#the idea of two people who unknowingly married into a family curse
spelviin · 4 years
god i wish i had the talent and self-discipline to actually write the fic that’s been pinging around in my head for like 8 months about mercedes meeting autumn 
#og#i dont have the talent to pull it off but if i did it would be so FUCKING good#i just think they'd have a lot to talk abt and i want them to meet rly bad#just like... thematically#the idea of two people who unknowingly married into a family curse#the fucking situation of knowing your lover and children carry this awful potentially world-ending power within them#and the different way they've dealt and are dealing with that#like u know mercedes has been dragged to a shitbillion parent-teacher conferences#where grown adults basically say to her face that her kids are horrific little monsters#that their behavioural issues may pose a threat to other children#but u also know that mercedes knows her two beautiful boys and trusts them not to do that#whereas (in my headcanon at least) autumn does not have that same trust with her own son#partially bc he's been lost to her so long she has no idea what he's even like as a person#all the work he's put in to being a genuinely kind and compassion person even as he had to rebuild his entire fkn life from the ground up#but also bc i think even before he disappeared she didn't bother to get to know him bc she projected too much of barry onto him#which is obviously completely unfair to henry but is def something that could realistically happen as a product of years of emotional abuse#anyway this is all just a v roundabout way of saying i fucking NEED mercedes and autumn to interact and have SO MANY THOUGHTS ABT IT#but im LAZY and CANT FUCKING WRITE so like fkn#guessilldie.jpg#man im just never not emotional abt the oak clan folks#if we ever meet grandpa elf and get HIS side of the story and learn abt hildy and what she was like post-amod i'll probs explode#cuz u know that shit would add aNOTHER FUCKING LAYER to this trauma lasagna which is all i fucking need
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
My friend watches Merlin: Part II
How many fucking things are under this castle The water supply, catacombs, dragon cave, the dungeons, and now mystery death cave
Killing magic stuff seemingly runs in the family Great-something grandpa ordered to kill a wizard just because he was powerful
“This isn’t more than just a story” ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME.
This motherfucker just straight up ready to replace Merlin after all the things he’s done for him Or at least seemingly so far
Arthur better get the fucking Zuko treatment in the end or I’m suing
AH FUCK I hate gargoyles Unless they’re designed specifically for monsterfuckers
Mmmmm I know it’s in the mythology but I’m not sure I like the Gwen X Arthur ship
Back to the fucking dragon I suppose
Oh the fucking king is going to be even more insufferable this season isn’t he God bless Merlin’s patience
Oh we playin’ switcheroo
Also I saw the name Odin on the wikipage about Nimue and I was expecting the actual god, not just some random king I’m low-key disappointed yet again
Merlin just absolutely spilled his feelings and he’s 100% correct No wonder he’s tired He’s been doing everything in this fucking kingdom
For a bounty hunter this guy is surprisingly charismatic
Gwen single handedly carrying the friend group
Girl you think letting the guy who never touched a spatula cook the dinner is a good idea
See, told you Merlin has to do everything. Again.
Morgana is doing magic unknowingly And she’s scared And Merlin is like “let’s ask the druids” You know, the people who the king tries to murder for no reason Surely that’s a wonderful idea
See I told you They’re on a hunt for the druids
This is bad this is bad this is bad
Damn Mordred is really something isn’t he According to the myth he’s like evil or something from what I remember And I 100% see why he would turn that way after all this bullshit
LMAO Arthur was like “Stop hitting on her, she’s out of your range”
Really when Gaius dies (which I fucking hope he’s not going to but he probably will) my heart will shatter
Nooo they got best girl
“She’s more than just a friend for us” I’m sorry but I can’t unsee the queer in this
Noooo I hate these things I’m usually fine with naked mole rats But these are so bad
Woooh boy they kissed I low-key like this pairing more honestly Just on vibes
This motherfucker is going to die in the most glorious way By a naked rat
You know how this series should have ended Poly relationship Morgana, Gwen, Lancelot, Arthur and Merlin
A troll is about to catfish the king I’m only like, 50% seeing the problem here Cause for all I care the king could just marry one of those rats from the last episode
Nu uh, you ain’t talking to my boy Gaius like that
Seriously? THIS is the first double episode? The fucking troll? I’m about to throw up from this fucking Troll
NGL Arthur is finally growing on me He’s having his moments
The king is bad as he is originally, but now under the curse he’s even worse
This bitch needs to die as soon as possible Cause I can’t take the king being like this one more episode I’m done with his bullshit on regular mode
We’re done I never want to think about these episodes again Ever In my life
Awkward almost hug is awkward But I guess it’s a start
These two episodes Were probably my least favorites from the series so far
Oh goodie, one anti magic freak wasn’t fucking enough
Morgana honey, you’re not helping
Yet again, Gwen is the MVP
Hah, get fucked
“Yeah I sentenced you to death despise everything you’ve done to me over the years, but I’ll pay for everything my people trashed in your house. We good, right?”
I feel like magic ladies in shadowy places is going to be a recurring theme in this show Also stalking the royal family
Dang girl I always love a women who has “I can kick your ass” energy
Why do I feel like the king is lying about not knowing this woman
What’s with all the people and their names starting with “Mor” Morgana, Mordred, Morgause
Mmmm She’s weird I don’t know if I like her vibes or not
I’m gonna give the misogyny a pass because this is like, around or older than the middle ages
Yeah the king definitely knows her
LMAO Why did he think letting MERLIN hold the rope was a good idea He’s a fucking twig
Bonding over dead parents, how nice
Ooooo family drama Half sisters
Arthur is growing on me
Dude I’m gonna cry
Mmmmm girl you’re a little sus
I would be ABSOLUTELY GLAD if he killed his father right then and there MERLIN W H Y I really fucking hope he knows he’s cutting the branch under himself everytime he says something bad about the magic, cause I can feel it all my 206 bones there will be a liar reveal episode or 2 where he tells Arthur about him being a wizard and it will be nasty
Yep, yep, fucking here we go again Merlin gets 2 black dots for this action, 1 for making the magic look bad and 1 for letting the king live
That’s exactly what I’m saying Gaius
Merlin you’re also a better person than me
Freya is so pretty
Aww, Merlin is trying to pick up a girl
Merlin trying to convince Arthur that he’s getting fat is true comedy Like how does he expect this won’t bite him in the ass later
Oof, there’s something wrong with this girl and it’s out of her control. It just reeks that energy
Oh shit I’m gonna cry by the end won’t I
Merlin you can’t just raid Morgana’s closet
Arthur doesn’t even want to ask questions anymore At least he doesn’t judge 🤷‍♂️
Poor Arthur They keep fucking with him by making him fall in love with random women
Oh she’s a bitch
Ah shit, Mr. Magic Man
Oh my god This is going to end very bad
Gee, Merlin, it’s not like we had this exact fucking scenario last season KC THIS IDIOT IS CLIMBING A WALL
Woah there, that’s not consent Nevermind
Poor Gwen, she’s the real victim here
Damn, Arthur is getting his ass kicked Of course the answer is love What else would it be
Gwen saves the day
Oh shit Mordred is with bandits Oh i dont like where this is going Mordred is so cute tho And I love Morgana
Merlin what the fuck He straight up set up Mordred to be killed I wouldn’t forgive him either honestly
Ah shit, future vision spoilers
Honestly I’m still pro magic people in almost every way I’m also on the same side with Morgana Morgana is on thin fucking ice honestly But I get it I would do the same
Uther is just cutting the branch under himself day by day He got almost killed by his biological kid and got disowned by his adopted kid now officially after 2 times she tried to coup against him Honestly at this point if he doesn’t realise he’s doing something wrong then there’s no hope for him at all
Magic lady bringing back the dead: check
Couple of girlbosses having a chat in the middle of the woods Oh she’s back at her room, convenient
Oh no Plagues?
Baby’s first battle scar
Oh shit, we Sleeping Beauty now?
