#the issues i have with satanists sometimes
altargarden · 15 days
i feel like i'm kinda shouting into the void with this one but i really genuinely believe that the hatred between god and satan/demons and angels is made so much more extreme by human actions and belief. i've seen both satanists and christians shouting about how the other side fucking sucks waaaaay louder than any opinion i've seen from god/satan or demons/angels.
i've worked with archangel michael, you know, the renowned BIG BIG BIG enemy of demons, and i still was never even ushered to stop working with the demonic. hell, i've prayed to god and researched jesus during my satanist path, and both lucifer and satan shrugged about it. they could not give a damn about what i do, they respect my free will before anything.
idk i always feel like i'm talking to people who aren't listening with this, but just because they had conflict doesn't mean you have to spit on those who practice a different faith to you. i see christians as relatives in a way (that being said, some have still caused me great grief and this does not negate that i have qualms with some who practice christianity), we both come from the same place, the same story, the same figures - we're just on different sides.
demons, nor satan, nor lucifer, expect you to hate christians as a whole and i think it's silly that so many satanists have come to the conclusion that to be a valid satanist, you must rip and tear and bite at a different religion. criticise them, absolutely, make them accountable for their actions against people, but shredding them over events you don't even know existed seems like an excuse to just? be horrible?
out of my years in working with satan and lucifer, they want you to have free will above anything. that involves respecting those who have come to christianity by their own free will, just like you chose satanism with yours.
every time i see satanists rip apart christians by calling their deities and figures offensive things like "xristc*nt" i'm just ashamed. those are strangers. you don't even know their names, or their story behind their faith. you wouldn't want people to give your figures such awful names, would you?
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germiyahu · 3 months
completely agree with your post about westerners being condescending towards muslims and kinda woobify them as a way of over compensating for their guilt surrounding american islamophobia. I feel like a lot of white western libs who are zionists also do this irt their guilt surrounding antisemitism. Like the only reason they care about israelis is because they dont wanna deal with antisemitism in their own countries. I hate both sidesing, but in this context its really more me wanting to point out an issue with white gentiles across the board.
Well yes, but the group you describe tends to be older. They're the people who believe the fearmongering about Muslims, and they use Jews as a shield against "Satanic Islam" because 1) that guilt over the Holocaust (they actually remember that era, or know someone who did, or paid attention in school), and/or 2) it's shameful to admit that you're afraid of someone who's supposed to be inferior to you, so they project and say "Look at the poor widdle Jews getting attacked in Isweal 🥺" because they can't be honest with themselves: the idea of Muslims living among them scares the shit out of them, because they're bigots. And the idea that they must rally to save the Jews makes them feel heroic and gracious. And Jews are too weak and pathetic to actually fight for themselves (not like Israel has a very effective standing army).
Again, neither antisemitism nor islamophobia can be effectively combatted by just deciding to throw your weight behind one or the other. It is this Western white supremacy, informed by a historically Christian society, that is to blame for all of this. But white (ex-)Christians can't bear to take on the psychological burden of that, so depending on the generation, they'll point the finger at either Jews or Muslims.
Typically the older generation(s) will posit this idea of Judeo-Christian values, we've all heard of it. They place their lot in with the fate of Jewish people, and Muslims are the Enemy. The younger generation(s) tend not to posit an idea of Islamo-Christian values, because they're not very Christian (though I do see more young Christians take a hardline antisemitic antzionist stance). I also suspect it's because deep down they still don't like Muslims all that much. Or at least don't relate to them. That's why I suspect there's a little bit of Othering going on from them.
And no I don't think the Solution is to persecute Christians, who have been persecuted in varying countries before. But in the West their ideals and their cultural values are supreme, and unchallenged. They are not in any actual danger, but by pretending that they are, deluding themselves that they are, they select whichever target they like, which tends to be Jews or Muslims. Sometimes Satanists, sometimes atheists or other minorities (but all of these are usually in turn blamed on Jewish influence so go figure).
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Goth/punk/alt Jews I have a question! My friend has managed to peer pressure me into tentatively starting my goth arc and it’s made me think abt something! A lot of goth looks involve crosses or crucifixes. Sometimes upside down, but not always. I can understand the appeal, especially for people who were raised christian, of reclaiming and fucking with a symbol of Christianity.
However, whenever I see an accessory or piece of clothing with a cross on it, I lose interest in wearing it. A big part of that is that I always wear my Magen David and I don’t wanna look like a messianic, but it also does kinda just bother me to think about wearing a cross.
Also! In terms of demonic or satanic imagery, I almost never have an issue. Partially because a lot of it just looks cool (goats are pretty animals and I like horns just as much as the next gay) but it’s also because it feels more like a reclamation for me than a cross would. Because being accused of being demonic or satanic is kind of just part of being Jewish. It’s a really common way I see antisemitism manifest, especially in it’s more radical forms. So for me, wearing a pentagram feels powerful, and it has nothing to do with the biblical figure of satan. I could not give less of a shit about him. I literally just like to make annoying people uncomfortable lmao
And I know this is not unique to me or Jewish people or anything, I know that that’s the main reason people wear pentagrams a lot of the time. And I also know that most satanists do not actually literally believe in satan. I guess I’m just saying that for me it’s more fun because I get to make fun of these peoples weird conspiracy theories and assumptions about me. I don’t practice satanism, I don’t practice paganism, I’m not a witch, I’m Jewish, and I like making antisemites mad.
This is a rambley post, I just wanna hear other Jews thoughts on this, especially Jews who are part of any of these subcultures
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osiris-iii-bc · 4 months
South of Heaven - Part I [IYRIN spin off - Terzo x OC]
Rating: Explicit, nsfw, sex, mental health issues, abuse, religious trauma, lemon, mental instability, mind manipulation, explicit language, biblical imaginary, violent couple fight, blood and injuries, violence, crossover fic.
Pairing: Papa Emeritus III / OC, Cardinal Copia / OC, Papa Emeritus III / Omega (mention), Alpha / OC (mention).
Crossover: Ghost/Metallica.
Summary: A group of rival satanists attacks the Ministry. Iyrin, now a fallen Angel, is struggling with their new demonic condition, and things between them and Papa Emeritus III are not going as they both expected. Terzo’s revenge against the rival satanists during a Metallica concert only makes things worse.
Part I | Part II | Part III
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I’m posting because sometimes one just have to go on. I can’t keep changing things and get stuck on the same sentence forever. It is a 3 chapter fic, already written down so 1 chapter per week. And yes, it is a crossover fic starring Metallica in one of the chapters.
The main story, IYRIN, is on Wattpad and AO3.
This spin off chapter, The New Inner Circle, is on Wattpad, AO3 and down here 👇🏻
Part I. The New Inner Circle.
“ The night we met I knew I needed you so, and if I had the chance I'd never let you go… ”
The little plastic horns attached to their headphones' headband followed the rhythm of the music as they lightly moved their heads while walking down the hallway.
The sun had risen only a little before, but they were already awake to witness that spectacle from the window of the Papal’s bedroom. As the Ronettes' song played on, a burnt smell began to tickle their sensitive nose.
They frowned but continued hopping through the almost-empty corridor. Maybe someone nearby was smoking something strong.
“ So won't you say you love me? I'll make you so proud of me, we'll make 'em turn their heads every place we go… ”
They often strolled around the abbey with music in their ears at unusual hours, helping drown out the voices they claimed to hear inside their heads. Sometimes in the heart of the night or at the first light of morning, the only sound through the corridors was their soft voice singing some joyful melody.
The smell of smoke intensified uncomfortably, and while no one seemed to be awake until a few minutes before, they started to notice more people all converging in the same direction.
“ Be my baby now… Whoa-oh-oh-oh … oh.”
Iyrin halted and slowly freed their ears from the large headphones, frowning at the scene before them. In front was the main entrance of the Ministry, and the crowd around the large door couldn’t hide the consequences of what had likely happened during the last hours of the night, when parties were over and everybody was defeated by tiredness or intoxication. They turned at the touch of a hand on their shoulder. It was Terzo, probably still half-asleep when called for the emergency, judging by the way he was still trying to adjust his cassock.
“Are you okay? What happened?” he asked, anxiously.
“I don’t know, I just arrived,” Iyrin shrugged, as shocked as him. “Looks like a fire.”
“Well, a door doesn’t catch fire by itself…” And with that, he walked past them to meet the group of people gathered at the entrance. Iyrin followed soon after, observing the scene, confused like all the others.
The large entrance doors had been destroyed at the bottom half, where the fire had started, leaving the entrance open. The only coverage now came from the surviving wood of the top half and a part of the right side. Luckily, the fire hadn’t spread inside, but it had ruined the marble of the entrance and the closest furniture. As Terzo had said, the door didn’t catch fire by itself. A ghoul handed him a letter and the knife used to pin it on the external wall of the building, probably by the perpetrator of the attack. Terzo read it briefly, nervously jiggling at the content.
“Ah, what’s this? 1991 again? Is Burzum back with his shit?” He shook his head, as if talking to himself.
“What’s written?” Iyrin asked.
Terzo folded the letter, “We’ll discuss it in an emergency meeting. I need Sister Imperator.”
A nun stepped forward, stopping the Papa from walking away. “Papa,” she began, timorously, “they have made a sacrifice.”
Terzo frowned at her words. “A sacrifice…?”
“A cat,” the nun lowered her gaze, “Can’t tell which one, it is… carbonized.”
Iyrin saw his nostrils widen as he took the longest, raging breath before blinking.
“Go look for Bastet,” he ordered whoever was listening, barely turning his head in their direction.
