#but on the other hand i want vash to be ok so bad. i want him to get a nice hug and a couple boxes of donuts
sharp-tooths · 2 years
Me watching the og Trigun anime after starting trigun stampede 2 moths ago: oh gee those fucking cries sound so realistic and full of pain and hurt. You just dont get that kind of genuine quality very much in newer animes. I hope Stampede delivers the same quality
Me now, having just watched episode 11 and then rewatched it just to propperly process everything: SCREAMING AND CRYING THROWING UP KICKING MY LEGS SOBBING FUCKING BAWLING MY EYES OUT DYING VIOLENTLY SHAKING-
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ruporas · 1 year
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post-trimax vash meets stampede wolfwood
[ID: Black and white comic of Vash and Wolfwood of their Stampede versions. The comic starts with Wolfwood continuing off a conversation, saying “I didn’t mean t’say anythin’ bad to her. She just took it the wrong way. But anyway...” Wolfwood speaks with a hand gestured flippantly while Vash, who’s seated next to him, just listens. Vash thinks to himself, “Talks more about himself... Honest expressions... Immature, though he was pretty immature too.” He smiles and continues to think, “And yet...”
A panel of Vash’s eye directed now to the sky. He thinks, “Some things are bound to be the same with us...” He thinks of a memory, the version from Maximum of him and Wolfwood, back shown as they chatted underneath two moons, one moon with a hole through it. Vash continues, “Isn’t that right, W-“ His thoughts are interrupted by Wolfwood coming into a view, a close up his deadpan expression. Vash utters out “-olfwood..?” with a nervous expression. He starts to explain, “Um. Sorry if it seemed like I wasn’t listening, I was! So, let’s keep talking?”
Vash smiles and puts his hands together as he says, “okay?” Wolfwood glares at him with gritted teeth and Vash immediately remembers, “Right, he’s more short-tempered...” He continues to think, “Maybe Plan B works with him—“ before he’s grabbed by his coat collar aggressively and changes thoughts, “OK, never mind, brace for impact..!” But he’s surprised when he’s tugged instead, him and Wolfwood flops against the ground. Wolfwood puts an arm over Vash and says, “I don’t need to be entertained, blondie. If yer tired, we can go to sleep.”
Two close up panels of Wolfwood and Vash’s eyes looking at each other, Wolfwood taking off Vash’s glasses as he says, “Am I wrong?” Vash thinks to himself, “Actually... I was being genuine when I said I wanted to keep talking. I don’t feel tired at all. But, I think you know this body more than I do.”
Vash’s thoughts continue, “I can’t deny the me you’re fond of from being taken care of. And I could never deny your kindness. Even though...” Vash finally smiles and says, “You’re not wrong...” Wolfwood smiles back before tugging Vash closer and says, “Then, let’s sleep.” Vash asks, “Should we get a blanket?” Wolfwood asks, “Why?” before kissing Vash on the cheek, “I’ll keep you warm.” Vash puts his face into both his hands and flushes. Wolfwood smiles cheekily and asks, “What?” Vash responds, “I was caught off guard..” Wolfwood says, “You’ve said worse though.” Vash responds, “Did I...” The panel phases out and the dialogue returns to Vash’s thoughts. He thinks, “I want to stay a bit longer. Talk a bit longer.
You’re tired here too. The future is always going to be unfair to you. I want to protect you from it. I want to hold you close so you won’t go far.” The thoughts overlap the scene of Wolfwood now sleeping peacefully against Vash with an arm over him, Vash’s jacket draped against him as a blanket. Vash looks at him and a small thought bubble thinks, “He can fall asleep first...” His previous thoughts continue, “I know I can’t. I already had that chance.” A close up of Vash putting his hand over Wolfwood’s. He continues, “I wasn’t capable once, I can’t be sure I’d be capable a second time. And in a way...”
Vash’s thoughts continue with the back drop of the sky, Stampede’s sky of two moons without holes, “Some things are bound to be the same. But I know you’ll be loved again and again in a way I’d never know.” A split panel, one half contains the sleeping face of Wolfwood from Stampede, the other of Wolfwood from Trimax. In turn, the Vash lying down looking fondly at Wolfwood shifts to the post Trimax Vash while the other versions, Stampede and earlier Trimax, are faintly drawn next to him doing the same. Vash closes his eyes and finally drifts to sleep as the final text reads, “Goodnight, Wolfwood.”
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bendycxmet · 8 months
Hi! How are you? I hope you are doing well <3 I binge-read all of you trigun fics and i loved them, so i wanted to request something too!
How about a Vash x reader where the reader sleeps on him? Vash is listening to them ramble about something and then boom, they fall asleep on him bc hes warm. <3
i am doing well! thank you for your support! <33
i usually take forever to write a piece, but ur ask inspired me and had me thinking all day on how to go about this. so hope you enjoy this! thank you for the request!
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Sweet Dreams
Exiting the bathroom, freshly washed and donning one of Vash’s shirts, you throw your towel over your head, continuing to dry off your head while you peered out into the room. Vash lounged on the motel bed, arms thrown behind him to support his head, lean legs sprawled out and taking up the entire mattress. He was whistling a tune you didn’t recognize, one eye closed while the other surveilled you in the opening of the steaming door. 
“Ya sure you didn’t wanna take a shower? There’s still some hot water left,” you offered.
“Nah, got too comfy waiting here for you. I’ll take one in the morning.” 
He closed his other eye, humming the tune now. He did look comfy. A little too comfy. With his eyes closed, he didn’t see the mischievous glimmer in your eye. The pattering of your feet was his only warning as you dove for him, body landing atop his, an ‘oof!’ sounding from him as your body weight collapsed on his chest. You were cackling at the noise he made, wrapping your arms around his waist as his fingers tickled your sides.
“Not fair! You attacked a defenseless man!”
“Getting comfortable without me, handsome? Ay! Stop it!-” 
His fingers didn’t stop their wriggling assault, only ending when you began to retaliate. 
“Ok, ok! I’m done!” He coughed a laugh out. “Mm, you smell nice. I haven’t smelled this soap before. Where’d you get it?” He twirled a wet piece of hair between his fingers.
“Oh I didn’t tell you! I met this vendor at the market earlier! While you were off looking for your donuts, the smell of the loveliest lavender drew me in.”
Vash hummed along to your story, indicating that his attention was still 100% on you as he played with your hair. He breathed in the calming scent on your skin and hair, allowing it to sway him to sleep slowly. You rambled on and on about how the vendor made the soap, the techniques and oils she used to bring out the herb. 
“But I got her card so we can go back and get you a soap! I do love how you smell Vash, it’s almost like you have a sort of gene that prevents you from smelling bad.” You turned your nose further into his shirt, inhaling the raw smell of him–sunshine with notes of something earthy…petrichor, or something along those lines. It grounded you every time. “But geez, would it kill you to wash your laundry sometimes?! You stink!” you lied, teasing a finger into his chest.
He yelped, abruptly awoken by your harsh jabbing. He grabbed your finger, bringing it up to kiss it, splaying your hand open with his own, observing the size difference. 
“We can do a laundry day tomorrow. I saw the laundromat wasn’t too far off from us, so we can easily carry our loads there.” He sighed, a content smile plastered on his face at the domesticity you two indulged in. He entwined your fingers, bringing it to the side of his face. “That reminds me! I got us donuts for the morning! You should’ve seen the options, I mean. I was in heaven, Mayfly. Powdered, glazed, cake-”
He let your hand go as he gestured in the air, passionate about the change in subject.
It was Vash’s turn to ramble. And once he started on his favorite topic–donuts–there was no stopping him. The deep timbre of his voice held some power. His voice always became deeper late into the night, hinting that he was getting tired; but it seemed to lower your heart rate, lower your defenses and diminish the adrenaline you had from a busy day. The warmth of the day seemed to never leave him, his body heat encompassing the parts of you that touched him. You tucked your legs closer to his body as the coldness of the desert night reached for your feet. 
One of his arms was wrapped around you, hand coming to rest on your shoulder. The other was busy with your arm on the opposite side, fingers lightly grazing up and down. The security you felt in his presence never failed to put you to sleep. 
You hummed one last time, eyes softly closing at his praise for a certain jelly doughnut. You promised in your head that you were only shutting them for a minute. What lies you told yourself.
“But I got your favorite! It might have a bite in it, but I saved the majority of it for you! I know you’ll like it, because I know you, hehe…um. Mayfly?” 
Your soft snores alerted him that you stopped paying attention to his tales of the day. He peered down his nose at you, love clearly painted into his features. Your eyelashes were long from this angle, gently laid out on your sun-kissed skin. Your lips were parted, soft breaths felt on his chest as you breathed in his scent on each inhale and exhaled the minty paste from your nighttime routine. He’s told you plenty of times before, but if only you knew how beautiful you looked in his eyes. 
He felt goosebumps rise on your skin from the chill in the air. He reached down to grab the comforter, pulling it up to your shoulders. You shifted slightly, stilling in the creases of his warm neck that was now heating your cold nose. He giggled at the temperature difference, arms also wrapping around your waist as he settled further into the sheets.
He had to admit, his exaggerated noise and fuss at your sudden dive from earlier was only a ruse. He loved the nights you chose to sleep tucked into his side, but he delighted in the nights you chose to smother him, arms always wrapped around him. He had days to live for with you, but there were always nights to live for as well.
“Sweetest of dreams, Mayfly.”
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A/N: side note! i am open to requests! i think they're super fun and it really does get me motivated to write more :)
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arkhamjack · 6 months
CW for gore and suicidal ideation (TriMax Vol. 7) also Spoiler warning!
EDIT: I am a drama queen and just assume a lot of Trimax readers misinterpreted this scene bc I saw like only two people do it but I’m also using this as an excuse to yap about Vash and Knives’ personalities bc it was super interesting in this volume ok byyeee read on:
Is it just me or is the majority of the fandom under the impression that it was Knives who stabbed Rem?? Because it was actually Vash. Which I think says a lot about their actual personalities vs how the fandom perceives them.
Analysis under the cut!
In classic Nightow fashion, it's hard to figure out wtf is going on and you gotta read over it multiple times, but look:
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After the discovery of Tesla, Knives faints and is placed in a little incubator thing or whatever and Vash laments the fact he remained awake to mull over the horrors. From this point on, Knives is not in the picture bc he's busy honk mimimi (which is actually something he employs as a coping mechanism throughout the story... his precious beauty sleep...)
