#the great gubal library
trustinsighters · 9 months
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Dawntrail hints in the Great Gubal Library
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paintedscales · 7 months
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Prompt: Covering someone's mouth to muffle any cries/screams they make because they're trying to hide from something/someone.
For the FFXIV Swap Discord. I wasn't initially going to do this prompt, but this scenario wouldn't leave my head.
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"Fascinating... Fascinating!" Alphinaud muttered to himself, reading the print of the books that had long since been abandoned and left to their fate in the Great Gubal Library. Though they had their mission before them, what other opportunity would have the young prodigy had after this to find some of these tomes in the future?
"We haven't all day..." Nomin sighed, a frown upon her lips.
"Indeed," Y'shtola chimed in. Her ears were pert as she forced herself not to show her own disappointment. Her thirst for knowledge was just as unable to have been slaked, if not more so, than Alphinaud's.
Alphinaud, however, was lost in his own world for the time being. There was a particular tome that caught his interest, The Bitter Movement of Garlemald. Nomin was not quite interested herself. Being surrounded by so many books was fascinating, but not enough to stop herself from thinking of why they were even allowed within in the first place.
The feeling of being alert flit through Nomin, making the scales and hairs at the back of her neck flare slightly before settling back. She pulled out her bow, her other hand bringing an arrow so that it was nocked. She maneuvered so that her back was against the pillar nearby.
This was not missed by Y'shtola, whose clouded eyes flicked in Nomin's direction. Her brow furrowed, and her lips were set into a hardened purse. Like Nomin, Y'shtola armed herself with her staff, staying close should they be ambushed or be the ones who did the ambushing.
Pero Roggo hopped up, his feet finding purchase upon the muttering Alphinaud's shoulders. The sudden shift in weight and arrival of the poroggo nearly made Alphinaud yelp with surprise, though Pero Roggo had been quick about touching his staff to the young elezen's lips. Where a yelp would have sounded, nothing came about.
Thankfully Pero Roggo acted when he did. As silence settled around the party, they heard it.
Shhclack. Shhclack. Shhclack.
Talons scraped across the floors in a rhythm. Something was on its way. Judging by all that they had encountered thus far, it was not like to be anything friendly.
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sirensongsea · 1 year
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Dominant of Phoenix - Heritor of Rebirth
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candytuft-cardinal · 11 months
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The Great Gubal Library (Hard) [3/3]
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yzeltia · 1 year
Au Ra August A. 23 Treasue
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"Gubal is every scholar's greatest treasure. The history in its' depths nearly rivals that of Sharlayan. Its' contents should not be kept from the people of the world."
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emetsbrows · 1 year
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Ye lads, we're off to find El Dorado.
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roegadynroost · 1 year
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Hellie and Mellie seem to have taken a wrong turn in the Great Gubal Library...
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fey-t-ff · 7 months
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candycryptids · 17 days
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Searching through old tomes, the smell of dust and lingering magic heavy in the air. The book it's seeking must be deeper in the library, past more abandoned guardians. Nothing its Carbuncle, Louis, can't handle though.
[Maltagliatti uses It/They pronouns]
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pumpkinmagekupo · 8 months
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Being alone in a tower of seemingly endless books, allows for a great many naps.
Don't let anyone else know she's slacking.
Not that anyone visits her in this tower. Save for the prince but he barely makes it through the front door before his advisors whisk him away.
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the extras. I like the colourful one too.
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trustinsighters · 7 months
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Poroggo, toads made sentient by magic, serve as familiars whose cognitive level depends on the mage's spell-crafting abilities. Master Matoya's powerful magic grants her familiar Pero Roggo enough cognitive capabilities to fight alongside you in the Great Gubal Library.
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feralkwe · 7 months
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did... did everyone but me know that the duty support tank for great gubal library is a fucking FROG?
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diamondangelkitten · 3 months
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Junelezen Day 9: Deviation
You’ll never know what you may find when you deviate from the well-worn path!
Alinea was going to have to bring Master Matoya back to the Great Gubal Library and get more information on all the tomes and vials stored here. It wasn't unusual for her, or any of the girls, to come and pick up a tome once in a while, but Alinea wanted to make a proper girls' night of it sometime. They'd have to bring Y'shtola and Nidhana, as well as Master Matoya, but oh what fun they'd have.
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candytuft-cardinal · 11 months
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The Great Gubal Library (Hard) [2/3]
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yzeltia · 2 years
In the Purrrsuit of Happiness
Chapter 5: The Firrrst Page
Characters: G'raha Tia/Y'zel Tia
Rating: T for Tia
Notes: None
- First - Previous - Last -
"Just a little harder," G'raha grunted, thrusting into the children's library's door one more time with Y'zel.
The barrier finally gave in, the door scraping along the marble floor as the two Miqo'te tumbled inside. A loud squeak sounded out as Y'zel picked himself up, finding a discarded Moogle you under him. A feather falling by the toy, he tilted his head then let out a screen as a grotesque looking falcon swooped down at him. The room chilled instantly as he manifested an icey pillar in defense.
