#the hundreds of colors and formulas for many skin types
gottakeepittothetheme · 11 months
Do you ever think how crazy the makeup industry must be in star wars universe
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Bliss Skin Tag Remover Reviews- Skincell Advanced Australia Price
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BIiss SkinTag Remover & Skincell Advanced - Does it work?
Bliss Skin Tag Remover is a serum specifically designed to treat skin tags and moles. This pharmaceutical company was founded in the United States and has been providing this service for many years. Bliss Skin Tag Remover product penetrates the skin to target the root cause of specific skin problems. Once you learn how skin tags are formed and why they are often so common, you'll understand why this product works so well against them.
If you need an effective product that will heal your skin with ease, look no further than Skincell Advanced!
This Bliss Skin Tag Remover review goes over the basic details of this serum, from how it works to its benefits and ingredients. By the end of this advanced Skincell review, you'll know how much to invest and whether you should buy one. 
What are moles?
A birthmark or mole is a normal skin growth that develops when pigment-producing cells ( melanocytes ) grow in groups. They appear on the skin as small, dark marks and sometimes small flesh-colored bumps. 
Moles can come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. For example, one type of mole is a blue birthmark. Blue moles look blue because the group of pigment-producing cells is smaller in the skin than brown freckles and moles. They may look unusual, but are generally benign.
Most people have moles . Only about one in a hundred people have a mole or mole present at birth. These so-called congenital melanocytic nevi are often larger than acquired nevi (moles) that develop after birth. Moles usually appear in childhood and early teenage years, so that by the age of 15, Australian children have an average of over 50 moles. 
What is the difference between a mole and freckles?  
Moles tend to lift off the surface of the skin while freckles are flat. Like moles, the color associated with freckles is due to the presence of melanin, which is formed in melanocytes that have appeared or darken with exposure to the sun. Moles appear when skin cells form a cluster. Freckles have a normal number of pigment-producing cells and cannot turn into moles.  
What is Bliss Skin Tag Remover & Skincell Advanced? 
The natural serum that soothes skin signs and a range of other imperfections is referred to as Skincell Advanced Australia. It can treat skin imperfections by increasing the number of vital cells in the problem area. In addition, the medical device does not leave a mark or scar on any skin. Many people believe that the natural remedy accelerates the healing of the skin.
Skin tags and moles could be found on every part of the body. They can be brown, black or blue. Because they are typically non-clinical in soft tissue, they are not routinely treated. Skincell Advanced Australia is a tool that can be used daily to eliminate any skin irregularities. The active ingredients will quickly penetrate the skin and target the cause, whatever bumps you have.
How does Bliss Skin Tag Remover & Skincell Advanced Serum work? 
Bliss Skin Tag Remover quickly removes skin marks and moles. Its powerful formula addresses the source of problems deep inside the skin. Skincell Pro Advanced Mole Removal is an innovative technique that can help improve the condition of your skin.
Step 1: Apply the Skincell Advanced Australia to the affected skin. The active ingredients of the serum penetrate the skin and trigger an immune response. White blood cells will move to the affected area, helping it return to normal and stop.
Step 2: You will recover naturally during this time, but the local site is slightly inflamed and scab after 8 hours.
Step 3: Let the scab fall off on its own. Once the scab falls off, apply Bliss Skin Tag Remover Repair Cream or Neosporin product to aid healing and prevent scarring.
Step 4: Since your blemish has no skin tags or birthmarks, the lesion will disappear completely in 2 to 3 months. After that you will never be recognized again.
Bliss Skin Tag Remover & Skincell Advanced Ingredients:
Aloe Vera : Aloe Vera is one of the most important skincare ingredients. It is known for its antioxidant properties and ability to form a protective barrier that can help protect the skin from environmental pollutants.
Apple pectin : Collagen in this region is an important component in removing the mask from the face. Collagen decreases with age, causing wrinkles on the skin. Apple pectin is an all-natural ingredient that helps in the production of collagen under our skin, which further smoothes and soothes skin wrinkles.
Oat Bran : Oat bran has many natural health benefits. Oat bran is useful for oily and moist skin. It removes excess sebum and moisture from the skin, leaving it sufficiently dry. Oat bran saponins not only act as a skin cleanser by removing dead cells, but also cleanse the pores.
Papaya Leaf Essence: The decomposition process of papaya leaves is based on the enzyme "papain". which deeply cleanses the pores of the face, leaving a smooth, fresh and radiant complexion. Papaya leaves provide the benefits of vitamin C, beta-carotene and alpha hydroxy acids that pamper the skin.
Sanguinaria Canadensis : One example is Sanguinaria Canadensis, a flowering plant with excellent medicinal properties. It attracts blood and therefore is used to healing wounds. SkincellAdvanced uses this to heal the skin by drawing in white blood cells.
Is Bliss Skin Tag Remover & Skincell Advanced safe? 
The serum was created using proven procedures that are both safe and effective. When it comes to your skin, you can count on Bliss Skin Tag Remover for its safety and performance. All of our products are manufactured in the USA under FDA approval and strict industry standards. It is made of completely natural substances and safe to use.
Bliss Skin Tag Remover & Skincell Advanced Reviews - Concluding Notes 
You may just be looking for the best or new skin care product. Several products on the market claim to provide experience and meet needs. As a result, people jump from one product to another in search of a cure that works for them.
Bliss Skin Tag Remover is the best solution for people who want to notice a noticeable improvement in the condition of their skin. The product will immediately offer the perfect foundation for your skin. What's more, the naturally developed therapy allows the skin to heal on its own.
Official Web Click Here →
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naotles · 3 years
The formula of beauty cosmetic products they need to consider the activity of solvent
Cosmetics not only moisture, cleaning, moisturizing, sun protection, anti-wrinkle and skin care and so on, but also treatment, repair of the skin effect, skin is more young, natural, feel more delicate. Thus, in the field of modern cosmetic formulations, the active ingredients with a variety of effects and drug formulators more and more attention, and their applications are more and more widely. These active ingredients with a variety of effects and drug activity in the skin through the skin barrier with its ability to change, and the status and contact with skin conditions such as the contact area of the size, timing and other closely related; In addition, as a cosmetics, skin and have a good feeling when used is also important that users be able to accept it is an important prerequisite. Both the composition and properties of the matrix and are closely related. Therefore, the formula of beauty cosmetic products they need to consider the activity of solvent, the matrix must allow the active ingredients through the stratum corneum, to promote the penetration of active substances. Some modern chemists with some theoretical and experimental medicine, the medicine was originally used in the carrier system, sustained-release philosophy and embedding technology in the field of personal care products to enhance the effectiveness of the product, improve product stability, prolong shelf life and improve product appearance. AMD carrier is small size, particle size by a few hundred microns to several tens of nanometers, for loading, storage and transport of specific chemical substances, drugs into specific reaction zone into the body through the skin or tissue of a class of carriers in general. Many active ingredients to control the local delivery of ultra-carrier technology has been used in cosmetic production, given the excellent performance of cosmetics, the cosmetics industry to bring a traditional change. Microemulsion is generally composed of water, oil, surfactant and emulsifier made, is a thermodynamically stable dispersion. The water in oil droplet was like can also be oil in water was like. In cosmetic formulations, O / W microemulsion application of more W / O microemulsion widely. Microemulsion compared with ordinary emulsion, with special properties: interfacial tension is small, usually 10.5 ~ 10.9N / m, good solubilization; micelle particles is very small, a diameter of about 10 ~ 100nm, easy to penetrate the skin ; thermodynamically more stable, can form spontaneously, without outside to provide energy, high-speed centrifugal separation does not occur by delamination; appearance of transparent or nearly transparent. Therefore, the development of micro-emulsion cosmetics very rapidly in many areas of cosmetics has been a very good application, very broad market prospects. In recent years, astaxanthin cosmetic and efficacy of cosmetic actives and wholesale Skincare Packaging manufacturers drug use increased, while the general structure of the drug actives and more complex, the solubility of the smaller, the need to reach a certain concentration to be effective, solubilization by micro-emulsion, the active ingredient can improve and the stability and effectiveness of drugs. Liposomes are formed by a lipid bilayer molecules of the hollow ball. Lipid molecules with hydrophilic groups and lipophilic groups, when they are dispersed in water, the lipophilic groups combined with each other in the middle of film, film-forming hydrophilic groups arranged in inner and outer surfaces, spontaneously form a layer of hollow molecules ball, the diameter of 50 ~ 500nm. In the middle of the ball can be loaded hydrophilic components, glutathione and can be loaded in the bilayer membrane of fat-soluble components of the middle. Various lipids and lipid mixtures can be used for preparation of liposomes, and phospholipids are the most commonly used, such as lecithin from organisms, serine, and sphingomyelin and phospholipid synthesis Dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline, two such as stearoyl phosphatidyl choline. Is satisfied to trust the company Ciba invented in 1998 a new, ultra-stable cosmetic actives carrier is assisted by the lecithin and surfactants, to a certain percentage of single-layer membrane structure consisting of nano- colloid, the average particle size of 25nm. Care through the stratum corneum can be satisfied and rate the chances are much higher than ordinary liposomes, which can be coated to carry active ingredients deep until it reaches the skin play a role in dermal tissue. Glucose is stable, sustained-release microsphere carrier particles, originated in the supramolecular biological carrier (SupramolecularBiovccteur) technology, and in 1988 a patent application for registration, which is used to transfer the upper skin and maintain active material is a solid containing the core of the supramolecular structure, solid core formed by the polysaccharide, contains strong cationic group, has a strong hydrophilic, and given the chemical and physical chemical aspects of particle stability, good biocompatibility, with pro-wrapped the ability of water-based surfactant. LCD is in a solid, vapor, liquid between the fourth state of tri-state new material, as the temperature changes color to show the effects of LCD technology in the application of cosmetics should be an irreversible trend. LCD technology is a microencapsulation technology and micro-milli-type coating technology combined with instantly absorbed by the body. It can significantly improve the cosmetics of moisture, moisture and other basic properties, the active substances such as vitamins, minoxidil, antioxidants, enzymes and plant extracts in cosmetics liquid crystal compound was added, when the composite material used in the slow release of active ingredients, the skin was fully absorption, thereby enhancing additive effect. In short, with a variety of cosmetic research and development of micro carriers the deepening of cosmetics to the high-tech, high-end development has played a huge role in promoting the preparation of cosmetics and development has entered a new era. However, these ultra-carriers have their own characteristics, but mainly in the cosmetics and skin as a target organ for a wide range of general population, it is necessary for cosmetic purposes different active substances and select the appropriate delivery systems and carriers, the safety of these technologies and products and stability to be further improved and validated delivery mechanisms need further study.
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Acne Treatment Skincare Products To Use For Much Healthier Skin
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Your skin is covered in pores that can often get clogged by oil, microscopic organisms, dead cells, dirt due to air pollution, constant use of makeup, not enough exfoliation, and so much more. At the point when this happens, you might notice a rise in blackheads on your nose and/or cheeks, a slight blemish, or a full-on break out depending on the condition of your skin and previous history with acne.
Acne is a widely known condition most people currently suffer from or have suffered from it at one point in their lives. Everyone has gotten a pimple. Most of us have gotten hundreds to thousands of them. Even though acne is a common skin condition, it very may well be excruciating, especially in extreme cases, causing both physical and emotional discomfort. Breakouts that show up, again and again, can negatively influence your confidence because of the excessive scarring and inflammation.
Acne can appear anywhere on your face and body, including but not limited to the back, legs, arms, and chest areas and the reasons may vary from one person to another. According to your skin, your face may become covered with blackheads on your nose and cheeks, or you may experience pimples that can appear as whiteheads or dark red tones. There is a difference between whiteheads and pimples you might not have noticed, so here is a quick rundown. Pimples have a dark distinctive color due to the oxygen while whiteheads appear under your skin layer – hence their white color.
Acne: The main causes & how to prevent it
The often combination of pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and clogged pores is what causes the scarring of your skin. Despite all the assumptions around acne and its origins – processed foods heavy in oils, chocolate, dairy - nothing can be proven by science – at least yet. So are there any contributing factors? Well, the short answer is yes. Medications such as birth control, hormonal changes – often during our teen years and or menopause - can negatively affect the health of our skin. Sadly, sometimes acne can be passed on from one generation on to the next one.
Acne treatment, although possible, is a long process based on consistency and many trials and errors. Don’t be disappointed just yet! With the right facial cleansers, scrubs, and acne treatment products you will notice a big difference within a few weeks – we promise. In a market filled with skincare products, finding the right one for you is often a task on its own – not to mention very time-consuming. Below is a list of acne treatment products that can work miracles on your skin.
It’s all about cleansing with a great facial cleanser
Face cleansing is a key step towards healthy skin. The best facial cleansers for acne-prone skin should include ingredients such as salicylic and glycolic acids and sodium benzoate. What is that I hear you ask? Cause over time with consistent use, they can prevent your pores from clogging and slowly stop the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Face cleansers can be used up to 3 times per day according to your skin type. Always navigate towards products with neutral ingredients – even better if they can also be used as facial scrubs for exfoliation.
