#the heart of trespia
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HOT's Ellaire is a real Daenerys Targaryen
she is royalty bow down to the queen of TRESPIA
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somewillwin · 10 days
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Gisella x mc requested by @farah-phoebe ♥️♥️
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incorrectromanceclub · 10 months
Ellaire: It's really annoying.
Wyatt: What is?
Ellaire: Watching Gisella openly flirt with Delias and Delias not realizing it.
Wyatt, wearing a 'date me Ellaire' shirt: Haha yeah, right, they're so oblivious.
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aslanvlad · 3 months
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Hahaha love all the little nods to HOT/other books on RC, it’s so delightful. Also Elliot’s list having psi and dals? I love a man with taste 😌
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ustalochka · 7 months
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ratanslily · 5 months
@gr8fulkiki I tried!
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rc-catalog · 2 months
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annn-starrr · 5 months
(⁠✿ Top 10 Prettiest Mc In Rc ✿)
(this is fully in my own opinion, please don't be offended if i don't share yours. and honestly all MC's sprite in RC are all so pretty. this is not an action to downgrade others MC's sprite.)
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most honorable mention to lou reed from psi. i love her so so much and if there's a lot of cg with a clear image of her face, I'll definitely add her into the list. and mei too from legend of the willow.
If you saw a picture with two MCs that means I can't choose between them and therefore decided to just pick both of them. Anyway, i might change this up when I have different opinions and adding a new MC that i think are the easiest looking in the eyes. But yeah, that's all for now :)
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luminouslumity · 10 months
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And so the Queen and her dashing knight lived happily ever after!
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corgi-cthuwu · 8 days
I have a lot of RC books that I haven't even gone past episode 1 (or the first season) yet...
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"I was really surprised when I found out that the author of HOT and Souless are the same, Souless is one of my favorite stories, is so good! And with HOT... I hated almost everything, it just sucks. Wincy REALLY improved as an author."
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In another world I'm in love with you two
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webanglikethat · 4 months
How can he be guilty as sin? (A Wyatt one shot)
Published: 08/06/24 Words: 1,767 Summary: Wyatt, a member of the royal guard, struggles with forbidden feelings for Princess Ellaire, knowing that his duty demands unwavering loyalty, not love. as he battles his heart's desires, he begins questioning whether his deep devotion is a sin or the truest expression of his allegiance. Ao3: read here and please leave a comment!! Note: I haven’t finished HoT yet so don’t spoil anything !! and this is for my best friend Agrima 💙
Wyatt knew it was wrong. he had always known that harboring feelings towards the princess, the future Queen of his homeland, was a mistrial in the temple of his feelings. he shouldn’t be feeling this way because no other emotion other than interminable loyalty should flow through the veins connected to his heart. or at least that’s what he kept repeating himself as she walked past him, gifting him one of those secret smiles of hers that she kept just for him, like an oath only they knew the words to. he knew, deep down, that harboring such feelings for the princess was not only forbidden but also fundamentally wrong. as a member of the royal guard, his allegiance was first and foremost to the crown, to serve and protect without question or hesitation. anything beyond that — especially feelings of affection or longing — was a transgression and transaction he could ill afford.
and yet, each time her eyes met his, Wyatt felt a pull stronger than his sense of duty, tempting him to forget his role and forget it all, as long as he didn’t forget her. her smile, delicate and sweet, stirred something deep within him, a longing he had no right to feel, a longing that didn’t belong to him, a longing he couldn’t spare. after all, he was but a mere queensguard and he had been one since the age of two, when he was elected for this specific role, thanks not only to his skills but in part to the legacy his father was building. but that didn’t mean Wyatt had the right to feel what he felt, for he was a mere civilian, and she the Queen to be. how could he even dare to think of her like that? how could he dare envision his lips tracing doodles on her body, immortalizing it as a piece of art? sometimes he could swear he felt her warm hand squeezing his, and differentiating wishful thinking from reality had become his newest enemy, one he couldn’t escape or reach. how cruel fate was, to play such games with his mind, holding his heart hostage, squeezing it until it confessed the emotion’s name his lips didn’t dare to utter. 
so he clenched his fists, trying to force the inappropriate emotions back into the recesses of his mind where they belonged, like a dirty secret he couldn’t risk being brought to life. for some people, the skeleton in their closet was an actual corpse, but to him, it was his own traitorous heart. so loyalty, he reminded himself. honor. duty. a legacy to uphold. he repeated these four terms in his mind until they all swirled into one, but being warned by God didn’t stop Eve from biting the apple and therefore, forcing himself to not feel anything didn’t stop the emotions from threatening to overflow. not even the shackles of fate can hold back a lover’s desire. 