Mmmmmm girl, that’s sketchy
Props to Gaius’ actor for keeping that face
Holy shit even the fucking dragon’s asleep Nevermind
Oh my god KC I’m so worried Whaaa Holy shit he’s about to Socrates Morgana NOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOO
As much as I hate this dragon If I were in his place I would burn this place to the ground too
I hate how much I sympathize with the villains in this series Well “villains” There are no sides in this series
Oh my god Off to find daddy Well damn, daddy’s not half bad honestly
He is 101% correct
Such a nice moment I honestly teared up a little Yep, that’s what I expected It was too good to be true
They grow so much since the beginning Oh Merlin, you’re so humble You deserve the world Yeah close that window And never open it again Holy shit this was a good episode And a long one
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Same anon who asked about the Bajie and Wukong were married angle, how about a universe where Pigsy is Bajie in disguise with C9/13/50/90?
This is just pure angst. Enjoy >:D! I’ll expand on this idea one of these days
Brief mentions of death
C9. “You left me!” C13. “No, you don’t have the right to come back to me and pretend that everything is okay again!” C50. “Forgive you? How could I ever forgive you for what you did?” C90. “I know you hate me.”
Pigsy shakes his head as the disguised king throws a pick up line at him. He ignores him and takes something from the cabinet then pours a bit of it into his pot. Wukong’s eyes sparkle as he watches him and Pigsy suppresses his blush.
Ever since Xiaotian had unknowingly reunited them, the king had been sticking around and for what? Pigsy wasn’t sure. It certainly wasn’t for him, he was the reason the king left. After all, why wouldn’t he? Bajie would have gotten tired too if he was forced to deal with a sniveling coward for centuries, forced to deal with someone who only lived to make his life worse. He wasn’t a hero like Wukong was, he wasn’t on the king’s level and still isn’t. Nowadays he’s just a simple noodle shop owner, somewhat different from how he used to be.
He’s nothing special, he never was but Wukong, Wukong is something else. He’s special, he’s everything Bajie is not. The king is brave, loyal, strong, handsome, untouchable, hardworking and so many things while the pig is a coward, grumpy, unreliable, weak, ugly and vulnerable. The only thing he’s got going for him is that his work ethnic has changed, that’s what he believes.
It’s no wonder Wukong left in the first place. No matter how much it hurt.
The king’s reappearance had brought on a wave of emotions, he wanted to punch the king for making him his successor and not telling him he was on that mountain all this time, they checked there when they first heard the word!
There are so many things he wants to do and say to the king, most of them involve curses while others involve pulling Wukong close and pressing a kiss against his lips that would leave them both reeling. He knows that he could never do the latter, Wukong wouldn’t like it if he did.
So he doesn’t, he’ll push that thought into the back of his mind, hoping it goes in a place where it will never be able to get out.
Pigsy narrows his blue orbs at the monkey whose elbow is now on the counter with his head tilted. The pig questions why Wukong wants to act like he could worm his way back into their lives. No way was Wukong getting close ever again.
“Pigsy?” Wukong questions.
“You okay? You’ve been standing there for a while.”
“I’m fine,” he replies with gritted teeth. “Why do you care?”
The king raises a brow. “Because you aren’t normally distracted.”
“What?” His phone buzzes with notifications. “Oh, yea.” He fumbles with his phone, pressing random buttons then places it in his pocket and goes back to his soup. Wukong is staring at him in complete admiration. “Why are ya starin’?”
“Just… I admire how hard you work. It takes a lot to manage a restaurant solo.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
“It’s no wonder why people like it so much, although the fact that you’re cute helps,” Wukong compliments with a wink.
Pigsy ignores the small flutter that appears in his stomach at the comment, he makes a ‘tch’ noise with his tongue and responds with “Do you say that to everyone?”
“Only when it’s true.”
True? Ha, totally. Him being cute is obviously a lie. The king doesn’t have to lie to him if he wants something. “Yea. Sure. I am totally cute.”
“You are! You have beautiful blue eyes, they’re like the ocean, you could get lost in them. A gorgeous face and so many other amazing features.” The king props his other elbow up and rests his chin on his hands, giving the pig a charming smile and another wink.
Pigsy stutters because the king seems almost genuine in his statement. A pink color the pig’s cheeks, he swallows roughly and his fists tremble, he knows the king is lying, this is all his big ploy to charm his way back into his family. Why would he ever be important in Wukong’s eyes?
“Shaddup. That’s not true.”
“It is! It’s the truest thing in the world.”
“Ya don’t have to lie to me,” he growls.
The king’s head tilts further. “Why would I be lying?”
Why wouldn’t he be lying? Pigsy is aware of the king’s tells and although there are no tells present, none that the pig remembers anyway, the king’s body language for lying could have changed. He has to be fibbing, he has to.
Pigsy swallows again and replies, “Because I know you hate me.”
“Hate you? Why would I hate you?”
Can’t Wukong just drop the act already? Might as well push him. “Why wouldn’t you hate me? Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I’M ZHU BAJIE! The person you despise the most in this world!” Wukong’s mouth is agape. “And don’t try to lie your way out of this! I know you hate me!”
The monkey’s bottom lip quivers. “You’re not… not a reincarnation?”
“The f-? NO! I’M NOT A REINCARNATION!” A tear falls down Wukong’s cheek and he approaches the pig with his fingers outstretched. Pigsy takes a step back and hisses, “DON’T TOUCH ME!”
Wukong’s ears droop. “I… can’t believe it.”
“Can’t believe what?”
“That… you’re… you’re not a reincarnation. I thought you were.”
“You thought I was a reincarnation? That’s stupid!”
“I thought you all died…”
“Really? Because we thought the same thing happened to you! But no, turns out you just decided to leave us behind, not even a single word then next we hear of you, you’ve given Xiaotian the staff! You left us! You left me,” he yells and uses his thumb to point it at his chest. “And you think you can magically find your way back into our lives. No, you don’t have the right to come back to me and pretend that everythin’ is okay again!”
Wukong gasps. “Bajie, I didn’t- I didn’t mean to-”
“Mean to what? Leave your own family behind? What did you think was goin’ to happen?! You didn’t say a damn word to us about retirin’!”
“I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Forgive you? How could I ever forgive you for what you did? I get it I guess. Some stupid pig demon bothers you for centuries, he’s a coward, weak and his existence only lives to make your life miserable so you find the best excuse to get rid of him!”
Wukong looks taken back by that. “What? You think I left because of you?”
“I know you left because of me,” he snarls, ignoring the way his phone is vibrating.
“That’s not true! You weren’t the reason I decided to leave!”
“YES, I WAS,” he roars, shaking with anger. “I would leave too if I had to deal with someone like me. You were forced to put up with me all because of master and Guanyin. I made you miserable. You were hopin’ to get rid of me after the journey, that you would never see me again but I bothered you anyway, all because I’m an idiot and desperate for attention.”
Wukong’s arms hang to his side, a frown marks his features. “Do… do you really think that little of yourself?”
Pigsy nods as his vision blurs. “Yea because it’s all true. Even now I’m basically the same. I haven’t changed. I get why ya left… I was never goin’ to change.” He clutches his shirt. “You know I always wanted to be on your level, to be recognized by you as your equal but I knew that was never goin’ to be the case. Yet I tried time and time to get you to notice me. Hopin’ one day you would see me and decide…” He grips the fabric tighter, his gaze cast down at the ground. “Decide you love me too…”
There is a weight lifted briefly before it goes back and drops back on him, heavier than ever before, leaving him barely able to breath, when Wukong gasps. “You… You love me?”
“Yea. I’ve loved you for the longest time.”
“Bajie, I…”
He waves his head from side to side. “I already know what you’re goin’ to say. I don’t want to hear it.”
“You have no idea.”
“I do. You’re goin’ to tell me it’s never ever goin’ to happen because you hate me.”
“NO! That’s not it. Will you just listen to me for one second?”
“I don’t want to because I already know what will happen. I’m not havin’ my heart broken again, Wukong.”
“I’m not going to break your heart! Gods, Bajie…”
“Heck. You don’t even have a right to know this in the first place. Considerin’ what you did.” Bajie knows he’s bouncing around but if he can keep the focus off his feelings, keep the rejection away, he’ll do so. “You left all of us, we thought somethin’ happened. You have every right to want to leave because of me but master, Wujing, Ao Lie, they deserved better. If you told me you never wanted to see me again, I would have understood and I would have stayed away while you were with the others.”