Our facial cleanser recommendations:
1. Acne solutions cleansing bar for face and body by Clinique 2. Pure plush gentle deep cleansing foam by Bareminerals 3. Aha/bha exfoliating cleanser by Murad 4. Oil-free acne wash redness soothing facial cleanser by Neutrogena 5. Acne solutions clinical clearing gel by Clinique
Acne treatments for every skin type
It’s a well-known fact that acne treatment solutions are a miracle for every skin type, there formulas aim to go dip inside your skin to prevent any future breakouts. Their soothing properties will reduce redness. Your skin can naturally dispose of dead cells but for those who suffer from acne, this process cannot be done correctly on its own. So why not give it a little boost? Salicylic and glycolic acids are known for their abilities to get rid of dead skin while controlling the oil products – crucial to avoid blemishes. You will instantly feel your skin being smoother and softer.
Our acne treatment recommendations:
1. Eradikate acne treatment by Kate Somerville 2. Repairing treatment by Proactive 3. Niacinamide 10% + zinc 1% by the Ordinary 4. Drying lotion by Mario Badescu 5. Adapalene gel 0.1% acne treatment by Differin
Clay masks for soothing skin
Your best solution to detoxify your pores, treat your pimples, and fight pigmentation. Even though we see quite a few new formulas the old – but extremely effective- tea tree oil and its countless benefits is still the number one ingredient you should look for in a clay mask. It is known for both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Interested in minimizing your pores? It can also do just that! So put on your favorite clay mask and relax, let it do all the work for you.
Our clay mask recommendation:
1. Tea tree skin clearing clay mask by The body shop
High-coverage foundation for everyday use
No matter if you decide to cover up your acne with foundation we have some amazing news! Want to make sure you are treating your blemishes while concealing them? There is a specific range of foundations tailored to those who suffer from acne with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and skin-brightening properties. Which are the miracle ingredients for your acne-prone skin? Salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and aloe vera.  High coverage, matte foundations are at the of the list – just look at the reviews.
Our high-coverage foundation recommendation:
1. Acne fighting foundation by e.l.f
If you still have questions or concerns about your skin condition or that of a loved one who might suffer from acne, you’re not alone, and you can get all the answers and help you need from a community of beauty lovers and skincare enthusiasts over at MIRA BEAUTY.
There, you can get advice and give advice for everything skincare, makeup, and beauty with tens of thousands of people just like you who can help you find the best treatments for blackheads to the perfect acne treatment for your unique skin tone, and so much more. This will help you buy the best acne treatment with confidence, so you never buy a bad product again.
Source: Acne Treatment Skincare Products To Use For Much Healthier Skin
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bittersweetjj · 4 years
Skin Laundry Hydrating Cream Face Wash
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Price: $30
Claims: This soap and sulfate-free formula cleans and hydrates dry skin as it melts away dirt, makeup and impurities. Leaves skin clean, fresh and comfortable. Never dry.
Removes Dirt and Makeup
Hydrates and Calms Skin
Soap and Sulfate-Free
Water: Primarily used as a solvent in cosmetics and personal care products in which it dissolves many of the ingredients that impart skin benefits, such as conditioning agents and cleansing agents. Water also forms emulsions in which the oil and water components of the product are combined to form creams and lotions.
Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate: Mild detergent cleansing agent derived from coconut; most often used in facial cleansers.
Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) Seed Oil: It functions as an emollient and softening agent in skin- and hair-care products. This plant oil is exceedingly stable because it is primarily composed of long chain fatty acids.
Acrylates Copolymer: A stabilizer mostly used in styling products to set the hair, add body, and protect it from humidity. It possesses a multitude of functions and can work as a film forming agent, hair fixative agent, suspending agent and antistatic agent. It’s also sometimes used as a waterproofing agent, as well as an adhesive. 
Cocamidopropyl Betaine: Helps to clean or remove dirt and oil, creating foam when used with water
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice: Extracted from the leaves of the aloe plant; used as a skin softener, anti-irritant, and moisture replenisher.
Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil: An emollient used in skincare for its soothing and conditioning properties.
Panthenol: Member of the B complex family of vitamins. A moisturizing humectant and emollient.
Hexylene Glycol: A preservative and solvent and viscosity agent. It is used to thin out heavy compositions and create a thinner, more spreadable product. It may be irritating to some skin types. 
Carbomer: Group of synthetic texture enhancers used primarily to create gel-like formulations. High amounts of carbomers in a gel may result in the product rolling or balling up of cosmetic products on skin, but this phenomenon depends on other formulary steps taken to minimize this effect.
Aminomethyl Propanol: An alkanolamine that comes in the form of either a colorless liquid or crystalline solid. Works to adjust PH levels.
Ethylhexylglycerin: A synthetic skin-softening agent also used as a preservative, a carrier, or suspending agent for other preservatives such as phenoxyethanol.
Caprylyl Glycol: Skin and hair conditioning agent that may be plant-derived or synthetic. Often used as part of a preservative blend in cosmetics. 
Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether and bactericide (that functions as a disinfectant, antiseptic or antibiotic) that is primarily used as a preservative. It is also seen as a fragrance additive.
Fragrance (Parfum): One or a blend of volatile and/or fragrant plant oils (or synthetically derived oils) that impart aroma and odor to products. These are often skin sensitizers because they are composed of hundreds of individual chemical components. Fragrance is a leading source of sensitivity to cosmetics.
My Thoughts: Skin Laundry Hydrating Cream Face Wash was very disappointing. But at least I didn’t pay full price for it. I received it in my October 2017 Play! by Sephora box. It comes in a cylinder squeeze tube. The texture is silky with an off white color. I use about nickel size amount and I massage my face with it for about 2 minutes, then I wash off with warm water. Immediately I felt my skin was silky smooth. I do love that it doesn’t dry out my skin, even when I use it everyday.
Honestly there is not a lot of good things to say about Skin Laundry Hydrating Cream Face Wash because it doesn’t do much for my skin. It removes dirt but it seems like only a surface layer of dirt is removed, I wish it was a little more powerfully in this area. When it comes to taking off makeup it sucks, especially removing mascara. I still have not been successful at fully removing my mascara with this. I would wake up with mascara on my pillow every morning!
Would I purchase Skin Laundry Hydrating Cream Face Wash? No its way too basic for my skin for that price point.
Received in October 2017 Play! by Sephora box
Cylinder squeeze tube
Silky texture with off white color
Use a nickel size amount 
Skin becomes silky smooth
Doesn’t dry out skin
Removes surface dirt
Wish it was a bit more powerfully on removing direct beyond the surface
Doesn’t fully take off makeup
If you found this review helpful please click on the heart or reblog. Feel free to reply with your thoughts on the product.
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optionzephyr26 · 4 years
Surge In Use Of Harmful Tanning Injection.
2 Days Till Op. Ive Got A Chilly. Also Tanning Injections?
Surgical Treatment As Well As Procedure For Intracerebroventricular (icv) Injections.
Related Items.
Dose Details.
Box Nutan Orginal Tanning Spots (10 Patches).
Tanning Cream With Tan Accelerator.
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The typical melanoma dosage is 500 mcg for every one square inch of skin. This measure is used to ensure that the peptides will reach all parts of the body. The skin should be carefully inspected before administration to ensure that no allergic reaction is noted. It is advisable to seek the assistance of a dermatologist before undergoing any therapy as there are certain medications that can interact with it. A qualified medical practitioner will be able to advice on the proper dosing schedule and dosage for your individual needs.
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Even though melanoma has been used for several decades, the only major benefit that people gain from using this over-the-counter medicine is the fading of freckles and the prevention of skin color changes associated with birthmarks and age spots. These freckles appear because of the natural aging process. Melanin molecules are responsible for this phenomenon. With age, the number of melanocytes (the part that produces melanin) reduces and this results in the appearance of dark spots. Age spots are caused by the accumulation of melanin molecules underneath the dermal layer. With the use of melanoma, these spots gradually fade and the remaining epidermis is unaffected.
Medical researchers and experts are constantly working to develop more advanced medical solutions for melanoma issues. They are also trying to figure out how to make existing medicines, which are already in use, better so that people with problems related to vitiligo and other similar skin conditions may be able to use them without risking their health. Therefore, if you suffer from vitiligo and want to buy a melanoma product, make sure that it is an approved one and is not being sold illegally, as there are plenty of such products available on the Internet.
One can minimize the risk of these side-effects by following a few precautions. Firstly, one needs to consult a physician before starting any such treatment. Secondly, one needs to understand that the effects of melanotan-i are very temporary and hence one need not worry about any such side-effects occurring over a long-term use. In case of emergency, contact with a physician can always be made, but it is better to stick to a strict medication schedule than to panic in situations like burning urge or itching etc.
Surgery And Also Procedure For Intracerebroventricular (icv) Shots.
As regards the long term, the best option is to avoid any cosmetic procedure involving melanotan-i. No medication containing melatonin should be taken for a period longer than three months. It is equally important to note that such medicines cannot be used by pregnant women, even when they might be temporarily useful to treat freckles. While pregnant women might have very mild side-effects, those who are not taking such medication could face a serious risk of developing birth defects such as cleft lip palate or cleft palate. This is because the medicine contains a low amount of melanin and hence would not allow the pigmentation of the fetus to develop properly.
Does Melanotan 2 make freckles darker?
Lighter freckles/moles and previously unseen moles may darken and become more visible with the use of Melanotan II. Any freckles/moles that have darkened during the usage of Melanotan II will usually fade upon cessation of use; however, the time for this to occur will be different for each user.
As a rule, you are not advised to view abstract online websites regarding the uses of melanoma. You should not view abstracts that contain information that do not focus on the potential risks and benefits. The information in an abstract may be completely different than the results you can obtain from the actual drug trials. If you want to read an abstract that talks about the benefits of the drug in comparison to conventional tanning methods, you can contact your dermatologist. He or she will be able to tell you whether the drug is safe for you to use or not.
Relevant Items.
The benefits of Melanotan are great. There are many people who use Melanotan and have had great results. Before you decide if you want to give Melanotan a try, it is a good idea to look into the different forms that are available and determine which one will be best for your skin type and acne problem.
However, the fact that the procedure is relatively invasive raises some important questions. First, are there any long term or permanent side effects? Second, can a person be charged with criminal neglect, for failing to make use of a cosmetic procedure intended to eliminate freckles and to lessen age spots?
Dosage Information.
Most common side effects associated with melanoma use are moderate to severe nausea and vomiting. These side effects tend to subside within a few days of receiving the melanotan. Other common side effects include erectile dysfunction, fatigue, increased levels of cholesterol and increased risk of developing Leukemia. Rarely, melanomas can lead to the formation of a benign tumor known as acromegaly.
The procedure for melanoma use is fairly straightforward. Before receiving the injections, you will be advised of the correct dosage to receive and the time of day that the injection should take. Injections are usually made under local anesthesia, however this can vary depending on your doctor and the type of melanoma that you have. Your doctor will also provide you with a list of possible side effects from the injections so that you can decide if they are suitable for you.
Melanotan is taken by mouth, usually in a soft capsule. It can be purchased over-the-counter at your local drug store, or you might try looking for Melanotan in a supplement form as well. melanotan.eu Melanotan France buy cheap free trial will find that Melanotan is available in several forms such as creams, lotions, gels, and oral supplements. You can even find Melanotan in the form of a cream that is applied topically.
Box Nutan Orginal Tanning Patches (10 Spots).
The short answer is "yes", there are definitely long term side effects of using melanotan ii, III or IV, although they are very minor and not worth worrying about. Some people may experience a slight reddening of the skin, mild burning sensations and sometimes nausea. Sometimes, these side effects may increase if the person decides to go in for tanning even more frequently. The nausea is caused partly by the nausea effect of taking medicines that contain melatonin, and is also related to the fact that the medicines are also carrying a small amount of medicine for another purpose which should be eliminated.
There are different forms of treatments available for freckles, but all of them involve a great deal of risk and are very expensive. For example, a physician might inject deep-pink pigment into a depressed area of the skin, known as "the sclera". This will have a permanent effect on pigmentation and therefore cannot be treated by any type of medicine that does not involve injecting a substance into the pigmented areas. However, this method is used only in the most serious cases and therefore its cost and side-effects have to be weighed. One may also opt for a melanotan-i product which is available both from pharmacies and sold online.
How long does Melanotan last once mixed?
You have now mixed your Melanotan 2 Tanning Injection solution. Please store the mixed solution in the fridge, once mixed the solution can be stored refrigerated for up to six months. Unmixed the product can be stored in a cool dry place for up to twelve months.
You can safely use melanotan II injections into your skin for diminishing moles and blotchy skin pigmentation. Melanotan injections are often recommended by dermatologists for the reduction of moles as they are made from an FDA approved substance called melanoma. It is derived from a variety of plants and can be found in formulas developed for a variety of purposes. These formulas contain an acid known as tyrosine and a melanocyte, which are a type of cell that creates melanin.
Physicians Advise Against Use Of Melanotan To Cover Up Tans.
