#the nature of having an IKEA shark plush
bunderbye · 2 months
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🦈 Arcane inspired: Jinx and, Kid Jinx Fabric Jet Tags - 6.5” x 1.5” 🦈
- Available on my Etsy -
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cyberdragoninfinity · 5 months
I'd love to know what the other Barians are up to in the college AU!
YESSS like i said when i was talkin about Vector, I rly wanna properly draw all these guys sometime this year, theyve been bumping around my brain for Months now. some tidbits about the other guys:
Shark/Nasch: MISTAH TRANS MASC HE/THEY OF ALL TIME. Has a really dense Carrd covered in sea predator gifs and dA stamps. I thiiink I assigned him Pursuing a Marine Biology degree, naturally--he spends a lot of time at the aquarium wishing he worked there (he works at a country club currently. he drives golf carts to go pick up errant golf balls. his little nametag says 'Reginald'.) Does really well in his classes but is becoming. a Little Bit Burned Out trying to deal with them And work And whatever bullshit his current and ex-roommates are entangling him in. Vector stole his Ikea blahaj plush and tied it to a ceiling fan. Frequents Not-Lawrence State University's esteemed Smogon Club (usually because Yuma begs and begs for him to come,) and runs a nasty Walking Wake led Monotype team.
Rio: I NEED TO DECIDE ON HER MAJOR WAHHH Atmospheric Science would be kind of insane... invested interest in meteorology and winter events. I know she's dabbled in a bunch of campus sports and ice skates at a very skilled level, probably is banking on maybe doing that professionally if she can qualify. She's also buddies with Alexis! :3 Works at a bougie gelato place not far from the country club Shark works at so sometimes she will come bother him on her break. Has a modest interest in birding and sometimes meets up with the town Birding Group. All in all just likes being active and stylish and is closing in on a date with Miss Anna Kaboom~ lord dont get me started on butchfemme annario i aint got no brakes
Girag and Alito: THE BESTIES. THE ROOMIES OF ALL TIME. They actually live in the same apartment complex as Primo and Claus so they hang out and shoot the shit sometimes. Alito I feel is majoring in something like English, he's not super attached to it, what he really is banking on is a boxing career (whether or not that pans out for him remains to be seen.) He goes and spars at a local gym frequently! Girag is a history major with a focus on feudal Japan and he's also a furry. The boys' r/malelivingspaces ass apartment is a haven for the other Emperors if they dont want to be in the Nightmare House for a hot minute. Don't mind the giant knockoff red panda squishmallow taking up half their couch. Also Ponta is still there he's still a little spirit guy that Girag is nebulously aware of but Alito isn't.
Mizar: OH MIZAR..... one of my favorite zexals in the College AUverse tbh. my failwoman. Tentatively out transfem overdramatic fake blond trying out she/they pronouns for the first time. Has a big expensive gaming desktop that lights up (it looks vaguely like Tachyon Dragon lol) and uses it primarily to get into heated furry drama online and write extensive papers and lab reports for her Physics degree, usually while under some degree of white knuckle meltdown stress. She and Dumon were dating for a while but broke up and truth be told Mizar's still got a couple hangups about it. Gets into a LONG, STUPID beef with Kite over their fursona designs "being too similar" that culminates in them having a brawl on the roof of a hotel mid furry-convention. Yes they were both in fursuits. No you can't tell anyone you saw Kite in a fursuit keep you voice down shh!!!!!!! They end up having some kind of t4t qpr-ish situationship i think. not avoiding the mizakai allegations i fear HDFHSFGF
Dumon: WHO UP STUDYING THEY MEDIEVAL TEXTS. god. I love college AU Dumon. little library dyke. dweeb he/him butch kind of sort of dating clark's Paula From Earthbound and they are having In Depth discussions about a podcast they just listened to. Medieval lit major who knows more about knights than you ever will in your entire life. He was born in Utah. Organizes the finances of the Barian Rental House and takes it all dead seriously and Vector still owes like three months of back rent and he kind of wants to strangle him over it. Type of guy who spends all day at the campus coffee shop nursing the same matcha latte for five hours. Mizar is his best friend and they still hang out post-break up and they're both just kind of constantly putting up with Vector's bullshit. i mean all the Barians are but STILL.
Shark, Rio, Dumon, and Vector also all have the distinction of having known each other when they were kids, before they all moved off on their separate ways (until reconnecting in college) As you can imagine, Vector and Shark's playground wars would get. Violent. 🥴 Dumon has had a bit of a crush on Shark since they met but has absolutely never disclosed this. Because I think it is funny.