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Now, Vash is refusing to eat and lashes out at Rem, expressing his disdain for being stuck on a spaceship with all these nasty humans.
Rem once again tries to get Vash to eat, peeling him a fruit.
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Vash lunges for the knife and attempts to stab himself, but Rem stops him.
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Vash is locked in a reactive state - he's in shock and acting out. This is where I think ppl miss the mark in interpreting the twins and why Vol. 7 is so important.
Vash can actually be nasty as hell. He ain't all that babygirl. His silly goofy facade is a way of integrating himself into the human world sure - but it's also lying to himself. He's impulsive, stubborn, and dare I say arrogant with his Messianic martyr type shit. (EDIT: I’m being a bit harsh here… I mean yeah he’s the only person on Gunsmoke who’s got a chance against Knives but like getting up in townspeople’s business gets really annoying imo like I understand why he does it but man…that’s why we’ve got Wolfwood bc narrative foil and whatever… anyway)
Knives on the other hand, internalises everything. Though he may appear to be the one who lashes out, and yes of course he's also arrogant, but it's mostly projection. He is in a MAD state of denial. For all his talk of being a superior being, that humans are icky and should all perish, yada yada yada, he actually wishes for love and acceptance - he wants to be safe.
Obviously, his head is too far up his ass to admit it, and he's always too busy tweaking about how annoying Vash is and blaming Rem for everything to actually try and sit down and think of better ways to do things but ANYWAY
(You know who else's head is up their ass? Vash. The twins are actually so alike if you really study them!! Anywayyyy)
That was Knives' whole deal from THE VERY BEGINNING. Knives was the one to cry in relief when Conrad and the crew accepted them, not Vash. Vash was more like "ok cool! life might not be so bad! yipee!" and then Knives had to Big Fall about his internalised plantphobia or whatever etc etc.
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The stabbing occurs. Again, hard to tell it's actually occurring bc Nightow, but yeah Vash stabbed Rem. Not Knives! Bro has passed out for a couple days now lol.
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More evidence it's Vash - Vash was the one to express feeling suicidal. Knives cannot express anything to save his life bc he's the king of internalisation and deflection and projection lmao. Also yeah he's still eeping.
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Oh look! He rises! Completely unaware of the drama that has unfolded! Not that he'd care! He's set on a mission to hurl humanity to the dust bowl of Gunsmoke! Little scamp.
Ok take from all that what you will!
Thanks for reading <3
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the-nysh · 2 years
Hi there!! I just saw your tags on the Vash marksman appreciation post and I really REALLY gotta know your thoughts on the fight choreography bc while I did martial arts as a kid I don’t remember everything and just extremely curious!! Wanna appreciate the thoughts put behind making this boyo!!
👀👀!!! Yes, hello! (Note: I'm also about 10yrs rusty out of practice in hapkido--a Korean defensive art that combines many styles from judo/aikido/etc, so while I may not remember all the formal terms and stuff, I can still SEE the very real and very sexy close combat choreography + randori/grapples/ground work they're smoothly throwing in there!) I've briefly tag-ranted on some former gifs I've reblogged here & here but OK, I can indulge into a little more detail! :D
Let's start with this gif, which is such a nice introductory tease!
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The point-blank bullet dodging is some of that sick looking 'rule of cool' inhuman spice, but oh what's this?? 👀 The other dude is dumbly holding his arm out (non-defensively, since if that guy were smart about close fighting, he'd have his other hand up at the ready too) right in Vash's personal space, ripe for the taking - to which OH YES he easily blocks with the prosthetic arm and transitions right into a throw for the takedown. Where he shoves the fool over his shoulder with a lot more power (which is hard to do, esp from a standing position without a solid grip on any lapels either; woo he just goes right in for it), rather than using the dude's own momentum against him, since the guy's literally just standing there (as a stationary weight) rather than trying to punch him in a brawl. But LOOK what else Vash does!!! His block with the prosthetic becomes a grip that both holds/pulls onto the guy's arm during the throw and disarms the guy - by tossing his gun away, in one swift movement! :O Not only that, but there!! We see the first quick tease of him reverse-griping his own heavy brick of a gun into a tonfa position to strike the guy at the back of the neck for a non-lethal stun!!! That is SO cool!!! ;o; Some galaxy-brained application of his no-killing fighting style (using both arms + his revolver in his repertoire...oh wait, that already makes up the title's literal 3 guns *gets shot*) where it looks so fresh and seamlessly smooth af. Great stuff.
Then the Livio fight, despite him being double-armed with long-range weapons, is full of close-range gold from the way Vash tackles him, straddles him, and pins him to the floor with a (forceful!) choke to the throat (like whoa excuse me hello), but ALSO from the self-aware way Vash always has his guard up to keep both of Livio's guns out of the way at all times. D: Whether parrying bullets with his prosthetic, blocking/holding the guns away with that arm too (as shown), or even using his own gun defensively as a tonfa-shield to reinforce his blocks as well.
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So then we get to THIS GIF, the same sequence that drove you insane for his smooth marksmanship tracking, drives ME insane for his immediate close-quarters holywhattheflyingshit did he just DO!?!?!?! 👀👀
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LOOK AT HIM!!! Honestly it's kinda hard to see everything from how fast he goes, but I love the way he zips in there to grapple Livio off-balance, and ahh!! Look at the way Vash ducks and defensively keeps both arms up (this is SO important, because once you've trained you'll notice how in so many movies/comics' 'rule of cool' martial arts moves, they'll often have a character wildly swing their arms out to the sides to counter-balance kicks and stuff, but no--that's bad/unsafe form; bc if you're in a real fight you need to keep both arms up and ready at all times if you want to protect your core/face from getting blown off! Which just as you've noted, is something that needs to be practiced! The fact Vash has kept his unblemished pretty face for 150yrs is testament to that~) Vash knows how to simultaneously use his prosthetic AND his gun as needed--cause look at that, he swiftly holds it reversed as a tonfa again to block Livio's gun swing, which is a really cool way to use a gun as a shield to protect his own flesh arm from the incoming blows.
But that's not all, because ahaaa~ Fighting defensively is not all he's got up his sleeve! The little boxing jab he throws to Livio's face with his prosthetic arm makes me giggle, because OH YEAH that's a real thing! A type of distraction strike you pull - the same as stomping on a foot or kicking someone in the balls, to disorient your opponent off-guard first before you serve your real (offensive) move. Which in Vash's case leads up to a....O___O;;!?!? TF is THAT.
Here's where they're teasing in more of that inhuman spice again, because Vash holds Livio's guns out of the way (as usual) and revs up for a....fucking one-punch to the solar plexus at point-blank?!? D8 Whatwhatwhatwhat!!! Because that wasn't his gun's doing at all; he was still holding it defensively in that arm as a tonfa! That was his real arm's natural brute strength bitch!!! aaaahaha!!! wow I love it. The guy modestly says he's not much of a fighter but that's not trueeee at all, is it~ ;) I can SEE real proof of that otherwise and I can't wait for what else studio orange will show us to blow our minds.
*Ahem* So anyway did I ever mention how much I like the way he reverses the grip on his gun to use as a tonfa? (both defensively as a shield to protect himself and offensively to stun/strike his opponents with) For thematically how much it seamlessly works for his fighting style to never kill, for how the improvised (but practiced!) close-range practicality and versatility of it looks crazy awesome, and because damn, that shit's hot.
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whirlwindimagines · 2 years
Hi how are you? I hope youre ok. i love youre blog and wanted to ask if you could write nightmare comfort because i have them like every night and they end in really bad panic attacks i just need comfort 🥲
With wolfwood and vash and if you want to million knives
you dont have to.
have a nice day <3
btw sorry for my bad englisch 😅
Hi! I’m doing well, just trying to get through the week lol I’m sorry for your nightmares! That’s no fun, I hope this is nice and comforting. And I low key been wanting to write for Million Knives because he’s usually my type lol pretty, psycho, mass murderer ya know the usual type! I'm not kidding I'm a Dabi apologist; don't think I won't turn into a Knives’ one. Man, I really do be exposing myself on this blog. Also, this is my first time writing for Knives so apologies, also of course his part was the longest. 
'Sweet dreams are made of this'
Vash, Nichalous D Wolfwood, and Million Knives (separate) comforting you after a nightmare.
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You awoke with a silent scream, for a second you didn't recognize where you were your heart still racing. Then it was slowly coming back to you, looking around you noticed you were in a hotel room, that’s right the group had stopped at the little motel for the night. You glanced over beside you, and let out a sigh of relief.
And Vash was right there, sound asleep, his back facing you. Placing a hand over your heart, you were glad you didn't wake him God knew he needed his sleep, the man was usually a light sleeper, but he admitted one night that when he slept in a bed with you, he was more content. It was sweet and definitely didn't make your heart race. 
You lay back down, everything is fine, you are safe, Vash is safe and you are sure the others are fine in their own rooms. Okay back to bed, you don't know how long you lay there staring up at the ceiling. With a sigh you turn towards Vash, you don't really want to wake him for such a silly reason.
Reaching your hand out slowly you grip the back of his shirt between his shoulder blades. You call his name; your heart skips a beat as he stirs. “What is it?” he says with a yawn, your voice catching in your throat embarrassed. “Nothing sorry just go back to sleep.” You say quickly, dropping your hand. “Hey wait.” he shuffles around to face you; he looks tired but his gaze is focused on you. You blush, “I had a nightmare.” You admitted shyly, Vash reaches out a hand and rest it against your cheek. “Come here.” you don't need to be told twice, you moved forward wrapping your arms around Vash as his own arms settle around you. You could hear his heartbeat from where your head lay on his chest, slow, steady, safe. 
Vash ran his fingers through your hair, and you were glad he wasn’t asking any questions you didn’t want to talk about it anyway. Feeling safe and protected, you relaxed even more into his hold. You knew sleep would come much easier now, you smiled when you felt Vash press a gentle kiss to the top of your head. Everything would be fine now.
“Fuck!” You awoke sharply, your hands going to your head. You forced yourself to breathe, the night air was cool against your skin and it felt good. You settled back on your back looking up at the stars.
You were shaking, placing your hands on your face you tried to control your breathing. You sigh your probably not going to get any more sleep. Placing your hands at your side you watch the sky, glancing over at your companion you are surprised to see Wolfwood awake and watching the stars. 
