#the body horror? yea ok i can deal with that
sharp-tooths · 2 years
Me watching the og Trigun anime after starting trigun stampede 2 moths ago: oh gee those fucking cries sound so realistic and full of pain and hurt. You just dont get that kind of genuine quality very much in newer animes. I hope Stampede delivers the same quality
Me now, having just watched episode 11 and then rewatched it just to propperly process everything: SCREAMING AND CRYING THROWING UP KICKING MY LEGS SOBBING FUCKING BAWLING MY EYES OUT DYING VIOLENTLY SHAKING-
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heavensmortuary · 11 months
ok my thoughts are in order and i think i have smth to contribute to this gore discussion.
the original anon might have had a strong reaction to gore for a reason, just not the reason they thought it was. blood is naturally kinda scary and unnerving bc it's supposed to be inside of you - or another creature. when your own blood or bones are outside of us, we get a reaction bc that usually means we're hurt or dead (undesirable). if we see someone else's bones or blood, we might feel empathy for them, which leads to the same reaction as above.
we can learn to deal with this reaction, as we can all reactions and impulses, by not letting it control us and giving it the space to run its course. that's how we can meaningfully help people who are injured, or humanely slaughter farm animals for food, etc.
i could talk about like, as a Christian, we don't believe we were meant to die, not in Eden. but in this world now, we do die, and we have to live with the consequences of that (blood n bones and gore etc).
yea that's my 2 cents ty :)
100% agree. gosh that's a good point; blood and gore giving us such visceral reactions so that we can tend to injured people or want to cause as little suffering as possible to animals.
I think that blood/gore has gotten so. I don't know the word... stereotyped as being Evil itself, even that doesn't make much sense to me. I don't think organs or blood are corrupted; they're ridiculously complex inner workings God designed. it also has spiritual value as well; the Bible mentions blood and such many times when dealing with spiritual matters.
I have a lot of nuance when it comes to violent and gory media; I enjoy a lot of gory films, and I think body horror is interesting (doesn't help it's a special interest). I do believe there's stuff that simply shouldn't be considered (things that glorify hurting other people). I don't know. I just find it strange when I see Christians go as far as considering anatomy as disgusting in a sinful way.
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jade-curtiss · 1 year
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Me if my social life would have started out by meeting some kind of aloe vera plant in human form who somehow really can’t handle the heat (ok but to what extend here...) to the point you have to larp pilotwing 64 with him every so often (ok seriously did anyone ever had fun playing that game? What was even the point of this shit? Will anyone explain? I mean not the point of the game, that’s rather simple, but how is it supposed to be fun?) to catapult him in the nearest frozen water spot so he doesn’t go pink too fast (If your plant goes pink, too much sun, too much heat, yes it’s cute but it doesn’t like it). Some heir with a grifter attitude films that shit and earns credit all the time (But he’s handy, but...beware). At some point accident happens (I mean I don’t really know to what extend these things can be controlled, and the one behind the blows is only like what 11, 12 (? not gonna look up) here, so skill issue mainly. The only acceptable teacher in his gentrified school takes the blow, school will be shit. But then surprise, your plant friend remind you that not only you can pilotwing (like shit) but you can also just try to ctrl-x ctrl-v your mistakes, that may work. It works but seems she had much unaddressed pent up anger issues and these kids don’t want to deal so they send her to magic jail (unexplained), also like regular jail it seems that just throwing someone in some space doesn’t reform them all that much (we’ll come back to that part in due time). So once that gets sorted out, bullshit should happen, right? No, instead some military family (with a cool band) just bring you in to make a pun. Unfortunately he passed away probably not too long (probably not even long enough to finalize adoption and immigration papers, kiddo had to file up his own shit on his own because there was no way he was staying there when the dude from the band from the t-shirts really want to make you quit your boring life, no, no) so yea, he did quit his hometown (with some plant who somehow was in the band, I mean what was he doing here? But he doesn’t really like blue monday that much, bizarre love triangle is way catchier) with 25% less joy, and not that much more money in his pocket (maybe royalties, maybe very very residual royalties when he’s probably not even officially on papers and the concerned people just sort of treat him like some joke whenever they meet, awkward), but then he commits to the joke: he keeps trying to do a ctrl-c  ctrl-v on content that already has been discarded. In context it’s really frustrating. Out of context it looks like chill out and get over it I mean the staff was probably really tired out of their mind with all the casual body horror they had to witness by the day (many redacted events happen here). The plant think it’s kinda chill. So chill he even forget heat issues. The grifter barely mentioned up above decide it’s getting annoying and that maybe instead of trying to bootleg things and fail maybe you should go start collecting stuff and cause war crimes under the name of the law and patriotism and stuff. Apparently it’s more ethical. Blue lives matter, dude. Naive as he is he just signs and accept whatever is presented at the moment. Fuck his life. At least you still have your little potted plant home, uh? He will follow you? No way, that person knows the heist, he knows he can’t care about anyone and that he will have to always be down and ready to run at the very moment the heat can be felt around the corner, so he scrammed. So now our perfect boy is all alone hoarding shit he seizes (and probably using it to what remains of his heart content) while his friend just about to own the counterfeit market from absolutely every angles imaginable. I mean, I wouldn’t give a fuck about saying that to the emperor if he fucked my life up so bad by convincing me that it would be funny to play pilotwing 64 with a plant for clout. What is he going to do as a response? Shoot him? As if that would make his life worse (Ok it’s rather melodramatic considering that 97% of what happened was just being too chill with people with no commitment other than perpetually making the worst choices they can make?)
So what choices is there to make here but to go back to that one time he lost control of the neopet he forgot to feed for over 20 years. Nice gal to introduce your new pals to.
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sparkvn · 3 years
Eric Son
↳ Synopsis: An innocent makeout session, only to be caught.
↳ Warnings: getting caught by your dad
"mm Eric" your eyes closed, fingers tugging on his hair as his lips move fluidly against yours. His tongue traces your lower lip asking for access, you gladly part your lips to let him explore your mouth as you do the same.
The dim lighting in your room helps set the mood, as you feel his hand creep up under the hem of your top. You shudder at his cold fingertips dancing on top your skin, giving you goosebumps.
Both your bodies softly grinding against each other fully clothed as you feel the temperature rise. Your breathing becomes heavy as the kiss grows deeper, but neither of you want to part. The make-out turns hungry and his hand travels up under your shirt, letting his thumb run against your rib cage right under your breast.
You hear a very quiet faint noise.
A mumble.
Your ears perk up and your eyes shoot open in horror.
Eric is off you instantly and you steady yourself to stand as well.
Your dad's hand on your door knob and facial expression tainted with displeasure.
You hesitantly turn your head to look at Eric and his jaw hardens taking a heavy gulp, avoiding looking at your dad.
"I've been calling you for the past five minutes, if you haven't heard"
"Yea uh.. uhm I heard, we were just uh.." your fingers start to fiddle around with your clothes, "uhm dad, this is Eric, my boyfriend"
Eric's eyes widen for a bit, before gleaming a smile, taking out his hand for your dad to take, "yes hi I'm Eric, y/n's..." your dad takes his hand as Eric starts to bow and decides it's best to not say another word.
"Hi Eric, great to meet you", Eric can feel the firm grip, "come down for dinner you two" he lets go of Eric's hand and turns to leave. "Oh and Eric?"
"yes sir"
"next time I see you, make it a habit where my daughter isn't under you"
Eric quietly winces, "absolutely sir not a problem"
Your dad ends with a nod, before leaving.
Eric plops down to sit on the bed and he rubs his eyes with the palm of his hands before groaning, "your dad hates me"
You take a seat next to him, rubbing his back consoling him, "no he doesn't"
"y/n he just caught us making out, I was on top of you, if we gone any further, I wouldn't have only received a handshake and a warning"
He lets out another groan, flopping down on the bed, "your dad would have killed me"
You chuckle, "oh for sure he would have"
Eric snaps his head towards you, "you're not helping"
"Oh come on, I'm just joking-"
"I don't think you are y/n"
"Eric, relax~, it was just kissing"
"my tongue was shoved down your throat and my hand was practically groping you"
You register it for a second, "ok yea that does sound bad, but at least it wasn't worse...not that it would have been worse" you lips twitch up and your brows rise.
"ok sorry, too soon, come on babe, it's not as bad as you're making it, I promise you, it's not that big of a deal"
You have a knack for lying.
"Now come on, let's go eat"
"I don't think I can go down there nuh-uh"
You tug on his arm, "Ugh stop being a wuss and let's go"
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captainlevisteacup · 3 years
Oooh, an idea has struck. The brothers reacting to Dom Male!MC reuniting with his childhood bestfriend in the Devildom, only their bestfriend is now a high ranking/powerful incubus who has a fuck ton of influence & money. (Not nearly as powerful as any of the brothers or Diavolo, of course, but you get the point)
And while normally a simple childhood friend wouldn’t be enough to bother the brothers, DM!MC’s Femboy CH!Bestfriend is the optimum of gorgeous, with a lithe & toned body and an “innocent” charm to him.
Spoiler Alert, CH!Bestfriend has been in love with DM!MC since they were kids (though it was just puppy love back then) and is determined to never let him get away from him again, resulting in him being extra clingy and needy.
Another Spoiler Alert, DM!MC’s childhood bestfriend may or may not be a mix of a “Worship” & “Self Sacrifice” Yandere.. (Look up “The Dere Types Wiki” if your confused)
You have some very interesting ideas😂 im so sorry this took so long, I didn't want to post it until I was back up to my full working capacity after getting injured and after breaking up with someone😁
Anyways, without further ado, here ya go😘
The Brother's Reactions to M! MC'S Yandere Childhood Incubus! Friend
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Warnings: Violence, Language, Blood, VERY SLIGHT sexual themes, some non-consentual touching in Levi's section, brief mention of drugging in Beel's
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At first, didn't think twice of MC having a childhood friend
But when he heard the word incubus
He got the smile on his face
You know the one
Lucifer "innocently" is around whenever the incubus is around
Its starts off small
Little poisoned glances from the incubus here and there
But eventually it escalated and turned into him putting a possessive arm around MC's waist
Lucifer snapped
The second the Incubus was alone, Lucifer followed him down an alley
Slammed that fucker against the wall and held him there by the throat
The incubus started laughing, even when Lucifer tightened his grip
"You'll never get rid of me. I have connections to everyone, Fallen Angel. I've loved him since before you even knew he existed, and a prissy peacock like you isnt gonna stop me from making him mine, even if I have to drug and kidnap him"
Lucifer only smiled and released him
The incubus smirked, daintily dusting off his lithe figure
Thinking he won, he shouldered his way past Lucifer
Only to stop short in horror
Deep growls greeted him
Lucifer didn't even bother hiding the screams of the incubus as Cerberus ripped into him
After a while, he signaled Cerberus to stop
As the incubus lies on the ground whimpering, Lucifer calmly says:
"Now that I've shown you just what I'm willing to do to protect MC, I'll make you a deal. MC cares about you, as a FRIEND. But his heart belongs to me and me alone, and mine belongs to him. If you can understand and respect that, I'll allow you near him. But one wrong word, one wrong placement of a hand, and I won't hesitate to finish you off myself. And believe me," he says with a dark chuckle "I won't be as gentle as Cerberus."
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This man immediately is on high alert
Someone trying to take what's HIS?
The incubus makes him more greedy than ever
Decides not to leave MC's side for a second
Even when he's sleeping
When Mammon can't help the incu-bitch (his nickname for the childhood friend) being around, he acts sort of like a child, which makes him look like a dick in comparison to the incubus's calm and innocent facade
Mammon tries to tell MC there's something up, but he just chalks it up to Mammon being Mammon
One day, MC randomly receives news from the human world that his mother contracted something contagious and was placed in ICU
The incu-bitch was, of course, right there when MC started tearing up, letting him cry into his shoulder
Mammon sees this and starts to protest
This leads MC to snap and tell Mammon he's being a child
Mammon leaves them be and thinks hard
Comes to the conclusion that maybe MC is right, and he begrudgingly decides to apologize to the incubus
As he approaches him, Mammon catches a glimpse of the Incubus's *expensive* phone
Unable to resist, he throws a coin against the wall in the opposite direction.
When he turns to look at the noise, Mammon snatches the phone and yeets off to his room
When he gets there, he opens the phone- no lock- and is startled by what he sees
A fake texting app, along with the messages telling MC his mother was sick
Mammon was about to run to find MC, when he heard a slight chuckle
Looking up, he saw the incubus...holding a knife
"You just couldn't stay away, could you? You've been a pain in the ass ever since I got here. But no matter, once MC sees how *cruel* you are to his defenseless childhood friend, he'll want nothing to do with you. And he'll be mine to fuck and own as I please."
Mammon gritted his teeth and ground out "Making MC think his mother was gravely ill just to get close to him when he's vulnerable? You're disgusting. I actually care about MC, and I respect them more than you ever will."
The incubus snorted, and raised the knife.
"Oi! What do ya think you're doing with that?" Mammon yelled
He raised the knife....and slashed it across his own arm
He then threw the knife towards Mammon, threw himself to the ground, and yelled out in pain
Suddenly, MC burst into the room
Mammon sputtered out a panicked explanation, but MC cut him off with a stare
He kneeled down next to his friend, who reached up with a bloody hand to cup MC'S face
MC put his hand over the incubus's....and sharply bent it backwards
He leaned down and whispered into his ear: "I heard everything, you little shit. Now, get the FUCK out of my house and away from my boyfriend, and don't even THINK of defiling my life with your presence ever again"
After he left, Mammon cautiously said "boyfriend, huh..?"
"Shut up mammon"
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Oh, this won't do
Immediately feels threatened and triggered
He is the avatar of Envy, after all
His response?
Prove to MC nobody can know him as well as he can
He does this every single time the incubus is near
"MC, I got you your favorite drink!"
"MC, I ordered you some food. Don't worry, I already know what you like"
Flinches whenever the incu-bitch touches MC. It literally makes him cringe
His suspicions are confirmed when the incubus shoots Levi a malicious glance next time he touches MC
Levi snaps
Challenges the incubus to a video game duel
He surprisingly accepts
He cheats like hell and beats Levi
Levi goes into his demon form and rages
But MC thinks he's just being a sore loser
He tells Levi to back off and to go cool down
Once Levi storms off, the incu-bitch thanks MC for standing up for him
Then, he promptly tries to make a move on MC
He reaches out a hand to unbutton MC'S shirt
MC slaps his hand away, but not before noticing writing on the Incubus's hand
Before he can pull away, MC snatches his hand and sees cheat codes written on them
Gets super upset and tries to get up to apologize to Levi
The incubus pulls him back down by his wrist and pins them to the couch
"MC, don't you realize? You're all I want, all I need. I WORSHIP you, MC. And you're going to be mine. Nobody else can have you. And you're going to love me, whether you realize it right now or not. You'll learn with time to need me just as desperately as I need you"
Starts to take off MC'S clothes in spite of their fighting and protests, the incubus shushing him
"Shhhh, I know you don't see it, but this will make you see."
Levi slams open the door, tail lashing and face white with rage
"Get your normie hands the fuck off of my human. Now."
The incubus nopes the fuck out. He may be a high ranking incubus, but he still isn't as strong as one of the seven demon brothers.
Levi holds MC tightly as they fumble over an apology
"Shhh MC, its okay. I'm here now. Let's watch some anime and calm down together, yea?"
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Do I even have to explain this one?
Is hostile as soon as MC even MENTIONS a childhood male friend, let alone an INCUBUS
Honestly, the Incubus is a bit scared of Satan
But, he decides he wants MC more than he fears Satan
So, he swallows his fear and patronizes Satan in tiny, unremarkable ways
Ways that would only be noticed by Satan
A stray hand here and there that lingers a LITTLE too long
Wiping a crumb from MC'S lips during a meal
Tucking a stray hair behind MC'S ear
Every last one of these actions makes his blood boil
It gets so bad that Satan is just in a perpetual state of rage, never leaving his demon form
Satan starts passive aggressively insulting the incubus's intelligence
"Oh, you mean you don't know how disestablishmentarianism impacted the overall congruence of Midwest society? Thats odd, its fairly simple. Practically common sense."
Is shocked when MC got livid at him, because he was being condescending for seemingly no reason
Starts to get angry at MC
"Can't you see? He's trying to turn you against me. Just LISTEN, DAMNIT!" He says as he grabs MC'S shoulders
The incubus barges in and shoves Satan away from MC
"Are you ok, MC? Did he hurt you?"
The amount of white hot rage in the room was tangible
He can't do it anymore
Slams the incubus against the wall
Knocks him to the ground
But when he falls down
A bunch of photos fall out of his jacket
Not normal photos
Horrifying ones
One of MC while he showers
One of MC sleeping
One of MC changing
Even one of MC and Satan having a steamy moment
MC goes still...and then SLAPS the shit out of the incubus.
He wordlessly turns to Satan, eyes pleading
"It would be my pleasure, MC" *evil grin*
Cue Satan dragging the incubus off by his hair
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He sees this lovely incubus with NEARLY perfect hair, a lithe and toned body, and a seemingly innocent attitude, and he just wants him gone
He's been with plenty of Incubi, so he knows what they're like
Because of this, he doesn't want this one anywhere NEAR his darling MC
Comes up with a plan to use all his fashion design connections to outdress the incubus
He knows they're vain by nature, so he comes to the conclusion that this is the best course of action
But there's a problem
"Is that a statement piece from Priya Lacroix? She hasn't even released her collection yet"
Asmo.exe is not responding
He knows that HE is the only one Priya would ever give an early release to
So why does THE INCUBUS have her statement piece?
And WHERE is his phone?
Complains to MC, but MC doesn't take him seriously because he's too busy catching up with his friend
Asmo gets jealous and storms off to do a stress relieving skin routine
As MC and the incubus hang out, the incubus's phone goes off
Only...the ringtone is sinful indulgence
Mammon storms into the room
"I/N? Why do you have Asmo's phone?"
"MC, you have to understand, I just want you to realize I'm the only right one for you. You NEED to realize you can't be with anyone else. Because you're mine, MC. You always have been."
Screeching could be heard in the distance, then footsteps quickly getting closer and closer
"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY" Asmo yells as he slams open the door
"As if MC would choose a crusty, obsessive, STEALING, lying, probably STD having Incubus like you over me! Now give me my phone back and get out of here. And while you're at it, take off that Priya piece. There's a reason I'm the only one allowed early access."
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Honestly doesn't think that much of it at first
He thinks its nice MC reunited with one of his childhood friends, and an Incubus at that
But when he meets the friend, something just feels off
He gets a weird sensation, and its not hunger
Its like his senses are on red alert
The incubus was nice enough to Beel, seemingly charming and genuine
But Beel couldn't help but feel rubbed the wrong way, with a sensation similar to seaweed against legs in the ocean
He doesn't want to mention this to MC, because he's convinced he's just overreacting
He feels a little sad that MC is too busy for him, but he does his best to give them time together
One night, he had made some food in the kitchen and decided to bring MC and I/N some
When he neared the door, he almost dropped the plate
He heard a loud thud, and MC saying "Hey, I said no, okay?"
He gently opened the door and looked at MC, who immediately forced a smile to his face
"Hey MC, I brought you guys some food. Is everything ok?"
"Thanks Beel, that's sweet of you. Everything's fine, I promise"
Beel relaxed a bit, although he still knew something was off.
The incubus excused himself to use the restroom, encouraging MC to eat without him
Beel and MC sat down, and Beel scarfed down his portion
Chuckling, MC offered his plate to Beel, who gladly accepted
The incubus opened the door shortly after with an expectant look on his face, as well as rope and a gag in his hands
Upon laying eyes on MC, a shocked expression came onto his face as his eyes darted between MC and the empty plate
"How are you still conscious?" He blurted
Confusion flashed across MC'S face. "What do you mean, I/N?"
"You drugged it, didn't you?" Beel spoke up.
"I thought it tasted odd," Beel continued "but I never would have guessed you would actually drug MC. I'm guessing you couldn't handle that MC rejected your advances, so you drugged the food while MC was distracted talking to me. Am I right?"
The incubus chuckled. "Guess I was wrong about you. You are more of a threat than you seem. Heh, I guess you're not just a talking stomach after all."
A loud smack could be heard shortly thereafter.
But the devastating blow didn't come from Beel
It came from an enraged MC
"Trying to drug me I could keep my cool over. If thats all you did I would have just told you to stay the hell away from me. But the SECOND you spoke to Beel like that, you signed your own death warrant."
Before he could react, MC summoned the brothers one by one, Beel explaining the situation.
