#the mandalorian sex pollen
Helloooooo friend ❤️
For your 500 celebration, I am requesting a non vampire monster fucking fic with any Pedro Boy of your choosing 🙏🏼
(maybe something w tentacles maybe? not required tho whatever you want man love you)
General Warnings: 18+, as is the whole of my blog, I will mark anything specific but be aware this is predominantly a smutty blog with plot. DNI if you are a minor. By reading further you have taken the responsibility to do so with the warnings I have given.
Specific Warnings: Dubcon/noncon, phereomones, tentacles, bondage, mind-fuck, alien sex, alient tentacles, Mind break (if you squint), unprotectred PiV (WRAP IT UP) , anal, DP, sex talk. Let me know if I missed anything!
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Taungsdays, am I right?
“Cyar’ika.” A far away voice calls to you but you can’t seem to make it out, the word means something to you. It’s a precious word, but you just don’t remember why.
“Cyar’ika, please. Wake up.” The voice is clearer now, you know it, but it’s weird, not quite right. It’s clearer than you’ve ever heard it, but who? Whose voice is that calling so sweetly to you in the darkness?
Then you hear your name, crystal clear, uninhibited by a modulator, and you squeeze your eyes closed. It’s Din, your Din, your Riduur. But something is wrong, his helmet is off.
“Din?” You try, but your voice comes out in a rasp as you realise how dry your mouth is.
“Praise the Maker, you’re alive.” Din’s unmodulated voice sounds strained, like he’s in pain. You try and move your limbs but you can’t. Panic sets in and you whimper as you keep your eyes shut, you will not breach Din’s creed, not for something as trivial as fear.
Feel for him, feel his energy.
You think to yourself, meditating on the thought, of the essence of your beloved. He’s close, so close, yet there is something else, something writhing in the space between you. You flex your fingers, opening and closing them rhythmically as you try and get some blood flowing through your body. You’re restrained by your ankles and wrists, suspended somehow.
“Din, what’s going on? Where’s your helmet?”
“It was taken, Cyar’ika, look at me.” Din cries out in pain, and the terror that grips your heart forces your eyes open. Your heart catches in your throat as you see him, naked, strung up by maroon vines. They writhe and squirm over his body, coiled around his neck, sliding over his tan skin. You look down to see his cock, erect and weeping as a thick vine slides over his tip, pulling his foreskin back. Din grunts, his beautiful face contorted in a mixture of pleasure and anger.
You feel anguish and hatred deep in your core as you realise you’ve just seen his face for the first time, and dank farrik is he beautiful. The facial hair you had only ever felt in the dark confines of his cot is patchy, but well kept, a strong moustache framing his top lip. His angular nose hooking slightly, and you remember how it feels to have it pressed into your hair as he wraps himself around you.
“Din.” You sob, tears streaming down your face as you meet his sorrowful eyes; deep dark pools of liquid caf, an apology written across them as his grief mirrors your own. This was not how this moment was supposed to play out, you were waiting for the right time. But it’s all wrong, ruined. A precious memory taken from you before it had chance to bloom.
“It’s ok Mesh’la, it’s not your fault.” His tone is soft, none of his usual curt, practiced stoicism. It’s the voice he uses when he makes love to you in the pitch black in his bed. The one for when your bodies wound so tightly it’s hard to know where you stop and he begins.
“What’s happening?” You ask as you look down to see yourself similarly restrained, the thick maroon vines tight around your wrists and ankles. You realise that you were wrong before in your assessment, they aren’t vines, they’re tentacles. They throb occasionally and you feel bile rising in your throat at the idea of being so vulnerable hits you.
“We’ve been ensnared by something, took us both by surprise. It’s been, ah, touching me since I woke a short while ago.”
As if on cue, the tentacles restraining you slither across your skin, hot and wet it almost feels good but you force the intrusive thought out of your mind. A long, bulbous-headed tentacle winds into view and you hear Din shout something but it’s drowned out by the blood rushing in your ears. The tentacle peels open like a grotesque flower and a puff of silver powder spits into your face.
You splutter as the powder coats your skin, flows through your sinuses and sticks to your windpipe. It’s like being suffocated, the taste of bitter fruit and the smell of Spice drowning you as the tentacle recedes.
“What was that?”
“My guess? An aphrodisiac, they dosed me earlier and I’ve been stiffer than Beskar since.”
“Kriff, what are these things?”
You feel a stir of arousal wash through you and as a pair of tentacles snake up to your breasts, you want to feel disgusted, angry even. But the moment they curl around your stiff, pebbled nipples you cry out in pleasure.
“Din, I’m sorry.” You whimper as the slick, hot, swirling sensation reminds you of Din’s lips. It makes you imagine him on top of you, kneeling between your spread thighs in the dark, worshiping your body with his mouth and hands.
“It’s ok Cyar’ika, I feel it too.” Din’s voice is thick with strain as you watch a pair of tentacles work over Din’s thick length, another rolling over his tight balls. You’re jealous, jealous that it’s not you making him writhe against his restraints.
“Thinking of you, of us.”
“Let’s work through this together, talk to me Cyar’ika, let me know what you’re thinking about.”
“Thinking about how your mouth feels on my breasts, when you take my nipple in your mouth and suck, just right, like that.” You mewl as the tentacle seems to react to your words. It hardens and pinches at your stiff peak and you cry out, mouth agape as you feel slick drip down your legs.
“Yeah? Good, I’m thinking about that smart little mouth of yours, sucking my cock, cradling my balls, fuck, yes,” He groans your name and you whine at the sensation of a tentacle sliding between your legs. The length of it sliding through your slick folds as you twitch at the way it prods at your clit.
“Din, wish I could kiss you.”
“Me too Cyare, me too, just want to feel you, the real you.”
Then something changes in the atmosphere, a vibration ripples through your mind and you feel something sentient brush against your consciousness. You meet Din’s gaze and judging by the look on his face, he felt it too.
“Wait, these tentacles, I’ve seen something like this before.” You think aloud as you try and wrack your brain for information.
Before you can formulate a thought you feel another thrum of energy ripple through the air and the tentacles restraining you loosen and flex, bringing you together before letting go completely. You sob and fall into Din’s strong arms, he pulls you against him with a soft huff. His scent envelops you as your bodies press together desperately.
You feel a tentacle press against the base of your skull before a sharp pinprick of pain on your hairline. Suddenly a consciousness bleeds into your own and you see through the eyes of the creature, watching you and Din embrace, both with tentacles hinged to your spines.
“I’m here, I see it too.”
There’s a feeling ebbing and flowing through your minds, you can hear Din’s thoughts and you feel heat warm your cheeks as you feel like you’re intruding. Then you feel it, his consciousness poking back at yours, asking for entry, and you realise Din must have let you in. Your shame doused, you feel something stir deep in your chest.
You submit to his request and it’s like cold fire burning behind your eyelids, licking at your mind but not burning.
Then you both feel it, the pulsating intent of the creature as it gazes upon you and you think you finally understand what is happening.
“It’s a Marian,” You say without speaking, your thoughts bleeding across the psychic barrier between you, “Sometimes called a Bors.”
“They don’t usually uh, accost people like this though, right?”
“No, this is something strange, and I didn’t think Marian’s existed outside their home world.” Your mind wanders through the soup of three shared minds, wading through the freedom of being joined in such an intimate manner.
“Are you getting the same feeling I am?” Din asks as you absently leave open mouthed kisses against his chest, hands snaking up to dig your nails into the firm muscles of his back.
“It wants to fuck us, but wants us to fuck?”
“Mhm, you want that Cyare? Because I’m happy to go along with it if you are.”
“I don’t think we have much of a choice Din.” You huff as Din grinds his hips against you, his hard dick pressed into your stomach.
“No, but I’d much rather this be my choice, our choice, wouldn’t you?” He tilts your chin up with his thumb and forefinger. Your chest flutters with emotion as you let yourself gaze upon his face once again. This time there is no tug of shame, no sorrow. There is only joy, euphoria as you watch his cheeks dimple as he smiles down at you.
“Yes, I would, kiss me.” You reach up to cup din’s face with your hands, pulling him down into you as your lips fuse together.
Your mouth opens without prompt as you let him claim your mouth, his tongue hot and heavy as he licks into you. It’s as if you’d never kissed before, every synapse firing at full yolk as you groan into his mouth.
Din hoists you up like you’re featherlight and you wrap your legs around his waist as you thread your fingers through his hair. You tug lightly, causing Din to growl into your open mouth before nipping at your bottom lip. You yelp in pleasure laced with pain as he drops to his knees on the soft jungle floor, laying you down as he settles between your legs.
Tentacles wind around you both and you watch as they latch onto your nipples, curling around the stiff peaks as they pull and tug against them. You watch as a tentacle slides over Din’s body, nestling between his firm, pert ass cheeks. He shudders as the hot, sticky wetness teasing his tight asshole.
“This is new.” He grunts as he lines up at your core as you keep your hands on his face, savouring every moment of his exposed face.
“If you like it, we can try it out ourselves.” You wink at him as you feel a tentacle swirling around your own ass. Din has fucked your ass before so this wasn’t as daunting for you. You feel it breach your hole and you groan as Din follows suit, his cock stretching you out as you let out a strangled moan. You’re so full and you feel Din shake as he tenses up.
“Hey, Din, you’ve gotta relax,” You croon as you pull him down, your foreheads pressed together, you press a soft his to his lips as you rub your thumbs across his cheeks, “Focus on me, let go, fuck me baby, it’s alright.”
“Cyare, I’m sorry I can’t hold back.”
“It’s ok, use me, fill me up and make me scream Din.” You beg, already feeling your mind fogging over with bliss as you’re filled up and a tentacle comes to toy with your clit, the suction blinding as you pull Din down to kiss you as he lets out an animalistic snarl; his teeth clashing with yours as he fucks down into you with a fervour saved for nights where you’re blindfolded and bound to the side of the cargo hold, completely at his mercy.
“I love you Din, love it when you let go like this.” You breathe as you pull away, watching as his pupils dilate, his mouth open and hot breath fanning across your cheeks.
“Kar'taylir darasuum, Cyare.” He grunts as his face drops to your neck, his strong arms pushing your legs up against your chest. His broad palms anchored on the backs of your knees as he fucks deeper inside you. You cry out as the tentacle in your ass matches his pace. His teeth graze your skin before sucking against your sweat-soaked skin.
“Fuck it’s so deep.” Din grunts as his grip tightens on your legs, fucking harder and faster as you watch the tentacle inside him pulse and move in sync with all of your bodies. It’s all consuming, your mind and body unable to parse anything but the feeling of you all entwined.
“Din,” You whimper as your body trembles violently, “Going to come.”
“Come for me Cyare, let me feel you choke my cock.” He grunts, as you feel his hips stuttering as he nears his own release.
The pressure on your clit doubles and you are left mouth agape as your nipples are twisted and lapped at and the tentacle in your ass ripples rhythmically. You lace your hands through Din’s hair once more as you press your forehead to his, your mind going blank as you feel yourself coming hard around Din’s cock.
“Din.” You practically scream as he comes inside your pussy, the tentacle spurts into your ass, and you feel Din shudder as you know his ass is now filled with Mairan come much like your own. Din flops down on top of you, practically crushing you as you wrap yourself around him with all of your limbs.
The tentacles recede into the rainforest around you and the sound of nocturnal birds and insects chorus around you as the ethereal silence is broken.
“Are you ok?” Din breathes into your neck as you both pant heavily.
“Surprisingly, yeah, that was, something else.” You giggle and trace shapes over his bare back.
“That’s one way to put it.” He chuckles into your ear as he nips your lobe tenderly.
That’s when the fatigue hits you, Din falls forwards abruptly, forcing the air out of your lungs but before you can fight back you’re out cold.
The sound of the air recyclers wakes you slowly, a familiar, mundane sound that you usually tune out. You jolt upright and assess your surroundings, you’re back on the Gauntlet, in the co-pilot’s chair. You’re fully clothed and you look over to see Din, fully clad in Beskar, seemingly still asleep. You look out of the Transparisteel cockpit to see the rainforest outside, exactly where you had landed before you got ambushed.
Din wakes with a jolt and immediately springs to his feet, drawing his blaster in a swift motion as his visor scours his surroundings before landing firmly on you.
You throw yourself against his Beskar breastplate, ignoring the sting of the harsh metal on your skin. Din wraps his arms around you in a crushing embrace but you don’t care. All you care about is that you were together.
“So that wasn’t just a dream then?” Din’s modulated voice is a strange comfort after the events of your tentacle encounter.
“No, are you ok?” You ask, not daring to pull away from Din, you can’t bear being parted for him for even a minute.
“Yeah, was actually pretty liberating,” He chuckles as he rests the chin of his helmet on your head, “What about you?”
“I’m strangely ok, for unintended sexual encounters that was the best of them.”
“And ours isn’t the top of that list?”
“Din, you may have been oblivious to my very obvious advances on you, but I definitely intended to fuck you that night on Corellia.”
“Good point.” Din admits with a hum that rumbles though your chest.
There’s a comfortable silence for some time, the two of you swaying to a silent melody as the light bleeds through the night sky. There’s something unspoken, a deeper connection left as a remnant of the psychic connection with the Mairan which excites you and makes your chest flutter.
“So, that offer, about trying the uh, butt stuff, ourselves, is that still on the table?” Din asks as he lets out a nervous laugh. You lean back, only enough to look up into his visor, pinning his body to yours as you try to discern if he was joking or not.
“I meant what I said.”
“Good, I’ll hold you to that.” Din lets out a soft huff of air as he pulls you back against him. The Beskar is now warm from your body heat and you lean into it.
“But din?”
“We need to get some lube.”
He growls affectionately and hoists you over his shoulder before heading towards the crew quarters. You kick and scream with abandon as you feign a struggle against his firm grip.
You smile to yourself as you try and process the bizarre turn of events.
Taungsdays, am I right?
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! @wannab-urs @beefrobeefcal @proxima-writes @beskarandblasters @blackfemalenerd
499 notes · View notes
loslentesdepedrito · 4 months
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Din gif by: @themandaloriansource My Masterlist
Pairing: Virgin!Din Djarin x f!reader (Both Din and reader speak Spanish, and translations are provided.)
Word count: 11.2k+
Summary: You and Din accept a job to extract a flower from a planet neither of you has been to before. The instructions seem easy enough, but they do warn to be careful with the flower's pollen because of its unknown effects. Inspired by the song Paleta by Wisin & Yandel ft. Daddy Yankee.
Rating: 18+ Explicit content (MDNI) Tags and CW: canon divergent, can be considered dubious consent due to sex pollen, Din is a virgin in all aspects, and reader is not, poor Din being horny since the beginning, slight angst, happy ending, reader is shorter than Din and is carried by him in one scene, mami kink?, unprotected piv, oral (f and m receiving), some nipple play, multiple orgasms, creampie, facial, slight cum eating, shy Din then confident Din. To my knowledge, the Star Wars Universe doesn't have a purple planet, so I borrowed the Purple Dimension from Marvel Comics.
A/N: If you haven't had the chance yet, I beg you to check out the artwork by @immarocketman. This specific Din is exactly what I had envisioned for one of the scenes here. Their talent is remarkable, and I plan to explore more of their blog soon. Also, I mentioned that I was considering leaving and promised to provide an answer, but truth be told, I still haven't decided 😅. More on that in the end notes. For now, just sit back and enjoy the story!
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In the passenger chair behind you, Din's voice, agitated and piercing, breaks the silence of the ship's quiet hum. "Can you stop sucking on that thing?" His patience has finally reached its limit, worn down by the seemingly endless hours of watching you indulge in that infuriatingly purple lollipop. He's been forced to watch, and his frustration grows with each smacking pop you make.
Seated in the pilot's chair, you remain unfazed. The tone of Din's voice doesn't intimidate you; if anything, it amuses you. With a nonchalant pop, you remove the candy from your mouth, emitting a deliberate sound that only seems to fuel Din's annoyance.
"No," you reply plainly, still refusing to meet his gaze. You slide the sweet back between your lips and continue navigating the ship.
In the aftermath of a recent encounter with a Rancor that left Din nursing an injury on his left side, he reluctantly handed over the piloting duties to you as you traveled to a planet named the Purple Dimension – the location for your next assignment. Clutched tightly in Din's hand was a holopuck, its contents holding crucial information regarding the upcoming bounty hunt.
As the ship coursed through space, Din's growing frustration took its toll on the holopuck. The round object seemed on the verge of shattering under the pressure of his grip. The puck contained a holographic image of the bounty—an exotic flower—its value measured in credits, along with instructions. The explicit instructions attached required the flower to be carefully extracted and returned unharmed, without its pollen, as it was thought that its pollen could contain a substance that might trigger an unknown reaction.
The substantial payoff stemmed from the fact that a botanist sought to study the flower beyond its native habitat, resorting to placing a bounty to facilitate this unconventional research, as the botanist was unable to travel to the planet where the flower exclusively thrived. The job was one of the most unusual ones you've had, but the reward led to you and Din accepting the job.
Your fingers, warmed by the prolonged contact with the ship's controls, grasp the handles. Four fingers curl around the black handles, while your thumbs press firmly on the top. Your focus stays fixed on the pitch-black expanse ahead, where the distant stars provide the only source of light. Absentmindedly, the lollipop remains in your mouth, licked without the need for your hands.
Abruptly, Din interjects, "It's going to give you cavities," he declares, his tone laden with frustration that transcends the mere mention of cavities—his concern sounding more like a personal grievance.
With casualness, you reply, not quite understanding the intensity of his objection, "I brush my teeth thrice a day."
Din persists, his annoyance evident. "It's going to leave your teeth stained."
Unbothered, you respond, "This one never does," as you continue to indulge in the sweet.
Din, seemingly pulling thoughts out of thin air, desperately tries to dissuade you from sucking that godforsaken candy. "Don’t you hate grape-flavored stuff?" he questions, grasping at any argument to put an end to the incessant sucking of the lollipop.
“It’s very berry-flavored. It tastes delicious; I wouldn’t keep sucking if I didn’t like it,” you calmly assert, savoring the flavor while Din, in a moment of quiet frustration, squeezes the puck once more to stifle a groan at the words ‘It tastes delicious, I wouldn’t keep sucking if I didn’t like it.'
“Just stop freaking sucking the lollipop!” Din suddenly roars, his composure slipping away.
“Who pissed on your breakfast today? Lower your voice, would you? The kid is sleeping,” you retort sharply, whipping your head behind to find Din’s metal helmet tipped back against the red cushion of his chair.
He grumbles.
“Why does my candy bother you?” you ask, shifting your attention back to the path ahead.
“Let’s switch,” Din says, getting up with a slight grit in his teeth that you don’t quite catch.
“You’re hurt,” you remind him, part stating the obvious and part expressing genuine concern.
“I'm better,” he insists, placing his hand right next to you on the control panel.
You gulp and, without uttering a word, rise from your seat, seamlessly swapping places with him. The front of the ship isn’t the most spacious, and when you and Din brush up against each other, a subtle electricity passes between you, and he feels himself crumble at the touch. If it weren’t for his entire body being covered in beskar, you would easily see the physical effect you have on him.
“It’s distracting,” Din mutters, attempting to mask and ignore his feelings once he's settled back into the pilot’s chair.
“Oh, just focus on the mission, tin man,” you roll your eyes at him.
Din sighs out in frustration, and his voice modulator emits a gruff tone. “For the thousandth time, my armor isn’t made out of tin-”
“It’s made from beskar,” you interject, mimicking him with a sly grin as you repeat the exact words.
He doesn’t appreciate your tone, and he turns to give you a hard look through his helmet’s T-visor. All Din can focus on, however, is the way your lips wrap around the round hard candy. It’s shiny, and he can hear the sucking and stickiness echoing in his helmet. He's been twitching and growing in his pants, desperately trying to wield away his arousal without resorting to adjusting himself or deep breaths. Fucking miss my codpiece, he thinks.
With an audible pop, you remove the lollipop from your mouth and extend it to Din. “Do you want some of my candy?”
“No,” he replies curtly.
“Then stop staring!” you retort, emphasizing the word 'staring'. “You’re so tense, Maker, you need to get laid.”
At your words, Din's hands jerk, and the ship plummets.
"Din!" you scream, your stomach churning as your heart lodges itself in your throat. The velocity of descent sends a surge of fear through your veins. One hand instinctively shoots out to grip the ship’s side, desperately seeking something to brace against, while the other clutches the child, keeping him from sliding off his seat.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Din mutters, skillfully lifting the ship back to its original height after the sudden drop.
As your heartbeat gradually regulates, you steal a glance at Grogu, finding him still peacefully asleep. You sense you hit a delicate spot with Din, prompting you to let go of the teasing for now.
Wanting to shift the conversation, you say, “I wonder why no one else took the job. It’s great pay for what seems like a relatively easy missio- I mean job.” The planet you're headed to isn't popular; people don’t say why, but not many choose to visit.
“You get the money and don’t question shit,” Din says even though he has the same question.
Choosing not to press further, you turn your attention to the window. Up ahead, there's a thin, straight brown light, expanding seemingly from the horizon and stretching into what appears to be an eternity.
“We’re going to pass through the barrier now,” Din announces. The brown light grows more pronounced as the ship steadily approaches.
You tighten your seatbelt, securing yourself further, and place a protective hand on Grogu. Din steers the spaceship forward, and the moment the ship makes contact with the barrier, it propels forward at a rapid speed.
The sensation makes your head a bit fuzzy, and when you open your eyes, you're mesmerized by the surreal sights. Before you, four massive planets come into view. Oddly, they all appear to be precisely the same size. Each possesses a unique hue: Red, Purple, Green, and Yellow, standing in perfect alignment against the vast backdrop of the black vacuum of space.
Din goes straight for the purple planet, and as you draw closer, you're granted a more detailed view. The Purple Dimension, unlike its counterparts, lacks a ring. Indentations mark its surface, and as you approach, bodies of water and stunning mountain ranges become visible. Din tilts the ship, guiding it into the planet's atmosphere. The moment the ship breaches the surface, sheer awe envelops you. The bodies of water below cast an ethereal glow with bioluminescence, and the entire landscape bathes in an even color due to the indigo-tinted sky.
While you try to absorb the beauty of your surroundings in the darkness, the ship lands on a plain, sending purple dirt flying with the impact.
Din flicks off some switches, and you unbuckle your seat belt. “What do we do with Grogu?” you ask, standing up.
“We take him.”
“Are you sure? I can go and retrieve the flower, and you stay here with the kid,” you suggest.
“No. We’ll all go,” he declares, leaving no room for argument.
“Okay then. You’ve got the tracking fob, right?”
He hums in confirmation and retrieves the holopuck, activating it to reveal a holograph. A large flower materializes, towering at least 8 inches minus its stem. Eight petals surround a prominent style, with smaller styles adorning the central one. The holograph lacks vivid color, displaying only muted hues of blue that make it a challenge to discern the flower's true colors from the image alone.
“The target is on the water,” Din informs, and as if on cue, the child wakes up. You both cast a quick glance at the child, who begins to coo and blink up at both of you. It's a familiar routine for Grogu; he knows when you both have jobs and patiently waits for one of you to leave so he can follow.
“It was explicitly stated that the flower needed to have its roots, so…,” you bend down to retrieve an item you purchased. Unbeknownst to you, Din's gaze lingers, tracing the contours of your form as you unfold a blanket from what seems to be a ceramic container. He tries to maintain composure, but he can't help the involuntary hitch in his breath, his eyes irresistibly drawn to you. You finally stand back up, and with a smile, you unveil a flower pot.
“La compré para plantar la flor por si acaso (I bought this to plant the flower just in case),” you say, the sincerity in your voice softening the edges of your teasing banter. The idea of the flower handing in the flower lifeless after your efforts is not an option.
Din, his gaze lingering on you, manages to tilt his head slightly and inquire, “¿Cuánto te costó?” (How much did it cost you?)"
“No mucho (not a lot),” you brush him off casually, heading towards the exit with the flowerpot cradled in your arms. There's no need to call for the little boy; he immediately follows you in his floating pram.
“Esta niña (this girl),” Din grumbles, hands on his waist, shaking his head. He gives himself a silent pep talk, repeating that he can't entertain certain thoughts about you. Wishing for just five minutes—hell, two minutes—to work himself and spill over his fist, so he could stop the relentless thoughts. The thoughts that have replayed in his mind throughout the entire journey persist, and he knows they'll linger, continuing to haunt him.
After a few deep breaths, Din speed walks to the exit, his heavy footsteps echoing throughout the ship. He finds you and Grogu outside, with you carrying a bag over your shoulders, facing the water.
You're absorbed in the breathtaking sight, and it reinforces why you love your job as a bounty hunter. Yes, you deal with tracking down criminals, and yes, your renowned career is undeniably dangerous. But sights like this one make you believe it's worth it, plus traveling with Din and the baby is an added bonus. Grogu is an adorable kid, and Din is… Din.
You hear the Razor Crest's door closing and quickly capture a mental picture of the landscape. The ship lands on a purplish mountain range, not tall enough to obscure the view of the river below, yet sufficiently elevated. The sky, a dark shade of purple, accentuates the breathtaking brilliance of the stars. All the purple stretches out for miles, and even the majority of the forestation is painted in indigo hues. You turn your head by 90 degrees and are met with plum-colored plains stretching as far as the eye can see. Back to where the ship landed, there appears to be a beach, the sand's natural hue indeterminable against the sky's purple tint. However, the water is unmistakably translucent, a purplish-blue adorned with white sparkles, bioluminescent in nature. A few feet from the shore, a large forest comes into view, and hints of green seem to intermingle within the purple foliage. It's a strange sight, seeing such distinct biomes coexisting within a close distance, a landscape unlike any you've seen before.
“C’mon,” Din says, taking the lead. You and the child follow, catching up to his long strides. The ground beneath you feels somewhat familiar, similar to your home planet, yet you know better than to let your guard down. There's always a chance of something lurking, ready to trip you up, as you've learned the hard way before.
Silence envelops your trio until you reach the edge of the mountain. Grogu heads in a straight line, beginning a slow descent.
“Wait,” Din orders, making the first move to ensure the steps are secure before stretching out his gloved hand. You hesitate for a moment, apprehensive about making a fool of yourself at the slightest contact. Eventually, you wrap your fingers around Din’s hand, shivering at the unexpected warmth beneath his glove's black palm, contrasting with the cold yellow exterior. Din guides you as you land on the flat part of the mountain, offering a mix of instructions in a steady rhythm. “One foot in front of the other, watch your step, cuidado (careful),” he advises. This pattern continues as Din takes the lead, guiding your descent until you reach the base, where Grogu patiently waits.
Once you reach the sandy shore, you follow Din, who has the tracking fob out. He heads to the left, where many boulders create a makeshift wall. From the mountain's top, you had noticed the forest in that direction, just a few steps beyond the boulders and near the deeper part of the water. As you follow Din, you feel the temperature rising, and gradually, a wave of heat washes over you. The sun's intensity beats down, and warmth starts to cling uncomfortably to your skin.
Amidst the heat, a realization strikes you: you have something in your bag that could melt." Quickly unzipping the black bag, you retrieve a chocolate bar, its usual vibrant red wrapper transformed into a different hue by the planet's purple coloring. The word 'Tronky' is written in its original white letters, standing out against the altered shiny plastic. The wrapper displays an image of the candy, resembling a tree trunk with a few hazelnuts and a single leaf. The candy itself is thin, requiring only a few bites to finish.
Din, on high alert, hears a crinkle and turns to look behind. He's met with the sight of you biting into the wafer chocolate bar. As the hazelnut spread hits your tongue, you moan in delight. Din's boot gets stuck between a rock on the sand, and his body lurches forward. Before he can plummet to the ground, he manages to hold himself up with a large boulder. The wind blows his cape as he straightens up. Knowing better than to ask if he's okay, you pretend you didn't see and walk next to him, just in case he trips again. The crunch of the wafer blends in with the soothing sounds of waves crashing on the shore.
“Que rico (So good),” you mumble to yourself, throwing your head back.
Against his will, Din looks at you, captivated by all your features illuminated against the purple light. He plays with his cape, determined to focus on the tracking device to avoid crushing it. Din tries to ignore the sounds you think you’re hiding, silently praying you'll finish that chocolate bar soon. As the forest comes into view, he turns to tell you where to go. However, what he sees nearly has him stumbling again. You’ve finished the bar, and melted chocolate sits on your bottom lip.
“You’ve umm…” Din points at his own lips over his mask.
Confusion clouds your expression, and you stand there, looking bewildered. He points back at his helmet, “your…” he trails off. Still not understanding, you remain puzzled, and he puts the tracker in his pocket before stepping forward.
“Tienes chocolate en tu labio (you have chocolate on your lip),” he says in a low voice, placing one hand behind your head while using the other to touch your lips. You feel the soft and grainy texture of the leather against your skin, and you gasp, parting your lips. Din wipes off the chocolate in one smooth flick of his wrist. In that moment, he's thankful for his training, as it's the only reason he manages to slowly withdraw his hands, fighting the urge to put his finger inside your mouth.
Your brain short circuits, and you're only capable of whispering, “gracias (thank you.)"
Din nods his head and continues walking toward the forest. As you approach, you notice at the edge there's a large flower.
“Hey, is that what we’re looking for?” you say excitedly, pointing to the glowing flower that stands out.
Both of you pick up the pace and eventually reach it. There's no need to delve into the forest since the plant is a good two feet away from the trees, near the shoreline.
“Magellanica sinensis,” Din says, identifying the flower.
“Wow,” you exclaim in amazement as you gaze at the flower. “Wow,” you exclaim in amazement as you gaze at the flower. It's an exact replica of what's on the holopuck. In person, the eight big petals' exterior is a deep shade of purple. When you look closely, the inside of the flower displays a lighter color—you guess it's pink. As you observe, specs on the petals of different sizes become apparent, and you can't help but admire the dark veins running through the petals, resembling ink spilled and delicately bleeding through the vibrant hues of purple. You also notice seven stamens with equally spaced, fluffy anthers forming a circle. Similar to a hibiscus flower, this plant has one tall pistil. You inhale deeply as the pleasant aroma that makes you think of apples hits your nose when you lean closer. The water surrounding the plant captivates you as well. You feel an undeniable impulse to step into the water, but Din's voice pulls you away from that tempting idea.
“You brought the tools?”
“Yes,” you affirm, scrambling to take them out of your bag. Kneeling on the lilac-purple sand, you retrieve the gardening tools: a shovel, a large hand rake, and gloves. As they lay before you, you glance up at Din, finding him looking down at you, illuminated by the soft purple glow. Your breath catches in your throat. He’s so beautiful.
Little do you know, Din is thinking the same thing about you. There you are on your knees, looking up at him, and he can't help but imagine you in that same position in a different scenario. It's what he thought about last night in his room, tugging and tugging at himself, spilling on his sheets. Every time he succumbs to such desires, a pit of guilt and shame envelops him—just like now, snapping him back to reality.
“Please gather soil in the pot, and I'll remove the plant from the ground,” Din instructs, an unusual 'please' slipping from his lips. You nod, and he hands you the rake while he takes the shovel. Not bothering to get up, you crawl a little to the right, away from the flower, and start scooping soil onto the orange pot, careful not to disturb any loose leaves. As you work, a good layer of soil forms on the ceramic, creating a small pile ready for Din once he puts the flower inside.
He asks for the recipient, and you swiftly hand it to him. Watching attentively, you see him gently add the glowing plant to the flowerpot. The roots are surprisingly long, and you're thankful you opted for an extra-large pot. Your intuition about the flower's size was right—it's almost the size of your head, and the roots add even more height.
“Pásame la tierra,” Din requests, looking at the plant and realizing it needs more soil to cover the roots. You comply, handing him more soil while he reminds you to keep your distance since the obvious powder over the petals still needs to be cleaned.
“It’s getting too dark; I’ll take it back, and you take the child to his room. I'll clean the flower before we depart,” Din decides, prioritizing your safety and the kid's.
You collect the tools, put them back in your bag, and finally get up.
“You and the kid go first,” he insists, leaving no room for argument.
After walking back past the boulders and climbing the mountain, you take Grogu to his room, tucking him into bed. A smile creeps onto your face as you recall shopping with Din and his stress about finding the best mattress. You lost count of how many vendors assumed you and Din were parents to the same child, making references to you as his wife. Din was glad he never took off his mask in front of others, as he got flustered every time someone made that assumption.
With the baby quickly asleep, you quietly make your way back down to see what's taking Din so long.
You're walking down the dock when you hear Din cuss.
“Are you okay?” you ask, alarmed at the possibility that he might have hurt himself while carrying the heavy pot.
“Yeah, I just hurt my side, and it’s still tender,” Din grits through his teeth, aware that he can't hide the truth from you; you'd see right through any lie.
“Come here,” you beckon, but it’s you who walks to him. You guide him to sit on a bench and position yourself between his knees. Din avoids meeting your gaze, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. Sensing his discomfort, you ask, “Do you think it’s bruised?” You notice that before you arrived, he had peeled off a small part of his body stocking over his side.
You catch a glimpse of his exposed skin, only the second time you've seen it—the first being when he took off his gloves while you were injured and bleeding out two months ago.
“Can I touch you?” you whisper.
Din can't handle the question, especially with the way you're looking up at him. His arm jerks over the bench. He feels the flower pot and, through his cloudy and hazy mind, briefly remembers he placed the flower there. But it's too late; he accidentally knocks it over, and it plummets onto the ship’s floor.
The pot shatters, and you're both engulfed in a cloud of yellow dust. Shocked, you gasp and inadvertently inhale the powder. Violent coughs rack your body, and you close your eyes to shield them from the unknown substance. The powder doesn’t relent; it keeps engulfing you, and your throat constricts. Uncomfortable sensations intensify and your senses heighten. The thumping of your heartbeat becomes almost deafening, and you scramble to get up.
Din, shielded by his suit, doesn’t feel the same effects, but he sees your struggle and panics. All of his instincts are screaming to do something and in a desperate move, he takes off his helmet with an audible hiss. The powder rushes toward his nostrils, and he can't prevent inhaling it. Quickly, he lifts it off his head and rushes to place it over yours. You feel a cold metal sensation over your head, and your vision darkens. Confused, you raise your hands to your head, realizing Din's helmet is now covering you. The powder is less potent with the beskar helmet, but since you lack the full armor, some dust still infiltrates your system. Amidst the odd sensations and confusion, one emotion surges to the forefront: desire.
Knowing Din's helmet is over your head, you suddenly realize his face is exposed. Though tempted to open your eyes, you resist, knowing his creed means everything to him. You actively fight against yourself to keep your eyes shut.
Now, it's Din who is the most exposed. He holds his breath to avoid inhaling the substance, but he quickly discovers that not breathing only intensifies the burning sensation in his throat, forcing him to open up his breathing—what the powder wants.
Din can't endure it any longer. He takes you by the hand and pulls you urgently, all his instincts urging him to claim you as his own. As he guides you to his room to escape the relentless pollen, he can feel himself growing harder with each step.
The slightest friction from his suit elicits a sigh of relief. You hear him, and it causes the dampness between your thighs to intensify. Both of you, eyes still closed, manage to reach Din’s room.
He pushes you inside and closes the door. For a fleeting moment, he questions whether keeping you in the same confined space as him was a mistake. Then, he hears your sweet voice.
“Din, it hurts,” you say, on the verge of tears.
“What hurts, cyar'ika?” he questions, feeling a pain of his own. He recognizes the ache he's experiencing—a longing that hurts, the pain of not being able to reach you, entwine his body with yours. He wonders if the powder is affecting his virgin ass differently.
“I-” The words catch in your throat, and with eyes shut, you sit down on Din’s mattress. It's so soft, and the scent of him surrounds you. With trembling hands, you lift the helmet off your head. “I just… I feel like my body hurts,” you reply vaguely.
“Where?” He rasps, eyes flying open as he sees you lying down and squirming on his bed. His resolve crumbles, and he has to physically restrain himself against the wall to resist walking toward you.
“Uhh,” you breathe, the sound morphing into a moan. “Between my thighs,” you admit, unable to lie. Your entire focus is consumed by the desperate need to touch yourself, to feel Din's touch.
“Din,” you whine, and the plea only makes him clench his fists, fighting the urge to go to you. “You should leave.”
“Can’t leave you alone,” Din chokes out, his gaze fixed on you as you start unbuttoning your pants.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you repeat, your hand finding its way down to your core. Despite any potential embarrassment, the overwhelming sensation induced by the pollen outweighs everything. With Din in the room, you can't resist the burning desire.
As your hand slides underneath the soft fabric of your panties, instant relief washes over you. Rubbing circles over your clit, you thrash on Din’s bed, succumbing to the frenzy of desire that the pollen has ignited.
Din can’t bring himself to close his eyes. A little voice demands him to keep his eyes open and to touch you. He hears your whines, and he feels his body temperature rise. Bringing his hand to his mouth, he bites the leather, tasting its texture briefly. He doesn’t dwell on it too long; he rips his head away, and the glove dangles between his teeth. Frantically, he repeats this for the other hand. Now, his hands and head are bare. Din's gaze is on you again, and he sees that now you’ve got your entire hand between your thighs. A strangled noise escapes his throat, and you keep moaning, causing sweat to bead on Din’s forehead without any physical exertion.
With your eyes still closed, you don’t know what Din is doing. Following your instincts, you have your entire hand between your thighs, your index and middle fingers delving deep, while your thumb works on your pearl. Wet squelching sounds, along with your moans, fill the room.
“So wet,” you mutter unconsciously. It’s true; you have so much slick that it’s dripped onto your underwear, feeling uncomfortably wet.
“‘M so-oh!-sorry.” Tears prickle at the corners of your eyes as the relentless effect of the substance refuses to subside. Frustration mounts with each attempt, as you’ve tried every flicker on your pearled nub that would usually get you to your climax at this point, but nothing.
You huff and slide your free hand underneath your black shirt. When your hand makes contact with the bare skin, goosebumps erupt across your body. The scalding warmth of your hand travels to your right breast, and as your fingertips hit the smooth fabric of your plain black bra, you bend the cup to reach your nipple. It's pebbled and sensitive to the touch. You hiss but find some pleasure when you roll it between your thumb and index digits.
“Din, I’m so sorry. I can’t stop,” you confess, apology evident in your tone as you work both hands in a feverish attempt to reach your peak. Feeling it build and build, it doesn’t come. Mortified by the silence you think, I’ve made him uncomfortable; he’s going to hate me and kick me o-
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he pants, and amidst the haze of desire, you hear the distinct clatter of metal hitting the floor.
“Din? ¿Qué estás haciendo? (What are you doing?)” you ask, not panicked by the idea of him being naked, but rather concerned that the drug might be compelling him into actions he doesn't want to take. You can say with full confidence that you’ve certainly entertained fantasies involving Din, though not this exact scenario, but the thought of him touching himself has fueled countless fantasies that ended in a mess on your bedsheets while you stifled your own cries with your hand.
Your curiosity battles with respect for his privacy; you so badly want to open your eyes and see him, but you know he's never allowed you to see him before. You won't risk making things worse by breaching that boundary.
“Din?” you ask again.
“Uhh,” comes his broken moan. “Cyar'ika- ahh,” he pants, “p-perdóname, perdóname (forgive me, forgive me),” he utters apologies, and your heightened hearing sharpens. The wet sounds of skin against skin reach your ears, and your heart rate spikes as you realize what he's doing – fisting his dick between his hands.
When the realization crosses your mind, you sit up suddenly. Din takes in your disheveled state – hair tousled, chest heaving, pants unbuttoned and unzipped. He's scared that he might have crossed a line and spooked you. But in your mind, it's quite the opposite. You feel the need to go to your own room; if you stay with Din, you'll break.
“I should go to my quarters,” you say, attempting to get leave. However, you take two steps and stumble.
“No, please. I… I need you,” Din pleads. He's terrified of what this situation means for him, yet he can't bear the thought of you leaving.
“Din, I don’t know what I’ll do if I stay,” you confess. Conversations about your sexual lives have remained nonexistent, as any attempt to bring up the topic with Din has been met with him tensing up.
“Tell me if you want me to take you to my bed. If not, I’ll leave, I promise,” Din says sincerely.
Your mind spins at the thought of finally being with Din, but then, logistical concerns invade your thoughts. You bring your palms over your eyes, ready to shield them just in case you open them involuntarily.
“You don’t have your helmet,” you point out.
“I want you to see me,” he says, and you hear him walking over to you. He gently touches your hands, slowly prying them away. You can feel the heat radiating from both of you, your bodies near boiling. Even though your eyelids are closed, you sense a soft blue light hitting your eyes.
“Mírame (Look at me),” Din whispers.
"Din, your creed… it means everything to you," you murmur with your eyes shut, your concern and care evident in your voice, not wanting him to sacrifice a fundamental part of himself.
He lifts his gaze, and in the soft glow of the room’s blue lights, his eyes speak volumes. "It’s not my creed that means everything to me. It’s you.” He's more than just a Mandalorian at that moment; he’s a man longing to share a part of himself with someone who understands—someone who means more to him than any set of rules or traditions ever could. He’s a man eager to bare every fiber of his being in a way he has never done before to the woman who holds the key to his heart.
"Din," you whisper, your voice carrying a subtle tremor of emotion. The weight of his admission washes over you like a gentle wave, a profound realization of the depth of his feelings. Your heart skips a beat, and a cascade of butterflies takes flight in your stomach as you grasp the tenderness of his words. As it dawns on you that he's opening up, willing to share this intimate part of himself that he's guarded so fiercely, it feels like he has unlocked a door to a chamber of his heart that few have entered. You find yourself standing on the threshold, touched by the privilege of being allowed in.
Your eyes flutter open, and a rush of emotions floods your heart as you see him for the first time. He's older than you, his black hair carrying beads of sweat on his temples. His eyes, a captivating shade of brown, reflect your own gaze back at you. You're drawn to the aquiline nose that gives his face character, and you have a fleeting desire to trace its pattern with your finger. His lips, the lower one slightly plusher, hold a subtle pout, and above them, a well-groomed mustache adds a touch of rugged charm. Stubble decorates his strong jaw, and you notice patches of bare skin, hinting at his inability to grow a full beard – a delightful detail you can't wait to tease him about later.
As you take in the sight before you, Din notices your expression but struggles to decipher it. Your parted lips and tear-filled eyes stir a fear within him, a nagging doubt that he's made a grave mistake. She hates what she sees. This was a mistake. I never should have told her-
"You're so beautiful, Din," the words flow from your lips in a breathy whisper as you tenderly caress his face. His rugged features soften under your touch, but in the midst of this beautiful moment, an involuntary twitch stirs within him.
In the corner of your eye, you catch the movement and let your gaze fall to his lower half. A gasp passes through your lips as you take in the full extent of him. Din, however, misinterprets your reaction, and he finds himself entangled in self-deprecating thoughts. Insecurity gnaws at him as he wonders, Maybe she's seen better. Am I not big enough?
A sudden impulse takes over, and before you realize it, you find yourself on your knees, looking up at Din with blown pupils. The groan that escapes from deep within his lungs is a mix of surprise, desire, and fulfillment. His mind races with the realization that his once-confined dirty dreams are now becoming a reality. A fleeting question crosses his mind: Should I tell her?
"Can I?" you ask, your eyes fixated on his erection, your mouth watering. "Can I touch you?" You clarify.
"Yes, please," he responds, his heavy-lidded eyes looking down at you intently.
Taking a moment to admire Din, you notice the trimmed patch of dark hair leading to his belly button. His thickness is accentuated by veins running along, but your focus zeroes in on a prominent blue vein down the middle, forking at the end. He's cut, and whether it's the blue light or the effect of the powder, you notice a purple hue at the tip, where he's leaking pre-cum. From above you, Din pleads for you to do something.
You oblige, and you take him into your hands, smearing the liquid down to his base. There's an abundance, allowing you to thoroughly coat him. At your touch, Din's head falls backward, and his thighs tremble under the intensity of having another person’s hand on him for the first time.
