#the heartless dlc
ink-asunder · 2 months
Ranting about my cringe ass dragons dogma/dragon age Inquisition crossover fic below:
I'm actually really glad that replaying the game with the same Arisen/pawn duo is not only more common in DD2, but also set up and acknowledged by characters in game. It makes the "twist" of Marnie being the Senechel and living in a time loop feel a lot less high-concept and way more like readers will go "oh, of course she's doing the time loop thing. Who wouldn't? The question is Why?" I used to dread foreshadowing time loop twists (we are exploring in therapy why I wrote them so often as a teen), but now every piece of evidence feels right in its place and digestible. Idk i didn't expect DD2 to enhance the fic I've had since 2019, yet here we are.
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Ansem isn't amused...
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yanderefairyangel · 2 years
 Maybe it’s just me but I feel like most of the players never focus on uncanon stuff. 
I am mostly bringing this up because people sometime tries to theorize who are the Awakening’s 2 generation’s canonical father. Unlike in Fates, each children in Awakening has a canonical mother save Lucina and F! Morgan, who are linked to their father. Awakening is hence one of the game where the pairing have very little canonicity with arguable canoncity for Chrom/Sumia though she is most definitely the most favorite candidate for Chrom’s bride. BUT recently enough I’ve seen people speculating that Chrom’s default second kid would be Inigo because, in Heroes, he always wink his right eye which is supposed to have the Exalt brand in it.... Look as much as I love Chrom! Inigo, I think it’s giving Intys a bit too much credit too think they actually care about those little details. In my opinion, the only reason why most of his art have him wink is because it’s his trade mark and that’s it. After all, people were saying the same thing about Henry because of Laslow’s dialogue with Soleil in Fates, others were doing the same thing about Gaius because in Hidden Truth Inigo brings candy with him... and the same thing with Robin because “only Laslow Recognized Amiboo Robin” which is not true as it’s the localization only, in the japanese version Lazwald says that this Robin just look like the one he knew and that’s it.... Asides from the fact that wondering which one is Canon I friendly remind you that game systems can often divorce their plot universe... What do I mean by that ? Well, that we are so bound to the Awakening system only allowing weedings between 2 units that we forgot that the Shepherds girl could have had their kids with literlay any body from a realistic point of view.
Let me explain : do you remember that when Chrom can’t get married to either Sumia, Maribelle, Olivia, F!Robin, Sully, the game systems pairs him up with a random village maiden to be Lucina’s mother ? Well, that’s what I am talking about.
Because of Time travel, normally marrying your units to obtain kids is actually useless. In Fates, it was necessary to marry to have kids because the Fates 2nd generation are the ACTUAL kids of the character. In Awakening however, it is not the case: the future folks are NOT the Shephered’s actual kids, their ACTUAL kids are yet to be born whereas the future folks’s ACTUAL parents were dead. By this logic, normally the future children should be available WITHOUT having to marry their mother to another playable units, a random guy from the army or a random villager could have do as their parents !!! I think the actual reasons why the game decided this system is :
1) To make the system come back as it was, you had to marry 2 of your units since it’s to obtain a powerful units in order to not create an imbalence if you were to lose a unit in Classical mode
2) From a story point of view, this avoid having to explain that the kids can still exist even if their mother marries another man than in their original timeline. But in normal times you would not have need to marry them to unlock the units
Same things for the Future folks : the game system has their love interest be other Time travel folks or MU, but if we put that asides, they could as well end up with any member of the Shepherds, not necessarily one of the playable units, but the other soldiers we never meet, the NPC, the mob, the random characters, literlay anyone from the present timeline other than Robin. 
In short, this means that any of the Shepherds girl could have their kids with a perfect nobody so trying to make canon something that is highly linked to the game system is probably something that won’t happen. And like I said it works only for Awakening since Awakening’s time travel through multitimeline makes it possible to have a situation like marrying Lissa to Lonqu’u when in the original timeline, Owain’s father would be Stahl... it won’t happen in the game, but normally, storywise, this can happen. So actually to unlock the 2nd generation, marrying two units was uncessary, really... even if Owain’s father was Stahl and that you married Lissa to Lonqu’u, Owain won’t dissepear since our timeline Lissa is NOT his actual mother, this one being dead and that Lissa’s ACTUAL son will therefore be able to be born withou erasing Owain’s own existence (kinda ironic as if it was a linear timeline, than Owain’s birth in our timeline should erase Future Owain since he destroyed his own past and that the future version will never become what he became).
As for Fates, when the Time Travel Trio arrived, the purposefully claimmed that their default art hair is actually a dye hair like this they may not destroy any ships, since this make any Awakening or Fates non canon as the Trio is basically a boomerang : if you married them in Fates, means they were single in Awakening and if in Awakening they are married, but not in Fates than they can return to their spouses...and then you have the DLC creating a new timeline, with new version of themseleves... but this works as well as for the Shepherds as their father as if it was a random dude. 
In short, because the marriage possiblity in Awakening is actually wider, the future folks’s possible father’s are not restricted to the Shepherds, but is actually wider... which means that we might never have a CANON Awakening pairing.
That’s why, I think that when they are in Heroes, the Future Folks parents are most likely a random character, a NPC, someone that doesn’t exist in Canon but is supposed to exist in the lore.... 
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mythicalartistx · 1 year
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What hairstyle is better?
Pre-Heartless/DDD cut or Heartless cut
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The bottom one looks way better on the model, like it looks more natural and blends in better.
Then on the heartless cut, it is all choppy and you can pick out each hair layer which isn't a good thing. It looks like sticks and it looks odd on him. The top one is just off in general.
I mean the heartless did get him a haircut so that's probably why he looks choppy but still... Maybe that's why in the secret ending Riku hair looks way better and smoother because he actually did something to his hair.
He probably was distracted with the ending battle with Xehanort not to care and finally fixed it or while Sora's disappearance FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR sadden him, his hair grew on its own and did something to look a bit better.
