#the laws of canon
networksupported · 1 year
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cookie9 is famous for not liking the narrators speeches and pre-skip button probably just turned him off,, in the settings,,, and the settings are dictated by the settings person and the settings person speaks directly to the player and also are shown to dislike the narrator-- ive connected the two dots i have
[cookie9 design by @/pilksus]
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Diavolo's 1987th death.. or 1983rd?
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kazenomegaminowanpisu · 2 months
Op boys when their s/o whispers I love you in their ears before going to bed
Warning:Fluff, SFW
Feat:Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Law, Ace, Killer
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—He might not even hear it, bcause he might be asleep after laying down in bed. But a smile escapes your lips and you lean down to press a kiss on his forehead. "I know you know that I love you" you lay down on your side and sleep.
—"oh, I love you too" he said, as he feels lots of emotions in his chest. Sanji will gently pull you his arms and he will start to compliment you, telling you how much he loves you.
—Zoro will slowly look at you with a smile on his face. "Are you trying to spice things up?" He said before he hug you tight. "Nah, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you" Zoro press a kiss on your head. "Even tho you didn't say it, I feel it"
—Will be looking at you with a serious face for a whole 10 seconds straight. "Do you think it is necessary to say that before going to bed?" He said as he took off his hat, laying down to bed. You turn off the light and sleep beside him. After he felt your sleeping, he pull you closer to him and hug you tight. "I love you too"
—"Oh, I love you too" he said, he might be blushing so hard at this moment. "Awww your turning into a cute tomato" Ace Look at you with an embarrassed face. Ace will then pull you closer to him and he will wrap both of you into the blanket.
—Killer will took off his helmet and he will look at you. He will gently hold your hand with a smile on his face. "I love you more, darling" he said pressing a kiss on your lips. He might hug you tightly.
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alfheimr · 9 months
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wachinidad · 2 months
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Me dieron esas vibras jajs
Extrañaba hacer curis de One Piece
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bumbleboa · 6 months
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small sketch study
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attyattlaw · 5 months
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one of these days ill make a poll on what wip i should actually finish
what an insufferable bastard
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tyxaar · 5 months
A compiled list of various severe crimes committed by one Mr Scar of the Good Times, exact counts pending. Cannibalism (Multiple counts) War profiteering Trading of Souls Grave robbing Fraud of multiple varieties Racketeering Arson (Like a lot of it) Unethical experimentation Acts of Terror Spiritual possession Contract killing Sale of human remains Ritual sacrifice Oathbreaking Violation of the real life Geneva Convention Deceptive marketing Kidnapping Desecration of a sacred place Whatever tf Area 77 had going on Insider trading Extortion Patricide Matricide Unsafe building practices Holy war Desecration of corpses Market manipulation Treason Tax evasion Murder (Lots and lots) Large-scale extreme vandalism Mass enviromental destruction Political corruption Identity fraud
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licollisa · 1 year
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In which Swapfell Sans is your mom friend.
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chenziee · 7 months
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Law gulped heavily, watching as the tiny, oh-so-tiny piece of paper moved weakly across his palm, getting smaller with every second as the edges burned more and more. There was barely anything left. Barely enough to hang onto any hope. “What are you doing?” Law growled, but he could barely hear himself. There was a hum in his ears, a white noise that didn’t mean anything, didn’t serve any purpose but to drive him even more mad. He refused to believe this. The paper had to be lying. There was simply no way, no way that Luffy lost. No way that his life was about to disappear, leaving behind nothing but a few specks of ash.
I (once again) commissioned the incredible @kagamiciel for this gorgeous piece to go with my fic Ash (from the Ashes of Life series) and I couldn't be happier with the result!! I mean, look at it, it's so so so beautiful 😭🤍
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komaneko-kun · 6 months
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The queen had always liked Feng Xin
bonus xianle trio silly under the cut:
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
Fandom is so nice to Jiang Cheng's inferiority complex because in reality every single thing he gets accused of is something Wei Wuxian is better at than him.
Jiang Cheng killed Wei Wuxian? Nope. Didn't even get close. Wei Wuxian's own spirits tore him apart before jc could even get there. wwx:1 jc:0
Jiang Cheng tortures people? We get two and a half rumours and a mention from jin ling that jc has 'captured' demonic cultivators before, but who is also apparently confident that just letting wwx run off will kill the issue even though those earlier rumours said ~no one who sandu shengshou captured was ever seen again~
The word jiang cheng uses when he tries to talk big game about 'beating the truth' out of Wei Wuxian's is a word that carries the context of pestering someone to do their homework. Doesn't exactly strike fear into my heart.
Wei Wuxian? Excellent at torture. A prodigy. Did you fucking see what he did to Wen Chao? Dude didn't have fingers anymore because wei wuxian made him eat them. He ripped out his hair, burned his skin off, and then stalked him for several days just to prolong the pain. He forced Wang Lingjiao to bite Wen Chao's dick off and then made her shove a stool leg down her own throat! 10/10, no notes. Absolutely horrifying.