"Uhn," he breathes out at the sensation of your warm hands enveloping him in a tight grip. Your fingers struggle to wrap fully around his thick length, Oh, he doesn’t fit in my hand, you realize. Adjusting quickly, you bring your left hand to join, both hands working together as they move up and down, utilizing his pre-cum as natural lubrication. Mindful not to cause any discomfort, you bring your mouth closer, preparing to add saliva to further coat him.
"Umm… I've never done this before," Din confesses in a tone you almost miss.
His words cause you to pause, confusion evident on your face as you squirm on your knees. The yellow dust in your bloodstream seems to intensify your need for him by a million.
Din appears panicky, realizing he admitted to something he wasn't sure how you would react to. There's no taking the words back, and he opts for honesty. "Everything," he confesses, looking away from you.
It takes a while for you to process his admission. "Oh!” He's a virgin?
Din exhales, his voice tinged with embarrassment. "I just killed the mood, didn’t I?"
"No, no, no, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. Really, I'm just shocked. It’s just, it’s you. You’re so beautiful. I mean, I was, um, attracted to you when I met you. I wouldn’t have guessed.” Your voice turns into a hushed whisper. "Although things make sense now.” You tap on his side to make him look down at you. "I’m sorry for assuming," you say, fully honest and apologetic, and then get up.
He looks at you with eyes filled with shame and embarrassment.
"Come here," you say with a reassuring smile and slowly guide him backward until the back of his legs are touching the bed. You raise your hands, place them on his shoulders, and gently press down. Now with Din seated, you kneel once more.
Your eyes can’t help but be pulled to his glistening dick. "Do you want this? Are you sure it's not just the powder? Because I feel it too," you pause, exhaling as the ache in your cunt intensifies. "But I need you to want this with me. It's okay if you don't. We can do other stuff until the effects wear off."
"I do, I do want you," Din nods desperately.
You can sense the sincerity in his words, and the mutual need between you two becomes increasingly difficult to resist. Knowing you can't delay both of your desires any longer, you lower your head slightly and purse your lips. Once you feel a decent stream of saliva accumulate in your mouth, you spit on Din's cock.
"Uh, fuck," he moans in a pained voice. The sight of you spitting on him triggers primal feelings within him, desires he never realized he had until this moment. Now that he's seen it, he knows he wants you to repeat it, as long as you're willing. The urge to tell you to do it again is strong, but when he sees you opening your mouth and guiding his cock into it, coherent thoughts are replaced with pure gibberish.
His head breaches your lips, and the immediate warmth that surrounds his length is otherworldly. "Oh, oh," Din chants, the sensation feeling entirely foreign but undeniably pleasurable as your tongue dances along his sensitive tip.
Sitting back on your knees, you take a moment to admire the man before you. Din throws his head back in pleasure, but as soon as he realizes he can't see you, he quickly brings it forward to look down at you. Despite his best efforts to keep his eyes on you, they occasionally flutter close. Each time they do, he pries them open, forcing them back open, but against his will, they shut again.
He must feel overwhelmed, you think. You want to take it slow, build up to it, but the drug-like substance won't allow for such restraint.
Din opens and closes his mouth, clearly wanting to speak. "You can say it," you encourage him, though your words come out muffled. You peer at him through your eyelashes, continuing to suck.
"It- ah… feels good. You make me feel good."
"Oh, Din, good boy," you praise in your head, his words causing everything in you to flutter, making you more determined to bring him even more pleasure. To reward him, you take a deep breath through your nose, attempting to relax your throat. Once you feel sufficiently relaxed, your hands find Din's hips, careful not to press on the red-blue bruise on his left side. Gripping him firmly with both hands, you rise on your knees, sitting taller, and push your mouth against him in one swift motion.
Din jolts, sitting down abruptly, and “Nngh,” a strangled growl escapes him at the sudden sensation of having his entire dick shoved down your throat. His breathing intensifies, unsure of what to do with his hands. He resorts to gripping his sheets, and sweat begins to dampen his hair, falling onto his forehead.
Maintaining him in the depths of your throat for a few moments, you try your best to stifle any urge to gag. As you begin to pull away, Din lets out incoherent mumbles.
Your fingertips ghost over his injury, then press gently, eliciting a broken groan. "Does your side hurt?" you ask, retreating your fingers.
Din felt a surge of desire when you pressed on his bruise. Though he's embarrassed to admit yet another thing, considering how you tried to hold back for him, he decides to be honest with you. "A little, but… I like it.”
“Oh?” you say, surprised. “Well, we'll explore that next time,” you tell him, quite excited to discover more about what makes him reel.
You remove your hand from his left side and bring it to his shaft. Your fingers sprawl across the thickness, and Din feels them move over his veins. The sensitivity makes him pant out, “Yes, yes, yes.”
With his dick pointing up, you bring your head to the level of his pecs and envelop his tip with your lips. “Oh, fuck, ohh,” he grunts, then loses control of his hands, and his elbows give out. Stumbling backward, his back hits the mattress.
“Din!” you gasp in concern, but your words come out incoherent since you still have him in your mouth. Before you can rise on your legs and lean over to check if he’s okay, he sits back up, his stomach moving. Observing the way the slight roundness of his stomach jumps, you find it attractive and groan into him.
“Ah,” he says, mouth dropping and eyes fluttering.
You relish the effect you have on him, bobbing your head over the tip repeatedly. Instead of going further, you focus on licking his slit every once in a while, savoring the pre-cum that's leaking onto your fist.
While he's a mess above you, Din is captivated by the color and shape of your lips. Her lips… over me… it’s, uh, so good.
Desiring some friction, you rock your hips, though it's to no avail. You whine into him, the vibrations causing Din to groan. Shit, shit, shit, he pants in his head as the heat in his stomach snaps.
Feeling him pulse in your mouth, and judging by his sounds, you know he’s about to cum. Your slick sticks to the inside of your pants at the thought of swallowing his load. Din frantically tries to warn you to get off, “Cum! I’m- ahh,” you don’t let up; you just increase your pace. In the blink of an eye, hot, salty liquid explodes in your mouth. You try to take as much as you can, but you can’t swallow everything fast enough. Gulp after gulp, there’s more, and it spills from your lips onto your right hand that’s wrapped around his base, even landing on the dark patch of hair on his pubic area.
“Oh, fuck,” Din moans, drawing out the K, his hips unconsciously raising ever so lightly, rocking more of him into your mouth.
Once his high subsides, you remove yourself from him and rise from your knees to touch his face, looking to the side. “Din,” you call, and since he doesn’t move his head, you shift to the side of the bed to be face-to-face with him. Your heart breaks when you see his coffee eyes brimming with tears.
“Baby,” you say softly, and it prompts Din's tears to fall. “Why are you crying?” you question gently.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “dank farrik, I’m so pathetic,” Din shakes his head.
“You’re not pathetic, Din,” you assure him.
He inhales sharply. “It’s just that this is the first time… the first time I’ve, um, orgasmed from the hands of another person. For so long, I could never do anything because I was taught it was wrong. I even felt guilty the first time I touched myself, and I just can’t help but feel like I’ve committed some big transgression.”
For a moment, you're stumped. You want to comfort him but are unsure if you'll make things worse while he’s vulnerable.
“Thank you for sharing this with me,” you decide to say. You sit next to him, mindful not to touch him. “I hate that you feel like that. Because what we did shouldn’t make you feel bad. We’re two consenting adults—well, as much as we can think straight because of that weird pollen,” you say, and Din laughs, making you smile. You continue, “Single adults. You shouldn’t feel guilty, Din; it’s natural. We can stop if you want. I won’t think any less of you, I promise,” you bring a hand to your chest and make an X over your heart.
"I still want to continue," he says, reaching for your hand. "I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but everyone has always instilled this belief in me. It feels good hearing from someone else that I shouldn’t feel guilty."
"Okay, baby," you tell him. "What do you want to do next?" You want to make sure the ball is in his court and that you’re not guided by the drug in your system.
"Well, I’m still hard," he says, and you look down to see that, indeed, it's true.
"Oh, wow. I’d take that as a compliment, but I’m pretty sure it’s because of the flower.”
"I want to do something for you now," Din says, rising to his feet and pushing you to lay down on the soft mattress. You instinctively part your legs, and he's the one on his knees now, playing with the unbuttoned button. "May I?" he asks in the sweetest voice.
You lift your hips, and Din hooks his fingers on the waistband of your pants. He begins to slide them down quite fast, leaving you in your panties. Maker, I can see through her underwear, Din mutters in his head, melting at the sight.
"Your thighs, they’re all wet," he comments out loud.
You giggle and cross your hands at the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. "That’s all ‘cause of you, baby," you say in a sultry voice as you unhook your bra and throw it behind you.
Din loses his train of thought when he sees your exposed chest. He stares, mouth agape.
“They’re so…pretty,” he says, mesmerized and blushing. Suddenly, he begins to paw at your panties, rips them off you, and hooks your legs over his shoulders with ease.
You gasp in shock, and it turns to a whine when Din dips his head between your parted thighs, licking an experimental stripe from your tight hole up to your clit. “Ah! D-Din!” you sit up a bit and tangle your hands in his black curls. He groans into you, driven by pure instinct and fragments of recollection from what he had heard when he was working by himself. Attempting to recall bits he had gathered here and there from conversations in bars.
He laps at your juices, his tongue dancing over your most sensitive points, closing his eyes, fully enjoying the taste, moaning out so lovingly almost as though he was the one receiving pleasure. Shit, Din growled in his mind, she tastes so good. You were a moaning mess above him. He was a little sloppy, but his eagerness and hot tongue more than made up for it.
“Mmm…You’re doing great. Just here,” you say and tell him how to touch your clit. After a few words of guidance, Din has it wrapped around his lips.
“Ohhh!” you yelp and rut your hips against his mouth as he sucks your bundle of nerves. His eyes shut in sheer pleasure, the sultry sounds of your moans fueling his desire. You are surprisingly close, and your entire body is covered with a sheer layer of sweat. Your arms and abdomen tire, and you lay down. You raise your head a little, just enough to see Din use his tongue against your pearled nub and bring one hand from your hip to your thighs. You watch in excitement as he lets go of your right leg over his shoulder and flips his wrist on his ventral side. Very gently, he takes his index and middle finger and presses them against your entrance.
"Is this okay?" he rasps, pushing more of his fingers into your slick warmth.
You nod your head fervently, loving the way his thick fingers stretch you open. “Mm… I love your fingers," you gasp. "So good- they feel so good."
Din thrusts his fingers deeper, feeling your warm, wet walls clench around him already, feeling you sucking him in further.
"You're getting wetter," he observes, his voice a low growl, not expecting a response.
"Th-that's ‘cus you're," you pause to huff, "making me feel so much pleasur- ah!" you scream when he presses against your sweet spot and you continue to tell him he's doing a good job. "You can try opening and closing your fingers," you suggest.
He scissors his fingers and unexpectedly wraps his lips around your sensitive bud, sending electric pulses of pleasure coursing through your entire body.
You moan and writhe, lost in the pleasure he’s providing. "Your mouth, Din! Oh, Maker- fuck!" The words tumble from your lips, a symphony of desire, as your body quivers with impending release. "Din!" His name escapes your lips in a sharp, forced breath as you shatter into blissful climax.
In the depths of his mind, Din revels in the satisfaction of making you cum. The only twinge of regret is that he couldn't witness the ecstasy on your face, still occupied with his fingers buried inside you, working with his tongue on your swollen bud. He’s panting and you tell him to come up. Unaware of your plea, he continues his fervent attention, his fingers and tongue working together. You tug at his hair, urging him to rise. When he lets up, he slowly withdraws his digits and relishes the gasp you elicit.
Face to face with you, like a sculptor admiring his masterpiece, he adores the way your hair sticks to your forehead, and your expression is drenched in post-orgasmic bliss.
"Kiss," you command, pulling him closer, lips hungry for him.
He complies, and the moment his lips meet yours, it feels like a burst of lightning goes off in his head. His heart leaps wildly in his chest, and inside your stomach, a flurry of butterflies suddenly and furiously takes flight. A low groan escapes him when your tongues meet.
The air seems to dissipate in his lungs, and reluctantly, he tears his mouth away. Panting, his forehead touches yours as he confesses, "I've never tasted myself before."
"Do you like it?"
"From your lips? Yes," he admits, a shy tone lingering in his voice.
You've decided you like making him blush, so you lean in and whisper into his ear, "Maybe you'll like it even more when you're licking it from my pussy."
A low groan escapes Din, and he pushes you back into the mattress. Catching your mouth, the first kiss you shared had been softer and hesitant, but this one is all-consuming. He pours every pent-up feeling he's harbored for you into the searing kiss. You feel his hard length pressing against your hip, prompting you to break the kiss and spread your legs as far as you can with Din hovering above you.
"Are you ready, baby?" you ask Din, running your fingers along the contours of his face.
Not trusting his words, he nods, his eyes filled with a hunger matching yours.
“We should stay in this position so you can control the movement," you suggest, still feeling the lingering effects of the flower, though now slightly subdued after Din made you cum.
“Are we okay to um…” Din hesitates, not knowing how to initiate the conversation about protection.
“I’ve got an implant, oh, and you can come inside if you want.”
Din looks down at you, a near-helpless expression on his face. You wrap one leg around his waist, and he grips himself in his hand. His breathing hitches as he guides himself to your entrance. You notice some hesitance in his eyes, so you lift your head to kiss his nose and whisper that it's okay.
Din presses his tip inside you and lowers his entire body to yours, careful not to crush you. His mouth seeks yours to muffle the noises he's sure will escape his lips any second now. Ohh, Maker. How does she f-feel this good? Din asks himself, unable to believe that such pleasure exists. Of course, I can only find it in her, he concludes.
Meanwhile, you feel your body temperature rising. He's unbelievably girthy, and you feel all of his veins and ridges as your body molds to his. Din presses his knees on the mattress and thrusts more of himself into you. Your breath is stolen from your lungs when your body works overtime to open up. Din felt you tense and muttered apologies after apologies, but you reassured him that you were okay; it was just taking you a while to fully take him. He stilled and slowly withdrew himself as much as he could. Your body was not letting him go, and he was only giving you less than half of his cock to open you up. When you begged him for more, he complied, and he pushed more of himself faster this time. You spread your legs wider, and when he bottomed out, "Ah! Uhn…Di-Din!" you cried, and your eyes shut closed, overwhelmed.
“Hah– fuck,” Din spat out, hips suddenly stuttering, feeling your soft, velvety walls tightening. No, no, not yet, Din scolds himself. He grits his teeth and stops moving to get himself to calm down.
When he stops pounding you, you close your legs around him, making you tighter.
"B-baby, don't do that," Din chokes.
You open your eyes and see that he's looking at you intently, so you spread your legs apart once more. When they touch the mattress, Din pulls out, leaving just his head in, and quickly thrusts himself back into your pussy.
In response, you squeal and claw at his back. That seems to give him more motivation, and he continues to brutally take you. The room is filled with the sounds of wet squelching noises, moans, grunts, you calling out his name, him calling out yours, and skin slapping skin as his balls repeatedly hit against your cunt.
With the ferocity he's taking you, he sees your breasts bouncing, and he can't resist lowering his head to catch a nipple in his mouth. His hot tongue is flickering over your pearled bud, and you tell him, "Bite- uhn- bite it gently and… and then run your tongue against it.
Din follows your command eagerly. As he ruts his hips against yours with unrestrained fervor, his teeth sink into the tender flesh of your nipple, biting gently before his tongue dances over the aroused bud. The initial pain transforms into a pleasurable sensation, prompting you to wrap both legs around his hips, meeting his wild thrusts. As the crown of his head brushes against the deepest part of you, you can't help but wail.
"Oh!" you moan, feeling your body shudder as the tension in your stomach reaches its peak. Clinging to Din, in a matter of seconds, waves of pleasure cascade through you, and a steady stream of liquid pours out, covering both your thighs, his abdomen, and the bedsheets. Simultaneously, Din cries out your name, his hips losing their rhythm as he feels you clenching around him like a vice. You feel him pulsing, and immediately after, he spills. Rope after rope, he fills you up with his warm seed. His body collapses on top of yours, and for a moment, his vision blacks out. His hands rest next to your head, and he moves his head to mumble incoherent nonsense directly into your ear.
Both of you catch your breath, and you soothingly run your hand up and down Din's back. He responds with tender kisses on your forehead before raising his head.
"Thank you," he pants, his breath still ragged, and quickly adds, "Was that okay for you?"
You laugh lightly. "You made me squirt."
"Oh," he blushes, "It's probably due to the flower."
"Maybe… I mean, it's never happened with someone else and certainly not this much by myself.”
Your mind is still hazy, and you don't hear his response. "I wish you'd cum on my face," you say, not mindful of your words. Then you feel him twitch inside you. You gasp and ask him, "Din, are you still hard?"
He doesn't reply; he just looks down sheepishly at where you and him are connected.
A mischievous smile plays on your lips. "Can we try something?"
He brings his gaze back up and nods. You untangle your legs from him and bring your arms to slowly push him off you.
He gets the message and slowly pulls out of you, causing both of you to groan at the loss. Once he's no longer inside you, you sit up and ask him to get off the bed. Without an explanation, he's confused but does what you ask.
You scoot up to the edge of the bed and then get on all fours in front of him. "I want you to fuck my face."
Din's mouth parts into an 'o' as you take his hardened length into your hand, guiding him between your lips. When you taste yourself on him, you moan, and so does he. He feels heavy against your tongue, and the sounds coming from him are heavenly.
You pull back to tell him, "If you don't like something, let me know." Then, you begin to take him deeper until you reach the thickest part of him.
"You-" he begins but stays quiet. Does he want to say something? you question in your head but go back to moving your head at a steady rhythm. Very lightly, you scrape your teeth carefully to avoid biting him or drawing blood. At the sensation, Din bucks his hips forward, and he whines. Again, he sounds like he wants to talk but decides against it. You want to hear whatever he needs, so reluctantly, you pull back but keep stroking him in your hand.
"¿Por qué no me quieres decir lo que quieres? (Why don't you tell me what you want to say?)" you ask, looking at him through your lashes.
"I-" he groans when you use your thumb to circle the slit at his tip, "'M not good at the dirty talk."
"Say whatever comes to mind. You won't scare me off," you promise, and then envelop him in your mouth once more. To get him more comfortable with showing him you can handle him being rough, you take one of his hands that are awkwardly at his side and bring it to the back of your head. His large hand sprawls like he's holding a small ball, and experimentally he moves your head closer to him, making you move further on his length. He hears you struggle and is about to remove his hand in fear, but you raise your hand to hold his in place. You relax your throat and slightly move your head further, then let your hand drop. Din understands and begins to guide you to take him deeper. Feeling your hot mouth wrapped around him was causing him to spew curse after curse, still not confident enough to say what he so desperately wanted. Take her, Din. Rómpele el cerebro con maldad. She wants you to be rough with her. But if you don't want her, another man would certainly happily take her off your hands and make good use of her mou- and just like that a switch flipped in Din.
"Is this what you want, Cyar'ika?" he asks and then in one go, presses your face into his pelvic area. Thankfully, your throat had already been opened up by the time you silently asked, more like begged, for him to fuck your face so it wasn't too painful to take him down your lower throat suddenly.
"Mhm," you whine, and you do everything you can to stimulate a nod.
"Good, baby," he answers, and in an animalistic pace, he thrusts his hips over and over. Your eyes water, but you love it. You love the way he looks blissed out, with his eyebrows lifting every time his cockhead touches the back of your throat. You love the way he’s letting go, and you love that you’re the first person to see him like this, and if you play your cards right, the only one.
This time when your nose hits his dark patch of hair, you take an arm to still his movements. Once your hand cups around his waist, you inhale his smell—it's musky and somewhat sweet. The scent intensifies your desire for his cum, so you drop your hand and resume your ministrations.
“Fuck!” he grunts in surprise when you massage one of his balls with your fingers. "Good girl."
He didn't give you any indication he didn't like it, but still, you look up at him and see him already peering down at you. “Shit, you look so pretty with my cock in your mouth," he praises, fueling your moans. The vibrations reverberate through him, and he opens his mouth to tell you, “Your mouth feels fucking fantastic. This is why I was jealous of your stupid candy."
"What?" you muffle into him.
"When you had that bright purple lollipop in your mouth. You-ah-you kept on sucking it, making all of those noises and saying how good it tasted. I kept thinking about having your mouth on me, and it was driving me crazy.”
You giggle, thinking about the ridiculous idea that he was jealous of some sugary treat.
"¿Crees que es chistoso? (Do you think it’s funny?)“ He doesn't take your laughter lightly and harshly snaps his hips against your face. His lips curl into a snarl, and wet sounds along with Din's grunts echo throughout the room. Amidst his brutal pace, his hazy mind thinks, Is she okay? Quickly, he opens his eyes to see if he didn't take it too far, only to see one of your hands in between your thighs, fingers working deep inside of you. It only encourages him to keep slamming his cock, driven by the pleasure coursing through his veins and seeing your oh-so-pretty lips molding him perfectly.
“Oh, fuck, I’m close-“ he warns, releasing the grip he has on your head. You scramble to detach yourself from Din, causing a long string of saliva to form once you pull off him. Your jaw is a bit sore to continue sucking him off, so you resort to taking his base into your hand and angling his dick with his tip pointing upwards. His eyes bore into yours, waiting for your next move.
Instead of your lips wrapping around his dick, they lower to his sack. You suck his left ball, and your hand fondles the other one.
"Fuck, yes," he moans, his eyes fluttering shut. You love that he’s gotten more vocal; it makes the heat between your legs burn hotter. When you alternate your actions, it causes him to whimper out your name in a broken moan. You feel him pulse, and since you don’t want it to be over yet, you kneel in front of him and trail your lips upwards, licking the veins on the underside of his dick. His cockhead is leaking again, and you can’t help but run your tongue there, collecting the liquid that has dripped lower, almost to your fist.
“Chúpale ahí, mami, así, así (Suck it in there, mami, like that, like that),” Din whines, and his words cause you to whine too. You want his cum now, you decide, and one last time, you wrap your lips around his purple tip and run a hand down to his base to play with his balls. You feel him pulse, his stomach tenses, his thighs shake, and “a- uhn!” You close your eyes and stick your tongue out. His hot seed comes out in ropes. It paints your breasts in white iridescent cream, and it hits just below your eye. With your mouth open, some of his cum lands on your tongue. He’s panting and letting out strings of your name along with curses. Once you’re sure you’ve milked him for every last drop, you let your grip off and swallow his spend. Mmm, he tastes salty and like apples, you muse. When you open your eyes, Din’s just finished composing himself. His lashes flutter open, and when he sees you peering up at him, he gives you a smile brighter than the hottest sun.
“Ven aqui (come here),” he beckons, and you rise to his height, throwing your arms around him. He meets your lips for a kiss and quickly scoops you up to carry you. With you in his arms, he walks to his bathroom with the intention of taking a shower. You separate your lips from him to talk.
“So, the mami thing,” you start, and he buts in with a groan. “Escucha pues (listen to me),” you scold.
He playfully rolls his eyes. “I’m all ears,” but then his expression changes. “Wait, did you not like that? I’m so sor-“ You cover his mouth and kiss his nose.
“You’ve really gotta let me finish my sentences, baby,” you say, playing with his sweaty curls around the nape of his neck. “I loved it. I was just wondering if papi was on the table for you.”
“Woman,” he exhales like he’s in pain. “Let’s shower and then go a few more times.” He feels himself grow again and quickly opens the bathroom door.
You grin at his response. “Did you know that shower sex is a thing?”
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Extended A/N: In my previous post, I mentioned that this story might be the last one I share before leaving this website. I haven't had the time to finalize my decision yet. I appreciate those who reached out – thank you 🩷. To give you some context, I considered leaving due to some negative interactions I received. I often portray my characters as Spanish speakers, and unfortunately, that has led to some unfavorable responses. However, as I mentioned earlier, I haven't made a final decision yet. Anyhow, thank you for reading, and have a lovely day 🫶🏽!
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darkuselesssomebody · 8 months
𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝟛 - dark!din djarin x fem!reader
complete masterlist | kinktober 2023 masterlist
kink || sex pollen
taglist || @silversprings-mp3
fandom || star wars (the mandalorian)
a/n || this is my first real dark fic, it is genuinely quite fucked, please don't judge me
➵ warnings for specific content before the divider
➵ din is quite ooc in this, set prior to the events of the show.
➵ comment/message if you'd like to be added to the taglist
warnings || smut/dark (dddne)
➵ kidnapping
➵ use of sedatives/aphrodisiacs
➵ mild choking
➵ unprotected sex
➵ slapping/mild violence
➵ some overstimulation
➵ degradation
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credits had been low that month.
din was a damn good bounty hunter - every member of the guild knew it, but the universe had been unusually peaceful these past few weeks. he'd spent most of his earnings on fixing up the razor crest, leaving him with little left. he was fiending for a bounty.
so when some backwater guy in a backwater planet told him of a thief who'd stolen a host of items from him, din had agreed in the blink of an eye. the pay was good, the target was simple enough - exactly what he needed to get back on track.
"careful." the client warned before he gave din the tracking fob, "she's feisty and slippery. doesn't put up any meaningful fight, but a pain in the ass to keep secured."
so, when din passed a shady market on his way back to the razor crest, he found a guy selling sedatives - better, for dirt cheap. knowing most sedatives go for at least twice the price, he figures it must just be a bit mild, but decent for this situation. din doesn't miss the man's leer as he walks away.
"have fun..." he says in a knowing, slimy tone, and din's confused, but doesn't question it. his mind's on the bounty.
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she wasn't difficult to track, nor to find alone. she's living in some dingy abandoned hut in the edges of a black market, likely trying not to draw attention to herself. there's not even a lock on her door, and din walks in while she's sleeping. she's on her stomach, the faintest hint of a snore emitting from her half-blocked nose, and din takes out the pre-made injection with the sedative. he flips her over for better access, covering her face with his broad, gloved hand, as he pushes the needle into her skin, injecting her bloodstream with the sedative.
at the sharp pain, her eyes snap open, and she whimpers, but it's all muffled by his hand. she tries to claw at his hand, and din can commend her for at least trying to fight back. but, it's fruitless, as her eyes start fluttering, and she goes limp, passing out. he picks her up, lugging her along under the cover of darkness to his ship.
a job well done, he thinks, as he sits her limp body in the passenger seat in the cockpit, before sitting on his own. he powers on the ship, taking flight, before turning on the autopilot. knowing she's well-strapped, he's ready to go ahead and take a nap, when he starts hearing small whimpers coming from his side. he turns around curiously, to see her - though still asleep - fidgeting and moving her legs.
his eyes widen behind his visor. is she fucking grinding on the seat? he immediately sits up, pants growing uncomfortably tight at the little show of arousal. he gets up, kneeling in front of her chair, as he waves his gloved hand over her face, to see if she's awake. her mewls are sweeter up close. fuck, he's hard.
she's still in her sleepwear. the planet he picked her up off is hot - thank gods - and her legs are only clad in sleep shorts. his gloved fingers force her thighs apart slightly, morals blown to the wind in the pursuit of soothing his cock, and the leather fabric finally reaches her wet - correction: dripping - cunt, as her mouth lets out the sweetest little moan.
it morphs into a scream as she awakens, though, trying to close her thighs instinctively. his grip is harsh, squeezing the life out of her thighs, as he forces her legs open even wider - muscles stretched almost uncomfortably. her lip quivers in worry at the intimidating mandalorian in front of her.
"don't resist, and I won't hurt you." his modulated voice is cold, and rough, and she doesn't dare disobey. her eyes travel down to the blaster at his side, before running back to him. whatever he injected her with was still coursing through her veins, making her brain foggy and her cunt pulse. she can't help the moan she lets out as her fingers brush against her clit again, her entire body jolting violently. it contradicts with the tears in her eyes: stemming from her fear of the man in front of her and the fact she'd have to have sex with the strange, terrifying bounty hunter.
din pauses for a moment, to turn back to the - now empty - bottle of the sedative he'd bought earlier. it had coagulated from the oxygen it was exposed to, and had turned a deep, cherry red. an aphrodisiac, he realizes, now understanding why the sedative had been so cheap. it had been cut with an aphrodisiac, likely supposed to work as a date rape drug. he sighs, placing the bottle back. might as well make the most of it.
he stalks back towards her, and she's looking up at him with fearful doe eyes, upset at her predicament, and at her inability to disguise how badly she needed to be taken care of by her captor. she only squeaks when he harshly forces her calves up to bend her body in half. her mouth parts in soft, breathy whimpers, and it makes his cock pulse.
he forces a hand to her throat - if only to keep her still - but her eyes widen horror, making his lips curl into a smirk. he squeezes once, just for the fun of it, before reaching down with his free hand to force his pants off. his cock stands, hard and scary, and the sight of it makes her body twitch in anticipation and excitement, and a ragged breath leave her lips, eyes wide in anticipation and fear.
he forces her ankles over his shoulders, leaning down against the chair to really cage her in and force her body in half. he pulls her shorts up to her knees, not bothering to pull them off completely, as he already has access to what he wants.
"you don't have to do this..." she whimpers, though her cunt pulses for him, her blood on fire - from both his heat and the drug. he stays dead silent, before roughly stuffing two covered fingers into her, making her squeak out in pain and pleasure. he forces them in deep, wiggles around for just a second, making her eyes water, before pulling them out, and smearing the liquid over her cheek.
"but you want it so bad." it's worse because his tone doesn't sound mocking, but more observational, as if it wasn't him violating her, but rather, her own body. before she can protest further, he pushes his cock into her, and she's more than wet enough to just slide right in.
she can't help the high-pitched, needy moan that tumbles from her lips, his fingers flexing around her throat as he hisses through gritted teeth at the sensation of her tightening and pulsing walls hugging his cock. he was half-sure it was the fear that made her so tight, only amplified by the drug in her system, and fuck, did it feel good.
he doesn't wait, fucking into her roughly, unleashing his frustrations of the slow month into her needy cunt, as he saw her protests overshadowed by the increasing sounds of her moans.
he fucks through a few of small, quick orgasms which were spurred by the drug, and she'd gone fully dumb, not even bothering to protest, and just letting her eyes roll back and her moans ring out in the cockpit. he's close, and can tell something deep is building in her too, as she's unable to ground herself, leg muscles flexing as she desperately tries to survive the wave of pleasure about to overtake her.
just to see her eyes widen in worry once more, he brings his thumb down to her clit, pressing on it harshly, in a way that was only pleasurable once you got through the pain of it. as he wished, her eyes stare up at his in indignance and pleading - begging him to stop the action - as she writhed in pain, before her breath caught in her throat, and she cums so hard around him, she thinks she's passed out.
when she finally opens her eyes back up, panting and drooling, he's stilled inside her, pumping her full of his cum, making her wince as he pulls out. the effects of the drug are gone, and the reality is sinking in.
she looks at him with anger, disgust and dread, which makes him smirk under his helmet. for the fun of it, he delivers a smack - though not too hard - to her cunt, making her whimper and jolt, before getting up, and returning to the pilot's seat.
he starts landing the razor crest to deliver the bounty. maybe he'll use the credits to deep clean the chair she's creaming and crying over.
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rinixo · 2 years
cherry waves
Din Djarin/Reader | 3.1k | Rated E | afab reader, no y/n, sex pollen trope, description of illness, vaginal fingering, first time
In hindsight, that caf did taste a little off.
Non-linear oneshots featuring you, a university scholar from Naboo who is helping The Mandalorian seek out the Jedi.
read on ao3
The quiet murmur of the crowds were faint in the back of your mind as you sat underneath the shade near a small food stand. In front of you on the table were various datapads, and as you sipped on your caf your eyes darted from one to another, analyzing the information.
Off in the distance, The Mandalorian entertained the child by walking him past the various shops and stands. The baby had been distracting you from your current task, so the metal man had graciously pulled him away to ply his attention with shiny baubles and roasted skewers.
The market you were on wasn’t particularly large or well known, but it suited your needs well enough. The three of you needed to stretch your legs and breathe non-recycled air after a couple of weeks being cooped up in the Crest. Being able to stock up on some basic necessities was a plus, especially in a place where you were unlikely to be noticed or tracked by the various bounty hunters and imperial remnants out to find you.
However, supplies and fresh air were only second on your list of priorities. What you really needed, and what eventually led to you sitting there surrounded by datapads was a reliable Holonet connection.
A few days ago, you had approached Mando about your current progress on tracking down information on the Jedi Order. You had stockpiled terabytes of records and information prior to fleeing Naboo, which had been helpful, but could only get you so far.
“I need to cross-reference the variables against the network in order to extrapolate the most relevant data points and establish the locations with the highest likelihood of success,” you had explained. Mando had turned slightly in his seat, and you guessed that under that helmet he was frowning.
Smiling apologetically, you tapped your nails against the side of your datapad. You had the tendency to get too technical when it came to your passion. “I need a stable connection to the Holonet so I can plug in the info we know about the Jedi against recent mentions or sightings so I can narrow down where we should be looking.”
That seemed to make sense, so a few days later there you were, hooked up to the Holonet on some planet you had already forgotten the name of. For the past hour, you had been running the data, searching for info points on your keywords – ‘Jedi’, ‘laser sword’, ‘space magic’, etc – hoping to find something that would get you closer to your goal.
A while later, your search had yielded a half dozen promising leads. Pleased, you shut off your data pads and began to pack up your items up as Mando waltzed back over.
“Any luck?” He asked, and you nodded as you stood.
“Actually, yes. I found some relatively recent data that I think is worth investigating.” The two of you (and the baby, tucked away in his pouch at Mando’s side) began your short journey back to where the Razor Crest was docked while you continued to speak. “The New Republic has removed most of the Imperial censors on the ‘net, but a lot of the data on the Jedi has just been purged completely. It’s not so much that the information is censored at this point – rather, the information just doesn’t exist anymore. At least not in a format I can access.”
“But you found something?” Mando asked, and you detected a tinge of hope in the timbre of his voice.
Reaching into your pack, you pulled out one of your data pads and pulled up some coordinates. “Yes, several locations that have mention of information or remnants of Jedi history, and in some cases alleged sightings of actual Jedi.” Mando took the pad from you as you approached the Crest, climbing the ramp into the belly of the ship. “One of those places is just one jump away, actually.”
Mando handed the pad back to you, and began to head towards the cockpit. “Good job. We’ll start there.”
You set your things down among the recently re-stocked supply crates, hoping that turning your face away from the man was enough to hide the heat in your cheeks and the shine in your eye from the compliment. Your halfhearted attempt at dampening your crush on the armored man had failed, and your heart continued to race every time he praised you or brushed up against you.
You had acknowledged that Mando’s first priority would always be the child, which you respected and agreed with. You often wondered if the subtle hints you sent his way, in your body language and voice, made it through the beskar armor. He was still as stoic and unflappable as he was when you first met, but his replies had started to come easier and it felt like he would now go out of his way to spend time with you, instead of the wide berth he had given you half a year ago. Part of you knew that it was due in no small part to the trust the two of you had built, but the romantic in you also liked to wonder if it was something a little more.
A sharp pain in the back of your neck pulled you out of your wistful thinking, and you winced. Chalking it up to too much caf too quickly, you decided you finish putting your things away and take a nap. You didn’t want it to turn into a headache or migraine, and a nap was usually enough to stave such off.
Several hours later, you remained awake in your cot, head aching and body burning. You had slept in fitful bursts until the burning under your skin forced your eyes back open to the low light of the hold where you lay. Sweat trickled across your skin, and you let out a low moan tinged with pain. You felt like your very blood was made molten, chugging sluggishly through your veins and pooling uncomfortably between your thighs. Every slight movement of your legs and your body sent shocks of sensation to your most sensitive nerve endings.
Hoisting yourself up with some difficulty, you shuffled slowly towards the refresher, thin tank sticking to your clammy skin. Pushing open the door, you gazed at your reflection in the mirror, someone you had a hard time recognizing staring back. Your skin was slick with sweat, your pupils blown dark and wide. With a shaking hand, you turned on the water and tried to relieve some of your pain by splashing it across your face. It did nothing to help, and merely splashed your already sweat-soaked top with ice cold water.
Shutting the water off, you turned to return to your cot, only to bump straight into a broad metal chest. The impact wasn’t very hard, but in your fragile state you fell to the ground, legs shaking underneath you. Your head pounded, and you groaned and covered your eyes.
“Are you alright? You don’t look so good,” Mando inquired. You rasped out a ‘no’, throat dry. You weren’t sure what was going on, but you knew that you definitely did not feel well. Your pussy throbbed at the sound of his voice, which would normally not feel so bad. In your current state, it was almost painful.
Mando turned, looking for something, and returned shortly with a cup of water. He knelt to be closer to your level, and held up the cup to your lips. He helped you sip, and you downed the water gratefully, feeling the dryness in your throat ease some.
“What happened?” Mando asked, and you sighed.
“I don’t know,” you said weakly. “Maybe I’m sick? I felt fine until we got back to the Crest. I had a bit of a headache so I tried to sleep it off, but it just kept getting worse and worse.” A low ‘hmm’ emanated from the beskar helmet, and Mando pulled off a glove to place the back of his hand gently against your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned into it, thankful for the coolness of his skin against your blazing cheek.
“You’re burning up,” Mando said, concern evident in his voice. “It’s odd that you’d get this sick this quickly.” You let out a whine as he removed his hand, letting you head lull to the side. A sudden thought rushed through your head and you looked up at him in panic.
“You – and the baby – I don’t want you two to get sick,” you breathed out. “You should get away from me, and keep him away.” Mando stood, and pulled a datapad towards him. Frustrated that he seemed to ignore your concern, you tried to pull yourself up and found it more of a struggle than you could attempt. Choosing instead to crawl towards him, you pleaded for him to return to the cockpit.”
“Hush,” Mando commanded, and it was like every cell in your body stood at attention to obey him. You shut your mouth and rested your head against his armored thigh, closing your eyes to ride another wave of the burning in your blood that seemed to both come from and end up between your legs.
“Did you have anything to eat when we were in the market earlier?” Mando asked. You shook your head weakly.
“N-no…just a couple cups of caf…”
His helmet tilted sharply to look down at you. “Caf? Are you sure?”
Confused, you shrugged. “I…I think so?” Now that you thought about it, it had tasted a little unusual, but you had assumed it was just some kind of local variety. “It was a little…spicy…?”
A muffled expletive was all you heard as Mando set the datapad down and crouched to get at your eye level again. He grasped your chin gently in one hand to steady your head, and you felt your blood sing. You could faintly make out your reflection in his helmet, your pupils so dark it felt like your vision should be black.
“Wha-?” you said in a hushed voice, confused. Mando sighed, and let go of your chin. He remained in a crouched position, arms on his knees and hands opening and closing into fists as he struggled to explain.
 “I think you’ve been poisoned,” he started slowly. Your head shot up, panic evident on your face. “Not on purpose,” he clarified, “at least I don’t think so. I don’t think what you were given was caf. That planet is known for an herb that – in some people – elicits this kind of reaction,” he gestured at you. “I’m guessing that it was in what you drank.”
Your mind raced. Poisoned? Herb? None of it made sense in your addled state. All you knew was that with every passing moment your body throbbed with need and you were edging closer and closer to shoving your hand into your pants right here in front of the Mandalorian.
“Is there an antidote?” You moaned. “How long does this last?”
Mando shook his head. “Not that I know of. From what I’ve encountered, it can last a couple of days, but I’ve never seen someone have such a strong reaction,” he explained sympathetically. “I don’t know how much you had, so I don’t know how long this will last.”
“Is there anything to relieve this feeling?” You practically begged. “Mando, I’m desperate, this is unbearable…”
The man cleared his throat. It was clear he was struggling with something.
“There is,” he said lowly. “But it’s…it’s not something that…” he trailed off. You stifled a sob and crawled closer to him. One of his hands came to steady you at your shoulder.
“This reaction – the herb – it affects your libido,” he continued calmly. You grit out a short, strained laugh.
“No shit.” Something about him acknowledging he understood what you were experiencing was almost liberating. You felt like the more he talked to you, the more he touched you, the closer you were to him the clearer your head felt. The burn under your skin was still there, and the desire pounding through your veins, but your mind and attention were more focused.
“Yeah. So you can work it through your system faster by, uh…” he stumbled over his words. “R-releasing…”
You wanted to sink through the floor and float off into space, never to be seen again. The idea of getting off here with Mando knowing was mortifying. Sure, you were attracted to him, but this was not the way you had fantasized about approaching the topic with him.
“Damn it,” you murmured. “Damn it.” You looked up at Mando, debating your options. It seemed you could either ride this out, not knowing how long it would last, or get off until it wore off. Mando made it sound like it would be at least a few days before it was out of your system naturally You already felt at the end of your rope after just a few hours, so you crossed that off your list. That left you with one option.
Letting out a defeated sigh, you sat back on your haunches. “Can you help me up?” You asked, voice trembling. “Get back to my cot so I can, uh…”
Understanding, Mando moved towards you. Instead of sampling helping you stand, you let out a small squeak as he hoisted you up into his arms. The feeling of your skin against his cold armor was both a relief and a trigger, sending more need through your body.
He walked you over to your cot, and gently laid you down. You let out another (mostly) involuntary moan as his strong embrace lessened, and you desperately wished he would continue to hold you.
“Thanks,” you gasped out. “I’m so sorr-“
“Do you want help?”
You closed your mouth, not knowing to believe what you thought you just heard or not. He had said it so suddenly. His helmeted gaze was fixed on you, and you propped yourself up on one elbow.
“H-help?” You gulped. “H-help how?” His gaze remained steady, and there was a tension radiating off his body like you hadn’t seen before.
“I could…touch you,” he clarified. “Help you…release. Only if you want to,” he added. “Never without – I’d never presume –“
“Yes,” you said breathlessly. Your body hummed with desperation and need. “Please, yes, Mando.” His concern for you was intoxicating, his hurried explanation endearing.
Mando slowly moved to sit on your cot. While your sleeping space wasn’t exactly tiny, his bulk took up most of the space as he leaned against the wall, spreading his legs slightly. “Lay against me,” he said gently. Your body immediately obeyed his command, and shot up to crawl between his legs, settling between them, back against the cool structure of his chest. You felt dwarfed by his body and his presence, and that in and of itself was sending notes of gratification through you.
He shifted you slightly, so that your legs could spread wider. The feeling of his gloved hands against the soft skin of your thighs made you gasp sweetly, and you closed your eyes and leaned your head back.
A short rustle, and then his hands were back, this time bare. “Can I touch you?” He asked again, one hand on your thigh, the other hovering over the waistband of your bottoms. You nodded, and let out a hushed ‘yes’. Despite your enhanced state, you felt fully in control of your senses and cognizant of your decision.
Mando slipped his hand under your shorts, and cupped your dripping cunt. You spread your legs further, bumping them up against his. His hand on your thigh rubbed soft, soothing circles as his other prodded your folds and clit carefully.
You were so pent up and sensitive your first orgasm came embarrassingly fast. Mando slowly caressed your swollen pussy as you bit your lip and whimpered.
“So soon?” Mando joked breathlessly. Your hands came up to grip his pants, fisting the material as your lower half writhed.
“M-more Mando, please…”
He obliged you, putting pressure on your throbbing clit. You chewed on your lower lip, trying to move your hips in motion with his ministrations. His hand ventured lower, two fingers slipping inside you as the heel of his palm rubbed your clit. You opened your mouth in a silent ‘ah’ as he began to stroke in and out of you – not too deep, just enough to make your legs begin to shake.
His unoccupied hand came up to rest on your lower stomach. You marveled at how hands so calloused could feel so soft against you. You looked down at where he continued to pump in and out of you, cheeks burning. You were wetter than you had ever been before, and the sound of Mando touching you was nearly obscene.
You could feel another orgasm approaching. Your hands gripped his pants harder, and you arched your back, trying to get Mando to fill you more. His hand on your stomach stayed firm, holding you in place as he methodically fingered your dripping cunt.