Iyrin widened their eyes at the realization, immediately moving through the corridor with a fast pace, followed by a couple of nuns.
“ Hello Scooby-Doo cocksuckers. 
This is the devil speaking to you. The real one, not the one you pretend to worship.  
Did you like the surprise?  
We’ll be signing Master of Puppets, waiting for you in the pits of hell if you have the balls. We’ll make sure you find us.  
Death to the Ghost faggot.  
Signed, The New Inner Circle. ”
“Is this a fucking joke?” Secondo rhetorically asked with an amused smirk, clearly not taking that seriously. “Did they really name themselves The New Inner Circle*?”
“I would have much preferred it to be a Christian group... Satanists fighting each other is just ridiculous,” a cardinal commented soon after, slowly shaking his head.
“They quote Metallica, and they don’t even know me and James are close friends,” Terzo considered. The letter was still in his hand after reading it to the attendees of the emergency meeting. “At the very least, they’re just a bunch of bored kids.”
“Let’s find those kids and beat the shit out of them then,” a Ghoul proposed. “Let’s show them what Hell really looks like.”
“That’s an idea,” Terzo agreed.
Iyrin took the floor, trying to inject some logic into the discussion. “Before jumping to conclusions, what was the mention of Master of Puppets? A figure of speech or—”
“A concert,” observed a Ghoul. “Metallica is playing in town in a couple of days. Some of us were already planning to go there.” Then added, “It looks like an invitation.”
“So we know where to find them. They must be local folks.” 
“You wouldn’t think of going personally to the gig,” Iyrin said, taking for granted that Terzo would never do such a reckless thing but still scared to know his answer.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.”
“Your Unholiness—”
“You can’t go; it’s too dangerous,” Sister Imperator finally spoke, echoing the fallen Angel, who just gave her a long, cold glance. The fact that Iyrin was present to the majority of meetings and councils was a condition the woman struggled to stand, usually making it clear whenever she could.
Terzo just shrugged, as if it was nothing to worry about. “I know the band personally; we’ll have a free pass everywhere in the venue. All I need is a group of Ghouls with me to find those assholes.”
A couple of ghouls leaned forward. “I’m in,” they declared, followed by many others.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. What if it’s a trap?” Iyrin looked at him again. The worry in their tone suggested they were talking to him like Terzo and not Papa anymore, but he just ignored their stare.
“We’ll discuss it later. Let me do my job.”
“Well, you have to do it better then.”
Terzo just sighed, nervous, but ignored them again and the fact that all around them had heard that. He adjusted himself in the chair. “This is the letter they left and the knife they hung it with. Track down what you need to find them. We are going to the concert.” He stated, leaning the letter and the knife on the table, towards the ghouls. “If anyone has something against it, can just stay here waiting for further instructions when I’ll be back.” He finished the sentence turning directly to Iyrin, speaking more to them than to the rest of the attendees. 
That said, he declared the meeting concluded, with no other opposition.
Terzo remained seated at the table as Iyrin attempted to approach him, waiting patiently for most people to leave the room. They had been careful to avoid explicit interactions or displays of affection in public, mindful of potential gossip within the Clergy.
However, any intention of conversation vanished when Terzo spoke up.
“How many times did I tell you not to fucking call me out in public?” His words weren't a question requiring an answer, and he didn't even turn to face them.
“Alright,” the Grigori sighed, rolling their eyes, then moved away from his irritated Unholiness.
Things were far from easy. Since Iyrin's conversion, their relationship had been a constant roller coaster of beautiful ups and unbearable downs.
Very few people had heard Terzo raise his voice in anger off the stage. In his youth and during uncontrolled possession episodes, if the rage he displayed was once silent—manifesting as a raspy, low voice resembling more of an evil growl than a scream—assisting Iyrin's torments revealed how loud he could become when pushed to his limit, and sometimes beyond.
Their fights had been frequent, desperate, and sometimes violent. Doors slammed so hard that they made walls tremble, and objects were thrown on walls and the floor, especially by Iyrin. Unable to channel the chaos of the forces battling inside them, Iyrin couldn't recognize the hate and anger feelings, unknown to them before that moment, that clumsily tried to pour out on the person they were connected with the strongest feelings.
Needless to say, Sister Imperator wasn’t happy with the situation, to put it euphemistically. She despised Iyrin and their influence on Terzo, either positive or negative, always looking skeptical towards them, never directly talking to the fallen Angel, and trying to change Terzo’s mind about them at any given occasion. Some feared it was just a matter of time before they could see Iyrin walk down the Abbey corridors in papal facial paint. More than once, members of the Clergy had expressed their fear to Sister Imperator that Terzo could choose the fallen Angel as his successor, given how highly he seemed to regard that creature, despite the frequent fights.
Very few members of the Clergy considered it a safe situation. Their baptism ritual hadn’t been enough to convince the Clergy of the true intentions of the Angel. Nobody had ever dealt with one before, and the private meetings that excluded Terzo had multiplied since Iyrin was introduced to the Ministry. However, Terzo wasn’t one eager to follow advice and common sense.
But their attitude wasn’t the only change the conversion had brought.
Vanity, not one of their characteristics until they embraced the influence of their former chief, Azazel, was now occasionally reflected in the thick kajal lines they sometimes wore around their eyes, new ways of styling their hair and a growing interest for luxury clothing and accessories. Terzo had also found a new stress reliever in painting their nails black.
Although lust was one of the aspects that mostly had surfaced by their conversion, Iyrin was rarely seen at orgies and parties, and never in black masses. They hadn’t completely rejected their heavenly past as a creature of God, even though, for obvious reasons, they couldn’t practice the Catholic cult anymore. The only cult symbol they still wore was a Grucifix pin on all their outfits, positioned on the heart as a sign of devotion to Terzo, more than to the project itself.
Despite becoming a fallen Angel, closer to a Ghoul in their energy, they retained most of their naïf nature and a gift rarely seen in a place like the Ministry: a profound empathy for every kind of creature. However, they also developed the strongest negative feelings with consequences that were rather chaotic.
As a result, Terzo had progressively reduced their own presence in all their usual activities, causing half of the Sisters of Sin to hate the now fallen Angel. They blamed them for the reduced occasions to meet the Papa, while the other half started to love them for their capability to relieve the love suffering that Terzo still caused every now and then. Iyrin was slowly trying to gain more approval among the siblings, the same way Terzo had started to do with the audience: by offering support, understanding, and a shoulder to cry on. Terzo often suspected it was a kind of professional deformation, where every sibling’s confession about him was new information to be piled up in their brain and spit out at the most convenient occasion.
The extension of the cult developed around Terzo, outside but mostly inside the Ministry, had paradoxically grown more as he had started to show himself less, and began to show at the Abbey when many Sisters of Sin dyed their hair blonde to try to look like Iyrin and catch the Papas' attention, once the gossip spread about that new favorite partner. Some nuns even started dieting to try to reach their impossible proportions. Funny thing was, Terzo never really had an aesthetic preference, but it was rather amusing to see all those blonde heads during orgies.
But what really upset the Clergy, was that Terzo has proved himself to be a charismatic leader and a brilliant frontman for Ghost, surpassing the achievements of any previous Pontiff. The success of Meliora opened doors to a broader audience, and Terzo's performances, deviating from institutional norms, swiftly became iconic, especially with the drastic wardrobe change for himself and his Ghouls. He claimed the non-liturgical attire made him feel more connected and accepted by the crowd, contradictorily adopting a stronger preaching style than his predecessors. He had just started to talk, communicate with the people, actively driving them to his cause, not expecting the people to find a reason to join by standing mute and still like useless statues. He had just stepped off the pedestal, giving people the illusion of being reachable, perhaps just by extending a hand towards the stage if you were really lucky that day, but his words were what the Clergy feared the most.
He succeeded where Sister Imperator expected a swift failure, and what frustrated her the most was that whenever she anticipated a mistake, he managed to achieve triumph.
Iyrin walked past the doors that led to the garden, where the Sisters of Sin were taping handwritten signposts to invite people to promptly close the doors when passing by to prevent the cats from going outside. A note also informed that the felines were still free to roam inside the internal cloister. They set the cowl of their winter habit over their head and ventured outside.
In the garden, they found Primo sitting on a stone bench under the surprisingly warm sun rays, seemingly enjoying the cool air at the end of winter. Unlike Secondo, he didn’t participate as much in the activities of the Clergy anymore; having spent his entire life in the service of the Church, he just wanted to enjoy his last years in a quiet retirement.
Iyrin’s ritual had been a spectacle attended by half the clergy. Surprisingly, once informed, Primo had been the most interested in the event. After the initial shock of learning that an Angel had been kept in the Ministry, their decision to become a fallen had awakened ancient curiosities in him. Being the most diligent of the three brothers, he was thrilled to attend such an unusual ritual taking place before his eyes.
Him and Secondo were in the first row of the chapel, which was filled like maybe only the papal investment ceremonies were. Sister Imperator was absent, though, like Copia and all her strict collaborators, even though some had sworn to have seen the Cardinal appear at the back of the chapel, sneaking in for a short time.
Although Terzo had suggested Baphomet for their duality and balance, Iyrin had chosen to reunite with their former chief, Azazel, now one of the highest-ranked demons at Satan’s side, master of corruption and vanity, once chief of the Grigori order and among the first angels to rebel and fall.
Iyrin had performed almost the totality of the ritual by themselves in Aramaic, the earthly mother tongue of both, with the assistance of Papa Emeritus III, and his blood offered as a sacrifice. “If I have to be damned,” they had said, “I’ll make sure it will be by my own hands.” More than a ritual, it had been, in fact, the event of a holy creature communicating and connecting with the underworld, in a way nobody had ever practiced in the Abbey. Terzo liked to brag about it, adorning himself with the merits of that conquest.
