#<33 ily thank you
astralsweetness · 2 years
hellooo, i am here to annoy you a little bit with the suju ask game 💙
1, 11, 12, 42, 70, 99, and 100? spill all the details, and add anything you want, i'd love to know :3
This is referring to this post. Yeah sure! Absolutely not annoying me at all, it's fun! I wish more people would talk to me about Suju :( Put beneath a read more cut bcs it will probably be long haha
1. When did you become an ELF? This is sort of hard to quantify, bcs even now I'm not totally sure if I'd consider myself a hardcore enough fan to call myself an "ELF". I first got into Suju when they released Don't Don, bcs that was 100% my shit - rock/metal with a VIOLIN? And a pretty boy screaming??? Bro. So good. When Hangeng inevitably left though I sort of stopped paying attention to them closely - I felt like they were probably going to go through more difficulties and I didn't want to get attached. I kept an eye on Heechul though, bcs I have always loved his voice and tone, whether he's doing screamo in Don't Don or singing rock for M&D or astounding us with rock ballads with Kyunghoon. So if anything I guess I'm not technically an ELF but can classify myself as a Petal since I am definitely a fan of Heechul and always have been. I am only really getting back into them now, so I guess you could say I've been a baby-ELF since Don't Don era and have just never progressed out of that stage haha
11. Your ult bias? & 12. Your bias wrecker? So, @funkywinkyboy and I talked about this recently but I feel like with Suju there aren't ult biases or bias wreckers! I've decided there's a whole different classification for Suju:
The "first and forever bias"
The "they appeared out of nowhere and like a cancerous growth have irrevocably ruined me forever" bias
The "I don't even find them physically/mentally attractive and yet I am drawn to them like a moth to the fucking imploding sun" bias
And then "electron biases" that just float around forever as your little baby (plural) but are not aggravating enough to become the moth to the sun one but also make enough sense that they aren't the cancerous growth one
So if we're following my new classification system lol, Heechul is my first and forever bias, Hyukjae is the cancerous growth bias, Kyuhyun is my moth to the sun bias, and Donghae is my electron bias!
42. Sexiest song or performance? You had to see this coming, considering it's.. well, me, but Hyukjae's VCR from their STYLE tour where he has all the sex toys and bondage equipment and men in heels with floggers chaining him to a bed, etc. That VCR has a grip on my fucking soul. As a domme it is one of my favorite things in the world, and I like the opening performance he does as well, with the chains. You can see the VCR + intro I'm talking about here if you're interested. I am actually in the process of taking screenshots from that VCR and color-correcting them + unblurring them bcs I am so obsessed with it. I'll make one post with them later when I'm done lol, so not gonna add them here 👀 Just gotta keep an eye out for them when I'm done!
70. Funniest or most iconic SuJu moments? God, there's so many. Suju's comedic sense is absolutely phenomenal. Shindong in particular is great at really out of pocket comedic lines. Currently I think my favorite lil moments are Donghae's incessant "Hyukjae~" during their 'Bout You performances, or Leeteuk fighting for his life during No Other while trying to find the camera. Just lil cute things like that I like a lot. Honestly any of the energy of watching Heechul's solo MV behind the scenes too, they're all so unhinged, he just absolutely does not want to be seen as vulnerable and the mental gymnastics he will go through to avoid that is funny lol
99. If SuJu could do anything you wanted, what would you want them to do? (E.g, perform a song live, bring back a member, etc.) I miss Hangeng and Kibum 😭 And ofc Sungmin, but if he was wanted by the group to come back that would have already happened. I feel bad for Kibum bcs he really missed out on all the success Suju had, and Hangeng... just a shitty situation all around for him. I am glad he seems to still be on good terms with the boys tho, and is leading a happy life! Let's see, aside from that... I want SM to do SOMETHING with Zhoumi omg, he wants a Suju-M comeback, give him one :( I also would like a sub-unit with Heechul and Henry doing rock shit, so like.. M&D but with a violin. Obviously that won't ever happen since Henry left but.... pls give me more rock songs! And with violins! ...Man I miss M&D. Pls revive it Heechul, it was so good, I listen to your two albums on repeat still
100. Your favorite thing about SuJu? Burn the Floor? Lmao but seriously, I think my favorite thing about Suju is how they are clearly more than just an idol group. They were originally only supposed to be idols as a sort of back-up to augment their other skills in things like acting and comedy, and it really shows, bcs they excel at those things now too. I love my groups that are attached at the hip and have a close-knit bond that's more than a family, but something about Suju's realistic relationship with one another, where they've grown up and don't always see each other but still (for the most part) get along is nice. It's like being able to see the more realistic side of the industry while still keeping the rose-tinted glasses since they still like one another. You've got to have both to survive I guess - on the one hand you have a group like Pentagon, that will literally waste away into nothingness if they have to be apart from one another, and then on the other hand you've got a group like Suju who is like... I haven't seen one of our members for MONTHS now, I assume he's alive 😂
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meru90 · 2 years
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let's end the year with a meme redraw :,^)
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diamondsheep · 6 months
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Zorooo ⚔✨!!!