"Well, MC, perfect timing as always. I was just beginning to get bored" Satan drawled
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It takes a yandere to know one
Belphie doesn't want to alarm MC though, so he decides to outmaneuver the incubus without him noticing
It starts small, with I/N reaching out to put an arm over MC'S shoulder, and Belphie's arm already being there
Eventually, they start glaring daggers at each other the second MC looks away
After a while, Belphie decides to up the ante
Religiously falls asleep on MC when I/N is trying to spend time with him
Goads the incubus so much that he corners Belphie when he snaps and can't take any more
"Listen, I know exactly what you're doing. But if you think that YOU can take him away from me, you're sorely mistaken. MC is mine whether he likes it or not. And if it turns out to be the latter, well, let's just say he won't have much of a choice in the matter, nor will you have any control over it. Got that?"
Belphie does the one thing he knows will get the outcome he had painstakingly built up to the past couple weeks: he laughs
"Ah, you have a good sense of humor, know that? Funny stuff. All kidding aside, MC already belongs to me. So your child's play isn't gonna cut it. Got THAT?"
With a choked cry of fury, the incubus pulls out a knife and stabs Belphie
Belphie, having planned this, falls to the floor just as the door opens to reveal a shocked MC.
"BELPHIE! Shit, please be okay! What the FUCK is wrong with you, I/N?"
The stunned Incubus could only stammer out a couple words
"I- he...was gonna...tried to take what was mine. Tried to take you..."
MC laughed bitterly and shoved him to the floor.
"I don't know what sick world you're living in, but I belong to Belphie. I love him. And I hate YOU. Now I'll leave you be so you can deal with THAT. Ta ta." He says as he scoops up Belphie and heads out the door
"Deal with what?" I/N nervously asks after him, backing up warily
The incubus stops when his back hits something hard.
Gulping, he looks up...
"Hello, I/N, I'm Beel."
"Nice to...meet you? I imagine you're one of the brothers?" He replies shakily
Beel smiles. The light doesn't reach his eyes.
"Yes, I'm one of the brothers. You see, I'm Belphie's twin."
Across the house, Belphie smiles at the faint screams, MC curled up next to him after patching him up.
He succeeded in protecting what was his. He deserves a good nap. Holding MC tighter, he goes back to sleep.
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 30: Wine for the Lady: Part 1
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, blood/gore, body horror, violence, references to trauma
Summary: Heisenberg is trusted to hunt down the tourists, Juniper wants to help
Feedback greatly appreciated, your words mean alot…18+
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By the time they had made their way back to the factory, the phone was ringing off the hook.
With a grumble, Heisenberg picked it up, voice harsh as he gave quick responses to the person on the other end:
“Who else would it be??”
“I was busy, I don’t sit by the phone waiting for your giant ass to call!”
“…yea I understand.”
“I’ll get it done.”
He hung up the phone with a huff, going to change into his normal attire.
Juniper came up behind him, “What was it?”
“The mega bitch.” He shrugged, throwing the newly rediscovered flower crown on the table, “Miranda wants me to find the tourists and bring them in…don’t want them riling the villagers up.”
“Why does she always make you go out and get people?” Juniper asked, seemingly annoyed.
“I’m always the one to do it.” He shrugged, “I can blend in better, get it done and over quicker.”
“Every time?” Juniper questioned.
“Yea, if the person runs or tries to hide…I’m the bastard for the job.” He answered quickly before realizing what he said. He stiffened.
“Karl…did you,” Juniper’s voice wavered, “Did you bring me to Miranda?”
He didn’t answer, turning away stiffly. Juniper's voice rose, “Tell me.”
His head moved, an anxiety riddled twitch. Guilt and panic soaked his brain as he quickly tried to think of what to say. The silence didn’t hit Juniper well, her high hormones making her emotions volatile.
“Goddamnit Karl!” She yelled, “Tell me!”
She didn’t raise her voice often out of anger, if caught Heisenberg off guard.
“Fuck, I did ok!” He vomited out the words, his voice almost breaking. He waited for her response but it never came.
“Look if I’d known…” he sucked in a tight breath, “If I’d had any idea how fucking important you were going to be to me, I wouldn’t have done it”
He looked into her big green eyes for a long moment, “Especially knowing now you were a virgin…if that Bitch Miranda hadn’t thought you were strong enough….”
“What? What would have happened to me?” Juniper asked, her tone much too even.
He gave her a long look before answering, “You’d be in a bottle by now”
His words dropped into her stomach, her mind swimming back to the thick whine of Lady Dimitrescu’s castle. The metallic taste left on her tongue…
In her silence Heisenberg moved away, continuing to get ready. Guilt washed over him in hot waves but he swallowed it all away, instead trying to focus on the hunt. He grumbled about the Lycans and the close proximity to the village.
“Take me instead.” Juniper’s voice was soft.
“Take me instead.” She looked up, speaking more clearly.
“I’m not fucking taking you.” He shrugged on his coat, turning away.
“Why not?!” She came forward, “I can track them better then the Lycans and you won’t have to deal with trying to herd me away from the village.”
Heisenberg snorted, “After last time?”
“I can control it better now.” She insisted.
Heisenberg gestured to her stomach, “Not with the pup.”
“I’m not showing yet!” She snapped, “No one will know.”
“I’ll know!” Heisenberg rounded on her.
“I want to run…to bite.” She frowned, turning to begging, “Please Karl! I don’t know for how much longer I’ll be able to turn safely with the pregnancy. Let me come with you.”
He looked away, squaring his jaw. In wake of his silence Juniper swallowed then spoke evenly to him, “Fine, I choose this as my one thing.”
“What are you fucking talking about?” He growled.
“You said I can choose any one thing and you couldn’t tell me no.” She straightened, “I choose this.”
Heisenberg huffed out, exasperated, “Don’t do this Juniper.” He turned to look at her. She stood her ground, looking defiant under his narrow gaze. There was a long silence between them until he finally relented angrily.
“God damnit!” He stomped away, “That agreement was shit from the start. You bat your big fucking eyes and I do damn near anything anyways.” He huffed out again, “I should have made you use that on the damn Donna trip.”
“You should have, but you didn’t.” Juniper tried to contain her smile. She began to remove her dress and jewelry.
“You better control yourself or I’m going to kennel your ass.”
“Yes sir.” Her tone was almost mocking
“Don’t push it.” He grumbled.
Heisenberg stood in the yard, smoking a cigar with an annoyed look on his face. “Let’s get the show started, Doll.” His voice was tight.
“Give me a second…” Juniper snapped, trying to concentrate on turning. Normally it only happened when she lost control or the moon touched her soul.
She took a breath, digging deeply into herself. She could feel the animal, the monster hidden away in her guts.
She saw it. Teeth glinting and ready to pounce. Not running from it this time, she rushed towards the feeling.
Juniper made a garbled sound, doubling over. Heisenberg watched with sharp eyes as her scar bubbled. Her back almost broke open, tendrils sliding from the angry flesh. She fell into her hands and knees, increasing in size. Her mouth twisted into a muzzle, multiple eyes opening up.
Her muscles trembled as they thickened, skin covering over with coarse fur. She shook herself, moving carefully to test her limits.
“Buttercup?” Heisenberg took a tentative step forward.
Her bestial head looked up, meeting his gaze. Her mind swam but she held onto the small bit of humanity like a lit lantern in the darkness of her mind.
“Who am I?” He asked, testing her control.
“….K-K…Ka-rl.” She managed.
“Who are you?”
“Jun….Jun…J-Jun-i-per…” She croaked, words feeling foreign on her tongue.
Heisenberg nodded, seemingly content with her level of restraint. He wasn’t ready to just let her run free however, using his powers to bend a piece of scrap into a makeshift collar. He hovered it before her head, waiting for her approval.
With a huff, Juniper accepted it. He tightened the metal just enough to keep some length of control over her in case things went awry.
Finally ready they began. Heisenberg followed behind her, feeling more comfortable with his coat back on, even though it was starting to warm up. He had his hammer, trying to keep up.
Juniper was very fast in this form, dog-like nose to the ground. She kept having to stop and wait for him, huffing out in annoyance.
“I don’t have four legs!” Heisenberg called out, sweating.
“S….Sl-low m…an.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Juniper cocked her head, wanting to let loose and run. She knelt down on the ground, “O-on.”
“What?” Heisenberg tried to catch his breath.
“R-ri…de…?” She gestured with her head.
Heisenberg gave a cocky smile, “In this form? A little kinky, even for us, Buttercup.”
Juniper gave a warning growl making him chuckle, “Alright, alright. Cool your jets.”
He used his powers to assist as he climbed up into her back.
“Is it fine to sit on your scar?” He asked.
She nodded, him swinging a leg over to get comfortable. After he was secure she was off, finally able to go full speed.
She wanted to forget his words from earlier, drown them out into the hard earth as she ran. Claws sank into soil as smells assaulted her nose. Something deep within her brain loved this, the chase. She had to focus on staying sane, her nerves crying to just let go and become a beast.
Her tongue lolled out as she dodged trees, happy to be running.
Heisenberg on the other hand was ate up with anxiety. He wouldn’t want Juniper to do this on a good day, let alone when she was pregnant. It didn’t help then her tendrils and low hanging branches whipped him in the face every so often as they made their way through the forest.
He could feel her sides heave under his legs as she went. It was akin to riding a horse, he thought, hell of a lot more bumpy though.
Juniper caught the scent of stale blood and face powders, hints of death clinging to the odor. She followed it until she was met with all nine feet of Lady Dimitrescu.
She wore her wide brim hat, shielding her eyes from the sun. She looked very out of place in the brightness of the daylight.
Juniper’s sharp ears caught Heisenberg’s exasperated sigh.
“What in the name of Mother Miranda are you riding?” Alicina asked when they came to a stop.
Heisenberg reached down and patted Juniper's broad side, “That’s my wife. She insisted on helping.”
Juniper looked up at the much talked woman, baring her teeth in a low growl.
Alicia blinked at them for a moment then began to backtrack, “My apologies dear, you’ve looked much better I must say.”
Giving a huff out her canine-like nose, Juniper shook a bit.
“So where are they?” Heisenberg asked gruffly.
“My daughters captured the girls in the village quite easily.” Alicina gushed before continuing, “The men ran away like cowardly pigs.”
“Just left their women to your bugs?” Heisenberg questioned.
“Yes. Trying to save their hides, no doubt.” She sneered, “Mother Miranda wants you to find them.”
“I know.” He snapped.
Juniper on the other hand picked up a new scent. It was nothing like the village, it smelled of plastics and polyester, tinged with fear. She snuffled around the dirt, finding one of the trails. Pointed ears swiveled forward wanting to chase after it but Heisenberg and Lady Dimitrescu were still having a back and forth.
“Ka…K-Karl.” She managed.
“What?” He snapped, the taller woman having him on edge.
“F-found sm-e…ll” she croaked, eager to go.
“Well I’d love to stay and chat.” Heisenberg tipped his hat to his older sibling, “But I already have one big bitch to deal with today, my schedule is a bit full.”
Before the other could rebuttal Juniper was off. She had to skirt the trees to avoid the village, the smell going towards the ruins around the ceremony site.
Suddenly the trail bloomed like an exotic flower in her nose, becoming saturated with the delicious smell of blood. Heisenberg felt her tighten, ears twitching as they got closer.
“Keep it together, kitten.” He hissed.
She nosed her way into the cramped space beside the road just beyond the giant’s chalice. Her paw-like hands passed over crumbled bits of rubble. The fragrant scent of blood pinpointing the man’s exact location. She turned deeper in, eyes glowing like jewels.
He was in the corner, crouched against the ground. He held his injured shoulder, the source of the blood. He reeked of fear.
“What the hell is that thing!”the man cried out, trying to push himself more backwards. The wall kept him in place, as he held his bleeding arm.
“Watch your fucking mouth!” Heisenberg spat, sliding down off Juniper’s back. His boots fell heavily on the stone floor as he showily walked around to her front, standing just between her and the man. “Piss her off, and her mouth will be the last thing you’ll see.” Heisenberg gave a wicked, toothy smile. Juniper pulled her lips back in a growl, dagger teeth glinting as if to emphasize his words.
The man was pale, looking on the verge of pissing his pants. Tourists were easy to deal with, rarely had weapons, even more rarely had common sense. Heisenberg strode forward, enjoying the way the other man cowered. He knelt down to look the other in the eyes, “Why are you here?”
“Just wanting to see the mountains.” The man blurted out, “My girlfriend heard a-about an old village. Wanted to s-see it.”
“Did she like it?” Heisenberg jeered, flashing his teeth. When the other didn’t answer he went on, “People don’t leave this old village, hotrod.” Metal started to float around him with a rhythmic hum.
Seeing this the man started to panic, mind not processing what he was seeing. Before he could do anything rash Heisenberg grabbed his head, pulling it forward before bashing it back against the stone. He was mindful to not do it hard enough to jelly the man’s brain, only knock him out cold. He stood, some of the floating scrap becoming shackles around the other’s hands and feet.
“T-Taste…?” Juniper croaked.
“No!” He growled, picking the man up to throw over Juniper’s back. He paused before climbing up, “You gonna be able to hold three guys?”
She nodded.
“I don’t want you to strain yourself.” His voice was warning.
She gave a snort, pawing the ground impatiently.
“Alright, alright, shit.” He climbed back up, “The last one went the other way, I saw the doors to Donna’s is open.”
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
History of Us Part 18- A Nightmarish Memory
Summary: Once upon a time Todoroki and (y/n) were best friends. Now they haven’t spoken in years. When (y/n) is forced to transfer to UA, will she and Shoto reconnect or will their troubled past keep them apart? A childhood friends to enemies to lovers hybrid fic.
If you don’t want to see History of Us content blacklist #hopelesshou
Warning for mention of non-major character deaths
Masterlist Kofi
By the time you leave Shoto’s room to go back to yours, you’re pretty exhausted from the day’s events. The movie night distraction had certainly helped but you still keep thinking back over Rei and Endeavor’s conversation as you change into your pajamas and climb into bed. You know you’d never betray Shoto. Having him back in your life has been one of the best parts of transferring to UA. Your mind wanders back to earlier when you’d caught him staring at you. You’d brushed it off as disbelief that the two of you had finally hashed things out but even still you must admit butterflies had filled your stomach when you’d caught his gaze. You shake your head as if doing so will physically dispel the image and force yourself to close your eyes. Eventually you drift off to sleep.
Instead of dreaming you find yourself in a nightmarish memory. You’re eight years old again at your kitchen table eating breakfast when your father comes in already in his hero costume. “You’re coming with me today,” he announces in a tone that brooks no argument. “She’s a child, there’s no reason for her to go to work with you,” your mother protests. Your father levels a murderous glare at her but before he can berate her you pipe up “It’s ok, I wanna go.” Your mother gives you a sad and skeptical look but you insist “I mean it! I’m a big girl I’ll be ok!” “See? She says she can handle it,” your father tells your mother before turning back to you to command “let’s go.” You desperately want not to but little you hops out of your seat and follows after your father.
The contrast between your father at home and your father at work is extreme. At work he’s the charismatic Black Storm, the counterbalance to Endeavor’s grumpy and standoffish image. “Aww this your little girl?” one of the sidekicks asks, kneeling down to your level. “Yep! My pride and joy. Isn’t she the cutest?” your father gushes with an amount of care in his voice he’s never had for you at home. “What’s your quirk sweetheart?” the sidekick asks you. “I can heal stuff with this hand! And, uh, use dad’s quirk with this one,” you explain. “Dang a perfect hybrid? That’s rare,” the sidekick whistles. “Nuh-uh, my best friend is just like me,” you counter proudly, which only makes the sidekick chuckle. “And who’s your best friend?” “Sho-chan!” you beam. The sidekick sends an amused glance to your father as he explains “She means Endeavor’s kid, Shoto.” “Like father, like daughter, huh?” the sidekick laughs, ruffling your hair good-naturedly before rising. “Well meeting should be starting soon, Endeavor just got back from patrol. I’ll meet you in there!” the sidekick says before waving goodbye and going off to the conference room. Your father kneels down next to you before grasping hold of both of your arms. From afar it may seem like the gentle touch of a loving father, but his grip is tight, a silent threat. “No matter what happens in there you are not to look away. I want you to watch every minute of it. Got it,” he instructs. You nod obediently although his tone scares you. “Good. Let’s go,” he declares before grasping your hand and all but dragging you to a conference room.
Your father seats you at the head of the conference table while he sits to your right, a fact his coworkers find adorable. The meeting begins as soon as Endeavor arrives, closing the door behind him. It’s supposed to be a boring old briefing. Endeavor summarizes his patrol before handing it off to your father who begins by showing footage of a neighboring city on a large screen at the front of the room. You barely pay attention until you hear gasps of shock. You look over to see fires raging as explosions go off throughout the city. The look of glee on your father’s face is a stark contrast to the looks of horror and fear on the others in the room. “What’s the meaning of this?” Endeavor asks, rising suddenly. Your father doesn’t respond, instead he turns to his friend, eyes completely black with an unsettling grin on his face as multiple villains storm the room. As violence breaks out, your father lunging for Endeavor, you quickly scramble to hide under the table. You’ll be in so much trouble for disobeying your father’s orders to watch but you don’t care as you scrunch your eyes closed and cover your ears against the screaming and shouting.
You jerk up in bed, chest heaving. “It was just a dream. It was just a dream,” you tell yourself like a mantra to try and calm your racing heart. It’s been a long time since you’ve had a nightmare about the day of your father’s arrest. Endeavor and your father had been the only other survivors of that meeting aside from you. No one had even found you until medical teams came in to recover the bodies of the fallen sidekicks. Your father was carted off to Tartarus along with the other villains who’d assisted him, leaving you and your mother to deal with the fallout alone. The next day, while your mom was at work, you left the house in spite of her warnings, desperately seeking out the comfort of your one and only friend. You’d already been on the verge of tears when you arrived at the Todoroki household and began pounding on the door. Endeavor loomed tall above you, his gaze filled with disgust and rage. “C...can I see Sho-chan?” you had asked timidly. “No, he doesn’t want to see you,” Endeavor told you. “Why not?” you asked. “He’s afraid of you. He doesn’t want to be friends with a villain,” he replied before slamming the door in your face.
It was all downhill from there.
You had spiraled further and further down until your mother had been forced to move you away. The memory alone is enough to make you want to cry. You pull your knees to your chest and bury your face in them as you try and fail to banish the painful memories from your mind. Your heart aches for that younger version of you whose heart hadn’t yet hardened and learned how to protect itself. After a while of sitting there in misery, not daring to fall back asleep, you remember you’re not alone anymore.
Tumblr media
You don’t move from your position on the bed until you hear a soft knock at your door. When you open it Shoto is stood on the other side looking sleep mussed in his pajamas, hair slightly wild. It’s a cute look on him, one you may have appreciated under different circumstances. “I’m so-“ “Don’t. I’m happy to be here for you,” Shoto cuts you off quietly but forcefully as he slips into your room and shuts the door behind him. Without another word he climbs into your bed and then looks at you expectantly. “Are you going to join me or are you just going to stand there the rest of the night?” he asks. You feel your eyes water as an almost overwhelming feeling of relief and gratitude crashes over you. You immediately join him in bed, curling up against him as he holds you tightly.
Black tendrils of smoke curl off the right side of your body as you let yourself cry into his shoulder. For the first time since you were a child you allow yourself to fall apart, knowing that Shoto is there to hold the pieces together until you can assemble them back yourself. You grieve for the last of your innocence that your father ripped away from you that day. You cry for the lonely child whose mother had to work all day and whose only friend was kept away. You allow yourself to well and truly release all the pain you’ve held onto for so, so long until your sobs finally dissipate to sniffles and eventually to silence. “Do you want to talk about it?” Shoto asks quietly. “Yea... Yea I think I do,” you admit before confessing exactly what had happened all those years ago.
Shoto listens, face impassive even as his own emotions wreak havoc in response to your story. Guilt for not being there when you so desperately needed him. Rage at his father for being the reason the two of you were separated for so long. Disgust with your father for dragging you into his massacre. Frustration that, despite being his first victim, you’ve been treated like you were your dad’s accomplice. Shoto has never wanted to fight both his father and yours more, but he knows that’s not what you need right now. You don’t need him to go fight the Big Bad. Frankly, you’d probably be offended by the notion you need defending. So instead he just holds you through it until you’ve shared all that needs to be said. “Thank you,” you finally mutter as you reach the end of your story. “I’m always here for you. I always will be. No one and nothing is going to separate us again,” Shoto asserts determinedly. “Promise?” you ask. “Promise,” he swears.
A/N: (y/n) never uses the 🥺 emoji because she thinks it’s too soft, but for Shoto she’ll make an exception ❤️
Taglist: @sorrythatspussynal @miss-bakugo-writes @pixelwisp @larkspyrr @sokkaandzukosimp @akkaso @sunaispretty @mindofess @todoplusultra @oliviasslut @lapysllazuly @immah0e4fictionalmen
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Great Hunt Ch 9-10
Consequences catch up. An unexpected return -and unexpected joy to read. Followed by, new horrors found on the road.
Sry it’s bit late. But here. Things really picked up.
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show thus far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first and second book and all of season 1 under the cut. Potential spoilers for later books -idk if they’re light spoilers or not.
