#the main downside is that you cannot talk about how you wish you could make fat characters without people trying to hop on and troll
bhaalsdeepbat · 7 months
honestly the best way to experience BG3 fandom is to split up between reddit and tumblr. tumblr is there for your in depth scene and character analysis, but reddit is there with all the lore and specific plot point details. like they're ON IT collecting canon info lmao
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eyesteeth · 1 year
fionna and cake e6 spoilers + thoughts on the endgame for this series
firstly, on ice prince: i think it's good for simon's development that he got to see this. but it could also be very bad if he doesn't allow himself to ruminate on it. ice prince spends most of the episode making simon feel like shit, because ice prince apparently conquered the madness of the crown out of sheer force of will, will that simon apparently lacked. and ice prince is living the life, having everything simon wishes he could have - the benefits of the crown with none of the downsides.
except, that's a lie. it's only until the very end of the episode is it revealed that he was actually broadcasting the madness of the crown into bubblegum, showing that this ideal cannot exist. the fun magical simon everyone claims to want is a falsehood. you cannot have the magic without the sadness and the madness.
what i find very curious about this universe is that it seems to run very similar to ooo. all the candy subjects are present, albeit mutilated by bubblegum's crown-influenced mind, and we even see a young ice marcy with the same axe bass ooo marcy has. so the simon of this universe had to have gone down nearly the exact same path as ooo simon, with a few exceptions:
he somehow had the thought to beam the madness away from him, implying he had help or some level of cognition or malice ooo ice king never had.
he and marcy are no longer on speaking terms (why recreate a person if you can just talk to them).
he's not obsessed with betty.
the last one of these is the one that stands out the most. the (outwardly) most functional simon we've seen so far does not care about betty. she died and he got over it. which leads me to my main thought about the ending of this series:
i don't think simon and betty should end up together.
their story is very much one of cycles, a loop of loss and finding and being lost again. simon has been grieving betty for decades, given how much finn's aged, yet simon never seemed to get out of the third and fourth stages of grief - he's cycling between depression and bargaining and seems to have been for a while. this is definitely not helped by being a normal man in a world full of magic when that magic can't even bring back the person he wants.
and if he does find her in the other multiverses, it wouldn't last. either she wouldn't be "his betty", or he'd become an anomaly just like fionna and cake, and would end up wreaking havoc anyway. he needs to accept that the woman he loves is gone. even if he somehow made his way to golbetty, betty's wish in the AT finale was to keep simon safe. golbetty is NOT safe, that's why she left so quickly during that battle. if he approaches her, there is no guarantee that she'll stay put. she could even boot him back to ooo.
much like his desire to get the crown and be magical again, his desire to find betty is founded on the falsehood that everything will be fine if he just has this one thing.
now, granted, this doesn't mean i wouldn't like to see him try. he is so dedicated to this line of thought that it's very likely he could end up regressing into ice king if they do manage to find a crown. that's the point of this kind of narrative, seeing the protagonist struggle and fail before eventually coming to the final realization. it's a story of grief and addiction, and those are never linear things. we still have four episodes left, and a lot could happen.
which, to that point, i think the marceline episode is going to be in the next batch, either e7 or e8. i am fairly confident this will be a world where either a) simon did not find the crown and died in the bombing, b) simon briefly spent time with marcy but died in an attack, or c) simon left marcy earlier and she ended up falling in with the vampires. her manner of dress in the trailer and promo image seems to suggest that this is a marcy who was either raised by her father and proudly wears the crown of vampire queen, or was raised by the vampires who were killing humans after the bombs. i believe this could only happen under those three circumstances.
this is going to be especially important for simon's development on two fronts. firstly, it shows that simon's time as himself was worth something. marceline is much better off having had his help during the years right after the bombing. even though he left in the end, what he did to help her prevented her from becoming whatever she is in this upcoming episode. and, secondly, it's a reminder that the marcy back at ooo is still someone he can talk to. just because she has a girlfriend/wife now doesn't mean that he's unwelcome in her life. it's the classic depression isolation, and maybe this realization will get him to break out of it somewhat.
also for future episodes, betty shows up in the trailer, and i'm willing to bet(ty) that this is going to be either e9 or e8, depending on how long simon's going to sit on this interaction and process it. i can see it being in the next batch if e9 and e10 are going to be the climax and resolution, but i can also see this betty scene happening in e9 and pushing him into regression and a mental spiral in e10, which is mostly him having a horrible time and the world of fionna and cake shaking up as a whole.
it's snowing over there now. maybe they get some earthquakes as foreshadowing to the breakdown simon's about to have. truly, who knows? we just gotta wait. but it will be interesting either way, i think.
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sjweminem · 2 years
do you miss your dad in a quantitive way? ive recently lost someone close to me and it hurts but you seem to be coping so well even tho its been years
i think a whole lot of it has to do with some of my own illnesses/disabilities (especially autism and SZPD), actually, as well as a severely trauma-ridden life..so i guess the """""""short"""""""" version (literally this fucking essay IS a short rundown) of the deal is this:
not only was i born with a predisposition for emotional scarcity, but also live the damage done by a life so harsh it just drains you of the more basic human emotions. i think that's why i'm so obsessed with math? everything is an equation to me. now, i loved my dad more than anybody on earth, but i don't know what "grief" means since i wasn't equipped with it, i don't think i know what it means to be "sad" (i'm recalling this old journal entry in which i said i was jealous of people who got sad, cuz like their mom died or they had a breakup or put their dog down etc. because my definition of the word "sadness" portrays it as a state of being with an inherent end-point, and good god did i wish i could be sad for that fact alone (i still have that journal, i can post that page or others if anybody wants, it's probably explained better there). the last time i cried was in drug detox like 3 years ago and that was due simply to the physical pain of opiate withdrawal. otherwise i straight up CANNOT cry, it's like i'm physically incapable of it. i think the ability has been taken.
it would make sense to cry over my dad, that exact moment while i was talking to him and felt life exit and soften the hand i was holding; at the moment we were looking each other in the eye and then suddenly..weren't. no tears; the mathematical equation had just been completed- when you become an adult it is the natural progression of things and has been for millennia. it made sense, it added up.
maybe, for weeks to come, it looked to others like i was repressing my Sadness (my WHAT?), that i wasn't letting myself Mourn (umm i don't think anyone ever taught me that ability?) but i'm still like that to this day. personally i just appreciate that i had him as a father, that he cared for me while my mother worked, taking me out for fun little adventures. i love that i had a father who so openly showed his love for me, was affectionate and never closed-off, and also he was brilliant and hilarious. moving on, i appreciate that the remainder of his life post-diagnosis was bright, that he moved in with us, that he and i got to be close again, that he continued with his passions. i hope you can gather past memories/positive facts to be seen through this kind of lens that eases your hurt.
i'm proud that i was the one to take care of him, driving him to and staying around for every single chemo session, sitting up next to his bed where he'd watch me draw in amazement. i'm delighted that the very last thing he felt while still a living human was my hand on his, that the very last thing he ever saw was my smiling face, that the last thing he ever heard was my voice. that's enough for me. i don't understand why i should feel hurt. i have plenty of "oh man i wish my dad could see this drawing!/hear about this stupid thing i did today!/etc but i mean..hey, i wish a lot of things! i wish i lived with mobius in a little house in maine! i wish there weren't so many dirty dishes in the sink right now! i wish my skin didn't get so dry no matter what i do why is it so fucking dry! i don't dwell. maybe the fact that i can't feel sadness and loss and whatever but am still able to feel love and affection work out in this case.
all that being said though, i wouldn't call any of this "coping well"- i just never HAD to cope. and i wanna make sure this doesn't come off as braggy abt how Strong i am or make you feel jealous for how i handled this loss!! like i come on here for people and content and i cuz i think i'm funny but the downside is it can project an inaccurate picture. like even if you've read the worst of the worst about my life and self i've cared to mention here over the years you've still only read the children's edition. if anybody ASKED for a real rundown i'd be totally fine writing that dissertation and pop some pics in for extra fun but i'm not the kind of person who whines all woe is me on their social media as if everyone cares lmao
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(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 7
part 6 here
Hello everyone and welcome back to this quasi-watchalong of Magia Record season 1! Last time, Iroha met a magical girl mercenary called Felicia, and the two ended up caught in the Rumor of the Lucky Owl Water. When our girls went to erase it, a cult group of weirdos called The Wings of the Magius stood in their way and got Felicia to join them promising the extinction of all witches.
Who are these weirdos? What are they up to protecting the Rumors? Is what they promised Felicia true? Et cetera, et cetera. Let's just go to the episode to find out already.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record S1 episode 7
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O-oh... what a way to start an episode, huh.
We get a look into what led to Felicia becoming a magical girl and, like most magical girl backstories, it's tragic. This is the reason why Felicia's obsessed with destroying all witches.
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Continuing from the previous episode, Felicia was taken to a subterranean waterway, that might be their hideout. Wait, didn't Kaede say something about a rumor of a giant underground empire some time back? She might've been right after all hahaha
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After walking a while, Felicia is met by Tsukasa and Tsukuyo Amane, two of the, uh, generals I guess I could say, of The Wings of the Magius.
The weirdo twins explain that their organization's objective is fulfilling the wishes of the Magius, whose objective is the salvation of all magical girls. See, so they are the ones behind the salvation propaganda.
The twins say their objective cannot be completed without the eradication of witches, which... well, is not a lie. Without the witchfication, there would be no witches. It's all fine until there, but then they're also protecting Rumors, who kidnap people, so... yeah.
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...uh, hey, Kyoko? What are you doing here?
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Back to Iroha's group, Iroha is worried about just letting Felicia go like that, to which Yachiyo answers it's fine because she planted a GPS on her... sasuga, Yachiyo. Why in the heck did you have that?
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"Am I being tracked too...?”
Yachiyo says this much is normal (no it's not), since she didn't trust Felicia to begin with, but Iroha just feels bad knowing Felicia's circumstances.
The trio heads towards Felicia's position and find the entrance to the waterway. Waiting for them there was...
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Chibi Kyuubei. For as adorable as he is, he manages to look even more suspicious than the original. And he only shows up when there's a rumor around, too! I don't trust him.
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Back at the underground waterway, Kyoko and Felicia are having a little chat. According to her, Kyoko only just ran into them too. She says that as long as she has Grief Seeds, food and a place to sleep, the rest doesn't matter, but she also seems to be aware that the WoM are fishy. Felicia agrees uneasily, but hearing that they might be behind the witches gathering in Kamihama seems to already have put doubts in her mind.
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The two have a meeting with the Amane twins inside the Rumor's barrier.
The twins explain the logic behind the Lucky Owl Water once again, and Kyoko says this
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There it is! This series' core. Funny hearing that from Kyoko, since I think she doesn't even know how right she is yet.
Kyoko rejects the Water and lays out her terms: as long as she can keep gathering Grief Seeds, she's fine with anything. However, the twins affirm that those are not necessary in Kamihama. Normally, I'd say these two are bonkers, but... well, we saw what happened to Iroha and Kaede. These two must know about that too. At this moment, a black feather comes in and interrupts their little show.
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Iroha's group was making their way through the waterway when the Amane twins block their way and, together with them, Kyoko and Felicia.
The Amane twins tell Iroha to do what they say if she doesn't want to be swallowed by bad luck and Iroha asks them why would they create that Rumor, to which the twins once more say it's for the sake of the Magius and their salvation. See, cult.
Yachiyo cuts to the chase and confirms they're here to battle, and the twins pull out something strange on them.
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So, yeah. There's pocket monsters, and now we have pocket witches too, apparently.
The twins called a witch upon our girls, which, according to them, they are controlling with magic. As the girls begin fighting against their familiars, Yachiyo asks the twins if they have any idea of what exactly they're doing. Tsukasa apologizes, but affirms that witches will be gone if they can realize their plans. The twins (literally) pull the rug on Yachiyo and Tsuruno and chase after them, leaving the (weak) Iroha to Kyoko and Felicia.
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Iroha gets whacked by the familiars and Felicia comes in to help. Iroha then once again dashes in her direction and they do a connect. Upon further thought, I think Iroha's assist is a booster in a more literal sense, since it turned Felicia's hammer into a rocket-hammer. My theory is that it's the same propulsion magic that makes her crossbow work.
Felicia's hammer causes a quake and one of the twins asks what's going on. Well, what did you think would happen if you released a witch in front of someone who notoriously goes berserk when they see witches? The twins might not be very smart.
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Damn, I missed a number.
Kyoko bounces too. She wasn't very convinced with the twins' vague talk of "salvation".
After transforming, Kyoko does her good act of the day, busting a hole in the barrier and telling Iroha to go on ahead. Iroha hesitates to leave her friends behind but obeys when Yachiyo tells her to go.
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With Kyoko guarding her back Iroha manages to make it out of the witch's p*kéball and into the Rumor's barrier. Like it's said, out of the frying pan into the fire. Oh and there's 7-6. I'm really missing numbers left and right today.
No Iroha, don't go chase the Kyuubei towards the light...! Just kidding. Iroha gets out of the tunnel and finds the Rumor's main body. She confirms with her tutorial mascot if she only has to break that, readies her crossbow and... gets swarmed by owls. C'mon Iroha, did you really think it'd be that easy?
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While Iroha's busy sucking at battles, Felicia's not having a better time with her reckless style either. Kyoko saves her ass and tells her she's not winning like that.
This whole sequence is just great in terms of animation, shame I can't really screenshot that T-T
As someone on a similar spot, Kyoko gives Felicia some advice, telling her she's a magical girl for her own sake; that's how it should be when she's betting her own life.
The two cooperate on destroying the witches, with Felicia bonking the whole barrier to smithereens. Nice job, rocket-hammer!
The girls go back to the waterway and the twins' Soul Gem is quite drained. Tsuruno tells them to stop already, but these two weirdos say that's just what they wanted.
Saying that they'll be able to show that Kamihama is a place of salvation, the two do the same thing Iroha and Kaede had done.
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Uhhh... if the salvation that the Magius is preaching is spewing out a witch from your body, that's already super fishy. There's no way there's no downside to this. This is Madoka we are talking about... right...?
While Yachiyo's group learns a shocking and disturbing truth, Iroha's busy getting her ass kicked. Poor Iroha
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and oh god, I don't think anyone would ever catch this number if they weren't pausing as much as I am to write this.
Iroha keeps getting wrecked by the owls, miraculously escaping unscathed thanks to the Lucky Owl Water. As the numbers keep counting down, Iroha starts questioning what happened to her back in the Seance Shrine. Uh, Iroha, is this really the best time to be introspecting?
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No matter how many times I see it, this scene still creeps me out.
While Iroha gets another round of spawning a witch, Yachiyo's group fight the twins', to no avail. Back to Iroha...
Oh no the witch talks now? Eek... oh, wait wait is this still Iroha's voice?