“That’s it,” he murmured, voice husky and low even through the vocoder. “Let me help you-”
“M-maker…” you gasped. He ground his palm against your mound, and you were on the precipice. Your thighs shook with the effort of trying not to writhe so much that he lose his grip. You wondered where he learned to do this. Maybe it was the effect of the herb making you more sensitive, but it was like he was playing your body like an artist perfecting a masterpiece.
Your orgasm built like chain lightning, and rolled over you like thunder. Your thighs snapped closed, trapping his hand between your legs. Your head fell forward as you wailed, Mando coaching you through your second release.
“Yes, good girl, you’re doing so well-“
It felt like your release lasted two lifetimes before your thighs began to part. You felt extremely sensitive as Mando slipped his fingers out of you, trailing them up over your clit. Your body jerked from the sensation, and you panted, eyes closed.
“Feeling better?” Mando murmured, hand rubbing soft circles on your tummy. You nodded, voice not found. You were feeling lightyears better in fact – the burn was still there, but so much more subdued and your head no longer pounded.
“Mmm,” he said. “I guess your exceptional reaction results in exceptional completion.”
You let out a laugh. “Is that your hypothesis?” Mando’s hands returned to your thighs, and you bit your lip as he teased the soft skin there.
“Perhaps,” he mused. “I think it could benefit from more investigation.”
“Agreed,” you breathed, letting the pleasure wash over you as he resumed his attention dutifully.
pt 2 but with din getting sex pollen’d.....? ∠( ᐛ 」∠)
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marisferasiop · 1 year
Ao3 link
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Plot with Smut
Categories: F/M, M/M, Poly
Fandoms: The Mandalorian (TV), Prospect (2018)
Relationships: Din Djarin/Reader; Ezra (Prospect 2018)/Reader; Din Djarin/Ezra (Prospect 2018)/Reader
Characters: Din Djarin, Reader, Ezra (Prospect 2018), Grogu | Baby Yoda, Cee (Prospect 2018)
Additional Tags: Sex Pollen, Marathon Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Din Djarin Removes the Helmet, but only in the dark, Force-Sensitive Reader, Ezra loses the arm, no y/n, Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, oh no we got feelings in our sex pollen smut, Everyone in star wars is bi til it's proven otherwise, Ezra is definitely a mouthy bottom, Switch Din Djarin
Din and reader are working as a Guild crew living on the Crest (and quietly pining for one another). Din picks up a bounty on a harvester dodging creditors who had fronted funds for prospecting work and finds a surprise: someone who looks exactly like him. While on the way to drop him to the client, the three of you are accidentally dosed with a pollinating spice strain meant for cold blooded biologies! Now you three have to ah- "get it out of your systems" somehow!
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"Take the bunk, iisa. I’ll kip here,” he says, dragging Grogu off the panel and into his lap.
“Alright,” you say, not surprised, and head down the ladder. Mando’s bunk is narrow and not particularly comfy, but it sure beats the durasteel floor or being upright in the cockpit. He makes sure you have a stark two-thirds split of the usage of it, only using the other third because you prod him when he gets sore shoulders or a crick in his neck when he doesn't. You curl up on your side on the thin bedroll and next thing you know, the Crest is juddering to a stop outside of the hyperlane over a small, verdant green moon.
“I shouldn’t be gone more than a day. The mark is purported to be a charlatan, but not much of a slippery catch, despite the long chase. He doesn't even have a ship,” Mando says, a while later, hesitating on the ramp. "Just keeps managing to sweet talk his way into rides, but sounds like he got stuck here." He checks that the fob is still beeping and tucks it into his belt.
“Ah, a chatty one. A favorite trait of yours; I am familiar.”
Mando snorts and passes Grogu to you. “More encouragement to drag him back and slab him so we don't have to listen,” he says. The kid sends you a flare of annoyance and squirms to get down, so you kneel and set him down, and he immediately goes back to Mando’s shins, bashing them with his little claws.
"I can't take you, kid. The air is toxic."
But Grogu simply leapt into his pram and popped the bubble shield you had engineered, staring up at his buir in defiance. You stifle a laugh and Mando sighs, resigned and continues to equip his standard weapons.
“I’ll check the ship and do maintenance as needed. Comm me if you need backup,” you say needlessly. He’s never needed your field skills yet, but that’s because he usually takes the kid. You're glad when he takes the kid. Knowing he has some kind of backup is a relief with how often Mando manages to get his ass kicked. And Grogu hates being left behind, typically showing such feelings like now.
The reputation you’d racked up on Nevarro as a force-sensitive, retired, Rebel Alliance sharpshooter- cum- mechanic had done little for you in the way of an easy life, but when you’d fixed Mando’s junker of a gunship after a nasty crash, and talked to his kid like some Ahsoka lady they'd met, he’d hired you on his crew and you’d had an enjoyable time since (even if you wished the idiot would notice how hard you have been holdinf a torch for him for cycles).
But it did no good to pine after a Mandalorian, you knew. Especially one as adhered to the Old Ways as Mando appeared to be. You’d met others in your time, as a child when they weren’t so secretive, and later, in the galactic war. And later still, when there was a covert beneath the city everyone pretended to ignore, and their beroya was out working, another would surface now and again to find work or socialize. Sometimes you’d hire them on for a day to move product, or assit with a fix, or break old machines down for parts.
You’d taken two different ones to bed, even, on various holdovers. They never removed their helmets, but you’d enjoyed the ah- rides, nonetheless.
Not this one, though. He had to be either the most dense (or simply the least interested) Mandalorian in the galaxy. Which really did so much for your self-esteem.
So after Mando departs with the kid in his pram floating along, his amban glinting across his back, you turn off the ship's air scrubber and seal your helmet and head outside to check the landing gear. The Crest was balanced on a patch of thick moss, its feet embedded in the soil below. You tutted at the soft surface and carried on inspecting for damage.
That evening, you rehydrate a sachet of soup, attach it to your suit's feed hose, and sit on a fallen log a few meters from the ship, grateful for the susurrus of nature. The forest moon is rich with fauna and life, desite the dust in the air that makes it unbreathable for humans. You wonder for the thousandth time how Mando is doing on his hunt, and decide to go back inside for a brief nap, keeping your comm unit close.
Din is– surprised. Bounties don't often actually surprise him, but finding his quarry to be a lame-armed and barely- breathing man who looks and sounds uncannily like Din himself, hitched to a young woman by a length of tie-down belting strung between their suit loops in the middle of a dense forest has to land somewhere on his chart of weirdest discoveries. The fact that the young girl is aiming a strange blaster at Din and standing half-over the collapsed bounty is another tally on the list.
“Ezra May?” Din asks, leveling his amban rifle at the girl, seeing as she's the one with the weapon. The man sags against a tree and struggles to catch his breath in lieu of answering. He raises his his left hand and lists to the side a bit, which pulls on the girl and nearly knocks her down.
“I am indeed, my… shiny friend. I suspect that makes you a bounty hunter?”
Din faces the red- flashing fob at him and pockets it again. The man glances downward and cocks his head, looking curiously at the floating pram and little green kid in it. “Curious.” The heaviness of his labored breathing fogs the glass dome of his helmet.
“I am only here for you. The mark said nothing about another. Who is this?” Din waves the pronged end of his rifle at the girl, who eyes him with a feral glint. He keeps the rifle trained on her after a second thought spared for her shaking hands, but he straightens his finger off the trigger. He can shock her if need be.
“That is Cee. I stumbled upon her and her father's campsite and somewhat contributed to the death of the man after a bit of-- misunderstanding. I have found myself indebted to her, as she has attempted to save my life,” he shrugs his right arm with some pained effort and gasps to regain his breath, having been winded by simply shifting the injured limb. “But I am dwindling fast. My wound- it festers. The dust has gotten in the suit from the second injury," he waves to his chest with his left hand. "I suggest, Mandalorian, if you want that full bounty you’ve undoubtedly worked so hard for- you’ll help.”
Din watches the man’s chest hitch again and thick blood drools from the wound in his breastbone, causing the labored breathing. He motions for the girl to drop the strange blaster and she does, begrudgingly, after May murmurs to her that the Mandalorian has disintegration rounds in his bandolier and likely also loaded in that rifle.
He's not wrong.
“Can you walk?”
“I can, boss. But it’s slow going. My lungs are blocking up with infection from the wounds I have sustained. It is worse now with the new injury from our most recent aggressors,” he gestures at his chest again and wheezes a weak cough.
“Untie yourself,” Din motions to Cee, who glances at May and does so with a huff. “Go to that tree and sit.” He cuffs her behind her back to the tree, sitting propped against it, and goes back for the bounty. The man is in a badly damaged flight suit riddled with taped-over blaster holes and a vibroblade stab to his chest, from which the blood is leaking. His right arm hangs completely limp and the sleeve around it is soaked dark with blood, tied round with a tight makeshift tourniquet just under the shoulder.
Din slaps a tracking cuff on May’s ankle and sets about investigating the wounds since the suit is punctured anyway. He has a deep gash circling his whole bicep, nearly down to the bone the whole way 'round, that is blackened at the edges and still sluggishly bleeding, but has obviously cost him a lot of blood, and has indeed started to turn gangrenous with rot. “What happened?”
May chuckles and then coughs, his chest stuttering with the effort. “Another bounty hunter caught up to me in The Green, before I ran into Cee. And the fauna here… is far less forgivin’. Even if the aurelac diggin' is well worth its weight in credits. He shot me in the arm and I went down in a gorge of vegetation. Some of the dust, it released– and got in my suit through the hole, and thus into my wound. I tried to scrape out the black rot, but botched the excision. I went chasin’ radio signals looking for aid, and stumbled onto Cee and her father’s campsite, and simply pulled faster than the dearly departed Damon when I requested aid and he suggested at the end of a rail gun that I fuck off-” he chokes off a gasp and clenches his teeth when Mando flushes his chest wound with his flask.
Din works silently, zipping off the ruined suit sleeve at the shoulder joint for better access. He glances back at the pram. Grogu has floated a bit closer and is gurgling curiously. “No,” he says to the little outstretched claw, wagging a yellow-tipped finger at him. “Don’t waste your strength on a bounty. We’ll get paid either way.”
No small part of Din wonders if Grogu is wanting to heal Ezra May because Grogu is the only being in the galaxies who knows what Din looks like, and is staring at a face he most likely recognizes and might even be confused by. Hells, Din is confused by what he's seeing. Is the man related to him, somehow? Either way, Grogu's power shouldn't be used on a quarry of all things.
May frowns and flicks his dark eyes between them, endlessly curious or suspicious, one. His breathing has leveled out, at least.
“It is deeply infected. I’m going to have to amputate your arm if you want to live,” Din sighs, standing and pulling the saber from his belt.
“That…is a bold conclusion,” May huffs indignantly, trying to straighten his lean against the tree. He doesn't quite manage to make it.
“It’s gangrenous and still open. You’ll bleed out or die of the infection before I can get you to a Core planet, or a bacta tank.” He activates the saber and turns to Grogu. “Can you help? Just make sure he doesn't bleed out? No extra healing.” The child nods and turns his luminous eyes back to the man on the ground.
May frowns again. “Is your child a healer?”
“He is none of your concern. Leave this here.” Din lifts the bounty's dead arm, laying it outstretched and utterly limp on a fallen log beside May so he can slice clean downward. “The blade will cauterize. He will make sure you don’t bleed out. I’ll finish cleaning and covering the stump when we're back to my ship. You will behave, or I'll let you bleed out and take the lesser bounty, and leave her tied to that tree.” Din points at the girl and waits until May nods.
“I will do my level best to acquiesce.”
“Good,” Din grunts, and brings the blade down.
“Dank farrik,” you curse, the top half of you in an exposed panel that is sending sparks out as you weld a loose wire clip back into place.
“Problem, iisa?” Says a familiar vocoder, and you smack your helmet on the panel frame trying to straighten back out of the hull. You snort at the timing of the nickname, if nothing else, rubbing the back of your head. Fuse- you grip the soldering tool more firmly in your hand and pull fully out of the hull.
“Mando! Glad you’re back. No, just cleaning up my emergency job from last time. Find your– oh,” you say, pausing when you see the body on a travois dragging behind the pram. There's a girl tied by the binders to Din’s belt as well. He has an extra (oddly shaped) blaster tucked in his belt and the kid seems a bit groggy but is happy to see you.
“That him? And a stowaway?”
“The girl is with him, he asked me not to leave her here. Promised good behavior for it, before he passed out.” You can read from the tip of his head and his body language that he's saying see what a nice guy I am? It makes you huff a laugh.
“How’s your field medic training?”
“I was on Hoth, nerfherder. You know it’s fine. I’ve patched your clumsy ass up more than once. What happened? You shoot him?”
“Found him like this,” Din waves at the travois and unlatches it from the pram, letting Grogu float inside. The girl scoffs at him and kneels by the unconscious man. “Well. Mostly.”
“He’s missing an arm and burning up!” you say, prodding the man's body and feeling. You check his pulse where the gasket of his suit meets glove; he’s alive, at least.
“His wound was septic. We’re days from a Core planet. I had to remove it.”
“You used the saber?!”
Mando shrugs. “It cauterized it.”
“Maker, the brashness of men will kill us all,” you grouse under your breath, and stalk into the ship to make a pallet on the floor. “Drag him in!”
Din does, sitting the girl near the ladder with her wrist cuffed to a rung. “Don’t imagine he’s going far, but leave that tracker on in case. If he loses the leg trying to get rid of it, he really won’t get far.”
You snort a laugh, used to Mando’s dry (and vaguely morbid) sense of humor, and get to work. The wound is large but indeed thoroughly cauterized. You clean and coat it in bacta gel and wrap it firmly, setting a hardening casting wrap over it for good measure and binding it to his ribs over the dressings on his chest wound. Finally, you set up a hemopak and dig out a bag of IV fluids and hang them off a racking hook in the hull. By the time you're piercing his vein in his remaining elbow, the man is stirring with a reedy groan and squirming away from your touch.
“Easy, mate,” you say quietly. He blinks awake and focuses on you after a moment. “Stay down or you’ll earn a better scar than this. Assuming you live to scar over,” you bite the end of the med tape in your teeth and tear it, smoothing the end down.
“My word, I was not aware I'd have such… stunning company on my final journey to certain death,” the bounty says, still surely delirious. You hear the leather of Mando’s glove creak as his hand tightens over the hilt of his blaster, and snort at Din more than the comment. The man’s impossibly deep eyes soften at your smile, flicking all over your face and hands as you work on his wounds.
“Easy, pretty boy, you silver-tongued devil,” you lean in and stage whisper. “You gotta wait til the big guy goes upstairs for that kinda chat.” You give him a ribald wink and pull away at the man’s baffled smile, organizing the medkit before looking up at Mando. “You gonna freeze ‘im?”
“I probably should. Him passing out after I cut the arm off was the only silence I think I've had in the last two days.”
You gasp in mock offense. “You’ve been gone less than one day!”
Mando tips his helmet at you as if to say: point.
You roll your eyes and huff. “Dick. If you do, his arm won’t heal right. Assuming he stays alive after the client gets him and it gets a chance to heal.”
“Any idea what they have planned?” you ask as you stow the medkit away and start digging out dinner. You can feel May’s dark eyes following you closely, watching your interactions. You're pretty sure he’s delirious from blood loss and pain, but you can't deny he’s a stunning specimen of a man to look at, even half dead and coated in sweat and muck.
“No, no questions asked. He is wanted for slipping on investment debts for prospecting though, so maybe they’ll put him to work til he drops. Although now I can’t imagine he’ll earn much, one handed with a rotten chest. You’ll mind him, then, iisa?”
You sigh the sigh of the deeply put-upon and nod, passing out food around the hold. “Here kid. Eat up.” You hand the girl a ration bar and flask of water, which she tears into greedily, before seeing to Grogu with a cup of rehydrated bone broth. Mando watches you for a moment before retreating up to the cockpit with his own ration bar. You leave him to it so he can take off his helmet.
“Can you sit up?” You kneel and ask the bounty, and he manages to get up to his remaining elbow and lean heavily on the hull while you rehydrate and heat another soup sachet. While it heats, you knock back your own cup and work on padding out his pallet on the floor.
Grogu stands next to the man’s boot and coos curiously at him, pushing you some errant thoughts and feelings. One makes you pause as he focuses on the bounty’s face and weighs it heavily against something guarded from you, limned in shadow even in his mind. You back away from the thread of thoughts, half sure it’s Din’s face for some reason, and go back to the task at hand.
“Here’s this,” you make sure Ezra is propped to a proper sit, back against the wall, before you pass down two painkillers and, once he’s tossed them in his mouth, a flask of water to wash them down.
The man allows you to tip the metal cup to his mouth and he swallows down the soup, humming at the spreading warmth. “Thank you, gem.”
You huff a laugh at the nickname and instead of retorting to what is surely a slip of the tongue in the man’s inebriated state, you provide your name. You watch his eyes soften as he accepts the gift for what it is.
“Ah. The sun shines on a dead man. My name… is Ezra, and that little bird that got lashed to my sinkin’ ship is called Cee,” he sighs, sipping more of the soup as you tip it into him. He brings his left hand up, curling his fingers very lightly around your wrist.
“My dear. I know I don't have a single bargaining chip to use as the gallows loom near. But. If I can beg something of you? Do not drag that poor girl into my mess. Convince your man to leave her on Coruscant. She can go to school, make somethin’ of herself. She doesn't deserve to see what happens next, or live through it. Or die, if they decide to extend to her the same fate. Cee is innocent in this. All she has done is try to help with my injury and tried to escape this damnable moon.”
You glance at the girl and meet her flat, steady gaze for a long moment. Grogu gurgles, and you glance at him, appreciating the sense of truth he pushes at you. You nod after a long moment of silence between you and the Child, tipping the rest of the soup into Ezra’s mouth. “I’ll talk to Mando. lay back down and rest. Those pain tablets should knock you out soon. I’m sure your rugged good looks can only improve with some beauty sleep,” you wink at him, pulling a chuckle from his chest.
”My word, gemstone. You are a wonder.”
You get up and clean and put everything away and scoop the kid up, checking the binder on the girl and putting one on Ezra’s remaining wrist for good measure, keeping them on opposite ends of the hold.
“You decent?” You call up the ladder, smiling at Mando’s snort and crackly yes as he replaces the helmet. You climb up and set Grogu in his seat, taking the third and meeting the flat expression of the T-visor when Mando turns.
“May begs that we take the girl to Coruscant and leave her at the Academy. He says he stumbled upon her in the Green and killed her father, and took her on as a mutual source for survival before he was injured. Mando.” You lean forward with your elbows on your knees. “If that is true, and the kid says it is- we can’t take her back to Canto Bight. She’ll be traded off as chattel, at best. Kept in a pleasure house more likely. She’s young, hon. We consign a life and get payment, but we save the other? What’s one more stop?”
Mando looks at you for a long moment and glances to the kid, who jabbers at him. “He agrees with me, by the way,” you translate. Mando shakes his head and turns back to the panel, plugging in new coordinates.
“If you want.”
The drop off is significantly more emotional than you or Mando had anticipated.
You had spent the last few days in hyperspace listening to these two pickups talk and talk and talk, about everything and nothing. And now she was wide- eyed and clinging to Ezra’s lone hand, knowing she’d probably never see or speak to him again. She had explained over the days how no one ever talked to her, or how they always put her thoughts and feelings down, so she had learned to be quiet and how to appear thoughtless, even with her mind whirling. But Ezra had always engaged her verbally and probed her thoughts and gave her equalizing jobs to do and met her expectations with his own, rather than treating her like a starry-eyed mooncalf or a burden.
Ezra, on the other hand, didn't seem to give a shit if he was listened to at all - he just couldn't stand silence. It grated on him; so he filled it. He liked conversation and thrived on engagement from the audience; he could never get enough. He absorbed everything Cee had to say and conversated with her amiably or arguably enough. He talked with you when you were in the hold with them, but to be fair the man would talk to a wall if given the opportunity and enough isolation.
Your untrained Force senses are nowhere near as strong as Grogu’s, and you wonder what he is picking up as the girl rushes across the hold to Ezra the second you take off her binder. Mando stands on the ramp with the Child, waiting while Cee lingers and drags out her goodbyes. You can feel the anxiety and stress on her like deadweight.
“I don't want to leave you with them. We can- we’ll pay him off. You can stay with me. We’ll find a place, find some work–”
“As much as I would love to linger, and live long enough to read all the stunning stories you will assuredly write and put out into the universe, I don't think this Mando is the type to be paid off, Cee. And it would require credits we do not have at our disposal. Now go on, girl.” He nudges her away with his forehead, patting the back of her hand on his chest. “Take my chain code- I won’t be needin’ it. Clear out my accounts ‘fore I'm gone, rent you a little place. Go to school. Be a writer. Do everything we talked about. Go on,” he nudges her again with his knee when she doesn't move, her hand tight on his.
“I want one of your comm codes,” Cee says, standing on the top of the ramp, wiping furiously at her damp face and glaring at you and Mando. “You’ll comm me when you're dropping him to your– to whoever’s paying you to do this.”
You glance at Mando and huff at his approving head tilt, offering one of your various recycled comm links. Grogu babbles from Mando’s elbow at her as she leaves the ship, pushing a sad greyness toward you. “I know sprout. She’ll be okay. She’s tough.”
“That she is,” Ezra sighs from the floor, his head not far from your hip. He blinks up at you with one of the sardonic, sad little smiles you’ve come accustomed to in the last few days. You curl your hand into a loose fist to resist the urge to card your fingers through his hair in a consoling gesture.
“Need any shopping done?” Mando calls from the ramp, and you are quick to hand over your growing mental list of parts, soldering strip, replacements for the medkit, food, and water filters. And your favorite snack, if he has time.
“I’m going to find a travel station and run this guy through a wash cycle, he stinks,” you nudge Ezra’s knee with a boot and he gasps in mock offense, making himself cough for it but still grinning. You roll your eyes and start loading a bag. “Bring him back a change of clothes? He’s like… Exactly your size. Maybe a bit leaner. It’s weird.”
Mando hesitates almost imperceptibly before he nods and trods off with the kid tucked in his elbow and the girl, Cee, trailing after him. He intends to take her to the Academy grounds and then head for one of the many markets in the huge city.
You finish packing your bag and grab your coinpurse, intending to return quickly and grab a nap while the boys are gone. Assuming Ezra doesn't talk your ear off. Maybe you’ll dose him up and knock him out after you wash him down.
“Thank you, gem. I am in your debt. For as much good as that does anyone,” the man says, teetering even with his back against the hull where you left him while you gathered supplies.
“It doesn't do anyone any good, considering you're effectively broke and on the way to forfeit your life over your outstanding debts to the wrong people on a gambling planet,” you deadpan, hooking an arm behind his back and pulling him upright. He hisses when the motion pulls on his wounds in his chest, but the bacta patch prevents it from re-opening. “But at least your girl is safe.”
He hums in reply and nods, as somber as you’ve seen him yet.
“Careful. Swing your legs– there you go.” You get him ready to stand and kneel, putting your shoulder under his remaining arm, and get him up to his knees, then his feet in stages. Lots of pulling and grunting and swearing later, Ezra leans against the hull, panting, his short curls stuck to his head under a fresh sheen of sweat.
“Now I have soap and whatnot in my bag, and a change of clothes. Some of Mando’s old loungewear, which will be too baggy on you, but it’ll cover your bits until he comes back with something. I got mouth cleanser and all… deodorant. Can you wash up one-handed?” you ask as you stuff a clean rag into your pouch and flip it closed.
“To be honest, gem. I have not had the pleasure of a water bath since this injury happened,” he shrugs his stump and coughs lightly, still dislodging the dust from his lungs. “And surely not since your boss cut if off. So I do not know. But I'll make the best effort, naturally.”
“I’ll help. The showers are communal, and I trust enough that you understand how to keep that hand to yourself unless you want another appendage missing. Or to end up in carbonite.”
Ezra’s brow locks down in a scowl and he straightens his shoulders. “Of course. I am not in the habit of abusing my position, or women, gem. Despite what you must presume of a bounty, on principle.”
“Mmmmhm,” you hum noncommittally. “Come on,” you drag his arm over your shoulders again and fix your hand around his ribs, and start walking. The tracker on his ankle beeps low and steady, echoing in time with your wristcomm as you leave the ship. You trudge down the ramp and close it, locking the Crest up, and make your way down to the end of the line of docking bays to the traveler service station.
Thankfully the place is none too busy, being midday. There are a family of bluish Ortolan clumped together in one corner and a few straggler smugglers or merchant longhaul cargo pilots keeping to themselves along the rows of showerheads in the wall. There are thin flimsiplast dividers between the showerheads that come up to about chest-height but the back ends are open to the room. You push Ezra into one and help him strip off the flightsuit and his ratty-thin smalls.
“Kriff this suit stinks,” you scrunch up your face and drop the bundle into a nearby sonic clothing compartment to have the dirt and stench of infection and dried sweat buzzed from it. After a brief hesitation, you stuff your own clothes in as well. "How long were you in the green with your injuries?"
“I wandered for a day with my arm injury before I found Cee and her father. And she and I wandered another four before the other bounty hunter found us. And another full day before Mando found us. I do apologize for the smell, at least. Though I imagine you understand why it's so bad, considering your thorough care of me thus far in our odyssey.” Ezra tips his face up into the cool spray while it warms and sighs in relief, deeply appreciating both the pressure and refreshing cleansing after miring in his own stink for weeks. He watches you soap up a rag and drag it up his arm, scrubbing just enough to tingle and really get the dirt and sweat off.
“I do. Arm up,” you tap his elbow with the soapy rag and wash him down clinically, curling your lathered knuckles into the hair under his left armpit and carefully doing the same to the right, avoiding his arm wound, then spreading soap over his face and neck, curling into his scraggly beard and up behind his ears and then down across his too- lean torso. You hand him the rag to scrub over his own half-hard (and unfortunately impressive, you note) genitals before you instruct him to turn under the spray and do the same treatment down his back and legs.
Ezra talks the entire time, endlessly distracted with whatever tall tale crosses his mind and very pleased to have a listening ear to natter into. Right now he's animatedly detailing a yarn about massacring an infestation of channel rats, of all things. If the incessant chatter helps prevent him from getting any more hard under your hands, you're fine with it, you decide with an amused quirk of lips.
Ezra is certainly attractive as hell, but you're not just going to fuck a bounty in a service shower. Part of you can't ignore the abrupt thought that if he’d come up to you in a cantina, you definitely would have dragged him to an inn or ship as soon as you could. He is stupidly cute, with that charming wide, squinty, toothy smile and big, dark brown eyes and that wild tuft of white hair at his temple. Even the tiny, soft roll of his belly had been a surprising delight to find with how malnourished and lean the rest of him was. You definitely enjoy the tenor of his voice, remarkably similar to Mando’s, but unmodulated and thick as syrup with that twangy accent. You interject with little encouraging noises every now and then, spurring him on, even if you're hardly absorbing his story.
Soon enough you're scrubbing the shampoo bar through his hair, scratching your nails firmly into his scalp to get all the sweat and grime out. He practically dissolves under your hands, humming in deep appreciation until you push him back under the stream to rinse. Finally, you peel back the dressing on his missing arm to carefully wash the huge wound cap to prepare for redressing it.
“Stay there and let the water run on your stump for a few minutes, flush it clean. I'm going over here to wash, and then we’ll head back.” You hand him a capful of mouth cleanser and he knocks it back, gargling thoroughly and spitting.
Ezra watches you slip under the flimsiplast divider and turn your own water on. He leans against the wall under the showerhead and lets it flow down his shoulder and off the end of his stump, stinging only slightly as it washes out the scabbing wound and softens it. He has a single passing thought of making a run for it that dissolves down the grate in the floor as quickly as it had been formed; the debilitating combination of injuries and a rotten chest and you have very nearly declawed him. He thinks loosely about the imposing (but hardly unwelcome) image of the Mandalorian, too; tough and hardened but clearly not cruel; quite reasonable and fair, in fact, if his handling of Ezra’s request for Cee is any indication of his character. He even has a child. Ezra shakes his head to clear his swirling thoughts and watches you, keeping his eyes politely on your face even though he's quite tall enough to see all of you over the divider. Nevermind that you were just in here with him, bare and wet while you washed him over. He couldn't help plumping a bit down below due to proximity and general passive interest, but he steadfastly ignores it.
“Are you and our beskar-clad mutual ah- entangled?” He asks, genuinely curious.
You snort and scrub the rag over your body. “I’m not exactly sure Mando is interested in anyone like that. I suspect he had a questionable fling right before he met me in Mos Eisley, some half-feral desert Marshal in the Dune Sea, but I think it left him a little broken-hearted. He hasn't ever acted interested. And he’s my boss, maybe that's why, doesn't want to cross that line.” You shrug. “I mostly mind the kid and do maintenance on the ship and lend a second gun on bigger or tough bounties.”
“And he found you as a mechanic?”
“Yeah, I was working a recovery job for his friend, came in with a rickety heap of a M-111 I'd bartered with some Jawas for and he bought like half the parts off it immediately, had me and Peli knock his own Crest back into shape. And then asked me if I was interested in staying on as a crewmate, and I was, mostly to get off Tatooine. I’d actually first seen him on Nevarro when his covert was there, and he was working as a beroya for the Guild when Karga was running it. I left Nevarro after Karga started shaping it up and the Core started flavoring it too much. And then he found me on Tatooine; rest is history.”
“Beroya?” Ezra tests the word on his tongue and frowns. It's unfamiliar, and he so loves words.
You huff a laugh. “That’s his people’s word for bounty hunter.”
“Hmm. And the little green fella?”
You huff again, eyebrows dancing. “Long story short: Mando’s a bit of a collector, mate. Lost things, loners, the broken and the damned. He tends to save them, sort of despite himself, and then just keeps going, finding others. Gave me a job when I was considering spacing myself off the next public travel barge.... He saved the kid when the Imps wanted to experiment on him. Saved an old merc from a forced labor camp, saved a former drop trooper from her own hand... He flies in to save the day all the damn time. The list goes on.”
“Imps? You're friendly with these folks?”
“Kriff, no. Not intentionally. Way I understood it, the kid was a bounty. Mando couldn't bring himself kill him, so he turned him over warm for a substantial reward, and the guilt ate at him til he broke back in the compound and took the kid back, killed half of Nevarro on the way back out. Been running ever since.”
Ezra’s mouth turns down as he mulls the news over.
“Anyway. Just mind your manners and you won't end up slabbed.”
“I surely will, gem. Being thawed from that process is hell itself; I am unfortunately acquainted with the burning in one’s sinuses for days after. Nothing tastes right for weeks. I'll keep to myself until we must part ways.”
“Good. He doesn't mess around when me or the kid are involved; I'm sure it’s been impressed upon you by now that you’ll end up worse off than this if you even try,” you nod at his stump and shut your water off, ignoring the bounty’s frown.
Ezra watches your form just a little indulgently as you turn away and dry off, appreciating the glide of fine bones under your smooth skin, the soft curves and more toned muscles. He shuts his own water off and starts drying off, managing a patting motion over most of himself, though reaching his legs is giving him trouble.
You dress quickly and come back under the divider to finish his right side, carefully patting the scabbing end of his stump before stepping away for the single set of loose lounge clothes Mando keeps (even though he has never worn them near you).
“Sit and get your feet in,” you instruct, kneeling and holding each leghole open for him to slip his feet in. Ezra sits on the bench and does so, tipping to his left as he balances his weight with his hand planted on the seat.
“I do miss being– symmetrical,” he hisses, carefully maneuvering his stiff right shoulder as you stretch the neck and armhole of a tee shirt over his head and arms.
Despite yourself, you laugh at his complaint. His dark eyes flick up to you and a small smile ticks up one side of his face. “Alright, let's walk back and let this dry a bit, and I'll redress it once it does. Don’t let it touch anything,” you say, spraying the whole raw end of his stump with bacta and wincing at a sharp mental jab of empathic pain when he screws his face up from the sting.
“If you ah- have any of those tablets you have given me since the first day, gem, that would be… Just creamy,” he stammers through gritted teeth, getting back to his feet. “I believe the wash down was simply sinful, but I must admit my wounds are giving me some real grief for it, now.”
“They’re back on the ship. Let me get our clothes out of the sonic and we can go back. I’ll dose you up and feed you, you can sleep it off.”
Ezra nods and watches with his dark eyes as you empty the sonic clothes compartment into your shoulder bag and return, putting everything you brought to rights and shouldering the bag before holding a hand out to drag him upright.
When you make it back to the ship, it's still empty. Din hasn’t commed, so you assume he’s still out shopping, or trying to leave the loquacious and generally nerdy and strange Cee (who has warmed up just enough to be both demanding and overtly chatty) at the Academy. You stifle a laugh at the image of Din trying to deal with her, certain that Ezra won’t appreciate it while he mourns her loss. Even if he is not her father, they were clearly bonded from trauma and circumstance, if nothing else.
When you're safely inside the ship, you leave Ezra at his pallet on the floor and fetch down the painkillers.
“Damn, I only have one tablet left. Let me comm Mando so he can pick up more at the market.” You hand Ezra the tablet and dart up the ladder to do just that, waiting for an affirmative return before you go back down. You jump down the last few rings to find that Ezra has dry swallowed the tablet and managed to flop mostly into his bedding.
“I do appreciate your care of me, gem. Even if I am not meant to live beyond the next few days, you have given me a decent sendoff.”
You hum and start putting things away. “Canto Bight is always moving, and at the moment it's a long way off, so you can estimate it to be more like, eh… nearly a standard week?” You shed your outer layer and start rehydrating a sachet of bone broth for him, already keen on the way he’s listing from the exercise and mounting pain levels. He’ll fall right to sleep after getting a full, warm belly, you’re sure.
“Gemstone, could you be bothered to hand me the satchel I came on this fine vessel with? If you are out of painkillers, I have something to tie me over until our armored friend returns with a more performative narcotic.”
You frown at him and lift the bag, eyeing his outstretched hand. “What does it look like?”
“Kevva, woman. You just showered with me. I am not interested in harming you in the least, not that I imagine I could in my state. But if you insist, it would be a small, thumb-sized, off-white bottle. White lid.” You find it quickly and shake it, hearing tiny caplets plink against the sides. You don't recognize the swirly script the label is written in.
“What are these?”
“They are painkillers from an old field kit from Cee’s father’s drop ship. They are well past expired, but if it’s all I have, I will manage until our reflective leader returns.”
You roll your eyes and shake out a few pills into your palm, offering them. The dosage had long since worn off the label. Ezra takes them all and chews them up before you can snatch any back. “You better not have just OD’d, asshole,” you grit, handing him the cup of broth.
“I know it’s equivalent to asking a mountain to bow down, but do endeavor to trust me just enough to know I would not end my life before my time is due, gem. I said they are expired, I have only taken extra to ensure some semblance of relief for this incredible ache,” he shifts his stiff right shoulder and his whole face screws up with pain, body rigid with it.
“Let me-” you start, and move behind the pillow behind his head and shoulders. He is unconcerned but watches you with those fathomless dark eyes, curious. You lay your hands on either side of his neck and squeeze.
“If Mando shows up, you’re dealing with the fallout,” you say, massaging rhythmically. Ezra clenches his jaw on a sigh and rounds his shoulders out, seeking more.
“Understood, friend. Oh. I am– endlessly grateful.”
You find a tight whorl of muscle quickly, just under the right shoulderblade near his spine. You set to working your thumb into it, coaxing it back into shape, and eventually it releases, along with the tension you feel in his aura. The pained groan Ezra can't quite stifle is positively sinful, which nearly makes you laugh. He turns his head with a sardonic smile at your stifled snort.
“To be honest, gemstone. That spot has pained me more than the wound itself since I was injured. Your friend spared me much of the site pain when he cauterized the wound with his laser- blade. But that muscle, from carrying myself somewhat tilted, has only gotten worse. I find myself in your debt yet again.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just behave til the next port and we’ll call it even.”
“Now I must riposte, my dear. I have behaved quite admirably in your care, have I not?”
You chuckle, nodding. “You have, though you are also healing and no doubt getting an itching fever from being consigned, injured, to the hold of a ship in space with little leg room and now one less ear to babble incessantly into. I’m asking that you continue to behave, then.”
“Ezra, you know full damn well that you could say half as many words in Basic and get your point across! You like the sound of your own voice!”
“Listen here, little bird, I wouldn't natter on so much if you didn't like how similar I sound to your tin man!” He grins quick when he sees you flush, caught.
“You do sound oddly like him. Not as uh-”
“That is a bedroom voice,” Ezra interrupts, breaking into a grin at your blush. “I thought the same thing when he leveled his rifle at me in the Green. He cannot be doing that on purpose all the time. It has to be the vocoder, something not wired right in his bucket.”
You laugh, which makes Ezra smile again, softer this time. “Have you truly never seen him?” you shake your head and his eyebrows lift. “Not even by accident?”
“He’s very careful. It’s important to him, his beliefs. I don't think he's taken it off without knowing I'm gone or dead asleep since he hired me. Maybe even before, with his kid. But I know the kid has seen him.” You wink, wiggling your eyebrows as if sharing juicy details. Ezra huffs a laugh and lays back in his netting.
“How do you know? Do you speak his language?”
“Grogu has the Force. I am Force sensitive, but untrained. He sends me thoughts and feelings now and again, and I translate, to a degree, for Mando. Though the guy’s getting good at understanding the kid’s coos and gurgles and body language by now; I don't have to do much. I know Mando’s name, because of that, but I believe it was an accident, a passing thought- and Mando has never told me it, so I won’t use it. Or share it!” You hold up a finger to stem off the next question just as the man’s mouth opens. He grins quick again, as if mysteriously proud of you for some reason, and you continue.
“Anyway. Grogu will tap his chin now and then, just under the lip of the helmet, and there is sort of a longing around the gesture, but he gets an image in his head- a memory- but he clears it or drops a wall between us before a face can form. I can only assume it's because of me.”
Ezra bites his lips and is quiet for a long moment. “I was going to ask about your powers,” Ezra defends himself, playing up his sulk, but his eyelids are growing heavy. He yawns hugely and you grin. Got him.
“Not much to tell. I’m like more of a– palpable empath than a Jedi. Go to sleep.” With his grumble of assent, you take his empty soup cup back and rinse it before dropping into the bunk across the hold, watching the comm link and waiting for Din to come back.
Din returns to the ship a few hours after he left it, bereft of one child and holding that much more tightly to his own. He remembers well what it feels like (what it felt like) to give his own child away after too- short a time with him, because he thought Grogu going with the Jedi would lead to a better life for him. Grogu had been quiet as a womp rat since they left Cee at the Academy and the complete silence was grating on Din’s nerves.
He had received your comm for painkillers as he was leaving the market, so he doubled back and retrieved what you asked for at the first stall he saw with med supplies. By the time he’s scaling the ramp into the Crest, he’s ready for a meal and a nap before they take off again. The dock fees are paid up for the full day, after all.
He enters to find the bounty snoring hard on his pallet and that you are lightly asleep in Din’s own bunk. He stops and watches you for a long moment until Grogu gurgles excitedly at the sight of you and you stir.
You inhale sharply and roll over at the sound, blinking and sitting up by the time he seals and locks it. Grogu squirms and gets down, toddling off into the hold.
“Nice shopping trip?” You ask, taking some of the supplies and beginning to stow it.
“Not bad. I intend to nap for a bit and then we’ll head out, take him to Canto Bight?” He tips the helmet at the man snoozing on the floor and you nod. “Here’s those painkillers, iisa.”
“Ah, thanks.” You shake one out and dry swallow it, wincing at a pull in your lower back, and pull down the medkit to stow them and start putting everything else away, closing panels and hanging larger items in cargo netting. “Go on and nap, I know you pulled an all-nighter.”
“You can keep the bunk,” Din says, shifting his weight. Grogu yawns in the crook of his arm and droops over it, ready for his own tiny hammock. “Two of those please?”
You snort and grin at him, passing two tablets over. He never takes meds; he must be really going through it. “Yeah, point. I had a nap. Go on, take that bucket off and shut the door, get some rest. I’ll knock at the door when the docking timer goes.”
“Alright,” Din sighs and bumps his shoulder fondly against yours before crawling into the bunk. Just before the door slides shut he hears Ezra stir. You hear him, too, and take the clothes he got for Ezra and lay them in a folded pile on a low shelf near the nest.
“Gem, is our Mando back with those meds?”
“He is. Is your expired experiment not cutting it?”
Ezra huffs a pained laugh and shakes his head. “It is not, I'm afraid. May I pilfer some of those?” He tips his forehead at the bottle in your hand and you come over, shaking one out.
“You already had one, and it's only been half an hour. So you can wait for it to wear off, or you can have one, now. I'm not boxing your kidneys over expired meds and some site pain."
In answer, he reaches up and accepts the single tablet, swallowing it dry. “I am not eager to see how this feels with nothing in my system, gem.” He shifts his right shoulder and winces, hard. “Thank you.”
“Don't have much of a pain tolerance, do you?”
Ezra huffs a laugh and nods dreamily, still mostly asleep despite the chatter. “Never thought much of it before I sustained this injury. It seems I do not.”
There is enough room on the bundle of blankets for two, so you drop to a knee beside Ezra’s hip. “Shove over a bit,” you murmur, tapping his side with your knuckles, and he does, shimmying toward the wall. You glance back at the hatch to Din’s bunk and see it closed, and you can hear the kid already snoring from within.
You slip down and lay on your back beside the bounty, who is laying still but not quite tense. “Forgive me for not trying too hard to avoid you, whatsoever, gem. We did wash up together, after all. and I am a bit of a cuddler, truth be told.”
“Hush, dummy. He hears you, you’re gonna end up in carbonite.”
“Is he so possessive of you?”
You snort at the mental image. “Not how I'd put it. Overprotective, maybe. He has a loyalty streak a parsec wide, not that it ever does him much good. Mando gets his ass kicked on about half the jobs he does.”
Ezra chuffs a soft laugh and straightens on his back, uncomfortable with his unbalanced weight on his side. The move pulls on the still- sealing wound in his sternum and he hisses quietly.
“Just go back to sleep. The alarm will go off in six hours and we’ll leave for Canto Bight.”
“Well, gem. I can't think of a better way to spend my final hours than laying here peacefully with you. Maybe if our shiny friend joined us- sans the shiny, for the sake of comfort- it could be a real party.” Ezra yawns hugely and settles, falling asleep quickly as the fresh tablet hits his bloodstream.
You stir awake to the sound of the bunk door sliding open, maybe an hour later. “Hmm? Mando?” You whisper and pop your head up, feeling sweaty and wildly overheated in the blanket nest. Ezra has curled against your side on the pallet but he’s not got an arm to drape over you; you're not even touching all that much. The heat can’t be from him. Not all of it.
You sit up and see that Din is wriggling out of the bunk silently and very carefully, struggling to avoid disturbing Grogu snoozing hard in his little hammock. He slaps the door controls to shut it as soon as he is out.
“Osik!” Din gasps, falling to a knee. “Ii– iisa.”
You can feel the panic in him even as it's edging into his voice and jump up, rushing the few feet across the hold to him. “Mando! What’s wrong?” you hiss in a whisper.
“So– so hot. What’s- is it hot in here to you?” he shakes his head when you nod, watching the sweat roll down your temple and chin to soak into the collar of your flightsuit. "Okay."
“I am feeling it too, though I do not think it’s the temperature in the hold, Mando,” Ezra grits, struggling up to an elbow. “Did we all ingest something similar? Or were we exposed? Something is perhaps having a – biological response with each of us?”
You wipe at the sweat beading on your brow and try to think, which is easier said than done. Your thoughts are snarled tight and your blood is thrumming under your skin, pooling in your belly and thighs.
“We... Oh! We each took a painkiller. Or two,” you say, turning to Mando, who is on his hands and knees and panting under his helmet. He already seems far worse off than you or Ezra.
“Dank farrik. Soup. And – the tablets.”
“We've been having the same soup sachets for a week. That can't be it. What in Kevva’s name was in those tablets?”