“You good?” His voice startles you, at first you are speechless, but he turns to look at you with a raised brow. You sigh, “it’s stupid, just go back to sleep.” You say your tone was dismissive, it was silly. The nightmares were annoying at this point. “Sorry I woke you.” Turning on your side in the sleeping bag, you force your eyes close. 
Wolfwood scoffs at you, hearing him shuffle around a bit. “You didn’t wake me, get up.” He shoves your shoulder; you roll your eyes sitting up and turning to him. Your face flushed he’s way too close, and you lean back a bit. “Seriously Nico it was nothing.” You don’t want to talk about this, you watch him light a smoke. He passes you one, and with a sigh you take it. He offers you a light, but you don’t take it just holding the unlit cigarette between your fingers.
The two of sitting in silence, honestly you're glad for this. He doesn’t ask you any questions, “thanks.” You whisper, too shy to look at him. He chuckles, “for what?” your gaze softens as you look at him, you rest your arms over your knees and let out a light laugh.
“For being here.” You smirk, when he looks away stubbing out the cigarette in the sand. You watch the tips of his ears turn red; Nicholas was always nervous when you went soft on him. But you loved making him blush, he flustered you so much it was only fair to return the favor.
Scooting closer to the man, you lean your head on his shoulder. Sitting right beside him now, Wolfwood doesn’t say anything. He also doesn’t look at you as he lifts an arm to wrap around your shoulders to bring you to his side. You close your eyes smiling contently, there is no place you’d rather be. 
Million Knives:
The screaming you realize is your own voice, you slap your hands over your mouth to cut the sound your heart racing it feels like it's going to burst from your chest. The silence in your room is loud, only your rapid heartbeat and harsh breaths fill the space. Fuck you briefly wonder if you woke anyone up, you hope not… some of the others had quite the temper. 
With a sigh, you force yourself out of the bed, and out of your room it's too suffocating. With no real destination in mind, you let your hand trail on the wall as you walk down the pristine hallway. As you continue to walk that’s when you hear the first sounds of a piano. The song is familiar of course, and you know who is playing. 
You wonder if you should continue, interrupting Knives could be a death sentence for some. But the thought of going back to bed, to sleep, makes your stomach twist painfully. So, you continue trying not to think too hard when you step into the grand room. The music is louder here of course, now that you’ve reached its source. 
Standing there watching, you’re sure he already knows you are there. But you don't speak out of turn, “What.” his voice is curt, but not angry you take it as a sign to continue. “I had a nightmare, and I heard you playing.” you found being honest, and blunt with Knives’ was easier. He hated when people skirt around their words, you’re a little embarrassed about what you admitted to, but your heart skips a beat when he gestures you over with a wave of his hand. 
Approaching carefully, you stand off to the side he removes his hood your blood runs cold when he looks at you with a sly grin, “A nightmare?” he coos it at you mockingly, this was a bad idea you should have turned around, the moment you heard the keys of the piano. You nod, watching as he pats the bench, you know he's telling you to sit not asking. 
You do, trying not to show any emotion, you couldn't ever get a read on him, A part of you knew you should be afraid, and maybe the rational side of you was, but right now? You were tired. He looks at you expecting an answer, “Yes, I get them often.” you meet his gaze shyly, and he lets out a ‘hum’ turning back to the keys and resting his hands on them not playing. “You humans fear so easily, even in sleep you can't escape it.” 
Your hands clench in your lap, Knives begin to play now a softer melody one you haven't heard, you look at him in surprise but his face gives nothing away. The tune is comforting, and you can feel it lulling you to sleep. “Go ahead sleep, nothing will harm you here.” Not thinking of the consequences, you lean your head on Knives shoulder, he continues playing as the song lulls you to sleep.
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bloodypeachblog · 2 years
Wolfwood X F!Reader NSFW headcanons/drabble
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Ok, I'm not drooling over Nick here, but I get why others do, I can see it. If I weren't simping for Vash 24/7, sure, I'd settle with him. I could fix that attitude of his. But whatever, let's go. Don't know what this is exactly, but don't care, just enjoy. Those who wanted Nick's version, bon appetit!
• Now, this guy acts like a drunk asshole a majority of the time. He's also a shit priest. I wouldn't have him running your grandma's funeral, is all I'm saying.
• He can act cocky, sarcastic, cold, all that shit. But you can see right through that mask.
• you can tell that he was just a guy that was hurt many times as a kid and he only closed himself off and acted like an asshole because he didn't want to be hurt again. Can't blame him, honestly.
• when you joined him, he was curmudgeonly about it, but over time, you started to grow on him. But don't expect him to show it or say it.
• time goes on, he ends up catching feelings for you and in his head, he's like 'bro wtf is this sappy shit?'
• of course, he never fully showed it, but slowly, he started to be nicer to you, and only you. Little gestures, looks, and words that showed that there was more to him than the cold sarcastic prick persona.
• it wasn't until you both stayed at an inn and they only had one room with one bed available that things changed.
• it was the only place for miles and it wasn't safe to be out late at night, so you both agreed to stay.
• once it was time for bed, you suggested he sleep in the bed with you, since there was enough room for both of you.
• it takes him some convincing, but he soon agrees and climbs in with you.
• when you both ended up facing each other, he starts to blush a bit and you can see something different in his eyes.
• you ask him about it and he denies it.
• you keep pushing him and pushing him and pushing him until...
• "IT'S BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, OKAY?! NOW SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP! GODDAMMIT!!" He turns his back to you in a huff.
• You're left shell-shocked by the fast confession for a few seconds. Wait...did he just...? Oh fuck, he did.
• you then smile and think 'ok I know what to do now.'
• luckily you felt the same way for him, so you felt that the time was now.
• you lift yourself up a bit and turn his head towards you and you kiss him on the lips, nothing deep, but just a soft and gentle press.
• Now, usually, he'd push you off and go 'what the ever loving FUCK is wrong with you?!' But...something was different tonight.
• he felt...okay with it. In fact...this wasn't all that bad.
• was it because it was you kissing him? Most definitely.
• he turns his body around and pulls you close to him, returning your kiss with a deeper one.
• you wrap your arms around him as your tongue danced with his.
• Jesus, take the wheeeeeeel~
• you both lose yourselves in the kiss and forget about the rest of the shitty world.
• it's not long until he shifts so he's on top of you and starts kissing your neck.
• you softly moan and he can't. Get. ENOUGH.
• he starts to unbutton your shirt and opens it to reveal your breasts, out in the open.
• his mouth and hands immediately going towards them, sucking and licking on one of your nipples while massaging your other breast.
• you can feel your lower heat start to grow warmer the more he did all of this to you.
• not long after that, he pulls your soaked underwear down and starts to eat you out.
• Oh yeah. This man eats pussy. I mean, look at him. Of course he does.
• you try to hold in your moans as you grasp at his hair, your fingers gripping it tightly, trying to ride the pleasure he was giving you.
• you feel his tongue all on your lips, your clit, even sliding inside a bit.
• man was on a mission to make you cum on his face.
• fortunately, that mission was a success.
• he wipes his face and licks his juice-covered hand clean.
• he sits up on his knees and takes his shirt off and undoes his pants to take his huge cock out, throbbing and dripping precum already. (Ok ngl, that's hot as hell).
• he grabs your hips and pulls you in, rubbing his cock on your pussy, teasing it.
• he loves to watch you squirm and beg, so he takes his time teasing you.
• "you want it, eh? You cute little slut. Say that and maybe I'll give it."
• you say what he wants you to say, that you're his cute little slut and no one else's. That you were made to only be fucked by him. That kind of shit.
• once he's satisfied with the responses, he smirks, says "that's my girl", and just rams himself inside you.
• guy is completely stretching you out, holy shit he's so big.
• no wonder he's a man of god, you would be too if you were blessed with such a gift like that.
• he slams your hips onto his, going balls deep.
• he's either licking, kissing, or biting your neck and shoulders as he fucks into you.
• now it's getting REALLY hard to hold in your moans, so when he gets the message, he kisses you deeply and lets you moan in his mouth as much as you want.
• he pulls you up so that you're both sitting up, but you're facing him and while you're riding him, he's licking and sucking and kneading your breasts.
• you didn't believe in God before, this man will make you see the light.
• he whispers the dirtiest shit in your ear. Just, pure filth. To the point that it's questionable whether he is a man of god or not.
• but you didn't care. Oh no, you were too busy drowning in pure ecstasy while you bounce on his throbbing cock.
• you were positive you came about, like, 3 times already, but he was still going.
• and you loved every second of it.
• now, the question is, does he 'use the back door'? Oh hell yeah, no doubt. If you're cool with it, of course. He preps you real well, too.
• and I hope you don't mind occasional hair-pulling, because he does it. Short or long hair, he'll grab it and use it as leverage so he could fuck you harder.
• soon enough, he's reached his limit, but no way in hell is he pulling out.
• if God made it so a man's seed can be accepted in a woman's womb, well, Nick isn't one to neglect that, now is he?
• So Much Cum™
• Dude's been backed up for years, being a man of the cloth would do that to ya.
• but you're happily accepting it, your pussy and womb drinking it up to full capacity.
• once the deed is done, he'll throw you a towel to let you clean yourself. While you're doing that, he lights a cigarette.
• Once you're done and he's finished off the cigarette, you and him are lying in bed, holding each other close, fast asleep.
• before he dozed off, he planned on what he would do for round 2 in the morning.
(A/N: does this apply to 1998 Nick? Fuck yeah, it does.)
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
If u can ...mmm can u do like ... Basycally they are in a fight (Vash,Wolfwood and you) there are many gunshots but in the end wolfwood and Vash beat the criminals thinking that it was ok and fine but then they hear gasp and "g...guys..." as they turn they saw y/n shaking looking at them with one hand holding the bullet wound in the chest,the other full of blood, then they fall on their knees and they panic,crying saying that it hurts, saying that they don't want to die,so they clench on him, then Vash trying to stop the bleeding?
U can put like some reassuring Vash and wolfwood saying that help his coming,crying and all that,also the bullet was out and leaved a huge gap?
U can be as detailed as possible or put so much pain yada yada,blood and all
I'm gonna read the writing u did now
I absolutely love this idea. I think I'll need some fluff or something other than angst after this though lol. I love angst but too much and I'm burnt out for sure.