Other forms of treatments include surgery, laser treatment, cryosurgery and a host of other procedures that are performed at a hospital. The main advantage of a melanotan-ii product being sold online is that one need not fear undergoing surgery or any other such procedure in a hospital, which can sometimes be quite nerve-racking. One such procedure called "endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy" (ETS) has a higher success rate than almost all other surgical procedures. This procedure involves the injection of a dye into a depressed pigmentation area, which causes the pigmentation of the affected part to disappear completely. "Thoracic Sympathectomy" is another procedure that is relatively pain-free and is also known to have a high success rate.
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People are often curious about the side effects of Melanotan. Most people do not have allergies, but it is important to note that there are some side effects. Side effects include allergic reactions. Some people may notice a slight redness on their skin, but this tends to go away after a few hours. Other people may have more serious side effects such as hives and chest pain. If these side effects occur, you should notify your doctor immediately.
There are two major types of melanoma injections, melanotan I and melanotan iii. Both are similar in function, but the i differs slightly from the iii. In case of the me, the melanocytes are induced to produce melanin, while the iii use the hormone to induce the production of melanin by the pigment cells. These special injections into the skin are known to have some very desirable results.
If you are using a higher strength melanoma (such as 10 mg), then it is likely that you will experience stronger effects. There is a possibility that you may suffer from allergic reactions such as itching and mild rashes. If you are experiencing these symptoms after receiving a melanoma injection, it is important to contact your dermatologist right away. He or she may be able to recommend a different melanotan dosage or a different type of injection. It is also possible that he or she will be able to prescribe alternative remedies besides melanotan.
Tanning Lotion With Tan Accelerator.
Melanotan Italy buy cheap that you stand to enjoy when using melanoma is the avoidance of skin cancer. This is due to the fact that the active agent in this substance is a peptide. Peptides are small protein fragments. These tiny fragments have the ability to interact with certain cells in the body and regulate their growth and activity. When the peptides are present in very low concentrations, they will prevent cancer from developing. It is important to note that this substance is not effective in treating skin cancer.
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beautystroke · 4 years
Top 22 Best Sunscreens for Tanning Reviews & Buying Guide 2020
In this article, let’s take a look at the best sunscreens for tanning and some more amazing facts about sunscreen and safe tanning. Now, to save your time, here we will talk about the sunscreen. The first fact is that you should know how much sunscreen you are going through. Let’s go over some quick tips on how to remove tanning. The first thing is that to remember you see the effects of ultraviolet rays until much later. If you do not believe us, speak to a dermatologist. You only need a teaspoon of sunscreen on your face. If you are not going outdoor too. SPF15 or 20 is probably enough to last you all day. Many facial moisturizers and foundations offer at least this much broad-spectrum protection and you would not need to apply as much. But at any rate. Be sure to put on sunblock at least 15 minutes before you go outside. Rays that make it through to your skin.
Sunscreen works as a chemical and mineral sunscreen by filtering the sun’s rays, whereas, sunblock works as a physical sunscreen, reflecting the sun’s rays. Though sunblocks may be undesirable cosmetically as most of these are opaque. Sunscreen for tanning will help you based on the sun now that you have a brief overview let’s get started with the reviews so you can find what you need. Tanning has been a favored pastime of women everywhere since at least the 1950s.but with so many opinions and ideas out there – it’s not the 50s anymore and we know that tanning can be dangerous if no precautions are taken. So we have done our homework and we are dispelling the top sunscreen tanning.so can make the most out of your time in the sun.
You had been surprised what a fantastic tan you can achieve by preparing your skin with a tan accelerator, then layering on an SPF before heading out. It’s why we created our new mineral sunscreen tan smart, the first sunscreen of its kind to include s tan accelerator which we call our tan boost technology, to make the most of the select protection factors, which is the indication of the efficiency of a given sunscreen. Its blocks he sun rays send will possibilities you to stay longer and more safely under the sun. When sun rays are the strongest. Pull put these sunglasses and wear them, too. That’s because ultraviolet rays can still damage your eyes. Just ask anyone who’s had cataract surgery.
Why sunscreen is important:
Sunscreen will be your best friend on protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays. They are the UV and UVB rays, and as, we discussed before, the UVB radiation will tan and possibly burn your skin on the outer layers and shades. Uvb will penetrate your skin and dermis your skin. Which can cause premature aging? The uva rays can penetrate specifies of the sun. It can pass through glasses and the shades that mean that even when you are not directly exposed to the sun. you still need sunscreen protection, preferable UVB while you may think that’s blocking 93% So, while you may think that blocking 93% of the suns ray is completely blocking your chance at a tan-don’t forget that your sunscreen is being constantly worn down by sweat by sweat and clothing-some rays are absolutely still getting through. You had been surprised what a fantastic tan you can achieve by preparing your skin with a tan accelerator, then layering on an SPF before heading out. It’s why we created our new mineral sunscreen tan smart, the first sunscreen of its kind to include s tan accelerator which we call our tan boost technology, to make the most of the select protection factors, which is the indication of the efficiency of a given sunscreen. Its blocks he sun rays send will possibilities you to stay longer and more safely under the sun. When sun rays are the strongest. Pull put these sunglasses and wear them, too. That’s because ultraviolet rays can still damage your eyes. Just ask anyone who’s had cataract surgery. This is one of the reasons that you should invest in sunscreen that has both uva and UVB protection. In addition, sunscreen can help sensitive skin to stay well, protect against sunburn and sun-damaged dark spots, and wrinkles.
How to Use a Sunscreen for Tanning:
In order to tan without burning, you need to apply enough sunscreen daily.
Imagine the typical eight-ounce bottle of suntan lotion. It will remove your tanning better.
That’s why purchasing more than one bottle at a time is smart.
Put about a teaspoon on each arm and leg, at least two on your torso (front and back), and one on your face and neck will pack your tanning.
Next, remember to reapply every two hours, or when you get out of the water and towel off will dry and rinse your skin. This is where you need to experiment.
Do you know how long it takes you to burn?
For example, light-skinned people might develop sunburn within fifteen to thirty minutes in the sun it is the main reason for tanning.
If you put on a tanning oil with spf4, you will have four times that long to enjoy the sunshine before burning.
A small number of rays will still penetrate your skin to cause melanin production and give you a tan.
This is more likely if it’s not a broad-spectrum sunscreen that only blocks UVB, not UVA.
Keep in mind, that sunscreen doesn’t block a hundred percent of the ultraviolet radiation.
That’s why tanning with sunscreen works a lot.
Therefore, put on the sunscreen and layout for fifteen minutes if you have fair-skinned.
Flip over and wait for another fifteen. Then go inside and check your skin and analyses the difference.
Even with a sunscreen, don’t stay out longer than an hour total that very first time.
You might not notice any redness or difference until the evening suits you.
Which SPF Is Best for Tanning?
I also mentioned a moment ago that sunscreen without uva and UVB protection are more likely to help you tan. UVB radiations are what causes burns and skin cancer. Meanwhile, uva leads to more pigment productions but is linked to age-related skin damaged like wrinkles. Basically, for tanning purpose, use the lowest SPF you can, but limits your time outdoors accordingly. If you are concerned about the unpredictable results of tanning outside, build up a base tan by tanning indoors. Get one the best tanning lotions for fair skin to help you begin? Don’t forget your scalp can get burn. Wear a hat, or spend some time in the shade. There are easier ways to get highlights in your hairs. If you are pale, to begin with, don’t try tanning with spf4. Once, you have got a little color, you can drop the sun protection factors to a lower number. If you go on vacation o someplace closer to the equator then where you live. Choose a strong sunscreen. What kept you from burning in the high latitude might be enough where the sun us the more intense. The same is true if you go up into the mountain. Even, skiers wear sunscreen because snow a swatter reflects rays. Simply put, the best sunscreen is the one you and your kids will actually use! We recommend finding one you love and sticking with it. Aside from the brands or SPF level, there are two types of sunscreens. One with chemical and other is minerals active ingredients.
Chemical Sunscreen:
Chemical sunscreen is also like a type of you are familiar with already. They absorb the harmful ultraviolet rays before they reach your skin. While these lotions and sprays are easier to apply with into the white residue, you will need a reapply more often than you would with a physical option.
Mineral Sunscreen:
Is also called the chemical formulas. Leave with a white cast, but usually last longer than Mineral sunscreen chemical formulas. Is also called the physical sunscreen. Form a barrier on your skin that reflects or filters ultraviolet rays. He dispersed zinc oxide and titanium dioxide formulas can be more difficult to spread on your skin.
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Use sunscreen with an  SPF of 30:
Always wear a sunscreen with broad-spectrum UV protection of at least 30 SPF. Never use a tanning oil that does not contain sun protection. Be sure to apply sunscreen within 20 minutes of being outside. An SPF 30 is enough to block uva and UVB rays, but not so strong that you won’t get tan. Cover your body in at least a full ounce of sunscreen. Change the position of frequently. This will help you avoid the burning part of your body. Eat foods that contain beta carotene. Foods like’s carrots, sweet, potatoes, and take can help you tan without burning. More research is needed. But, some studies show that beta carotene can help reduce sun sensitivity in people with photosensitive diseases. Don’t stay outside for longer than your skin can create melanin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for tanning. Everyone has melanin cut-off points, which is usually 2 to 3hours. After this amount of time, your skin will not get darker on a certain day. If you tan past that point, you will be putting your skin in harm’s way. Eat lycopene-rich food, examples include tomatoes, guava, and watermelon. A small 2011 study trusted source found that lycopene helps protects the skin naturally against UV rays. Choose you’re tanning time wisely. If your goal is to tan quickly, the sun is the typically strongest between noon and 3 pm. keep in mind, however, that while the sun is at its strongest during this time, it will do the most damage due to this exposure. If you have extremely fair skin, its best to tan in the morning after 3 pm to avoid the burning. Is likely to increase the risk of skin cancer due to this expose. If you have extremely fair skin colors. Consider wearing a strapless top. Seek shades: Taking breaks will make it less likely for you to burn, and it will give your skin break from the intense heat. Prep, before you tan preparing your skin before heading outdoors, can help your tan last longer. Try exfoliating your skin before tanning. Skin that has not been exfoliating is more likely to flake off. Using an aloe Vera after tanning may also help your tan last longer.
Risk of tanning:
Tanning and scrub thing may feel good, and even boost mood trusted source because of the exposure to vitamin D. However, tanning still has risk, especially if you forgot sunscreen risk associated with tanning includes:
Melanoma and other skin cancers
Heat rash
Premature skin aging
Eye damage
Immune system suppression
Tanning precautions:
Tanning can be made slightly safer if you do it a very short period of time, drink water, wear sunscreen, with an SPF of a least 30 on your skin and lips, and protect your eyes and avoid the sun.
Falling asleep in the sun
Wearing an SPF of less than 30
Drinking alcohol, which can be dehydrating
Don’t forget to:
Apply SPF to your scalp, the top of your feet, ears, and other places you can easily miss. Roll over the frequently so you tan evenly without burning. Drink the plenty, water, wear a hat, and protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses.
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ororowrites · 5 years
Erik Stevens and OC-  Could’ve Been - just friends (chap. 2)
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Characters: Erik Stevens and Essence Jones
Warnings: drugs and language
Word Count:  3,671
Based on the song: Just Friends by Musiq
Prelude - Chapter 1
It had been seven years since Erik and Essence witnessed the murder of N’Darius Stevens. That single moment changed their lives forever. Erik was sent through the system, bouncing from foster home to foster home until he landed with an aunt he barely knew. For two years, Essence didn’t even hear from him, causing them to grow a part. They used to talk everyday, even when they had arguments. Now it seemed like they were strangers getting to know each other all over again.
By the time Essence and Erik reached 9th grade, Erik moved in with his aunt and began attending high school with Essence. Occasionally they would talk, or hang out to do homework but Erik was best friends with another group of people. Some days he missed school without explanation and would come back decked out in the latest Jordan gear. He hung out with people like Big Chucky, the neighborhood dope dealer. Anyone else wouldn’t be shocked by Erik’s behavior or the people he hung around on a daily basis, but Essence. Her childhood best friend was rough around the edges, but he never seemed like the type to be a gang banger.
Watching after her troubled friend wasn’t Essence’s only dilemma. Tyra Lennox, her mother, had returned home from her latest stint in prison. Grandma Hazel watched after Essence as long as she could, until she passed away from lung cancer two years after Tyra was released. That sent Essence back to live with her mother, a woman that barely deserved that title. Tyra had four children, Essence being the only child living with her. The other three children lived with their father.
“Essence, get your little ass down here. Now,” Tyra yelled up the stairs. Essence was in the middle of studying for an exam. The teenager rolled her eyes and followed the order. “Girl thinks she can do whatever the fuck she wants,” Tyra was mumbling under her breath when Essence appeared in front of her. “What the fuck is this?”
Confused, Essence didn’t answer right away.
“Little girl, what is this,” Tyra questioned again, holding up a wad of cash she had found. “You hiding money from me for a reason?”
Truth be told, Essence was saving money to move out and away from Chicago. Her mother was toxic and negligent. Nothing good was ever going to come from her living with the woman and Essence was counting her days.
