golden, though I think at the same time his tears would turn black for... no true reason really, it just sounds kind of fun and ultimately reflects his contrast from the self he presents to others to who he actually is. Bodily fluids aside, I feel as though his hands and forearms would be permanently covered in tinted skin, like thick lines of blue kind of like bandages running over them.
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phantomqueen · 4 years
vesik for 🏡 + 📚
🏡 Describe your OCs ideal house! Give us a tour around! What’s their garden like? Their bedroom? Kitchen? Where is it and how many people live there?
askdhfs vesik’s life still isnt stable enough for him to imagine having his own dingdang house. i’ll try to imagine it for him though
it would be 2 bedroom but fairly small, probably single story. one room is the bedroom & the other one is like, his hacker “office”, but he can sleep in the office and have the bedroom be a guest room if needed. couch…also good for guest…comfy. uhhh TV. viddy game.
decor is minimal. probably a few succulents. he doesnt deign to buy mass produced generic wall art but he’ll paint each room a different color. the gang probably gets him the worst knickknacks in the galaxy but he still puts them on display. uhh kitchen is pretty sparse & rarely used except for the fridge & microwave but at least that means its always clean! none of his kitchenware matches
the vibe of the whole house is like, plain but comfortable. he doesnt care that much about interior decorating. he has fairy lights in the bedroom (which is also canon, he has green ones in his room on base) and the bathroom is low key fancy. lots of…bubble bath products. oH HE OWNS AT LEAST ONE LAVA LAMP
i think vesik’s brain would explode at the thought of living with his boyfriend like one of those couples on holonet tv who Don’t have to worry about galactic war but tylan can move in there if he wants to. yknow no big deal. the gang is also free to crash whenever they want
im sorry this is so long but the question basically prompts a long answer
📚 If your OC was given some kind of forbiddon knowledge, what would they do with it? Would they tell anyone? Use it for evil or good? How would it change their outlook on life, if at all?
UHHH i think it depends on the specific context of the knowledge. hopefully he would use it for good. i think its in his nature to try and keep it on the down low, maybe tell one or two people that he rly trusts but under the condition that they dont let it become widespread knowledge. unless the advice they give him is that he Should tell everyone. idk! it rly depends on what that knowledge is i guess
((oc q’s))
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cerealmonster15 · 5 years
Brady? For the break down thing
Y E S 
How I feel about this characterMY SWEET BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I LOVE HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM i call him crying flower guy sometimes,,, hes so cute and really fucking funny dsklfjsdlfkjdl one of my favorite awakening characters!!!!!! he got knocked out a lot in my game but in his defense awakening was my first FE and i didnt really know much about how to train units. i also called him toothpaste hair bc virion was his dad and he was this cranky boy with bright blue hair and it was the wildest sight to see lmfao
All the people I ship romantically with this character:OWAIN IS FAVE,,, i liked that in their supports it wasnt about brady bein like wtf is wrong with u why do u talk weird, and owain wold break character to show concern when brady kept CRYIN..... and also ive read the future past paraloge with these lads [cries for days] and brady cryin bc he was worried about owain [and inigo] sacrificing himself to the enemy touches my very weak heartive read his supports with noire on the wiki and i loved that they were clinic buddies so theyre pretty cute toooo c: i probs wouldve s-supported them together if i hadnt already put her with gerome
My non-romantic OTP for this characterin seperate AUs where their moms are shipped instead of them [none of that nasyt in/ce/st allowed thanks], he and owain make good brothers/step brothers! plus after reading future past scripts im very attached to brady/owain/inigo/yarne as a SQUAD i also read his supports with severa on the wiki and i think their sour faced duo club thing was absolutely adorable lol
My unpopular opinion about this characteruuuuuuuhhhhmmmm gosh.. DO i have an unpopular opinion about him??? maybe the fact that i think hes one of the characters with the funniest dialogue ?? idk if that’s unpopular tho bc i know plenty of people love brady. not enough tho. i think more people should love brady. everyone should love brady bc he is good. i love brady so muchuhm but ya idk if i have an unpopular opinion about him exactly lmao
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.the one thing i wanted apparently is actually canon in the dlc, thanks future past, with him going off with inigo and owain to be a trio of performing artists with music/dance/storytelling,,idk if this counts but i really really want a feh alt for him with a violin ;o;
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