“Bajie,” Wukong lets out a small warning to get the pig to let him talk.
Pigsy continues, “But no, you left them too and you made us believe that someone had finally gotten to you, a part of us thought you were dead while the other part hoped you were alive. The day you left is the day my heart split in two, but this isn’t about me. This is about the others. You at least thought of them like family and not me, never me. They should have had so much better. Because I know what ya thought of me and-”
“BAJIE! WILL SHUT UP FOR ONE SECOND AND LISTEN TO ME? YOU IDIOT,” Wukong rages, chest heaving up and down from anger. He stops when Pigsy’s jaw clenches and the tears cascade like a waterfall. “Bajie, I-”
“GET OUT,” Pigsy screams and gestures to the door.
“I didn’t mean what I said! I’m sorry!”
The king lets out a breath and bobs his head. “Okay. I’ll leave you alone.” He walks then pauses at the doorway. “I’m… I’m sorry and I… I lo- am always here if you want to talk. I’m sorry.” Wukong sends a small and apologetic smile but it is tired and sad underneath. He leaves and fades from view.
Pigsy lightly slams his head against the counter and weeps.
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Okay, so I have a rule: don’t judge things until you’ve tried it yourself.  So, because I didn’t like a lot of the choices made in Descendants 3, I wrote my own version.
Descendants 3: A New Beginning
It’s a new school year.  The school is more integrated w/ Villain kids and Auradon kids, but it’s still 1 VK to every 10 AKs.  The OG VKs have graduated.  Mal is in training with the Blue Fairy to be Queen.  Evie is an assistant to 3 fashion designers (the fairies from Sleeping Beauty).  Carlos is a vet’s assistant (the dad from 101 Dalmations).  Jay is a coach for Auradon Prep.  The opening song shows all of this :
the new VKs (including Dizzy) looking outnumbered by AKs in class
Mal entering a room labeled ‘Queen Prep’ and being taught by Blue Fairy (Mal is unhappy and clearly terrible at it)
Evie looking happy and being shown around a boutique by the 3 fairies
Carlos looking happy and wearing a vet lanyard nametag
Jay in a coaching uniform in front of a mirror looking happy
Mal is mentally distant and sad because she’s worried about Uma, she feels like her Queen Prep classes just highlight how much she doesn’t fit, and she’s still not sure what ‘home’ means for her.  Ben and Evie are worried about her because she’s so distracted and sad.
Jay is excited to show up to his first day as coach.  The head coach (Phil from Hercules) introduces him to his team: the first-year Auradon Prep class (a group of 14 year olds).  Dizzy’s a part of the group.  They’re all terrible.  Jay is no longer excited.
Evie admits she’s worried about her and Mal drifting apart in their adult lives.  Mal’s royal family will replace her and the VKs and Mal will become a different person.  She’s also stressed because Doug is distant as well and she doesn’t know why.  She sings a song that reflects this and parallels ‘Space Between’ from D2.
Ben proposes to Mal in front of a crowd, something that enrages Audrey.  She’s mad because she was next in line to be queen until Mal swooped in.  She starts formulating a plan.
Audrey approaches Mal and, acting friendly, tells her she wants to see where Auradon’s new queen came from.  Mal, who is excited to have an excuse to visit the Isle, agrees to take Audrey on her motorbike.
Evie sees Mal and Audrey leave together and is worried Mal is already replacing her.  She tries to talk to Doug about it, but he’s clearly avoiding her for some reason, which makes her sad.
Over time (and through song), Jay teaches the kids how to do better at their sport (old school soccer?  The sport from D1?).  He teaches them how to work together to get the ball away from the person who has it.  He shares the stuff about teamwork that he’s learned over the past two movies.
Mal and Audrey arrive at the Isle and Audrey realizes how bad things are.  She shows some kindness and empathy by giving money to some begging kids and helping other kids with their jobs.  Mal sees this and realizes Audrey isn’t too bad when she’s not just thinking about herself.  Suddenly, some kids steal Audrey’s jacket.  Remembering her anger at Mal (and all VKs), Audrey sneaks away from her and looks for someone to help her with her evil plan.  She’s complaining out loud about how, thanks to Mal, she doesn’t fit in at the Isle OR at Auradon (unknowingly paralleling Mal’s complaints).
Uma appears out of the water and pulls a ‘You don’t like Ben as a ruler?  You don’t like Mal at all?  You want to rule the world?  Let’s team up.”  Uma says she’ll help her IF she promises to bring down the barrier when they rule Auradon together.  Audrey agrees, but she’s definitely lying.
Audrey and Uma reveal they’re working together and steal Mal’s bike to get to Auradon, stranding her on the Isle (the irony of which makes Uma especially gleeful).  The pair have an AMAZING VILLAIN DUET and go off to the museum to steal the spellbook and Maleficent’s staff.
Evie is stressed that Mal is ignoring her texts.  She goes to Ben, who’s having an intense conversation with Doug.  Doug makes an excuse to leave when Evie shows up.  Evie tries to push that aside and tells Ben about Mal.  He agrees that Mal has been gone for longer than she should have been.  Ben, Evie, Carlos, and Jay join up to go get Mal.  Dizzy catches them leaving and she admits she’s been feeling homesick.  They let her tag along.
When they all reach the Isle, Mal explains what happened with Uma and Audrey.  When they get back, EVERYONE is magicked into loving Uma and Audrey as rulers, something that doesn’t affect them because they were on the Isle.  Ben immediately recognizes this as the spell he was under (TWICE!), so he goes to pull water from the enchanted lake.
Meanwhile, Carlos goes and uses True Love’s Kiss on Jane and Evie uses TLK on Doug.  (Song?)
The group rejoins and Ben realizes they can’t just bring everyone in Auradon down to the lake.  Evie says she can make an invention (a water cycle machine) to make the lake water rain down onto Auradon.  She and Doug can build it, but it’ll take time.  In the meantime, they need to stop whatever Audrey and Uma’s next steps are.
Audrey and Uma are in the castle and they’re arguing over who outranks who.  Audrey admits she’s never going to bring down the barrier when she’s a ruler.  She’ll toss all the VKs out, including Uma.  Uma says she thought Mal was entitled and self-absorbed, but now she sees that Audrey is way worse.  They have another song: a reprise of their first song, but with ironic callbacks to the ‘teamwork’-y things they’d said before.
While they’re distracted, Carlos gets Dude (his dog) to fetch the spellbook and sics all the animals from his vet job onto Uma and Audrey to slow them down.  He runs away and passes the book off to Jay.
Back at the lake, Evie and Doug are working on the machine.  Evie finally directly asks him why he’s been so distant.  Doug reveals that he’s been planning on proposing to her, but he’s really nervous he’ll mess it up and he was asking Ben for help.  Now he’s worried he’s ruined things because Evie deserves a perfect proposal and he’s spoiled it.  Evie tells him she loves him and any proposal is good for her because it means they’ll be together forever.
Jay finds his team and breaks the spell on Dizzy.  The two of them work to individually break the spell on the rest of the team.
When Uma and Audrey escape the animals, they exit the castle to see Mal, Ben, Carlos, Jay, and Jay’s team of children.  They mock the group, but Jay’s team use the teamwork they learned earlier to get Maleficent's staff away from Audrey.  Uma uses a spell she remembered to sic all of Auradon against the good guys.  The people start surrounding them, acting like mindless zombies, and start dragging them away from Audrey and Uma.
Suddenly, it starts to rain!  The spell breaks!
Feeling defeat nipping at their heels, Uma and Audrey run away.  The good guys chase after them.  Uma and Audrey are nearly caught by angry townsfolk at every turn and get cornered into climbing the stairs.  They end up on the roof (at night in the rain).
The VKs, who are close behind, block the door to get back down.  Realizing the jig is up, Uma and Audrey bemoan their fate, explaining why they were upset enough to curse everyone in the first place.
Mal stops the mob and says she understands: “Not like I haven’t cast a few curses of my own”.  She apologizes for how she’s been treating them and says she realizes the integration for Auradon of the VKs has been slower than she would like it to be.  It’s also been a mostly one-way street.  It’s not like the royals have been trying to beautify or pour resources into the Isle.