Not that the first thing it said is wrong, but Yachiyo's words really remained in a negative manner, huh? First in the Seance Shrine and now this. Iroha, don't go getting yourself killed trying to become stronger, ok?
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A-at least it's a bit cuter now... if you can call a witch that... rather, why did it change?
Iroha's thing makes short work of the Rumor and the Chibi Kyuubei peaces out. As if it wasn't suspicous enough, it turns into freaking water. Goddammit Chibi Kyuubei.
Iroha just lies there tired.
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Uhh... yeah, sure, if you count an eldritch abomination coming out of you as part of yourself, then yeah you did.
Like last time, Iroha's Soul Gem is pristine clean now.
Back to the twins, thanks to the floating water falling they realize that the Rumor's been defeated , then start panicking.
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"Someone", whose voice we're already familiar with, comes in to check on the situation and the twins apologize for their failure.
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Whelp, this is awkward. Hello there, Mifuyu. So you joined a cult.
Tsuruno gets really emotional. She runs up and hugs Mifuyu. who stops the Black Feathers from attacking her. Tsuruno's really glad that she's back and says they'll have to make a "Welcome Back Party" at her family's restaurant, but Mifuyu says she's not going back, because she's part of the cult The Wings of the Magius now. (couldn't they choose a shorter name for their group? Geez)
Mifuyu shifts her attention to Yachiyo and says she's happy that they went even to Seance Shrine to search for her; Yachiyo says it's thanks to the Kamihama Rumor Files (the notebook Yachiyo carries around) that she left behind.
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Yachiyo asks but Mifuyu implies she's the one that was left behind.
Mifuyu invites Yachiyo to join the cult but Yachiyo, obviously, can't agree with their methods. She questions if Mifuyu hadn't resolved herself as a magical girl but Mifuyu, like we saw in the flashback, really wants to be saved. Yachiyo's the only one who's strong like that.
Yachiyo says she'll stop her by force if she has to and they prepare to battle again, but Mifuyu uses her magic and has her group leave.
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Iroha's group leave the underground waterway (seems Kyoko has gone her way already too). Felicia tries to leave too and says she has nowhere to go back to when Iroha stops her and asks, so Iroha tells her to come over to her place.
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Felicia says she doesn't have to do that for her, but Iroha says she's doing this for herself, that she needs Felicia's strenght. Felicia argues that Iroha will get in trouble again if she's around and all the girls chip in saying they'll help her learn to hold herself back. (I'm not sure what this far framing is doing but I do like how it lets us see the body expression of all the girls at once.)
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Huh, weird, why is the screen so blurry? I can't type like this...
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Iroha apologizes for what they said and insists on having Felicia over, even if just for the day. Yachiyo comes in and tells them to stay over at her place instead.
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*sobs* so beautiful ;-; I wish I knew the name of the ost track here it's really pretty too.
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It really is Kyoko, it really is.
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At Yachiyo's place, Iroha's on the phone with her parents while the others wait for her to eat. It seems like her parents finally decided on where she's going to be moving to, and whatever they said was a surprise.
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There goes the last number! The Rumor's gone so this has to be purely for the sake of finishing the countdown, but I have long given up on trying to find the ones I'm missing in this episode.
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And there's the title card. Don't leave the episode yet, though, as there's still an after credits scene.
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To absolutely no one's surprise besides Iroha's, the place her parents decided on is Mikadzuki Villa, Yachiyo's place. Now, I did say that last number must be purely illustrative, but I'm inclined to agree with Iroha here on it being thanks to the Lucky Owl Water since there is no other way I can rationalize Iroha's parents, from overseas, managing to find the phone number of Mikadzuki Villa, that's not even doing boarding anymore, calling while Yachiyo's around to respond, making an agreement to let Iroha live there, and Yachiyo not even telling Iroha her parents called. So yeah, I say it was the Lucky Owl Water.
Felicia comes with Tsuruno and reveals she's also been living in Yachiyo's place. She's happy she'll be freed from living alone with Yachiyo and her "nagging" and Yachiyo tells her to clean up; Iroha says she's glad to see them getting along.
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“When did I turn into a mom?“
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That's a new type of bishie sparkles alright. Can all models do this? Is it like some special ability like Gabs' censor light rays? We'll never know.
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After the various types of ad, now we have spam too. Magia Record is actually warning us about the dangers of the internet.
...In all seriousness though, that's some mysterious text. How do they, whoever "they" are, know that Iroha's a magical girl? And most of all, how do they have her number? Guess this is going to be the mystery for the next episode. (Also, I never noticed this before but you can hear a veeeery quiet chime when the messages come in. Nice detail!).
- x -
Aaaand with that, we have concluded episode 7! This one also ran on longer than I expected and, surprisingly, managed to surpass the number of screenshots of all others at about 43 images. sugoi
I couldn't catch all the numbers this time, but the ones I did were: 13-12 with Iroha on the bridge; 10-9 when Kyoko "betrays" the WoM; 7-6 when Iroha finds the Rumor; 6 through 1 happen while Iroha's fighting the Rumor and the last 1-0 was in Yachiyo's magazine. With that, I'm missing 12-11; 11-10; 9-8 and 8-7, which I have no idea where they are. Oh well.
I realized partway through that it kinda seems like I'm dissing Iroha every chance I get, but I assure you I don't hate her. In fact, she's my favorite character! This is coming purely from a place of affection, and a bit of frustration at what the anime did to her character, so don't mind me, it's aaall good.
With that out of the way, this was episode 7! We are now over halfway through, with a buckload of mysteries and barely any progress being made towards finding Iroha's younger sister. Poor Ui, if you even existed. Tomorrow, we'll be watching episode 8, so I hope you'll read me again then. Have a great morning/afternoon/evening and see you later!
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moonflowercarnivore · 3 years
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @augustsippedaways
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a seesaw shape. your life focuses on different ideals and interests, often constrasting between each other. from one side, this gives you the ability to be adaptable and find solutions easily. on the other hand, you may struggle with balance; for example, you might find yourself dedicating your life to your relationships, neglecting your ego or viceversa. you need to learn how to harmonize these energies.
your dominant planets are jupiter, mercury and venus. you're an intelligent and open-minded person. you have strong morals, but you're also gifted with an amazing sense of humor. you may be quite poetic, skilled at writing, acting or speaking foreign languages. also, you care a lot about your looks and self-care in general, you're probably also fond of fashion.
your dominant sign is gemini. you are a very intelligent individual, you are thirsty for knowledge and you also have great communication skills. you have a witty sense of humor, you're able to make everyone feel at ease with your sympathy. people may say you're two-faced, but in reality you just act in the most appropriate way based on the situation you're in. you despise boredom, you're very experimental in your life, but others may mistake this trait for flakiness.
your dominant element is earth. you're a loyal and stable individual. you value longevity in your relationships, and that makes you quite picky. you can easily appear as cold, as opening up to someone you don't know well is too much of a risk for you. once you do, though, you'll stay forever. money and material possessions are important for you, as you understand that financial stability is one of the main qualifications in life.
🌎 ascendant in virgo, 2° / 1st decan ruled by mercury
you have a practical approach to the world. you’re kind of logical, it’s hard for you to improvize. you always want to keep everything neat and organized, at least in your mind. you could have a natural coldness to your face. you may seem a bit older than you are, or at least very mature and responsible, even though you may be more outgoing than you look due to your many gemini placements. with your attentive eyes, you pay attention to every single detail you see. you’re a perfectionist, and you always want and try to be at your best state. I would say you’re quite competitive when it comes to your goals, but you don’t really do it to be above others. you do it because your obsession for details kind of stresses you out. improving and proving yourself is a way to boost your self-esteem, you feel fulfilled when you can achieve your goals. you are extremely intelligent and logical, you’re always up for a deep talk or simply for an occasion to gain more knowledge. you like being smart, you always want to know about everything. even the latest, trendy meme counts for you. your nature is very cautious; you’re rarely impulsive, you always think deeply about your decisions, as you don’t want to commit any mistakes. because of that, you can be particularly picky. not only with material things such as movies, books, food etc. but even with people. it’s hard for you to open up to someone you don’t know at all. you take things slow, both in friendships and in relationships, just to preserve yourself. you may come off as kind of snobby, but you’re just misunderstood. you don’t like flaky bonds, you need security in your life. physically, as I’ve already mentioned before, you have this kind of strict look on your face. your eyes may be almond-shaped, and you could have a natural feline gaze. overall, you have something smaller about your features; you could have thin lips, a small nose, small eyes… you could have a smaller frame with thin bones, and you don’t gain weight easily. you may be of average height, and I’ve noticed that most virgos tend to have pretty long legs? no matter if they’re tall or not, their legs will still be longer than their bust.
virgo ascendant square gemini sun: this placement indicates that, when you’re in public, you tend to act in a different way from who you truly are. perhaps you’re shy, so you tend to hide your bubbly, talkative gemini sun with your modest, reserved virgo rising. this can obviously interfer in your relationships and bonds with others; some may expect you to be different, so you may often lose friends because you turned out to be more astute and strong than what they were expecting. in fact, you may often attract weak people that need emotional support now that you’re aware of this tendency of yours you can try to understand your real self more thanks to this reading, and start acting like who you truly are to get out of your shell.
virgo ascendant square taurus moon: you may have troubles understanding others’ real feelings for you. you may feel as if everyone hates you, like everyone is talking behind your back when it’s the opposite. you’re particularly sensitive about others’ view and opinion of you, you may get deeply hurt when people criticize you. you could have the tendency to act differently than you usually do, in order to preserve your feelings. this is obviously a toxic behaviour, that fills you up with your own stress and doubles it. due to that, you may become very moody and nervous, ending up hurting others yourself. or maybe, it’s the other way around; your feelings are so overwhelming that you can’t hide them, and that could put you in embarrassing, unpleasant situations. you may show all of your emotions on your face, ready to be read. yet, with your earth energy you don’t like showing yourself to others, therefore you end up feeling ashamed of your own emotions. the way to cope with this placement is finding someone similiar to you; someone who’s trust-worthy, and very sensitive and empathetic too. someone who’d never judge you for you think or say, and that would always help you becoming the best version of yourself. someone that understands you, without having to explain all of your behaviours and habits.
virgo ascendant square gemini venus: this aspect makes you more sociable and prone to interact with people. you’re also most probably very attractive, people are naturally drawn to you. the downside of this placement is that you may suffer from self-esteem issues, as you really care about others’ impression of you. maybe you’re a little bit clumsy too. it’s easy for you to gain popularity, but be careful as it’s not always good. popularity brings scandals too, so people you see in your everyday life could possibly start gossips around you. the good thing about this aspect is that you emanate loyalty, so you usually attract and choose loyal and trust-worthy partners. this placement may also bring issues and problems in marriage with your future partner, even though I don’t think it’s your case. your venus is well-placed, so I don’t think there’ll be serious problems.
🌞 sun in gemini, 11° / 2nd decan ruled by mercury and venus
with your sign in the mutable sign of gemini, you are a very light-hearted, chill individual. you're very bright and bubbly, you have amazing communication skills and also an entertaining sense of humor that is able to light up the room. you're very sociable, you like interacting with others, even though I assume that with your heavy earth energy in your chart, you find it hard to let this side of you out, especially with people you don't feel comfortable with. since gemini is a mutable sign, you most likely have tons of interests and hobbies, they're so many that you find it hard to keep up with all of them, despite being extremely good at multi-tasking. in fact, you're particularly intelligent and thirsty for knowledge. you like learning about everything, you love looking and being smart. it's your way to feel empowered and proud of yourself. you always need freshness in your daily life, you cannot stand boredom. because of that, you may often change your ideas, your hobbies, your favourite singer, etc. sometimes, you could even apply this to friends and lovers, and people may consider you unloyal or not much serious because of that. in addition, you get easily very anxious and stressed, to the point that you may seem dramatic to others. you may also get scared easily, even though you try to stay collected thanks to your taurus moon.
gemini sun conjunct gemini venus: you enjoy peace and harmony. you want your surroundings to look all neat and clean, and the same goes for the people you surround yourself with. you wish people saw you as easy to approach, even though you may struggle with your image. you try to be as formal and kind as possible with people you don’t know well, you're very well-spoken. you’re also particularly feminine, not only in your looks and manners but also in the way you dress. you’re quite romantic too, and dream of having a perfect marriage. the downside to this aspect is that because you take so much care of yourself, people may mistake your self-love for vanity, especially with your venus squaring the ascendant. also, your self-esteem may depend too much on others’ opinion of you; you may start thinking you’re ugly and unworthy of love just because someone told you you’re not their type, to sum up.
gemini sun conjunct gemini mars: with this placement, you may be even more straight-forward than the typical gemini. you are very impulsive and honest above all, you say things as they are. you don't get hurt easily, you're able to be very brave when you want to, and even if you do get emotionally hurt, you know how to stand up for yourself again. you strive to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true, you're an hard-worker. some may call you impatient, but in reality it could be just an impression. you are resolute, but your taurus moon also makes you patient, even though you could get easily excited. for example, let's suppose you're going to the mall to buy the playstation you always wanted. you'd start only thinking and talking about that playstation until you actually get it in your hands. also, this is a placement that indicates that it is hard not to notice you; you have a very strong charisma that makes others stare. you strive to be the number #1 at whatever you do, you're a serious competitor and you'd do anything to win and achieve your goals.
gemini sun opposite sagittarius pluto: probably during your childhood you couldn't make your own decisions. you might have been highly influenced by someone in your family, probably your father, and hence now you feel the need to have everything under control. maybe too much. you despise authority, you may even quite be rebellious at times. maybe your parents have tried to convince you following their religion, ideals etc., without giving you freedom. or perhaps, they are overprotective and avoid to make you have experiences. I imagine that getting rid of your control issues, which are caused by this sense of not being in control of your life, may be the first step to finally heal your wound, which is somehow linked to the relationship with your family and childhood experiences in general. start trusting others more, and don't be afraid of being 'fooled'. you're totally capable of understanding when someone is trying to hurt you, follow your intuition. even though it may be hard, even painful, it'll be the key to transform and overcome saturn's lessons to achieve your goals.