After the initially skeptical reception, Primo had gradually grown fond of the fallen angel; one could often find them strolling in the garden, arm in arm, discussing theology and magical matters, or working together on supervising sermons and students' papers. They also enjoyed light conversations about music and their shared passion for The Beatles. He found in Iyrin a new, direct source to expand his knowledge, gaining insights from someone who had witnessed firsthand the stories he had only read in books.
“A bit of hustle at the Ministry today, huh?” he started, opening only one eye when he felt the Angel closer.
“We are victims of an attack by a group of rival Satanists, apparently,” then they just added, “Isn’t it a bit too cold to stay outside?”
“I was informed,” he just said, no emotion betraying his firm tone.
“Aren’t you surprised?”
 “Internal conflicts among Satanists are an old issue that never fails to surprise me. And, anyway, today is a lovely day, and a bit of cool air can only do good to my old shell,” he quietly reflected. It wasn’t unusual to see him outside, in the garden, under unfavorable weather. He claimed it helped him stay in touch with the elements and the force of nature, while Terzo just considered it a weird habit of a bored retired old man apparently tired of living.
He gestured somewhere beyond the Grigori, “Be patient, Asa, could you please hand me a tangerine from that tree?”
Iyrin hid the spontaneous smile at the way he had called them; they walked towards the tree, reaching the lowest fruits. While roaming their hands through branches and leaves, a quick spring caught their attention: a small mouse briefly looked at them, sitting on a branch, then it ran down the trunk. Now that the cats were confined inside, the rats would thrive, they thought.
They walked back with four tangerines: two for Primo, one for the Ghoul sitting at a comfortable distance, and one for themselves.
“How come you don’t participate in Councils anymore? Your opinion would be very helpful in such situations.”
Primo just shook his head lightly, inspecting the fruit in his hand. “I won’t be of any help to who is deaf and blind.”
Iyrin looked down, immediately understanding who he was talking about. “Sometimes he just doesn’t want any replies to the things he decides. He’s very determined.”
“Only sometimes?” He asked rhetorically, finally peeling the thick skin of the fruit, “Listening and negotiation are crucial abilities for a leader. Unfortunately, Terzo lacks both qualities, along with many others that will get him in trouble one day. That’s why I opposed his promotion." He took one slice and added “Determination is a good quality when it is sided by a strong vision, but he’s losing that. Maybe all this success is not doing good to someone like him.”
“That’s why maybe he would benefit from guidance like yours.”
But Primo just shook his head again. “I won’t be as tolerant as you or obliging as Secondo,” he swallowed the fruit, moving his lips in a shadow of a smirk, “My patience is not what it used to be. How is it going with your voices, instead?” He quickly changed the topic.
The Angel just sighed, looking somewhere away from them. “Sometimes they whisper and sometimes they scream. Music is helping.”
“One day you’ll have to start listening to them; our Lord is speaking to you, and sometimes his ways are difficult to understand.” Talking to him, sometimes you could lose sight of the fact he was talking of Satan and not God. “He is in all things, in all feelings that make our skin crawl or our head spin, inside and outside of us. You need to keep the door open for Him.”
They nodded, swallowing the fruit. They thought it was a strange trick of fate to pass from a silent God to such an invasive one.
“How is it going with the soap I made for you then?” this time it was them who changed the topic.
“Oh, look.” his face softened like he just remembered something beautiful, “You’ve done a miracle. The irritation is almost completely gone. I haven't felt my skin so soft in years.” He slid off one of the gloves to show the skin of his hands, visibly improved. Winter hadn’t been gentle with his hands, already damaged by a lifetime of glove covering, provoking irritations and wounds to his delicate skin that regular creams and soaps didn’t help. Nothing comparable to the healing powers of a Watcher and their knowledge in alchemy.
“I’ll prepare some more, then. And some cream, too.” they said, taking his uncovered hand into theirs to warm it up. “But let’s go inside now, before the cold does its damage again.”
Neither of them had noticed Terzo standing by one of the windows of his office, observing them talking for a few minutes.
He was relieved to know that he could rely on his older brother's support in taking care of Iyrin while he was away on tour or for promotion. Yet, upon his return, he had to confront the reality of what it meant to be in the initial phases of possession.
He turned only when he heard the familiar voice of Sister Imperator call for him. “Did you ask for me?”
“Yes,” he confirmed, taking his place at the large desk. It was still early in the morning, and he knew he wouldn’t probably leave that room until the sun would set again, “We need to talk about the security of the Ministry.”
Imperator just nodded, taking her seat.
Hours later, Terzo was easing Iyrin down on the numerous pillows of his bed; the hair of the Grigori spread waves of pale platinum on the purple sheets.
“Ah… look at you…” he mumbled while unbuttoning his shirt. “And I’m lucky enough to come back to my room to this fine, warm devilish creature waiting for me in my bed…” He got rid of the shirt, letting it fall to the floor, leaving his slightly defined abs exposed, and revealing the reason why the highest rank figures were covered from head to toe: a thick map of cuts and scars on both arms that didn’t spare hands and palms, testimony of years of rituals. Soon he knelt on Iyrin, kissing them with impatience.
Sex was still amazing, but it wasn’t always enough to distend the fallen angel’s nerves whenever a trigger made their brain click. That night, though, it was Terzo who needed his nerves distended after the long day he had been through.
Iyrin adjusted on the pillows, looking at him. “I wasn’t waiting for you. You literally dragged me in.”
“I said waiting for me in my bed... ”
“And your cat is staring at us again.”
At the door, Bastet was sitting on the floor, looking at the scene until she just decided to leave them alone and roam somewhere else. She had gotten used to Iyrin’s presence only after their conversion and seemed to barely tolerate them, but the Angel still felt slightly embarrassed by the cat’s constant stare in those intimate moments. It had taken the help of four Sisters to finally find her, curled up among the warm sheets of the laundry, welcoming the nun who found her with the widest, careless yawn. It turned out that the sacrificed cat was still one of the Ministry colony, named Maudit. Terzo was incredibly hurt by that, even if relieved it wasn’t his personal cat.
Satan must have blessed the sacrifice, as only a few days later, three new lives would come to light in the colony. One of the kittens, chosen by Terzo himself, would be named after Maudit (II). 
“See? She’s gone… she feels unwelcome,” he lazily joked. “Where have you been all day anyway?”
“I was with Primo, talking about soaps.”
“Uhm, ok.” He just cut in between one kiss and the other.
But something was stopping Iyrin from really enjoying that moment of intimacy. It didn’t take long for them to speak again. “Terzo.”
Terzo’s face rose from their neck, where his lips were busy kissing it in a failed attempt to ignore them. “Yes, darling?”
“You literally shut me up at the meeting.”
Terzo blinked, “I told you we’d discuss whatever you were saying. Just not there.”
“That was the place to discuss.” They observed. “You never let me speak when there is someone else listening.”
“You mean I don’t let you publicly scold the Pontiff with your indelicate sarcasm?” The conversation didn’t stop him from sliding down the fallen angel’s underwear, with his eyes still fixed on their face. “What are you afraid of?”
Iyrin arched and moaned softly when he caressed their inner thigh all the way up, softly rubbing his thumb where it connected to the groin. “Just… I’m not really sure of this concert idea.”
“The band will be playing in a small venue, I’ll have enough Ghouls to track those cunts down, and you.” Again, his mouth searched for their skin, leaving a damp trail from the collarbone to the jaw while teasing their sensitive area. “You’re coming, right?”
“It will be very hard.” They reflected, adjusting to his touch. Terzo took one of their hands just to place it on his crotch, inviting them to take some kind of action. Iyrin distractedly committed to it, starting to lightly caress him while overthinking. He was indeed hard. “A small venue is still thousands of people; it will be hard to differentiate all energies in that mess. Everybody will be hyped up, creating mixed signals. The Ghouls will be terribly excited.”
Terzo delved on their neck again, biting and kissing whatever he could. His hands reached for his belt, unbuckling it with a certain rush. “Oh yeah… excited…”
“Dear Lord, Terzo! Are you listening?”
Terzo stopped and sighed, loudly, getting the idea there would probably be no sex that night if he didn’t pay attention to them. “If we don’t find them, they will probably attack us again to get our attention. I’ll have the security around the Ministry reinforced.” He nodded, like to cement those words. He cradled the Grigori’s hand in his, caressing it lightly. “It’s been a long time since I last attended a concert as a guest. Even if they don’t show up, it will be worth it anyway.” He reassured. “Take it as a night out. Metallica are my close friends, it’s going to be fun. You always say I need to get distracted sometimes. Won’t you like a bit of fun with me?”
Iyrin looked down, pondering. “What if you find them? What are you going to do with them?”
He just shrugged, “Having a little conversation?” but his answer sounded rather incomplete. He probably didn’t have any plan and would just come up with something with what he liked to do best: improvise.
Iyrin nodded, even if still doubtful. “You can’t wait to create a bit of mayhem, don’t you?”
“… Well, that’s one of my evil specialties.” He smirked, then he became more serious again. “Are you coming, then? I’ll need at least one brain there to assist me.”
Iyrin nodded again, then sighed. “If you’re crazy, I’ll just be crazy with you.”
“Good…” He just kissed them on their cheek, closer to the angle of their lips, leaning on them again. “Now show a little love to your Papa for once… I need you to come tonight too.”
