#the ones in the team going to college will be staring at a fresh face like wow. I'M gonna be like that in a year
bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
if they do senior year brennan should make the bad kids deal with freshmen. a pass-the-torch plus leave-this-place-better-than-we-found-it thing will be cute but more importantly making these specific weirdos babysit will be a hoot
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believemedarlin · 9 months
The Perfect Man
Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader (3.9k words) Also available on AO3
“You know, if you combined all the men on the team… they’d make the perfect man.”
“What?” Emily sputtered into her wine.
Penelope giggled while JJ looked intrigued
A drunken night out with the girls leads to some interesting revelations.
“Let’s play Fuck, Marry, Kill.”
A round of groans sounded from the table, but Penelope Garcia was not to be dissuaded. 
“Come on, ladies. It’ll be fun!”
Her best puppy dog eyes firmly in place, Penelope implored her friends and coworkers with a practiced look. You were holding strong until she brought out the big guns and pouted at you.
A mere ten seconds later you caved. 
“Okay, fine,” You sighed. “But can we use kick instead of kill? I always hated that option. Why do you have to kill them when kicking would be just as effective in showing your lack of interest? No death required.”
“Ooh, I like that,” Penelope immediately agreed with a nod. “You know I’m a pacifist at heart.”
She turned to the other two women seated at the table, pout back in full force. JJ gave in first, patting Penelope’s hand with an indulgent smile and a nod. 
Seeing that she was outnumbered, Emily shrugged. “Sure. But I’ll need another drink if we’re doing this. I haven’t played this since college.”
“I’ll get us all another round.” Penelope jumped to her feet to join her and they made their way to the bar, weaving through the other patrons.
It was a rare Friday night off and the women of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit had decided to go out for a much-needed night of ladies-only fun and frivolity. They had happily left the guys to sort out their evenings and escaped the second the clock struck five.
They were all a few drinks in at this point, which is most likely the reason Penelope had suggested the game. She always got a bit playful when she drank.
They returned a few minutes later, fresh drinks in hand. 
Once settled, Penelope leaned in, an eager smile on her face. “Okay. Fuck, Marry, Kick. Henry Cavill, Ben Barnes, Zachary Levi. And go!”
Emily took a sip of her drink and wasted no time in voicing her choices, followed by JJ and you. You took turns coming up with more and more outlandish options, and pleasantly spent the next hour drinking and laughing with your friends.
You had just finished giggling over Penelope’s reasoning behind her choosing to kick Willy Wonka and marry Jareth the Goblin King so she could enjoy a night with Conan the Barbarian when Emily leaned in with a smirk.
“I’ve got a good one. Hotch, Morgan, and Reid.”
The table erupted in a chorus of ooohs and laughter. 
JJ bit her lip in thought. “Okay, since we know them personally and I’m a happily taken woman, I’m going to change mine to kiss, because it’s weird to say I want to fuck any of them. So, uh, I’ll go with kiss Morgan, marry Reid, and kick Hotch. But only barely, because I do not want him angry with me.”
“Easy,” Penelope chirped. “Fuck Morgan, marry Morgan, and kick Reid and Hotch.”
You, JJ, and Emily burst into laughter, with JJ swatting Penelope on the arm. “You can’t double up like that!”
“Can too! My game, my rules. Besides, it’s special circumstances with Morgan as an option.”
Emily snorted, then grinned. “Hmm. I think I’d go with fuck Morgan, marry Hotch, and kick Reid.”
All eyes then turned to you as you stared into your drink, taking entirely too long as you overthought the options.
Eventually, Emily cleared her throat and you looked up to see her watching you expectantly.
“What?” You grinned sheepishly with a shrug. “It’s harder than you’d think!”
The ladies teased you good-naturedly until you finally said, “Okay, okay! Um, I think…” 
You blew out a breath in a long sigh. “Fuck Reid, marry Hotch, kick Morgan. No wait… Maybe fuck Hotch, marry Reid?”
Emily and JJ cackled while Penelope put on a fake offended air. “Why you gotta kick my beloved cinnamon hot chocolate Adonis not once, but twice? He’s the perfect man!”
"I mean, a lot of women would think that, yeah, but not me.”
Penelope gasped and pressed her hand to her chest dramatically. “Why, I never.”
You giggled with a shrug. “Sorry?” 
“You’re forgiven.”
“What I want to know,” JJ chimed in with a mischievous grin, “is why you can’t decide between Reid and Hotch on who to marry?”
You buried your face in your hands to hide your blush. “I don’t know! Both seem like solid choices. I think they’d both make good husbands.”
Emily smirked. “Sure it wasn’t because you couldn’t decide which you’d rather fuck?”
Penelope and JJ burst into laughter again while you groaned into your hands.
“You all are menaces. I don’t know why I spend time with you.”
“Because we’re wonderful people and you love us.”  Penelope teased.
“That’s debatable.” You mumbled.
“Oh, come on,” she leaned into your side and laid her head on your shoulder. “You know you adore us.” Penelope batted her eyes and you couldn’t help but grin.
“Yeah, I do.”
She cheered and called for another round of drinks.
The game wound down and devolved into a rather extensive list of men and women that each of the ladies wouldn’t mind enjoying some personal one-on-one time with.
You had been sitting in a comfortable silence for the past few minutes, chin in hand and elbow on the table, your mind pondering on something Penelope had said earlier. Your voice took on a contemplative tone as you mused aloud, “You know, if you combined all the men on the team… they’d make the perfect man.”
“What?” Emily sputtered into her wine.
Penelope giggled while JJ looked intrigued.
“Okay, just hear me out. Now, granted, everyone’s idea of the perfect man is different but for me… If we go by physical attributes first, you have to admit that each guy is objectively attractive on their own. I mean seriously, was it a prerequisite that everyone has to be outrageously good-looking to be a member of the team?”
The ladies heartily agreed with laughter and nods, but you gestured across the table to them. “I’m including you three in this too. Have you looked at yourselves? You’re all absolutely gorgeous.”
“Damn right, we are,” Emily exclaimed as she high-fived JJ.
You raised your glass to her and took a sip before expanding on your premise. “So by themselves, each man is handsome but combined…”
You tilt your head in thought. “For me, it would be Reid’s hair. I’ve always liked longer hair on a guy and have you seen those curls when he lets it grow out? And then add in Hotch and Rossi’s dark hair and … yeah. Next would be Morgan and Rossi’s facial hair. I don’t know about you ladies but I like a man with a bit of scruff, you know what I mean? Goatee or full beard or just a couple of days growth, hell even a good five o’clock shadow, as long as it’s maintained and not all scraggly, I like it. Oooh, remember when Hotch came back with a beard?
“Yeah,” you sighed, a bit more dreamily than you had intended, surely caused by the late hour and not the memory of a casually dressed, bearded Hotch. “Like that.”
All three ladies shared a knowing look, but you paid them no mind. 
“Though there is something to be said about a freshly shaved face. It’s so soft…” You sighed again.
“And then there’s height.” You knew you were rambling, but with the alcohol fueling you, there was little chance of stopping you now. “They’re all at least 6 foot so the height difference is perfect for both cuddles and forehead kisses.”
At this, Emily snorted. “Forehead kisses?”
“Yes,” you snipped primly. “They are the pinnacle of non-lip-to-lip kisses and they are my favorite thing. They just make you feel so adored. Now shush.”
You shooed her and rested your chin back in your hand. “Let’s see… Eyes. Honestly, I think they all have lovely eyes. I’m not picky on eye color really but I think Hotch’s stand out the most to me. I mean, have you seen his eyelashes? It should be criminal for a man to have such beautiful eyelashes.”
Another round of nods and hummed agreements sounded from the table.
“You know,” you continue with barely a pause, “I’ve never been a fan of really buff dudes, which sorry Pen, but that’s kinda why poor Morgan got kicked twice.” You shrugged unapologetically at her. 
“I’ve always preferred lean guys. Not scrawny but not bugling out his shirt, you know? Strong but not shoved in your face. But!” You sit straighter in your chair, index finger raised to emphasize your point. “That’s just looks. Personality-wise, I’m drawn to kindness first and our boys all have that in spades. And they each show it in different ways, but it’s always present.”
You met Penelope’s eyes. “And Morgan’s kindness absolutely overrides his excessive muscle mass. He’s honestly one of the kindest people I know, even if he’d deny it. He’s not humble about a lot of things, but he is about that.”
Your eyes dropped to the table as your finger ran along the wood grain. “I also like intelligence and while yes, first thoughts go to Reid, the others are all brilliant too. Like, Rossi is so wise! It seems like he always knows what’s going on with someone before anyone else, and always seems to know just what to say just when you need to hear it. And they each have strengths that I admire. I genuinely like each of them as a person and I’m proud to know them and am honored they consider me a friend. Honestly, I feel that way about all of you.”
“Aw!” Penelope sniffled. “That’s so sweet. We love you too, you know.”
You gave her hand a quick squeeze and took another sip of your drink. 
“What about lips?”
You blinked at JJ. “Lips? I’m not sure. I don’t know that I look at them much.”
Emily tilted her head. “You seriously don’t look at men’s lips?”
“Not really? I mean, I notice smiles. And honestly, how did I not start with that? It’s usually one of the first things I notice about someone. Smiles make everyone look twice as attractive. Oh, and a sense of humor! Gotta love a man who can make you laugh.”
“This one is definitely Morgan,” Emily chimed in and you nodded in agreement while Penelope raised her glass.
“Absolutely. He always makes me laugh, but so do the others. Rossi is snarky, which I appreciate as a fellow snarker. I can’t tell you the number of times he’s made me hold back a laugh during a round table. Reid can be really funny, too. Especially when we’re making Star Trek or Doctor Who references that no one else gets. Except you, Pen, but you’re usually in your lair. And Hotch—”
“No,” Emily cut in. “No way you think he’s funny. The man barely smiles.”
You tsked and leaned in, your tone turning a bit haughty. “First of all, I think it’s a good thing that he holds those back because have you seen how handsome he is when he smiles? His whole face transforms and he has dimples. Dimples . It’s ridiculous and no one would be able to focus on work if he was blinding us with his smile all the time. And secondly, yes. He’s hilarious, actually. He has a dry sense of humor that gets me every time. And he is so straight-faced about it. I laughed embarrassingly loud once at something he said and I had to leave the room because I couldn’t stop giggling. And the man had the nerve to be smug about it later.”
You shook your head with exasperated fondness, not noticing the raised eyebrows and pointed looks the other ladies were sharing.
“Anyway,” You sighed and leaned back in your chair. “Morgan is my biggest supporter, Reid nerds out with me, Rossi gives the best advice, and Hotch makes me feel safe. All things that would attract me to someone. So, with their powers combined…” You spread your hands in a sweeping motion. “The perfect man.”
“Huh,” Penelope hummed. “You know, I kinda see it.”
“See?” You grinned triumphantly. “We really do work with amazing guys.”
A cry of ‘hear, hear’ sounded around the table and the four of you leaned in to clink glasses.
Emily settled back in her chair with a smirk, her eyes focused on you. “Okay, you waxed poetic about the guys. Now, what about us?”
You grinned. “You, my darling lady loves, all hold a special place in my heart. There’s no way I could choose. You are each the perfect woman.”
Another cheer went up and everyone downed their drinks, laughing merrily.
The outing wound down about half an hour later. You each stumbled your way outside, Emily and Penelope deciding to share a taxi.
You stood with JJ as you waved the other two goodbye; you waiting for your own taxi and JJ waiting for Will to pick her up.
“You know,” she said conversationally, her eyes on the street. “You mentioned Hotch quite a few times describing your perfect man.”
You blinked. “What? I did not.”
She turned to you with a wide grin. “Oh yes, you did. No denying it now.”
You sputtered, not sure how to reply.
She chuckled and laid a hand on your arm, just as your taxi arrived. “Seems to me like he ticks quite a few of the boxes for your perfect man.” She leaned in to whisper, “So what are you going to do about it?”
JJ winked as she stepped back to open the door of the car that pulled in behind your taxi and slid in. “Just think about it, okay?”
You nodded numbly, mechanically climbing into the back seat of the taxi while Will and JJ patiently waited to make sure you were safely on your way.
You mumbled out your address and barely noticed the drive home, arriving much sooner than expected, as your mind was focused on JJ’s words.
You shook your head as you entered your apartment, determined to think no more of it. It was just a silly statement born out of one too many drinks.
There was no way you thought of Hotch that way.
No way at all.
The rest of the weekend was miraculously quiet and work-free. You couldn’t remember the last time you had so much time to yourself, so you took full advantage of it.
As days off always tended to do, they flew by too quickly and Monday morning arrived before you were ready for it. You greeted everyone when you entered the department, nodding to Rossi and waving at Morgan and Penelope as you settled in at your desk.
No new case had come in, so today would be an in-office day catching up on paperwork and caseloads.
You were productive throughout the day, completing most of the pending work assigned to you, and you were feeling quite accomplished with the diminishing stack in your inbox.
Only a few minutes remained in the workday when you stood from your chair, stretching your stiff back, and made your way up the stairs to Hotch’s office to drop off an armful of completed reports.
You knocked on his door, only having to wait a second before he bid you enter.
He was focused on the open file in front of him and he didn’t look up until you spoke. “These are ready for you to review, Hotch.”
His eyes shot up to meet yours before dropping to the folders in your arms. He gestured to the corner of his desk nearest you and went back to scribbling notes on the report. “You can just leave them there, thank you.”
You set them down next to another stack and grimaced. There were multiple bundles of files littering his desk. While in-office days were great for clearing your desk of work, it unfortunately always added to Hotch’s workload.
“Looks like everyone had similar offerings for you today. Will you be able to leave at a reasonable hour tonight? I’d be happy to help with anything if you need it.”
Hotch finished the line he was writing and looked up at you through his long lashes, a small, shy kind of smile curving his lips. His cheeks were just a touch pinker than usual and you blinked because you’ve never seen that look on his face before.
He looked almost bashful, a word you would never have associated with Aaron Hotchner.
But damn, was it a good look on him. He really was a handsome man, wasn’t he? Kind, funny, successful, and a great father. He was practically the perfect man.
You froze and blinked again at the realization.
“Oh, uh,” his deep voice broke you from your thoughts. “I appreciate the offer, but I’ve got it covered. I shouldn’t be here too much longer.”
“Right, of course.” You nodded and prayed he couldn’t see the blush you knew was rapidly spreading across your face. “Well, good night, sir.” 
You spun on your heel and opened the door, ready to flee as fast as your feet could carry you.
His low, murmured good night followed you out the door and you nearly shivered because holy hell, even his voice was attractive.
You quickly grabbed your things and nearly sprinted to the elevators, not wanting to stay one second longer around skilled profilers who could read you so easily, knowing they would spot your flushed cheeks instantly and want to know what caused them. Or worse, they’d already know, and that was not something you were ready to discuss with any of them at the moment.
You had fully intended on ignoring JJ’s words from Friday night, but after your reaction just now, you knew she was right.
Hotch was pretty damn close to fitting the idea of your perfect man.
Or maybe, the idea of your perfect man came from Hotch.
You sighed as you entered the thankfully empty elevator, finally admitting to yourself the truth that had been staring you in the face for longer than you’d ever care to admit.
You had it bad for Aaron Hotchner.
Oh, you were in so much trouble.
Aaron watched as you left his office, your face a delightful shade of pink.
His eyes followed as you rushed to your desk, snatched up your things, and darted out the door.
He hadn’t meant to overhear Prentiss and Garcia’s conversation that morning as they reminisced over their night out last Friday. He certainly hadn’t meant to linger when they mentioned you and your adorable—according to Garcia—rant about the perfect man. And he most certainly hadn’t meant to lean in rather eagerly when they whispered about just how many times his name had come up as an example during said rant.
He had been pleasantly surprised and somewhat stunned by the information. He’d never thought of himself as an ideal for the perfect man. 
Sure, he supposed he had a few attributes that some women might find appealing. He had a successful career and tried to keep in shape, though that was more for his job than vanity.
But he never imagined that anyone would look at him and think that he was a paradigm of their perfect man. Least of all you.
You were a brilliant profiler, exceptional in the field and able to hold your own in a fight when needed, but you were also caring with the victims and their families. You were witty and kind and easygoing. You were someone who smiled freely and laughed readily and did your best to cheer and encourage the team on tough cases.
Not someone who would think of stoic, hardass Aaron Hotchner as the perfect man.
Still, he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes from drifting to the window of his office throughout the day, seeking you out.
He thought back to when you joined the BAU and how quickly you became not only an essential part of the team but a much-welcomed member of their little family. Everyone adored you and Aaron himself had to admit that you had wormed your way into his heart.
He loved the time he got to spend with you when the team got together to unwind after a case and the little moments of levity you all shared in between working. He recalled the times he managed to make you laugh and the occasions where he found himself chuckling as well. You were easy to talk to and more often than not, the two of you fell into conversation whenever everyone else was either asleep or preferred to be left alone on the jet going to and from cases.
He genuinely enjoyed your company and found himself wishing he could enjoy it more often.
His eyes wandered to the bullpen again, zeroing in on you almost immediately. Prentiss and Morgan were standing by your desk when one of them said something that made you laugh.
Your eyes squeezed shut and your mouth opened to release an enchanting sound of delight. Aaron couldn’t look away and had to admit that you really were quite lovely. Inside and out.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat looking at you but knew it was longer than appropriate. He shook his head and forced himself to focus back on his work.
He managed to shove all thoughts of you from his mind for the remainder of the day until a soft knock sounded on his door late in the afternoon.
He didn’t bother to look up from the report he was notating after giving a gruff come in until he heard your voice.
Aaron couldn’t keep his eyes from darting up to meet yours before dropping them to the large stack of files in your arms.
He gestured for you to place them on the corner of his desk next to the ones Reid had deposited earlier and thought that would be his singular interaction with you for the day.
But then your caring side came out again and you sweetly offered to help him, a proposition that both filled him with fondness and nervousness.
After all his wayward thoughts about you throughout the day, he wasn’t sure if being in close proximity with you was a good idea or not. 
Aaron looked up at you again, the late afternoon sun enveloping you, enhancing your features, and his only thought was that he’d been wrong earlier. 
You weren’t just lovely. You were stunning.
In that moment, he was completely captivated by you and his thoughts ran rampant as he cataloged every minute detail of you. Your beauty, your kindness, your brilliance, and all the little things that made you you . Everything that endeared you to him.
But his thoughts came to a crashing halt when he realized that he was staring at you. He felt his face flush and he stammered as he gently declined your help.
You bid him a good night, but Aaron couldn’t take his eyes off the spreading blush on your cheeks. It kept his attention until you were out of sight.
He blinked and dropped his eyes back to the forgotten report in front of him, a slow smile creeping across his face.
He may not have meant to overhear the conversation that caused him to think about you all day, but he was starting to be glad he had. It seemed it was all he needed to face a few truths he had been in denial about for a long while now.
He was completely and utterly smitten with you.
Now, he just had to decide what to do about it. 
Aaron sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
Oh, he was in so much trouble.
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raekensluver · 25 days
rekindled bonds (1)
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introduction, part one, part two.
description: your first case with the bau team turns out to be more intense than you had anticipated.
pairing: spencer reid x bau agent!fem!reader
contains: talks of typical criminal minds violence (abductions, serial murders, etc.), a little fluff at the end.
song rec: trouble by cage the elephant- "you know what they say, yeah, the wicked get no rest"
w.c: 3.8k
an: let me know if you want to be apart of the taglist for this series! not much reader x spencer (i got carried away, whoops), this is more of a filler chapter i suppose.
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the hum of the plane's engines was a soothing white noise that filled the cabin, providing a stark contrast to the caffeine-fueled chatter that had filled the bau office mere hours ago. you looked out the small window, watching the clouds pass by like cotton balls painted onto the vast blue canvas of the sky.
derek morgan, your new colleague, took the seat beside you, his muscular frame fitting surprisingly well into the cramped space. "so, you two go way back, huh?" he asked, nodding towards spencer reid, who was deeply engrossed in a book sitting at a matching table across the aisle from the two of you.
you felt a mix of excitement and nostalgia bubbling up as you turned to face him. "yeah, we were inseparable when we were kids. can you believe it's been over a decade since we last saw each other?"
derek leaned back in his chair, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "small world, huh?" he said. "i can't even keep track of half my college buddies. but you two pick up right where you left off, like no time has passed at all."
you nodded, watching as spencer looked up from his book, catching your eye. a silent understanding passed between you, the kind that comes from years of shared secrets and stolen laughter. "it's like we have a mental shorthand," you said, turning back to derek. "spencer always knew what i was thinking, even before i did."
"sounds like you guys had quite the bond," said, his eyes flicking over to the young genius. "how'd you end up here, with all the brainiacs?"
you chuckled, feeling a sense of pride swell in your chest. "i studied psychology and criminology. got recruited right out of grad school."
derek raised an eyebrow. "impressive. so, what's your specialty?"
"profiling and interrogation techniques, mostly," you replied, trying to keep the nerves out of your voice. it was one thing to know you were capable; it was another to explain it to someone with years of experience under their belt. "i've always had a knack for understanding people, even when they don't want to be understood."
derek's smile grew wider. "you're gonna fit right in here, then." he clapped you on the shoulder before standing up, his tall, muscular frame casting a brief shadow over you. "welcome to the team. we're gonna need all the fresh perspectives we can get on this one."
his words of encouragement sent a jolt of excitement through your veins. "thanks, morgan," you said, as he made his way down the aisle to check in with the rest of the team. you watched him go, feeling a mix of pride and trepidation.
with a deep breath, you opened the case file that had been placed on the table in front of you. the cold, stark reality of the situation settled in your stomach like a rock. the smiling faces of the victims stared back at you from glossy photos, each one a silent plea for justice.
spencer looked up from his book, noticing the shift in your demeanor. "are you okay?" he asked, his voice a gentle inquiry in the buzz of the aircraft.
you nodded, but your eyes remained glued to the case file. "it's just… these people," you murmured, flipping through the pages. "i've studied cases like this before, but now it's real. we're going to be the ones trying to save them."
spencer closed his book and slid it aside, his gaze earnest and understanding. "i know it's tough, but you're not alone. we're all in this together."
you managed a small smile, grateful for his reassurance. "yeah, i know." you paused, taking a moment to gather your thoughts. "but it's just so… heavy."
spencer leaned across the aisle, his brown eyes searching yours. "it's okay to feel that way," he said softly. "this job, it's not easy. it's not supposed to be. but we do it because we can make a difference."
his words hung in the air, resonating with the solemn truth of your new reality. you nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. "you're right," you murmured, closing the file. "i just need to remember that."
two hours later, the plane touched down in chicago, the bustling city sprawling out beneath you like a patchwork quilt of steel and glass. as the team gathered their belongings and deplaned, you felt the weight of the case settle heavier on your shoulders. the adrenaline of reuniting with spencer had given way to the gravity of the task ahead.
once you arrived at the local precinct, you were ushered into a briefing room that smelled faintly of stale coffee and stress. rows of uniformed officers and detectives filled the space, their eyes scanning the unfamiliar faces of the bau team. spencer took a seat beside you, his hand briefly brushing against yours in a gesture of comfort.
the lead detective, a stern-looking woman with a no-nonsense attitude, began laying out extra details of the case. the victims were all young women, each found in a different part of the city, their bodies slashed in a way that suggested a twisted form of ritual. the mood grew heavier with each detail she shared, the air thick with the weight of unspoken fear and anger.
spencer's fingers tapped a rhythm on the armrest, his eyes distant as he listened intently. you knew that look; he was already piecing together the puzzle, his mind racing with hypotheses and theories. you felt a twinge of envy - his intellect was something you had always admired, but also something that had made you feel a bit like you were playing catch-up.
the briefing ended and the team dispersed to their designated tasks. as you and spencer headed to the local morgue, the stark reality of the case hit you like a cold slap in the face. the smell of antiseptic and the cold, sterile environment were a stark reminder of what was at stake.
the coroner, a middle-aged man with a gentle demeanor, led you to the first body. "this is the earliest victim," he said, pulling back the sheet. "same m.o. as the others." the sight was gruesome, but you steeled yourself, focusing on the details that could provide a clue to the killer's identity.
spencer leaned in, his eyes narrowing as he studied the pattern of the injuries. "the precision of the cuts suggests a certain level of experience or a professional background," he murmured. "possibly medical or military training."
the coroner nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "i noticed that as well. it's almost… surgical in nature."
you tried to keep your stomach from turning as you took in the gruesome sight. the precision of the cuts was unsettling, each one deliberate and calculated. "anything else that stands out to you, reid?"
