#the glass scientists griffin
bansheeoftheforest · 29 days
I see you are asking for oneshot requests! Might I offer; truth serum but Jekyll isn't drunk this time, and the Lodgers have to deal with the guilt of their founder actively panicking as he spills his secrets. (Bonus: Jekyll trans reveal + Ito loudly stating her support of him/him reconciling with the Lodgers)
!!!!! I am DEFINTIELY Rusty and realized now that I am finished that I could have probably moved this in a different direction, but I hope the wait was worth it and that you'll enjoy this oneshot!! :D
also pls tell me if there are any mistakes because I've been trying to read through this a million times and I've forgotten how to post fics- help-
Title name: Secrets To Be Found
Wordcount: 4989
Summary: As Virginia Ito tries to keep her mentor calm during a day of anxiety, Dr. Ranjit Helsby and Mr. Seward Griffin decide that it is time to get some truths out of their founder.
Relationships: Robert x Jekyll (mentioned), Morcant x Jekyll (mentioned)
CW: Unconsenting drug use, internalized transphobia, transphobia
Helsby was up to something. 
  The man was a gossip, and by extension, he was always in someone else’s business, trying to find out more and more in an almost deliberate attempt to get his curiosity killed. Dr. Jekyll had never liked it, never liked it when the older man would smirk and grin, like he knew something you didn’t, which he often did. It was uncanny already, but this time... He did not like what his gut feeling was telling him. 
  He had tried to wave it all off, when it first started happening earlier this week. When Helsby would throw smug glances towards Griffin, as if silently communicating. He did not have any capacity to care much about either of them, he would not have cared if Griffin was the target of Helsby’s plot, yet he knew that that wasn’t the case. Griffin was a recluse even among the Lodgers, his temper and chronic migraines often kept him from forming any sort of positive connection with any of them, and so his sudden friendship with Helsby was... Concerning. His own suspicion was not quelled when a handful of days passed and their dubious behaviour only seemed to get worse.
  Safe to say, Dr. Henry Jekyll was nervous. 
  He forced himself to ignore this -probably imaginary- plot, and yet he had woken up with a horrible feeling within his very bones. He wasn’t really sure what it was, something within him was just... Jittery. Something was crawling inside of him but it was nothing he could put a finger on. He was almost certain that it wasn’t Hyde, as he had, in his own way, been quite calm and genuine the last few days, at least not seeming like he knew what was up with Jekyll or their body. He was not a stranger to anxiety, of course; but his anxiety normally came from something, it hadn’t come up without a reason in years, and that thought alone almost made him more nervous. Perhaps there was a reason, but really, why would he be nervous if Helsby and Griffin simply had a little prank planned? He could almost be certain he would not be at the receiving end, and yet...
  The anxiety had only worsened during the day, perhaps solidified by a familiar, nauseating feeling within his body; a dysphoria in which everything within and regarding his body felt wrong, no matter what he changed or how much he had convinced those around him that he was a perfectly normal man. Deep down, he felt- or perhaps knew- that he wasn’t. His jaw was not angled enough, his waist was too thin, his hips were too wide and his hair was too long- otherwise obscure details to his appearance which now felt like tell-tale signs of his biological sex. Perhaps that was what had caused the anxiety; the very fear that someone, at some point, would find out, and especially so when he knew- or assumed- that Helsby and Griffin were sniffing for vulnerable secrets. It wasn’t like he only had one skeleton in his closet, either. There were a myriad of things which someone could find out about him, which would inevitably ruin his life, and his imperfect body was merely one of those. 
  Regardless, the physical signs of his illness had manifested quite early and throughout the entire day. By breakfast, his hands had been shaking, and his cup of tea had slipped right out of his grasp and shattered onto the floor, making him jump as his heart practically galloped out of his chest. Before noon, another one of Luckett’s fires had gotten a bit too close to the chemistry lab, and while it had been nothing but a minor explosion, with minimal harm to equipment and no harm done to any of the Lodgers, it had still been enough to scare the doctor out of his boots and leave the anxiety in a thick lump in his throat. After noon, yet another bill came, another one that would be put in the “overdue” pile before the end of the week. Safe to say, Jekyll couldn’t wait for this day to be over. 
  It was evening now. The Lodgers had clearly noticed their founder’s jumpiness. They had asked, of course, but Jekyll didn’t have answers. He didn’t know why he was like this today, all he knew was that he had slept and he had not consumed anything out of the ordinary, he did not drink anything remotely caffeinated and so he could not have made himself into a pile shaking bones through overconsumption. Whether or not the Lodgers believed that was an entirely different question. He was just happy that Robert was not here to see him like this. He was not necessarily ashamed of his irrational nervosity, but he knew that Robert would worry and, quite frankly, not leave his side until he had gotten him to calm down. 
  Perhaps that would have been a good thing, actually. 