(to Uma)
I promise, bringing down the barrier, joining the Isle and Auradon, and helping make the Isle a better place will be my first task as -
(seeing Audrey looking away angrily)
You know what?  I don’t want to be queen.
[Gasps, shock.]
I never wanted to be queen.  I’m terrible at it!
(to Ben)
Ben.  I love you.  But . . . I think Audrey should be the queen.
You’re not serious.
She’s the one who’s been trained for it from childhood!
(to Audrey)
Audrey, you saw the Isle.  It’s in bad shape.  They need you.  You can help them all.
Mal, Audrey may not be the best choice for this.
She doesn’t care about anyone but herself!
She does.  There’s a different side to her.  I’ve seen it.
[Audrey looks like she’s thinking about it.  Evie waves, getting her attention.]
If you need help with ideas for beautifying the Isle, I can help.  I’ve been a fashion consultant for a whole month now.  It’s kind of my speciality.
(disbelieving; quietly)
[Mal takes Evie’s hand, grinning.]
And Audrey being queen means I could spend more time with my family.
[Evie looks elated that she’s not losing her best friend.]
Wait, Mal.  I don’t love Audrey.
(to Audrey)
No offense.
No, it’s fine.  I don’t like you either.
(Ben frowns)
Like that.
Is it possible you and I could still be married and you could be king, but Audrey could still be queen?
(considers it)
It’s never been done before.
(gestures to the VKs)
Look at us!  These past few years have been pretty full of things we’ve never done before.
(considering it)
Okay.  We could do that.
On one condition.
She’s not even queen yet and she’s already making demands?
[Jay elbows him.]
Uma gets to be my co-queen.
[Uma looks surprised.]
I don’t think ‘co-queen’ is a real -
[Mal puts a hand on her chest.]
Let her finish.
Uma’s the one who had the idea to destroy the barrier in the first place.  She’s always put her people first.  Because that’s what they are.  Her people.
[Audrey puts out a hand.  Uma considers it, then takes it.]
Deal.  I mean, let’s be real.  You need me.  Who else is going to keep you in line?
[Laughter.  Warm glances all around.  The rain stops and the sun starts to come out.]
We cut to months later.  The school year is over.  Doug and Evie are clearly engaged.  Everyone is gathered for the crowning ceremony for Uma and Audrey.  Everyone claps for them.  The audience is full of VKs and Auradon kids in a much more even balance.  It’s a little hard to tell who is a VK and who is an AK.
There’s a final number where they all sing and celebrate.  The final shot shows the bridge between the Isle and Auradon, which is permanently up to join the two lands.
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seductresses-temple · 6 years
Figuring Things Out
So, most people that follow me wouldn’t know this unless they’ve been following my main blog ( @glo-up-goddess) for an absurd amount of time but I actually created my main page when I was in a really dark place. I was spiraling and struggling with depression as I fell deeper and deeper into an abusive relationship. The night I made my main page I was actually at my abuser’s bedside while they were in the hospital for a week and the moment I left just to run home and shower, grab a change of clothes, they had “the other woman” swing by and out the door in the forty minutes I was gone. I turned to Tumblr out of a mixture of insomnia, helplessness, and desperation. Never in my life would I have imagined starting a second blog, a Drarry blog for all my writing, and never would I have suspected that I would grow to meet such lovely people and make such wonderful friends. But I did! As I watch my following continue to grow and far surpass my wildest dreams, I’m filled with so much renewed love for the beautiful, tremendous souls I have encountered within the fandom over the years. So many of you have touched my life both knowingly and unknowingly and I am forever grateful for you all. This story is dedicated to @xx-thedarklord-xx someone whos work has been a great source of joy for me in some incredibly dark times. So, since I know you like Blairon? Raise? Bon? I have no idea what the hell their ship name would be, but I wrote you some Blaise/Ron, Sam, because your work has been really important to me, specifically this past year as I’ve been figuring some things out for myself. So, without further ado:
Figuring Things Out
Pairing: Blaise Zabini/ Ron Weasley, background Drarry, Pansmione, and Linny
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mildly dubious consent (Ron was drunk when something happened but he did know what he was doing even if he was totally embarrassed by it after the fact because of all the confusing implications. But I still feel like it warrants a warning).
“When Gin first told me her and Harry broke up, well, I hate to admit I was a bit sad, you know? Harry’s like a brother to me and just about the only bloke I thought I could trust my little sister with but sometimes things don’t work out the way you expect it to. Harry ran off with the Ferret and insists he’s people now just because he’s his husband. ‘Mione and I split and clearly Harry gave her way too many ideas ‘cause she goes and marries the scariest witch of her age, yeah, I’m looking at you, Parkinson! But today, I am proud, honored, and delighted to be standing by my sister’s side as she brings the loveliest, most pure-hearted witch into our family,” Ron raised his glass, grinning from ear-to-ear.
“Everyone, please raise your glasses for a toast to Mrs.Ginny and Luna Lovegood!”
The Great Hall burst into a roar of laughter, congratulations, and clinking glasses, and even with his heart with nothing but love for those around him, Ron couldn’t help feeling the nagging loneliness settling over him like a second skin with guilt following after it like a wet blanket. He should be able to stay happy for the entire day. He was happy. His little sister just got married, to the love of her life, and he was happy for her. Honest. But, it didn’t change the fact that as the years went on Ron just felt...left behind.
When Draco and Harry had eloped, that was one thing. They’d left for a Potions Masters conference in France that Draco had to attend and came back as Harry and Draco Malfoy-Potter. It was spur of the moment and easier to keep it out of the press was the excuse they’d given everyone but anyone that knew them knew they were just young, in love, and passionately reckless. They had a small, intimate ceremony among friends to celebrate (and apologize) and lived their life as the first newlyweds in the friend group. It had been fine, even when Ron and Hermione had broken up and Ron was a bachelor for the first time since he was a teenager.
Ron kept telling himself it was for the best which was true. Ron and Hermione had realized their relationship was going nowhere. They still loved each other, of course they did. The two of them had so much history together, that wasn’t going to go away overnight, but they didn’t love each other that way anymore. They noticed it slowly at first, the distance, the ‘going through the motions’ of it all, and then it hit them all at once watching Draco and Harry together, so in love, and building something great. Ron and Hermione had love for each other but they hadn’t been in love for a long time and after a long, difficult talk, they both agreed they needed more and deserved better.
Six months down the line Hermione had her first date with Pansy, on a stupid dare from Draco.
Four years later they were married and beginning the adoption process. Hermione’s version of ‘more’ was a happy wife, a Ministry job where she was making real change, and twin four year old boys that kept her and Pansy more than busy.
Now Ginny and Luna were sailing away into their ‘Happy Ever After.’
It seemed like the only one that couldn’t find their happy ending was Ron.
Needing just a quick reprieve from the festivities, Ron slipped away while his mum and Hermione were both smothering Ginny and Luna with hugs and words of ‘married woman wisdom’ or whatever it was they were doing. He inhaled deeply, stepping out onto the front lawn of Hogwarts and just basking in the familiarity of it all. With Luna being the new Divination professor it just seemed natural to have the wedding at a place that meant so much to everyone in attendance but Ron hadn’t been back at Hogwarts in years. While Hermione had been adamant about attending their ‘8th year,’ Ron decided his time was better spent at the joke shop with George. It started out as a way to keep an eye on his older brother after they’d lost Fred but, over time, Ron learned he had a knack for business. It was working with George that gave him the courage and confidence to open the Fred Weasley Institute, a small wizarding primary school specifically catered to kids like Fred and George who didn’t get on so well with traditional learning but were still bloody fucking brilliant. It was small, but, Ron thought Fred would have been pretty damn proud.
“Ah, lucky, me. I stumble out for a smoke and a breath of fresh air and who do I find but the handsomest Weasley? Course Potter thinks Charlie’s the heartthrob of the family but he married Draco, it’s quite clear he has poor taste in men,” a voice drawled from behind him. Ron didn’t have to look back to know it was Blaise Zabini and he quietly cursed at every deity he could think of in the thirty seconds it took Zabini to stride over to him.