as she drifted further down the corridor, her laughter ringing softly in his ears, a melody he couldn’t stop replaying in the secrecy of his room at night, Wyatt couldn't help but wonder if she sensed his turmoil. did she know the effect she had on him? did she feel the same forbidden spark? did she feel the same pull, forcing her to linger by his door sometimes, just to hear his breath and know he was alright? did she too keep these longings locked inside? was he too more than just a friend to him? the questions gnawed at him, the way a monster would play with his victim to elongate the pain, threatening to unravel the tight control he prided himself on. he shouldn’t think of this, for he didn’t know what was worse — the not knowing, or the knowing — in a scenario where her answer was a refusal.  and perhaps that would’ve been better, he told himself. a clear no, a distinct refusal and maybe he could turn off his heart, an organ he didn’t - couldn’t - claim as his own anymore. or perhaps he should stay in his own bubble, drown in memories where holograms of her were the only actress starring unendingly in every moment of his existence. perhaps having her there, a place no one else could get into, was more than he should already be grateful for. 
it was especially in the quiet hours of the night, as the world around him slipped into slumber and he eluded the sleep fairy that his thoughts invariably turn to Ellaire. night seemed to always unfailingly be the time his mind's inner thoughts gravitated to her. he wouldn't be surprised if, in the undoing of the grand tapestry of his existence, all else faded but her memory. it was in those moments, bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight, that he would find himself consumed by a most exquisite and excruciating tenderness for her. he had known her for his whole life, had begun caring for her before he could even learn how to draw a sword since he was raised to protect and care for her, so truly, who could condemn him for his affection love? she had been the foundation of his existence, and he’d do anything to keep hers intact. 
to him, she was akin to the moon, for she was the only glow in his longest nights, a light he could always count on to guide him home. she was a star, one of those important ones that you never get tired of contemplating — the one you run to look for as soon as the sun goes down and a golden light begins to twinkle behind the clouds. she held that same light that guides lost fools in a storm’s disaster, which makes you fall in love with the night and makes you plead to remove your own eyes, so you could bask in it eternally. at last, Wyatt understood why kingdoms would lose their minds over love, why rulers would forsake their crowns for just one kiss from the woman they adored. he understood it all, trapped in the same desire.
and he .. well, what was Wyatt? there were so many small stars in this vastness called universe so how could he expect to be important to her? he was just one doodle among many more, another black shade in this sky, a planet out of human sight. even if he dared to imagine himself next to her, he knew it could never be the way he painted it in his mind. there would be no great dark ink depicting their story, no grandiose declaration of devotion etched into the annals of history, and he would remain a footnote in the story of her existence, a forgotten annotation in the manuscript of her grandeur. but as long as she was the name on its cover, he didn’t mind being nothing more than a spectator. for as long as she shone brightly, he could drown in the darkest shadows and he’d laugh with the utmost joy. 
but even as he belittled himself, Wyatt knew that his loyalty and devotion were unmatched. he knew that wherever Ellaire went, he would follow. should she ask him to close his eyes and lead her to inferno itself, he wouldn’t deny her request. together, they would face the unknown, and he would protect her, as he had always sworn to do. for Wyatt, the thought of denying her anything, of refusing her even the most perilous of requests, was inconceivable. he would risk his life if it meant she got to exist in his stead. he’d give her his heart if she’d only ask him and he’d unstitch every vein to give her the prettiest part, deign of a Queen. he’d bleed himself dry to keep her warm with the tepidity of his vital claret if she was cold. he would’ve done anything for her — unraveling his sanity to preserve hers and giving up all knew for her; for who was he, if she wasn’t there? he’d grown up knowing her, and so he would die. 
in her, he found his purpose to exist. she was the embodiment of everything he held dear, the light that illuminated his darkest corners. and though he may never be more than a shadow in her radiance, he would stand by her side, hanging onto every ray of light she shone, akin to a drunken man holding onto the lips of their lover knowing their doom. in her luminescence, he discovered a solace that outweighed anything he had ever seen or felt before, willing him to face any fate as long as he could remain even as a fading phantom in her orbit. 