PLEASE STAY --- Vash & wolfwood
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SUMMARY: Everyone was in check right? They got all the bad guys. Everyone was okay, right? Seems they've sadly struck an unlucky mine.
Warning: Blood, hella angst
NOTES: I'm leaving this written as is, sorry but I just can't find it in myself to write the ending at the moment. I would have written it later then posted it but I figured I'd get this out the way first.
"Was that the last one?" Nick turns to Vash with his cross ready to fire again. Taking a simple glance around, Vash nods his head with a small smile.
"Yeah, that-" Vash is cut off by a loud gasp. Turning to look behind him, his skin grows ice cold. Both men swear they can feel their hearts stop when they look. On your knees you shake and shudder in fear, blood spills over your hand from where it clutches your chest tightly. You can't feel it but the blood is so warm against your skin and the bullet in your body feels so cold.
"G... Guys?"
Nick's cross falls to the ground with a loud thud as he rushes to your side, his hands clutching your shoulders as he looks you over. "Oh god." He stammers. The cigarette delicately placed between his lips falls between his knees, he can feel you shaking in his hands. A spike of panic rises in his chest and his throat squeezes. Behind him, Vash watches the scene unfold in horror. Frozen in place, his heart pounds in his ears. Was this happening?
"Fuck! Make it stop, make it stop! It hurts, fuck it hurts!" You clench your eyes shut in pain. The initial shock has worn off leaving you stripped bare to the pain settling in your bones. If you could dig yourself a hole and never come back, God you would. Fisting Nick's shirt with a scream, you slip against him, your forehead resting on his shoulder.
"I'm going to die. I don't want to die. Nick, I don't wanna die." If there's anything 'The Punisher' should be well versed with, it's death. This, he knows better than anyone. Watching the light fade from someone's eyes as they shudder their last breath and slump limply into the ground. He always watches nonchalantly, not a single emotion stirring inside his chest. But now, it's burning alive with fear and anxiety.
"Vash! Do something!" The death of another has always been inconsequential to him but as you shake and sputter in his arms, blood gushing from your chest while you scream in pain, he feels a switch inside of him flip on like a light. After all these years, it's finally coming back to bite him in the ass.
Vash appears beside him with a torn flap of fabric from his cross cover. Pulling you away from his body he tenses, watching you limply flob around like a discarded rag doll. Vash leans forward, his arms wrapping around you to tie the cloth around your chest. The hand covering the wound falls limply at your side as he tightens the cloth down. Vash extends his arms to take you.
"c'mon, c'mon..." He urges Nick to pass you to him. As gently as he can, Nick places you in Vash's arms bridal style. "It's going to be okay. Don't worry. I've got you now." Vash takes off running, leaving Nick to hurriedly gather his cross and join the chase.
"Just how do you think we're getting help?" Nick asks as he finally catches up to the blonde. He's pointedly staring ahead, his eyes fixated on the closest running truck.
Coming to a stop at the door Nick pulls it open and raises a gun to the driver. "Get out or your next."
Eyes wide with fear, the driver dies out of his seat and onto the dusty ground. Taking his cross he throws it into the bed of the truck and rushes to the other side, where he climbs into the driver's seat and waits for Vash to settle in. The moment that door closes, the tires are kicking up dirt.
"There's a doctor at the far end of town. Hurry." Vash tells him as he looks down at you in his arms. Your shaking profusely, your hands reaching to tug at his jacket. The world around you feels like it's frozen over and it's hard to keep your eyes on anything. "Vash... I'm cold. Please..." You whine. He hushes you. "Don't worry." Carefully his arms slip from underneath you to slide his coat off.
"Just relax." The coat drapes over your entire body and surrounds you with a shield of warmth but it's not enough. It feels like Ice is still building in your veins. Everything going on at once is running your body thin, making your eyes grow heavy and sleep weight in the back of your mind. No matter how hard you peel them open, blinking holds them shut while you struggle to wake back up.
"I can't keep my eyes open." The truck slows to a stop and both the doors fly open.
"Don't fall asleep!" Nick yells as he reaches your side. Still in Vash's arms you struggle to open your eyes again, something calls to you in your head. It begs for you to succumb to the darkness but you refuse.
"Keep your eyes open. Look at me." Vash begs.
Running into the building, Nick rushes to the front desk. "We need medical attention right now. There's been a bullet wound to the shoulder and they're losing conscience." He stammers.
The woman behind the desk stands and runs to Vash's side. "Come with me baby." She places a hand on his back and hurriedly pushes forward towards the operating room. Behind them follows Nick who struggles to keep up. The woman is talking to you, lightly slapping your face to keep you awake. It works for the most part but you can't bring yourself to move. You've lost too much blood.
"Emergency. Coming in!" She yells holding the door open to usher them in. The doctor perks up at the four of you entering. Upon seeing you he frowns and gestures for you to be laid on the table. Gingerly, Vash places you against the cold bed, his coat still covering your shivering body. He watches in horror while the lady starts to guide him away from you, pushing back against her he watches you turn to look at him.
"Please stay."
The door shuts in his face and for the first time, Nick watches him crumble to the floor; his head held in his hands while sobs wrack his body. The ever joyful, Vash, was crying.
Nick couldn't find it in himself to keep watching, just hearing Vash cry was enough to make his own eyes water. Turning away to leave, he pulls a cigarette from its pack and brings it to his lips. As he walks away, he starts to hope that you'll recover quickly, that way he won't ever have to see you like that again. Looking down to slide his cigarettes in his pocket he finds his suit covered in your blood. You lost so much... A blood transplant was surely needed. Between him and Vash he wasn't entirely sure if either of them would be of use in that matter but it darkens the sliver of hope in his heart.
Stopping him from straying any further away is Vash's hand around his wrist. Just as Nick turns to face him Vash hugs him tightly. Sobs still fall from his lips and blood covers his entire torso. He doesn't bother to offer any comfort to the blond and instead allows him to cry to his heart's content against him. There's just not enough energy for him to care for another person besides himself.
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chris-continues · 1 year
I think we need to take a moment to collectively think about just how rewarding it would be -- (obviously after quite a long time of getting to know each other, building trust, etc.) -- to be able to take care of Nai a little bit. Making sure HE gets to have a sense of support and importance too, and knowing him well enough to be able to give it to him with whatever touches or gestures he's best equipped to recognize and let himself accept at that time.
NOTES: it’s been awhile since I’ve written college au knives, so I definitely had some fun with this hehe >:)
TAGS: @vashfantasy @h4venpha @lune010 @millionsvash @beanibon
Oh most definitely. In my college au he’s constantly watching over Vash and is always swamped with work- having to quit extracurriculars and take up jobs in hs to support them both, helping to take care of the crummy apartment, making sure Vash was taking care of himself, it takes a toll on how you take care of yourself.
I like to imagine Nai and Vash as a sort of example to Katniss and Prim if you read THG- Katniss only takes care of herself because she needs to take care of Prim. I think Nai is kinda like that too. Not that he himself needs a lot of maintenance or upkeep lmao (considering he doesn’t need to eat or sleep) but he still has to groom himself, take care of everything regarding house payments, bills, etc.
By the time reader meets him he’s hardened by his experiences, as you’d expect. He’s very touch averse, yet starved for it (relatable), and the idea of others caring for him makes him cringe. It feels.. shaming to him. Like it invalidates the care he’s had to meticulously handle for years. Of course, it doesn’t; but that’s just how he processes it. Supporting him will start with acts of service.
“You’re always getting me snacks, and I saw this yogurt at the campus cafe and thought of you. You like blueberries, right?”
At that point in time, he’ll hesitantly take it and eat it while studying later. It’s… not half bad. Actually pretty good. Hm. He’s oftentimes carrying food on hand for Vash and you, (who he’s grown partly fond of because you make valid points and you aren’t incompetent), so having the favor returned isn’t something he ever truly put his mind to.
Or perhaps offering him a pen, something small like that. Saving a seat for him in class. Offering him music. He doesn’t accept some of these offers, in fact a lot of times he refuses, but it’s the thought that counts and he does learn to appreciate it more over time.
The first time your hands brush, he curls away with a disgruntled look on his face. Don’t take it personally, it’s just that he isn’t entirely comfortable with physical touch. Imo the only exception to this is if you’re overstimulated and need some time away or if you’re having a panic attack- in which case, for anyone Nai is doing what he can to help. It’s a rough spot he’s seen himself in, a rough spot he’s seen Vash in, and despite finding a lot of things disgustingly human he won’t shame anyone for such a thing.
If you don’t want touch during those times? Understandable. He’s the same way. But if you’re reaching out or need to grab something (ex: his sleeve, fiddle with his pen, etc) he’ll silently hand it to you.
Giving him that same support is a whole other story though, as usually he’ll push everyone away coldly. Even Vash. Leave him alone and when he’s ready, he’ll come to you.
“Hey, you ok? I was worried about you earlier.”
“Adequate.” He hummed.
He won’t apologize for pushing you away, because duh, he was in a stressful situation and him pushing you away was valid, but there’s a sense of.. maybe some closeness between you two. I think growing closer to Nai and caring for him is something that will take time, and it’s gradual, you never really know when it starts- but you’re someone he learns to.. gravitate towards, and Vice versa.
When you get really close to him, you’ll lean on one another. You have to initiate, but he’ll melt into the touch. It’s perfect because he can pull away if need be, it’s an easy thing to do without having to awkwardly position yourselves, and it’s cozy. Or linking arms while sitting down, your head against his shoulder. He finds the weight to not be too suffocating and it fuels his touch starved self just a bit. It’s comfortable. You have to ask often, and he appreciates it.
“Can I lean on you again?”
“Mm.” (Yes)
Frame it as a favor to him. Initiate. He doesn’t wanna ask for it himself. Once he grows more comfortable he’ll allow himself to accept your affections more, craving your touch. It’s something that is a very long term struggle, but he’s handling it well.
This could apply to being in a QPR, close friendship, or a romantic relationship w him imo!!
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
Real curious about trigun but I got three questions:
1) what's up with the Christian vibes?
2)the blond guys (plants???) have trans vibes, actual coding or just an accident? (fine either way just curious)
3) what's the plot? Space cowboys?
