#the link is pinned on my blog :)
decaf-lesbian · 1 month
everyone please read this and share if you can.
Brazil is going through one of the worst climatic crisis ever seen.
i live in the southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul. we have been suffering from extreme, nonstop rainstorms for a week now. the rivers are flooding, reaching 4-6 meters above their natural level. people are being rescued by helicopters, neighborhoods are being evacuated. entire cities are slowly but surely becoming submerged in water. 60 people missing and counting. 32 deaths and counting.
and this is not new. last november also had a flood like this one. 50 dead, many material losses. it happened again this january, with thousands being left without power or water for days.
three catastrophical disasters within less than a year. three disasters only a few months apart.
this is not natural.
unsustainable agricultural practices and politics led to this. a complete disregard for nature led to this. greed led to this. always greed.
when it comes to the climate crisis, i cannot stress this enough: we need to act now if we still want to live. disasters like this are going to happen more often and they're going to be much, much worse. this flood is being considered the worst climatic catastrophe in the history of my state. i don't know how long it will take for another bigger one to happen and take its place. i just know it will be sooner than it should.
links to donate (if you can't donate, sharing already helps a lot):
link for non-brazilians (paybox)
link for brazilians
pix assufrgs
updated links are on the pinned post on my blog. in the meantime, pray for us.
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eldritchdilf · 5 months
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I better not get fucking flagged for this
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fieryvoid-scout · 2 years
Zenos Boba
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william-snekspeare · 14 days
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comfort zone
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knaccblog · 9 months
Rescuing Aziraphale isn't what makes Crowley happy, not really. He doesn't want him to be in danger in the first place. He wants him safe. He wants him happy.
But he does like having an excuse to take care of him, to protect him, to dote on him in a way that's safe, acceptable and would be honestly illogical to turn away. Like Crowley walks into that church, burning his feet all the way and Aziraphale nearly shoos him away? (Because of the fight all those years ago, because he must be in league with these Nazis) But Aziraphale is in actual, real danger of being discorporated, of being sent back to heaven for who knows how long, so how can he actually reject Crowley's offer to protect him, right?
So every time Crowley does this, the whole "gallant knight swooping in to save Aziraphale from his own follies" thing, it's basically completely irrejectable, safe love Crowley can offer up to Aziraphale with no fear of rejection or overstepping the invisible line between them. Aziraphale can say "you go too fast for me, Crowley" a hundred times in so many varied ways and Crowley accepts this but he's never going to reject Crowley's love when it comes to him as a hand pulling him free of oblivion. That's what Crowley likes. Being able to love Aziraphale in a way that he knows will never be rejected.
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thebramblewood · 2 months
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Exciting news: I now have a story page and a characters page! They're pretty basic at the moment, but I'm hoping to think of some fun stuff to add later. For now, you might find a few new nuggets of insight in the character bios! I just wanted a cute little hub for readers new and old to find everything they need in one place. Let me know if you think anything (or anyone) major is missing or if you notice any errors. Here are all the character portraits. Aren't they cute? And thanks to @buglaur for the incredibly easy to modify template!
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theprideful · 1 year
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people like this exhaust me to no end. if artists asking for a little help getting visibility and traction for art that you enjoy and downloaded bothers you, then you don’t actually respect artists or the work, you just want the final product. believe it or not artists are not here at your beck and call to entertain you and then be tossed aside when you’ve gotten your fill. im not even asking for money or for you to tell your friends who made your phone wallpaper. im not asking you to make a post and link my socials or anything. im just asking for a simple reblog. there’s really no work required at all, im not even gonna know if you don’t reblog it and did save it, because it’s just a courtesy thing. but you just had to announce it anyway because you wanted to make sure i knew that you don’t respect my wishes for the people who like my art to support a starving artist with the click of a button while i’m making free content for you to enjoy. (and don’t get me wrong, i wouldn’t share my art if i didn’t enjoy it, but the support and feedback are my lifeline.) if you can’t respect my asking for a single reblog enough to even pretend you care by scrolling on by, then i don’t want you interacting with my content anyway. begone
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 10 days
A Personal Post
Hi guys, I'm finally making the post I kept telling myself and my best friends I'd make but wanted to put it off until I felt better. That hasn't happened and with how things are going I thought it was best to just post it now.
So for a while, since probably late 2023, I've felt less like my blog is for me, and more like it's some kind of fandom archive. Which, if you use it this way as-is, great! I'm glad my blog could make you happy like that! But that's not what I set out for it to be.