___ Notes:
*The Inner Circle was the name given to a group of self proclaimed Satanists, that involved the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem and Burzum. During the end of the 80s and beginning of 90s they committed a series of crimes, like catholic cemetery desecration, catholic church burning and murders, but they targeted also metal bands that weren’t “Satanists enough” in their opinion. Terzo refers to these episodes when he says “Ah, what’s this? 1991 again? Is Burzum back with his shit?”
13 notes · View notes
When Your Pendulum Pulls A Prank About The King Of Lust Being Your Ex...(Note To Self, Throw Salt On It Later)
[Note: Mature Reader Audience Only, also reading this post is optional meaning you don't have to read it if you don't want to. also this will talk a bit about the Toxic-Religious Groups as well as Toxic-Satanist being a part of that list of groups....also will be talking about the Adorkable Sweet Potatoes That are some Fans OTP, that are Fizz x Ozzie from Helluva Boss. and also talk a bit about Hazbin Hotel at some point as well, but also talk about the possibility of the Ozzie from our universe being my past life self's former lover...but for all I know my pendulum could be pranking me again, which once again, sometime this month I will use the salt on it. also there is a reason why this will have a tag that says "not for kids" just like most posts, even if the post might not be super mature or super graphic, it can still make some form of hints. so yeah, even if this post might not be super mature, I still rather have this be read by mature reader audiences only, but reading this post is still optional, so only read this post if you want to. ]
when I can, I will make a part 2 of the whole "Hazformers Ships: Blitzdust/Blitzhusk/Huskdust Plus More"
but before that I will do this post first, then post a drawing that is a Crossover drawing that also reflects on my new beliefs which still not gonna force convert, but at least some people know better than to force convert people and don't use the whole "if you leave you will go to h-e-double hockey sticks." but they will kick you out if you seem a bit "crazy" or if you are caught "selling their goods, which happens to be vegetables or fruits."
even though I wasn't a part of the religion that did that, but one of my family was, well I think two actually, one of them had to fake being crazy to be kicked out, and the other was falsely accused.
hopefully those who are part of the same religion as those jerks, don't keep someone from leaving by throwing that whole "You'll go to Heck" and making them too scared to leave so they have to fake crazy so they can be kicked out, or the whole false charges and selling someone that belongs to them and their group.
maybe for all we know, the two family that were a part of that group, ended up in the wrong ones that were a disgrace to the other groups that were part of that religion...
yeah, anyway you know how there is the whole past lives thing and sometimes we pretty much get messed up in some of them, even if you can recall bits and pieces of past life memories, but at the same time there isn't a full picture....and sometimes you may learn.
and yeah hopefully some Guardian Angels are improving better in protecting the ones they are suppose to protect, even if it can be normal to get hurt at times, like scrapping the knee and you have to get the right alcohol to put on it, and you know it will sting and depending on how bad it is, it could either sting a little or a whole lot.
not doing anything when the one your suppose to be protecting, has their life in form of extreme danger and them not being able to protect themselves and being helpless, it will be seen as pretty fragging messed up.
I do have some trust issues with some percent of Male/Masculine Angels now, and I don't think I can get some people to fully understand or accept that.
I mean if some info is true, it would mean that some percent of them have a very messed up sense of "punishing" and the so called "justice", I mean if you puppet humans into messing with stuff and doing something really REALLY bad, just to prove that humans are themselves are "bad" you aren't really helping the case, because by influencing the really REALLY bad and extremely bad stuff, it will only show me that I can't fully trust some half of the Masculine energy ones who make me see that it ain't just some percent of really super bad people that are human in this world that can be the problem.
there is still good people in this world, but they don't have to be perfect and sometimes people do make mistakes but can try to do better.
I do have a idea on how Mars can get a type of fresh and breathable atmosphere which can allow colonization of the planet.
like taking a type of bubble, a type that can't be ripped easy, like take a type of large pot and put some form of artificial soil then plant some tree seeds in it, it could be best to get type of metal domes to be closed around the bubbles that the trees will be in, to protect it from any harmful weather on Mars.
even if such a idea could take months or a few years or so, it could be possible with some form of tests, and even if some run into a few hiccups on the way, and even when regrowing some trees here on Earth, we could save some percent of the seeds we don't use to form more safe and breathable air on Mars.
and anyway to get to the topic which shows in the title of this, I know that some of you know that the whole thing I figured out after the whole thinking about technically being a Earth Angel, but ya know a Defective Type who doesn't work at 100% like the other ones.
and there is that whole having half my ancestors being Royalty, which ends up having the whole "Earth Angel Princess" pop into my head.
but yeah, even though I'm still making sure not to use my pendulum too much, but of course curiosity got to me, and there is that whole pendulum moving clockwise fast for "Yes" about confirming that the king of lust, was well...that we were in a relationship once, it possibly happen before the past life I had before this one.
and yeah even if someone had finally retrieved me, which is still good but at the same time, if the reason why it had partly happen because of what happen in attic, then yeah still going to have that trust issues.
the positive and good masculine energy needs to be a bit higher in levels than the toxic-masculine energy, and yeah the toxic-feminine energy isn't as dangerous or as a high as a worry as it's toxic-masculine counterpart but it can still be a problem if not fixed properly through some form of healing.
and yeah, I know the chances of some reading this is well possibly not likely but I guess some might end up reading it anyway.
but yeah, even if I do end up using the whole salt which is the food salt, to use on my pendulum to get it to be 100% truthful and not pull such a prank, that is if it is a prank...
there could be a chance it isn't lying and it is being truthful.
and for all I know, when I was retrieved which I don't know how many years it took during that life, but time in the afterlife could work slightly different than it is in the mortal realm where we are.
but yeah, it could be possible they have ways to rejuvenate a soul back to how it was made, meaning it could be possible that my soul had went back to how it first appeared as before it grew-up and matured, and it had to do so all over again.
and yes, even when I did try to have the pendulum go circle slowly for "No" for meaning that we were NOT ya know, lovers once...
but no matter how many times I tried to get it to say "No", it kept going clockwise fast for "Yes"...and yeah it will do that, even if you want the opposite answer that you believe to be true.
so yeah, when I can, I will use the salt on it, and if it keeps doing that whole "Yes" reply when it involves well the Asmodeus of this universe...I might have to accept it but maybe try not to think about it.
and for all I know, for most of my life before this one, I might of felt alone and yeah being hurt in a certain way because of some humans who shouldn't even be considered humans anymore when they cross that line, can possibly leave it's mark on your soul, even if it might be a good thing that you don't have a full memory about it, but you might recall bits and pieces.
and when I say that my soul may have went through a rejuvenate, that would also mean I would of became a Maiden again as well.
like it could be possible that while a soul doesn't have a organic form, once they die a bit too young, they could still end up growing up both physically and mentally.
also, even if I might have some complex issues with the Asmodeus of this universe, one of which involves possibly being former lovers, even if it wasn't really plan that way, but it wouldn't of happen if it weren't for some toxic-religious jerks who I shouldn't be forced forgive, and even if there was a real life hotel that does redeem sinners, they shouldn't be allowed in, same goes for the corrupted camps that are run by disgusting inhuman filth that would dare harm a child....
and yeah, you do not want to know what kind of punishment I have in mind for certain men that cross a very disgusting line, it would be possibly like a type of Horror Movie, like the punishment being more for them when they go to Hell, which I still believe that before that place became Hell it was once fully part of the Earthly Queendom until it had to be placed under quarantine because of the imbalance that was going on.
and for centuries some of percent of the masculine energy, which being the toxic-masculine part, influences and corrupts as well as do whatever the heck it wants, regardless that it may possible do domestic harm to the feminine energy.
anyway, I know that my pendulum has been known to pull pranks on me at times, and yeah when I can maybe later today or tonight or whenever, I can use the salt on it.
and maybe part of the reason why the masculine energy has some parts of it having toxic energy in it, that puts males first and females last, and well even those who are nonbinary last, and there are different types of nonbinary...
and anyway what I'm getting at, is that one of the reasons why toxic-masculine is well, the way it is, might have to do with Annunaki.
and yeah, as weird as it might seem, I think both the Adam from this universe and even some counterpart versions of him, like from the Lucifer Tv Series and even Hazbin Hotel, are the way they are because of the Annunaki heritage.
which I will talk more about in another post.
and I can't help but like Ozzie and Fizz from Helluva Boss, they are like Adorkable Sweet Potatoes that must be protected.
Charlie's Dad is more like a Adorkable Apple Goober, which I'm still going to call him that and I have notice that he is a bit like Blitz from Helluva Boss, of course one is horse crazy and the other is duck crazy.
if it were possible, I would say we trade Lucifers, I say we get the Adorkable Apple Goober. XD
but I know that isn't really possible, but I still want to give the one from our universe the cold hands to face punishment for not thinking about the whole doing that rebellion during when the balance between the Masculine and Feminine were already in a very super fragile state.
I don't care if it turns out I'm way shorter than him, I will find a way to reach up and use my cold hands on that Morningstar Goober of this universe.
I don't think my hands are cold enough at the moment, but he is still gonna be on the list of the cold hands to face punishment.
I'm still going to call myself the "Eveningstar Princess" because well not just because of the whole being a Earth Angel, and there is that whole being a descendant of both Cain and Seth, which still make them Grunkle-Grandpas...
but it has to do with that weird thing that went on before my Mom finally had me, which had to do with her having Evening Sickness and never getting Morning Sickness.
that is why I like that weird nickname I gave myself, because of that weird info that is also interesting.
plus I still don't know if there were any other Moms that got Evening Sickness or any other Sickness that never happen during the Morning.
and ya know, it could be possible the Masculine sides of both the Seven Sins and the Seven Virtues can both have a positive and negative sides, like it is good to have diligence but not to overdo it and at least relax and make sure to take it easy.