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gooeyslime · 2 years
I will die on this hill but William Afton being a good dad would have worked so much better at making him feel realistic instead of becoming a cartoonishly evil man and honestly the juxtaposition of like, witnessing him kill a kid, dropping his cheerful Springbonnie act as he locks them in a room, just a cold glare as he kills them, making the player go "what a heartless monster... I feel so bad for his kids, having to deal with such a piece of shit" as we see him get out of the suit, cleaning up the blood and head home, as he opens the door once again we see his attitude change as he tells his kids "Dad's back home!" And we see them run up to him, Michael playing it cool bc he's an angsty teen but you see him smile as he points out he's late, you can tell they all care for him and got worried, after all there's a murderer on the loose and while they seem to target kids who knows? They could kill adults too... William smiles at them, genuinely, not like the smile he gave his victim whith his Springbonnie act, they all eat dinner together and if you hadn't just seen him kill a kid in cold blood you'd think this was a normal family, just a single dad eating and chatting with his kids... As he makes sure they are all sound asleep you see him walk into his bedroom, looking at a picture, it's a picture of all of them, smiling together, next to William is a woman and it dawns on you that she's nowhere to be seen and that she might be dead and he's trying to figure out how to bring her back by killing a bunch of random kids bc nothing can stand between William Afton and the only people he cares about, not even death itself... that stuff would make me way more scared of him than any "oh I am so smart I planned for you to try and set me on fire again so now if anyone scans my parts into a computer I can brainwash a random person and get them to rebuild myself ooooh I always come back!"
Like even showing him before he completely loses it would be terrifying, how he's just a normal guy who has his own troubles sure, but still isn't going around killing kids to study weird ghost stuff... Not yet anyway... And the the last straw happens and he falls to the deep end and you wonder, if you were in his shoes... If you lost the love of your life... And everyone just tells you life goes on and you just gotta get over it... What would you do? Would you also break? Would you go as far as killing someone in the hopes to bring her back? To put your family back together? And as you do that how would you handle your family breaking apart even further? Your daughter killed by YOUR machine, the machine you built to kill kids, the machine you desperately tried to keep her away from? Your older son acting out, angry because he couldn't handle his own sorrow at losing his sister shortly after his mom, he's falling apart just like you and in a moment of anger he ends up killing his younger brother, your other son killed because you couldn't see that your older son couldn't handle his own grief too? What would do then?
Stuff like that is utterly terrifying to think about... At least for me... Shame they made him so evil he's basically a Saturday morning cartoon villain now, he could have been so terrifying in so many ways but instead they made him an annoyance... Like even him coming back post Pizza Sim could have been terrifying if he wasn't such a joke by then, like we thought we finally defeated him but he's back, because he still hasn't done what he set out to do, put his family back together, and absolutely nothing can stop him from doing just that... Instead we get him showing up in 1 (one) ending and he's just... Walking around... Then he stares at a monitor and eventually he hacks Freddy by... Holding out his hand like he's using the force?? He doesn't even have a jumpscare either... I really hope the DLC at least gives him that bc him being threatening again is almost impossible after all the peepaw jokes people made...
Anyway I'm sure you can tell I have very strong feelings about this and so many thoughts for plot points that could be added to the lore if this was canon but I'll shut up for now before I write a whole essay lol
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szynkaaa · 5 days
Zhu Bajie and the Violet Spider (and i guess all the other tragic love stories)
Alright, finished Chapter 4 in my NG+ and here are some of my thoughts, ramblings and musings about Zhu Bajie and the Violet Spider. Also will be going with Black Myth Wukong's version of JTTW
Everything is under cut because long text
What we know:
ZBJ was an Admiral in the Celestial Court, there was a maid working there who was crushing on him and took care of him at some point. ZBJ gets cast out from the court into the mortal realm and turns into a pig. Maid tries to follow him, but gets turned into a spider because the word pig (猪zhū) and spider (蜘蛛Zhīzhū) sound similar and she thought he turned into a spider.
The pilgrims run into White Bone Demon, who turns into 3 mortals and each time SWK beat them down. It is not explained how they fell in love or why, just that he was in love with her. The subtitles from the scene:
ZBJ: "It was her tricks that made Master drive Wukong away" Old Monkey: "On White Tiger Ridge, he forsook his lover. Three times he broke her into pieces, convincing himself his heart would ache no more. Yet, as you must know, he had never let go of her. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so eager to get away from the Buddahood he attained."
Side note, in CN the old moneky says "他倒是狠心绝情", which translates to "he was very cruel and heartless".
Like all the other demon in the book they wanted to eat Tripitaka because they were convinced that would grant them immortality. In JTTW, White Bone Demon transforms herself into a young lady, then elder woman and then old man, pretending to ask for help. Each time SWK was able to see through her disguise and he struck them down. Tripitaka thought he was killing innocent mortals so he sent SWK away, said he wasn't one of his disciple anymore. iirc ZBJ was not helping lol.
I hope the DLC will shed some more information on the romance, but I also understand if they don't elaborate further. According to some redditors the White Bone Demon romance is a nod towards another game Game Science worked on where SWK and White Bone Demon where a thing.
Later on in their journey, ZBJ sees a bunch of pretty women bathing. He turns himself into a fish. The Violet Spider recognizes him and I guess they reconcile?? or not really because the spiders also try to kidnap and eat Tripitaka and SWK leaves ZBJ to take care of the spiders, he killed everyone except the Violet Spider, who had to eat the remains of her sisters in order to survive.
Speculation from my side is if SWK knew about ZBJ history with the Violet Spider. I think it would be interesting for them to have a conversation about it at some point, since both of them had demon lovers who tried to eat their master so they were forced to kill them (except ZBJ spared the Violet Spider). Maybe SWK wishes he had that option too instead of living with the pain later on. A lot of wiggle rooms for interpretations and headcanons.
lot of shit happens. they finish their travel, SWK attains buddahood. Realizes he hates the court life, also cannot let go that he had to kills his past lover. just wants to chill with his homies and be back on his mountain. and the circlet is still there. hatches his masterplan to die so he can be reborn and be truly free
Throughout the game and dialogues in the game, we know that there were several monkeys/Destined One attempting to retrieve all 5 artifacts and become SWK. The way I understood is, if you reach the bad ending, the cycle starts a new. a new monkey will arise and try again until said monkey reaches the True Ending.
