#the movie is cute and have singing
outplacedwriter · 1 year
things I think frozen does very well that were forgotten by the anti-hype crowd
It is a natural occurrence that the breakthrough of a piece of media will eventually end up in its own anti-hype crowd culture. We have reached a point, long ago, in which saying that Frozen is bad or that Anna and Elsa aren't as great as the hype says became a sign of...
✨ status, intelligence, not-like-other-girls revolutionary warrior ✨
It's impossible to say "Frozen" anywhere without someone popping out of thin air to preach how they don't like it and how flawed and annoying and how X is better, because reasons.
But after Frozen II, this crowd became louder. I just can't find a single video on YT about Frozen that is not about someone dashing or overly criticizing the movie and its characters because it's cool, and different, and oh-so-clever to be one of the superior ones who weren't caught on this Disney trap.
Yet I feel like the hype made people forget *why* the world was so impacted by this story in the first place. I have my own whys, and some popular whys, here is a list of a few of them that I care to discuss.
Sympathetic Neurodivergent Character. In all fairness, Elsa might still be seen as a villain by some people -- usually because of their inability to understand nuance, analyze a text, or just self-righteous ignorance. But it is very obvious in the movie that the whole narrative and the artistic choices try to paint Elsa's struggle and personality in a positive, or at least in an understanding light. She's not the monster who people fear, who she fears, and who another story would make to be a villain. She's a traumatized child dealing with a burden too great for anyone. Let's remember that back in 2013 the talk about mental health wasn't as nearly as spread as it is today, and having a queer-coded, canonically neurodivergent Disney PrincessTM was unthinkable. Dare I say, Elsa's significance and symbology were completely green-lit by accident. Maybe the artistic force behind it was aware of that, but Disney Corporation just wanted the cute girls to sell dolls and hopefully pay itself. This is a win for the mental disable community and for the queer community that is forgotten and downplayed everywhere. After all, we are woke now!
Complex and Shattered Sibling Relationship Getting Healed. I swear to heavens if I have to hear anyone else compare these two to Lilo and Nani, and try to force them against each other like it's some kind of necessary comparison I will-... Anna and Elsa are sisters who love and care about each other. But they are in a very specific context in which their relationship is broken. This exact premise is what makes the movie excels. It was original -- as far as originally is possible or real. And such a breath of fresh air. The premise of this conflict in which the problem did not have an easy solution, was enough for a very compelling tale. It's so beautiful and wholesome to watch these young women struggle and find healing. Their undying affection and genuine love for each other make us hope so hard that they can finally find peace. I won't even touch on the matter that sibling relationships are complex and nuanced and how Frozen showing that to kids might help them to mend their own conflicts because it goes without saying. Just in the matter of narrative alone, this is a story that had to be told and should be praised again.
The Soundtrack Slapped Everyone In The Face Repeatedly. The song is good. The Broadway vibe is delicious. It's a fact.
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Vincent Price as a guest star on The Muppet Show singing You've Got a Friend (1977)
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Johnny and Fighting
Johnny was excited to be given a fight scene. Look at him, he was so happy!
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And that was before he knew it was a dance scene, so he thought it was an actual fight/stage combat scene.
And I know it’s never confirmed or anything but it would make sense if he was excited since he was good at sparring. If it was something he liked and already knew. 
Especially when we see Rosita’s and Meena’s reactions to Johnny’s excitement. They don’t seem surprised, in fact they kinda seem more in the category of “of course you are playing the role, this is a perfect fit”. And judging by how close Johnny is with both of them, treating them like close friends/family throughout the movie, they would probably know about his love of boxing/sparring.
We see the boy boxing a bit (very half heartedly but a lot had just happened) in Sing 1 but this reaction to hearing his scene leans towards him actually enjoying it. 
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And who do we see boxing for fun in Sing 1? Marcus, Johnny’s father.