You turn to Ezra and blink slowly. “Let me get them,” you fumble for the medkit and bring it down, digging for the white cylinder tube. “It’s just the usual standard medkit bottle- see? It says– oh. Uh, Mando? Where did you get these?”
Ezra reaches out his hand and you pass the shaker to him. It does look exactly like a standard over- the- counter Core painkiller bottle for a standard field medkit- but apparently recycled by spice runners and handed off by mistake in the busy market. The label reads Spiced Honey in Aurebesh and Huttese, though the script is faded. He squints and reads off the rest.
“‘Pollination Aid for Insectoid, Reptilian, Amphibious, and other cold-blooded sentient beings. Not recommended for mammalian biologies. For consenting adult use only; do not take more than one tablet in a standard cycle day. Common side effects in warm- blooded mammalian biologies include heightened basal temperature, undue sweating, erections lasting longer than four hours, hypersensitivity, amorous behavior, increased self-lubrication, and full loss of inhibition in varying degrees of strength. Do not combine with other intoxicants’. Well. We’re fucked, perhaps quite literally,” Ezra drops the shaker into the nest of blankets and curses under his breath, glancing at Mando mindlessly kicking off his boots and then to you.
“Gem, I know you have taken one as well, but I highly recommend you freeze me and lock yourself in the cockpit or the bunk before Mando loses his grip. He took two. And even with one arm and in a good bit of pain I find myself unlikely to hold back if this settles in further. I have no desire to harm you, especially against your will. I don't imagine he does either, but we may not be in control much longer.”
Your eyes are hazy, glassy, breath catching in your chest as you frown, deciphering Ezra’s words while the rest of your vision blurs. Your body heat feels doubled- tripled with both of the men’s suffering assaulting your heightened Force senses. Din is already sloughing his gambeson and flightsuit, leaving the armor attached to the connection points at shoulders and thighs, his breathing labored. Soon he is down to his compression bottoms and a ratty-soft liner shirt and the helmet, the neck stretched wide. You stare at his flushed bronze skin and the beginning of a thatch of chest hair peeking out of the neckline and lick your dry lips, abruptly very eager for a taste of the salt of him.
Both of them.
“Iisa, please. I don’t– what the fuck,” Din groans desperately, dropping his helmeted forehead to the durasteel floor. He’s got both arms crossed around his stomach, heaving deep breaths as if all the air being circulated by the scrubber is not enough.
“Mando, I suggest you come over here and slake that particular thirst with me, unless your partner is willing. You can take me if you like; I must admit the desire is mutual, and I do not mind being the passive party, especially considering neither my balance nor dexterity is what it once was.”
Din is already crawling across the space to the pallet, gripping Ezra’s ankle and tugging desperately until the other man is dragged to the edge of the nest of blankets. He mantles over Ezra and pauses, tips the helmet back and up to face you, still kneeling nearby. “Go up and lock yourself in the cockpit, or join us, cyar. I can't guarantee you won’t be– touched if you stay- my control is– slipping.”
“I want to stay. I want to watch you. I want to- touch you. Both,” you add, your hands shaking as you run them thoughtlessly over your body. Your nerves light up at every press, even over your clothes. Suddenly it’s far too hot and, like Mando, you start tearing at your flight suit and smalls.
You cup your tits and warmth pools low in your belly, rising to a rolling boil as you watch Din whine low and demanding as he drags Ezra’s bottoms off, too impatient to shuck the man’s boots so his loose pants get caught. They have a quick struggle which ends in the bounty with one boot off and leg freed, and his pants twisted around the other ankle. With a frustrated growl, Mando shoves Ezra's shirt up to his armpits. May wriggles the top off, tugging one-handedly at Mando’s liner shirt until he drops his head forward and the stretched neckline slides easily over the helmet. He throws the garment to the side and takes one of Mando’s hands, bringing it up to his face.
“Yes. Get them wet,” he demands. Din drives three fingers past Ezra’s loquacious lips to wet them on his tongue. He draws them back a moment later, thoroughly soaked, to wrap a slicked fist around both their cocks. Ezra’s head falls back to the bedding with a thunk, a strangled groan squeezing out of him.
The bounty’s single hand can’t stay still, he roves it over his own chest down to where his legs are spread around Mando’s thickly muscled hips and then up, catching on a peaked brown smudge of nipple. He pinches it with a twist and grins quick at the rough sound it earns. Din growls at the tease and ruts his hips forward, gripping a bit tighter if the noise that punches out of them both is any indication.
Din wants very badly to rub his bare face against the man’s chest- your chest- any skin. It feels like every instinct he has is to bury his face in skin. It is incredibly frustrating to be unable to, but he has just enough coherence to keep his helmet on, for now. He hopes idly that you’ll have the wherewithal to slap the lights off if he tries to remove his helmet. He drops his forehead to Ezra’s sternum, avoiding the weal of pink scar tissue that has healed up nicely under the bacta patch, and whines low and plaintive. The drag of his fist and wet and heat on his cock is not enough.
“I don't know if I have slick,” he grits out, lifting the visor to face the bounty below him. Ezra blinks slow at him, frowning slightly before it clicks.
“I may have some in my satchel. Gem, where did you set it?” He turns to face you, legs snapping shut around Din’s hips as the Mandalorian squeezes them tighter and ruts harder.
You whimper, a hand in your smalls and flightsuit shucked to your waist. Both men snap their attention to you at the sound and slow in their rutting. Din reaches his other hand out and makes grabby hands at you, seemingly past the capability of words.
“Gem, get the slick, then take off that suit and come sit on my face,” Ezra growls, rutting up against Din anew until the man plants a fist by his head and drives down, deeper and harder.
"Maker, yes, iisa. Do that," Din says.
You dump Ezra's bag on the floor and find the vial easily enough. You then squirm the rest of the way out of your suit and crawl over, eager and desperate for the press of skin on yours. Your own skin feels too tight, flushed and overheated.
“I want to–” you start, gasping when you reach them and Din pushes your face down to Ezra’s lips, coaxing you both into a desperate kiss that is mostly tongue and teeth and not much skill. Ezra clings to you with his hand, his belly flexing with the force of Mando's jarring thrusts from below.
“Come here, precious thing. Bring your leg over. There you go. Come down to me- I can’t quite–” he drags your hips down with a yank and your mound crashes into his mouth. The vial of slick skitters off toward the shelves, unneeded for now.
He growls into you, the vibration lighting up your entire body and you throw your head back, nails sliding on his chest, narrowly avoiding the bacta patch at the base of his sternum. You're kneeling over Ezra's head, facing Mando, struggling to keep your knees planted under the assault that is Ezra laving broad strokes through your folds and sucking on your clit in turns. His arm is an iron band just above your ass, keeping you planted on him. His nails are pressed into your opposite hip, a tiny bite of pain to accentuate all the swirling pleasure. Sweat beads on your skin, blood thrumming with need and lust and desire.
Ezra's tongue winds you up tighter and tighter, his hand alternately squeezing your cheek roughly before drifting round to cup and knead your breast. He thumbs your peak before he slides across to the other with a low hum of satisfaction into your core. You push your chest into his palm and, when he brings his hand back to pull you back down to his mouth, you tip forward and curl your tongue around the perfectly twinned tips of their cocks peeking out of Din’s fist. Din makes a choked noise and pushes his own cockhead at your lips, throwing his head back when you suckle them both at the same time. As a reward, Ezra flattens his tongue against you and encourages your hips to start grinding on his face.
“Bring yourself to completion on my tongue, gem. I want to drink from your fountain before our friend truly loses himself. I believe watching you come on my face will be the tipping point.”
You do exactly as you are told, planting both hands on Ezra’s chest and riding his face until you shatter. As you shiver through the come down, you abruptly want them both, desperately. You wildly consider fitting them both inside, somehow. But before the thought accumulates steam, Din is wracked with a wave of lust a good deal stronger than you or Ezra are feeling. He did take two tablets, after all.
Din makes a low, desperate sound and reaches for you. “Cyar. Please, can I?”
“Din. Please, yes. Come, come here,” you slip and use his name, but he barely notices, only enough to tip his head briefly in confusion as you drag him away from wedging between Ezra’s thighs and urge him behind you. “Give me your cock. I need it! I feel so empty,” you complain, grinding back against him when he kneels behind you, over Ezra’s crown.
“Mando, let me get you good and wet for our gem. Put that in my mouth before you spear into them,” he laves over you once more and tips his head back, catching the head of Din’s cock as it throbs downward, making the Mandalorian shudder at the sudden warmth and wet.
“Ours?” Din murmurs distractedly before it dissolves into a heady groan at whatever Ezra does with his tongue. He thrusts forward into the man’s throat and Ezra soaks his cock, thick spit clinging to the tip as Din pulls away and notches the head at your weeping entrance. "Iisa. Ours."
You bend forward and drop your mouth over Ezra’s turgid length just as Din pushes inside you to the hilt, his fat cock stretching you beautifully. You both groan at the stretch and tight squeeze, respectively. Din pushes his forehead into the dip between your shoulder blades and grinds his hips forward, staying sheathed deep.
“Oh! Oh, gem, my dear, your mouth– please!” Ezra paws at you desperately when you lift off to gasp, but you take him back in eagerly when he tugs on your shoulder. His stomach tenses to hardness when he lifts his head up, lapping at your apex while the rest of you is stretched tight around Din’s girth. His tongue traces where you are joined and Din makes a low sound that is barely human. Ezra’s hand can’t be still- he roams it over you and Din each, finally squeezing the Mandalorian’s muscular ass and encouraging him to thrust a bit more energetically, which drags your clit over the bounty’s tongue with each push.
“Oh, fffffuck,” Mando grits when you clench around him at Ezra’s additional stimulation, milking his cock with a rhythmic squeeze. He pulls out slowly, snapping his hips back in and pounding against that deep spot, high up by your cervix. It makes your eyes roll back, your jaw slack around Ezra's girth as you suck in a breath, and you feel the abrupt urge to pee and clench that much tighter, which just makes Din do it again.
Ezra’s tongue drags upward down Mando’s shaft and over his tightening balls, sucking one fuzzed globe into his mouth before Din pulls back and repeats the thrust, tilting this time to hammer repeatedly into that same spot. Ezra’s hand slides from around your hips to your belly, pressing up between your hipbones with the backs of his knuckles, pushing your deepest spot down until you're sure to shower him with your cum if Din keeps up the punishing strokes. He returns to sucking your clit, kneading the bud carefully between his tongue and teeth.
“Boss, I do believe our gem deserves to be filled with your seed. Pump this gorgeous pussy full, so I can clean it up,” he demands, urging Din on. His thrusts become more brutal, his hands gripping your hips turning to a bruising strength, and you love it.
“Yes- yes, Mando! Fill me up. I need your cum,” you gasp, thrusting your hips back on him. He growls beneath the helmet, the sound coming out flat and that much more grating for it.
You can feel your orgasm building low and insistent in your belly, the swelling heat and pressure of it blooming outward into every extremity. Ezra flattens his tongue against your clit, giving you something to grind against when Din knocks your hips forward. You suck weakly at the cock in your mouth, using your hand to move over what you can’t manage in the moment, more applying tongue and wetness and heat than anything akin to actual talent but Ezra seems to be loving it. His hand presses up on your belly again just when Din nails you deep and holds your head down on Ezra’s dick, and you– break.
Your cunt grips tight around where Din is buried deep, all the way to the hilt, grinding in firmly and giving you something substantial to milk. A gush of your juices flows into Ezra’s mouth as you choke on his cock, your whole body clenching and releasing in a full-body orgasm that steals the last wisps of your breath.
With a chest-deep groan, Din’s head falls forward again with an unforgiving thump of helmet against your shoulder. He grinds deep, coming with a ragged gasp as your insides milk an orgasm out of him that seems to last forever. He absolutely floods your channel, his movements making it gush out with every thrust and grind.
Ezra pops his hips upward, sucking greedily on your soaked folds, lapping your combined come, and dragging his tongue hungrily up the hard rib on the underside Din’s cock. Gasping and still rock hard, the Mandalorian pulls out of you and buries his soaked and still- hard length between Ezra's lips instead.
When he pulls out, Ezra picks up a low chant, murmuring depraved things about the taste of your perfect pussy, the salt of Mando’s come, your heat and wetness and deliciously slick insides. He buries his tongue in your channel, sucking more come out. The bounty thrusts up into your throat once- twice, and Din finally lets you pull away enough to breathe just as Ezra floods your mouth.
“Ffffuck,” Ezra cries out, turning his face into your thigh as he shakes through his orgasm, clinging to your body collapsed onto his. “It has- oh! Been a long time since I received such attentions, gem- forgive my abrupt– fffffff! Finish!”
You barely have time to swallow before Mando is already dragging at your hips again, rutting up along the cleft between your cheeks despite your still-pulsing cunt. He’s still rock hard and stifling a petulant groan. You pull away and he whines but lets go, only to turn his demanding hands on Ezra.
“Let a man breathe, Mando,” the man gripes, swatting uselessly at the hands grabbing him.
“I’m sorry. It’s– maybe you should freeze me,” Mando says to you, and you scoff.
“Not a chance,” you pant, and flop to the side off of Ezra’s chest.
He keeps his hand braced on Din’s ribs, asking for a moment to recover. “Would an intercrural rut suffice while I catch my breath, tin man?”
Din simply growls at the nickname and crawls back down over the other man, rolling them to their left sides and spooning up behind him. You watch, enraptured and overheated, noting with curiosity how very similar their bodies are. The mushroomed tip of Mando’s unceasing erection peeks in and out of the clench of Ezra’s thighs, made slippery by the slick you left on Mando’s cock. Din’s fingers claw at Ezra's chest and belly, holding him almost too-tightly. You feel the ghost of that grip on your hips and groan, feeling yourself leak afresh at the memory.
“Iisa, please. Are you alright? Did we–?” Din presses his forehead against the knot of Ezra’s right shoulderblade, growling at his loss of words. He can’t focus. Luckily, you and Ezra are more clear minded, if no less under the influence of extreme arousal.
“I’m fine, Mando. Just need a breather. Not everyone has highly- trained stamina and endurance,” you chuckle, rolling back toward the men. Ezra lays on his left side, hooking his ankles together to tighten the squeeze. Mando seems to appreciate it; his hips stutter forward sharply.
“I can’t- I don't think I can come like this. It’s not enough. I need– inside something. Friction isn't– enough,” he grits out, hands wandering down Ezra’s torso to drag his top leg back and up over his hip.
“Easy, boss. You can't go jammin’ that weapon in there without some prep, and something to ease the way. How about you come up here and abuse my mouth again, and we’ll see to the other, after, if you are still in need? Our gem and I seem to be faring better with the foggy mind. Perhaps another orgasm or two will help you?”
You prop against the adjacent wall of the hull and watch in abject fascination and want as Din crawls over Ezra, shoves him to his back, plants his knees in the man’s armpits, and feeds him his cock.
“Maker,” you sigh, a hand drifting thoughtlessly to cup your throbbing cunt. The tease of the touch is enough to make your legs shiver shut around your hand.
Ezra, for his part, takes Mando’s cock down his throat skillfully and a little greedily. He talks - filthy things- when Din slides out too far. It makes Mando growl and thrust deeper when he goes back in, which makes Ezra grin around his girth like he's won something.
“What I wouldn't give to set my mouth on every inch of you, you gorgeous thing,” he says before being choked on the fat tip nudging past his tonsils. You watch as the bounty simply rolls his head side to side to make it fit better, even deeper. Mando whines and shakes his head, already desperate for a kiss and struggling to recall why his damned helmet is still on. “I bet you are pretty, aren’t you?” Ezra drags his hand up Din’s torso, thumbing his nipples, tweaking one meanly.
“Tight body, pretty cock- why wouldn't your face match? It’s quite a sin and sacrifice to keep that mouth all to yourself, don't you think? Though at least you are willing to share this,” he tongues the throbbing head of Din’s prick bobbing against his lips, sucking the head methodically, working the tip of his tongue into the slit and grinning with Mando whines and shivers at the focused stimulation.
“Iisa,” he pants, gripping Ezra's wrist as his hand slides down his belly. He pins the man’s arm to the floor above May's head and thrusts deep and slow a few times, relishing how deeply Ezra takes it in his throat without struggle, though tears are brimming in the corners of his eyes. Din catches his breath when he slides all the way out and holds himself there, balances on his knees and one fist, the other hand still pinning Ezra's.
Your eyes are locked on the way Ezra breathes like a fighting bull up at him, nostrils flared, brow furrowed, fingers curled around the back of Din’s hand, jaw stretched wide around his girth. Your own fingers are absently strumming your seam, gently stimulating yourself back toward desperation. Din calls your name and your eyes flick up to meet the impassive visor, in stark contrast from the rest of his body language, broadcasting his need.
“The lights,” Mando prompts, and your breath punches out of your chest. He's going to take it off.
Belatedly, you reach up and slap the lights off. The only glow is from various controls dotted around panels in the hull, red and blue and a dim, grimy white that gives off the impression of shadows only- no details in the bleached space, only black form over an indistinct background. You hear the helmet grate across the floor and the wet sound of a mouth on something before Ezra (you think- they sound so similar) groans low and needy.
You crawl back to the pallet and find the men where they were, only now Din is bent double and plundering Ezra’s mouth with his tongue instead of his cock.
“Boss, I strongly– urge you to give our gem the gift of your mouth while you can. Let me attend to the fires down below,” he pants between kisses. You reach out to card your fingers through his hair and can feel that Din still has him fully pinned. In the next breath, Mando has you swept up to his chest with both arms around your back and he licks into your mouth, groaning into you as Ezra swallows him again, a pioneering finger tracing over his hole from behind.
“Cyar,” Din breathes against your lips. “Sit on his dick, while I fuck his mouth.” He grins against your lips when Ezra groans in disbelief beneath him and you scramble to obey, giddy off the high of feeling Din smile against your mouth, rather than hearing it through the vocoder. Din dismounts Ezra’s chest and turns, pinning his arm again, under a shin this time, and feeding the bounty his balls while he strokes himself. He hears you slick Ezra with your cunt by sandwiching it between your seam and his belly and rutting along the length before you position yourself over him.
You grip Ezra in your hand and can already tell the difference, even in the dark. Ezra’s cock is a bit leaner than Din's, though they are remarkably similar in both look and form. Each the full length from your fingertips to the heel of your palm, both uncut and a ruddy brownish-pink and flushed at the tip, framed with a thatch of tidy, dark curls and nicely bundled balls. Mando was perhaps a bit girthier, but then so was he compared to Ezra’s malnourished and ill frame.
When you line up and drag your dripping cunt over his length, you can feel Ezra’s whole body vibrate with a groan that is echoed when Din pulls back. He feeds Ezra his cock just as you sink down on the man’s length, ripping a desperate sound from his throat which vibrates around Mando’s root. Din can feel the forearm pinned under him scrabbling for something to hold onto. He adjusts and drags the hand up, holding it against his own chest as he tips his hips down. You grind forward, settling Ezra deep inside you.
“Come here, iisa. Give me your mouth,” you gasp at the softness of Din’s voice, unmodulated and hopelessly endearing. Your mouth meets his, cautious but desperate. He encourages you to o0en your lips, so he can tease your tongue with his own. It's not skilled, of course- how could he be? But the kiss goes from exploratory to hungry in seconds. Din licks into you, a low growl rumbling in his chest as Ezra swallows around him. He works his hand from Din’s grasp and grips your hip, rutting up into you and sucking desperately at the length on his tongue.
“Make him come,” Din demands, breathy and demanding, and you nearly swoon. Your core tightens impossibly when Ezra thumbs your clit, winding tighter until it snaps and your stomach unspools in clenching and releasing spasms. Your limbs feel heavy, legs no longer wanting to work as you try to lift and drop again. Under your hands, Ezra's belly is taut with tension, his hips working against your weight for a few more thrusts to meet his own end now that you have been sated.
Ezra clamps a hand on your hip and whines around Din, the onslaught of sensation almost too much before he simply- snaps. You feel him pulse and spill inside you, painting your insides that are already slick from Din’s come moments before, and you drop your weight, seating him deep, overwhelmed and incredibly tired. Mando is not anywhere near finished, though. The thought occurs that he might fuck you both unconscious before his stamina and the spice wears off.
“Kriff,” you groan, sliding forward off Ezra’s cock, your gushing-slick passage leaking all over his soft, lean belly. The man sucks harder at the length in his mouth and Din moans- the sound heady and desperate without the flattening of the vocoder- and spills on his tongue.
“Oh kriff is– is right, iisa.” Din flops bonelessly to the side, facing up but with his head by Ezra’s hip. You are still straddling Ezra's waist, but you list to the side as Din tugs you down between them
“You know my name,” he says quietly, brushing the hair off your sweaty face with soft, callused fingertips. You snort and duck your head.
“Yeah, ah- I think the kid thought it by accident once when our connection was open. I think it was an accident anyway. He makes sure I can't see your face in his memories, but that one slipped through, I guess.”
“I don't mind.” He pushes your foreheads together and you sigh, relaxing.
Ezra simply lays there and enjoys the afterglow, his face buoyed on your chest. The worst of the spice is out of your and his system, and the pain is creeping back into the wound and the knot of his shoulder. He speaks up:
“How are you faring, boss? Has the spice run its course through you, or are you still in the throes?”
Mando hesitates for a moment. “I am still painfully hard, though not as– inebriated as I was. I can- maybe make do,” he starts to pull away but you and Ezra tug at him.
“I said you could fuck me and I meant it,” Ezra chuckles, and the wind punches out of Din’s chest.
“I– yes. Please,” he asks.
“Well then. Did we find that slick, gem?” Ezra is already levering up to his elbow, letting Din paw at his hips til they are both on their knees. You pat around the floor, corner to corner, in search of the slick in the dark.
“Can you balance like this?” Mando checks in, pushing the bounty forward. He holds Ezra ‘round the ribs and supports his weight with ease, showing his strength. Ezra drops to his forearm with a grunt and wriggles, testing his weight and balance, before nodding.
“Yes. Just go slow, to start. I’m neither as turgid nor as numb to oversensitivity as you at the moment, boss. And I have already come twice under your and your partner’s skilled attentions, which I have not done in one sitting in a terribly long time.”
You crawl forward and pass off the vial of slick, accepting a searching, heated kiss as Din cups your face and drags you closer on your knees. “Lay under him, iisa. Meshurok,” he teases, calling you as Ezra does, in his own tongue. “Let him bury his face in these,” his hands drop and cup your breasts, kneading playfully. You huff and press another kiss to Din’s precious mouth before ducking to do as he says.
“Well hello there, gem. I can’t see you, of course, but I can tell by the firming of this beautiful cheek against mine you are feeling quite ebullient.” Ezra nuzzles your face, tucking his nose under your ear, and gasps at something Mando does from behind. You feel his hips lift and push back, and a low groan pushes out of him into the soft skin of your throat.
“Come here,” you say, gripping his sweat-damp hair and turning his face up to your own for a sweet kiss. “I’ll hold you- just relax, pretty boy,” you coo, carding your hand through his sweaty hair. You tug at the blonde patch until he exhales hard and melts against your whole front.
“I don't think that particular label has ever been granted to my generally- undesirable person,” Ezra mumbles, gasping quietly again when Mando adds a second finger. "But I can't deny I do enjoy it coming from-- you."
“You must not have met many folk with eyes, then,” Mando quips, scissoring his fingers before Ezra can retort, though the one-two combo punches a breathy laugh out of him. Even if Ezra looks an uncanny amount like Mando, himself, he can compliment the man without it feeling too much like narcissism. For as much as they look alike, they are quite different.
“I agree,” you murmur into Ezra's soft hairline. The gentleness of you both gets to him, quicker than anything else has. Gets under his skin and into his heart.
“That I can – Oh! Oh shit, oh shit-” he pants, rocking back on Mando’s fingers now, hardening against your thigh, despite feeling like he couldn't possibly. He ducks his head to your breasts, nuzzling and then slipping his mouth over the soft swell of one, panting at what Mando’s doing from behind, gripping at you while trying to balance his weight. You push your chest up into his face, encouraging him to change to the other breast, sucking your nipple into the heat of his mouth. You arch into the stimulation and can’t help but tighten your knees around his ribs.
Din feels animalistic. As bad as any time he's been separated from the kid in a battle, but different. He wants to rut, fuck, come, mark– rub his scent and grip bruises into flesh. He ruts his painfully hard cock against a spare curve of flank and curves his hand upside down, his palm at the top of Ezra’s cleft and fingers still curled inside, draping his weight all along the man’s spine. He nuzzles his nose and mouth against the back of Ezra's head, into his dark, short curls. The man smells like your soap and antiperspirant, and the flame of desire in Din’s chest blows wide into a bonfire of pure lust. He rubs his face all over the back of Ezra’s neck and shoulders, reaching under him for you, palming a breast, stretching forward and sandwiching the man between you for a kiss.
“Mando,” you sigh, scritching at the scruff under his chin. You unerringly find the sparse spot on the left side and press a kiss to it. Ezra growls a little between you, feeling somewhat neglected, and turns his head into the right side, finding the matching spot there and dropping a wet smear of a kiss on it.
Din presses back up to his knees and withdraws his fingers, pushes back in with three, bares his teeth at the stretch around his knuckles. Ezra makes a desperate sound and ruts back on him, his voice muffled by burying his face back in your chest.
“I could expire here and now, and consider myself surprisingly lucky, even imprisoned as a bounty and missing my dominant arm. Between you two is heaven itself. Mando,” he cries out at the firm curl of fingertips over his prostate. “Get in me or do that harder, you are driving me to distraction, gentle-man-!” He demands, only to be cut off with a wheeze as Din fixes his slicked cockhead at Ezra’s softened entrance and pushes just inside.
Slowly, inexorably, Din presses onward until his hips are flush with Ezra's rump, all of him inside and suddenly wildly overheated. He waits, still, until Ezra tips his hips up in invitation before moving back and then returning with a much more sharp thrust.
“Oh– stars, just like that,” Ezra chokes, nuzzling into your breasts again, licking slow over one curve to find the tip and latch on. He can’t keep his balance and paw at you or reach for his cock, but he enjoys the assault of sensations for now. Mando is so deep inside, stretching him nearly to the point of burn but not quite. Despite the spice clouding his frontal lobe, Din did a good job stretching him to ease the way. Each pass over his prostate causes a jolt of nerves that light up his whole belly and down his legs. His shoulder pain is long forgotten. There is only your soft skin beneath him and Mando’s hardness inside him and raw strength behind him.
Mando sets a firm, rhythmic pace that has his hips slapping hard into Ezra’s spare ass as he drives forward, but he knows Ezra is not getting the stimulation he needs. It takes several minutes to convince himself, what with the drugs in his veins telling him otherwise. Eventually Din slows to a halt and pulls out. He chuckles at the disgruntled noise from above and flops to his back.
“Come here, May,” he grabs a lean thigh and hauls the man over in a show of strength, nearly dumping Ezra onto his face before he can steady himself.
“Kevva waits, you could have just said come ride me instead of yankin', boss! I can barely fuckin’ balance as it is.” Ezra grouses. He gets his knees under himself and adjusts his weight, surprised to find plenty of room for movement under his thighs with how broad Mando appears in all his armor.
“Sit,” Din demands, pulling on the man’s hips. Ezra quirks a grin in the dark and resists, planting a hand square on Din's heaving chest.
“Gem, you hear that? He’s losing those pretty manners of his,” Ezra huffs a delighted laugh when Din growls a please at him. He reaches behind himself, clumsy with his off hand, and lines that fat cock back up along his well-slicked crease.
“Yes, please,” Mando groans and his hips jolt upward as Ezra slides down his length, impaling himself in a smooth glide.
“Mando, this magnificent- turgid- specimen could cure ailments, I swear to the Maker. Every- spot- stimulated so perfectly. Oh!” Ezra pants as he grinds forward and back experimentally, his belly jumping under Din’s hand at the consistent torment on his swollen gland. Din fists his cock and Ezra growls: “Gem come here, gorgeous gemstone. Come here and join us.”
You have been watching their shadows move together since they rolled and adjusted, cupping between your legs where the flesh is hot and swollen, wet with the dregs of the spice in your system. You roll to your side and then up to your knees, dipping over Din’s face for a thorough kiss before following his hands, letting him push your face up to Ezra’s. The bounty cups his hand around the back or your neck and hauls you up, his hips rolling insistently against the length he's impaled on.
“Kiss me, sweet thing. I need– nngh!” Ezra shivers around a particularly brutal thrust against his prostate and kisses you like you’re his last meal. You're both growing tired, the spice waning from your systems, but the buzz for one more orgasm is just there under your skin. You let him lick into you, taking over with your own hand where he is fucking forward into his fist and then back against Mando.
“Yes, your hand- so soft- thank you, gem!” He plants his palm on Din’s heaving chest again for balance and works the cock in his ass, lifting and dropping, grinding and rutting. Mando makes some truly impressive sounds before pawing at you.
“Come here, iisa. Turn. Across- now sit. Now fuck him,” he hooks his thumbs around your hip bones and pushes you down, facing him and straddling his belly, in front of Ezra. He grabs Ezra's cock and guides it into you, making you both gasp.
“Oh– Kevva! I will not last in this state, Mando! Gem- your pussy is as perfect a fit as I could hope for. So wet- warm! Ngh!” Ezra, bless him, reaches forward and strums your clit messily with three fingers, working you up where you are already dripping and panting between them.
Mando grips your hips, wishing he could see, but he will take the trade gladly if tasting you both- kissing, licking, sucking- is in the cards. He realizes belatedly that he has not got his mouth on either of you yet. If you all survive this round and don’t tap out, he decides he will.
You howl as you come hard on Ezra's cock, collapsing forward into Din while you catch your breath behind his palm (he’s clapped it across your mouth to avoid you waking the kid). He scoops you close and pins you to him with his arms wrapped around your back, sucking your lower lip between his teeth, holding you still for Ezra to fuck into and ride Mando’s cock until they both explode.
“Oh shit- oh shit, oh shit ohshitohshit–” Ezra grits his teeth and his ass clamps down, sitting down as hard as he can on Din’s hips to get him deep, milk his balls empty while Ezra paints the swollen, hot edges of your cunt with the last weak dregs of his come. The last of the spice fizzles out and the ache bleeds back in with nothing to stymie it.
You each fall to a side of Din, starfished in the floor and chests heaving. Every bit of each of you is wet and sticky and exhausted. Din whines in the dark, a small movement catching in the dim glow of the lit buttons.
“I’m still fucking hard,” he complains, sounding more offended than anything. “Dank farrik. This is ridiculous!"
You can't help but laugh at the complaint. You pop your head up, confused by Ezra's silence. Is he asleep? You suppose it’s not entirely out of the question; you feel awfully close to sleep yourself. But then he speaks:
“Boss, I am not sure either of us has the stamina to go again, but if you can be patient a short while, I believe I can manage for you to use me to find your end, if nothing else.”
He hums in contentment when Mando glides a hand up his belly and chest, scritching fondly in the scruff under his chin. Din catches himself being so casual and forward and curses internally, forcing his hand to drop. He must really be out of it. Not only fucking a bounty but dragging you into it just because he didn't actually look at the bottle of meds he'd bought. The self- doubt creeps in, lingering like a thick cold slab on his chest until you curl a leg between his own and slide your whole front against his left side.
“Ezra. Get over here.” You grouse sleepily, reaching across to curl your fingers around his wrist, laying on his own chest, and pull at him til he rolls to his side and snuggles in close.
Your warmth and gentleness dissolves that slab on Din's chest as thoroughly as the kid does. He's come to rely on it, which feels dangerous.
Soon, Din notices that you have stopped moving and your breathing has evened out. He huffs quietly in vague amusement, warring with the concern he feels over the perpetual throbbing in his cock. The mental fog has dissipated, but he’s still horny as fuck and rock hard to prove it.
“Does the sonic on this vessel fit two?” Ezra stirs and interrupts his thoughts. Din blinks and turns his head to the other man, running a hand possessively down his side. His skin is starting to crawl again with heat and need, already. He feels like it will never be out of his system. "Not really."
“Nested together as we will no doubt be, we could probably manage. Your partner took such thorough care of me at the service station, and I hate for those efforts to remain reversed due to these -- sticky circumstances. A clean- up would not go amiss. I can feel your seed leakin’ outta my ass already, though you are assuredly about to plant more.”
“Shut up,” Din grouses, rolling them, making Ezra snort. He lays on Ezra, belly to belly and knees on either side of the man’s narrow hips. He leans heavy over the bounty and mouths over his collarbones, pressing his teeth into the knotted muscle of Ezra’s damaged shoulder. “Can I have you again?” he asks into the other man’s mouth, breathy and heated.
“Ah, you found your tongue and your manners again, Mando.” He chuckles with Din bites down on his lip with a growl. “Yes, and let it drain the last of this accursed spice from your system. You have spilled so much under its spell. I don’t think I can manage to come again, but you are welcome to try. At least until the oversensitivity assails me.”
Rather than responding, Din licks into his mouth, opening his jaw wide with a thumb pressed to his chin. The kiss is heated and exploratory, stealing Ezra’s breath away handily. He wriggles under the weight of the Mandalorian, worming his hand between them to grasp the man’s cock and give him a firm circle to thrust into.
Abruptly, Din grips Ezra by the elbow and hauls him over to his belly, caging the man with his own forearm braced on the ground beneath Ezra’s good shoulder, his stump against the ground and his face and upper chest mashed into the blankets. He is thoroughly pinned, especially once Mando plants his huge palm on the side of Ezra’s head, fingers tangling in his hair to keep his face pinned to the side. If he even possibly could at this stage, Ezra wagers he’d be a hair’s breadth from coming again.
Din spits on his fingers and wipes the wetness over the head of his dick, smears it across Ezra’s hole, and presses in. Ezra whines but grits his teeth, knowing that if he can get over the first painful rush of frayed nerves, it will turn sweet again. Thankfully, Mando is tiring out after four rounds in what must have been scarcely more than an hour or so. The prospector feels the first twinge of something good, low in his belly, and tips his hips up against Mando's snapping thrusts. His cock hangs heavy and not quite half-hard, thoroughly spent between his thighs. Din has a fistful of hair in one hand and a death grip on Ezra's hip with the other, keeping him pinned with his only arm rendered useless. All he can do is take it, and that unlocked a particular kink the bounty had been secreting away for a long while.
Too soon, Ezra gasps and his hips turn down with a sharp pain. “Too much,” he chokes, and thankfully Din has the wherewithal to withdraw gently and let him go. Ezra pants into the bedding, spooling back out from how tightly he’d clamped up from the rush of pain. “Apologies,” he says, and accepts the pat to the back of his thigh with only a little chagrin.
“Stop apologizing.”
At Ezra's sharp complaint, you had stirred with a deep breath, stretching on the pallet beside them. “Oh,” you sigh, enjoying the shapes of them moving against one another in the dark. “Mando, Ezra is too sore. Come here,” you yawn, scooting closer to them. You see Din pause, pulling away from the bounty and reaching for you.
“Thank you, gem. I am indeed weary, and the pain is inching back in with the spice on its way out. Forgive me, Mando.”
“Nothing to forgive,” Din murmurs, and latches his mouth onto your seam. He tastes himself and Ezra, you at the edges. It's intoxicating. You squirm under his attention but spear your fingers into his hair and he leans into it with a whine. He craves the softness as much as the spice is making him crave the roughness. Once you're sopping again and your juice is running down his chin, he pushes himself up to mantle over you, hooking your knees around his narrow hips.
You run your hands up from his waist, curving over firm muscles and soft skin, the puckering of scars here and there. You wind his sweaty curls around your fingers and tug, eliciting a groan. He shakes his head, finding everything at once- his head being touched along with all the skin contact, his own flesh crawling with need and the sweat pouring off him- overbearing.
You release him and let your hands travel again. His rump is small but fits blessedly in your palms, and the feel of your fingers closing over his ass urges him on. Din hums against your mouth and slides the length of his cock through your folds, a tease, smearing the wetness gathered there. He notches his head at your entrance and slides in.
Din drops down over you, elbows planted by your head, your thighs spread by his hips, knees and calves hooked over his ass. You reach up and run a hand up the side of his neck, over an ear, dragging him down for a searching kiss. He growls into your mouth, needy and tiring out, unable to purge those tablets from his system just yet.
“I want you to come on my cock,” he says, panting into your open mouth. You grin against him, exhausted and unsure if your body can enmven manage another orgasm. “Felt so good earlier. Again,” he demands, pushing up to slide a hand between you, flatten his thumb on your clit.
“Mando, I'm not sure I can. I’m so tired,” you whine even as you feel your core clench around him at the added stimulation.
“You can. What else do you need? I’ll give you anything, iisa. Tell me,” Din implores, bending his neck to lick down your throat. He nips at a collarbone, recalling dimly that you had thoroughly enjoyed Ezra’s mouth on your tits earlier. He ducks his head and noses, laves over a plush mound until he finds the peak of your nipple and sucks it into his mouth.
“Oh! Both- the other–!” You cry out, back arching as he hits that spot deep inside your cunt and sucks just right on your nipple.
Instead of switching, Din grips Ezra by the upper arm and hauls him over to his belly beside you. You drop a hand to reach for him too, and your hands bump when Din fists a hand in the man’s hair and drags him into place latch onto your other breast, all without pausing in the suckling of the one between his own lips. Ezra catches on quickly and, after a quick peck to your mouth he obeys Din’s demanding grip.
You sob out at the feel of it, two strong mouths sucking, nipping, and laving over your sensitive breasts while Din pummels away at your cervix, thumbing your clit, stretching your abused pussy on his cock and taking what he needs.
You feel a tightening, an impossible new winding-up in your core that seems to take all the muscles in your limbs with it. Din brushes your clit with his fingers again and you shatter, screaming behind your teeth, your face buried behind your palms to keep quiet because of the kid. Ezra mouths his way up your neck and claims your lips again, capturing your noises, letting Din drop his face into your sternum while he finds his end in your impossibly clenching insides. You’ve turned into a limp doll, boneless with exhaustion and at least four orgasms- damn, you lost count.
“Maker,” you pant, struggling to catch your breath with the weight of Din’s collapsed heft on your chest. “We’re disgusting. Dammit, Mando, I just washed him!” you snark, making the Mandalorian giggle into your skin. You crack up at the sound, struggling to laugh quietly as you feed off his suddenly effervescent joy. He rolls to his back between you and Ezra, the lot of you sweaty, sated, bone-tired and delirious.
“I’m not sure we can go to the service station just yet, iisa. I’m still –”
“Hard as a pike?” Ezra interjects, dropping his hand between Mando’s legs, earning a gasp. “Go to sleep, man. The lust seems to be over, even if your biology hasn't caught on quite yet.”
You all lay there a few moments more before Din’s soft snores are echoed by Ezra’s. You snort at them and roll to your knees, keen on a thorough wipe-down and a nap if the kid will stay down.
But of course, as all kids are prone to do, he wakes the minute you finish yanking Din’s bottoms back on. You’d wiped him and Ezra down with a damp cloth and slung the new bottoms on the bounty’s lower half, but Mando’s compression leggings were a squeeze for him, even when he wasn't passed out and deadweight.
Sighing, you scoop the kid up out of his hammock and take him up the ladder with a snack, leaving the lights off and Din’s helmet beside his shoulder on the pallet.
“I still have your arm,” Din says, apropos of nothing. He is checking the star chart as the Crest exits Coruscant’s atmosphere.
“Excuse me?” Ezra whips his head around to stare at the back of Din's helmet.
“Your arm. I slabbed it when we came back. You were unconscious.” Din sets the course and turns to find Grogu in the bounty’s lap with a tiny claw fisted in his tunic, staring up at him curiously. Ezra has his remaining arm hooked around the kid, making sure he doesn't fall off his perch on the man’s thigh.
Mando shrugs. “In case you died. Easy proof of destruction. But now… I'm thinking I might drop you somewhere else for a few days. Go to Canto Bight, turn in the arm, collect the lesser bounty. Pick you back up.” he pauses and the flat face of the helmet stares back at Ezra for a long moment, waiting on a response. He tips it to the side. "If you're interested."
Ezra, understandably, is flabbergasted. “Why?”
“Iisa likes you. The kid likes you,” Mando tips his forehead down at Grogu gurgling up at him. Ezra’s eyebrows shoot up and he stares down at the child. “Despite the fact that you never shut up, I like you. If you're not interested, I can cut you loose and still get the bounty.”
“No I– I appreciate the sentiment, Mando, I do. You’ll forgive my wariness, considering the circumstances. I am not accustomed to men wanting to keep me around for anything more than manual labor or to warm a bed, and even then only for a short venture. If I understand you- you are meaning for a while?”
“Until you want to leave,” Mando shrugs. “Same as any of us.”
Ezra chews his lip and his brow threads together. “And what does this life look like? A one-armed former prospector with little in the way of domestic skills, and a sharpshooting force-sensitive mechanic, and a force-wielding xeno child, and a bounty hunting Mandalorian living on a small gunship together with one bunk?”
To his great amusement, Mando actually snorts at him and ducks his head. Ezra grins and waits. “Exactly that. We make port most days, stretch our legs. When we’re in the stars, we stay above lightspeed and head to the next job. I’ve got- friends- all over, especially in the Outer Rim. Finding places to lay low for a few days isn’t a hardship.”
Ezra nods and thinks of you. They’d woken and Din had put on his helmet and tugged on his thin liner shirt and helped Ezra into his own tunic. After, they had discovered you dead asleep in the cockpit with the kid playing with his ball in your lap. Mando had scooped you up, limp as a ragdoll, and you'd remained sound asleep as he had lugged you down the ladder and into his bunk.
Ezra thinks he would very much enjoy more chances to wake up like that. Or in a tangle of all of you.
“Where will you leave me?”
“It’s a bit of a back track but you have two options. I can hide you with my covert on Glavis, or leave you with a friend on Tatooine. To be honest, I'd rather leave you on Tatooine. Harder for other hunters to find you in the Dune Sea, and environmentally safer for you. My covert is currently under the ring world, and footing is dangerous even with two arms for balance.”
“And you will come back?”
“Yes. I will leave iisa and the Child with you, if you like. My trip to collect the bounty from Canto Bight won’t take long.”
“Mercy, man. You’re offerin’ me a whole new life. I can’t simply accept that it’s just because you three like me.”
“Would you rather take your chances with your pissed- off investors?”
Ezra scowls at him. Din grins behind his visor. “Don't toy with my heart, Mando. You know I would not. It’s just going to take some accepting.”
“Well. We’ll be at Freetown in two days. Think on it. If you decide not to stay with us, I'm sure the Marshal can put you to work in his town somehow."
"And what? You would schedule conjugal visits?"
Mando snorts and turns back to his charts, setting coordinates for Tatooine. "If iisa wanted. If that's your intent I'd rather not leave you in Freetown, though. It might be a bit awkward for me to negotiate frequent visits."
"Ah, your lost love in the desert?"
He bites his lips against a knowing grin when he sees Mando's shoulders flatten with tension, but is surprised to get a response. "Something like that."
"Well then. A few days to stretch our legs and a pickup would suffice. And I'll let you know if it stops being sufficient. Do we have an accord, boss?"
Din turns around and eyes the hand Ezra has outstretched. After a beat, he takes it.
____________________ end _____________________
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tailorvizsla · 1 year
Title: Eighty Thousand Credits Pairing(s): Din Djarin x f!Reader Wordcount: ~4700 Rating: NC-17, minors DNI please!!! Warnings: Smut, sex pollen, dub!con, unprotected sex, PIV sex, rough sex, outdoor sex, a touch of feels at the end Author’s Notes: Hi y’all it’s been a minute since I last wrote anything for Din! This fic has been in the works for almost two years? A huuuuge thank you to @shadesofshatteredblue, @hdlynn, @bitchin-beskar, and @catsnkooks for encouraging and fanning the flames of thirst and thottiness. I whoreheartedly appreciate all of you lovelies.
📚 My Masterlist 📚 
This hunt is different from the ones you and Din have gone on. 