“No,” Essence lied, eyeing the cash as Tyra counted it. Three hundred dollars. “I can barely pay bills around here and you hiding all this money? I should slap you, get outta my face.”
So much for saving to move away from the hellhole she called home. To keep Tyra from lifting a hand, she swiftly turned and ran up the steps. When she reached her bedroom, Essence threw herself on the bed and screamed into a pillow.
At school, Essence was usually the standout student when it came to subjects she loved. She enjoyed history and mathematics because it challenged her more than the likes of science and language arts. Science had always been her least favorite unless they were learning about space and the planets.
In her last semester, they were required to take advanced chemistry which was her least favorite class of the day. It was the only class she had with Erik, who could do the work with his eyes closed.
“Whaaaat, you decided to come to class today,” Essence said to Erik as he drug his feet across the floor and to his desk. “Long time, no see.”
Erik grunted under his breath, throwing his bag to the side and taking his seat. He didn’t even look her direction. Maybe he was tired. Big Chucky kept his dealers up all throughout the night doing his dirty work.
As class went on, Erik was on his phone when the teacher wasn't looking. He typed quickly, sending multiple texts to Chucky and the boys that worked under him. Not paying attention herself, Essence kept her eyes on Erik’s screen, hoping to catch a peek into his new life. With no luck, she went back to taking notes until they had to pair up for classwork.
Erik had been quite distant lately and their friendship had never truly recovered from the two years they lost touch. Essence attributed it to them getting older and simply growing apart but she knew if Big Chucky wasn’t in the picture, they’d be close. Since Erik was rarely around, Essence didn’t get the chance to talk to him much and decided to take advantage of the opportunity.
“You going to prom,” she asked, peeking up through her long lashes.
“Yeah probably. You,” Erik replied, working out three formulas in record time. “Who you going with?”
The nerve. Erik had been acting funny all this time only to question her about a date to prom. “With Gregg Patrick,” Essence muttered, staring at the next question on her classwork. What the fuck was this shit? Erik explained the answer and then went on to question her choice to go with Gregg Patrick, captain of the basketball team. “Because I’m grown and can do that. Do I questions your choices in hoes?”
“Dude is wack, that’s all I’m saying,” he explained, a tinge of jealousy present in his statement. “And I don’t have time for hoes. I’m getting this money.”
“What makes him wack, Erik?” Essence propped her chin on her hand, giving Erik her undivided attention. “Exactly, you can’t even give me a reason.”
Truth be told, Erik and Gregg didn’t see eye to eye because Gregg was an enemy on the streets. Essence tried to keep her street knowledge to a minimum because it was easy to get trapped in that life. So many times she was close to jumping in with some of the other kids in her neighborhood that got trapped. Whatever could get her out of the life she lived, she would do to escape to a life she had yearned for.
“Whatever, E. Do you,” Erik shot back. “I’m going with Linda though.”
“Linda? Linda Franklin? What the fuck,” Essence gagged. “Hasn’t that girl been with 10 different dudes in our class?”
“Oh, so you get to go with that punk ass Gregg, but I can’t go with Linda? You are something else, Essence.”
“Your nosey ass was in my business. You act all funny with me but wanna know everything,” Essence argued back with a bit of bite in her voice.
“Act funny? What the hell you talkin’ about,” Erik bit, putting his pen down. Oh, that struck a chord.
“We barely even talk like that anymore because you act funny. Ever since you started hanging with Big Chucky and ‘em,” Essence explained. “Don’t try to act like I’m not telling the truth.”
Erik attempted to act like he was shocked but it quickly turned into him getting defensive, “Man, I been busy. Ain’t nobody acting funny with you, E.”
“Mmmm okay. If lying helps you sleep at night.”
They spent the rest of the class working alone until they heard a commotion outside the door. Students ran to the window, peeking through the blinds and ignoring their teacher’s plea to sit  down.
“The police are out there,” DaMia yelled at her classmates, causing everyone to push to get a better look through the small window. “And they got dogs!”
“Shit, I bet they lookin’ for drugs,” Marcus added, pushing Essence to the side. “Ohhhh, somebody is going to jail.”
Somehow Erik and Essence’s eyes met. She said a silent prayer for him and hoped he wasn’t dumb enough to bring drugs to school. He had to be smarter than that right? Erik didn’t appear to be phased by the commotion in the hall. He simply shrugged his shoulders when she mouthed ‘you carrying?’.
Fifteen minutes later, the police were escorting three students down the hall. Essence recognized them as boys that hung around Big Chucky in the neighborhood.
“Damn, I didn’t know Harry was selling,” one of the students mumbled.
Erik glanced at Essence again before returning to his seat in the back of the class. The one day he didn’t bring anything to school, his boys got busted. He wasn’t worried about getting snitched on because no one in the hood snitched. There was an unspoken rule in the streets about snitching on your brothers.
Even though his friends’ lips were most likely zipped, Erik had somewhat of a reality check. That could have easily been him.
Prom. That time of the year where everyone was trying to outdo their peers and spending way too much money to achieve that task. Essence had saved up enough money to buy a prom dress from one of the local thrift shops. One of her friends did small alterations that were good enough to hide the fact that the dress was too large. She rode the bus to the event center where her date, Gregg, was waiting outside. Neither one of them had a car or money to rent one but Essence was fine with how things were. Just as long as she got to attend her senior prom, she was happy with whatever transportation got her there.
“You look beautiful, Essence,” Gregg was in awe of his date. She looked radiant in the hot pink satin. Against her skin, the color popped, making her stand out in the crowd of high schoolers.
“Thank you. I love this tie. Matches my dresses perfectly,” Essence replied, moving her hand along the silk fabric. “You got our tickets?”
“Oh shit,” Gregg’s eyes widened. “I’m kiddin’, I got them.”
Essence slapped his arm, “Don’t play like that. I would have found a way inside, anyway.”
“I’m sure your bad ass would have,” he shook his head in return and led Essence into the event hall.
Their school district didn’t have a large budget when it came to dances and events, but they made sure their students could enjoy things like the other children on the opposite side of town. The hall was decorated to match the deep blue sea. Blue lights made the room resemble the ocean. Fake fish hung from the ceiling and the photobooth resembled a submarine. For a group of children who could barely afford to get into an aquarium, they were excited about the decorations.
For the most part, the night ran smoothly. The food was decent for food served at a high school prom, the DJ was good and people appeared to be enjoying themselves. Essence was sure she sweated her relaxer out from all the dancing she was doing. When it came time for the slow dance, Gregg found his date and pulled her to the middle of the floor. As she wrapped her arms around Gregg’s neck, she caught the eye of Erik who was dancing with Linda’s hoe ass.
Essence smiled slightly and rested her chin on Gregg’s shoulder when he pulled her close. Erik stared a few more seconds before looking away. Essence could feel the tension without him even saying a word. Their relationship had been weird and she still didn’t understand why. They had experienced a tragedy together and instead of staying close, the once best friends barely hung out when they weren’t in class.
“You good,” Gregg asked a zoned out Essence. The song had changed and she was moving offbeat in her own little world. “Essy?”
“Huh….oh yeah, I’m good,” she answered, still thinking about the past few years of her life. High school was about to be over and she wasn’t sure what was next. She had been accepted into a few schools but leaving Chicago was scary. Even when she didn’t have anyone besides her mother who half the time acted as if she didn’t love her. If she left, would she ever return? What about Erik?
“You sure? You keep stepping on my toes,” Gregg chuckled, pulling back to get a good look at Essence. “Don’t tell me you’re falling asleep standing up.”
“No, just enjoying our time,” she answered, returning to Gregg’s shoulder. They weren’t dating but Gregg was a good friend to her the past couple of years. He was moving to Baltimore with his father after graduation.
After their dance, the two separated for the remainder of the night. Gregg went to hang out with his boys and Essence with her two best friends. When the night was over, Gregg said his goodbye and got on a bus to head home while Essence went with a group of girls to a hotel afterparty. Unlike Gregg, Essence didn’t have a curfew because her mother more than likely wasn’t home anyway.
The party wasn’t too wild but Essence kept to herself. She didn’t want to be involved if the cops got called on a bunch of kids drinking underage and using fake ids to get a room. Erik was at the party without his date but Essence still kept her distance. Instead, they watched each other from their corners until Erik sent her a text.
I need to talk to you. Meet me in the room next door.
They had two connecting rooms for the party and everyone was crowded on one side until someone wanted to get freaky. Essence followed Erik into the next room, watching him lock the door behind them.
“What the hell is your problem,” he asked Essence.
Confusion set in because from her experience, he was the one acting an ass. “Huh? What you mean?”
“You’ve been watching me all night like we got beef. What’s up?” Erik settled on the bed while Essence stood by the door. “We not cool anymore or something?”
Was he being serious? Tonight wasn’t the night to argue with Erik over their friendship when he was the distant one. Essence wasn’t going to beg for his attention either. “Are you for real? You wouldn’t have noticed me watching if you weren’t watching me yourself. I told you already. You’ve been acting hella weird with me for no reason. I know we aren’t as close as we used to be but you completely cut me off to hang out with those knucklehead ass boys. So before you come at me for acting a certain way, check your damn self, Stevens.”
That was the second time he had been called out and honestly, he didn’t know how to respond. Time had its impact on their relationship on top of Erik being consumed in what he thought was bettering his life.
Essence sensed his inner turmoil and joined him on the bed. “What’s going on with you, Erik. For real.”
Since his father’s death, Erik had been angry and lonely. Instead of leaning on those who loved him, he took to the streets and made connections there. “I gotta get out of here. There ain’t nothing left here. Done seen two of my boys get popped, some of them in jail… I have a  feeling I’m next. Ya know?” Erik kept his eyes on his hands, speaking on his feelings made him uncomfortable. But, he trusted Essence enough to know she wouldn’t judge him. “After my dad got...got killed, I been fucked up. Seeing that shit did something to me and I feel bad because you had to see it too.”
There it was. The main reason he tried to keep his distance was due to guilt. Seeing someone die right in front of her had created anxiety and fear that Essence tried her best to suppress. Erik saw right through her though. It was hard enough on him but he had seen some pretty fucked up things. Essence on the other hand was shielded by her grandmother’s love and promise to keep her safe.
“That wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know your uncle-”
“And what if he would have killed you? He was cruel enough to kill his own brother. He could have easily turned the gun on one of us next. I made a promise to protect you and didn’t keep it,” Erik explained. “You see where I’m coming from, E? That shit still messes with me. I’m getting out of here after graduation. Got myself into school and I’m not coming back.”
“You did protect me. You always have and I don’t understand why you couldn’t talk to me about how you felt. All this time I just thought you were being an ass,” Essence replied, placing a comforting hand on his knee. “I mean that shit, Erik. I’ve always felt safe with you.”
His eyes finally shot up as the mood shifted. The wall that had formed between them was beginning to crumble and the air didn’t feel as thick. “Really?”
“Yeah. Really,” she whispered.
Erik stared down at Essence’s lips as if he wanted to kiss her. That urge had never been there before and it felt odd. Going against the voice in his head, he leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips to test the waters. It took Essence by surprise because Erik had never shown interest in her. Maybe he was simply thanking her for being a good friend.
“What was that for,” she asked completely dumbfounded by his actions.
Before he could answer, a banging on the door pulled them away from each other. “Ya’ll fuckin,” one of Erik’s boys yelled. If Essence were lighter, he would see the red rising to her cheeks.
“Dude, shut the fuck up,” Erik growled, pushing his nosey friend away from the door.
They didn’t speak on that kiss for the rest of the night...or ever again.
Two Years Later
After high school graduation, Erik headed to California while Essence headed South to Texas. Not too long after graduation, her mother Tyra was back in jail for fraud, leaving Essence motherless once again. That gave Essence an opportunity to leave her life in Chicago behind to start a new one on her own. For the most part, she was on the right track with a few bumps in the road. To put herself through community college, Essence worked two jobs. Her relationship with Erik was still on the mend, as he navigated school himself. Leaving Illinois was the best decision he had made due to the type of life he was living. Big Chucky still had a hold on the community, forming gangs and selling dope around the neighborhood.
For Spring break, Essence decided to visit Erik in sunny California. She had never been to the west side of the country and was excited about the adventures Erik had planned for the week.
“Boy, open this damn door,” Essence yelled, slapping the door to Erik’s off campus apartment. He opened up, his big Kool-Aid grin on full display. “I think I got the wrong place. My bestie is kinda skinny and can’t grow a beard that connects to save his life. Who are you,” she teased, taking in all the differences in Erik’s appearance. Mini dreads, a full beard and bulging muscles. Under all that, he was still the Erik Stevens she knew from Chi Town.
“Well I’ve never seen you drool over me so maybe you do have the wrong spot,” Erik leaned against the door, looking for any differences in Essence since he last seen her in person two years ago. She was still slim, but her face had matured slightly, her cheeks not as chubby.
“Trust me, I’m not drooling, ugly,” she lied. The two friends fell silent for a short second before bursting out into laughter. “Hey crazy. So good to see you.”
“Likewise, E. It’s been forever,” Erik added, pulling Essence into a tight hug.