“Zabini,” Ron was pleased his voice cooperated with him just enough to not crack, waver, or squeak. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to keep from doing anything monumentally stupid like he had the last time he’d been alone with the git.
“Back to a last name basis, are we?” Zabini purred, stalking around him slowly like an animal on the prowl until they were face to face, his deep brown eyes shining with an intensity that always seemed to root Ron to wherever he stood.
Ron cleared his throat, trying desperately and failing miserably to pretend that Blaise Zabini hadn’t been making him question his sexuality for the past year. “S’not like we’re friends,” he muttered for lack of anything better to say.
Zabini tsked, smirking down at him “Well true, but still, if a man has had your cock in his mouth at one point or another, you’d think you could do him the decency of calling him by his given name. I sullied a perfectly good pair of trousers getting down on my knees for you at the Leaky that night, Ronald,” Zabini tsked again and all Ron could do was groan, immediately feeling his ears and face go hot.
It had been one time!
So what if Ron still thought about the look in Zabini’s eyes when he’d slid down to his knees and asked him if he was sure. And so what if Ron still sometimes thought about that incredible thing Zabini knew how to do with his tongue. It didn’t matter. It had all been a drunken mistake fueled by a single man’s jealousy after Harry had to leave the Leaky early to take his very drunk husband home. He had been completely sloshed and ranting to Zabini about how everyone was moving on, getting married, and he was single, hadn’t had a date in ages, and hadn’t had sex in Merlin only knew how long...next thing he knew...he was in a bathroom stall having a very serious, very slurred conversation with his subconscious as Zabini made him come so hard he saw stars.
He then proceeded to ignore Zabini’s existence for an entire year.
The only person he ever told was Hermione because Harry did silly things like tell his husband everything and that didn’t work out in Ron’s favor when his husband just happened to be the best friend of the man Ron was trying to avoid! He had no idea why he hadn’t anticipated Zabini being at the wedding. He and Ginny were actually quite good friends nowadays and of course he’d get invited because of Draco and Harry if nothing else. Ron just hadn’t expected him to stroll out to the front lawn in an all black suit that looked perfectly tailored to his body, with his locs swept up into the most perfect bun Ron had ever seen, smelling like sandalwood and tangerines and...Ron groaned again, wishing the ground would swallow him up or the Giant Squid would just reach up and chuck him into the Great Lake.
“I like that other noise you make,” Zabini murmured against Ron’s ear.
Ron hadn’t even realized how close he’d gotten, too caught up in the cataclysmic meltdown going on in his head.
“Well, I should be heading back before the Grand Divas known as Pansy and Draco wonder where I’ve gone off to, but, here,” Zabini slipped something into his breast pocket before placing an oddly chaste kiss to his cheek and sauntering back into the castle as if none of it had happened.
Gobsmacked, Ron reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. Zabini’s number was written on the front and, turning it over, there was a small message on the back:
When you’ve got it all figured out, give me a ring. -Z
Ron smiled despite himself, slipping the card back into his pocket and heading back into his sisters wedding reception. He had no idea whether he’d call Zabini or not, but, he supposed he was in the process of figuring things out.
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bibbleboo · 3 years
Could we get some headcanons/more background on Abbey and Doyle’s kids? 🥺👉👈 I love the premise of this AU
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YEEEEE (im just gonna ramble a bunch about the backstory i have so far but ill put it in bullets so its easier to follow lol i apologize for it being long as fuck-)
OKAY SO,,, first of all,,, doyle and abbey timeline,,,, [i am looking respectfully]
in this au, they get back together and have a sort of ‘lovers pretending to be enemies’ chaotic on again/off again hookup thing off to the side just between the two of them thru like Most of the final season, they try to keep it a secret (especially doyle who doubts the saturdays would be hAPPY if he was seeing her again) but in the end, saturdays ofc find out, probably are unsure about it at first, but she gains enough of their trust to be there for the big finale battle in the weird world mansion.
when shit goes down and argost becomes the vessel for the two opposing kurs (regular kur, and the anti kur from zak monday) and they like. explode his matter or w/e, i imagine instead of kur just completely disappearing, the ‘anti kur’ gets shot back to its universe, while original kur gets forced into a new vessel in this universe... the closest of which happens to be the unborn child abbeys unknowingly carrying. basically, what if the two kurs just LOOKED like they evaporated but actually did what happens when you try to like tape two same sides of a magnets together and they YEETED-
So thats how we have Parker, their firstborn daughter! and this... also implies ‘Parker Monday’ exists which. 8^) i havent thought about yet so forgive me on that but hoo, 
they dont know parker is kur, they got no idea and rly just assume kur is gone for good. but after they find out abbeys pregnant (which is a huge emotional trip for both of them in its own right) they do eventually sort of agree they dont want their kid exposed to that whole world of mystery. like, ik its a vital thing to the whole family, and ik these two people were probably voted least likely to ‘settle down’ in high school, but i cant imagine they didnt escape the kur/zak situation without a LOT of trauma, so while the saturdays stay in the cryptozoology field, doyle and abbey slowly pull away from the mystery and mercenary stuff, and also instead of going for big dollar lifestyle settle with ‘independently wealthy’ parenting.
also, neither of them really . grasp the concept that theyve even started a family, and are ‘together’, and that this is REAL, until around when she gets pregnant with their second daughter, Kendall. and then theyre like. oh nooo wait are we actually like boyfriend and girlfriend EWW-
when kendall is born parker is 3, and the next like 10+ years are pretty smooth sailing. as far as what the kids know/see, they probably know the cryptids when theyre little but. (tw animal death sORRY TO BE DARK I JUST??????) idk,, how long komodo dragons live/how old komodo already is and i definitely dont know Anything about giant prehistoric birds and am not even sure if science knows that lifespan, so. im not sure how long they could really be in each others lives??? i almost imagine parker would have memories of them that she assumes she remembers wrong, like “oh yeah they used to have a lizard and a bird... my imaginative little kid brain thought they were a komodo dragon and a dinosaur”, and as for fisk im still working on it but i . actually kind of imagine he might have a much longer lifespan (since lemurians are like ancient or w/e? and also if hes by dna like a gorilla cat or w/e gorillas at least live long af) and also feel like once he got older and settled down a bit he might live somewhere in the woods, maybe even his old tree? and the saturdays see him ALL the time obviously, but hey zaks gotta go to college eventually, a gorilla cats gotta eat bugs in forest, we all have to grow up and leave the nest sometime,
so idk the last time parker has actually seen fisk and she might assume he was an imaginary friend or smth but, 1. if i do write a fic they absolutely have to meet again, 2. overall the vibe is they know the saturdays are cryptozoologists, like, the same way josh gates does destination truth, seeking answers and studying, they dont really. know that theyre REAL. to them its like, a hypothetical science. (this is also part of why they dont realize parker is kur, she isnt around cryptids and therefore whenever her powers would actually show up they wouldnt be recognized) anyways parker isnt embarrassed or put off by it but just thinks its a little wacky, meanwhile kendall is obsessed with the world of mystery/paranormal/cryptic lol
speaking of the girls personalities;;;
parker is like. not really normie/preppy, even if she seems it at first glance, shes nice and has a good head on her shoulders but also is a teenage girl (inherently unhinged) and shes THEIR teenage girl (+5 feral) so despite her success and charm shes also very witty/crass when she wants to be, and deep down shes closer to the kind of person that would on pure inexplicable instinct put something random in your mouth when you’re yawning so you bite down on it afterwards. or like. that video of the girl singing in the bathroom while her friends curl their hair and she grabs the curler to use as a microphone before realizing its burning hot??? shes. the voice of reason, but the voice is usually shrieking in fear, making a cursed joke, or half the time whatever shes saying is actually smart. she kinda wants to go to college and travel, but struggles with indecisiveness and anxiety, so she has no idea where to go, what to major in, etc. and is again kinda just livin thru the typical teen life in that regard
kendall on the other hand is like. weird kid culture, the kind of kid that believes they are secretly a new supernatural creature each year (mermaid phase, werewolf phase, alien phase, etc), probably completely accidentally starts cults or witch covens at school (didnt realize teaching peers how to become ‘blood brothers’ and ‘make potions’ from puddles and stolen school supplies would be taken so seriously by parents) , very into emo/scene/punk/alt culture but not rly in an overtly dark/edgy way, more of a having fun and expressing self way. she wants answers for everything, really loves mysteries and being open minded, and definitely a rebel/adventurer at heart, even if she gets naive or in over her head sometimes.