Ch 9: Leavetakings
The Flame of Tar Valon
POV Rand
Will they actually get out of the city this chapter? (Editors note- I think so. Just barely)
So TV (Tar Valon) does have some sort of armed force even outside Warders it seems like
Like horns! The moon that is
Love naming the man with one eye Uno
Awww. You were kinda an asshole tho bud. Like, I get why the boys are mad at him. Still tragic
The clothes thing is so infuriating yet funny to me. Because truly, some people stole his clothes and replaced them with different ones. Which is a fucking weird problem to have but still a problem here. Like all of this would be solved if they just talked to each other tho
… I suspect I’m going to be saying something like that a lot aren’t I!
Oh he’s trying so hard tho. Like apologizing and shit. That’s nice
Loial is the best. Loial and Verin both are currently on my list of favorite characters
Lan ‘Loial privacy’ Loial *steps five feet away* *opens a book* ( that’s how I imagined it, it’s wrong but eh)
Uhhh. “There will come a time when you must achieve a goal at all costs. It may come in attack or defense. And the only way will be to allow the sword to be sheathed in your own body.” -Lan to Rand on his last lesson ‘Sheathing the Sword’. No!
… I think at least one of them is going to regret that advice.
That is called self harm and potentially death Lan
Do the Aes Sedai even want people to like them? Like at all? Fear only goes so far
I mean a little but yes. Agreed Rand
Oh yea the town map
Bud I think that is a false equivalence but emotionally I get it
Lol. Sure. Nothing at all /s
“If Loial was an excitable Ogier, Rand thought most of them must be made of stone.” -(Rand)
I love everything about Ogiers
“Those who come to answer its call, well come whoever blows it, and they are bound to the Horn not the Light.” -Siuan on the Horn of Valere
Watching. Again. Is it something? Is it madness? Who knows?
Well there was someone there. And they appear to have attacked Siuan. And then vanished
… going for Rand?
“Lord Ingtar of House Shinowa”
Yea see so many people are traveling together in these sorts of things. There is for sure at least one laundress amongst them
Ok cool. Magic smelling prescience = sniffer. Cool
Many Shienaran cities have a sniffer on the payroll. Hurin is Fal Dara’s. He describes it as smelling violence and the worse the violence the longer the smell lasts. I think he can smell other things too?
Aes Sedai don’t understand them and they don’t like that
Magic tracker man basically
Is Fain worse than a Fade now?! Oof
Going to Toman Head I’d wager
POV change?
Bayle Domon?! POV Capt Bayle Domon!
Oh right that contest!
So two ironic names to go to a foul smelling port. I’m amused
So Capt Domon is from Illian. And Illian has warm summers
Bat and big knife. Excellent.
Inn: Easing the Badger. Innkeep: Nieda Sidoro (she/her)
Oh right that accent!
Three men, Cairhienin, coats embroidered with silver scarlet and gold
The ones Domon is meeting. They want someone brought from Mayene to Illian (I soon learn this is a lie)
Don’t want to deal with Trollocs anymore? Fair!
1k to pick someone -unknown and not meeant to be known- up and bring them back. No questions asked
Ok. Domon suspects the First of Mayene -a city state/province of Tear that doesn’t want to be- wants help form Illian’s Council of Nine for aid defending her land (I soon learn half of that maybe wasn’t important at all)
Some in Illian are all too willing to war with Tear b/c they think they a hogging trade from the Sea of Storms.
Indeed why is the Shadow after you Domon? They have to know he isn’t with Rand
Doesn’t believe in snow?
Illian must be really far south then
Cairhienin who paid in TV marks
Tarim Maeldan, the Sprays second
People have been killing his men? And they, or at least the most recent attackers wanted information
Ya leaving is probably a good idea. Sry anyone who doesn’t make it.
Yes! Fixing excellent! Opening the letter with a hot knife so he can reseal it!
Fucking love this guy. Best POV so far tbh
Ohhhh those fucks! He’s wanted, according to this letter, by the king of flaming Cairhien.
Galldrian su Riatin Rie King of Cairhien [house Riatin. Seal of Five Stars]
Lol. Truly, pretty shit at that if the Aiel war is any measure. (I know different guy but still)
Keeping it not a bad idea.
Ok Bayle Domon is now on my favorite characters list.
Antique collector too?!
…now I just want the adventures of Domon, Verin and Loial and trying to uncover history.
Oh this it great
Wait! Darkfriends want his antiques?! Amazing. Indiana Jones adventure but better! Oh guess that’s basically pirates too
Still pretty sure that was not about you but I love that you have like your whole own thing going on dude! I man sry but still, you seem very capable!
He’s being chased for a magic fucking flash light. [Lightstick technically]. They are very fragile and cause fires when broken. So love that (I soon learn he is not being chased for that. Probably. Certainly not that alone)
Allegedly makes you warm if you hold it long enough… feel like there’s something missing about that information
A saber tooth tiger skull?!
Oh shit… ya they don’t want the lightstick. They want the Seal to the Dark Ones Prison that Domon bought from a fucking shopkeep in Maradon!
Holy shit! That’s fucking amazing?! Oh I love this actually!
Also! Is that carving an angreal? The little man with a sword
I don’t even know if tasting fear is Talent I’m or just his feelings?
Eek. Too close to Almoth Plain better going to Tar Valon or the Borderlands imo
Well that was an unexpected fucking joy
I will be very sad if we never see Bayle Domon in the show. I’ll understand but still such a shame if we dont
10: The Hunt Begins
POV Rand
1/4 way thru
Finally truly left the city. Perfect time to fuckingtwlk to each other! Come on. You can do it
Mat you fucking shit!
Tbf pretty sure Rand has spent a month or so pushing them away soooo
Not dislike doesn’t actually mean like
Loial outran a horse?! Amazing
I like that a small contingent is still several dozen people
Deep breathes
Tbf. Maybe pack your own stuff next time.
Just don’t wear a coat
So Mat has just decided to be an asshole then. K.
… kinda curious as to why. Like is it jealousy? Being scorned? Dagger sickness? All of the above?
Oh good old prejudice. Lovely /s (allegedly the reason for Uno’s looks at Rand. He’s been doing that)
“An Aiel lord, maybe.” -Mat (scoffing) at Rand
I think Rand should give Mat one of those coats. Maybe he’ll shut the fuck up about it and is bs then. I’d say Perrin too but fear their sizes are too different also may not be his problem
Yea yea the Aiel don’t like anyone but gleemen and traders. Used to like Cairhien until that king fucked it up
Oh. Aiel don’t use swords, won’t touch one, and don’t ride horses. But are fierce warriors all the same
“If you have a sword, and the Aielman has his bare hands, it is an even fight. If you’re good… They’ve been there since the Breaking, near enough. Artur Hawkwing tried to dig them out and was bloodied, the only major defeats he ever suffered. By day the air in the Aiel Wastes shimmers with heat, and by night it freezes. And an Aiel will give you that blue-eyed stare and tell you there is no place on earth he would rather be… If they ever tried to come out, we would be hard-pressed to stop them. The Aiel War lasted three years, and that was only four out of thirteen clans.” -Ingtar to the boys -including Loial- ‘bout the Aiel
… meanwhile Rand is like ‘this stew reminds me of shepherding sheep and growing tabac in the two rivers where I’m from. And am a shepherd with my dad.’
Nearly caught them
“Hurin rode the circumference of the site, sniffing.” -Tgh
Camps a camp
That’s a person. Yup. Person. He’s gonna want away from that quick. & yup
When people say they don’t like Darkfriends they are not playing
Many days on a zigzagging chase after servants of the Shadow
Found a village at River Erinin
(Editors note. Not a POV change but a tonal shift)
Oh yea something horrible happened in this village
“Gone, my lord. But she was there. A woman in a white dress, at the window.” -Uno reporting on women he believes he saw in the abandoned village
Don’t like that
Oh something really horrible happened here
“…Ragan trotted up… His face was pale, the arrow scar on his cheek sharp, and he sounded shaken.” -Tgh. Ragan, one of the Shienaran men in the Hunt returning from scouting across the River.
… going back. I wonder what Siuan said to Mat and Perrin more and more
Uhg. Something real fucked up happened huh?
Hmm. Another option for Mat being a dick. Stress?
“Let Ingtar have the Horn. I just want the dagger for Mat.” -(Rand) thinking to himself seeing Mats reluctance for all this but having to do it to live
Loial always a pal
Yeesh Perrin. “This is how we left home…It we’ll be worse, this time.”
‘Cuz your about to see something truly horrific (I soon learn I’m right. B/c it’s obvious)
I think Hurin has some idea what Perrin is
Well that’s fucking awful. Won’t… don’t need to write out that one
Ohhhh yea. That’s pretty fucking bad. Uh.
Two named characters too. Changu and Nidao
Real dark.
I mean. That you want to bury. Just. Yea
Well um lore I guess. Shienarans bury their dead naked and with neither shroud nor coffin. Say a phrase. (Editors note: phrase below)
Probably Loial. Probably.
Very fucked up
“The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home.” -Ingtar over the graves of Changu and Nidao
… apparently they saved Agelmar at Tarwin’s Gap so despite everything Ingtar believes they deserved at least that
Damn. Talidar was a battleground where Artur Hawkwing beat Trollocs and Fades so badly they never challenged him again. He raised a monument as a memorial for all the men who died in the battle. Sometime after his reign the monument was torn down and only the mound remains.
Hawkwing’s kingdoms broke into many others which then became the modern kingdoms due to conquest and alliances
Harad Dakar was a city of Hardan roughly in Shienar. Haddon Mirk was Mar Haddon. Almoth, Kintara. Altara and Murandy were formed via alliance. Other old nations included Maredo, Goabon, and Caralain.
Kinda confusing
Time happened to them
I… I feel like there’s more to it than that
A village in the wilderness after all?
Another abandoned village. This time in the wilderness
Ok. So the few people still living here basically bow down to anyone who offers them protection. They live in these tiny villages with short walls and ditches full of spikes mainly due to brigands. So basically lawless country, because no one actually want to hold the land. It was Hardan, then Cairhien and now the people think it’s Shienar and Shienar is like ‘I guess? Uh, we fight Trollocs. G’luck with those human bandits’
But this one is fully abandoned thus far
This is not a good room at all. That’s some horror movie psychological shit
Wtf? What is happening? Rand is having visions of the past? What?
What the fuck? What is happening? What is this?
Wtf?! What is this? What?
… I am horrified! This is fucking terrifying! Uhhh
Just dead… flies? No dead family that looks like they, idk, died of terror?
Ok. So… I have no idea. Das not good! (Editor me- kinda reminds me of a bad trip)
Oh. There’s more? Maybe… maybe it will make more sense (I soon learn. Not really. Not in this chapter)
I would not want to either. I’d never go in a house anything like that again. Ever
Oh no… village meeting hall everyone is standing in front of? Noooo…. Not- nope
“Everyone was standing like statues in front of a large building with wide double doors… a village meeting place. He joined the silent circle, and stared along with the rest.” -(Rand)
So. Yes.
Someone nailed to the door. Lots of nails
“Rand’s breathe caught. Not a man. Those black clothes, blacker than black… there had never been any eyes in that pale, bloodless face. ‘Myrddraal,’ he breathed, and it was as if his speaking released all the others. They began to move again, and breathe.” -Rand. And the wind moved a cloak which usually is not affected by wind…
Yea I think Fain did that. Uhhh…
Ingtar- ‘don’t know how that happened. Don’t want to. Let’s flaming go!’
Yes. Leave
Well the horror return bigger than ever tbh
“They rode away leaving the dead Myrddraal where it hung, the wind stirring is black cloak. Hurin was first beyond the wall, not waiting on Ingtar for a change, but Rand came close behind him.” -Tgh
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thecowardwrites · 4 years
Touch Starved [Suga, Oikawa, Bokuto x Reader]
Originally requested by @0hakaashi:
Sorry to tag you in this again, just transferring stuff over from my old account! Hope you still like it
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Suga was your first boyfriend – at least your first real boyfriend.
You were very new to this whole being-affectionate-to-one-another thing that couples do.
On top of that, you said physical affection made you uncomfortable so Suga respected that and tried to show you he cared in different ways.
Like carrying your schoolbag in the hallway, making sure he brought sweets to school for you to have during lunch, he let you borrow his jacket whenever you looked cold, he made sure you got the best seat in the house if you went to the movies, he would buy you tacky (but cute) gifts whenever he went somewhere cool for volleyball – he did everything he could think of to show you he cared without the risk of making you uncomfortable.
One night, the two of you had decided on staying in to watch a horror movie and eat junk food.
Suga and you were leaning on each other (shoulder to shoulder) when he stretched and put his arm on the back of the couch behind you.
It wasn’t a big deal. Until a scene made you both jump, and he instinctively wrapped his arm around you, pulling you to him.
At first, you both didn’t realize what happened until he started stroking your arm in an attempt to soothe you both from the absolute terror you had just endured.
That’s when your heart rate quickened once again, and you glanced up at him. Only to see that he was already gazing down at you, eyes wide.
When you didn’t react, he started to pull away mumbling apologies.
You basically yelled, “HUG ME!” as his arm was removed from around you.
He has never reacted to something so fast ~ Suga pulled you close to him once more (movie completely forgotten) and you laid a head on his chest.
You could hear your heartbeat, and although it would’ve been cute to say it was soft and soothing, his heart was beating just as hard as yours.
He began to stroke your hair as you snuggled yourself deeper into his embrace. He would occasionally lean down and press a kiss to your crown and you relished in the touch.
You faded into the comfort and didn’t notice that Suga was whispering to you, asking if you were okay. That’s when you realized you had started laughing.
“Are you okay?”
“Yea it’s just – It’s just that I… I really like being held apparently.”
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You had been dating Oikawa for a month now.
A month of you telling him that you hated being touched, cuddled, snuggled with – any of that.
A month of you still snuggling into him at night whenever you slept over. He never said anything though.
In your sleep, you would scooch over to him, wrap your arms around him in a death grip, and cling to him like a koala bear. That first time you did it, it scared the absolute shit out of him.
You told him you didn’t cuddle, so he didn’t expect to be grabbed onto in the middle of the night. When he finally realized what was happening, he had to stifle his laughter so that he wouldn’t wake you up.
He tried to tell you after that night, but you refused to believe him.
“You’re just making stuff up now, Oikawa.” You said, ignoring him and going back to getting ready.
So, he never said anything about it again.
He just tried to appreciate those moments when he did get to hold you – he was a snuggler after all.
One night, he had devised this plan to wake you up while you had wrapped yourself around him so that you could see what he was talking about that first night.
He waited until you had moved to the same position you had taken every night prior and gently stroked your cheek.
He softly called your name as he did this, and (it took a little while) but you were finally drawn from your sleeping state.
“What the hell do you want, Oikawa?” You mumbled into his shirt.
“Just look around, love.”
You adjusted your position, propping yourself up on an elbow, and ended up elbowing him in the abdomen.
He grunted, wanting to curl up in a ball, but he couldn’t because you were pretty much directly on top of him.
That’s when your sleep-ridden brain started to realize what was happening.
You started apologizing profusely, but he just laughed it off.
“This is why I tell you I don’t like being touched it just ends badly!”
“You basically crawl all over me in your sleep, though!” He retorted watching as you sat up by him. “You can’t blame me for you being a natural snugglebug in denial.”
You rolled your eyes at him, getting ready to scoot back to your side of the bed, when you shivered from the lack of heat from being held.
“Can I-“ Your voice was quiet and meek; Oikawa just nodded, opening his arms up to you.
You laid down, resting your head in the crook of his neck. His hair tickled your nose and the smell of the body wash he used flooded your senses.
Y/n.exe has stopped working
You didn’t really know how to react at first, your body was stiff as you hugged him. Your body shook with his as he laughed and let you figure out whether you wanted to stay like that or go back to your side of the bed.
It was kind of uncomfortable at first, but the longer you laid there, the more it felt right.
You face flushed when Oikawa’s arms rested on your back (since he figured you wanted to stay) and his cheek rested on the top of your head. Your heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, and you had a hard time calming down.
It felt so nice, it was so warm, so weirdly intimate. You couldn’t believe you had refused to accept this feeling for months.
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Bokuto: Written by @hurtbycanonthoughts 
So right off the bat, Bokuto is fairly affectionate when it comes to people he cares about
You’re aware of that but he never really seemed to do much besides just giving you a quick kiss on the cheek which not only confused you, but it seemed to confuse Akaashi as well
It’s not that Bokuto didn’t want to do anything, he was just worried about making you uncomfortable since he can be a tad much at times
You have to reassure him that it’s ok and that you’d actually like the affection but he’s still nervous
Eventually he doesn’t necessarily care and just wants to hug you
It was right before practice, you both were talking, waiting for the rest of Fukurodani’s team to show up when he decided that he wanted to give you affection
Right before Akaashi got there he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly, burying his head into the crook of your neck
You almost died on the spot because not only was he being cute, but you were touch starved and the affection he had given you felt so nice
He went to pull away and you made a noise, not wanting him to let go of you yet which if I’m being honest, kind of shocked him
You two stood in the middle of the gym, holding onto each other whenever the team got there and they definitely weren't about to pass on the opportunity to tease their captain
Though most of the things they said about you two he agreed with and the team really didn’t know how to react to you both still hugging when practice was going to start at any moment
Akaashi ended up having to pull you two apart because you didn’t want to let go since it was the first (of many to come) time he’s ever hugged you and been affectionate and you were way too comfortable in his arms
After practice Bokuto ran over to you, wrapping his arms around you as he kissed your cheek. That was just enough touch that made you melt into his arms. Not that either of you were complaining though
You eventually told Bokuto you were actually pretty touch starved because he never really noticed. He just thought you really enjoyed his hugs and affection. He does get more touchy as time goes on and eventually almost always has a hand on you or at least holding your hand
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asmo-ds · 4 years
(1) i tried to think of a belphie one so here it is, sorry if it kinda bad👉🏻👈🏻 mc has been begging belphie to go to the human realm for xmas tgt but he isn't very sure about it since he did try to kill mc. since mc knows how much he used to love the human realm and humans he probably also loved xmas, they thought he would be excited to go.
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How to Love Christmas Again
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Belphegor x gn!MC
Word Count: 4295
Genre: Fluff
Summary: As the holiday season rolls around, MC requests to go back home and spend Christmas at their apartment in the human world. Diavolo agrees on the condition they bring a brother to protect them since they have pact marks yet no knowledge of how to use them. Who better to bring then their sleepy boyfriend, Belphegor, even if it means they have to avoid all other humans the whole week!
“Oh right, I almost forgot that was today,” A young Belphegor reaches under his bed to pull out the gift boxes Lucifer had helped him wrap for his twin and the young girl. Beel runs to his own bed bringing out his own gifts for his siblings.
“Did you wrap these yourself, Lilith?” Beel giggles as he observes the horror show of wrapping paper around his gift from her.
“Did you wrap these yourself, Lilith?” Beel giggles as he observes the horror show of wrapping paper around his gift from her.
“Did you wrap these yourself, Lilith?” Beel giggles as he observes the horror show of wrapping paper around his gift from her.
“Did you wrap these yourself, Lilith?” Beel giggles as he observes the horror show of wrapping paper around his gift from her.
“Well… I tried to but had trouble, so I asked Mammon and Leviathan for help - but then Leviathan got wrapped up in tape and it just turned into a mess,” she giggles with a blinding smile. “Anyways open your gifts!”
Belphegor watches as Beel unwraps the gift from their baby sister, revealing a box of freshly baked cookies she had made that morning. Beelzebub gave her a hug thanking her before he moved to watch Belphegor open his gift from Lilith.
He unwrapped the gift and saw a soft pillow covered in the pattern sported by cows. He smiles wide and wraps his arms around her in a tight embrace. 
“I sewed it myself, I hope it is soft enough,” she smiles at him. 
After they opened their gifts from Beel, a new blanket for Belphegor, and a new dress for Lilith, they moved on to Belphegor’s gifts.
“Don’t call me cheesy, okay?” He blushes as they pull out the shiny golden necklaces. Beelzebub held a necklace with a charm shaped like a sun and Lilith’s sporting a star. Belphie reached down his shirt and pulled out the necklace he had gotten for himself, a moon-shaped charm resting on the chain. 
“Belphie these are beautiful!” Lilith exclaims as Belphegor puts it around her neck.
“Think of these as a promise. A promise that we’ll always protect each other.”
The three sat in the circle agreeing and swearing to protect each other no matter the cost.
The Celestial war was the last time he saw those stars. He watched as the necklace flew off of her chest, blood splatter landing on it as the arrow penetrated her wing. He watched as the chain snapped from the force of Lilith’s body flying backward. He watched as he broke his promise to protect her-
Belphie sat straight up, breathing heavily as he woke up from the flashback. He stared straight ahead as he tried to refocus his breathing. Despite the darkness of the attic - he could see the outline of a person next to him. He glanced down at MC as he turned on a lamp. He grabbed their face and checked their pulse, letting out a sigh of relief as they stirred, blinking away the sleep from their tired eyes. 