Rather than looking for a person, the target is a plant. The locals call it the ‘marriage bloom’. Apparently, the fruit has some sort of medicinal value to the population, but no one has been able to find any for ages now. Now, the local farmers are looking for a way to grow that fruit without destroying the local ecosystem. 
The money offered is extraordinary, so Din had taken the job, thinking it an easy source of money. He had found a caldera tucked between two dangerous stretches of forest. After checking it out, the two of you agreed that this was the best place to check – locals rarely ventured into this area, kept at bay by the unstable weather patterns and carnivorous plains-panthers. Because of that, the caldera has remained virtually untouched. If there was a place where the fruit could flourish, it would be here.
The weather is quite nice right now, with a soft, cool breeze whipping in from the north. It brings with it the scent of the forest and the nearby river. If it wasn’t for the ominous clouds roiling to the east, you would have considered asking Din to stay here just a bit longer to stretch your legs and relax. It’s been a long time since you last spent a few minutes in sunlight.
Creeping forward, you examine the bushes growing around you, looking for the vibrant blue fruit. A thousand credits for each fruit, you tell yourself, as you wave a bug away from your helmet. In your peripheral vision, you see a flash of blue nestled in the vegetation. You go to examine it and let out a soft cry of delight.
“Din!” you call out. “Over here!”
As you bend over to pick up the fruit, you notice that the flowers appear to be bulging. Shrugging to yourself, you continue sifting through the fruit, taking only the ones that look to be ripe. You also keep the vague warnings in mind. There are odd side effects if the pollen is inhaled. No one had explained further, saying only that this fruit was why so many married way back in the day. Din comes to your patch of vegetation, and he lets out a noise of approval as he sinks down onto his knees beside you.
“One full basket,” he says, more to himself than to you. “Easiest money we’ll ever make.”
You nod in agreement. Last hunt had been…messy, to say the least. Both figuratively and literally. You’re pretty sure Din’s still picking organic matter out of the intake manifolds.
Taking out your knife, you take a single fruit, flower, and leaf from each plant, being mindful to not take too many. The urge to profit is tempting, but the farmers had been clear – they wanted just enough to plant their own. You note that Din grabs a handful of the berries and places them into another pouch.
“For us,” he says. “It might help us through lean times.”
You nod in response. It doesn’t hurt to research possible alternatives in case your Tribe runs out of medication. As the wind starts to grow stronger, you notice that the flowers are starting to open up. Your hand brushes up against the petals and it explodes, filling the air with a thick plume of golden-yellow pollen. You and Din recoil, but it’s too late. You can taste something green and bitter in the back of your throat as you inhale.
You fall back onto your backside, coughing as you drag yourself away from the hazy cloud of pollen hanging in the air. Din falls to the ground next to you, coughing just as violently. After a few moments of silence, you feel a peculiar burn in your lungs – a slow, sensuous heat that feels like your body is wrapped in a sensuous embrace.
As you lie there on the round, you can feel it spreading through your chest. When the warmth hits your heart, it surges through the rest of your body with each pulse of your heart. In vain, you try to still your thoughts, to calm yourself down. No matter what you do, you cannot focus on a single thought for more than a few seconds. You leap from thought to thought as your heart climbs into your throat.
“Din,” you croak out to him. “So-something’s w-wrong - “
“Ship,” he says back to you. “Med kit.”
Summoning all your strength, you roll over onto your side. The ground under your hands and knees swims. As the two of you crawl back toward the ship, a foot at a time, Din gets ahead of you. He seems a lot less affected by whatever that pollen had done to the two of you. It feels like your armor is constricting your chest, preventing you from breathing. The cottony soft fabric of your undersuit feels like razorblades against your sensitive skin. With each breath, you can feel the lace on your brassiere pull and scrape against your skin.
Up ahead, you can see Din struggle to his feet. As you watch, you find yourself consumed by the thought of him. The way the dappled sunlight glints off his armor. The way his strong thighs quiver under the strain of holding his body up. His broad shoulders, heaving as he gasps for air. It sends a hot, sticky jolt straight to your pussy. You dig your teeth into the flesh of your lower lip to keep from moaning as he leans against the tree, revealing his perfect back to you -
Perfect for digging nails into - 
Shaking your head, you try to redirect your thoughts away from just how perfect he is. You stagger to your feet, and suddenly, things feel a lot…easier? Your momentum carries you forward to another tree, where you lean to rest. As you sink against it, your thighs press together, and you realize that your panties stick to you in an unpleasant way. Fuck, not now.
“Din, we need,” you stammer out. “Need to.”
Need help. But your lips won’t work. Your helmet suddenly feels claustrophobic, as if it has shrunk several sizes. You wriggle your fingers under the edge and lift, hoping to force some air into your lungs. You suck down some air, but you realize the mistake you’ve made when you see the clouds of pollen rising up off your armor. 
It has to be the pollen. If a single sniff is making you this wet, you can’t imagine what prolonged exposure will do to you. You bite down on your inner cheek. That brief bit of pain gives you something to focus on. Something other than the throbbing heat between your legs.  Up ahead, you can see that Din is slipping further down his tree trunk. You stagger forward toward Din. He needs to be distracted, and so do you. Otherwise, you’re not making it back home.
“It’s the pollen,” you say as steadily as possible. “Need to…need to get to the ship.”
“Yeah,” he rasps out. “Agreed.”
You wrap one arm around him. Din lets out a little noise that you choose to interpret as pain. If you even think he’s moaning in pleasure…a hot shiver wracks through your entire body. Slowly, as you hold each other up, you stagger back to the ship. It’s only a few hundred meters away - you can see it through the underbrush.
“Almost there,” you whisper. “Almost.”
His arm slides down around your waist.
“I’m not gonna make it,” Din says bluntly. “Too far.”
“For eighty thousand credits, you’re going to make it,” you say bluntly, and he groans in response.
For eighty thousand credits, you’ll carry him all the way back to the Tribe. On foot.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t make it more than a couple of steps. He shoves himself away from you. Din grasps his helmet and pulls it off, throwing it aside. Exposing himself to even more pollen. Fuck. His helmet bounces uselessly off a log as he falls to his knees. As you see his messy, curly brown hair for the first time, it feels like everything around you has disappeared. There’s nothing here but you and the Mand’alor.
He stands up. Has he always been this tall? This muscular? You want to look away, to give him his privacy, but you can’t tear yourself away. You don’t realize your hands are moving until you’ve taken your helmet off. It’s a bad idea, but you cannot bring yourself to care. You drop it on the ground. Din freezes at the sound. Your heart skips a beat as he slowly turns to face you.
Your eyes sweep over his face hungrily, taking in his handsome visage. He has beautiful eyes, a strong nose, and plump lips. Beautiful, you think as you wet your lower lip. Your eyes snap up to his - they’re so dark. Dark with arousal and something else you can’t quite name. Your mouth goes dry at his unwavering stare, and you feel so, so small in front of him. Taking your helmet off had been such a bad idea. You take a half-step back.
It seems like your movement sets something off in him. He coils toward you, predator after his prey, as you feebly try to escape him. He matches each of your steps until your back slams into a tree. You stand there, paralyzed by something that isn’t quite fear and arousal, unable to do more than watch as he closes the distance between your bodies. 
“Din,” his name falls from your lips in a whisper. 
“The…the pollen,” he says hoarsely. “Can’t. Can’t fight it much longer.”
“What do we do?” your voice is unnaturally steady, even when the words lodge in your throat like molasses. His eyes drop to your lips as you moisten them again. “What…do you…what do you want, Din?”
Already, you can see the fine red mist climbing up his throat as he struggles to maintain control over himself. He looks away, taking a great shuddering breath.
“O-only one s-solution,” you offer softly. "But we don't have to..."
“Don’t want to hurt you,” he insists stubbornly, trying to back away.
Even that gap between your bodies leaves you with a keen sense of loss and you whine softly. His eyes snap up to your face. You don’t know how to tell him that you need his heat, his body against yours.
“Din, it’s okay,” you whisper to him. “Din, it’s okay.”
Your feelings of respect and affection for him are genuine. You are willing to give yourself to him to help save his life. Does he reciprocate? Does he want this with you?
He stares at you, face like stone, as he considers your words. You struggle to not squirm at the weight of his gaze – you’re so wet your trousers are sticking to your skin, all the way down to your knees. The two of you stare at each other for far too long, considering the next move to be made, the forest nearly silent, save for the sound of wind in the leaves. 
If this isn’t resolved soon, you are sure the medical side-effects will be lethal. And if the two of you do resolve it…there’s a real chance that your budding friendship won’t survive it. Would he be able to look at you the same if the two of you –
“Try to make it to the ship,” he rasps out. “Safer there…for us to…f…fuck.”
You nod in agreement and tear your eyes from his just as the wind shifts. 
Shimmering plumes of gold swirl through the dark leaves and settle lightly over every surface. As you look north, dread fills you as you realize you are downwind of at least two dozen clusters of flowers. Reflexively, you inhale deeply to try and hold your breath, but there’s no use. The fine yellow pollen has settled on your armor, in your hair, on your clothing. You can taste it - bitter and sweet and floral on your tongue. 
You inhale, and your entire body quivers.
“Din,” you whimper, and he moves.
He lets out a harsh expletive. Both leather-clad hands come to rest on the tree, one on either side of your shoulders, as Din leans in. The bag falls to the ground at your feet. His nose is almost touching yours, and you lose yourself in his dark eyes. Your pussy throbs and squeezes with each breath you take. He leans in and the world spins.
Din kisses you gently once, then he slants his mouth over yours. He forces his tongue into your mouth as you lace your arms around his neck, kissing him back just as hungrily. Your teeth clack against his as you grow more and more frantic for his touch. Din Djarin tastes divine. His teeth dig into your lower lip, and your entire body quivers from the exquisite pain. He kisses you again and again. You can hear the bark under his fingertips crumbling as he flexes his fingers.
You wonder if he’s trying to keep himself from touching you. To keep himself from guiding your pants down so he can fuck you properly. The thought of his cock inside you makes you moan. As you’re squirming, soundlessly begging for his touch, you squeeze your thighs together in a vain attempt to keep yourself from grinding up against his cuisse. That causes something to shift and snap in Din. He growls deep in his chest. Your pussy gushes as you start to grind against the hard metal between your thighs.
One hand clamps around the back of your neck for a bruising kiss as he pulls you toward him, tight and hard as an unyielding metal band as he takes control. The other falls to your waist as he pins you against his hard, tense body. Instead of resisting, you surrender to him, closing your eyes as his tongue maps the roof of your mouth. Relief fills you at the promise of satiating the agonizing need threatening to claw its way out of you.
There’s something dizzying about being so utterly helpless, unable to do anything but let your hunter do as he pleases with you. The hungry, desperate way he kisses you, as if your lips are the only thing keeping him alive. The way he grinds his codpiece into your belly, seeking friction to relieve his erection. Lifting your hands, you lace your fingers through his beautiful curls and tug. 
Din growls and you whine your frustration into his mouth. Your fevered thoughts take on a desperate tone - can’t he see that you need more than a kiss? Can’t he feel the way your body writhes and undulates in his hands? Can’t he feel the warmth of your arousal soaking through his trousers? 
“Please,” you beg softly. “Din, I need you…”
Din breaks away, his cheeks flushed vividly as he gasps for air. His eyes are wild, that sweet gentle part of him long gone. His black pupils are blown wide open, his arousal so intent it frightens you. Your armor suddenly feels too tight, constricting, so you begin to shed it. Din has no patience for that – he simply turns you around and shoves you forward.
You land hard on your hands and knees, yelping in protest.
He ignores you as he kneels behind you. Two big hands wrap themselves around your hips and squeeze firmly, massaging your plump flesh as you struggle to unbuckle your belt. A thrill runs through you when you hear the zip of leather through his belt buckle. Finally, you get your pants down around your thighs. Din slips in the dry leaves littering the forest floor as he positions himself behind you. You brace yourself on all fours, arching your back as you feel the head of his cock brushing up against your fluttering, dripping hole. He thrusts sloppily, grunting in your ear, grinding up against your swollen clit. 
It’s not the first time you’ve had a hunter who couldn’t find your entrance, so you reach down between your thighs and guide him to your sweltering heat. Din braces himself as his fingers tighten painfully around your hips. He pushes in with one deep, devastating thrust. The noise that leaves you is guttural, somewhere between a sob of relief and a grunt of discomfort. 
His cock is nearly too much for you to take. He lets out a harsh noise as he finds the end of you, his body shivering. Then he slips halfway out and rolls his hips forward, seating himself deep inside you, your cunt protesting with an obscene, wet noise.
This changes everything between you and Din. From Mand’alor and loyal follower to…this. You aren’t sure what it is, or what it will become, but there’s no way you can walk away from this and still be the same. Not when you’ve had his desperate mouth against yours, or had his cock buried to the hilt inside you. Not when you’ve heard his needy, desperate moans. A shudder wracks your body, drawing him out of whatever thoughts he had been thinking.
He slips halfway out, giving your body a very brief moment of respite from his too-thick cock. Then you rock back against him in time with his thrusts. He seems hesitant, as if he is just as afraid of the future as you had been. Maybe he’s afraid of hurting you. You aren’t sure, and you don’t care. The next time he starts you pull out, you squeeze around him. 
His hand on your hip tightens painfully, to the point where you know there will be five pretty little bruises there in the morning. Din starts to move, pulling out halfway before sheathing himself completely, his flesh smacking wetly against yours.
Din reaches up and yanks your top open, sending buttons scattering through the dry leaves. Then he cups your tit and squeezes. Your moans and pleas run together into desperate whines. His cock barely leaves you before he’s filling you up again, driving away all coherent thought. You’re so full you can’t breathe. As you spiral closer and closer to the edge, your arms give out, and you settle on your elbows. Din keens and drives his cock in deeper another half-inch, making your eyes roll back in your head. 
If anyone walked by right now, you’d be horrified - you’re spread out in front of your Mand’alor as he ruts into you, both your helmets are off, and the evidence of your pleasure is dripping down your thighs. Biting down on your lower lip, you bury your face into your arms, breathing in the sweet, earthy smell of the forest. Din’s hand moves from your hip to your front. When his fingers brush up against your swollen, throbbing clit, a bolt of pure lightning shoots through you and your entire body stiffens in surprise. You suck in a breath and cry out sharply. The pleasure is intense - it’s almost too much, bordering on painful and prickly. Din traps your clit between his fingers as he strokes and your entire body shakes.
His name falls from your lips in a plea. Your breathing is erratic, spots swimming at the edges of your vision as your entire body tenses tight. You start to shake, tears pricking at your eyes, as you hover at the precipice. It’s too much - you’re not sure how much more your body can take - and with a final brush of his fingers, that pressure inside releases, like a dam bursting open and flooding your senses with pure pleasure. A feral noise escapes you as you finish, sweat dripping down your forehead as your cunt convulses around Din’s cock over and over again. He lets out a marvelous moan as he stutters to a halt. 
Din pulls you back into his lap. As your breathing and pulse slow back to normal, the heat dissipates, leaving you entirely aware of what had just transpired. Fuck. Din’s hands squeeze around your hips and  you know it’s time to move. Lifting your hips, you have to stifle a noise as his cock slides out with a wet noise. A warm, wet rush of cum follows. As you get to your feet, you take a peek back at Din. The crotch and thighs of his pants are drenched with your pleasure and his cum. 
You avert your eyes and pull up your pants. It almost feels disrespectful to see him in such a disheveled, dirtied way. You certainly had no right to any of it, your traitorous mind supplies. Blinking back tears of frustration, you grab random pieces of armor as you find them and stuff them into the bag with the flowers and fruit. When you’ve worked up your courage, you turn to look at Din once again. He’s holding his helmet in his hands, a frown furrowing his brow. As you start to speak, another gust of wind picks up, bringing with it more pollen. Din’s eyes widen as they meet yours.
Familiar heat settles in your belly. His cock - still wet and covered in creamy streaks of cum - twitches. Your insides protest with a dull ache. He pulls up his pants and tries to arrange himself more neatly.
“Ship,” you say. “We can talk later.”
He nods in agreement and the two of you run back toward the ship. Once inside, the two of you lean against the hull. Your breathing is erratic again. Once the two of you are safely isolated, you stagger to the captain’s quarters. The dull thuds of Din’s armor hitting the floor lets you know that Din is following. You are completely naked by the time Din makes it into the bedroom. The last of his clothing falls to the floor. This time, he hesitates. Sudden shyness fills you as you realize he’s watching you, his eyes roving from your eyes down to your toes. It almost feels like he is devouring you with his hungry gaze.
“Beautiful,” Din rasped. 
He closes his eyes and his lips move in what seems to be a silent prayer. Before you can speak, Din pounces, and a squeal escapes you. Din throws you down onto the bed, and as you settle on the mattress, he parts your thighs with one hand.
“Look at this gorgeous little pussy,” Din says, grasping his cock. He traces your soaked lips with the head, circling around your entrance. “Been wishin’...that I could kiss you…touch these tits…cum in this pussy. Make you mine…Have always wanted to make you mine…So perfect…”
His words make you inhale sharply. Does he mean what he’s saying, or is it the pollen? You push the thought aside - now is not the time for that train of thought. Din slurs his words, sounding very much like he’s drunk on something as he praises you. 
“I would have shot someone for you to look at me,” Din breathes, “For you to smile at me…can’t get enough of you…don’t think I ever will get enough of you…”
Din groans as he starts to slide in, spreading you around him in that familiar, arching way that sends lighting straight up your spine. You’re still sore and swollen from what had transpired outside, but you need him. Din changes his angle and sinks in easily, his entrance eased by the cum still left inside you. Din’s beautiful eyes close as he sighs with pleasure when his pubic bone meets your clit. 
You moan and mewl as he fucks into you, but it’s not like how it was outside. Outside was raw and primal. It was nothing more than two people fucking to alleviate the symptoms of pollen poisoning. But here…in the warmth of your bed…you feel more protected and cherished than you feel hunted and taken. His lips trace over your skin, each kiss like a brand, marking you in a way that his teeth never could.
“So fucking beautiful,” he pants. “Can’t…can’t stop myself…need you, mesh’la. Need all of you…”
His breath fans against you, making your skin break out in goosebumps at the intimacy of being so close to your Mand’alor. To be the one who has the privilege of having his cock buried so deep inside them. To be the one with his weight across their body, his muscles flexing and bunching between their thighs. You’re the one lucky enough to have his sweat puddling on their belly, and his cum clinging to their inner walls. A fine shudder travels through your body as you dig your heels into his ass. 
Running your fingers along his skin, you feel sweat dotting his back. Here and there, the texture of his skin changes, and you catalog the location of each scar. If there’s a repeat of today in the future…you want to kiss each one and thank the gods for granting him safety and for giving him these beautiful marks to prove his bravery.
You can feel the callouses on his hands as he skims his palms over the bumps and curves and planes of your body. He’s fucking you, but he’s not taking you, even though you had certainly enjoyed being taken before. This is different, and you wonder if the pollen only encouraged the passion that was already there between the two of you. As Din’s breathing grows heavier, and the tingling grows stronger, you dig your nails into Din’s back. He moans again, grinding his pubic bone against your clit in that way that makes you whimper and your eyes roll back.
Din kisses your lips, and then he bites gently. His tongue laps against the tingling bite marks, soothing away the pain. You wriggle a hand between your sweaty bodies and start stroking your clit. His breathing is erratic - he’s getting close, and so are you. The tingling becomes a fiery inferno, building higher and higher with each delicious stroke of his cock against your inner walls. Din rests his hands on the mattress, one on either side of your head, surging forward and hitting that spot that makes your toes curl against his lower back. Finally, the friction is too much for you to bear, and your back arches, welcoming him in deeper as you find completion.
The fiery inferno turns into a warm, sensuous heat that fills every molecule in your body. You stroke Din’s back and shoulders as he finishes, filling you with spurt after spurt of warm, wet cum. You clench tight around him, relishing the liquid heat inside. For a few moments, Din rests atop you, his weight on his forearms, his cock plugging his cum inside you. You stroke his back lazily, blowing one of his curls out of your face, as he drops his face onto your shoulder. He smells salty and sweaty, but it’s not unpleasant. He smells like himself and leather, and blaster residue. Maybe there’s a touch of pollen there, but you’re sure your nose is so saturated with it that you can’t smell it anymore.
As the sweat starts to cool, Din pulls out, and sits back on his heels for a moment, brushing his hair out of his eyes. You don’t hesitate to look at him, to properly take him in as you see his naked body for the first time. His hair is a mess, his curls tangled and wild. His torso is dotted with sweat. His flaccid cock is covered in creamy streaks and his dark pubes are saturated with cum and your slick. His scarred chest is heaving and flushed red. He’s the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen in your life, you think to yourself, as he collapses onto the bed next to you. The heat leaves your body again, but instead of cold filling you, you’re left pleasantly sore and sticky.
Din wraps one arm around your waist and tugs you under the thin sheet with him. Neither of you speak as you give into the siren-sweet call of rest. Tomorrow will be a new day, and the two of you can deal with things then. He’s not the best with words, so he lets his actions speak. His hand falls to your belly, while he adjusts the other arm to act as your pillow. He pulls the blanket up around you and kisses your shoulder. You know then that Din cares about you, and that gives you hope for whatever tomorrow’s discussions bring. 
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livyjh · 1 year
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In Bloom
Din Djarin x AFAB reader (no gender specific terms used, just body parts)
Rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Word count: 2.7k
Can be found on ao3 here
Summary: You’ve been teamed up with the Mandalorian for a few months now, but are still an amateur bounty hunter. Fresh to The Guild. He was kind enough to train you as long as you helped him capture bounties. When looking for a bounty on a weird, woodland planet, you manage to get affected by a poisonous flower.
Din Djarin Masterlist
A/N: This takes place while Grogu is away, training with Luke Skywalker. But the Razor Crest wasn’t destroyed.
I was blushing so hard writing this 👀 enjoy!
“Just remember not to touch anything. This planet is full of dangerous plants and animals.” Mando tells you for the hundredth time this day.
“I know. I know. Poison and venom and all that.” You roll your eyes as you zip up your boots and stand.
“Okay. You ready?” The Mandalorian turns to you.
“Yep.” You nod and smile.
“Okay. Let’s go.” He opens the gate of the Razor Crest and the two of you step down onto the grassy planet.
There were bright purple flowers and blue trees as far as the eye could see. The trees were weepy; long, drooping branches covered with little leaves. The flowers were small, but there were millions of them.
The gate closes behind you and you and Mando start looking for this bounty.
“This was a… smart place to hide.” Mando sighs.
“How so? There’s hardly anyone here. I’m sure he’s gonna be the first person we come across.” You squeeze your fists lightly, just feeling the texture of your gloves on your hands. You hated wearing them because they made your hands sweat but Mando had told you over and over not to touch anything because “humans aren’t immune to this shit”. That’s a quote. From him. When you tried to question further, he seemed hesitant to tell you but you figured he was just being his non-talkative self.
“Doubt it. There are many farmers on this planet.” He sighs again.
He pulled out the tracking fob that was blinking much slower than you had anticipated. You were hoping to be right on top of this bounty when you landed. No such luck.
You two kept following a shallow path that had been walked through in the grass. People used it frequently enough to wear some of the grass away there. But not often enough for it to qualify as a trail.
Suddenly, a blaster shot flies between you and Mando. You duck and he puts his arms out to shield you.
“Stay back!” He warns you and you move to run behind a tree as another blaster shot flies by.
With your adrenaline suddenly pumping, you don’t watch where you’re going and trip on a tree root, falling face first into a bunch of the purple flowers. Their petals spread and release some sort of dust into your face.
Mando is shooting back and then suddenly everything stops. The blasters stop. The world stops.
“Fuck.” You curse, tears forming in your eyes as you stand up.
You look over at Mando and start to cry. “Oh, Maker. I’m dead aren’t I? I- I- I breathed it in! The flowers- they spewed poison on me!” You say hysterically.
Mando shakes his head and walks over to you, putting his gloved hands on your shoulders. “No. You’re… you’re not dead. But in a couple hours, you might wish you were.” He sighs.
“Not helping!” You shout.
Mando shakes his head. “I’m sorry. Shit, I shouldn’t have brought you. I’m sorry.” He apologizes. “Let me- I’m gonna grab the bounty’s body. I’m sure that was him shooting at us. Then we’ll get you back to the ship and everything is going to be fine.”
You sniffle, breathing in harshly. “How do you know?”
He sighs. “I just know. Trust me. I’ll be right back. You start heading back.”
You nod, wiping the tears away from your face. “O- okay.” You turn and head back to the ship.
The Mandalorian arrives only a few minutes after you, throwing the body in carbonite before he closes the gate. He turns to you. “Okay. Listen. Sit down.” Mando takes ahold of your shoulders and guides you to sit on the edge of his little bed compartment.
“Will bacta spray help? How am I- how do I-?” You start to panic again.
“I don’t think it will.” He shakes his head and you drag a hand down your face.
“What’s gonna happen? I’m gonna get all red and itchy? Scratch myself to death?” You raise a brow at him, trying to keep your breathing even.
“Those flowers… they’re…” he puts a hand on the back of his neck. “They have this pollen. That’s what you breathed in. Let’s call it… an extreme aphrodisiac.”
“Excuse me?” You cross your arms and smirk a little. He’s got to be joking.
“It makes you…” he starts.
“Horny?” You laugh. “I can handle that.” You shrug.
“More like feral.” Mando corrects you and your shoulders slump.
Fuck. Maybe you were gonna wish you were dead. Being around Mando while extremely chemically turned on? That was a recipe for disaster.
“I’ll just lock myself in here and sleep till it’s over.” You say, trying to fool yourself into thinking this wasn’t gonna be as bad as he’s making it sound.
“You’re welcome to try.” Mando steps closer and you feel a heat wave go through your body. You could smell his sweat and you wished he’d get even closer.
“If… there’s anything I can do to help… let me know.” He says shyly.
You’re not sure how to interpret his words at this point. “Can you just get me some water?” You gulp.
“Of course.” He nods and grabs a canteen, handing it to you.
Your fingertips barely brush his, both of you still wearing gloves. But it sends a jolt through you nonetheless. “Th- thank you.”
“I’m gonna get us heading for Nevarro.” He says.
“Okay.” You smile at him for a second before he disappears up the ladder.
You start whispering to yourself. “It’s gonna be fine. I’m gonna be just fine. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Famous last words, you remind yourself.
You shake your head and try to change what you’re thinking about. It starts with Grogu. You miss him. You and Mando had just visited a couple weeks ago, but… you weren’t allowed too close. Jedi weren’t supposed to have attachments to other people.
You then thought about Mando. How sweet of a father figure he was. How bold yet kind he is. Sometimes intimidating, but is really just like a cuddly ewok.
Cuddling. With Mando. That would be nice.
His body pressed up against yours…
“Shit. No. Not going there.” You shake your head and make the thoughts go away. These weren’t the first intimate thoughts you’ve had about the Mandalorian. But they were certainly prevalent at the moment.
You tried not to think about Mando this way, because he was technically a business partner. But it was so hard when his voice was so… and his hands were really…
“Nope.” You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. Fuck. How were you going to survive this if you couldn’t stop thinking about him?
You needed to distract yourself.
So you climbed up to the cockpit, deck of cards in your pocket.
You looked out the glass and saw that you were already pretty high up in the sky, leaving the planet’s atmosphere and entering the stars.
“Once we get on course we should play a game. I have cards.” You say happily, sitting down to Mando’s left.
“Alright.” He turns his head back towards you and nods.
Maker, his voice. Nope. No. You were going to be fine.
And you were. For awhile.
An hour had passed and you were only mildly tingly all over while still playing cards with the Mandalorian.
Another fifteen minutes go by and you can’t stop staring at Mando’s hands. He had taken his gloves off to play cards and wow.
Twenty more minutes. You’re pretty sure you’re soaked through your panties by now and you want to get up and check, maybe change them, but you’re afraid of getting up and there being moisture in your chair. So you keep waiting.
Mando is waiting too. You know it. He’s waiting for you to explode and start crying or something. But you were determined to muscle through.
Ten more minutes. You’re trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, squeezing your thighs together every time you moved to hand him a card or take a card from him.
Five more minutes. “Oh-“ you moan softly when his fingers brush yours as you’re exchanging cards.
You start to blush something fierce, one of your hands flying to cover your mouth. “Shit.” You mumble against your palm. “I’m sorry- I don’t- I’m gonna excuse myself.” You lower your hand from your face and set your cards down behind you as you rise from the seat.
You nearly orgasm the way your thighs rub together as you go down the ladder and into the bed compartment, closing it with the push of a button. You were going to be loud, and if you could muffle that and save yourself some embarrassment, that’s what you were gonna do.
You lay back on the bed, legs spread as you reach down under the hem of your pants and panties. “Fuck!” You gasp as your fingers move down your vulva.
This was the most sensitive you’d ever been in your life. Do you dare?
You do. You rub two fingers over your clit and let out a shaky breath, hips rolling upward.
You couldn’t stop thinking about Mando and how badly you wish his hand were in place of yours. How much you wanted him to take off that stupid helmet and kiss you from head to toe. You would kill a man just to have the Mandalorian’s fingers inside of you once.
You’re rubbing almost with full force of your middle and ring fingers, doing your usual little dance with your clit. A dance that would bring you to orgasm quickly every time.
You kept going and going and ten minutes later, you’ve switched hands back and forth and still can’t finish. It’s agonizing and you’re ready to cry out of frustration when you remember — “If there’s anything I can do to help… let me know.” — he said that. Mando said that to you.
You pressed the open button and called out to the ship. “Please, come here!” You pant. “Quickly!”
You hear a couple rushed steps down the ladder and assume he jumps down the second half, walking past the fresher to find you laying there, hand down your pants, cheeks ruddy, pussy soaking wet.
“Fuck.” He curses and you see his helmet tilt down just the slightest so he could see you. All of you.
“Please, h- help me. I can’t- I’m not- I don’t know-“ you’re nearly sobbing.
“Shhh…” he hushes you and crawls up into the bed between your legs. “Let me help you.”
You nod up at him and suddenly his bare hands are on your hips, just holding them for a moment. You pull your hand out of your panties and let him pull them off along with your pants.
The cool air of the ship hit your heat and you whined, feeling how tremendously wet you were. You felt two of his fingers come down the side of your hip, over the front and inside of your thigh before grazing over your labia.
You shook, almost violently, as you squeezed your eyes shut and balled your fists in the sheets. You couldn’t even look at him, you were so riled up. You were afraid if he looked you in the eyes he’d see how embarrassed you were or how much you truly wanted him.
As his fingers tease your folds, they become slick and slide into you easy when he pushes them forward.
“Ohh, yes.” You groan, whole body tensing up.
“Just relax.” He coos and you try to relax as many of your muscles as possible.
Instead of holding your legs up and away from each other, you let them drop apart against the walls of the compartment, you relax your hands and shoulders, trying to even your breathing.
He starts to pull his fingers back out slowly, being cautious and waiting for your instruction.
“Please, for Maker’s sake, go faster.” You whimper the last word and he starts thrusting his fingers in and out of your pussy at a quick pace.
“Fuck… that feels so good.” You sigh, gasp, and then sigh again with each movement of his hand.
He curls his fingers, searching for your g-spot and — “Mando…” you whine — there it is.
He makes it a point to brush over this spot with every thrust of his fingers, making your toes curl.
“I’m gon- gonna- oh fuck.” You cry out, thighs quivering as you cum hard, pulsing around his fingers.
“Fuck.” You hear his modulated voice over you.
You orgasm hard enough to see spots around the edges of your vision, and as you’re waiting for the come down… it never really comes.
“It- oh, fuck, baby-“ your eyebrows draw together and you reach down to grab his wrist when he starts to pull his fingers out of you. “It’s w- worse.” You can barely get the words out.
“You’re probably going to need to go a few more rounds before it goes away.” The Mandalorian explains.
“What?!” You ask, surprised and starting to sweat.
“It’s happened to me before.” He admits and you buck your hips, trying to get his fingers deeper inside of you.
“Please, k- keep… going.” You pant, looking up at him with seriousness in your eyes.
He nods and his fingers start to thrust in and out of you once more, and within ten seconds you’re cumming again. You throw your head back and feel yourself soaking his fingers.
“Ple- please,” you take a deep breath before you ask a question that can’t be unasked. “Will you fuck me?” You beg.
Mando nods and sits back on his knees for a second, undoing his belt and zipper before pulling himself out of his pants.
You moan at the sight of him, cunt tingling with anticipation.
“Protection?” He asks.
“No time. I’m on medicine for it.” You blurt out, biting your lip.
He nods and gets into position, guiding his cock to your entrance. He rubs the head up and down over your clit before pushing into you painfully slow.
“Baby, please,” you whine. “Fuck me. Please.”
He almost growls as he pushes in quickly to the hilt, making you whimper. Your jaw drops open and you let out a long, shaky moan, reaching up to grab his shoulders.
He pulls out and slams back in once, pushing you up the bed slightly. You wrap your legs around his hips, angling up so he could go deeper.
He starts a quick pace, fucking you down into the thin mattress. Your eyes screw shut and you’re cumming again, groaning a string of curses.
He slows down to let you regain your senses, but just for a moment. And then he’s slamming into you again, hips slapping against your ass. The sound only eggs you on, gets you more sexually intoxicated.
He reaches down between you to rub your clit, trying to help you get off again so you can be cured of this. You can’t believe it when only seconds pass and your fourth orgasm washes over you. Your body nearly convulses as you cum hard on his pulsing cock. “Mando- oh my, fucking yes-“ your hips buck up.
He’s grunting as he fucks into you, keeping the same speed. He was just gonna keep going until you told him to stop. He was committed.
“One more time.” You breathe out. You’re getting exhausted, soaking the mattress, and you know he can’t go forever either. “Let’s t- try one more time.” You stutter.
He nods and keeps thrusting, playing with your clit for a minute before that hand moved up under your shirt to grab your breast.
You moaned in unison with him, panting as he kneaded and squeezed your tit. He somehow speeds up and then you’re gone. You nearly scream, arching your back as you tip over the edge.
Your fingers dig into his shoulders and your pussy squeezes around him, and then you feel his cum filling you as he groans your name.
Finally, finally, you start to come down from your orgasms, body relaxing and you start feeling less lightheaded.
He pulls out of you with a soft groan, tucking himself back into his pants before collapsing down next to you, breathing hard.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long ti-“ you start to say something and then slap a hand over your mouth.
He just laughs softly, rubbing your thigh. “Me too.”
Maybe falling into those flowers wasn’t the worst thing after all.
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shanakin-skywalker · 1 year
Hi friends! I’m going through a bit of writers block with my Sex Pollen!Din Djarin x Reader. Feel free to send in some inspiration!
P.s. it probably won’t be posted for a little while as I’m in the process of moving the person I’m a caregiver for to one place and myself to another.
Once again thank you for your patience to all those who have been eagerly waiting. ❤️
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yeollie-plz · 4 months
Ever Since We Met, I Only Shoot Up With Your Perfume
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Din Djarin x F! Reader
Synopsis: You receive a new perfume, Din really likes your new perfume.
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: pheromone perfume, its giving sex pollen without the sex pollen, p in v sex, unprotected sex, thigh riding
Gif credits to owners!
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"Hey you!" A voice called out from the alley way to your left, you turn your head in search of the face that matched the sound. Meeting eyes with an older woman, her face hiding slightly in the shadows.
"You look like you're in love." This statement stops you dead in your tracks, how did she know that? You can't stop your eyes from widening slightly, your jaw turning slack at the woman's words.
You and Din had been traveling together for a while. You also have had a crush on Din for almost as long. Only recently has that crush came more to the surfaced, with his own confession of affection. It hasn't really turned it much yet, but yes, you were in love.
"He doesn't love you back...no wait-" She pauses, scanning your face "-He does...you're just taking your time." She smirks now, almost like she knows she's right. Its annoying that she is.
"I've got something for you." You still haven't replied to her, yet she continues to talk, and yet you continue to stay watching her carefully.
Pushing a small white bottle towards you, she shakes it, almost like she's tempting you with it. But you aren't swayed that easily, you stand there, defensive. She lets out a laugh.
"Take it, I got chased away from the market. It used to be a huge seller! But you, you need it. Take it." She shakes it again.
"I don't usually take things from ladies in alley ways." You finally speak, her eyes gleam at your words.
"Smart rule." She stands there contemplating her words, "Listen, its perfume. It'll-it'll help you with your... Mandalorian?" Her eyes snap up to the figure that has suddenly appeared behind you. Her words mirror her shock. Glancing behind you, you confirm that it is a Mandalorian. Your Mandalorian, in fact.
"Trouble, cyar'ika?" Din says, his tin-like words coming through his helmet. The sound shocks the woman slightly, she stumbles back. Uncharacteristic of the woman that was once so confident in front of you.
"No, no trouble." You turn to look at him, eyes soft as they stare into the beskar of his helmet. A hand comes up to touch his chest plate, a gesture intended to calm him down, but little do you know it makes his heart beat faster.
Turning back to the woman, who is now hurriedly gathering all her things. She shoves the bottle into your hand and rushes off as quickly as she showed up.
"I feel like she had a bounty out on her or something." You say more to yourself than to Din. He grunts in response, eyes trained to where the woman disappeared into the dark.
"What did she give you?" He is now looking down at the bottle in your hand. The concern very evident.
"Just perfume, said it would help me?" You shrug and push past his large form, making your way back to the ship. He follows behind you like a puppy, trailing on your heels. Despite your nonchalant reaction to the gift, Din can't help but be a bit apprehensive.
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When you awoke the next day, you got ready like usual, but as you passed the tiny white bottle, it glinted in the sun. The shine drew your eye to the glass. It was almost as if the woman was whispering to you now, "Put it on." You shrugged and picked up the bottle, spraying a bit onto your wrist to test the scent. You sniffed the spot, trying to discern the smell. Nothing. It smelt like nothing?
No, that can't be it. All that just for it to smell like nothing. Maybe it was just mild, maybe you needed to put more on. Yes, that was it. You picked up the bottle once again and sprayed it all over you, making sure to use a good amount. Sniffing the air, you still didn't smell much. No way, you were scammed!
Well, you didn't actually pay her anything, so was it really a scam? You shook your head in disbelief. It wasn't poison, right? Your heart beat faster in fear, maybe it was poison and you just willingly covered yourself in it.
Shaking your head at your silliness, you ignored the pit in your stomach at the thought. Why would someone be trying to poison you? Yes, the old lady was very persistent, but somehow you trusted her. It just must not be that strong of a scent, that had to be it.
As you made your way to the helm, you found Din standing with his back to you, messing with something on the console. He turned as he heard your footsteps approaching him. You didn't know it but a smile formed on his face as you came into view.
Settling yourself into the pilot's seat, his helmet tilted at you in question. It was something the two of you would do almost everyday. You'd steal his seat, making yourself comfortable, until he grumbled at you to move. It was almost like a game at this point. He would never admit it but he liked the way you looked sitting there. He could just picture himself under you...
He shook his head, trying to get the image out of it. Pretending to go back to what he was doing, he slowly worked his way towards you. Din just wanted to be closer to you in any way he could. But as he side stepped in front of you, a new scent wafted towards him. It flooded his senses, vision blackened, lust washed over him. What was this?
"Uhm...did you use that new perfume?" He questioned. Your eyes narrowed at the back of his head, while he continued to fiddle with some buttons.
"I did, but it didn't smell like much so I don't think I'll use it again." You shrugged, looking down at your nails. He abruptly turned around, the speed of the action caused you to look back up at him.
"I think you should keep wearing it." He said definitively. Eyebrows furrowing, you tried to read his body language.
"Oh, okay then? I'm gonna go get some work done." You said, confused by his actions. You got up and wandered away, not sure what to do with the way Din was acting.
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Almost a week went by, and at Din's request you continued to wear the perfume. The scent never seemed to get stronger for you, but your confusion did. Because every time you walked into the room, Din almost melted. As the perfume wafted towards him, all his reservations diminished. It took everything in him to not just take you the moment he smelt you. And every night he would touch himself to the thought of you.
He wanted to push you down on the console, have you like putty in his hands. Dripping all over him, fucking you so hard you forgot your own name. Anything to touch you. Anything to have you touch him. Anything to relieve this...spell.
"Din?" You questioned from the doorway. This finally snapped him out of his thoughts, as he turned to look at you. If the scent had him already begging for you, the way you looked right now had him on his knees. You were stood there in nothing but a nightdress, the material of which left almost nothing to the imagination.
"I've been calling you." You laughed, his body melted at the sound. You didn't seem to notice.
"Sorry, I'm just in my own world over here." He couldn't take this anymore, the push and pull was all too much for him. He needed to fell you and soon. His body craved yours.
Slowly he stepped closer to you, helmet dropped to the soft spot of your shoulder. The cold of his helmet sent a shiver down your spine, as he breathed you in right over your pressure point.
"You smell so good." He muttered metallically into your neck. Another shiver racked down your body.
"Din..." You whimpered, your own constraints snapping with his proximity. Although you had wanted it and thought about it for a while, it still scared you to take that step with Din. But you wanted him...needed him in this moment.
Its like he can read your mind, "Need you." He now mumbles out, still breathing in your scent.
"Me too." With this confirmation, he lifts his head. His visor meeting your eyes, trying to read them. You let yours bore into his, trying to work past the black to prove you really did want this.
"Need you." You mirror his words and that's all he needs before he is picking you up like you are nothing and carrying you into his quarters. He throws you onto his bed, hands instantly finding purchase with your flushed body.
Din starts at your stomach, letting his fingers move slowly up until they are kneading your breasts. Massaging them expertly, the soft material of your dress adding to the sensitivity. He tweaks one nipple, causing your hips to buck up into his thigh that is slotted between your legs.
His hands stop, "Careful, mesh'la."
That's all the warning you need to try and keep yourself in check. The darkness of his voice and his desperate actions making you realize he's not one to mess with tonight. Not that you're complaining, you want him to use you.
One hand returns to your breast, abandoning it's previous mission. The other continues it, making its way don your legs. It ghosts over your sensitive mound and you can't help but let your hips buck up again. He tsks at you through the beskar.
"Told you to be careful. But I know my baby is so desperate for me right now, so why don't you show me. Show me how badly you want this cock."
He backs off of you and you almost whimper at the loss of body heat. He takes off his chest plate and leg plates, leaving only his under armor. His body seemed so defined without all that heavy armor.
Leaving his helmet and arm plates, he sits on the bed resting his back on the wall behind the bed. He pats his thigh, showing you what he wants you to do. Complying almost instantly you saunter over to him.
Not sure if you should undress, you decide against it as to not get yourself in more trouble. Instead, you hike your dress up your thighs, flashing your panties to him before settling over his thigh. His eyes darken at the sight, if only you could see them.
Din's hands find purchase of your hips and start to work your soaked core on his thigh. He flexes it as you begin to gain your own rhythm, now only using his hands as support.
Your speed increases as you begin to near your peak. You can't believe you are this worked up just from him barely touching you. Kriff, the things this man does to you.
He continues to flex underneath you, the feeling makes it so much more heightened. You stroke your core against his muscles, knowing how much he wants this too. Movements begin to falter and Din seems to notice this. Using his hand to help keep your pace up, the other finds your breast again massaging it to help you closer to your orgasm.
You gasp out, hands pushing through your hair as you arch your back. Your orgasm finally washing over you. The feeling so intense after months of not having one. The initial shocks subside and you fall into his chest, his very warm and hard chest you note.
He lifts you up off his thigh and places you stomach down onto the bed. Ripping your panties off of your body, causing you to gasp. Your head looks back at him as he stands, looking down at the wet spot on his pants.
He tuts quietly, "Dirty girl, why don't you spread those legs for me? I need to be inside you."
Legs spread apart, revealing your dripping pussy to him. He strips his pants, revealing his own hard member to you. Your eyes widen at this sight, gulping down the lump in your throat. When you decided to fuck Din, you didn't know you were getting into something that big!
Stepping towards you, he strokes his dick, making sure it is hard enough. Although he knew that wasn't really a problem with all that has happened so far. He teases your entrance with his member, getting it a bit lubed up to make the stretch a little better for you.