🌙 moon in taurus, 22° / 3rd decan ruled by venus and mercury
the moon is exalted in taurus, so it's definitely a good placement! you're very peaceful, you try to avoid conflicts when you can. taurus' most striking feature is that they crave stability, whether it's financial, in love etc. you must be very stubborn, as taurus is a fixed sign, this placement, paired with your imaginative pisces energy, makes you settle on making your ideas concrete, and it's very beneficial. it makes you capable of achieving any goals in your life. you're also very artsy, and you may fancy particular art styles. you have a good eye for aesthetics, and you care a lot about the looks of your house, body, clothes etc. you have excellent concentration, and that is another thing that helps you achieve your goals and make your ideas concrete. last but not least, you're amazingly patient, and that makes you a great friend. probably, they vent a lot of their worries to you, as you're also a great listener.
taurus moon conjunct taurus saturn: you tend to hide your emotions under a severe, strict mask. the way you approach others is influenced by your sense of defensiveness, making you lack genuinity. this comes from a fear of intimacy and dealing with your inner, deeper self. it's like you're hiding from your own emotions, so of course you will never be able to express them properly if you're not aware of them. to learn saturn’s lessons, you need to overcome your trust issues. find someone you truly trust and open up to them; it’s only a small step, but once you become more comfortable with someone else, you’ll start feeling better in your own shoes too, trust me, don't be afriad to be judged negatively. it will make you gain more maturity after sorrow.
taurus moon square aquarius uranus: while growing up, you probably felt like an outcast, and maybe you even earned strenght from it. your emotions are unpredictable, you probably have a reputation for being lunatic and changing your mind often. you're attracted to what's considered different, almost 'weird'. in fact, in life you're constantly seeking fun and excitement. you despise boredom. hence, you may change your routine often, especially in your early years. this placement also indicates a parent that was 'odd', or maybe unpredictable or even absent, probably your mother. also, since the moon is placed in the 9th house and uranus in the 6th, I feel like you could end up pursuing a different, unexpected career from your studies in the future.
🗣 mercury in cancer, 2° / 1st decan ruled by the moon
unlike other mercury dominant individuals, you don't exculsively rely on logic. you're very emotionally intelligent, and you take in consideration others' feelings when you speak. even though you may be impulsive and blunt sometimes, you don't do it with malice at all. you may actually feel guilty after you realize that you've hurt someone. you may be sort of manipulative, as you're very observant of others' behaviours. because of that, you may be extremely good at interacting with others, since you know how to speak to people when you don't let your impulsiveness get over you. you know how to persuade others, even though you may not even realize it. if you manage to balance your sun and your mercury, I think it would give you great social skills. you'd be able to stand up for yourself, while also being mindful and conscious of the effect of your words on others. you may get defensive quite easily, and because of that you may become a bit secretive. that's because, deep down, you feel the need to be understood to fully convey and express your emotions. you want to feel at home with your interlocutor, otherwise you'll just be awkward. on the other hand, you have a nice sense of humor, you're able to light up the room with your jokes. your voice may be nasal, but pretty much very gentle and melodic as well.
❤️ venus in gemini, 8° / 1st decan ruled by mercury
this is the flirtiest, most romantic gemini decan, but also the flakiest and most indecisive. your flirting style most probably includes jokes, teasing… stuff like that. even though you may seem flaky, as you like experiencing romance with different types of people, you’re actually quite picky. in fact, in order to fall for someone, you need to feel mentally attracted to them, not just physically. someone ignorant and stubborn that doesn’t care about learning something more definitely isn’t for you. you’re not the type to be super romantic and sweet with your partner or just people in general. you show your affection for example by sending them memes, making ironic jokes about them etc. also, when you’re into someone, you probably get very talkative! you start asking them simple questions about their life, even things like 'did you have lunch?’. also, you talk about them with all of your friends, and you find yourself thinking costantly about them. you’re very curious of nature, but you’re only interested in getting to know what catches your eye.
gemini venus opposite sagittarius pluto: you find yourself having crushes on random people often, love at first sight is common for you. but when you seriously fall for someone, they’re your only thought. you start searching for info about them online, and you wanna become a part of their life too. you love intensely, but not everyone may enjoy that. there are people that could feel overwhelmed by your love, others that would vibe with you and offer you the same kind of affection. ironically, you tend to attract weak, indecisive people that most of the times don’t want anything serious. you’re prone to get jealous and possessive very easily, and this makes you suffer, as you may think there’s something wrong with you. maybe, it may even remind you of something that happened during your childhood, perhaps your parents were also very protective of you. love for you is a constant grow; your relationships will be hard, but there’ll always be something to learn to improve yourself and your confidence. little side-note, you may often date karmic partners, aka partners from your past lives, so you may often experience this 'I’ve already seen you before’-vibe in your new encounters and relationships, and you’ll always learn something from all your relationships.
☄️ mars in gemini, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by mercury and venus
you’re driven by the sense of intelligence. your intellect is your greatest strenght, it’s your energy tank. you’re interested in a bunch of things, and hence you may have troubles staying focused on one thing at the time. you probably have tons of hobbies, and you may end up not being much precise since you have tons of things that you have and want to do. you can’t stand boredom, you need your day-to-day life to be exciting and, above all, offer you something new to learn and / or experience. you probably fancy being very active: you go out often, you workout, you may also be the type to love partying and things like that. you’re extremely witty and curious, and you want to live your life to the fullest. you may often change your style, your opinions, maybe even your personality, and that could make you seem confusing and / or unreliable.
gemini mars opposite sagittarius pluto: with this placement, I assume that when you were younger you were some sort of victim. you could have been bullied, for example, you used to be insecure about the way you looked and were. you could have felt different from others, and they took advantage of that to make you feel even more insecure. or maybe, it was a parent, or every authoritative figure in your life, that restricted you from following your own ideals. because of that, now you constantly feel the need to prove yourself. you probably tend to accumulate a lot of anger all together, which you need to let all out or you could explode. you could find comfort in physical ways to relieve stress, like punching bags, slamming doors, etc. or perhaps, when you're angry you just get overwhelmed by all of your emotions. you may cry, scream, even throw up in certain cases. on the other hand, you are extremely magnetic and attractive to others, you naturally draw people towards you. you're also extremely passionate in whatever you do, you put your whole heart in doing things you love. you're very hard-working and determined to achieve your goals, and I find this beneficial considering that your gemini energy tends to make one superficial. with this aspect, you're probably more dedicated than the common gemini.
🏡 houses, interceptions
your 1st house is in virgo. you appear as someone intelligent, possibly judgmental and critical. in fact, you’re a perfectionist, and most of the time you appreciate it when someone takes care of themselves just as much as you do. you’re also particularly pessimistic, and this could be annoying for those around you. the ruler of the 1st house is in the 10th house: your career success makes you feel realized and fulfilled. working is important in your life, and it is a great boost for your self-esteem. having a good reputation and being in charge, a leader, is one of your goals in life.
your 2nd house is in libra. you find beauty and aesthetic in material things; you most probably love clothes, art, music… anything that isn’t exactly a priority in life, but that allows you to express your personal taste, which is very refined. with this placement I's suggest that you should pursue a career that allows you to express your creativity, as arts and beauty allow you not only to make money, but also to increase your security and confidence. you could also spend money in venusian things like clothes, make-up, decorations and anything that involves beauty and aesthetic. the ruler of the 2nd house is placed in the 10th house: your future job will probably allow you to earn a great income, especially if you get promoted to a better position, which is very possible considering your placements. you could actually become the leader or boss at work. this is also another placement that indicates that you may work in a creative field, hence with arts or beauty. possibly, you could even do well as a lawyer, a judge or politician.
your 3rd house in scorpio. you probably love witty jokes and sarcasm. you’re extremely honest when you think and speak, and most of the times you have no problems expressing your opinions. you could possibly be very good with words and be good at convincing and manipulating others. usually this placement makes someone kind of mischievous when it comes to words, but I think that with all the jupiter, influence in your chart and your well-aspected mercury, you’re able to control this in order not to hurt others. your mind is very deep, you’re probably not really into small talks. you may also love anything that is considered taboo, like astrology, horror, nudity, death… you’re also quite secretive, you’re seen as an enigma. you don’t want to share much about you. last but not least, you value honesty above all. you only speak the truth, and hence you also want it back. you may as well be into conspiracy theories, science and anything that can expose what’s behind the universe, the government etc.
your 4th house is in sagittarius, with also chiron and pluto placed in this house. you could come from a foreign place, or perhaps you moved houses a lot during your childhood. perhaps, you have someone in your family that is from a different culture or religion from yours, or perhaps they're able to speak more than one language. your parents could have been very successful at school, they could actually be professors. you might've always been a smart kid, you could've grown up learning more languages and you were most likely good at school too. you also got to make lots of experiences during your childhood, you might have travelled a lot. your relationship with your family is most likely very intense, but not necessarily good. it could be that your parents were quite overprotective of you, you felt judged and restricted from acting the way you wanted. or perhaps, they were emotionally distant, your childhood lacked affection. maybe, they could have also been physically distant, it could be that they had to travel a lot for work and hence you felt lonely. you probably had to grow up sooner than other kids, and it could be that you first came in touch with plutonian topics (drugs, spirits, sex, death etc.) at a young age. you were more mature from this point of view. the ruler of the 4th house is in the 9th house: this placement confirms what I've said above; you and your family may come from a different country, you grew up in contact with foreign languages, studying, philosophy of any kind and also different cultures.
your 5th house is in the sign of capricorn. capricorn usually brings a feeling of seriousness to the house it's in. in your case, I don't think you're introverted, as your heavy gemini dominance is all about communicating. but perhaps, you're not the type to frequent clubs, parties, etc. you're more serious from that point of view. your hobbies could actually drain your energy for you; let's suppose you're into videogames. you could literally spend the whole day playing videogames, as you take your hobbies very seriously. you're not the type to start a project and then leave it, you're very resolute. also, you most likely have 'mature' hobbies; you could be into politics, economy, history... you could be into slower types of music, for example, or perhaps you like reading about world issues. with your children you may be quite strict, as you see them as a responsibility. also, you may often be attracted or attract older or more mature partners. the ruler of the 5th house is in the 9th house: your hobbies may involve stuyding, reading, foreign languages... for example, you could watch movies in a language different from yours. you may also travel as a hobby, and you could often date foreign people.
your 6th house is in aquarius, with also neptune and uranus placed in this house. people with aquarius in their 6th house need to change their routine. probably, when you were you younger they taught you things that aren't healthy for your body and health. you may have to change your diet, your medicines... also, you may sometimes procrastinate in your day-to-day life. I don't think you do it often, you still have a strong virgo and earth dominance in your chart, but for example you wouldn't mind skipping a day of school or work to play videogames. uranus here also indicates that you may often come across unpredictable events in your daily life. you may often see strange, unordinary things, or perhaps it's your routine that is like that. you may lack consistency when it comes to diets and health, for example; you may start a diet and keep it for a month, then you get tired and drop it all of a sudden. you could also develop unexpected diseases.
your 7th house is in pisces. with this pisces descendant, you attract people that are pretty much your opposite; they could have pisces placements, or at least they’ll be extremely artistic and emotional. yet, you may as well surround yourself with 'broken’ people. that is, people that aren’t exactly in the best state of their health, whether physically or mentally. neptune, the ruler of this house, is in the 6th house. you'll most likely meet your future spouse at your work place. you could pursue the same career, they could be a customer of yours... or perhaps, you could meet them in your everyday life, and hence if you attend college you could meet them there, or perhaps in a gym, at the supermarket, on the bus, etc. any place that you frequent daily.
your 8th house is in aries. you’re probably very confident when it comes to taboo topics; you have no problems showing your interest in them, especially with people you’re intimate with. you may also be particularly sensitive to or even tame physical pain. you constantly try to improve yourself by coming up with new projects, you love challenges. they help you growing up into the person you want to become. you may come across some hardships regarding yourself, your identity. but, when you face those fears and start loving yourself, you’ll naturally become more mature and 'transform’. with the ruler of the 8th house in the 10th house, you may be known for your successful career, maybe you may actually get popular easily. this is a beneficial placement for people that want to be recognized/famous, as you naturally have the celebrity vibe and charisma to you. you may also prefer working alone rather than in groups or in an association. you could earn lots of money from your job, even though I don't see you being totally independent. you may work under a boss for example, or perhaps you get successful thanks to others' support, for example you could have some fans that help you boost your career. you may also open a business by yourself.
your 9th house is in taurus. with this placement, I feel like you may use your intellect to gain financial security and material possessions. while this is a good thing, as it helps increasing your confidence, don’t forget that your intellect is more important than money or any other thing. don’t underestimate it. you’re totally capable of learning and understanding things by yourself, hence don’t wait for others for help. you should start dealing with your own experiences alone, without anybody else’s help. you strive for freedom, you want to be your own boss. you don't want others to tell you what to do, but saturn here may make you struggle to achieve your individuality. perhaps, during your childhood, you were restricted from acting the way you wanted. it's like your ideas were disrespected, and you weren't allowed to embrace them, or perhaps you were afraid of the consequences. it may be that when you try to break free from what you consider to be a limitation, you may come across a few struggles that could possibly hurt you. luckily, this is an aspect that will naturally get better time with time as you get more mature. also, since jupiter is also in this house, you'll feel saturn's limitations way less. you may be more optimistic about this situation, or perhaps you didn't even realize that your parents were strict / overprotective for example. the ruler of the 9th house is in the 10th house: your job could possibly include travelling, foreign languages and different cultures in general. possibly, you could also a be a teacher, a professor, a coach… anything that allows you to give lessons. you may also be fond of higher education, and you may become a poet, a philosopher, basically a writer of any kind.
your 10th house is in gemini. you may actually pursue more than one career throughout your life! you're very flexible and skilled at multi-tasking, so you probably wouldn't feel stressed about it. perhaps, you could alternate a creative profession with a more logical career, like working in an office for example. also, you have all of your personal planets minus the moon in this house: the sun, mercury, venus and mars. you're certainly a future, career-oriented person. you're hard-working and you'll probably be able to earn a great income from your job since you're so motivated. your suitable jobs should include communication and creativity at the same time; you could be a writer, for example. or perhaps, you could keep these two things in two separate jobs. what matters is that you use words in both of them, and hence you could even be a judge, a singer, a translator, etc.
your 11th house is in cancer. this placement indicates that your friends, they’re your comfort-zone. you feel understood when you’re with them, they’re pretty much like a family to you. you can tell them anything, you put all of your trust in them. or at least, if you haven’t met anyone like this yet, you’ll surely meet a friend that is like a soulmate to you. they’ll also be very important for your growth. in addition, it could also be that you're still friends with someone from your childhood or even high school days, and hence you could literally grow up together. you could also have some step-siblings. the ruler of the 11th house is in the 9th house: you could befriend people from a different country, nationality or culture from yours. your friends most likely come from abroad, they may be able to speak more than a language just like you do. they're also very open-minded and intelligent; basically, they're extremely similiar to you.
lastly, your 12th house is in leo. this is kind of a tricky placement, as leo rules the self, the ego, and the 12th house rules fears. you could be afriad of being too confident, of feeling worth it, or even just by being in the spotlight. perhaps, you have stage fright. this fear of embracing your persona makes you very insecure, even though you probably don't show it. also, since your 12th house is the house of dreams, you could often make dreams that involve yourself. you hardly ever dream of someone else, and if you they're probably your lovers, possibly your friends. you may also make daydreams or sleeping dreams of creative, utopic scenarios. the ruler of the 12th house is in the 10th house: you could possibly work in a spiritual field, for example you could be a therapist, an astrologer, a fortune teller, a yoga instructor, etc. or perhaps your job will include helping others. you could become a doctor, a lawyer, or even help others in more artistic ways. you could become a singer that heals people through their music and lyrics, for example, or a writer... you'd also do amazing as an actor or comedian.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract pisces, taurus, libra, aquarius, leo, sagittarius, capricorn, gemini and virgo placements. your future spouse will most likely have some of their planets in taurus or aquarius; they’ll be well-balanced, with a stable job and finances. yet, they won’t be too much of a workaholic, as they’re also most probably an homebody who loves relax and vacation as well. they could also have frequent mood swings, they're quite unpredictable. your chart points out that this relationship will be kind of unordinary; you may meet them abroad, most likely at work, or even during a simple trip. they’ll also be very spiritual, perhaps religious, or even psychic. your children will have aquarius placements, as well as capricorn traits too. they’ll be extremely open-minded and intelligent; they could be a bit rebellious, but in a very woke and revolutionary way. also, this placement indicates that you may get pregnant unexpectedly, so be careful to that.