Being in each other’s presence made them both feel at home. Home before the tragedy took place and everything changed. They were free to do whatever they wanted. They rode around town blasting their favorite songs and just enjoyed each other’s company. Erik even took Essence to In-N-Out even though it was breaking his strict diet.
After roaming the town for the day, they settled in that night to watch Iron Man, which Essence had seen one too many times already. They were in Erik’s room, with the only television in the apartment. Like old times, they had their movie snacks and were spread out across the bed.
“You bet not touch my candy,” Essence exclaimed, slapping Erik’s hand away.
“Nigga, you been eating my popcorn though,” he argued, taking a few more despite Essence’s protest.
Thirty minutes into the movie, Essence was already leaning on Erik’s shoulder as he sat against the headboard. Usually this meant she was on her way to sleep and he wouldn’t be able to hear the rest of the movie over snores.
“Aye, don’t be falling asleep over there,” he gently tapped Essence with his elbow, interrupting her mini-nap.
“I’m not,” Essence groaned, resting her chin on Erik’s thick shoulder and peering up at him through her lashes. The big difference between now and when they were children was the innocence they held as kids. Now as adults, hormones and the weight of the world was on them. She knew she should have pulled away because they were crossing a line they would never be able to uncross. Essence hated to think that it was impossible to be friends with the opposite sex without being sexually attracted to each other. But it wasn’t all about Erik’s appearance. The way he always wanted to protect her and the genuine love he had for her was what pulled them closer.
This time it wasn’t just a peck and they had no interruptions. Iron Man continued in the background while Erik and Essence began making their own movie….
*record scratches* Oh, you all thought I was going to just give you the full thing right here? We will pick up right where we left off in the next chapter!
Gregg Patrick Faceclaim 
Taglist:  @theunsweetenedtruth @bakarisangel @supersizemeplz @itsjustshanie @turn-thy-paige @purple-apricots @thadelightfulone @nickidub718 @blackpinup22
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spiritroots · 6 years
Afrocentric Hair & Skin Care 101
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What is Afrocentric hair and skin care?
There’s a difference between general black hair and skin care vs. Afrocentric hair and skin care. A lot of mainstream brands sold in stores targeted at black hair and beauty are designed FOR black people but aren’t made BY black people and/or don’t contain ingredients from our own cultures.
You should always pick the products in your price range and that are good for your hair and your body! But it’s also helpful to be an informed consumer when choosing between hundreds of beauty brands - and unfortunately, the information isn’t always readily available. So here’s a simple guide to Afrocentric hair and skin care to help you put the best nature can provide into your body while also supporting and giving back to our own communities.
What’s good for my hair and skin?
Here’s some tips and general guidelines that I’ve learned so far through research and practice on my hair and skin hair journey!
1. The more natural, the better. Now, personally, I wouldn’t say this about everything in life! Pharmaceuticals can be life-saving, and I don’t think all natural or traditional remedies should be used in place of prescribed medications. However, when it comes to the regular care of your skin and hair - the fewer toxins and chemicals are absorbed by your body, the better!
2. As I’ve done more research, I’ve discovered that in most cases when it comes to all-natural ingredients, what’s good for your hair is also what’s good for your skin - and vice versa. Most natural ingredients can be used to hydrate, heal, protect, soothe, and strengthen your skin and your hair!
3. One size does not fit all. On your own journey to care for your skin and hair, you’ll want to experiment with different oils, butters, creams, and products to find out which types, combinations, and amounts work best for your skin and hair types! Find out if you have normal, dry, oily, combination, or sensitive skin to get a sense of what your skin care needs are. Knowing your hair type is also helpful for figuring out what types of products will keep it the healthiest and strongest.
4. Always read the ingredients list on the labels of any products you purchase. Whether you’re buying a supposedly single-ingredient product or something that lists three natural ingredients on its front label, always look at the fine print and check the official list. For instance, SheaMoisture is an excellent and popular black-owned skincare brand, but unfortunately, many of their products do include chemicals alongside the good stuff. And if you don’t check the labels, you might wind up with a “99% aloe vera gel” that contains mostly water.
This is a long post so click below the read more line to get to my lists of black-owned skin & hair care brands + Afrocentric skin & hair care ingredients.
Which skin and hair care ingredients are Afrocentric?
The following ingredients are all from different parts of Africa or were used traditionally in Africana cultures. They are all good for both skin and hair care, and they all contain good juju - physical and spiritual properties that are healing, rejuvenating, and nourishing for the body.
Ghassoul Clay
Origins: Natural mineral clay mined from the Atlas Mountains in Morroco that has been used in North Africa to create skin and hair treatments for centuries.
Benefits: Increases hair shine, reduces acne, exfoliates dead cells
Use It to Make: Exfoliating facial mask, face and body soap, facial cleanser, hair mask, deep conditioner
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: Zadia’s Morocco
Shea Butter
Origins: Fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree, which grows in the dry savannah belt of West Africa from Senegal to Sudan and the Ethiopian highlands. It’s used both for cosmetics and in cooking!
Benefits: Anti-aging, anti-inflammation, soothes itchy or irritated skin
Use It to Make: Skin moisturizer, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, soap
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: SheaMoisture
Cocoa Butter
Origins: Fat extracted from cocoa beans. It is used for skin care and also to create chocolate. Nearly 70% of the cocoa world crop today is grown in West Africa.
Benefits: Reduces stretch marks, anti-aging, moisturizing
Use It to Make: skin moisturizer, chapstick, shaving cream
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: SheaMoisture
Raw Honey
Origins: Honey was used in Kemet (Ancient Egypt) to treat stomach and skin wounds and other issues.
Benefits: Antibacterial, anti-fungal, reduces acne, pore unclogging
Use It to Make: Facial mask, acne treatment, bath, facial cleanser
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: beelove
Black Castor Oil
Origins: Oil from roasted castor seeds using a traditional Jamaican method of extracting them to create black castor oil. Castor seeds are from East Africa and have been used as a traditional medicine by multiple cultures including Kemet (Ancient Egypt).
Benefits: Hair / eyelash / eyebrow growth, healthy scalp, mild pain relief
Use It to Make: Hair moisturizer, acne treatment, pain relief rub
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: Sunny Isle
Coconut Oil
Origins: Oil extracted from coconut meat. Coconuts grow in various regions of Africa and in the Caribbean, where they are popular for both cuisine and cosmetics.
Benefits: Moisturizer, fights dandruff, anti-frizz, anti-aging
Use It to Make: Lip gel, skin softener, hair wash, deep-conditioner 
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: Alaffia
Argan Oil
Origins: Oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree, which is native to Morocco. It is used in both Moroccan cuisines and cosmetics.
Benefits: Anti-aging, heat styling protection, combats dandruff
Use It to Make: Skin toner, exfoliator, nighttime moisturizer, conditioner
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: Zakia’s Morocco
Which hair and skin care brands are black-owned?
There’s many more black-owned brands out there, but here’s a starter list! I’ve specifically highlighted these particular brands based on how natural and high quality the ingredients are in their products. These are some real goodies for your hair and skin. 
Some of these companies also have a social impact - whether it’s supporting black communities around the world, empowering women, or protecting animals and the environment with cruelty-free or vegan products!
Hair & Skin Care
BLK + GRN - Here you’ll find a selection of hair and skin products (alongside jewelry, cosmetics, and other goodies) from black-owned brands at this all-natural online marketplace curated by “Black women's health experts who know what an all-natural product truly looks like."
ILERA Apothecary - Sister duo Chinonye and Nneji Akunne went on a mission to create this premium organic and vegan skincare brand. You can find everything you’d want to put in your bathroom cabinet from fragrant body butters to beard oil to aluminum free deodorant!
beelove - Get your honey and honey-infused products for skin and hair care from this black-owned company in Chicago that provides job opportunities specifically for folks returning to society from incarceration. You'll find an amazing selection of lip balms, lotion, sugar scrubs, and bath/shower products. Don't forget that their pure, all-natural Chicagoland honey can also be used on your skin and hair all by itself!
ASIM Supreme - Started by entrepreneur Akil Jabbar, this hair and skin care product line has top-quality natural ingredients - many of which are even exported from the African countries where they are naturally grown and produced. Here you can meet all your natural skin and hair care needs for shea butter, coconut oil, argan oil, black castor oil, aloe vera oil, grapeseed oil, and more!
Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil - This company supports rural farmers in Jamaica and preserves traditional Jamaican methods for extracting castor oil and coconut oil by using them to create excellent skin care products. Black Castor Oil can be used for many purposes including moisturizer, hair and eyelash growth, acne treatment, and even a pain relief rub!
Alaffia - By shopping at Alaffia, not only do you get quality natural ingredients, you are also helping encourage gender equality and alleviate poverty in Togo. Proceeds help fund Alaffia’s “Empowerment Projects” such as “Education-Based Projects, Maternal Health, FGM Eradication, Eyeglasses, and Reforestation.”
Natural Cosmetics
Blac Minerals Cosmetics - Merced Boyce wanted to create natural makeup for women of color that is "powered by healthy, skin-loving ingredients." Blac Minerals products are free of animal testing, phthalates, parabens, sulfates, mineral oil, petroleum, and other nasty chemicals. Check out the mineral foundations and lip glosses, which come in lots of shades!
Laws of Nature Cosmetics - Jasmine Rose, the founder of this all-natural makeup line, will personally email you her recommendation for which foundation shade best matches your skin tone if you fill out the Foundation Quiz! You can get powder, gel, or foundation sticks that are vegan, antioxidant-rich products free of parabens, silicone, and alcohol.
LUV + CO. - Join the #luvtribe and check out this incredible line from Dr. Melodie Ray Davis-Bundrage, which focuses on natural and organic foundation formulas specifically for women of color. These products are free of toxins, parabens, and carcinogens. Beyond foundation, there's also lipsticks, nail polish, and more!
OMGLO Cosmetics - Gone are the days of using highlighters and makeup setting sprays full of chemicals! Thank you, Joelle Phillips, for finding a way to give a golden finish to our makeup routine that’s full of organic, natural ingredients good for our skin.
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zobicec-blog · 6 years
Best Toddler Training Pants
Whether you’re a first-time parent or are preparing for your 2nd, 3rd or 5th bundle of joy, parental advice and tips are always welcome. After all, you do need all the help you can get, and all hands on deck, because kids can quite literally be a handful. And aside from learning how to swaddle, burp and feed them so they don’t spit up, knowing your way around complex baby gear is just as important.
Whilst most people would probably opt to learn astrophysics in place of baby stuff if asked, the first thing you should know is that panic won’t help. It’s normal sure, but it certainly doesn’t make matters easy. The trick is, one step at a time. Don’t try to figure your way around all the different types of milk bottles, diapers, formulas and strollers within a day. You may need a stroller yourself if you do. No, work your way through each one systematically instead. You’ll thank yourself.
On that note, we’ve decided to step in (because we felt sorry for you), and thoughtfully compiled a comprehensive list of toddler training pants that we thought were quite good. We also looked at a bunch of factors before including each of these in this coveted list, which means that you only need to make a choice. Our work here is done.
Disney Girls’ Minnie Mouse Training Pant
                        t Not that Disney is specific to toddlers, but it definitely does make life peachier for all. These toddler training pants are designed for little girls and are priced between $13-$16. We love the cute Minnie Mouse motifs on each of them, all of which are portrayed differently, making each training pant unique. Plus, we also adore the fact that the Minnie Multi-variation thoughtfully features soft, feminine colors like yellows, purples, and pinks, which obviously all little girls are immediately attracted to. They also have them in Assorted, if you want another option.
Now getting into the nitty-gritty of this, these training pants come in packs of three and include a 100% cotton outer cover, and 100% polyester lining. What’s more, busy moms will be thrilled to know that they’re also machine-washable, so you needn’t worry about hand-washing them several hundred times a day. Well-padded, they’re also very comfortable, which means a happy toddler. And a happy toddler means a happy you.
October Elf Unisex Toddler Training Pants
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Why we like it: The quirky name for starters, and the fact that it’s unisex and re-usable.
Editor’s rating:
A couple months late on this one, but hey, you can always wait for next October (if you do that sort of thing that is). Say hello to October Elf’s unisex toddler training pants. If you were already intrigued by the word ‘unisex’, wait till you hear they’re also reusable. You heard that right. Re-usable. So that means no more spending exorbitant amounts of money on baby gear, especially on training pants, which we all know pretty much burn through. All you need to do is pop them in the machine and you’re good to go.
Aside from this, we’re also glad that these pants are breathable and soft, ensuring maximum comfort for your energetic toddler. One drawback we did find though, was that you do need to change your little one as quick as possible, as these pants aren’t too great at holding anything in for excessive periods of time. So our recommendation is to use these at home. Also, they come in a range of colors and designs, and the categories are listed quite simply so it’s not too complicated.
Ez Undeez Boys Boxers Toddler Training Underwear
We’ve got so many things we’d like to say about this one. For starters, the masterminds behind this brand were just another set of parents who wanted to help their son get dressed easily. As many young children struggle with this, they came up with a loop concept that’d help him identify which way the socks should go. Needless to say, it worked, possibly more successfully than even they anticipated, and soon expanded to toddler training pants. Ez Undeez is great because these two feature pull-up handles, which we think are ideal for little fingers.