spencer's eyes flitted over the body, his mind racing. "the lack of defensive wounds suggests that the victims were either taken by surprise or incapacitated before the attack. we should look into any reports of missing persons or unsolved abductions that fit the profile."
his phone buzzed in his pocket, the sound cutting through the heavy silence like a knife. he pulled it out, his heart skipping a beat as he saw the unfamiliar number. "excuse me," he murmured, stepping out of the room to answer.
his voice was tight with tension as he spoke. "reid."
spencer stepped back into the room, his expression a mask of professional calm, though his eyes had a haunted look to them. "we've got another one," he said, his voice low. "another abduction, same m.o."
you felt your stomach drop. "how recent?"
spencer checked his phone again. "less than two hours ago. the unsub is escalating."
you nodded, gritting your teeth. "we need to move fast."
spencer agreed, his eyes flashing with determination. "i'll have garcia run the latest intel through the system, see if we can find any connections or patterns."
you followed him out of the morgue, feeling the urgency of the situation pressing down on you like a physical force. as you made your way back to the precinct, the chilly wind cut through your jacket, a stark reminder of the race against time you were in.
once back at the precinct, spencer wasted no time in telling garcia what he neede from her. he dove into his laptop, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he sifted through the latest data she sent. you could see the gears in his mind turning, piecing together the puzzle of the unsub's behavior. the room was abuzz with activity, phones ringing and officers moving back and forth with new information, but the two of you remained in a bubble of focused concentration.
prentiss, called everyone to attention. "we need to identify the common link between these victims and find a way to predict where the unsub will strike next." her gaze landed on you. "you're our newest addition, what's your take?"
you took a deep breath, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on you. "the unsub seems to be targeting young women with a certain look, possibly similar to someone he has an obsession with or feels wronged by." you paused, glancing at spencer, who nodded in silent encouragement. "we should look into any recent events that might have triggered this spree - a breakup, job loss, or a significant anniversary."
prentiss nodded thoughtfully. "good point. let's get to work on that."
as the team dispersed to follow up on various leads, you and spencer remained at the board, surrounded by the stark images of the victims and the cold, hard facts of their cases. you felt a sudden pang of doubt, wondering if your theories would hold water in the face of such a cunning and elusive killer.
spencer, sensing your uncertainty, placed a hand on your shoulder. "we're going to catch him," he said, his voice steady and calm. "you just have to trust your instincts."
his confidence bolstered yours, and you nodded, rolling up your sleeves. together, you began to sift through the files, looking for any shred of information that could lead to the unsub's identity. as the hours ticked by, the tension in the room grew palpable. phones rang incessantly, and the murmur of hushed conversations filled the air.
finally, a break came in the form of a frantic call from the local pd. a suspect had been identified, a man named james conrad, with a history of stalking and assault. your heart raced as you and spencer grabbed your gear and followed the rest of the team to the suspect's house, the adrenaline making your senses sharp.
the neighborhood was eerily quiet, the only sounds the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant wail of a siren. the house was a small, nondescript bungalow, the kind that could easily blend into the suburban landscape if not for the squad cars that lined the street in front of it. as you approached, you could see the curtains twitching in the windows, a sign of life inside.
spencer's hand tightened on the grip of his gun as he scanned the area, his eyes missing nothing. "remember, we don't know what we're walking into," he murmured, his voice low and serious. "stay sharp."
you nodded, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you approached the house with the rest of the team. the silence was unnerving, broken only by the crunch of gravel underfoot and the occasional squawk of a distant bird. the house looked like any other on the block, but the knowledge of the horrors that could be occurring inside sent a shiver down your spine.
as the team fanned out, you and spencer took the lead, moving up the cracked concrete path to the front door. prentiss was on the phone with the local swat team, giving the final go-ahead for them to move in. the air was electric with tension, the kind that made your skin prickle and your pulse race.
spencer turned to you, his eyes intense. "we're going in low and fast. we need to find that girl." the gravity of the situation settled on your shoulders like a heavy cloak.
you nodded, feeling the cool metal of your gun pressing against your side. "got it."
with a swift nod from prentiss, the team moved into action. the door was kicked in, and you rushed inside, your senses on high alert. the house was cluttered, the air thick with the smell of stale cigarettes and something else, something that made your stomach turn. you moved quickly, following spencer's lead as he cleared each room with a practiced efficiency that spoke of years on the job.
the living room was a mess, newspapers and fast food containers scattered across the floor. the walls were covered in photos of the victims, their faces cut out and arranged in a disturbing mosaic of obsession. your eyes darted over the scene, searching for any sign of the latest abductee. your heart pounded in your chest, each beat a silent plea for her to be found alive.
spencer paused in the doorway to the kitchen, his gaze flicking to the basement door. "this way," he murmured, his voice tight with focus.
you followed him down the narrow staircase, the creaks echoing through the otherwise silent house. the basement was dimly lit, the air thick with the scent of mold and despair. the walls were lined with shelves filled with books and knick-knacks, a stark contrast to the horrors you knew you might find.
spencer took point, his gun held steady in front of him. the beam of his flashlight bobbed as he moved, casting eerie shadows on the floor. your heart was racing, each step downward feeling like you were descending into the bowels of hell itself.
at the bottom of the stairs, you spotted a faint light coming from a room at the end of the hall. spencer gestured for you to stay put, his eyes never leaving the source of the light. with cat-like grace, he approached the door, listening intently. you could see his chest rising and falling with each shallow breath, his focus absolute.
the seconds stretched out like hours as he reached for the doorknob. then, with a swift turn and a kick, the door flew open. a scream pierced the air, and you rushed in, your heart hammering in your chest.
the room was a twisted reflection of a doctor's office, with a makeshift operating table in the center. the latest victim, a young woman with matted hair and bruised eyes, was strapped down, her clothes torn and bloodied. she saw you and her cries grew louder, filled with hope and terror.
you sprinted to her side, tucking your gun into the waistband of your pants, your training kicking in as you quickly assessed her injuries. "you're safe now," you murmured, trying to soothe her as you worked to free her from the restraints. she flinched at your touch, but her eyes remained locked on yours, searching for the truth in your words.
spencer's voice was firm and steady. "we need to find james," he called over his shoulder. "he could still be in the house."
you nodded, taking a moment to reassure the victim. "help is on the way," you promised, your voice gentle as you worked to free her trembling form. "we're going to get you out of here."
spencer's voice grew more urgent as he called out to the rest of the team. "clear the upper floors and then head down here!" he ordered. "our unsub might still be in the house!"
you stayed with the victim, whispering comforting words as you worked to untie the complex knots that held her down. Her cries grew softer, and she nodded weakly as you assured her that help was on the way.
spencer's footsteps echoed up the stairs, his voice sharp with urgency as he called out to the rest of the team. "clear the upper floors, now! we need to find james before he escapes!" the thunder of boots on the floorboards above sent a shiver through the house, a stark reminder of the danger that still lurked.
you stayed with the victim, her eyes locked on yours as she clung to the promise of safety. you could feel the warmth of her tears on your hand as you continued to work at the knots. "it's okay," you murmured, your voice soothing despite the racing thoughts in your head. "you're going to be okay."
spencer's voice grew distant as he called the others down to join the search. "garcia, run a background check on james conrad. i need to know everything about him, now!" the urgency in his tone was palpable.
you managed to free the victim's last restraint, and she collapsed into your arms, sobbing with relief. "thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "thank you so much."
you held her tightly, feeling the tremors of fear and pain that wracked her body. "just stay with me," you murmured, stroking her hair. "help is coming."
spencer's voice grew more distant as he and the others moved through the house, their footsteps thundering above you. you heard the occasional crash, the sound of breaking glass, and muffled shouts as they searched room by room. the basement remained a cocoon of relative calm, the only sounds the victim's sobs and your own racing heart.
you managed to get her onto her feet, supporting her trembling legs. "we need to get out of here," you whispered. "can you walk?"
she nodded, clutching onto you for dear life as you guided her towards the stairs. every step was a victory over fear, each one bringing her closer to freedom. as you reached the middle of the staircase, you heard a thud from upstairs, followed by a muffled shout. your heart leaped into your throat.
derek's voice, loud and clear, pierced the silence. "got him! he's down!"
relief washed over you as you helped the victim up the stairs, her legs wobbly but determined. the living room was in chaos, with the rest of the team surrounding a figure on the ground. derek had james conrad pinned to the floor, his toned arms holding his wrists tight as he snapped on the handcuffs. james' eyes were wild, a crazed grin stretched across his face as he laughed maniacally.
moments later, the wail of sirens grew louder, and you heard the thunder of footsteps as paramedics and county police officers flooded the house. their arrival brought a sense of order to the chaos, their calm professionalism a stark contrast to the frenetic energy of the past few hours.
you handed the victim over to the medics with a silent prayer, watching as they worked to stabilize her. spencer took you aside, his eyes filled with concern. "are you okay?" he asked, his voice a gentle counterpoint to the cacophony around you.
you nodded, still feeling the tremors of adrenaline coursing through your veins. "yeah," you murmured, your voice shaky. "just… processing."
spencer's eyes searched yours, understanding written in the lines of his face. "you did good," he said, his voice firm and steady. "really good."
you managed a nod, the reality of what had just happened starting to set in. "thanks."
as the house was secured and the suspect was taken away, the team gathered their things, the adrenaline from the operation dissipating into a tired buzz. the sun was setting outside, casting long shadows across the floor. you followed spencer out to the waiting plane, feeling the weight of the day's events settle heavily on your shoulders.
once aboard, the atmosphere was subdued. the usual banter and camaraderie had been replaced by quiet contemplation. the team had faced the grim reality of their job and come out the other side, victorious but haunted.
spencer sat beside you, his eyes still scanning the case file, his mind clearly racing. his hand brushed against yours, a silent comfort that spoke volumes. you studied his profile, the sharp lines of his nose and jaw, the furrow of his brow as he focused on the information before him.
prentiss looked up from her own paperwork, her expression a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. "good work today, everyone," she said, her voice sharp but sincere. "especially you, agent. you handled yourself well under pressure, especially considering this was your first case." she said acknowledging you.
you felt a flush of pride at her words, but it was quickly followed by a wave of fatigue. the adrenaline was wearing off, leaving you feeling drained and a little overwhelmed. "thank you," you replied, your voice a little shakier than you would have liked.
spencer looked up from his paperwork, his eyes meeting yours with a gentle concern. "how are you holding up?" he asked, his voice low.
you took a deep breath, trying to keep your emotions in check. "i'm okay," you said, the tremor in your voice belying your words. "just… it's a lot to take in."
spencer nodded, his gaze understanding. "it always is," he said softly. "but you did great. you saved her life."
you leaned your head against the cool plane window, watching the lights of chicago fade into the distance as the aircraft climbed into the night sky. the case was over, but the memories of the day lingered like a bad taste in your mouth. the faces of the victims, the smell of the basement, the terror in the young woman's eyes - it all played on a loop in your mind.
spencer noticed your withdrawal and reached over, grabbing your hand firmly in his. his thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of your hand, the warmth of his touch a stark contrast to the chill that had seeped into your bones. "it's okay to feel this way," he said gently, his voice just loud enough to be heard over the drone of the engines. "it's part of the job."
you looked down at your hand in his, feeling the strength and comfort that flowed through the connection. "i know," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "but it's just…"
spencer squeezed your hand gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "it's okay to feel overwhelmed," he said, his voice soothing. "this job… it's not for everyone. but you're here, and you're making a difference."
you took a deep breath, letting his words sink in. the warmth of his hand was grounding, a lifeline in the sea of doubt that threatened to pull you under. "thank you," you whispered, feeling a lump form in your throat.
spencer gave your hand a final squeeze before releasing it, turning back to his paperwork. "just remember, we're in this together," he said, his eyes never leaving the file in front of him. "no matter what happens, we've got each other's backs."
edited 8.26.24
taglist: @yokaimoon
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corriganatheart · 2 years
What Could’ve Been Us- Jude Bellingham x Reader x Pedri
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Synopsis: Jude was the right person, wrong timing.
Pairs: Ex-boyfriend Jude x fem! Reader
Genre: Short break up story.
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You stare at your old bedroom, smiling as memories flood in rapidly. The wallpaper was still the same, filled with posters of past celebrity crushes and wall decorations that would be seen as cringe now. Your parents insisted on keeping your bedroom the same when you moved away in the hope that you’ll move back one day. And now here you are, three years later.
You put your suitcase down as you take the room in from a different angle. Your desk looked like it had just been cleaned, but the pictures of your friends and family hanging near it seemed like it hadn’t been touched for years. You smile when you see the group picture from graduation; what appeared to be the best day of your life was also the worst. It has been three years since graduation and three years since your breakup with Jude. It was a tough breakup, and both of you took it differently. What seemed to have been a perfect relationship ended when Jude said he’d be signing with Dortmund. You were shocked, to say the least, because it was news to you, but it seemed like he had known about it for months yet kept you in the dark. Jude’s reason was that he didn’t want you to drop your dream for him, but how could he say that? You were his biggest supporter, and you would’ve followed him till the end, but instead, he left you behind.
Initially, you guys stayed in contact for a couple of months, but there was a constant argument about him not calling you or being caught up in dating rumors with different girls. The breakup was finalized when you visited him. You both realized that even after seeing one another, there was no fixing what was already ruined. After the split, you fell into depression and barely came out of your room, but never once did he contact you. Words got around that Jude left you, and in a matter of time, people in the town felt sorry for you. They came up with crazy scenarios, but no one knew the truth about the breakup. It was hard to get over someone when they were always on your newsfeed, and people constantly sent you news about him and how he was at a party full of models and celebrities. You knew you needed a fresh start, so you applied for college in a different country and left your life behind.
It was no surprise that your parents still have old photos of Jude on your bookshelf, they always loved him, and everyone loved him, but that was still not enough for him to take you. It has been three years now, and you were finally starting to let go of your feelings toward him, but you would be lying if you said he doesn’t have a place in your heart because he does. Jude was your first everything, and you were the couple everyone thought would be endgame, but both of you were young, freshly out of high school, with different dreams. But he still holds a place in your heart, and you have kept up with his career, which had skyrocketed over the years, and you were still his biggest supporter.
Your parents were aware of why you were back, and they were supportive and happy that you’re finally giving your hometown another chance. England was having a friendly match with another team, and it was all your family and friends had been talking about. At first, you were contemplating whether to go or not, but your friends from college had convinced you to go, and also you had your reasons for going. Jude will be there, and it’ll be the first time you see him in person since the breakup, and although the media doesn’t know, people from the past will surely remember the two high school lovers.
Covering the jersey you’re wearing underneath, you zip up your jacket and follow your parents and friends toward the stadium. They all smile at you as you hesitantly look around for familiar faces. You recognized a group of girls you went to school with, wearing the number 22; you quickly averted your eyes and sat between your mom and your best friend. Another friend of yours came along, but she was from Spain, the team England will compete with. She is also your college roommate and one of the few who knew of your tragic breakup with Jude. “You feeling ok?” Your best friend whispered as she glared at someone behind you. You don’t have to look back to know they’re probably former classmates. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you smiled, causing your friend to nod. She had been friends with you since intermediate school and met her boyfriend through Jude. Fortunately for them, they went to college together and are now engaged. “Don’t worry; he’s going to regret leaving you,” she said, causing you to chuckle. She doesn’t know that you hope Jude has no regrets because leaving was his best decision.
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“Why do you look like someone sucked your soul out?” Trent asked his teammate, whose face went pale. Jude just stared at him, not knowing how to explain this. If he were to tell Trent that he was having a panic attack because his ex-girlfriend was in the crowd, he’d be the sore loser of the team. No one on the team besides Trent knows about Y/N. The only information they have about his love life was he’s into girls; the rest is left up to their imagination. “Hellooooo, Jude!!” Trent says, waving his hand in front of his face. Jude frowns and shakes his head; he can’t believe he’s getting all scare because his first love was in the crowd. He had never been afraid of facing a challenge, and this particular one he had been looking forward to for years, yet he was nervous.
When his mother told him you were in town, Jude nearly ran to your house, but he chickened out. You guys haven’t been in contact for three years, and the last time you talked, you both were arguing and calling each other meaningless names. Looking back, it was his fault, and he regretted it. You were the love of his life, yet he didn’t trust that you’ll follow him to Germany, so he broke up with you thinking he was doing the both of you a favor. Jude was young to understand his wrongdoings, so instead of asking for forgiveness, he left you behind, but he hadn’t stopped thinking about the pain in your eyes.
“Is it because I sent a stripper to your room the other night?” Trent asked, looking embarrassed. Jude glared at him, causing the older man to nervously back away. “Damn, then tell me what’s going on,” Trent says. Jude looks around the empty bathroom and sighs. He leans his head back on the wall and closes his eyes, only to see the image of you crying. “Y/N is here,” he mumbles. Trent’s eyes widened, and he awkwardly scratched the nonexistent itch on his neck. He was aware of who you were and your past relationship with Jude. It was the first time he had seen Jude cry, and it was by accident. He remembered celebrating his birthday, and Jude got drunk and made out with a girl. The kiss didn’t go too far because Jude pushed the girl away and left to cry outside. That was the first time he had seen the young player so devastated and hopeless. “You think you’ll talk to her after the game?” Trent asked while staring at Jude’s anxious form. “If she’s willing to talk to me,” Jude says. Trent pats Jude’s shoulder and gives it a slight squeeze, “you’ve got to show her that leaving her was for the best; I’m sure she understands.”
Jude can feel Trent’s eyes on him when they enter the field. Spain's team was already lined up and waving at their fans. He recognizes the famous duo from Spain as they greet their fans. Jude glares at number 26 because even though his presence isn’t as noticeable as number 9, he is still a skilled player and a threat. “Stop staring at them,” Marcus whispers, causing Jude to face forward. He gulps as he looks around, there are numerous people, and he spots his family in the front but hasn’t spotted yours. Jude was hoping your family would sit with his family, but he knew how awkward that would be for you. “Let’s make sure we win this so you can brag to your girl,” Trent said as they jogged on the field to their position. “Trust me, I plan to do more than just win today,” Jude says confidently.
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Your eyes focus on him as he passes the ball to Harry Kane, who immediately goes for a goal. The crowd erupted, and you clapped along with the England fans. Your Spain roommate grumbles something under her breath as she pretends to clap too. You’re sure this was awkward for her since she came here to support her friends but ended up sitting with the fans of the opposite team. “I swear they’ll kill me if they see me on this side,” she mumbled as she fixed her mask. You chuckled, and your eyes wandered to the Spain team. A couple of them looked worn out, and Gavi seemed as angry as ever while Pedri tried to cool him down. You laughed at the adorable duo and glanced back at the England team. Jude looked happy as one of the guys you recognized as Trent Alexander Arnold lifted him as the other players circled them. For some reason, you weren’t as emotional as you thought you’d be, but instead, it feels comforting to know that Jude is doing something he loves and is happy. “Huh, he isn’t as hot as Pedri,” your Spanish friend shrugged. “Excuse me; us Englanders find him extremely attractive,” your best friend defended. Your roommate makes a dramatic vomiting face and rolls her eyes at Jude. She isn’t a fan of him, but you’ve tried to convince her that he’s a good person despite the breakup.
“What would you do if he came up and talked to you?” Your friend asked. You rest your chin on your hand and follow Jude’s form. He was going one-on-one with Pedri, and they were fighting to take the ball from one another; Jude was dominating him, but Pedri ended up kicking the ball out, and they both glared at one another. Gavi ran up to Pedri while Trent ran to Jude; they all looked like they are about to fight. “This just got interesting,” your friend muttered as she prepared to film the scene. Your parents were frozen beside you, pretending they weren’t curious about your reaction. “This isn’t good; Gavi and Trent have bad tempers,” your best friend mumbles. You sighed as you patiently waited for the players to jump on one another. Jude was having a stare-down with Pedri while Gavi and Trent were being held back by their teammates. The referee was running towards them as he blew his whistle. “What kind of friendly match is this?” Someone shouted behind you. “Right! This is more rigged than the World Cup!” Another yelled. You chuckled and slightly shook your head; you stared at Jude as he got dragged away by Harry Kane and Marcus Rashford. The two older men whispered into his ears as he frustratedly walked away. Remembering what your friend asked you, you thought of what you would say if Jude approached you. Would you freak out and run away, or would you cry in front of him? You really don’t know.
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“Jude! Where are you going!” Marcus shouted from behind. Without looking back, Jude shouted, “to beg for forgiveness!”
He was anxious but happy at the same time. England had just won a friendly match against Spain, and he also saw you clapping at his winning goal. You were still as beautiful as ever and looked happy for him. When you were apart, he checked up on your social media several times, but you went private after a while, and his brother had been updating him on your life. Jude was happy you went to an elite school and had also started an internship. It made him feel less guilty to know that you had pursued your dreams without him; like he did when he left you behind.
"Hey! Watch where you are going!" someone yelled as he entered the VIP area. His brother had texted him that your family was meeting up with his parents at the VIP lounge, and he was excited to see everyone. Your family and his had always gotten along; despite the breakup, his parents and yours remain close friends. Jude looks around the area, and there are several people he recognizes. Football players and their families, hugging and taking photos. Jude shovels around the crowd and end up at the end of the room, where there are fewer people; he was about to call his brother when he saw you walk out of a private room. You were typing on your phone with a huge smile, and he nearly tripped at how beautiful you looked. You were still the best friend he had since middle school and the girl he fell in love with freshman year. Jude smiles as he walks over to you. "Y/N," he says. Your eyes immediately look up from the screen, and you are stunned to see the person in front of you. On any occasion, you would probably jump and scream at the sight of a famous soccer player, but this was your ex-boyfriend and the guy who caused you to leave England three years ago. "Jude," you sigh, causing him to smile.
"How have you been?" he asked. You awkwardly shift in your seat as you try not to think about how handsome he has gotten. Jude had always been good-looking, but the man before you was far from the boy you knew years ago. Jude had gotten taller and more muscular; it was obvious that the training had shifted his body into a man. "Good; what about you?" you asked. Jude looks down at the cup in his hand and back up at you. "My life has been busy," he said. "But I am good." You nod and look down from the balcony. Jude had taken you to the back of the building with a balcony far from the public's eye. As a celebrity, he didn't seem to care for the paparazzi if he willingly sat with you outside. Looking back, it was foolish that you guys fought over fake dating rumors just because Jude was in the same place as the person. "I heard you went to school in Spain," Jude says, "how is it?" You smiled, and for the next thirty minutes, you told Jude about your life in Spain and how you fell in love with the place. Jude told you about Dortmund, his teammates, and all the celebrities he had met. You both talked like nothing had ever happened and were still the same people from middle school. "Are you moving back here?" Jude asked. It was a question everyone kept asking since you'll be graduating soon, but they must also be aware that you are starting an internship soon, but they just don't know where.
"I'm not sure yet, Jude," you said, "my family lives in England, but I also built a life in Spain." Jude didn't say anything; instead, he reached for your hand on the table. "I miss you, Y/N," he sighs while rubbing your knuckles. "I'm sorry for leaving you behind; I just thought you wouldn't be able to find your dream in Dortmund." You look at his hand on yours and then back into his eyes. If only he knew that he was your dream, you would've made it work wherever he was. "We were young, Jude. And you wouldn't be here if you didn't leave me behind, and I wouldn't be here either. In the end, things worked out for the best." Jude smiled and felt a breeze run through him as he remembered your time together.
You were always by his side since middle school, cheering him, and even when he was a jerk sometimes, you were still encouraging him to pursue his dreams. Jude rubs his thumbs on your hand and is about to speak when your phone rings. You pull your hands away from his and reach into your pocket to answer the call. Jude felt emptiness as he glared at his hand on the table. “I’m in the back, yes,” you say while glancing at Jude. Jude smiles and patiently waits for you to finish your call. “Oh, you’re too?” You immediately stand up from your chair and look at the entrance to the balcony. Jude examines your jacket, and he notices the collar of the t-shirt underneaths it. Instead of black, he sees the color blue, and his heart immediately stops.
Jude looks at your face, and you have the most beautiful smile while talking on the phone. He was so focused on seeing you again and asking for a second chance that he completely forgot that you’ve mentioned building a life in Spain, which also meant meeting new people. Jude fidgets with his hands as he looks up at your face and sees your eyes widen. His eyes follows yours and just as he fears, one of his rival is standing at the door, with a phone on his ear and a huge grin on his face. “Pedri!” You exclaimed before running towards the man. Jude stay in his seat as he watches you embrace the Spain player. Although Pedri had just lost, he still seemed happy and kisses the top of your head as you nuzzle your face in his chest. Jude had never been intimidated by anyone before but at this moment, so many emotions were going through his head. “I miss you baby,” he heard the Spanish player says. You giggle and that was slap in his face that you completely forgotten that he was here.