“Belphie? You ok?” MC reaches up to wipe a tear he hadn’t even realized fell from his violet eyes.
He couldn’t respond, his mouth open as nothing but a choked sob came out. MC sat up and pulled him against their chest, rubbing his back soothingly.
“Another nightmare?” they ask, receiving a shaky nod in return. Belphegor looks at the digital clock that rested beside his bed and reads the numbers.
It was 2:03 AM on December 20th.
The next morning, MC and Belphie arrived at breakfast. “MC, the human world holiday season has arrived, Diavolo wants you to be prepared to talk to him this morning about how we can incorporate these human world festivities into our home to make you more comfortable during your stay,” Lucifer announces as MC helps him clean the dishes. 
“Actually… I was wondering if perhaps I could go home. Just for a week or so to see family and be in my own home. Christmas is special for me and I don’t really want to spend it in Hell.” 
Lucifer looks surprised at their request and opens his mouth, most likely to protest the idea saying it would be a hazard to send MC out to the human world, but he is interrupted by another voice, one belonging to the demon prince himself.
“Of course you can go home for the holidays! Though it may be riskier for you seeing as you now have pacts with all seven demon brothers yet have no idea how to use them. So I will allow you to go home but you will have to take a brother with you,” Diavolo states, causing Lucifer to turn around in surprise.
“I will go with them Diavolo I am the only one who can be trusted-”
“No Lucifer, this is a special holiday and I want you to allow MC to choose for themselves for once.”
MC’s mind immediately goes to Belphie. They thank Diavolo with a big hug due to their excitement and run up towards the attic in search of their sleepy boyfriend. 
“Belphie! Belphie!” They jump on the pile of blankets that hid his body beneath them.
“What?” He groans.
“Diavolo said I could go home for a week to celebrate Christmas!” They exclaim and he gives them a half-assed smile.
“Cool. Have fun,” He turns over intending to go back to sleep and not wake up until after the season has passed.
“He said I have to take a brother with me though, so I figured, you used to love the human world so why don’t you join me?” They smile sweetly at him.
He tenses and looks at the ground, avoiding their pleading eyes. “I can’t.”
“But why?!” They whine.
“Because… because I don’t want anybody to get hurt.” He turns to look at MC and they see the fear in his eyes, “what if I get angry again? What if I kill an innocent human while we’re there. MC I can’t go, I don’t want to hurt anybody-”
“Well then we’ll just have to stay inside, no big deal,” they shrug as if they hadn’t a care in the world. “I’ll go food shopping the first day so that we can eat, then we’ll hide out in my apartment all week watching Christmas movies and drinking hot cocoa and all that jazz.”
Belphegor looks at them with hope in his eyes as he contemplates whether or not to join them on their journey. 
“You pinky promise we won’t leave the apartment?” He looks at them with a very serious look, and they lean forward, lightly bonking their forehead against his. 
“I swear on my soul.” They state before leaning their head down to kiss him softly.
As they prepared to depart for their trip, Lucifer would not stop nagging Belphegor like a mom sending their kid off to summer camp.
“Don’t talk to any humans you don’t know, do you have mittens?! You can’t go without mittens, Belphegor, demons aren’t built for the cold you have to bundle up or else you’ll-” he is interrupted by Belphegor loudly saying his goodbye as he and MC stepped through the portal, landing in front of the apartment building where MC resided. The portal closed behind them and MC grabbed his hand, leading him into their apartment carrying his luggage.
“MC! Long time no see!” the security guard at the front desk smiles widely at them, “you on break from your exchange program in Sweden- or wherever it was you went- for the holidays?” He stands up and walks around the desk to talk more casually to the human.
“George! Yes I’m back, and this is my boyfriend, Belphie, I met him in the exchange program,” MC wraps themselves around Belphegor’s arm as he looks down shyly, afraid to look at any human other than MC.
“Nice to meet ya, Belphie. I’m George, you’ll probably see me a lot since I'm the head of security in this building,” the man reaches his hand out to shake Belphegor’s. Belphie nervously looks at MC who takes the hint and pipes up.
“Sorry about him! He’s Swedish, so he doesn’t really understand, plus he’s a germaphobe so he doesn’t shake hands,” they smile apologetically at the security guard who lowers his hand and gives a nod. 
“Tell him I said to enjoy his stay,” George says before walking off.
“Hey Belphie, George says to-”
“Yea I heard him, stupid,” he pokes MC’s cheek before they lead him to the elevator.
As MC reaches their front door and turns the keys they can see Belphie fidget, clearly nervous that they have yet to enter the privacy of MC’s home. 
MC uses one hand to push the door open and the other to rub their thumb soothingly over the demon’s knuckles. As soon as they shut the door it feels as if a thousand pounds had been lifted from his shoulders and he lets out a sigh.
“Ok, now that we’re here… do you want a tour?” MC chuckles, grabbing their boyfriend’s hand once more, leading him through the apartment and announcing the rooms as if they were a safari guide.
“Over here you see the bedroom. The natural habitat of an MC. The MC sleeps in this room and nearly never leaves it. This room is where things such as the mating season take place,” MC wiggles their eyebrows suggestively before giving an exaggerated wink, causing Belphegor to snort from how hard he was laughing.
“Your home is very cute, MC,” he compliments.
After picking up their room a bit and placing Belphie’s luggage in the bedroom, MC decides to set up their bed as a nest for them to cuddle in. Belphie and MC lay in the makeshift nest watching horribly hallmark Christmas movies and making fun of their plots before they eventually fall asleep, ending their first day in the human realm.
“Hey, be careful you three!” The white haired angel yells at three teens who run through a town decorated for Christmas.
“Woah! Belphie look!” Lilith grabs his shoulder and they look over to see a giant tree, all lit up (i know light bulbs probably didn’t exist in the era before Lilith died BUT we’re gonna pretend it do :D ) and covered in ornaments. 
“Oh, I think they’re gonna put the star on top now,” he, Lilith and Beel all push their way to the front of the crowd, ignoring Mammon calling for them to stay close to him.
“It’s so pretty!” Belphie looks at the young woman and his twin, smiling softly as they stare in awe at the shimmer lights as snow falls all around them in small soft flakes they melt on their skin. 
“I wish Lucifer, Asmo, and Leviathan weren’t so busy today-” Lilith frowns. “I know they really just didn’t want to come stand in the cold but… I really think if we could’ve convinced them to come they would have loved this.” Lilith smiles gently and looks back up at the twinkling lights of the star atop the giant pine tree before them, “I hope one day we can all see these lights together.”
“I doubt you’ll be able to get those guys down ‘ere, but ya guys got me!” Mammon catches up to them and smiles.
“Hey Mammon! Can we take a tree from the human world and decorate it at home?!” Lilith asks with a wide smile.
“Well it's a bit late this year, but next Christmas I pinky promise,” He raised his pinky towards her and they locked pinkies, bringing smiles to their faces.
But next Christmas never arrived for Lilith. It was on this trip that she met the human man who she fell for. It was mere months later that he fell ill and they were all cast down from the heavens. Bringing the death of Lilith and the birth of Satan.
Belphie slowly blinked as he winced away from the bright sunlight he wasn’t used to. He raised his nose to the air and smelled something good, so he stood and followed the scent to the kitchen. There he found MC in their pajamas, holding a pan with eggs over a plate that already had bacon and toast on it.
“Belphie!” They place down the pan and run to him, jumping onto him as he catches their thighs, wrapping themself around him as he holds them up, tightly embracing their small form and swinging back and forth playfully.
“Someone seems hyper this morning,” he lets go of MC and they climb down with a laugh.
 “I know you were nervous about coming here so I wanted to thank you for joining me with breakfast in bed… so go back to bed and let me surprise you!” Belphie rolls his eyes and climbs back into the bed, moments later MC enters holding the plate he had previously seen them preparing. “Tada! A traditional human world breakfast!”
They eat their breakfast and watch the news, Belphie accidentally laughing at some tragic events due to his demonic nature.
They spend some time decorating with some supplies MC had hidden away in the deepest depths of their closet. They hang a wreath on the inside of the front door and MC pulls out a fake mistletoe, hanging it on a ceiling lamp Belphie was underneath as he strung some lights around the room.
“What’s that thing?” He tilts his head upwards to look at it more closely.
“It’s a human world tradition, wanna try it out?” MC asks innocently.
“Sure why not, what do I have to do-” he’s interrupted by MC pulling his face down to his for a sweet kiss.
“It’s mistletoe, if you and someone else stand under it you have to kiss!” Belphie smiles and gives them one more kiss before looking back down into the box of decorations and spotting a star.
“Oh, this goes on top of the tree, right?” he asks and MC gives a small smile. 
“Yea but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get a tree up here by myself, so we might have to skip that part-”
“We have to have a tree! That's the best part!” Belphie suddenly bursts out, immediately blushing embarrassed by his sudden enthusiasm. “Lilith used to love the trees.”
“Oh, then I’m sure we can find a way!” MC suddenly whips out their D.D.D, pressing a few buttons before raising it to their ear. “Hey Diavolo! I need a favor-”
“Here you two are, have fun decorating,” Diavolo says as they finish screwing a tree he and Lucifer had hauled up to MC’s apartment.
“Honestly, I don’t think you should have called us for this,” Lucifer shakes his head with annoyance.
“Yea you shouldn’t have come to the human world for a Christmas tree, you never could do it for Lilith when she begged-” Belphie scoffs, making Lucifer shoot a glare his way.
“Lucifer and Belphie please behave yourselves, you are representing the Devildom here in MC’s apartment,” Diavolo places a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder.
(from here to the dash mark is a tiny itty bitty bit of Dialuci fluff as a small little bonus)
The three men suddenly hear some snickering as MC looks above Diavolo and Lucifer, causing everyone else to look up in return. They all looked up at the mistletoe that hung above them and MC and Belphie looked at each other with mischief in their eyes.
“Oh yea, Lord Diavolo MC taught me a fun human world tradition, would you two like to give it a try,” Belphie gives an evil smirk.
“Of course, Lucifer you join too!”
As Belphegor explained the tradition Lucifer grew extremely flustered and tried to argue his way out of it, losing in the end as the demon prince was too enthusiastic to participate in human culture and kissed him on the lips with little to no hesitation.
The men left, one beaming with excitement and the other sulking but blushing.
MC wrapped the lights around the tree, occasionally tripping over the long tangled wire. Belphie grabbed some tinsel, tossing it around the tree as MC finished the lights.
MC pulled out the normal ornaments first, handing some to Belphie to hang alongside them.
Then they got to the ones with meaning behind them.
“Baby’s first Christmas?” Belphie reads off the ornament shaped like a cradle.
“Oh yea, that’s from my first Christmas! It has my birthstone in there as well, see!”
As they dig through the ornaments and MC tells stories behind them all he can’t help but smile as he gets to know his lover deeper than he had before.
After hours of this, they finish and star at the star that had yet to be placed on top of the tree.
“Do you want put it on, Belphie?” MC smiles up at him.
“Me? Are you sure?”
“Of course this is your first time decorating for Christmas you said so you should get the full experience!” MC hands him the star and he looks at it, a bit nervous before feeling MC’s lips on his cheek, a silent cheer of encouragement.
He climbs the step ladder MC had placed next to the tree and places the star on, plugging it into the wall as it lit up with white lights.
MC runs to turn off the lights so they can see the Christmas light better and Belphie takes a step back, a big smile on his normally sleepy face.
They stand and stare at the tree happily for a few moments before MC excuses themselves to go make dinner. Belphie lays down on the bed and decides to take a power nap while MC cooks. 
“Ah, I’m so sorry sir!” Lilith exclaimed as she accidentally bumped into the shoulder of a young man. 
“No worries, having a lady as breath-taking as yourself bump into me must be my Christmas gift,” the man compliments the Angel before introducing himself.
“Lilith!” Belphegor calls after having searched for them for half an hour, he finally spotted them blushing as they chatted with a human man. Her three brothers watched from afar to ensure her safety, but allowed them to hang out together for a few more minutes.
“Lilith, we need to head back home now,” Mammon interrupted the pair, bringing a frown to his baby sister’s face. He walks away to let them say their goodbyes.
“Oh, uh, sir, I would love to see you again sometime, could we perhaps meet here in the center of town in three days time?” She asks with hope in her eyes and rosy cheeks. 
“Of course, I will wait here for you to return.” Belphie overheard their goodbyes and got slight chills, happy that his sister seemed excited, but fearful because he knew that love between Angel and human was something not taken lightly.
When they got home, Belphegor and Beelzebub sat and listened to their sister speak of the man and how they were going to return and see him soon. So every three days, the four of them travelled down to the human world, creating a new tradition. One day Lilith started going by herself, more frequently and sometimes spending days in the human world, staying with her new lover.
Belphegor was so happy to see his sister happy and he thanked Christmas for existing as he knew that if it didn’t she would never have met the person who gave her so much life. But now he couldn’t help but curse the wretched holiday as it caused her to meet the person she would give her life trying to heal.
Belphegor woke up the next morning with MC still in bed, sleeping next to him.
He smiled down at the human and thought to himself how hypocritical he was. He had been so mad at Lilith’s lover for her death and claimed loving humans if you were not human was wrong, but here he was staring with pure adoration at a human he was proud to call his.
MC stirred and looked up into sleepy violet eyes before slightly sitting up for a kiss.
They both got ready for the day, brushing their teeth, changing into new clothes and eventually arriving in the kitchen for breakfast.
“Ok, funny story,” MC laughs nervously as they open the cabinets, meeting nothing but air, “we are out of food and I’m going to have to go shopping. So you can either stay here alone or join me. It’s completely up to you.”
Belphegor weighs his options before a small voice in the back of his head tells him to join his significant other in public and protect them from witches or other supernatural creatures that may see the pact marks that adorned their skin.
They unplug the tree to avoid a fire and bundle up to avoid hypothermia. 
MC holds his hand the whole way, soothing any nerves he had. They tried to crack some jokes to make him feel less awkward but they eventually stopped as it didn’t seem to help him. 
As they shopped Belphie’s vice grip on MC’s hand loosened to a casual hold instead of a fearful one. 
“This is actually… kind of nice,” he mumbled as he looked around at the humans shopping, some kids horsing around as their mother tried to reign them in, an old couple slowly making their way down the aisle, a father trying to make his infant laugh at his funny faces.
“See, I told you it wouldn’t be so bad,” MC smiles at him sweetly.
They finished up their shopping and paid for their groceries before leaving. On the way home Belphegor made MC stop so they could look at a snow covered park where parents sat and watched their children and he saw some dogs run after frisbees and snowballs their owners had thrown.
The whole way home Belphie couldn’t stop smiling as he watched humans enjoy their lives despite theirs being so short compared to his own.
Then he saw a young lady bump into a man, apologizing before they struck up a conversation. He saw Lilith and her lover for half a second before blinking and seeing the strangers once more. 
When they arrived home and got settled in, putting away the groceries and getting back into their PJs, they sat in front of the TV, watching some show MC wanted to catch up on while they were home where it aired.
A commercial came on that Belphie had seen the night before. It was a Christmas movie that was apparently a “remake” of a story about some green man in the mountains stealing a holiday. He saw on the screen it was apparently ‘in theaters now’, so he turned to the human beside him.
“Hey MC… do you think maybe we could go see that tonight?” he smiled shyly and MC sat up and gave him a soft kiss.
“Of course! I’m glad to see you finally feel good about going outside.”
“I mean… movie theaters are just dark rooms you sit in watching a giant screen for a bit,” he shrugs, clearly still a bit nervous about being around other humans.
“Ok, it is still a start though!” MC hugs him before going onto their phone and looking for movie times.
At the end of the movie MC and Belphie walked out hand in hand, him acting much more natural than when they had first arrived.
They returned to the apartment building and were once again greeted by the security guard, George. 
“MC! MC’s boyfriend! Have a nice date?” he smiles at the pair.
“Yes! We saw a movie!” Belphie tries to put on his best Swedish accent and watches as the security guard looks surprised. 
“Very nice!” George smiles at him, talking very slowly to ensure Belphie could understand him.
Belphie continued to communicate in short and simple sentences in his god awful attempt at an accent. After they left the lobby, MC and Belphie broke into laughter.
“That was awful” MC laughs out, clutching their stomach.
“I only knew how the accent sounded from that show you were watching last night,” he responds, also laughing very hard.
The rest of the night, Belphie and MC make plans for the remainder of their time in the human world. 
The next day they went Ice Skating, Belphie falling over a lot before finally getting the hang of it. Though, by the time he got it, he was exhausted and falling asleep on the ice. MC had to hurry home so he didn’t knock out on the sidewalk.
The day after that was Christmas, and Belphie was grateful he hadn’t had any dreams to upset him the past few days.
He had bought MC a gift before they left the Devildom and MC had left to go get him one yesterday when he fell asleep. They both handed each other gifts and unwrapped them at the same time.
“A blanket that matches my pillow!” Belphie exclaims with a big smile, holding the cow print cloth up to get a better view of it. He wraps it around himself as MC finishes getting the wrapping off of his gift to them.
“Oh wow… Belphie this is beautiful,” they lift the necklace up and place the star shaped charm in their palm.
“I had it custom made,” he pulls his own necklace out from under his shirt, “Beel has one too, the third one, that is shaped like stars too, is on Lilith’s tomb under the house. You came and changed me, MC. I want you to know I don’t see you as Lilith, but you are still a piece of my family, and I promise to protect you forever.”
Belphie was certain he would never see the blood on those stars again, he would protect MC with his life and never let them get hurt by anyone or anything.
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Prompt 54 requested by @HOOOLI13 and an anon. “She’s my girl”. “I’m what?”
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
WARNINGS: Smutt and fluffy Happy.
AUTHOR COMMENTS: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. The gif isn’t mine.
Tag list: @STARRYNITE7114 @CHIBSYTELFORD @DAZZLEDAMAZON @MARA-MPOU @SAMMSKELLINGTON 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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** Flaco = skinny man.
The first yawn appears near to twelve in the morning. You've been working for the last six hours with the motorbikes of the crew, after deciding that it was a good time to go over the bodies. Covering your mouth with a hand, making a bad move, you cut the back of the other. A slight scream goes out of your lips. Seeing how the blood begins to sprout, you jump from the floor to take a cloth to wrap it. It's not a deep one, but goes all over the back of your hand and it stings too much. You're not the kind of girl who has a low pain threshold, but you've been feeling weak these last few days and sounds like someone has cursed you.
Walking through the yard, with the work jumpsuit knotted to your waist, you notice that your shirt is stained with your own blood and seems more exaggerated than it really is, just because you shook your hand as a reflex act.
“AYE! The bloody hell, kid?!” Chibs is the first one who practically jumps off of his chair, leaving the cards on the table, to take your arm between his fingers. You release the cloth to show him with a smile forced on your lips.
“You ok?” Happy is worried too, placing his body behind yours, looking over your shoulder. He's not surprised, not as Juice, who has a look of horror in his face. Unbelievable he's a Son' and all the thing he has done.
“Not sure if I should gotta' the hospital. It's not... deep, not even painful, but the body of the bike was covered in grass and oil”. You raise your gaze to the president with a soft shrug.
“Ya' shoul', kid”. He nods after some seconds looking thoughtful.
“Got you, love”. A tattooed arm surrounds your abdomen, pushing you to follow him in his way to the parking on the front yard. “How you did it, uh? What were you thinking about that distracted you?”
Happy looks at you intrigued. He knows you well, he knows how concentrated you are when you're taking care of their motorbikes, but you don't have a correct answer for him. The man clicks his tongue, leaving some hidden caresses on your belly now that you two are so close. And with the hand you placed before on his shoulder, you give him some tickles, with one of your nails trailing the skin of his neck. He pulls himself away abruptly from you, with a shy smile on his face, rubbing the area where your finger was.
It happened seven months ago. You were drunk and you lost a bet against him. One thing led to another, and you began to be friends with benefits, with the difference that you don't fuck with other people. You never talked about it, but seemed like Happy was satisfied with you, and you with him. Even if Chibs told you it was fine, you're not the kind who mixes business and pleasure; but sometimes, you like play soft games like this one. Happy is not someone dearly, and you're sure that you are the closest thing to having a girlfriend for him, but he tries to make you feel comfortable all the time.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
You don't know what's going on, but the emergencies are almost collapsed, so seems like you're gonna have to wait. Another yawn forces your mouth, shaking your head hoping this helps you to stay awake. Happy has an arm on the back of your seat, turning slightly with a raised eyebrow. Now he knows what happened, making him snort looking away. Last night you were talking until very late with Tig and probably you didn't sleep much longer than three hours.
He's not jealous. But he is. But he's not gonna tell you. But you feel it. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's annoying. You come closer with the intention of giving him a kiss on his cheek, next to his lips, before he pushes his face away under a deathly silence that is going to give you some problems today. You try again, and again, till you notice how he's hiding a smile.