It is very heavily implied that the 4th spider was in love with one of the reincarnation, and they were supposed to get married or have gotten married. but alas monke has to continue his main quest, and he never returned back to her.
My question is, do each Destine One reincarnation retain memories from previous Destined One? Does "our" Destined One know who she is and what he means to her? fun things to also think about.
Oh yeah also pretty sure ZBJ and the Violet Spider got married in chapter 4 LOL. Very questionable marriage since ZBJ was not in a place to consent to it and was pretty much forced into it. But she came out wearing a red wedding dress and then sisters were telling him what to do and not to do, and they were also saying he is the one mother wants all those years even though they disagree with the choice. And then later on before the Violet Spider boss battle, iirc ZBJ says she should have just eaten him before the vows and stuff. Either she mates and then eats her husbands LOL. and her daughters also feast on the newly wed husband.
Heavily implied that the youngest spider kid is ZBJ and Violet Spiders kid. At least that's how I interprested the scene, why else would she show him the youngest daughter? Also all the daughters were born after ZBJ killed Violet Spider's sisters and left her to die, as they say it all happened before they were born so they cannot understand mother's obsession
My 2 cents: None of the spider sisters share the same father. I believe that the Violet Spider would find a new mate, get married, consumate the marriage and then eat the husband. Probably got pregnant from each marriage. It seems like the spider sisters are also very familiar with the ritual ( also LOL would the 4th spider sister have eaten the Destined One??). I also thought at first that Chapter 4 is the first time since JTTW Zhu Bajie bumped into the spider sisters and Violet Spider, but after my NG+ playthrough I realize that would not make much sense. If the youngest daughter really is their kid, then that means they must have met before the current event and JTTW.
We know that this is also not the first Destined One ZBJ met: when we rescue him in chapter 3, he says something along the line "great another mute" - implying he has helped other DO before. Which also means he has visited the spider lair with the DO before, so my guess it is very likely that he may have done the deed with the Violet Spider, and this is how the youngest daughter was conceived? And then he and the Destined One left once again, leaving the 4th Sister and Violet Spider behind again. I think that this would also "make sense" why the Violet Spider was so obsessed and hung up on ZBJ in chapter 4. It couldn't have been "just" what happened in JTTW, some more things must have happened in-between. ZBJ constantly picking bros before hoes I guess.
Fan speculation is also that the reason why ZBJ cannot be with the Violet Spider is to protect them from the Celestial Court.
We have 4 different love stories in this game: SWK and White Bone Demon, Zhu Bajie and the Violet Spider, Destined One and 4th Sister and then the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron-Fan.
I don't haven't started my chapter 5 playthrough yet but the gist I got is that their story isn't a happy one either and controlled by the Celestial Court. It sounds like none of the love stories have a happy ending and in one way or another, the Celestial Court is the cause for it. SWK and White Bone Demon doesn't fully fall into that category, but in JTTW it is said that all the demons they encounter were all orchestrated by Buddha, where they have to face 81 trials. Putting that into BMW's version of JTTW, technically a higher being still interfered with their love story and "forced" SWK to kill his lover, if they put White Bone Demon into their way. Again, this is just my musing and headcanon, and nothing of this is confirmed.
This is my opinion, but I personally love that Game Science gave both SWK and DO and ZBJ a love story, some more obvious than the others. It just adds a more human touch to the overall story of the game that I personally love.
Now excuse me while I go try to smooch a stone monkey.
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lostbrazilian · 2 months
Ok so, i've finished SotE a few days ago and i fucking LOVED IT and i need to talk about it, particularly about Miquella. Because the thing is, i really like what From has done with his character but also i've seen a lot of discourse about it and i need to get my 2 cents in before i explode
So uh, long ass essay and spoilers below
First things first:
Character assassination my ASS
Fromsoft actually did fucking character necromancy the way they added depth to otherwise one-note characters. Even if unexpected, what we learn in the dlc makes a disturbing amount of sense and ultimately elevates the game's lore in my "humble but objectively correct" opinion. That being said, while Miquella is undoubtedly a irredemable villain by the time we fight him, his character is also much more than just the "gay evil twink" ppl make him out to be
Elden Ring's demigods, while powerful and often monstrous, are also very clearly people: they have feelings, ambitions, ideals and tragic elements about them, which is why many of them are very likeable or at least compelling characters. And Miquella is a prime example of this, because the driving force behind his character, and ultimately the reason of his downfall, is his compassion
Miquella saw the flaws of the Golden Order from a young age, mainly how it oppressed others and was powerless to help his sister. And everything he has done since has been in an attempt to bring about a better, more compassionate world for all. And while the way he manipulates others and removes their free weill is a clearly nefarious aspect of his plans, that doesn't mean his kindness wasn't genuine, for two main reasons:
First, many of Miquella's followers go on to stand with him even after their charm has been broken, which makes clear that many are koyal to Miquella not just because of brainwashing, but also because they genuinely believe in his end goals. And while we'll never have confirmation of this, i don't think the denizens of the Haligtree, or Malenia for that matter, are all under Miquella's spell. At the very least the majority of them must've willingly chosen to remain loyal to him (plus, his charming powers must have a limit of some kind, otherwise he wouldn't need to become a god to rule the lands between)
Secondly, St Trina's very existence proves that Miquella's love and compassion is not only genuine, it's strong enough to manifest as a whole ass second being, which in turn makes her abandonment all the more tragic. It's possible that Miquella himself was always driven by ambition, and that he saw his other half as a "weakness" to be expunged; Or perhaps casting Trina away was a necessary evil, a selfless sacrifice in the name of a greater good. Regardless of the reason (i tend towards the latter), the end result is clear: It was grave mistake
For without love, there can be no Compassion. Miquella's Age of Compassion would be doomed to become an era of subjugation and endless war, where those who resist Miquella's charm would not be allowed to exist. It's an end result that Miquella himself would definitely NOT want, but it's the one he uwittingly locks himself into after he casts away his humanity. Hence why St Trina begs us to kill Miquella, as she understands his ascension would essentially result in a fate worse than death for him
So, TL;DR: I think Miquella genuinely wanted to create a better world, but in his quest to do so not only did he forcefully take away the free will of others, he also wound up becoming a heartless monster that, if unchecked, would bring about great suffering to the world and himself. It's classic "good intentions, bad outcome" tragic writing and ultimately it makes Miquella a very memorable and compelling character, even if he is ultimately a villain
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peijizerojournal · 9 hours
re: 'khaos reigns'
i have SO much to say about it lol but i'm still gathering my thoughts. all i know for sure is : even though the bar (in regards to quality of story and characterization) was on the floor, i am still, yet again, extremely disappointed !