as the echoes of her laughter faded into the distance, Wyatt found himself enveloped in the stillness of the night again, his thoughts consumed by the woman who held his heart in her hands. and maybe, giving up something so vital was freedom in itself. and for a moment, Wyatt dared to entertain the possibility that his love for Ellaire was not a sin to be condemned but a sacred calling to be embraced. what if, he thought to himself, the way he felt was not a betrayal of his allegiance but the truest expression of his devotion? what if the way he held her was the holiest subject of his faith? what if the words slipping from her lips were a religion he had woven into his soul? what if his lingering touch, so wrong yet so right, was the prayer he whispered in the quiet of his heart? 
so truly, how could he be guilty as sin, when love is the first virtue a person learns? was it not love that led Eve to take that fateful bite, trusting in the bond she shared with Adam? and if love was the foundation upon which humanity was built, how could he be faulted for following its lead? love, the most primal and pure of all virtues, surely could not be a sin. if Eve’s love for Adam sparked the beginning of life, then how could he be condemned for allowing love to guide his actions?
so he wondered, how could his protection, his love be a sin, when it was the foundation of his existence and of humanity’s history?
so may them condemn him all they want, he thought to himself, for he now knew that love was the longest-standing temple of humanity, the only divinity to be revered.
and he’d die fighting for his religion, his love, his Ellaire. 
love, above all, was the truest form of sanctity, and he’d rather die a sinner for her, than a nonbeliever. 
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳
taglist: @annn-starrr, @pawaki17luna, @goddessofwonderland, @liykaii💙
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 11 months
Okay, I caved and downloaded Romance Club😭😭 Does anyone have any good story recommendations? I'm still gonna be on Choices and post Choices content (and finish off the books on my reading list). I just feel like I need to stop relying on one storytelling app
Ugh, this is such a weird feeling! It reminds me of when I switched from Episode to Choices and I had to acclimate to the better quality of stories imao. I just wanna ✨expose myself✨ to more interactive apps and since Storyscape or wtvr doesn't exist anymore this is the closest I can get
And The Haze Will Take Us (UP TO DATE)
Kali: Flame of Samsara (UP TO DATE)
Astrea's Broken Heart (UP TO DATE)
Heaven's Secret: Requiem (UP TO DATE)
Chasing You 2 (UP TO DATE)
W: Time Catcher (UP TO DATE)
Love, Sin, and Evil Vol. 1 (UP TO DATE)
Garden of Eden (UP TO DATE)
Soulless (UP TO DATE)
7 Brothers (UP TO DATE)
Song of the Crimson Nile (UP TO DATE)
Legend of the Willow (NEXT DIAMOND RUSH)
Heart of Trespia (NEXT DIAMOND RUSH)
Chasing You (STARTED...)
Sails in the Fog (STARTED...)
Dracula: A Love Story (STARTED...)
Rage of the Titans (STARTED...)
Hell and Highwater (STARTED...)
Shadows of Saintfour
Kali: Call of Darkness: 9/10; love the MC, the characters, the story progression, the Dozen lore, replayability, etc. but gets a point off for its problematic depiction of Indian culture and Hinduism) tbh it deserves an extra point or two off because I despise the way Remy clearly wrote from a Eurocentric perspective, but this is also the first RC book I read after the slew of mid Choices books so I got attached unfortunately
Theodora: 9.6/10; I got the ending where I was only able to save my soul and it made me sad 😭 the story was well written but there were parts where I was just a lil bored. At least, that’s how I felt initially before I became obsessed with the book. It's objectively amazing etc. but I feel kinda robbed from screentime with the OG characters if that makes sense? Either way the writer did a great job writing them into the plot in later seasons and the MC is so amazing I love her <3 it’s not easy to write the progression of multiple relationships already but to have a different set of likable LIs every season is incredible!
Arcanum: 9.8/10; THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD omg I love how the plot came full circle and the MC was interesting and well-written (her character design was also top tier). It's such a unique concept for a book I love it. I feel like S3 could have gone by a lil quicker (along with a couple of other nitpicky things) but that could just be because S2 was so full of action
Heaven's Secret: 9.9/10; I just started its sequel, but I was pleasantly surprised at how engaging this book was! I like the gradual progression from being a new student to slowly learning the truth behind your death and about the academy. The final battle scene was super cool, and I feel like everything had a logical explanation (ex. Shepha only having power over light). I also like the different pathways of being an Angel, Demon, or Harmony Bearer (which I was!) it was really fun and seems like a replayable book <3
The Desert Rose: [review pending, check later]
The One Volume 2: [review pending, check later]
Vying for Versailles: [review pending, check later]
Sins of London: [review pending, check later]
Heaven's Secret 2: [review pending, check later]
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ustalochka · 7 months
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mxtchbyx · 8 months
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The girlies
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