“I could do it all the fuckin' day, until you kiss me”. You say proudly, and he already knows it. “Kiss me”. You demand in a whisper with pursed lips, and his eyes challenging you. Your fist goes straight to his shoulder, making him rub it with a mock wince on his face. “Kiss me, you fuckin' jerk!”
“You're so aggressive. You should work on that”. He finally says, making you frown.
“‘YOU’ are calling me aggressive? Seriously?”
Lying his back on the chair, he nods very sure about his words. Fortunately or unfortunately, when he's about to kiss you, with his lips so desperately close to yours, your name sounds through the megaphone. It's been thirty minutes since you came and probably your hand is gonna fall into pieces, if they don't clean it quickly.
Crossing the hallway, you go to the indicated query, having a seat on the hospital gurney unwrapping your hand to show the wound. The nurse moves a small side table, having a look before healing you.
“What happened?” Shanon asks wetting a cotton with alcohol.
“I was working in the workshop, with the bikes”. You say, while your friend shakes his head starting to clean it. “It was with one of the bodies”.
“You're coming to the dinner, tonight?” She inquiries, while Happy is on the opposite corner against the wall.
Wednesday is for girls, because Thursday is your free day. You and your crew meet at Shannon house to have some dinner together, before go to drink some beers in Charming. Usually, you end at Happy's house.
Five minutes later, your hand is covered by a bandage. The nurse gives you a prescription for some analgesics in case you continue feeling pain on it. With a kiss on her cheek, you head out having a look at your hand, moving your fingers for a second. Happy walks by your side, opening you every door on your way, to avoid you have to do unnecessary efforts.
“You wanna me 'ride you home?” He asks, helping you with the helmet.
“Club, please. I've to talk with Chibs”.
He nods. Man of few words. Sometimes it's maddening. But you take advantage of a traffic light a red, tightening your arms a little more on his waist, to kiss his nape dearly. He tries to avoid it pulling away as he can, making you laugh.
“Stop, I'm pissed off”.
“Why? 'Cause I was talking with Tig? He called me, why didn't you?”
He doesn't answers, rolling your eyes with a heavy snort. Dealing with Happy is fucking hard sometimes. He's not the kind of man that talks a lot, mostly in silence listening and judging. And you like it, but just sometimes. And of course, not in a moment like this one.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
“Ya' good, kid?” Chibs walks towards you, hitting softly your forehead with the palm of his hand. “What 'da docta' said?”
“That I should rest the hand today and tomorrow. But I finished your motorbikes, so it's practically like I'm enjoying my free days”.
“If Friday ya' don' feel rai', stay at home. Or come to see us. Three days without ya' is pretty much”. He nods, putting an arm on your shoulders in a warm hug. 
“Wanna whisky, ah?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Hey, what happened”. Tig goes out of the main hallway, walking next to you to take your hand carefully.
“Just a cut”. You shrugs, even if he looks worried.
“Yea', if she had slept more hours, she wouldn' have been distracted”. Happy says, 'cause of course he can't keep his mouth closed as always.
“I'm not talking to you”. He replies with a frown.
“But she's my girl and it's your fault, shithead”.
“What?” You're not sure if your asking for the first thing that he just said, or about the second one.
“And why it's my fault, genius?”
“'Cause she couldn' sleep enough, listening your cocky problems about which legs you should open, 'cause hers are closed”. Happy is sitting calm on a chair, raising his feet and supporting them on the table.
“Ya' know? I'm gonna fuck you up, man!” Tig is angry, looking that the poisoned dart of the other has hit him right where he wanted.
“C'mon! 'Am fuckin' wishing kick your ass!”
Two deer fighting, horns against horns, in a time of constant mating. This is what it looks like, when you have to push them away from the other.
“You're not gonna fuck her! Put those words in your fuckin' damaged brain!” Happy is truly screwed, pointing him with a finger.
“Gentlemen, stop!” Chibs yells sharply, before taking a deep breath. “(Y/N), have Happy and get him the fuc' outta my clubhouse”.
You obey, with your hands on his chest to pull him out. But you know he's not gonna talk to you. Not after you didn't say anything to Tig, feeling like you're defending him. He's walking fast to his motorbike, but so are you, grabbing his forearm to make him stop his footsteps.
“Hey! What has come?”
Happy is staring at you with an impassive grimace on his face.
“What was that I'm your girl?”
“Aren' you?” He asks curious waiting for an answer.
“No, 'cause you didn't tag me”.
“And I'm not gonna do it. It's not necessary. Everyone knows what's between us”.
“Tig does, the bitches around the Sons' don't”. You weren't going to say it, but you couldn't help, spitting it out at last.
The man rolls his eyes taking the helmet of the top of his motorbike. You push his shoulder, calling his attention again.
“Say it!” You shout at him, really upset with the situation, hoping that he finally makes it real.
But there are no words coming out of his mouth, starting the bike before leaving you there alone. You bit your cheek inside, assuming it's over. And hurts. It hurts a lot actually.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
For the first time in years, you're missing the girls night. You're not in a good mood for drink with them, preferring to lie down on the sofa with some tv show that you aren't paying attention to and a big bowl of ice cream resting on your belly.
It's not that difficult, and you don't know why the hell he doesn't say ‘yes, you're my girlfriend’. You feel jealous too, with all these women walking towards the club almost naked, but you have never said anything, drowning your feelings until you couldn't help it anymore. Is he afraid of something? Or, does it mean he only says what you wanna listen to take you to bed?
Some knocks on the front door have your attention, leaving a sigh hoping that it's not a workshop emergency. Leaving the bowl on the table, you go barefoot to the entry, opening it. Happy is there, staring at you.
“Not today, Satan”. You roll your eyes, with the intention of closing the door on his nose, 'cause you're not going to listen the bullshit he has to say.
“I gotta go some days”. He says hoarsely. “Stockton need us. I came to say goodbye”.
Yes, he always does. He drives to your house, gives you a kiss and asks you if you're gonna wait for him, even if he knows that you're going to.
“Enjoy the ride”.
“You're fuckin' annoying, you know?”
“Yes, it's a god's gift”.
“Why is so important to you that I tag you as my ‘girlfriend’?
“If you have to ask, then you don' get it, Happy. And the only reason why are you so jealous of Tig, is because you're fuckin' possessive. Not because of you care about me”.
“You know what I feel for you, don' play fool”.
“No, I'm not. And I'm tired of being your ‘maybe yes, maybe not’, flaco. So it's over. Enjoy your ride”.
You close the door without giving him the chance to reply, holding your tears inside your eyes until you hear the roar of his motorbike.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
One week has passed. He called you and texted you every day, but you didn't reply. So, when you find him at six am at the door of the workshop, it doesn't surprise you. Keeping the headphones in your pocket and throwing away the cigar, you unlocked the big door of the garage, pressing the button of the remote control. And yes, you're ignoring him, but he's waiting to go in the workshop to talk.
Leaving your bag on the main desk, giving him your back, you hear how the metal shutter goes down again. You snort shaking your head for a second, turning on the laptop to check what's on your day.
“You're gonna give me the treatment silent?”
“I have work to attend, Happy. If your bike doesn't need anything, leave”.
“You don' have nothing to do till seven. I asked Matt”. He catches your lie. “We need to talk”.
“No, we don't”. Turning at him, you rest your waist against the desk cross-armed. “I told you what was tormenting me, and you shit in”.
“You wanna hear it? Fine. You're my girlfriend”.
“No, I'm not, Happy. I was”. You sentence. “In past”.
“You are. In present. And you will. In future”. He adds walking towards you. And, even if he looks calmed, he's fucking pissed off. “And I care 'bout you, not only 'bout your pussy”.
“And when did you realize that? After one week practically ignoring your bullshit?” You join to shorten the distance between both, facing him.
He doesn't say anything keeping your gaze.
“You're like a fuckin' mime five years old”. You joke on him in a bad mood. “When you get bored of a toy, you pull it away. And when someone takes the toy, you get furious 'cause you don' have the balls to fight for it”.
“I'm here”. He says, pretending that it's enough for you, pointing his chest with both hands.
“Yea' like a fuckin' statue”.
Losing his mind, he takes off the heavy gold ring out of his finger, putting it in your forefinger 'cause is the only one where fits in without falling off.
“Everybody knows that it's mine. You got it. 'See what it means?”
“I see what it means for the world, but not for me”. You're pushing him into the limits of his patience, till you got what you really want. “Who hurt you so bad that you're not capable of saying ‘I love you’ when you love someone? I'm not asking you to say it all the fucking time, I'm good making it real by just one damn time”.
“These are only words. And I think I've shown you in the last few months”.
“Fuck off, Happy”. You say tired of the talk that is not going to anywhere, taking off the ring and pressing it against his chest.
But before you can continue with your task, he puts his hands around your body pushing you against him. His furious mouth finds yours in a kiss full of anger, guiding you to the nearest table. And even if you want to pull him away, you can't. You missed Happy and you're fucking weak. The ring falls on the floor when you place your hands on his head.
“You're like a fuckin' nightmare”. He groans turning you, to stick your back to his chest, before pull down your jeans as he does with his. “But I fuckin' love you”.
Those words sounds like a sweet melody dancing in your ears, being interrupted when he thrusts his cock inside you making you moan needy. One of his hands travel to your hair, getting tangled in it to tie you arching your back, while he uses the other to stimulate your clit. You don't have much time, but the enough one for an angry quickly to mark his territory again, in case you forgot it.
“Shit, love... You're so fuckin' wet and so fuckin' hot”. He gasps hoarsely in your ear, with your hands clinging on his nape. “'You missed me, uh? 'You missed your flaco?”
“Fuck... 'course I did”. You say with your eyes closed.
With his free hand, he pushes your back on the table making you lie on. Pounding you hard, listening the dry sound that his abdomen produces against your buttocks, he clings his fingers on your hips. You're so close and he knows it when your legs start to tremble.
Happy holds your throat with a hand, getting you up putting your back against his chest, moving faster and deeper, with the free arm around your body.
“Fuck... don' stop... don' stop”. You beg as he loves hearing you.
“Cum for me, love”. He demands you, biting your shoulder and leaving a slight trail of saliva in the mark he's making.
And he doesn't need to ask twice. Crying out his name, without mattering if someone hears you, the orgasm shakes every inch of your body making it burn. But Happy doesn't stop till he fills you completely with a growl full of desire drowned in your neck.
You rest your arms on the edge of the table, with his forehead against your nape and his warm breath bristling your skin, taking a break in which you both recover. He pulls himself away of you, making you moan one last time, to take a rag and clean all the mess. But you're gonna take a shower anyway. Getting dressed again, Happy picks up the ring from the ground, putting it back in your forefinger.
“You're fuckin' beautiful after bein' fucked by me”. He says proudly, leaving a kiss on your cheek with one of his hands in the other. You hold it, closing your eyes for a second, drawing a smile on your face. “Only ‘your flaco’, love”.
You lick your lips nodding, seeing how he presses the button to raise the metal shutter again.
“Good luck working with those shaky legs”.
“You fuckin' disgrace...” You chuckle crossing your arms on your chest.
“Yea', but you love me”. He shrugs with no gesture on his face, as always like a statue, walking away from the workshop.
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enigma-im · 4 years
The Less I Know The Better
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Imp!Black x F!Yellow Warning: Attempted murder, Among us fanfic, Monster sex, horror, comfort, angst, i’m not sorry
Word Count: 4916
      Boyfriends can bring comfort, monster boyfriends can bring...
"Hey, Blake, can you help me with coms? I've been stuck on that silly little radio for a while," I rock on my toes, hands clasped behind my back as I await his answer. For a good moment, he looks mostly confused, brows furrowed and mouth slightly open. It's curious, what is there to be so conflicted about?
"What," he gawks.
"Coms," I answer slowly," can you help?"
Blake stares down at me, looking sort of angry under the blatant confusion. I grow embarrassed having asked him. We don't talk much or anything, merely coworkers and nothing more. Perhaps I'm pushing a boundary I had no idea existed.
"Uh, sure," he answers almost like a question.
"Great," I perk up, twisting on my heel to walk away. I feel him reluctantly follow, throwing his hands into his tied off jumpsuit pockets. I toss a glance over my shoulder, giving him a bright smile of appreciation. He grunts in response.
We walk- more like I lead- to coms, awkward silence occupying the time. I stop over by the little frustrating radio to wait for Blake. He stops in the middle of the room, looking nervous but still. It's strange seeing his shoulder tick and his fingers fidget in his pockets but his face is so neutral.
"You ok," I ask. His forearm stiffens, barely noticeable fists clenched within his pockets.
"I'm fine," he says terse," what do you need my help on?"
I jump on the topic change, turning back to the radio. I turn it on, the horrid static blaring around the silent room. Wincing, I turn the volume down and begin fiddling with the knobs.
"Layla switched jobs with me this week because she is trying to get close to Bucky- which is understandable- and now I have the task of making sure the radio is up and operational. Which shouldn't be a hard job, just turn it on and off. Yet, lucky me, I have a radio that doesn't want to connect to anything and I don't know what to do," I answer, flicking the knobs this way and that. Listening closely to the change in static I just barely catch the sound of something wet snapping. I stop, curious above all else. The sound echoes again with a rip.
I twist around to the room, looking to Blake who is standing still in the middle of the room. He looks tense and his black shirt is askew with a single tear by his hip.
"Oh," I gasp," Your shirt? What happened?"
"Nothing," he answers shortly," let me see the radio an-"
I walk over, interrupting him," nonsense, I'm pretty good with sewing as my mother taught me when I was young. I'm sure I can fix that up. Accidents happen and I'm pretty sure Dax keeps an extra shirt around here." as I ramble I grab his shirt, looking to the tear with trained eyes. I'm sure I can fix this by tomorrow.
"uh," he keeps his arms away from me, uncomfortable to the max," ok."
I look to him, smiling sweetly before walking away in search of a clean shirt. I fiddle in a drawer, finding a dark green t-shirt for him to wear.
"This should do, you and Dax are big dudes," I hand him the shirt," I know you prefer wearing black but green would still be a good look for you. It will bring out your eyes and make you look quite handsome."
Blake seems lost as he grabs the shirt. He mutters a thanks, looking away flustered. I want to coo but keep the urge to myself. He grabs the hem of his shirt, hefting it over his body. I squeak, turning around with my own flustered face.
He changes quickly, handing me the shirt in his normal bored expression. Not wanting to dwell on the matter any longer he walks to the radio, twisting the knobs expertly.
It seems like ever since that day in coms Blake is always nearby. It's a huge comfort as conflict engulfs the crew. Rumor has gone around that there are two imposters aboard the Skeld. People barely paid it any mind till the first body was found in the med bay. I hardly knew the lad, only recognized them by their bright orange jumpsuit. Since then I have appreciated the company of Blake.
An alarm rings around the ship as Blake lends a hand in Reactor. We both look around, me more nervous than him. It's when a neutral voice calls for an employee meeting that I settled a bit. Blake and I walk to the cafeteria, meeting with the rest of the crew at the center table. Once we all are seated, Charlie talks.
"Another body has been found between electrical and the engine," Charlie says solemnly. I stiffen at his words, worried above all else that it was so near. "Was anyone near there, did anyone see anything," he asks.
The group murmurs amongst themselves, giving each other alibis and recounts. I look around, thinking to myself that I should speak up. Lifting my arm to speak of my whereabout Blake grabs my wrist.
"Don't," he whispers.
"Don't?" he nods, clenching my hand down to the bench. I curiously look from him to Charlie, conflicted. "Why not," I ask," We were near and if we can bring any information then it's a start in finding the imposter."
"It also puts a big target on your back so just keep quiet unless specifically asked," he snaps through clenched teeth. I gawk at him, not paying a bit of mind to a few crewmates recounting what they were doing while the body was being discovered.
I silently seethe to myself, feeling like a traitor by keeping information to myself. We didn’t see anything, having our backs to the hallway, but telling Charlie that could help figure out which way the imposter could have gone. It's not good to keep such information to yourself at a time like this.
With no details added the meeting is dismissed with everyone more on edge. I quickly depart from the cafeteria, wanting to get away from Blake for now. Marching to my room I don't even notice when the man I wish to avoid is standing at my door. I flop down onto my bed, feeling stressed and anxious.
"You're mad," Blake grunts. I startle, twisting to my side to look at him. He stands tall, unfazed by the announcement of another dead crewmate. His dark grease backed hair is immaculate like usual. The fact that not a single hair is loose seems unfair to the situation.
"Yes," I bark," I'm mad."
"Why," he asks, stepping further into the room.
I gawk at him," why do you think I'm mad? One of our crewmates is dead and you don't want me telling anyone where I was because you think it will put a mark on my back! It shouldn't matter, I didn't kill them but I was close by. I could have been useful."
Blake's lip twitches towards a sneer. His hands leave his pockets in favor of crossing his arms. He looks annoyed, which is better than looking bored. Good, he finally acts like he feels something about all this.
"Did you see anything? Did you hear someone walk by? Truly, do you think you have anything important to say that won't paint you as a potential suspect," he snaps, leaning towards me as he angrily shouts his point. I sit up in bed, throwing my arms up in exasperation.
"No, but i-," I try to explain.
"No," he walks over to the bed," you don't have anything that could have been even remotely useful. Saying nothing was almost the same outcome as saying anything. The only difference is you would have been watched and targeted by the true murderer. It's easy to paint you as the imposter when people are already looking your way and I will not let that happen." he is nearly face to face with me, towering over me easily. His ire is almost enough to silence me. He makes good points but it's not enough for my frustrated self.
"Why should it matter to you if I want to let myself be targeted like that? It's not your job to keep me safe," I stand strong, keeping myself confident in my argument.
"It is my job to keep you safe," he snaps, growling under his breath.
I get up in his face, feeling his breath over my cheeks," Why?"
He stutters," Because- it's cau- I- fuck." his shoulder sag, sighing as he grabs my shoulders. Before I can even blink his lips are on mine. My heart stutters along with my breath, shocking me to my core. I don't have time to react before he is pulling away, the ghost feeling of his warm lips on mine.
Blake opens his mouth to answer, lifting his hands off my shoulder as he struggles to speak. Before he can get too far I panic, reaching out and grabbing his shirt collar. I tug him back, leaning up to kiss him.
It's not magical or special but it feels right. The comfort he gives makes everything disappear as our mouths dance together. I like his warmth, I love his taste. Though my anger dwells in the back of my mind I don't care enough to split. Right now is perfect, even though a true surprise.
The next week is easier to deal with as I have Blake by my side. His ever-present self brings a sort of ease to the chaos around us. The bodies stack up as the killer continues their spree and when the stress becomes too much I can rely on Blake to calm me down.
"This is getting ridiculous," Charlie snaps, running his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time," soon we are going to be outnumbered by theses dickheads, we have to pick someone. Randy, you have had eyes on everything, who do you suspect?"
We all look to Randy," I don't want to be the one pointing fingers here but I have barely seen pinkie here on cams."
Peter gasps, sneering at Randy," So you think I did it just because you don't know where I am every second of the day? How about Lesha? She has been the one to report the body almost every time, seems kind of sus to me."
"Fuck you, Peter," Lesha shouts," don't be pointing that finger at me. I can't help that none of you walk the ship, like, at all."
"Walking the ship and killing people seems like a better waste of your time than fixing the constantly sabotaged O2," Peter barks back.
"Yea, well how about bumblebee over there," she points to Blake and I," those two have been together nonstop, looks like we found our two imposters right there."
"What," I gawk," we have been keeping an eye on one another, doing our tasks. Blake has helped me with so many difficult jobs."
Charlie hums," interesting that you don't seem to understand how to do these simple tasks. The fact that Blake has to basically do them all for you seems rather sus. Clearly, an imposter wouldn't know how to accurately know how to do the jobs us crewmates have been trained for." the group nods, agreeing with his statement. I can only sit back in surprise as everyone turns their gaze to me. My crewmates, people I have worked with for a while, are now turning on me. All of them pointing their fingers to me. What can I do now? I have no alibi or excuse.
I fall to my misfortune, gawking at them all. I have nowhere to run or to escape. These people I have shared so much with is going to shoot me out the nearest airlock without any regret. All I can do is hang my head in defeat.
"She has been with me and hasn't off-ed me," Blake answers casually," clearly if she was the imp then she would have slashed my neck when she had the chance. Believe me, she has had many chances." I don't dare to hope.
The group mutters amongst themselves. It's ultimately Charlie who they all look to, waiting for his final verdict.
Charlie hums in thought, watching me with eagle eyes. "That is very fair. You two have been alone often, it seems like a likely excuse. Our best bet is to keep an eye on her, wait for her to make her move."
The sigh of relief is short-lived as the accusatory eyes lock on me. I think I'll be having a great deal of company this day forward.