Anyways Millie is cool, (I once mistook the girl typically next to her for that guy from genshin impact)
1) Christian vibes are why I want to lock myself in a room for a month and emerge with a 3 hour video essay about Trigun very very badly right now.
Trigun spends a lot of time exploring Forgiveness, Mercy, and Redemption, which are famously also the themes of Jesus' wacky adventures in the New Testament.
But. You know how in the old testament there was like a bunch of Divine Wrath and stuff? And it feels really incongruent with the forgiveness in the New Testament sometimes. And also for many centuries Christians have cited God's divine acts of wrath as justification for incredible acts of cruelty against their fellow man? You know how that history of cruelty and punishment is, at this point, just as synonymous with Christianity as the Jesus Forgiveness stuff?
Well Trigun is about how the Jesus Forgiveness stuff is better. Not because Jesus said so but because of the enormous OBSERVABLE positive impact that forgiveness and redemption can have. Positive impact that wrath and retribution rob all parties involved of the chance to witness.
Trigun tells a story which demonstrates this in largely secular situations but underscores both the forgiveness and the wrath with divine imagery. And since both the forgiveness and the wrath are equally visually tied to the divine, symbols of divinity cannot be considered synonymous with perfection, unerring judgement, nor inherent rightness or goodness. Divinity becomes simply a symbol of power, and power is a double-edged sword as well. The power to do good is also the power to cause massive harm, and in many cases people will treat power pessimistically out of an understandable will for self-preservation.
But power is neither inherently good nor bad-- power ultimately reflects the flawed and fallible person weilding it. I could go on but this is really long so I'll stop lol :)
WAIT. Divinity = Power, Angels are the symbol of Divinity, Angels are messengers of God, Communication and connecting with others is emphasized, Communication = Power = Divinity ok I'll stop for real tee hee
2) I don't know if the trans coding was intentional, but HOLY SHIT is it THERE.
Most blatantly, Vash and Knives are Plants, and every other Plant we see is referred to as a woman/has female secondary sex characteristics.
Also Plants visually resemble angels, and it's common belief angels do not have gender like humans do since they are pure and holy beings. I couldn't quickly find a source for that, but I know that Alchemy has some emphasis on hermaphroditism as, like, the holier form. So I guess by that logic you could also say they're intersex but I'm veering off topic.
Thirdly in the 1998 anime they gave the child versions of Vash and Knives long hair that ended up being cut off in ways that symbolized important developments in their identities. Knives example is what I have on hand lol. It just smacks of transgenderism.
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Wacky space cowboy Vash the Stampede roams the space desert planet where humans are barely hanging onto survival using the tech of their spacefaring ancestors! He can shoot with perfect accuracy, and is wanted for DESTROYING AN ENTIRE CITY, but is a staunch pacifist?! How odd!
What's Vash's deal? What happened that made humans unable to go back to space? Why'd they land on this desert planet that sucks to live on? Learn this and much more in TRIGUN!
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selineram3421 · 1 year
Meow meow meow.
Part 5: The Hanged Man
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Part 4
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cusssing, weapons and guns(the pew pew), threats, yes its Ruby's weapon(I love it), all caps for screeching dialog, mentions of blood, mention of some drunks being gross ⚠
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You woke up to find Vash gone.
"He left?", you asked, still half asleep.
It didn't bother you much, knowing he was the type to leave without saying goodbye. Especially with Nai still looking for him.
I get why but its kinda rude. You think as you start packing up.
The suns were barely starting to rise when you started walking again, wanting to give Kevin a little more time to rest before having to carry you again.
At some point you saw a car pass by.
Is that the reporters? You squint at the car with something hooked up behind it. If I catch up to it I'll be able to tell what episode I'm in.
Hours passed and the suns were high in the sky.
Now riding on the Tomas, you were looking at the map and holding the reigns.
"So if I remember, the moons..", you mumble, looking back and forth between the map and the sky. "Shit."
You were lost.
"Mother fucking-!", you scream in your throat and tighten the hold on the reigns, wanting to throw something. "Great."
Then there's a sound of a car coming from the right.
"Hm?", you look over and see the car stop just a little ways away.
A small group of guys come out of the vehicle, running towards you but staying just a few feet away and point their guns at you.
"Give us everything you got!", one says, you're guessing the 'leader' of this small group.
Are they for real?
"I'm not going to ask again!", the guy says and racks the big gun.
It takes you a while but then you grin like a crazy person.
I finally get to release some pent up anger.
Getting off of Kevin, you walk forward and pull out the weapon you had custom made. The red scythe shines in the sunlight as you unfold the weapon by swinging it open.
"What'll it be boys? I can be your doctor or your torturer."
"Do you know who we are!? We're part of the Bad Lads gang!", one of the ones in the back of the group says.
All you do is let out a creepy laugh.
Vash looked out at the sand dunes before him.
He had left the angelic looking person in hopes that they wouldn't get tangled up in his terrible luck and have a safe rest of the journey.
I hope they're doing ok. He thought and looked to the sky.
There was a few vulture bugs flying around.
Before he could try to swat some away from pecking him, he heard footsteps in the sand and voices.
"Ok, so I know he's The Humanoid Typhoon but is he like..a real guy?", a feminine voice asks.
A sigh comes from the other person.
"How have you made it this far?", the voice of an older man.
As the two keep talking the blonde stays still and waits for them to take notice of him hanging upside down.
"Dead ahead.", the older man says, being the one to take notice of the hanged man in red.
"Looks like the work of the Bad Lads gang.", the man continues. "Yeesh, they did a real number on that poor slob."
When one of them walks up, the vulture bugs fly off of him and go onto the piece of metal to rest on instead.
Vash decides to have a bit of fun.
Moving his prosthetic arm, he does a peace sign before letting it drop down, surprising the person. They reach over and hold his hand, the movement making it detach from him.
"Need a hand?", he asks.
"AAAH!", the woman screams out in surprise and tosses the metal arm before running back to their companion.
The vulture bugs fly off and the blonde begins laughing like a mad man as he slowly turns to face the two strangers.
"What a creep.", the small woman in white says.
"You got that right.", the man in the brown suit jacket says and starts walking away. "Let's go."
"DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING FRIENDS!", Vash says in a panic, having been hung up for hours.
"We can't just leave him here.", the little lady says and goes to untie him.
"Appreciated.", Vash says in relief and lets the woman turn him as needed to get the ropes off.
You made it to Jeneora Rock.
After beating the shit out of the group of men, you asked for directions and they were smart enough to listen. Leaving them in a slightly bloody pile on the sand.
Before leaving Lowland, you had taken time to practice shooting and using the scythe. Also having learned how to fight when a few drunks didn't leave you alone or tried to touch you without your concent.
I didn't kill them but I made sure that they regretted it. You smirk and take a sip from your cup of water. I should write to Dr. Thomas.
You were in the "diner", more like a saloon, taking a much needed break from walking around and restocking some needed items.
Kevin was resting at a nearby Tomas stable.
I wonder when the first episode is gonna start. You think as you're going to drink from the cup again.
There's a sound of someone entering but you ignore it, taking a gulp of water.
"Yep! I knew we'd find her here."
And then you hear a familiar voice.
"Pffft-!", you have a spit take and quickly wipe your mouth before looking over at the three characters that just entered.
"Vash! You're here!", the brown haired woman named Rosa says and makes her way over to the man in red.
"Working on baby two Rosa?", the humanoid typhoon asks.
You stare in shock.
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And now I rest. At least until I have the energy to write more.
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 6
@summerdazed @+?
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
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snowywolf1005 · 1 year
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Vash and y/n at the dinner table with merly and Roberto.
"So let me make sure, I'm followed, This Bad man running around, stealing plant, is not you? And this guy who looks like you, but he's your twin brother." Vash nodded, Roberto smoking, y/n cough, "there's no proof, though, " said merly.
Vash was doing fake cry.
"Crying won't help your case," said merly, Vash put his head down. Y/n put him on his back.
"That guy knives, stealing plant. What did he want from it?" Said Roberto, "The money? Or is it about honor? " said Merly.
Then a little boy come up to them, bringing some bugs in a cage.
"Hey there, kiddos," said Robert, "or those guys for us" y/n question. "Thanks you Tonies, I keep your budding safe," said vash, patting in the head.
"What a heartwarming scene. Hehe, are the bug gone?" Said merly, "almost. ".
"Okay, quite that. Tonies, how many times I told you? Don't bring your worms here! Mama loves you, baby! Now shoo!" Rosa yelled.
"Sorry, vash and y/n," she said, pulling her gun at them. Everyone else pulled out their guns, too. "It the cash, not you two," said Rosa.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" vash scream, "Y/N!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!" vash screams top of his lungs.
"Don't let them get away!!" Rosa yelled, vash running for life, while y/n swinging around with her blade like spider-man.
And she is looking for vash as well. Y/n dough all the bullet.
(She spider-girl, spider girl), and she finally found vash.
He was surrounded by six people. "VASH!" y/n yelled, grabbed vash.
"Vash! Y/N! Over here!" Merly called out. Y/n landed safely, "Y/N! THANKS YOU! THANKS YOU!" said vash, hugged y/n.
Vash and y/n looked at the photos of themselves. Vash made a frown face, "Why do they use this photo?" Y/n asked, "that you're issues," said Roberto.
"So this journey, folks are part of this gang?" The man asks, vash and y/n, and other steps away back.
"Who cares? I can't wait to meet them anyway," said the other man.
After moving somewhere.
"This is why's we don't save lost puppies," said Roberto, "Sorry," said merly, while their walking. "Hey puppy, it would be easier if you pick up a fight," said Roberto.
"Huh!? Are you really in the mood for a shoot-out? Y/n is a good fighter, and she even has her blade, " said vash.
"What you deal!? oh wait, let's me guess, you forgot ammo," said merly, "no, I got extra, I prefer not to use it, bullet are too pricey, " said vash
"YEAH! Even pain our pill!" Said merly, "I can buy one bullet or two thousand doughnuts," said vash.
"Oh my God, vash, but I do have a plan, though," said y/n. They look at y/n, "OK, what your plan?" Said Roberto
The man sees a red coat. "This way!" He said running, "someone saw him!" Said the other.
"There!" He yelled, "That a dead end!" The other guys yelled, but they were shocked to see.
"Damn, they got us," he said. It was a blue bird. Y/n looked around, "Cost is clear come on," she wisperd, they walked. "You're plan works!" Said merly.
