#the more i think about it the more i'm like 'maybe 4x06 and 4x08 are tied as my fave raylum ep' for the season but
raayllum · 2 years
me remembering that rayla got asked if she was okay only once (1) this season and ofc, it was by callum
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A "MK is Related to the Underworld Somehow. Probably." List With Commentary (And I Consider it Evidence for EAMK)
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(1x08 Skeleton Key)
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(1x08 Skeleton Key)
(Idiot boy putting the skeleton key in his ear.)
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(2x03 Pig Pong Panic)
(MK + Bones. Never a good sign)
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(2x05 Minor Scale)
(Is this perhaps just LBD trying to take control of MK? Maybe. Is it also really weird how her powers interact with MK in general? For sure!)
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(2x06 Game on)
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(2x07 Shadow Play)
(Number one: The Lady Bone Demon wasn't here to provoke this, number two: MK using "blue vision" to see his friend's fate inside the lantern is equally strange!)
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(2x09 72 Transformations)
(Again, could very well be LBD trying to take control of MK here—however, it doesn't seem like she's trying to do much of anything to MK in this scene, as she's focused on spider queen. So it weirds me out and goes into this post!)
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(3x03 Smartie Kid)
(So, if the stuff in s2 was LBD affecting MK then I get it. BUT THEN WHY HAVE MORE BLUE EYES IN S3 AFTER LBD HAS ALREADY "TAKEN" MK'S POWERS AND THE STAFF. Genuinely want to know what this was meant to imply.)
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(3x12 The Corrupted King)
(LBD HAS ALREADY POSSESSED WUKONG HERE. Wukong and the Mech alone was spreading her too thin. She certainly wasn't attempting to posses MK here—so what was happening?)
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(4x01 Familiar Tales)
(The scroll ink touches MK not once, but twice this episode and it doesn't ensnare MK. The scroll touches Monkey King once and this is what happens to him: )
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(4x02 Familiar Tales)
(The scroll's ink emanates from MK, which I thought was crazy at first BUT IT THEN HAPPENS AGAIN IN 4x11)
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(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
(Soooo we see a vision of an all inked up MK, then we see the stone cracking, then we see a shot of the curse from 4x02, and THEN MK turns Tang Sanzang's golden power blue, a color associated with both LBD and the underworld in general. HM.)
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(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
(There's no hair flip so it's not MK, so it would make me think that this is an ink version of SWK next to the stone. It's weird so I'm including it!)
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(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
(So. Ink blotting out the sun, something MK/SWK are often associated with, and then pouring out of the cracked stone, which we just learned MK was born from. And then the curse takes MK's form. I'm tripping over my own conspiracy board here.)
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MK: "You're not my friend—you're NOT me!" Curse MK: "Sure I am! I'm your best friend, well, closest at least! I know more about you than you'll even admit—to yourself, or to others."
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
(The curse claiming it's a part of MK is weird! The curse looking like MK in it's most weakened state is also weird! It's all weird!)
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(4x08 The Brotherhood)
(Absolutely no reason for a weird teal smudge to be there, and yet)
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(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
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(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
(The broken memories flickering in the scroll are very similar to the way MK flickers in and out of monkey form: )
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(4x13 Rip and Tear)
(Scroll ink touches MK again and he does not become imprisoned inside it again. The scroll at the very least has no affect on the boy)
And I think for now that wraps up this post!
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gra-sonas · 2 years
I had a quick question didn't Tyler say he was filming 3x08 or am I mistaken? I remember him saying he saw Vlamis? I think he also said he was shocked he wasn't in 3x09 because Trevino was directing? I remember seeing it somewhere, but I can't find the source and thought you might know? To me that seems like he filmed 3x06 and 3x07 maybe too? Cause his missing episodes so far are 3x03, 3x04 and 3x05 that would be his 3 contract episodes. That could be why he was shocked about 3x09?
I'm assuming all the 3x were meant to be 4x... 😉
There's been no hint of Tyler being in Santa Fe during the filming of 4x06 (he posted from LA a lot tho), and when they were filming 4x07, Tyler was on vacation in Mexico, IDK, going by what any of the cast (including Tyler) posted during that time it seems rather unlikely he'll be in either of these episodes but who knows.
As far as I'm aware, Tyler never said he was filming 4x08. Vlammy posted an IG story from his trailer during the time they were filming 4x08, saying "Tyler Blackburn told me I look hot right now" and from what I understand, some people took the "right now" literal and assumed he told him that in person [i.e. on set] and then took it as confirmation he's in the episode. However, there's been no other indication [I'd be aware of] that he was in Santa Fe during the filming of 4x08, but again, who knows.
During the IG live with Vlam in November, he mentioned that he wouldn't be in 4x09.
Either way, personally, I don't think the 10 eps/season contract applies to Tyler in S4. Neither does it apply to Amber btw (who, like Tyler, has been a secondary main cast member for the past 2 seasons with 10 eps/season) so far she's missed more than the usual 3 episodes, and CW's never made an announcement about that either, we'll just have to wait and see when these two will be back.
