#the leviathan of eden
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Chaos is about to ensure....
Please send help
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yloiseconeillants · 9 months
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Its show and tell in the Devils creche, where all the babies of the twins are raised and educated. The poor nanny for all the babies isn't ready to deal with all the goings on for them. I have a thought that my obeyme mc and whb mcs are cousins, and that Evie was the one to tell the others that Siobhan would be a great caregiver when they were away. Also featuring my designs for Hettie (Eden's daughter to Barbatos) and Alessandra (Eden's daughter to Phenix)
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spudbestdog · 1 month
Redesign of Leviathan, the first creation of The Presence before he met Eden, after proving to be hungry to exist with all other of Presence creations, he seal the Leviathan away.
It is based on the "Leviathans" from Supernatural.
First Appearing in season 7, "Meet the New Boss"
Tell me what you think it.
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tulip-simp-artist · 1 year
The Obey Me characters playing truth or dare (feat. My MC Eden)(Part 1?):
Simeon: Eden, truth or dare?
Eden: Truth.
Simeon: Hmm... What's something about yourself that you've never told anyone in this room?
Eden: Ah, that I'm Catholic...
Mammon: Nah, I call bullshit on that! For one I've never seen ya praying before!
Eden: I didn't say I was a good Catholic Mammon *sips wine with a smirk as Levi chokes on his drink*
Lucifer: *dying of laughter and absolutely loves Eden more*
Satan: I think Eden just made Lucifer's night with one sentence...
Diavolo: *chuckling* He's going to be riding the high for a while.
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kicktwine · 5 months
Eden’s verse: fulmination is expecting me to remember ramuh mechanics which I most DEFINITELY do not what is a surge protection and is it like lakshmi or aurum vale. where is my buffs list and why is it to the left and very small I swear i made it bigger. why is he a horse. Ryne,
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cosmoglass · 5 months
Fumito Ueda was inspired by… Gustave Doré's illustrations for La Grande Bible de Tours (1866).
I already knew that Shadow of the Colossus featured things from Genesis - the secret garden with its forbidden fruit (Garden of Eden) and Dormin is Nimrod spelled backwards (Nimrod was killed by Shem who scattered his body parts across the land of Shinar as a warning against idolatry). Is Lord Emon based on Shem? Do Wander's actions that cause Dormin to be resurrected amount to a sort of original sin?
@easternmind identified Gustave Doré's Bible illustrations on Fumito Ueda's shelf in this post, so I had a look at them, particularly the first 41 that are for Genesis and Exodus. The engravings show dramatic, awe-inspiring and destructive scenes in epic landscapes, which describes the look of Shadow of the Colossus pretty well. The ones that jumped out at me though were of Moses in the Bulrushes, and they did so for seeming like a story influence for Ico.
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The story from Exodus goes that Pharaoh put out an order for all male Hebrew babies to be drowned in the Nile, so Moses' mother placed him in an ark and concealed it in the bulrushes by the riverbank. The baby was discovered and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, and raised as an Egyptian. Apparently, there's also a similar story in Genesis that involves Nimrod. Nimrod fears the birth of Abraham who will be his downfall so he too orders the killing of all newborn babies. Nimrod and Pharaoh are both archetypal cruel and persecuting kings with stories that seem to be reworking some of the same ideas. In Ico, the Queen is killing horned boys and where Moses was placed in his little boat by his mother and then retrieved from it by Pharaoh's daughter, Ico is placed in his little boat by the Queen's daughter. Is the Queen killing all horned boys because she believes that Wander’s descendants are dangerous to her? Is Ico perhaps a prophesied saviour archetype, similar to Moses and Abraham? Children are also taken in The Last Guardian where they are a source of energy/power.
I had another look at Jacob Geller's video essay called The Decade-Long Quest For Shadow of the Colossus’ Last Secret and spotted a Doré Bible Illustration for Isaiah called 'The Destruction of Leviathan' that's very reminiscent of Hyrdus.
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I'm sure that many of my observations were made 15 plus years ago by people like Ascadia whose quest to understand Shadow of the Colossus is at the heart of Jacob Geller's video. If you watch the video, make sure you read the pinned comment below it - Ascadia's cousin shares the sad news that Ascadia died very young in 2018. Well done him for doing such good work analysing Ueda's masterpieces.
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bhrathair-a · 11 months
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Eden outright chuckled. He hadn't meant to laugh but to see someone as powerful and perpetual as Dream be concerned for him, well it did give his heart a warm flutter. He shook his head. There was a jovial air about him.
" Aye. Ah think so," he replied and watched him with his sea-colored hues. " In ma man form anyway...Don't ye have an appendix?" He asked and patted his shoulder in a friendly matter. " Yer funny, Dream, do ye know that? " He wondered if he should mention the flirtation going over his head.
