#the manga is gonna wreck me just as bad isnt it
sharp-tooths · 2 years
Me watching the og Trigun anime after starting trigun stampede 2 moths ago: oh gee those fucking cries sound so realistic and full of pain and hurt. You just dont get that kind of genuine quality very much in newer animes. I hope Stampede delivers the same quality
Me now, having just watched episode 11 and then rewatched it just to propperly process everything: SCREAMING AND CRYING THROWING UP KICKING MY LEGS SOBBING FUCKING BAWLING MY EYES OUT DYING VIOLENTLY SHAKING-
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rangerdew · 6 years
read no. 6 its really good
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there’s a lot to cover here but mainly im just gonna put some bullet points out there and also use my Bad Anime to Good Anime rating scale for it 
SUMMARY (you might wanna skip this if you dont want spoilers for the premise)
- No. 6 is one of six utopias built after the whole world got wrecked. it’s essentially a perfect city, suicide rate 0, everyone gets to die peacefully, theres no illness or discontent. sketchy amirite
- Shion (who is the protag, and also who currently has brown hair at this point in the story) is one of the geniuses weeded out by the city and in the process to become an elite 
- at age 12 during the dead of night, he meets Nezumi, fellow twelve-year-old, rat man, and wanted criminal. this encounter may change his life forever. fast foward six years and the main story begins. 
- trust me theres a LOT more after that like. at first i didn’t think it was so promising either but they really knocked the wind out of me. it was like expectation vs. reality except in this situation the reality was better 
- its good. it keeps you engaged, its easy to understand, at one point they went All Out on Exposition but most of the time the storytelling is very good. it keeps you engaged. there was a bit that wasnt fully explained but the emotional impact still stood 
- it’s like. not one of those Long Ongoing ones its short and sweet like. id compare it to maybe gravity falls length 
- the story was pretty unique. i mean it was sort of like a dystopia novel but it was done in a pretty cool way in my opinion
- i mainly read this story for its ABSOLUTELY AMAZING character development this shit was INSANE. watching the characters change and go through challenges throughout the story was fascinating and really well done. the characters are all super fun to analyze 
- canonical gay relationship that isnt weirdly sexualized like black butler’s stuff or just subtext/teasing the audience. they actually go through with it its Canon and its treated with just as much respect as any straight relationship in manga 
- nb character/ambiguously gendered character
- [SLIGHT SPOILERS] pro revolution hell yeah
- lots of corpses
- if you have any sort of tw with bugs, tread carefully bc they’re one of the driving plot points, even if they don’t show up that much
alright heres the promised rating
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if i had to compare it i’d say its on tokyo ghoul level except i like it better than tokyo ghoul. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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batangelc · 6 years
mika, jim, and shiro (deadman wonderland, i aint forget!)
Send Me a Character and I will tell you my:
First impression: 
Pretty vampire is very sad. Makes me sad and I want to hug. Is kinda a show off
Impression now: 
BEST BOY WHO IS EITHER HATED OR LOVED BY FANDOM. Is an amazing character and I wish the mangaka would expand on him so much. 
Favorite moment: 
Who’s isnt Mika vs the demon company?
Idea for a story
He finally snaps Yuu out of his bullshit and they both murder Ferid :)
Unpopular opinion
He’s not as calm and without faults as a lot of people say he is. He’s arrogant, easily agitated, little bit of a push over regarding certain people (person) and is very suicidal. Im honestly worried about what would happen if Yuu died. 100% sure Mika would rampage then kill himself.
Favorite relationship
Relationship with Yuu!! I want them to learn how to be without each other for a bit though without Mika going emotionless and Yuu turning into a “REVENGE!!!” character
Favorite headcanon
He went through vampire teething and hid in his room while the fangs grew and it HURT-
Less depressing- He’s lost his concept of beauty but he wants to give Yuu a present and “humans like plants right??” and just.. gives Yuu a bouquet of grass.
First impression:
Okay you’re naked… WAIT WHAT THE FUCK- WHAT- Was very frightened of him but loved him anyway. Thought he was vv pretty but his animating was BAD.
Impression now
Baby. Baby boy who is still terrifying. Deserved better. Is honestly still one of my favourite characters of all time and I STILL watch season 2 and try to learn more or piece things together. Still think his animating is so bad- Old friends know I nicknamed him Pinocchio after his animation-
Favorite moment
This confuses people :’)
1) Jim vs Ciel just cause Ciel got WRECKED and the only reason he won was because Jim was arrogant and gloated before he killed him
2) His breakdown on top of the clock tower
Idea for a story
Also just season 2 rewritten to not be rushed and get rid of all the plot holes and kill the fillers.
Unpopular opinion
Is not as harmless as people think. He’s volatile and has a hardy punch. He’s used to fighting and moves around a lot. He’s not going to be weak and was a proper opponent in season 2 (though I dont see him as the antagonist) and had he shut up, Ciel would have been cut into pieces.