(rant/review/spoilers below. will maybe add to this, but also maybe not. just purging some of my thoughts lol)
in a nutshell,
the way liu kang, kuai liang, cyrax, sektor and bi-han's characters were all deviously misrepresented was just appalling.
kuai liang is depicted as heartless, arrogant and temperamental. posturing as a 'grandmaster' even though he's done nothing but usurp authority by establishing a 'clan of his own' and pointing the finger at everybody but himself. lecturing cyrax about honour... pfft.
liu kang is strangely unforgiving and not very compassionate (he was literally more gracious in how he handled shang tsung/quan chi over bi-han?? like what??) not to mention his lack of urgency with dispatching of havik and rescuing geras. instead of extending some authentic benevolence to bi-han, he instead goads and chastises him after his transformation, and fails to elaborate further when they have their brief interaction regarding his hopes for a different future. the miscommunication between them -- in other words -- continues to be infuriating.
sektor doing nothing but being comically op and fawning over bi-han every three seconds is so all over the place, like they couldn't decide or couldn't find a nuanced balance in her persona (an issue with many characters, it seems...). while i thought she was the most accurately characterized out of all of these major players, her defining traits such as her obsession with the cyber initiative and boosting the lin kuei's position are not made so clear in the actual story? instead the writers chose to focus on her over-the-top, one-sided adulation toward bi-han. it makes her so hard to take seriously as a threat or as the next acting-grandmaster. another storytelling fail!
cyrax starts off the dlc defiantly, standing up for what she believes in and deciding to help the shirai ryu, yet during the rest of the story, she has no agency and just follows kuai around profusely apologizing for something she didn't even do (and kuai was relishing in that shift of power.... gross.)
and bi-han... i think that situation speaks for itself. missing chunks of the leak script and clever editing in the trailers left most of the fanbase baited and switched, and not to mention literally anything could happen next because of the lack of commitment to any of the lore and to even the timeline itself. many of the tower endings contradict much of the intro dialogue and the campaign itself. i guess by introducing alternate timelines and universes so early on, it gives the writers fair game to retcon anything and everything. which, effectively, pulvarizes any meaning for liu kang's 'new era' going forward.
i could keep ranting but, in short: 'khaos reigns' was rushed, boring, full of poor characterization and enough 'macguffins' and 'red herrings' fit for a superhero movie. so many plot holes and loose ends that weren't followed up on (like hello, what's with the hand on noob's hip? and where the hell did titan havik go at the end? was he banished? what about the kamidogu???). there were so many missed opportunities to flesh out preexisting conflicts too, and the pacing of everything from dialogue to the transitions between chapters was completely disjointed. all the characters actions were seemingly shortsighted and many of the decisions made led to nowhere and nothing really changed by the end. nobody went through any real character arc or growth, nobody knows what happened to our over-hyped 'villain of the week,' and the tower endings cancel out the dlc's true ending, essentially making all of it, and none of it, 'canonically accurate.'
it's clear whoever's writing this has no respect or insight for the source material, and is just doing whatever they want: whatever's popular, whatever sells, right? the one thing about a multiverse story is, you can keep that going forever. the possibilities are endless, and if they don't like something... it can be changed with a snap of the finger. kind of reminds me of one of supernatural's awful later seasons, or destiny 2's "shadowkeep" expansion. 'khaos reigns' comes across as a shoehorned seasonal narrative that exists solely to sell noob, cyrax and sektor and little else.
oh yeah, and the future dlc's that are sure to come.
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fnafsbheadcanon · 3 months
FNaF fandom: "I hate Gregory! He's an emotionless monster who kills people and only cares about himself!"
I'd like to disagree. I mean, yeah sure he was heartless and cold, but we gotta remember why he was like that in the first place.
In GGY, he was under the control of Glitchtrap, so obviously he's gonna be cold, it's because he probably doesn't want to much attention to himself especially because he's a hacker. And he killed counselors/therapists incase they got to close. And just like Vanessa, he most likely had no choice.
FNaF fandom: "But that was his GGY era. What about Gregory?"
Well, admittedly, he was cold in the beginning. Especially to Freddy. But we gotta put ourselves in his shoes for a bit. He is homeless, just woke up from a random coma and all of a sudden there's a rabbit lady/security guard that wants to kill him, cool animatronics that went hostile on him, and he genuinely doesn't know anything atp.
But during his adventure, we see how he starts to grow fond of Freddy. Heck, he asks if Freddy's okay at several points. Freddy showed maternity instincts to a kid who's genuinely lost. No wonder Freddy is Gregory's favorite.
FNaF fandom: "But that was only Freddy! He was cold to the other animatronics! He dismantled and took parts from them! Those animatronics did nothing to him!"
To be fair, those animatronics were hunting him. Only Freddy wasn't. He even asks Freddy why he wasn't attacking him [Gregory]. And yes, Gregory did dismantle them, but he did so to help himself and Freddy escape the place. While it hurts, if we were in his shoes we would have probably done the same thing. I mean, they tried to hurt him. In Gregory's eyes, he's giving them karma.