The good thing about these training pants is that your toddler can not only figure his/her way around them, but they also instil confidence in them when successful. They’re also incredibly comfortable, featuring 95% cotton and 5% spandex, which help absorb sweat better. Additionally, they also come with uber soft waistbands, and are tag free for superior comfort. You can get these in packs of two, and choose from small (2-3 years) and medium (4-5 years).
The Honest Company Training Pants
Though your first reaction might be doubt when a company quite blatantly calls itself honest, we can pretty much vouch for this one. These guys are, according to themselves, out to change the world one product at a time, and we can see how. Let’s take a look at these training pants first. They feature an adorable unicorn print, plus they’ve got plenty more options for you to choose from. You can decide between Animal ABC’s, Construction Zone, Dinosaurs, Fairies and Superheroes. It’s almost a pity you can only give birth to two kinds of genders since it appears we’ve got a full stock for more here.
Apart from the plethora of designs, they also offer these training pants in 3 different sizes: 2T/ 3T, 3T/ 4T, 4T/ 5T. With a snug, well-fitting waistband, ultra-soft dry-touch quilted lining, advanced leak protection and the use of plant-based materials, you can be sure that as far as safety goes, this one takes the cake. It also doesn’t include any fragrances or lotions, which makes it even better for your little one’s soft skin. The easy tear-away sides make life easy for you, especially when out and about.
Gerber Unisex Waterproof Training Pants
As much as how nice colorful designs are, sometimes you may want something plain and simple. Which Gerber’s toddler training pants readily offer. They come in a pack of two and are plain white as well. So if you want something neutral for your toddler depending on where you’re going, you can opt for these. Priced between $5-$10, we think these are quite reasonable, and super easy for parents who don’t want to fuss too much with patterns and colors.
Made out of 100% Peva material, these training pants are not only durable, they’re also machine- washable which is something every parent looks for when it comes to babies/toddlers’ clothes. What’s more, you can even simply wipe it clean if need be. You only need to hang it out to dry as usual, and you’re done! Oh, and did we mention it’s waterproof? So even if your toddler jumps around in mud puddles all day, you have nothing to worry about.
Pull-Ups Cool & Learn Training Pants
There are probably very few things you run out of faster than baby items. Toddler training pants are one such enigmatic item, and once your baby starts transitioning to ‘big kid’ status, you’ll find that you need to keep producing the stuff. Which is why we think this is ideal, particularly if you have twins or triplets. You mightn’t really have the time to keep shopping for supplies, and you want to be sure you’re well-stocked, and with this 66 pack of training pants, you will be.
Huggies offers relief to mums everywhere, with their Cool & Learn concept. These disposable training pants come with easy open and close sides, plus they’re designed in such a way that they resemble underwear. The best part? Each of the pants come with Disney characters, which conveniently fade when wet so you know when it’s time for a change. Any liquid is also quickly absorbed into the cloth, ensuring your little girl is comfy and dry. They also include targeted padding, especially for girls’ needs, and the fact that you can easily open the sides at will means you can check and change without a fuss.
YUMILY Girls Cotton Safety Panties
Irrelevant of gender, kids are all equally boisterous and energetic, but some girls may be more so than others their age. So if you’ve looked for training pants that offer more than the standard girls’ options, this could be it. These boy-shorts have been designed for girls, and feature cute Frozen prints, which as we all know, became a complete craze. You can easily get your daughter to wear these under dresses especially, allowing her complete coverage. Made out of 95% cotton and 5% spandex, they’re also comfortable and offer superior protection.
These training pants also come with an easy pull-up design, which allows your little girl to potty train correctly. We really like that they offer a close, supportive fit, so they hold up better as well, especially when your toddler has to go a few hundred times a day. What’s more, they’re not only machine- washable, but are also resilient, and hold up to multiple washes for durability. You can also use them as swimming shorts, or pajamas if need be.
Cuties Toddler Training Pants
Firstly, these guys offer toddler training pants for both boys and girls, so if you need some for both, you know where to go. Secondly, they’ve also been recently revamped to include a finger lift for enhanced convenience and efficiency, whilst also featuring improved stretch sides so your toddler too is exceedingly comfortable. Furthermore, no matter whether your little one is an inexhaustible rocket, it’s customised leak protection ensures everything is kept in order.
Aside from this, we especially loved that the pants also came with fading characters when wet, so your toddler too would soon learn to tell the difference by themselves. As the sides are more permeable, your little one can also move with more ease. The newly introduced finger lift is excellent for allowing you to check in on them, which is quite useful if you’re outside. And what we really found quite noteworthy was that apart from the super soft cottony materials, they’ve also incorporated a hypoallergenic inner liner, enhanced with soothing aloe, natural botanicals, and vitamin E. With each box carrying 4 packs of 23 training pants each, you can expect 92 numbers for under $30. Bar-gain.
Pampers Easy Ups Disposable Training Underwear
It can be difficult when it comes to hunting baby supplies, mainly because you want several things at once. Luckily for you though, your search for the right toddler training pants may be over, thanks to Pampers Easy Ups. These come with a 360º stretchy waistband, which pretty much allows them to function like normal underwear, allowing your toddler to advance to the next stage. Quite suitable for toddlers who’re almost done potty training. They also have Extra Absorb Channels, which enables the pants to offer exceptional protection through the day and night.
What we also liked about these, is that they feature Dual Leakguard Barriers, which have been reinforced in areas where leaks are most prone to happen. Which makes these pants superb for outdoor wear. Made out of super soft materials, it’s not unlike wearing cotton underwear, and your toddler can be assured of maximum comfort at all times. Got a fussy toddler on your hands? No problem. The easy-tear sides help remove the pants with minimum hassle. At around $41, we think it’s totally worth it. After all, you’re sorted for a whole month. Need we say more?
Trimfit Little Boys Cotton Training Pants
Yet another option for toddler training pants that are both washable and reusable, but these are specific to boys only. You can expect to receive four in a pack, and they come in a cute stars and stripes design. These pants also feature cotton panels as well as an absorbent lining, elevating their quality. They’ve also thought about covering the waistband well, so it’s comfortable and won’t hurt when pulling them up and down.
We also really liked that they had done these up in a waffle-knit, as this together with the extra-padding included enhances absorbency. So we think that these would actually be a really good option for when you have to go out and spend long periods of time away from home, especially on long car trips. However, we must mention that we found it to be a little stiff on the crotch area, probably owing to the padding.
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Glow Facial Moisturizer Cream: Get That Youthful Look You Crave
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Glow Facial Moisturizer is here so its possible to get that youthful look you need! Are you tired of seeing tired, dull, wrinkled skin? And, do you wish can do something to get your plump, bouncy, glowing youthful skin back? Well, you can! Because, this formula contains Retinyl Palmitate, a Vitamin An offshoot. This is one of the only clinically proven anti-wrinkle ingredients on the market. It functions by increasing cell turnover, so skin tone looks less dull and glows many more. Plus, it restores collagen to your skin over time, which helps fill in wrinkles and restore resiliency and plumpness to a skin! So, if you want to find younger, give Glow Facial Moisturizer Cream a shot today!
This formula won't waste your a period of time. Because, unlike other skin maintenance systems on the market, this one actually uses active, tested ingredients. When make use of Glow Facial Moisturizer Serum, you're helping turn back quantity of your skin. For example, as all of us older, our skin needs more collagen to look youthful again. Thankfully, thatrrrs what this product does for anyone. Second, our skin dries out and becomes flat. And, you lose that coveted youthful glow. Now, you don't must reach for makeup to glow! Because, this formula will restore moisture, brighten your skin, and restore your spark! So, are you ready attempt to Glow Facial Moisturizer Serum and replace your skin once with regards to all? Then, tap below before supplies sell out!
Glow Facial Moisturizer Serum Reviews
What are people saying about this formula in their Glow Facial Moisturizer Reviews? Good demande. So far, they're loving information technology. Hundreds of customers are already seeing the anti-aging results of their dreams! One user says she loves the way her skin looks considerably now than when she used to obtain injections. And, more spending cash . surprising, considering injections can't make skin color glow or restore hydration, either. Truly, this cream does MORE for skin tone than injections can, and it can it at a smaller price.
Users also love that this formula hydrates without being heavy or gluey. The last thing you want is for pores and skin cream to develop into a chore to applied to because you hate the way it feels. Thankfully, additional the case with Glow Skin Lotion. In fact, it restores moisture without being heavy, sticky, or clogging pores. So, having it . any skin type can use in which! Finally, you can get amazing anti-aging results in your own home with one formula, so tap above to start currently!
Glow Facial Moisturizer Benefits:
Revitalizes Aging Skin Naturally
Helps Fight Future Aging Signs
Reduces Appearance Of Wrinkles
Great For Smoothing Facial lines
Rehydrates And Brightens Skin
Restores Collagen Levels Faster
Decreases Dullness, Revives Glow
How Does Glow Facial Moisturizer Work?
The secret behind the Glow Facial Moisturizer Serum formula is its teens. Like we said inside introduction, out of contains Retinyl Palmitate. And, this is often a form of Vitamin A that helps speed up cell turnover, restore collagen to the skin, and, when used consistently, can also stop skin tone from aging so soon! So, that's why need to such a star formula, because utilizes one in the most powerful anti-aging ingredients available.
Not to mention, to some degree contains hydrating and brightening ingredients. So, from present you smooth it on, you'll see the glow returning thanks to the plumping and moisturizing medicine. Finally, if you hate dark circles or sunspots, you'll love Glow Facial Moisturizer Serum, too. Because, this formula brightens the stubborn marks and pigmentation areas. So, you get a smooth, clear, beautifully youthful skin back again! Tap any image attempt this before stock ends! Then, get to be able to have finest skin one has had in a number of years!
Glow Facial Moisturizer Cream Review:
Internet Exclusive Offer At the moment
Cannot Buy This Any kind of Stores Today
Great For Smoothing Epidermis Fast
Helps You appear Younger & Happier
Restores Plumpness & Elasticity Fast
Gives Long-Term Benefits For Skin
Helps Prevent Future Indication of Aging
Glow Facial Moisturizer Cream Ingredients
The Glow Facial Moisturizer Ingredients are comprised of Retinyl Palmitate, as well as special hydrating and brightening blend. We discussed this above, therefore we won't repeat ourselves a lot of. But, unlike other formulas concerning the market, is made up of actually has active formula. Some formulas pretend if you would like to anti-age your skin tissue. In reality, they just moisturize, they don't contain any substances. Thankfully, this formula has your back, consists of the right ingredients the final results make a feeling.
Plus, cannot stress enough how important it simple fact that this formula is so hydrating. Because, if make use of Retinyl Palmitate without right hydrating layer, you should be expecting redness, peeling, and irritation on skin. It's a powerful ingredient when used poorly. Thankfully, this formula protects your skin with that added hydration layer, in which means you get all of the benefits of these star ingredient minus any irritation! Cat tower you have to have to try and obtain Glow Face care cream today! It'll save skin color faster than you visualise!
How To discover the Best Glow Facial Moisturizer Price
In order to cut costs and obtain the best Glow Facial Moisturizer Cost online, tap any image here. There, discover their website (if this formula 's still available), a person can buy direct. Like we said, this is really a best-seller. Necessary protein the right ingredients actually make an improvement for aging skin. And, when you utilize it consistently, you may even prevent future signs of aging. So, you might prefer to get a few jars to truly create the perfect anti-aging natual skin care arsenal.
However, a new consequence of its popularity, this formula could go soon. In fact, we have seen it become unattainable a rare occasions already. So, if beneficial compared to Order Glow Facial Cream, the to act fast. Tap any image on these pages to the business it's still in stock today. This is, buy it before time runs out there. If you see another formula, that means it's gone already. Due to the fact case, the look at the product in its spot to amazing alternative we know you and skin adore!
How To buy Glow Facial cream Today!
Are you ready attempt and do your skin a desire? And, do men and women to visit your youthful, glowing, plump skin return you r? Then you truly this inside your life! Tap any image to look at the Official Glow Facial Moisturizer Cream Website today. Again, due to high demand, this product could be sold playing. And, if that happens, we'll place another best-selling cream in its spot that any of us know you'll love simply like much! So, either way, tap any image when using this page adjust your skin for the higher!
Because, individual it. As well as day you're combating aging, more wrinkles are intervening. So, may be the with regard to you actually make a plan about pores and skin. It's in order to make a move that future if at all possible thank you for! So, tap any image and add incredible product there to your skincare work out. Then, sit and also watch recent years come off your face for very!
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bittersweetjj · 4 years
Sephora Collection Lip Balm & Scrub in Honey
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Price: $7.00
Color: Honey - exfoliating & smoothing (scrub)
Claims: A range of lip balms and scrubs with a melting and gliding texture that hydrate and nurture lips all day long.
Balms nourish your lips and provide the following targeted lip care benefits, while the lip scrubs soften and prep lips for a treatment or lipstick thanks to gentle sugar exfoliants. Each features a fun flavor and ingredients that suit different concerns.
