#the nine realms hate
fuck-cavern-crashers · 10 months
thank fuck that shitshow of a series is almost over so that i never have to see neo cavern crasher ever again
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electricfied-wolf · 10 months
Post these sillies to invoke the rage of a thousand suns from the fandoms they're related to when literally all they did to get so much hate was simply exist, when in reality they're wonderful and adorable and deserve so much love.
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Anyways I love them, my fellas <3
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pufffinn · 1 year
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i lied guys im not working on the requests in my inbox i’m fixing the world to make peace and love on planet earth ( i hate the httyd: the nine realms designs and the show in general so i edited thunder to actually look good )
( images used under the cut )
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the-dragon-club · 4 months
Also I need all of you to remember that the tags for The Nine Realms are for the fans and not for making a space so toxic that the fans can't post there thank youuuu <3
There's a fairly big reason why the TNR fans fizzled out on here, it's because we felt kind of uncomfortable with the blatant constant shaming and slander of our media and our community (I kid you not I've seen a meme of book fans and trilogy fans beating up TNR fans). I've decided I'm gonna try and reinstate my presence on httyd tumblr but we'll see how long I commit to that.
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toothbrushfingers · 2 years
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astridhoff03 · 5 months
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Its just sad how T9R turned out. The Concept is honestly very cool and it could be interesting. But they just try to make the Trilogy, Rtte, RoB & DoB again which doesn’t work with new Characters. The whole Show has no point because it ended the exact same way as the Trilogy. So fucking WHY where the entire Series going against the End of the Original when it does the exact same thing? But it also let me appreciate the ending of the original trilogy even more than I did before.
Also with other new show I have no problem, I haven’t watched it but I heard it’s fine and it’s not canon. And give Evil Hiccup his evil Astrid if they ever make a Spin off to Rescue Riders, then I would maybe watch it.
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lumiidragon · 2 years
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Why does this night light look like that??? Why does it have 4 sets of ears???? Why is it so spiky? What’s wrong with it????
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nightfury-2001 · 2 years
Really really hate how they're acting like every dragon species in existence is totally fine and happy and capable of thriving in the Hidden World and that no dragon should have ever left in the first place because it's their ~TRUE~ home and where they belong
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buzzsaw-burne · 1 year
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Another silly error that follows the span of five seconds. When Alex is knocked off Feathers, Tom catches her. In the brief shot of them flying away, she's on Feathers again, but when the shot cuts to Tom on Thunder, Alex is still riding with him.
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demhen · 6 months
Game of thrones, you know of it?
the show with the shitty ending. So I had a thought. What if TNR ended like this? With the Queen of Sassingtion burning down all of the show. Because of course she would, the only way to kill Jun is to kill all of them. So she sacrifices her friends, her only friends. She loses Tom, the man (boy) that showed her that while being outside is scary but also exciting. Her secret love, that she could never confess because of Juns presents. I mean, Jun mentally manipulated everyone into thinking she was great and that everyone liked her in spite of all the shit she did. That's why Alex never confessed her love for Tom because of Jun. Because of her manipulating and abusive behaviour. The Queen tried her best to protect her fiends from Juns influence, and in the end, she came to the conclusion that only death would set them free of Jun the worst wong. Of course, she wouldn't die at the end,... or would she?
I love this, this is great it's better than anything i could ever imagine it's better than the actual finale. You know with the Thunder/Tom deathray that kills the tiny snake that is Jormungandr in this show. This is so much better. Not only would this explain the behaviour of everybody regarding Jun “can do nothing wrong” wong, but also would this be an emotional ending to Alex Story. From the lonely girl that doesn't have any friends too trying to protect them from the manipulating Jun Wong. And in trying to do so kills everyone she loves.
This isn't good. I want to stress it. In fact it's horrible. It's a shitty ending to a shitty show but it's so much better then what this show actually does. Dare I say it's even better than AGOT ending. The Agot ending still Is shitty. But this, this at least is fun.
This all is that there is no good possible ending to this show. because the show itself is an absolute disaster. it's unorganised, strange, offencive to og fans and prompts harmful behaviour. I hate this show, but for the love of me, I love the QUEEN of Sassingtion. So yeah, I would have loved to see it crash and burn in its final episode. with the Queen raising it to the ground.
It's bad. Both of those endings everything is bad and it's sad,... I am sad thinking about this. The only difference is that a game of thrones once was a good show. The nine realms was never good.
That's all.
Your book-reading, show-watching dragon,
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velvtcherie · 1 year
i was in a melancholic mood a while back and decided to rewatch the entire httyd media franchise in 2 days . all of it . including the tv series .
am i emotionally and mentally stable after doing that ?? no
will i do it again someday ?? definitely
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ljf613 · 2 years
All caught up on Dragons: The Nine Realms.
It's a cute series. Not brilliant or anything, but cute.
Also, I am firmly convinced that Olivia has known about the dragons from before the story even started (due to old family stories and/or records Tom's not yet old enough to be trusted with), she just didn't realize that the Hidden World was here.
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chameshida · 2 years
What do you think of the season 5 tnr dragons?
(Vinetail, snifflehide, evolved scuttleclaw)
Oh is it confirmed to be evolved scuttleclaw? neat!
Vinetail is solid for a small dragon design. I like them and they're please to look at. I like this approach of "Animal name-liked dragon" but it's made up of the element that have nothing to do with said animal (as oppose to something like spiderwing) Vinetail is monkey-like but it doesn't take from the physical element of monkey directly. Stormcutter is the same way; owl-like but all those thing in their designs are not of owls. I like that of them.
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Snifflehide is my favourite this season and definitely make it near top for the design alone (in that I still prefer feather and featherhide character vice but snifflehide definitely has a stronger design than them. I'd put it in the same top tier as yetiwing) I think the implication and similarity to snifflehunch is definitely intentional. They're both colorful dragon with similar pattern ability and name and spine shapes. I still prefer snifflehunch appearance over all but snifflehide has more going on with them for sure and I'm glad we finally have more confirmed herbivorous dragons.
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I can't say much about scuttleclaw since it is an old dragon and it is still a baby. Sad we dont get to see an adult scuttleclaw when we have a chance to. I really like its new ability. It is pretty similar to my Cryptic Chaos. I'm indifferent about the added flap but they do be exist in the second movie concept art tho. I think this scuttleclaw is a more correct approach to the "annoyingly overly cute" dragon compare to bubblehorn (league better tbh)
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I also want to talk about the evolved/new speed stinger too! I first saw them in the legend of the nine realms guidebook scan and thought it is the new movie quality render for the hidden world pattern and got super excited but perhaps it is for the show after all. I like it still! they are pretty! (conspiracy 2: the first picture is the main movie franchise quality redesign/rendition and nine realms use that version)
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update top 10? mm
Sky torcher
Flame thrower
Deadly spinner
Flood fang
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
Wow, fumbled that one, Tom.
About as well as Hiccup did with his explanation in Mi Amore Wing.
I do have another work of fiction in mind and its the bigoted author wizard book series that pains me to mention, Harry Potter. It's Ron being like "say, Hermione, you're a girl!"
No one fumbled worse than Ron there.
(If you feel the need to be negative about TNR to me/on my posts, don't. Leave me alone.)
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owlfacenightkit · 2 years
You know what? I’m going to do massive Night Light redesigns because I really hate Dragons: The Nine Realms
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