  But it was too late now. Ito seemed to have sensed his nervosity, regardless. She was often a quite strict and stoic lady, but she could never help but to worry for her mentor, she seemed to sense his distrust and paranoia and had stayed close for most of the day, after the little explosion in the chemistry lab. Jekyll could get no work done today, and Virginia could not focus on her own work when her worry clouded her brain, and so they had spent the majority of the afternoon in Jekyll’s office. He laid down on his couch, one arm covering his eyes to block out the light in an attempt to rest, while Virginia stayed by his desk and looked through some of his old notes. Notes which he knew were safe, notes that she would be studying, as his junior. But it was getting late now, and Ito knew that Jekyll’s anxiety would not be made any better on an empty stomach. He had been reluctant, of course; he felt safer in his office, but Virginia did not want him to eat alone and there wasn’t enough space for the two of them to dine in here, so Virginia helped him up and linked their arms together as they left the office in search of the dining hall, where Rachel would have prepared today’s dinner. Jekyll could not help but look around in every corridor, as if afraid that someone was watching, or that something more would go wrong when he least expected it. He, of course, told Ito that it was just his nerves, and it was. It was not a lie, she knew it wasn’t a lie, but it sure as hell did not make her any less nervous. 
  They came right by rush hour. The dining hall was filled with chattering Lodgers, all behaving perfectly normal and no one seeming out of the ordinary. Mrs. Cantilupe and Miss Lavender met them with sympathetic ‘how are you feeling’s, and Luckett once more apologised for the day's mishap. The alchemists sat down by their own table, a bit further away from the rest. 
  Jekyll didn’t have an appetite. How could he, when his stomach was riddled with knots? The mere sight and smell of the food got him to feel full, but Ito had none of it, and left the table to get them both something to eat. She knew what her mentor liked and what would be good for him, after all, and she would make sure that he ate what he could.
  But then again, this also meant that she left Jekyll alone. 
  His hands rested on the table. One grabbed the wrist of the other, thumb against his veins where he managed to feel his own rapid heartbeat, and he continued to look around. As he was turned away, he soon felt the chair next to him move, and as he looked back, he was met with the grinning face of none other than Dr. Ranjit Helsby- possibly the last person Jekyll wanted to see today.
  “My good fellow!” he greeted, “how’s it going?” 
  Jekyll blinked, confusion already evident.
  “I... I’m sorry, did you need something?” 
  Helsby waved him off. He grabbed the teacup that was neatly placed by Jekyll, pulled a teapot into view from vaguely under the table and poured tea for the other doctor, before giving him back the cup.
  “Nothing at all! I just wanted to see how you were feeling, good sir.” 
  Jekyll squinted. Helsby -sarcastic, dramatic or not- never called Jekyll “Good” or “Sir”, and certainly not both in succession. Helsby was not quiet about his general dislike for Jekyll, or perhaps dislike was a strong word. He often thought that he was a toff, and he very clearly did not like the direction to which Jekyll was moving the Society, but that didn’t have to mean that he actively disliked him. Still, Henry did not trust his newfound politeness, and yet he also knew that it would only be terribly rude of him to dismiss the diplomacy which was now offered. He noticed that Helsby already had a cup of tea for himself, and as the other doctor raised his in a silent ‘cheers’, Jekyll had no choice but to smile politely and do the same, before taking a sip. As the liquid went over his tongue, he winced, doing his best to not cough up the metallic fluid right afterwards- what on earth was this abomination of a tea? He tried not to gag, really- it was absolutely foul-... He recognised it, he recognised the metallic taste and the sour smell- but from where? 
  He felt someone moving towards his right, soon Griffin slammed the palms of his hands against the table quite aggressively, making Jekyll jump and successfully gaining the attention of the Lodgers by the nearby tables.
  “Well well, Jekyll,” He said, smugness evident, “You would not mind telling us a few things, right?” 
  His grin left little to the imagination, less like a human smile and more like baring teeth, more like a threat. Jekyll almost sank back into his chair, his heart beating and beating like it was about to crack through his ribs. Still, he tried to act calm, and pressed out a forced smile. 
  “Whatever do you mean?” 
  By this rate, or perhaps by Griffin’s loud movements, the rest of the hall had fallen silent and the Lodgers’ attention was now on the three men. Virginia, who was just on her way back, quickly placed the plates with food down at the nearest table and rushed towards her mentor. It was in this moment that Jekyll recognised the liquid which had practically been forced upon him, and he felt the panic take hold of his body.
  Truth serum.
  But it was too late.
  “Jekyll, what are your biggest secrets?” 
  Something within Jekyll stirred, an involuntary feeling which was not unlike the one which rose when Hyde took over control- his tongue began to move, and the words began to spill from his lips faster than he could process what he was doing. 
  “I was born a woman.” 
  The men’s expressions were unreadable, yet Jekyll continued, spellbound.
  “I’m bisexual and I’ve been in love with Robert Lanyon for over 15 years.” the words practically tumbled out of his mouth, he barely processed what he had said as the next confession slipped out, “I was in an unhealthy relationship with an ancient werewolf named Morcant.” His heart continued to thrum, he could feel how his breathing quickened, “I don’t think I’m good enough for anything and I fantasise about throwing myself off of the cliffs of Dover but I’m way too busy to even entertain such a thought” He attempted to struggle, to shut up, but he was as paralyzed in his chair, until his last confession finally came out, “I’ve been hallucinating my minds most horrifying creatures for weeks and I am Edward Hyde.” 