The funniest detail about them as a whole in college AU to me is theyre all transfer students from NLSU's sister-campus in Barian, Indiana. WOE! Midwestern be upon ye! And also the previously mentioned nightmare queer housing situation they live in under Don Thousand The Dogshit Landlord (or, well, at this point it's just Mizar, Dumon, and the Kastle twins living there. The situation has improved Somewhat after Vector got kicked out HHDFDF he still loves fucking with all of them though in true 🥕 fashion)
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espritmuse · 3 years
I missed you too 🥺 I’ll make sure to send you a little something everyday okay sweetheart? 💖
I’m an ambivert so like I prefer my alone time and I hate talking to new people but once you get me out of my shell good luck getting me to shut up lol
And yeah it was a bit scary at first. Obviously the lead surgeon asked the patient if I could glove in for a learning experience and the patient agreed and it was just a simple surgery. The man shattered his leg so they were putting steal pins in his leg to help the bones heal properly but it was really interesting to see how the pins went in and whatnot. Lowkey makes me want to change my manger to general surgery but idk I feel like it’s too late for that 😫
I’m glad your first days went well, I use to have insomnia but I went to a lot of sleep studies to help with that and it’s not as bad anymore, looks like we both gotta help each other sleep 🥺💖
My friends tease me saying I have OCD with how organized I am and how I can’t function unless I have it scheduled. I mean I do do stuff spontaneously, hell half the time all my trips and vacations are planned only like a week in advance. One time my best friend and I planned a Vegas trips in 3 hours and were on a plane in the next 6 hours showing up in Vegas the same day we planned it 😂😎
Omg We could visit each other’s Islands on animal crossing all the time <3 I’d send you pretty flowers and sea shells. Idk how tall you are but I’m 5”6 1/2 ((168 cm)) so like we could cuddle up and if you’re smaller than me I could be the big spoon and just hug you to me 🥺 if you’re taller than me I’m still gonna try and be the big spoon unless you wanna be then I’m 100% okay being the little spoon, I’ll just cling to you like a Koala.
We could go shopping for new plants and idk about you but I love window shopping at ikea and just walking around, I absolutely love building things I don’t know why but buying a new piece of furniture and then putting it together brings me immense joy. I live in a big city so like everything is within walking distance and my apartment is really high up too so I have a breathtaking view of the city but like just imagine getting ready in the morning and we go downstairs and get coffee or tea and then just walk in the city with our coats on and stocking hats cause it’s fall and starting to get chilly and we just window shop and there is this cute little bookstore near where I live so we could stop there and see if they have anything new 🥺🥺🥺 ughhh I’m gonna cry -💍 omg I wrote so much oopsie
i love when u write a lot 🥺 I usually never really know how to talk/ have a conversation with ppl so I love listening (or reading in our case 😳)…. U can go for hours and lines I don’t mind, never<3
AND A VEGAS TRIP IM SORRY MAAM- hope u didn’t get married there……….. Vegas is pretty far away from where I live so Jesus I could never plan something like this in a day lmao (also I don’t wanna go …… I prefer nature and all those cheesy stuff, I’m like a grandma or an ….old fat cat? Just gimme the same food everyday and cuddle and I’m happy)
No bc we should add each other on acnh… I don’t remember if I paid the online for this year but yeah!!! I’ll send u letter and little flower!! I think my native (?) fruit is cherry?? I’m not a big fan but ;( also my town is quite a mess elkdnwnxnsnd it’s like a big forest with a tone of trash on the floor bc my pockets are always full……..even in videos games I’m disorganised pls it’s a curse
And let’s not talk about my house…..
AND YES YES YES IKEA TRIPS OMG !!!!! I’D BUY THOSE BIG PLUSHIES !! I have the elephant in my bedroom…..I want the big bear and the shark too….. they’re too big and make me mad when they’re next to me in bed but they’re so….big and and and and abs and and and like….
And I’m 165!!! (I think it’s 5’3? Not sure!!) but I like being the big spoon 😋 I cannot fall asleep if I don’t hug something- so if it’s u it’s even better
We’d go outside during a rainy day, wearing stupid yellow raincoats, holding each other hands and chatting about ur weird ass job the whole way to ikea,,, we would buy some stuff for our journal, some small plants, (you’d buy me the shark plush……..), and we’d head to the bookstore to pick a book for the other!! I pick a book for u and u for me!!! We would read it in bed with hot chocolate and annotate it. Once we would be over, we would exchange them and start reading them, and with it, you’d see all the little notes and annotations I left <3
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threetwo-oneseven · 3 years
say hi to sharky
in-lecture exercise d, 060921
This is Sharky, my stuffed BLÅHAJ toy bought from IKEA roughly five years ago. For the most recent part of my life, he's been here to accompany me through life's best and worst moments—and now he's featured in this composition assignment.
I took a few photos of him in his natural habitat.
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This is a shot of Sharky sitting by himself on the UTown suite table. I wanted to compose this in such a way that he stands out evidently alone (and lonely). Here, I used a long shot that shows his surroundings—devoid of other people—and its muted colours also allows Sharky to stand out as a focal point. I've also applied the rule of thirds here so that the viewer will be drawn to the brighter area of the room (where the light is, and thus where Sharky is).
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In this photo, I've chosen to put Sharky front and centre and angled the camera to form a low angle shot. Here, I wanted to convey the dominance of something erratic that people won't see everyday: a shark plush toy eating and drinking like a human. The usage of a low angle also indicates a sense of power with Sharky, showing that a toy is able to take on the scenarios of what humans normally do.