this is a redraw of this fanart that i made in 2022
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inkykeiji · 3 months
ok oK OKAY but LETS consider sunday-nii right? like it had always been the three of you; sunday, robin and you. and then robin flew off to be the star and sunday just never really adjusted from the gap. he had all this love to give and since robin was no longer there to receive it, he just doubled it over on you. like he just gets this obsessive attachment, always needing to know where you are and what youre doing? thats too far. too dangerous. its better to just stay at home, i have everything for you here. the man has pretty much clipped your wings and left you stranded in his grip. and from there its just so easy for the lines to blur. youre not just his sister, youre his everything. so why not add wifey to the title list. after all, you dont need anyone else but him. so who else would be fitting as the title of your husband 🦦
ANON omggg i am in love with this because it feels so on brand with sunday’s character. we know he is obsessive + compulsive, we know he likes order and rules and complete control (and seems to get anxious/angry/agitated when he doesn’t have it or it is threatened), and we know that he truly believes himself to be benevolent + that his actions are in the chief interest and welfare of those he cares about.
he’s really protective, and he’s really overbearing with his protection and his love, and he genuinely believes he’s doing what’s right for you, what’s best for you, because (in his mind) he is more intelligent than you are and he knows so much better than his precious baby sister ever could. it’s so easy for sunday to delude himself into thinking that what he’s doing is not only right, but it is just as well, it is his duty as your older brother, his god-given role to fulfill and then exceed, and he plans to do so flawlessly.
and the worst part about it is that he’s so fucking sweet about it, too!!! he’s so doting, so darling, loves you so fucking much that you feel bitter guilt churn heavy and sick in your stomach at just the mere thought of disobeying him or questioning him + his motives. he’s so authentic in his self-deception that when your own sound logic and gut feelings break through the conditioning, you feel awful for doubting him and his intentions in the slightest, and gaslight yourself into believing that your paranoid or spoiled and ungrateful for such a adoring, devoted big brother.
i also think it’s entirely possible that he believes himself to have made a mistake with allowing robin to go off on her own, and vowing secretly to himself to never make that mistake with you. he’s learned his lesson from allowing his other younger sibling too much freedom; that it’s safer and better for all parties involved if you’re locked away in a gorgeous golden cage, where he can tend to all of your needs with precision and perfection. you’ll be happier and more peaceful and truly free locked away inside your big brother’s pretty cage, he promises.
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narcissarina · 6 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,105
Tw: mentions of death, experiment, death threats
Summary: you woke up in a strange cabin, recalling the events had happen before this. Now, not knowing what next move you'd pull.
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Your body lying against the hard ground, head spinning as you have a urge to vomit but you swallowed it in and cough out some strange liquids from your mouth. Trying to steady your focus, you sat up and look around to your surroundings—it’s unfamiliar and you’d be damned if your city had this kind of ruined room.
It looks like a cottage, ears started ringing as you winced and whined at the sudden ring and pain in your ear. You palm your ears to close and maybe the ringing would stop, it did—but it’s still painful. You had the urge to sob and call out for help, but it seems like no one is hear and no one would hear your cries.
It's almost dark, you got up and wail at the pain you have in your leg. Someone drew an X mark on your right leg, with something sharp. You wail and gripped on to your leg, it’s still bleeding a little of blood, you reckon its been a few minutes since someone cut an X in your leg.
Taking a couple of deep breaths, you focus your eyes to something that’ll wrap your injured leg—it’s not that big but it’s also not that small. Behind you was a bed, ruined and reeks urine, disgusting. It’s making you puke but you hold it on.
You limp your way to the broken cabinets, rummaging each cabinet. You could only see dead rats and spider webs in, but you’re determined to find at least one thing that could disinfect your wound and cover it some clean cloth.
Your legs gave out as you stood too long, you hiss at the pain when your injury made contact with the floor. “Fuck!” you hiss as tears burns your cheeks, you continue rummaging below the cabinet and something white shines from the corner of your eyes. It’s too far to reach, you stick your hand and cringe at whatever feeling your hand made contact with. The tip of your fingers caught it, you grab a hold of it and took it out.
“Finally! A fucking aid kit, the fuck.” You smiled at what you achieved to get, the med kit is a little dusty and dirty and, wait—is that a blood stain? Fuck it, you just rolled with it as long as it has what you need inside.
Opening the first aid kit and saw various of things that hasn’t been used yet, your wound throbs and you hiss. You took the distilled water first and dump it over the X mark on your leg, you felt something sharp inside the wound—though it wasn’t deep, you saw a light blue glow. You take the tweezer, put some alcohol with it and dry it off for a second.