I mean if diligence has anything to do with working as hard as you can, then there should be some kind of balance to it where you do work with as much diligence as you can, but not to go without taking a break and to relax before going back to work on what you are doing.
and yeah, I already know about the Twin Flame Halves of some of the Archangels that are their Feminine Counterparts, but this makes me wonder whatever happen to the Feminine Counterparts of the ones who became the embodiment of the seven sins, like were they put into some kind of cryogenic ethereal sleep or they weren't able to be born yet all those centuries ago because of the imbalance or what...?
well it could be possible the Feminine Counterparts of the Archangels, could still be trying to help fix and heal the Feminine energy, and even if it does show signs of getting better, there is still some problems that can have to do with the small bit of Toxic-Masculine.
I also want to say, that even if the Asmodeus from this universe and the one from the fictional universe that is Helluva Boss are different from each other and may have different personalities.
but they could for all we know, share the same dislike for artificial love where it isn't real or of consent.
plus if someone did have to use a love spell, it shouldn't be forcing someone into a artificial romantic relationship.
a true love spell, that let's you find your zing, should be more like helping ya find each other but never to force the love between you, only give the push and let it come naturally as well as the consent.
but the problem with some love spells, is that they do end up forcing a type of artificial fake love, which isn't okay.
and with how some humans are, they put the whole s*x as something that is more important than the emotional romantic type....
and even if what my pendulum had gave a answer to, wasn't a prank, but that is just....I can't be someone I don't have a full memory of, and yeah I know I had bad luck with some ex-boyfriends before, which were online boyfriends, but that was like before I had ended up well ya know Aroaceflux, and it could be possible the reason I fell for the wrong guys, might of had to do with the toxic-lust energy flying around the air around me, which I'm glad I started to wearing gem bracelets all the time and only take them off when I have to, well I had to get some dream-catcher to protect me as well, from not just incubus but also humans as well.
at least some Aces never had to deal with that, and yeah it could be possible I may of use to be Demiromantic and never really realized it.
and there is that whole realizing that most of my seizures I would have when we lived at the other places we lived before living in the town we live at now (even if we had to move from one place to a new place that is still in this town...), they would end up being caused by not just a place with some bad energy, but also by people.
like if your in a very large room with a whole bunch of people, and you might not know your letting your guard down and you will end up having a seizure because of the type of photosynthesis that has to do with a lot of people's energy end up being absorbed into your body.
not all epilepsy will be the same, and there can be some that actually do need the medicine.
also even if I and Fizzarolli are 100% different, but besides a character from a awesome fan fic I have been reading, reminding me a bit of my own childhood but still being different, like yeah our Dads not really being there are still different, but my Dad wasn't there for when I was being born, and well I can't help but think maybe both my parents in this life, are a bit Gray-Parents...
maybe if my family hadn't left me and my big brother alone to play alone in a room, I wouldn't of end up in that little accident.
I may have told this before, about the scar I have that is well on the right side of my eye, well it's not on the eye, it is like some place that is almost close to the corner. I had to go to the hospital, which I think it was some kind of emergency care.
but yeah, even if it isn't very noticeable, but I think it might only be if you look really close to where it is, like I can see it if I'm looking in a mirror and get my face really close to the mirror...well close enough as I can to the mirror.
I know I had that panic attack in 2015, which ended up having my head hit the ceiling of the car, but that may have to do with a certain fear and my Semi-Androphobia, which the "Andro" part has to do with Men, not a Android, which some know that already.
and yeah, I don't like being alone in a car and away from the safe zone of the house or apartment that I live in.
I think if I remember right, it was around 2023 where I was feeling that not great feeling when waiting in the car, and well even if my family says it could be anxiety but I'm still not sure about that.
I know that I didn't like how long they were taking in the building they went into, and even if it wasn't like the time in 2015, but I think the reason why it wasn't, was because I was able to get myself better controlled, so I didn't end up fully panicking like I did during 2015.
and yeah, because of a third close call dream I had, I had to replace a dream-catcher in my room, I mean I can still use the one on the door for well, protecting me while not being in the room.
but there was still something wrong with the last dream-catcher that we got for me, and I'm not talking about the one that is currently outside the door to my room, to protect me from the toxic-lust energy from someone who sleeps in another room.
but the reason why the protective barrier may have open up and let that bad toxic-lust energy through and end up causing a third close call, which in that dream I had to claw at that eyes of that clone's eyes.
it might of have to do with the dream-catcher that has some really bad energy, I have it as far away from me as possible even if it is still in the house.
and it is safely in a zip-bags with some salt in the bag as well, and if I have to, I could throw some more salt in there and not letting that dream-catcher out anytime soon.
if that dream that had that third close call happen, didn't happen while that dream-catcher was over me, then I wouldn't of had some kind of confirming that there was something bad wrong with it.
even if dream-catchers are suppose to protect you while you sleep, but if it isn't working like it is suppose to, then it might be best to take it down and out of your room and put some kind of barrier on it, which involves salt and prayer, which I'm not sure if that would work for everyone, but I'm still not letting that dream-catcher out of that bag with the salt in it.
I'm also going to make sure not to use my pendulum too much, and only use it once in a while, and I still plan to use the salt on it because of the whole it giving a "Yes" about the whole Asmodeus being a lover...which even if it were fully true, and it wasn't some kind of prank even after trying to use the salt and some prayer on the pendulum, what does that make him like not only a ex-lover, but like some kind of ex-boyfriend...?
Fizz is lucky to have his Ozzie, and even if they were jerks to Moxxie and Millie before, but they have that Adorkable Sweet Potatoes side to them, they are just too freaking adorkable.
Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, is some kind of Adorkable Strawberry Overlord...I'm still glad I don't have 100% the same powers as him though, and the freaky thing that happens with the modern radio, lucky only happens once in a while, like when I put my fingers close to it, the green light will be on and when I move it away the green light will be off, I guess it depends.
like the times it will have a perfect signal when I put my fingers close to it, and when I take it away it will be poor again, and I think it might happen in vice-versa.
I think Ozzie from Helluva Boss, while being the other half of the Adorkable Sweet Potatoes Ship, and being a hopeless Blue Cotton Candy Prince who is in love with Fizz, he might respect his partner/boyfriend's personal space when he needs it, which if it does happen, it could happen once in a while, and Fizz would still want to be with Ozzie, because those two could be seen as zings.
and we might find out in the future on how those two Adorkable Sweet Potatoes fell in love, which might be a bit different from what some fans would except, plus it could of taken those two time to fully fall in love and admit their feelings for each other.
maybe we will get a Flashback on how Moxxie and Millie fell in love as well, which would be great if that happen in the future even if it might not happen until a few seasons later.
maybe I wouldn't be the only Earth Angel that had ended up in a situation before ending up being reborn again later, and well even if it being more than once, and it could be possible dying way too earlier more than once could cause some form of trauma and damage to the soul which could take a lot of time to heal, but the scars could still be there.
some Earth Angels, could experience some form of trauma that was done to them not just in their present life but also from their past life either it just being one or more than just one of the past lives they have.
some could end up getting some form of trauma, either it be physical or emotional that was caused by Toxic-Religious people, and there can be different levels of being Toxic-Religious, some being not as dangerous or as extremely bad, but all the levels of Toxic-Religious People can still be really bad for some who could also be Religious, and some who aren't Religious at all but can be hurt by the Toxic-Religious People involved.
and yeah, some might not get fully over being hurt by some Toxic-Religious people, even the ones that are not as dangerous but are still toxic and who couldn't shut the heck up with their misuse of words and kept throwing them despite you telling them to stop it and how it was making you feel really bad and making ya cry.
I don't think I will ever be okay with what that that Toxic-Religious Jerk did to me, I mean even if they don't have to believe in the Goddess as well, which if some do it should only be of their own free will and of their not because they are being forced.
and yeah besides them misusing those words at me, for believing in a Goddess now, to which I can still believe in both her and God as well.
but I think the other reason that Toxic-Religious Jerk was being insensitive and ignoring my hurt feelings, may also have to do with my being Nonbinary, and well during the time still figuring out the type of Nonbinary I am when I may have talked about believing in both a Goddess now as well as talking about being Nonbinary.
and yeah, at some point during that time, I think I thought I was Gyno-Agender....plus I think my type of Nonbinary was still going through a type of Metamorphosis like a Butterfly, and had entered a Chrysalis stage at some point.
I still go by She/Her, and I can go by They/Them as well.
I don't know other Earth Angels, who are both a "Earth Angel Princess" and Nonbinary, and well there could still be Guy Earth Angels as well, and some of them could end up being Earth Angel Princes.
and yeah, this post was a mix of talking about the Adorkable Sweet Potato Ozzie with his Partner/Boyfriend Fizz, and even talking about the Ozzie from this universe, and how my pendulum could be pulling a prank on me about us having been lovers.
so yeah, not sure if any other Earth Angel end up in that kind of thing, even if it does turn out it is true and not some kind of prank.
but I'm still gonna use the salt on it when I'm able to, either later today or tonight or maybe tomorrow...
I'm weird and of course I'm gonna try to use that food salt on it, just in case the pendulum was pulling one of its pranks or like half-truths again......still gonna make sure not to use the pendulum too much, and only use it every once in a while.