"None of that now," G'raha called out, shifting to his bard plate before sending a barrage of arrows into the beast, felling it.
The ice shattered and dusted away as Y'zel exhaled. "Thanks…Raha."
"Think nothing of it. Hopefully that's the only resident we'll need to worry about. Since you're Thaumaturging, would you care to…?"
The other nodded then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, concentrating his aether as he transposed his alignment. With a sharp exhale, every candle lit up in the room.
"Spectacular," G'raha praised, wiggling his ears as he gave the other a nod.
"A parlor trick really. Even training with the best, casting Black magics has always been difficult. All ice, no fire."
"Well, I think it was a neat trick rrreagardless. Now, the book."
Y'zel nodded then fished out keys as he stepped down into the middle of the circular room. The surrounding shelves were all waist height, one set on the lower level and then the latter on the wall. All the tiny chairs and desks had been toppled over and scratched up by the fiends left to take over in the absence of caretakers. The center held a pedestal with a glass, the title around it marking the symbols of the twelve in a neat circle. Atop, a book laid open, or at least the binding. 
"So it's as Asa said," G'raha mused, watching Y'zel unlock the case. "Your reluctant Uncle has missed some glaringly obvious details about the situation. As established before, we know the pages were carefully taken out, but as you've demonstrated, a key was used to procure them."
"So, someone from the restoration took them?"
"No. As you recall, this room was found already lacking the pages in question, leading me to believe that they were taken during the time of the exodus."
"I see…then perhaps they've been in Old Sharlayan all this time?"
"They're not. I already made an inquiry shortly after we settled in here."
"Then they're completely unaccounted for…," Y'zel sighed.
"Perhaps, perhaps not. I believe the remaining caretakers might have some insight. Master Matoya and Y'lem Tia."
Y'zel froze up then shook his head."Unfortunately Y'lem Tia died in Dravania…that was my father…"
G'raha's ears perked then drooped. "Apologies. I just assumed he would have been a Nuhn. I knew you said he'd stayed behind as well but did not think…"
"It's no matter. Master Matoya will be enough of a lead," he answered, hand rubbing the inner cover of the tome.
"Ah. That's a meeting you will need to make on your own. I'm not her favourite Miqo'te."
"I imagine you're not given what you did with her favourite pupil."
G'raha looked away sheepishly scratching at his cheek as he whimpered with embarrassment. 
"Anyroad, I can-," Y'zel started, interrupted as he lifted his hand, a page coming with it. His eyes widened, turning it to find the first page of the book. 
"Byregot's Hammer" was written at the top and a little Spriggan scared and huddled on between some rocks looking rather frightened.
Y'zel jumped as G'raha hugged him from behind, trying to offer comfort due to his misstep. Seeing the find, his eyes lit up reading the words aloud.
Upon an era long ago,
A little Spriggan cried.
As he lost his master's hammer,
And had run away to hide.
 He'd borrowed it for a moment,
To make the God a surprise.
He asked another spriggan a favor,
Not knowing it an imp in disguise.
And so the the tool was taken,
To the realm below.
The little spriggan followed after,
But had no idea where to go.
 He searched the realm wide
And was almost eaten twice!
He even trusted a crocodile,
And almost was stuck in its vice.
 Defeated the spriggan gave up,
Hiding alone and afraid,
Of his master's ire,
And for not being brave.
 And that's when Byregot came,
With a laugh coming from his chest,
To scoop the poor spriggan up,
And assure him he did his best.
The god was not angry,
As accidents happen all the time.
Byrgot told him he rather have his friend safe
Than worry that something found it to dine
"Well, the art is…well, it's something. But the original text! One of the first stories passed down through Eorzean spoken histories recorded before us and with a message that speaks to us all: It's better to ask for forgiveness than perrrmission."
Y'zel chuckled softly, locking the book back up. "I think someone is reading what they want to. The story says that everyone makes mistakes, and it's better to admit to them rather than hide from the consequences."
"A differrrence of opinion then," G'raha purred, nuzzling the other's cheek with his own before letting go. "This is wonderful news though! We must tell Asa at once of our find! Then see you off to Master Matoya!"
"Alright then…" Y'zel sighed.
In truth he was glad that a page had been found…but one page left behind in the sealed case was not enough to promise the safety of the rest.
G'raha, noting his dejected companion, turned him then roughly slid his palms atop his ears before leaning in to steal a kiss. "If you continue to look like you're on the verge of tears I will be forced to do that again," he warned softly.
Heart racing, Y'zel closed his eyes then leaned in to kiss the other clinging to the other's jacket as he tried to drown out the lingering unpleasantness of loss.
"Zel," G'raha whispered, kissing each of his ears before lacing their fingers together, "Come. Let's go."
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