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Maybe it was a way for him and Marcus to bond. It would have been something they both liked. Sparring and fighting would have been a way for him to have something in common with his dad, and he was so excited to be able to show that off.
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shevr · 1 year
hey yesterday i got distracted until 5am into browsing lists of old animated movies on wikipedia and there's a bunch of stuff that i wanna get around to dig up & watch but i crave even more older, more obscure, more forgotten stuff
plz feel free to drop any obscure animated flick you know of so i can go check it ( extra bonus points if you're not american and it's a movie from your country )
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scorpionatori · 4 days
it’s so funny that midorikawa was like “here is natori, he is an ACTOR he ACTS in MOVIES and TELEVISION SHOWS and he’s very popular” and the anime was like “and he is also j pop idol!!”
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rosicheeks · 1 month
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bee-in-a-box · 2 years
Enchanted is my favorite movie so I kind of already knew Disenchanted was never going to meet my standards, but bro omg they could have at least watched Enchanted a few times :/
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tumkaafiho · 9 months
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:3 Well...let's think. Sonic 1 - Bar Fight. Sonic 2 - Dance Fight. Want a step up...how about a Singing Fight XD
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2idiots · 2 years
Also while I'm on my ftisland and n.flying soapbox. Can we just take a moment to think about how life changing it must have been for n.flying to have jaejin play with them on tour? Like at this point ftisland is (and also will be) one of the groups foundational to bringing band music to the kpop scene. Like most people idolize them (especially other bands but even idols too), like everyone talks about how ftisland is among their favorites and immensely talented. So it's reasonable to think n.flying felt the same, especially since they were label mates and have mentioned loving their sunbaes before.
Back to n.flying, they get off to a rocky start under fnc and nearly gets disbanded by the company a few times. Seunghyub permenantly damages his knee which delays their comeback, they have a released comeback a few times, they're basically only allowed to busk in japan for like a year, and fnc is constantly telling them they're not good enough (there's literally a whole show where they just keep telling n.flying they're not worth it, it's horrible 0/100 would not reccomend). But somehow N.flying manages to pull through and make some commerical success only for their bassist to be forcibly removed for a series of scandals. So now they are forced to play as a 4 piece group (with a new Hweseung) but no bassist, always using stand ins or not playing live.
But then they get a winning song and on the tour their sunbae (a member of one of the most famous and notable Korean bands) offers to play with them on tour to stand in for their bassist. A dude who is in like the pinnacle of korean idol bands gives them the time of day and plays their music and their songs on tour. So now even though they're missing a member, the equivalent of an actual hero is playing their songs (that they wrote) with them and hanging out with them, reaffirming that they are worth it. When the company has basically being doing the opposite (up until rooftops won).
I think I wouldve cried on the spot if I was a member of n.flying. just to be honest.
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ilonacho · 2 years
what if i became a minion blog again💛
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beauzos · 1 year
i would kill for another Pokemon movie like Detective Pikachu. that shit was fire genuinely. it felt like a movie that would exist IN the Pokemon universe and i absolutely love that. plus i thought the way the Pokemon looked was genuinely great
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@memoriesbecomestories reminded me of this beautiful scene of Vincent Price singing - The House of the Seven Gables (1940)
His voice. Wow. Just. Wow. Please listen with sound. It's just...😍😍😍
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Stay for dinner?
Johnny, trying to ask Ryan: Would you like to stay for dinner? 
Marcus, from the other room: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?
Johnny, turning bright red: DAD!
Marcus: What?! It was taking you forever to ask so I did it for you!
Johnny, about to die from embarrassment: DAAAADDDD!!!!!!
Ryan, trying (and failing) to hide his amusement: Dinner sounds great.
Johnny, burying his face in his hands: Oh gods, kill me now.
Ryan, now openly giggling: You got it Mr. Taylor. Pretty boy, please don’t die right before our date, that would really suck.
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she’s adorable
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An utterly nonsensical Luigi playlist
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idk what this even is. I can justify maybe a fifth of the songs.
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