FNaF fandom: "But what about the Ruin DLC!? He lied to Cassie! He dropped her in an elevator shaft! He doesn't care about her!"
First off, we don't know who dropped the elevator. It could be Gregory. It could be The Mimic. We don't know. Also, it was Grimic who lied to Cassie, not Gregory. Grimic gaslight and lied to Cassie, causing her pain.
Also, not once was it shown that Gregory hurt Cassie. Quiet the opposite, actually. When nobody showed up to Cassie's birthday, guess who cheered her up? Gregory. If he were so heartless and cold, why would he come to check up on a random kid crying cuz her birthday party failed? Infact, why would he have bothered to become friends with her at all if he didn't care?
And it doesn't stop there. Through out Ruin, the Grimic only cared for itself. The only time it showed concern was when M.X.E.S jumpscared Cassie, but even then it didn't care if she was okay. But then notice how the real Gregory behaved with Cassie. One of the first things he does is try to explain the situation, as well as try to get her to safety. And notice his tone when he talks to her. He talks in a worried voice, displaying genuine concern for his friend. The Grimic never displayed such emotion. And unlike the Grimic, he actually does get Cassie to safety.
Now, if Gregory was the one to drop the elevator, or the Mimic was the one to do that- Like I said we don't know. Regardless it doesn't make him a horrible kid.
Just like Cassie and any other kid in this franchise, Gregory is a victim that was unfortunately dragged into this mess. And we shouldn't forget that.
Also: This kid isn't real. No actual people died. He's just a fictional character in a horror game franchise.
So... Chill out people-
True op
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claidi · 2 years
Xenoblade 3 dlc theory time-
What if Alvis is *not* Ontos? He's exactly as he described himself in Xenoblade 1. A computer.
But what about his necklace? Why is it a shaped like a very familiar set of core crystals? Well, it is Ontos. It's just Alvis plugged in a part of the Trinity Processor for more processing power. That's part of how a station computer gained enough sentience to rebel against Zanza.
Alrighty, with me so far? Good. Now prepare for a wacky turn.
In the new trailer, we can see Rex dual wielding swords. Given the colors we're to assume that they're from Pyra and Mythra.
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Where are Pyra and Mythra?
Blade and Driver fight together. That's a whole thing. So where are they? Also, even outside this scene, neither show up in Xenoblade 3 despite that they probably should outlive Nia. I mean, I'm sure that there can be an innocuous explanation, but there's something else-
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Rex is MAD.
Like this is a guy who generally keeps his words positive. He's also (presumably) married Blades- which if Alvis=Ontos, it's a little biased to call him a heartless machine.
But if Alvis already was able to use a Trinity Processor, and again, he is a computer that wasn't originally designed as an AI- let alone designed with any empathy- isn't it reasonable to assume that he'd want to upgrade himself further with the other Trinity Processor?
So basically:
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Shulk: Buddy, my friend- why are you doing this? We both agreed that Zanza sucked
Rex: This heartless machine just stole my wives!
Alvis: I can now run even more Minecraft
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charasgenociderun · 6 months
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Fallout New Vegas.
“True Genocide Run.”
The Mojave WILL Go Empty. (And So Will The DLC Locations.) Kill every single N.P.C in every area, the Mojave is a big place. So, I will be uploading a map of it on here for you to use as a guide.
Manipulation, Is Key. (The order of which locations you eradicate is irrelevant, do faction quests or not. It’s up to you.) While I say this, I should note: Goodsprings will fall first.
Every Vessel Is Different. (Experiment with different builds, there is no “right” way to go about it. Everyone has their own preferred play style.
Wipe The Slate Clean. (Completing Lonesome Road and launching the nukes at both N.C.R and Legion is required.)
Vegas, Belongs To No-one. (Since you will be killing everyone, the only person who you can side with is Yes Man. During the Mojave’s Final Stand, you need to destroy Hoover Dam. Rendering it unusable is key to ending any future attempts by N.C.R and Legion to try and settle on the Mojave Graveyard.)
My Brain? I Hardly Know Her. (The benefits of the Heartless, Brainless and Spineless perks are vital to ensuring that you are strong enough to fight.)
Chara, The True Name. (Since we are following in the footsteps of Undertale’s Genocide Run. Having your vessel be named Chara is a fun way to channel that inner demonic power.)
Never Let Go. (Dead Money is notoriously difficult, so I recommend going to Old World Blues first, acquiring the necessary perks recommended. Here’s some tips: Kill your compatriots in the Madre. Do it however you want, my preferred method is a cosmic knife to the throat.)
Survivors, In A Dying Land. (Randomly generated N.P.Cs will be a recurring presence, especially around Camp McCarran. So, be prepared if you’re doing double takes around that area.)
Link to an interactive map of the Mojave:
That does it!
Oh, and the most important thing is that you have fun, try new things. Thats why I made this run to begin with.
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ink-asunder · 5 months
Me: oh I don't know how to handle Cole's personal quest in my Dragon's Dogma crossover fanfiction because the nature of Pawns becoming human complicate and inform the process to the degree that Cole would be able to make an informed decision for himself without the player character making the decision for him.
My brain: Make him a system.
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Goddammit it Donald...
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rachelsnotebook · 9 months
A Look Back At The Games of 2023
There's always too many games and not enough hours in a year, but I refuse to let that stop me from celebrating the games that were important to me over the course of 2023.
The Games I LOVED in 2023:
(In no particular order)
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout (released September 26, 2019)
This game spoke to me on so many levels: the lonely childhood, the frustrations at home, the desire to prove myself, the dreams of adventure, a craving to learn, an enchantment with magic.
How could I not fall in love with these characters? I wish this game came into my life so much sooner.
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (released October 12, 2001)
Now, this is a game series that missed me entirely. It wasn't until I was an adult with internet access that I was briefly introduced to Phoenix Wright. Right away I knew I liked the style of humor, but I still didn't feel compelled to give the series a try any time soon.