Jude stands up and clears his throat, seeing your shoulders jump. You relieve yourself from Pedri’s embrace and turn to Jude. You grab your boyfriend’s hand and guide him to Jude, who is just staring at you. “Bellingham,” Pedri said and held out his hand. Jude shakes it firmly before he glances at your intertwined fingers. “We were catching up,” you explained to Pedri, who didn’t seem slightly phased. “I heard a lot about you,” Pedri says warmly. “She has mad respect for you.” Jude nods and stares at your blushed cheek as Pedri grins at you. “I want to thank your team for the game. It was a good one,” Pedri says, and Jude can see the generosity in him. The young player was always compared to Jude, and the internet has put them against one another several times. But Jude has never entertained them, and it seems the Spanish player doesn’t care either. He wonders what you’ve told Pedri to make the stranger feel comfortable. “Your mother was looking for you,” Pedri says, causing Jude to clench his jaw. How long have you been with Pedri? The internet never mentioned anything about a girlfriend, so he wonders how secretive were the two of you. “Oh, I have to speak to Jude first,” you said and finally turned your attention back to him. Pedri nods and kisses your forehead. “I’ll wait for you in the family lounge.” He then turns to Jude and nods his head before exiting the room.
“How long?” Was the first thing Jude asked after your boyfriend exited the room. It was no surprise Pedri left you with Jude; he knew the whole truth and knew you needed this. Your boyfriend trusted you, and he had no issues leaving you with an ex. “Almost seven months,” you said. Jude nods and hesitantly reaches for your hands. He takes in your feature and recognizes the girl that he fell in love with. “I missed you so much. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for leaving you love.” You sighed and smiled warmly at him. “Jude, we were kids back then. You did what you had to, and it worked out for the best. I wouldn’t have asked for it any other way.” Jude caresses your hand and kisses your palm. “I left because I was scared you wouldn’t follow me. After the breakup, I realized I let my insecurities get in the way of us. If I could relive my life, I would.” You smile, and at that moment, you guys stare at one another, reliving high school memories.
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“How did the talk go?” Pedri asked after you entered his car. You guys have just finished taking photos with family members, and your roommate went off with Gavi while your parents and best friend left in a separate car. “It was fine. We were catching up,” you shrugged. Pedri smiled and kissed your palm before driving off. “I can’t wait to see all your childhood hotspots,” he says while looking around the neighborhood. Your boyfriend decided to stay for a while to spend time with your family. It was a good decision for both of you because you needed more time to see your childhood friends and family. With a clear mind and a happy heart, you intertwined your fingers with Pedri and drove to your parents' house.
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Jude looks around the old stadium as he remembers his first time scoring for his school. He then stared at where you usually sat and cheered him on. He smiles, but the heaviness in his heart causes tears to roll down. After seeing you, he realizes how much love he still has for you and will probably have forever. If he could turn back time, he would’ve done everything differently and asked you to follow him. If you weren’t already happy with Pedri, he would’ve got on his knees and begged for forgiveness. But you are happy, and that is all that matters to him. Jude wipes the tears from his eyes and smiles to himself; if you’re happy, so be it. He then turns to the gate entrance to see his brother and Trent talking before they wave at him. He smiles at them and jogs toward them.
Part 2? Should reader end up with Jude or Pedri?
Part II: What Should've Been Us
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sc0tters · 1 year
Not Enough | Anthony Beauvillier
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summary: you didn’t find out about Anthony’s trade in the best way leading to the lowest point in your friendship.
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, mentions of getting drunk.
word count: 1.92k
authors note: this request has been staring at me for WEEKS so I’m glad I wrote this. In my mind Tito never really left New York but for this I was willing to accept reality.
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It was a friendship that nobody could have predicted.
You had met Anthony in a nightclub three years ago, a guy had been hitting on you and the hockey player was quick to come to your rescue when he sensed your discomfort.
The two of you were like chalk and cheese, he was the hotshot hockey star and you were fresh out of college trying to do your best to get by in the working world.
But that never seemed to stop the two of you as he was by your side through thick and thin and you were there for him too.
Anthony’s teammates like your friends always thought that there was something going on between the two of you, it wasn’t hard to believe that. Not when you had your own space in his closet and was found answering the door to his apartment in nothing but his T-shirt on multiple occasions.
However nothing seemed to really happen despite the few drunken kisses that you shared it was purely a platonic relationship.
He was cruel to your heart though. Well over twelve months ago you realised that you had feelings for him, it was challenging to not when Anthony brought you along to everything, every gala, every home game, every team and family event. You were his go to plus one.
The way his arm had its home around your waist of how he’d kiss your forehead whenever he said goodbye made you weak in your knees.
As time went on Anthony didn’t seem to notice how you felt, and that was arguably the worst part about it.
Over the last two weeks you had been taking a step back from him, rumours had been spreading around his place with the Islanders and the alleged move to the Canucks. Sure you tried to ignore it but the thought kept you up at night when you pictured him leaving you.
It hurt that he didn’t mention anything, the Islanders were on a roadie and it felt weird that Anthony hadn’t played on the final night.
Your gut felt weird which is why when he asked you to come over you didn’t hesitate to drop whatever you were doing to see him.
His door stared back at you as you contemplated knocking. After all these years of never knocking and just barging into his apartment you now felt out of place.
The knocks echoed in your ears as you let out a long sigh “hey,” Anthony smiled as he pulled the door open.
He looked tired, like something plagued his mind “come in,” the hockey player added as he stood to the side.
That was when reality hit you. The living room was a mess, everything in boxes and what wasn’t in them looked like it was ready to get packed soon.
Your jaw tightened as you looked around to see that the boxes traveled into the kitchen as well “what is this Tit?” You spun around to look at him again finally putting the pieces together.
Anthony sighed pushed his hair out of his face “I’m going to Vancouver.” He announced as he walked over to you.
You grew sick as your skin tensed up “when?” Your voice began to break as your lip quivered.
He remained silent “when are you leaving?” You repeated your question as you dug your nails into your palm.
Guilt seemed to finally suffocate him “tomorrow morning,” the confession was barely a whisper.
That was everything you didn’t want to hear and more “and when did you plan on telling me?” You were using all of your self restraint to not cry as you were forced to quickly process the news.
All the hockey player wanted to do was hug you as he could see the pain you felt “don’t know,” a fucked up part of his mind truly believed that he could hide it from you.
Everything you heard made you want to throw up “am I that unimportant in your life that you thought I should learn from the fucking Instagram post?” You scoffed furrowing your eyebrows as anger poured out of your ears.
You were hurt by his lack of regard for you “you are important to me,” Anthony reached out for your hand but you quickly pulled it away.
The comment only pushed you further “start acting like it then Beauvillier,” you spat as you held your hand up to stop him.
Every part of him wanted to continue the conversation but he couldn’t when there was a knock at the door “that’s the boys.” Anthony sighed as he heard Mat talk from the other side of the door “I’m going to go,” you forced a smile onto your face as you tucked your hair behind your face.
He knew it was the best thing to just let you leave, it wouldn’t be fair to reveal what was on his mind “night sweets,” Anthony mumbled placing his hands on your cheeks before he kissed your forehead.
The tears began to well in your eyes when you walked to the door “oh hey y/n!” Mat had to say that he was surprised to see you “she good?” His positive emotion was quickly changed to one of alarm when you pushed past him.
Anthony had to admit that he was proud of himself that he didn’t shed a few tears “she knows I’m leaving,” he shrugged knowing that there was so much more to it than just that.
Three months had gone by and you hated it. Sure the conversations were still there but it was like there was a mental block in them. No longer were they the ones that kept you up until four in the morning laughing until your chest hurt. But instead they were dry, mainly consisting of you congratulating him for his performances during games.
What made it worse was that neither one of you were prepared to admit that something was wrong. So you just had to deal with the pain as it kept you up at night.
This week was one that you weren’t looking forward to, Anthony was back in town and Mat sent you a ticket hoping you’d be there.
Something you didn’t know was that Anthony was in the same position as you. Sure his time with the Canucks had started off positively but he couldn’t help it when he’d score and look into the crowd hoping to see you stood there looking back at him.
Reality hit him like a rude awakening as each time he’d get close to calling you to tell you how much he loved you something told him to stop.
Somehow you managed to avoid the game when your friends pulled you into a girls night as they all agree that they couldn’t let you see him. If you did then there was no way that you’d get out of it without telling him how you felt.
Alcohol coursed through your system as the game played on the tv in the bar, just because you weren’t at the game didn’t mean that you didn’t watch it, you always supported Anthony.
You had lost your phone to one of your friends who had seen you staring at a picture that was once your lock screen for so long.
Tito wrapped his arms around you as you were in his jersey after a game when the boys surprised him with you at an away game.
The camera zoomed in onto his face as Anthony was pulled onto the bench. Butterflies broke out in your stomach as you thought about him smiling at you “isn’t he a good player?” Some guy asked as he tried to make a conversation with you.
All you could do was nod “one of the best.” You took a gulp or you drink needing it to survive through the night “shame he left New York.”
You repeated his words throughout the night up until you got to your apartment door when you pulled through your bag trying to find your keys.
Those were with your phone and as you unlocked the door, hand quickly going against your mind as it found Anthony’s contact details.
A grumble left your lips as you pressed call “hey it’s Tito, sorry I can’t take your call so just leave a message!” His voice message made you roll your eyes as you scoffed.
The beep came reminding you that you had to talk “it’s me,” you began as you sat on the floor of your apartment “you know you’re a dick right?” Your words were slurred as you let out a giggle “I tried so hard to ignore the fact that I liked you for so long.” Tears began to stream down your face.
There was still so much more that you had to say “just as I was ready to tell you I love you,” your voice broke as you wiped your nose on your hand. You sucked at your lower lip “you decided to go to Vancouver without wanting to tell me.” The reminder of how he planned it broke your heart “I don’t know why I’m telling you this cause you don’t care.” Your confessional would have gone on for so much longer but the line went dead telling you that it was the end of what you had to say.
Just when you thought that you had grown used to alcohol, your mornings after reminded you at being hungover was just as shit as the previous time.
This was no different as you woke up to the awfully loud noise of someone knocking at your door “I’m coming!” You groaned as you pushed your hair out of your face making your way to the door.
What you didn’t expect was that Anthony would be stood there. Sure you knew that he would still be in New York with the Rangers game that evening “what are you doing here?” Your eyes went wide as you saw him in his tracksuit.
The boy pushed into your apartment as his hands were shaking with nerves “you love me?” Anthony still couldn’t believe what he heard.
It reminded you of the fact that you had told him everything “if you came to turn me down-” you sighed fearing what he could possibly say next.
Anthony shook his head “I want to hear you say it to my face.” He repeated his words ignoring to what you had said.
You nodded as you shrugged “I fucking love you Anthony.” It wasn’t often that you called him by his first name, usually settling on a shortened version of his nickname.
That was music to his ears as he broke out into a huge grin “you love me,” the hockey player cooed as he walked over to you.
Through all the commotion of nerves in his head Anthony didn’t even notice that you were in one of his old training camp T-shirts, those were your favourite things to sleep in.
His excitement made you roll your eyes as he wrapped his arms around you “if you came here to gloat-” you mumbled as you furrowed your eyebrows.
What you didn’t expect was that he’d cut you off with a kiss. It was soft when you let out a mini gasp of surprise. Anthony’s lips seemed to fit perfectly against yours as you tilted your head up so that the kiss could he deepened.
“Came to tell you that I love you too.”
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lou-struck · 2 years
Winning Streak
Katskui Bakugou x reader Part 1
College! AU
~You have hidden your crush on Katsuki Bakugou for a while now, but when he shows up at your door wearing nothing but a pizza box everything changes.
Warnings- swearing, nudity, but everything important is covered, the reader being a bit flustered by it, Football Player Katsuki, eavesdropping.
The dorms at your University are always quiet on a Friday Night, the carpeted hallways abandoned for the bright lights of the football field. Checking your social media you can see that all your friends are there watching your university's Football Team try to conquer their enemies and secure themselves a spot in this season's playoffs.
Usually, you would be right there with them cheering on your team and staring wistfully at the helmeted head of Katsuki Bakugou, the star running back with an explosive temper.
You've had a few classes with the Blond and he lives on the floor below you with all of the other football players, they are a loud group but they never fail to put a smile on your face when you pass them by or run into one of them in the kitchen. Everyone is friendly except Bakugou, you barely see him out and about and he doesn't really socialize with those outside of his team.
But he does seem to tolerate you more than others. If you are in the common area working on homework he sometimes will join you at your table to do his own work, The two of you would sit there for hours without saying a word to each other. until he finishes his assignment and leaves.
The encounters are strange but you can't seem to shake the crush that you have on him at all, something about this insanely smart, grumpy man who sits with you has made a home in your heart has persuaded you to stand out in the cold rain to watch him run into endzone after endzone. Tonight would be no exception.
But you sadly have other things to do...
It's supposed to be one of the biggest games of the year and the after-parties are supposed to be legendary.
Looking down at your unfinished essay with a sigh you think about all the fun your friends will be having tonight while you stay home collecting dust over your notebook. Through your open window, the lights of the stadium shine in the distance able to be seen and the cheers of the crowd reach your ears through the glass to signal the start of the game.
You erase the first few words you had written down before with a groan, it's going to be a long night.
Your phone has been flung onto your bed for your own sake, you kept wanting to check the score of the game whenever you heard an increase in the steady volume of cheering from outside. By the time the cheering has stopped and the game is over you are nearly down with your paper. The muscles in your hand seize and ache and your pencil sharpener is full of fresh shavings from how many times you have had to happen your utensil.
The full sharpener and multiple completed pages scream at you to take a break and so you do. Your legs feel stiff as you get up out of your seat and walk to where you chucked your phone.
Right away you can see all of the celebratory videos your friends have posted from within the mob of celebrating students and players.
'They won,' you say to yourself with a smile as you hear a commotion coming from the outside. Curiously you peek and see the dyed head of Eijiroru Kirishima getting out of his car leading a pack of sweaty but energetic Football players. Katsuki gets out from the passenger seat behind them.
You know it's impolite to eavesdrop but you can't help it, cracking open your window just a bit you are able to listen to their conversation.
"Bakubro, are you sure you don't want to go with us to the party?" Kirishima says yelling back to his Bestfriend.
The blond shakes his head "Nah, that shits gonna be lame. I have better things to do than to Drink with a bunch of freshmen."
The other players make it into the building but Kiri walks back and slings an arm around Bakugou...Lucky Bastard.
"Are you sure you don't wanna go? They might be there." He says with a grin that blinds you from where you are standing.
Bakugou thrashes his arms and tries to wiggle out of Kirishima's Grasp, "what the hell shitty hair?" he yells before quieting down a bit and turning his head as if he is nervous about someone hearing him. "I never should've told you that."
"ha, you really shouldn't of." he teases. "So are you going?"
"No Shuttdup," Katsuki grumbles walking out of your field of view "I'm gonna shower and get to bed, it's exhuastin having to carry your asses all game."
"Ouch, I know you don't mean that Buddy," Kiri says with a chuckle. He raises his head and looks around, you really don't want to be caught eavesdropping. With urgency, you didn't know you possess you hit the ground to avoid the Red Heads' gaze.
By the time you get up the man is gone and you let out a deep sigh of relief.
'This is what I get for eavesdropping.' you mumble thinking back to what Eijirou said to his friend. '20,000 people go to this school, of course, Katsuki Bakugou likes someone.'
With a huff you turn your attention to your paper, hoping that if you get done you still could make it to someone's party and forget about the fact that your crush is basically off the market.
It's been forty minutes or so of writing and erasing when you hear the roaring laughter from downstairs. It's not anything unusual but it's enough to make you look back out the window at the much cleaner-looking Athletes running toward Kirishima's van, the redhead pulls out of his spot and out of the lot.
With the absence of Kirishima and his teammates, the dorms are once again quiet. With everyone else out having the time of their lives partying you feel more motivated than ever to get to work on your essay. You plop down in your chair and prepare to finish it as soon as you can.
Raising your pen you prepare to start the next paragraph. Just as you begin to write you hear a string of curses and the sound of thumping footsteps, the sound shocks you enough to make you jerk your arm and send a streak of black ink across your paper.\
Now you're the one who's cursing.
The footsteps outside only get louder. With a huff, you scoot back from the desktop and stomp to your room door, ready to chew out whoever is making all this noise when you are trying to concentrate.
Gripping the doorknob you fling it open and come face-to-face with Katsuki Bakugou, He has a look of embarrassment on his cheeks. Immediately you understand why. Droplets of water cling to his hair and down his bare chest. With the exception of a conveniently placed pizza box from a place on campus, the Man is completely nude.
Your eyes meet his crimson ones in shock.
"Kat-" you start to say but he cuts you off.
"Those Idiots took my clothes and my keys when I was in the shower," he says.
You blink stupidly at the specimen in front of you unable to find the part of your brain that makes speech possible.
"Well, are ya gonna let me in?" he says irritably glancing back at the hallway he just came from.
You step aside for him to come inside and you try your best not to catch a glimpse of his backside as he walks past you. "I can get you a towel... and some clothes." you finally say in a hushed tone. You grab one of your folded towels and some worn sweatpants and a sleepshirt from your closet and toss it to him fearing that if you looked at him too closely you may just combust.
He takes the clothes and examines them carefully, "Are these your boyfriend's or something?" he says with a disinterested tone.
"N-no," you say "They’re pajamas. Now can you please just put them on?"
He turns around and gives you the biggest smirk you have ever seen. "What? you don't like what ya see?"
Normally you are even-tempered but there is just something about having the school's star athlete naked in your bedroom that just makes you lose it for a second.
"No, I want you to put them on so you stop getting my carpet wet and you don't sit on my bed with your bare ass, Katsuki." you snap at him.
Katsuki chuckles at your display but takes the clothes. "Cute."
You turn around with your arms crossed as you hear the sound of shuffling clothes and the pizza box hitting the floor. "Are you done yet?" you ask.
"Yea, don't worry Princess, I'm modest now." he jeers. Hoping you arent being punked, you turn around. The clothes fit him well, The faded sweats and stretched-out T-shirt look way better on him than they ever did no you, it's a bit unfair that Katsuki looks so good without even trying.
"You weren't at the game," he says matter o factly. as he walks over to your desk and begins to pick up the little trinkets on your desk.
"Nope, I had things to do," you say gesturing to your essay.
he glances down at it, "This for Aizawa's class? You know that's not due for a while."
"No the deadline says it's due the 17th." you protest.
"Yeah, the 17th of November, he laughs.
"You're joking," you groan feeling a deep set feeling of uncomfortableness in your temples. Did you really spend the last five hours writing like a madman for a paper that is due in over a month?
Did you really have to look this stupid in front of your crush?
"Maybe I like being ahead," you say defensively crossing your arms. "At least I'm not streaking through the dorms like a pervert, why did you even come up the stairs anyway, a RA could've unlocked your door for you?"
A pink tint covers his cheeks as he kicks the now discarded pizza box toward your trash can. "There is no way I'm letting that damn idiot see me like this, I knew that you were here so I came up. here once those extras took my shit."
"How did you know I was here?" you ask, seeing him embarrassed fills you with confidence. This is the longest conversation the two of you have ever had and he's never been to your dorm room before.
"Shitty Hair told me he saw you earlier," he tells you. Taking a deep breath he starts towards the door. “ I’ll bring your stuff back tomorrow, I’ll just chill in the hall till they get back.“
”Wait, you can stay here if you’d like.“ you say a little too quickly to be subtle. “You guys won a big game today, they probably are going to be out all night, and nowhere else is open.”
There is a soft sincerity in his gaze as he looks back at you. "Are you okay if I stay?" his voice has a softness to it that you have never heard before, it almost sounds nervous.
"I don't mind," you smile at him "I'm not really in the mood to go anywhere tonight."
His shoulders drop and a switch seems to flip inside of him.
"Good, those parties are lame," he smiles flopping down on your bed like it's his room, not yours."You shouldn't waste your time with those extras."
"Extras? Really?" you tease "How would you know? You never go out."
"What, are you looking for me now?" he says with a grin.
It’s so unfair, how does he get to fluster you like that? You don’t get him at all. 
It’s almost as if he’s flirting with you. But why would he? 
Katsuki Bakugou can have anyone he wants, why should he bother with you?
“ It's not like that, “you say clenching your fist into balls. He’s right though, it’s exactly like that. Any party that you have gone to on campus no matter how much you’ve had to drink your eyes scan the room looking for only him. 
“Are you sure?“ He says calling your bluff immediately.
Your voice comes out so small, one wouldn't dare to call it a whisper. But his ears pick up the syllable as it leaves your lips. 
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blond-yallternative · 2 months
TSC boys will be TSC boys (ft. Cody, my beloved nb)
Low-stakes fanfic in which 3 backliners (Cody, Lucas, and Jean [included against his will]) bet 3 strikers (Jeremy, Nabil, and Derrick) that if the backliners can keep the strikers from making any successful shots on goal during a team exercise, then Jeremy will get his ears pierced.
Of course Jean balls out and so do the other 2 so the strikers lose.
Jeremy is deathly afraid of needles (in my head), and Nabil can't join them because he's going home to eat dinner with his family, but Pat joins in last-minute.
Pls be kind this is my first ever fanfic (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
By the time practice was over and they had all showered, changed, and dispersed to their cars, it was past six in the evening. The drive to their destination took less than fifteen minutes, and soon they were pulling into the parking lot of a low, dingy strip mall that looked like it had needed a fresh coat of paint about two years ago. The studio that Nabil had Googled for them was nestled in the far right corner under a large sign emblazoned Black Eye Tattoo. Between the second and third words, a large eye gazed out over the parking lot with a swirling design where its iris and pupil should’ve been. After they parked, Jeremy drummed his fingers on the steering wheel out of time with the pop song on the radio as he stared up at the sign. A few moments later, they spotted the rest of the boys and Cody heading towards them, and Jeremy twisted the key to kill the engine with a long-suffering sigh. He shooed Derrick off his car when he tried to strike a provocative pose on the hood, and Pat held the door of the place open for all of them as a doorbell chimed over their heads.
Jean was more than a little intimidated by the woman standing behind the counter inside. Her jet black hair hung in choppy bangs over her forehead but the rest was tucked behind her ears, making it easy to see the neon rings that stretched her earlobes to twice the normal size. Her haughty gaze didn’t change as the six of them filed through the door and crowded the small lobby space. Pat and Derrick flopped down on the low, bloodred velvet couch set against the far wall, so Jean and Jeremy leaned against the front windows. Cody and Lucas eagerly approached the front counter. The air felt near-frigid after the California heat outside, and Jean savored the sunshine warming his back.
“Aren’t you gonna go check out the options?” Derrick asked Jeremy, who cringed. “I’d rather not look at any of this until absolutely necessary,” he said, and Derrick smirked. At the counter, Lucas and Cody were explaining the situation to the indifferent-seeming woman. Jean squinted to read the cursive scrawl on her metal name tag. Cherie, with a little hand-drawn border of black flowers and vines. 
“All the stones here are available for lobe piercings, organized by size,” she said, dragging her finger in a line over one section of the glass counter that separated her from the lobby. Jean listened a little closer than he normally would, but her voice carried no hint of a French accent. “All our metals are surgical-grade steel, and they come in silver, gold, rose gold, or black finishes. No difference in price.”
“What’s the cheapest option?” Lucas asked. Cherie gave him an unimpressed look that said she was sick of servicing poor college students, but she tapped a black fingernail against the glass. “This one, three millimeter cubic zirconia. $65.”
“That’s quite the chunk of change for two little holes,” Pat muttered from the couch. Jean figured he hadn’t meant to be overheard, but Cherie said, “One.” 
The group looked at her. She clarified. “The $65 is for one piercing. And that doesn’t include tip,” she added, giving them a pointed look. When half the group made a sound of disbelief, Jeremy shushed them with a “Hey, guys.”
Lucas rounded on Cody. “So you’re loaded or something?” he asked, gesturing to their heavily-studded face. 
Cody grinned. “My friend’s aunt owns a tattoo shop. She does mine for free.” 
Lucas slapped his palms on the counter and sighed in dramatic relief. “Well, call her up then!” 
“Dude, she lives in Arizona.” 
