#the l word generation q spoilers
ohnoballoons · 2 years
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[when i tell you this episode made me lose my fucking mind, i’m not joking]
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wlwgif · 2 years
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There's no point. Of course there's a point. I mean, she loves you. Of course she loves you. I can't be with her because I'm in love with you, too.
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Tibette changed my life in a way I can't explain, I've learned so much with them while I was just a baby gay that didn't know for sure what it meant to love women.. I'm 28 now and know that both of them messed up really bad, I couldn't see that with clarity when I was young, but I truly believe in growth and self-knowledge.. their both different people, it's beautiful see how much Tina learned and understood herself, same for Bette, that finally can see she's not the center of universe and people's choices matters. 13 years later here we are and how good it feels to know that they will be together after all, that love can survive mistakes, time and whatever comes through the way. I'm happy af and can't stop watching 1st ep, thank u Jen and Laurel, it means the world to me
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missdontcare-x · 2 years
not only did they bring Dana back they showed the flower
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It is just infuriating how they managed to break up Dani and Gigi. I’m so mad, like why?? 
First off how do you expect me to belive that Dani would leave before helping Gigi get ready, after being in a fucking car crash?! Like come on man! And why was my girl Gigi calling out of all the people Nat?? This writing is insane. 
Secondly, every time Nat came onto the screen I wanted to punch her. Like girl you had your fun and it clearly did not work for either of you. And where did that attitude from season 2 go towards Gigi? Oh and also almost forgot aren’t you poly? Like how’s that gonna work any better with Gigi than Alice. I swear when she was just smiling at Gigi in the car like 5 minutes after the break up I wanted to cry and punch her at the same time. Why did season 2 even happen when this was the plan all along?
Somebody must really hate Dani’s character at the writers room cuz she’s getting nothing but shit for the third season now. 
And I also don’t get the whole Dani Sophie Finley “reunion/friendgroup” thing, it just seems so unlikely but at this point why am I even suprised. 
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anonil88 · 2 years
Call me the enemy but I am a Tibette shipper.
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emily-in-crisis · 2 years
DANI NUNEZ being second choice in two relationships in a row is insane
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krakazooom · 2 years
Watching Tibette feels a little bit like coming home, and a little bit like watching a train wreck in slo mo.
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those-badass-reeds · 2 years
I don't generally talk much about Gen Q online, but I'm going to ramble about this latest episode a little. Specifically about Sophie because WHERE did that come from??
Like her song was good, no denying, but the whole epiphany about her having changed herself to suit her partners and finally finding her voice felt like such a joke to me. The final nail was when she mentioned having done the same thing while she was with Dani, because I recall absolutely zero instances of Sophie sacrificing or adjusting herself to accommodate Dani, but multiple times where Sophie bitched about something, Dani would then work to fix it, just to have Sophie start complaining about something else.
Heck, even with Finley (who I'm not even a fan of) I can't figure out what it is that Sophie was referring to. I guess that it was hard helping Finley through her addiction? And maybe she lost herself a little bit through that? Maybe I'm missing or forgetting something, but I just feel like it was meant to be a big, empowering moment for the character and I had no sense of where that was coming from compared with what we've actually been shown.
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ohnoballoons · 2 years
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Don’t worry, it’s just me.
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thundergrace · 2 years
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Meanwhile, one of the new characters will be make-up artist Ivy, played by Kehlani. Ivy will be working on Alice's (Leisha Hailey) show and be re-entering the world of dating after having a baby. "Kehlani brought so much light and warmth to their role as Ivy," says Ryan. "I hope you'll forgive Ivy when she falls for an unavailable woman." —Alamin Yohannes
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disneydatass · 2 years
Watching Finley kiss Dani even if it was in a drug induced sequence…
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ihopeudrownmore · 2 years
that episode was a lot, i'm still processing it all but is it just me or was sophie already putting herself first? 😭😭😭 sorry she just sounded narcissistic to me bruh
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myowndesertplaces · 2 years
It was nice to see Finley have a positive moment this season. If we want to complain about bad writing, and thin character development, no one has been asked to do more with less than Jacqueline Toboni. She is doing an amazing job when you consider her character is "golden retriever puppy who makes a mess, and then doesn't understand why you're yelling at her." They literally had her pee on the carpet last season.
But unlike other characters in the show, there isn't a single ounce of malice in Finley. She has hurt a lot of people, but it's never intentional. You can't say the same thing for Sophie, for instance.
So I'm glad Finley didn't destroy things for Carrie. The girl still has no clue what other people's boundaries are, but she means well.
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ballofmoss · 2 years
Me - my mummy issues aren't that bad
Also me - crying, weeping cause Carrie didn't abandon Finley at the bowling alley
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mills-regina · 2 years
i need alice/tasha and dani/roxy gifs please 🥹
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