#the heartbroken ex villainess
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Behold: the Void PC relationships chart that took way longer to make than it should have
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themosleyreview · 12 days
The Mosley Review: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
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I am truly overjoyed! It seems that more films are returning back to the magic of practical locations, effects and using CGI when it is absolutely necessary. When I see a master storyteller that started out that way, come back to their roots and show us why we loved them in the first place, my heart flutters as we are witnessing something truly special. That is what happened here and it was gorgeous return to the darkly comedic and macabre world created from the mind of Tim Burton. Burton returns to his most beloved film by fans and it didn't disappoint. Not only does it continue the same level reverence for the odd, but it also adds more to the lore by exploring more of the spirit realm and I loved every second of it. I loved that all of his tricks and styles were on display, especially during a discussion about the fate of a certain character. The way its done was a visual feast. This film was a bit overwhelming with the amount of characters, but I could never say I was bored. The amount of busy work each character gets could've been separated into their own vignettes, but it's all weaved together and wrapped up in a fun way. I do wish the threat for the titular character was more central and the driving force of the film though.
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Winona Ryder returns as Lydia Deetz and I loved that she continued to embrace her supernatural gift. She is more tormented this time around and heartbroken as she had a loss that damaged her relationship with her daughter. Jenna Ortega was bratty, snarky and sometimes mean as Lydia's estranged daughter, Astrid. Their relationship was interesting to watch become patched in the most difficult way. She had the same attitude as Lydia when she was younger, but less morose and more angst. It worked all the way through and I loved when she finally starts to connect with her Mother on something they share. Catherine O'Hara was just as crazy, unpredictable and fun as Lydia's mom and Astrid's grandmother, Delia Deetz. Every moment with her was comedic gold and how darkly artistic it gets was great. Justin Theroux was good and slimy as Lydia's boyfriend, Rory. He was good for the purpose of where Lydia was in her life, but I almost felt he was the weakest part of the ensemble. Not in performance, but just as a supporting character that sometimes detracted from the pacing. Willem Dafoe was truly having fun as the dead action star, Wolf Jackson. I loved the throw back style of the 1950's detective he was portraying while hamming up the most hilarious and cheesy dialogue an old school detective would say. Arthur Conti was good as Astrid's first crush, Jeremy Frazier. It was a fun sliver of a possible teen romance in this weird world. Monica Bellucci still takes my breath away when she graces the screen and as the villainess, Delores LaVerge, she was truly spectacular. I loved the lore behind her relationship with Beetlejuice and I liked her creepy presence. I just wish we focused on her more as the driving force of the film instead of being lightly sprinkled around. Speaking of Beetlejuice, Michael Keaton returns as the ghost with the most and he hasn't skipped a beat. He continues to be that disgusting and loveable trickster we all love. He was hilarious, smart and very creative in his quest to get away from his ex-wife, Delores. I love that we finally get a confirmed backstory for the character and the amount of fun he has telling it was right on brand. The chemistry between him and Lydia never died and it was magical to see them together again.
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Composer and Tim Burton's muse, Danny Elfman returns and brings back the iconic score and themes. I loved that he kept the gothic and whimsical tone of the film alive with his insanely playful score. The mixed soundtrack of jams that work in the playful nature of the spirit world was excellent and there is a prolonged musical sequence that was a bit bloated. Like I said before, everyone has something to do and that made the film more busy than it needed to be. For me, I would've gotten rid of Rory and left Lydia's heartbroken story as is anchor point for her and Astrid to reconnect. Even with all of its flaws, it still was a welcomed return to form for Tim Burton and fun excursion back into the world of Beetlejuice. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years
How I HC Zeta and Mighty Eagle’s relationship in the game/toon version (since it’s basically an AU)
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In the toon/game universe, Mighty Eagle is not a coward, he is wiser we all know it. So he never ran away from Zeta. They married and they were happy together, and Zeta got gravid and layed her egg
The only thing was he hated how evil that leader of Eagle Island was. Sure he loved her and she was good to him and their egg, but she was a dictator to all the other eagles, not hesitating in torturing them or imprisonning them just for her fun. As her consort/first lady (again what’s the masculine equivalent ?), he often argued with her about that but she never wanted to change. It became too much when, tired of her icy island, she decided to attack and expand her power to the other islands around and become an empress. Reluctantly, Mighty Eagle decided to divorce and flew away, in order to be sure to protect the birds (who were already in a whole new war with the pigs who just started attacking them). Heartbroken, Zeta felt even more betrayed
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During present days, she’s the classical recurring villainess from cartoons. Power hungry, seeking warm climate and vengeful on her ex husband who broke her heart, she alternates between trying to attack both islands and allying with the pigs (never with the birds, since Mighty/Ethan is there) to steal the eggs as a way to pressure the birds and get trusted by the pigs with the intent of backstabbing them later
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Mighty Eagle and her, despite all of that and what they admit, are actually still in love, always were during all these years of divorce. They have a big Batman/Catwoman relationship him doing justice and she trying to do evil deeds, with the only difference with Catwoman is that she also intends in having him killed or imprisonned but her tsundere instinct (aka love for him) always convinces her to let him go. They still do kind of flirt during battle and sometimes do a truce just the time of a night...
