#the invasion of the tearling
thepersonalwords · 1 month
Anger was the indulgence of a child, not a queen.
Erika Johansen, The Invasion of the Tearling
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sparklestheunicorn · 1 year
The cruellest thing erika johansen did to kelsea glynn was change her face.
#ME!#the tearling trilogy#i am thinking about this series again. with a bit of trouble considering i am in the middle of another book#but i remembered this i remembered how my mouth fell open in shock bc oh my god.#in queen she was blandly average looking. like. she was not pretty. she was not ugly. she just was.#i hated the focus on her looks but it became a plot point and i sort of forgive her#bc in invasion she starts having these visions of lily who lived a different life quite a while ago. and lily is pretty.#and kelsea does want to be pretty but she also doesnt want to become her mother and she feels that being pretty would help that#so shes content but she does wish a little that she was prettier. and then the jewels start showinf her visions of lily and lily is gorgeous#pretty even. the jewels give her lily's body lily's face. just in time for kelsea to bathe in her anger#and the fucked thing is that shes treated with more respect by everyone around her. (pen not included.)#(my boy pen was in love with her from the start and could never do any wrong)#but everyone else. no one in her guard said a goddamn word but they treated her differently#by the end of the old tearling she was yearning for her old face. she wanted her old face back so badly. she realised her mistake in wanting#to be pretty almost immediately and she wanted her old face back but the jewels never gave her that#all of this in turn made me hold my breath the first time she looked in the mirror in the new tearling.#she was begging for her face to be her face again and she almost cried (if im remembering correctly. or maybe that was me) when she saw her#own face staring back at her. out of the few good things the new world gave her. this was the best.
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bookymcbookface · 2 years
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The Invasion of the Tearling, by Erika Johansen
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emeralddss · 1 year
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Life update!!
February was quite the month, I am not going to lie. I received some shocking (& soul shattering) news at the beginning of the month and it wouldn't be an understatement if I said that I went through the 5 stages of grief in that month.
Basically, I failed my math exam, again. Which I wasn't expecting. I am hesitant to say this, but I decided to hopefully try and move past my shame in this. All throughout my academic life, I was the brilliant A+ student, I was always ranked first on my class, I didn't even try that hard, it just came so naturally to me, I did struggle with a few topics in certain subjects every now and then of course, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle or get over with a little bit of extra studying. All of this was until I got into my senior year of high school, I had suddenly lost all of my motivation, I gave up after the littlest of obstacles, I was doing the bare minimum and even less than that. Suffice it to say, I ended up failing my math exam. I had a chance to retake it this January and I did, I actually worked really hard this time and I tried my best, but I failed once more.
It really hurt me. And I was having an identity crisis moment going on because I was always known for how smart I am, how good I am in school and suddenly I am now failing my exams. At first I was in so much denial but I am now trying to accept what happened and really forgive myself, for everything and hopefully move on.
I initially was planning to get into dental school, I've given a lot of thought about what I wanted to do and this just feels so right and I feel like it's really my calling, however cheesy that might sound, however, my chances of getting accepted into dentistry are slimmer due to having failed twice. And at first I was like fine, I guess it's not meant to be and I will just study something else, but I really want to push through, and don't want to give up on this, so it would probably take me a while and a lot of work to get into dentistry now, but I won't give up.
I've been giving myself time to just survive and so I've been reading a lot and trying to get my life in order. I read 4 books in February :
Sense & Sensibility 3.5/5
The Queen of The Tearling 3.5/5
The Invasion of The Tearling 2/5
The Fate of The Tearling 2/5
And yesterday I finally finished War & Peace and man was that a ride! I also started rereading one of my all time favorites in March, Daisy Jones & The Six, and I finished it today!
And I also watched the first 3 episodes of the adaptation and I still don't know how I feel about it.
The highlight of my month was definitely going on a picnic to celebrate one of my friend's birthday!
If you've read this far, thank you so much for listening to me! And in case anyone who's reading this is going through something similar, it's ok to fail, it's ok to not have everything under control at all times, it doesn't make you less of who you are. You've got this! And hopefully, everything will turn out for the best!