Favorite relationship
Luka cause big sibling relates-
Favorite headcanon
His family was Irish and is why the village hated them so bad. I also lowky think his mum was a prostitute but I have a whole thing about his village life and it’ll take up so much space so–
Shiro: (I’m only counting Shiro and “Shiro”, not the Wretched Egg)
First impression
THE BEST GIRL I LOVE HER SO MUCH YOUR OUTFIT IS DUMB! Thought she was BY FAR the most beautiful character I had seen (I’m still in love with her design lmao). She’s so fucking adorable but pls dont fuck with her because she could kick your ass. Is so SAD
Impression now
My most favourite character of all time, no contest. Even if the writing was cheesy in the manga, she is still an amazing and captivating character who I want to protect and at the same time run from and I just.. want to know what happened after all the bullshit. She killed 15% of Japan they cant just let her go even if she was 6 at the time but at the same time I just want her to be happy-
Favorite moment
Gonta and “Shiro” on the ferris wheel and they’re just.. talking everything out and she says she wants him to kill her and he’s just.. shocked
Idea for a story
Unpopular opinion
Is not a yandere. She did not kill the class out of love, simply jealousy that he had forgotten her and grown up happy with a bunch of strangers. Keeping in mind that at the time mentally she was behind. Fuck in the beginning she didnt even know what a “girlfriend” was.
Favorite relationship
This is gonna sound weird but.. The Wretched Egg. I ADORE her relationship with Gonta but I love seeing the Wretched Egg look after Shiro and try to keep her as happy as possible, even pretending that Gonta had eaten that pudding by eating it themself despite hating sweet food.
Favorite headcanon
She was always aware of the fact that she was a deadman (not the Original Sin though) and just didnt know how to bring it up, until she got comfortable with Gonta again and showed him.
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tumblunni · 7 years
Hi, I'm the anon who sent the messages about Rotom-Cyrus to TWJ. I wanted to explain myself. There are two books in Rotom's Room: one written by Charon where he says he found out about Rotom "by pure chance." So Charon is involved with Rotom (prob why he has that card) but he isn't the one who met Rotom as a kid. I don't want to spoil exactly what happens in USUM incase you haven't reached that part but it does basically confirm Cyrus is the one who wrote that account.
aaaa that suuuuuckscos literally its fuckin a book signed by charon how was i meant to know that oh the other book right next to it isnt by charon alsoand the trading card has no meaning whatsoeverand we’re just giving more sad backstory to a guy who already had a sad backstory and nope charon has no backstory whatsoever and was just super evil and everyone was right for all these years telling me i’m a jerk for liking this characterand right when basically the same thing just happened with faba seriouslyharmless comedic villain in sun and moon, is shown apparantly redeemed in the postgame, but NOPE now its retconned and he was The Most Evil One and something something lusamine isn’t bad anymore and everything she ever did is now being done by faba in the animecos hey yknow thats what i get for giving the benefit of the doubt to ~ugly people~seriously fuckin everyone hated faba right from when he was first revealed, you had people predicting his ENTIRE PLOT based on just one picture of him and his name and no information whatsoever on his personality. we all just fucking knew what was going to happen because he’s a science man with an ‘ugly’ face and he’s ~flambouyant~and then charon fuckin literally existed to be the ~worse man~ who was added to make cyrus more redeemablethats how he was treated in both mangas. he was made more evil just so cyrus could be redeemed, which was POINTLESS because we all already believed he could be redeemed! and fuck we even all already thought he had cute moments with his pokemon as a kid, geez! there’s a hundred fanarts of that same scenario but with murkrow or zubat or magikarp or houndour or sneasel...just fuckin the pokespe manga wrote a personalityless charon who murdered a child and was outright shown not being friends with rotom and actually hating rotom and getting his ass kicked by rotomand then in DPA we get not only More Evil Charon Who Kills People but also he’s drawn really stupidly over the top scary while everyone else is big eyed shoujo dorks. and our protagonist believes that everyone is redeemable except charon. lets show cyrus committing far more evil acts than charon ever did in the game, lets show him being ooc as fuck and talking about murdering pokemon while surrounded by graves. but THAT IS OKAY and our hero will insist on saying he’s redeemable but NOOOPE charon just fuckin steals some money and has an ugly grandpa face and he gets no such sympathy. he just exists to make you forget that moment of cyrus being ooc double evil. cos we literally retconned that charon was responsible for all cyrus’s evil acts last arc, even though he wasnt even in the fuckin story yetand like now my only damn consolation here is that the character i connected with when i first played the game is AT LEAST NOT THAT EVIL. but all the potential signs of headcanoning him as not evil were all false and i just should have known it. and apparantly its a better and more worthwhile plot to just give sad childhood man another pokemon he knew in his sad childhood, and the thing i thought was Really Cool And Interesting Writing didn’t actually exist. like seriously i was fuckin literally suffering from the same abusive childhood cyrus has in his backstory back when i played dppt and i DO NOT KNOW WHY but i ended up connecting with this stupid grandpa more than him and it saved me in a dark time more than him. back then i was a stupid fuck and i hated cyrus cos i saw myself in him, like i didnt want to admit that i was in an abusive family and i wanted to hate him for daring to want to take revenge against the world