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As for Debbie in that AU, she’s a young adult in present days and she is the most neutral character ever. Mighty Eagle not having ran away but having signed divorce papers, he had the right to be part of her life and raised her as much as her mother, but separately. She sometimes helps her father, sometimes her mother, sometimes nobody, sometimes both at the same time (which creates shit) because she doesn’t want to disappoint any of them
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Fun fact: Villanelle is on bad terms with Hell because she got too close to the humans she was trying to get the souls of. Started seeing them as the people they were. Gained compassion for them. She betrayed the Brass Embassy, sabotaged a shipment of souls. Never looked back.
The daughter she lost to set off her ambition was adopted, a human.
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And my other 3 PCs done up in @t6fs's character sheet
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New Villanelle ref
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Redid my profiles done using @t6fs's template but with more ✨Aesthetics✨
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If someone asked me to draw Villanelle in a terrible disguise I would just draw normal Villanelle. Tbh.
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This is her pretending to be a Normal Human.
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On another topic, fancy bee
Her wings are designed to look like roses
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Lmao get fluked
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Speaking of sulfur, Villanelle probably wears perfume. And quite a bit of it. (Going from sulfur bad to perfume bad lol)
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🍷 for everyone?
🍷 (wine) - Does your oc drink? What kind of alcohol do they enjoy? What are their drinking habits? What kind of drunk are they?
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They're a "functional" alcoholic. I wouldn't say they actually enjoy the stuff, so much as the effect it had- emphasis on tense- on them. Nowadays it doesn't do much at all.
Villanelle: She doesn't drink much, but when she does, she goes for whiskey in small amounts. And occasionally she'll share a bottle of '68 with Alana.
Alana: She loves a good champagne, imported from the surface. But because of the expense it's a rare treat. Aside from that, she'll drink whatever her current company is having- it's not about the drink itself, it's about seeming like 'one of the crowd'. Getting their trust.
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I think this speaks for itself.
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desire and fear for Alana and Villanelle 👀
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Alana: The power and freedom to accomplish her goals. It's why she went to the neath, it's why she spent so much effort seeking out the Marvellous, it's why she threw herself into studying the correspondence and the red science and (eventually) the discordance. Ambition is her greatest strength and her greatest weakness. She would dedicate her life to it. Her entire existence.
Villanelle: To feel like she's repented for the things she's done (mostly failing her daughter). She's incredibly private about it, because she feels like if she were to talk about it, it'd be proof of how terrible she is: "burdening others". And as for what she'd do. Well. She's a Nemesis PC. I think that explains itself. She can hold so much guilt and self-destruction in her
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
Alana: Futility. The idea that her efforts might be for nothing, that she's out of her depth. She simply Does Not Think About It Or Acknowledge It At All.
Villanelle: The thought that she might be irredeemable, and that there's no way to ever move past her mistakes. It's not a rational fear, but fears seldom are.
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hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
Namkuzu hides their true form, something no longer resembling human, but rather a large chimerical creature, in order to blend in with society. The only thing they can't hide is their body mass- they're far heavier than any human could be.
Somehow, despite this, they're still human enough to come back from death. No one knows how this works. Not even them.
Villanelle hides her eyes, of course, because they're a dead giveaway that she's a devil.
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Villanelle has learned that Cups is responsible for the murder and promptly used the incarnadine robe to get up in person with it. This accomplished nothing but it made her feel like she was making progress. Also she has a cool bat now.
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