#is that your friends make fun of you for having an IKEA shark plush
bunderbye · 5 months
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🦈 Arcane inspired: Jinx and, Kid Jinx Fabric Jet Tags - 6.5” x 1.5” 🦈
- Available on my Etsy -
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nukapind · 4 years
20 with Todoroki please? 🥺
Mazes (Todoroki x Reader)
Fun fact! I have my own blåhaj that I bought about a year and a half ago! Lmao, this ended up being a lot less ice cream date and a lot more lost, buuuut I hope you don’t mind all too much. Feel free to leave in a request if you have one, prompts can be found here! Like usual, this was crossposted to my AO3.
20: “We both got lost in Ikea and somehow we ended up together on an ice cream date even tho we just met”
All you’d wanted was the Blåhaj, that little stuffed shark that tempted you every time you walked into this maze of a store, and maybe a slice of pizza with some lingonberry juice— not to be separated from your friends in the chair section while you’d been checking out their mini-home models. It’d only been a quick minute you’d strayed from them, looking at a shower caddy and yet you’d turned around to find that they were already long gone. You were stranded in Ikea with only confusingly contradicting arrows to point you through the store— how were they always rearranging this fucking maze? When did it ever end?
The shower curtain you’d been standing behind pulled to the side suddenly, and you nearly screamed out of instinct— forgetting you weren’t actually in your own bathroom when in reality you were fully clothed and definitely not showering. Heterochromatic eyes blinked at you, the man’s shoulders slumping ever so slightly as his eyes landed on you. “You’re not Midoriya.” He sighed softly, making you blink a bit. “Are… you lost too?” He gave a firm nod— at least this meant you weren’t just dumb, it was just Ikea’s fault.
Okay maybe it was a bit of a reach to blame Ikea for your current situation, but nevertheless, at least you weren’t alone in this. “You wanna try to get to the front of the store with me then? Two minds are better than one.” He only blinked at you, those eyes staring into your own— was he fucking staring into your sould or something? It was unnerving, until he shoved his hands in his pockets with another nod. “That sounds fine.” Smiling nervously, you gestured to the bustling showroom floor. “Let’s get out this deathtrap then.” He waited for you to lead, before silently trailing behind you.
“You look a little familiar ya know? Are you from the area or something?” You squinted as you looked at him, trying to pinpoint exactly where you’d seen him before. Definitely wasn’t school, you’d remember a guy that looked like this if he were in your classes— nevermind his hair and eyes, his face was gorgeous. Those eyes were right back to staring at you. “I was in the UA sports festival, I placed second.” For something so exciting, his voice didn’t quite change from that same somewhat dry tone. Biting your inner cheek, you nodded— you didn’t watch the sports festival, save for a few little glimpses. “Ah, that’s pretty cool I guess. It’s a good goal to save people… Sorry I’m totally blanking on your name.” You laughed it off, hoping he wouldn’t notice that you still had absolutely no clue who he was.
“Todoroki Shoto.”
That did still sound familiar… But you couldn’t quite remember too well. Oh well, not like it’d probably matter too much. “Well nice to meet you Todoroki. I’m L/n Y/n. I guess we’ll be partners in crime for today.” You joked, grabbing one of the pamphlets from the little stations— which didn’t seem accurate with all the remodeling going on. “I just said I’m a hero in training, I don’t commit crimes.” A smile crept on your face at his joke, snorting a bit before you realized his expression hadn’t changed— still just as serious as before. “It’s just a saying Todoroki, I’m not trying to get you involved with the law.” You awkwardly added, your explanation making the realization hit him.
“I see.”
With that, you walked with him in a comfortable silence— albeit in confusion, the pamphlet didn’t even match the arrows on the floor. “Are you reading that right?” He peered over your shoulder, staring down at the paper in your hands. The sudden breath tickling your ear made you jump, which earned a confused look from him. “Here, you can read it.” Taking the pamphlet you’d shoved into his hands, he stared intently— eyes running over the picture intently as the two of you paused in your tracks. “This is wrong.” He concluded, your shoulders slumped slightly. It really looked like he’d figured it out.
Tugging your bottom lip between your teeth, the swinging of a door caught your eye— the shortcuts, of course! Those could at least get you to the end of this fucking maze. “C’mon, I think I know!” Linking your arm around his own, you pulled him through the door— not seeing his widened eyes.