"I'm gonna fuck you now. I'm only saying this because once I start, I won't be able to stop." You almost laugh at his warning, like you would want him to stop!
Even so, you give him his confirmation, "I want you, Din."
That's all he needs, pushing his tip into you. You can tell it's taking everything in him not to just force himself in past your walls. You appreciate the gesture, but in this moment you would take anything he were to give you.
Once he has decided that you have adjusted enough, he pushes in more and more slowly, letting you feel all of him. Bottoming out, he gives you just a second to adjust this time before he can't take it anymore. He's pulling out to his tip and fucking back into you roughly.
Your body jerks forward as he roughly fucks into you. He pulls out slowly just to push back in, hitting your cervix every time. Din lifts your hips to find a new angle in you. This new angle causes his dick to hit right on your g spot. The feeling has your whimpering and almost drooling, already rapidly approaching another orgasm.
Din can tell to as your cunt clenches onto his dick, "Gonna cum for me again aren't you, cyar'ika?"
You can only whimper in response as your pussy clenches once again, he chuckles at you. You don't have the time to be mad at his laughing, before his hand is making contact with your clit and your orgasm is washing over your body. Your vision turns white as you involuntarily shake with the force of your orgasm.
Before you have fully recovered from the feeling, Din is pulling out, instantly making you overstimulated. But he doesn't seem to notice the way you groan out quietly or the jerk of your hips. He is too busy flipping you over and moving your legs up to his shoulders. Pushing his dick into you again, he continues his assault on your now even more sensitive pussy.
His pace is faster now, a sign that he is also getting close to his peak. Hands holding onto your ankles, knowing you are too weak to do it yourself. His hips are rolling into your yours as he thrusts, hitting your clit while he fucks you.
"Next time, I'm going to taste you, mesh'la." He grunts while thrusting into you. The words and feeling cause you to moan.
"Come on, baby, one more for me." His pace has slowed only slightly so he can gauge your reaction. Your face reels with a bit of pain at the thought, but quickly recovers.
"You can do it." He urges and goes back to his previous pace. One hand now finding your clit, moving it in circles to draw you closer to your third orgasm.
Although your body was spent and you weren't sure you could do it, he was. And he was determined to do everything in his power to get you over your edge one more time.
His thumb continues to circle your clit, pressing on the bud roughly. With a clench of your pussy on his dick, he is moving his digit faster and fucking you harder (if that was even possible). That's when the wave washes over you once again. This time your eyes roll back as your back arches off of the bed. Hips meet his and head knocks back at the feeling.
The feeling of your pussy and the look at your pleasured body, throws Din also over his edge as he finishes inside of you. Hips beginning to stutter as he fills you with his spend. He bottoms out into you once more, keeping his dick there.
You are still coming down from your high when you notice that he is still inside of you. Head tilting in confusion at him.
"Making sure you know who you belong to." He says, knowing what you were gesturing at. Finally pulling out, much to his dismay, he helps you lets your legs relax. Knowing they are probably sore, he massages them lightly.
Both of you are laying there, now content and completely fucked out. When a thought comes to your head. You sit up quickly with a gasp. Obviously now very concerned, Din sits up too.
"I know what the lady was talking about now." You say, like it all made so much sense now.
"What?" He questions, obviously not getting it.
"The perfume lady! She said the perfume would help me! I get it now!" He sits there at your confession, still confused.
You sigh, "It must be some sort of perfume that only appeals to you! I couldn't smell it, but you loved it!" He hums, starting to understand it now.
"And it did help me!" You laugh, "It helped me get laid!"
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813 notes · View notes
absurdthirst · 7 months
Vivid {Mando x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.4k
Warnings: SEX POLLEN, dubious consent, fuck or die, oral sex (male and female receiving), 69, face sitting, blindfolds, sex in the dark, vaginal sex, rough sex, overstimulation, cream pie, cum eating, masturbation
Comments: A chance encounter in the canyon just beyond Din's little house on Nevarro leads to a sticky situation. A vivid pink flower, a powerful aphrodisiac, and a need to fuck has Mando bringing you home.
Co-written with @pedropascalsx
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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The changes around Nevarro are….nice. The little house that was deeded to Din is far enough away from town that he doesn’t feel crowded, yet it’s close enough that he can walk Grogu to the little school that he had enrolled him in. His journeys needed to include more socialization than bounty hunters, killer droids and Mandalorians. He needed to be able to move throughout many different cultures respectfully and what better place to learn than school?
Din’s own education happened in the Fighting Corps. Effective, but he had a mind to raise his adoptive son and apprentice better than his own teacher had. Especially since Grogu had an advantage that he had never wielded, the force. 
“No Grogu,” Din shakes his head and sighs softly as the fifty year old baby tries once again to float his little school pack off the shelf to where he is sitting. Wanting to go to school, even though it’s the weekend. “There is no school today.” 
It had been a long day so far, you’d run your usual errands and finished a few tasks around your home. A few of the children in your class had been requesting some more painting time during the week, and never one to dim anyone’s excitement for the arts, you couldn’t say no.
You like to make sure that art class is just as educational as it is fun, so you grabbed your book of plants and flowers and got ready to make your way out of town to collect and pick some plants and flowers for the kids to paint and learn to identify. 
The cool breeze was welcomed as you began your trip, a wicker basket hanging comfortably from the crook of your elbow as you made your way through the town, greeting everyone politely and with a warm smile as you did so. 
You like Nevarro. Especially as of recent, the town was much friendlier and a new sense of community had fallen across the planet. 
After a brief chat with one of your overexcited students and his parents you continued your walk while nibbling on some fresh fruit from a stall you had passed.
The kid is passed out in the little bed that Din had bought for him, the Mandalorian steps out of the house, striding off towards the canyon. He needs to tune his blaster, having replaced the plasma cartridge earlier. The domesticity is unusual, but he likes it, a set schedule and a home to make meals in. It’s oddly appealing, even though he does often wonder how the covert is doing on Mandalore.
After a nice breezy walk, your basket is almost full, you’ve picked multiple flowers and plants for the children to paint and learn about. The canyon is quiet, peaceful, the only sound coming from the soft breeze shaking the trees and the occasional twitter from the out of sight creatures. 
You’re just about to leave and make your way back home, before it catches your eye and steals your attention. A vivid shade of pink and standing alone. The petals are perfectly uniform and it’s the most perfect looking flower that you’ve ever seen.
Din sighs, seeing someone in the canyon ahead of him. There wouldn’t be any practice unless the person was just leaving. Making him huff under his helmet and hope that it wasn’t someone who is looking for trouble.
You kneel down in front of the flower, appreciating its beauty before reaching into your basket and pulling out your holopad. Unable to resist taking a few snaps of the gorgeous flower. 
Zooming in on the photo you notice a figure in the background that you immediately recognise as the father of Grogu - the new and unbelievably adorable little green foundling in your class. 
You place your holopad back in your basket, figuring he’ll want some space. He’s polite, not much of a talker but there’s something about him that’s… intense. The kind of intenseness that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand upright and makes that magic button downstairs pulse uncontrollably until it gets the attention it deserves. 
You gently snip the bottom of the stalk and gently scoop up the flower in your hands, inhaling its gorgeous and intoxicating scent and letting it flood your senses.
And then it hits you.
Walking closer, he recognizes that it’s Grogu’s teacher. You are a newcomer to Nevarro, at least, you hadn’t been here when it was a bounty hunter’s hive. One of the more gentle settlers, and it doesn’t hurt that besides him, you are Grogu’s favorite person. 
He smiles slightly under his helmet, wondering what you are doing out here in the canyon, although he spies the basket on your arm.
The effect is immediate, within seconds fire is coursing through your veins and pain meets a new type of pleasure in the most delicious way. 
Every nerve ending in your body is set alight, and the pleasure center in your brain is working overtime. Arousal floods your core, your nipples harden and your clit is pulsing with desperate need out of nowhere. 
You start to whimper as your legs threaten to fail beneath you, you’re still kneeling but you feel as though you’re about to collapse in a heap on the floor. The sounds that leave your mouth are nothing short of filthy, and you become more and more aware of your need for something to quench the flames that are burning stronger with every passing second.
Seeing you stumble, Din rushes forward. Hand on his blaster as he tilts his head up, searching for danger. Why else would a healthy woman nearly collapse? “Hey! Hey, get down!” 
“The flower,” you say with a breathy moan, “I think it’s the flower.”
He’s already reached your side, grabbing you and your basket and dragging you behind a craggy outcrop in the canyon, getting you to cover. Unaware of your moaned words,  they were too unintelligible. The pollen from the flower drifts under his helmet, not pressurized against contaminants and floods his nostrils in a heady rush.
“I don’t know what’s happening,” you babble, as you start to pull on the collar of your dress. The material feels much too constricting and far too warm despite the cool breeze.
“Dank ferik.” Din hisses, his own armor suddenly feeling as if it weighs more than the great forge on Mandalore. “It’s- it’s the pollen.” He croaks out, slapping the basket out of your hand, but he knows it’s too late.
“What’s w-wrong with the pollen?” You gasp out, unsure why your clothes feel heavy and your body is trembling uncontrollably. Your need to be touched now is desperate.
“It’s an aphrodisiac.” He grunts, cock already hardening and tenting the fabric of his flight suit. “It- it lasts for hours and-“ His eyes under his helmet widen as he remembers one particular trait of this toxic flower.
“And?” You ask frantically, “And what?”
“Your heart explodes if you don’t- uh, have sex.” His hand slaps against the rock wall of the canyon and he groans, thinking about an activity that he has long denied himself. He’s been too busy with the kid to seek out any companionship, even for a night.
“What?” You say with a pained laugh, “How is that -fuuuuck- how is that even possible?” The lace from your bra rubs painfully against your hardened peaks and you have to physically fight the urge to free yourself of your dress and bra.
He doesn’t fucking know, but the digital display in his helmet is broadcasting that fact as he looks down at the flower. “What the fuck were you doing with it?” He demands, trying to think about something other than pushing you against the rocks and burying himself in your cunt.
“I was just.. I’m picking flowers for the kids to paint,” you say between labored breaths, “Please, do something. It fucking hurts.” You start to beg, unsure what can be done.
He hadn’t anticipated that response. Groaning, he shakes his head. Knowing that a quick fuck in the canyon isn’t going to do it. Plus it’s too exposed out here. “Hold on to me.” He orders, stumbling next to you and wrapping his arm around your back before he kicks on his Rising Phoenix.
You squeal with shock as you’re shot upwards into the deep blue sky, your arms wrapping so tightly around The Mandalorian that it hurts.
Din’s groans are covered by the sounds of the jetpack and the wind. His cock is throbbing and leaking into the flight suit and he knows you have to be feeling worse. Your exposure was vastly greater than his own.
He senses the moment that the pain becomes too much for you to bear, his arms wrapping even tighter around you as you start to lose your grip. Pain shoots throughout your body as you whimper in his arms.
“We-it’s- it’s close.” He groans, his own body used to pain although he’s never experienced an arousal that might override all his senses like this before. All he can think about is stripping you down, burying himself in your body over and over until relief is finally achieved.
“I can’t hold on much longer,” you gasp, as the aching between your thighs grows stronger and more uncomfortable.
The outline of his small cabin appears and it can’t be a second sooner. His entire body is tense and his jetpack is nearly sputtering as it sets down on the ground in front of the remote dwelling. His star-fighter is parked off to the side and he is grateful that the baby is still asleep in his own little room.
His grip on you stays firm as you reach the ground, and he gently pulls you into his cabin. Spinning you around he presses you up against the door and gently palms your tit with his gloved hands.
“Tell me-“ Din groans and bites his lip under his helmet. “Dank ferik, tell me I can fuck you, Mesh’la.” He begs.
“You can fuck me,” you say with a moan as you press yourself up against him, desperate to feel him inside of you.
His head turns towards the door where Grogu is sleeping, relieved to find it still closed and he steps back to drag you away from the wall. “My room.” He demands, knowing the kid didn’t need to wake up and see anything.
“Yes, sir,” you say as you follow him on shaky legs into the room. Your clothes feel heavy against your skin, but you wait for his command to remove them. Standby patiently but writhing in discomfort as he walks towards you. “I need to take my dress off,” you say, as the material irritates your skin.
“Take it off.” He knows he will rip your dress if it touches it and he needs to get out of his armor. It’s chafing his skin and he’s overheating.
You immediately unzip the dress and let it fall to the floor, before working on your bra and panties. “Need you so badly,” you whine and you climb down onto the bed, and spread your legs. Dipping your fingers into your entrance and spreading some of your arousing through your folds and circling your clit.
“Dank ferik.” The armor clanks to the floor carelessly. Unable to treat it as reverently as he normally does. Fingers fumbling as his cock throbs, visor trained on your cunt.
“Hurry,” you beg, as you circle your clit faster, you’re soaked enough for him to slide right in with little resistance. “Am I allowed to touch you?” You ask as you continue working your clit, you know a little about Mandalorian creed but you’ve never fucked one before and want to make sure you’re respectful and you don’t cross any boundaries.
“I-I’m going to turn out the lights.” He groans, wanting to see you, touch you. And have you touching him. “And I need to blindfold you.”
“Whatever you need,” you say, as you turn your head so he can blindfold you. “I won’t touch you unless you explicitly tell me where it’s okay, and I promise the blindfold will stay on until you take it off.”
“You can touch me.” He is panting as he ties the blindfold and quickly strips out of the flightsuit and his boots. Even though he is burning, he hesitates when reaching for his helmet.
You reach out and let your fingers run across his chest, “Fuck,” you say, as your pussy clenches around nothing, “Want you to fuck me so badly, but I really wanna suck your cock first, Mando. I want to rub my little pussy while you fuck my throat.”
“No.” He chokes out, knowing that your body is screaming for release worse than his own is. It makes the decision easy and the click of the locks is accompanied by a slight hiss as he lifts the helmet off his head and it clatters to the ground.
“Oh,” you say, clearly disappointed but still rubbing your clit as fast as you can and chasing your release. “How do you want me?”
Din knocks your hand away and climbs up on the bed to pull you up and spin you around. A lifetime of training makes picking you up easy and he flips you onto your stomach on his chest. “Suck my cock and I’ll lick you.” He rasps out, his voice unmodulated and clear. “Never done it, but I want to. You need it.”
The sound of his voice is even sexier when unmodulated. Raspy and rough. Each word going straight to your pussy. “Yes, sir,” you say as you feel around and finally get his cock in your hand. It’s thick, veiny and dripping in pre-cum, the room is dark enough and the blindfold is opaque enough that you can’t see it but it feels glorious in your hands. You give him a teasing lick, lapping up all the pre-cum before taking the tip of him in your mouth.
Din groans, his gloveless hands reaching for your hips and his entire body shudders when he realizes that it’s full skin to skin contact. Dragging you back and immediately plunging his tongue inside your quivering and leaking cunt.
“Oh, fuck,” you choke out as you pull off his cock, loving the dexterous heat of his tongue. You take him back into your mouth and hollow your cheeks, your moans vibrating against his cock as he eats your pussy. For someone who said he’d never done this before he’s unbelievably skilled, eating you with such vigor that after a few minutes you can feel your orgasm rapidly approaching.
There have been a lot of holo vids around oral sex in his past, learning and aching to try the things that he saw. Although he’s not got a forked tongue like some species, nor one as long, he still grunts in pleasure as you moan loudly around his cock. Rocking your hips back to taste you more, getting deeper into your cunt.
“Gonna cum,” you croak out around him, before swirling your tongue around the tip of him and pulling away before cumming with a loud whimper of the only name you know for him, “Fuck, Mando!’
Din nearly whimpers at the loss of your mouth but the sweetness of your cum makes up for it. Soaking his face like he’s never experienced before. His cock throbs and he pulls away. “Close.” He chokes out, knowing he’s going to cum from this alone.
You take him back into your mouth and double down on your efforts, sucking him harder and licking your tongue around him. You take him as deep as you can, working the bottom of his shaft with your hands, saliva dripping everywhere as you work him towards his high. Needing to feel his cock twitch and start to flood your mouth with his cum.
It doesn't take him but a few more seconds when your mouth wraps back around him for Din to start to cum. Groaning out your name harshly, it's the only warning you get when he shoots a hot rope of cum down your throat, immediately followed by another.
You swallow around him, humming at the rich yet salty taste of him. Not letting a single drop go to waste, eagerly awaiting each burst as your mouth milks him dry. He’s delicious, salty and musky and you want more. You keep sucking until he orders you to stop and you slowly pull off of him with a groan.
Even though he's cum, his body still aches, his cock is still hard and he knows you aren't satisfied either. "My tongue or my cock in your cunt this time?" He pants out, needing to know where to bury his cock again.
“Your cock, please,” you beg as you lift off of him, “Do you want me to ride you, Sir?”
"For now." He knows you might need him desperately and he wants to see how much you are willing to grind on him for his cock.
His harsh tone makes your chest clench, but you push away that feeling and position yourself over him, slowly sinking down on this thick cock and moaning loudly as he stretches you open. His cock fills you entirely, your walls flutter and hug his cock as you get used to the delicious stinging from how stretched out you are from him. You start rocking your hips slowly, before increasing your pace, grinding down on him over and over. Desperate moans slipping through your plush lips as a wave of euphoria floods through you.
The darkness is just enough that he can see you move. A shadow and he wishes that he could turn the lights back on but he can't risk your blindfold coming loose. It's barely a loophole and technicality of the creed, but you can't see him. Not unless you were going to bind yourself to him.
“You feel so good,” you choke out, as you rock your hips a little faster. “So big. So thick.” You murmur again and again as your pace quickens, chasing a high and feeling a desperate need to have him cum hard and paint your walls with his delicious cum.
"Fuck." Din chokes out, puffing up at the praise. It's better than the moans with his cock in your mouth and he palms your tits, plucking at them and pinching your nipples while you bounce on his length.
“Tell me what you need,” you moan, “Fast or slow? Need you to feel good, baby, want to feel this cock fill me up.”
Din curses again. "Fuck, fast." He hisses, squeezing your tits harshly. "Fucking ride me hard."
You do as he commands, increasing your pace and bouncing up and down on him as fast as you can, moaning in pleasure as he hits that spot inside of you. Your hands cover his as he squeezes your tits, holding on tightly as he starts to fuck up into you, matching your pace with his own.
The loud sounds of sex fill his room. His hips snapping up as you bounce down on his cock. Both of you moaning and cursing greedily as the fire of the pollen rages in your systems. He knows you’re craven for his cum, the only thing that can soothe the effects of the flower.
You reach down and start to circle your clit, as you keep the same pace, wanting to clamp down around him and hear those delicious groans from him. “You’re incredible,” you pant as you near your high, circling your clit with perfect precision as he fucks up against nirvana inside of you. “Gonna cum,” you warn, before pleasure washes over you and squeeze his cock like a vice. Yelling his name as you cum, hard.
Letting go of your tits, he grabs your hips again and starts the hammer up into you. His hold on your body is the only thing keeping you from being thrown up into the air. Harsh punches of his cock that hit deep and wrench a cry out of you every time he hits your cervix, he can’t even care if it hurts you because you gush another wave of heat around him.
“Fuck,” you choke out, as he pushes the air from your lungs with every thrust. You’ve never been fucked like this before, but it’s addicting, you crave more and more from him with each harsh thrust of his hips. “Fill me up,” you beg, each word more strained as his pace quickly overwhelms you.
His arms wrap around you and he’s thrusting up into you like you are his personal fuck toy. “Fuck, fuck, gonna, fuck- fill you up.” He promises, grunting out a word every time he buries his cock into your spasming cunt. One harsh thrust later and a harsh bark of your name, he delivers on that promise. Cumming just as hard and as much as when he came down your throat only minutes before.
Falling forward onto him your face nuzzles into the crook of his neck, he’s still hard and twitching inside of you but a wave of exhaustion starts to make an appearance. You pant into his warm skin, arms tightly wrapped around him and you can’t ignore how tense he is. You’re unsure if you’ve crossed a line, but you need to catch your breath again before you’re able to move off of him and ask how he wants you next.
Din is tense from how close you are to his face. It’s been so long but you don’t reach up to touch it. Your arms around his shoulders and your face tucked into his neck. He rolls you onto your back and starts to rock into you again. Knowing that the night isn’t over by a long shot.
You moan as he rocks into you, his stamina clearly better than your own as you attempt to gather up some strength. But he seems content to pick up the slack as your pussy flutters around him and your walls hug him tight. “Are you allowed to kiss me?” You ask, barely above a whisper as his hips snap forward.
Din groans and he nods even though you can’t see him. “Can I?” He breathes above your lips. He’s never kissed before and right now as he fucking you both through a dangerous exposure to sex pollen seem to be a good time to experience it.
“Yes, please.” You plead softly, wanting to taste his lips despite not knowing what they look like. Not caring at all that you have no idea what he looks like.
Permission granted, he crushes his lips to your in a messy kiss. Much less coordinated than when he licked into you, he had avoided kissing holo vids because he had felt jealous.
You giggle a little at the way he smashes his lips against yours, before lightly touching his chin and taking the lead. Licking his bottom lip gently until he parts his lips enough for you to slip your tongue inside and press it against his own. It doesn’t take long until he’s mastering the art and taking control, his lips now refusing to part from yours as he rocks his hips into you. Kissing you just as hard as he fucks you, changing up the pace every now and then and swallowing your moans of delight.
Groaning into your mouth is like ambrosia. You are the best thing he’s ever tasted and he can’t get enough. His cock steadily fills you with strokes and his tongue mimics the motion into your mouth as he pants his pleasure loudly.
With a few more strokes of his cock, he has you clamping down around him and crying out the name you know him by in pleasure. The stuttering of his hips as your pussy acts like a vice around him makes him grunt your name before pulling you in for another breathtaking kiss. The effects of the pollen start to lessen but the effects of him growing stronger. Everything about him is consuming, his scent, the power he commands and with every snap of his hips and grunt of your name; you want more and more.
Din can barely rock his hips but the clenching and squeezing of your cunt pushes him over the edge. This time he is moaning your name into your mouth while pushing more cum into your pussy. Sliding down your cheeks and soaking his bed underneath you in growing puddle.
“Fuck, Mando,” you say against his lips, with a bright smile. “Picking that flower was the best decision I've made in months.” You love the way he twitches inside of you, your walls still hugging him tightly as he groans against your mouth. You gently run your hand up and down his back as he works on catching his breath.
“Din.” There are plenty of people who know his name now and he doesn’t see why you shouldn’t. Given that he had just fucked the life out of you and still had a few more rounds in him before the pollen is completely gone. “My name. It’s Din.”
“Din,” you repeat softly, “I like that. Din.” You press a light kiss to his lips before repeating his name a few more times. “Do you think I can jerk you off next? My pussy isn’t used to being fucked this good. Give her a little break before you fill her up again?”
“Do you want my mouth again?” He asks, knowing you might still need something. “I can just suck on your clit.”
“Are you sure?” You ask, “I know you said that was the first time you did it, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to do it again if you don’t want.”
“I liked it.” Din twitches inside you as he admits that and kisses you again. “Unless you didn’t like it?”
“I loved it,” you giggle, “Can’t believe that was the first time you’ve done it. Best oral I’ve ever had.” 
“Good.” He grunts happily. “Then I’ll do it again.” He pulls out of you and rolls onto his back.
“You want me to sit on your face and I can jerk you off as you eat my pussy, baby?”
“Fuck yes.” Din groans. “Want to taste your cunt filled with my cum.”
“Fuck,” you moan at his filth, “Yes, sir.” He helps you position over his face, and you hover a few inches above his mouth before reaching down and gripping his cock. Giving it a few languid strokes before finding a pace that has him groaning. “I bet you’ve got a gorgeous cock, Din, I can feel how good it is. But fuck. It’s so thick and long and those veins… I.. fuck. It’s so perfect.” You tell him before he pulls you down and starts to eat your pussy like a man starved. You work his cock like it’s the most important job in the work, each flick of your wrist designed to make him groan and grunt with pure pleasure. “Do you like that? Do you like me stroking your cock while it’s still dripping with my cum, Din?”
He huffs, nodding his head as he continues to lick and taste both of you combined. He’d love it if you sucked his cock again but your hand is good too. Tilting your hips up, he finds your clit and sucks it into his mouth.
“Fuck, Din,” you yell out as he sucks on your clit, “Maker- I could get used to this.” You squeeze his cock a little harder, changing the pace from fast to slow. Wiping your thumb across the tip and gathering up the pre-cum to taste on your fingers. He groans as you let him, bringing your fingers up to mouth and licking them clean before gripping his cock again. “Going to suck your cock again after this, you taste so good, baby.”
Din groans and sucks on your clit harder, pushing his tongue against it and releasing it to lick it and suck it back into his mouth to start the entire process over again. He could get used to this too. Eating your pussy every night and having you on his cock.
“Diiiiiiinnnnnn,” you moan, over and over as he works magic on your clit. You stroke his cock over and over as his hips stutter, “Gonna c-cum.”
He pulls away just to gasp out, “me too.” Before he’s reattaching his lips to your clit like a hungry sucker fish.
“Din, Din, Din,” you chant his name over and over like a sacred prayer, pumping his cock until he’s spurting out thick ropes of cum, cum that you’ve desperate to scoop up and lick from your fingers. You feel your pussy clench down around nothing as your orgasm pulses through you, soaking his face with your arousal as he continues his delicious assault on your bundle of nerves.
You stopped stroking his cock, too focused on your own pleasure but you squeeze him. Making him pulse as his balls draw up against his body again.
“Din,” you pant one last time, as he grunts beneath you. You feel his cock twitching in your hands, clearly desperate for more release, and you resume your strokes. Milking him free of his pleasure and loving the way it pants your skin. Your fingers, wrists and arms are covered in his cum. All of it begging to be licked clean.
Letting go of your clit, Din groans your name as you stroke his cock and milk it of every drop of his release.
The second he stops cumming, you gently let it go and start cleaning it from your skin. Moaning at the taste and humming in content as you swallow it all down. “You taste delicious, Din.”
His cock is still hard but he’s not desperate to be inside you. The fire in his veins nearly burned away and it will only take once more before it’s all done. “You taste good, Mesh’la.” He praises roughly. “Could taste you everyday and be a happy man.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you say with a giggle. “It’s wearing off, I think, it doesn’t burn as badly but I think I can go again. You wanna fuck my mouth or my pussy this time, baby?”
“Is your pussy too sore?” He asks, knowing he’s been rough with it.
“I can take you again, I’m definitely going to be feeling you for a while, but I'm not complaining.”
“Why don’t you ride me then?” He asks, stroking your hip. “You can kiss me this time.”
“Perfect,” you say, wasting no time and getting into position and sinking down on him again. You press your lips against his and start to rock your hips, the ache between your legs getting drowned out with pleasure as he matches your pace.
"Shit, shit, fuck,  you are so tight?" Din groans in surprise. "How are you still so tight? We've been fucking for hours." He doesn't stop touching you, anywhere and everywhere he can while you ride him, stroking your back, your hips, sweeping his hands up to your breasts. Greedy for that skin to skin contact now that he's not quite as focused on cumming. "Kiss me, mesh'la." He begs.
You immediately press your lips to his, and moan into his mouth. His hands feel perfect on you, they explore your body with ease as you rock up and down, chasing relief once more around his cock.
This time is less frantic. It’s slower and almost more intimate. It’s almost like you are making love.
“Need you to cum,” you murmur against his lips, exhaustion taking its toll on your fucked out body, as you rock your hips slowly. His thumb pressed up against your clit as you chase some friction
“I will.” He promises. “After you, Mesh’la.”
You move your hips just a little faster, still keeping the pace slow and intimate. His thumb circles your clit perfectly as you grind down on him, cunning with a soft moan of his name, clamping down around him and relishing the groans of pleasure he fills your ear with. “Cum for me, Din,” you plead, as you can come back down.
Now that he feels your entire body melt, he knows the pollen has worked completely out of your system. “Good girl.” He grunts, rocking his hips as he wraps his arms around you. “I’m gonna fill you up again.”
“Please,” you beg, needing to feel his release. “Please, Din.”
He doesn't rush, knowing that you have to be exhausted at this point. Only his ability to go beyond his limits allows him to keep rocking his hips up. As soon as he cums, he knows he will pass out to sleep for a good while. You are almost asleep as he fucks you.
You sink your face into the crook of his neck, unsure how you’re going to find the strength to pull yourself out of bed and make your way home. Rocking your hips more and more, his release clearly moments away, you ride him harder, determined to give him every bit of his pleasure.
"Fuck." He groans and thrusts up one more time to bury himself deep. Throbbing again and feeling your walls grip him tight when he starts to spill inside of you again. Groaning your name quietly as he fills you. Feeling the heat and need of the pollen falling away with the last pulse of his orgasm. 
“Din,” you murmured into his skin, “Tha-thank you.” Exhaustion rumbles in your joints, everything aches, but everything feels worth it when you’re wrapped up in his arms.
"Sleep, mesh'la." He hums, his hand sliding up and down your back gently. He's still inside you and doesn't want to pull out right now. He wants to sleep inside you. "I know you are exhausted."
You hum happily into the crook of his neck, letting him move you slightly and wrapping his arms around you. “Goodnight, Din.” 
Sleep comes easier than it has in months, safely pulling you into slumber as he gently rubs your back and holds you tight to him.
Sometime during the night, Din wakes up. opening his eyes and letting his vision adapt to the darkness. He's softened and is barely inside you but it was probably the most relaxed and the best sleep that he's ever had. Possibly in his entire life. Reaching up, Din gently unties the blindfold that is still firmly over your eyes. He's decided that he wants you to see him. Or have the choice if you wanted him to turn on the lights. Now he just holds you, waiting for you to wake up.
Waking up, you hum contentedly in his arms, nuzzling your nose into his warm skin. The fact he’d removed your blindfold not fully registered yet as you wish him a ‘good morning.’ It’s only as you pull back and the light hits your eyelids that you realize the blindfold is off. “Din,” you say quietly, “Is it ok to open my eyes?”
"Opening your eyes comes with consequences, mesh'la." He admits quietly. "I am not allowed to let anyone see my face. Or I become darmanda." He explains. "I would no longer be Mandalorian."
“What do you want me to do?” You ask, before pressing your lips against his, “Tell me.”
"There is a way that you can see me and I am still Mandalorian." He tells you, slightly nervous about what you would think. It's crazy, but he couldn't stop thinking about it when he woke up. 
“Tell me,” you repeat, “If you want to.”
"If you are my riduur....you can see my face without any consequences."
“Riduur?” You repeat slowly, “What is that?”
“Spouse.” He whispers the Basic word and waits for your reaction.
“Oh,” you say quietly, before bringing your hands up to his chin and gripping it gently. “Riduur,” you repeat, loving the way it sounds, “You could see me as yours one day?”
“You would be mine then.” He tells you. “If you want.”
“I want to be yours,” you say against his lips.
“Then open your eyes, Mesh’la.” He murmurs softly. “You can look at me before we say our vows.”
You kiss him first, pressing your lips firmly against his before pulling back and slowly opening your eyes. Staring deeply into his brown eyes and feeling a smile spread across your face as you take in his features. “Gorgeous,” you say quietly, before letting your fingertips gently run across his face.
His eyes softly and his lips part when your fingers drag across them. He’s been touched by Grogu but this is different. “Pleasant enough? Or should I put my helmet back on?” He jokes self-consciously.
“You’re perfect,” you say honestly, “I can’t believe you’d want me. You’re gorgeous.”
“You are mesh’la, it is Mando’a for beautiful.” He hums, smiling up at you.
“Mesh’la,” you repeat, “You are mesh’la, Din.”
Biting his lip, he says, “repeat after me. Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.”
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde,” you say as clearly as you can, eyes still focused on his as you do so.
Din grins. “It is our vows.” He explains. “It means - We are one when together, we are one when parted, we share all, we will raise warriors."
“We are one.” Taking his hand you bring it to your lips and place a small kiss on it. “Yesterday took an unexpected turn… But I’m so glad I picked that flower.”
He snorts and shakes his head. “Good thing I wasn’t secretly a Gungan under my helmet.” He teases.
You giggle back at him before pulling him in for another kiss, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk normally for the next few days, you realize that right?”
“That’s to be expected.” Din flashes you a dirty grin. “Make sure you tell them that when we go to Mandalore.”
“So every time you fuck me, I’m going to be feeling it for days?” You ask with a raised eyebrow.
“Not every time, but when you’re fucking to stay alive, I’ll make sure you feel it.” He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you and grinning up at you. “You can pick those flowers anytime you want….riduur.”
“I might just have to do that,” you giggle, “Thank you for saving my life, Din.”
“I think I’ve gotten a pretty good reward.” Din hums. He had settled here for Grogu and it was a nice little place, maybe a little lonely since he’s not so busy, but now he has a feeling he will never be lonely again. Not with you by his side.
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rinixo · 1 year
aquae vivae
Din Djarin/Reader | 4.1k | Rated E | afab reader, no y/n, PIV sex, Mand’alor Din Djarin, breeding kink, dom/sub undertones, mention of pregnancy, subtle sex pollen, wedding night, oral sex
Your wedding night as the new bride of the Mand'alor.
AU of the 'trying to sleep' series (non-linear oneshots featuring you, a university scholar from Naboo who is helping The Mandalorian seek out the Jedi). Can be read alone.
a/n: This follows the same general story as 'thrones and people and cities' but can technically be read alone.I tagged 'sex pollen' but it just barely fits that trope. Mainly just added it so folks who aren't into it can skip/you're aware of the inherent dubious consent of it - but there is nothing but 100%, enthusiastic consent from all parties here.
read on ao3
You pause at the edge of the pool, eyeing the dark depths. The sound of dripping water echoes through the caverns, the only sound apart from your thrumming heart.
The murmur of your name snaps your attention to the caped man halfway down the steps into the pool. Din is half-turned towards you, armored head to toe as usual, the end of his long, furred cape floating in the still water. The cape around your shoulders matches his, and you rub the soft fur with your fingers nervously.
Din reaches out a gloved hand. Stepping forward, you lay your own in it and let him lead you down into the water. You’re surprised - despite the dark chill of the cavern, the water is strangely warm. You wonder if it is fed by geothermal springs, deep below the crust of the planet, or if it is something deeper.
There’s magic in the sacred pools, Din had murmured into your hair one late night. He told you about how bathing in the waters had redeemed him, how it was the great catalyst leading to his eventual accession to the role of Mand’alor. Now, as you stand before him, hands grasped in his, you wonder if the tingling on your skin is from the magnitude of what was about to occur or something more. Something without a name.
When Din had explained to you what a Mandalorian wedding was like, you had been quite happy at knowing it was a simple sharing of vows. He had then suggested that the two of you journey into the depths below the city center, to where the caverns with the living waters were located. There, just the two of you, you would bind yourself not only to the man you loved but also become Mandalorian yourself. It was a big moment, and one you had put a lot of careful thought into.
“Are you ready?” Din asks quietly. Squeezing his hands, you smile softly.
Though you had memorized the vows before venturing into the caves, Din lead you through the words. You were grateful, not wanting to embarrass yourself by stumbling over the pronunciation.
“Mhi solus tome.”
We are one when together.
“Mhi solus dar’tome.”
We are one when apart.
“Mhi me'dinui an.
We share all.
“Mhi ba'juri verde.”
We will raise warriors.
Blinking at the late afternoon light, you followed Din up out of the caves, wet gown sticking around your legs. You were looking forward to changing out of your damp outfit and spending the rest of the evening with your new husband.
People buzzed around you the whole way back to your chambers, several of them wishing the two of you congratulations. You murmured shy thanks, the feeling of being the center of attention during what you felt was such an intimate time causing some of your innate timidness to come forward.
Din had explained to you that part of Mandalorian weddings included feasting and celebrating after the vows were shared. The families and clans of the couples were usually the extent of the guests, but with an apologetic smile, Din warned you that the feast to celebrate your union was likely to be much larger. He was quite beloved as a leader - as the first Mand’alor to resettle the planet since the Purge. The first royal wedding in decades, with the capital more populated than it had been in ages, was shaping up to be quite the affair.
The delegation from Naboo had also gotten involved. The ambassador, who had been so put off by your relationship at first, reveled in the chance to showcase Naboo. All week shipments of millaflowers and lanterns were arriving, along with cases of draping fabrics, mirrors, and jewel-toned crystal. He had even commissioned a gown for you to wear during the feast. Traditionally Naboo clothing was very structured, so you were thankful to see that the gown the ambassador had made for you was in the lake country style - lighter, made of lace and tulle, with a low, open back.
As you stepped into the gown, securing it at your shoulders and around your neck, you paused to look at yourself in the full-length mirror in the closet of your chambers. You had never worn something so lovely. Draped over a chair in the corner was your cape, now dry from its dip in the living waters. It was a symbol of your new status, and you mused at the fact that the gown complemented it quite well.
A knock at the closet door drew you out into the main part of your room. Din - your husband, you thought giddily - was standing there in his armor, sans helmet. You felt yourself flush at the way his eyes widened at your appearance, drinking you in.
“You look stunning,” he breathed, and you smiled at the compliment. You step forward and fuss with his armor - unnecessary, as it was spotless as usual - and looked up into his deep, kind eyes.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you remarked, leaning up to kiss the side of his mouth gently. You felt him smile and tilt his head to chase after your mouth, but you pulled away teasingly.
“Later,” you whispered. “We have a feast to attend, remember?”
Din grumbled, and you smiled placatingly. You’d be lying if you didn’t want to forget about the feast and spend the rest of the evening alone with your husband, but you knew if you didn’t show up for just a little while the ambassador would drag you there himself.
“I have something for you first,” Din pulled a small pouch out and turned it over. Something silver fell out into the palm of his gloved hand.
“A pendant?” You watched him hold it up, and saw that it was a delicate chain with a silver charm at the end in the stylized shape of some kind of creature, no bigger than one of your fingernails.
“I asked the armorer to make it,” he murmured. “It’s a Mudhorn, the symbol of my - our - clan.” He reached forward and clasped it around your neck, the weight of the pendant laying heavily on your breast. “It’s pure beskar, made from a piece of my armor.”
You looked down, touching it lightly. “It’s beautiful.”
Din merely smiled, leaning forward to place his forehead on yours, and you responded in a quiet moment of tranquility.
The feast was certainly one for the history books. The throne room made you gasp as you entered it, arm-in-arm with Din. The vaulted ceilings were lit with hundreds of beautifully crafted lanterns, mirrors, and crystals reflecting the shimmering flames around the massive space. The millaflowers and fabric draped every surface, the sweet scent of the blooms perfuming everything around you. You gave credit to those who had decorated - all of the decorations perfectly complimented the stark, structured Mandalorian architecture. It truly was a unification of your two cultures.
All around you guests came forward with well-wishes and gifts, which a never-ending retinue of assistants would take a place elsewhere. Grogu, who was also dressed up for the occasion, gurgled happily in his father’s arms at all of the attention. You, however, were starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.
Sensing your discomfort, Din lead you up to the raised dais in the front of the room, where the two of you sat side-by-side in lavish seats set in front of the throne. You reached for a goblet and downed a mouthful of sweet, flowery liquor. Din - who had put his helmet back on before the two of you joined the celebrations - tilted his head slightly in amusement.
“Feeling all right?” He asked, placing his hand on your thigh soothingly. You nodded, placing your drink down on the table and sighing deeply.
“Yes, I just needed some space,” you admitted. “It’s a lot to take in.”
“I know,” he answered. “Just a little while longer.”
Guests continued to stream up to the two of you, though now that you were seated and there was a decadent table between you and them you felt more at ease.
An elder Mandalorian approached your table with a crystal carafe filled with a deep red liquid. Setting it gently on the table, they intoned in heavy Mando’a.
“Wine,” Din translates, “Made in the ancient tradition from herbs and tinctures symbolizing prosperity and love. It’s a gift from those who remember the old ways and hope that our union brings forth a new age of growth for our people.”
“Thank you,” you express, taking the carafe. The elder bowed, before shuffling away to allow others to come forward.
The number of people coming up to you seemed to go on forever, and you poured yourself a generous glass of the special wine to help distract you and calm your nerves. It seemed to be working, the sweet yet tart liquid filling you with a familiar warmth and ease. You offered some to Din, who accepted a small taste by lifting his helmet enough for you to tip the goblet into his mouth.
After a while, you felt yourself relaxing into the plush furs of your chair, leaning against Din’s side. You played with Grogu’s ears as he tucked into the snacks laid out on the table, smiling fondly at the child and his voracious appetite.
“Does this mean I’m his mother now?” You wondered aloud and felt Din chuckle.
“I suppose,” he mused. “I’m his father, and you’re my wife, so that would make him our child.”
“Hmm,” you wiped a crumb from the side of the baby’s mouth, amused. “I always imagined my first child looking a little more like me.”
Din coughed, tensing slightly next to you. “Well,” he intoned lowly, leaning a little closer so that his words were only audible to you, “Perhaps the next one will.”
He placed his hand on your thigh again, the thin fabric shifting as he rubbed your skin. You felt warm from your head to your toes, with most of the heat pooling between your legs and where Din’s hand was placed. Throat suddenly dry, you lifted your drink and took another sip.
“C-can we go soon?” You lilted, wanting nothing more than to return to your rooms with Din alone.
“Soon,” Din promised, and you tensed your legs slightly to try to alleviate the ache growing between them. It was a familiar kind of ache, one that you had felt before, wine or no wine. However, there was something different about the way your body was reacting to the man next to you, and you weren’t sure how long you’d be able to take it before pouncing on him in front of everyone in attendance.
Thankfully it was not very long before Din gestured to a member of his staff and had them assist the two of you in making a smooth exit. He passed Grogu, now pleasantly drowsy, to one of his aides and then guided you back to your shared chambers.
When inside you kicked off your shoes, sighing at the relief of the cool floor under your feet. Din let go of your hand and locked the doors behind you, the sound of it engaging sending a throb of anticipation through your body.
You stepped towards your bed, which you had been sharing with Din for months before this. Something about its wide surface, covered in soft linen and furs, felt different this time. It was now your marriage bed.
The sound of Din removing his helmet, the seal disengaging, made you glance over to him. He placed it down gently and started with the rest of his armor. You stood there as if transfixed, watching as the man beneath the armor was slowly revealed. You always enjoyed being the audience to this ritual, and tonight was no exception. In fact, your body continued to warm, shivers of need going up your spine.
Din turns towards you, dressed down only to his most base inner layers. Realizing you were staring, your hands went to the clasp of your gown before he stops you with a low murmur.
“Allow me,” he husks, and you drop your hands to allow him to undress you himself. His fingers, surprisingly soft despite his rough past, dusted across your skin as the lace and tulle were unwound from your frame. At the same time, he began to back you up until the back of your legs hit the edge of the bed.
Pulling a pin from where your neck met your shoulder, your gown unraveled and fell softly around your legs. Din’s hands paused, his dark eyes drinking in the sight of you there, bare save for the beskar pendant around your neck.
“Beautiful,” he rasped, and you nearly moaned at the tone of his voice. It rolled over you, through you, like thick, rich honey and smoke. You could practically taste it. With a gentle push, Din laid you back onto the bed, standing over you with a hungry look in his eyes.
“I dreamed about this.” He kneeled on the bed, crawling up your body. “You, in my bed, wearing the symbol of my clan.” His head dipped to place a kiss to the center of your ribcage. “Bound to me.” You shivered again as his mouth trailed up to your collarbone, your neck, and across your jaw. Your hands, shaking with expectant thirst, snaked up his powerful arms to clutch at his shoulders.
You wanted to say so many things, all of the emotions that had built up catching on the tip of your tongue, but when you opened your mouth all that left you was a choked “please.”
Din’s mouth slotted over yours and you moaned deeply into it, body arching up to press against his firmer form. One of his hands came to your thigh, and you hitched it up around his waist, rolling your hips wantonly. Your hands ran under his linen shift, and you whined at the barrier between your skin and his.