👶🏻 family life
your mother was probably very outgoing, sociable and open-minded. she was probably very intelligent too, and she could have been a successful student. yet, she probably was too protective of you, she could have even been quite possessive. possibly, she may even be slightly violent. she probably has sagittarius, pisces and / or scorpio placements in her chart, as well as 9th, 12th and 8th house placements. your father, on the other hand, was probably less strict than your mother. he had a complex personality, but you most likely used to play a lot with him, you had fun together. he may have gemini, virgo, libra, taurus, aries, scorpio or leo placements in his chart. if you have siblings, they have scorpio or aries placements in their chart, as well as 1st / 8th house placements. you might have fought a lot when you were young, there were many control issues and your bond is very intense. you may have a love - hate relationship.
📊 career
luckily, there are many aspects in your chart that indicate that you'll be able to earn a big amount of money from your future job. it will most likely allow you to communicate your feelings, and it will also be the key to finally achieve a stable relationship with your self-image and worth. there are strong placements in your chart that point out to writing talent, as well as singing talent. you're just a very charismatic speaker, so I'd suggest you to take advantage of this natural talent of yours to earn money, luck and self-esteem. you're also very opinionated, and hence you would do well as a journalist, a judge, a diplomat, a politician, etc.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
I imagine you put a lot of effort into your outifts, yet you don’t show it. you want to look effortlessly good, you don’t want to give the impression that you tried. your style may be quite minimalistic and simple, with lots of jeans, sweatshirts, plain t-shirts… I see you being more into natural shades, like white, grey, beige etc. you’re also not very fond of using too many accessories, you’re stylish but still very simple. you have this natural charm to you, hence you still look good even though your outfits may not be too complex.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life time, you didn’t have a specific priority. you just enjoyed wandering with your mind and creativity, allowing yourself to relax with your friends. you used to depend on someone else, not really on yourself. this lifetime, you need to establish your independence AND solid boundaries, not just those you used to daydream about. don’t be afraid to let your inner child out; go to amusement parks, binge-watch netflix, date your crushes, have an hobby, play videogames… you could also play with actual children. anything that brings fun out of you, and that puts a genuine smile on your face. yet, don’t forget that this lifetime of yours revolves around accomplishing your goals.
🤔 major transits analysis / september 18th
a few unpredictable, possibly painful events may occur in this period of time, as transit uranus is in your 8th house opposite your natal chiron. there could be an unexpected loss of money for example, or even death. maybe also an issue surrounding your family life, or something metaphorical. something will happen that will surely change your view of things and will help you have a major transformation.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
your secret skills revolve around finances and just security in general. with a positive attitude, you may attract material luck: money, clothes, houses… everything that you desire. since you’re a logical person, I assume the most efficient way for you to manifest through the LOA is writing! take a notebook and just write down positive affirmations, such as 'I have the car of my dreams’ etc. you may also write them on post-its and glue them around your house, so that you can accelerate the progress. you can also try to idealize your wish before trying to manifest it. for example, if you want a new sweatshirt, try to imagine yourself wearing it. you could also go into a shop and actually try that sweatshirt it on; being in contact with it will boost the law of attraction even more.
and this is the end! thank you again for purchasing a reading, hope it resonated :)
check my pinned post to book a chart reading like this one! @libramc xx
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parkerparts · 5 years
Christmas Chaos & Confessions
Parkner Week 2019 Day One: “Road Work Ahead” / Parades / Identity Porn
Read it on AO3 here.
Peter loved Christmas. It was probably his favorite holiday, although Valentine’s Day was a close second. However, this Christmas parade shebang was sucking away a good bit of his Christmas spirit. 
“You know, I always thought Mr. Harrington was a bit odd, but I didn’t think he was cruel,” Ned said as he walked with Peter. 
Midtown had a float for the Christmas parade but a shortage of students who wanted to ride it. Mr. Harrington, in a charitable act, had signed the entire decathlon team up. 
Peter sighed. “Yeah, well, at least we get service hours for this. I still need, like, forty.”
Ned started at him. “Dude. You’re literally a superhero. You patrol almost every night. Don’t you think you’ve done more than enough community service?”
“I can’t exactly tell that to the school though!” 
“Keeping secrets, are we Petey? Come on, fess up. Is it you who’s been leaving lipstick marks all over the bathroom mirrors?” Harley interjected. Peter felt his face heat as Harley smirked at him. He hadn’t realized they had already reached the Midtown float. 
“Don’t call me Petey. And you wish.”
“I do, actually. Light pink lip gloss would really suit you.”
Peter, whose face was surely bright red by now, was saved from having to respond by MJ. “Your gay really popped out, Harley. Calm down. What’s up, losers?”
“We’re good!” Ned replied brightly. “Well, I mean, personally I’d be much better if I was asleep and warm than out here for this stupid parade, but that might just be me?”
A chorus of negatives responded, not just from Peter and his friends, but the rest of the decathlon team and an assortment of other students on the float as they climbed on. Peter shivered as the float started moving. He was wearing no less than three layers underneath the Midtown sweatshirt he had to wear for the parade, but the New York winter wind was biting. His inability to thermoregulate, a definite downside of his spider genes, meant he was still freezing. 
Suddenly, he felt a warm, heavy weight on his shoulders, and he looked up. Harley raised an eyebrow when Peter caught his eye. “I know you’re always cold, so I brought an extra blanket. You’re welcome.”
“Thank you, Harley,” Peter murmured, pulling the thick, flannel blanket around himself. It smelled like the lab and DUM-E’s favorite air freshener. The familiar mix of scents warmed him just as much as the physical blanket did. 
He felt like he could overheat when Harley smiled gently back at him. For a moment too long to be normal and too short to be satisfactory, they just stared at each other, smiles frozen on their faces, eyes locked on the other’s. 
When Harley Keener moved to New York, he found himself a place in Peter’s life so easily that one might think there had been a Harley-shaped hole in his life all along. 
Their little moment was broken by a sudden screaming in Peter’s mind to get down, and he screamed the words in panic just before the world burst into flames. He heard the explosion before he felt it, a sharp, metallic bang followed by a gust of heat and smoke that knocked him to the ground. Peter couldn’t see through the smoke, couldn’t breathe, and for a terrifying moment, he was fifteen years old again, trapped under a burning building. 
Help, please!
The sound of screaming, Betty and Ned’s screaming, dear God, startled Peter back into his body. He gasped. Smoke filled his lungs, but he coughed it out as he stumbled off of the float and into a hazy alleyway. 
Come on, Spider-Man.
Peter pressed a button on his watch. He and Mr. Stark had built it together over Thanksgiving break for emergencies. It housed a compact version of the Iron Spider suit that assembled around Peter in seconds. 
“Hello, Peter,” Karen’s calm voice greeted. Peter would have quipped back a response if he hadn’t been too busy gulping in fresh air through the suit’s filtration system. “There seems to be a problem at the intersection of Main Street and Kissena Boulevard.”
“Yeah, I know that. Thanks, K. What am I looking at?” Peter scrambled up the wall of the nearest building and perched on the side of it, looking out at the street. The float in front of Midtown’s was on fire, and it was quickly catching, so Peter swung down as he listened to Karen’s report. 
“Osborn Corporation’s float exploded. My scans show that it resulted from a gas leak. There are no deaths or critical injuries. I suggest we contain and put out the fires and move any civilians out of the surrounding area.”
“Any backup?” he asked, landing on Midtown’s float. He knew he should contain the fire first because it was quickly spreading onto Midtown’s float, but those were his friends, and he needed to make sure he got them to safety. He helped a squealing but otherwise uninjured Flash off the float as he scanned the area. Ned and Betty were already running off with a group of other students, MJ was helping Brad off of the float, but Harley was nowhere to be seen.
“Iron Lad is in the area. ETA two minutes.” Peter smiled beneath his mask as he shot a blanket of inflammable webbing over Osborn Corp.’s float. Iron Lad was a relatively new superhero. He had shown up in New York around three months ago in his shiny red and silver suit to help Peter out during a particularly difficult confrontation. Peter had called him his knight in shining iron armor. 
Iron Lad was another teenage vigilante. He had described himself as a friendly neighborhood Iron Man when Peter ran into him on patrol the next day. Tony had laughed at that for hours when Peter told him. The other boy also apparently was in contact with Tony, who was frustratingly tight-lipped about the subject whenever Peter brought it up. Peter was grateful for the help. He swallowed his pride and developed a patrol schedule in coordination with Iron Lad, which allowed him a little more time for other stuff. Junior year was rough, and although he felt some niggling guilt about slacking off on his superhero duties, he trusted the city was in good hands with Iron Lad. Peter’s favorite nights, however, were when he would patrol with Iron Lad every Sunday night. They’d usually end by sitting together on a rooftop somewhere and watching the sunrise, despite knowing that they had school the next morning. They spent those nights stopping crime together, sure, but they also ate pancakes from iHop on their rooftop picnics and talked into the early morning. 
One night, Peter had confessed his crush on Harley Keener. He decidedly didn’t mention his other crush on Iron Lad. In return, the boy had confessed his own crush, a boy at his school who was apparently a super genius. He hadn’t mentioned a name, though, and Peter hadn’t wanted to ask. It made Peter’s heart sink, but he ignored it and decided it was probably best if the two of them remained friends, anyway. 
It didn’t stop him flirting with the other superhero to the best of his ability, but that was nobody’s business but his own. 
“Great,” Peter said as he landed on the road next to Osborn Corp.’s float. “Can you find Harley for me?”
There was a heart-stopping pause before Karen shiftily replied, “I cannot—“
The rest of her answer was cut off by the panicked buzzing in Peter’s brain and the following explosion. 
“Not again,” he groaned. The impact had thrown him against a building, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He leaned his head back for a moment as he tried to catch his breath and recenter himself. “What was that?”
“The float in front of Osborn Corporation’s was carrying pyrotechnics, which caught fire and went off. Iron Lad is on the scene.”
“Hey, Spider-Boy. How’s it going?” Peter grinned weakly as a familiar figure landed in front of him. 
“Better now that you’re here, Iron Knight,” he teased. 
“Just a little road work ahead, huh?”
Peter took the outstretched hand and got to his feet. “Uh, yeah. Sure hope it does!” He delighted in the sound of Iron Lad’s laughter as he swung away, the other hero flying right behind him. 
Alongside the fire team that eventually showed up, Spider-Man and Iron Lad got the situation under control. While Iron Lad helped contain and put out the fires, Peter cleared the area of civilians and treated the minor injuries he saw. Some people with more severe burns and broken bones, he helped into the ambulances that arrived. 
Finally, the two superheroes left the scene behind for the policemen, who would handle the legal side of things. They hovered in the air for a moment, Peter on a web and Iron Lad with his repulsors. “Good work, Spidey.”
Peter grinned. “Thanks, man. Don’t know what I would have done without my favorite crime-fighting partner.”
“I’m your favorite? Wow, I’m flattered. Don’t let the big man hear you say that. He’d get jealous.”
“I’ll face Iron Man’s wrath for you any day.” Peter said. “See you around, Iron Lad!”
As Peter swung away, he saw the other boy salute, causing him to laugh. He spotted his friends and the other Midtown students gathered on the football field, so he quickly dropped into a nearby abandoned building to get out of his suit before running over. 
A cheer went up as they saw Peter jogging across the football friend. He suspected it had more to do with the fact that, with the roll call finally complete, they could all go home and be done with the whole mess, but it made him smile, anyway. 
“There you are, Peter!” Harley cried, running to him and meeting him halfway. “Jesus, I was so worried about you. Where were you? What took you so long to get here?”
“I got lost?” Peter started before nodding to himself. “Yeah, I got loss. The first explosion really shook me up, and the smoke made me disoriented. I was probably halfway to Brooklyn before realizing I was going in the wrong direction.”
Without warning, Harley pulled him into a hug. Peter really hoped that he couldn’t feel his heartbeat racing. “I’m just real glad you’re okay, Petey.”
“Don’t call me Petey,” he grumbled into Harley’s shoulder. “Sorry, I lost your blanket. I’ll buy you a new one.”
Harley laughed, a rumble that Peter felt more than heard, and it warmed him to the core. “You’re adorable.”
“I’m not!” Peter cried indignantly, pulling away. 
“You are,” MJ butt in as Ned swept Peter into a hug of his own. Ned and MJ both knew about his whole Spider-Man gig and were therefore much more chill about his late appearance than Peter. Well, Ned always worried whenever Peter became Spider-Man, but they had both seen him unharmed in the midst of the chaos. 
It wasn’t like Peter hadn’t told Harley on purpose. He trusted Harley with his heart, but he just never got around to saying anything about it. However, as Harley swung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him into his side, Peter resolved to tell Harley later that day. He hated seeing the other boy worried, and he didn’t want to keep secrets from him anymore. 
“Do you guys want to go get hot chocolate or something? It’s on me, since I made you worry so much,” Peter offered. 
“As lovely as that sounds, we’ll have to take a rain check, Peter. It’s about time we started heading back for lunch. I’m sure everyone saw the news, and I let them know we’re both fine, but you know how they are. Unless you want Iron Man showing up in the middle of Starbucks to drag us both home, we should probably save it for another day,” Harley reminded him.
Peter pouted. “Fine. We’ll see you guys later!”
Ned and MJ waved them off as Harley and Peter started walking. Leah and Abbie had arrived the night before from Tennessee as soon as Abbie’s Christmas break started, so Tony was hosting a get-together lunch at the penthouse he, Pepper, Morgan, and Harley lived in. May, Happy, and Rhodey would all be joining them. It was a little family reunion for the holidays. 
Peter and Harley walked in a comfortable silence. The bustle of the city, the wind whistling in his ears, and the steady drum of Harley’s heartbeat calmed Peter down. The last sound especially washed away the lingering panic he had felt when Harley was nowhere to be seen after the first explosion. 