the girls get along well! parker is not dismissive of kendall she just. isnt really into the same stuff/is more freaked out by it most of the time, but she would tag along on certain adventures, especially if it was to keep her safe. and kendall definitely directs gentle mockery towards parker a lot but does see her as a good role model and guiding figure, their bond is really strong!
other details !
doyle and abbey prob decide to say fuck it and get married after kendall is born, they probably have a few rough patches but nothing is more important to them than the kids now and in the end they understand each other better than anyone else so . canon tension idk her! family ftw! power couple! they intimidate the teacher during parent teacher conferences together hand in shady little hand !
their parenting style is exactly what one would imagine, 70% fun and sass and controlled chaos where theyre the bigger children than their children, 15% ‘this is how you hack the government and dual wield swords-- i was not supposed to teach you that im sorry’, and 15% actual guidance / emotional depth / etc. flaws might be overcoming their own immaturity for the first few years, and then being lowkey overly protective (while claiming they arent, but just bc you semi jokingly tell parker she should join the football team doesnt mean you dont actually hide 60% of ur life from her and check that her bedroom windows are locked every night and have 24 people listed in her school emergency contacts and used to cut up her food till she was 7 and-)
so abouT THE BABY BOY (Phoenix), 1. his middle name is leonidas bc im gay and i love emotional turmoil babes , 2. fully unironically the idea behind such a late pregnancy is abbey would be mid fourties when hes born right. so like. [has two kids] ‘ok birth control time’ [when theyre teens many years later] ‘ok im old enough to stop taking this’ [the hyperfertility curse that plagues many women rears its ugly head with one last hoo-rah]
and finALLY a very quick elevator pitch of what id write an actual fic to focus on;;; kendall sneaks into the attic to look for old shit bc they BOTH know their parents have been hiding stuff over the years, she finds things like a cryptopedia (now offline), the claw, maybe even a piece of the kur stone, and ropes parker into the long haul of figuring out what all this stuff is. and ofc the second they ever find the naga relic and parker comes face to face with it, [rest in rip] time for mom and dad to find out and all this kur shit to start ALL over again-
0 notes
“Half Spirits”
In another installation in what seems to be slowly becoming a series of “fictional terms with potential real life applicability”, I want to discuss another concept with the potential to describe real world phenomenon. Some of this, to be clear, will be UPG. Japanese culture is heavily steeped in its belief and involvement with spirits (more often than not referred to as yokai). A concept rooted in both folklore and pop culture media is the idea of a “half spirit” or “hanyo” (also spelled “hanyou”) - that is, an individual born of the union between a spirit/yokai, and a human, or alternatively, a human tampered with by “unnatural means” to become a half-spirit. With that being said, there are at least two major distinct differences between the half-spirits of Japanese folklore, and those of Japanese pop culture. In folklore, there are many common tales involving children born of the union between a yokai (often, if not always, a woman), and a (often, if not always, male) human. In these stories, their children are indistinguishable from other humans. They possess no abnormal physical or spiritual traits, with only one, arguably two exceptions. Contrary to this, in Japanese pop culture, hanyo children will often display mixed human/spirit traits and characteristics, and possess some degree of spiritual power. Examples would be shows such as Inuyasha, InuxBoku, Otome Youkai Zakuro, etc. The second distinction is that the term “Hanyo” is actually a modern invention, attributed to mangaka Takahashi Rumiko, who coined the neologism by combining the kanji for Han (half) and the kanji for Yo (apparition). Thusly, hanyo is not actually a historically rooted term.  In the real world, the folklore version is the most probable, obviously, however I’d consider it likely that it be more a combination of the two (within reason). As it’s believed in some circles that those with unusual features (pointy ears, green eyes, etc) may have something like fairy blood in them, it could be posed that the same could be said of hanyo. Additionally, just as I mentioned in my last post about Slay Vegas, it would be fair to assume that a half spirit would possess some character traits or abilities above that of a “normal human”. Within practicality however, these would likely be limited to things like Fairy Sight, healing, and so on, and so forth. Some may argue that a concept based in Japanese folklore has no business being exported outside of Japan. I would disagree, at least in this particular instance, as there are many similarities between mythologies from around the world, and the concept of humans and ethereal beings marrying and procreating is certainly not something limited to Japan. It is, however, the only culture that has created a specific term for their offspring, as far as I can tell. And considering the term hanyo is a word rooted in pop culture and thus not historically sacrosanct, I believe it can safely be transferred from fiction to the real world.  Now, I want to expound a bit further on this concept, but please note everything beyond this point is UPG. One thing worth considering is how, or even more importantly, why, would half-spirits be made. I have a number of theories. As for the how: -As suggested through folklore, a spirit and a human would, for whatever reason, procreate, just as a normal human pairing would (this could be a one time interaction, or multiple times as a bonded couple. It could be with the sole desire to simply have a family together, or with purposes more abstract than that (see the “why” section below). It could be a male spirit and female human, or vice versa. (I don’t hold strictly to the idea of the “magical wife” being the only format for hanyo to be born. I think this is simply a trend influenced by male authors coveting “special” brides, and not indicative of female spirits being more likely to seek out human companionship than male spirits.) -An otherwise normal human pregnancy could be altered, cursed, or blessed, depending on the reason and the spirit involved, to turn the gestating child into a half-spirit. This could likely be done without the knowledge of the biological parents.  -During conception, a spirit could possess the body of one of the biological parents in order to conceive a half spirit child.  Why: -A spirit, as stated above, may fall in love with a human and wish to build a family with them, same as any human couple might. -A spirit may be nearing the end of its life and wish to leave behind an heir (potentially less likely, as I don’t think spirits possess the same kind of ego as humans do in this regard) -A spirit may wish to procreate but cannot find a spiritual mate, so they take a human one.  -A human may have won the favor of a spirit, knowingly or unknowingly, or a spirit may have found itself indebted to a human, and thus blesses their future child (or children) as a token of their gratitude or payment of debt, turning it into a half spirit, blessed with unique abilities or traits. This could extend even to a spirit taking pity on a human, and giving them a blessing as an act of kindness. -On the opposite end of the spectrum, a human may have angered, cheated, or wronged a spirit, and the spirit would curse their offspring in revenge, or as payment for their debts. This kind of half spirit child would likely be erratic and troublesome, and bring misery to their household, or be sickly and weak and sapped of its normal vitality.  -A spirit could make half-spirit children for its own purposes. Perhaps a guardian of the forest would create half spirit children to increase the number of people willing to protect nature. Perhaps a spirit with a hatred for humans would create half spirits to weaken human bloodlines. Perhaps a large number of half-spirits being born in one area would increase that spirit’s power and influence within the local spiritual hierarchy. The reasons could be many, possibly innumerable.  In my opinion and experience, spirits are extremely varied. Their reasons and motivations would be as countless as they themselves are. The half-spirits they create, likewise, would also be varied. Some would be for good, some for ill, some benign. There may be tell-tale evidence, or only subtle symptoms.  Some possible signs include: -Being born of a one night stand, or a short term relationship which concluded shortly after your conception or birth. Little is known about who your other biological parent is or was. -Having been marked from an early age by adults in your life as being different, abnormal, unique, “something special”, a “round peg the world tries to fit into a square hole”, or otherwise set apart from other people. -Being abnormally talented or skilled, especially in areas pertaining to the supernatural, such as magic, healing, insight, foresight, empathy, etc. -Having been predicted by doctors to be sickly or unwell, but being born healthy. (Or vice versa).  -Being a Slay Vega -Being a rainbow baby (a child born after a miscarriage or child death, especially if there were multiple) -You were born with features considerably or completely different than what you ended up with after a few weeks or months time. (E.g. being born with black hair but ending up with blonde hair). -Your birth marked the end of some kind of turbulence in your family (or alternatively, marked the beginning of it) -One of your parents passed away or disappeared shortly after your birth -Feeling inherently drawn to nature, craving its presence, feeling allied with it.  -Feeling inhuman or set apart from humans. -One of your parents is notably different from most people. They are more beautiful, kind, they draw the love of others, people inherently trust them, they have a healing touch, etc. -Having a history of magic practitioners in your family, or at least one parent involved in magical practices.  Again, these are only a few possible symptoms. Once more, if you resonate with the above concept or information, I would encourage you to feel free to use the term hanyo to establish community with other likeminded individuals. However, because the term hanyo is used in reference to several fictional characters, I propose the tags “ #Hanyokai ” and “ #Hanyo Com “ for those who wish to find others like them. 