With a groan, Din’s mouth released from yours just long enough for him to pull his shirt over his head and throw it to the side. He continued his exploration of your flesh, licking a slow stripe down your arched neck. You hissed as his teeth pulled at your skin, your nails scratching lightly across the skin of his upper back.
“Din,” you crooned, hand going to his head as he dipped down to tease the peak of one of your breasts with that wicked tongue. You cried out as he sucked roughly on your nipple, sensations of velvet and fire going straight to your swollen pussy. His mouth moved between the tips of your breasts, pinching and sucking and nipping at the flesh there until it was as swollen as your pussy felt.
He raised his head, eyes wild. He took in your body, writhing and panting, and thought you reminiscent of molten steel. You sought his gaze, pupils blown dark and wide with desire.
“What did I do to deserve you?” Din croaked, dipping his head down to nose the soft skin of your stomach. “Perfect creature…” he kissed his way down your lower abdomen. “I want to fill you up, sweet girl - do you want it too?”
You let out a wail as he licked a firm stripe up your leaking cunt. He lifted your legs to rest on his shoulders so that you were bent - your upper back laying against the bed, your hips angled up towards his mouth. You were wetter than you thought possible, your pussy swollen and flushed. Din sucked firmly on your clit, moaning at the way you keened and shook in his grasp.
Your hands thrashed, clutching desperately at the furs around you. Your thighs tensed, squeezing tightly against the sides of Din’s head as he brought you closer to the crest of your pleasure.
The feeling of his mouth leaving you made you groan in frustration as he dropped your lower body back to the bed. You opened your eyes, brow furrowed as you propped yourself up to stare at your smug husband.
He climbed over you again, shedding his pants. Your eyes were immediately drawn to the hard cock between his legs, flushed and bobbing, leaking clear droplets of pre-spend. You laid back, legs spreading so that he could settle between them firmly.
“Eager girl,” Din teased. “You that desperate to have me inside of you?”
“Din,” you groused, “If you don’t fuck me soon I think I’m going to die.”
He laughed, husked low in his chest as he pressed himself firmly to your swollen entrance. You laid your head back onto the bed, sighing in relief as he began to stretch your walls. It felt like he was splitting you right down the middle in the best way, and you arched your back to let him sink in further.
“Oh, fuck,” he rasped, leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. “You’re a jewel,” he breathed roughly, hips snapping forward until you wailed. “Taking my cock so well.”
You shifted your hips under him, angling yourself to take him as far in as your body would allow. He chuckled at your frustrated expression, arms braced on either side of your head. He bent forward to capture your lips in a messy kiss.
“My little wife,” he breathed over your lips. “Wants my cock so badly.”
“’S'good,” you slurred. “Big. Fuck me, please.” He answered you with a rock of his hips, hitting that spot inside of you that made you keen again.
“Tell me what you want, baby” he crooned against your mouth, hips slapping mercilessly against your pelvis. “Come on.”
“C-come in me,” you begged. Flashes of images - a little curly-haired baby at your breast, curled up against Din’s chest as he whispered to it lovingly, lowly - made your pussy clench around him. Your body ached for it in a way you had never experienced. You wanted him to get you pregnant, wanted to carry his child inside of you.
“Fucking - anything you want, sweet girl,” Din gasped. “Want me to fill you up “ he rides you hard, desperate for the way you cry with every punch at your guts. “You’re so good, baby, fuck-“
He continues to ramble, lost in how you’re tensing around him. “You’re gonna look so fucking beautiful, full of my child. You don’t know how badly I want it, so badly - I can practically see it -“
Emotion wells up in your chest, binding with the pleasure thrumming through you. You’re nearly there - fire rising from your toes and flooding down from your chest. Din dips his head to kiss your neck, and you start to tip over the edge. Your orgasm starts deep inside of your cunt, from where his swollen head is grinding up into your walls, and sparks down to where his pelvis rubs against your clit. Your vision goes white and you hear Din cry out as your desperate pussy wrenches from him his own release.
“T-take it,” he growls, hips snapping against yours, the head of his cock tight against the seal of your womb. You whine at the pressure of it, the feeling almost too good to bear. You shift your hips, pulling away before his head snaps up from your neck.
“No no no- take it,“ he groans, hand tight on your hip. You writhe under him, tears of pleasure pricking the corner of your eyes. His gaze on you burns, and you struggle to see him clearly through the fog of your ecstasy.
His pace remains steady, desperation clear in the way he rams his cock up into your cunt. “Your duty,” he gasps, leaning forward so that his chest nearly crushes you. “Do your duty and take my seed, bear my children.”
He holds you there as he pulses out the last of his release, breath leaving him in short pants through his nose. His teeth are gritted, brow furrowed, gaze locked to your eyes so that you can’t look away.
“D-Din,” you shudder, and his eyes soften. His grip on your hips loosens minutely, and he lets out a shaky breath.
“You did so well,” he praises you. “You’re so fucking good.”
You blink wetly, mind still focused on his cock and how it’s anchored inside of you, pinning you to the bed, plugging you securely. Din tilts his head at your determined expression, and when you roll your hips experimentally he sucks in air sharply.
“Feels good,” you mumble, drunk on the pleasure and the feeling of him still hard inside of you. Stars, how was he still so fucking hard? And why was your body telling you to make him come inside of you again?
Think about that later, you decide, hooking your legs around his waist and pushing him further up into you. He chokes again, head drooping to look at where the clutch of you holds him tightly inside.
“Fuck,” he moans. “You’re never going to know sleep without the feel of me leaking out of you.” He rolls his hips back before slamming back into you, your mouth opening in a satisfied groan. “Not until you’re fucked full of my child, sweet girl.”
“Yeah,” you agree, nodding feverishly. It’s all you can manage to say, everything in you focused on where his body enters yours, in and out, inandout-
The two of you spend the entire night and most of the early morning like that, tangled together, until your bodies are near to collapse from exhaustion. It’s Din who taps out first, placating your desire with soft kisses to your temple and strokes to your still-swollen cunt. It isn’t long before your eyes start to droop, sleep just on the edge of your consciousness as he teases you to one last, lazy orgasm. You all but pass out, head resting on his chest to the feeling of him stroking your hair lovingly.
You wake hours later, alone in bed. Your body aches sweetly, and as you start you rise you roll your neck and groan.
“Good morning,” a raspy voice greets you, and you turn to look at where Din leans up against a dresser. He sips from a steaming mug, brow raising in humor at your bedraggled appearance.
“G’morning,” you croak, throat dry. Din sets his mug down, trading it for a glass. He comes over to the bed, sitting next to you, and hands it to you. You take it, gulping down the cool water gratefully.
“What time is it?” You asked, licking your lips. When he tells you - mid-afternoon - you scoff. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
Din’s brow raises again, and he leans back against the headboard. “Thought you needed the rest,” he said, amusement in his tone. “Since you kept me up all night.”
You pouted, indignant and embarrassed. “Don’t pretend you didn’t like it,” you mumble, and he laughs.
“Quite the opposite,” he husks. “And as much as I’d like to take responsibility for your behavior, I had a feeling it was due to something else.” You tilted your head in confusion, sipping more of the water.
“The wine,” he explained, and you thought back to the previous night - somewhat difficult a task - and remembered the crystal carafe.
“Turns out they mean “new age of growth” more literally than I understood,” Din continues. “That wine is made from herbs that act as an aphrodisiac and increase fertility. You drank a lot more of it than I did, so it hit you harder than it did me.”
You choke on your water, some of it dribbling down your chin. Wiping it away, you set your glass to your side and cover your eyes, groaning. Din pulls you closer and you bury your face in his chest, burning with embarrassment at the situation - and the implication.
“Silly girl,” he croons, hand creeping down your side. You look up at him, another shy pout on your lips, and he tips your chin up to kiss you slowly, deeply. You sigh into it, shifting your leg to straddle his lap and feel him smile against your mouth. You shift down to where his cock sits, firm and proud, and grind your bareness against him until he groans.
“More? So soon?” He whispers darkly, and you nip at him cheekily. Pulling back, you look your husband in the eye, a mischievous glimmer in your gaze.
“Might as well make sure it works, right?” You tease lowly, and shriek in loving laughter as he throws you down and begins to devour you again.
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marisferasiop · 10 months
Eyooooooo at just under 25,300 words, Fuse Part 2 is about to hit my ao3.
I will post it on here in a week or so, or you can read it here now!
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sushiwriterhere · 1 year
breathe you in
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summary: "The only one of your senses that seems to be clear, that seems to be working, is touch. Every nerve ending in your body is on fire, amplifying every brush of his fingertips to a thousand."  rating: explicit (18+ mdni) pairing: the mandalorian x f!reader word count: ~4.7k (oops) warnings: sex pollen (dub-con), mando is not affected but reader is, dom(ish)!mando, fingering, spanking, nipple play, no use of y/n. please heed the warnings. notes: this is dedicated to the lovely, the talented, the amazing @tremendum ily!! tysm for encouraging my mando addiction + hope you enjoy :,) this is my first time writing mando so pls pls tell me what you think! my other works are here tagging: @joelscruff @joels6string @pedgeitopascalreads @magpie-to-the-morning @softlyspector @dindjarindiaries @tulipsbymybed @ezrasbirdie @anchoeritic tagging ppl whose Pedro work I love!!! Lmk if you’d like to be added/removed :)
You know you should say something to Mando when you start feeling the tips of your fingers tingle and the edges of your vision go shock white. It must’ve been a plant that grazed you or one of the patches of sunlight you stepped through, swimming with dust and pollen.
Leave it to you to get high on accident with Mando protected by his helmet, stalking through the undergrowth just a few feet in front of you. You can’t help but notice how broad he is, just how deftly he moves through the forest and clears a path for you and the Child to make it back to the Crest. God, the Child. Is he okay?
You whip your head down to look at him, somehow feeling guilty at the thought that he too, might have inhaled something or gotten injured. It’s your unofficial job, making sure that he’s safe (that and making sure the Crest doesn’t fall apart). But he’s tucked away inside the floating cradle, its little doors shut with him likely sleeping away soundly on the inside.
So it’s just you.
Your head swims slightly, but you keep your eyes fixed on the Mandalorian in front of you, hoping whatever it is that’s happening to you will at least hold off until you get back to the ship.
The pathway back for you is cleared by Mando stalking through the undergrowth, disregarding just how loud the fallen branches snap under his weight. You shuffle along and try to maintain composure as you feel your body temperature spike, and sweat start to bead along your hairline.
A relatively peaceful walk through a cool forest like this one shouldn’t be making your breath come as quick as it does. It shouldn’t be making you tremble like a leaf in the wind, your stomach cramp.
Time slips away from you when you get back to the ship. You think you might’ve muttered something about needing to use the ‘fresher but you’re not sure. All you can feel is the cramping in your lower abdomen, the way the hair on the back of your neck is plastered to you with sweat, and the way your mouth is somehow simultaneously flooded with spit and dryer than the desert, all at the same time.
When you stumble into the ‘fresher, the stale air feels like a momentary reprieve from how warm you are. You can feel your pulse hammering in your throat, and you’re sure you look like a crazed animal. What sets you off balance most, however, is the intense and burning need you feel, centered between your legs and spreading to the very tips of your fingers.
You barely get the door closed before you’re shoving your pants and underwear halfway down your thighs and slamming one palm into the wall so you can bite into your bicep to try and stifle your moans.
But it doesn’t alleviate what you’re feeling. In fact, it just makes your mind fixate on the Mandalorian even more. His broad shoulders, the thickness of his fingers always covered by those gloves, his strong thighs and waist that you know would be behind all the power of him thrusting into you.
You let yourself indulge in that fantasy, easily slipping your fingers into yourself. Your wrist tweaks at the angle, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
That’s how he finds you, three fingers buried in your weeping cunt, standard issue pants just barely shoved down the middle of your thighs, palm braced against the wall. You hadn’t even turned the shower on.
He calls your name from outside the door, “Are you alright?”
You fight the keen high in your throat at the sound of his voice, the cramping worsening as if in response to the thought of him. Fighting the shake in your voice you try to respond, but instead let out a small wail.
“I’m coming in.” Mando’s voice is authoritative, clear in his intentions. He thinks you’re hurt.
“Mando, wait— ” But before you can finish your sentence, the door is opening.
You know how you look, sweat along your forehead and plastering your hair to your neck, arousal dripping down your wrist steadily, body trembling. Mando doesn’t move from where his body is halfway through the doorway slightly tilted forward, hand clutching the frame, gloves stretching against the tension of his grasp.
Before he can say anything, an explanation starts tumbling out of your mouth—as if you were the one to catch him three fingers deep in himself. “I think I inhaled something while we were out and I know you’re always telling me to be more careful, and I checked that the kid wasn’t harmed he’s okay, but Mando I don’t know what’s wrong with me—!”
You cut yourself off with a gasp and you can feel the tears streaming freely down your face, but the next words you don’t mean to say, “Mando, please help, please. I need—I want you.”
This isn’t how you wanted this to come to light. You wanted it to be something natural, the sort of thing you heard in stories of love truer than the galaxy itself. Sometimes, you thought it might be happening in the way he’d relaxed around you, indulged your pleas to leave the Crest and shop at a street market. Maybe it was your imagination, but you thought he might be staring at you as you dozed off in the co-pilot's chair, feeling his gaze as it watched you through your reflection on the windshield.
At your begging, he moves. Instead of pouncing on you or slamming the door shut, he quietly walks over to you, pulls your hand away from your pussy that hasn’t stopped absolutely drenching your thighs, and scoops you into his arms. You scramble to clutch at his chest, beskar making for a lousy grip against your soaked hand. You’re confused and overwhelmed but the pain subsides, ever so slightly.
Closing your eyes tightly to preemptively fight vertigo, you feel him moving through the body of the Crest til you reach his quarters. He rarely ever sleeps there, that you know. But now, he moves to open the door, the slight hiss as it opens and shuts signaling that you’re inside.
Inside the room is pitch black and the air is stale, but ice cold. Like when you entered the ‘fresher, it brings momentary relief against what feels like a thousand degree fever burning you up.
You can’t understand if he’s rejecting you, if he’s moving you here so he doesn’t have to witness this. You start to spiral slightly and try to cling to him as if that might change what’s about to happen.
As he lays you on the bed, you whimper and grasp at his shoulders, until his voice is the one that breaks the moment, “I’ll take care of you, mesh’la, I’m not going anywhere.”
You almost weep with relief as he begins undressing you, pulling your pants and underwear, both embarrassingly soaked, off you. He doesn’t take off your tunic, apparently going for efficiency. You keep your hands tangled in the sheets, afraid that if you touch him he might change his mind.
What you don’t realize in your haze as he spreads your legs and removes his gloves, is that he can see everything through his helmet. He can see the way that your tunic sticks to every curve of your breasts, your nipples hard and your chest heaving with arousal. He can see the way that your cunt glistens with slick, your clit swollen, your hole pulsing and clenching around nothing in desperate need.
Whatever you inhaled is clouding all of your senses. You can’t seem to get enough air into your lungs so your mouth hangs open, panting. All you can smell is Mando–that combination of polishing oil he applies to his armor, sweat, and something distinctly him that he always carries. There’s a buzzing in your ears that only breaks when he speaks or exhales loud enough for the modulator to catch it. You can’t see for shit, the room completely dark and beyond that, your eyes are shut tightly trying to regain some semblance of composure.
You jolt at the first graze of his fingers against your thighs, barely registering the fact that his bare skin is touching yours. His hands are strong and calloused, gripping you tightly and forcing your knees apart. Your hips buck weakly and a whimper escapes your lips.
The only one of your senses that seems to be clear, that seems to be working, is touch. Every nerve ending in your body is on fire, amplifying every brush of his fingertips to a thousand. He moved his hands over your hips, your stomach, and back down to your pussy.
When he finally lets his fingers dip into your cunt, you try and jam your legs shut from how overwhelming it is. He shushes you gently and makes sure to prop you open with his knees and a firm hand on one of your thighs.
His pointer finger pushes through your curls, ghosts over your lips, barely dipping into you. He circles your clit, avoiding the bundle of nerves, seemingly focused on spreading your wetness over your cunt. As if that was necessary—you feel like you’ve been aroused for hours, potentially wet from your pussy down to your knees.
Your first orgasm is a weak, pathetic thing. You almost miss it when the tip of Mando’s finger just barely enters you, far thicker than one of your own. It hardly does anything to break the fog in your mind. In fact, it only serves to make your more aroused as you clench desperately down on his fingertip and thrash feebly in his hold.
A sharp exhale echoes loudly around the room, crackling and odd through his helmet. He lets his fingers pet your weeping cunt and in the dark he lifts and spreads his fingers to watch your cum hang sticky in between them.
“Mando,” Your chest is heaving from the effort of trying to gasp out a coherent thought, “Please, I need more.”
He shushes you again, and tells you sternly, “Be patient, sweet thing.”
But you can’t be patient. Your first orgasm has only intensified the cramping in your abdomen that’s begging to be soothed by his cock filling you.
When he finally pushes a finger into you, you wail and moan. He’s still holding you down so you can’t escape the way he crooks his finger inside of you, petting at your walls in a way that makes your mind spin more than it already is. Another finger and you can’t seem to figure out why you’re fighting him, your hands finally moving to grasp helplessly at his beskar-clad thighs as he twists his wrist and makes a come-hither motion with the fingers he has buried in you.
He works his fingers in and out of you at a relentless pace. At one point he seems to tire of the way you won’t stop thrashing in his hold despite him propping you open, and so he grabs both your wrists in his free hand, pinning them above your head and your body down with the line of his.
“Hold still,” He commands softly.
Maybe if you were more lucid you would have noticed the shift in his demeanor as he lets himself settle into taking your pleasure for his. It’s no less doting, no less sweet, but it has a biting edge not unlike the way a burst of sour fruit brings both the bite of acid and the satisfaction of something almost saccharine. Nevertheless, he seems to know what you need better than you do.
The weight of his body soothes the ache in you, allowing the haze to clear just slightly. At that, you force yourself to hold still, force yourself to simply take the way his fingers make you feel. His shoulders blanket yours easily, and his thighs are strong and powerful in between yours.
Your second orgasm is only marginally stronger than your first, still failing to break the spell of your intoxication. He can feel the way you spasm around his fingers, the way your wetness wets the wrist of his flight suit in a way that makes him pull out, lift his helmet just slightly, and press the digits into his mouth.
You hate the immediate emptiness you feel. You clench fruitlessly around nothing and try to breathe out a plea that’s almost crushed out of you by his weight. Your mind floats aimlessly as you try to focus on regaining your breath, two orgasms normally more than enough to satiate you when its your own hand, but not even close to enough in this moment.
His frustration is palpable as you continue to whine and beg, but he reminds himself that you’re so strung out on whatever is in your system that you can’t help it. You’ll get all you need in time.
“Mando, please,” You can’t seem to understand why he won’t heed your pleas, why he’s still holding out on you.
Except, he isn’t, not really. Especially when he makes quick work of flipping you into his lap and settling you against him as he’s propped up against the wall. Especially when he has you on your knees spread over his thighs, his cock hard against your back and your wrists still pinned together but this time behind your back.
“Patience,” He urges as he pulls his cock out of his flight suit with his free hand.
He coats himself in the combination of your arousal and his spit, the combination doing something deadly to how badly he wants you. You’re still half delirious, unsure of how this will end.
When he finally, finally, lets you sink onto his length, you think that might finally be what breaks the spell. You can feel just how heavy and thick he sits inside you as he slowly nudges you down. He seems to last forever, but also just long enough at the same time. The head nudges at some spot deeper inside you than you can ever manage to pet with your own fingers.
You can feel yourself clenching around him, trying to adjust to his girth. More than anything, you want him to move. You want him to fuck you so hard it steals your breath, so the pain and burning desire finally fades.
But he doesn’t move. He doesn’t move to prop his feet up on the mattress so he can thrust up into your tight heat. Instead he keeps your hands pinned between your back and his chest so both his hands are free to work up your top. You spasm around his cock and you’re sure you’re staining the crotch of his pants where he’s still wearing them.
“If you’re a good girl, if come like this, I’ll give it to you the way you want it, I’ll fuck you deep with my cock,” He almost croons. The helmet has always distorted what you imagine to be the true tenor of his voice, all lovely and smooth and chocolate rich.
You’re not sure what he means, “like this”, until his fingertips brush over your nipples, until his hands grasp your tits in a firm grip. You jerk in his hold involuntarily, but one of his forearms is already pressed against your ribs as if anticipating your inability to hold still the way he wants you to.
As he continues to play with your nipples, you almost want to tell him that you can’t, not like this. That you’ve tried before and it never got you there, that you just can’t. But the words escape you, and all you can do is try to breathe through the onslaught of sensations. Every exhale comes out a desperate, debased whine.
He pets over your nipples, twists them, even tweaks them in a way that makes your heart skip a beat. It borders on painful as he keeps you pinned to him, not letting you move even a centimeter away from the pads of his fingers. There’s no discernable pattern, as if he’s experimenting with what draws out the most whimpers, what makes you twitch most.
A particularly rough pinch draws a groan from you and one of his hands smooths down your stomach. The way he circles his fingers around where your hole is stretched open around the base of his cock is filthy. The way the tips of fingers prod at the edges of you around him, as if testing if there’s still room for something beyond the sheer girth of him makes your chest heave with the promise of more.
Finally, he touches your clit and rocks his hips up ever so slightly. You gasp wetly as your third orgasm washes through you. Your cunt squeezes him tighter than he ever thought possible and he has to steel himself against the feeling that tugs at his gut at the sound of you panting and the way you respond to the slight shifting of his hips with a weak attempt at riding him. Cumming on his cock brings you light relief, but to your dismay it still isn’t enough.
“You still with me?” Now his hands are petting your sides, and his hips are still.
You respond to a question he didn’t ask, “Need more, Mando,” You whimper.
When he lifts you off his cock, it takes the little lucidity you have not to wail in protest. He manhandles you face down, hips up in between his spread legs. He moves too, settling on his knees behind you, cock level with your cunt but he doesn’t press into you.
The position change allows you to relax a bit, but now you’re more empty, you think, than when you started. You start to whine, to protest, before he pushes into you again. Until you realize that he doesn’t keep going, his hips don’t meet yours. You try and wiggle backwards, take a mile where he gives you an inch, but the grip on your hips is firm.
Stuttering slightly, you try and beg for more, “I-I thought you said if I was good, you’d fuck me the way I want.”
He doesn’t budge, instead one of his hands comes between your legs to stroke your clit in a way that makes your thighs tremble.
“You were good,” He hums, “But give me just one more.”
You lurch forward on the bed when his free hand comes down on your ass with a crack. A broken moan leaves you and you realize you’re begging for him to do it again. He ignores you momentarily, choosing instead to smooth his hand over the heat of your skin where he just spanked you.
The sting of his palm on your other cheek stands in stark relief in comparison to the way he keeps drawing lazy circles around and over your clit.
Despite the way you can feel the way the haze, whatever the source, has begun to leave your system, it still clings to you. It amplifies the way his fingers feel on your clit just enough for you to cum again, squeezing the head of his cock. It’s a dizzying contrast, the way you’re split open on just the beginning of his length, the rest of you clenching on nothing.
He rocks you on him just barely, just enough to draw out your pleasure into the biting overstimulation that comes with four orgasms. Distantly it occurs to you he must be enjoying this somehow, the head of his cock just barely in you as your walls flutter in desperation and arousal, his hands holding your hips so hard you know you’ll bruise. The pain of his fingertips is almost soothing.
You beg for mercy as best you can–beg for him to fuck you properly, you promise anything you think might get him to fill you again: cumming on his cock as many times as he wants; swallowing him down til you can’t breathe and tears streak your face.
“You said–,” You hiccup through what you realize are light sobs of neediness, “You said you would f-fuck me if I gave you one more.”
Instead of replying, he pulls out and lays you on your back. Then, he hitches your thighs up and presses you in half with your ankles at your shoulders. His cock slides wet and hot against your cunt, still soaking from all your previous orgasms mixed with the copious amounts of precum that have leaked from him. He kneads at your ass and thighs like a lothcat with one hand while again holding your wrists above your head with the other.
When he finally slides into you, it knocks all the remaining breath out of your lungs. You don’t fight his hold any more, all your strength sapped and simply willing to take what he gives you. Your head lolls to the side, mouthing at what skin you can reach where he’s pushed his flight suit up over his elbows.
When he finally fucks you, it’s unhurried but each stroke is deep and powerful. You can hear the way his grunts come through the modulator of his helmet and distantly, just barely, it registers in your fucked out mind that he’s muttering absolute filth to you.
“The sweetest cunt I’ve ever had, ever tasted. Maker I can’t believe this is what it took for you to let me take care of you, sweet thing. Always talking back, always trying to prove you know what’s best, even when I’m making you cum. Not so loud-mouthed now, are you?”
The words make your head spin and you can’t decide if you want him to stop since they’re driving you quickly over the edge again or if you want him to keep going, to keep confessing his deep seated desires to you. He makes the decision for you as he lifts the lip of his helmet over his mouth.
“Want you to hear my voice when I tell you how badly I’ve wanted to have you like this. How badly I’ve wanted to have you in my bed. I can hear you through the walls you know, touching yourself and moaning my name, even when you think you’re being quiet. You dirty little thing, you’re so good to me.”
Your fifth orgasm feels like a supernova as he continues to fuck you deeply. It starts in your pussy and spreads to the tips of your fingers, leaving you gasping for air and crying out his name in repeat.
“There you go,” He says, “Cum on my cock like a good girl. You’re doing so well. Maker, you’re so fucking tight.”
That orgasm isn’t what breaks the fog in your mind. It’s him.
You can feel how close he’s getting and you decide, preemptively, to beg again, “Come inside me, please, Mando, please, I need it.”
He groans brokenly as he finishes inside you and the warmth of his come finally clears your mind. You clench rhythmically around him, hoping to milk him for everything he’ll give you. The motion of his hips doesn’t stop, the coarse hair at the base of his cock grinding against your clit sending skittering sparks throughout your body.
When his hips finally stop rocking against yours, it’s finally quiet in the room again. Your body finally feels like it’s your own again, and you can sense the ache in your hips from the way he’s got you pressed in half, the light sting on your ass from where his hands came down hard.
Lifting himself from you with a groan, you hate the way you feel empty, like something is missing, when his softening cock slips from you. You briefly consider begging him to stay with you like that, but your mind whispers, another time.
Instead, you let him stand and shuffle about in the darkness, clearly tucking himself back into his pants. He shucks off your tunic; it makes a heavy sound as it hits the ground somewhere next to the bed. You let him lift your limp, exhausted but finally satiated body, and carry you back to the ‘fresher. You never turned the light off.
Mando turns a small jet of water on and washes you with steady hands between your legs, soapy hands running over your breasts, your shoulders, and your thighs. You try to say thank you, try to ask him if this will change things, but you’re too exhausted to form words. He shines under the artificial lights.
He wraps you in a towel and places you gently into his cot that barely has room for two. It’s then that you realize that since this ordeal started, since he picked you up like you weighed nothing more than a single ration pack, that he hasn’t stopped touching you.
Not when he had his way with you, not when you begged for more, not when he coaxed one more orgasm from you. He kept some part of him in contact with your skin so you knew he was there the entire time. His hands never left you in the ‘fresher as you did your best not to shake like a leaf.
You protest weakly as he goes to leave and the lack of physical contact registers in your exhausted mind. It’s the first thing that’s come to you clearly since you inhaled that substance in the forest.
He strokes your hair and gently murmurs, “Let me change. I’ll be quick, I promise.”
You want him to stay, to abandon fresh clothes and stay there with you. But you don’t have the ability to voice it. Instead, you let yourself sink into the cot and breathe in the scent of him in the sheets and in the pillow next to your head.
He returns within a few moments, helmet still on but this time stripped of his body armor and apparently in a new flight suit. When he shuffles you over to make room for himself, you exhale deeply in relief.
Next to you, he’s heavy and warm. He pulls you impossibly close to him, your head tucked into his chest and your legs tangled together.
He speaks first, “Are you alright?”
Part of you wants to pretend to already be asleep, but you’re sure if you don’t confront this now, you’ll never do it.
“I think so.” A beat passes. “I’m sorry.”
With his hand ever so gently under your chin, he tilts your head up so you’re making eye contact with the helmet. Even though you can’t see his eyes you’re sure you’re staring into them. You wonder what color they are.
“No reason to be sorry, you needed my help. I wasn’t too rough, was I?” You think he sounds unsure of himself, that maybe he thinks he got too caught in the moment.
You stroke your fingers across the helmet where you imagine his cheekbone might be, “No. It was exactly what I needed. I’m just sorry that you had to find me and feel responsible, I never wanted—“
He stops you by pulling you into his chest, muffling the rest of the sentence. You think you hear the hiss of his helmet release but you’re not sure till you feel his lips on the crown of your head. You hold your breath.
With his lips pressed into your hair, he murmurs softly, “You have never made me take on a burden I didn’t ask or want to take on. You take care of the Crest, of the Child, you have to let me do the same for you.”
The helmet hisses shut again when he tilts your head up to face him. One un-gloved finger strokes over your facial features, so gentle and tender in comparison to the way you know he’s capable of violence. You’re silent and you let your eyes slide shut, the exhaustion overtaking you.
And that’s how you fall asleep: in the arms of the Mandalorian, content and with a glimmer of something new to come tomorrow.
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uselesssomebody · 8 months
𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 (18+)
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the do's (rules & information):
readers must be over 18 reading these drabbles
all works will be under or roughly a thousand words
thirty-one days of smut drabbles
ten days are open to requests for the kinks
ten days will include dark content (will be properly tagged)
five will include a dominant reader
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the don'ts (what i am not interested in writing):
i only write fem!readers, with all involved characters being over 18
the kinks i'd appreciate you don't request are anything to do with anal penetration, bodily fluids (besides blood and cum), and certain dom/sub dynamics like age play or ddlg
otherwise, ask away, and i'll see if i'm comfortable writing your request!
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the kinks and the characters
october 1: shower sex w/ frankie morales
october 2: ball worship (dom!reader) w/ eddie munson
october 3: sex pollen (dark) w/ din djarin
october 4: consensual non-consent (dark) w/ miguel o'hara
october 5: threesome (ffm) w/ marc spector & layla el-faouly
october 6: requested kink & character
october 7: breeding kink (dark) w/ duke leto
october 8: somnophilia (dark) w/ eddie munson
october 9: mutual masturbation (dom!reader) w/ steven grant
october 10: threesome (mmf) + double penetration (in one hole) w/ frankie morales and santiago garcia
october 11: titfucking w/ javier peña
october 12: requested kink & character
october 13: exhibitionism w/ poe dameron
october 14: dacryphilia (dark) w/ joel miller
october 15: temperature play (dom!reader) w/ din djarin
october 16: phone sex w/ jack daniels
october 17: corruption kink (dark) w/ dio morrissey
october 18: requested kink & character
october 19: edging (dark!dom!reader) w/ basil stitt
october 20: recording/blackmail (dark) w/ jonathan levy
october 21: mask + glove kink w/ jake lockley
october 22: hate + mirror sex w/ javier peña
october 23: cockwarming (dom!reader) w/ steven grant
october 24: requested kink & character
october 25: overstimulation w/ jake lockley
october 26: size difference w/ miguel o'hara
october 27: knife kink (dark) w/ bucky barnes
october 28: free use (dark) w/ joel miller
october 29: sex toys w/ natasha romanoff
october 30: requested kink & character
october 31: period sex/blood kink w/ santiago garcia
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the characters (you guys can request)
from stranger things, i write for eddie munson, robin buckley, billy hargrove or steve harrington
from marvel, i write for bucky barnes, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, jake lockley, marc spector, steven grant, layla el-faouly and miguel o'hara
from star wars, i write for poe dameron, or din djarin (the mandalorian)
from triple frontier, i write for frankie morales and santiago garcia
miscellaneous oscar isaac characters i write for include basil stitt, jonathan levy, duke leto, kane and orestes (agora)
miscellaneous pedro pascal characters i write for include joel miller, javier peña, jack daniels (agent whiskey), dio morrissey
if you want to request another character, don't hesitate! i will see what i can do.
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guys i know i haven't written in like 1200 months but i wanna get back into the mood with the short smutty stuff
besides, i've never done kinktober and every other one i've seen bangs so hard i simply couldn't resist
side note - dark fics will be only available on my adjacent dark blog: @darkuselesssomebody, but will be linked on this masterlist. if you wanna read the dark drabbles and future dark work, give it a follow!
i am also willing to take non-kinky & halloween themed requests, so if you have any, let me know!
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daisies-daydreams · 3 months
Hey, love!
I am here to request a sex pollen story with our lovely Jango Fett! I would love some build-up to the actual act? Maybe like a job gone sideways or maybe a short stop on a planet leads to a situation or maybe whatever you come up with!
Well, whatever you decide it will be good!
Much love,
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A Small Favor (Jango Fett x F!Reader)
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader Category: Smut (with a hint of angst) Warnings: Depictions Blood/Wounds, Aphrodisiacs/Sex Pollen, Consensual Sex, Unprotected P in V Sex (You Know the Drill), Dirty Talk, Nipple Play, Squirting, Cowgirl Position, Missionary Position, Multiple Creampies, Multiple Orgasms, Swearing, Mentions of Infertility Word Count: 4.1k+ A/N: Hello dear! Thank you so much for your fun request (we both know I'm a sucker for sex pollen fics lol). Also Lucas allegedly said that underwear doesn't exist in space, so I had to...improvise. :| I hope you enjoy!
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This was not how today was supposed to go.
What started as a mission you had been planning with another bounty hunter for weeks has turned into a complete disaster. A streak of lightning cracked over the lush Onderonian jungle as you and your partner, Jango Fett, quietly listened for the gut-wrenching hiss of the pack of Gutkurrs that were stalking you. You tried to steady your breathing as your heart pounded in your ears, the sound of heavy rain and rumbling thunder doing little to assist you in keeping a sharp ear.
Jango grunted as he tensed beside you; the prominent, red gash in his calf making you frown. You bit the inside of your cheek as you kept his arm over your shoulder.
"Come on, Fett. We only have a bit more to go," you tried to quietly reassure him. Your eyes widened when you heard the sound of plants rustling around you as one of the Gutkurrs release a bellowing roar that echoed through the dense, dark forest. You glanced over at the rugged Mandalorian as he wheezed.
“Har’chaak,” the bounty hunter cursed beneath his drenched helmet [damn it]. You remained as quiet as possible as the sound of shuffling grew closer. You shoved the both of you as much as you could beneath the ledge as the carnivores sniffed the air. You felt your heart drop into your stomach as a bright bolt of lightning illuminated their spiny shadows across the landscape in front of you. You leaned against Jango's helmet when a loud crack of thunder rolled over the forest.
"Are you sure your jetpack is damaged?" you asked. You remained quiet as the thunder dissipated, the clicking of the Gutkurr's claws soon replacing the rancorous sound. Jango slowly nodded his head. You sighed as your heart raced even faster when you saw a few streams of mud cascade over the edge above you. You held your gloved hand over your mouth, your body stiff as the insect-like creatures rumbled lowly.
Your eyes darted around the forest as lighting illuminated the lush greenery. Your eyes landed on the familiar glint of Slave I's energy-shield shining past a thick patch of magenta flowers. A tiny pulse of hope shot through your heart as an idea popped into your head.
"Jango," you whispered loudly. The man grunted while the beasts above you skittered about, dragging their sharp, raptorial legs along the muddy ground with impatience. You pulled a flare from your pack, your eyes shining with anticipation as your breathing grew ragged. The other bounty hunter simply gave a short nod, steadying himself against you as you prepared the flare.
You took a deep breath before you ever so slightly stuck your arm out from beneath the edge. The beasts roared and hissed as a streak of red light flashed across the sky, their footsteps rumbling against the soggy ground as the two of you dashed in the opposite direction. You squinted your eyes as you rushed through the patch of magenta flora resting beneath the thick midstory of the jungle.
Your eyes widened when a cloud of yellow dust unexpectedly sprayed in your face. You felt like someone just punched you in the stomach as you nearly doubled over, Jango slipping away from your grasp before you quickly caught him in your arms. He grunted as if he were trying to suppress a cough while his body tensed in your grasp.
You whipped your head up when a lone Gutkurr suddenly rumbled nearby, the reds of its eyes glowing in the light of the storm.
"Run!" you screamed as you tried to steady him against your side. Jango hobbled alongside you as you desperately ran towards the ship sitting in the thick field before you. Your heart raced as the creature's footsteps grew louder as it dragged it's long raptorial legs along the ground. You nearly slipped on a slick patch of mud before Jango grabbed and threw you forward. The two of you panted as he opened the hatch to his ship with the gauntlet on his wrist. Your lungs burned as you wrapped your hand around his wrist and stomped through the tall grass.
Your heart dropped when the Gutkurr roared menacingly as it launched itself forward and opened its wide, dark maw. Time slowed to a stop as you braced yourself to be bitten in half by its razor-sharp teeth...only to open your eyes when you heard the loud sound of a blaster echo through the field. You gasped when the beast fell in front of you with a pitiful groan, Jango heaving as his hand clumsily fell back to his side. You snapped your head up when you heard the rest of the pack roar nearby.
"Hurry!" you whispered loudly as you helped Jango into the hangar. Your heart nearly stopped when you saw a collection of red eyes glint on the outskirts of the field as the door slowly began to close. You pounded your hand against the button inside, praying it would make it go faster as the carnivores rushed towards Slave I.
You flinched and nearly stumbled back when the door finally locked shut just as the creatures surrounded the attack craft. Your chset rose and fell as you ran a hand through your hair, your mind still racing as your heart pounded wildly. You gasped and braced yourself against the wall as the ship began to rock back and forth, the muffled hissing of the Gutkurrs sending a shiver down your spine.
Your eyebrows shot up when the lights suddenly went out, leaving you and Jango in dim lighting as a menacing red glowed through the hangar. The other bounty hunter clenched his fists.
"Dank-" You flinched when the ship shook violently, followed by the frustrated grunts and shrieking of the insect-like carnivores. Jango grunted as he leaned against the wall, the gash in his leg now gushing with blood as he heaved.
You rushed to his side as the emergency lights of his ship flickered each time one of the Gutkurr's slammed their armored bodies against the sides of Slave I. Jango tensed as you gently laid a hand on his lower back, your eyes glowing with softness as you parted your lips.
"Where's the medkit?" you asked, your chest quickly rising and falling as adrenaline coursed through your veins. Jango's shoulders slumped as he tilted his head towards the far left side of the hangar. Your heart pounded in your ears as the ship continued to shake. You frowned as you guided your partner over to an empty seat, his grunts doing little to ease your troubled mind. A trail of blood followed his injured leg as you sat him down as gently as you could.
You furrowed your brows when you laid eyes on his ripped pants, your cheeks glowing with heat as the room grew stuffy in a matter of seconds. You flicked your eyes back up to the emotionless visor of his helmet as you swallowed thickly.
"Okay, um..." your voice trailed off as you got on your knees, your hands hesitantly sliding up to Jango's belt before he grabbed your wrists.
"What do you think you're doing?" the rasped, his breathing ragged as he balled his hands around your wrists. You nervously glanced up at his face as you squeezed your thighs together; the unbearable tension inside you only growing stronger as he touched you.
"I-I need to take off your pants to treat your wound," you said with a shaky voice as goosebumps broke out across your body. You winced as the ship shook again, the lights flickering violently as the creatures dragged their limbs and scrambled alongside the sides of his ship. You tried to take a deep breath as Jango slumped in his seat.
"Fine," he huffed and clumsily unbuckled his belt. Oh, Maker. Your throat grew tight as images of him slamming his cock deep inside your dripping, needy cunt flooded your mind. You shook your head and sucked in a sharp breath as you helped him out of his pants, the fabric falling to the floor and revealing a thin, dark one-piece clinging to his tan skin. You quickly shifted your gaze when your eyes lingered on the outline of his cock straining against his thin body suit.
"Uh...alright," you blinked several times as you desperately tried to suppress the urge to climb onto his lap and ride him until he-
"Just take them off...whatever it takes to patch me up," Jango breathed as he leaned back in the chair and yanked off his helmet. Your eyes widened as you gazed upon his rugged, scarred face. His thick, dark hair clung to his head as he sighed heavily.
You bit your lip as the fabric of your clothes rubbed against your sensitive nipples and slick folds as you adjusted yourself in front of him. Sounds of clanging Beskar plates and shifting fabric echoed inside the hangar as the noises outside began to grow faint. You swallowed the thick lump in your throat as your mind grew hazy at the sight of his thick, heavy cock springing free from the confines of his black one-piece. Your mouth watered as it slapped against the dip of his abs, a large pearl of precum smearing across his sweat-coated skin as he sucked in a sharp breath and shifted in his seat.
You were pulled back to reality when you heard him grunt with pain (or what you assumed to be pain...) and tense in the chair.
"Right!" you said with a strained voice as you rushed over to the medkit hanging on the wall. Your chest grew tight as a heavy wave of arousal suddenly washed over you, the space between your legs growing unbearably hot as you caught your breath.
You shook your head violently before rushing back over, your body shivering with arousal as you threw the kit opened and grabbed a large, clean gauze. Jango hissed and clawed his fingers against the arms of his seat as you wrapped your hands around his gash, putting as much pressure as you could onto the deep wound.
Your walls pulsed when you saw his cock twitch in front of your face, the large vein on the underside of his thick shaft making you wonder what it would feel like if-
"I think you can start cleaning it out now," Jango rasped with a shallow breath. You blinked and looked down at your hands, the bleeding having already slowed down enough for you to start sterilizing the gash. You swallowed and gave him a short nod before taking off your gloves. You felt him slightly shiver while you gently cleaned the wound, as if every lingering touch of your fingers made him sink further into a trance. The bubbling heat inside your core only intensified as you watched the thick bead of precum leak from his slit and down his shaft.
You feared Jango judging you for staring so much...only to see him tilting his head back as he breathed in short, shallow pants. Everything around you seemed to fade away as your core ached with a primal desire - you even nearly missed as you used the field cauterizer to close his gaping wound. Your vision grew blurry as you clumsily put the medical supplies away and sterilized your hands...only to feet Jango's warm palms slide over your shoulders.
"Wait..." he swallowed thickly as a deep red hue filled his sharp cheeks. Your eyes trailed down his rugged chest and lean stomach before landing on his girthy length again. It stood up straight and twitched beneath your hungry gaze as he ever so slightly shifted his hips forward. You whined as he tightened his grip around your shoulders, his dark pupils blown wide as he breathed heavily.
"I need...I need you," he muttered lowly. A bolt of pleasure struck through your core as your eyes widened. You gasped when he pulled you onto his lap, your thighs draped over his as he gripped your waist. You mewled as your breasts rubbed against his chest, your clothed pussy hovering over his weeping cock as he bared his teeth over your pulse.
"I don't know what's come over me...but I just...I need you," his voice dropped several octaves as he growled against your neck. You moaned and arched your back as he slipped his fingers beneath the band of your soaked, muddied pants. You felt him clench his jaw against your cheek as he struggled to contain himself. You gulped and parted your lips.
"Jango...I need you to-" that was enough for him to literally rip your pants off of your legs. Your jaw dropped as your clothes fell into tatters onto the dimly lit floor before he firmly tugged you forward. You ducked your head into his shoulder and screamed when he shoved you down on his girth in one swift, fluid motion.
Your eyes rolled back as his cock stretched your drenched pussy wide open, your cunt already slick and deep as his thick length spread your gummy walls. You swallowed as your cunt fluttered around his shaft as he began to thrust his dick into your burning sex.
“Oh, M-Maker Jango!” you screamed as he bounced you on his cock, your walls squeezing him tightly as your cunt squelched lewdly with every feral thrust of his hips.
"O-Osik," he hissed through gritted teeth as your pussy swallowed his dick whole each time your ass came back down and slapped against his taut, muscular thighs [shit]. You threw your head back as the thick tip of his member railed into your soft, oversensitive g-spot, each tender graze leaving your legs shaking and cunt aching for more.