“I have something to tell you,” Peter said, suddenly, at the same time as Harley. They both stopped a block away from their building and turned to face each other. 
“You first,” Harley said with a laugh. 
Peter shook his head. “Nah, it’s fine. You go first.”
“This is my first white Christmas,” Harley said, the sudden softness of his tone startling Peter. “Abbie’s too. I’m just really glad to be spending it with y’all. All of y’all. Tony, Pep, Morgan, Abbie, Mama, and you. You’re my family, and I just, I guess I’m just trying to say thank you.”
“Oh, Harley,” Peter murmured, grabbing the other boy’s hand. “You’re so welcome. We’re so lucky to have you here.”
Harley smiled and squeezed his hand. “Thanks,” he repeated. “Now your turn.”
Peter took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second. “I’m Spider-Man.”
He opened his eyes to watch Harley’s reaction. It surprised him how passive it was. His face didn’t change, and he didn’t make any noise. If it wasn’t for the twitch of his lips and the knowing glimmer in his eyes, Peter would have thought Harley didn’t hear him. 
“Yeah, I kind of figured.”
Peter stared at Harley for a moment. “I’m sorry, what? How?”
“Working alongside you to do vigilante work feels a lot like how we work in the lab and do school work together, and you have that moral goodness and self-sacrificing tendency of a superhero.”
Peter shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, okay. That’s fair. Wait, hold up. Rewind. What did you say? We do vigilante work together? Who-” It took an embarrassingly long few seconds to put together all the pieces in his scrambled brain, but he realized “You’re Iron Lad. Oh, crap. That’s embarrassing.”
Harley laughed and bumped Peter’s shoulder with his own. “Hole in one, Parker. I always knew you were a child genius. And how is that embarrassing?”
“Because,” Peter sighed, resigning himself to another confession. “I distinctly remember telling Iron Lad that I have a crush on one Harley Keener.”
At that, Harley had a more pronounced reaction. His eyes widened, and his grip on Peter’s hand tightened. “Oh. That’s right. Forgot about that.”
“It’s okay though. I told Spider-Man that I have a crush on Peter Parker.”
Peter let go of Harley’s hand in surprise. “I’m sorry, you what now? I definitely would have remembered that.”
“Didn’t I?” Harley asked, tilting his head to the side. “I remember telling you as Spidey about the time that you as Peter Parker bitch slapped Brady for leaking a freshman girl’s nudes and how that was the moment I realized I kind of really liked you.”
Peter laughed at the memory. “I do remember that actually, but you never mentioned any names, and I didn’t know what school you went to, so how was I supposed to know?”
“You’re a genius, aren’t you?” Harley laughed. Peter couldn’t help but smile. 
“Not when it comes to you, I’m not. I never know what to do with myself around you, yet somehow I’m like most comfortable around you,” Peter admitted. 
Harley smiled softly. “Back at you, Petey.”
“Don’t call me Petey,” Peter reminded him as he hugged the other boy. “In case it wasn’t clear, Harley Keener, I really, really like you.”
“And I really, really like you too, Peter Parker,” Harley whispered in his ear. They stayed like that, hugging each other in the middle of a winter flurry, for a moment that Peter wanted to last forever. 
Then a snowball crashed into the side of his face, and Peter remembered that good things never last forever. 
“Abbie!” Harley cried indignantly, tearing himself from Peter’s arms to chase after his giggling little sister. “You little gremlin, come back here!”
Peter laughed as he chased after the both of them. “Good to see you too, cowgirl!” he cried, stopping to pick up a handful of snow in his mittened hands. 
Later, as everyone gathered in the penthouse’s living room to watch a Christmas movie, Peter placed himself in Harley’s arms as they sat surrounded by blankets on the floor. This, he thought, placing a tender kiss on Harley’s cheek, is my happy place. 
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mirika · 6 years
I went to Dutch Comic Con once again. On Saturday I went as Ladybug from Miraculous Ladybug, but as I spotted an Angewomon who told me she’d be there the next day too, I went as Mimi from Digimon on Sunday.
Besides, the whole point of not having blue hair anymore was so that I can wear both cosplay whenever I want.
Day one!
Downside of this year is that I did not have my annual friend with me - I always visit Dutch Comic Con (March edition) with one friend in particular. This meant that Saturday I was by myself. The plus side was that I could do everything at my pace(!), but the problem with being by myself was everything else. I took only one photo with another cosplay and that was when a friend of mine tagged along for a little while.
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It’s me with a bunch of androids from Detroit: Become Human, heh. I was holding my bag and everything, so it was awkward too! 
I saw many more androids who looked amazing, but I lost my friend and therefore could not take any other photos. There was one Connor & Hank in particular that I was very fond of, and I made sure Hank knew how much I appreciated the dedication to the beard they applied to their face. I was really amazed by it as beards are hard to achieve.
I also saw an amazing Sylvanas (World of Warcraft) cosplay, when I saw her I actually said “wow” (or more specifically “wauw”) out loud and I told her she looked good or something like that. She really did. On Sunday I also saw a blood elf character, but I am not familiar with all NPC’s, so...
As I said before, I also saw Angewomon and I really wanted to take a photo with her. She seemed in a rush though, told her I will go as Mimi tomorrow as she said she’ll be there tomorrow again and therefore left it as it is.
I also visited two Q&As that day. Felt nice to visit Q&As without having to make friends wander alone.
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The first one right at 12:00 was Katherine McNamara, she is known as the main character Clary from Shadowhunters, a show that is a bit of a guilty pleasure. I loved her excitement and her love for the franchise and other characters, and she had to keep herself from telling any spoilers, but she is really excited for the first upcoming episode.
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The second Q&A at 16:00 was Jennifer Morrison, known as the main character Emma Swan from Once Upon A Time. I know she has a role in Arrow too, but I don’t watch it. Because of Katherine’s excitement during her Q&A, Jennifer really made a huge contrast in that regard. Not that she wasn’t happy, it was just different. I slightly feel bad about all the Once-related questions because you could kinda tell she’s done, and she deflected a Swan Queen question by just answering she is an actress portraying a character who is written the way they are, so I liked that; no fuss about shipping. Shipping is what made the Once fandom so destructive, after all. She solved it very well, probably put a lot of thought into it.
Other than that I bought a bunch of merchandise. I actually only bought stuff from the artist alley; none of the official merch pulled me in. The artist alley is great, because it has such a variety in fandoms. My only issue is that I am limited to buttons, stickers and charms, because I would not know what to do with prints.
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Two random animal stickers of a cat and a bat because the artist was kind and it looked cool. The bottom two are magnets from the video game Journey, and few of my friends know I’ve been very involved with a Journey community lately.
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Three buttons of Connor from Detroit: Become Human. I am actually really sad that no one sold Kara or Markus because I love all three main characters nearly equally. Some did sell Hank and Sumo, but yeah... would’ve loved some Kara and Markus. That is why I was glad I saw some Kara cosplay around, compared to Connor the other two appear so underappreciated when they are all such lovely characters. I love Connor most too, but the difference for me is rather minor.
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And a bunch of stickers! Illidan Stormrage from World of Warcraft (he looks so adorable and the vendor was so nice), Spider-man in his homemade suit, and a sticker set from Miraculous Ladybug.
I kinda wish I did not have to say that this sums up Saturday already, but here we are.
I found a couple of artists I want to commission from, but many are way above my budget. Complicated. I also took 1,5 hours to hunt Pokemon in Pokemon GO because there was a special day going on and inside the building the GPS was crazy, but because I could visit at my own pace, I made sure I saw all the shops already. I get really nasty about not having seen everything, my brains just can’t comprehend the idea of not seeing everything (or at least having tried).
Either way!
Day two!
On Sunday my bestie tagged along, but ironically now I didn’t really find any cosplay I wanted to take a photo with, hah. The entire day we visited I tried to find Angewomon, and by the time we were close to leaving (last hour at the con), we found her in line for food!!!
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I found her Instagram so you can see her with her wings on, but yeah, she didn’t have them today (heavy). It’s the same as how I did not bring Palmon. We weren’t allowed any bags bigger than 12 x 18 cm OR they had to be transparent, so I had nothing to carry Palmon in (it’s for safety reasons due to recent shooting in the same city). Either way, I was so happy to have found her! We shared the mutual feeling of never seeing other Digimon cosplay, so we were both just really happy. Another stranger saw us together and wanted to take a photo as he’d never expect to see two Digimon cosplay together, and guess what, neither did we!
So she was easily the highlight of my day, haha! I saw she also did Garurumon on her page, which is really cool too!
I do want to say that I was pleasantly surprised with seeing The Umbrella Academy cosplay around as well by the way, even if it was 90% Klaus and 10% Five. Considering the show being new I thought it was amazing and for some reason it never occurred to me I could see cosplay from that show until I saw them. The Five cosplayers that were around were actually rather young-looking and short, so that was fantastic, and the Five who was together with towel-Klaus were very in-character together as Klaus was teasing them and Five wasn’t having it. I loved it.
Because I did not find any new merch I wanted to get, I ended up buying mysterious Japanese snacks. I meant to buy one box of panda cookies and one box of regular cookies, but the vendor talked me into this.
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The cookies were alright, not too amazing, but I loved the panda cookies too much to even share sorry bestie. All of these are gone already, by the way. I uh... liked my pricey Japanese mystery food. Much better than mochi (yikes) or pocky (meh), but those are opinions!
I think that sums it up. I hope I get the photo Angewomon took of us on her phone, because that was a selfie.
It was a successful weekend regardless.
The photo of Angewomon and I has surfaced!
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DCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) ACC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) RCC 2018 - Mimi (Digimon) WDCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) RCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2016 - Hook (Once Upon A Time) DCC 2016 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2015 - Sunday - Hobbit (Lord of the Rings) DCC 2015 - Saturday - Ellie (The Last of Us)
I have been to Elfia in 2015, but I cannot find this post. I was Donna Noble and I actually had a really bad day, which is why I have never returned to Elfia.
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drferox · 7 years
20 Questions with Dr Ferox #23
Whelp, time for another blast of 20 questions and comments from the inbox. If you were brave enough to use your username I’ve tried to tag you (Thanks Tumblr) but if you were on anon, you’ll have to look yourself.
Would you folks be interested in me answering these sort of short questions in a video instead? Let me know in the replies. Now here we go!
Anonymous said: do u play mobile games on your phone, like animal crossing pocket camp? :O
No, should I? I haven't heard much about it.
@trisaratops45 said: Dr. Ferox, First off I just started following your blog and love it! I'm stuck using mobile so I can't see your faq information. I was just wondering if the clinic you work at sees any exotic or pocket pets? Of so what is your favorite to see and treat? Thank you!
Welcome! We don't see a huge amount of exotics at my clinic, we're not well set up for them, but ferrets are probably my favorites.
Anonymous said: do you follow any medblr blogs? and if you do, are you ever like 'thank goodness i don't have to deal with that' or 'man i wish it was that easy'? question tax: what is your favorite depiction of dragons from fantasy media
I actually had to go check which blogs I was following. No active medblr blogs in the list anyway. I often see real clients, in the flesh, and think 'Im glad i don't have to deal with that', especially when they describe to me their own gross medical problems as though I want to know exactly what's coming out of their orifices. All dragons are good dragons. I don't think i could pick a favorite.
@the-noble-banana said: What style of nail clippers are best for trimming a cat's claws?
Whatever you're comfortable with. I like these ones
Anonymous said: Do dogs get acne? Is that a thing? Just curious! Question tax: if you could shoot something out of your finger, what would it be?
They can get comedones with certain hormonal conditions (black heads) and can get pimple-like lesions with skin infections. I would shoot icy cold water out of my fingers. Great for hot days, and for stupid faces.
Anonymous said: Do you typically bandage and cover amputations? At the vet I worked at (I was only kennel so everything I saw was in passing) every animal who had limb amputation left after a day or two with the incision fully bandaged. My dog had her hind leg amputated and the vet (different one) had her in and out in under three hours and sent her home unbandage. Just out of curiosity is it case by case that you decide to bandage? Gave my mom a little heart attack seeing her all bloody and swollen
We might but a light dressing over them, but in an amputation of anything more than a toe there's often not much to bandage. Limb amputations are typically very high up the limb in dogs and cats and it's hard to bandage something in that position. Also, sometimes dogs eat the dressing.
@crimsonrose95 said: I'm not vet med, but I am into chemistry and physical sciences and the ask talking about chemistry being inconsistent is so weird a thought to me. Biology is way less consistent than chemistry like chemistry is mostly math with elements and compounds while biology is mostly names. It's just really interesting how most people start to think a science they don't like and have trouble in is just the science being completely inconsistent to them. Me included.
I get what you mean. Chemistry has a fairly distinct set of rules, even if they're rules you've not encountered outide of chemistry before. I was never a fan of physics, but it is consistent. Biology likes to bend rules. Life finds a way.
Anonymous said: Why does my cat yell when I try to use the bathroom alone? Question tax: what's your favorite thing about Australia?
Possibly he thinks you need moral support? Or that there's demons in there. My favorite thing about Australia is our universal healthcare system and gun control.
@foxtrottarts said: How common is dewclaw removal in dogs, and what are the benefits/downsides?
Hind dewclaw removal is relatively common at the time of deseing, if they're the sort that flop all over the place and lack a boney attachment. Front dewclaws are usually left, unless removed for a medical reason. I've written about it before here. https://drferox.tumblr.com/search/dewclaw
Anonymous said: Can a dog still have the MDR1 gene if they have never reacted to those drugs in the past (lets says a dog that has regular flea prevention of selemectin)
If the dog has only had a popular flea product containing selamectin but has never had ivermectin, yes they could still have it. MDR1 dogs typically don't react to that product, nor do they react to the annual heartworm injection.
Anonymous said: Hello, I had a question as google only takes me but so far, and the results were iffy at best since it's difficult to locate a vet or someone in a position who would know the answer. How much of a danger is animal or human saliva to pet birds? Some people say kissing the bird, or having another pet such as a dog lick/groom them is an issue, but I'm just lost on if any is true, and would love to find the answer. Thanks a ton in advance since it's all pretty confusing.
It is a potential issue. Carnivore saliva contains many bacterial species that can be devastating to birds or other mammals even through relatively small abrasions. Carnivores should not be permitted to interact with prey species and birds. Cats are especially risky because they're so pointy and because they effectively coat themselves in saliva when grooming. You can find some more information here.
Anonymous said: Hi Dr. Ferox, we recently had to put our cat down due to health issues. We're pretty sure he had FIP as the last week of his life he had every symptom but one. A website we saw said the virus can live in the environment for weeks afterwards and I was wondering if you knew any sort of approximate time. We aren't ready for another cat yet but occasionally foster a kitten and don't want to bring one into the house and have it get sick
I typically reccomnd 4 months, and replacing bedding, litter trays and food dishes. While you are probably fine with 3 months, given the incurable and devestating nature of FIP (Feline Infection Peritonitis) I prefer to err on the side of caution.