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sanctus-rp-blog · 7 years
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Anthony Goldstein | 22 | Unaffiliated
Bloodstatus: Halfblood
Wand: 12” Alder, Unicorn Hair
Career: Attorney (criminal: defense)
Patronus: Ibizan Hound
Boggart: A family member in a death eater’s robe
Previous House: Ravenclaw
Vintage camera, sitting cross legged reading a book, seeing your breath in the cold air, staring up at a glacier from a boat, hugging your grandma, sea water crashing over a rocky shore, tea stained newspaper, drinking coffee as the sun rises.
In the mid to late 1800s, the Goldsteins were a household name in their origin nation of Austria.  Their Ancestor, a powerful lord, married the Queen’s sister and was given the title as a high ranking military general, earning his family a title and wealth they would carry for generations, and they carried it gracefully.  That is, until the end of World War One.  
Horst Goldstein, a pure blooded wizard, was fed up with the way his beloved nation was left near the end of the war.  Always basking in the idea of blood purity, he was quick to attach himself to a new quickly rising leader with fresh ideas.  Much to his dismay, his children did not share his ideals.  Wilheim, Liselotte, and Heinrich experienced first hand their father’s harsh ways of discipline, and grew up not trusting a single word he said.  On the outside, they may have looked pampered with the newest clothes and shiny new toys, but not many knew of the hell they went through at home.  So much so, that their mother abandoned them when the youngest, Heinrich, was four years old, which wasn’t heard of at the time.  
Wilheim, at the age of 24, swore he was going to leave Austria to escape the anticipated bloodshed, and the pressure to join his father’s cause.  20 year old Liselotte and 18 year old Heinrich, always having followed their older brother, nodded in agreement.  Thinking that his children were just as materialistic and selfish as he was, Horst swore they would never see another dime if they even spoke of turning their backs on him again, and would be stripped of their affiliations after being disowned.  They took the offer, as it was exactly what they wanted to begin with, and set sail to a nation they had never been to but always wanted to be a part of: The United States of America. On their journey, they made a pit stop in Britain, it was the first place where people treated them as average citizens instead of someone they needed to impress.  No suitors came to greet Liselotte at every possible moment, since they didn’t know what her family had to offer.  They were complete chameleons, and they loved it.  
The three spent a month in England, getting ready for the voyage across the Atlantic, but when the time came, Heinrich made the decision to stay.  It was a shock to his siblings, but he confessed that he was not gambling when he was away, but that he’d met a Jewish witch his age and intended to marry her.  With reluctance, the two agreed that this was the best decision.  After all, they had fled Austria to find happiness, and it appeared their youngest had found it earlier than expected.  They promised to write when they were settled in the US, and Heinrich escorted them to the docks where they waved their last goodbye.
Heinrich joined the Allied war efforts in World War Two, unknowingly beside his brother from the US, and later fought during the first Wizarding War and was the only Goldstein to participate in the Battle of Hogwarts at the ripe age of 79.  He and his wife Anna had five children, all sorted into Ravenclaw house, just as their mother’s family line had been from before anyone could remember.  That was where the second child, Trent Goldstein, met his wife Meghan.  She became pregnant on their honeymoon with their first son Jackson, and then about two years later with Anthony.  
From a young age, Anthony idolized his older brother and aimed to be just like him.  He wanted to be that for someone else; he wanted to be an older brother.  When he was three, he was granted his wish when his mother announced she was pregnant once more.  Jackson couldn’t have cared less, but Anthony was ecstatic when Kole was born.  However, that feeling didn’t last long.  
Anthony and Jackson had always had a very average sibling relationship.  There were arguments, of course, but they were readily resolved and they both knew that they would always support each other and be there when the other needed them most.  Most days, it was like they were the best of friends.  With Kole, it was never like that.  While fearless and typically fun to hang around, it seemed as if he had it out for his siblings, always trying to make their lives miserable… especially Anthony.  
Jackson told him it was because Anthony would be upset by Kole’s actions, while Jackson seemed to just brush them off.  However, while his older brother seemingly was able to ignore the acts against him, Anthony couldn’t help but wear his heart on his sleeve when it came to family.  He’d get put out by Kole’s attempts to ruin his bedroom or tear apart the projects he was almost finished with, even trying to get Anthony’s girlfriend to cheat on him with the more worthy Goldstein. He was always punished by their parents for what he said and done, but it didn’t seem to matter much.  Jackson called him the Black Sheep of the family, being a Gryffindor instead of a Ravenclaw, and for the two times in was incarcerated in muggle prison.  While they’ve had many fights, none were as bad as the time Kole came back from being detained the first time when he was sixteen, Anthony being nineteen.  
Despite how awful he was to him, Anthony was worried about the kind of life his brother was living and confronted him about it.  It escalated quickly in the family home, and before Jackson could even fathom what was going on in the kitchen below him, curses were being shot without hesitation.  For the most part, Anthony was not used to conflict in his home, since he had never heard his parents fight, and he was not used to having to defend himself so suddenly, so it was no shock when the other blasted his wand away from his hand.  It wasn’t until Kole cast a lethal curse at his wandless brother that Anthony let go of all restraint.  
Not only were Jackson and Anthony older, they were also much stronger due to their more muscular builds, while Kole was tall and thin.  Once Anthony physically smacked the wand out of his hand, Kole didn’t stand much of a chance.  Within seconds, Anthony had him on the ground with his hands around his neck. He doesn’t remember the event, which he blames on nerves and adrenaline, but according to Jackson, he had to be pulled off Kole, who was struggling to get free.  It is not something the family likes to talk about, but one of the boys will make a passing joke about it every once in awhile: how Anthony and Kole tried to kill each other. Anthony says he would never hurt anyone in such a way, especially his own blood, and though he doesn’t remember claims he would have stopped before any real damage could have been done.  While Kole says the same, they aren’t sure how much he really means it. They might not be on best terms and Kole still doesn’t keep his comments to himself, but that was the last time Kole ever challenged Anthony so harshly.
Anthony’s relationship with his parents was never complicated.  He was always close with his mother, since she had a less demanding job and was home more.  She was the one he would go to for advice, and the one he trusted the most out of his entire family.  He loved his dad too of course, it was just that sometimes he felt as if he didn’t have a dad since he was gone so much.  He made sure to write, but for Anthony, it was almost like his father was a figment of his imagination on the other side of a piece of parchment.  Trent always tried to bond with his boys when he was home by taking them to quidditch games and anything else he could think of for a father and sons to go do.  Anthony appreciated it, but sometimes he felt as if it was forced.  Jackson had that natural bond with his dad, the same one Anthony had with their mom, but sadly it was a bond Kole didn’t have with either of them.  This is the reason Anthony suspects he is the way he is.
Anthony’s Hogwarts career was nothing short of impressive.  He was sorted into Ravenclaw, just like his parents and older brother before him, for his undeniable wit and thirst for knowledge.  It wasn’t uncommon to find him curled up in his family’s library reading textbooks for the next year over the summer.  He found them interesting, and he lived to impress those he considered superior (teachers, parents).  Anthony was always at the top of the class, teetering on the best with Gryffindor’s Hermione Granger.  It sort of pissed him off at first, but then he grew to appreciate her challenge.  His mother would push him to get together with friends instead, and sometimes he did, but what she didn’t understand was that though they were his friends, so much interaction would wear him out and he had to be in the mood.  He always wrote letters however, as he felt as if those were a different tone, and he could write one while half asleep and the reader would hardly know the difference.  Living in Cornwall, many of his friends were far away anyways.  