Flash forward to 2023... I picked up the available Ace Attorney games on the 3DS eshop before it died. So, when I found myself on an airplane for the first time I decided to keep the ball rolling. I booted up the first Ace Attorney, and I get it now. This game is an experience. And I love it dearly!
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A Date with Death (Dec 7, 2023)
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Now, an important note here is that I still haven't played the full game. I had planned on it by the time I finished getting this massive post written, but I put my focus into playing the other submissions in the Velox Turbo Jam.
The demo though... that I played. A lot. The concept, game mechanics, the art, everything is simply amazing to interact with. How do you not fall in love with this game? Grimmy is so funny (and HOT). I'm looking forward to exploring this game fully in the new year!
Sonic Frontiers (released November 8, 2022 & story dlc September 28, 2023)
I've been playing Sonic for as far back as I can remember, and Frontiers might be my personal favorite of the bunch. It was a joy to explore and experiment with the new mechanics. And I know it's far from perfect. I'm not blind, but I'm not heartless either. Sometimes all you can do is laugh and move on. Over the course of my experience playing, every mechanic and level was accessible. That journey was where I fell in love with Frontiers.
The story dlc was everything I wanted. I'm so happy we got to play as Amy, Tails, and Knuckles! The controls again, aren't perfect, but I'm grateful and thrilled that this content exists at all.
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Xenoblade 3 DLC Future Redeemed (released April 25, 2023)
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Future Redeemed is my personal game of the year. No question.
If you have a spare hour or two, I do highly recommend looking up on youtube the journey and evolution of the Xeno games. The story of creator, Tetsuya Takahashi, is really cool!
But in short: he kept striving to tell an incredibly complex RPG that would span several games and thousands of years of in game lore. He had a vision that publishers just didn't share. That led him to form his own studio, but he couldn't bring his original IP with him. He had to start again, and one more time after that when Nintendo finally acquired his studio.
The Xenoblade Trilogy is actually six games in disguise. The dlc story content for each game exists as it's own game. The campaigns are significantly shorter, but they're games that stand on their own, 100%.
Future Redeemed was released as the finale to the overarching plot (the Klaus Saga), and this marked the first time that Tetsuya Takahashi was able to bring one of his Xeno plots to a close on his own terms. Xenoblade is still going to continue, but this plot can rest easy.
For the most part. FR still left plays with tons of questions, but it did it's job beautifully. It honored the past games and looked to the future, and I loved every piece of it.
And most remarkably, it also kicked the door down for Tetsuya Takahashi's older IPs to return to the story. It's unclear right now how and when, but the future is so very bright for some incredible games to get another chance to shine.
Splatoon 3 (released September 9, 2022)
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I spent a lot of time playing Splatoon this year. Am I good at it? No! But I love this game with my whole heart.
Intertwine (released July 2023)
Will I ever shut up about Intertwine? Hopefully no! I highly recommend checking out the post I made going into detail on this game.
Intertwine stole my heart. It's a fun game that feels deeply special. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and most of all... you'll fall in love with Van.
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The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (Mar 31, 2023)
A small team put this game together for April Fools and I owe them my life! This is one of my favorite things that happened this year.
If you missed it, for April Fools Sega dropped an entire Sonic the Hedgehog visual novel. And it's AMAZING.
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Coral Island (Nov 14, 2023)
The children who grew up on Bokujō Monogatari are rapidly creating their own farming games. Stardew Valley is the most famous game to come from that group and it's inspiring even more people.
Now, as someone who has likely spent years of their life playing their favorite farming games again, and again... I tend to be picky about what I want from a farming game. I have a clear vision in mind for my dream game.
And Coral Island is really close to that dream! There's a ton of love and careful thought put into the art, the story, and the characters. I can't wait to keep playing and discovering new mechanics and secrets.
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Suika game (December 9, 2021)
I love puzzle games! And I was sold on this game instantly.
I may have also bought it from the Japanese eshop some time before it was even announced for a North America release...
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Titan Arum (released August 2023)
This game came into my life at a time when I badly needed a distraction. And Titan Arum delivered!
Titan Arum is a visual novel with three love interests, and nothing is as it seems. It's so incredibly cool, and I can't believe that I get to be friends with the devs. This game is a massive home run.
The art, the UI, the story... omg we could be here all day discussing everything. There's a ton to chew on and I don't want to spoil a single thing. Trust me on this, just play it.
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Yakuza 0 (released March 12, 2015)
I'm still working my way through this one. Yakuza games are known for their length and I'm not interested in rushing any part of it.
My journey so far has been a ton of fun. There's so much detail injected into the world and the characters that I sometimes find it difficult to put the game down. I love the balance of seriousness and silliness. We need more of that in games.
I can't wait to keep on fighting with Kiryu in 2024.
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (released May 12, 2023)
Tears of the Kingdom is easily one of the best games of 2023, and in general. The mechanics they got working are incredible! I'm perpetually in awe by my own puzzle solutions and the clips I've seen of others. It's a truly amazing game.
There's little I can say that others haven't. And to be honest I'm still after all these months, collecting my thoughts on this game. I love TOTK, but I do have a few issues with it. So stay tuned for that post in 2024...
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Games that released / released a demo in 2023 that are on my RADAR:
Again, I wish on every star that I had more hours in a day so I could play every game that catches my eye. These are the ones I'm jumping on the opportunity as soon as possible!
-Baldur's Gate 3
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Slay the Princess
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Curse Crackers: For Whom the Belle Toils
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Thirsty Suitors
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In Stars and Time
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Little Goody Two Shoes
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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - DLC 3
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Other Game related media from 2023 that I want to acknowledge:
Sega has been really knocking it out of the park with their Sonic the Hedgehog content:
(There's too much to link to directly so I'm posting my personal favorites)
Tails Tube
Dr. Eggman takes over Lego
Sonic Symphony events
The added Frontiers content:
Sonic Superstars animated content
Sonic Dream Team animation
The incredible announcement for The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
I also must emphasize this praise is for the hardworking teams at Sega. If you haven't been following their unionizing efforts I recommend checking this out:
The IDW Sonic Comics! They're a ton of fun and I look forward to them every month.