In just a few days my ultimate stress has been reached. Every turn I take I'm watched by crewmates, laser focus on my every move. Blake does his best to settle the crew, keeping them at a distance while I work. It's a little relief but I appreciate it all the same. Though walking out of my room every night to someone lounging against the wall nearby brings everything to a head. I will live like this till I'm truly accused or murder by the actual killer.
Blake and I walk to my room, two crewmates following further behind. When we reach my door Blake shoos them away with a promise to watch over me tonight. The two grumble in agreement, marching off.
"Thanks," I mumble, walking into my room.
"hardly something that needs thanks," he grumbles as he follows me in.
We lounge in my bed, looking at my tablet a bit. It's when I'm left staring at the screen for a solid minute that Blake bumps my shoulder.
"You alright," he asks. I chew my cheek, not wanting to reveal the true levels of stress I'm living with.
"As alright as I can be," I shrug. I look back to my tablet, flipping through messages. Blake grabs the tablet from my hands, tossing it aside.
"You can talk to me," he turns on his side," I can't say I'll be much help but I can lend an ear." I turn to him, meeting his charming green eyes. He truly is handsome. I try to tell him that often, adoring the blush that gifts me every time. Though he has bags under his eyes and a rather rude disposition, I treasure his constant presence.
I sigh, closing my eyes," it's hard dealing with all this distrust. Like, I've worked around these people for months. We have joked and laughed together, taught one another. It's depressing."
Blake doesn't answer, making the words linger for a bit. Anxiety bubbles in my chest until I feel him shift closer. He grabs at my hips, turning me towards him. I open my eyes in time to see him lean up and press a kiss to my forehead.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with all this," he mumbles, laying back down against the pillow. Minimal relief floods my chest. He may not have a way with words but he nails the tenderness.
"it's ok, we will figure this out in the end," I reach up and pat his cheek. He turns and kisses my palm, his thumb petting at my hips as he does. I can't help myself, I lunge up to kiss him. He startles when my lips touch his, his fingers clenching my body a bit too tight. Despite his preparedness, he eagerly returns the gesture.
We have made out like a bunch of teenagers before but right now I need more. I crave more from him, greedy as it feels. I pull at his collar, leaning back while guiding him over me. He catches on, pressing his body over mine while sliding his tongue into my mouth. I mew in approval, gripping his shirt to bring him closer.
"Blake," I groan into his mouth. He stiffens, retreating a small distance. I meet his eyes, seeing his confliction. Reaching around I pet at his cheek, softening to his blight. "You alright," I ask," we don't have to do anything you don’t want."
He shakes from his stupor," No, it's just- no, we can keep going."
He falls back into the motions, kissing and licking my lips with more eagerness than before. His hips grind slowly into mine, pressing his hard-on into my crotch. We groan and grope, reaching under the other's shirt. I scratch at his chest while he slowly pets up to my chest.
Before he can touch at my bra I push him up. He goes, stiffening once more in worry. Instead of comforting him, I take off my shirt, tossing it aside with a teasing smile. His eyes dart towards my chest, gulping while his fingers curl near my waist.
Worried, I reach for him," You alright?". His answer is to drop his head and bury his face in my cleavage. "I'll take that as a yes," I laugh. He kisses and nibbles at my boobs, reaching around and unclasping my bra. Leaning back he throws the pesky clothing away, falling back to take a nipple into his mouth. His warm mouth and soothing tongue makes my back arch, pulling a groan from my mouth.
"you like this," he asks, nuzzling his cheek to my boob.
I pet his head," yea, but I think it's your turn now."
He sits up," my turn?"
"yep," I pop the p, fisting his shirt in my hand to give it a tug. He catches on, swiftly pulling off his shirt. I eagerly look him over, admiring his firm chest and light pooch of his stomach. I reach out and trace a finger down his chest towards his pants. Hooking my finger over the waistband I tug, throwing a cheeky eyebrow raised in question.
"You first," he asks, grabbing my waistband. I smile in answer, pulling my feet up as he tugs my jumpsuit bottoms down. After he tosses the bottoms away he swiftly removes my underwear, not paying them a bit of mind as he looks at my crotch with awe. In a trance, he falls to his stomach, tugs at my thighs, and dives in.
"Oh-oh damn," I say shocked at his hunger. His tongue danced over my clit, lapping up my slick with great vigor. I can't help but writhe under his assault, reaching down to grasp his head. I grind into his mouth, almost tormented by his tongue. He lathers my cunt in sweet, sweet attention. It's shocking how quickly he drives me out of my mind. I can hardly believe it.
His tongue soon circles at my entrance, exploring the space timidly. He then shoves his tongue inside me, giving the same vigorous attention. He thrusts and wriggles, bringing me closer and closer to a climax. As I lose myself in bliss I can faintly feel his tongue reach deeper, swelling in girth. I can't bring myself to care as I cry out, nearly ripping his hair from his head as I cum on his face. Choking on my cries of pleasure.
"Blake, oh- stop," I pant, lazily pressing against him. It takes a second for him to catch on, drinking from the new tap. He shoots off, lifting his head sharply.
"Sorry," he grins," was a… tasty experience." his eyes drop back to my crotch, drooling a bit as he gravitates towards me.
"no, no sir," I grab his arm and lift him back over me," I have a different craving than your tongue right now."
"Is that right," he chuckles, leaning in for a kiss.
"oh yeah, you think you can supply me with what I need," I cup his head, kissing him. He hums in answer, awkwardly kicking off his pants. I don't get a chance to say anything before he is resting at my entrance, his tip nudging excitedly. He leans back enough to meet my eyes, asking without words. I nod.
Not looking away he bucks forward, sheathing himself swiftly. We both cry out, startled at the pleasure. His head falls to my shoulder, panting hard. I come back to myself in the meantime, petting at his back. I can feel his body flex, his shoulder twitching and tightening. His chest feels like it swells as his labored breathing ghosts over my chest.
"you alright, dear," I ask, pressing my cheek against his.
"yea," he answers quickly," just- just need a second."
"Take your time," I hug him closer.
He needs longer than a second to reel himself in. slowly his body stops twitching and tightening. Timidly he arches his hips back, bucking forward with a relieved sigh. He repeats, arching back and bucking forward. His tempo is timid but nice. I let him go at his own speed.
Blake holds me snuggly as he slowly fucks me. His cock glides smoothly in and out, squelching lightly each time he goes all in. I find pleasure in his body, listening to his grunts and sighs. I echo him, panting against his shoulder. Though I have to fight against the urge to buck my hips.
"Blake," I sigh, question sitting on the end of my tongue. As I say his name his body stiffens again, his hips stuttering with restrained vigor. It's clear now why he is so apprehensive. I turn to his ear, whispering," let go."
He stops breathing for a moment, his hips freezing as well. Frustration grows in my limbs as I wish for him to keep moving. With a kiss to my cheek, I get what I wish.
Blake's hip draws back almost far enough for him to fall out, slamming forward in a body shaking thrust. I yelp, my nails biting into his shoulders. He draws back again and quickly fills the space he departed. His tempo ups to an amazing degree, plowing into me. Our hips clap as I cry out over his shoulder.
We cry out together, rising in pleasure till we are damn near breaking. I hold him tightly, clenching up as my second orgasm of the night washes over me. He chokes, grunting as he fights through my tightening channel.
Blake is still chasing his finish as I fall back onto the bed, closing my eyes as I ride out my high. I listen to his grunts, pleased above all else.
His hips finally stutter as he cries out. He pumps a few more times till he stills, flooding my insides as he cums. I hum in content. Before I can open my eyes to watch him I hear a loud wet crack. I snap my eyes open looking up to a horrid sight.
"Oh my god," I shake. Blake is perched above me, looking less like himself. His face is cracked down to his neck, his tongue long and extruding from the gap. Sharp teeth line the wet appendage, some teeth visible within the gash. In the darkness behind him, I see an even larger appendage writhing around in the air. Some drool drips off the tip of his tongue, splatting against my sternum. It's enough to shock me into action.
I kick at his thighs, getting his cock out of me while crawling up the bed. As my foot nudges roughly against his thigh he opens his eyes to see my terrified face. With another crack his face rights itself, the gash snapping shut. The appendage behind him slithers back from where ever it came from with a wet snap.
"No," he grabs at me," no, no, it's ok." his tightly clasps my shoulders, pulling me back under him. "It's ok, I won't hurt you," he says panicked. I wiggle in his hold, trying to getaway. I slap at his chest, kick at his legs. He stops this by pinning my body. As I sit tightly in his arms he drops his head to mine, "Please, I won't hurt you. I won't hurt you, you are safe." he rambles these words over and over till I lose my fight.
I fall lack, sighing," Blake?"
"yes, it's me. It's Blake," he tries to smile," I'm me, it's ok."
We both take a moment to calm down, though my heart doesn't catch the message. I manage to convince him to let me go, though it took a lot of promises. It took a moment to find our clothes, putting them on as a reason to put off talking. Soon I'm sitting on the bed and he sits across the room in a chair.
The silence is awkward.
"So," I start," you're not human."
He chuckles without amusement," that's one way to put it."
"Well," I fiddle with my fingers," What are you?"
He sighs," an alien is a good enough term." him actually saying it makes my head hurt. He is an alien, I had sex with an alien. Oh god, I had sex with an alien. I drop my head into my hands with a drawn-out groan.
"This is a mess," I grumble in my hands. It's the truth, where do you go from here. I shake my head in disbelief.
"I'm sorry," Blake says, his chair screeching as he stands," I wanted to tell you but it's hard to just bring that up. Then I thought I could control myself during…well, that."
I scoff," you didn't seem to have control there at the end." I can't help but laugh at that, finding minimal humor in all this.
"Yea," he chuckles," I did not." we laugh a bit together, having a bit of normalcy before we fade off. We sit in silence once more. My brain races as thoughts creep back in. something clicks as I look to him.
"You're the imposter," I startle back," you killed those people, oh my god." I scramble back away from him, hitting my back against the wall. He panics, walking over to me with raised hands.
"No, I didn't do that. Yea, I'm the imposter everyone is hunting but I'm not like the other one. I couldn't even get the guts to kill you, how can i-," he freezes, straightening with tense shoulders.
"What," I curl up," you- you tried to kill me?"
"No," he answers quickly," well, yes, but I couldn't do it. You were so nice and peppy, too lovely to kill."
"Too lovely to kill? So if I was mean then I would be one of the dead launched out the airlock," I scoff," why should that be so special? Were you just trying to get in my pants or something? How can you expect me to believe any of this, this is outrageous."
"Don't accuse me of something I never did. I like you, plain and simple. Sure, if situations were different then maybe we wouldn't be here but we are now. You humans always ask 'what if' but don't settle with what is happening now. I'm sorry for not telling you, that will stay with me for a long time, but it's out now. So all I can say now is that I will keep you safe and I will never hurt you."
His outburst lingers in the air for a bit. His promise is heartwarming. Looking at him now I can nearly feel his sincerity. It's easy to believe him, though doubt wishes to taint it. I watch him for a moment, trying to fight for my ire. It's a losing battle. I sigh, dropping my head as I know I will forgive him. God, I hope this won't go wrong.
Blake and I become closer than ever as the crew searches far and wide for the true murderer. Blake swears up and down he has barely a clue on who the other person is, just having a faint idea. He keeps his suspicions to himself though, telling me that I have a bad poker face. Which… is true.
One night closes to an end with Blake walking me back to my room. We pass by electrical, hearing a strange noise. Sneaking inside we catch a glimpse of someone jumping out of the vent below. Swiftly Blake grabs me and runs out the room, whispering to me that the imposter dwells within the room. We shuffle out, hiding around by storage as the footsteps echo closer.
"Got to play casual," Blake suggests.
"How do we do that," I silently yell. As the steps near Blake grabs my shoulders, forces me against a storage bin, and kisses me. I catch on quickly, cupping the back of his head and hiking a leg over his hip. We listen closely to the steps, ready for the confrontation.
"I believe you two have a room for this kind of thing," a man calls from behind Blake. I pretend to startle away from Blake, laughing as I look over his shoulder.
"Sorry Charlie," I giggle," we got a little sidetracked."
"Yea, sorry Charlie," Blake mumbles as he sets me down, keeping himself between Charlie and me.
"Eh, all's well. Just head back to your room, it's late," he smiles kindly.
We depart from him, nodding as we pass. Our rush to my room is tense, listening for anyone following until we reach the sanctuary of my room.
A body is found that same night, a meeting taking place early the next morning. As we sit at the table Blake and I share a look as Charlie asks the group if they have any suspicions. Blake speaks first.
I wrote this strictly for the sex part. Everything else after that meant nothing to me. Also the guy taking control of the situation should always be sus. No one wants to be the leader in an Among us game unless they are the imp.
Didn’t like this one either, but i did have fun with the sex. cause i’m a thot.
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uno-reverse-fic · 4 years
Part 2 Chapter 7
Bakugo hadn't expected his morning to go the way it did. It started when he walked outside. It was a nice day, the air was not too hot, but also not too cold. He looked out at the scenery, a light blanket of fog covered the morning air, and the sun streamed through gaps in the clouds. It was a perfect morning. At least until he turned to go back inside. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something lying on the ground by the door, and when he took a closer look, he realized with horror that it was you. And despite your size he could see you violently trembling, at first he thought it was because of him, but when he crouched down he realized you were asleep.
He reached out his hand and slowly extended it towards you, his fingers finally brushed your side and his eyes widened. You were freezing. As carefully as he could, Bakugo scooped you into his hand and slowly activated his quirk, not enough to explode, just so that a faint glow of heat rose from his palms. You immediately leaned into his touch, even in your unconscious state. He nearly gasped at the feeling of your tiny body in his hands, he had almost forgotten how small you really were. He moved his other index finger over to you, lightly pressing it against your chest. Your hands wrapped around his finger and you yawned, stirring from sleep.
"Mrmmmrm," You groaned, before stretching and trying your best to roll onto your side. The added weight of a finger on top of you made the task a bit harder than expected. Once you managed to flip onto your side you buried your face in the finger next to you.
"Mrmm, Kirissshimma. 's dat youu?" You slurred in your tired state,
"Pleasse don leavve me with himm againn." Bakugo was worried and glad at the same time. On one hand at least it wasn't Kirishima who left you outside all night, but on the other hand he was gonna kill the idiot who did.
You continued to stir in your half-consciousness as Bakugo walked back up to his room. You mumbled a bit more, and snuggled further into his hand, presumably for warmth. You still were shaking, but it had calmed down severely. Bakugo pressed the tip of his finger harder against your chest, and you buried your face in it. He nudged you with his finger in an attempt to wake you up. You, however, merely groaned in annoyance before muttering something in your tiredness,
"Kirrri c'mon, I'm tirrred." Bakugo continued trying to nudge you awake,
"Half-pint wake up dammit." He whispered to himself.
You finally stretched and rolled onto your back, pushing yourself up before rubbing your eyes. When you opened them, you saw a black t-shirt, however when you looked up your face immediately fell. A pair of crimson eyes, and a head of ash blonde hair staring directly down at you. You scrambled backwards, only to run into a set of gigantic fingers looming behind you.
"Hey, its ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said, sliding his index finger closer to you. You eyed it warily, and shuffled away when it came to near for your liking.
"I know your terrified of me, but until I know for sure who left you outside, I don't think its the best idea to leave you with someone else. Kirishima is still in the infirmary, but he'll probably be in class this morning, I can hand you off to him then, but for now your stuck with me." You stared up at him, eyes unmoving and full of fear. He sighed and raised his hand closer to his face.
"I know you're scared, I hate this just as much as you do, though for different reasons. Just work with me here, you won't have to deal with me for long." You nodded.
He lowered you into a drawer and slid it, most of the way, shut, leaving it open slightly, probably to illuminate the inside for you. You heard some shuffling and assumed he was getting dressed, and thats when you noticed that you were trembling beyond belief. It didn't come as much of a shock to you however, you had been left outside all night and you were utterly terrified of Bakugo, after all. The drawer slid open silently and a hand emerged and engulfed you in its hold. Bakugo's fingers unfurled as he lifted you closer to his face,
"I have one question," he started,
"Who left you outside." he glared at you intently, only adding to your fear, you squeaked out a reply nonetheless,
"K-Kamin-nari." Bakugo lowered you into his pocket before heading off to class.
"Kaminari." Aizawa called.
"Yea sensei?"
"Where's Deru. I need attendance." Your teacher asked. Immediately Kaminari tensed up and started sweating and stuttering incoherent nonsense as he tried to come up with an excuse as to why he didn't have you. Bakugo couldn't help but let a bit of a smirk make its way onto his face. After a few more seconds of Kaminari's nonsense Bakugo finally spoke up,
"She's with me Sensei. Found her outside this morning." Aizawa nodded and glared in Kaminari's direction once more before starting class.
A few hours passed and you were starting to worry that Bakugo wasn't going to give you back to Kirishima. The lunch bell rang soon after the morning classes had finished, everyone started heading towards the cafeteria, but Bakugo had other plans. He made his way towards the Nurses office in search of Kirishima.
"Hey Bakubro! Nice of you to drop by!" You heard the red-head exclaim.
"Oi dumb-hair, found something of yours outside this morning. Next time leave her with someone who doesn't forget that their own head is attached to their body." Bakugo scolded, pulling you out of his pocket and handing you to Kirshima.
"Woa dude, I cant take care of her! I'm not supposed to get out of here until Thursday morning!" Kirishima said, handing you back towards Bakugo,
"How 'bout you take her! It'll be good bonding time for you two, ya know to work out all your problems or whatever." He continued, and Bakugo argued back and forth with him a bit, insisting that you stay with someone else, but Kirishima only persisted harder.
"Fine. Whatever, I'll take her for the next few days." Bakugo said, finally giving in.
"Thanks bro! Your awesome!" Kirishima exclaimed.
"Tch, whatever. Get better quick hair-for-brains." Bakugo replied, before leaving with you in his hand. He raised you towards his face and unfurled his fingers,
"Guess your stuck with me for the next two days." You whimpered in response, both terrified and upset. Bakugo sighed and muttered out a few words, however, you didn't hear what he said, as his hand was already descending back towards his blazer pocket.
The rest of the day went by relatively slow, especially when you were confined to Bakugo's desk the entire time. Occasionally he would reach his hand in to check on you, and you tried your best to avoid it at all costs, but eventually he would end up catching you and gently wrapping his fingers around you. When the bell finally rang you watched in sorrow as his hand once again found its way over to your small, helpless form, picking you up effortlessly and depositing you into his blazer pocket.
A little while later you found yourself once again in his hand, but to your delight he placed you on his desk, and sat down in the chair. You slowly stepped backwards before turning and running to hide behind a bunch of textbooks. Bakugo sighed before reaching towards his backpack for his homework. You curled up in the corner, making sure you were out of view of Bakugo first. A million thoughts rushed through your head, only further worsening the situation. You tried you best to keep quiet as tears flowed down your face, but apparently your light sobbing perked his ears because Bakugo called out to you,
"Half-pint? You ok?" You froze, and immediately grew silent.
"Half-pint?" He asked again. You watched as his hand gripped the edge of the textbooks, sliding them to the side so he could see you. You scurried backwards, but quickly got up and began running as his hand advanced towards you. But apparently you weren't quick enough. You yelped as his fingers curled gently around your body, grabbing you and pulling you back towards him. He turned his hand palm-up placed his other index finger gently over top of you so that you couldn't escape. He saw your face, an expression of horror was strewn across it.
"I know your scared of me, and I'm sorry for everything I did to you. But for now your stuck with me. I'm trying my best here, and all i ask of you is one favor. Please just don't cry. It breaks my heart to hear you in so much pain. Especially if its something I caused." You nodded, hoping he would be done and he could set you back down, but instead he shifted his finger to rest against your side, and continued speaking,
"Your only here for two days, thats all. And afterwards I won't come anywhere near you, if thats what you want." He lifted the cornered his finger to your face and tried his best to wipe your cheek off.
"Heh, I guess your a bit too small for that huh." He said.
"Yea, guess so." You replied, wiping off your other cheek with the back of your hand.
"How bout we go get some dinner? Or you could stay here while I go grab something and bring it back up?" He asked.
"I'd rather stay here." You told him. He nodded and gently put you down on the desk. As he walked out the door he took one final glance back at you before putting on a scowl and trudging downstairs.
Bakugo came back a few minutes later with a plate of fried rice and curry, as well as a smaller dish for you. He handed you your portion of the meal, and some tiny make-shift silverware, before digging in himself. You gladly joined him. While the curry was delicious, you barely ended up making a dent in the bowl he gave you. He grabbed your leftovers and downed them in a few seconds before collecting the dirty dishes to go wash them downstairs. When he came back you were gone, or at least thats what he thought, until he pulled the stack of textbooks away to reveal you curled up asleep on the desk. He carefully replaced the books before digging in to his backpack for the rest of his homework.
By the time the clock struck 8:00 Bakugo had finished his work and changed into a tank-top and shorts.