His mind raced as he held back his quirks— willing the power of his left side away as you caught him off guard. Did you have no self preservation? He could have burned you, and yet he was more focused on your hold on him. He’d never had much physical contact in his life, save for his younger years with his mother and the sparring he went through all throughout his hero training. One thing stood out to him about this.
Being held like this… was actually really nice…
He didn’t tug away, didn’t quite want to— he’d let this happen for now while he could.
He trailed right behind you, following through every door you’d shoved through. Your muttering and small huffs only piquing his interest even more. You were so… normal. Just an average civilian, someone without the stress of saving the lives of innocents.
It was somewhat refreshing.
But it wasn’t refreshing when you let go of his arm, only for him to see the registers in front of the two of you. The corner of his lip quirked down slightly. “We did it! I thought we’d never get out of here.” Your relieved laugh made something inside him shift slightly, it was definitely a pleasant shift— he found that he liked the sound of your laugh.
“You did well getting us out of here—” “—The shark!” You cut him off as you caught sight of the real prize, the nice stuffed shark you’d come here for in the first place.
The blåhaj.
Scooping up the plush in your arms, you didn’t see the twinge of jealousy in Todoroki’s gaze. “This is the only reason I even came here.” Your grin made him pause, finding that he liked your smile too. “You want it?” You hummed out a yes, admiring the shark in your hold. “I’ll wait in line for you, go see if your friends are at the front.” Your grin only got brighter, the shark shoved into his hands before you disappeared into the crowd of people.
What the hell was he even doing?
The shark you’d given at him only stared at him with those brown eyes.  This was all illogical… but that smile you’d given him was so nice and warm— illogical wasn’t always bad, right?
Regardless, you’d said you had come for this blue plush monstrosity in his hands. You’d been so excited when you saw it after all,  that settled it. Stepping up to the register, he paid— his lip quirking up at the thought of the smile you’d give him.
It was completely illogical of him, but that thought was shoved to the back of his head as he caught sight of you with two ice cream cones in your hand, quickly shoving one into his own hand. “I didn’t see my friends, but I did see the bistro!”
He blinked at the treat in his hand, looking up to see you bite into your own— his mind only going back to think just how nice this felt. A moment away from the hero world really was nice. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” You nodded happily, still focusing intently on your ice cream. With a light smile, he got to work on his own ice cream.
“Oh wait! I didn’t give you the money for the shark! Shit, let me pay you ba—“ “It’s a gift, there’s no need.”
His expression didn’t falter, and truth be told it caught you a little off guard. Glancing up at him, you bit the inside of your cheek. Sure Todoroki had been civil this entire time you’d known him, but this was actually kinda… sweet. “You’re sure?” “Positive.” He responded immediately, handing the shark over to you. You could barely hold your excitement in, lips already twitching into a smile. “Thank you.” He merely nodded in acknowledgment, pausing for a second before he spoke up again.
“Would you like me to escort you home? Seeing as your friends still aren’t here?”
“You know what, I’d like that.”
Hopefully Midoriya and Iida would’ve mind his disappearance too much.
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starrypawz · 4 years
1-5 for the oc asks that say more than you think!
Oc Asks that Reveal More than You Think
Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
I don’t think ‘canon’ Ronan necessarily does, if they had anything pre HB that’s likely lost unless Ric or someone else was able to keep a hold of it. Post HB idk unless someone got one for Ronan or they decided to buy one themself.
Ronan should get an Ikea shark at some point, they deserve it, there’s probably an obligatory Raccoon plush eventually, maybe also a Penguin
(PJO Ronan has a beloved plush pegasus, make fun of it at your peril)
Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Plant yes
Pet yes, eventually
Child... uh short term looking after a kid, yes, wouldn’t necessarily think Ronan would be good with more intensive child care/parenting
Ask them to describe their love interest.
“Ones a stubborn idiot, won’t admit he’s old, too flirty for his own good, but he’s my best friend, somehow isn’t sick of me after everything, is as handsome as he think he is. The other one, he’s sweet, a literal ray of sunshine, beautiful in all senses of the word, probably the kindest person I’ve ever met, an incredible artist
Both are amazing cooks, and way more than I deserve-”
(And have amazing asses)
Do they look good in red?
I was about to say I’m not sure if I can see them in red but I’ve drawn Ronan in a red hoodie before, Ronan looks cute in red but doesn’t tend to wear it often
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Like discounting anything they come out with as Pandora I’m not sure if Ronan wouild be that inclined to give a speech
They could, and could probably do a good job but I don’t know what they’d feel impassioned to give a speech on
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