Atelier Ryza had a big year of added content. The trilogy wrapped and I'm still emotional watching this video they released to visually recap the story.
Ryza also received an anime adaption of the first game. I'm in North America and I watched all of it on crunchyroll. It was a really well done adaption of the first part of the game. I hope it comes back for a season 2, because there's a ton more I want to see animated.
I'm a huge Fire Emblem Heroes addict and I'm always shocked how much original content in that mobile game flies under the radar. The movies for each new story milestone are often really cool.
[I hit an insert video limit so please copy and paste, and check that playlist out!]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5bIw5CyOLE&list=PLqP2A2xeRzdS3MjLNZvmZnWFYf_zwZqwq&ab_channel=NintendoMobile
I almost made it to the end before I hit the limit!
I can't thank you enough if you made it down to this point. This post spiraled out of control... and somehow this is still it reigned in.
It's almost 9pm on New Years Eve and I just want this post done. So if there are errors, I'm sorry. I tried. I fell into writing as if I'm talking to you directly and I like that level of comfort for a fun post like this one.
Have a Happy New Year!!!
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Alright sit down I'm ranking Dual Destinies culprits. Spoilers abound!
Just going to list my thoughts on all 5 culprits in order of beloved to beloathed. Expect me to be mean.
Marlon Rimes
Easily the most nuanced and sympathetic of them all, and a well-written one to boot! His grudge against the orca is understandable, yet flawed in a very human way. He had no intentions of harming anyone - in fact he wanted to save his co-workers from what he saw as a dangerous animal. When Sasha was arrested he went out of his way to lie in order to get her off the hook. When push came to shove, he accepted his sentence to save her and punish himself for unintentionally setting up the Captain's death. It's all the more heartbreaking that Azura wasn't even killed by the previous orca, rendering all of his hatred and actions resulting from it irrational and unfounded. He sort of reminds me of both Simon and Aura in a few ways; taking the fall to save a friend, trying to enact revenge on someone he saw as a crazed, emotionless animal... his plight has plenty in common with both. 5-DLC gets a lot of praise in my books for its parallels to the main conflict (not that the other cases lack them) and Marlon is no exception.
The thing that makes Marlon so compelling is that he isn't a monster. He doesn't even have much of an ego, calling himself too weak to save anyone. He's a man who acted on his rage and made a dreadful mistake in doing so, trying to right his wrongs and eventually being forced to give up and admit that he had no right to do what he had done. Even agreeing that he had no right pruely on the basis of it causing someone to die inderectly. Him being rehabilitated at the end is the feather-on-the-cap to show that he's someone the characters genuinely care about and wish to do better in spite of his flaws. It took a while and plenty of evidence, but the Captain's words finally got through to him and he's a lot better for it. His animations are wonderfully creative, by the way! Turning the spyglass into a faux microphone, re-using the bucket of fish for a Popeye-esque transformation, the name-tag turning into a rapper's gold chain, his breakdown turning the witness stand into both a helm and a set of prison bars - so much visual creativity with this guy! It's such a treat.
The worst I can say about him is that the rapping is a bit of a stereotype. Yes, this is the same game that body-shames the one fat character, has no idea what a trans person is, and... well we'll save that part for later. No one enjoys that. That said, I'm willing to say the good far outways the bad here. It lead to one of the funniest witness testimonies in the series so I can't be too mad!
2. Ted Tonate
What a peculiar character... semi-verbal, anti-social, obsessed with explosives, and overall a strange specimen to behold. It doesn't feel like he has a specific quirk more than it feels like everything about him is off-beat, ranging from uncomfortably still to absolutely feral. I like it!
More importantly - while he did commit murder and assault - he does serve an important role in the plot and is not completely incompetent or heartless. That courtroom would have become a graveyard without his warning, after all! He's a bit like Frank Sawhit where he'll resort to physical violence under pressure but doesn't seem to have intended to kill necessarily. Difference is Frank was a common thief, while Ted's a bona-fide member of the police's bomb disposal unit who - black market deals aside - actually carries his duties out and does a good job. Nice little misdirection there too. That opening monologue fits the phantom better than Ted but we don't figure that until near the end. It doesn't erase the fact he's done some terrible things but at he's not a monster. Just a woefully anti-social guy who doesn't respond well to being called out.
Dual Destinies gets a surprising amount of mileage out of its Case 1 antagonist and it's a treat to watch. There's plenty that case does to give the game a bad first impression, but Ted's not one of them. He can stay!
3. Aristotle Means Aaaaaaaand we've nose-dived. Prepare for snark.
Means is emblematic of a much larger issue with Dual Destinies; it doesn't seem interested in treating the main conflicts of its cases as much more than generic good vs evil despite having an abundance of material to make things more interesting. Yes, I know Ace Attorney culprits aren't the most 3-dimensional bunch - usually the character conflicts they cause are the most interesting parts. Though they usually make things fun by being smarmy bastards. Means is just repeatitive. It's one thing to be a shallow bad guy, it's another thing entirely to beat you over the head with a single catchphrase without putting any spins on it. Manfred has the same one-track mind in his philosophy but he never felt this aggressively tedious about it. There's also the fact that, well... the ends DID justify the means in the end. Dual Destinies' main conflict would not have been solved without Aura taking extreme measures to save Simon. Having that while saying "doing bad things is bad no matter what!" with this guy makes him feel all the more flimsy and misguided. Him wanting to save Juniper and honour her wishes by any means necessary is a nice way to add flavour to the conflict but it's grossly overshadowed by him being a flat cartoon for the most part.