that fucked him over. i felt he didnt have the right, like I didnt have the right..so yeah i didnt even fully realise cyrus’s backstory until i replayed the game as an adult, but the one thing that did hit me back then was how unexpected and cool it was to turn our opinion of this jerk grandpa on its head. like i mean whoa! i didnt hate him like everyone else did, i found him pretty funny, but still i wasnt a big fan or anything until i saw that diary entry. like charon does LITERALLY NOTHING in the plot there is no reason they should have added him in a third version, he has no reason to exist unless he was meant to be the guy who introduces rotom’s new forms also added in the game. and it was such a mind blown moment! it doesnt even make him less evil! like “whoa this evil guy used to be a good kid once” could still work even if it WASNT a sign of him having potential redeemability, like it makes him so much more personally evil and horrible if he abandoned his best friend or something. I was so dissappointed you don’t get a boss battle with him, cos i went and caught that rotom and was hyped to defeat him with the pokemon he once betrayed and like there’s NONE OF THAT ANGLE if it was cyrus. it doesnt make rotom any different than any of his other pokemon that he owns right now and we know he already cares about, cos he has a crobat.and it JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSEbecause the journal SOUNDS like charon!they both talk all smart guy style but it felt more formal like how charon talksand like how charon boasts a lot, but the journal has him boasting about his friend instead. it sounds too enthusiastic to be cyrus...and like we already know where cyrus grew up as a kid and it wasnt eterna city. and he doesnt have a secret lab in galactic hq also in eterna city, like charon does. and also he’s not like friggin fifty years old so why would his childhood poke-friend be in a wrecked abandoned house if it was just ten years ago or something. and also why would they give charon this trading card where they draw the 100% evil guy having a vaguely genuine smile on his face and not looking like rotom hates him and he’s got it caged up or anything and also why would the card’s effect be all about friendship and why would they define him as The Rotom Guy and why would they even bother to give a trading card to charon if charon is a pointless character who never did anything important and had no actual relevance to this rotom wifi event except apparantly stealing a bunch of diaries from some other guy who was really responsible for it all. and why would they bother to point out that someone signed the diary if it wasnt the guy who wrote the diary, and also we are not going to sign the diary by the guy who actually wrote it. like if it was meant to be cyrus whey didnt they make it clearer?? nobody could be expected to have figured that out!also why does charon have a second rotom room in silph co in HGSS which timeline wise means he would have had it before DPPT and he’s talking about finding a rotom by chance before he ever found this diary that doesnt really belong to him. like why would he build an entire lab of form machines if he didnt own a rotom yet? how would he know enough to make them actually work for rotom if he never owned a rotom yet?why did nintendo decide to do all this if i wasnt supposed to reach the conclusion that charon had ANYTHING to do with rotom???why didnt they make it fucking clearer. why couldnt i have been saved years of clinging to this stupid ass headcanon and basing a lot of my taste in stories on the whole concept of ‘wow that was so fucking cool how they took a one dimensional looking villain and then turned it on our head with a cool reveal and made me super eager to see future stories with him’ and hey we’re not ever gonna get those and also everyone else was right and i should just give up and agree that ugly looking granddads will always be eviland why the fuck did i somehow link my self worth to such a random ass headcanon for a random ass character like seriously could someone have properly explained cyrus’s plot to me as a kid so i could have had him stop me from committing suicide instead. like seriously if they’d just made cyrus’s grandpa less hard to find and explained the plot more clearly and explained that he was the rotom kid AAAAAAAAARGHand i really didnt fucking need this, usum, right after also people started telling me that lusamine is ~really good~ and her whole child abuse plot is gone now like ha ha ha ha fucking ha lets crush bunni on two damn levelsand what is my fucking luck that this happened to happen right on the same day when i got some stupid ass anon hate and also had a horrible nightmare about my abusive fatherlike seriously dude who sent me this ask im really sorry ive had such an incoherant babbling reply to it, its just been a really bad day for me and like.. im not freaking out because of this minor headcanon being proven wrong, its just like i was already freaking out and having some random irrelevant headcanon bullshit happen right now is REALLY bad timing to push me off the edgehopefully i can calm down and come back and give a more coherant response of like.. why i headcanoned the different thing and why I’m sad its not true, even though i’m happy for you that your personal headcanon did become true instead.but like it sucks to be told ‘nope you’re not allowed to have your favourite character, his one and only personality trait was just a misconception you had’ during such a really bad timing of such an already bad daynintendo could u give us like a sassy science villain gramps who DOES have a redemption plot? or at least a plot that isnt ‘exists to be worse than the main villain’? like seriously why did it happen twice. i was happy at original sun and moon cos it felt like faba as charon but better written but then NOOOOPEjust...god...what.what sort of fuckface up in heaven decided to throw all the bad shit at me today and not at least spread it out across the rest of the week?
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