He joined the Quidditch team his fourth year and obtained the position of beater, despite the fact that he tried out for chaser. They said he would have made a fair chaser, but his accuracy when hitting a bludger was too precise to pass up.  He had a negative outlook on it at first, but grew to love the position, and was even made Quidditch captain his seventh year.  In his fifth years he was a prefect, and then near the end of his sixth year was nominated for Head Boy.  With all of the commotion he knew was coming with the death of Dumbledore and the hiring of the Carrows, Anthony declined the position.  He stopped raising his hand in class and forming those bonds with professors.  He did everything completely average, getting answers wrong on purpose to lower his grade so he didn’t stand out, because standing out was what got you noticed, and he did not want to be noticed by these people.
Being a halfblood with a notable pure blooded father, Anthony deemed it safe to go back to school.  He would be damned if a few people kept him from his education and shot at success.  In the beginning, Anthony wasn’t too worried. He felt that there was law, and the people wouldn’t allow those who enforced the law to let a school get away with such torment.  However, he was wrong.  There were teachers encouraging students to torture other students who didn’t obey by their outrageous rules.  He was horrified.  He was never the type to torture someone, he didn’t think he was capable of it.  Anthony found himself manipulating his way through school, making sure to sit in the right spot during Dark Arts class so he wouldn’t be the first or last one seen to be called on.  He always had an excuse to shy away from the torture lessons, as he knew he couldn’t witness it either without showing his true emotions toward the situation, which would only make him a target. He would offer to grade the professors’ papers or patrol the halls for any ‘misbehaving’ students during this time, and because he was a prefect, they would agree.
Anthony knew a battle was coming, he just didn’t know when or where. He anticipated it being at Hogwarts, and that was why he began scoping out the castle, making plans in the event he was correct. While Anthony used to be a part of the DA, he quit as a means of blending in and not being targeted.  He still had the same values as them, he was just afraid to showcase them in fear of the punishment he might be forced to endure.  Anthony had never been great in emergency situations, he just froze.  He knew that if he didn’t have a plan for battle, he would be killed.  He was aware that many people probably thought him a coward, and they were right, but he couldn’t help it.  Not everyone was destined to be a warrior for some mighty cause. This was why he planned escape routes from every corner of the castle.  He would take as many people as he could with him, but at the end of the day, he wasn’t going to stay for anyone.  He just didn’t have it in him.
When the battle actually arrived, Anthony mentally coaxed himself into staying calm.  He’d planned for this after all, everything just had to go according to plan.  When the professors were arming the barriers against the Death Eaters, Anthony snuck off to one of the tunnels, telling as many people as he could to follow him.  However, such a loud crowd did draw attention. One of the Carrows found the group and attempted to duel the lot of them.  However, with several seventh years among their ranks, he was quickly defeated, even if Anthony didn’t cast as single spell, being far too ‘deer in the headlights’ with his sudden appearance to think about doing anything.  The group of about thirty or so, members of all ages, were able to escape into Hogsmeade.  That was where Anthony ran face first into Jackson, who’d come to fetch him.  The last sound he heard was the barrier being broken and the victorious screams of Death Eaters as they charged forward.  He looked back and played with the idea of going back to fight for his school and his friends, feeling as though the fact of war had sunk in enough for him to actively participate and make it out alive with his brother by his side.  However, Jackson turned him around and told him that wasn’t his responsibility.
They didn’t know where to go to be safe, for the first time in almost a hundred years, the Goldstein family traveled back to Austria, and to the one place they knew, the home of the old and dying Horst Goldstein. The nurse let them in, as the man was not able to get out of bed and was always asleep. They waited in the downstairs bedroom, trying not to make any noise so that he wouldn’t know they were there.  Anthony waited in turmoil, constantly turning the radio stations to get updates, deciphering the German he could understand to get a full picture of what was going on.  The moment he heard the battle had been won, he insisted on going back to find what was left of his friends and to help as a healer.  This resulted in a family feud, which was resolved by allowing him to go, but being accompanied by his mother for extra protection.  Anthony stayed and helped some of the wounded and helped repair the castle over the next weeks.  He felt too guilty about fleeing, and even to this day, feels guilty about not being brave enough to fight back.
He then went back to Hogwarts to redo his seventh year, as he struck a deal with Flitwick and explained his situation about how he purposely botched his grades the previous year and wanted them wiped off his record to be replaced with his true earnings.  He even got the chance to accept the position of Head Boy that he’d turned down the year prior. As expected, without the fear of war in his shoulders, Anthony received Os across the board, and was accepted into the Ministry’s law program.  He always wanted to be in law so he could assure everyone was legally protected, but he debated between being prosecution or defense.  After everything that happened during the war, he felt as though the people of the Wizarding world needed someone to stand by them in times of turmoil, and that was why he chose defense.  Though he loved being in the courtroom, Anthony had been a bit drained.  The reason he chose to be on the defense was to defend those who were wrongly accused, however his young brain must have been deceived, since the overwhelming majority of his clients did the crime and are trying to get out of punishment.  It really takes a toll on him, as knowing that their guilty yet trying to set them free goes against everything he believes in.  That was why he decided to run for Minister of Magic at the young age of 22 when the position opened.  
He figured he had a very successful law career and could do the job without trouble, he definitely thought he was smart enough.  However, he lost by the largest margin in 200 years, and Anthony attributed it to the fact that he was so young and that he didn’t campaign well. He was fine with the loss, truthfully, but now he begins to wonder about the people who voted for the other candidate feel. Anthony isn’t as worried about the Death Eater affiliates being released as he is about the mass breakout of Azkaban and the words the new Minister is saying.  It reminds him of the speeches Dolores Umbridge used to speel.  He also is aware of the new group budding from the shadows, and fears them most of all.  Voldemort had a pattern, and as crooked as it was he had his own law that he followed.  He was predictable.  These people, this new group, not only is it anonymous but they are reckless and uncoordinated.  The past Death Eaters who Anthony has to defend that have been accused of working with them deny any involvement, and Anthony believes them.  He knows that this group is going to slip up and that they will get caught.  He’s just worried about the damage they will cause before they do.
Ever since he was a kid, Anthony has always been honest. If he was caught doing something, he’d admit to it, and most likely without shame. There was no sense lying to risk more punishment when he’d already been caught. However, despite this, he will attempt nearly anything he can get away with as long as it benefits him in some way. For instance, he was never against cheating on exams during his school years. He loves to learn, as he aims to someday be one of the greatest minds in the wizarding world, and he is also a great strategist and plans nearly all of his interactions/movements in advance, because if he doesn’t, he tends to get stuck in some sort of a frozen like state.
He is generally serious, but can’t stand it when people mistake his seriousness for crotchetiness. While he likes to spend quite some time by himself, he likes to let go every once in awhile and can turn on the charm when he wants, he just has to plan it out plan what he’s going to say first.  He doesn’t approach many people, and usually lets people some to him, the only exception to this is in the workplace, as he knows his success somewhat relies on his connections.. He’s much more of a listener than a talker, unless someone is asking him to tell them about something. In that case, he is very articulate and detailed. He also has a very strong, confident aura around him. Whenever he speaks, he makes sure he’s correct or willing to face the consequences of his opinions.
He was never very brave. He is self aware of this, but attempts to steer others’ attentions away from it. When it came to the war, while he silently supported Harry, he would adapt to any situation and learn to live in it without resistance. Due to his half-blood status, he knew he wasn’t being targeted and was too afraid of losing his life to stand up. This is why he ran off during the battle. He was hoping to do what he could without putting himself in immediate danger, then go into hiding. While he would never betray a loved one in normal, harmless circumstance, but under the effects of war he is not trustworthy because, as much as it would hurt him, he would sell out anyone to avoid pain or death.
Marietta Edgecombe - old friend/confused by Isobel MacDougal - best friend Sue Li - first love Hermione Granger - classroom competitor
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