Octyldodecanol: An emollient and emulsifier and solvent. It is a clear, colorless liquid that is often seen as a thickener in moisturizers because of its lubricating and emollient properties. Helps to form emulsions and prevents formulas from separating into its oil and liquid components. It can also reduce the tendency of finished products to generate foam when shaken. Acts as a lubricant on the skin, giving a soft, silky feel.
Polybutene: A oligomeric oil, sometimes derived from petroleum, that is used in its hydrogenated form, as a binder, epilating agent, thickener and lubricant. It is naturally tacky or sticky and is also used for its adhesive properties.
Polyethylene: Form of plastic (synthetic polymer) that has numerous functions in cosmetics products. Rounded polyethylene beads serve as an abrasive agent in many facial scrubs, often used instead of overly abrasive alternatives like walnut shells and ground fruit pits. Also used as a stabilizer, binding agent, thickener, and film-forming agent.
Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil: Skin conditioning agent to maintain soft and supple skin.
Vp/Hexadecene Copolymer: Synthetic polymer that functions as a binding agent, texture enhancer, and dispersing agent.
Diisostearyl Malate: A skin conditioning agent and emollient.
Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride: Derived from coconut oil and glycerin, it’s considered an excellent emollient and skin-replenishing ingredient. It’s included in cosmetics due to its mix of fatty acids that skin can use to replenish its surface and resist moisture loss. Also function as a thickener, but its chief job is to moisturize and replenish skin. This ingredient’s value for skin is made greater by the fact that it’s considered gentle.
Cera Microcristallina (Microcrystalline Wax): Plastic-type, highly refined wax derived from petroleum and purified for use in cosmetics. Used as a thickener and to give products a semi-solid to solid smooth texture.
Dicalcium Phosphate: Opacifying Agent
Glyceryl Behenate/Eicosadioate: A mixture of esters of glycerin, along with behenic and eicosadioic acids, its works as a thickener and stabilizing agent in makeup and skincare products. The independent cosmetic ingredient review has found it is safe as used in cosmetics.
Propylene Carbonate: Liquid used as a solvent and film-forming agent.
Synthetic Wax: A wax derived from a mixture of various oils. It functions as a binding and stabilizing agent and can help enhance a product's texture.
Trehalose: Plant sugar that has hydrating properties for skin.
Disteardimonium Hectorite: A vegetable-derived suspending agent used to thicken oil-based products and serve as a stabilizer for emulsions
Fragrance: One or a blend of volatile and/or fragrant plant oils (or synthetically derived oils) that impart aroma and odor to products. These are often skin sensitizers because they are composed of hundreds of individual chemical components. Fragrance is a leading source of sensitivity to cosmetics.
Titanium Dioxide: An earth mineral used in sunscreens that is capable of blocking both UVA and UVB rays; also used as a pigment.
Mica: Earth mineral included in products to give them sparkle and shine. The level and look of the shine mica provides depends on the color and how finely it’s milled. Mica's sheer, translucent and skin-hugging properties make it a popular ingredient in mineral powders. Mica powder reflects light from the face because of its glittering or shimmering properties, and can create the illusion of a smoother, softer and more radiant skin tone.
Iron Oxides: Natural oxides of iron (iron combined with oxygen); pigments are used to enhance colors in cosmetics.
Citric Acid: An alpha hydroxy acid and astringent with antioxidant properties; used to help skin maintain its natural pH level or adjust the pH of a product.
Dipentaerythrityl Tetrahydroxystearate/Tetraisostearate: Skin conditioning. Viscosity controlling.
Butyrospermum Parkii  (Shea Butter): Extracted from the nuts of the karité tree, this emollient is naturally rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil: Skin conditioning agent and viscosity increasing agent. 
Sodium Saccharin: A sweetener, to give them a pleasant flavor.
Mel Extract (Honey Extract): Honey’s primary use in skincare products is related to its potent antioxidant properties; however, it’s role in helping wounds heal has been shown to have some benefits in comparison to traditional medicines and procedures. Honey forms a barrier on skin that can help soothe and protect.
My Thoughts: I thought it was very interesting to have a lip scrub in the form of a twist up tube. I saw Sephora Collection Lip Balm & Scrub in Honey was on sale for $6 so I decided to give it a try. I was surprised to find out that the twist up tube outer layer is made of cardboard. I was worried that it would be easily damaged over time but it ended up being very sturdy. Not only very secure but also pretty, with its yellow honeycomb design.
Sephora Collection Lip Balm & Scrub in Honey smells of good with a hint of honey. Its a gentle exfoliator, the sugar melts within 30 seconds so its best for mild chapped lips. After the sugar melts it becomes a normal lip balm that hydrates decently. I typically used this every night since its so gentle. When I had heavier chapped lips this did not work for me, I would need something that doesn’t melt away so quickly.
Would I purchase Sephora Collection Lip Balm & Scrub in Honey again? Yes I do like the idea of a mild exfoliator that turns into a balm.
Twist up tube 
Sturdy cardboard packaging
Yellow honeycomb design
Hint of honey scented
Gentle exfoliator 
Sugar melts into a balm
Best for mild chapped lips
Can be used once a day
Will not work with heavy chapped lips
If you found this review helpful please click on the heart or reblog. Feel free to reply with your thoughts on the product.
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saselife · 3 years
The Truth About Beauty Products
What are Beauty Products? Cosmetics are comprised of mixtures of various chemical substances derived either from natural resources, or synthesized ones. Cosmetics have different functions. These may be for individual use, for health and beauty, for deodorant or perfume, etc.
Urban Decay is a makeup company that produces the popular lipstick "NRG", and the eye shadow "adow con". They are one of the most well known brands in cosmetics. Other well known makeup companies include Maybelline, Lancome, Cover Girl, Makeup Art Cosmetics, toxin cosmetics, and many others.
What are Natural beauty products? Cosmetics are not food, because foods are meant to nourish the human body, and cosmetics are meant to beautify and " Enhance your beauty"--that's what the ads say. There are hundreds of products available in every retail department store. The cosmetic sections of department stores are absolutely full of products for your beauty needs.
What are the most commonly used beauty products? Makeup is one of the most common items in a woman's beauty regimen. Just about every woman uses some type of makeup, such as mascara, eye shadow, foundation, lip liner, lipstick, and nail polish. Some women even wear their hair in pigtails, false eyelashes, and other cosmetic "artistic" creations.
What are the most common cosmetics accidents? One of the most common ingredients in cosmetics products is Sodium Laureth Sulphate, also known as laureth sulfate. This ingredient is used as a foaming agent, to emulsify oils and emulsifying agents, and as an engine degreasing agent. It is listed on the "metics" ingredient list as a probable carcinogen. Other commonly found ingredients in cosmetics products include fragrance, color, preservatives, and oral contraceptives.
What are some signs of skin cancer? Cancerous cells called tumors can develop in areas that receive an excessive amount of UV radiation from the sun, such as the face and neck. Skin cancer can also develop from contact with many chemicals that make up beauty products, including nail polish, body powder, eye shadow, and lip liner. Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer, but many types of cancers of the lymphatic system and the reproductive system can also develop in people who are repeatedly exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays.
What are some signs of aging? Aging occurs as a result of the breakdown of collagen and protein in the skin, as well as decreased production of new skin cells and toxins that build up in the organs and tissue. As people get older, they tend to stop trying to protect their skin from the sun and begin to show more wrinkles, discoloration, and age spots. This can be attributed to the fact that the typical cosmetic formula of today contains artificial preservatives and fragrances. To slow down the process of aging, people need to find a healthy regimen that will include healthy, all natural makeup.
What are some signs of organ toxicity? Certain chemicals, such as parabens, which are used as preservatives and fragrance additives in cosmetics products, can disrupt the endocrine system of the body, which is responsible for maintaining normal hormonal balance in the body. When this imbalance is present, the user may experience a wide range of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, depression, excessive sweating, nausea, and more. To avoid these unpleasant side effects, it is best to stick only with products that contain all natural, plant based ingredients.
What are some signs of organ toxicity? If you want to stay away from these problems, it is best to only buy organic cosmetics. Organic products are not only safer for your health, they are also more effective at keeping your skin younger looking and softer for longer. Many beauty product companies have already begun using only organic formulas in order to meet strict regulations set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency.
What are some signs of urban decay? Urban Decay's line of products, which include lipsticks, eye shadows, mousse, and blush, is known for its attention grabbing ads and its controversial ingredients. Many of the products in this line are high in oils, waxes, and artificial preservatives that could potentially strip the natural oils found in your skin and cause skin damage over time. For this reason, many women have turned to using natural beauty products, such as olive oil based moisturizing facial cream, for everyday use.
What are high-quality products for makeup that won't drain my wallet? While mascara does add a beautiful touch to your eyes, it can also clog your pores. Using water-based makeup removers, such as Revlon's Refinee, can help remove mascara and other cosmetics without irritating your skin. Other high-quality products for the eyes include Clarins' Anti-Aging Conceal and Dior's Artistique mascara in matte and shimmer versions. Water-based formulas are often the best option when it comes to finding an affordable, lightweight makeup that won't irritate or dry out your skin.
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jamesclarke99 · 3 years
Everything You Need to Know About Organic Airbrush Tanning
Airbrush tanning with organic products will continue forever! The summer glow of many celebrities has been made a long-lasting trend, and their fans have become addicted to achieving that year-long summer glow as well. Airbrush tanning is one of the more recent technological advancements in the tanning industry.
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Tanning with an organic airbrush was not always possible because tanned skin was seen as unpleasant and harmful hundreds of years ago. It was usually related to a lack of financial resources as well as poor skin preservation. This was partly because the poor were forced to work outside in the fields while the wealthy could afford to sit around doing nothing. Those days are long gone, and tanning has risen to become a massive industry in spas and salons.
In addition, thanks to the development of “sunless” tanning, there are no longer any concerns about sunburns or skin cancer caused by the effects of tanning on the skin.
The Difference Between Airbrush Tanning and Organic Airbrush Tanning
Airbrush tanning is simply applying a tanning solution consistently to the body with an air compressor or a high-tech spray gun by a professional tanning artist to give the skin a different, usually darker color.
An organic formula or solution is used in tandem with the gun; this results in an evenly sprayed organic solution on the body, giving it a stunning natural bronzed tan effect.
Organic Airbrush Tanning is one of many spray tan formulas available, but it only uses natural components.
Organic Tanning Solution Used in Organic Airbrush Tanning
The Organic Tanning Solution is preservative-free, which means that it does not contain any harmful substances such as alcohol, parabens, artificial colorings, or petrochemicals. Organic Tanning Solution is also hypoallergenic. It is made up of natural and organic substances, as well as herbal and botanical plant extracts.
It is possible to customize the tanning solution to suit anyone’s skin tone, skin type, and skin preference. It is significantly less likely to induce an allergic reaction in those with sensitive skin types.
Love Glow Beauty uses Organic Tanning Solution because it has essential anti-aging qualities and is packed with amino acids and vitamins. The solution also contains jojoba and coconut oil, which will help to protect your skin when wandering throughout the world.
Furthermore, Love Glow Beauty’s airbrush tanning solution contains Eco-Certified Organic DHA, which is further enhanced by adding Erythrulose. This not only helps to prolong the tan but also results in the most natural-looking bronze tint.
Because Erythrulose is a costly component, it is not typically included in the typical spray tan formulation.
Organic Airbrush Tanning: 10 Ways to Get the Best Out of It
Before receiving another airbrushing tint, thoroughly clean the entire body. After that, avoid using or spraying any scents or lotions to allow the organic spray tan solution to penetrate the skin entirely.
Remove any makeup from your body.
Remember to dress in loose-fitting clothing after getting an airbrush tan to avoid getting a tan line. Avoid wearing anything too tight or stretchy on your body. For 4-6 hours, avoid wearing a bra and, if possible, refrain from wearing underwear.
After an organic airbrush session, refrain from showering for at least 4-6 hours and refrain from engaging in activities or exercises that would make you sweaty. Continue to keep your skin dry until your organic airbrush tan has fully penetrated.
It is not recommended to exfoliate shortly after a tan.
Make use of a decent moisturizer with minimal smell to keep your skin moisturized.
It is important to remember to drink plenty of water regularly to keep your skin supple and healthy.
When scheduling your tanning appointment, make sure to schedule it early, especially if you will be attending an event directly following your tanning session. You’ll want to give yourself plenty of time for the tan to absorb into your skin thoroughly. Airbrush tans require 6-8 hours to set in and begin to show results on the skin.
Take note of the importance of shaving well at least 2-3 days before your airbrush tanning appointment. This is because shaving on the same day as an airbrush tan may cause the hair pores to become open, and the open pores may manifest themselves as tiny pinholes. After getting a spray tan, make sure to avoid using any products that contain mineral oil. You should avoid swimming pools with chlorine and hot jacuzzis because the latter two will strip away your gorgeous new organic spray tan, so be careful.