"Half-pint. C'mon its time for bed." He grumbled, picking you up gently between his fingers. You yawned and stretched in his hand, as he walked over and flopped on the bed. He laid you next to him on the pillow and rested his index finger gently on top of you. He leaned in closer to you, and you could feel his warm breath graze your side as he spoke,
"G'night little one." He said. Your heart leaped into your throat at the new nickname, and your face heated up with embarrassment. Bakugo could barely feel the light pounding of your heart against the tip of his finger, and the corners of his mouth turned up the slightest amount before he drifted off to sleep. You however were no where close to sleep after the debut of that new nickname, about 30 minutes passed before you were finally calm enough to drift off.
You didn't get very far into sleep before you heard a soft, distressed groaning coming from Bakugo. Another nightmare. You pushed yourself out from underneath his finger before contemplating your next move.
"He's terrifying, and I don't wanna go near him, especially after last time. But he's trying his best to better himself at least, and I can't stand seeing him like this. It's just too unnerving. Geez what should I do... What would Ichiyō do..." That last thought sealed the deal. You sighed before reluctantly padding over to Bakugo. You placed your hand on the bridge of his nose, before leaning into it. You gently stroked his face, or what you could reach of it at least.
"Please no. Please I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Please. Stay." He repeated his words over and over, becoming more and more desperate, before he took a quick breath in and woke up. He immediately noticed you leaning into him, and he placed his fingertips on your back, pressing you into him.
"Half-pint I'm sorry. Please stay here. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry." He whispered, his words full of desperation.
"Hey, hey its ok, I'm here I'm not gonna leave. It was just a dream, I'm fine." You told him. You could feel his shaky breathing,  and his trembling hands, as he leaned further into your tiny body. You felt something wet on your arm, as you traced the water back to its source with your eyes, you realized he was crying. Only a little bit, but it was there.
"Thanks." He breathed, and before you know it the two of you were falling asleep together, just like that.
Yea the schedule is nonexistent at this point. I’m so sorry for the 2 month delay, but i just had NO creative flow at all these past few months. But here it is! Finally.
Have a beautiful day you beautiful person.
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creepyalienghost · 4 years
Ouija board Board
Tw: bloody and graphic
It’s Halloween night. Most people, like Joey were finishing up on getting there candy. Joey invited his friends over for the night to hang out after they were finish. His parents were at a Halloween party at a hotel and were going to stay there that night because they were drinking.
Joey walked into his and put his candy bag next to his bed. He decided to leave on his zombies custom and prepare his house to be more spooky. He light candles up and placed them around the kitchen table and turned off all the lights. Then he turn on the tv onto a scary movie.
Around 15 minutes Henry arrived at joeys having his costume of a robber on. “Hey joey. Love your costume. Looks so real!” He greets. “Also sorry I’m late.”
“No. Your the first one here!” Joey moved aside, offering him inside. “Love the robber costume as well!”
Henry walked in. “Thanks!” He followed Joey into the living room and sat down to him. “So what’s this idea you have.” He looked at Joey.
“We have to wait for the others before I tell.” Joey replied. “But it’s going to be fun. I promise.”
Within half an hour everyone had shown up. Norman dressed up as a vampire. He had the fake blood dripping down his chin and had fake evil Contacts for his eyes and even the teeth was amazing, Sammy as death. Joey knew it was mostly to hide the bruises and jack as a wizard, the robe, still and all . They all settled for a bit in the living room, eating some candy, getting some soda and watching the movie before Joey decided it was time.
“Alright you guys go gather around the table. I’ll get the game.” Joey said then walked to his room.
The boys huddled around the table next to each other and glancing at each other. “Henry do you know what he’s up to?” Ask Jack.
“No. He said he wanted us all here before telling” Henry replied, shrugging.
“Wonder what he’s got in mind.” Sammy said glancing at everyone.
Norman nodded. “Yea me to. Can’t be to bad.”
“Alright! Here it is!” Joey announced as he walked back in. He sat the box down in the middle of the table. The box with the Ouija board inside it. The four all looked at the box in horror for a good long minute.
Norman spoke first. “I’m not touching it.” He glances at Joey.
“Oh come on!” Joey complain sitting down. “I’ll be fun! Right guys?” He looked at the others.
“Joey. These things are dangerous!” Henry replied to Joey. He himself had read the hell that this things could unleash.
Joey looked at jack. “What about you? Your up for some scares?” He grinned wickedly.
Jack shrugged at him. “I donno man...my mother would kill me if she knew I played this...” he sighs.
Joey turned to Sammy. He already knows Sammy liked the bazaar things he had shown Sammy in the past. “What about you Sammy? You in?”
Sammy looked back at him and nodded. “ I’ll do it! Let’s do it!”
“Sammy..” Norman replied then sighed. “ I’m not letting him do it alone. Guess I’ll join as well.” He rolled his eyes. Henry and jack agreed eventually as well.
Joey grinned again. “Let’s play!” He reached over and opened the books to an old Ouija board and pulled it out, along with the planchette. He moved the box and put the board in the middle of them. “Alright everyone put two fingers on the planchette.”
Each of them put there two fingers on it starting by Joey and ending by Henry. Together they circled it around the board three times, chanting. “We welcome any spirt who wants to communicate with us.”
After, Joey ask the first question. “Is there any spirt here with us right now?” They all waited with there fingers on the planchette for something to happen. Nothing happened for the longest time. Then the planchette started towards the YES. “
Ok. Who’s moving it?” Norman ask looking at each of the others.
“Not me!” Joey answered honestly.
Sammy shakes his head no. “Nether am I”
“Nope” Henry replied.
“Not me ether!” Jack said
They all collectively took there hands off the planchette and stares at the board “Guys ...come on. Seriously, who was moving it?” Henry ask.
No one confessed to moving it. “Ok let’s just continue playing..” Joey suggested. One by one the return there fingers to the planchette and Joey again ask the question. “Are you still here?”
The planchette moved, quickly this time, to the YES again, frightening the boys. But they kept there fingers on the planchette and after few seconds of staring at each other they continued. “Are you good or evil.” Jack asked this time.
The planchette was still for the Longest time. Then it moved to the moon side. “I don’t like this anymore guys. It’s an evil spirt.” Sammy said. His voice trembling
“It’s ok Sammy. It can’t hurt us.” Joey replied confidently. “Let’s keep playing. I have another question for it.”
Norman wrapped his arm around Sammy’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. I won’t let nothing bad happen to you Sammy.” Sammy snuggles into him, feeling safe with him. He looked up at Norman and kisses him.
”You two love birds done over there?” Joey interrupted. Sammy and Norman parted their kiss, there faces flushed.
Norman clears his throat. “Yea. Let’s continue.” Him and Sammy return there fingers back on the planchette.
“I’ll ask this time.” Henry said. “Do you want to hurt us?” He ask the board. The planchette slowly moved to the YES once again. Henry and jack both removed there fingers from it.
“I’m done!” Norman shouts. “ I’m
Not playing this anymore!” He crosses his arms.
“One more!” Joey begged. “Just one more then we’re say goodbye.” He looked at his friends. “Come on..”
Norman sighs. “Fine. This is the last question!” He and everyone else placed there fingers on the planchette for the last time.
Joey answered that last question. “Who are you?” All eyes were glued on the planchette aa it moved to the first letter. D. It slowly moved to the second letter and stopped on E. The boys fears were rising as the planchette moved to the third letter. V. The boys were scared shitless when the planchette stopped on the fourth letter. I. The planchette went on the fifth and final letter before things went south. L.
“Devil” Joey read. Then everything happen so quickly. They all herd running footsteps behind them, making them turn around in a panic, just as the power went out and the candles were blown out by some mystery wind. Then they herd someone collapse.
“what the hell was that?!” Jack ask in the darkness, his voice was filled with fear.
“Did someone fall?” Henry added to the panic that was unfolding. “What happened?!”
“Guys. Where did Sammy go?” Norman ask, worried and scared.
“Guys! Claim down! I’m trying to find the matches!” Joey huffed. “It was probably just the wind and a power out. No big deal!” He himself was scared shitless as well. He couldn’t explain the footsteps or the the fact both the power and candles went out at the same time. Had they contacted the devil himself? God he sure hoped not.
“What about the name it gave...?” Henry ask joey.
“It was..probably a spirt messing with us!” Joey replied. “Ah! Found them!” Joey lit the match with one strike and created light. Shadows crept on the farthest side of the light on joeys zombie make up face, making the others Erie. He reached over and relight the candles around the table again so they could all see more around them.
Norman looked to his right, where Sammy was standing before who is know on the floor. “Jesus Christ! Sammy!” Norman knelt down and cheek his head for Any injury as the others crowded around them, worried. Norman found none that wasn’t already there. But his body was super warm. “He’s burning up man!” Norman said to them.
Joey placed the Back of his hand to Sammy’s forehead and immediately took it off. “He’s right..” he looked at the others.
Henry shook Sammy by the shoulders. “Sam? Sammy. Wake up dude.”
Sammy slowly came to, his head turn to the side as he mumbled something that was mostly gibberish to them. “ ...h-he’s...inside....m” was what they understood.
“What the hell does that mean!?” Jack ask turning to Joey as does Henry and Norman
Joey notice they eyes were all on him and he looked back at them. “What you looking at me for?!” He ask.
“Your the one that wanted the play!” Norman yelled. “Now Sammy had passed out and is making no sense now! So you tell me what’s going on here?!” Norman commanded. Ever since he found out what was happening to his boyfriend behind closed doors he’d always tried to make Sammy happy and always tried to protect Sammy. He hates the shit he and Joey does for fun like going to abandon and haunted places or playing with Magic. It was dangerous and he didn’t want them getting hurts.
“I don’t know Norman!” Joey yelled back at him. “This never happen before!!” Joey was desperately trying to figure out what happen. He never wanted anyone to get hurt like this.
“Maybe...it’s possession?” Jack spoke up. He knew a little about this subject and he knew this could happened.
Norman looked at jack then back at Joey. “He’s not possess. Right?...” Norman asked Joey but he just looked away. “Joey! He’s not right?!”
“L-lets just calm down everybody..!” Henry, trying to keep the peace between them all. He got in the middle of them. “ Let’s Just get him upstairs to bed to rest them we can discuss this.”
Everyone agreed to Henry’s idea. Norman Picked up Sammy bridal style and went upstairs to Joey’s room. There he laid him down on his bed and jack tucks him in. Henry went to the bathroom and grabbed a rag, wetting it with cool water then he came in and laid the rag on Sammy’s for head.
Norman and Joey went down stairs to talk and jack followed them while Henry stayed with Sammy. “Are you sure this isn’t possession?” Norman ask.
Joey shrugs. “Like I said I don’t know. I really hope it’s not. He doesn’t deserve it.”
“No shit!” Norman sighed. “look could one of your books explain what’s going on or how to get rid of whatever is possessing him if that’s the case?”
That’s when Joey remembered something really important. His eyes widen for the terror he felt. “We didn’t say goodbye to the board!”
Norman froze as he to had forgotten the most important rule of it. Thats when they herd the noise coming from the stairs. All three of them turned to see what it was and all three was shocked to see there friend tumbling down the stairs and landed on the ground unmoving, blood coming from somewhere. They all looked up the stairs to where Sammy is now standing with a pair of bloody scissors in one hand.
“Jesus Christ...” jack said, backing away from the crime scene.
“Shit...” Joey Commented, standing there in fear. “What have I done..”
“S-Sammy....?” Norman took one step closer to him. “You in there?...it’s me Norman...” he took another to his boyfriend.
Sammy looked at Norman for a long moment. Like it was Sammy trying to fight whatever was possessing his body. “Help...”He got out one word before it fully took over again. Then he threw the scissors at Norman.
Norman ducked out of the way just in time but jack didn’t have a chance. He was stabbed in the shoulder with them. “Ah! That hurts like a bitch!” Jack yelled and pulled them out.
”W-who are you..!” Joey yelled at the thing in Sammy. ”what are you!”
Sammy turns his attention to Joey and smiled. “Why you already should know that, joey. We have worked together in the pass. I was hoping you were smart enough to know who I am by now. I am. The devil!” Henry’s body engulfed in flames a second after, making the other boys run to the door. Joey grabbed the nob and tried to opened it but it wouldn’t budge.
“Come on! Open it joey!” Jack yelled as he looked back and see Sammy coming down the stairs.
“I’m trying!!! It’s not opening!!!” Joey yelled back then bangs on the door in frustration.
Norman to kept looking back at Sammy. “It’s keeping us inside!! Run!” All three took off in different directions to hide. Joey went tours the living room. Jack went into the kitchen and Norman jumped over the flaming body, going up the stairs.
“Oh I love this game!” Sammy chuckled. He gave them a minute to hide before he went hunting. After all they couldn’t leave this house. A minute later he headed for the kitchen.
Jack had chose to hide in the pantry, keeping the door cracked open so he could see some. After a moment of hiding here he know it was to easy to find him but it was to late to move. He first only herd the footsteps. It didn’t sound like Normal ones. It sounded strange like goats hooves walking on wood. They got closer and closer until Sammy Came into view from the small crack.
Jack saw him walking slowly around the kitchen like this was some game he could take his time on. Then it occurred to jack that it was a game to the devil. A game of hunt the pray and he was the pray!
Jack continued watching him and when Sammy stopped walking he thought he was going to turn around to him and attach him. He put his hand over his mouth to quiet his loud breathing. But Sammy only turned to the knives. He’s hand reaches and gracefully touched each on before picking up the big sharp one.
Jack watched him Examine over the knife and using it like a mirror on himself. This goes on for minutes before jack actually knew what he was doing. He wasn’t using it on himself he was using it to look over at him! The realization made him jump back and knocking over boxes and jars of food. “Shit!”
The door swung open making jack scream again. “No! Sammy don’t do this!” He begged.
Sammy stabbed the knife into jacks chest and leans into his ear. “Sammy’s not here.” With that he ripped the knife down his stomach, making all his inside spill to the floor, jack screaming the whole time before he dropped down into his guts.
Joey hid behind the couch and had to hear Jack scream and then something that sounds like jelly being thrown on the ground. It wasn’t a pretty sound. He was shaking and trying so hard to stop the sniffling so he wouldn’t get caught. But he was sure jack was dead. He hey Henry was. He could smell his burning body.
After jack feel silent it was all quiet. There was no screaming. There was no footsteps. No creaks nothing. Which is why when Jacks body was thrown at the wall above him he scream and pissed himself. Jack body slid down beside him and all Joey could do is stare in horror. His Stomach had been ripped open emptied. Joey couldn’t help himself he leaned over and threw up all over the place.
He whipped his mouth off the stopped, and slowly looked up at the grinning smile of the that thing. “Hello Joey.” Sammy swung down a screwdriver right into joeys left eye and ripped it out. Joey scream in pain and held his dangling eye.
Suddenly a shoot was fired at Sammy, hitting him the the arm. Sammy turned around to Norman Polk, pointing a gun at him. Sammy frowned and tears up. “Y-your going to kill me?...but I-I thought you wouldn’t ever hurt me.” Sammy started to cry. “I thought you loved me Norman..”
Seeing Sammy’s face bruised up and the blood pouring down his arm as well as it’s Sammy’s voice talking to him crushed Norman. It broke his heart to have to do this to his boyfriend. “ Your not Sammy. Your the god damn devil!” Norman aimed the gun and shoot Sammy right in the heart and watched him fall.
He dropped the gun and ran to Sammy’s limp body and hugged him as he cried. “I’m sorry Sammy. I’m so sorry!” He sobbed in his chest.
Joey Came over, next to Norman, letting his own eye dangle. He slowly reached over and softly closed Sammy’s eyes.
“He would thank you Norman. For not letting you let the devil kill us all. And not letting it kill other innocent people.” Joey said to try to Comfort Norman. “I’m sorry Norman..”
Joey told his parents and the cops that a man came and killed jack, Henry and Sammy. He gave the cops of the looks of an already previous serial killer when they were questioning him. Norman told them he didn’t see the guy from his hiding place so to the cops he was needed as much.
Joey finally said goodbye to the board and made a Fire in there pit. He threw in the board and the planchette. He stood there watching it burn away for a long time. Then he threw all his books about witchcraft, the paranormal and the occult into the fire pit one by one along with all his tool of it like his pentagrams, and his notes he took on it, everything. He was done with Involved in it.
The doctor and nurses had to cut out Joeys left out entirely to save it from infections. They sew the eye closed and gave Joey and eye patch to cover it if he so choses. he would if he didn’t want to hide it with his hair.
Both Norman and Joey went to all three of there funerals to say goodbye to there friends and support there families. Henry’s families had a close casket for his funeral and happen they cremated him and kept his ashes in a vase. Jack funeral was open casket do to how easy it was to hide his stomach under a shirt. His family buried him under a large Oak tree beside his grandmas grave. Poor Sammy didn’t have anyone show up besides his aunt Erin and them. She wasn’t going to let him go without a proper burial for him. Joey said his goodbyes to him like he did with Henry and Jack then left to give Norman time to say goodbye.
Norman rubbed Sammy’s hair as tears ran down his face. “Goodbye Sammy. I will always love you.”
They all watched as his casket is lowered six feet under. Norman was the first to kiss a rose then tossed it below. Joey murmured an apology before he tossed a rose in for Sammy. His aunt tossed one in for him as well then they watch as his casket gets buried beside a beautiful statue of a women.
After the three funerals, Norman had stopped hanging out with joey. He blamed Joey for all this mess and for him losing his boyfriend and two great friends. It was his fault for wanting to play that stupid evil game. Joey knew he didn’t want to be his friend anymore and couldn’t blame him. He to knew he was to blame. After the three funerals he’d lock himself in his room for days. He was becoming depressed. He misses his boyfriend. He misses his friends. And what’s scary is that the Ouija board he had burned was sitting on his desk unburned with the planchette sitting right in the middle of it.
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earl-of-221b · 4 years
Ok @dorkshadows​ @frostyemma​
Here’s a key for names in Blade of the Immortal rendition of the Ikedaya Affair:
桂小五郎 is Katsura Kogoro. 
池田屋 is Ikedaya Inn. 
新選組 is Shinsengumi. 
萬次 (万次) is Manji, the protagonist (one eye, scarred face, healing powers like Wolverine from xmen. Please be aware that he wears an anti-clockwise swastika on his back invoking its original meaning: a buddhist symbol.)
Warning for Blood and Gore and Dismemberment. Now onto the good parts!
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Left to right: 
藤堂 平助 (Tengtang Pingzhu) is Todo Heisuke: Eighth Unit Captain -- note the fringe, the gi pattern
永倉 新八 (Yongcang Xingba) is Nagakura Shinpachi: Second Unit Captain 
土方 歳三 (Tufang Suisan) is Hijikata Toshizo: Vice Captain 
近藤 勇 (Jinteng Yong) is Kondo Isami: Captain of the Shinsengumi -- he is shrouded in shadow here
沖田 総司 (Congtian Zhongsi) is Okita Souji: First Unit Captain -- very beautiful and feminine 
井上 源三郎 (Jingshang Yuan-sanlang) is Inoue Genzaburo: Sixth Unit Captain -- an older man
原田 左之助 (Yuantian Zuozhizhu) is Harada Sanosuke: Tenth Unit Captain -- very short, cropped buzzcut hair
斎藤 一 (Zhaiteng Yi) is Saito Hajime: Third Unit Captain -- note the...long bangs. The fashionable gi. The body-clinging shirt. Very stoic and quiet, keeping to himself.
First 6 chapters are about Manji and sets up plot stuff. Ch 6 onwards deals with the Shinsengumi and Ikedaya. 
Chapter 7 Link. Overview:
Prelude to Ikedaya. Vice Captain Hijikata Toshizo (centre, vein in head) leads a strike team to raid a store rumoured to be aiding Ishin Shishi. The team includes Okita Souji (stripy hakama) and two known, real life Shinsengumi spies: 島田 Shimada Kai (big man, mole eye) and 山崎 Yamazaki Susumu (bandana). 
In the house, 古高俊太郎 Furutaka Shuntaro and some helpers are indeed moving and stockpiling weapons for the Ishin Shishi. Furutaka is Ishin Shishi. He is arrested. 
Later Manji, an immortal man (buddhist swastika) is talking to a friend with wild hair 坂本龍馬 Sakamoto Ryoma (LMAO) who tells him to go visit a fellow Revolutionary: Katsura Kogoro from Choshu (so shook to learn Choshu is 长州).
Furutaka is strung upside down as Hijikata tortures him for ‘information’ (this is apparently true to records). 
Manji meets 桂小五郎 Katsura (reading letter). 
Chapter 8 Overview: 
The Unit Captains of the Shinsengumi come together for a meeting. Kondo addresses the group, they have gotten their hands on some very juicy information thanks to Hijikata. There is some intrigue within the group. Everyone is shocked to hear of the alleged ‘the Ishin Shishi are planning to burn down Kyoto as a distraction’ plan.  