@all-nights-dreaming continued from here: xxx
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jlinebeck · 6 months
FFXIV Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage) E3S Synced MiNE Clear: Sage (SGE) Healer PoV Game Audio Only
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i-bring-crack · 5 months
No one would be ready for Adam and Eve being portrayed as little kids in the media instead of the usual two adults.
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
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The forbiden fruit never falls near its tree. Espeacially when said tree is forever gone....
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With that introduction l'll gladly explain whats with this.
So this is my secondary and more representative sona Fox or Fruit,they were planed originaly more to be more representative of my being and to be used more to vent when i felt like or needed to.
(This is what sound inside my head while thinking on them and while i was doing this drawing)
Tho that purpose of being used to vent is more likely blured and not that present is still there,i decided to aling crows backstory as a fallen seraphin that became the leviathan of eden or the snake that protects the forbiden tree.
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Fruit is the tree wich makes the forbbiden fruits but afther the succes of the og sin the tree was struck by a holy lightning and got burned to almost its roots.
Fruit was burned in join with its original body,and when the fire decipated what was left were only the thick burned savia of the tree that resembled ink due to its darkness.
Most part of fruit bodys was now made of that savia wich also fell for their eyes,nose and mouth,said savia can change colors when emotions are strong enough as well can be used as actual ink tho is water prof and is permanently sataying on were is placed.
Fruit still has the ability to create plants through its body mostly spikey vines by shapeshifting its tail,hand or wings,also can create flowers,tree brances or leaves and most importantly fruits with unusual and magical properties that can be good or bad
Their eyes are blank white but can formulate pupils or iris by changing the color and shape of them,somethink similar can be aplied to the savia but that is used unfrecuently.
Fruit is slightly more energic than crow and a bit to much impulsive,they are easily angered if they feel threatened or are anoyed by something or someone,they ofthen talk without thinking much,also they are kinda...insane.
Tho this is more to the inside or close people,in actuality they are quiet and can be a very shy and anxious person that prefers silence and peace or be alone over to be with many people.
They try their best still and despite not being the most pleasent person to be around they to don't be anoying to others as best they can.
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manga4ever5349 · 2 years
Obey me!
Leviathan x Felicia (family life)
When their son is as Hyper as their mother:
Felicia: Who do you think Aamon are more alike in personality? me or you?
Leviathan: what do you mean? Obviously me.
Felicia: Yeah he look like a copy of you but I-
Aamon: Somebody gave me fire! *runs past them holding an sparkler*
Leviathan & Felicia: ...
Leviathan: You, he got your personality. *sighs*
Felicia: One of four, not bad *smiles*
Leviathan: You are not getting anymore children. 4 are enough.
Aamon: Weee! *runs past them again*
Leviathan: AAMON STOP! If run with the sparkler you can hurt yourself! *Strict parent voice*
Aamon: NEEEVEEERR!! *He laughs hysterically stick out tongue at him*
Leviathan: ....?! Come back here! *he starts cheased Aamon*
Felicia: *laughs* I love this fucking family.
With inspiration from this on TikTok :
First run was Aamon then Felicia.
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When the twins are thinking food, but the Leviathan's are sinning instead. Honestly just both Leviathan's finding out that Evie and Eden were teenaged hercules who are absolute units compared to the other students makes me laugh.
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tulip-simp-artist · 1 year
The Obey Me characters playing truth or dare (feat. My MC Eden)(Part 2):
Asmo: Mammon, truth or dare~?
Mammon: Dare!
Levi: Like that has worked out for him thus far lol
Mammon: Shut up would ya?!
Asmo: Oh~ Mammon I dare you to sit on Eden’s lap!
Eden who is already sitting on Diavolo’s lap from a previous dare: Are we planning on sticking everyone on Dia’s lap?
Mammon: *a blushing mess* I- uh...
Diavolo: *laughing* The more the merrier!
Mammon: Well- ‘m just gonna... *sits on Eden’s lap carefully and realizes he has definitely had too much alcohol to agree to this so easily*
Beel: *whispering to Belphie* What type of threesome is Asmo trying to set up here?
Belphie: *hits Beel’s chest* Hopefully none.
Solomon: Asmo, dear, weren’t you the one who dared Eden earlier?
Asmo: Yep~
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agreenroad · 2 months
Antediluvian Period Civilizations; Huge Stone Structures Found All Over The World, From Before The Great Flood
ANTEDILUVIAN PERIOD DEFINED IN MANY BOOKS Wikipedia; “The antediluvian (alternatively pre-diluvian or pre-flood) period is the time period chronicled in the Bible between the fall of man and the Genesis flood narrative in biblical cosmology. The term was coined by Thomas Browne. The narrative takes up chapters 1–6 (excluding the flood narrative) of the Book of Genesis. The term found its way…
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