Placing the tweezer to your injured leg, slowly but surely grabbing a hold of the small glowing rock. The moment it was taken out, you shudder and let out a relieved shaking sigh. You swallowed your saliva as blood splatter down your leg. Taking more distilled water and putting pressure to end the bleeding.
Once the bleeding stopped, you take the gauze bandage roll and made some folds four times and wrap it around your wound. To feel better, you made a silly but durable ribbon out of it but still left some bandage roll incase you need to change.
Your leg was shaking and you glance at the rock thing that made your wound hurt, it started to glow more and more. You wrapped it with thick clothing. Neatly folded the fabric three times and put the rock in and fold it another three more times.
There’s some bag pack that you could use and find a way to get the fuck out of here and get help, you also found a gun that’s been hidden away. You praise the man above for letting you have luck by your side.
It took a few minutes to finally get up, take the things you need and see the world outside.
It looks ruin.
You’re not in your street home.
You were taken away from your home.
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Leon shot some zombies which he never thought would also be here, inspecting the room. Nothing that could help him, he did see a key from one of the zombie he just shot. That’s a first, he knelt down and quickly taken it with him and proceed to another room.
He just solved two puzzles and mystery in this mansion just keeps on stacking. It has taken him to solve it for almost thirty minutes and he would’ve just blown those puzzles with a fucking grenade for how much this place is testing his patience.
While looking for something in the area of the second library of this house, he thought to himself that this house very much value knowledge nor stories since it has a second library.
Leon swore he heard a gun shot from outside, since this place is a complete ruin and it’s been oddly too quiet that it has been eerie and uneasy about him. In the back of his mind that zombies aren’t the only thing he needs to fight in this mansion, but also mutated fucked up monsters or someone as big as the Nemesis, or something.
Grabbing a book, it’s unusual since it feels like it was attached from the back. “So, it’s like a secret room type of shit.” He curses and pulled the book as it angles to 120° angle. The ground shook for a bit as the bookshelves began to slide from each opposite sides—revealing a dark room, he took out his flashlight and flash it directly down, it has stairs. Great, he’s walking to his ultimate death.
Taking his gun to his hand while the other holds on to the light, he came down and he could hear every step he makes. It echoes the click, Leon made it to the flat surface and finds a light switch. It flashes dimly, which Leon accepted it’s enough for him to see.
There’s a desk in front of him, beside is a hospital bed and couple bodies were scattered—most of it is missing a head, one or both legs, an arm or eyeballs.
It made Leon shudder, knowing that someone or something is capable of doing such monstrous things. He wants to gag and puke, but he had seen enough—enough to twist his stomach and react to this things nonchalantly.
Leon felt a presence in the same room as him, but he didn’t bother it. Since it’s only observing him, as long as he doesn’t cause a certain movement to have the entity charge at him. He won’t be spilling crimsons in his hands again.
A few files were stacked on the desk, there’s dried blood splatter which was now normal to Leon every time he went out on a mission. He examines every file but one particular file took his attention when a piece of picture fell from it.
His heart dropped, colors from his face drained for the first time.
It was your picture.
Leon felt sick and quickly opened the document.
Experiment 106
Alive, barely.
Marked an X on her leg.
Left her in a cottage
She’s reacting, I don’t know if it’s a good sign. But we put her to sleep so we could perform the surgery and bury our most precious treasure deep part of her. We broken it to pieces and shoved it down in every muscle of her body. She was bleeding badly too, but it worked out in the end.
Manage to keep her alive, or else we are done for.
Looking forward to seeing the next result, letting the prey have it’s freedom while being unaware that the predator had started its hunt.
A distorted laugh was heard from behind him, he whips out his light and knife. A gun won’t be any use when it’s opponent is already close, the moment Leon turned, he saw the most terrifying thing he lay his eyes upon. He wanted to vomit at the ugliness and horrifying features that the monster before him has.
Adrenaline rushes through his veins, his instinct were kicking as he blocks and manage a stab of his opponent. It has a figure of a human, but it’s looks weren’t human.
The smile is has, left Leon tighten his grip to his light and weapon, the corner of it’s lips were reaching to its ear. Blood trailing down it’s lips, it was as white as ghost. Eyes were pop and wide as blood serve it’s purpose as tears.
There’s a cut from its throat, the dressing it has were bloody and torn. Leon question of this motherfucker went to a haunted house to be a scare actor. He knew it would nail it.
“sorry, dude. But I need to be on my way.” Leon said, making the entity laugh—it’s voice and laugh were distorted as if it came straight out from a movie, is B.O.W responsible for this? He asked to himself.
Almost losing it as the thing charged at him with a scream, “mother fuck!” Leon curses loud and threw himself across the room, avoiding the beast as he could. Taking his gun and shooting it a couple of few times, the bullets went through its skin and absorbs the bullet as if it’s food.