I think I will post the Crossover drawing I did first, before making that part 2 that talks about ships, and anyway by some chance some did actually read this, not everyone has to take it seriously even if I am being truthful about what went on with my pendulum, and how even though I wanted it to give a "No" it end up still giving a "Yes"...
if I'm not able to use the salt on it today or later tonight or even tomorrow, I will try to get around to using the salt on the pendulum when I'm able to, and even if it ends up giving the same reply, I might still need to accept it as the truth but try not to think about it too much.
I also think my Semi-Androphobia isn't as bad as most who have Androphobia as well, and there can be some who have it really REALLY super bad, and there could be some guys in this world that can have different levels of Gynophobia, some possibly having Semi-Gynophobia.
but you can't just not take Androphobia or Gynophobia seriously, and you can't fix it the wrong way, there could be baby-steps on how to help those with a fear of men and fear of women, and for all we know some might try the wrong type of helping when dealing with those types of fears.
and yeah, at times when I'm in the kitchen, which wasn't before but at some point has happen now...I do get the thoughts "don't touch me" whenever a male family member comes into the kitchen.
I know when I was little, I didn't like it when a boy kept touching my leg, even though we were both around the same age and in the same class, and I think at some point I never really thought about or fully realized I had hated being touched at times, like sometimes being okay but other times not being so.
well when I was little, that boy may have touched my leg, but he just rested his hand there, and that isn't okay, and it couldn't be normal either.
I know I really hated it and it made me upset.
plus it might not just be that bad experience, why I don't want to be touched at times, I mean there is such a thing as personal space, and yeah I get we were both little kids at the time and I might not remember everything when I was really little, but I know that whole thing that was happening, wasn't okay like at all.
and don't get me started on the ego of a female cousin who thought every guy wanted her, plus I can't help but question her now for a few reasons but if I feel like it, I can talk about about it some other time, I mean if I choose to talk about it.
anyway, besides the whole thing with my pendulum possibly pulling a prank on me, I hope we do get to know more about how Fizz and Ozzie met and at some point fell in love in Helluva Boss, even if we have to wait until either Season 3 or 4 to find out.
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eternal-rest · 2 years
Putting this shit literally everywhere because I can, but here we go
Types of people I’ve come across in the RAMCOA awareness world:
The light worker
- heavily spiritual/religious
- “Empath”
- Hates narcissists
- Puts monarch butterflies everywhere
- Has read one article about satanic ritual abuse and is now an expert
- Sees RAMCOA as mainly a spiritual issue
- Doesn’t like democrats
- Nice until they find out you don’t share their spiritual beliefs
The therapist
- genuinely cares about survivors
- is a survivor or has had their heart squeezed by survivors
- Works hard to spread awareness
- Shares fact-based information
- Can be kind of rude sometimes but only because they’re stressed
- Lowkey scared for their safety
- Loved by survivors and supporters
- You’ll want to bake cookies for them
The Qunatic
- Q supporter
- Thinks masks and vaccines are mind control
- Everything they disagree with is part of a satanic agenda
- Still says “multiple personality disorder”
- Either a soulless dickhead or genuinely terrified
- Accuses everyone of being a pedophile
- Thinks Christians and conservatives are the good guys
The Christian with a savior complex
- “Jesus can heal ritual abuse trauma”
- Thinks SRA survivors have spiritual attachments
- Assumes every survivor they meet is in desperate need of conversion
- Doesn’t know of any kind of RA outside of SRA
- More worried about Satanism than the actual abuse
- Thinks Christians who are bad people are just secretly Satanists
- Way too confident in their own judgement because they think it is inspired by God
- Probably treats their kid like shit
The screeching Cuntservative
- Everything they say has Christian undertones
- Hates gay people
- Thinks trans people are pedophiles
- “Abortion is satanic ritual abuse!!!”
- Trump supporter
- Jewish space lasers are to blame
- Randomly types in caps
- Not really in touch with reality
The Squish
- Intelligent
- Doesn’t fall for misinformation
- Supports survivors or is a survivor
- Usually a system
- Supports human rights movements
- Huggable
- Lowkey annoyed by Christians
- Probably cries and listens to MCR at night
The skeptic
- “SRA is a hoax”
- Uses false memories as an explanation for everything
- Has read three articles about the satanic panic
- Reddit atheist
- Still living in mom’s basement
- Thinks everyone who disagrees is a crazy conspiracy theorist
- Doesn’t know theistic Satanists exist
The Ultimate Authority
- Takes it upon themselves to decide which parts of survivors’ stories are real or not
- “SRA is just blood libel”
- “I know RA happens but programming can’t be real”
- Dismisses things that are realistically very possible
- Places way too much confidence in their single digit IQ
The Angry Activist
- Really angry
- A survivor or has a loved one who is
- Regularly speaks out against systems of oppression
- Leftist
- Calls the government out on its shit all the time
- Shows up to protests with a megaphone
- Hates people in power
- Has 50 piercings
- Will make you cry if you fuck with survivors
- Probably smokes a lot
75 notes · View notes
maris-medley · 4 months
Intro !! :3
Figured I might as well make an intro bc… I- yeah. 🧍‍♀️
basics !!
⚘ i go by mari !!
⚘ she/her, they/them, vae/vaem, been trying out he/him lately too <3
⚘ lesbian, genderqueer
⚘ asks are always open unless i specify otherwise !!
⚘ @starry-teeth is my backup !! <3
things you should know !!
⚘ i have combined autism + adhd
⚘ i’m a witch, though i wouldn’t say i align with any one specific religion; unsure if i ever will, but for right now, i’m simply exploring my craft and figuring things out as i go. the closest thing i have to any kind of “label” would be a theistic satanist, but i use that term on myself pretty loosely :)
⚘ i mainly honor leviathan !!
⚘ in reference to the points above, please know i am not an expert, i am still learning !! so if i happen to get something wrong, please let me know!
⚘ i’m a writer!! i’m not very good at planning stories out so i never really finish anything but if you ever happen to have any requests for anything, please lmk! it may take me a bit depending on whether i’ve seen the piece of media you’re referencing but i’m personally taking it as motivation to get into some new stuff and actually finish what i write !
⚘ i like to bake!! another one of those things where i’m still kinda learning as i go, but every once in a while I may post a recipe or tip that i learn!
⚘ i’m a HUGE fan of the horror genre!! admittedly i’m a bit picky sometimes considering how flooded the genre tends to be with not-so-great content, but if you’ve ever got a suggestion, let me know and i’ll look into it and share my thoughts !!
⚘ i’m a selfshipper and highly respect others who selfship as well !! keep living your truth 🫡
this blog is ALWAYS a safe space for the following !!
⚘ fellow neurodivergent people
⚘ queer people
⚘ poc/bipoc
⚘ cripplepunk
⚘ anyone with disabilities (yes, you too)
⚘ systems
hobbies !!
⚘ writing
⚘ roleplaying
⚘ reading
⚘ researching
⚘ baking
⚘ video games (i’m working on my raging issue, i get frustrated easily when i struggle with something 🧍‍♀️)
tv shows !!
⚘ Avatar: The Last Airbender
⚘ The Legend of Korra (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Gravity Falls
⚘ Carmen Sandiego (2019)
⚘ Hannibal (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Harley Quinn (still watching 🤫)
⚘ She-Ra & the Princesses of Power
⚘ MLP: FiM (still watching 🤫)
⚘ MLP: Equestria Girls (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Percy Jackson & the Olympians
⚘ Arcane (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Heartstopper (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Adventure Time (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Fionna & Cake
⚘ Monster High
⚘ Ever After High
⚘ Squid Game (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
⚘ Rise of the TMNT (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Kakegurui
⚘ Kakegurui: Twin (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Death Note (still watching 🤫)
⚘ KAGUYA-SAMA: Love is War (still watching 🤫)
⚘ Good Omens 💔💔💔💔💔💔
movies !!
⚘ Silence of the Lambs
⚘ Black Christmas (1974)
⚘ Martin (1977)
⚘ Halloween (1978, 2018, Kills)
⚘ Friday the 13th (1&2)
⚘ The Boy (2016)
⚘ Pearl 💔💔💔💔💔💔
⚘ So I Married an Axe Murderer
⚘ Monster High
⚘ Into/Across the Spiderverse
⚘ Trolls
⚘ Luca
⚘ Five Nights At Freddy’s
⚘ Moana
⚘ The Princess & the Frog
⚘ Encanto
⚘ Anastasia
⚘ Rise of the TMNT: the Movie
⚘ Rise of the Guardians
⚘ The Mitchells vs the Machines
⚘ Megamind
⚘ Puss in Boots + The Last Wish
⚘ Hercules
⚘ The Barbie Movie (2023) 💔💔💔💔💔💔
⚘ Scream (1996)
⚘ House of Wax (2005)
⚘ Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
⚘ SAW (2004)
⚘ Thanksgiving (2023)
⚘ The Addams Family
⚘ Beetlejuice
games !!
⚘ Overwatch 2
⚘ Resident Evil
⚘ Dead By Daylight
⚘ Baldur’s Gate 3
⚘ Minecraft
my tags !!
#marimegaphone — text posts of mine about… well anything :3
#maribabbles — little rants/tangents; also may indicate a longer post
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
how do you do, fellow queers, look how fucking professional i'm being this time, sending an ask like commonfolk/j
for the match-up re-run bc i wanna see nyx struggle with repugnant <3
1. Your identity! i'm sorry for the research nyx
i can very proudly call myself a faggot. my pronouns are they/she/he/xey/per/ghoul, but i'm slowly moving away from the "standard" ones. multigender, but they're all xenogender (ghoulgender, ghoulettegender, gooregender, chaosgender). multisexual (pansexual, asexual, lesbian, aegosexual, orchidsexual, berrisexual). aroallo (aegoromantic, desinoromantic, grayromantic, demiromantic). autistic. theistic satanist.