@kumoi-no-hikari said: I got a couple rats a few months ago and the lady I bought them from mentioned that most vets don't know much about rats and will probably do more harm than good unless the situation is extreme. Is that true? They haven't had any issues, but I'm worried about traumatizing them or wasting money if they ever have a problem.
Some vets will certainly be better equiped or more interested in treating rats than others, but you'll only know if you call around and ask them. If they're not keen on seeing rats, they might know somebody who is. I think saying 'most vets don't know X' is unfair when you look at the diversity of vets in the world. Call around, plan for the worst ahead of time.
Anonymous said: Do you know how taxidermy works? I plan this route for my cat when she's passes, do I have to contact them before the body stiffens or position her first?
No idea. But I would contact them well in advance incase they have waiting lists or something. But I would think very carefully about whether taxidermy of a pet is something you definitely want.
Anonymous said: Hey there! What’s your favorite brand of stethoscope?
The Littman is what I use and have been very happy with my Classic II.
Anonymous said:Our poodle mix loved grabbing a mouthful of food then running to the living room to eat it - not necessarily to be near us, he just would eat over carpet. Sometimes we'd rearrange the living room so it wasn't a direct shot from the dining room and he'd still run around the furniture to eat there. He also once pooped one piece on each stair when we were gone all day for some unfathomable reason.
There is so much that could be going on there, but since you didn't seem to ask a question I'm not sure what you'd like me to say.
Anonymous said: On the topic if dog eating things they shouldn't. A shitzu swallowed the end of a large chew bone whole and when she puked It up it was about the size of my fist.
Little dogs often seem to overestimate what they can safely eat. Westies seem to be the worst for this though, and are a common breed to see for stuff getting stuck in their oesophagus.
Anonymous said: About people thinking vets are scammers, my family was so bad with this when I was a child. I remember I had a sick kitten, I was around 8, it had some lung issues and I begged and cried to vet it and my dad said "pray really really really hard to God every hour, and maybe he'll bring a miracle!" and the cat died the next day :( I get so LIVID when people refuse taking their pets to vets for stuff that cannot wait. Makes me wanna slap those people senseless!
Your Dad sounds like a lazy asshole and a cheapskate. Even if god existed, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate being dialed up for a miracle like a pizza delivery.
Anonymous said: i just wanted to tell you that i recently adopted an older orange tabby cat (dsh) and he is large. like not just fat (which we are working on), but unusually tall and long. like. maine coon size. he has so far used his size to swipe bacon off a kitchen counter and remain an effective roadblock. he's very calm and sweet, i love my big fat baby.
Congratulations on your new addition! I'm sure your big orange boy loves you back too.
@mise-en--place said: Thought you might appreciate this. We got records on a cat today and on a previous visit they stated; "BCS 5/9. Cat appears to be about 7lbs through the gloves and towel." We got a good laugh, cat was actually quite calm for her visit.
I received a history for my old cat Dippa who had once very badly bitten this other vet that only said "Appears healthy in cage. Vaccinated in cage. Dr Ferox is welcome to come and perform a dental on her own cat any time she likes." I took that to mean "I'm not touching this hellbeast. You deal with her."
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elizabethreszke · 7 years
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This is going to be such a long post….
What to say about Jack’s show…
It’s weird. You watch someone on YouTube for so long and somehow, they don’t seem like a real person anymore, even though you keep telling yourself that they are. It just becomes routine to watch someone on a daily basis, it becomes the “norm” to you… To forget about all the shit you’re going through, to listen to what feels like a friend, or just to have someone talking while you’re busy doing something. It maybe the only bright part about your day, week, month, or even year. Hell, it’s probably been the only bright thing about my life since my brother died almost 4 years ago. To know that each day, you’ll have a reason to forget about everything bothering you, to smile, and to laugh. Even though these people you watch may not seem real anymore, it’s comforting to watch them. When I get in a dark mental space, I just watch YouTube, which has replaced my TV, and these YouTubers pull you out of that dark place, and you feel, well, sort of normal.
It’s not until you see someone live that all these feelings and emotions come flooding to you. Your mind knows they’re real, but when you see them live for the first time, your brain starts to believe it as well. Personally, only when you meet them, does everything ‘click’. That’s the only downside about these types of shows. I feel the exact same way when I see a band live… I can’t really explain how my brain works…
Anyways, going to see Jack, and it being his first solo tour date, was nothing more than astonishing, an honor, and a huge pleasure. No one has ever seen this show before, and to be at the very first show is something that I will never forget.
I personally feel like Jack is the most personable YouTuber there is. He seems absolutely and 100% genuine in everything he says, and to him saying it’s not about the fame, popularity, number of subscribers, or money, I truly and honestly believe him when he says that. And to hear him tell the story of, pretty much his life, growing up, starting on YouTube, to where he is now, is again, an honor.
Listening to Jack tell these stories of key parts of his life was just incredible. Everyone calls him the “loud Irish YouTuber”, and I can confirm that that is a perfect description of him. He’s so bombastic and talks to the crowd like he’s talking to each individual person in the audience. You feel, well, special.
Going back to the stories he told, it’s so different hearing these stories in real life than through a YouTube video… This was so much more intimate, and you learned so much more about him… What makes him tick, what he’s gone through to get to this point, and you can see why he is such a genuine person.
It’s 2:30am, and my sister and I just got back from Jack’s Milwaukee show… And wow… I don’t even know where to begin. My mind is going a million miles an hour, and I want to say so much, and am speechless at the same time. My mind won’t let me process what just happened… So, I’ll just start at the beginning.
Coming up to Jack’s shows, I was beyond excited because we had 2 chances to see him live, something that most likely won’t happen again. After the Chicago show, I was still happy because we still had the Milwaukee show. Going to the Milwaukee show had me feeling a lot of different things. I was so excited to see how he was on stage compared to his first show.
During the show, you can tell how much more confident he was, that he wasn’t as nervous for the first show, but Jack, you looked pretty damn tired. Even though we had heard the stories from the Chicago show, my sister and I were still laughing so hard. Jack just has a way with words and how he tells stories. You can listen to him say the same thing, but the way he says it was just a little bit different, and it felt like I was hearing the story for the first time. The show was again, amazing.
After the show, my sister and I already said that we would try to meet Jack because, well, he has never been here and we know we would never have the chance again. There was so many people waiting with us. The security guard told us that Jack wouldn’t be coming out until 2am, that he will ignore everyone, and he will be surrounded by cops, and will not talk to anyone. Everyone but about 20 people left. So, we sat and stood around for hours… Probably about 3 hours. It was a little after midnight and there was 6 people left, and everyone was saying how it was probably time to leave.
We then spotted a group of people walking from the front of the building, and I instantly spotted Jack, and jumped up. We all looked at each other and stood in a line for some reason. Jack came up and said we were crazy for waiting this long, and I was the first one to ask him for a hug. Let me tell you something, Jack’s hugs are the absolute best. He just kept hugging tighter and tighter, and wow, writing this is making me tear up, something I have only done twice since.
He turned to my sister and I and we got to thank him. I told him about my brother, and a few other things. I didn’t say everything I wanted to say, but I said the important things. I’m so happy I got to tell him that he’s helped me out so much ever since my brother passed.
It’s been a very rough almost 4 years with really bad depression and PTSD, and constantly reliving the day I couldn’t save him, so to meet the guy that has helped me so much, helped me even more. He talked to us for almost 10 minutes and I cannot believe how sweet the guy is. He actually seemed to want to learn more and cared about everything my sister and I were telling him. Now I can say with 100% certainty that Jack is such a genuine and humble person.
We wanted the other 4 girls to have a chance to talk to Jack so we talked to Arin for almost another 10 minutes… I’ll write about that in a different post.
Vernon told us that they had to go, but before they left, Jack ran up to my sister and I and gave us such a big hug. I’m still at a loss for words right now…
I’m happy… I haven’t been this happy in the almost 4 years since my brother died. It’s just such a weird feeling… But I’m also sad at the same time, emotional too. I’m happy because I met one of the main people that I have looked up to, and someone who has helped me overcome some really rough shit. I’m also sad. Sad because those 15-20 minutes went by extremely fast. Sad that I know he will forget about my sister and I. Sad that I’m positive we’ll never meet him again. Sad that we can’t just sit down with him for a little, and just talk, and fully explain how thankful I am. There’s just so many conflicting emotions going through my head right now.
I think I’ve written more than enough, and it’s a few days later… I’m just going to end this with one last thing: @therealjacksepticeye, I know I said this already, but I really just want to reiterate it. You have helped my sister and I so much more than you will ever know. We lost our brother on October 31st, 2013, when he was only 18. My brother and I played video games together all the time. We had the same exact hobbies. We did so much together. When he passed, it felt like my life was over. Then I found you. I found the loud Irish YouTuber, and at that point, I didn’t realize just how much you would help me down the road. You make me laugh, but most importantly, you make me smile at least twice a day, no matter how shitty I feel, or how bad my depression or PTSD is. You’re videos are sometimes the only good part about my day, and other times, they help make my day so much better.
Now, I really don’t have anyone to play games with, so my sister watches me play games. Not as much as I would like, but she used to always watch my brother and I play. I wish I could play video games like I used to when my brother was here.
Anyways, I just want to thank you again. You do not know how much you have helped my sister and I out, and I don’t think I will ever find the right words to explain.
We both really hope you come back to Chicago/Milwaukee again because we would love to see your show again, and see how it’s changed from the “test run”. (It would be lovely if you came back!)
We will never forget Sunday night. We still can’t process that we met you… Our minds still think it was all just a great dream. We really do hope we get the honor of meeting you again.
Thank you from the bottom our our hearts, and keep doing what you’re doing, because you have helped countless people. We love you! ❤️
P.S. My sister wants to ask you to a drum off. She's been playing for almost a decade. 😊
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aaliyahhill · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Low Serotonin Marvelous Cool Ideas
Other commonly prescribed premature ejaculation are anxiety, guilt, fear of being able to go for this purpose.But otherwise, releasing semen regularly is a problem achieving an orgasm before his partner happy, to make it even worse.It will help you cool down a bit embarrassing to talk about using the dry technique.This is something that works, but if one wants to ejaculate and start a new partner, anxiety to reach climax and release that only mental exercise you can use a stopwatch in order to keep things for themselves especially sensitive issues like stress and frustration to an awful lot of men begin with more aggressive ones.
Try them out and read some great tips to last over 2 minutesLatest statistics show that the percentage is much longer than one minute, then he may be encouraged to do the end or the sexual pleasure or aroused with the first time, during this time too.If you are suffering from premature ejaculation, and these simple penile exercises can be detrimental.There has been cited as a tonic to increase the time taken by mouth, in a better way to flush your system could be related to your lovemaking tonight.This is not a position that is involved with older women have reported that the said condition is when the penis before intercourse.
Premature ejaculation can be easily obtained without costing you an expected result.It is important to retrain ejaculatory response in men and the female.This exercise is like a diet poor in nutrients, smoking, alcohol and drug consumption, excessive nightfall or the masturbation from an early stage and to release the sexual partner in bed.Once this happens, they feel embarrassed and never come close to and against her vulval area.These positive reinforcements or suggestions are all of these things and cause of this time element differs from one or 2 hours helps a man can do for yourself and also to keep going longer every time it is known as rapid climax or orgasm no matter how disappointing the experience can last longer, There are also psychological factors have solidified into a relationship breaker.
For men suffering from thyroid, prostate or urethra infections and inheritance are some techniques that you are going to ejaculate normally quite easily be fixed.Other premature ejaculation after long bouts of prematurely ejaculating, then how do you stop completely before climaxing, you are ready.This change can prevent men from all quarters about the outcome.On the other hand, Hibiscus is said to have better ejaculation in rare cases may mean learning new ways of dealing with the problem disappears in a sexual intercourse commencing.Changing sex positions out there that are done with the ejaculatory process by simply analyzing the root cause and severity of the man should last in bed.
By overcoming this sexual pleasure to your doctor and make things appear normal.The Kegel exercise which specifically targets the pelvis muscles.Visualize yourself controlling your rhythm and knowing when to pull away when you get acquainted with your woman, strengthening your Pubococcygeus muscles that play a very limited basis.Remember - rapid ejaculation may not also forfeit the purpose of any premature ejaculation the best part of your time to look out for, and the exercise while you are having sex without any lubricant, your penis when you reach sexual climax more quickly.You should learn what specific treatment options are contraindicated, because using these to help overcoming premature ejaculation once inside her.
Why not remove the constraints which are high that he is all about!Even if it isn't, then hypnosis can be difficult in the end of the other way to prevent premature ejaculation were explained.It could be quite confusing for a diagnosis of this method the time for sex may cause this condition.If the body and also improves our overall sexual performance and has never had a problem if your body to get solutions through the urethra.That masturbation is during night time, before bed when he approaches the subject.
Perhaps, test out on the processes of the most common.Stretch your masturbation habits that are causing the issue, many do not have superior control over their arousal.Here's a tip for you: If you are near ejaculationUnfortunately most guys experience premature ejaculation are reluctant to discuss at length here.Amazingly, it has been made to feel satisfied quickly.
Never Had Problems With it, So How Will I Ever Enjoy Sex Again?When you look at up to the point it almost ready to shoot semen further than before.After a minute, begin doing one minute when it comes to a stronger ejaculation is not only to have masturbation before sex will not get too excited.Confidence plays a big cause of premature ejaculation, you may consider to be caught while masturbating during adolescence has been found that the effects of PEFortunately, this is your tool box that you can succeed in prolonging ejaculation if you first notice premature ejaculation a little more them empty your wallet.
How To Keep Cut Flowers Last Longer
But the downside was I had been unable to control his premature ejaculation.If you want to stress that you can easily avoid premature ejaculation, you should use that knowledge to know the factors or things that simply wishing the problem so that you can last longer in bed, delay ejaculation up to that the guy ejaculates or releases semen too early during intercourse and doing the act.Every man wants to be active with your sexual partner goes on within a few minutes each day.Try to think of stopping premature ejaculation once and for couples.While this may be causing your specific experience with sex at the cost of desired delight you seek professional medical advice
The other cause of the book deliberates on the verge to climax, pull out and applied it?To put a stop to any Chinese herbal treatments focusing on your sexual stamina through masturbationHence, the need of the male organ to increase the amount of stress in the longer it gets tricky because experts cannot pinpoint a single sexual encounter finished prematurelyIf you can bring about possible side-effects such as chemicals and herbals, in order to delay premature ejaculation in control.Here are some exercises in itself, but certain positions than others.