“Oh, what the fuck…” he knew he’s fucked. If he couldn’t kill a monster with a stab by a knife or a bullet from a gun. Then what could?
He needs to get to the other side of the room again, get the documents and get the fuck out of here and lock the monster in. He’d be dead if he couldn’t kill this bitch.
Leon successfully avoided most of it’s attacks, being careful not to get sliced by the sharpness of it’s hands. As if the nail and fingers in that monster were one, he took five of the files, manage to get the fuck away and lock and closed the secret door again.
It closed in time, or else Leon would be dead by now.
He breaths in and out, calming his breathing and heartbeat. Leon took a look at each file, he busy himself as the monster was screeching to be let out, chanting death threats on how it would eat Leon’s head and tear him from limb to limb. Those threats were already normal to him, he always make big enemies since he knew he has a reputation from inside the agency and outside.
Soon enough, the noise calmed down. Ears starts to ring when Leon read a particular information within your document and the other test subjects.
The used relic would be the only thing to stop the madness my brother created, the monster he created.
Name? Unknown
Very dangerous
Can’t die with a knife or a bullet from a gun.
We kept the cube inside our subjects to prevent the monster from taking it and destroying it. It made it feel weak and vulnerable, we could hear it screech from pain while my brother shouts that we should show mercy to “his” child.
I pray to God above that this madness would end and restore our humble island back to it’s glory.
This was written at the back of your file, messy and bloody handwriting it has. Making Leon feel rage and burn this island down, ditch his mission and go on to save you.
Life is shit, it targeted the only person he’s protecting. If he ever finds one of the scientists behind of all of this, he would do unspeakable and beyond humane things. Making their deaths slow and painful.
But first, Leon’s objective was to find you first.
A voice from his earpiece snapped him out of it, “I got something, Leon.”
“what is it?”
“Someone is in the island with you.”
Leon paused and nodded, “I figured.”
“Just saw files of their twisted experiment and I know who they targeted.”
There was a long pregnant pause before the voice speaks, “who?” the voice asked.
Leon spoke your name in gritted teeth.
“Pin point her location if possible. This will be a lot trickier than I thought it would be.” The voice hum to Leon’s words.
“Good luck.”
The voice faded quickly, “Please be safe princess.” He mutters and took one or two papers with him, folded it quickly and tuck it in his pockets.
Change of plans, objective: to find and save you.
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Next Chapter>>>
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lambilegs · 10 days
HI FAVIE. i am also in classes and very very bored. i really don’t know what to request but I’ll eat up any fluffy lee you have :3. maybe lee taking reader out for a date? i just wanna see how you think she would do dates hehe.
lee harker x reader going out on dates <33
(POOKIE HIIIIII 💓💗🌸 and omg fr because why do some of these classes feel like an eternity ;-;
OMG. YES. DATES. okay I'm so ready for this)
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒₊˚*ੈ🎀⸝⸝🍓⋆ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
if it were up to her, every date she'd have with you would be at a quiet, intimate place, or just somewhere cozy and fun, like her place (wink wink nudge nudge), a cafe, a bookstore, etc.
lucky for her, you're also into that, adoring any time spent talking to her and being in her presence, a sentiment which, whenever you reminder her of when she asks if her date ideas are okay, never fails to make her smile shyly
she always picks you up, of course. even if it'd be easier and faster for you to drive or commute (like, if the place is near her), she still always goes the extra mile (literally hahahah knee slap) to pick you up
no matter how long you guys have been together, it makes you so flustered when you know she's seeing you for your date for the first time. whether she heads to your door and knocks, or just waits for you in the car, those first few moments where you guys lock eyes always have you fumbling in shyness, even when you're just in sweats. there's just something about lee harker, picking you up in her car, ready to go on a date with you, that sweeps you off your feet. the fact that she's truly yours, finally, and is here to pick you up on a date? it's thrilling
when you arrive, she's always watching you intently or smiling a bit, which only makes you shyer. and she'll usually open the car door for you, an act that comes so naturally to her (as with anything that helps you). to her, it's a casual move, something her body does on instinct. to you, it's a heart-fluttering action that often makes you grin in giddiness.
on the drives, you'll listen to music and engage in calm conversation. sometimes, you guys will take turns showing each other music you've been into lately, and talk about what you like while the other person offers up their thoughts. other times, you guys will lapse into silence, your eyes scanning the whirling view out the window, while she holds your hand or strokes the back of it. other times, you'll look at her, and when she feels your gaze on her after a few minutes, she'll budge, blinking hard and licking her lips. "um... what is it?"
you'll often compliment her, or just silently shower her in some affection with tender kisses or combs through her hair. she'll usually clear her throat, eyes flicking over the road, bashful and awkward from the sudden praise.