I feel like there's a sorely missed opportunity here for him to point out that Phoenix Wright also exercised that philosophy at times. Yes I'm talking about forging evidence in 4-1, it would have been a nice way to make his conflict with Athena more interesting. Pointing out that her boss is an exemplar of "the ends justifies the means" - especially with Apollo in the same room - is an idea that fills my brain with thinks. Might have even been the reason why he invited Nick to the academy too... oh well. It takes a lot to bouy a one-track villain like him up as it is without actively adding more baggage through redundancy and lack of presence. He doesn't even do much of anything or have a chance to BE evil before his hair stands up like other villains. He's just. Annoying. I know I keep comparing him to Manfred, but imagine a version of him that didn't do anything until the tail-end of the last trial and with none of the backstory and gravitas. That's the level Means is at.
A crappier Manfred. Joy to the world!
4. ???
YOU COULD HAVE BEEN SOMEBODY! YOU HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL! Hell, he arguably does have dramatic weight as-written. He's the embodiment of the distrust and denial of ones true feelings/identity that has caused this racket in the first place. Dual Destinies as a whole is a game about people who put on masks to do what they feel is right or necessary, then being forced to take the mask off, confront themselves and their actions for what they truly are. Having a villain who's hidden his identity this entire time is such a fitting choice! It's just a shame that he, oh you know, it's small thing it doesn't really matter... DIDN'T HAVE AN IDENTITY WORTH HIDING TO BEGIN WITH!!! Dual Destinies beats you over the head about how scary this guy is for having no personality. And that's exactly the problem. When you spend that much time telling people the villain isn't worth caring about then that's what people are going to take away. Nevermind that his personality for most of the game was a goofy detective man who valued JUSTICE! above all else, a man who is willing to question his own definitions of it despite what others may think but still allows it to justify doing awful things like zapping Simon. Maybe that could have been the answer! That he allowed his perception of JUSTICE! to warp so much that he became this ghoulish ghost who kills and commits acts of terrorism without remorse. His life being threatened when his literal mask falls acting as a metaphor for how he is unable to confront himself for who he is and what he's done; he, in his own eyes, would be the least justified of them all, and so he has forsaken his identity to avoid that truth. A truth that would spell the end both within and without.
But no. The game does everything in its power to tell you he's a hollow, empty husk of a human being. More importantly, even if the above was the case it doesn't do anything at all with the concept. It just comes across that his main conflict is "who tf am I?" Which is... oddly sad and worrying? Yes, I do think the idea of letting your true self go leading to awful, terrible things and the horror of realising that that's exactly what you did - even denying it or using it as a point of strength - is an interesting and befitting idea. They just don't do anything with it before he's already carted off to the pile of characters we'll never hear from again. There's nothing there by design to the point where it doesn't feel like there was anything he COULD have discarded in the first place. His lack of identity feels less like a concept the writers wanted to explore and more of an excuse to get a twist villain who could pretend to be anybody.
It's a diservice to both the story and to the false identity he had before this. "Bobby Fulbright" somehow ended up a more interesting character and he's the one who's chastised by other characters for being a simple idiot! And he was discarded for this guy! "Bobby" should have mattered more, both to the characters and to the phantom's identity. Not get an unceremonial "he was dead the whole time" reveal and be completely divorced from the phantom's character in every way the story can think to do. Erasure in more ways than one... no wonder people felt betrayed. In a bad way. You shouldn't feel betrayed by the writing if it's any good and that's how plenty - myself included - felt. Oh, and having the only character who's low/no emotion be the shallow bad guy is not a great look... I'll say it again; the problem isn't that he's the antagonist. It's that he's not a well-written one. A psychopath would be fascinating as a character in ANY role in this psychology-focused mystery game if Dual Destinies had the gall to make one that's actually interesting. Remember what I said about Means crushing the conflict into something too simple for the concept behind it? The phantom does that on a wider scale and it deals a massive blow to Dual Destinies to have its overarching villain so infuriatingly empty and disposable. It makes themes of trust and masks I mentioned fall flat.
I'd rather Athena kill Metis over this. It'd be a similar concept with more justification behind it without completely dismissing the players emotional investment or cheapening the themes of the game. Or at least execute those things in a better way than this. In justice we trusted...
Sidenote: I was torn between ranking Means or the phantom here. While Phanty is definitely more interesting to talk about than the living staute, him sucking hurts more than Means due to his status as the main villain. It's easier to get away with being a shallow puddle when you weren't meant to swim much in it to begin with.
5. Florent L'belle
You'll notice I didn't put an emotional marker on this guy. That should tell you everything you need to know. At least the phantom makes me feel something, even if it is abject despair at how much of a gaping hole he leaves in the story. Florent just... I mean he's... His breakdown's creepy, that's kinda fun... I got nothing, he's just sort of there.
Lick a toad, you inferior Redd White. I'm going need to borrow Bobby's Jolt of Justice next time you show up.
At least I'd feel something that way.
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there's always this one outgoing call of Saeyoung in Christmas day dlc that confuses me he said "when I was working there, I received a letter that went like this. The letter said please save me and my brother as a Christmas miracle. I think he intended to send it to Santa, But I guess they mixed it up since I was wearing red too. I was getting paid minimum wage, but a Defender of Justice was a superhero no matter what! I looked into who sent the letter, and it turned out to be a very young fragile little fellow. A little fellow who had a hard time just writing that letter..."
like was he talking ab himself or he really saw a child? as I know he mostly tells us stories that talks about his past. sorry if this is too much to ask
Oh, Saeyoung is always talking about himself through the means of allegories and tall tales. It's not the first time he's mentioned himself to the player like this. He's had stories where he describes his story as something where two kittens are living in peril because the mama cat is cruel and heartless. So, he simply changed up the story here to suit the Christmas theme.
I'd say he sent a letter to Santa once about helping him get his brother out of their awful childhood home, but he soon realized that Santa was just a story for children, and now he is the only one who's capable of saving his brother.
Santa can't make Saeran's dreams come true... but Agent 707 Extreme can... he can make that wish come true... since Santa can't make his purest dream of him and brother being able to live freely together.
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