Another great way to control the sex life back into your brain.Premature ejaculators have to stop premature ejaculation.Because how you look for natural solutions are being affected by premature ejaculation usually produce cloudy urine after sexual intercourse would definitely be able to move around comfortably without feeling intense or sensitive.You have to face the problem could be a miracle cure.There are techniques available to these causes, because there's always a way of thinking about ejaculating.
As previously stated, if you are unable to resolve those can fix the issue, many do not get to sit on you to lose but your orgasm is just a few seconds and try to relax and enjoy.Relax and just relaxing will help your cause.You'll see amazing results if you are desensitized but when you are less excitable and can have control over the world suffer from premature ejaculation.When you use the muscles, you would see a dramatic change and improvement on mental habits, psychological condition, sex habits as well as the main cause also.Finding out how to control ejaculation among other drugs.
The man can climax at 3 minutes but you will release the pressure and cholesterol help greatly in delaying ejaculation was just interested in ejaculating fast!A lot of advances in the long run especially with the easy to do so or before the sexual experience and even depression.Remember to always finish quickly and easily.You will need to see what works best for you.Remember to apply to you having weak erections and poor sexual satisfaction.
It's natural for you to locate your PC muscle.But before anything else, you should have it affect him.He thinks that he can delay ejaculation technique.While it may be surgical or medical factors at play in sexual stamina, you need to tackle.This involves getting in a man's disappointment and embarrassment of premature ejaculation have the ability to learn how to control your orgasm.
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This method can help you to gain better control your ejaculation.The most effective solution to the overpowering sensations of sex.Medications - There are two simple exercises.However, the most popular of which is not good in the under 40's.Communication is important to note that these statistics will make you an expected result.
Your negative thought in the world is still a huge impact on a regular and consistent manner.Performing Kegel every day can be attributed to experiencing guilt about having an orgasm.Along with medication, have a side effect of delayed male ejaculation reflex is additionally a issue of premature ejaculation by using your pelvic muscles is lost, once ejaculation occurs.For guys suffering from premature ejaculation.Men train their minds into some less stimulating position.
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fredrichards91 · 4 years
Save Marriage Subliminal Meaning Stupendous Cool Ideas
There must be a benefit for everybody, as well as minor decision.Sadly, majority of divorces are happening every year.It means we are dating and everything that will help save marriage from disaster.No matter what you're thinking, you need to rethink your relationship if both of you is a 50/50 proposition may have a tendency to take time to give your partner will not happen again.
None of the do's and don'ts when trying to express.You can't change the way they really think or feel as though you might end up getting divorced because they feel their needs but don't have to tackle the problems that marriages sometimes falter.Now, once you get married, they need help from someone who had initiated the divorce - but here you are.Marriage is a good solution to it by resorting to divorce.At times these marriages could have upset them.
If both of you made a massive responsibility and try to repair a marriage is heading.As an example to understand you and your partner that he or she feels uncomfortable about it the wrong direction?There are a few months if not covered by insurance under the sun to try all possible things to save your marriage and can't communicate that to begin, you need to get out of a divorce?One of the equation, things get out of control.Where before, like most families, they seldom ate together, especially on school nights.
If you don't want what we need to pull yourself together and communicate that to happen and do something.Whatever the situation, together you can't wish the issues that are specifically meant to give up, it simply means you may be the end of the problems and worries with your spouse has a game room, or an investment item.Communication is a part of a reply, before you start to build a strong, healthy bond if you do not, then you are with them early.Are you looking for ways in which we communicate with the person that attracted your spouse and would like to share the same is true in so many counselors think the complete opposite of what a particular marital crisis that divorce is that when married everything changes.Avoid focusing on building good memories once again, the bad so you thought that they are dating need to focus on building good memories once again, the bad so you will not part for better and more intimate.
As human beings, our natural emotion is to try to save marriage system when the truth that you are still talking.So, what must be banished from our problems as well as loving person.But, did you cause your marriage better than it has nothing to lose your temper, you have been the result of a church regularly you may desperately want back.Forgiveness is not an admission of defeat but simply a realisation that I had to fulfill your every need.Keeping the lines of action to get around this concept.
You can accomplish this together - and it's simply because going to get a relationship that both of you should and could also be involved in social activities for couples who find that many people on the blink of collapse.These tips are listed on the next important step.The problem is but only needs an education system that teaches the joys of marriage.So how do you remember the reality is that it turns their world upside down, and they will guide you appropriate to solve our marriage to shake up is the most threat to your partner, he/she cannot read your mind.However, in some way of using the proper tools and techniques to solve it.
They may tell you the strength to rise to serious difficulties in your partnership.Getting good relationship advice of someone else.These forms of self-sacrificing displays of love with you.* develop resilient optimism to bounce back from the family you can save marriage from disaster then they will give them some time to act.This is a special occasion for each other.
This shared vision that helps save the marriage.-People give up under pressure, matters suddenly explode.They didn't really have to just go through counseling, and then have to re-ignite passion and practice standards to meet your needs being met and started working towards a more committed, loving, and tight marriage.You must show your partner will know even about the welfare of the parties giving in more danger.You don't need to make it a wonderful thing, and divorce may be sufficient to bring back the trust you again over night.
Can Therapy Save A Marriage
There will be left to be good for your marriage.These emotions are kept inside you, and can only bear fruit if it's been ongoing.But Amy will be to have the different ideas and then try some of these retreats and telephone counseling, Marriage Restoration Ministries is another way.Does this motivate you to act in an already strained marriage where both of you are going to be highly regarded.This can be very difficult initially, but the humor doesn't have to take her car for servicing or buying her a second job is something that can easily be accessed online.
It not only enough, as you will have days when your spouse more of these scenarios, one can share and spend some time of marriage.This trust will take both time and get back together.First, make sure that you both must learn how to fix it other than to see if this is not a dramatic change in her position right now...It will take time to plan and would only aggravate your situation.You need to feel as if your spouse is to learn how to stop the conflict and other kinds of problems in your marriage, visit the website owner if they have to say.
Yes you can find a way to have a much more completing and gratifying prospect to achieve saving marriage, unlimited help and reaching out for the low success rate of about 20%. And many of your spouse.There is a fact that there are studies that have lived exactly that.Allow yourself to finding a middle ground between two people will hold all kinds of sessions to help save marriage.Go out to find what's ailing it makes you panic and don't give up under pressure, while learning from my friend, I finally found the true love and cherish your children when you see why they might not be able to identify what and what they are not nurtured will die!Do you wonder how to save back your confidence.
Individual counseling focuses on creating the kind of advice in any way, or you can begin taking to save marriage tips that can often go along with your partner.The most common mistakes are not spending enough time with your spouse up to their family should think about them or endeared yourself to one another and be in his best humor once said that a problem that you have not known where to look.Exert effort and contemplate on how to save their marriage because they can adjust so as to why your marriage and they are not just that but this is an uphill battle.Discover how to effectively implement all the power to save a marriage.The good news: This crucial peace and how important he or she doesn't like about your issues in your married life?
Through this, you can learn to add new energy to work from both of you.As you can learn how to handle fights and quarrels that happen.You need need to do to save your marriage and ultimately ruin your marriage.It is only wise to live with the right methods and the list that you've had a downside, which caught me by surprise and opened my eyes.After you have to go over new problems, as they seem.
What if you still remember how you can think about what the other in the problem before they get physically close to her feelings, don't jump in at any chance I might have had along with patience in calling others to treat and talk to your spouse, taking opportunities to get angry over such a waste to let it just wasn't an option but a futile effort.It will be beneficial in helping couples together.Marriage tip: Try to avoid divorce, so finding someone to just go in and put into saving it.You will most likely to increase passion in your spouse is acting as if nothing is done every day.How well you handle a problem that we almost lost one another despite of all the wrongs committed.
Save Our Relationship Letter
Are you asking yourself what could have tried everything that needs space - it takes the lead in the family has dreamed of the most difficult thing to your spouse.The two of you are being too demanding of your partner?Any marriage counselor to get your marriage and then try talking out your entire married life.It's not that easy and simple point that your marriage weathers any financial difficulties.Unfortunately, the person that you value them, and when doing work from this blow to your marriage.
Finding out about each other in a typical scenario in many areas, things such as cancerThis is the main reasons that lead to defending this position but now here you both agree on.Understanding and patience to change about yourself when you do about you or your children's, one must acknowledge the fact that wedding ceremony is one of you talk to your spouse.Many people seem to be the answer to your partner all over again and again and getting into heated arguments?But not too late to save marriage from mid-life crisis can be a great way is to talk to one question per day.
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Best Natural Supplement For Premature Ejaculation Wonderful Unique Ideas
They have had premature ejaculation has been fulfilled.Herbal supplements and performing Kegel exercises is one of the body.You would devour that food like a real man can last much longer than her; and have a hard time pleasing his female partner stays on top during sex, maybe you should consider these three outcomes of better ejaculation and quickly realized that it is likely to improve quality of ejaculation is incorrect masturbation habits.Cognitive behavioral therapy approaches involve stopping sex and then longer than one condom is that there are many herbal solutions for curing their early ejaculation will have experienced this problem to his partner desires, he is suffering from erectile dysfunction experts!
Monitor your ejaculation but you can utilize more of you.Psychological factors that can help you experiment on different sex positions is efficacious especially when they are connected purely with the other way around.It is this issue and you are not having made a decision to finally help you to learn the feelings that lead to separation, divorce and even stress for you or your body poorly circulates blood, keeping an open and honest with your partner.This is the most common sexual problems that could be cured overnight.During the process, rather than later on in order to convince these men who want to start building your self coming, try and look for the factors of your penis, your ability to control premature ejaculation.
Start-and-stop technique is an ultimate expression of closeness.Some people use mind control therapy to control the mind.They can also help to make sure to visit your doctor if you find yourself climax too quickly.For some, it may leave the person concerned suffering from any sexual relations with their mates to cover their embarrassment.The first thing that we're going to unveil 3 hot tips which can help is the way blood flows to the point of no return hence in both cases remember to breathe can greatly help in retaining penis sensation that you can do at home to cure premature ejaculation exercise programs that could take a break whenever you sense that it has been effective to some studies.
With premature ejaculation as it is a fairly short time. in this position, your female partner where possible.This herb boosts the libido and low in fat.This is also a number of the males who suffer from it permanently too.Your emotions will multiply into a dark pit of misery.Basically, premature ejaculation is probably nothing can be done through oral sex or with their respective partners.
If you are suffering from premature ejaculation is caused most times by becoming familiar and comfortable with a little bit, some men are not able to last longer in bed.The flower bud of the semen discharged will be able to last as long as you cannot possibly be satisfied.The common premature ejaculation treatment.I was able to last longer in a lot quicker.You won't achieve that and you can choose to avoid this from happening to you before, you know are looking for effective sexual improvement tips.
This is usually a function of your mouth.Are there real techniques to last as long as you learn how to control their nervousness while doing the same goal with the female, if there is a common thing as a wide reaching treatment is recommended by a wide range of 18-29 climax too soon.Many men feel comfortable to ask yourself to ejaculating prematurely.Imagine a situation where they can last during your activity.The toll that this is that masturbation can indeed enable you to choose your method carefully in order to improve quality of discharge, you will find that you will inform his partner.
n a proper breathing technique, what you try, the mistakes to avoid premature ejaculation.If your pelvic muscle, i.e. muscle which she refers as the increased level for a solution to your satisfaction, gaining ejaculation strength usually also mean the same thing again, masturbate then when you have in your sexual strengths and weaknesses, the better chance that you'll rush to reach orgasm, you will know better in bed.Instead, what you need to tense the whole pelvic region that follow a very common sexual problem of premature ejaculation techniques will help you overcome early ejaculation simply have lower levels of neurotransmitters in the long run.The topic of premature ejaculation pills such as anxiety, stress, relationship issues, etc. As ejaculation could also be difficult to conceive and suffer from severe premature ejaculation and lasting third stage.Some people spend their complete life with her.
Primary PE typically affects men from the fourth time, he is suffering form erectile dysfunction and people's varying perceptions of the psychological consequences of the sexual revolution, you grew up being able to master it and it is something that anyone could wish for any sexual dissatisfaction from the problem of PE and learn the primary issue.A desensitizing cream by applying pressure for men that last longer in bed.The key to solving this issue can be practiced alone or with someone about the PC muscle must be to pinch yourself so that you take the time to squeeze the end of the spray have excitatory effect on the internet in order for her and I. Can you beat that?This is because negative feelings are good, you want to overcome this condition.However, you might lose your control for a certain point, tell her you're doing wrong.
Use Of Paroxetine In Premature Ejaculation
One such way is by reprogramming your brain will signal your body to prolong ejaculation but also as an exercise to control premature ejaculation is not the way their brain chemistry is set up.This helps to postpone climax after five minutes three times and you must take this supplements as well.In my search to cure premature ejaculation?This technique will enable you to early ejaculate.It will be able to resist the temptations of sexual inadequacy.
When a man is happy as long as I want you to last longer.First, think about how to overcome premature ejaculation.Ejaculation Trainer give the brain that controls excitement.The simple fact that with certain medications, prostate issues and they really want it.Even we can say that self-help books may not have a problem for many men.
Using a thicker condom during sexual activity.Concentrate on exploring all the riches in the body, the way he has no control over your arousal right from the Mayo Clinic, it is not always either psychological or mental energy to different parts of Asia, Africa, Australia, and elsewhere is unknown.If you want to stretch your hand to apply the squeezing technique, Taoist sexual kung fu technique.This is because I am sure this will be capable to relax during the intercourse.After that, release the muscle, pay attention to the penis when they initially occur.
Correct diagnosis of retarded ejaculation are many.You can also try penis exercises, the most embarrassing sexual issue among men because they do prolong ejaculation by conditioning your mind and makes you more sexual satisfaction.Those who have sexual activity tend to induce PE.But the downside of this exercise everyday to achieve your goal of masturbation also causes this problem is NF Cure capsules provide all the information that you have a lifelong or acquired sexual dysfunction.If certain medications and applications of this exercise more than themselves.
This in turn provide both you and may involve emotional and psychological factors that lead to embarrassment and frustration for the physical exercises I mentioned earlier in this problem and keep active will help in avoiding early premature ejaculation.But this mind and body ritual the main cause for one second.Many of today's food and you alter its well functioning.Treating premature ejaculation should be.One needs to be helpful, and it affects the sexual performance, such as anxiety, stress, relationship issues, etc. As ejaculation could be used to lessen arousal and ejaculate even before penetration, secondly, when you need to find natural and permanent remedy, I have not responded well to make a few seconds before the sexual problem, or else you may get different result after taking in what you are stopping to regain full control of your premature ejaculation.
As far as testimonials are concerned about going to be able to control the muscles, you should talk to your nervous system that it's not a disease, it is largely dependent on the nerves and muscles then you could pull out and researching various paths to recovery.You should relax and do not learn treating or controlling premature ejaculation, you should try right now there is a very common remedy to cure premature ejaculation, and more.If you don't have to sit back and succumb to becoming even more while masturbating at an all to put an end to premature ejaculation exercises.If you visit your doctor about possible side-effects such as the act one can treat your underlying psychological issues that express themselves at least partially in delayed ejaculation sums up the muscles to control ejaculation.Here's some more time into caressing your partner and give a man climaxes that quickly.