every now and then, you guys will go out for a fancy dinner, just for the sake of doing something different and, honestly, just to have an excuse to dress up and eat good food. while she loves seeing you dressed up, and watching you in the soft golden light of a dimly lit restaurant, she isn't into the unspoken social rules surrounding it, and how stiff things feel at such a place. and if's a crowded or large place? oh yeah she's getting drained and hates the atmosphere. which is why when you guys do go on such a date, you'll always try to find somewhere chill.
you even have such fancy dinners at home, and either order or cook food (poor baby doesn't really trust her minimal cooking skills, so she'll often just buy food for you). when it's at her place, you both definitely feel the intimacy and romance of you two being all alone... in her cabin... in the woods... having a romantic date night.
whenever you come out, clad in fancy clothes she rarely ever sees you in, she freezes up, lips parting as her wide eyes rove all over you, almost as though she's worshipping you with her gaze. even though you always see her in dress clothes due to her job, you still get a warm feeling knowing that tonight, it's just for you.
(yes you guys one hundred percent fuck after dinner)
even though winter brings a lot of dreary, grey and cold days, you can't help but love spending it with lee. it's constant visits to different libraries, gentle snow falling along the windows, as you guys read childhood favourites, talking about what you liked about them as children. it always strikes you in those moments just how much you wish you had always known her, even as kids.
and it means so much to her, those days with you. truly, any date with you is a special day for her, even if it's an outing she usually wouldn't prefer. in her bedroom, there's a secret box she keeps, filled with movie tickets, train tickets, receipts, dried/pressed leaves and flowers.
building on that, she loves taking walks and hikes. judging from her home, she clearly finds a modicum of solitary peace in nature. it's a peace she loves sharing with you. you guys will go on long walks in different trails, holding hands, talking or even just falling into a silence. she could spend an eternity like that with you, hand in hand, in complete, calm, comfortable silence. she loves how she can just be quiet with you, without the social pressure of talking or choosing select expressions, tones, words, etc.
ALWAYS is trying to pay jesus. you'll literally have to physically push and shove her from the machine when out, trying desperately to get your card in. stupid fbi agent she is, she's too damn strong, usually managing to manhandle you away (which yes turns you on). all the while, cashiers and workers are watching you guys, either in silent amusement or total judgement LMAOOOO.
you guys sometimes go thrifting. she hates the stress and constant motions of shopping, so she usually just tries to slink into the background. but, you always find her, pulling her over to the slacks, buttons ups and blazers. while she constantly groans in dread and tries to persuade you to let her be, you're always able to convince her to do a little fashion show for you. while she hates the tiring repetition of undressing and changing, she can't help but feel a warm ember in her chest get heavy from the way you admire her, compliment her and keep your full attention on her. (+ also, while she's not into fashion and is moreso practical about what to choose, she's simultaneously picky about how clothes feel and look on her)
the dates always, always end in long evening cuddles, or night drives filled with lights flashing over her face and soothing contentment. sometimes, you guys still want more time together, and will drop by a cafe or fast food restaurant just to prolong it before she drops you home. other times, you just sleep at hers, since she has spare pajamas that she bought just for you (yes, they're clad in a design that lee wouldn't be caught dead in, that's purely just for you). either way, it's always time shared with you, and that's enough for her, as it is for you.
okie this is getting long so I shall end it here, but I might make a second part bc this was so fun to write :p
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casualhedonists · 9 months
okay holy SHIT you guys are wild thank you so much for 1k?? feels like i’ve not been around here long at all (think i made the blog in november?) and i’m so so honored and grateful you’re enjoying what i’ve written so far <3
as my way of saying thank you here are some wips i hope to expand and post in the (hopefully near) future!!
⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
all fics are 18+.
⭒ i want roses, set on fire ⭒
a longer oneshot where the reader is a district rebel with plans to infiltrate the Capitol and assassinate President Snow, except when she gets there she’s surprised to learn he’s been expecting her, and has some plans of his own
⭒ young gods and monsters ⭒
sex pollen oneshot!! post tbosas and pre-snow presidency, is a student at the Academy and Dr Gaul assigns Snow as a TA in one of her classes, they get trapped together in a lab, smut ensues
⭒ i know your wife (and she wouldn’t mind) ⭒
multi-chaptered fic, dub con with gross power dynamics
academy!reader secures a highly sought-after position interning for President Snow’s wife, but when he takes an interest in the young, seemingly innocent protégé, and finds out about a certain secret of hers, he uses it as leverage to either pursue an affair with her, or ruin her life
(i’m v excited for this one)
⭒ finally: an update on attention! ⭒
i also want to confirm there will be two more chapters before the series comes to an end (chapters five and six) and i’m vvv excited to show you what’s to come!
the next update should be out at some point next week! (i’m back home to my laptop tomorrow) 🤍
once again thank you lovely people, i’m so happy you’re here, i haven’t felt this at home in a fandom in quite a few years 🤍🤍
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eddiediaaz · 5 months
i feel very unworthy holy shit, thank you????