"Jango," you slurred as your forehead fell against his, your warm breaths mingling while you tried to match his relentless pace. The hangar was flooded with sounds of skin wetly slapping against skin mixed with your combined grunts and moans.
Your eyes shot open when he quickly shoved his lips against yours, your wet tongues quickly finding each other in a sloppy, passionate dance as he pounded into you. You gasped for air when the two of you parted, your lips glossed over with your combined spit as he groaned.
"I want to fill you so badly," Jango growled into your ear as his hands slid down to tenderly squeeze your ass. Your moan rattled through the dark room as the head of his cock slammed against the soft, gummy plug to your womb. "Stuff you with my seed - over...and over..." his breath hitched as your walls pulsed around his veiny shaft. True euphoria pumped through your veins as your core tightened, squeezing his dick in a wet, vice grip as his thrusts began to falter. You whined as a deep, low rumble rose from his scarred chest.
"Yes, yes!" you screamed as your vision suddenly flooded with white. Your body tensed in Jango's hold as your cunt gushed with your warm juices. You babbled and squirmed on his lap as you drenched his inner thighs with your thick cream. Your body trembled as your jaw remained slack, your vision blurred with hot tears of pure bliss. Your body grew limp as your walls contracted deliciously, your mind dizzy and hazy with pleasure as he continued to fuck into your raw, puffy cunt.
You yelped when he released a gutteral groan, his fingers digging into the supple flesh of your ass as his cock twitched deep inside your tight canal.
"Take me - take all of me," Jango snarled as he slammed you down to the hilt, his thick brows furrowed as his cock throbbed against your cervix. You gasped as he soaked your walls with thick ropes of his heavy, warm cum.
"J-Jango," you said with a hoarse whisper as your greedy pussy drank every drop he shot into your tight walls. You whined as his lips brushed against your pulse, his hot breath fanning over your neck as his grip on your hips loosened.
You blinked away the tears of bliss that clouded your vision, the heat within you still lingering as you felt a few loose drops of his cum leak out of your stretched seam and stain your soft, inner thighs. You shot your head up when the regular lights suddenly flickered on, the sound of the storm and the creatures previously lurking outside completely dissipated.
"Looks like the ship's working again," you beamed with a lighter feeling in your chest. Your smile fell when you saw the lingering hunger remaining in his eyes as his cock remained hard within your raw sex. "Jango?" you murmured. You yelped when he rose to his feet, the room spinning around you as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and hooked your arms over his thick neck.
"I'm not finished yet," the dark-haired man rumbled lowly, his face as stoic as ever as he climbed towards his bunk. "It's too much...too much-" the bounty hunter couldn't even finish his sentence as he swallowed thickly. You keened as his cock gently grinded inside your tight heat every time he ascended the ladder to his chambers. The bunk sliding-shutter was pulled down, allowing the two of you some privacy from the wildlife of Onderon as Jango stepped over to his bed.
Your heart wildly beat against your sternum as Jango laid you down on your back, his muscular form looming over you as his cock remained stuffed half-way inside your slick cunt. He gazed directly into your eyes as he wasted no time and began to rock his hips forward, his thrusts more steady and controlled than before as he rested his toned arms on either side of your flushed face. You threw your head back as every nerve ending in your body lit up with pleasure; the feeling of his heavy shaft dragging along your plush walls making your mouth water and toes curl.
"You're so tight, an'edee," Jango grunted as his brows furrowed with pleasure [all bite]. You had no time to ask what he meant in his native tongue before he started to pick up the pace, his eyes lit with a primal desire as he watched your body bounce with each swift snap of his hips.
You gasped and arched your back as a shiver of arousal crept down your spine, your pussy squelching lewdly with your combined juices each time he pushed his cock back inside your hole. A sharp cry fell from your lips as he perfectly hit your g-spot with a few quick thrusts.
"Y-Yes! Right there!" you keened as your legs shook around his waist. You heard Jango grip the sheets beside your head as he repeated the hypnotic motion with ease, your cunt clamping down on his cock as you moaned softly. The man above you grunted as you rested your hands on his upper back, your nails slightly sinking into his muscles as you writhed with pleasure.
"Haar'chak...I need to make you mine," the bounty hunter rumbled against your skin [Damn it]. You gasped when he unbuckled the latches of your overcoat, his hands making quick work of discarding all of the clothes from your upper body and tossing them aside. You flushed as his eyes locked on your bouncing breasts, his lips slightly parted before he dipped down and latched onto one of your pebbling nipples.
"Oh, Jango!" you cried and arched into his touch as the sounds of your hips slapping against each other grew louder inside the confined space of his bunk.
Your pussy pulsed as the Mandalorian puckered his lips around your bud before gently tugging at it between his teeth. You slid your hands up and slipped your fingers through his thick, black locks as he lavished your sensitive breast. You twitched when he moaned against your areola, the vibrations causing a little more of your warm arousal to smear along his stiff, swollen cock.
"You feel so, so good - I swear I could stay inside you forever," Jango murmured against your plush tit before quickly turning his attention to your other one. Your eyes widened as he swirled his tongue around your neglected nipple, one of his hands slipping down and pinching your other bud between his thick, calloused fingers.
You felt yourself careening closer to the edge of your release with every swipe of his tongue and push of his hips.
"J-Jango, so close," you whined and desperately clenched your walls around his dick, begging for him to stuff you with another heavy load of his seed. You watched as his Adam's apple bobbed, beads of sweat forming on his temples as he filled you over and over with his hard cock. You swore you saw stars in your vision when he dipped a pair of his fingers down and began to rub sloppy circles around your bundle of nerves.
"Cum for me, mesh'la. Let me feel you squeeze this cock before I fill you again," he snarled as he wildly plunged his dick within your puffy, sensitive walls [beautiful]. You released a silent scream as he pressed his thumb down on your clit, a shockwave of euphoria bursting through your core as you squirted all over his lower stomach.
"Yes," Jango groaned as your pussy sucked him in, his breathing growing more ragged while you shattered into a million pieces beneath him. You wailed and babbled his name as your cunt completely soaked the sheets below you, the sounds of his cock sliding into your slick pussy reverberating inside the small bunk.
"Oh, Maker," you managed to squeak out of your tight throat as your body shivered with the aftershocks of your release. Jango gritted his teeth as he wrapped his hands around your waist, his grunts filling your ears along with the sound of his heavy balls wetly slapping against your juicy slit.
"(Y/N)..." the dark-haired man roared as he rested his forehead against your own.
You gasped as his cock stiffened between your creamy walls, his cock buried down to the hilt as the intoxicating feeling of his cum filling you until it burst from the tight space where your sexes were snugly joined. You whined his name as he squeezed your tender love handles, his face contorted with pleasure as he remained tense against your sweaty body. You both released a shaky sigh as he spilled one more thick string of cum inside your rawly fucked cunt.
You closed your eyes as you caught your breath, your body coated with a thin sheen of sweat as you basked in the afterglow. The Mandalorian sighed as he slowly pulled out of you, his softening cock hanging between his legs as he adjusted himself in the small bed. Your bodies were practically pressed chest to chest as he gazed into your eyes.
"Are you alright?" he asked between heavy breaths as he knitted his brows. Your heart skipped a beat at his gentle words before you gave a slow, lazy nod.
"Yes...just c-catching my breath," you sighed. Jango grunted as his body seemed to relax against the warmth of your own. A question began to gnaw at your mind, causing your eyes to widen a little.
"Jango, will I get...you know..." you shifted your gaze as heat rose to your cheeks. You've thought about having a child from time to time...but with your current line of work, it's now nothing more than a passing daydream. His dark brown eyes held a rare look of longing as he tightly gripped the sheets.
"No," he muttered. "I...I can't have any younglings of my own," Jango hesitantly continued, his voice now slightly cold as he stared between your bodies. You frowned as your heart sank into your stomach.
"Oh," you replied before glancing away. A heavy silence seeped between the two of you before he sighed heavily.
"It's alright, though. I actually have an opportunity to-" Jango paused, his face growing hard as he pursed his lips. "Well, let's just say I'm able to...adopt one," the bounty hunter chuckled softly. You raised a brow and tilted your head curiously. You chose not to pry and instead remained quiet, the sound of the ship's tech humming filling the space between the two of you. You bit the inside of your cheek as you tried to think of something to say after a long period of silence.
"I think that you'll be a wonderful father, Jango," you said with a gentle grin. Jango blinked, his eyes softening as a genuine smile stretched across his rugged, worn features.
"Thank you...mesh’la," the mercenary murmured gently with a faint shine in his eyes.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthashadowriley @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobbsessed @8xbygirl @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @lyrasdrawer @rinverse
Want to be a part of my taglist? Comment down below! (MUST BE 18 OR OLDER)
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crimsonvictory · 2 years
word count: 7.7k (THIS TOOK DAYS TO WRITE)
tags: the mandalorian, the mandalorian smut, the mandalorian x reader
warnings: sex pollen, dubious consent, CONSENT IS IMPORTANT, being drugged, oral sex, p in v sex, multiple orgasms
notes: love love love my tin can husband
Prompt(s): “Are you wearing my shirt?”
“I really should keep myself away from you.”
Killshot - Slowed + Reverb : Magdalena Bay (listen during the spicy scene)
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The mission was only supposed to take 2 days. That’s what he had told you. The Mandalorian, while not the most vocal person, was considerate enough to let you know the time frames of his hunts. He wasn’t completely heartless. It all depended on the bounty. 
This one, in particular, had decided to flee to Ithor, a planet of sacred jungles that prohibited hunting. Smart one, he was. Or so he thought. The Mandalorian always found a loophole. 
You were worried. One, because this bounty had been on the run for a while, playing a game of chase with your partner. And two, plans were taking a lot longer than average.
He was getting frustrated, always just a step behind. This caused some tension on The Crest. You kept out of his way, not wanting to upset him further. You had convinced him to take a small break after this particular hunt. It took a lot of coaxing, but he begrudgingly agreed. The Crest needed a lot of groundwork repairs, and food was running low. 
A few days off sounded great to you. You had been working non-stop ever since joining the clan of one. That had been over a year ago. You didn’t mind the work, even though it could be a bit frustrating at times. Your boss didn’t speak much, but over time, you got pretty keen on reading his body language. You only spoke when you thought was necessary. He didn’t seem to mind you after the 6-month mark. He had even attempted a chuckle at one of your jokes. You got the job done and stayed out of his way. That’s what he hired you for.
The Mandalorian wasn’t an unkind man, he was just - isolated. He had been his whole life. “This is the Way,” was his answer to your questions. You didn’t pry into his life, and he didn’t pry into yours. The relationship was strictly business (for the most part).
You had always wondered what he looked like. He held himself in a way that was very attractive (you learned this early on in your career). Something about a man hidden from the world and having to show what he needed through his body struck something inside of you. He never needed to make an effort to make himself announced. Your peers would move on their own accord. You felt safe with him, even with the hundreds of eyes staring at the both of you. 
His body language gave what he was thinking away. But only someone who spent most of their time with him would be able to discern what he was portraying. The way his shoulders would tense when you were working on the main panel in the cockpit - be careful. A small tilt of the head towards you when asking the locals for information - can you believe these people?
 It was a fun little game between the both of you. It had blossomed just a few months ago. Although not much was spoken, his demeanor had changed. You could tell. Your demeanor had changed too. You were beginning to develop feelings for him.
And how could you not? You spent every day for the last year getting to know him. You knew his routine, and he yours. It was awkward at first, running into each other at the fresher, bumping into each other when climbing into the cockpit to answer a holo from Karga. It took some time to get used to each other’s presence. 
You enjoyed his company. He was a great listener. You tried not to talk his ear off, but being cooped up for days at a time took its toll on you. As a human, you needed another human contact. You craved it. It was obvious to you that he did too, but he was better at pushing down that need than you were.
Just a few days earlier, he had placed his hand on the small of your back when leading you through the crowd of Morak. Your cheeks had gotten hot, seeing eyes watching you wade through the crowd. He must’ve noticed your heat signature, leaning down to ask, “Is everything okay?”. You had nodded, picking up the pace to try and get to your destination.
You couldn’t keep doing this. You had to tell him how you felt. But you couldn’t do that. He would kick you off of the ship in a heartbeat. So you pushed it down. 
Your worry was growing, however. 2 days, that is what he told you the timeframe would be. It had been 4. The Mandalorian was never late.
Day 1.
You had seen him off, waiting by the entry door and telling him goodbye. He was huffier than usual, stressed about the latest bounty. He was addicted to the chase, not giving himself a break to process the events. He had told you he would be back in 2 days and to keep a lookout for him. You would have to leave the planet early to avoid detection of bounty-hunting.
You spent the first day working on some repairs in the cockpit. With the Mandalorian gone, you were able to work on his side of the pit, fixing the chair that had stopped swiveling and replacing some of the knobs for the flight controls that had required maintenance. 
It didn’t take you long. Climbing back down the ladder, you sorted and organized the crates resting in the hallway. They had been sitting there since your visit to Tatooine two bounties ago. They were heavy, and you ended up getting super sweaty. You stripped off your top, leaving you in your pants and a breastband.
A few hours later, the crates were put in the correct spots and the hallway was now clear to move through.
You were tired after all of the moving, so you went to bed early after showering. You kept the comm open, awaiting any word from Mando.
Day 2.
You reached out to him, eager for a response. He was supposed to be back today. Radio silence. 
You kept the comm close, in case of any word. This day, you spent your time cleaning up your living area and washing any dirty laundry that had accumulated. You were in desperate need of some clean clothes, down to a breastband and a pair of thin shorts. On your next stop, you reminded yourself to get some new clothes with your credits.
After your clothes were in the wash, you padded across the hallway to Mando’s quarters. You had never been inside and didn’t want to pry, but you thought it would be a nice gesture to wash his underclothes for him.
His room was not locked, so you stepped inside, searching for his laundry basket. The smell of him filled your nostrils, mahogany and black vanilla, with just a hit of gunpowder. Your heart clenched. You missed him. 
You made haste of finding his laundry hamper and quickly stepped out of the room, shutting it behind you. You were blushing, why did he have such an effect on you?
After transferring your clothes to the dryer, you placed his inside, keeping one shirt in particular out of the wash. He had worn it the other day under his armor, so it wasn’t particularly dirty. It smelled of him. You kept it close, eventually putting it on after your shower that evening. It made you feel safe.
That evening, you reached out again to him.
“Mando? Can you hear me? Are you nearby?”
You tried again.
He didn’t give you a specific time, but the sun was going down. You opened the door to the Crest, sitting on the edge of the ramp, watching the sun go down. 
Once it was dark out, you stayed until the early hours of the morning, trying the comm in 30-minute increments. You got nothing.
You didn’t sleep much that night.
Day 3
You were getting antsy. At first light, you climbed on top of the Crest. It was a rather cool day despite residing on a jungle planet. You brought your binoculars and a blanket to spread across the top. You watched for him all day, unable to move from your spot. 
It was only when it started to storm that you were forced to go back inside. You were clueless about what to do. Your anxiety was so bad that you ended up being sick, and stayed in the bathroom fresher for about an hour. When you cleaned up, you put Mando’s shirt back on, got a glass of water, and returned to your room.
Day 4
You had made a routine, waking up, reaching out, and then trying to go about your day. You had decided to work on ground repairs early, keeping a lookout while maintaining the cooling panels on the outside of the ship. You were jumpy, looking wildly at any noise that came your way.
It was a hard decision, but you ended up venturing out into the city, as you were low on resources. You had made sure to keep a lookout for anyone (particularly a shiny one) in the jungle, and also kept your face covered.
Upon arriving at the markets, the smells of fresh produce and warm pastries overcame you. You were so hungry, and a purple plum-shaped fruit looked very inviting. You made your way over, eyeing the delicacy.
“Care to try one?” the vendor asked nicely.
“Uhm, yes please,” you replied quietly.
She handed you a sample of fruit to try, it had been diced and placed in a small bowl. You brought a piece up to your mouth, slipping your hand under your face covering.
The juices from the fruit exploded on your taste buds. It was the perfect mixture of sweetness and tartness. Your mouth puckered at the flavor. The sharp taste of the juice lingered even after you had swallowed it, making you want another bite. It mellowed after a moment or two. The vendor chuckled at your reaction.
“Delicious, no?” you nodded your head, exchanging credits for two whole fruits.
One for you. One for Mando. You hoped he would be returning soon. You thanked the nice vendor and asked for directions for some other items you were looking for. She was kind enough to explain the details of each stall to you. You gave her a tip for your troubles.
While the market was small, it was full of trinkets. Many that you wanted to take home with you, but decided against it. You did, however, grab a few puffed pastries and some decadent cheeses to take back to the Crest.
You were hoping it would tide you over until your next stop. If your partner ever decided to return. Time passed quickly in the market and you were glad that it took your mind off of the slow rising dread in your stomach. You finished your shopping and made your way back to the Crest.
After placing your bought items in the small pantry space, you decided to wait for him. Hoping today would be the day that he would be back. You were very tired, staying up late and waking up early to watch for him. You repeated what you had done the day before, stretching a blanket out on the ramp of the Crest and watching for any sign of the Mandalorian. The sound of the rain was comforting, and after curling up in your blanket, you fell asleep.
A loud yell awoke you from your slumber. You were disoriented, vision blurring before trying to focus itself as you sat upright. You scrambled to get up on your feet, grabbing your blanket and trying to hit the lever on the ramp door. You should have never fallen asleep with the door open.
How long had you been asleep?
A yell and another crash came from a distance. It was hard to see with the downpour of rain. The sun was also beginning to set, twilight approaching within the hour. You thought you caught a glimpse of silver. No.
Yes. YES! 
It was The Mandalorian, and he was making his way through the small clearing. The bounty was hogtied behind him, forced to be drug across the jungle floor. He was fighting with every step your partner took, making his job even harder.
“Mando!” you exclaimed, excited to see him.
His helmet shot up at your words and he readjusted his grip on the rope and yanked the bounty up and over his shoulder. He was alive. Always found a loophole.
You smiled as he neared, relieved that he was okay.
As he began walking up the ramp, you noticed he was heaving. Mando usually never had trouble carrying a bounty in, especially one of this size.
You outstretched a hand, worried. “Mando?” you questioned.
He recoiled from you, almost nearly pushing you out of the way as he made his way to the bounty chamber.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. Did he just -?
You padded after him, a bit wary.
“Mando what the-,” he cut you off.
“Stay away from me,” he rasped, holding a hand out.
“Stay away- What do you mean? You’ve been away for four days!” you cried out.
“Stay away from me,” he repeated. “Something’s not right.”
You stepped back to take a look at him. He was trembling. You couldn’t depict from what though. His body heat was radiating within the small room.
He turned away from you, fumbling with the buttons on the carbonizing chamber.
“Mando, you’re burning up,” you said. Reaching a hand out to hover over an open space between his beskar.
He waved you off. “I’m fine.” He was breathing heavily, tightening his grip on the bounty and punching in the code for the chamber.
“Let me help you at least,” you mentioned, stepping forwards. 
His hand raised again, almost in fear. “NO.”
You flinched at his words, taking a horrifying step backward.
“Please,” he begged. “Get us ready to depart.” you took one final look at him before huffing and making your way to the cockpit.
You could hear him crashing about downstairs, throwing the bounty within the freezing chamber, slamming the heavy, metal door shut, and the sounds of armor being yanked and tossed carelessly on the floor. The coordinates had been put in the system, awaiting your approval of the button. Your hands were shaking, hovering above the command.
You didn’t press it quite yet, stepping back down to check on the situation.
It had suddenly gotten quiet and you had no sight of him. Also, most of the lights had been shut off, leaving the Crest feeling very off.
“Mando?” you called out quietly, creeping down the darkened hallway of the Crest.
Each hallway had a small emergency light. You watched your shadow grow and shrink as you tiptoed down the hallway. You kept your head on a swivel, listening for your partner.
No response.
“M-Mando?” you cleared your throat. “I, uh, I don’t what’s wrong with you. I mean- there’s nothing wrong with you I just -”, you rambled, still searching.
“Spit it out, already,” he grouched, the sound of his voice turning your viewpoint in a circle.
You began to walk back the way you came, still searching blindly in the dark. Where was he coming from?
The fresher door to your right was yanked open abruptly, causing you to stumble backward. Your heart lurched and your hand immediately flew up to your chest.
You hadn’t even thought to check the fresher. The lights weren’t even on. What the hell was he doing in there?
“You’re gonna have to tie me up,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“Ex-Excuse me?” you asked, incredulous. His words took you completely off guard.
You took yet another step backward, eyes scanning his form. He seemed normal, aside from the verbiage spilling out of his mouth. It was hard to see him in the shadows, though.
He shifted to the side, casting a small glow from behind him. The light illuminated his figure like a halo. You also noticed that his gloves were missing. Immediately, you fixated on his hands.
It was the first time you had ever seen his skin. He was tanned, despite never showing his body to the sun. His hands were large, with long, thick fingers flexing by his sides.
Oh, Maker.
“You heard me. I really should keep myself away from you,” he said, voice dropping a hint.
Your mouth fell open of its own accord. Something was seriously, seriously wrong. Your partner never spoke to you like this.
“Maker, I can’t do that-” you began. “Did you hit your head or something? What is going on?” you asked, keeping your distance.
He took a step towards you, speaking matter-of-factly for the second time.
“Do I have to repeat myself? Are you listening to me?”
You felt heat travel to the tips of your ears. You tried forming a sentence, but your brain was too confused to form even a sound.
“What can I even-” he pushed past you, digging through the pile of armor, and held up his cuffs. 
You don’t know how he was even able to see very well in the dark. Then you remembered, that his helmet was more of an aid than a hindrance.
“These, are magnetized. They’ll attach to any wall on the ship. Let’s pick one before it progresses.”
You quickly made haste of finding a place for him. After negotiating with him to turn the lights back on so you could see. Your brain was trying to fill in the pieces of the puzzle that you desperately needed. There was no given clue as to what was going on. But that sense of dread was filling up in your stomach again. You tried to make things comfortable but he shut that down quickly.
“We don’t have time for that,” he chastised.
He sat with his back against the wall, sans armor except for his helmet. His body temperature was rising again and he was beginning to sweat. You tried your best to make him comfortable, placing his arms out to the side to relieve them. No matter what position, it wasn’t going to be comfortable. You had to accept that.
You sat back on your heels, scanning his visor. His chest was starting to heave again, and you wanted so badly to help. You were lost, feeling defeated.
“I’ll be fine,” he said, tilting his head back, voice a bit breathy. “Start the course.”
You ignored him, asking him if he was hungry instead. It was a bit of a silly question, but you figured a distraction may help. He denied your request.
“Mando, when was the last time you have eaten?” you pressed.
He remained as stoic as the given situation would let him. That answered your question. You made a disapproving sound and made your way to the small kitchen, washing and dicing the fruit that you had enjoyed earlier.
Making your way back to the hallway, you sat down in front of him with the bowl of fruit. His head tilted in your direction, watching you cautiously.
“What is that?” he rasped, a bit hesitant.
“Some fruit I picked up in the market today,” you concluded.
He sighed, frustrated.
“Mando, I was running out of food. It wasn’t like I wanted to go out without you,” you explained, watching for any signs in his body language.
He remained mostly the same, shifting a bit to try and get comfortable. You watched him, trying not to make obvious eye contact. You figured he had to be hungry. But, with the situation at hand, you realized he couldn’t feed himself.
You blushed, gripping the bowl of fruit.
“I uh, just realized that-“ you started.
“Feed them to me,” he said lowly, picking up on the dilemma you were facing.
Your eyes shot up to his visor, searching for anything. It’s not like you could read his facial cues, but his body seemed relaxed, inviting.
“Your helmet-“
“It can stay on, just reach your fingers under here,” he breathed.
That warm feeling in your lower stomach ignited. This was very intimate. The Mandalorian guarded his anonymity because it was the decision of life or death, of his religion, his whole framework of what made him who he was.
“I dunno if I should,” you said.
His visor found your eyes and he situated himself again, just beckoning you to come closer. He was hypnotizing, and your fantasy of being close to him was coming true. You internally told yourself that you would keep a level head and if things got dodgy, you would immediately stop things.
You slowly crawled forwards, situating yourself between his legs, yet still keeping a bit of distance between you and him. Grabbing a piece of fruit with shaky fingers, you guided it up to his helmet, slipping them underneath the open space above his chin.
It took a moment but you found his mouth, gently pressing the fruit to his lips. As soon as he took the fruit, you yanked your hand away, cheeks burning.
He hummed at the taste, a sign that it was good.
“Isn’t it good?” you questioned, grabbing another piece and guiding it to his mouth again.
He took the fruit once more, nodding his head. He was watching you, almost in a predatory gaze. The gap closed a bit between you, and you could feel the warmth radiating off of his body. He was alluring - drawing you in closer. Your breath caught in your throat. You reached for another piece of fruit, pressing it to his lips.
They were plump and soft. You tried not to linger, but it was inevitable. This time, when he took the fruit into his mouth, he took your two fingers as well, sucking the juice from them.
He groaned softly and your cheeks went ablaze. His tongue gently swirled around your digits, claiming every last drop from the fruit. He released them once he was certain the juice was gone.
Your fingers were stained from the fruit, but you didn’t mind. Your lips parted slightly, eager to have him repeat what he just did.
“Careful,” he chided. You were embarrassed and pulled back a bit.
You had to clear your head. What were you doing? This was your boss, for crying out loud. You leaned back, clearing your throat and remembering the situation at hand.
“Mando, earlier you wanted me to stay away from you. What’s going on?” you asked.
“Feed me another piece of fruit and I’ll tell you,” he replied.
You kept your distance this time, slipping a piece of fruit between his lips. His tongue gently caressed the pads of your fingers, licking the juice away.
“Dart of some kind. The bounty got the upper hand for a moment and got in between my beskar. I should be fine. It’ll take a few hours to wear off,” he explained.
Your eyebrows raised with worry. “You don’t know what kind of dart?” he shook his head.
“I could do some research-“ you offered.
“No, I’ll be fine,” he pressed out.
You watched his chest begin to rise and fall like his breath was laboring. You raised another piece of fruit to his lips, pushing it past them and allowing him to savor the taste.
He groaned again and tilted his head back, helmet thunking against the hull wall. His body language was starting to change, heat radiating off of him.
It felt like you were close to a furnace. He had begun to tremble again.
“Mando, I really think we should do some research on this thing.”
“I already know what it is,” he murmured, sounding a bit defeated.
It was yet again your turn to be confused. You watched him, shaking your head as an indicator of confusion.
“A-Aphrodisiac.” he stuttered out, turning his line of sight as far from you as he could. “Get the course started, we need to get out of here.”
You could only stare, mouth falling open. An aphrodisiac was something that you had heard little of, but you knew the basics. Some had gone severely ill in the mental department from lack of treatment.
“Go up to the cockpit and get. us. out.” he pressed, shifting against his restraints.
Clueless about what do to, you felt bad leaving him, but you stood up to make your way to the cockpit. You took one look at him before leaving, and he was trembling - fighting the agents of the dart.
You made your way up the ladder and sat down in the pilot’s seat. Your hands kept shaking. Nerves. Once you took a few deep breaths, you pressed the button to okay your destination. The next process was to get autopilot online.
You couldn’t get your thoughts straight. Your employer is spread out on the floor just below you. Almost nearly naked. He never was without his armor. It was his security blanket. And the fact that the only piece he had on was his helmet had you thinking…
Pressing the according buttons to fire up the autopilot feature, you went through the timely process and soon began to feel the ship rise into the atmosphere.
You also took the time to research the background of aphrodisiacs, skimming through the length process and some side effects. The bad news was that it differed with each agent. An increase in body temperature and muscle trembling were two of the symptoms.
Once you made your way back down to the hull, you noticed a clear change in Mando’s demeanor. He wasn’t trembling anymore, he was relaxed, leaning against the hill wall. Resembling a lothcat in the sun. The bowl of fruit was long forgotten. That was until his eye caught sight of you.
“Hey, pretty thing,” he cooed, getting your attention.
Your head whipped around, almost giving yourself whiplash at his words.
“Mando?” you whispered, keeping your distance.
“I feel a lot better since you left. Almost back to normal. I think I’m okay to be released now,” he purred, relaxing even further against the wall.
“I don’t think-” you started.
“Oh, but I am. I am pretty thing. You should let me go,” he was selling himself, and it was almost working.
No, that couldn’t be right. There were stages to these aphrodisiacs. And everyone was different. You didn’t know the full progress, but with brief scannings, you saw that the drug would plateau before peaking again.
“No, Mando, I can’t do that,” you stated.
“Please,” he whined. “I’ll be good. I can make you feel good. Don’t you want that, little bird?”
Your stomach fluttered at his words. This wasn’t Mando. This was something, no someone else.
“Look at me,” he commanded. You obliged.
He spread his legs wide, just beckoning you to come closer.
“Come sit on my lap, little bird. Feel how much I want you.” he thrust his hips upwards.
“Mando, I-.” you shook your head. “I can’t- I can’t do this. You’re not in the right mind.” 
He whined. “I’ll be good. I promise.” Mando tugged at the restraints.
 You could not, in whatever good morals the Maker set, do this. But there was a nagging notion in the back of your mind. You could help him.
 He was struggling against the restraints, getting frustrated that he couldn’t free himself.
 “Let me go!” he yelled, straining himself against the handcuffs.
 You watched the muscles in his upper arms ripple, making the metal groan with force. The Mandalorian was breathing heavily with the effort, trying to sit upright to gain his footing.
 He was going to get out.
 You had to stop him.
 “Mando,” you called out, distracting him for a moment. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”
The Mandalorian huffed, relaxing as you slowly made your way over to him. You picked up the bowl of forgotten fruit. There were a few pieces left.
“Relax and I’ll feed you the rest of this fruit,” you whispered, wary of what he was going to do next.
He reacted immediately, listening to your command and relaxing back into the wall to the best of his ability. You closed a bit of distance, hesitantly reaching a piece of fruit under his helmet yet again.
He wasn’t gentle like last time, snatching the fruit and your fingers into his mouth like he was starved. A low groan rumbled past your fingers as his tongue swirled around them. When he released them, you could feel his lips twitch up into a smile.
“Mmm…tastes good,” he complimented.
Your cheeks burned once more.
“Come closer, I won’t hurt you, little one,” he murmured, lulling you into a false sense of security.
You knew it was wrong, but you couldn’t help yourself. It was like you were in a trance, unable to pull yourself away from him. He was enchanting, and the contact that you craved was finally being fulfilled.
There were two pieces of fruit left. You grabbed one and fed him again. It was addicting to hear the sounds you were pulling from him.
“Release me,” he murmured, tugging on his restraints. “I want to touch you.”
You knew this was too good to be true. He could sense your apprehension.
“Don’t you want this? I see the way you look at me, little one,” he drawls.
His voice makes you melt. You look at his visor, trying to find where you think his eyes would be. You begged the Maker above to forgive you.
You released one restraint. It was a mistake.
His arm quickly wraps around your side, tugging you forwards. You yelp, throwing a hand up to land on his chest to steady yourself. It took you by surprise.
You notice he’s breathing heavily again, his body arching up to meet yours. Any contact he can get. Desperate.
“Come sit on my lap, pretty girl. Let me look at you,” he coos, tugging at you again to get you as close as possible.
You already know your face is on fire. He chuckles, running his fingers across your ribs.
“Are you wearing my shirt?” he quips, spreading his fingers across your side.
His line of sight hasn’t left your side, watching his own hand stroke up and down over the downy undershirt of his you are wearing.
“I uh, missed you,” you blurt out, looking down.
How. Embarrassing.
His thumb and forefinger lift your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with his visor. The Mandalorian pets your chin with his thumb, tutting softly.
You shift awkwardly in his lap, feeling his want for you. He groans, pressing his hips upwards against your core.
A gasp escapes you and you bite your lip, attempting to be quiet.
“Don’t be quiet, let it out. Be a good girl for me,” he murmurs.
A flood of heat rushes to your core, and your panties are wet. Where was this side of him coming from?
“Mando- I-,” you choke out, wanting so badly to touch him, but afraid of his reaction.
“I know,” he coos, “I know, I’ll make you feel better.”
This was the wordiest exchange between you and your partner. You weren’t complaining. You lay a hand on his chest, sliding it upwards to rest at the nape of his neck.
He keens, leaning into your touch. You decide to be brave, pulling his shirt down and exposing more of his neck.
His skin is beautiful, spattered with a galaxy of moles and freckles. You lean forward, placing your lips hesitantly against his skin. He’s burning up and nearly begins to writhe when your lips come in contact with his bare skin.
Sweat has pooled in the dip of his collarbone. Something feral washes over you and you dip your tongue down before licking a stripe up his neck. The noise that comes from him is absolutely pathetic.
You feed off of it, wanting to hear it again. You bite down in the crease of his neck, feeling his hips jolt upwards at the sensation. He whines again. There it is.
“F-Fuck,” he stutters out, tipping his head back as far as the restraints allow.
He’s fighting the restraints, pulling against the one holding him away from you. The aphrodisiac is firing up quickly, aided by your physical touch.
“I want to kiss you-,” you whisper into his neck, placing kisses in between words.
“Kiss me then,” he replies, almost slurring his words.
The code. You couldn’t.
“I can't.” you remind him.
He lets out a frustrated sound, pulling against the restraint again. He shifts his weight, almost pushing you off of him before standing up.
“What are you-“ you yelp, looking up at him.
“Getting rid of this fucking-,” he pauses, pulling the magnetized restraint off of the wall and disabling it.
He turns away from you, disappearing down the hallway. You sit there confused, especially when the hull is immediately engulfed in darkness. Searching frantically, you startle when you feel a pair of hands on you.
He shushes you, pulling you close to him. You relax instantly, placing a hand back on his chest again. A hydraulic hiss and a loud metal clanging on the floor. startles you once more.
Oh, Maker.
You reach up quickly, placing your hands on his face. You nearly moan at the thought. A man on his knees for you, breaking his personal beliefs to kiss you.
Your hands trace his face, taking in every detail to memory that you can. He has a strong, aquiline nose, and from what else you can feel- a mustache. His brows feel prominent, and his lips- oh his lips. Plush, how you had felt them earlier.
“You- you feel, very handsome. Like I imagined,” you comment, barely above a whisper.
You are on your knees, almost touching the man before you. He slides a hand up your back, spreading his fingers around the base of your neck and pulling backward. This action exposes your neck and pulls a gasp from your throat.
He shifts then, leaning over you and placing hot, wet kisses against your skin.
You mewl.
“Like you imagined, hm?” he chuckled, continuing the devotion on your neck.
You sigh, wrapping your fingers around his bicep. The muscle flexes underneath your touch. His other hand slides lazily down your torso, eventually stopping at the hem of your (his) shirt and tugging it upwards.
The air in the Crest has become cool due to the drifting in space. Goosebumps scatter across your skin and you move closer to him, leeching the warmth from his body. His shirt is thrown over your head and to the floor.
He readjusts his grip on you, allowing his free hand to roam your uncovered skin. The span of his fingers stretches from your hip to just under your breastband. You shudder, imagining his hands exploring other places.
His hand slides back up your body and pauses at your breastband, almost hesitant. You mirror his path with your one hand, lacing your fingers together and giving him a nonverbal “okay”. He lifts your breastband up and over your head, allowing your breasts to fall naturally back in place.
The Mandalorian kisses down your chest, his soft lips caressing your skin. Before you know it, he has taken your nipple into his mouth, sucking softly. You come undone, sliding a hand into his hair and gripping rather tightly.
A groan leaves his lips and he nips the bud gently, a shock running down to your core. You gasp, arching into his touch. It’s relentless. You can’t get enough. Your panties are soaked by now, and you’re whining, needing attention elsewhere.
He gets the hint, lowering you gently to the cool floor. It feels good on your overheating skin. He continues praising your nipples, switching between the both of them, using his mouth and hands to stimulate them.
You’re heating up from the inside, almost in embarrassment, but you don’t care. It feels so good to be praised, worshipped, loved.
His hands travel south, and his lips aren’t far behind. He reaches your hips, taking both hands and pushing your legs open. They’re shaking in anticipation. You feel him lean down and press a kiss to your inner thigh before biting down.
You yelp at the sensation, it’s over just as quickly as it started with a soothing swipe of his tongue. He repeats this again and again, marking the soft part of your thighs with his teeth.
“Mine,” he growls.
His nose ghosts over your panties and he inhales, taking in your scent before turning his attention to your other thigh. You’re losing your damn mind. His body heat is making you sweat. He’s got your legs spread as far as they can go and still has not given you the attention that you really need.
“Mando-“ you whine, trying to shift your hips upwards.
He chuckles darkly, taking his forearm to press your hips back down.
“What’s the matter, honey?” he asks, mockingly. “Am I not giving you enough attention as it is?”
You shake your head, forgetting he cannot see you. He nips your thigh sharply.
“Answer me.”
“I-I,” you start. “I want you-“ you blush, glad the darkness is covering your face.
“Honey, you’ve already got me,” he rasps.
Taking you by surprise, his index fingers pull your panties to the side. He feels your wetness and groans.
“So fucking wet for me already.”
You can’t help but moan at his words.
The Mandalorian then leans down and licks a fat stripe up your folds. You gasp, carding your fingers into his hair and tug hard. The noise that comes from him is animalistic.
He wastes no time, eating you out like a man starved. He alternates between slow, long licks from your clit to your entrance and fast figure-eights through your folds. It feels fucking fantastic.
Your legs are beginning to shake. The darkness is heavy on your body and you’re gasping for air. At one point you hear a faint ripping, and the restriction of your panties is no more.
A familiar pool in your belly is forming, and it’s coming quickly. You try and warn him, but you can’t even form a coherent sentence. His tongue dips down and into your hole, fucking fervently. Your orgasm comes in waves, crashing wildly and stealing your breath. You’re gasping for air and raising your hips to his mouth, riding out your pleasure.
You hear him murmuring words of pleasure against your cunt and you sob, never wanting it to end. You come down after about a minute, breathing heavily and sated.
He gives you one final kiss on your folds before crawling back over your body. You can’t even see him, it’s so dark. You reach out in the darkness for him, finding his face and placing a hand there. He leans down and you can smell your arousal on him. He crashes your mouths together, kissing you forcefully.
“Taste how fucking good you are,” he growls, biting your bottom lip before licking into your mouth.
You clench around nothing, moaning into his mouth. He’s fucking feral for you, and you cannot get enough. You card your fingers through his hair again, tugging roughly and returning his energy while kissing him.
He whines, loving the attention you’re giving him. His large hand has found its way to your throat, gripping slightly, but not choking - just a placeholder. Your hand mirrors his, lacing your fingers together. He leans down in your ear, whispering filthily,
“Are you gonna let me fuck this pretty pussy?”
You moan, nodding.
“Answer me, little one.”
“Y-Yes,” you gasp out.
His other hand slides down your body, cupping your cunt. His thick fingers slide through your folds, just dripping in arousal. He navigates your entrance in the dark, gently thrusting his finger inside, and bites down on your ear.
You whine, feeling full already. There’s no way you can take him. He takes his time, stretching your walls to accommodate him. He whispers filthy words in your ear, his breath hot. You notice he’s trembling again, you don’t know how he’s lasted this long. Despite the drug raging through his veins, he is very gentle with you.
Once you tap his chest, a silent “okay”, he shifts back over you, lining himself up with your entrance. He begins to push inside and you’re clawing at his arms. He’s fucking huge, and you’re breathing begins to stutter. You clench your eyes tight, begging your body to relax. Even with your arousal, it’s a bit of a stretch.
He senses your hesitation, reaching out to pet your hair and reassure your worries.
“Doing so good for me, honey. Just relax.”
He repeats his mantras, petting your side until your breathing slows. He’s fucking trembling from holding himself back. Mando gives a cautionary thrust and throws his head back, moaning.
You mimic him, feeling the pain slowly burn into pleasure. He starts slow, gripping your hips and pulling all the way out before thrusting back inside. You grab his forearm, anything to give you an anchor. He picks up the speed at the sound of your moaning. It feels so fucking good. You want to kiss him again. You want to be as close to him as possible. You want your bodies to become one and stay that way forever.
You tap his arm, getting his attention. He stops, squeezing your hand back for reassurance. You get up, pushing him back on his knees and climbing into his lap. Reaching your hand back, you find his length and line him back up with your entrance, slamming back down, needing him inside.
You both moan simultaneously, missing the burning of pleasure, even if just for a few seconds. He slides his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck and grabbing a handful of hair. He pulls, making your body arch towards him. He attacks your neck with his lips, all teeth, and tongue. Traveling down to your breasts again, he takes one in his mouth as he fucks up into you.
You clench around him, meeting his upwards thrusts with your downwards ones. Your stomach is burning again, reaching another climax. The Mandalorian sucks on your breasts, rolling your nipple around his tongue. You mewl, holding the back of his head. His thrusts are nearly brutal, reaching up so far inside that you won’t be able to walk the next day. You don’t even care.
You’re both drenched in sweat, the drug making him burn like a furnace. His thrusts begin to get sloppy, an orgasm approaching. One, two, three thrusts and he’s coming inside of you, yelling your name. You clench down around him, milking his pleasure. He’s breathing heavily, trembling from such a long build-up.
He licks a stripe up your neck, laying you back down on the cool floor. You sigh. He’s not done with you yet. He slips out of you, leaving you feeling so empty. His mouth is on you again, cleaning up the mess he made.
You cry out, overstimulated. He’s slow and steady, thrusting his tongue inside of you to get the remnants of his seed out. Your legs are thrown over his shoulders and his arms are locked around them, not allowing you to move.
You’re squirming in his touch, gasps leaving involuntarily. The burning in your stomach returns and a few moments later you come again. Your ears start ringing and it’s hard to catch your breath. This one is short but even more powerful than the first one. Your body seizes up, riding the pleasure for a short moment.
You crash back down to reality, noticing your heavy breathing in the darkness. The Mandalorian is humming against your skin, rubbing soft circles into your thigh.
“There, little bird. Doing so well for me,” he coos, crawling back up your body and placing a few long kisses on your mouth.
You’re nearly out of it, but his lips feel so good. So soft and careful. His cock brushes against your thigh, still hard. It’s going to be a long fucking night. You’re spent, wanting nothing but to sleep.
He brushes your sweaty hair out of your face, cooing and praising your performance. He doesn’t sound as pained, almost sated, relaxed. The drug must be plateauing. He coaxes you in his lap again, this time with your back to him.
He takes on your full weight, wrapping one hand around your neck and one around your torso. He pushes back inside and you groan. He’s careful this time, thrusting lazily and building your orgasms up slowly. You're trembling, barely able to hold yourself up.
“Just one more for me, sweetheart,” he murmurs into your skin, kissing your shoulder.
You sob, overwhelmed and not wanting it to stop at the same time. Tears are streaming down your face as he pulls yet another orgasm from you. It hits you so fucking hard that you slump against him, consciousness flickering in and out.
He holds your weight, thrusting until he comes again. The Mandalorian is kissing your overheated skin, keeping close contact, and not wanting to let go.
You come to in the fresher. He’s holding you against his chest, under the cool spray of the water. Your head feels so heavy, that you keep it laying against his broad chest.
You reach a hand up to wipe the water out of your eyes. It’s pitch black in the fresher, and you sigh, relieved and disappointed. He’s rubbing circles on your lower back, holding you close.
“You alright?” he asks, his voice nearly back to normal.
He sounds different without the helmet. Voice a mixture of rasp and a bit of warm honey. It suits him.
You nod, looking up at what you presume is his face. He grabs your chin with his thumb and forefinger, placing a small kiss on your lips.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I shouldn’t have-“
“No,” you shake your head.
That ends that. You didn’t want to talk much. You were just glad he was okay.
“Glad I’m okay?” he questions, a bit of humor in his tone.
You groan, realizing you said that out loud.
“Yes,” you huff. “Had me worried sick.”
“I always come back to you. You know that” he says.
You let out a soft sob, squeezing his torso tight. He returns the hug, holding you close.
“Vacation sounds pretty good now,” he jokes, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You wholeheartedly agree.
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