2. Who do you like?
repugnant. death metal racoons my beloved.
3. What do you look like?
there's a picture. i just dress more like a metalhead now. still wearing too much jewelry. i'm still short (it is a tragedy).
4. What's your personality?
i hate whoever came up with these questions (ekhem, myself).
ISTP-T, according to a quiz i did just before writing this. i'm relatively apathetic, only ever getting truly emotional when i'm overwhelmed. touch-repulsed, but touch-starved when it comes to people close to me. i'm quiet and distant around strangers, but get talkative and open with friends. i struggle with serious self-esteem issues (diagnosed depression, cheers) and i get very anxious about my friends just not liking me anymore and usually need to be yelled at to get my shit together. and then cuddled because i got yelled at. my relationship with emotions is complicated, as i only feel a very faint outline of an emotion most of the time, but i've learned to adapt to it over time and i'm pretty good at adapting my behavior so it looks like i feel a complete emotion.
when it comes to affection, i'm like a cat. i love it, but only when i want it. otherwise i will run away. i also show it in inconvenient ways, i suppose, like randomly grabbing my friends with a weird noise or sometimes (if we're really close) biting them. i feel very uncomfortable around most children, so i despise them.
5. Tell us about your interests!
i'd say repugnant, ghost and in this moment would be my top three bands to listen to, but i also like vocaloid and dolly parton. i always have to have something playing in the background or it's too quiet for me and i lose my shit. i like to read, but i much prefer to overanalyze everything and come up with ridiculous theories and headcanons to write about (i think emeritus-fuckers is proof of that). I like writing, but only stuff i actually enjoy writing, not whatever bullshit they're coming up with for uni. I can't write porn, yet people seem to think that i can, which is honestly hilarious to me.
i like making bracelets and other arts and crafts things, though i suck at it and usually it looks like trash.
i like video games, mostly sims 4 (finally figured out how to furnish it hallelujah) right now, but i like classic assassin's creed games (which means everything that came out before Origins/Odyssey bc fuck i hate these), the saints row series and skyrim too. and uncharted, too. and i guess tekken, but i'm just there for the hotties tbh.
i don't really watch movies, but if i had to pick a favorite, it would either be scream, pearl or shrek.
6. Trivia time!
i know way too much about butterflies and moths.
i have a framed attacus atlas.
my favorite food is instant cupped carbonara.
i have a dog (everyone has seen her at this point tbh).
i have a figurine of the batman who laughs and his three robins.
i love juice. especially apple-cherry juice.
i'm a terrible cook, i can make like three dishes and that's it.
i hate working under pressure and/or with deadlines.
i have a rather controversial sense of humor.
i love wearing too much jewelry.
i adore matching things, from jewelry to tattoos.
and here's a few pics of my cuddle monster.
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This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is…Mary Goore... and DD Sars... and kinda the rest of the band...
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Hear me out on this haha, I have spent way too much time thinking about this and well you'll see XD - Nyx
So you met Mary first. They thought you looked cool so they went over to you.
You got chatting and you just kinda clicked with each other. Especially since you both have a controversial sense of humour. Mary enjoys throwing a few playful insults at you and getting all of that back and some.
You met up a few more times, enough so that you became comortable around Mary and them you. Although there was a discussion about your boundaries when you had to explain that you are like a cat, you only want affection when you are in the mood. Which of course Mary respected.
Mary after really getting to know you declared you one of their favourite ever people by lightly biting your shoulder. (This was okay as you way of telling them the same was to display your affection with a bite.)
Mary then proudly introduced you to the rest of the band. You quickly became close with all of them as to be with Mary is to be with the band. When Mary mentioned you had a dog E. wanted to see lots of pictures. He just kinda quietly sat there as you scrolled through them.
You made them all bracelets, G. got very excited by this. You said they look like trash and DD just kinda rounded on you. He firmly told you about how they weren't trash and how could you be so stupid to think so low of yourself. You just kinda nodded and then spend the rest of the day being cuddled by G.
DD does however get you. He never says it to you but its shown through his actions. He will just quitly sit and listen if you want to talk about it. He might say that you are a fucking weirdo but his expression tells the real story. He understands you and he knows what its like to have a complicated realtionship with emotions. There is a really nice companionship you two have because of this.
Mary noticed how you look at DD like you want him to sit on your face. So one night they say to you while pointing at DD "all you have to do is ask, you know, DD would be more than happy to" and then they gave you a little wink. Mary left it with you, it's totally up to you if you want to follow through on that or not...
Written by Nyx
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kam-kkushka · 1 year
new slut drop⁉️
hey frens 🤭 i just finished the first flat color of my new oc, so i'm gonna post ha here!
introducing, asha! mainly intended to be my mc for awb and favor. they are a WIP so anything is subject to change! i’m not really happy with their design but i was drawing this for like 3-4 hours and said fuck it i’m exhausted 💀
some info/canons on them, and the flat color under the cut
20 y/o they/them
nepo baby. family rich but not famous. (somewhat) street smart, but math is their worst subject. undecided major.
actually has eldritch genetics that they just... don't know about. it's kraken-like. even if they did know, they probably wouldn't do anything about it.
has an ex-girlfriend named hadiya. asha dumped her because hadi's parents were homophobic. they're still 'friends', though. (they still fuck!!! on the regular!!!!! they are NAWT just friends)
is not a very good person, tbh. fails to think of anyone but themselves sometimes
does not care about anything they don't understand. this is both a blessing and a curse for them.
depending on the day, asha is either the kuromi or my melody gf. no in between
has 4 siblings
is working at the local starbucks for fun
has undiagnosed BPD. their favorite person varies depending on which MC i have them as in a game. literally does not notice or care about any and all red flags their FP shows
runs 2 secret tumblrs: 1 for documenting their days, and another for interactions with whoever they're crushing on (not a real crush most of the time, just FP)
became a satanist after they had a bad trip doing shrooms at 17 alone in their bfs closet. claims satan 'cleared the mist' and saved them
the golden child. parents ignored all of their issues because they, too, ignore any and all red flags in things they like
unironically likes milwaukee music
speaking of music, their fav genre is sigilkore
their dream is to get nipple piercings and a tattoo that says "BABE: bad ass bitch & extraordinaire". and to have someone question their gender (they know it won't happen 😭)
also wants to see how human flesh tastes just for the thrill of it
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young adult shapey!! working on block rn lol i had to get this design out of my system first tho. rambling under the cut!
soooooo uhhhh here r some hcs i have for my interpretation of an older shapey!!
when shapey and block manage to save up enough money to move out, they start living in an apartment in sinville. initially they did so out of defiance towards their shitty parents but eventually they find that sinville is a lot more accepting than moralton and they have more of a reason to stay there rather than just out of spite.
shapey has a complicated relationship with gender. it always felt weirdly detached from masculinity and wasn't able to relate to its father or its mother growing up. before moving to sinville it just believed that was another one of its issues, but in sinville it discovered what nonbinary people were. shapey uses it/she pronouns and doesn't put any specific label on her gender other than nonbinary because, fuck, ruminating too hard on something like that might just drive her insane. she doesn't change her name at all because she just doesn't really care. shapey isnt really that much of a gendered name anyway.
she, to put it bluntly, has mommy issues. it has problems with trusting new people, but like if a girl is nice to it it will get down on its knees and be like "i trust you with my life now please shower me in affection. but like not too much it scares me sometimes LMAO." block tries to tell her she has a problem sometimes and shes always just like "yeah."
shes an atheistic satanist, and has been identifying as such since she moved to sinville. shes never had any kind of attachment to christianity and basically only attended church because she had to LOL. shapey expects orel to freak out when he finds out its a satanist but orels just like "oh that's nice :) im glad youre happy" and it sheds real tears.
shapey has the tendency to get physically aggressive when it's angry but it's working on it. sometimes she punches her pillow and other times she'll just take some ice cubes and throw them into her bathtub one by one. block hears her doing the ice cube trick at like 3 in the morning sometimes and it always startles him until he realizes that his sibling is just Coping.
adding onto that shapey is just. Kind of volatile in general. like one moment it'll be giggling and kicking its feet like a little german boy and the next moment it'll be screaming angrily and crying its eyes out. cue the ice cube throwing.
if it's in a good mood it'll usually be Very smiley and giddy and will act like some happy-go-lucky children's show protagonist but like, in a chaotic sort of way. like idk. a Gremlin. she gets compliments for it sometimes which she revels in bc she Loves attention.
if it's in a bad mood it'll close itself off from others and just hide in its room all day. piss it off and it'll punch your fucking face in.
she still likes cake. its a comfort food of hers, actually, so like when she's sad expect to see her chowing down on some double chocolate cake or something.
orel is So proud of her for how far she's come to the point where he cries sometimes bc she just. speaks like she's always spoken, if that makes sense. he's very supportive of shapey!!
shapey's still struggling but it's on its way to recovery and it's surrounded by people who love it and accept it for who it is :)
also she's not a fucking cop.
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brightgnosis · 1 year
On the Pentacle vs Pentagram
⭲ "Pentagram" just means "5 Pointed Star" in the same way that the Hexagram refers to the "6 Pointed Star" (also known as the "Star of David" when used for specifically Jewish symbolic purposes).
⭲ "Pentacle" properly refers to any magical symbol or sigil contained inside a circle ... The Pentagrammic Pentacle (or specifically the 5 pointed star, the "Pentagram", encircled) is only the most commonly identified Pentacle within modern Paganism, Witchcraft, and the Occult because of Gardner's accidental conflation of the two during the 21st century Revival and people's subsequent inability to re-separate them properly.