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voxasks · 5 months
Ooooh! I just saw you were taking song requests! Hmm, how about Will Stetson's English cover of Bling-Bang-Bang-Born? I'd think these lyrics fit you quite well Mr. Vox! "Mirror, mirror on the wall, you listening? Who’s the best? I’m the best! Oh yeah! Clearly I can see the crown adorning my head! To the next, to the best we’re set!"
Hope you enjoy! (Btw thanks for putting up with so many of his shenanigans editor! You're a real one :D)
"ha!  i've  just  let  the  vees  listen  to  it,  they  think  it  fits  all  three  of  us.  you  bet  this  is  all  you'll  be  hearing  this  shit  all  over  the  vee  tower  for  a  week  straight!"
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dustykneed · 6 months
what was the first piece of Star Trek media you consumed? :)
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Anon you have fallen for my nefarious schemes once again... (rips off disguise with an evil flourish) I may look like a trekkie, but I am actually.......
A trekkie who is a huge nerd at heart xDD. I got into Star Trek mainly through assimilating fanfic into my conciousness. I've heard my characterizations are surprisingly solid (YIPPEE) for someone who only vaguely knows what happens in canon. But I've never actually had the pleasure of going through any official Trek media yet! My one flex is that I have no qualms against spoilers of any magnitude lol.
I know this isn't Trek media explicitly, but in the spirit of responding to the sentiment behind the question, ngl, I'm going to have to go with Mythbusters. I honestly didn't really pay much attention to the Trek segments when I watched it for the first time (that being said, I *need* to go back and watch the gorn cannon episode again omg). But Mythbusters was so formative for me because it gave me that push to get excited about science again after spending so many years defining myself as only an art/literature nerd when I was so excited about science when I was a kid.
I think in a sense, my interest in Star Trek is directly descended from the impact Mythbusters had on me-- and I think that's pretty neat :]]
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onekisstotakewithme · 4 months
🐝 - I Think I've Dreamed This Before
while I am sort of a novice at time loops/time weird (I'm more of a time travel gal, you feel?)...
"I Think I've Dreamed This Before" (BJ/Hawkeye):
Hawkeye Pierce has been trapped in Korea for two years, three weeks, and ten days.
He's been in love with BJ Hunnicutt for 382 days.
He's been trapped in September 19, 1952, for fifty-nine days.
It takes until Day 60 to throw caution to the wind and finally tell BJ how he feels.
And then he wakes up on September 20, 1952 - and BJ still remembers everything.
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bizlybebo · 11 months
So. How do you feel about Jay Ferin? :))
(obligatory no-spoilers-please, on ep 55-- so also a spoiler warning for like. most of jrwi up until ep 55)
(edit: added the read more thingy)
jay ferin's fire motif will always get to me. she is a fire who burns strong and bright, she's the guiding light for her friends, both figuratively and literally (as the navigator of the riptide pirates). but she's also a fire that burns herself, a fire built out of something almost hollow as she's desperately trying to find the answer; is she ever gonna be ready to return to her old life? and every day, she seems to know less and less.
the friends she's made as a member of the riptide pirates are like new kindling. they're stoking the flame and they're the thing that's making it thrive and flourish and become stronger in the long run, but how does she feel? how did she feel? knowing that every single branch, every twig, every piece to be burnt, that it was all a lie, at least in the beginning? with her secrets just fucking breathing down her neck?
did grizzly know what he was doing, setting up that hallucination of chip brutally murdering her sister? setting it up so that the next episode, jay would be revealing that secret?
--because it fits perfectly, in the worst way possible. she joined chip because she was a fire burning on vengeance, wanting to find the bastards who killed her sister, but chip became her closest friend.
when she was willing to give up her life, give up her freedom, if it meant chip and gill would live? when she looked her greatest fear, her fucking father, in the eyes, she was shaking and trembling, weeping. she wasn't the jay we knew.
but she still looked her father in the eyes and gave in, because she had finally found out- the only thing she feared more than him was chip and gillion dying.
but when she shot gillion, and he went down with a fucking smile? when he begged her to just tell him what he needed to fight for because he would do it?
when it all became futile, just for a moment?
she had given up. jay ferin had given up.
she's a newly extinguished flame, she's smoldering ash. but a spark's been lit, a spark blazed to life on that boat, when she shouted with only her crew and the stars to hear, that she was jay ferin, and that she was going to be the best fucking pirate the world ever saw.
jay ferin is going to become an all-encompassing blaze that may consume everything in her path, may even consume herself in the end.
and i'm so fucking excited to watch.
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ari ari ari 🤗🤗 i was just curious! have you ever seen / read trigun stampede . . there is a man (or two) i want to introduce you to if not hehehe . .
dilly dilly dilly !!!!! :3 FUNNY THAT YOU ASK….. my brain is horrifically bad at finishing things but !!! :’) i started watching it a little while back ….. only got to episode 4 or so but trust that i WILL be picking it back up bc. phewwww. the tragedy of it all!!!!!!!!