(Manga specific plot: evil little doctor girl studying Manji’s immortality.) 
Next, another group is also coming together on rare occasion. The Ishin Shishi revolutionaries are introduced arriving at the Ikedaya Inn. People from Tosa Clan, Choshu Clan, Higo Clan. (This is before Sakamoto Ryoma struck a deal between Satsuma and Choshu. Satsuma is still in court as moderate reformists. They are against Choshu and co at this time.) 
Chapter 9 casual translation:
The Shinsengumi gear up. They have tips on two inns, they split up to cover both. The two spies are their own group, their go-between. 
Inside the Ikedaya 宫部鼎藏 Miyabe Teizo (white beard, moon gi - from Higo) and Katsura discuss their plans in light of the Shinsegumi’s weapons bust. Miyabe was a real life extremist, in here he scorns Katsura for not wanting to burn Kyoto during the Gion festival. The original plan was to take the Imperial Palace while Kyoto burns (never proved if this was real in history, but allegedly, yea). 
Katsura makes a vote of non-confidence. “We should not attack the imperial palace because failure is possible. And if we fail we will never heal from the scars of this defeat. The revolution will be over.” “We should not attack, especially since we have lost valuable stores of weapons.”
Miyabe: “Then what does Katsura-kun suggest?” (just worked out right now 君 is kun) 
Katsura: “We wait. Tosa’s Sakamoto Ryoma-kun has travelled to Ezo for negotiations and planning. It will not be amiss to wait.” (Ezo today is Hokkaido, North Japan.)
But another man called Yoshida goes: “That’s too benign/ mild. I am from Choshu Clan as well...but I think Katsura-sensei’s reasoning is too compromising/ safe. These mild, half-hearted strategies only get in the way of things that we can achieve when we give it our all. To protect the country, sacrifices are a given.”
(I cannot for the life of me find out who 吉田Yoshida [can’t translate given name] is.) Everyone cheers for Yoshida’s pro-burning, anti-Katsura hot take. 
Manji: “Are you dumb or what? Your plan is a mess.” “You love to act on your feelings like thought experiments(?) What an idealistic bunch.” 
Miyabe: “How about this, then...we change our plans.”
Pg 12 Miyabe: “We attack the Shinsengumi’s Mibu den. We rescue Furutaka. The likelihood of success is higher.” 
Resounding ‘Hell yes! We’re not afraid of no Shinsengumi, good idea’ cries. 
Manji: “You guys did not come here to discuss did ya?”
Outside the meeting room, a few guards hear some noise downstairs. Since they are out of booze, one goes to very half heartedly check downstairs and get more booze while he’s at it. 
The Shinsengumi arrive. The raid starts. 
Okita: “Looks like the Ikedaya was the right inn.” 
Nagakura: “Alrighty. Let’s go teach’em a lesson.”
People come out of the meeting room. “What’s all that noise down there?”
“So freaking noisy!”
Insane Kondo Isami who apparently famously said: 
“Routine Inspection!!”
Manji: “Ha--ahh??”
Next panels shows the Shinsengumi covering all the exists on the first floor. (Todo Heisuke with the fringe and cross-hatched hakama). 
Pg 28 Todo Heisuke wonders about reinforcements that haven’t joined in tonight (not sure who they are.) Okita coughs cos he has tb. 
Todo Heisuke: “Are you alright, Okita-sensei? You’ve been coughing quite a lot lately.” 
Okita: “I apologise. I’ve made you worry.” “...tonight the condition I’m in can be considered quite good.”
*Equips poison damage to sword.*
“Don't even have the cold tremors of 芹澤先生 Serizawa-sensei.” 
(Referring to none another than Serizawa Kamo, the original leader of the Shinsengumi. He historically did not have tb or die of disease though...Kondo’s side initiated a hostile takeover of the Shinsengumi and he was eventually Assassinated under orders from Protector of Kyoto, Matsudaira. Apparently in this version he was not assassinated. Funny of Okita to mention this...)
Yamazaki (bandana spy) runs by: “Vice Captain!”
“What is it?” 
“It’s the Ikedaya Inn!”
“Yes...about 40 people...including that man with one eye.” (Manji, cos he’s the main character.) 
I thought what went on in the Ikedaya was actually quite interesting so translated most of it. The rest is mostly self explanatory, lost of fighting, dismemberment, immortal hijinks. 
Chapter 10 and rest of chapters here. 
Chapter 10 covers how Katsura famously jumps the window to escape (which got him a bad name for a bit as the window-jumping coward LOL.)
Manji jumps down right in front of Todo Heisuke. But he doesn’t particularly want to kill anyone. Manji himself used to be very skilled with the sword, but since he’s been immortal for more than 100 years he has a pretty low regard for his own bodily wellbeing. Which gives some pretty intense scenes so be warned. 
Todo is good with the sword -- but Okita is on another level. Okita is the prodigy of prodigies. 
Ch 11-12 Okita v Immortal Manji, Kondo v Miyabe. The Kondo scenes are NOT to be missed! Manji is a great swordsman when he tries, but in what I think is a bold move, the manga makes the point to tell us he is NOT as good a swordsman as Okita. Okita is stronger! Okita is more skilled!  
But Manji...cannot die. 
The second Shinsengumi group arrive to reinforce the first. Hijikata and Saito are here. Katsura v Shinsengumi foot soldiers. Bakufu soldiers are also called to the scene -- but Hijikata tells them to sod off, this is a Shinsengumi raid and they’ll take good care of it. Manga oc villainesses arrive. 
Ch 13-14 also very interesting. Okita has been gored by Manji. Kondo and Hijikata hear that Okita has been injured. This is incredible to them, because Okita is their best swordsman. 
Katsura and Manji escape back to Choshu’s estate (can see the Mori Clan mon/crest, one line, three dots beneath it). Katsura, basically: FUCK!! FUUCKK!! Man the doors, no one in or out!” “Today...the Shinsengumi won this one.” “But this...is far from over.”
Kondo petitions the doctor girl to do anything to save Okita. Even okaying super dangerous experimental surgery (this is to do with the wild manga plot where the doctor girl is studying Manji’s immortality -- he’s infested with helpful parasites that mend his wounds called ‘blood worms.’) Doctor girl: organ transplant dangerous. Kondo: DO IT!
If the surgery is successful -- I think Okita is immortal too!!!! BUT if it is unsucessful, Okita will turn basically into a zombie.
(Some VERY Frankenstein-ish horror imagery jump scare when the mad scientists show us what will happen to Okita if the Immorality surgery goes WrongTM.) 
Behold, this zombie man, test subject for the blood worm immortality tests is  --- 芹澤 Serizawa Kamo. Original leader of the Shinsengumi with a fate worse than death. It looks like the Shinsengumi, or at least Kondo and HIjikata are in cahoots with the mad scientists in some way -- the shadowy villainesses are all on their side. Anyways, the doctor girl works out that Okita’s wound was Not That Bad and he Should Be Dead -- and makes the connection that he was stabbed by Manji.
I think the implication is that Manji unknowingly transferred the blood worms to him through his extremely unhygienic stab. (Need the prior knowledge to know that people with the same blood type are able to accept the blood worm parasites...) 
So now Okita might be ~immortal~ 
Starts off as historically accurate dramatisation for the most part -- then goes into 1864 bakumatsu scifi. You’re welcome. 
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babes-and-baddies · 5 years
Please please PLEASE write a vamp!shiggy scenario!! I’m getting on my knees for you to give us something filthy and sexy, pleeaasseee LOV writing goddess pretty please!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
i was going to focus on my requests, i really was. and THEN i was going to stay to a similar train of thought to my mini-drabble, but,,, as per usual, my horney uwus got away from me and ran free. sorry about that. also, as per usual, tomura is lowkey yandere. again, i’m sorry
so yea i know i have other requests sent before this, but,,,,, vamp!shiggy is my KINK ok. as a writer its MY (w)RIGHT to do what makes my dicc hard!
(yandere?vampire!tomura) (f!reader) (NSFW) (2.9k) (AO3)
You were hopelessly lost, but going inside was still not your brightest idea. After all, horror movies tended to show such grand, majestic halls crumble under the weight of storms, like the one drowning you now for a reason. And as a rule of thumb, that reason could be summarized by ‘Do Not Enter: Danger Inside.’ But you were cold, your phone was dead, horror movies weren’t real, and there was a light on in the entryway. Taking your chances and questioning your luck, you went up to ring the doorbell.
All that came to greet you was silence.
Perhaps your first mistake was going camping in the forest out of the city in the first place, and perhaps your second was to hike out even when clouds filled the sky, but in your defense it was hardly the first time you’d done this, in fact it was a frequent passtime, and every other trip out had ended up just fine. You were familiar with these woods, familiar with the weather, and had never had reason to doubt in them; that’s what made the fact you were so hopelessly lost as to find an entire mansion in the woods that you had no knowledge of even more confusing.
If you could find this place there was no way you’d make it back to the campground, much less while weathering the storm which raged up above. Steeling yourself, you forwent the doorbell in favour of pounding on the door like the desperate, unfortunate soul you were.
“Excuse me, is anyone home? I noticed your light was on and was wondering if I could come use your phone, or maybe borrow a map?” You knocked again, louder in case you weren’t being heard over the thunder’s bellows. Just as your mouth parted to call out again, the door flew open in a gust of wind, gale nearly pushing you forward into the opened doors and causing you to trip, landing against a firm body which quickly let go of the door to steady your waist. The door shut behind you, and you tremble in the arms of a stranger.
God, this was so embarrassing. You barged into someone’s home, tripped onto them, and now just stood there, soaked from the storm. What are you even supposed to say in this situation? ‘Hello helpful stranger, nice home you got here? Love the gothic aesthetic, the whole ‘dark colours and crumbling marble’ thing you got going on. Do you have any tea or something so I can warm up?’ Fuck no, the situation was weird enough as it is! Biting your lip, you looked around to distract yourself.
Glancing across the foyer, you couldn’t help but notice how out of place you were. Hair plastered to your face and leading rivulets of rainfall to caress your face and down your neck, reaching the shirt which clung, soaked, to every curve and crevice of your chest and stomach. Even your pants and shoes were soaked, slowly forming a puddle on the grand tile flooring where you stood. Blushing, you quickly looked up into the eyes of the one who’d come to save you from the storm.
He was beautiful, but in the most confusing way. Pale skin covered in scars marring his otherwise almost delicate face, silver hair which seemed to glow blue in the candlelight - and why was this house lit by candles? It’s the 21st century, for crying out loud! Not that you mind the aesthetic - and fell in waves to frame his face and brush his broad, strong shoulders which tapered down into what you could feel against you to be a thin waist and surprisingly soft stomach. He was far from flawless, which only added to your interest.
Red eyes glowing bright as blood bore into your own, and you couldn’t help but question how such a colour was possible. Were they contacts, perhaps? There’s no way it could be natural. And there was something hypnotic about them, drawing you in, making you forget what you came here for and only wish you could stare into them forever, going deeper, discovering all the secrets lying in wait…
“I don’t suppose you’re going to say something, huh? I was busy before you came by and started being an annoyance, so at least a name would be nice,” despite his harsh words, his voice wasn’t as dark as you expected. If anything he sounded amused, almost fond. Which of course made no sense, since you’d never met, and clearly you were being an inconvenience by barging into his house like this, “I could always throw you back out in the storm, you know… I almost want to, just to hear you beg to be let back inside. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
Letting out an undignified squeak of surprise, you quickly gave your name and apologized for causing an interruption, hoping his comment about throwing you out was simply a sign of a mean sense of humour. The red-eyed man smiled, carding fingers through your wet hair in what could be mistaken for an affectionate gesture. You shivered as his nails scratched against your scalp, almost making you relax against him even while you felt an urge to pull away.
Your name rolled off his tongue with ease, almost as if it was an already familiar shape in his mouth. But you’d only just met, so how could that be?
“You’re cute, so I suppose it’s alright if I have you stay a while.” He pulled back, clawlike grip still gentle as it trapped you in pace. “My name’s Tomura. I look forward to getting to know you.” Tomura’s grin was sharp, and there was something inhuman in the way it spread across his cheeks; you were too entranced to care.
“Tomura… I, thank you for-” You were interrupted by him walking back towards a hallway, dragging you along by the wrist and leaving you thoughtlessly tracing his footsteps. Before you knew it, you were in a change of scenery. It was an ornate room with cold stone floors and a grand yet threadbare bed with little reprieve from the chill from the stale air, shelves full of books and bottles and all manner of unusual - yet some uncannily familiar - trinkets and things, and no light to illuminate but the steady uncertain glow coming from a collection of screens on the other side of the room which appeared to be in some sort of pause-screen.
“You should- you should get changed, right? I can’t imagine those wet clothes are very comfortable.” And the way he looked at you wasn’t particularly comfortable either. Tomura’s voice was strained, and while you felt abnormally at ease for some strange reason, anxiety stabbed at your gut. But when you looked into his eyes, so bright and alluring, you couldn’t help but want to listen. After all, you did want to warm up, and the rub of wet cloth across your skin was undoubtedly annoying. Reluctantly, you nodded, quickly taking off your shoes before standing.
You moved to step back, asking if there was a bathroom for you to change, when he pulled you back against his chest. You froze as his cold form pressed up against your own.
“Shhhhh, let me help. You’re a guest, right? That means I get to take care of you.” Voice ragged and heavy with something you couldn’t quite understand, you froze as his hand reached under your shirt to pull it upwards. His trailing touch was like ice, and you wanted to flinch away, but his skin upon your back was just as harsh. Biting your lip, you tried to find it within yourself to push past the strange fog of curiosity and content that was swirling through your mind. Instead, you only let out a whimper and tilted your head back against his shoulder.
Tomura grinned, taking it as invitation to let his tongue roam your neck, the teasing graze of teeth quick to follow.
“You know, I’ve seen you before. Walking through the forest, acting all stupid and naive out there by yourself as if no one was watching…” his breath was chill on your neck, causing you to shiver from more than just his words, “so imagine how surprised I was to see you clawing at my door like a pathetic little wet cat begging to be let in. It’s almost like you wanted me to find you!”
Tomura pulled back, bringing your shirt over your head with the space reluctantly provided. The space gave you a moment to think, to wonder if you might be better off running back into the storm instead of in the arms of such a loose canon, but he pulled you closer while walking back towards the bed. The next you knew, you were shoved back to fall upon the aged cushion.
The chill air was electric between you, and as much as you were confused for the turn of events there was a large part of your mind preening unnaturally at the allure of Tomura’s lanky body hovering over you. When he smiled, teeth glinting sharp and bright in the low lighting, a thrill ran through your belly and progressively sank lower into your core. The way he stood so still, the sharpness inside his mouth, how his eyes glowed in the darkness, it all painted a picture of something dark and inhuman. Part of you still wanted to run, but Fuck, it was sexy.
“I don’t normally play with my food, but there’s something special about you. You don’t cower or fight back, not like those NPCs I usually deal with,” Tomura crawled over you, straddling your waist and mouth hovering above yours. There was burning in his eyes, a mix of desire and love-kissed, childlike curiosity, “and you’re a recurring character too! Playing your part of the perfect, sweet little innocent. Are you supposed to be the princess? It almost makes me want to steal you away and corrupt you.”
Tomura’s words were accentuated by fluttering kisses and roaming hands, one fondling the softness of your breasts, your stomach, while the other snaked towards your hips to pull pants down and out of the way. You only gasped in response to the unasked-for caresses, too caught up in the mounting desire and pleasant blank-mindedness it brought.
“Is that what you want? You want me to ruin you? Because I could… oh the things I could do to you!” Tomura giggled, the flash of his teeth again catching your eyes and you lay trapped beneath him, “I could kill you right here, and there’s nothing you could do to stop me.” This time his words were followed by a airy sigh, breath full of cruel elation.
“But I don’t want to kill you. No, that would be a waste, wouldn’t it? So I guess you’ll just have to wait for me to show you what’s gonna happen to you, aren’t you, pet? So soft and fragile, all at my mercy.” Lying still beneath him, frozen in some primal understanding your body knew but mind was lost on, your breath came quicker.
Fuck, this situation shouldn’t be so hot, should it? And yet heat continued to gather between your thighs, goosebumps growing on the skin exposed to the cold air and colder flesh of the man above you. When Tomura bends down to mouth at your neck, your arms weakly reached out to pull him closer, keeping him in place despite the danger.
It felt so good, so right; there was danger in each movement, you could feel death hovering over you, and yet there was nowhere you’d rather be in that moment than devoured by the red-eyed man holding your life in his hands. Rough lips dragging across sensitive flesh, tongue licking away the dampness of sweat and stormwater, keen teeth grazing skin which begged to be bitten, you were completely taken in by the feelings forced upon you. With each messy kiss gifted by his cruel mouth, a litany of moans left your own unbidden.
Soon his hands joined in exploring, groping everywhere he could find in earnest. Rough fondling of your breasts, claws dragging marks down your fluttering stomach, his lithe form parting your knees to settle between open thighs, his fingers dipping inside your folds to spread the wetness there with teasing movements, all of it was coming together alongside the lightheaded love-drunk pleasure started by his lips upon your neck.
When he moved up to meet you, finally placing his lips firmly on yours, you distantly noted the bitter kiss of blood on your tongue.
It was rough, desperate, starving; Tomura’s lips devoured yours in a frenzy which could only be sated by the eager moans of his name filling the space between your breath and his. Tongue exploring your mouth, he took until you had nothing left to give but pure surrender towards the pleasure he provided. Distantly, you could also feel the pain that came alongside it.
Tomura didn’t stop to breathe, only pulling away when you were on the verge of fading. As ragged breaths shook your chest, Tomura leaned back to take in the image of you beneath him. You couldn’t imagine what he was seeing, but the manic, gleeful look in his eyes, the wide smile across blood-stained teeth, made you flush and whimper and legs spread ever wider in need. Licking his lips, he eagerly freed his cock and crawled back down to place himself properly between your open legs.
“You’re so pretty like this. Open and powerless and all mine to use,” dick in hand, Tomura guided it to your soaked slit before teasingly dragging it along your folds to see you tremble and whine beneath him, “Yeah, mine. All mine.”
Tomura harshly pushed in with a groan, leaving you to cry out at the sudden fullness. Fuck! You could hardly think, struggling to focus as pleasure washed through a hazy pleasure-drunk mind.
“Tomura! Fuck, please, I-” Your voice broke into a moan as he thrust forward, lips going back to toy with your neck before trailing down to kiss and bite across your chest, your collarbone. His hands went back to fondling your breasts, inhuman moans leaving his lips as he reveled in the velvet heat around his cock, the plush softness within his hands, the addictive taste on his lips.
You could tell it was nearly too much, and he’d only just started; you were in no better shape, the pleasure building between your legs already reaching a height you’d never thought possible before Tomura had taken you into his arms and bed.
His hips thrusting hard enough to shake the bed, Tomura filled your body and mind, leaving nothing but need and pleasure and a foreign submissive devotion in his wake. You wanted to cum, you wanted to please him, you wanted him to want you and need you like you needed him- you needed him like you needed to breathe, like you needed to live, and yet all you could do is lie there and take what he forced upon you without even the energy to beg for more; fuck, you wanted more, you needed it, you needed him to fill you up completely, to mark you and own you like you belonged and all you could do was cry and bleed and moan his name and-
You came around him with a cry, drool running down your chin and eyes thick with tears as they rolled into your skull from the force of feelings washing over you and whiteness taking over your vision.
Tomura shuddered as you tightened around him, animalistic grunts and growls passing his blood-slicked lips, lovesick eyes glowing in the darkness. Fuck, he wanted to cum in you, to mark you inside and out until there was no denying his claim over you.
“Perfect, you’re being such a good little slut for me, princess. You feel so good, fuck, I’m gonna mark you up so you’re all mine, gonna use you until you can’t take any more and fall apart for me, you’d like that wouldn’t you? Break you and own you and, you’re mine, all mine-” His words bled together, too lost in the way your slack body was still so warm around him.
Tomura came with a yell, hands gripping your hips tight enough to leave bruises and cum filling your cunt until his dick grew soft and mind came down from his high of lust and obsession.
Pulling out with a sigh, Tomura grinned at the sight of you laid out and drained on the newly blood-soaked mattress; his cum was leaking from between your legs just as blood was slowly leaking from the healing puncture wounds on your neck, both so lovingly gifted from him to you. He truly didn’t plan to take you before this, but seeing such an intriguing little human come to his doorstep was too hard to resist, and now Tomura knew he made the right decision. You were something precious, and he wasn’t about to waste such a rare offering.
“So sweet… I think I’m going to keep you.” Tomura’s voice was bright with amusement, possessive affection breaking through in a mockery of care. Holding you close against him in the too-big bed made for none, the pale man lifted your chin to make lips meet. Too drunk on his taste and touch, you let him. You were afraid; you were at peace. It was intoxicating.
Lightheaded from the taste of blood on your tongue, you began to get lost in his arms.
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