When they about leave. Rosa and two other women come out pulled out their guns. Y/n and other stop, "vash, y/n, don't make harder for me," said Rosa.
They dropped on their knees and put their hands behind their back. "With the plant(something, something), the money is our only hope," said Rosa.
"How could you! They scrafic their life, they save you twice," said merly,".
Rosa said (something, something, something, something, something, something, something, something,".
Then a big car coming towards to tonsi. "Tonsi!" Rosa yelled, y/n stood up and pulled out her blade, grabbed Toni's.
Vash and y/n hopped on blue bird. Y/n is riding it, "money! Come back!" He yelled, merely and Roberto followed them, "what your plan now y/n?" Said vash.
She looked around and saw some rocks. A hand almost hit y/n and vash. The car is slowly down, and they stop, "they stopped," said merly.
Then, a hand came out and grabbed sleeping bags cause the birds get scared. They went off again. "Come on, fight me! You are a gunman, "an old man yelled.
"Nope," said y/n, vash laughs. Then the bag came off, the old man and his son fell.
After Merry takes vash, he has to fight back and can't run away. Leaving y/n to help him while she was injured.
"Help! We need backup! Bac- augh!"
"Coming," said y/n, they look at y/n. "Coming with wha?" Said Roberto, "the plant," she said. They were shocked, vash get on the blue birds, and took off.
Later (Sorry)
The old man fired a bomb at y/n, but she missed it. "Vash!" Merly scream. "That was a close one," said vash. Old man jaw dropped.
"Y/n, let's me protect you. You have enough to protect me," said vash. After some fight and talk. The bridge is falling apart, y/n used her blade to pull up the bridge so the old man came back, but her hands started Bruning.
Later again
They have drink. Y/n and vash packed their things and about to leave, but they were stopped by Roberto. "You shouldn't say goodbye, the people miss you, what are you running away from? Oh, right, he told me morning million knives, " he said
Then, a loud scream comes from the dinner. "What going on!?" Said vash. A spider creature crawling around on gofes. The spider trun red
He ran outside, and then he exploded.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
It's hot. I'm hoping for chibi Livios to make things feel better.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 11, Chapters 3-4 below.
Chapter 3: The Noise of Thunder
Good to see these people are giving Luida credit for her knowledge now.
They think they're gonna be saved... but yeah, the ark and Knives are definitely a threat right now. We'll see how that goes....
Awww, Vash looks happy! Excited, even.
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Ohhhh, Luida's not happy that he expended more of his power.
Awww, Livio looks all depressed and sad again. Someone look after this man.
Ah, everyone's favorite question right now. And, of course, there's no helping it. When your right hand is suddenly gone, people who know you are bound to have questions.
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!! My boy Livio was gonna just fess up right there, set himself up to take all their ire and sadness and frustration so Vash didn't have to deal with the question. He was gonna step up and do his best to handle it himself!
I have mixed opinions on Brad's response. I get what he's trying to do, but the truth of these things has a way of coming out. I guess at least it will allow the girls some time to get to know Livio first.
Heh. He's not fooling Milly. She knows something bad happened.
He has no right and he knows it, but I kinda want Livio to just give Milly a hug right now and tell her he's sorry. I don't know if she'd put it all together from that, but she'd hug him back and they could both use the comfort right now.
The ark isn't looking so good right now. Is that from Vash's backlash in the last volume?
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Zazie doesn't look super-happy with Knives right now.
Hahahaha, I was wondering how Zazie got injured.
It seems strange that a world like this would have weird little toy figurines. Then again, Nightow made this world, so maybe it's strange that there aren't more of them.
Awww, it's Vash's old personal effects!
RIP Bernardelli HQ
Oh, goshdarnit. It's Legato's stupid token collector.
I like that Milly was somehow the one who found the two from Hoppered and Midvalley. Good for her.
Hahahahaha, Twolives cameo.
Meryl gets it. Legato's game is dumb. Vash thinks Legato's game is dumb. He's right.
I love the subversion of the trope with the coins. It could have been Villain of the Week, but Vash didn't want to play, and so the coins got brought up here and there, but not because he was specifically hunting them. It's only now, so much closer to the end of the game, that he both realizes their importance and even has them on-hand.
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I wonder if perhaps they're important to Elandira and can be used to just... pay her off. She seems pay-off-able, if one somehow were to find something she valued.
Vash isn't wrong. Legato's much too invested to let things happen without being there himself if he has any ability to do anything about it.
Aww, Livio. Please don't tell me you're trying to wash off the marks on your face from Razlo. I get it, but... it's ok, buddy. It's ok.
Oh, he finally noticed his hair is a mess. I think it's cute all sticking up like that, but yeah, it could probs use a comb and such.
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Livio... let Brad finish peeing before you chat him up, maybe?
Brad, you're making Livio feel emoshuns. He's probably lived a long time trying to kill them all, and now he has too many. Let's hope what you told him helps him sort a few of them out, gives them some direction.
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Livio looks a lot beefier now that he's wearing casual clothes instead of his bondage gear. What's up with that??
Heh, it's not gonna do anyone any good if the people left on Noman's Land go all civil war on each other in this.
Good job, Luida. Tell it like it is.
Vash, trying to not be a burden, getting called out on it by the gunsmith. Good job, gun guy.
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It's a nice way of saying, "You're 150 years old, for crying out loud. Time you learned a bit about interpersonal relationships, dumbass."
Awww, he made Vash cry. Vash isn't used to recognizing how much other people care about him... and right now, he's in a mental state where it's unavoidable, and he doesn't know how to process.
Uhhhh... what went boom??
Legato???? I swear, this boy always looks sleepy.
Ohhhh, shit. He's graduated from his bagworm state. This is bad.
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Chapter 4: Return of the Wicked
Lemme guess; "the wicked" is Legato. Am I right? Do I get a prize?
Awww, Zazie has a giant butterfly worm!
Dang, it looks like it takes an act of willpower for Knives to pull himself up into physical form away from his sisters at this point.
Knives: "I want to be left alone." Also Knives: *probably dealing with the collective consciousnesses of all the Plants he's absorbed and thus never alone*
LOL, Zazie called him out on it. That's what I get for not having read the next panel yet.
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Meh, I call shenanigans. Zazie doesn't want to help. Zazie wants to complicate.
Aww, baby Knives!
Adult Knives looks even more tired than he usually does. Not to be confused with Legato's sleepy look. Legato looks like he just woke up from a nap and is still in that state between sleeping and waking. Knives looks like he's forgotten what sleep is.
Hahahahahaha, see? Shenanigans. Zazie just wanted to distract Knives for a bit so they could screw Knives over. No wonder Legato went apeshit on them.
The keywords to summon forth Legato have been spoken! Or... rather... thought.
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Yep, Zazie's doing Zazie things. Zazie says, "Fuck you, personally, Knives."
Aaaand they're unzipping their pants. I've seen this scene and I'm not ready to see it again.
Ewwewwewwewwewwewweww THAT IS NOT A POCKET FOR STORING MORE WORMS IN, ZAZIE!!! *shuddershuddershudder*
Somehow, I don't think this is quite gonna work out for Zazie.
Ah, there he is.
Wait, are we getting explanation for Legato's powers?
Elandira looks pleased.
Yep, Legato's free of his little iron maiden. About freaking time. Ohhhh, gods, I'm gonna eat those words.
Yeah.... He's definitely terrifying, girl. The scariest thing in this series apart from (arguably) Knives himself. At least with Knives, it's not personal... but with Legato, it's almost always personal.
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Ah, I was wondering if the scrapes were there for a reason other than aesthetics.
Gratuitous shirtless Legato shot. How the hell did he keep his body fit while in that cocoon? Was he, like, applying little electroshock impulses to his muscles to keep them toned the whole time??
Aww, he's even got his old outfit back.
Is it really Legato if he isn't grinning like a madman?
Ohhh, shit. Looks like Knives is about to join the fight. Or... something.
Vash's twin sense is tingling.
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I like how the way he has the bullets and everything set up kinda looks like a miniature city. Maybe he's using them to strategize?
Well, that's one way to make your own bullets.
Aww, man! I knew the haircut was coming, but I kinda hoped he'd just grow it out more evenly instead.
I don't know much about DID. Is it... good to treat the alters as separate individuals like that??
The separating out of the name Chapel. They don't mean Chapel-Chapel. They mean Wolfwood.
Whooooo the crap is this, and how is it that their timing was so perfect? Were they just listening behind the door, waiting for this conversation to come up??
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Glad to see Vash is also confused.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel)
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triplesilverstar · 10 months
Who knew a book could be so frustrating
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Rating: 18+
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Pre-Canon, Established Relationship, fluff and humor, domestic fluff, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Sharing a Bed, Flirting, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Smut, My First Smut, Cunnilingus, Creampie, Multiple Orgasms, Penis In Vagina Sex, Riding, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Bad Humor, Bad Puns, Bad Pick-Up Lines, Not Beta Read, Head rubs
Word count: Roughly 2K
A/N: Part 15 in the series, and Chapter one of Sometimes you need to recharge, no smut in this part just you and Vash being domestic
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You’d been in town for just a little over a day now, a brief respite planned before the two of you would be heading on your way. You’d been able to convince Vash to stay in the fancier hotel in town, arguing that it’d been a while since the two of you had been able to hide away and enjoy each other's company. An unexpected bonus, the hotel also had a small library of sorts for anyone staying there, which you had been taking advantage of even if it was a small selection of fiction. 
Now sitting in the double bed with your back leaning against the headboard you had a book in hand and were enjoying the ambiance of a quiet afternoon, while Vash was soaking in the bathtub attached to the room. A full bathtub that the night before you’d learned comfortably fit both of you and resulted in you not getting out of bed until almost noon and sore. Earlier after he came back from a wander around town he’d given you a look that you could only describe as him attempting to seduce you into joining him, the immediate pout that graced his features at your decline had left you roaring with laughter. 
Half an hour later you heard the water as it began to drain, a soggy stampede making its way out of the door in his sleep pants and a towel around his shoulders. “My, my, is someone still trying to seduce me walking around with that fine chest on display?” Keeping your voice playful as you look at him over the top of the book held in your hands and grinning widely. 