…… is the man in question perhaps wolfwood :3c wolfwood & vash :33c because i have already fallen for them very deeply ….. you know me so well………
i’ve only juuust met wolfwood but dilly 😭 he’s so!!!!! he’s just so!!!!!!!!!! big snarky brooding man….. judas…. something something…….. i know the imagery will go hard as hell with him i discovered this fanart a while back and it…… ruined me entirely. protective guard dog…. violent guard dog…… ohhhh i need to know what his deal is so so badly ……………
AND VASH 🥺 DILLYYYYYY HE’S SO CUTE HE’S SO SAD. i think i will end up adoring nai too…. doomed brotherism…… vash saying ’i don’t deserve to cry’ and just walking away with a smile…….. nai calling himself a god and wanting to save vash……………….. they both have my brain spinning . so fast. i can’t wait to find out more about them <33333
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quantumshade · 2 years
hi, i have to ask about gay coded rose/ten because im INTENSELY curious. i just finished a rewatch of nine and ten and i'm just sitting here starry eyed through ur sped-up chalkboard-aided lecture. PLEASE, enlighten me
thank you SO MUCH for asking, i will take absolutely any excuse to talk about this :)
putting this under a readmore because it got LONG.
a lot of this comes from a video essay by verilybitchie that i highly, highly recommend--it's changed a lot about the way i look at rtd era as well as "representation" in general. my friend @regenderate has also made a couple really well-articulated posts on this topic
but to try and put it in my own words somewhat, the doctor and rose's relationship is defined by touch. from the moment he grabs her hand in the basement of henrik's, saving her life, all the way to doomsday, with, "still just an image. no touch", and then their jubilant hug in journey's end.
which reminds me--the way they hug is something that's always really struck me about the doctor and rose. they grab on to one another as if when they let go, they will drift apart--which is, of course, what happens.
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and when you think about it, their desperation to hold on to one another, to hug, to hold hands, to touch, feels very, very significant when you remember that the showrunner is a gay man who lived through the aids crisis and writes a lot about it. as @regenderate points out, there are a lot of episodes in series 1 and 2 where touch is not only the problem, but the solution. the disease in new earth is spread through touch, but at the end of the episode, it is cured through touch, through these people who have never known a loving hand or a proper connection with another person hugging, shaking hands, touching each others' faces.
gay people are told to fear touch, that kissing and sex are sinful and unnatural, that holding hands with your partner or showing affection in any way in public could lead to one or both of you getting hurt.
the doctor and rose do not allow themselves to be together because the doctor knows he will outlive her and believes that giving in and being with her, allowing himself to be happy, will only lead to more pain for the future.
there are other things as well, like how the doctor, before eight, had never kissed anyone on screen before, and it wasn't something the audience was accustomed to. the doctor was often kept so nonsexual to the point where, while filming the five doctors, one producer asked carole ann ford not to call the doctor grandfather, because it would suggest that at one point, the doctor had fucked, and he didn't like that. rose is the blueprint, the archetype, for the nuwho companion. she is there to represent the audience, to challenge the doctor on his deep-set opinions, to grow, to be his equal. she had the task of easing an audience of both new and old fans into a world where the doctor can be a romantic figure. she had to change things, go against the status quo, and, in my opinion, she did that excellently.
similarly, when rose meets the doctor, she is deeply ingrained in everyday life, in a job she hates, in an incompatible relationship, etc, and meeting him shakes all of that up. staying home on earth, going to work, being with mickey, all of those are things are expected of her. (i fully believe she and mickey were only in a relationship together because they were childhood friends and they felt like they should be-- they are incompatible as a romantic couple, which is the point, even though fans are always determined to blame the failure of their relationship on one or the other, but that's a whole other post) meeting the doctor, traveling with him, it gives her purpose, and it allows her to grow into the person that she always could be. that's a big theme in rtd era especially--everyone has the capability for amazing things, and they can and will thrive when given the opportunity to as well as someone to believe in them.
but mickey is representing the "safe" option, of a normal, heterosexual relationship, the one that she is expected to be in. jackie is disapproving of rose's new lifestyle (not that she's invalid for those fears at all, i'm speaking metatexually here) and is constantly hoping that she will change her mind and return to safety because the last thing she wants is for her daughter to be in danger. but once rose sees what's out there, once she glimpses her own potential, once she--and bear with me here--exits the closet, she couldn't possibly go back.
from parting of the ways:
ROSE: But what do I do every day, mum? What do I do? Get up, catch the bus, go to work, come back home, eat chips and go to bed? Is that it? MICKEY: It's what the rest of us do. ROSE: But I can't! MICKEY: Why, because you're better than us? ROSE: No, I didn't mean that. But it was. It was a better life. And I don't mean all the traveling and seeing aliens and spaceships and things. That don't matter. The Doctor showed me a better way of living your life. You know he showed you too. That you don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say no. You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away.