Organic Airbrush Tanning Is Good for You for Several Reasons
As previously said, organic tan solutions are jam-packed with natural and refreshing, skin-nourishing components. There is no use of alcohol, artificial scents, mineral oil, or preservatives in this product.
The organic tan solution provides immediate fulfillment, and you’ll walk away with silky and nourished skin as a result. It conceals skin imperfections such as cellulite, varicose veins, stretch marks, and other blemishes.
Other spray tans may appear streaky and orange, whereas organic airbrush tans produce a gorgeous bronze color when applied correctly. Because it is administered by hand by a qualified technician, it is streak-free and has a far lower odor when compared to the typical spray tan application.
Organic airbrush tanning appears to be quite natural in appearance. It fades away smoothly and evenly without leaving patches, and it lasts up to 2 weeks without leaving those undesirable stains or splotches.
Get a natural-looking tan without getting sunburned or hurting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays!
You won’t have to be concerned about skin allergies or asthma symptoms arising.
There are no parabens in the organic spray tan solution. Nothing in it can harm your endocrine system because of preservatives.
The best thing about Organic Airbrush Tanning is that it’s cruelty-free!
A further advantage of natural or organic airbrush tanning is roughly the same price as the standard spray tanning! Because an organic airbrush tan is equivalent to a standard one, there is no reason not to choose the healthier option. Are you ready to reap the benefits of having an organic airbrush tan? Book an appointment with Love Glow Beauty today and discover why people love this.
Love Glow Beauty
Love Glow Studio
Organic Airbrush
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justtanninglotion · 3 years
Discover Top 5 Best Designer Tanning Lotions (2021)
There are seemingly infinite manufacturers of tanning products on the market. You only need to do a quick search to get overwhelmed by the hundreds of different brands. Talk to someone who has been tanning for a long time and they will likely have their favorite go-to brand. Most likely their go-to tanning lotion will be one of our top five best Designer tanning lotions discussed in more detail below.
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However, what about the person new to tanning? How do you sift through the endless companies and find the best one for you? Now, you don’t have to worry about these questions anymore. Today, we are here to discuss one of the best names in the tanning product industry: Designer Skin. Designer Skin’s tanning lotion run the gamut from tanning lotions to moisturizers. But, it is their many different variety of tanning lotions that are the subject of today’s article. If you are interested in learning more about one of the top tanning lotion companies out there, look no further. Today we will tell you everything you need to know about Designer Skin and list their top five best tanning lotions.
Who is Designer Skin
Designer Skin made a name for themselves with the release of their bronzer “Black.” It put the skin care and tanning product company on the map. Since the time of “Black’s” emergence, Designer Skin has added a wide variety of tanning lotions, bronzers, tingle creams, intensifiers, cooling lotion, facial lotions, sunless tanners, and tan extenders. Essentially, you can get any product you need for tanning from the company. Today, Designer Skin’s desire is to make “Nutrition for the Skin.” Thus, all of their products include high level ingredients and superior formulas. Each and every product will also work to cool, nourish, moisturize and tone your skin. You can’t do wrong with any Designer Skin tanning lotion. The company lists their four points of passion as   “Providing premium products that indulge skin in unrivaled darkness and beauty.” “Sourcing superior ingredients from around the globe for exceptional results.” “Delivering exquisite skin caring formulas that encourage a radiant, glorious glow.” "Utilizing the finest fragrances for a captivating sensory experience.” The quality of Designer Skin’s 2020 tanning lotions is unmatched and are formulated for a wide variety of skin types and tones. It’s not wonder that the company is one of the most respected in the tanning industry.
Why buy Designer Skin tanning lotions?
You only have to read Designer Skin’s four points of passion mentioned above to understand why they are one of the best makers of tanning products on the market. The company strives to create the best and high-quality products available. You will notice that Designer Skin’s tanning lotions have a lot of ingredients. In fact, some listed in our top five list below have too many ingredients to even name comfortably in our table. You will find the phrase “and many more” when this occurs. Sometimes when companies create products with a lot of ingredients that can indicate a less good tanning lotion. However, Designer Skin’s tanning lotion present the exact opposite scenario. The high level of the company’s formulations and ingredients mean that every ingredient included in the product has a reason to be there. This ensures the best-looking tan for your money. There are also a couple of other reasons to purchase Designer Skin 2020 products. First, they are animal friendly and never use animal testing. Second, the company offers a large variety of tanning products. This guarantees that you can find a Designer Skin tanning lotion no matter the type of lotion you want.
Different types of tanning lotions made by Design Skin
There are many different types of tanning lotion that are used for different reasons and purposes when tanning. If you are new to tanning the shear number of tanning lotion choices may seem daunting. However, in 2020 Designer Skin offers all of the lotions you would ever need or want. For your convenience, we’ve provided a list of the tanning lotions that Designer Skin creates Bronzer Bronzers are also called tanning accelerators. These products use a chemical—usually dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which reacts to the cells in your skin and creates a dark color. You can use bronzers by themselves, but often bronzers include a number of different ingredients that allow you to tan better and the color to last longer. Designer Skin’s bronzers are designed to be used when tanning in a bed or outdoors Intensifier Intensifiers are less intense tanning lotions. These are best for people new to tanning or who have fair skin. Intensifiers do not contain bronzers, so there will be no artificial darkening of your skin. Instead, the ingredients are meant to work naturally with your melanin to produce a darker tan. If you want a natural tan that also keep your skin hydrated, then you should use an intensifier tanning lotion Tingle Tingle lotions are the most intense type of pre-tanning lotion. The ingredients in this product cause micro-circulation, which causes their trademarked tingle sensation. When tanning, the tingle lotion allows the UV light of the sun or in a tanning bed to penetrate your skin more deeply. This creates a much darker tan than you’ve ever had before. There are some side effects to tingle tanning lotions. You might experience tingling, reddening, and/or heat on your skin. The intensity of these symptoms depends on your skin type. In general, people with light or fair skin should not use tingle lotions. And, you should never use a tingle tanning lotion on your face. Cooling Instead of heating up your skin, Cooling tanning lotions cool it down. The ingredients in these lotions cause a cool and pleasant sensation on your skin. Just because the product is cooling does not mean that it will not tan your skin properly. In fact, cooling tanning lotions are just as effective as other types of tanning lotions. They just create a pleasant and comfortable tanning experience. Facial Lotion Facial tanning lotions are just like they sound. They can be used on your face. You need to be careful when using a tanning lotion because many should not be used on the delicate skin of your face. The more intense tanning lotions, especially tingle creams, can actually cause real damage if used on your face. Instead, you should always use a tanning lotion specifically formulated for you face when you tan. Luckily for you, Designer Skin makes a face bronzer that is perfect for faces no matter how sensitive. Sunless Tanner All of the tanning lotions mentioned here are designed to be used in a tanning booth or in the sun. However, many companies—Designer Skin included—have now created tanning lotions that allow you to get that golden look without the damaging effects of UV radiation. Designer Skin has multiple sunless tanning options that use DHA to provide a natural looking, but completely safe tan. Tan Extender Finally, you have the tan extenders. These are lotions that are used after you have tanned either indoors, outdoors, or used a sunless lotion. This product has a small amount of DHA, which will help your tan stay around longer. However, the proportion of DHA in the tan extender lotion is significantly less than in other sunless tanning options. Thus, tan extenders help to lengthen the amount of time your skin has color without causing you to turn to dark or even orange.
How to choose a tanning lotion
So, you know that Designer Skin makes some of the best tanning lotions out there, but how do you choose the one that will work best for you? If you are wondering about how to choose the best tanning lotion for your skin, here are a few things to think about. You need to decide what level of tan you desire. If you want an extremely dark tan or a lighter, more natural looking tan, that will determine the product you choose. If you are a novice tanner, you will not want to choose some of the more intense tanning lotions like tingle creams. On the other hand, experienced tanners may want to choose a more intense bronzer or tingle cream to take their tan to the next level. Most of Designer Skin’s tanning lotions indicate if they are recommended for everyone or experienced tanners only. What is your skin tone? Fairer skinned people need to be careful about the tanning products they use. Most often fair skinned people have sensitive skin, which may react badly with more intense tanning lotions. Also, if you have fair skin, creating an extremely dark tan may not look natural. Darker skinned people have more options when it comes to the types of tanning lotions they can use. Where you are going to tan should also be considered. Some tanning lotions are only formulated for an indoor tanning bed, while others can be used outside. Still others are sunless tans that don’t require the use of a tanning bed or the sun to create color on your skin. You should buy the Designer Skin tanning lotion that is specifically created for the type of tanning you want to try.
What to look for in a Designer Skin tanning lotion
As mentioned above, all of Designer Skin’s 2020 products are high-quality. Therefore, you cannot go wrong with any of them. But, depending on your skin needs and your tanning desires, there are some ingredients that may work better for you than others. Moisturizing Ingredients: These are probably the most important ingredients to look for in a tanning lotion. It is essential to keep you skin hydrated when you tan. So, the best tanning lotions have moisturizing ingredients in them. Some to look for include Shea butter, aloe vera, argan oil, green or black tea extract, olive or other vegetable oils, and especially hemp seed oil. Tanning Ingredients: Depending on the level of tan you desire, you may want to purchase a tanning lotion that contains DHA or other bronzers. Other ingredients like the certain tree barks or roots (such as black walnut, oak, black cohosh, or willow) are also common in Designer Skin tanning lotions and help create the darkest tan possible. Skin Nourishing Ingredients: When deciding which of Designer Skin’s tanning lotions to purchase, you should determine how much extra skin care your want the product to have. If you are looking for an all-around skin nourishing lotion then you should look for ingredients like Vitamin C, E, or A, which all benefit your skin. Also, caffeine will help to tighten and tone your skin.
Top Five Best Designer Skin Tanning Lotions 2020 -  Comparison table
Top Five Best Designer Skin Tanning Lotions 2020 -  Reviews
 1  Luminary Bronzer
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Buy it On Amazon.com Designer Skin’s Luminary Bronzer makes the top of many tanning lotions lists. It has a unique formula that provides anti-aging benefits to your skin. The many, many ingredients in the Luminary Bronzer, especially the silicone emulsion, and argan oil moisturize and tone your skin while also providing an amazing looking tan. Designer Skin’s Luminary Bronzer provides a great base layer for your tan by being a non-greasy lotion. The L.E.D. complex in the tanning lotion brings the light to your skin, which helps your tan get dark golden brown. You only have to apply this tanning lotion once or twice to receive its great tanning benefits, which makes it easy to use as well as perfect for your skin.  2  ​BombShell, 100XXBronzer
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Buy it On Amazon.com Designer Skin’s BombShell 100 XXBronzer is not for tanning beginners. It is an intense tingle cream that will take experienced tanner’s skin to new levels of color. However, if you have never tanned before, this tanning lotion will likely be too intense for your skin. You should begin with a less intense tanning lotion and work your way up to this one. Never use this tanning lotion on your face. The white tea extract, soy, and CoQ-10 enriches the formula of BombShell, which ensures your skin stays hydrated and nourished while you tan.  3  ​​Designer Skin Black
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Buy it On Amazon.com Black is Designer Skin’s first and most famous tanning lotion. It is less intense of a lotion than the BombShell 100XXBronzer above. However, it will provide a nice golden-brown color. As a bronzer, this lotion is made to be used before you tan in a tanning bed or outside. So, the bronze color that initially appears on your skin will disappear in a couple of days as the tan appears. In addition to the many skin benefits of Designer Skin’s Black—the inclusion of green tea, caffeine, and hemp seed oil all provide hydration—it is also reported to smell amazing. If you don’t want to smell like a cheap tanning lotion, then this is the one to buy.  4  ​​​Obsidian 30x Bronzing Matrix Tanning Lotion
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Buy it On Amazon.com Designer Skin’s Obsidian 30x Bronzing Matrix Tanning Lotion is another of the company’s bronzers that is known for its good smell. It will also help to turn your skin a dark brown. So, if that is not a tanning goal for you, you should pick a different tanning lotion. It also includes bronzers that will last 30x longer than the average bronzer, which makes you appear darker. Like all of Designer Skin’s tanning lotions, Obsidian also helps to nourish your skin as you tan. It has many different types of vegetable oils and plant extracts—like plantago extract, black tea extract, bamboo extract, sunflower oil and almond oil—that keep your skin healthy in addition to looking its best.  5  ​​​Adore Black Label Bronzer Lotion
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Buy it On Amazon.com Designer Skin is known for their bronzers. Thus, it is not surprising that the last tanning lotion on this list is another Designer Skin bronzer. Adore Black Label Bronzer has Dopa—a Melanin precursor—in it. This substance triggers the tanning process and helps your tan reach new color levels. Designer Skin has also included Skin Activated Moisture Technology in their Adore Black Label Bronzer, which keeps you skin feeling hydrated and luxurious. The Silicone emulsion also helps to keep your skin moisturized even after the tan is over. This is so important for anyone who tans.
Preparing your skin for tanning
There are some important things that you can do to prepare your skin for tanning. This will help the Designer Skin tanning lotion go on smoothly and your tan to last longer. Exfoliate before you tan so that the dead skin cells on the surface are removed. Read the full article
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