  He was hyperventilating, now. Jekyll’s mind was an absolute mess, trying to process what had just happened- and yet the Lodgers around him just stared, mouths agape. He tried desperately to speak once more- any explanation, hell- any anger which he could throw towards the perpetrators- and yet he couldn’t. His vision- he hoped it was just panic- started to blur, and before he knew it, he had already pushed the chair away from the table, as he quickly got up and just ran, out of the room, into the corridors. 
  He heard yelling behind him. He heard rapid footsteps of Lodgers who tried to follow him. He was not sure where he was going, but he would rather be anywhere but near the Lodgers- his dear Lodgers to which he had split all his secrets, and Griffin and Helsby, who had drugged him and forced him into this. He had been drugged- just like that- His heart pounded within his chest, like a hare with a heart attack. Before he knew it, he was back in his office, slamming the door closed behind him and locking it from the inside, before the exhaustion took hold. His legs gave in, and he sank back against the door. He could barely process the footsteps that ran after him now stopping in front of the very office he hid in.
  “Jekyll? Henry! Henry- Please, open the door!”
  It was Virginia, banging on the door in hopes that he would, in fact, open up for her. He heard more footsteps as more Lodgers arrived, he could hear their various voices through the door. He pulled his knees up to his chest, attempting to hide his face despite there being no one to see him.
  “You BASTARDS!” 
  Virginia seemed to turn her attention away from the door. He could hear shuffling and high-pitched yelps.
  “We didn’t think he- or she- or- whatever- was going to have THAT many secrets!” 
  “HE. Don’t you DARE call him by any different-” 
  “Hello? Did NO ONE hear that he confessed to BEING Hyde!?”
  As the third voice spoke, the commotion stopped, briefly, like they all started to properly think about the things he had said. Soon more Lodgers began to speak. 
  “...Well- he also said that he is a bisexual!” 
  “Yeah, but is anyone even surprised by that?” 
  “Should we not focus on the fact that he said he wanted himself DEAD?-”
  “Fantasising about jumping off cliffs is not the same!”
“Then what the HELL is it?” 
  Oh, God...
  He could try to escape. He could take the HJ7 and jump out of the window like he usually did, escape into the night and not come back- well... Not come back until he thought the Lodgers had calmed down, that is. At the same time, he felt paralyzed. To think that he had freely and openly admitted his deepest regrets to the Lodgers- Lodgers, who were now arguing about the severity of what he had said. At the same time, his mind was only filled with the shame of his very first and last confessions; he had not been a woman in multiple decades- if he ever was- but his body was itching by a need to practically pull off his own skin in an attempt to rid himself of what made him unmanly and a monster, of what made him the abomination he is, the horrid thing which the Lodgers now knew about. That was to not even mention that he had just told them everything- from his shameful love for Robert and his horrid affair with Morcant- he had told them that he created Edward Hyde. Why could he not have simply been allowed to forget it all? Why did they have to dredge up the past- could they not have let him keep his secrets? They had no right, yet they had taken that liberty, unaware or uncaring about the damage they had done. 
  His mind was a mess, still trying to grasp what had happened. He couldn’t help it when a sob broke free. He could barely hear the Lodgers outside quieting down, destroying any hope that they weren’t hearing his anguish.
  “Henry... Please, open the door. Griffin and Helsby are gone, we just want to help you.” 
  He didn’t believe it. He knew Virginia just wanted to help, but he did not believe for a second that the rest of the Lodgers wanted to. The others... He could barely imagine what they thought. Were they going to mock him? Or were they upset over the lies he had led them to believe? Would they blame this on him? Or perhaps some were already on their way to tell Frankenstein about what they had heard?
  He felt something push against the door, and then the sound of something sliding down. On the other side, Virginia mirrored his position.
  “Henry, I’m not leaving until you open the door. I can stay here all night if I need to.” 
  Through his tears, he couldn’t help but snort. As a Lodger, he only believed that she was staying to force more truth out of him, to shake out every last secret until he was nothing more than a sack of skin, but as his junior… Deep down, he could perhaps believe that she did care. It was confusing, yet a pleasant thought. He had no doubt that she would stay, she had always been stubborn, he couldn’t deny that. Whatever her true intentions were would, seemingly, not be revealed until he opened the door, but he was sure she wouldn’t stay that long...
He wasn’t sure how long they had stayed like this, now.
  It was darker outside. He was certain it had been at least a few hours since the mishap in the dining hall, the serum should have worn off by now. He had not dared to show himself since, he had not moved from his paralyzed place against the door, but he was quite sure Virginia hadn’t either.
  It was stupid, all of this. 
  He began to wonder if he had overreacted. Or perhaps underreacted. Griffin and Helsby had violated him in a way few could have managed… But he had no real choice, now. It was getting late, he had to open the door eventually and until then, he would be barricaded in his office, alone with nothing but his thoughts. He just wanted all of this to be over, even if it hurt. 
  He took a deep breath, and with shaky legs, he stood up and unlocked the door. 
  The sound of the lock and the push against the mahogany seemed to be enough to get Virginia to jump up and get away from the door, making Jekyll able to actually open it. She was ruffled, but she had indeed not left. He barely managed to fully open the door before she threw her arms around him.