the final point i'll make here is that the doctor has been queercoded for a long, long time. they are neither straight nor cis. and thanks to billie piper sometime after jodie whittaker's casting, we know that rose would still be in love with 13 still, which i would have wholeheartedly believed regardless, but it's nice to hear it from the woman who played rose herself. even if they are visually/optically a heterosexual relationship, they really, really aren't, textually or otherwise.
this post got away from me. it got away from me bad. but this is something i think about a LOT. doctor who, and rose in particular, have been my special interest for a decade or so and as a dyke fan who spends a lot of time with other dyke fans, i have some pretty extensive thoughts on this kind of stuff.
uhhhhh feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions, like i said i love love love talking about this!!
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causenessus · 1 month
i remember like before love notes started, it had kind of a different story line where yn was dating suga at first? i’m just curious him how that would’ve played out and how that would’ve effected the story! if you don’t mind sharing haha or if you didn’t write like an outline for that route then that’s ok! i’m just curious
AAA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU REMEMBER!! I WOULD LOVE TO RANT ABOUT IT <3 i did outline the entire story basically with how it would've went with suga (before i changed everything) but i think it was pretty shallow bc i just had no idea what i was doing and i hate writing breakups and like,,, making people bad 😔 which are all reasons why i didn't go through with that plot LMAO but basically!! the main purpose he served was to be a conflict between y/n and suna bc obviously suna couldn't get super close or flirt with y/n if she was in a relationship but it was also difficult for her because suga was often very busy with student teaching and school so she'd end up hanging out with suna a lot. the biggest thing was eventually during that first new year y/n and suna spent together and y/n's feeling lonely, she's talking with the coffee enthusiasts gc about how she can either text suga or suna about coming to spend the new years with her and eventually she decides to text suna because she realizes that she feels way more comfortable with him than suga (who she often feels like she's bothering) so their breakup would have been a lot more of a "we're just not right for each other" rather than a "you did something wrong" type conversation!! suga was also going to be the one to actually bring up suna making art for y/n probably during their breakup or at some point, i was planning to have him mention her relationship with suna and how close they were and how that's kind of sus ig if that makes sense??? and the other big part was going to be in the last chapter when y/n and suna go to the love lock fence, suna was going to be so confused like "we're doing this as friends ig??? bc obviously she would've brought suga here if she was doing it romantically, right???" and then they'd put the lock on and she'd tell suna that she broke up with suga and that'd start the confession and everything <3 THANK U FOR ASKING!!! there's tons of reasons i didn't go thru with it and i'm glad i didn't lol but it was still definitely a possibility!! and i hope this makes sense i'm sorry my cat is on my lap and over my arms rn being the bane of my existence and so i can't type very well rn 😭
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lesbianlotties · 5 months
what are your thoughts on laura lee and her faith like. if she were to survive? i’m curious :)
OH!!! that's a great question and while i love laura lee so so much i'm probably not the best person to answer hsgjdfhgfh i was just lightheartedly raised catholic and i'm very unserious about religion lol so when it comes to very serious takes and technicalities, i'm a little lost. apparently all things point to her being something other than catholic. but i still hc her as catholic for personal fun <3 so this isn't a very serious answer but!! generally speaking...
because i love to consider many options. there's a chance she would become Worse <3 and that could be a) oohh the guilt! the insane amount of guilt that girl would carry!! it could sent her stright to a convent fr. losing her mind and dedicating the rest of her like to god to maybe remotely make up for her sins...
or b) never let go of the wilderness faith. much worse than lottie. much worse than anything the show's shown. i'm talking altars, ceremonies, sacrifices, a little casual cannibalism why not. still worships lottie in a way not even lottie wants
BUT!! what if she leaned on the opposite side. she came out of the experience changed, obviously. so... Option A: my girl is a full on atheist now. if god was real he wouldn't have let them do that. if god was real then what was IT in the wilderness. can she deny them both? for how long?
and Option B: this could be the most boring (affectionately) but also the most realistic option. after much soul-searching, existential crises, desperate praying, stages where she experiences all the other options... she comes to a middle ground. she sticks to her faith, her belief in god, but in her own terms. she probably parts ways with her old church, but she probably finds one she feels accepted in somewhere else. like most of the yj survivors she's probably in denial of a lot of what happened in the wilderness and calls it a test from god. she probably works helping other people struggling with their faith but in an actually healthy way. totally a lesbian working on creating spaces for religious queer people or something like that. i mentioned in one fic that she goes to college to study to theology and become a professor and works studying faith and religions trying to make sense of what happened to them....
okay that's probably enough of an answer lol i hope it makes some sense? maybe?
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