Lucas sank to rest his head on his flattened hands in defeat. In the end it was decided that Jeremy would only be getting one ear pierced, but even when Cody and Lucas pooled the cash in their wallets they could only come up with $59.37. With a sigh, Pat chipped in a $20 bill to cover the rest plus tip, and Cherie swiped up the money to store it in the cash register. She surveyed all six of them now standing closer to her counter, and sighed. “You all want to come back, don’t you?” They nodded, and Jeremy said meekly, “Yes ma’am, if that’s okay.” She sighed again but tossed an impatient “Come on, then,” over her shoulder as she strode towards the back. She led them to what appeared to be the largest of the individual rooms of the main part of the studio, and bade Jeremy to sit on the black-cushioned chair in the center. There was one smaller plastic chair to the left of it, and Pat pushed Jean towards it before he could make a beeline for the back of the room. Jean sat as Cherie told the rest of them, “I’m going to need some space. Go stand in the corner over there.” The four of them obediently shuffled over and leaned against the graffiti-covered wall.
Cherie asked the room, “What’s the finish?” 
“Uhhhhh,” Lucas droned, and Jeremy looked to Jean, of all people. Cherie repeated the options to him. “Silver, gold, rose gold, or black.” Jean thought for a moment, studying Jeremy’s face. 
Well, it was not going to be black. But which of the other three? He narrowed his eyes, considering. Spray-painted daffodils, the Trojan statue from their first walk through campus, and a yellow cardboard dog flashed through his mind. “Gold,” he said decidedly, and Cherie nodded in agreement. Jeremy smiled at Jean, but the expression was a bit tight. 
“And which ear am I doing?” 
“Which one’s the gay ear?” Derrick asked, and Lucas snickered. Jeremy twisted in his chair to give them a look, but Patrick doubled down on it. “If the shoe fits, my friend,” he said with a shrug. “Cody, make them stop,” Jeremy complained, but Cody was too busy laughing along with Lucas. Jeremy sighed and faced forward again. “I’ll just do the right ear. I normally sleep on my left side.” After a beat he added, “Please don’t tell them whether or not that’s the gay ear,” and Lucas and Cody’s laughter rang out again.
He held still when Cherie commanded, and then inspected the purple dot she marked on his right ear with the handheld mirror she passed him. He turned and tucked a stray curl back so Jean could see it, too. It looked perfectly centered, so Jean nodded. 
Satisfied with her preparations, Cherie swiveled on her wheeled stool to rub hand sanitizer over her hands and pull on black latex gloves. At the snap they made against her wrists, Jeremy winced. “I like your nametag,” he said randomly, and Jean heard one of the boys snicker. Jeremy continued hurriedly, “You know, Jean here is French. You two might get along.” 
“Ooooh, parlez vous français?” Cody said in a ridiculous high-pitched voice. Lucas laughed maniacally as Derrick replied, “Oui oui, monsieur dumbass.” Jean looked around to see which of the instruments in the room he could use to put himself out of his misery as quickly as possible, but Cherie laughed, too. 
“I don’t speak French, actually. This is just what my grandpa used to call me. I don’t even pronounce it correctly, I know, but I still like it.” The entire room turned to look at Jean in anticipation. 
He gave Cody and Derrick a flat look. “I’m not going to say it.” Various sounds of protest arose from their corner, but Cherie started fixing the gold stud onto a long, sharp instrument and Jean saw Jeremy’s face go positively ashen. When she looked up, Cherie saw it too. 
“Are you afraid?” she asked bluntly, and Jeremy didn’t hesitate before nodding. The boys giggled from the corner. She kept her eyes on Jeremy, her expression unchanged. “That’s not a problem. It’s better if you look away, not close your eyes.” She dug her heels into the floor to wheel herself closer to Jeremy’s right side. “Would you prefer if I counted down, or just did it?” 
Jeremy swallowed. “A countdown, please.” 
Jean could practically feel the anxiety radiating off him with every breath. With a sigh, he shifted his chair to be parallel with Jeremy’s, and didn’t face him as he rested an elbow on Jeremy’s armrest. He cleared his throat. He could feel Cherie and Jeremy’s eyes on him but refused to look their way, and after another second he felt Jeremy’s hand curl under his arm to grip his bicep. His palm was warm and even sweatier than Jean expected, but Jean didn’t pull away. He ignored the whispered conversation happening in the back of the room. 
“Ready?” Jeremy nodded with a tense set to his jaw. Jean grimaced at the crushing grip his captain had on his arm but didn’t let himself move an inch. 
“Okay. Three, two, one,” Cherie said calmly, and Jean blinked in surprise. She had pushed the needle easily through Jeremy’s ear right after two. Jeremy blinked too, then loosed an exaggerated sigh of relief and said, “Dang, that actually wasn’t so bad! Do you do that trick with everyone?” His grip slackened, but he didn’t take his hand off Jean's arm.
“Only the wimps,” Cherie said matter-of-factly, and Jeremy laughed, a little giddy. The boys and Cody peeled off the wall to come admire the stud, and Jeremy only removed his hand from Jean when Cherie passed him the mirror again. Jean tried to be subtle about rubbing the now-sweaty inside of his arm against his shirt, but Jeremy was turning his head this way and that to see the piercing from different angles, completely oblivious. Cody gushed compliments, and Derrick said, “Yeah, gold was definitely the right choice.” Patrick clapped a hand on Jeremy's shoulder in approval.
Jeremy swung his legs over to hang them off the chair and face Jean with a beaming smile.
"What do you think?"
Jean considered the sparkle of the little earring in Jeremy’s lobe, bright against his flushed skin, and met Jeremy’s eyes. “It suits you,” he said simply. And it was true.
Somehow, Jeremy’s smile grew, and the stud twinkled like a miniature star as he kicked his feet.
As they all spilled back into the lobby a staggered chorus of “Thank you, Cherie!” arose from all five of the others. Pat already had his hand on the horizontal bar of the front door when Jean realized they had all turned to look expectantly at him again. He sighed and faced the counter. 
“Merci, ma chérie.” 
The sweet smile that curved Cherie’s lips seemed to soften her entire hardcore appearance, and she waved them all out amidst the chiming of the doorbell and the others’ whoops of triumph.
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thekinkyleopard · 8 months
Snzfire of Hostility
Part 3 out of ?????
An AlxKoxNai Snz Series
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Snz Fic, Force Induce, Public Tomfoolery,
degradation, smut
Tumblr media
Description: Draeko is the fresh meat at College, new in town, and at first the jocks Alistar and Kanai, don’t find much interest in him. Until they find out he’s rather a little factory of entertainment and fetish gold. What will become of them all?
Author’s Notes: I hadn’t forgotten about this series Im just brain dead LOL but here we go for Chapter 3! @aller-geez owns Kanai and Draeko. She also did the lovely cover art! 🥰
Draeko was running late to volleyball as he sprinted down the hallway with his gym bag loosely slung around his shoulder, panting with a strain against his breath. "Shit shit shit..." he groaned, truthfully he only had himself to blame. He set his alarm for pm instead of am, easy mistake for most to make if he hadn't been up all night drinking with his new best friend, and dormmate, Levi. Bursting through the gym doors loudly, everyone turned to gaze upon him, including his least favorite tormentors, Alistar and Kanai.
The elective was taking place inside today per the email, there was a nasty storm brewing outside. So far the day started with an intense wind and then the second Draeko arrived, it turned into a heavy downpour. So walking into the gym he was a little more worse for wear than usual, sopping wet and frazzled from rushing.
With a sheepish smile, Draeko attempted to regain his composure and avoid the piercing gaze of Alistar, specifically. Kanai didn't go out of his way the way the red head often did. He headed straight for the locker room, hoping to slip in unnoticed. As he hurriedly changed into his gym attire, doing what he could to dry off his pink and mint mop, he couldn't help but feel the weight of their impatience burning into his soul as the gym was quiet, even from how close his locker was to the entrance door.
Squaring his shoulders, Draeko stepped out of the locker room and entered the awaiting gymnasium. His coach, Coach Leonard, was already halfway through explaining the morning's activities to the rest of the participants when Draeko had interrupted, so he pained them all by starting over once the hybrid joined them. Draeko quietly made his way to a vacant spot at the back, trying to blend in with his classmates. "Scuse me sorry...."
Coach Leonard paused for a moment in the middle of him starting over, glancing at the mutt with an arched eyebrow. "I'm glad you could join us, Draeko," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm adding insult to injury, as if the hybrid wasnt aware of the rhythm he had thrown off.
Draeko's cheeks flushed crimson as he mumbled an apology. "Sorry, Coach," he replied with a softened, shy voice. The man could only shake his head and direct the rest of the students to their places. As they each stood on their respective teams, Draeko on the other end of Al and Kanai, feeling extremely targeted.
"Hey Nai, Look at our favorite little muse, he looks like he's going to explode from shame," The red head taunted, loud enough for the hybrid to hear it. Whom flushed ear to ear, furrowing his brows. "He's so cute when he's flustered," the crimson eyed demon continued to tease and snicker.
"Alright enough gab boys, get to playing!" The coach interrupted the obnoxious interaction to get the three focused back on the reason everyone gathered here today, and every other day of the damn week. The game went on rather normally for the first few rounds, before Alistar saw an opportunity when Draeko was misplacing himself.
The mutt had turned around to walk toward the backened positions and the crimson eyed demon tossed up the ball, jumped and spiked it straight into the other's ass. Drae let out a strangled cry, falling to one knee from the sure pressure of the ball against him. His ass was sure to be redder than his face was at this point, he turned and scowled. "Hey!" classmates giggling, the coach too busy staring at his phone to give a shit. The mutt wanted vengeance. Snatching the ball up he looks over and gets into position, his teammates nodding knowingly.
Draeko kneeling at a crouch with his arms holding tight to the ball he narrows his gaze and before he could throw the ball upward, a large, loud, piercing alarm goes off, and the gym doors lock. "W-Wha!?" Draeko and the rest of everyone in the gymnasium looked around in horror.
The blaring sound of the alarm reverberated through the space, its shrill tone cutting through the air like a knife. Panic began to ripple through the students as they turned to one another, their eyes wide with fear and confusion. "Alright, Alright everyone, don't panic, let me call the front office, everyone hang tight," The calmed professional padded at the class with his open palms. His unbothered demeanor seemed to bring a relative calmness to the rest of the students and everyone broke off into groups, Draeko standing awkwardly against the wall.
It wasn't long before Alistar pressed his back against the wall, his gaze intense and ravenous as he looked at the mutt in front of him. His eyes were filled with hunger and desire, his body language betraying his eager anticipation for what was to come next.
Draeko tried his best to ignore Alistar's beating presence, focusing instead on the chaotic scene unfolding before him. Some students huddled together, whispering anxiously, while others paced back and forth, their agitation palpable. The blaring alarm continued to echo through the gymnasium, filling the air with a sense of unease.
Alistar's voice cut through the clamor, his tone dripping with malicious amusement. "Hey there little bumble bee, anyway I can get a buzzzzz?" he sneered, inching closer to Draeko. "I've missed playing with you~....those little sounds? Drive me crazy in the middle of the night when Im all alone~" biting his lower lip as he loomed over the other, dragging an index finger down Drae's gym shirt.
Kanai was standing close behind the red head, not directly looking at Draeko but more accurately, through him. Completely void of any real expression, per usual, it almost spooked the hybrid. More so than the red head. There was something almost ominous about it and that made his presence added against the crimson eyed bully, that much more intimidating.
Draeko lifted his gaze to meet Alistar's, his expression filled with defiance and a coldness that he hoped would hide the lustfilled vulnerability he felt. He refused to let the redheaded instigator see him falter, even though all he wanted was to crumble under his touch. What was happening to him? He couldn't pinpoint it, but as long as he didn't reveal his weakness to the ruby-eyed hellion, he would be safe. "Just leave me alone," Draeko replied, his tone now laced with a newfound confidence. Yeah, that would convince him. Though his constantly blushing face said otherwise.
Alistar chuckled darkly, circling around Draeko like a predator closing in on its prey. "Aweee, come on, don't be like that...I thought you liked our cocks in your mouth..." He started to play with the hem of the other's white gym shirt. "You seemed to really enjoy that the other day, We all had a grand time, didn't we?" The memory made Draeko's face flushed an even brighter red, his ears burning with embarrassment.
"I-! You! Be quiet!" He looked around anxiously, hoping no one had overheard their conversation. Thankfully, it was just the three of them, everyone else off in their own gossipy worlds.
"He isn't incorrect, Draeko, you did seem to enjoy yourself," Kanai chimed in, eyes empty, but he never turned down an opportunity to speak on truth. “In fact, I distinctly remember you being very enthusiastic about it. Correct, Al?" The darker-haired man's attention shifted towards his closest companion.
"You would be right, Nai. If we hadn't been in a classroom, I wouldn't have been surprised if he had begged us to take turns," Alister said with a smirk, trailing his finger down Draeko's inflamed cheek. Drae felt his face burn with a heat so furious, he swear his eyebrows may singe off. Regardless, he did what he could to ignore the other's words, finding it to be a challenge. He couldn't believe they were discussing this in front of him, completely disregarding his presence. It was both tantalizing and nerve-wracking at the same time. What if someone overheard?
Draeko's voice quivered "S-Screw you both!" as he tried to keep his desire in check, cursing at the two of them. They were treating him like a toy, and under normal circumstances, that would have been insulting to most people. But the thought of being in such an intimate situation with these two men, their little play thing, made the hybrid break out into a sweat. Yet he still didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing him vulnerable or affected by their words, but he could feel himself getting closer to Al's prediction of begging for it.
Alistar couldn't contain his amusement, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he shot a sideways glance at Kanai. "Oh, trust me, I'm trying," he snickered, a small smirk playing on his lips. His eyebrows lifted suggestively, adding to the playful energy between them. Kanai knowingly nodded, tossing what might have been considered a side smirk, but too flattened to the normal eye.
Coach Leonard chose that moment to come over, interrupting the tension in the air. "Alright, everyone, we've got an update from the front office," he said, trying to bring some semblance of order to the chaos. "It looks like we may be locked in here well into the night, possibly the morning due to a hurricane passing through," the sound of collective groans filled the room, including Draeko's. They were all disappointed and dreading what was to come. What could he have possibly meant? They were going to spend the night locked in a gym with two men who wanted to tempt him into sin?
As the alarm was finally cut to silence, Draeko felt a wave of unease wash over him. He couldn't believe he was stuck in a locked gymnasium with Alistar and Kanai, the two people he had hoped to avoid all day. As if the universe was playing a cruel joke. His heart raced, his mind reeled, he tried to come up with a plan to get out of there without drawing their attention, but it would all involve scaling a 30ft wall. Impossible for him to do unnoticed.
Coach Leonard continued, "But don't worry, we're not completely stranded. We have food and water in the locker room we can share, as well as some sleeping bags and some of the other students have managed to find their phones. So we can keep in contact with the outside world and let them know we're okay." Immediately everyone was working to distribute the supplies. Draeko sighed deeply, knowing his fate was sealed in the form of an unwanted sleepover with not only a bunch of strangers, but those two demons as well.
The hybrid grabbed a sleeping bag that was handed out to him and stayed relatively quiet to himself, watching youtube on his phone while everyone chatted and entertained themselves. Coach Leonard was still on the phone trying to see if he could make better arrangements or get them all out before night fall.
Draeko's attention was drawn to the fiery-haired agitator, Alistar, who stood menacingly across the gym. He could sense Alistar's intense stare on him, analyzing his every move with a predatory hunger. Draeko did his best to ignore him, fixating instead on the constant flow of videos playing on his phone. But it was becoming increasingly difficult to pretend he wasn't relishing the intensity of Al's gaze. It was always on him, no one else. That wasn’t worth nothing.
Kanai remained hidden behind Alistar, occasionally shooting him knowing looks filled with blank amusement. Draeko could sense that they had something more devious in mind for this sleepover, and it would be no where close to an innocent night of snoozing. He just had to try and not theorize what those something’s in mind could be.
The gymnasium was filled with a mixture of chatter and quiet whispers while hours passed by with no rescue, as the students began to settle in for the night. Some had spread out blankets and pillows to make the best of the situation, while others paced nervously, anxiety rippling through their bodies.
Draeko had claimed a corner of the gym for himself, creating a cozy little nest to retreat to. He let out a sigh as he settled into his spot and attempted to get comfortable before two familiar men approached him, looking to disrupt him in his haven. "Nah Nah, pipsqueak, you gotta be in the middle, Nai can have the wall,"
"W-?! I was here first, asshole! I'm not moving!" Draeko let out a frustrated huff, tugging at the thin fabric of his sleeping bag in an attempt to cover his eyes and shield himself from the two.
The material was worn and threadbare, offering little protection against the harsh elements outside, let alone the large gym. He could feel the cold seeping through, trickling against his skin and making him shiver. But he refused to give in and face the two men that awaited him. Instead, he pulled the fabric tighter around his body, trying to create a shield against everything outside of it.
"Poor choice see because you move, or," the red head gripped the edges of the other male's bag and scooted him to his liking. "Be moved," Draeko popping his head back out with frustration and disbelief. The nerve of this guy. Kanai quietly, settling in now where the hybrid once had been. Alistar squeezing in on the other side so Draeko was successfully sandwiched between the two.
"Dude what the hell, seriously? And what is th-....Hh...H'ih..." the strongest stench started to overwhelm the poor mint and pink haired male once the two settled in tightly on either side. "Wha-...that...sme-hah~.." With his sense of smell now acutely assaulted, Draeko struggled to keep his breath steady and maintain what little dignity he had left. Between the two muscular men was an unmistakable odor - the same perfume their professor had been wearing the very first attack he had within their presence. Shit. Draeko's eyes immediately watered and he clapped both his hands over his nose and mouth to keep himself from giving into this man's horrible plan.
"Ah, don't play hard to get, I picked this scent out special for you, pup," Alistar smirked, "You know Kanai, he might be a tough nut to crack, but I have a feeling we're about to discover another delicious weakness he can't resist." The silent one raised a brow and curiously spoke outward to respond.
"What do you mean, Donnie? He seems dissatisfied with this treat, you said he would be very thrilled to smell us but he seems very, unstable," the hound was sitting upward, wearing the same spritz of stench that Al was and Draeko struggled to contain himself, his sinuses threatening to spill over. He couldn't hold back the tears that streamed down his mint and grey eyes.
"You're se-serious right n-now?" the hybrid whimpered and struggled to speak as the scent overwhelmed him. His nose stretched and twitched, he tried to hide from it by dipping back into his sleeping bag. Al only shot a snickering glance toward his best friend.
Alistar's deep, rumbling chuckle filled the air as he spoke, his voice carrying a dangerous edge to it. "Hide all you want," he taunted, his words laced with confidence and a hint of menace. "There's plenty to go around and really,” His eyes glinted with mischief, pausing for effect, almost daring the mutt to challenge him. "I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to make you our bitch….” Licking his teeth possessively as he glared over the mutt.
Draeko glanced around nervously, hoping that his situation would remain undetected. Alistar and Kanai had encased him between them, and he felt like he was being suffocated. His nose was burning from the overpowering scent that emanated from their bodies. He could feel his eyes dripping lines of tears down his cheeks, and his throat felt like it was closing up.
The mutt tried to stifle his sneeze, but it was no use. He glanced around the gym, desperate for someone to save him from this torment. Alistar looked on smugly as he watched Draeko struggle to hold back his sneeze. "Come on, Drae, let it out," he taunted. "It's not like anyone important is going to see you….”
"N-Never...." his face was turning red, not because of the building desires that threatened to boil over, no, but because of the sheer pressure of holding in his afflictions.
"Do it," the words fell off that crimson eyed man's tongue and the command alone, caused the hybrid to shut his eyes tightly to try and disobey, but Alistar only scooted closer. "Let go....give us control, Drae," sliding his hand under the sleeping bag material to find it's way to the hybrid's thigh. The flesh bare as his gym shorts rode up and exposed him. Kanai watching closely, almost taking notes at the way his friend spoke, noticing a distinct difference in the mutt when he did.
"I'm...H-h...HIH-..." Draeko's voice caught in his throat, stuttering and gasping as he tried to deny the overwhelming force that was threatening to consume him. His chest heaved with every labored breath, his body shaking from the effort of trying to resist. But it was no use, the weight of the looming sternutation was too much for him to bear.
"That's it; right there, come on, let go for me, pup," The red head continued to coax him, reaching forward grabbing his shirt and pulling him just a bit closer, almost into his own lap. "Don't keep me waiting like this..."
"H'GXTSH'ue! K'GNSH!! 'GXXCT!" Kittenish like stifled sounds erupted from his mouth, the mutt brought a closed fist up to his mouth, holding back the power behind each one, the pressure behind his eyes making him feel like his head could implode. Alistar growled slightly under his breath.
"Stop holding back on me or I'm gonna show this whole gym why you're my bitch," the green and grey eyed man looked the red head up and down, seeking a bluff but only finding a very serious expression written across the other's face.
Draeko's eyes widened as Alistar's warning sunk in, the constraint building behind his eyelids threatening to burst forth. He knew he couldn't hold back much longer, and he couldn't afford to draw attention to himself in any suspicious ways.
With a final, desperate attempt, Draeko reached out and grabbed the edge of his sleeping bag, trying to yank it closer to his face in a desperate bid for protection. But it was no use; the scent of Alistar's perfume still clung to him, and the other couldn't escape, especially when the red head snatched the material from his clutched fist.
Al's eyes narrowed as he watched Draeko's struggle, a cruel smirk playing across his lips. "You're gonna learn to do what I say," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "And you're gonna enjoy every single second of it,"
Kanai watched in fascination as his best friend worked to claim his ownership of their new plaything. Miss deeds as such always brought a fire to the hound's inner core, reminding him of his heritage and unlocking something feral within himself. "I dont know, Donnie, I’d lay punishment upon the pet for prolonging his submission, that’s just my interjection though," making his suggestion with an edgy, yet sarcastic tone. Alistar couldn’t help but chuckle at that, struggling thoughtfully.
Draeko however swallowed nervously, and still defiantly he scooted a mere inch away, but the scent of Alistar's cologne was now clinging to him like a second skin. Drae's eyes darted around the gym, searching for a way out, a way to escape the suffocating compulsions that threatened to consume him. He needed to find a way to break free before it was too late, before he gave in to the sinister games of the two alpha males.
But it was too late. Alistar and Kanai had already locked him in their grip, sunk in their claws, and they showed no signs of letting go. The hybrid knew he was in deep trouble. He had never felt so vulnerable before, so exposed, so powerless against the whims of others. "You're right, Nai, I don't think he gets just how serious we are..." looking around to notice most their classmates had fallen asleep and or, were to far within the now darkening gym to see them. He reached up, gripped the mutt by his neck and angeled his face upward. "I said, Sneeze,"
As the scent continued to waft through the air, Draeko's body trembled uncontrollably. His heart raced as he struggled to hold back in spite of them, but it threatened to explode from his nose and it was absolutely no use by this point. His body was going to betray him and he'd broken his resolve to hold back any longer. "Hh'NDTCH'iEW!! H'GtsHI'UE!"
The sneeze erupted from his nose like a geyser, spraying a cloud of saliva and miscellaneous mess across Alistar's eager face. Drae's eyes watered down flushed cheeks and his nose twitched uncontrollably as he tried to catch his breath. He winced while he felt his nose throbbing from the intense pressure that had released from inside; feeling a slight ounce of relief.
Alistar smirked, and he wiped his face clean with the back of his sleeve, hungrily staring over Draeko's swollen and reddened face. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" he teased. He then turned to Kanai, his eyes glinting with triumph. "I think our little friend has finally learned his lesson,"
Kanai tilted his head and his eyes scanned around the room quickly before he leaned in to the two of them closely. "I'm surprised no one bared witness to such an outburst," Drae's face slowly turned to look at the other hellion. Was he, taunting him? His cheeks flushed and he looked down at his own hands, now they were both in on it? Well…not like they hadn’t been but, the shameful feeling of them teasing him together? Brought butterflies to his stomach and he almost wanted to strangle himself for even feeling that way.
"Okay, dhere, you god wha you wanded ndow led me go do sleeb," struggling to speak with a clogged up nose after such a helpless session of sneezes, but the red head only chuckled.
"That was simply our warm up exercise, pet, but go ahead, get comfy in your bag....Nai, keep watch," the hound almost seemed disappointed by nodded regardless, he'd get his time in surely. His friend never left him high and dry. Draeko looked between the two of them and his brows fell again, this time more so with worry. What did they have up their sleeve? It was killing him.
He did as he was told, more frightened that there would be a scene made if he didn't, but also mostly, because he really hated denying himself the simple pleasures of submission.