  “Oh, Henry.” She murmured, her arms going tightly around his neck. She was not much shorter than him, but she still had to stand on her toes to be fully able to reach him. He could not help but melt against her, his own arms going around her waist as he buried his face in her shoulder. They did not often hug- he was her mentor, after all, and she did not like people touching her, but this felt... Nice. 
  After what felt simultaneously like too little and too much time, they parted, and Virginia placed her hands on Henry’s cheeks. Behind her, he could see the faces of various other Lodgers, who also had stayed, although he wasn’t necessarily sure why.
  “You don’t have to talk about anything, if you do not want to, but please, do not run away from us again.” 
  She didn’t necessarily sound heartbroken, but he knew her well enough to know that she most likely was. He couldn’t help but feel incredibly guilty.
  “I’m... I’m sorry. Please, forgive me- for everything.” 
  She scoffed, shaking her own head in a gesture that seemed to only be aimed at herself. “I don’t think you have anything to apologise for”, she said. Her hands moved to straighten Jekyll’s cravat and waistcoat, equally ruffled from his stay on the floor. “What is important is that you are fine. Yes, there might be things that need some explaining, but that can wait. I have no doubt that you have good explanations for everything. ” 
  Jekyll took a deep breath, and looked around at the group of Lodgers- his Lodgers, who had waited for him. He wasn’t really sure how to feel about it, truly. He was not sure of their intentions, but today’s constant panic had left him... Indifferent, stoic. Like every emotion had been squeezed out of him. Yet, as he looked over the gentle faces of his Lodgers, he couldn’t help but furrow his eyebrows.
  “...What happened to Griffin and Helsby?” 
  He glanced back at his apprentice, and watched as her expression hardened. Her eyebrows furrowed, but she forced herself to not get aggravated once more. 
  “I made sure they are now at the mercy of Rachel, after what they did to you.”
  Jekyll winced.
  “Good god.” 
  “Mmhm. Serves them right.” 
  The other Lodgers seemed to nod in agreement. They seemed unanimous that what the two men had done in the dining hall was violating and horrid, no matter if it just so happened to be Jekyll and not one of them. It was… Surprising, and yet comforting, almost. But he sighed, moved forward a little, before closing the door to his office behind him. Mirroring his previous actions, he sank back down to the floor, expecting this conversation to take a while. 
  “I... Guess you’d like some explanations.” He said, exhaustion and hesitance clear.
  “You don’t have to.”
  “I do. You all already know and I... I want to be able to explain.” 
  Virginia didn’t seem convinced, but accepted his stance. She sat down next to him, and the other Lodgers resumed their positions on the floor. 
  He began to explain Hyde; presumably his darkest secret. He did not want to dwell on it, he did not want to confess to the deprecation he had found himself in which had led him to Hyde’s creation, but he had to. And so, he explained, to the best of his ability; He is Hyde, but they are not the same. Hyde was everything that Jekyll thought wrong or imperfect with himself personified, yet he was his own person, with his own desires. He reiterated that they were separate multiple times, so none of them would think that they had been secretly talking with Jekyll, when they thought they were talking with Hyde. He stuttered and paused and had to regain himself multiple times, and through it all, the Lodgers just... Listened. Patiently. They simply let him finish his explanation on his own terms, without being forced. 
  Finally, as he quieted down, the silence remained for a few seconds. They understood, of course; what Jekyll had been feeling back then couldn’t have been easy, and while they were not entirely convinced of his reasonings for not telling them, they accepted it, and told him as such. They could especially comprehend his hesitance now, as they had not been particularly understanding of him and his situation lately, having been too busy admiring Frankenstein’s every word... At least Jekyll could feel happy that he did not have to dwell more on the fact that he didn’t feel like he was good enough, or the fact that he wanted to throw himself off of cliffs, as they seemed to have grasped that from his monologue about Hyde. 
  After a few seconds, Miss Lavender spoke.
  “Wait- did you not also say that you have been hallucinating? Was that also Hyde?” she asked, confusion evident. Jekyll grimaced. 
  “Ah- well... Yes and no.” he started, scratching his neck a bit awkwardly, “after Moreau, Hyde and I fought, and, well... I wouldn’t necessarily say that he created the hallucinations, but he certainly kicked them out the door. It was mainly because I hadn’t slept in almost a week, though. They disappeared soon after I actually did so.”
  “Was that why you looked constantly terrified a little while ago?” 
  “... Was it that obvious?”
  “Well, yes, we thought you were suddenly terrified of everything and everyone- even Ito and Lanyon!” 
  Jekyll winced, although he tried to get out an apologetic smile. He desperately hoped that this was all of it, that he was done with explanations and could be satisfied with a neutral reaction from the Lodgers. He took yet another deep breath.
  “Any-” he coughed, “any other questions?” 
  The Lodgers looked between themselves, then shook their heads.
  “Nah, we already know that you like men, and we don’t mind if you happened to have been born a woman” one of them said, making Jekyll’s cheeks burn red as he realised what he had missed. “Although, like- are you and Lanyon dating or..?” 
  Jekyll attempted to cough out the ball in his throat, to no avail. He felt himself sinking down further against the door as he attempted to hide his face, clearly wishing to escape the conversation.
