#the internet is forever
marril96 · 1 year
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Criminal Minds 5.22 | The Internet Is Forever
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kindlingkeen · 1 month
more OCs from Crime Alley yay!! I just love Park Row. I wish it became a community for Jason in canon, so he doesnt have to rely on just the Batfam as his support system. before the Outlaws he didnt even have a team, and his canon friendships are few and underexplored. so more Crime Alley peeps is always welcome!!
Sometimes I have this experience where I get an ask or a comment, and I’m like, how did you know that?!?!?! And then I remember I impulsively let details of my plans slip somewhere, the internet is not just a black box I can shout into, and y’all pay attention to the things I say. 🤭
Yes, OCs from Crime Alley, I think we’ll meet some for the first time in the upcoming Territorial Disputes (I promise it does exist, it’s just being difficult, the OCs being one of the reasons why).
I’m glad you’re excited. Thanks for the ask, anon! 🩵
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mafaldaknows · 11 months
Children whose parents overshare details of their life online grow up to be autonomous adults, with a digital footprint that they can’t erase, because the internet is forever. I think a lot of parents forget this.
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allycat75 · 8 months
Hey Boston Dumb Fuck!
Don't think we have forgotten about the wifey's (and thus, your) antisemitism.
While there is everything to criticize and condemn about Israel and their treatment of Palestinian citizens, let us not forget Hamas and other terrorist groups have but one goal of wiping every Jew off the face of this planet. And those who have nothing to do with the conflict and want to see it end peacefully, are running scared because it seems ok to openly hate Jews right now.
Does this make the wifey and her cadre of deplorables giddy? Has more of your soul atrophied as you have had to compromise everything you thought you were or wanted to be?
I wonder how Jinx feels about having an antisemetic, racist spokesperson (remember, you are the company you keep). Afterall, the fairly (or is it formerly?) respectable People Magazine printed the fluffiest of fluff pieces with the wifey and your soulmate and real cash cow of the family, Dodger, about them "bonding". Forget the sweetest dog in the world looks annoyed as fuck with her, if it isn't even photoshopped completely (why not, everything else about this undesirable circumstance is phony and empty).
Wasn't there supposed to be a commercial campaign starting soon with you and Dodger? Does Jinx know how problematic you and the wifey are? I would start paying more attention because they may be your only revenue source for awhile and I think most people would prefer their dog's food to be Nazi-free, even in this day and age.
PS- since you may need to be penny pinching this year, have fun waiting in lines with the riff-raff at WDW for Thanksgiving, but please no leaked pictures. Last year you looked like her super-creepy uncle and your mom looked miserable. Don't do that to her again!
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Hollstein? In the Year of Our Laura Lord 2023???
How is Laura?
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13-24-35-23-14-42 · 2 months
"tHe iNtErNeT iS fOrEvEr"
have you ever visited r/lostmedia?
what about that one movie you watched as a kid that has just disappeared?
i know this phrase isn't meant to be taken too literal but like 75% of the internet from 2009 and back is basically completely gone.
so no Martha the internet is not forever, I get what you were trying to say but please come up with a better phrase.
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ms-boogie-man · 6 months
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… werd
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anticonspiracist · 1 year
i'm a little out of the loop, is doll lady gone for good or taking a break? or maybe moved to another acc?
she's on another account. when there's a big controversy in larrie world, she posts a bunch about it. after her meltdown about HA she deleted all her posts on the other account. but she is not posting nearly as much. i wouldn't say she's gone for good, but her influence is GREATLY minimized.
she did say that she's never commented on the meaning of louis's tattoos because it's silly to think anyone but the wearer truly knows what they mean but uh ...
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it's harder now to prove she's a liar because she deleted a lot of the evidence, but anyway: she's still a liar.
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I saw that Guardian reviewer (he's not a journalist so I won't flatter him with a misnomer) protected his tweets and went private - probably to give him chance to erase the offensive and invasive stuff about Louis he forgot could be viewed going back years.
He's touting for sympathy because he's being 'harassed' by Louis' fans for 'doing his job' and has been 'forced to protect himself'.
It pisses me off that people do that. He's spent years posting downright nasty and sexually explicit and offensive stuff about Louis on a public forum without a thought, but when he's called out on it he plays the victim saying he is the one under attack. DARVO at it's finest.
Journalists don’t know how this all works?
Two-way street, babe.
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partisan-by-default · 2 years
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I wonder which Trump-licker they just helped.
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5X22 Garcia is like, so fucking pretty. How she can pull off that purply-blue sparkly eyeshadow and berry lip with read hair. Oh my god. I don't even know but i'm in love.
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when you get reminded of the fact that the captain of a certain (real life relation)ship is a massive hypocrite
happy Saturday everyone ✨☕
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allycat75 · 7 months
People Magazine' SMA 2023
Congratulations to the new Sexiest Man Alive, 2023- Patrick Dempsey! May this year be a Mitzah and not a Shanda like the last schmuck. (Yes, wifey, I am using the lower form of the mother tongue, does that bother you?).
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And let us all call SMA 2022 a gas-leak year because that former mensch turned out to be a real nebish I wish I could forget. He and his narishkeit wifey!
A nar geyt tsvey mol dort vu a kliger geyt nit keyn eyntsik mol. A fool goes twice where a sensible person doesn’t even go once.
PS- since I've primed the pump, I found this thought provoking opinion piece in the Concord Monitor (New Hampshire, not MA). May want to read it, Boston Dumb Fuck.
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lillysilverus · 1 year
There's nothing quite so humbling as seeing yourself on video.
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msmeiriona · 1 year
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nanabanonana · 6 months
user: i can't believe people judge others on their shipping preferences
that same user: imagine shipping [redacted] lol
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