Draeko carefully zipped up his sleeping bag, making sure it was secure and hiding him from the prying eyes of anyone who might pass by. He lay down inside, feeling the material scratch against his back as he settled into the tight space. A ripple of unease ran through him, but he knew that Alistar and Kanai wouldn't let anything happen to him - at least, not without their involvement.
The smell of sweat and cologne continued to fill the air, poking and prodding at his sensitive sensibilities. Trying to distract himself, he could hear the low murmur of their conversation as they continued to discuss their plans. Draeko could felt his heart rate slow down as he tried to adjust, but he knew that the temptation to sneeze would return eventually. Doing what he could to ignore the pounding in his head, but he knew that it would only worsen with time.
As the minutes ticked by, Draeko's body began to relax into his position, certain now that maybe the two were all talk, but as everyone began to slowly drift away, neither Hellion closed an eye. Drae's nose continued to twitch and prickle, things may have calmed down but the scent still lingered, too terribly close to him. Both men very much aware of this as well. Eventually, the red head and navy haired man alike slid themselves into the poor material of their sleeping devices. “Keep an ear out for any passerbys Nai..." he whispered amongst them, Draeko's eyes now shooting back open.
"Why cant you just leave me alone?" He sighed under his breath but the silence was so loud, they could hear him clear as day.
"Because you're far too delicious, pup, far too delicious…." he reached over and scooped the other's hips sliding their bags together, pulling the mutt tightly against his chest in a spooning fashion. "Now, why must you be so far? 'Mere," burying his face into the side of the hybrid's neck, it made it even more impossible for the other to resist the reaction to his scent now. Not only that, but he could no longer hide the delighted shiver that exuded his body when he felt Alistar pushed up against him. "Oh? You like that?" The red head teased.
"N-No don'd be....ridigulous...." Draeko stuttered with a roll of his eyes, but the blush on his face, and the racing of his heart, spoke otherwise.
Draeko couldn't deny the heated presence of the redhead against his back, their bodies molding perfectly together as they pressed against each other barely separated by the fabric of their bags. The scent of Alistar's cologne seemed to be multiplied now, filling Drae's senses and making it impossible for him to focus. Even so, he tried to keep his distance, both physically and emotionally, failing miserably.
The serpentine length of Alistar's arm curved around Draeko's waist, tugging him closer. The hybrid felt the other man's breath on the side of his neck, and felt the gentle brush of his lips against his sensitive skin. Draeko's body froze, his breath catching in his throat as the warmth from Alistar's lips spread like wildfire across his body.
"You know you want this, pet," Alistar whispered, his voice low and seductive. Draeko's eyes adjusted to the dark, they looked up and met Kanai's gaze, an empty quizzical stare like he was always being acutely observed by the man.
"A-And whad if I do....?" The words escaped him without permission, he clasped a hand over his mouth, Kanai almost smirked reaching for it and pulling it off him.
"Then give me what I want...and I'll return the favor," the red head nipped, and slid his tongue across the mutt's sensitive ear lobe, causing another delightful shudder to take over the course of Drae's thin frame.
Draeko's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He had prided himself on his independence in the last year, his ability to resist temptation and maintain control over his own desires. But now, faced with the undeniable allure of Alistar and Kanai, he felt his resolve crumbling. "O-okay...." The whisper was as faint as a ghost, almost undetectable to any untrained ear, but did not go amiss amongst the demons.
Alistar's lips trailed down Draeko's neck, leaving a slew of hot kisses in their wake. The hybrid's breath hitched as his body responded instinctively, arching closer to the touch. The rational part of his mind screamed for him to resist, to hold onto what little autonomy he had left. But the pure pleasure coursing through him drowned out the voice of reason. "I knew you were eager, but this badly? My little toy...what a pleasant surprise...now give us what we want," bringing a hand up in front of the other’s face to brush and tickle his index just below the other's nostrils.
Kanai watched the scene unfold with an intense gaze, his eyes filled with lust and desire. Without a word, he reached out and gently brushed a lock of hair away from Draeko's face. The touch was surprisingly tender, a stark contrast to the raw intensity radiating from Alistar. Drae could feel his desires rising, a mix of intense longing and the need to break free from the strong scent of the men with hungry eyes.
In that moment, he hitched, his breath catching like a ball in his throat as if it were suspended there by invisible threads. It felt like the world had stopped and all that existed was this single, fleeting moment. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he struggled to catch his breath, each inhale feeling like a gasp for air. His eyes widened as he tried to process what was happening, the weight of the moment heavy on his shoulders. “H-h…Hih…~” The scent only got stronger, only weighed heavier on his sinuses, his head fell back against the red head, his mouth widened and eventually, out it came.
Surfacing that persistent tickle from the bowels of his desperation to keep it under wraps, he let go of his chains and allowed himself to sneeze. Kanai bringing a hand up to cover the other's mouth, avoiding himself becoming collateral. "Hh'NDGSH'UE! Hihh'TSH'hiew.." he tried his best to keep it down but the anguish of the sound filled the air and reverberated against their eardrums, every wall in the gym seeming to echo and amplify the noise, drowning out any pretense of silence.
Draeko's eyes flew open, his face flushed and his breath heaving as if he had ran several miles. Alistar and Kanai, excited by the ferocity of the sneeze, the red head trickled his fingers delicately up the mutt's shirt, touching his bare stomach with cold hands. Drae shivered, biting his lower lip and whimpering gently.
"Look at that, Donnie," Kanai chuckled, a foreign sound from the otherwise quiet man, his voice low and husky, "Cracked like an egg…..did I say it right?" He looked over at Alistar, his eyes shining with self pride finally catching on to the other’s sarcastic demeanor with his own flavor and style.
"Cracked indeed," Alistar agreed, his own voice thick with lust, one hand sliding up to grip hold and twist one of the hybrid's delicate, prehardened buds. “Being such a good boy now aren’t we?" his voice slick like honey as it dripped inside of Draeko's ear drum. Free hand finding its way past the other’s sleeping material, and dipping just below the waist trim of his gym shorts. "Shall I reward him for his behavior? Hm Nai?" the mutt inhaled sharply, his eyes lidded as they stared at Kanai.
"I'd say we were obligated to hold up our end of the bargain, yes," for once, there was a hint of emotion behind his heterochromatic gaze, the need to be satiated. Kanai whispered, his eyes burning with a hunger that was both fiery and primal, but his mouth still lay in a flat line, which drove the mutt crazier. He wanted to see it twist in pleasure. So the hybrid reached forward with his own hands and gripped the hound's waist band. Pulling him closer.
When he suddenly gasped, trying to stay soundless but his body started trembling as he felt Al’s two hands all over him, one twisting his sensitized bud and the other sliding just below the waistband of his gym shorts. The scent emitting from both men was now almost overwhelming, filling the air and making it impossible for Draeko to focus on anything else. Lust drunk with pulsating sinuses. His nostrils threatening to leak as he would sniff to clear himself.
He was lost in a whirlwind of emotions, his heart racing wildly while he struggled to find a way to escape the hold that Alistar and Kanai had on him. But the pleasure that crashed through him in waves was too much to resist, his body betraying him by arching closer to the touch.
"I...I can't...I don't know...what to do," he whispered, his words barely audible. In his confusion, he could feel Alistar taking hold of his hardened length, pumping it slowly.
"Just relax...enjoy yourself...I know I am," the red-eyed demon snickered, his voice soft, barely audible, the three of them pushed closer together, Kanai now inches from the other's twisting face. “Oh and be quiet….” Reminding the mutt of their current position.
Kanai leaned in closer, his lips brushing against the hybrid's own trembling set, sending a shiver down Draeko's spine. "Relax, Drae," he whispered tenderly against his mouth, his voice a seductive rumble, "Submit," Whilst Al moved his hand, sliding it down Draeko's length and gripping it firmly, stroking his desperate cock. Drae's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat whilst the sensations coursed through him, trying his best not to be loud but a tiny whimper escaped him.
The scent of Alistar and Kanai seemed to meld with the arousal in the air, filling the space around their secluded corner. "Shhhh," the navy haired hound hushed him, bringing his palm to cradle the mutt's neck now, tightening around it before pressing their lips together in an attempt to keep the other's sounds at bay.
Alistar let out a possessive grunt, pushing his hips against the other's ass, desperate for friction where it was due. "I dunno Nai....should we give him the full experience or should we leave him wanting more?" slipping the pad of his thumb suggestively across Drae’s already leaking head. Kanai almost losing himself within the other's mouth, reluctantly pulled away. Sliding a lazy tongue across his own lower lip, accepting the string of saliva that had broken off between them.
"Hm, tempting call, Donnie, you're going to have to solidify that answer yourself....the pet tastes far too delectable for me to make a decision based on will..." Kanai's eyes gleamed with hunger, his voice melting like rich chocolate inside of Draeko’s now easily manipulated eardrums. Slowly Nai dipped his face once again to steal another softened, delighted kiss from their target.
Alistar looked at each of them with an adjusted vision to the darkness, his gaze filled with a primal intensity that seemed to say, "Checkmate," he'd knew he won, wanting so badly to claim his prize but he knew he had to leave the mutt wanting more. The next time theyd be in this siuation it'll be because the little hybrid wont be able to be without. They needed him to be addicted. Alistar brought his free hand to join the other, both his hands now tugging and twisting at the smaller’s length, but his ultimate goal to slicken his digits.
Draeko struggled against the mixed sensations, his body betraying him with every touch, every scent, and the intoxicating taste. He tried to pull away when he felt his face starting back up, itching and full, but found he was caught in a web of desire and need, unable to break free from their insatiable hold. He was just going to have to suffer between it.
Kanai watched Draeko's reactions, the obvious need and submission in the mutt's eyes, and it only fueled his own hungry desires even more. He leaned back in, their lips brushing together, his tongue darting out to taste the other's lips once again, pulling away just as quickly, leaving Draeko panting and clawing at Kanai's waist band, pulling on them and dipping his hand within the confines of the the fabric.
The navy haired man caught his breath as Draeko started to pump and twist his palm around his unsuspecting length. "Quite the....eager little thing he is," Kanai responded breathlessly while Al could only smirk at the two of them.
"Eager is one word for it....slut is another," Al nipped and pulled on Draeko's earlobe now causing him to whimper again. His second hand now significantly moistened came around to the backend of the mutt's cheeks, slipping between them with newly slickened fingers, pressing and teasing his hole. "I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this," he hissed behind a clenched jaw as he then pressed his middle and ring finger inside of Drae's puckered hole.
Draeko's duo colored orbs widened, his breath catching in the base of his throat while Alistar's fingers breached his sensitive entrance. He started to moan but quickly swallowed it in an attempt to keep a low profile, arching into the touch, a whimper caught in his throat as he tried to push back against the invasion.
Kanai watched silently, his lips slightly parted as he let out little puffs of ghost like exhales for every motion of the mutt's hand.
"I can only imagine what it would feel like to be inside of you, hm? Tight and cozy…so warm against my cock," the red headed demon growled, his voice playing directly into Draeko’s ear drums to be heard by no one but his current property. Crimson orbs burning with a hunger that matched his words. He slid his fingers in and out of Draeko's entrance, twisting them slightly with each thrust, eliciting a gasp and bouncing hips from the hybrid. Between the great waves of pleasure, he could still feel his face reacting despite everything else happening. Huffing, still hitching, his chest caving in as that familiar prickle wreaked havoc on his good time, the cologne strangling his cavities as he stayed squished between the two.
Alistar stretched his fingers inside of Draeko further, his thrusts growing more aggressive with each passing second. The mutt's eyes stretched wider as he felt himself being taken by the other man's savage possession, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. "I'b....I'b..gonn...a," he whimpered, his voice shaking with lust-fueled desire as the pressure built inside of his slowly closing throat, rising like a high tide it finally spilled over.
"That's right, I want to feel that hungry little hole clench me while you release...sneeze for me pup, gimme a sample, convince me to fuck you," whispering with a thickened hungry tone, the two men, stifling their snickers and scoffs as Draeko's face scrunched up in the midst of his struggle to control himself.
"H'KGSH! Hh'NDKT'ih!" erupting into a smaller fit, he began to convulse, trembling and gripping Kanai's cock tightly as his body shook and spasmed in the midst of his cathartic release. His sneeze was anything but subtle, an expressive and ragged explosion of sound that reverberated the three of them in the dark gym. The red head grunted as he felt the other's walls clench around his fingers while he sneezed.
"Bless you!" they all heard from the furthest end of the large space, Alistar snickered nudging his nose against the mutt’s head. Clearly not everything from this side of the room was going unheard.
"Answer them, mutt," he licked his lips, demanding the other through gritted teeth, shoveling four full fingers inside the man, teasing his prostate.
"T-Thanks!" Drae's eyes rolled into the back of his head, it took every last muscle and cell of strength to not cry out as his cock released completely into his boxers. The hand that had been stroking him now soaked. His own fingers tightly gripping the hound's length while his body spasmed and came. He didn't expect it as much as the other two didn't, the commanding tone, the lewd act in such a public space, the two of them being the hottest men he'd literally ever seen.....it just all caught up at once.
Kanai took hold of the mutt's stiff hand, determined to cross the finish line without any delay. Fucking the tightened palms as he too needed to boil over in ecstasy. His body was tense as he inhaled deeply and clasped Draeko's hand and his own together around the tip of his length while it spilled over.
"Oh, you're welcome!" called the voice again from the shadows. The two spilling over silently, trying not to make a scene. The gym fell over in another deafeningly quiet moment as Kanai and Draeko twitched, and spasmed. Alistar highly amused by the fact they were honestly doing a good job at hiding their pleasures.
"Awesome..." The red head snickered pulling his fingers out of the hybrid's ass now and bringing them up to his mouth, licking them and tasting his essence. "It’s going to be so good when I finally fuck you," He whispered again, more to Kanai than anyone else, while pulling his fingers away and tucking himself tightly back into his own sleeping bag. As they each caught their breath Draeko turned around and in a concerned, and disappointed whimper, spoke in direction to Alistar.
"I-Is that all?" With his lower lip between his teeth, he gazed up at him with desperate eyes while his hips continued to sway. He could keep going all night, regardless of how many times he reached climax in pathetic silence, or how exhausted he became in the process.
"What? You want me to fuck you, now? Here?" Alistar let out a mocking scoff, his eyes dancing with amusement as he glanced at Kanai. The two hellions seemed to be fully aware that they had already laid claim on him and were relishing in their victory.
Draeko's brows furrowed with despondency as the air suddenly changed, and the atmosphere of sexual tension suddenly faded away, it caught him off guard. With a heavy sigh, he rolled his eyes, no longer wanting to pretend or push away his true desires. He couldn't hide it any longer - he was a pathetic nymphomaniac.
The sound of his disappointments made Al grin ear to ear, but quickly he shuts down any further advances, zipping his bag up to his chin. "What sweet, sweet sounds, you’re cute when you’re let down," he clicks his tongue, words dripping with both admiration and control. "Not tonight, pup. I want to hear you scream my name if that’s going to be the case," he shook his head back and forth trying to keep his own excitement hidden. "We will talk about it once the storm passes, and we’re released,”
Draeko let out a defeated whimper, glancing at Kanai who had already tidied himself up and was now following suit. The hybrid scowled and crossed his arms, feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. It almost felt worse than being blue balled. He exhaled heavily, "Can I at least get a cuddle? Seriously?" Alistar, who sounded like he was already asleep, was turned away and pretended to not hear the other’s request. Meanwhile, Kanai let out a nervous sigh and opened his bag again.
"You are more than welcomed to join me in here....should you, desire so," Clearing his throat and avoiding direct eye contact, Draeko offered a warm smile before he inched closer to the tense navy-haired man. After a moment of hesitation, Kanai gingerly wrapped his arms around the smaller figure, feeling his heart racing at their close proximity. They said nothing more but fell asleep wrapped around each other comfortably. Alistar happy to be in his own little world as he slept to the right of them both.
The hurricane rocked over the building all night, the howls of the wind and loudened crackles of thunder echoed off the roof but never the less they all stayed safe til morning, where they could all gather their things and get ready to leave for the day. Each student was excused from whatever classes they had that day, to recoup from the lock down.
"You tryna come to our dorm?" Alistar asked nudging the mutt as they all walked out of the gym. Draeko rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe, if you think I'm that easy," Draeko tighted his grip on his things as he turned to fully look at Alistar now, stopping in his tracks.
"I do think you're that easy....for us," Alistar stated plainly, coming to a sudden halt just before colliding with the mint and pink haired male. His eyes widened in honest surprise as he looked at the mutt, who stood there with a blank expression.
"Fuck you," Drae retorted, crossing his arms over his chest in defiance. Al and Kanai couldn't help but silently snicker and shake their heads at Drae's stubbornness.
"Again, you see, I'm trying," Al said earnestly, pointing at Drae with a playful wag of his finger.
"Fine, I'll see you in the dorms tonight," Draeko finally caved, muttering under his breath as they all continued walking.
"That's what I like to hear," A mischievous glint danced inside his eyes as a grin spread across his smug face, he and Kanai making knowing eye contact. They both eagerly awaited their next encounter with their ever-pleasing mutt, the anticipation building within their chests like a drumbeat.
To Be Continued…
Author’s Notes: AHHHHHH this took me so fricken long to get through but I DID it, and might I say, steamy 🥵 Hope YALL enjoyed this, I certainly did.
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scarletfish · 10 months
microdosing on posting snippets from my raven!neil fic here because nanowrimo is killing me dead 🙃
Fic summary:
Nathaniel has grown up knowing he has two options upon turning 18: stay at Evermore and play for the Ravens through college, or allow the Hatfords to pay off his debts and claim him as one of their own. Nathaniel isn’t interested in leaving Exy (or Jean) for the faceless evil that sent his mom running to the Butcher of Baltimore. 
But then Kevin’s stunt with the Foxes upends Nathaniel's world, and a third option opens up.
cw: canon-typical violence, references to and brief discussions of abuse/torture (but nothing on-screen)
outtake is from chapter 1, enjoy!
word count: 827
“Get him out of here,” Nathaniel snarls.
“Nice to see you too, Wesninski.”
Kevin is predictable to a fault and easy to corner after evening drills. The extra, invitation-only practice comprises a smaller group of upperclassmen, and Kevin insists on being the last to leave the court. Nathaniel planted himself on a storage cabinet just out of sight for the rare privilege of seeing Kevin flinch when he rounded the corner. 
Fresh from the showers, he has a towel draped around his shoulders. His wet hair is already combed perfectly into place, tattoo gleaming against his flushed cheeks. He does not look happy to see Nathaniel. 
He can get over himself – Nathaniel has worked himself into a burning rage while waiting, and he’s ready to light something on fire.
“Do we have to do this right now?” Kevin asks tiredly, dropping his soggy towel on Nathaniel’s sneakers and turning to rummage in his locker. 
Nathaniel kicks the towel at Kevin’s back and slams a fist into the nearest locker – a poor substitute for Kevin’s face. “Riko is out of control,” he says fiercely. “Jean is sobbing on the floor of our bathroom because he tried to turn the shower on. Is there a more convenient time that you’d like to pencil this conversation in?”
Kevin turns and catches the towel, leveling Nathaniel with a hard, weary look. “I don’t know what you expect me to do about that. Tell him to take a sponge bath. We’re all just trying to survive the year.” He reaches neatly around Nathaniel to access the laundry chute, withdrawing quickly before Nathaniel can do something feral like bite off a finger. 
The only thing that stops Nathaniel from trying is the shifty look in Kevin’s eyes and the way his shoulder jumps up in a half-aborted shrug. He’s hiding something.
“Bullshit. Tell me what’s going on, Kev. Something happened between you and Riko in Atlanta. He’s been escalating ever since, and I can’t– I can’t protect us if I don’t know what it is. Did you say something to him?" Kevin is so tense he looks like he's going to explode, which means if Nathaniel pushes just a bit harder... "Piss in his cereal? Jostle the stick up his–”
“I put my ego above my loyalties,” Kevin says. A shudder runs through him at the admission. “I am his partner and his– his second, and I have betrayed that trust.”
Nathaniel, who was not expecting to get an answer that easily, if at all, stares blankly. What the hell is he talking about?
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I– the drills we’ve been practicing with the team–,” Kevin mutters, as if even he is still trying and failing to piece together the full picture of Riko’s fury, “I guess I picked them up faster, or… I’ve been speaking too much in team meetings, stepping out of line…” he stumbles around the truth at the center of his words like it might burn him. 
“Hang on– are you telling me this is about, what, your stats? He’s mad that you’re outperforming him in practice?”
Nathaniel tries to reconcile the uncertain boy in front of him with the man who scored from center court and then chewed out the son of a hedge fund manager until he cried for not being three feet to the left to receive a pass. “Jesus, just take a few nights off, or– or take this shit to Tetsuji, I’m sure he’d love to hear how his nephew is dragging the team down with him for his pride. Why are you just sitting on this?”
Kevin is done explaining though. When he speaks, his voice is steel, and the glint in his eyes puts a pit in Nathaniel’s stomach. 
“It is after curfew and Jean is waiting. Go back to your room, Nathaniel.” 
Nathaniel’s jaw tightens. “You aren’t just sitting on this, are you? You have a plan.”
Of course he would decide to stand his ground now. Where was this conviction when Riko started spiking their food? When he broke Jean’s fingers, or carved into Nathaniel’s skin for the first time? He’s spent nearly a decade wishing Kevin would grow a spine – now he’s ready to snap it in half.
“I’m through bleeding for you, watching Jean bleed for you,” he threatens, pushing off the counter and taking a step toward Kevin, voice rising. “You promised me more than this. You owe me.” 
Kevin makes an irritated shushing noise. “Be quiet. This is not–” he glances impatiently at the clock above the door, “Do not ask this of me right now.”
“Fuck you, I’m asking,” Nathaniel snaps, not bothering to lower his voice. They have bigger problems than getting caught breaking curfew. 
“Shut up,” Kevin hisses, jerking a hand towards Nathaniel’s mouth. He freezes awkwardly just before making contact, dropping his gaze briefly to the lingering bruises on Nathaniel’s throat, the pink scars curving up from his shoulder blades to poke out his shirt collar. “Do you have a death wish?” he asks stiffly.
“Yes,” Nathaniel says coldly, “I wish you were dead.” He stares until Kevin drops his hand.
(oh, the angst. to be clear I love Kevin dearly. if i missed any cws above, please let me know!)
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astroluvr · 2 years
A Trip Around the Sun and Right Back to You
summary: (college!) jack’s birthday stirred up quite the commotion, and despite how much he loves being the big man on campus, he misses his corner of the world- even if he isn’t supposed to
a/n: here’s an impromptu college!jack blurb! its my first writing in a while, so pls have mercy on me lol! it’s a little long, and probably taps out from the plot a little, but i hope you enjoy!!! i’m welcome to any thoughts on the college!jack au given that there isn’t much lol.
warnings: mention of drugs (just weed), college party, brief allusions to smut (but not explicit, ik and i’m sorry)
The world was his oyster, but today the world was just his. The lines of the circle he drew around himself seemed to grow blurrier and blurrier each semester. It was harder to tell who had squeezed themselves in by pushing people over, and who had genuinely earned their place.
It seemed that lately he was an excuse to throw a party, or at least a ticket into one. The guys on his championed soccer team never got as much attention as him, and were almost slick with how they managed to use Jack to get it.
It never occurred to him just how loud it was all the time until he met you. And Jack hardly liked to think of himself as meeting you, in some weird way. Saying that he met you felt like he was referring to some cross of fate, and he absolutely does not want to think about why he thinks of it that way when it comes to only you.
Either way, you were on his mind, and he kept looking at the text message you sent him bright and early in the morning.
Good morning, birthday boy ☀️🧁 Hope your day is wonderful!!
He had stared at that text for at least fifteen minutes before responding to it. The only person who has beat you to the well wishes was his mother- even room mates were late on the draw.
It didn’t upset him, though, he knew that world goes on and people had more things on their mind than telling him happy birthday, but that didn’t mean it didn’t feel nice.
As he stood in the middle of a party in full swing, he found himself staring at the messages between you. A year ago today, he wouldn’t have expected a sweet message from you, but instead a raunchy picture as a gift. He wasn’t sure which he preferred.
“Hey, Jack!” A familiar voice sounded, making his floating fingers slide across the screen, and he turned around quickly, faced with Evan, a friend of Urban’s. “Happy birthday, man.”
“Thank you.” He nodded, and Evan clapped his back before shoving something in his pocket with a wink.
It didn’t take long for Jack to gather what it was, and he only shook his head before throwing it in the middle of a smoke filled circle. People were generous enough to slide him all sorts of baggies all night long, and even more so to supply the party with drinks for free.