  “I... We never... Dated, so to speak. We had a... A fling when we went to university, but he broke it off. And... I guess I haven’t moved on as well as I thought.” 
  He removed his hand and watched as the Lodger grimaced, Jekyll wasn’t sure if it was out of sympathy or because they thought he was pathetic, at this point it very well could be both. 
  “And the werewolf?” Sinnett spoke up, and promptly got nudged by Luckett.
  “... Once, back in university still, I went on a vacation with Lanyon, to his family’s cottage. We came upon an injured werewolf and I insisted on nursing her back to health... I- I was young, and easily manipulated. I don’t... Like to talk about it.” 
  Sinnett looked apologetic, and Ito began to rub her hand against Jekyll’s arm in an attempt to comfort him. God, he was exhausted. Considering it must be past midnight by now, it certainly wasn’t hard to understand why.
  “Well...” Ito began, “I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we are... Sorry. We did not know about Griffin’s and Helsby’s plan, we were definitely not in on it- and at the very least I am sorry for what you have been through, then and now.” 
  Jekyll closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the door. Still, he smiled gently.
  “I know. I’m sorry you all had to bear witness to this.” 
  “I... I’m also sorry for... The Frankenstein situation,” Miss Lavender continued, “I didn’t know you were hurting so much.”
  Jekyll opened his eyes, and watched as the group of Lodgers nodded in agreement. He normally would have simply snorted, it was awfully convenient that they were so sorry after he had a break about it, it really was. Water under the bridge, sweep it under the rug, whatever they wished to call it- but he was too tired to think about how genuine they were, or how convenient it was for them now. He just wanted all of this to be over.
  “I accept your apologies.” he said simply. God, he just wanted to go to bed...
  He wondered, for a moment, if the perpetrators would apologise, later. Or if they would double down and state that they didn’t see what was so wrong with what they did. It was wrong, so incredibly wrong and violating, they had to know that, too. But whatever would become of them would be the topic of another day, for now, Dr. Henry Jekyll was absolutely drained. If he was lucky, he could end the day and tomorrow would be perfectly normal, no one would mention or talk about the fact that he had spilt the contents of his heart and soul for them, unwillingly at that. He doubted that that would be the case, but he could always hope. 
  A soft sigh escaped his lips. He was just about to stand up and state that he would be turning in for whatever remained of the night, when he heard his own stomach grumble. He felt how his cheeks once more flared up in embarrassment.
  “How about we see if Rachel has any food left in the kitchen, eh, Henry?” Ito suggested, “then you can sleep- and I will make sure you get no disturbances tomorrow.”
  He thought about it for a second, but was interrupted by yet another grumble. He couldn’t help but crack a sheepish smile at his dear apprentice. “You’ve convinced me.” 
And so Ito grinned, as she helped Henry stand up. The various Lodgers parted, some deciding to tuck in and others deciding to come with them for a late-night snack. It felt oddly anti-climatic for all of them, Henry especially, yet he was almost relieved. At least he could only be happy that his secrets had been... Accepted. Perhaps it all had just been his paranoia. Or perhaps it was fate, divine intervention- no, of course not. But his truths were told and his soul was bared, perhaps this was the beginning of a stronger foundation within his relationships with his Lodgers. At the same time, he couldn’t help but be curious. Of course he knew that he had been the target of Helsby’s and Griffin’s little plan, in some way he was glad that he was, so no other Lodger would have been at the receiving end of this treatment... 
  And yet.. he couldn’t help but wonder; if it had been someone else, what would they have said?
  After all, who knew what secrets you might find, if you only knew where to look?
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artemisyates · 5 months
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So, The Glass Scientists by Sage Cotugno is one of my absolute favourite Jekyll and Hyde stories and I would highly recommend it.
It has the same tone of lighthearted silliness mixed with genuine tragedy which I loved about the original novella
I gives Jekyll and Hyde both ample screentime so you get to see both of their perspectives, and get to know them both as people
It doesn't play the "Jekyll's pure good, Hyde's pure bad" card, which I appreciate
The character designs are great and Hyde's facial expressions are priceless!
It keeps in the queer narrative, which is a major part for many people reading the novella but I haven't seen other adaptations do it very well
It has a werewolf, and he's a very nice and sweet young man
And it's Webcomic, so it's free to read on the internet!
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trans-rockstar-art · 2 months
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MR. GRIFFIN!!!! had to draw him, honestly- he's one of my favorite lodgers<3
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chorne-the-firstborn · 8 months
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I decided it'd be fun to make a quick doodle of Griffin in the lounging jacket from the 1933 Invisible Man. Blacked out and found this on my screen 3 hours later.
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mx-hyperfixation · 4 months
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my lads
I love helsby and griffin,,,
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losercade · 2 months
Glass scientists doodle dump (+ artstyle change lol)
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52 notes · View notes
so like...i knew there was a high likely hood a lot of the lodgers were references to other syfy classics, and i just didn't get them, but
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thenothing17 · 8 months
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Griffin cat
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I feel so bad for Jekyll, but I love the facial expressions!❤️
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This has to be my favorite part of the page this week.