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SO I KNOW I ALREADY SAID IT BUT YOUR META IS SO FUCKING GOOD FIRSTLY. SECONDLY THOUGH, I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD BE EDDIE FIRST (AS A FELLOW LATINX THE HOMOPHOBIA IS REAL) AND NOW I AM IN ALL THE FEELS CAUSE EDDIE. BUT ALSO BUCK. ALSO CAN I JUST SAY, it felt like everything with Taylor only happened cause Eddie started with Ana, and everything with Taylor felt "required" not fluid and like Buck was trying to fill something, as Eddie is with Ana. ALSO does it feel like Chris is pushed to not use
2/2 cont'd: Chris is expected to not use his crutches with Ana (and her you know ableism) unlike with Buck who loves him for all of him, what he can and cannot do regardless, and fighting for him always?
Hey @thebeatlesqueenisbythepolice! Awww thank you so much, I really do appreciate it!!!
Yes, I also never thought it would be Eddie first. If anything, I thought it would be Buck because he seems like he has a more open mind (since they keep suggesting it to him through Josh and TK and even Maddie but he never denies it or shuts it down, he just goes with the flow) to the concept of fluid sexuality and has less constraints on him if that somehow makes sense. But like you I am beyond thrilled that it's Eddie first. The way these two just seem to complement each other so well and meet in the middle to fill in each other's spaces, story wise, personality wise, all of it, is just purely amazing. And the way they're choosing to go about this, Eddie first and pining, building the foundation for this to be as strong as possible so when it does finally happen it won't collapse like a flimsy house of cards at the sign of the first breeze about to blow through, and Buck not realizing his feelings just yet (that we can see). Like you said, the feels! Lol. I am super excited to see where they take this in season 5. Will Buck still be unaware? Or will they both be pining? Can't wait to see it all play out.
Oh, yes, definitely! I think Buck definitely "missed the signs" in 4x08 just like Eddie did in 4x06. That whole scene where Buck sees Taylor again in 4x08 is intercut with the negotiation scene where Corey and Mr. Nowels very clearly are stand-ins for Buck. He's definitely struggling this episode, just like Christopher. And he even says to Taylor: "It's not even about Albert [Eddie] dating Veronica [Ana]. I really thought this was gonna be my year. I felt ready to meet someone special, start a meaningful relationship." And that's when she tells him the whole "have you ever thought about maybe just being patient, letting the universe come to you?" thing. Right there is where I'm willing to bet he completely misreads what he's being told and starts to consider her. I don't think he was fully there until the end of the episode. He felt as if he was losing Albert (Eddie) and so when the double date happened, boom, he panicked and clung to Taylor. But it's when he (and us the audience) sees how she's different than the last time we saw her, I think she becomes a viable option to him. And it only seems to grow from there, 4x12 being a very big push in the Taylor direction. (and where we also see Eddie making sure to make his presence known once it's confirmed for him that Taylor is indeed in the picture) So I definitely think things only picked up with Taylor again for Buck due to Eddie being with Ana. Which is par on course for Buck and Eddie since it's happened before: Eddie with Shannon again in 2x07, Buck hooks up with Taylor in 2x08 and then starts dating Ali. And before Taylor comes back in 4x08, Buck started dating again in 4x07 (once again one episode after Eddie becomes romantically involved with someone else, the writers trying to be slick ;-) ) which led to the whole Veronica debacle.
I have to be honest, I feel there is definitely more chemistry going on between Buck and Taylor compared to Eddie and Ana. Buck and Taylor do seem to complement each other well as characters which is why I think so many ship them, and why so many others were worried when they got together in 4x14. But if we take that relationship and put it under a microscope, looking at every single detail up close and personal, this is not a relationship that is meant to last. Taylor echoes Abby way too much and in order for Buck to have learned from his relationship with Abby and to have evolved as a character, he cannot go back into a similar relationship. Which I think is why they had Taylor say the line "You didn't chase after me" and then Buck's response to that. Because they're trying to show that Buck has learned (that's what his whole season 4 arc was about, learning, growing, evolving, realizing he deserves to be wanted just as much as he wants, that he deserves better, which is only driven home that much further by what Eddie tells him after that scene), that he not only recognized the behavioral pattern but also asserted himself and set the boundary so to speak. As far as it being required in some ways, I think you're right, Buck is definitely trying to fill a void. I read this brilliant post recently (if I can find the link, I'll come back and link it) where the op discussed how Buck goes into cocky Buck 1.0 mode when dealing with Taylor in most of his interactions with her (outside of when she sees him after Eddie has been shot) but we never see Evan. We only see Evan with Christopher, Bobby, and Eddie. It was a fantastic post and right on the nose I think. So I think in many aspects, yes definitely, he is trying to fill a void and to him, Taylor is the perfect candidate. Don't get me wrong, I think he genuinely likes Taylor and wants to pursue things with her, but the air of the relationship emits "temporary" and "transitional" in that this really is only happening to get Buck where he needs to be as a character, wherever that may be. Not to nullify Taylor's great character, I think she's more well-rounded than say Ana, and don't want to reduce her to a one-dimensional character that is only a love interest. Taylor has many more layers to her that I think we will see peeled back in the next season, but ultimately is BuckTaylor endgame? Not an iota of a chance in my personal opinion.