He wasn’t sure if he was ungrateful or if he was just reaching an age where he questioned the intention and meaning behind those ‘gifts’, and he did not like that he might’ve been approaching such questions during college.
A month or two ago before your place in his circle became less solid, he wouldn’t have questioned anything for a second.
“Jack!” He finally heard your muffled voice through his phone speaker and he stopped short in the kitchen. The call had been going for at little over a minute now.
“Oh, shit, Y/N!” He said into the speaker, rushing out into the yard where only a few people were scattered across the yard.
The air was thick and humid, but it also cooled him down from the heat of the party that radiated into the night. He shoved a hand in his back pocket before clearing his throat.
“Hey, did you mean to call me?” You asked, and he was envious of how peaceful you sounded. He could imagine that you were just getting home from work, and fresh out of the shower.
That was his favorite time to see you, and he was only allowed the pleasure a couple of times before.
“No. I-I mean, yes. I mean, fuck, I meant to text you. I just slipped and called.”
“Oh,” you giggled, and Jack swallowed. “Why are you texting little old me in the middle of your bash? You should be in bed with three other girls right now.”
He wanted to laugh because he knew it was a joke, but he also knew that it meant you thought he had the capacity to even think of any other woman.
“You’re the only one.”
And he didn’t specify- and for once, he didn’t feel the need to add a fine print. He didn’t need to say the only that he was sleeping with, or going out with, or even friends with. He didn’t need to, not because he didn’t feel the need to explain his sex life with his tutor/fuck buddy, but because there was no defining category.
“Next time I see you, I have a gift.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Mmhmm.” you hummed, and he could hear you adjusting in bed. “But you’ll have to get it soon.”
“Come over. Bring it to me. Both my gifts.”
“Both?” You laughed, and Jack bit his lip. “What makes you think I like you that much? What do you think this other gift is?”
The sexual innuendo wasn’t clear in his statement. He wasn’t sure if the gift would be your presence itself or having sex with you, and he didn’t want to dwell on which would be his preferred.
“I don’t want to crash your party.” You mumbled, a teasing lift to your voice that almost made Jack groan.
“It’s not crashing if it’s my party, and I’m inviting you.”
“Jack, we both know…” you trailed off with a laugh, and he nodded as though you could see him.
It wasn’t his party, and you would be crashing, and it was all Jack’s fault. He always tossed the mention of parties like this around, and made you feel like you wouldn’t fit in before you even had the chance to. He had driven you away because he was scared of what he felt. He had removed the wrong person from his circle, and now it felt like he was struggling to make room.
“Just come through. I’ll wait for you at the door, and we can hang out.” He could practically see your face screw into uncertainty.
“Jack, the gift really isn’t that nice, and I’m not really in the mood to-“
“This isn’t about the gift, and this isn’t about fucking. It’s just about seeing you tonight. On my birthday.”
You sighed and bit your lip before looking down at your boy shorts and oversized shirt. “I’m not coming dressed up.”
You were over at Jack’s in less than fifteen minutes and the party was pouring out of the house. You knew better than to try and park anywhere near it, so you parked a little bit across the street, away from a lot of the commotion.
You were only in sweats and a hoodie that you pulled on over the clothes as you tried to blend in with everyone. You hated the parties, and you were suddenly grateful that Jack tried to keep you away from them.
You finally found Jack on the front porch, all alone and crowded at the same time. You pouted at the sight. He was only in a pair of sweats similar to yours and a nicer hoodie that he had tugged over his pretty curls that caught a little bit of light from the full moon.
“This isn’t the birthday suit I was expecting to see.” You murmured, walking up next to him and pulling him from one trance into another. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m great. Just wanted… a break, I guess.”
You hummed, wanting nothing more than to just lean against the soccer team’s house and try to pretend that the smoke was a breeze.
“Let’s go inside.” he tugged at your sleeve, and you followed him, growing nervous as you entered the belly of the beast.
If anyone was sober enough to notice- which was maybe a handful do designated drivers too caught up in their own misery to give a damn, they might catch the way you tried to stay behind Jack’s tall figure that parted the crowd, and the way he put his hand out towards the bottom of his back for you to take. You wanted to so badly, but you felt that the consequences would sting. That you’d take it for more than it was.
Jack stopped short at a couch, tapping his friend’s shoulder as he split a blunt with a girl underneath his arm. You recognized Urban when he narrowed his eyes up at Jack.
“What?” He asked, and you tried to stay perfectly still, stay Jack’s little secret.
“Look, thanks for throwing the party, Urb, but I don’t want to have to clean this shit up, and I don’t want to hear a bunch of people until five in the morning.”
“Bruh,” Urban glanced at you and laughed, making you feel small. “Are you about to go study?”
“Just wrap it up in a little, Urb.” Jack shook his head, and led you back upstairs to his room.
Somehow, despite being able to feel the vibrations of the party, you couldn’t hear it as clearly. Jack’s room felt strangely unfamiliar as he took off the hoodie and revealed only a wife beater underneath before sitting on the edge of his bed and smiling at you.
“What?” You laughed, and Jack reached out to grab your waist, tugging you to the bed next to him. “You’re insane.”
“When do I get my gift?” he murmured, a smile plastered on his face.
The two of you had never kissed without lust or intention behind it, but right now, he just wanted to kiss your forehead and hold you close.
Jack wondered for a moment if he were going crazy. He racked his brain for when he had ever looked at you like this, and he didn’t want to believe it when he kept thinking back to the time you smiled at him when he got an equation right on the homework you were doing together.
“Here.” you reached into your purse and pulled out a cupcake in a plastic container that was a little bigger than normal ones. It had white frosting and its wrapper had little soccer balls printed.
Jack chuckled when it was in his hand and you crossed your arms against your stomach. “This isn’t what I was expecting.”
“Well, I told you it wasn’t much. I mean, I had to get you something. We’re friends, of course- not just friends. Not that we’re more than friends, but I felt like I had to-“
You were interrupted by Jack’s impulse, feeling his lips against yours. You didn’t expect it to deepen the way that it did, but a flurry of want blew through you.
In a heartbeat, you were on his lap, forgetting that you told yourself you’d put your feelings aside for tonight, just be friends with him tonight. You couldn’t stop yourself from placing your hands on his shoulders and letting him place his own hands in the waistband of your sweats before breaking away to look at you.
“You want to?” He questioned, and you nodded, biting your swollen lip. “Thank you for my gift, sweetheart.”
You shuddered at the pet name. Usually, when he was calling you out of your name, it was ‘pretty girl’ or ‘baby’, and that was only when he lost himself within you.
Your mouth parted at the words and you smiled tenderly, trying not to smile or think too hard. “You’re welcome. I’m sure you’ve already had cake, but I couldn’t think of anything else.”
Jack thought to the edible brownies that a candle in it- which was from Urban and probably one of the most thoughtful gifts he’d received. But it wasn’t pure. It wasn’t just a cute gesture or something that was just sweet. It was nothing like that, it was nothing like you.
“Nicest gift I’ve gotten all night, sweetheart.” he mumbled against your neck, sucking a nice bruise that made you moan and cling to his bare shoulders. “Well, a close second.”
By the time Jack finished with you, it was no longer his birthday and he found a sketchy plastic knife in his room- which took him several minutes of trying to convince you was fine, to cut the cupcake in half.
Now, you were sitting in his bed against the headboard in one of his tee shirts and boxers eating a cupcake. The party was still going strong, and he had yet to receive a text asking him where he’d gone.
“Thank you for this.” He finally said, and you turned to look at him with a soft smile.
“We do this all the time.” You laughed, and before he could argue or clarify, he realized that you were right.
Every time you two stopped studying to fuck or make out, you would always either leave to go some diner or find a random snack and eat it together. He wondered if it just became an old routine or meaningful ritual.
“I mean for spending my birthday with me.”
“You’re welcome.” You said as if you had given him nothing of importance. “A trip around the sun is no easy trip.”
And with your words, Jack made another circle. He hardly had to make room for it. In the middle stood you and him, right next to each other, unnoticed by the rowdy crowd.
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fablesuntold · 3 months
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𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦: 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫.
Zero to hero. Loser turned popular— two of the most accurate terms to describe Lucas Sinclair.
Having spent most of his childhood as a victim to constant bullying at the hands of Troy Walsh and his nasty friends, the last thing Lucas would have expected was to go from the bottom of the hierarchy to the top. And why was that? Because he’d finally bit the bullet and grew up. Oversized baggy tees were swiftly swapped out for sports jerseys, and D&D nights spent with The Hellfire Club were dropped for basketball practice with The Hawkins Tigers more often than not. Finally, it felt as though he was working toward a brighter future for himself— one that wasn’t filled with otherworldly creatures like those from his childhood.
Hell, it had only been a week since Lucas had crossed Jason Carver and the rest of the team, and they’d already taken him under their wing. Well— mostly. He still had some minor brushing up to do on his dribbling skills before they allowed him onto the first team, but they seemed friendly enough. Was this the fresh start he’d been desperately craving? It had become apparent to him that he couldn’t keep living in the past anymore much to his friends’ dismay.
However, although this newfound admiration was every college boy’s dream.. Lucas couldn’t at all shake the feeling that he didn’t quite fit in with the rest of the jocks.
Truth be told; he missed his real friends. Mike, Dustin, Will, El.. Max. But it was like they didn’t even have the words to speak to each other anymore since that catastrophic night at Starcourt that had turned all of their worlds upside down. A night that had left Billy Hargrove six feet under with authorities blaming the events surrounding his death as nothing more than a freak accident; a mall fire. If only they knew the truth. Thinking back on it all, the space between Lucas’ eyebrows began to crease as a frown fought its way to the surface. He may as well have been in a trance, staring off into the distance while his hand continued to absentmindedly bounce a basketball against the laminate flooring of the vacant college gym— the silhouette in his peripheral completely lost on him.. until the clearing of someone’s throat cut through the silence and almost caused him to jump out of his skin.
Wincing, it was only after watching his ball roll off did he turn to face the source of the sound, mahogany eyes wide with surprise. “Uh.. Hey. How long have you been standing there?”
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caleb-majhi · 6 months
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Full Name: Caleb Majhi 
Nicknames: Cal
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male
Age and Birthday: 38 years old, August 14th
Birth place: Pacific Grove, California 
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Mechanic/Part-time tow truck driver
Education: Master's Degree
Residence: Fisher's Cove
Time in Aurora Bay: Six years
Face claim: Rahul Kohli
tw mild racism mentions, mild violence mention, parental illness mention
Caleb was a college-graduated mechanical engineer who was as stubborn as he was proud. Convinced that he was invincible and that he was capable of practically anything. He believed that with enough hard work he could provide a great life for not only himself, but for mother and father, and if it were ever in the cards for him, a stable future to build a family on.
Originally born in Pacific Grove, an only child to immigrant parents, the early portion of Caleb's life started with a struggle. Caleb maintains that it was uneventful, forgoing the struggles of having to make ends meet while handling some level of intolerance in not only the work field, but in their own community. His father decided to move their family out to Oakhurst when he turned five to give them a fresh start, away from the judgmental gaze of their neighbors.
Caleb barely remembers the scent of the sea salt, the dry air and palm trees, and how the sky was invisible under a thick sheet of smog. If asked, it is the oaks and cottonwood trees, crystal clear lakes in the summer and snow drifts making him shiver in his boots in the winter.
Caleb fit in there for the most part even if he didn’t keep many long-term friends. Those he did make were fleeting with each year, never kept through the summers because he wrapped himself up in helping around his home. His father bought a garage with a second floor home attached to it in Oakhurst and that was where Caleb spent his after-school hours. From this grew his love for mechanics.
The elementary school years came and went, and Caleb entered middle school with his fists raised. His first day he was backed into the lockers, but he refused to be the type to roll over and take it. He lost miserably, but his left that scrap with pride intact for standing up for himself. It wasn’t his last time in the principal’s office over antagonistic behavior either. No matter how many scornful stares he got from his father or disappointing frowns from his mother Caleb did little to remedy that behavior.
Making friends was off the table for a while there. It took until a few months in until he met his one and only companion. Reluctant at first because all this time he had been pretty much on his own, the two began to lay down the foundation for a friendship to last a lifetime. And Caleb found a focus that kept him in line. Enough so that his grades started to remarkably improve as truancy was less of a problem.
This made it easy for Caleb’s parents to say ‘yes’ whenever he would ask them with the biggest, most desperate ‘pretty please’ to join his best friend and his father in camping trips. Caleb would never love the outdoors as much as his best friend, but it came pretty damned close to how much he liked working in the shop. It was peaceful out there, and what was there not to like?
'What about that one?' he had eagerly asked, his hand quickly shooting into the air to point. 'Oh... no, what's that one?' Pointing to stars and learning constellations. Another lesson that he learned, another question that was answered. Fresh air, beautiful scenic views, and spending weekends with people he found comforting familiarity in. He learned to fish, build fires, pitch tents, all that fun survival stuff that gave him this feeling of self-sufficiency he never wanted to let go of.
High school was another journey all its own where Caleb did start to widen his social circle. Just acquaintances made after he joined the football team on which he earned a scholarship. He left everything shallow not wanting to bind himself to anyone or anything with plans for a future in mechanical engineering. His childhood pal was the only friend he kept true to, and whose side he remained at through thick and thin. He tried to at least when he was given the chance.
When graduation came, class of 2001 hanging across the banners in school Caleb was ready to step forward into his future. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology was his dream school, but the tuition was far too much for a family just getting by. The scholarship aids he earned from football and his improved grades earned him enough credit to settle with the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The only things tying him to Oakhurst were his parents who would forever be there, manning that garage, and his best friend who took to the road. College felt lonely at times without no one by his side.
Caleb pushed through with his studies with nothing in mind other than the full belief he was capable of it. He could do it, would walk that stage with a Bachelors without a single obstacle deterring him. That was about when he decided to forgo any potential relationships, stuck to anything casual and short-lived, and kept any ‘friends’ at an emotional distance. He had a goal in mind, and nothing was going to stop him.
When he bypassed his goal and obtained a Masters degree Caleb hit a home-run as salutatorian, landing a job fresh out of college in engineering the wind farms taking over the Palm Springs and Coachella Valley areas and even out to La Jolla.
Life became a blur as he buried himself in his job and earning himself a decent enough income. He lived comfortably, but never overtly luxuriously, and had enough in excess to send back to his parents on a monthly basis. His job left him too busy to pursue a relationship, but ‘one day’ Caleb would tell himself without a care. Maybe one day, if he ever felt that desire.
2016 came around and his father had started to get up in age where it raised a concern in Caleb, and his mother had recently fallen ill. She recovered, but it left her too weak to help his father around the garage. It took some mulling over, but Caleb inevitably left his job in Palm Springs to return to Oakhurst to help out. However, the decision had ultimately been made for them to sell the garage and use the money to settle into a smaller home.
With that fear of nearly losing his mother, there had been a startling realization in Caleb about how he dove too much into work and carelessly let time slip by. He lost months to years of time to spend with his parents. This pushed him to not return to his previous employment, and instead, he settled down in Aurora Bay. He took a part-time gig at Pit Stop, and on the side runs a tow-truck. His free time is spent fishing on the docks behind his house in Fisher's Cover. He's slowed down plenty, but he still finds he has a tendency to get lost in his work.
+ Loyal, hard-working
+/- Confident, subjective
- Tunnel-visioned, brittle
⊹ Caleb's favorite go-to snack when he works in the garage or anything mechanical is jerky. It is why it is one of the first things he makes when he's hunted a deer.
⊹ While Caleb is a decent hunter, he much prefers fishing. It requires more sitting and ruminating, and it is more peaceful.
⊹ While he had a bad temper as a kid, it's settled down into his adulthood. Not enough so that when he is frustrated he can keep his voice level, his patience is terrible. However, he won't swing so easily.
⊹ Caleb's biggest pet peeve is when someone has too many questions.
⊹ Caleb always wanted a family, but his job ate up most of his time. His ambition prevented the ability to meet someone and to build something, and when he returned home to help his parents, the problem of no free time persisted.
♡ @leomlarson - one of caleb's past camp kids while he worked the summer camp in Michigan during his college years, he has to say Leo had been one of the kids that made it worth it.
♡ @alicexcheng - xxx.
♡ @priyaxdesai - distanced cousins, not by choice. the traditional way priya's family raised her wasn't widely accepted by the family as a whole, specifically caleb's parents, so he wasn't around much while she grew up. he is relieved to see her living her life freely now that she's back in aurora bay.
♡ @delilahcarreno - xxx.
♡ @ecchs - xxx
⊹ pinterest.
⊹ inspo.
⊹ music.
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buggybugzxo · 2 years
XJocked Part 7
Logan had finally hit it. 400 lbs. He remembered when he was a jock, with beautiful light brown hair and and chiseled jawline. He remembered when he had a six-pack. But those days were long gone. He was now a hairy, sweaty, musky hog of a man with greying hair. He didn’t want to go back to being athletic. He was happier this way. He waddled over to the kitchen and scratched his fluffy beard. “Hey, uncle Rick!” Logan hollered. “What is it, champ?” Rick asked back. “Could you make me some-URRRRRRRP-breakfast?” Logan said. Rick nodded and started to make Logan a very calorie-dense breakfast. 4 buttermilk biscuits with a pound of bacon and half a carton of fried eggs. Logan wolfed it down like it was nothing.
Devon hasn’t woken up yet, so Logan straddled over Devon’s gut, and placed his own on top of him. “Huh?” Devon said, groggily. “Mornin’ babe!” Logan cheerily said. They kissed and watched some movies on the TV in Logan’s room. A few hours later of lazing around, Logan called his feeder servants to come feed him and Devon. They brought over boneless wings and melted ice cream pints. Logan and Devon were both incredibly stuffed after the feeding session they were both rendered temporarily immobile.
Devon and Logan waddled over to their new SUV. Logan’s old pickup truck would hold his fat gut and ass well enough so they got an SUV to accommodate their growing guts and asses. None of Logan’s shirts would really fit anymore, all of them exposing his hairy belly and deep bellybutton. Devon bad the same problem, but not as severe. Only a small part of his belly would be visible underneath his shirt. Devon waddled inside the local supermarket and picked up two apple pies. One for him, and one for Logan. He heaved back into the car and handed Logan his apple pie. It was fresh out the bakery so Logan just shoved his hand into the pie and started shoving fistfuls of pie into his mouth. Devon stared at him in awe. Crumbs were getting stuck in his beard. Apple filling all over his face and his white tank-top. He belched and farted all the way through him pigging out on the pie.
Devon didn’t even finish his pie until they got back to Logan’s home. Logan gave out a belch and plopped down onto the couch. He looked over at the end table and saw a peculiar photo. It was a photo of uncle Rick when he was younger. Same face, same beard (albeit a bit shorter and more refined) but the only thing that wasn’t the same was his body. He had a body that wasn’t too skinny, but not too fat, just a normal body. He stared in shock and looked over at uncle Rick, whose weight was sitting at around 530 nowadays. “Rick! You never told me you were skinny!” Logan said, pointing at the photo. “Heh, that was me back in college.” Rick said, nostalgically. “So how’d ya’ get so fat?” Logan questioned. “Well it started when I was apart of my colleges football team. I was a lead quarterback and one of the best players on the team. I got tackled by the other team a little too hard and I broke my leg. I was in the hospital for about 3 months and wasn’t able to play. However, I still had the jock appetite and gained, eh…100 lbs? Not that I’m mad or anything.” Uncle Rick said, rubbing his gut hypnotically.
Logan stared at him in amazement. He was gonna get bigger than uncle Rick could ever imagine! He waddled over to his room, and Devon laid on the bed, while one of the feeders fed him the pie and beer. “‘Sup!” Devon said, taking a swig of beer. Logan plopped down onto the bed. Devon slightly slid towards him.Logan wrapped his meaty arm around his boyfriend, and they fell asleep together.
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tsukihime25 · 3 years
Midoriya x Blk Reader
Pariring: Izuki Mirodiya x blk fed reader. Aged up Characters.  
Warnings: 18+  Minors DNI, nsfw, sex,  creampie, cursing, masturbation, fingering, squirting, slight choking.  
Hey everyone is this is my first fanfic EVER! I am terrible as this, but I want to be getter so please let me know what you think. I had been sitting thinking Deku punk ass and been invading my personal space. Please tell me what you guys think. I apologize for any grammatical errors. If I get better, I plan to branch out to her series. Enjoy everyone!
If you ever had a moment where you sat there looking dumb and lost. Bitch today was that fucking day. You have known Izuku Midoriya for the better half of your life from meeting him back in the good old UA days to attending college and becoming pro heroes. Izuku and you have always been friends? Is that what you want to call it? I mean he always the little muttering crybaby Izuku in your eyes. Ya hung out in the same circle, teamed up when both of ya’ll agencies called for it. So when ya agreed to be roommates you did not think anything of it. You figured it would be perfect. Peaceful, serene, quiet...  
“Ahhh fuck Izuki, I’m gonna cum!”  
Your eyes were wide like saucers as you stared up at your ceiling. The paper-thin walls did nothing to hide the groans moans and whimpers coming from your roommate's room. That bitch was loud and from the was screaming you would have thought Izuku was making her see the holy spirit. Wait was that Momo? Oh hell no. You sat up from you bed gritting your teethe. You weren’t in any shape or form a salty bitch but dick was sounding real good right now and the way his bed was shaking you was starting to think Izuku had the holy grail between his legs.  
The moans silenced down, and you hear his door open up, of course your noisy ass cracked open your door just enough to see what was going on. You saw Momo fully clothed heading out the door. Izuku walked right behind her walking her out in nothing but sweatpants that hung deliciously low on his waist.  
Hold up hoe, when did Izuku start looking like THAT. You watched the whole damn scene. From her fake ass just got dick giggles, to him smacking her ass as she left out the door. Soon as he went to close and lock the front door you decided to walk out you room pretending to go into the kitchen for something.  
Izuku turns around slightly startled not realizing you were just a few feet away,
“Y/n you scared me I’m sorry I didn’t hear you” He looked at you nervously biting his lower lip. Nigga don’t be acting shy now when you was just giving bitches the business like I didn’t just hear you.  
“I just woke up and needed something to drink” No seriously because the drink you were seeing in those pants right now was making you about to act a little thirsty. You also wanted better and clearer view of his form. Defined muscles, hardened abs, wide shoulders. Your eyes traveled up and you swore you fucking saw a smirked plastered on his face and hungry dark eyes taking in your short thick curvy form, but when you blinked, he had that same stupid nervous look plastered on his.  
He didn’t make an initial move to head to his room. That nigga know you know you heard all shit but you were not gonna bring that shit up. At least not yet because bitch you were still in denial.  
“Well...I am going to head to bed. Good night, hopefully that water is enough to quench your thirst”  
You spit out your water turning you head in his direction only for him close the door. That nigga said what?! Rinsing out your cup you head back into your room sitting back on your bed. You placed one leg over the other tapping fresh manicured nails on your knee.
Here you sat, confused, bewildered, befuddled as fuck. You must have snorted coke by accident on your last drug bust mission. Because ain’t no in hell Izuki Midorya, Nerd boy Deku was pulling bitches. No way in hell did this boy have a body count. You couldn't wrap your head around it. It had to be a joke and somewhere was a camera punking you. You laid back in your bed placing your blanket up to you neck. Shutting your eyes you try to sleep but the delicious groans of Izuku ran through your mind making the familiar wet sensation gathered between your legs.  
“Fuck, are you serious?” You whispered to yourself. You wanted to ignore it. You wanted to take your ass to sleep but his voiced was etched in your ears. You knew you could out moan out scream any bitch he tried. That elephant he was hiding in his pants was enough to make your slick soak through your panties. Becoming impatient you turned over to your nightstand, pulled out one of your favorite vibrators and got to work on getting that orgasm. Low moans spilled from your mouth. His name rolled off your tongue as you pinched your nipples for extra stimulation feeling your release draw near. You were so curious so fucking eager to know what it felt like to have his cock buried deep inside of you and with that quirk he could split 7 ways to Sunday if you let him.  
The thought of his cum was enough to send you over the edge, your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your walls clenched tightly around your vibrator as you came undone. Once your high wore off you laid still in your bed cursing yourself for getting off to fucking Deku of all people.  
Now sis, you ain’t never been the type to sweat no nigga EVER. You were never the type to act press for no dick. But this past week. You were thirstier than someone that ate 5 Popeye’s biscuits with nothing to drink. Tdoay you decided to hit the gym with the gang. You saw Izuku through the mirror of the gym. The way his arms flexed when he did pushups had you ready to go into cardiac arrest. You were just sitting there wondering what it would be like to have his arms spreading your legs apart as he pounded deep inside of you.  