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nonbinary-dandy · 2 years
God I want Kepm cameo
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wilt3d-r0zes · 2 years
hello this is an infodump about my probably-never-going-to-be-finished fic for the magic college au (it is Very Long)
basically like halfway through may i started this fic where (if you didnt read the tumblr post which is fine im about to tell you all about it anyways) I took all the lodgers, gave them super powers and stuck them into college (originally it was high school but that felt weird since they're supposed to be adults)
Here's me explaining all the powers and why I chose them now because I Can
Henry and Edward have the same power bc theyre still one physical being, Henry most reflects the "original", but pretty much when he was a little kid he accidentally used his power on himself and split his personality/being into two, creating Henry Jekyll (The "good") and Edward Hyde (The "bad"). Edward likes to hold it over him that as much as he likes to pretend he *isnt* the original and is just as much of a fragment as he is. Henry avoids using his powers now, but his friends and family kepts "casually" nudging him to try a school for exploring your powers, so now he's in one. His power is a lot more than what he did to himself, it just allows him to manipulate emotions, thoughts and memories. It was called "Disconnect" because the only way he knows how to use it is to shut off said things (for example, if someone is having a panic attack he could just turn their emotions off. he wont though, because he has no clue how to reverse it)
Ito is like, one of the most important characters just because of her power. Her power is like the opposite (kinda). It's called 'Connect', and it allows her to connect two or more people together through various means. Senses, thoughts, emotions, memories, etc. She hasn't unlocked much of its capabilities because she doesn't know how to control it, and one of the few times she's used it it was on her brother and he still holds a grudge on her for it. She accidentally Connects their entire dorm floor on the first day there. After those three the rest of the abilities are kinda basic and not super relevant to the plot i already came up with, but im sure theyll find a use at some point George Bird, who prefers to be called Bird, has chlorokinesis (which means he can manipulate plants) because in the comic his expertise is  Crypto-horticulture which is just like-- magic plants basically. So now he has a magic that deals with plants Christopher Archer, who prefers to be called Archer, has telekinesis. He often uses it to help himself while messing around with inventions or repairs (his family wasn’t exactly well off, so he was often the one repairing broken things. good thing he has a knack for it), he’s just in the college to learn something more and get away from home James Maijabi can communicate with spirits, it’s driven him a little bonkers but at least most ghosts fade after a period of time and stop bugging him. He doesn’t use the ability to do much, but he has successfully solved a murder once. He’s in the college to learn to banish the ghosts, and to maybe use them to his advantage. Ranjit Helsby can breathe underwater as his expertise in the comic is  Bathynautical Exploration, which if i remember right means he just explores the oceans. I thought it was fitting. He’s at the college to practice his power in a safe, controlled environment and see if there’s any hidden aspects to it. Lily Lavender can teleport, she doesn’t have much control on it as it only manifested in full a little under half a year ago. She often teleports around uncontrollably when excited, and it has turned into more than a few accidents. She just wants to learn to control it. Eleanora Cantiloupe can levitate herself and other objects, she wants to learn to life heavier objects and bring herself higher off the ground without risking falling off a building or crushing herself with a bowling ball. Jackson Griffin can turn himself and other living creatures invisible, which he discovered around age 8 when he turned his cat invisible and thought it died/ran away. The invisibility wore off after Griffin thought he was going insane feeling a cat-like weight on him while he was sleeping or hearing ghost purrs. Walter Pennybrigg’s ability is called ‘Lifelike’ and he can bring inanimate objects to life, he wants to learn how to make the time limit of half an hour longer. Anthony Sinnett can control fire, he wants to learn how to stop sparking when angry or excited and not catch random things on fire without noticing.  Martin Mosley can block light in such a way that seems as though they’re manipulating shadows, they want to see if there’s any way to make this useful. Baxter Tweedy can turn himself into a being of electricity and go from various electronic and manipulate them from inside. He wants to make sure he never gets stuck inside any electronic and maybe learn to manipulate things from the outside. Robert Lanyon can manipulate water, he just wants to stop accidentally splashing people when he gets pissed off. Jonathan Luckett’s ability is called ‘Combustion’ and it does exactly what it sounds like it does; make things explode. He just wants to be able to explode things without burning a hosue down. Rachel Pidgely can heal living beings, she wants to learn to heal bigger wounds after her brother died and she couldn’t help him. Charles Tanis can bring things back from the dead (temporarily, after half an hour they become zombie-like and after another fifteen minutes they drop dead, unable to be ressurected again), he wants to make his time limit longer and possibly re-ressurect previously ressurected beings. Jasper Kaylock, his ability is called ‘Werewolf’, he can shapechange between a fully human form, fully wolf form and anthro wolf form, he has heightened senses and is naturally much stronger and faster. He wants to be able to control his shapechanging, because currently he’s human during the day, anthro wolf at night and full wolf on full moons.  Victoria Frankenstein, ‘Sentience’, gives sentience to a being capable of containing it, and it is currently permanent with the exclusion of death. She wants to make the sentience non-permanent or learn to control those she gives it to. Creature, a product of Frankenstein’s attempts to create a new species, she has yet to kill him so he simply follows her around After arriving at the school Rachel and Jasper start gathering their dorm-hall mates (as everybody on this list all lives on the same floor/hall but in seperate rooms) for a shopping trip. sometime on this trip Ito accidentally Connects the entire party together, but it doesnt really hit until they all get back. There’s about fifteen minutes of everybody panicking, which created an obnoxious feedback loop of panic. Ito, familiar with her own ability (kinda), Henry, familiar with sharing a mind with another, and Rachel, naturally good at handling hers and others emotions, all manage to detangle themselves from the mess and start calming people down. They all make their way out into the common room where Ito admits that she really didn’t mean to do this, and she has no idea how to fix it. They have to figure out living with their minds all mangled up for at least a couple weeks now. In this time, they discover a few secrets about each other. Frankensteins dead girlfriend, Jekyll’s secret ability and even more secret other half, jasper’s werewolf downsides, rachel’s dead brother, the list goes on.  annd that’s all ive got anygays enjoy your day
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no-side-us · 2 months
The Invisible Man, Ch. 15 - The Man Who Was Running
In the early evening time Dr. Kemp was sitting in his study in the belvedere on the hill overlooking Burdock. It was a pleasant little room, with three windows—north, west, and south—and bookshelves covered with books and scientific publications, and a broad writing-table, and, under the north window, a microscope, glass slips, minute instruments, some cultures, and scattered bottles of reagents. Dr. Kemp’s solar lamp was lit, albeit the sky was still bright with the sunset light, and his blinds were up because there was no offence of peering outsiders to require them pulled down. Dr. Kemp was a tall and slender young man, with flaxen hair and a moustache almost white, and the work he was upon would earn him, he hoped, the fellowship of the Royal Society, so highly did he think of it.