Both are not wrapped in an encompassing circle, and one does not mean "inverse" while one means "upright" -- aka the "Satanist Symbol" vs "Wiccan Symbol". They are, flat out, two different things entirely. They also have two completely different meanings and uses within Magic, Witchcraft, Paganism, and the Occult (sometimes multiple different meanings, depending on the tradition).
Furthermore and most importantly: Wiccans do, in fact, use the inverse Pentagrammic Pentacle often labeled "Satanic" all the time -- and Satanists also use the upright Pentagrammic Pentacle often considered "Wiccan" (or "normal" or "acceptable") as well without issue ... What direction the Pentagrammic Pentacle is pointing doesn't inherently correlate with a particular faith itself, but with the magical purpose, intent, and meaning being utilized in the moment.
Though yes, the two faiths do tend to prefer one version of the Pentagrammic Pentacle (inverse) over the other (upright) in order to distinguish themselves from one another in public whenever they choose to use the same symbol as a religious identifier. But they use the same symbol for very different reasons.
This idea that "one expression (the inverse) is inherently Satanic and the other (upright) is not" --- and that the inverse is the Pentagram while the upright is the proper Pentacle --- is largely nothing more than a lie we've created to make Wicca more palatable to mainline conservative Evangelical Christians in the wake of the Satanic Panic of the 1980's ... It was never true, and it's blatantly inaccurate misinformation on multiple levels. It needs to end finally.
This is my own compiled research on the topic from a multitude of sources, from my own Book of Shadows. I am happy to share my sources, but if you found this helpful or interesting, please consider Tipping or Leaving a Ko-Fi (being Disabled, even $1 helps); you can see my other "Original Content" here.
This account is run by a Dual Faith «(Converting) Masorti Jew + Traditional NeoWiccan» & «Ancestral Folk Magic Practitioner» with 20+ years of experience as a practicing Pagan and Witch. If that bothers you, don't interact.
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mental-mona · 2 years
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
At the risk of feeding a troll, I will simply say that I have never heard of them, and have no problem with them as long as they have no problem with me. Jews don’t do the whole proselytizing thing, so let them believe what they feel is right. Pro-choice and openness to LGBTQ+ is always nice. As I have posted multiple times before, Judaism’s approach to abortion is “it’s sometimes required or at least permitted, ask a halachic authority about your particular case if it’s unclear,” and what branch of Judaism you follow will be a major determinant of what you consider the Jewish approach to LGBT issues. Don’t give me the “we’re trying to erase the Torah with witchcraft” or any other trollish antisemitic comment, and I’m happy to enjoy my religion while they (and you?) enjoy theirs.
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olliethevampire · 8 days
🌹🕸Introduction Post🕸🌹
𖤐 My Name Is Oliver or Ainzel
𖤐I am a minor, and I will not be disclosing my age for personal reasons but I'm above the age of 14
𖤐This will be a mainly art account - ‼️My art can sometimes be slightly gorey/dark
𖤐I am autistic | and I'm medically diagnosed with BPD and depression | I'm Disabled physically | Do NOT use fonts as my screen reader cannot read them
𖤐I take art requests sometimes |
𖤐I'm a satanist, If your not okay with that just ignore my account, I respect and welcome all religions but if you cannot do the same then just let me be!
𖤐───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───𖤐
🌹My Interest: BSD | Honkai | Genshin | Series Of Unfortunate Events | Heavens Official Blessing | Vampires | Historic Events
🌹Hobbies: Skateboarding | Drawing | Reading | Pet-Sitting | Volunteering
𖤐───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───𖤐
♡🕷 DNI 🕷♡
♱: Dream SMP supporters, Homophobic/Trans phobic, Pro-shippers of any kind (You'll be immediately blocked), Israel Supporters, Hypercritical people, 21+, Racist, Sexist
♡🕷 BYF🕷♡
♱: I have a hard time processing things so I might need a in detail explanation, Like stated before I am a satanist, I'm autistic/I have really bad anger issues.
𖤐───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───𖤐
✧Carrd link:
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rings-of-darkness · 5 months
A Voice in the Shadows: Abortion Rights in North America
Author: Damien Harker | Submitted: 23, September 2023
Greetings, fellow seekers of knowledge and empowerment. Today, I wish to delve into a topic that has garnered much debate and attention in North America—the crucial issue of abortion rights. As someone who embraces the Satanic philosophy of individualism, I find myself standing firmly in support of a woman's right to choose, while also offering a modest critique of the Church of Satan's stance on this matter.
The Satanic Perspective on Autonomy
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Satanism, as outlined in Anton LaVey's "The Satanic Bible," champions individualism, personal freedom, and the rejection of arbitrary authority. It emphasizes the importance of making one's own choices and taking responsibility for them. It is within this context that I view abortion rights.
A woman's body is her domain, and her autonomy over it should be inviolable. In the realm of medical decisions, this principle extends to the crucial choice of whether or not to proceed with an abortion. No one, be it the government or religious institutions, should have the power to dictate such a personal and often complex decision.
The Church of Satan's Position
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The Church of Satan, while sharing many philosophical tenets with LaVeyan Satanism, has chosen to remain largely on the sidelines when it comes to issues such as abortion rights. While this may align with their broader policy of not taking a stance on political matters, I believe there is room for a more vocal expression of support for personal autonomy.
The silence on this issue from an organization rooted in individualism and personal freedom can sometimes be perceived as a missed opportunity to advocate for a critical aspect of self-determination. A more visible stance on abortion rights, in my view, would align more closely with the core tenets of Satanism.
Empowerment through Advocacy
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It is essential to recognize that advocacy for abortion rights is not about advocating for abortion itself, but rather for the right of individuals to make informed choices about their own bodies and lives. It is about recognizing the complexities of personal circumstances and affording individuals the autonomy to make decisions that are best for them.
As someone who values the Satanic principles of individualism, personal responsibility, and the rejection of oppressive authority, I firmly support the cause of abortion rights. It is a cause that aligns with the fundamental Satanic belief in the empowerment of the self.
In Conclusion: A Call for Individual Autonomy
In North America and beyond, the fight for abortion rights continues. It is a battle for personal autonomy, and it is a battle that aligns with the principles of Satanic philosophy. While the Church of Satan may choose to remain silent on this issue, I believe that individual Satanists can and should be vocal advocates for the right to choose, supporting the principle of personal autonomy that lies at the heart of our philosophy.
In shadows and solidarity,
Damien Harker 🌑🗣️
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radicalitch · 7 months
I’ve been taking a break from writing my novel because of my mental health. I’ve been trying to write less “high pressure” projects, so I’ve been working on a novella about witches and satanists, basically a reworking of something I wrote when I was younger, and yeah, it’s silly, but there’s something comforting and therapeutic about it, like watching an old childhood Halloween movie. also, it’s a space where I can CREATIVELY deal with my own issues and anxieties through the external vehicle of the MC, which is nice.
also, I’m giving myself a break from the politics and lore of my main project and allowing myself to be goofy and a little campy in this world building, which I’m enjoying. I have a hard time with not being “serious” with my writing all the time—like if I’m not working in the novel and putting social commentary in it and thinking about it in context of society at large, then I’m not really writing.
and, idk, I got into writing because IT IS FUN. Because I enjoy it. Because I find comfort in a happy ending and fun characters. And it’s my own complex, having to make it so “serious.” I’m working on letting myself enjoy my creative pursuits, and seeing value in my silly story about witches covens and satanists and running around town being idiots in love. Sometimes art can just be fun and enjoyable and I’m working on accepting that.
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boy-goes-silly-wild · 8 months
Notes for interaction! (Please read byf):
-This blog is NOT + will NEVER be a safe space for terfs/racists/homophobes/xenophobes/any form of bigot. If you align with any of these, please take a long hard look at the damage you're causing + reassess your life. In the meantime, get the fuck out. I'm a proponent of education/rehabilitation, but I always prioritize the safety + comfort of minority groups.
-This is an American-run blog. I post what I see, so often the information I come across will be tailored to American regions/environments/measurements/etc. Sorry.
-I am pro-landback!! That being said, I am also white, so I am not the person to come to for direct education about landback and/or how it relates to the practices I post about. I will reblog or link to posts about this whenever I see them, so feel free to tag me. I will also try to prioritize resources made by indigenous people (bearing in mind that the main purpose of this blog is to be entirely accessible as an entry-point for absolute beginners) so feel free to tag me in those, too!
-Sometimes I'll post about skills like electrical work or carpentry which can be dangerous! please don't attempt these with only the basic knowledge I post here! do your research + be safe!
-I'm new to all this myself. I started this blog because it was hard to locate beginner friendly resources on the skills I need. If you know better about something I post + it seems off to you, please let me know! I'm always learning!!
-I'm a (mostly) atheistic satanist. There's a high likelihood that I'll post things related to spiritual practices including (but not limited to) animism, witchcraft, satanism, + general paganism. These will be tagged when I remember.
-I do my best to include alt text on any photos! if I forget please let me know!
-I'm trying my hardest to keep this page free of resources which engage in/encourage toxic masculinity or cisheteronormism, but due to the nature of the skills I'm posting about it can sometimes be hard to filter out. If I post a link/recommendation to a resource that I think has mild issues/mentions of these topics I will tag it! If I post something that is offensive/cruel I may have no idea! please let me know so I can fix it! If you know of a creator who is queer-friendly/generally accepting + posts about topics related to my blog, PLEASE share!
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