I'm the sort of neurodivergent person who likes to categorize things, including my interests. All my tumblr blogs are specific to one thing, and this one was no exception.
I began tagging things soon after I made the blog because I saw a lot of people were sad about the twins, and I thought "well since I love both sad and happy stuff, and I'm really good about categorizing things, maybe I can try and help!" And according to many, it did help!
But I think that also gave off the impression that I was making this blog for other folks, and that isn't the case. I'm sorry I never clarified. It's not an archive; I do not reblog shipping posts, posts from people I've blocked, AUs I don't click with, and sometimes just not everything I see.
I've gotten popular in the fandom, and for the most part I do, from the bottom of my heart, enjoy it. I have people who care about my hyperfixation! That's amazing! I have people who love my cosplay and want to meet up with me. I've made so many friends of all shapes and sizes and it's probably the most incredible thing I've ever experienced, truth be told.
But yeah my blog being mine has gotten away from me a bit, I think.
I want to keep tagging my submas tags, that isn't going to change. I will tag triggers when asked, unless it's kind of impossible due to the blog's subject (trains, for instance) or a name or really common word (like the word 'head' or something). Other than that please reach out and I'll do my best to remember. But other tags? Those will be up to me. I don't want to tag when OCs show up. I love OCs and like seeing them, and don't want to have to remember that one person who visits my blog doesn't.
I had anon off for a while because honestly ever since making this blog, there have been anons who really made me unhappy. (Also yes, non-anons but that's been fewer and far between). I've gotten misinformation, accusations, horrible and disgusting explicit asks, and criticisms and complaints, and I'm just... Not here for that. Keep the explicit things and misinfo out of my inbox, I am no arbiter of morality or personal decisions, and I am not here for you to share your negative opinions of submas or the fandom.
Anon is on for people who are too self conscious to chat face to face, for people to send fun headcanon ideas (remember when people did that back in 2022 when this blog started? I miss that, it was sweet and wholesome), to share song recommendations... That kind of stuff. If you have an actual problem, please, PLEASE talk to me off anon, whether that be DMs or a non-anon ask that I can answer privately. Especially if we're friends; please, please just talk to me about stuff. I don't bite! I swear!
But yeah the bottom line is I'm here to participate in fun (and sometimes heartbreaking!) fandom stuff. I'm here for FUN, not as my job. I know that we're all a bunch of neurodivergent folks and sometimes interactions can be a swing and a miss, but please try to be mindful. Please treat me like a person and not just like a museum curator for this blog.
Truth is, I haven't been okay for a while now. It's gotten worse this year for sure, and due to life stuff I cannot see things feeling better for me for some time. I need to go day by day for a lot of things, and I am trying to get better about needing to set boundaries and all that sort of thing. I suffer from intense paranoia too, and having so many eyes on me is genuinely terrifying at times. I'm trying to manage that as best I can, but I do ask that folks be kind.
NO I am not going anywhere, my blog is staying and will continue on as normal, but I really, really needed to get this posted.
Please continue to interact with me and chat and everything like that! But also please remember to treat this space, my blog, as my space. Thanks for reading!
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ninjasmudge · 18 days
hey anyone following me for art
i have a blog called @sharks-art which is where all the art gets reblogged, no shitposts, no other fandom stuff, so if you want to get notifications for my art only, you can stick them on for @sharks-art and youll only see the art posts ✨👌
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mcflymemes · 9 months
LINKS TO SOME OF MY POPULAR ROMANCE MEMES feel free to like this or reblog this and use it as reference!
budding romance
new intimacy prompts
the romance of hands and touch
forbidden love
the morning after
types of kisses
spending the night together
ex lovers
flirting prompts
friends with benefits
most romantic things to say
post breakup makeups
will they, won't they
intimate pillow talk
"i accidentally told you i loved you"
playful affection
starry-eyed soulmates
lots and lots of yearning
intimacy under the covers
first date
things done while dancing
"there's something special about you"
playful affection
"we constantly flirt every time we meet but it's never gone anywhere"
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thatmooncake · 1 year
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It me! Hello and welcome - hope you enjoy your stay 💖
Current fixation: FNAF (Sun and Moon in particular but I love all of the characters)
Don’t be shy, I joined this fandom to share the love and interactions make my day!
(I can also be found on Twitter and Insta with the same handle but I’m a little more active on here for the most part!)