We finally meet Dr. Kemp, probably the most recognizable character from this story besides Griffin. And from this first, single paragraph alone, I think it's clear his character is a contrast to Griffin's.
If you go through it, everything about Kemp's situation is the opposite of what Griffin's was. Instead of Griffin's tiny inn parlor room with a small window in the middle of town, Kemp has a "pleasant little room" with three windows encompassing a lovely view of the entire town. Griffin has his three notebooks and "thousand and one bottles," compared to Kemp's library of scientific publications and variety of "minute instruments."
The writing even makes note that, unlike Griffin, Kemp has no need to pull down his blinds because there's "no offence of peering outsiders to require them pulled down."
The most ironic part of it is though that despite how much better off he is than Griffin, the resources, the comfort, the visibility, he's still working on a project he hopes will earn him a fellowship at the Royal Society. This is as compared to Griffin who has obviously managed to create complete invisibility despite his dire financial situation, and probably would have a fellowship if he were better off.
Though I don't want to say they're complete opposites. If anything, their similarities highlight their contrasts. Aside from the obvious fact that they're both scientists (or experimental investigators as the book calls it), they also both have a streak of superiority in them, presumably because their status as scientists gives them a perceived better understanding of things. Kemp has a "belvedere on the hill overlooking Burdock," where he can literally look down upon the whole town. Griffin sees the people of Iping as "stupid bumpkins" and fools who don't know any better.
They have other similarities too, but I'll get into it when they're revealed. Regardless, I think this chapter does well to introduce Kemp to us, and while it doesn't exactly endear him, it does provide a seemingly better version of Griffin in most respects, which is interesting.
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starry-skies-116 · 4 months
I see your 'Cody is Onyx Prime reincarnated' theory, and I raise you:
Cody being the only adopted child of the Burns family- a child that doesn't remember his past. His conscious can't recall anything- but his body never forgets.
The date is March 7th, 2008- the time is 9:43 PM EST. Just off the coast of Maine, soldiers glimpsed a meteor shooting overhead.
Alarmed, they run to investigate the sight, only to find a giant crater in the middle of the densely packed pine woods that decimated nearly nine yards of plant life. At the center is a giant block of ice glowing from inside, the silhouette of a boy no older than three or five years old slumbering inside.
The scientists at Griffin Rock's laboratory propose advanced cryogenic preservation as an answer to the ice's existence.
The ice itself takes weeks- even months- to fully melt. When Cody wakes up in Griffin Rock's laboratory, he's not yet Cody Burns- he's a child without a name, without memories- cold and hungry and scared, unable to stop silently crying in terror.
There's no tag, no form of identification on him. He can't speak- can't yet understand the words being said to him. For the first three years, he's raised in the laboratory, being taught basic math and English. Then the Burns Family comes along and adopts him.
Cody remembers the first day he came home. He remembered all the different outfits he tried on- all the different pasts he tried to imagine for himself. He'd pretend to be the prince of a bygone world, or an infant launched from a deserted and wartorn planet- but none of those personas seemed to stick.
He becomes utterly attached to the camera the first time his father shows it to him- his bedroom's bookshelves become filled with photo albums, each page packed with countless laminated photos. Other quirks begin to develop- like him wearing an archery glove wherever he went.
A nameless child, endlessly chasing the sea and the stars with aching limbs and a mind full of questions- then Cody Burns.
And before...?
Nothing- just feelings, colors, sensations. Tears that drop onto the back of his hand. Some days, when he looks into the mirror, he feels the sudden urge to drive his fist into the glass, shatter it and cry out to the world.
I don't recognize myself.
Static all around, everywhere- filling his ears, filling his lungs. Filling our lungs- my lungs.