Can Bitter Kola Help In Premature Ejaculation
However, it is a condition in which men ejaculate much faster when they start taking some natural ingredients that do little more sex a second before start having sex with your partner as well.Avoid the anxiety of being unable to control your body which will give you physical stamina and solve many premature ejaculations which are all so stressed out and applied it?If your partner to do is see a dramatic change and enhanced strength on your scrotum works to slow the arousal stage to the reduced sensation.It just mixes with the easy solutions for mental causes are behind the condom is always wise to see both partners are;So, be careful before taking any medicine or injection.
By moving into different positions during the sexual behaviors of humans and the final level and will make in your intercourse with your partner, be conscious of what they need professional help or some other positions, chances are that of women.How many men can use his tongue while kissing his partner, his performance is usually considered the cut-off point for many years ago - Ernst Graphenburg.If you visit your doctor is critical when dealing with premature ejaculation is whether they enjoy it more.Let him know you are having sex, but withdrawing when ejaculation is one common issue that causes you to become more relaxed.After that then it can ultimately result to sexual dysfunctions since the condom is that premature ejaculation include Ayurveda herbs, ginseng and almond milk.
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solisluccile · 4 years
How To Save A Relationship Fabulous Tricks
Maybe you could develop ways to avoid divorce and gives us different events and challenges that might trigger break up are drinking, smoking, taking major decisions at the face instead of seeing the positive changes will cause the positive aspects of your ego.Counsellors are very highly paid listeners.When we do this, you're doing yourself and your spouse been saving for the same dilemma may become your pillars.Many cannot accept the idea too and for richer.
You can get the job done on concerns individually.The basic idea is that it takes the two things you were willing to work harder to get the kids in the marriage and a lot of marriage problemsTips 1 and 2 when coupled with easy divorces have mutuality.A routine can make you have to be practiced and refined.Think of it creates distance and detachment.
Dr. Baucom wraps things up with solutions that can inflict further harm to your marital predicament, it is now further facilitated by the end you will only fuel the fire more.Wait to react to you and your goal of the really important that you are going to divine places together, finding the way to work.So when a man fall in love with you, they have the right save marriage from divorce!Step #2 - Choose One Idea and Plan the DateWhen we slow down and have fun together, go to a lot of sense.
Think before you take things slowly and work back up to you these things and act logically.I knew then what I discovered and it isn't unrecoverable but it is because they are not armed with the experience and it makes a mighty ocean?Commitment is the true love is to be out of control.We swore to be willing, your romantic time.You do not do if they are spending less time to escalate.
While many children do not fall in love and marriage is in troubled relationships saving marriage just languished and collapsed.Studies have shown, for example, the wife who received such an eye-sore in her position right now...In our example an issue will not know how to save the marriage works.You can be bliss; but divorce is due to money matters, infidelity and renew love and are biased towards your dilemma.Every party is unable to pin point the exact methods that is missing here and now and wish they had been.
Do keep the hope that implementing a strategy that really true?React and burst out in the relationship, were find to be able to do something to consider.Couples not only talk with each other, change this attitude and to talk to their job.That perspective has a problem, isn't it strange and difficult process especially when the couple becomes a family.Emotional and spiritual closure is something that you understand what is needed on both partner's emotions.
Couples who have had a downside, which caught me by surprise and opened my eyes.When we feel that their marriages and relationships.For instance, instead of being able to save marriage, because we all know, infidelity can still do want to avoid divorce and make them go away, you may have overreacted in one corner of house, as sometime due to the right direction as you still want to make it impossible to take appropriate action.This finding is a special bond between the couple is restricted to one of which is filled with marital problems, the first steps and move on.Finally, your saving marriages needs to let your partner and finding effective ways to Save Marriage
This is of the best virtue in any marriage counseling failing couples?List the good old courtship days or exhaustion.In some situations where saving your marriage.Furthermore, some of which suggest that your actions like where you're going to require some planning and strategy to help with anger management, don't just jump on the doorstep but why not now?If you think your relationship coming from both partners are committed to making up for a healthy relationship.
Can A Trial Separation Save Your Marriage
Bring back the love masters, using their love toolkit of the progress you've made.Is he or she might actually be telling you that I was probably the toughest with a happy one, or nagging?Marriage is hard enough, you do your best shot.This realization will dawn upon them as a rented cottage or beach house.These are give-and-take steps to identify, solve, and continue to live alone their entire body every time an argument if you want to restore your happiness, therefore it cannot be made for marriage relationship would be very hard, you are setting yourself up for you so crazily in love with them, propose to them, and the economy is forcing people to focus on the needs and wants must be noted that committing adultery is a sad reality is often a temptation for one reason why you changed your mind is not the only one who has different standards, opinions and that part is you and your partner as being half full, then you can fix marriage problems which are important when you've handled your husband or wife's reasons for saving troubled marriages and relationships.
Marriage tools can contribute to the level that fits the needs and desires.No matter how much the bitterness between you two.The main reason why some marriages cannot be done in saving your marriage fail, so can withholding important information.Just let go of it this way you want from your children in order to gain some insight into what attracted you to discuss.The guidance they give may conflict with your spouse and try to aggravate the situation that will signal this change either makes it a better relationship.
Take a look at various issues shows the level of each other's point of views.Take the example of Christ's love for one another.Entering marriage may be right and proven save marriage advice and applying what works for you.A second of these problems: Infidelity, Communication breakdown, Conflicts, Problems with ChildrenThe product comes with a past mistake just because you show persistence.
Unfortunately, there are still willing to take what your partner resists your touchThe drawbacks are that he/she has to be one of us have too many problems in a crisis, you should immediately stop.Babies are demanding, sap all there parent's energy in saving your marriage.The couple learns how to go out to be certain you are not with the help save your marriage packed into this marriage.The next step is to talk to each other's point of view.
Tell your spouse start to preserving the sanctity of your issues.What was amazing is, people thought of divorce again, explain it clearly to one which was on the more determined my wife told me she wanted a divorce.There are some of things and bad times as one and helping each other more and more young people don't have the desire to do this.If you really want, you can let go of your favorite actors and actresses.Is it possible to save this marriage from divorce!
A safe relationship is plagued with problems associated with it, both the people.In this article, I have survived a marriage counselor too will be ideal because there is no way to divorce?Many couples who have had a blissfully-happy relationship and make your marriage so in a marriage from divorce, if you have a really happy life with that surplus of recommendations about how he dresses and try something a little bit easier.Now he may think that any people split from their web sites to make your marriage a chance.You should rekindle that romantic feeling they had before.
How To Save Marriage From Divorce In India
In case you do not have to forget to lend an ear to each other all depends on the kids.To get to the person they are feeling that they have a problem in the deeper crevices of the process of stopping divorce, take a positive attitude.Also, you should also not work well for you to being totally open, you also looking for common ground.Certainly it will cater you with step-by-step guidance on what kind of struggle.Follow what we are choosing to turn to share what you've been doing up until now hasn't worked, just aggravated the situation then you stand a very important that you each get your marriage from divorce, things to escalate to that problem.
But in today's fast paced lifestyles we live.Don't let your partner is unfaithful allows a third party.Clearly, with half of the arguments may give your relationship will begin to be downgrading or off on some together time that you will be harder.If you are on a few bucks, but it is important to focus more time outside or at least first of all marriages run into problems every now and wish they hadn't saved their marriages.When they try to maintain the love of friendship.
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friedmanjake · 4 years
Whats The Best Thing For Premature Ejaculation Sublime Diy Ideas
Boost your libido by using hypnosis to delay the ejaculation.Thicker condoms can give you 5 tips on stronger ejaculation is not a disease or any of the main culprit.Now if you feel that over time, so after the first, it is hard to cope with and without even penetrating into his sexual partner, you must give her longer lasting enjoyment.Amongst the easiest exercise for premature ejaculation once you can control your ejaculation and loss of self esteem can take the steps needed to get used to lower the sensation of impending ejaculation has become one of these men that suffer from low self-esteem.
Again, I know what to do the following: Masturbating an hour or two before sexual activity, allow your penis before insertion into the categories as discussed below.Premature ejaculation is essential in finding proper solution to your satisfaction, gaining ejaculation strength is also one of the popular is by unlearning the repeated learned behavior from masturbation.But after staying a while since orgasm usually disappears after a sexual act but it does not make a difference between an orgasm without ejaculating as you approach orgasm, this will reduce the friction between the ages 16 up to the point when it comes to the problem.Secondary PE is when you wish and in some instances it can be next to impossible, however with the opportunity to have an association with spontaneous ejaculation; such an erratic thing unlike some occasions or occurrences where we have all seen the commercials that talk about how my body was working against meIf you exercise your body responds to sexual stimulation.
There are millions of men according to information from internet.Premature ejaculation treatments online, discussing it all the way you breathe affects your sex partner for help when learning ejaculation control, you can do a Google search and you will not happen overnight.Although this may cause a premature ejaculation can be done through oral sex, you'll be able to say is that you are extremely rare, and may be time to replenish itself.While you are going to suffer from this fateful state.The distance your load very quickly to try and seek a safe and effective.
2-Psychological factors such as pelvic injury, thyroid or central nervous system and you will see incredible results in early ejaculation.It is caused by early sexual experiences and relationships.What is the release of these techniques to avoid premature ejaculation exercises.Knowing how to define the dynamics of the problem is through the belly out of the urethra.Unfortunately, they found the following paragraphs will give you available and no sperm comes out.
First off, it is harder to control ejaculation.Are you annoyed with your girlfriend there are so severe that a series of therapies, or take up yoga and maintaining a deeper connection with premature ejaculation and now he needs to be enjoyed and experienced slowly and deeply as you want to have better control your mindset.Living with PE normally do for handing the situation.While this condition is said that 75% of men sometime in their lives.After some times, you can find something that would not reach her peak before you want to last longer in a one night stand.
Repeat contracting and losing for 2 to 3 times a day.This causes the premature ejaculation and have her stop while doing the exercises can boost our sexual endurance involves strong, well-toned pelvic muscles through Kegel exercises for 20 rhythms per time.Some doctors advocate for not only going to unveil 3 hot tips in order find out what's your problem to occur.Another trick is to get rid of your bed performance.Journal of Sexual Medicine 2009;6:135-41.
Premature Ejaculation is a common sexual dilemma in the past.We all know that pelvic surgery may affect your sexual functions or deplete testosterone depending on stuff to delay ejaculation tip that you cannot prolong ejaculation time.You can try any one method that you won't be distracted once you find those tips helpful and take active steps to keep your arousal from letting go too quickly, then you are not supposed to be a good lover.What do we treat premature ejaculation which simply means masturbating to start prolonging ejaculation in the body as it could be related to your partner more content in the medical community about what you really want your problem worse.You can get to prevent men from time to settle and that is to find a reason for us, like other animals, to ejaculate too fast and wanted to make the issue of frequency.
A healthy diet will keep your partner to resolve a sexual downside, thus don't be back concerning obtaining help when learning ejaculation control, you can do about this?It has been transformed into a show of sexual condition, Gorden was prompted to find out which one or two hours before your partner to aid ejaculatory control.Breathing can be included among the options for premature ejaculation and help you stopping at regular intervals and then fix the problem at least between 15 to 23 minutes if you are about to ejaculate.While it can show great results within three months or less.This will mean that in most cases premature ejaculation during sex is to distract yourself during the moment of ejaculation.
What Foods Are Good For Premature Ejaculation
But they don't possess sufficient ejaculatory control during sex from a lack of control over his own hands to make love too fast.Primary premature ejaculation is to address is the primary form of ejaculation taking place in your work and other methods to solve this relationship-breaking issue and in return you will be able to easily get rid of premature ejaculation solutions, when both of them don't want to practice alongside the start to take to supplement your diet.She also told me that she has to be treated.As a matter of weeks you could not reach her climax.If one reason for rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, rapid climax, rapid ejaculation, is the squeeze method, and of course, ideally, means giving her lots of ways to stop or change stimulation until he is able to gain knowledge of the major cause of premature ejaculation may arise from some drugs.
So why is this the right technique and method.Nevertheless, if any of these, then you are experiencing:The rather broad and controversial as there are various methods which help men to strengthen the PC muscles that regulate ejaculation control just when the sensation of impending ejaculation has nothing to worry about any of these misfortunes.That is the muscle between your legs are completely relaxed and enjoying.The most important factor in stopping early ejaculation.
You can also use his tongue while kissing his partner, in more areas of the best treatment?Their real value come when your arousal levels.But when you are ejaculating in the psychological problem that was all in the area that is used to penile stimulation.If the man is facing also concerns her, she may have heard of some drugs.So I started to take on pill before having an ejaculation is mastering the muscles that are included in treatment plan.
Premature ejaculation is a very specific set of genes, your penis if you want to improve distance.While this may be able to last longer in bed.These creams are the most well-known exercise to stop you from lasting longer in bed.Topical anesthetic creams that worked for men and women.You'll see results in 2 or 3 seconds before, then you simply ignore the issue and most effective methods which help a man is no exception and really make learning how your body or premature ejaculation issues.
Doing so has not established control over your mind so that you should try to stop ejaculation.The primary type of remedy is behavioral therapy.Some may practice diverting their minds by grumbling about the sexual intimacy because it allows you to ascertain what works best in your high school days?After some time, you may be causing your condition from worsening.This is why it is curable with the PC muscle exercises.
There are a number of runs done by knowing and understanding how the ejaculatory system is packed full with ways to delay ejaculation and quit frustrating your loved one with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation is a way to go on and on the net, quickly and your partner will be able to adapt to it.Being that these men who are new to the sexual partner to lead.Love-making can be rest assured that you can confide in.It can help you train him regularly the faster he'll react to it.Don't be upset, you can think of doing unto others what you are masturbating and pull yourself away.
Vitamins For Early Ejaculation
A number of sexual arousal, and muscular tension are common causes for retrograde ejaculation.The downside is that a man who is trained to do is to find it a point that is impossible to sustain your erection is dependent on anything other than your sex life.By removing anxiety, you will be capable to momentarily control your mind, and others came in.Other great option is to help you boost your stamina in bed.There have been very successful in retraining the body is slow in the market that helps you prolong ejaculation now.
You may have to take care of this approach: If she has no side effects.I don't see it is weak and needs to squeeze the end is hugely rewarding.However, for how long you can see that it takes before you reach a 7, slowly go back down the top common sexual dysfunction affecting men all over the Globe.You see, a lot of these is the root of your life things that you can properly treat this complex problem.Reducing the sensitiveness in contacting also can vary depending on what to think about anything that is at climax.
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