A flush immediately covers his skin at your words, but he’s grinning in response having come so far in being comfortable enough around you to leave some of his clothes off. Even two months ago getting him out of his shirt was a chore when you needed to stitch him up. “I’m trying, but it looks like that book is proving to be some good competition for your affection” an overly dramatic quiver of his lips and arm thrown over his face “but it seems my wily charms have failed me as one of your suitors!” Falling forward onto the bed next to you and hiding his face in the pillow beside you feigning to be passed out, but you catch him peeking up at you and grinning.  His infectious grin is spreading across your own face as you slip a bookmark to keep your place and set it on the bedside table before grabbing the towel from his shoulders. 
“Let's dry those pretty locks before you soak your pillow ya big dork” pushing himself up on his elbows just enough so you towel dry his hair. Taking a bit of extra care with the longer portion of his bangs “you look so soft with your hair like this” you whisper tossing the towel to hang over the headboard before you start carding your fingers through the now damp hair. 
“Just soft?” He’s still resting on his elbows, stomach pressed to the bed but his eyebrows are wiggling at you eyes bright. 
“Ok fine, you look handsome, ya dork. Happy now?” Voice cheery as a corner of your mouth jerks upwards. 
“I like the handsome part, not the dork part.” 
“Sorry, Sunshine. I can’t fix that, not unless you want me to get a shovel and smack you around.”
Dropping back down and planting his face in the pillow he groans, turning so his mouth is half buried voice muffled “such a mean bounty hunter you are Mayfly. First you won’t join me in the bath, now you’re talking about messing up my pretty face. What’s a fella to do?” another dramatic sigh leaves him and you snort tugging at the pillow under his head. 
“I said handsome, not pretty.” He lets out an oomph as you get the pillow out from under him and his nose smacks the mattress, before he can chastise about how mean you are again, you adjust and drop the pillow in your lap patting it. “How about some head rubs to make up for how mean I am?” 
He’s scrambling and you have to chortle at how quickly he adjusts so his face is dropped in the pillow, arms around your waist and hands clasped behind your back. You make some final adjustments to your legs ensuring neither you or he will be uncomfortable before he allows his body weight to sink into the mattress and you, turning his head so he’s looking across the room and his nose isn’t pressed right into the pillow. Using one hand you start pressing soft circles into his crown, alternating between your nails and fingertips, a content little sigh leaving him. Reaching for your book with the other and flipping back to your page, you continue reading and playing with Vash’s head and hair. 
“I see your other suitor is back” grumbles out of him after a while. 
“I can multitask” not taking your eyes off the printed words you trail your fingers down along his neck enjoying the shiver that leaves him from the sensation before going back to his crown. “Plus, my preferred suitor is in my lap, I'm just being polite to the other one, he doesn’t know he’s not leaving town with me” a teasing tilt to your voice.   
“So mean. Leading him on like that” turning your hand you drag the flat side of your nails down the side of his head before tracing the shell of his ear, a quick tug to the ear lobe rewards you with a hiss and a jerk of his hips. 
“Love em, and leave em, that’s my motto.” A soft laugh leaves him and he settles in more, content it seems to just enjoy the movement of your fingers and you enjoy both the book and him in your lap, alternating patterns all the while. You’re nearly two thirds of the way through the book when he lifts his head to switch sides, this time leaving his earring for you to add into your ministrations. 
“What do you wanna do for supper?” While it’s only mid afternoon, you ask the question anyway knowing you have lots of time. 
“Donuts?” His voice is hopeful as he answers and you snort, taking the time to tap his forehead with the spine of the book. 
“We’re not having donuts for supper. You can have them for dessert” a whine follows your words, before he lifts his head to gaze at you, mirth sparkling in his eyes and a mischievous grin planted on his face. 
“I’d rather have you for dessert” here, just the two of you, he can be pretty bold and you know he’s trying to get a rise out of you with his words. Or get you to switch to more physical activities with him. 
“I’m always on the menu” fires out of your mouth as you go back to your book and resume playing with his hair, even as he tries to send you bedroom eyes. 
“If you’re always on the menu why aren’t we currently eating” you pause. That logic is pretty clever, and you feel a rush of heat down your core from his words. 
“Because” you close the book, keeping your finger between the pages so you don’t lose your place “we have company, it’s not polite to do such things with two suitors in the room.” Your little wave of the book at him results in his face dropping back into the pillow again, another muffled groan escaping his lips. “Now. Seriously, supper? I think the lady at the front counter said there’s a nice little diner down the street, but I haven’t really left the room to see the rest of town. You have.” 
“There is a diner just down the road, and I think another place I heard the townsfolk talking about a little further down. That gives us two options, we can pick one later” the words are mumbled again as he still has his face planted squarely against the pillow. 
Going back to your book you also take advantage of his position to rub your palm against the nape of his neck, enjoying the pleased hum he lets out, shuffling his head enough to allow him to peer out and nose turned so it’s not encased in fabric. “Later then” you agree and divide your attention between finishing the book and the man in your lap. 
Book finished, a pleased sigh slips past your lips closing the cover and setting it on the bedside table again. You pause the motions against Vash’s head, rolling your shoulders before using both hands to rub patterns into the skin of his neck and shoulders. “Mayfly?” 
“Yes Sunshine?” His head turns at your acknowledgement, one beautiful eye cracked looking up at you and you have to smile at how content he looks like a cat asleep in the sun. 
“Are you done with your other suitor?” Laughter leaves you at how flat his words are, and you nod “Good. I want to be the only one you pay attention to.” Two hands then grab your hips and you yelp as he drags you down the bed so you're under him, your shirt bunching up around your chest. 
“Was that really nes-” your words are silenced as his mouth captures your own, his tongue slipping in, exploring the wet cavern, hands tilting your jaw the way he wants, moaning as your eyes flutter close at the sensation. He’s unhurried in his movements, every lick and swipe like he’s taking his time memorizing every contour and storing it away for later use. Teeth nipping your bottom lip as he pulls away enough for both of you to regain your breath. You don’t remember when your own hands tangled into his hair again but you’re using them now to keep him from pulling too far, even if his body portrays no intention of moving any further from you. 
When you open your eyes again, Vash’s own are half lidded a smug upturn to his lips gazing down at you “I like kissing you stupid, you look amazing all flustered and out of your mind.” Pressing soft kisses against your neck now leaving a trail of them on his way to your collarbone just visible from the twisted fabric of your loose shirt “And I like knowing I'm the reason for it” punctuating his statement with a harsh suck against the skin where your neck meets your shoulder, a loud wet pop following his mouth while you hiss from the unexpected sensation. 
He’s pulling away from you leaning back and knees sinking into the mattress a shit eating grin on his face as he surveys his work. You feel the heat against your face, flushed from his kisses and words. “Let's get dressed and get something to eat.” Your eyes widen and mouth drops in your confusion, as he swings his leg so he’s no longer straddling you under him and makes his way to his bag to grab clean clothes to change into. He’s getting his payback for all of your teasing this afternoon regarding the book. 
A grin is tossed over his shoulder as you slowly sit up to stare at him “Oh. And wear something so your neck is visible. I don’t want any other potential suitors interrupting my dessert later” you scramble for the bathroom and drag out his name in frustration, a wet circular shaped patch of still darkening skin from his mouth clearly visible regardless of the short time he spent there. 
“Seriously!?” His laughter fills up the room, and you do your best to wear something so anyone who looks closely enough can the hickey on your neck, even if it does leave a blush coloring your features all evening. The promise of being dessert later keeping you warm and content while you have your meal. 
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Back to Masterlist for the series
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AO3 WRAPPED NUMBER 29 but i want u to give me ur top 3. or top 5 if u have a lot
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
MAC MY FRIEND MAC GHOSTIEZONE!!! my top fav passages i've written this year.... this is gonna take a while to answer i have so so many to choose from omg.... i'm gonna put this under a cut bc it is going 2 be Long (also i am going 2 tag u because idk if u have seen it yet and i v much want u to see the dstuck passage i'm posting it's got wilbur in it :3 @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone )
3: this one is from my ctubbo oneshot titled Harlequin that i wrote on impulse in early september. mac idk if u have read it but u should i think u would like it :3 the style of it is v experimental in a lot of places but i had SOOOOO MUCH FUN writing it and it's kinda angsty but the ending is sweet and i reread it and was like ;-; this fic was very much me projecting onto ctubbo OK HERE'S A QUICK PASSAGE :3
Tommy is your brother, you think, but not in the way he and Wilbur are brothers. They’re brothers in general, two different souls who experienced such different walks of life and stick together regardless, who follow each other to the ends of the earth no matter how wrong or bad one of them thinks the other is.
You and Tommy are more like... kindred spirits. Brothers in war, allies in politics, victims of abuse who pull each other up by your boot straps and lean on each other so you can keep going side by side.
It’s never just Tommy, or just Tubbo. It’s always Tommy and Tubbo.
Like one name.
TommyandTubbo. TubboandTommy. T+T.
Brothers in experience. Partners in life. Two sides of the same coin. Inseparable.
But that’s just the thing, isn’t it? You’re part of the same coin, but people look at you and see two heads, one on each side, no tails. Nothing at all to differentiate the two.
You could draw horns on one side and a white streak on the other, but at the end of the day they always see two copies.
When people run into you, they ask “Where’s Tommy?” “Do you know where Tommy’s been lately?” “What’s Tommy up to?”
You can’t always answer that.
For as much as you’re inseparable, sometimes you’re both alone for a bit. You always come back around like two magnets drawn to each other until something or someone yank you apart again.
You don’t like being a copy.
You don’t even know if Tommy realizes that’s what you are.
Tommy and Tubbo.
The main character and his sidekick.
He called you the main character once, during the Disc Confrontation, and himself the sidekick, and hearing that
actually made you
Even if everyone else sees you as a second quieter Tommy, he doesn’t.
That counts for something.
2: MY VASHWOOD FIC Just As Beautiful As The Day I Lost You MY BELOVED <3 ughhhh writing this was so sad i genuinely cried doing it. the moment wolfwood remembers vash is what gets me. ik you've read it already but here's that one little passage here for u just for funzies <3 NOW CRY!!!!!!
The video stops.
Vash snaps his gaze to Rosewood. He’s trembling like a wet cat, hand poised over the spacebar. His breath hitches once, twice. He turns to Vash, slowly, just as tears begin to spill down his cheeks.