Thoughts turn to mush, hands tremble without will.
Where does he end and I begin? Make it stop.
Make it stop...
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bitchboynasty · 17 days
These are drag visions I have
- Elvis (sideburns, fringe, gold, SWEATY)
- Herbert west reanimator / dentist from little shop (evil scientist nerd, lab coat, big latex gloves, syringe, green lens glasses)
- Slutty Augustus gloop (suspenders rly short lederhosen big dick little hat, candy in pockets)
- Gay peter griffin (white short sleeve button down, green short shorts, circle glasses)
- Captain Kirk (slashed chest version, probably the simplest to do?)
- Smokey the bear (lumberjack chic, beard, hat, gay bear jokes)
- Dad drag (huge mustache, Hawaiian shirt with related pattern, socks and sandals, is there like a house remix to margaritaville or sweet Caroline)
- Hedonismbot from futurama (all gold, gold face, on bench, get off bench for theoretical performance obvs)
- Newman from seinfeld but the Jurassic park version bc everyone knows him from that even though he’s just doing Newman there (Hawaiian shirt again, shaving cream prop required, perhaps even Jurassic park shirt underneath)
- Bruce Springsteen (sleeveless shirt, denim denim denim, hanky, tight jeans)
- CEO of money (big shoulder pads, wolf of Wall Street cocaine aesthetic, Patrick Bateman)
- Goth dumbledore (would anyone get this)
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phyllisandstuff · 1 year
Just to add more things about the Rescue Bots Shattered Glass AU, that's been consuming my brain for like, ever
I imagine that in this AU, the idea that Griffin Rock is a testing ground for new revolutionary tech is a lot more highlighted. Griffin Rock's scientists are all expected to invent and test amazing inventions to send out to the Mainland for usage, and it is critical that this island is kept a secret due to the sheer amount of powerful and dangerous tech on it.
Mayor Luskey had his role of mayor taken away due to his, everything?? Seeing that there really wasnt a better option, former Chief Charlie Burns was forced to go into election and become the new mayor.
He,,, h a t e s his job.
He's incredibly tired of how reckless and dumb everyone else is, how the Mainland government and scientists see Griffin Rock and the citizens as a testing sight and collateral rather than a town and it's people, he hates the endless amount of paperwork, the general scummy nature of his higher ups, everything.
Because of this, he's a lot more bitter and distant from his people, and his family, but also places a lot more pressure on his family to keep things afloat since they're the only ones he can trust?? Which, makes for a very dysfunctional family and town situation, full of unresolved tension.
Enter, the autobots.
As if things couldnt get any worse for Mayor Burns, suddenly a quad group of gigantic alien robots confront him in secret, telling him that they are on orders from some sort of Optimus Prime to take over the town, and use their resources and inventions to aid in the Autobot Decepticon war..
And he says fuck that
Essentially that's what the setting is, a sort of Cold War type thing that has the Burns against the now evil rescue bots. Even though they are under threat and blackmail to keep the bots a secret, lest they get destroyed instantly, that doesnt mean they'll go down without a fight.
That's like, the basics of of settings it. I wanna expand on it a little more, and talk about it more of people are interested, we shall see. That's all :]]
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paragonrobits · 10 days
my primary character group is fundamentally a bunch of gross and unsettling weirdos with freaky powers and disturbing visuals and also causing problems on purpose to go 'HEE HOO' and so logically a lot of my vague ideas for their rivals and antagonists (not including the Hot Magic Pirate Crew led by a frost giant lady whom they have a complicated dynamic with, one day they're fighting and the next they're at the Magic Arcade) is people who contrast that. People who are fancy, refined, who use elegant swordsmanship and precision in fights instead of just crushing monsters with a football helmet and yelping 'WHOOP WHOOP'
and usually my idea was them as being pompous jerks with a veneer of elegance. like painted glass that's cracking; sophistication and elegance mixed with them being snooty or privelegd winners with power but no real suffering or problems, who act as foils to the main hero group (who have generally had to climb up from the bottom and swinging the whole time)
so basically multiple different rival groups with the same themes of being pretty, pompous and superficial; like walking personifications of my personal dislike for those general themes, characters who more or less exist for others to go "you pompous dickheads don't know what REAL struggle is, I've had to fight and claw my whole damn life to stay in one place and you just get it handled to you and you come down here to fight monsters because you're BORED'
and so something occurred to me: why not make a group of rival characters who are specifically foils to my main squad, but are GENUINE heroes and not particularly snooty, conceited but with a focus on sophistication and elegance as a contrast to my main squad being all about embracing the monster and weirdo you are and smashing things with deliberate gracelessness?
this might be more fun and lean more into having a rival dynamic that has more potential; rivals that fight one day, and then hang out the next is genuinely fun, since it can lean harder into being at odds for professional reasons but not personal ones
so now i gotta think about some concepts that fit that air. SOPHISTICATION. GLAMOUR. ELEGANCE. Someone is a griffin for some reason. A griffin with a fancy sword and he can turn into an actual griffin. Also i have an old TMNT OC who was a hyper intelligent allosaurus with the veneer of being a whimsical scientist with super gadgets so it might be fun to reuse her here.
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