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aleelewisharlot · 6 months
Harrow the ninth (reread) audiobook
The bards of bone plain
The ruin of kings
The secret history (reread) audiobook
Fen, Bog and Swamp: Encounters with Peat Wetlands (audiobook)
Unmasking autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity (audiobook)
The dragon prince
What moves the dead (audiobook)
Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness (audiobook)
Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures (audiobook)
The winter prince
Annihilation (audiobook)
Authority (audiobook)
Nona the ninth
The queen of the tearling
The haunting of hill house
Interview with the vampire (audiobook)
The invasion of the tearling
Nona the ninth (reread and audiobook)
The blade itself (audiobook)
Acceptance (audiobook)
All the living and the dead (audiobook)
City of saints and madness (audiobook)
Shriek: an afterword (audiobook)
Finch (audiobook)
Ancillary justice
Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia (audiobook)
The only good Indians (audiobook)
The way of kings (reread audiobook)
The vampire lestat (audiobook)
The queen of the damned (audiobook)
Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places (audiobook)
Pageboy (audiobook)
The name of all things (audiobook)
Jonny Appleseed (audiobook)
The fate of the tearling
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women (audiobook)
Dark Harvest (audiobook)
Edgedancer (audiobook)
My roommate is a vampire (audiobook)
A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century (audiobook)
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries (audiobook)
Certain dark things (audiobook)
Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II (audiobook)
Words of radiance (reread audiobook)
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (audiobook)
The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of the Donner Party (audiobook)
Burn the place: a memoir (audiobook)
Oathbringer (audiobook)
Dawnshard (audiobook)
Rhythm of war (audiobook)
The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time (audiobook)
The final empire: Mistborn one
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement (audiobook)
Howl’s moving castle (reread audiobook)
White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color (audiobook)
Against the loveless world (audiobook)
Her body and other parties (audiobook)
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler-Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017 (audiobook)
Dark lover (audiobook)
Saga volumes 1-4
The ninth metal (audiobook)
The ethnic cleansing of Palestine (audiobook)
The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet (audiobook)
Saga volumes 5-6
The final empire (reread via audiobook)
The well of ascension (currently reading but will finish this month)
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cass1x1 · 2 years
4, 19, 25, 38, 41, 54, 69, 76, 82, 97 for the book meme :))
4. a poetry book that reads like a story
Mm that's a tough one. Maybe I Don't Want To Be Crazy by Samantha Shultz. It's a memoir in verse but y'know same shit??
19. a book that put you in a reading slump
SO MANY OMG I am so weak. The most recent that comes to mind was Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johnson? It undid all the parts of the previous book that I liked and idk
25. a book by your favourite author
I truly could not possibly pick that's so hard!!!!!!!! By the numbers, my most read author is Sarah McLean, and my favorite of her books was Heartbreaker so.....
38. your favourite series
I am so bad at favorites!!!!! Maybe the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series? It's kind of a comfort book series?
41. a book about nature
Mmm Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. I'm not done with it yet but it's given me chills the entire time.
54. a book with the best opening line
Ooof this is another challenging one! Beauty Queens by Libba Brey has a pretty excellent start:
A WORD FROM YOUR SPONSOR This book begins with a plane crash.
69. your favourite mythological retelling
Mythology retellings are my shit. This is another tricky one! Maybe Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips? It's fun and silly and I love that
76. a book with a golden/silver cover
Hard bc my bookshelf is in boxes rn. Maybeeee Huntress by Melinda Lo. It's silvery?
82. a book featuring the chosen one trope
Hm. The Duke Who Didn't by Courtney Milan has an utterly delightful "there's only one bed."
97. a book with a hospital setting
That's hard! I don't do much with hospitals. It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini takes place primarily in a hospital, and Ned was very dear to me.
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quotent-potables · 2 years
Whenever she had a problem to consider, she invariably found herself in the library, for it was easier to think when she was surrounded by books.
The Invasion of the Tearling, book 2 of the Tearling trilogy, by Erika Johansen
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gretag-grace-space · 2 years
I just finished The Fate of The Tearling and now I don't know what to do with my life.
I have so many questions! My mind is about to explode! I can't decide if I love this ending, if I hate it or both!
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nocheinvernal · 3 years
"Tear Queen, you'll either be dead within a week or you'll be the most fearsome ruler this kingdom has ever known. I see no middle ground.”
― Erika Johansen, The Queen of the Tearling (La reina del Tearling).
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walkingzero1 · 3 years
Whew 🤧
She smashed Finn & Tear? All in the same night? Homegirl just out here casually living the dream.
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annelisreadingroom · 3 years
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What's the last sequel you read? Do you like to binge read book series or do you prefer to take breaks between books?
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sparklestheunicorn · 1 year
The whiplash of reading oh my god in a fantasy book. Like actual oh my god. No substitute. And like the actual catholic church in the world. Not the first time. Not the last time. But a Time indeed.
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same-old-same1 · 3 years
Does someone else think the ending of the fate of the tearling was shit? Like no you dont have the right to do that you cant just make everything go away. Ughhhhhhhhh i loved the first two books and i loved the last one but the ending really made me despise the whole trilogy
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acourtofcouture · 4 years
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An Insider’s Guide to the Queen of the Tearling: Map of the Tearling, Mortmesne and Cadare, 1/?
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The Mort army: "Nothing can stop us from marching through the Argive Pass!"
Border Rattlers:
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