Apparently, you weren't the only thirsty bitch there too. All those funky hoes grinning up in his face sneaking touches on his biceps, and look at him fucking smug and chessy smiling at these hero easy ass groupies. But despite all that you were not the type to sit there mad, no girl, you got even.
Two can play that game nigga. You walked your way to the leg machine prepping to do squats. If it was one thing about you, you got an ass that made niggas want to build a shrine for it just to give offerings. So when Deku smiling ass just happened to be in eye view of that machine and you bent all the way down. They way those dumbbells dropped and shook the floor, you knew you had his ass TRAPPED.  
You looked back all innocently like you didn’t do that shit on purpose. Just to catch that nigga looking a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Them no name hos became obsolete because the lust in that boy's eyes when he connected with yours you knew that he wanted to dig deep in those guts. But you know you gotta play it cool so you continued your work out right in his damn face. Petty ass hell. Oh well that’s what he gets.  
When you both got home from the gym there was a long ass pregnant silence. He was staring down at the floor thinking HARD. Your ass was in the kitchen glancing at him wondering if you should say something. You peeped him on his phone. He bet not be texting one of those horse face looking hoes.  
“Y/n, I’m going to go take a shower.” He didn’t even wait for your to respond. He practically ran to his room. Hand on his dick like it was fresh out the oven. There was no way in hell you were letting him waste all that cum in no fucking shower. He just needed one more push. You stripped off you pants and shirt leaving you in a thong and your sports bra  
“Deku! Before you go in can you help me reach something from the kitchen” You spoke oh so innocently waiting to him to come out. Soon as he did and saw you bitch it was all over. His eyes roamed all your body. It was so silent you heard the faint whisper of “fuck” escape his lips when his eyes just stayed glued to your ass eating up that thong,
Girl it happened so fast. There you were thinking you had this nigga made, the next you were pinned to the counter bent over ass your back arched and him behind you with one hand on the back of your neck.  
“I knew it, you were doing that shit on purpose. Is this wanted you wanted huh? To be bent over like this fucked until you cant’ remember you own name?” The words that were coming out his mouth did not sound like Deku, His was deep, lustful and impatient. You felt a hard hand come down on your ass making you yelp in surprise. Like bitch your knees buckled under you, and despite the sting it felt so damn good. You could feel the wentess start to seep through your thong.  
“Answer me slut, You wanted this dick didn’t you? What, did you think I was some bottom? Did all the noise coming from my room make you curious. Must have since this past week I been hearing you get off you tp the thought of me in your room. Oh, how my name sound so good when you moaned it”
His cock was pressed hard on your ass cheeks, letting go of you neck he dragged hand down your body touching, squeezing and spanking you ass. He been wanting that shit since day 1 but he bided his time. Oh he wanted you to want it just as bad, So little by little he made himself just a bit more obvious when he had women over. Fucked just a bit harder every time. Made them scream just a bit louder every time until if finally caught your interest, Curiosity killed the cat but fucking dammit satisfaction was about to bring it right back.  
With one had he pulled down his sweats and long and behold that nigga had no fucking boxers so thang sprung out and hit your ass full throttle. That shit has weight to it too. You looked back because shit you needed to see the damn monster and the moment you did, I mean you juices was dripping down your damn leg.  It was long and THICC with two fucking uppercase C’s bitch. Your pussy started to clench with need to be impaled by it.  
“Yes, I want you cock so badly” You was puddy in his hands at this point. You felt him move your thong to the side as his thick finger rubbed against your slit
“Fuck... pussy is soaking wet already?” He groaned gathering your juices on his fingers to slide on right inside your quivering cunt.  
“Ahhh fuck Deku.” This thick finger was massaging your walls perfectly. He pumped his finger in and out grazing it upward when he felt that spongy spot that would send you over the edge. Your voice became high as your body shook from pleasure. He took his free hand and held your waist keeping you in place while he added another finger attacking your g-spot. Maing sure you were ready for his cock. Your juices gushed out onto his hand drenching clenching around his fingers not wanting to release them.  He groaned at the feels on your walls around his fingers. Pulling them out you felt empty and impatient. You wiggled your plump fast ass on his cock trying to get so sort of friction.
“Shit”. He moaned out as another slap came down hard on your chocolate brown skin making you yelp in both pleasure and pain. “So fucking needy.. Alright I am going to give it to you. Every inch baby” Without warming he lined his cock up with you pussy pushing in until he bottomed out.
At that point all you could was lay your head on the kitchen counter and pray you remember how to breathe.  
“Pussy so tight. Oh fuck.. You like the way Daddy fucks this pussy?” He was panting and groaning, and he fucked you straight into the bed. Your legs and knees were going numb, but he kept you up by holding onto your waist as he rammed into your gspot over and and over. Curses spilled form his mouth as you creamed all over his cock squeezing him inside in a vice grip.  
You couldn’t even count how many times he made you cum. You became completely drunk and delirious off the way his cock kissed her cervix. “Yes daddy, make this pussy yours!” You yelled  through the kitchen drooling and whimpering from overstimulation.  
“Oh this is my definitely my pussy now.. Fuck feels so good. M’ gonna fill you up.” His strokes became sloopy, He leaned back to get the right angle forcing your pussy to squirt all over his cock, thighs and down onto the floor. He gripped your waist hard enough to leave marks as thick ropes of cum shot deep into her pussy. He threw his head back moaning you name as he came wanting nothing more than to empty his balls into your tight pussy.  
Finally catching his breath, he released his grip on you pulling out of slowly watching is awe as his cum spilled out of you and on to the floor He headed to the bathroom to grab a washcloth for the both of you. After cleaning you up he picked you up opening up you bedroom door and placed you onto bed. He leaned you on his chest as he wrapped an arm around your waist. Your ass was still delirious and trying to get rid of all the stars that was dancing in your head and eyes.  
There was a brief silence before Izuku was the first to speak. “So you know I don’t want to stop fucking after this right ?”
Little did he know your ass was thinking the same thing. Except aint no way in hell you are letting some funny built bitches get this dick again.  No ma’am it was time to let him know he already goofed when he stuck that anaconda in fat ma. Smacking your lips you climbed on top of him straddling his waist. Lifting yourself up you sunk down slowly on his already hardened cock. You both let a moan and you looked down at him with lustful eyes  
“Yea I was thinking something more exclusive Deku”
@pervysenpaix @xogabbiexo @presidentmonica @yo-nn
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Liberal Arts - Chapter 1 - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Tumblr media
Summary: A new job at New York University should be a fresh start. Things don't go as planned when you fall in love with one of your students. || Request by @ecruzsalaz
Warnings: (18+), explicit language, smut, dom!reader and bottom wanda, heavy angst with happy ending, cursing, secret/forbidden relationship, teasing, romanticism, legal age gap.
Words: 8.955
A/N: First chapter is here, it was suppose to be posted yesterday but I had an issue with tumblr. Anyways, good reading people. Let me know your thoughts about it.
All Works Masterlist || Series Chapters || AO3
Chapter One - Small Photographs and Takeaway Food
Present, New York.
You were not having an easy day.
It was cold and wet, you were late because you forgot to set your alarm clock after the holidays, the coffee machine in the teachers' lounge was broken, and you forgot your corrected reports inside your apartment.
But the worst thing about your day was, without a doubt, witnessing the woman you love with someone else.
"I hear they're getting married." Your co-worker, Darcy Lewis, who was having breakfast with you after the first Astrophysics period she taught, commented as soon as she noticed you staring at the table a few feet over.
You looked away quickly, clearing your throat.
"Yeah, I heard that too." You grumbled returning your attention to your meal, but feeling like you had no appetite at all.
Darcy let out a wry mutter.
"If you ask me, I think she's only seeing him because of her father." She remarks next, and you can't help but raise your eyebrow slightly.
"Why do you say that?"
Darcy gives a little chuckle. "Girl, I can't believe you didn't hear about it!" She says, leaning in to whisper. "The man is filthy rich! He's part of the school's investor circle in addition to teaching here. And when the senator came to visit the school, they were introduced. It makes sense that Lehnsherr was so pleased to see his daughter dating another rich guy. It's good for appearances."
"I didn't know the senator had come here." You grumble, trying to get a taste of the cookies.
"Yeah, it was over the holiday." She counters. "I figured you hadn't heard anything because you finally left that apartment. And speaking of that, where did you go?"
You smile slightly, propping your elbow on the table and your face in your hand.
"God, you're so fancy." She comments making you laugh. "Why?"
"Photography contest." You clarify. And then your gaze returns to the table a few feet away, and you sigh sadly. "It was supposed to be a trip for two."
Darcy gives you an almost pitying look.
"At least it was still Paris." She tries to say, and you give a short laugh. "And how were things there?"
"Good, I think." You say. "It was the first round of the contest, I wasn't participating. I'm just part of the lead critics team, which means I just have to nod and smile or shake my head.” You explained making Darcy giggle. “The next round is at the beginning of autumn and it's going to be in Russia. Maybe Natasha will accompany me."
"Thanks for the invitation." Darcy wryly makes you laugh.
"Don't even start, I remember well how you behave in events like this”
She chuckles before speaking. "That's because photography is boring. I like the pubs, but when we went to Amsterdam back at college, you didn't have time for it and I had to watch you work. It wasn't fun, honey. At least Nat was there too."
You just laugh at Darcy's manner, finally eating some food.
You both fall silent for a few moments before she speaks again.
"You know, this may be that photographic gaze you taught me talking, but I don't think she looks happy." Darcy declares and you chew slowly, uncertain of what exactly to say. She sighs. "I'm just saying that when you two were together, she seemed to glow. And now, well, you're the photographer here, you can see it. She looks almost lifeless. It's sad, and I know it's not my place to comment, but I don't understand why you're not together anymore."
"It is what they say, Darcy." You began sadly. "Some things aren't meant to last, no matter how incredible they may have been."
Darcy looks at you a moment, and by your expression, she doesn't insist.
You find it hard to swallow your food when the man kisses Wanda's cheek.
London, one year ago.
It was harder to get a steady shot during a thunderstorm, but you were late to submit the portfolio for your master's degree so you had to make the effort.
With an umbrella in hand, and a camera hanging around your neck, you left the apartment you were staying in that week for the national photography competition season, complaining softly that you almost slipped.
Your goal was to photograph the wildlife in the public park just a few meters away from the building, and even though it was raining, the area with the food trailers was quite crowded.
You found a quiet corner in the grass, and tried to hold the umbrella with your elbow to get a shot, but you almost got the camera wet.
Cussing softly while trying to think of a solution, you were startled when your umbrella became stable on its own.
Turning your head quickly, you noticed a man, younger but taller than you, holding your umbrella with one hand and his with the other, a gentle smile on his lips.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He said. "I can hold it for you to take the picture, if you don't mind."
"Really? Thank you, that's very kind." You said quickly after recovering from the scare, moving your hands to your camera.
Fortunately you got some very good shots of the squirrels and ducks, the rain making everything even more pleasantly aesthetic.
And then you were holding your umbrella again and thanking the guy.
"No problem, my sister loves this photography stuff too." He comments gently as he hands you the item back, putting his hand in his pockets. "She's also here for the national competition, by the way. I figured you are too for your dedication to taking a picture in the middle of the rain."
You chuckle lightly, nodding in agreement, before extending your hand to the boy, introducing yourself.
"Nice meeting you, my name is Pietro Maximoff." He says as he takes your hand. When he lets go, he looks around and sighs. "Well, I should go. I'll see you around I hope."
"Thanks again, Pietro." You say with a smile before he walks off.
When you get back to your apartment, you barely remember the little encounter, busy enough with the delivery of your portfolio.
It is only three days later that you meet Pietro again. But it wasn't raining anymore.
You went to watch the final round of the photography competition, at a local gallery, and were glad to find Pietro in the crowd.
"Rain girl." He greeted you with a smile, kissing your cheek quickly. "Good to find you here."
"Same to you, Pietro." You say politely. "I didn't know you were a photographer."
"I'm not." He quickly clarifies. "I'm just watching. Wanda is the one who is participating."
"Wanda?" You ask confused, and Pietro looks around before pointing among the crowd to a few shelves ahead.
"My twin sister, Wanda." He says, and you feel your heart race at the sight of the woman. She is absolutely stunning. "We're from NYU, third year. She's here as an end of semester assignment."
"Got it." You mumble, trying to disguise how impacted you were by the other woman, and then blink in surprise, finally absorbing his words. "Wait, did you say NYU? As in New York University?"
Pietro gives a short laugh.
"Yeah, do you know any other NYU?"
You laugh, rolling your eyes slightly. "It's just an incredible coincidence, that's all. I'm going there next semester. I teach photography."
"Serious?" he asks, surprised and pleased. "This is amazing! You must be replacing Professor Frigga, she will retire at the end of the month."
"Yes, exactly." You shyly agree, still impressed by the coincidence.
You ended up talking briefly with Pietro about the course, and about London, but you needed to say hello to your fellow professionals in the competition, and resisting the curiosity to meet Wanda, you said goodbye.
When the competition started, you did not run into the Maximoffs again, but you were not so upset, since you knew you would be seeing them back in New York.
New York, Present.
You ignored the way your hands were sweating as you presented the lesson.
You rehearsed, and prepared the material in advance.
But as soon as you stepped into the classroom and saw Wanda in the front row, you found it hard to pay attention to anything but her.
But you were doing well nonetheless, your students seemed to be understanding, and the presentation finally came to an end.
You distributed the assignments mechanically and professionally, making sure to keep your gaze off the brunette in front of you, the wall never looking so interesting.
And then the bell was ringing, and you were loosening your tie as you turned back to your desk, distractedly answering your students' good-byes.
"I haven't seen you this holiday." Wanda says startling you slightly, and you almost drop your case. Biting the inside of your cheek, you turn to face her. She holds a notebook against her chest, looking uncertain about talking to you at all, and the vision makes your stomach sink.
"I traveled." You mutter, looking away to your shoes, and then hurrying to gather your materials.
"Paris, right?"
You didn't look at her as you confirmed, but you didn't have to. Wanda sighed softly.
"Was it fun?" She insists, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Not as much as your holiday, apparently." You comment bitterly, causing her to frown.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
You give a short laugh, "I think we both know exactly what I mean."
Wanda holds your gaze with a clenched jaw. And then she licks her lips, and your attention is diverted completely to the movement.
"Don't you think you're being a little unfair to me?" She accuses next making you look at her with indignation, but Wanda doesn't flinch. "You ended us." She clarifies in a low tone, and you shake your head softly.
"There never was an us, Wanda." You retort seriously, making her eyes widen. "There was a fantasy. And then reality came. I did what you didn't have the courage to do."
The words hurt you both. You almost take them back when you notice the tears in Wanda's eyes. But then there is a student coming in for the next period, and Wanda wipes them away quickly before murmuring a polite farewell to you and leaving the room.
You have to ignore the way you feel for the next forty-five minutes, but when you have the break and use your time to check the pictures in the darkroom, you are crying.
New York, eight months ago.
You complained softly as you tried the keys in the door.
It was partly your fault that you didn't know exactly what the correct key was, since you should have organized it the night before instead of going out for a beer with Natasha, but in your defense, you figured you wouldn't be carrying a heavy box when you opened the door to your new classroom.
"Hey, need a hand?" A male voice asked from beside you, startling you slightly, and almost causing you to drop the box, the hallway empty since it was pretty early in the day. The man quickly apologized for the fright, his hands reaching for the paperboard before the material completely slipped from your fingers.
"Every time I run into you I'm about to drop something." You mumble clumsily, making Pietro laugh as he carries the box. He looks at you struggling against the keychain.
"I think it's the oldest one, Frigga always carried it around her waist." He comments on the keyring. And you follow the hint, celebrating quietly as you manage to open the door.
Pietro enters the room with you.
"What are you doing here so early?" You ask curiously, thanking him for his help as soon as he sets the box down on the table, and you start pulling out your supplies.
"I'm part of the track team, so I usually get up in the morning to train." He clarifies, and only now do you notice the gym sweatshirt he is wearing. "Looking forward to class, professor?"
You make a soft grimace at the way he pronounces "professor," chuckling awkwardly as you mutter yes.
Pietro starts to help you organize everything, but not even five minutes later, someone comes to the door.
"There you are, P." Commented a female voice sounding relieved, and you turned your head in the direction of the voice with curiosity.
You held your breath. It was the girl from the gallery, Wanda, if you remembered her name correctly. She had her hair pinned up now, but her green eyes were impossible to forget. "I've looked everywhere for you."
Pietro muttered something, and the girl smiled, looking at you. You cleared your throat, trying to clear your thoughts, and realizing that Pietro had introduced you.
"[...] she ended up not running into us that day, but now that we're here, how about we go for a beer?" He suggests cheerfully, and you exchange a quick glance with the other girl, before placing your notebook on the table.
"I guess-" ‘Sure." You and Wanda say at the same time, and let out a short joint laugh. You nod for her to speak, as you gently grope the table. "That's fine with me."
"Yeah, for me too." You say next, making Pietro and her smile. You feel your stomach turn with the image of her smiling.
"Great, then." Pietro comments quickly as he pulls out his cell phone. "I'll text you, professor. Is your number in the class group chat?
After you confirm, Pietro saves your contact. And then they are leaving for the first period of history they share, and you sit down at your desk, trying not to think too hard about why the green eyes are fixed on your mind.
Over the weekend, you went to the local pub with the Maximoffs.
Your colleague, and best friend, also the one who recommended you for the position at NYU, teased you as you entered the apartment in the faculty building you both shared and saw you struggling to pick out an outfit.
"What's that, you got a date or something?" She scoffed as she lay on your bed, leaning her back on the wall. You rolled your eyes, unbuttoning your shirt in front of the mirror.
"No, Nat." You grumbled, "I just don't want to dress like a teacher."
"But you are a teacher."
"I know." You retort, throwing the shirt away, and looking for another one in the closet. "But it's a social hangout. I think they see me as a friend, and well, I like that. The three of us like photography, and it might be something beyond school."
"Are you sure it's not a date?" She teases again, and you grumble in irritation.
"They are my students." You clarify but Nat gives a chuckle.
"That stopped absolutely zero people." She retorts. "Go with the jacket. And by the way, you're single, the girl is single, I don't see a problem."
You almost drop the piece of clothing she suggested upon hearing her words, and Natasha looks at you intently.
"Y-you... I-who-said it was the girl?" You tried to disguise it as best you could, and Nat bit back a smile as she raised her eyebrow.
"You used to lie better in college." She mocks, making you grunt as you put on your jacket.
"Just...don't say anything."
"I didn't." She retorts holding back a laugh and you sigh, deciding that the jacket matched. You removed it only to choose a white shirt.
"You wanna make fun of me, I can feel it." You grumbled and Nat laughed, throwing her head back before looking at you again.
"You saw her once in a crowd and you're in love, what would I be making fun of, I wonder?" She teased, making you grimace.
"I'm not in love." You muttered grumpily, putting your jacket on over your blouse. You moved to sit on the bed and grab your shoes. "She's an aspiring photographer and I'm interested in helping, that's all."
"Your interest is your tongue in her mouth." Natasha retorts, causing you to let out a loud exclamation and try to hit a slap on her shoulder, but she moves quickly to escape the bed, laughing. "See you later, champ, use condoms."
"Fuck you, Nat." You complain, making her laugh more, before leaving the room.
The pub was crowded when you arrived.
After checking your cell phone again, you walked in, smiling politely at the students who recognized you on the way to the "we're at the back of the bar, table fourteen" directions Pietro sent you.
As soon as you reached the table, the boy sitting toward you stood up, smiling encouragingly to greet you. Wanda was on her back and turned her head to see Pietro greeting you with a kiss on the cheek, and you smiled at her, signaling softly for her not to get up as you leaned over to repeat the greeting to her once Pietro had moved away.
"I already ordered some beers." Pietro comments as you circle the table to sit next to Wanda, deciding to hang your jacket on the chair behind you. "I hope you don't mind, but I think some of the boys from the team are going to join us at some point. The place is pretty full today."
"That's fine." You comment politely, still a little distracted with Wanda's perfume that invaded your senses when you greeted her.
A little small talk, and the beers arrived.
Pietro was clearly more sociable than his sister, but they were both very pleasant company.
Two sips of alcohol, and you were already pushing away the nervousness and asking questions instead of only answering them.
"I was impressed with your choice for the contest, Wanda, I haven't had time to comment on that yet." You begin with a smile, leaning slightly toward the girl next to you, who looks at you with a mixture of curiosity and embarrassment. "Where did you get that one?"
"In Sokovia, our home country." She tells. "I took it last winter when we went there for the vacations. As soon as I got back I sent it in as an application."
You smile. "It's really quite beautiful." You say making Wanda blush, while Pietro just watches you both as he takes a sip of his beer.
"Thank you, I...it means a lot to me that you liked it because I love your work." She then confesses with a shy laugh, and you let out a soft exclamation. "That piece of yours in Russia, it's just incredible. And I could hardly believe that we would actually have classes with you now."
"That's very kind, but I really don't have any incredible work." You comment making Pietro and Wanda actively disagree, and you blush at the comments, smiling shyly at them.
For the next few minutes, you guys talk about photography.
Pietro is more of an appreciator than anything, and learned the vast majority of the things he knows from Wanda, who has been photographing since she was a child. You never met someone who understood you like her, all the points you brought were completed in the same exciting way.
A few more minutes talking about their favorite works and destinations, and a bit about being employed at NYU, there are tall, muscular guys joining the table that you quickly recognize as the other members of the university team.
"Maximoff's finally got out of those dorms!" Spoke one of them loudly making the others laugh. The boy hugged Pietro and as he pulled away commented something about him getting almost strong enough to be on the soccer team.
"I think I'll just stick with running for now, Clint." Pietro returned, causing the boy to give a short laugh and shrug.
They embarked on a subject about competitions very quickly.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, watching one of them approach Wanda, kissing her on the cheek.
"Good to see you, Wanda." He spoke smiling, and then looked at you. "Hey, aren't you one of the uni teachers?"
You cleared your throat. "Yes, I teach photography. I'm Y/N Y/L/N." And you held out your hand to him. The boy gave a short laugh, and accepted the greeting.
"I'm Tony Stark." He returned, pushing his hair back. He wasted no time in taking the seat next to Wanda, and slipping his arm behind her chair. "I didn't know you guys hang out with the faculty now."
He then joked, Wanda gave an awkward giggle, and you turned over a whole swig of the beer you had.
"Don't be mean, Tony." She asked in earnest. "Y/N is really talented, and we like photography. It's just a coincidence that she's teaching at my university."
But Tony didn't even seem very interested in that. He just held up one hand in a redemptive sign, signaling that he wasn't going to push it, and quickly changed the subject, wanting to know if Wanda was dating.
None of Pietro's friends seemed to be leaving anytime soon. When the waiter returned, they ordered another round of beer, and someone commented on setting up the pool table.
Tony said something in Wanda's ear that made her laugh, and you excused yourself to go to the bathroom.
You risked a glance at the full table after you got up and felt your heart skip a beat when Wanda looked back to see you leave.
You watched Tony's fingers at her arm's length, caressing her skin, and gave her an intense stare, then changed direction and left the bar.
Outside, the breeze was wafting.
You picked up the phone to call a cab when the bar door opened again.
Wanda hugged her own body because of the cold, and asked:
"Did something happen?"
You took a deep breath, and looked at her in the most neutral way you could manage. "Look, Wanda, I appreciate the invitation, but this is not right and-."
"It was just a few beers." She interrupted almost pleadingly. "I didn't know Pietro's friends were coming. And there's nothing wrong with having only a few beers, right?"
You shook your head softly. "I don't know how to do that. You're my student, and I-"
"You're brilliant." She interrupted breathlessly. "Please, just-"
But she didn't complete the sentence, she simply moved closer. You held your breath, but Wanda lost her nerve. Your faces were only a few inches apart, and she rested her forehead against yours, breath out of rhythm. "I've never met someone like you." She whispered, her hands moving up to your neck.
You swallowed dryly, and raised yours to push theirs away. It took all metal and physical control to do it. "That's not right."
"Y/N, please, I don't-"
"Go back inside." You asked without the ability to look her in the eye. "It's Tony Stark you should go home with tonight."
She frowned. "Is that what you want?"
You gave a humorless laugh. "I want to kiss you."
She closed her eyes, leaning her face against yours. Your lips brushed, until the bar door opened again and you walked quickly away.
It was just a couple of drunkenly laughing people walking out, not even noticing you two in the doorway.