Oh, that's an interesting observation you noted about Christopher and Ana!!! I never realized that before tbh. But you're right, the only time we see him using his crutches is in 3x12 when Eddie arrives at the school after the skateboard incident. Honestly, I'm not sure. That's a tough one to call. I would almost say it's part of the "perfect picture" Eddie was trying to paint in 4x13 if it only happened in that episode except for two very big factors: Eddie would never do that (and I highly doubt he would tolerate Ana doing anything like that) and like you mentioned, 4x13 isn't the only episode this happens. Ana's comments are definitely ableist in nature but we haven't really seen yet how her interactions with Christopher (or Eddie) will go regarding his having CP, like we saw with Helena or Shannon. We only have the suggestion based on her conversations with Eddie, but not in practice if that makes sense. I mean, technically, now looking back, we've seen Christopher without his crutches when only with Eddie like in 4x09 or when he was with Eddie and Carla in 4x13 in his room or even with Buck in 4x14 in the morning scenes. So I'm not sure it's connected tbh. Honestly, I don't really see a reason for them to do that story wise, and I don't feel that I am fully informed or educated enough on CP to feel able to speculate on that further. But it's definitely an interesting observation that you made! Food for thought.
I think they definitely showed the difference between Buck and Ana in 3x12 and 4x14 (when it comes to the care of Christopher and now that Carla is back in the picture) and I think this season will only show more of that contrast (depending how much time they give her). Buck will always love Christopher for who he is like you said. Whereas we got Ana's "limitations" and "failure" right out of the gate, we got Buck's complete support and resolution to Eddie's conflict regarding Christopher and telling him something he doesn't want to tell him. Plus, we saw whose advice Eddie ended up taking in the end, that Eddie didn't appear to have an issue with Buck staying with Christopher at the house while he was in the hospital vs Ana not taking care of Christopher but staying with him in the hospital. So, to go back to the lack of use of the crutches for just a moment, I don't feel they're trying to show this as a contrast between Buck and Ana when it comes to Christopher. I think they're showing the contrast between the other two in other ways. Right down to Christopher's clothing. We see the theme of dinosaurs aka the past make a comeback once Ana is in the picture (even back in 3x12). We don't see this with Buck. We either see a spaceship or the universe aka the future or unmarked clothing (like in that heartwrenching scene in 4x14 where Buck tells him about Eddie being hurt). The show made sure to have the dinosaurs be a theme that connected back to Shannon. Because just like Buck is having the 2.0 version if you will of his relationship with Abby with Taylor, Eddie is also making the same mistake with Ana that he already made in is relationship with Shannon. So they are definitely going out of their way to show us that contrast between Buck and Ana, right down to the tiniest details, but I'm not sure the crutches are part of it.
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I seriously cannot wait until the 20th! I feel like I'm going to be rewatching it about 30 times and taking so many notes LOL. I just really have a good feeling about this season. Even if say the impossible happens, and Buck and Eddie aren't officially confirmed in some way this season, we are going to be that much closer. And I could not be more excited.
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Thank you for the ask!!! I hope I made some semblance of sense in my answer. Ngl, I am not fully awake yet and need some serious caffeine LOL. Thank you and I hope you have a lovely rest of your day!!! <3
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raayllum · 2 years
I love your account! It's my favourite rayllum blog!
I'm sorry if you've already been asked this, but I was wondering if you think Callum and Rayla will reunite from the first episode or if they'll wait a couple of episodes? Which would you prefer??
Aww thank you!! Originally I was hoping for 4x04 since the fourth episode of every season so far has had a big change / turning point for Callum and Rayla’s relationship, but given the spoilers we’ve seen from 4x01 I could see it getting pushed later. Maybe 4x07 or 4x08? That’s what I’m leaning towards. Maybe cliffhanger of seeing each other in 4x06 (or x07, respectively) with the following episode navigating some of that fallout. But we’ll have to just wait and see I suppose! 
I could see it being earlier in the season if Rayla’s whereabouts are kept as a total mystery and she comes back of her own accord to like, warn the boys about something Aaravos-Viren-y related on her travels that seems like an even bigger threat, but I think it’d take a lot for her to go to them for help since she’s trying to protect them / Callum by dealing with it all on her own, so 
I lean more towards a late S4 reunion, I suppose! Which I’m totally okay with <3 I know I’ll love whatever the show does, even if I (selfishly perhaps) am really hoping it’s not the cliffhanger of the season and we get to see them actually reunite and work out some of their baggage this season rather than going into s5, but that’s mostly because I’ve already been waiting for it for so long, haha!
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