Meanwhile Jiang Cheng's idea of torture is getting a dog to bark at Wei Wuxian for a few seconds. Weak, unoriginal, I bet fairy was literally wagging her tail the whole time. 2-0
Jiang Cheng made the entire cultivation world believe Wei Wuxian was up to no good on the burial mounds and ultimately orchestrated his downfall? lol. lmao, even
It's a big thing in certain corners of the fandom to really zoom in one one particular phrase at the end of chapter 73, where after wwx and jc have their staged duel to make the world believe they hate each other jiang cheng tells everyone wwx has defected and become "a public enemy'' or "an enemy to the cultivation world" or whatever the translation you're familiar with decided upon.
(As an aside, something I really like about this line is that the last half of it is almost exactly the same, like verbatim, as what wwx told him to say. like, the chapter is really hammering home just how much jc is speaking from a script here. wwx tells jc to say "今后魏无羡无论做出什么事,都与云梦江氏无关." and jc says "今后无论此人有何动作,一概与云梦江氏无关" the only meaningful difference is that he says 'this person' instead of wwx's name)
I've seen it said that this bit, the use of 'enemy' was said without wei wuxian's approval, that jc deviated from the script just to hurt his ex-shixiong for leaving him. And that this is what caused all the other clans to turn against wei wuxian. Regardless of if this is what jc and wwx discussed, or if jc had malicious motivations for it (considering my conclusions above, you can guess where i fall) it doesn't really matter, because the novel tells us when the clans completely freak out and become convinced wei wuxian is out to get them (though of course they've been wringing their hands about it since the literal day wwx ran off with the wen, months before jiang cheng visited) very neatly in chapter 75!
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It's when they find out about Wen Ning.
And how do they find out about Wen Ning?
Because Wei Wuxian took him on nighthunts! And they kicked ass!
...Wei Wuxian, my man, why are you on nighthunts??? Why are you showing off your incredibly cool sentient fierce corpse buddy, who is way better and stronger than all the other fierce corpses, in front of the whole cultivation world??
Whatever his motivations (extra money, maybe?? they were strapped for crash) I can only draw the conclusion wwx had already given up on appearing calm or non-threatening and didn't care if the clans thought he was a threat, because they'd believe whatever they wanted anyway. Which he seems to clearly be aware of the whole time.
Regardless, we know that this is what created the myth of the Yiling patriarch. It's literally when the title first shows up!
Even if you really believe jc was secretly plotting against wwx in chapter 73, he's clearly doing a shit job of it because nothing he said made anywhere near as big an impact as this. Flopped!
The other point people use to argue Jiang Cheng caused wei wuxian's downfall is Jin Guangyao's speech in Guanyin temple about how jiang cheng could have saved wei wuxian if only he stood by him. Setting aside that jin guangyao is trying to get into jiang cheng's head here, and isn't necessarily saying what he really believes (though it very well might be! who knows with a character like jgy. assuming he's always lying is just as misleading as assuming he's always saying the truth) the fact is, if you read the speech closely, what he's talking about is not the 'public enemy' line, he's talking about the bond between them. The fact that people wanted wei wuxian out of yunmeng jiang, because the two were too powerful together.
He's talking about that one time Jiang Cheng very publically kicked wei wuxian out of the sect!
Which, unbeknownst to Jin Guangyao, was in fact Wei Wuxian's idea the whole time.
final score: 3 for you wei wuxian, you go wei wuxian! And nothing for Jiang Cheng bye.
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sen-ya · 21 days
Sennnnnnn I don’t know if you’ve already addressed this before, but can we get a height check between the idiot captains??
Also also- I think it’s super funny that you literally made so much content you had to go and get a different website just to document it all out, that’s insane! Keep up the amazing content! Indulge your silliness!!
Two idiots over time!!
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Also also, tysm that warmed my silly heart 😭❤️
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kazenomegaminowanpisu · 2 months
Op boys reaction when their s/o calls them by their pet names infront of other woman
Warning:Pet names, Fluff, SFW
Feat:Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer
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—"oh sweetie, I thought I lost you" you said, He will look at you proudly and happy about that cute nickname you called him, as he continues to devour his food. While you were giving that lady the meanest look ever
—"Yes my beautiful angel?!" He said with a blush on his face, he couldn't hide his emotions, after that woman leave, of course you'll scold him for getting close into that woman.
—"what?" He would raised an eyebrow in mild surprise, pretending to be unaffected but secretly appreciating the way you called him earlier.
—"I beg you pardon?" He said with his eyes widened up in surprised. The woman he was talking earlier walk away while you sat down next to him. "Don't do that ever again" he said with a small blush in his face
—"Sorry but my wife is calling me" he said, standing up from his seat, walking away from the lady he was talking earlier. He Approach you and he pull you into a tight hug. "That's my girl"
—He will look at you with a smile on his face. "Who told you to take off your helmet?" He immediately put his helmet back on, following his Queens order. "Back off" you said pointing into that lady.
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egophiliac · 1 year
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ten minutes into the trip and already Leona's elaborate get-out-of-work-free plan has gone wildly off the rails. off to a great start!
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hana-san · 3 months
Posting this cuz it took my whole ass life to finish
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