“What the hell, Needle Noggin,” he whispers. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”
Uncertainty is the only thing Vash can respond with. He steps closer, hand hovering over Rosewood’s shoulder. “I... don’t...”
Rosewood pushes the chair back, wooden legs scraping across the floor, doubles over, and buries his face in his hands. Vash takes that as a signal to do something, so he rests his hand on Rosewood’s back. After the comfort Rosewood gave him last night, it’s the least he can do, really.
Rosewood chokes back a sob. “I shouldn’t know these people,” he says, voice thick with tears. “How... do I know them? How do I know you?”
Vash’s heart leaps into his throat. He kneels in front of the chair so he’s level with Rosewood. “Do... Do you...”
Rosewood looks up, an angry furrow in his brow, even he wipes tears from his eyes. The expression is so incredibly Wolfwood that Vash doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“This past week has been fucking torture, Spikey. You—I saw you leave church last Sunday, and I didn’t even see any of this,” he gestures to Vash in general, the spikey hair, the glasses, the scars, “but you just—you stuck in my head and I couldn’t explain why. I... I still can’t.” He gives a wet laugh. “Humanoid Typhoon my ass. You’re more like a parasite.”
A lump forms in Vash’s throat, alongside something so bright and hopeful he feels dizzy with it. Hands shaking, unsteady like they’ve never been before, he reaches out, fingers brushing over Rosewood’s jaw. He wipes away a stray tear, stubble sharp beneath his thumb.
Rosewood sniffles, shakes his head. “Don’t look at me like that, Needle Noggin. I can’t take it when you smile like that.”
Vash swallows. As quiet as can be, barely any breath behind his voice, he says
A sob rips itself from the throat of the man in front of him. Vash catches him as he lunges from his chair and into Vash’s arms, heaving cries pressed into his shirt. Vash holds him tight, hands clenched in his jacket. The black poncho remains on Vash’s lap, pressed between them. A stray tear soaks into the fabric. It takes Vash a moment to realize it fell from his own face.
He's never been so uncertain in his life.
But whatever this is, whatever he’s awakened in the priest in his arms, whether it’s real or a delusion, he wants to keep it.
He tucks his face into the crook between a neck and a shoulder, and he cries.
1: i think my fav thing i've written this year would be the tntduo chapter of dstuck that i sent you a while ago BUT since u have already read that and it's wayyyy too long to put in one post i am going to choose a different dstuck thing. most of the passages i wanna put here would involve MAJOR SPOILERS but i have one chatlog between wilbur and one of the cherubs i'm putting in there to kind of sort of replace cdream (i don't like ccdrm but his character is Important so i basically split him in two as a cherub and changed his name). honestly it was kind of a hard decision to change his name bc he's such an iconic villain but i think i did ok with still capturing his Evilness and his shitty asshole vibes ANYWAY this is one of my fav parts of this chapter i love writing chatlogs <3 tw for ummm some brief suicidal ideation bc it's cwilbur that's how it goes
hi wilbur! IO: Ah fuck, what do you want? can’t i just say hi and see how you’re doing? IO: I mean, I can’t stop you, I guess. you’re getting closer and closer to entering this game. isn’t that exciting? IO: Sure. you don’t sound excited. :( IO: What do you mean? This is the picture of excitement. IO: Look at me, I’m jumping up and down with joy at the prospect. liar. IO: Fuck you. hey, now don’t be rude! we’re friends, aren’t we wilbur? IO: We were, yeah. IO: When I was like, twelve. IO: But you started bad mouthing my bro and the rebellion and being all shitty and manipulative, and I literally tried to kms whben I was fourteen because of the shit you’ve said so like IO: No I wouldn’t say we;re friends. but we’re past that! i’ve changed, wilbur. IO: Yeah yeah so you keep fucking saying. if we’re not friends, why do you keep responding? IO: Because you’ll keep fucking bothering me until I do it's just because i want to talk to you. is that really so wrong? IO: Yeah IO: I know the shit that you did to my bro and I don’t fucking much appreciate it that was ages ago! come on, wilbur. you’ll get me out of here, won’t you? IO: If I could kill you I would. man, tough crowd. i think you’ll come around eventually. and even when i do get out of here without your help, your bro is the first one i’ll go for. i’m sure you know this, because it happened in your past. and then i’ll go for the little one. your pen pal. :) he is your bro, after all, and yeah, maybe the older one will slip through my fingers, but your pen pal? he's still young. your bro will get away from me when we’re both older, but your pen pal won’t defeat me while he’s just a kid, and i’m a GOD. :)
The chatlog closes on its own.
He used to be nice, but you think it’s just because he wanted to be your friend. Or, at least, pretend to be your friend. He filled you in on a lot of information about your future and the game, about your upcoming journey as a Bard of Heart, how destructive the class is, how you’re fated to destroy everything you’ve ever held dear and harm the people you love, the nuances of your aspect, the role you’re meant to play in this game.
He called you a supernova in the making, a nuclear bomb waiting to go off, a personified Chernobyl in your own right. It sounded kind of cool at the time, but it placed this heavy weight on your shoulders, this expectation for destruction.
You’re pretty sure he lied about most of the stuff he’s told you, but you can never be sure. You’re set on relying on Phil’s foresight to tell you your role now, although he doesn’t have all the answers. Still, it’s better than running in blind with your only guidance being the ravings of a madman from the distant future. He used to be so kind, it was hard not to believe him.
He wasn’t so kind when you had a sword at your own chest.
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 5 Pt. 1
Here's my stream of consciousness thoughts for the volume again. Sorry I'm late! Can't wait to suffer more!
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Nooooo my poor boy... ugh this is fucking visceral...
Ooo... he was looking for Count Vasquez... that's interesting. That's the man he's suspected in the murder of way back on his wanted poster.
Hey so. This is so much fucking worse. He knew these people. He liked these people. They liked him and they didn't want him to leave so soon. Agony.
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Always someone to be helped, huh? Always a reason to get back on his feet again... go get Meryl back!
Midvalley and Hoppered just killed Zazie??? Hello???
Actually Midvalley is really powerful... I love when characters have sound based powers yesssss. I also like these two as a duo they're kind of funny to me. Hoppered doesn't care if he dies and Midvalley wants to get out so bad. Hoppered warns people they're about to be killed and Midvalley just wants to murder people with his saxophone in peace. Somehow they spend a fair amount of their dialogue being honest and concerned about the other and handshake over having the same no good terrible boss hjfghbn
Hoppered... :( (Also fuck these people man. Hoppered is just trying to look out for this girl because it seems like no one else will without looking down on them or trying to take advantage of them... *snapcube sonic fandub voice* "you ableist piece of shit"... I actually want to know what the relation is here. Guy just kind of assumed they're together or something but maybe it's more that they are the only ones like the other... I kind of vibe with it being a shared trauma or shared experience thing they've got going... obsessed too, with the fact that we haven't actually seen his face at all... he warns people to get away but then quietly watches them die... does it bother him? does he justify it somehow? ...anyways Hoppered my fave GHG for real I love him.)
(Also he's cute actually. He's so earnest compared to the rest of the GHG. Look at him <3)
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So yeah, confirmation that Wolfwood currently cannot see, his head is likely ringing and who knows what other internal damage he's taken and he is still fighting. He is so cool but also :(
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^Midvalley and Wolfwood rival ballet dancer au when
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*Midvalley voice* I know what you are
Oh! We can see Hoppered now! He... has a cross on his face...? Um. I am even more curious about him now...
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*chuckles* Oh we are in danger.
Yo Knives WTF. Also I feel so fucking bad for Hoppered oh my god he's seeing and feeling all of this.
We actually see the people getting sucked in??? Aughhhh
Did Legato just make Hoppered kill Midvalley??? Oh god and that was Hoppered screaming once he realized it too... And then he RUNS HIM OVER??? LEGATO WTF.
Zazie's back!!!
So this is complicated lemme see if I got it right: Vash is stopping Legato from running over Hoppered. Legato is using all his power to hold Vash. Because he is doing this, he can't spare enough power to stop Hoppered from pointing a gun at him. Wolfwood is pointing his guns at Legato and Zazie. Zazie is pointing their guns at Wolfwood and Hoppered. And Midvalley... is fucking dead I guess. ...where's Meryl...?
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OH QUEEN SHIT HELLO??? And she shot Legato in the face lmao. Who's gonna break the standoff? It's Meryl with a steel chair derringer!!!
You know. I think there's something to be said about Vash activating the angel arm in response to Hoppered about to be shot... I can't brain right now but it says a lot about how he only ever tries to help but all this destruction comes along with him.
"If I could save a single life... if I could do just a little... would that... be good enough?" <- Vash from Trigun and Atsushi from Bungou Stray Dogs shaking hands because they are literally same hat
Ok so airship woman's "I hate suicidal people" -> I thought she was talking about Vash at first but it seems she's talking about Legato. Interesting. Also I think Legato is seriously having a sanity slippage here.
The difference between Vash sprouting feathers like an angel in reality, but seeing himself as this twisted eldritch freak in his own mind... all the contorted pieces of the people who died in some kind of living horror show on his own body as he apologizes over and over... :(
Because they were kind... that is what it comes down to after all...
Elendira has the character intro ever. All mysterious on the phone with Knives, big damn villains moment where she stops the angel arm going off, nails the weird creature person thing helping Legato with absolutely zero effort on her part, then immediately falls from the airship on her ass and says "owie". She is then revealed to be trans and the most powerful secret GHG on the very next page. She impales Legato and takes him with her like one would a runaway puppy and delivers an ominous final warning which she ends off with "ciao!". What a character. 10/10 I'm obsessed with her already.
Hoppered... :( I find his last words interesting. He refers to himself as the bad guy but then also still feels such resentment for Vash that he still wants him to suffer, yet in such a resigned tone... Then Vash reaches out to take his hand with the hand that becomes his angel arm, having since gotten it under control, safe enough to provide a bit of final respite now instead of cause more harm...
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Vash hosting funerals for Midvalley and Hoppered... :')
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^Another great example of Vash taking responsibility for things and that going beyond just a simple "no one dies" mentality and carrying that on beyond just action and fights - but also I love that he dragged Wolfwood into it and apparently did not explain anything to him. And Wolfwood apparently just started shoveling without understanding why he was being told to do so. ??????? These two were born to be a comedy duo.
Anyways. I'm sad. :)
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