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Here, I wanted to amplify the cuteness of Sharky by purposefully choosing a low angle shot, giving him a sense of vulnerability from the viewer's perspective. His eye, which is one of the characteristics that makes him have a vacant, blank look, is also framed with the rule of thirds in mind. This, along with the usage of natural side lighting, highlights the adorableness that I aimed to convey to viewers.
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I wanted to capture Sharky in a slightly more dramatic, intimidating angle, which is why I've chosen this Dutch angle and close up shot. The tilted angle, that initially aimed to create a sense of unease in the viewer, has allowed Sharky to take on a more vertical position which is akin to how sharks stereotypically jump out of the water when attacking prey—which doubles down on the feeling of unease. The close up also allows the viewer to focus on Sharky's characteristics and nothing else, with him comprising around a third of the entire frame.
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bunjywunjy · 7 years
okay, I’m gonna tell you guys the sad, sad tale of Cardboard Shark
about a week ago I ordered the Ikea Shark plush from a third party on Amazon, which was a giant mistaaaake.
not only did they overcharge me by about $20 (which I found out after the fact) they shipped this poor giant shark plush in a small cardboard box with no liner. he’s crumpled and smells like musty cardboard :(
like, this 39″ shark was wadded up and jammed into a 15″x9″ package. poor thing.
naturally I contacted the company and opted to return it, since i could get it cheaper through Ikea. but now I have to houdini poor cardboard shark back into this tiny box and it’s emotionally the hardest thing I’ve had to do all week
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applejee · 7 years
every berry 😘
KAT PLS!!!!!!!!! also i just realised i misread this as “every fruit” not every berry nd i dont wanna delete everything i wrote out so heres all of them….. lol
peach: do you have any piercings or tattoos?
yeah i do, i have two piercings in each ear! i’m planning to get more in my lobes, maybe other ear piercings, and maybe even a nose piercing? i fkn love piercings. i also have plans for a few different tattoos….
raspberry: favorite flower?
THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION, i adore the scent of jasmine, gardenia, jonquils, and frangipani, but when it comes to looks i have such a massive list. but probably wisteria? theyre so pretty i love them
lemon: do you have any pets? what are their names?
technically….. she’s my grandparents dog, but considering how excitable she is and how old my grandparents are lily is probably our for a long while lmao. lily is adorable, she’s a black kelpie cross labrador and i love her
mango: what is your trademark?
probably how much i love tea lol
passion fruit: how would you describe your style?
uhhhh eclectic? my outfits tend to be a mix of modern/older styles
pineapple: sexual orientation?
pansexual as hell ay
strawberry: favorite desserts?
anything with citrus in it
cherry: can you play any musical instruments or can you sing?
LMAO NO, i used to play recorder in primary school and learnt trombone for a bit (i fuckin sucked) and also guitar. only thing i remember is smoke on the water
grape: if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
japan, obviously; i really really really REALLY wanna go back
banana: favorite horror movies?
noroi: the curse. japanese mockumentary that fucked me up good
blackberry: is your life an action film, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama?
……neither, i don;t do shit my guy
pomegranate: when do you feel the most confident?
on the internet probably :V but also in queer settings, thats when im truly Alive
cantaloupe: what are your parents’ names?
camilla and neil
guava: dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?
i dont wear makeup but i like how both look
tangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?
already answered!
plum: favorite clothing brands?
dangerfield, princess highway, revival…. i also love heaps of the patterns in forever new….
coconut: favorite perfume?
i’m interpreting this as like, favourite scent, cause i don’t wear perfume at all? so jonquil, ylang ylang, gardenia, cherry blossom, jasmine, frangipani, rose
lychee: satin or lace?
blueberry: what do you want to dress up as for halloween?
ummmmmm probably nothing cause im aussie and we dont do anything for it lol
apple: what do you use more, tumblr or twitter?
honestly? both. some days i use twitter more some days i use tumblr more
kiwi: what’s something that fascinates you?
bones, dead shit, gorey stuff like that…. i watched heaps of medical shows when i was a kid and it’s always been something that i’m massively interested in. i had work experience at the local vets and got to watch a few operations and the entire time i was just [[eyes emoji]]
watermelon: do you have a job? if so, what is your job title?
ya i volunteer at an op shop, guess i’d be listed as “store volunteer”
papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?
putting the dog to sleep by the antlers, from the album burst apart. the album art, the band’s name, the song title, the song itself……. i feel it
cranberry: favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?
already answeredddd
nectarine: would you consider yourself an emotional person?
lol yes…. tho it varies, some days im like dang all the emotions are within me, other days i dont feel shit
orange: do you have long eyelashes?
apricot: what do you do when you’re sad?
already answered
star fruit:  favorite sea creature?
eels and sharks!!!!!! i love them both so much :’) in animal crossing i had an entire room filled with eels i had caught and i have a massive shark plush from ikea
dragonfruit: do you drink alcohol?
ya man, i have a wide variety of tastes…. as long as it isnt beer ill drink it
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