Note: If you sent me an ask and I didn’t respond I may (a) not have seen it, (b) have forgotten to say something (and/or now a lot of time has passed since the ask was sent), (c) be hoping to draw something for it and possibly got waylaid (yes even months later sometimes), or (d) I am hanging it up in my inbox like a beloved fridge drawing! <3
I shouldn’t have to say this and yet here we are: Anon hate will be blocked on sight. If you’ve got a problem or a hot take you won’t even put your name behind, you’re better off hitting unfollow/block and going about your day. I won’t be publishing your ask or responding to it or sparing it any thought. No exceptions. ✌️
Ko-fi and commission info
Art fight
DCA friend pick up discord server (DCA server for making friends)
Platonic DCA enjoyers discord server (Star Bench)
2024 DCA fanzine (in the works)
Art tag
Writing tag
Analysis/Thoughts tag
Asks tag
Caged moon (does this count as an AU? Lmao)
Moonshoe crab (Moon but he’s a horseshoe crab - small critter, likes to burrow and eat carrot slices)
Magical Mascots (theme park AU - shared with @flinxypie 💖)
Therapy Bots (therapy bots AU - shared with @flinxypie 💖)
Spider moon (that one comic where Moon can grow extra arms on demand)
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the-chains-cafe · 2 months
The LU boys (and Malon) work at a cafe and stuff happens :) (yup that’s the best opening up line I could come up with lol)
Heavily inspired by the Waitress musical (and literally every other musical in existence)
Art requests are open
If you have some ideas and headcanons for this au feel free to share :)
(Kind of important) Tags are:
#cc lore
#cc ask
#cc art
Dtiys under the cut
Dtiys challenge with Legend!
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Doesn’t have a deadline, if you drew something just tag me in the post, so that I can reblog it :]
Doesn’t need to have the exact background, exact clothing, just Legend baking something! If you want to include another character baking with him, go ahead!
Also, if you want to write something based off of this, please also tag me, I’d love to read it
Tags: #the chains cafe, #cc au
Um, yes that is it, if there are any questions, asks are always on and welcome :)
I love you all like a table :)) (I’m sorry I had to)
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pondhue · 4 months
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Hello all! I'm happy to announce that I am accepting commissions!
📧 contact: [email protected]
🔗 Click here to view my Terms of Service 🎨 Link to my Newgrounds Gallery*
*A lot of the work on my newgrounds gallery isn't R&M related but they do show what I'm capable of in terms of what I can deliver! If you're interested, feel free to send me a tumblr message or e-mail me (I greatly prefer e-mail though since it's easier to track). Please have refs/general idea of what you'd like ready as well!
Thank you for reading and I look forward to working with you!
- Pond
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oceandiagonale · 5 months
Generic Protagonist Masterpost
Part I: Contains Intro, SWSH run, General Worldbuilding
Part II: Contains PLA Run (Hisui Arc), non-plot-posts that I like
Part III (You Are Here)
Contains: the aRRRc, Ultra Flare Finale, Paldea(?)
The aRRRc (Reunions, Redemptions, and Reminders) 
reference of guzma's aprons lol
Part 1: Hiding in Po Town
Title Card
time travel has left me a sad and lonely man
normal times at the shady house: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5, plumeria outfit ref, part 3.75, part 3.8
cyrus and his little buddy
getting over it challenge level impossible: part 4, part 5
before he returns there's a bit: part 1, part 2
gee it's great to be back home: part 1, part 2, vidya meme
Part 2: Taking Care of Business
they say you can never go home again.
only semi-related; maybe they're right...
(In the meantime 1) (Flashback in the meantime)
Sycamore time!
Part 3: Well Well Well, If It Isn't Mr. Consequences!
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sleepanonymous · 8 months
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
talk about what's happening with taika. Take a few minutes to talk about it, at least acknowledged it. Stop talking about your gay little show just for a bit and think and discuss about taika.
it’s very funny to me that you are framing the genocide in palestine entirely around one guy who signed a letter. like you’re not even asking me to spread awareness abt what’s happening in gaza or anything you’re specifically just asking me to talk about taika waititi. which tbh does not seem like the most important thing to focus on at the moment. like yeah that was fucked of him and the gazillion other hollywood people to sign that letter. pretty sure i’ve talked abt that before, if not on this blog then at least on my main. more importantly tho here’s a post w info and links to stuff u can do to support palestine.
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