Wanda tried to approach again, but you cleared your throat as you took another step away.
"I'll see you on Monday." You warned before turning around, walking away from the pub.
Things didn't get simple after that.
Wanda seemed magnetic, and was everywhere.
She stood out in her classes, answered all questions and brought the best photographs. She would walk past you in the hallways with intense glances and polite greetings.
But you no longer went out together. Pietro sent a nice message, "Sorry if we made you uncomfortable, I hope things don't get awkward. You are still the coolest teacher in this place."
That was nice, he would also still wave politely if he met you between classes, but nothing more than that.
Almost four months after the encounter in the pub, Natasha approached you in the last period.
"This can't keep happening." She said simply as she walked into your classroom, finding you at your desk working on lesson plans. You raised your eyebrow in doubt.
"What can't keep happening?"
She moved closer, tossed her purse on your desk and crossed her arms. "Passionate glances and sexual hard-on with the Maximoff girl."
You rolled your eyes, going back to writing. "I don't know what you're talking about, Nat."
'God, just ask her out at once!"
"It's against regulations."
"And I still need a job to pay my bills."
"So you admit you're interested in her?" she tries with a teasing smile. You let out a laugh.
"I didn't say that."
"But you didn't deny it." She says. "And by the way, it's pretty obvious. If you keep this up, you won't even need to date her before someone notices."
You sigh, and put your pencil down on the paper, turning your gaze to your friend.
"Nat, nothing is going to happen between me and a student, okay?" You assure her with an impartial face. "We had a moment, but it's just a silly crush. I'm sure it will go away soon."
"That's been going on for almost six months." She argues but you go back to writing without giving her any reaction, and the woman sighs in frustration. "Y/N, I just hate to see you so upset."
"I'm not upset."
"Sexually frustrated is the word I was going to use." She returns, making you chuckle.
"Nat, I'm serious." You return. At this point, you think you are trying to convince yourself, much more than her. "Me and Wanda, it's never going to happen. Now, I wonder if you could order us something to eat. I'm starving."
"This discussion isn't over yet." She warns before pulling out her cell phone.
You shake your head, returning your focus to the lesson plan.
Things started to get out of hand with the beginning of spring.
You were so busy with your classes, and with your growing attraction to a student, that you completely forgot about the spring national photography competition.
At first period, on your way to class, you noticed the new posters on the bulletin board and let out an exclamation.
The dean should have received the competition notice before you did, and warned the students to paste up the big poster announcing the contest early on.
"Great, more work." You whispered ironically as you saw the deadline.
Walking back toward the classroom, you greeted the students politely as you placed the materials on your desk.
It didn't take long before you were approached by two girls, they looked excited.
"Miss Y/L/N, we wanted to know about the spring contest." It was Jean Grey, along with Emma Frost, both talented but undisciplined students. Especially Miss Frost.
"I will explain to the class how the contest works, Miss Grey. Let's wait until everyone is here." You spoke with a smile. "You can go sit down."
It was not complicated at all. Students and aspiring photographers from all over the country had to submit a photograph to compete for a small prize and an exhibition at a gallery chosen by the organizers.
You participated in a few of these back in college.
The only rule of entry was that a professional photographer had to be the mentor submitting the photograph. In other words, your students would have to send their photos to you, and you would have to submit them to the contest.
More work than you already had.
Sighing softly after explaining to everyone, you didn't even try to contain the buzz of excitement in the class, and returned to your seat. The lesson for the day was already on the board.
You had a migraine, and you were not very keen to deal with it.
The students had about two weeks to submit their pictures, but on the very first day you left the room with a folder full of attempts.
Most of them you returned the next class, having enough knowledge and experience to know that they wouldn't make it past the first round. So you were changing your lesson plan to give some tips on photography and what the judges used to evaluate in this contest.
The second batch of photographs was much better than the first, although with a few exceptions.
"Mr.Parker, are you sure you want to submit a photo of Miss Stacy?" you asked as you received the envelope from one of your more clumsy, but also very talented student.
Peter scratched his neck awkwardly. "My prettiest pictures are of her, Miss Y/L/N."
You smiled, finding it cute how in love he looked. "I'm sure they are, Peter. But why don't you try something more organic and less expositional? I hear you like to photograph the city."
"Buildings." He clarified. "I like height."
"That's interesting." You commented. "Tell you what, try photographing that subject. If you don't like the result, I'll send you Miss Stacy's picture."
Peter nodded and then left the room.
You returned to your chair, listening to the rest of the class withdraw.
"Here is my submission Miss Y/L/N." It was Jean Grey who spoke as she approached your desk with a dark envelope. You missed the small giggles of the students who came out after her, picking up the envelope.
As you opened it, you felt your face heat up with embarrassment.
"That's..." You started, and cleared your throat, looking at Jean, who just stared at you with a mischievous expression.
"If you like it, you can even keep it for yourself." She said simply, and gave you a wink, leaving the room. Her friend Emma entwined her arms, and the two of them left giggling and whispering.
You were too shocked to react, but things were even more awkward when the next person to come to your desk was Wanda.
She locked her jaw when she noticed the photo on the table, and you quickly closed the envelope, jutting out the stack of inscriptions.
"Are you really going to keep that one?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow. You loosened your tie gently.
"It is not my place to censor photographs, Miss Maximoff." You spoke up. "Miss Grey is free to send whatever she wishes."
She gave a wry laugh, straightening the strap of her purse on her shoulder. "She certainly wanted someone else to judge her photograph."
"Miss Maximoff, I don't-"
"You don't have to explain anything to me." She interrupts, annoyed. And puts away the white envelope she brought back in her purse. "It's none of my business."
And leaves the room before you can say anything else.
You sigh in frustration. And you open Jean's envelope once more. Nice breasts, but you don't feel anything. You had only been surprised. God, Wanda had no idea how much she had you around her finger.
Wanda began to treat you differently after the incident with the photograph. You tried not to think too much about her lack of participation in class, or how she no longer greeted you with sweet nothings in the hallways, but only with almost angry looks.
Over the weekend, you thought about it, and decided to return the photo to Jean just before first period.
"I just think you're talented enough without needing to send something like that, Miss Grey." You argued clumsily at the way she was looking at you. "And I'm talking about the beautiful photographs you showed me at the beginning of the semester. I'm sure one of them will secure you a place in the competition."
"Okay, Miss Y/L/N. Thanks for the advice." She spoke docently, and as she accepted the envelope she stroked your hand.
You chuckled awkwardly, thanking the heavens that the hallway was empty. "Miss Grey, please don't act this way. I 'm not-."
"I know, I know." She cut in with a giggle. "Damn, Emma told me you were uptight, but that just makes you sexier."
You felt your face heat up. "Jean, that's enough. This is inappropriate. I'm not interested."
She wasn't offended. She gave an upset pout, but didn't try anything with you again. And she actually submitted a much better picture in the next class.
The problem was that the comments that circulated around the school were very different from reality.
"I can't believe you slept with Jean Grey." Natasha announced as you entered your apartment on Sunday, you were brewing coffee and almost knocked the teapot over in the sink.
"I beg your pardon?" you questioned in surprise, and she laughed as she greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, leaving the groceries on the table.
"I'm the one who should be offended." She returned. "I ran into Darcy in the cashier line and she commented that she was surprised to hear about Jean Grey's advances on you. How do you not tell your best friend something like that?"
You sighed, stroking your forehead. Your migraine was coming back.
"Nat I'm not sleeping with anyone." You clarified, pouring coffee for both of you. "It's true that Jean tried something, but I didn't carry through with it."
"My, my, what a heartbreaker." She teased making you make a face that only made you laugh.
"I swear, I've never been so embarrassed." You recounted. "She basically just handed me a half naked picture at the end of class."
Natasha laughed, finding it funny in your expressions. "My god, these students are getting more and more creative."
"What do you mean?"
She shrugged. "In my first year here, one of the girls tried to leave a panty inside my purse."
You choked on your coffee, looking at her in surprise. Nat only laughed.
"It was funny to see her face when I returned the item in front of the class, and said that if it happened again, I would turn it straight to the dean."
"And it worked?"
"Of course." She said. "Well, I ended up sleeping with her afterwards but that's beside the point."
You let out a laugh, shaking your head. "Jesus, Natasha. I don't know what to say."
She took a sip of her coffee before speaking. "I think you need to relax a little. We're all adults, Y/N. We all know very well what we're doing."
"I don't know about that." You mumbled causing me to smile.
"Well, some know better than others." She teased, causing you to pat her on the shoulder. She laughed. "What I mean is, Grey is what, 22? 23? She's a big girl. If you want to have fun, there's nothing wrong with that.
"I'm not interested in her, Nat." You spoke almost offended. Nat raised her eyebrows.
"Oh, I forgot it's another student you like."
"Shut up." You muttered walking away to the living room. Nat laughed following you.
You had a photo mural for the International European Competition at the end of the year. It was far from finished, but it was your annual project.
Nat stood beside you as you looked at the pictures.
"This is getting really good, and look, I don't know anything about photography." She comments. You thank her, but then sigh.
"I just feel like there's something missing." You say. "My pictures are ... empty."
Nat looks at you curiously, and you look away.
"I just mean that the photos look generic, Nat. I'm shooting what I know will look good on camera, but there's no feeling."
"I can't see that." She returns half-heartedly. "Are you sure you're not putting too much pressure on yourself? You know, as usual."
You shrug, upset. Nat sighs, hugging you from the side. "I'm sure it will all work out, dear. You're the best photographer I know." She spoke and you smiled, pushing your hips against hers.
"I'm the only photographer you know."
"And by god, one is more than enough. You're all anti-social hipsters." She teases making you laugh.
The afternoon with Natasha is fun. You work on fixing a camera you accidentally dropped, and she writes an article on your couch.
And then the last week of registration happens and you think you are going to have a heart attack in every class.
You can't tell if it's related to the rumors or not, but Wanda seems to want to prove that she can mess with your head.
It all starts on Monday, it seems normal at first.
Until Wanda arrives in class in a skirt so short that you can barely teach a word when you catch a glimpse of her crossed legs in the first row.
You lose your train of reasoning, for the fourth time, when she bites down on the pen cap, a short smile on her lips.
Clearing your throat, you do your best to return to explaining.
At the second class, Wednesday, she comes in with three buttons open and her cleavage almost leaves you drooling.
"Are you all right, Miss Y/L/N?" It is Peter Parker who asks, when you suddenly shut up in the middle of the explanation, because you were wondering how Wanda's breasts would feel in your mouth.
You shake your head quickly, loosening the tie that seemed to tighten around your neck suddenly.
"Sorry, guys, I'm a little distracted." You spoke clumsily, ignoring Wanda's little smile in your direction. "Where did I stop?"
It's not until the last Friday class that you think you can breathe again.
Wanda was absent.
You wanted to control your curiosity, but as soon as her empty seat is the only one in the class, you are asking.
"Does anyone know where Miss Maximoff is?"
The room exchanges glances, and it is Emma Frost who answers after a moment. "I don't think she's coming, teacher. Her brother is in the hospital."
You frown in concern, but Emma quickly adds. "He's fine, it's nothing serious."
A few boys in the background giggled, you raised your eyebrow in curiosity. Emma sighed, "It's just that he got into a fight in the dorm last night. The guys got drunk and stupid, and it looks like he got into a fight with Clint Barton. I'm not sure, but he fell down the stairs.
"Or was pushed." Peter Parker added, causing the room to erupt in buzz.
You sighed, nodding for the class to calm down. "Please, let's not get into gossip right now. Thank you for the clarification, Miss Frost. Now please open your books."
You tried to ignore your concern for Pietro and Wanda, but you couldn't.
Then on Saturday morning you were in the waiting room of the university hospital, the campus building a block away from your apartment.
Fortunately, you managed to convince Natasha to go with you.
"I don't even know the boy properly and you want me to go visit him?" She questioned confused when you told her to go with you.
"Please, Nat, I can't just show up there without being a stranger. You pleaded.
She sighed, but agreed. And after coffee you were in the infirmary.
"I'll wait for you here, try not to turn into a complete mess when I see his sister." She scoffs with an open magazine in her lap, sitting down in the waiting room as soon as the receptionist takes your name down.
Pietro's room is filled with 'get well soon' balloons and even flowers and teddy bears. He is lying there, his foot in a cast and hanging in the air, watching TV.
"Miss Y/L/N! Good to see you!" He says contentedly as soon as you knock on the ajar door.
A tall man was sitting in the armchair in the bedroom, cross-legged and a book in his hand, and raised his eyebrows in curiosity as he saw you enter.
Pietro quickly added. "Papa, this is Y/N, she's from the university."
"Oh, hello." Speaks the man with a smile, getting up and leaving his book on the table. "You never properly introduce your friends to me, Pietro."
He approaches to shake your hand and you quickly add. "Actually, I'm the photography teacher."
"And my friend too." Pietro speaks as if it were obvious, smiling.
His father laughs softly. "Well, professor, I'm Erik. It's a pleasure."
"Likewise." You say.
You turn to Pietro next "And how are you, Mr. Maximoff?"
He laughs at the formality. "Just Pietro is fine, Miss Y/L/N. I already said that."
You chuckle awkwardly, and Pietro's father sits back in the armchair, looking interested in the book he was reading.
"I heard it was an accident." You comment, and Pietro shrugs, but his father laughs humorlessly.
"I call it assault." He comments wryly, his eyes on the book in his lap.
"In fact, that reminds me, I've set up a meeting with the dean." Erik interrupts seriously, returning the book to the headboard and standing up. "I told him that I would like to talk to Mr.Barton about this absurd incident, and the security measures of the dormitories. Please excuse me."
As soon as you are left alone, Pietro sighs upset. "He's going to make it so much bigger than it really was."
"Do you mind telling me what happened?" You ask.
"It was something stupid, actually." Pietro says. "We drank too much, and at some point we started fighting. Clint had an argument with one of the Tech kids who asked him to turn the music down, and one of them pushed him. But he tripped over the speaker wire, which fell on my back. By the time I realized I was already downstairs."
"Shit, Pietro."
"It was an accident." He spoke up. "But I won't be able to run for a while, and Dad was pretty unhappy. I'm trying to talk him out of suing Clint's family."
"That sounds pretty extreme." You mutter. "But I think your father is just worried."
He laughs short. "No, he just wanted me in the Olympics. Papa loves that sort of thing in election season. Now he'll just have to settle for Wanda and her photographs."
You frown slightly, and he adds. "Not that there's anything wrong with photography. It's just that papa thinks it's a hobby, and not a real job."
"Oh, I get it." You say. And you look around, noting only now that he had a few too expensive gifts to have been given by other students. You assumed they were from sponsors or friends of his father. "And how does Wanda feel about that? About your father's opinions on photography I mean."
Pietro shrugs his shoulders. "What do you think? It's horrible. She puts too much pressure on herself, because it seems like she has to be exceptional and perfect in every take, to prove that what she's doing is good enough. I just wish she would relax, and was able to take selfies like everyone else."
You smile, nodding. You really understand the feeling.
Before you can add anything, the door opens again, and Wanda appears.
You shift the weight of your feet, and she smiles in surprise. "I didn't know you were stopping by, Miss Y/L/N."
"I just came to wish your brother well." You say quickly, being aware of your clumsiness and Pietro's curious look at you. "I think I'd better go now."
You nod in farewell, as Wanda hands Pietro a cup of hot chocolate.
Just as you leave the room, you hear footsteps and the door, and turn to find Wanda behind you. "Miss Y/L/N, can I ask you something?"
"You just did." You joke making her smile.
"It's about the contest." She says. "Was the deadline really yesterday?"
You put your hands in your pockets. "Well, technically I have until seven o'clock on Sunday to submit."
"Really?" She exclaimed excitedly. "Would you mind accepting one last late application? Please. I know I shouldn't ask but I-"
"Of course, Wanda." You speak quickly. And then you let out an awkward laugh. "It's not exactly an exception, after all you even have a doctor's note. You can email it to me as soon as you get back to your dorm."
"Thank you very much." She speaks smiling, and hesitates as she moves toward you, changing her mind about hugging you. All she does is squeeze your forearm for a moment, and pull away.
You swallow dryly. "W-well, I'll better be going now. Have a good day."
"You too."
Natasha can notice your reddened cheeks as you walk back into the waiting room and raise an eyebrow.
"Don't even start." You warn her, making her laugh before walking you to the exit.
You check your inbox several times on Saturday, but Wanda sends nothing.
On Sunday you have to finish developing some photographic film for your next class and leave after lunch for the main building, intending to go to the darkroom next to your classroom and work on it for the rest of the afternoon.
You are already a few hours into it when you hear someone knocking on the door.
Figuring it was Natasha with an invitation for a snack, you just say "Come in" without taking your attention away from the proceedings.
You turn around so quickly that your neck makes a noise. "Miss Maximoff! Hey! Hi."
She smiles shyly, an envelope in her hands. "I came to drop off my picture."
"Oh, right." You speak. "You can leave it on my desk."
She nods, and you smile before turning your attention back to the photos in front of you.
But Wanda doesn't leave, just moves closer to you to look at the photos.
"They are very pretty." She comments beside you, and you ignore your quickened heartbeat because of the closeness.
"Thank you." You return. "They're for the next class. Technically, you shouldn't see them before your classmates." You joke, and Wanda smiles, placing the envelope on the empty space on the table.
"Miss Y/L/N?" She catches your eye. "Would you mind looking at my picture now? I want to make sure it's good enough to send."
"Sure." You say gently, drawing the envelope on the table toward you as Wanda waited.
There were two pictures inside. The first one, was incredible. It looked like one of the ones you looked at in the gallery in London at the exhibition where you met Pietro. It was melancholy and well-lit.
The second one made your breath catch. Wanda bit her lips, delighting in your reaction.
"Did you like it, Professor?" She whispered, so close you could feel her breath against your neck. "Did you like it better than the one Jean sent you?"
"Fuck." You gasped, placing the pictures on the table, and closing your eyes for a moment. Big mistake, as the image of the photo, Wanda wearing only a bra, touching herself with her legs spread towards the camera, seemed to stick in your mind. "Miss Maximoff, what do you think you are doing?"
Wanda didn't answer, risking rubbing her lips against your cheek, her breath just as out of rhythm as yours.
Her right hand went up your arm and the other felt your fingers on the table. She leaned in, kissing the corner of your mouth and you used all the remaining control in your body to pull away at once.
"No, that's not right." You warned, feeling your shirt collar too tight, or rather, the dark room seemed more suffocating than usual.
Wanda let out a frustrated grumble, but she didn't give up. "I know you feel what's between us, too."
"No." You snapped back, pressing your face into your hands for a moment, trying to regain control of the situation. “I told you this is never happening.”
"I took that picture thinking of you." She declares simply, and you turn around breathlessly. "I like to imagine it's your tongue inside me."
You gasp, and move against her all at once, kissing her hard.
Wanda melts, matching you in the same intensity, and moaning softly as she feels your tongue slide against hers, hungrily devouring her.
Your hands pull her up onto the table, and she entwines her legs around your waist, gasping at the new friction of your hips against her.
You can't remember why you resisted her for so long.
Everything is intoxicating. Her lips, her tongue, her smell, her taste. You break the kiss to attack her neck, your hands clawing their way under her skirt as hers squeezes her shoulders.
Wanda chokes as you suck the skin from her neck, throwing her hips against nothing, trying to ease the pain between her legs.
"Please." She whimpers. "I need you to touch me."
You wouldn't deny it, dying to know how she feels in your fingers.
Your hands find her panties, and you pull the fabric down to her knees, leaving her exposed under her skirt.
Then there is a knock on the door, and Wanda's eyes widen, trying to pull away, but you hold her in place by the waist.
"Y/N, are you there?" Natasha's voice from the other side.
"Yes, Nat." You shout back without taking your eyes off the girl in front of you, who has reddened cheeks but is looking at you in a mixture of confusion and excitement. "Don't come in here, I've already started work."
"No problem, I just came to invite you to dinner." She clarifies. You don't respond, and raise a finger to your own lip, signaling for Wanda to be silent.
With your other hand, you grope your way up her thighs, and tease the entrance to her exposed pussy with your fingers.
Wanda bites her lips hard to be silent, breathing shallowly as she feels you slowly massaging her clit.
"Will you be long?" Nat shouts from the other side. You let out a low moan as you penetrate Wanda with two fingers at once, sinking in easily from the way she is wet.
She makes a noise with her throat, digging her nails into your arms and closing her eyes tightly.
"No, Nat." You warn back, moving your fingers inside the girl in front of you, feeling her pussy tighten at your fingerprints. "Almost done."
Wanda throbs at the cocky way you spoke, making you grin.
"I'm going to order Chinese food!" Nat shouts from the other side, and you force your fingers hard against Wanda, and she gasps, her legs trembling against you as she covers her mouth with her hand, unable to stay silent as she feels you increase the speed.
As you fuck her fast and hard against your fingers, holding her in place with a grip on her waist, your palm pressing against her clit, you speak aloud:
"Pick option twelve for me, Nat!" You ask, your voice a little hoarse from the excitement of feeling Wanda soaking wet in your fingers.
"Okay, honey!" Nat shouts back, and you hear her footsteps move away, probably to call the restaurant outside, since the signal in the classroom was so bad.
With that, Wanda allows herself to make more noise, and you let out a satisfied giggle as you feel her pussy clench against your fingers, signaling how close she was.
"Will you cum for me, babygirl? Go on. Make a mess on my fingers."
One deep stroke was all it took for Wanda to reach her height, soaking your palm with her back arched, her right hand covering her mouth tightly and her left hand digging her nails into your shoulder.
The most beautiful image you have ever seen.
You pulled her hand away from her mouth and kissed her intensely, but she could barely respond, trying to recover from her recent orgasm.
She whimpered against your lips, feeling your fingers teasing her even after the climax, and grabbed your wrist, begging you to stop.
You smiled against her mouth, and removed your hand, making her sigh.
Thinking it best not to taste her so you could let her go, you wiped your hand on her skirt.
"Wait five minutes after I leave to do the same." You warned, and Wanda looked at you immeditately, almost upset, assuming it was just sex for you. You stroked her cheek to reassure her. "Do you know where I live?"
She nodded, and you smiled. "If you want this to continue, I'll wait for you at my apartment. I just need to say goodbye to Natasha first."
You kissed her one last time before pulling away, not ignoring the way your body was begging you to stay.
In the hallway, you didn't even have to make up an excuse.
"I swear to god, you must be trying to lose your job." Nat commented with crossed arms and an amused expression.
You felt your face heat up. "How did you...?"
"Nobody moans while taking pictures, Y/N." She scoffs, and you mumble in embarrassment. "I ordered extra food to go, they'll deliver it to your apartment. Nice dinner for you both, even though you already had dessert." She teases last with an insinuating look, making you laugh awkwardly.
You return to the darkroom before Wanda leaves, finding her fixing her skirt and messy hair.
"Would you like to have dinner with me?" That's the first thing you say as you enter.
Wanda smiles, blushing, and nods.
You hold out your hand for her to hold.
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Please be more considerate some of us are delusional and genuinely believed that Seb was returning to Redbull for a bit. Thanks. If you are willing to provide a fic about it so I may at least be happy in my delusions that would be very much appreciated 🥂💖❤️‍🔥
my seb girlies are truly suffering 😭😭😭 as a supporter of mass delusion I will support you in this journey anon ❤️🖤
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The talks with Redbull had been crystal clear. Their first driver was Max, Checo would be returning when his marriage stopped falling apart; a scandal so messy for Redbull's current image they sent him home for the season to deal with it, with both divorce lawyers and couples' therapists in tow. Sebastian was fresh out of a seat from Aston Martin, and found himself with far more free time than he was used to. The kids had school, bees only needed so much tending; a sort of restlessness growing weary in his bones.
It's about ending on a high. Being at Aston Martin and having to see scoring a single championship point as a win had been... humbling to say the least, if not incredibly frustrating. He wouldn't be going into this with the same mindset he went into Ferrari, those championship dreams have been long laid to rest. But there was something so appealing, so irresistible of fighting at the very front, of finishing on podiums, of competing with the best of them. It would be a walk down memory lane, and he could leave in good conscious knowing he has done everything he could have.
"Welcome home." Christian grinned, ink on the papers barely dry as Sebastian was pulled into a hug. He still wore the same too strong Hugo Boss cologne even if his hair was more salt and pepper these days, but he still held Sebastian just as tight, made him feel just as small. Everything was different, the facilities at Milton Keynes bigger, changed from his time, everything was the same; Newey and his engineers and so many familiar faces in the staff from over the years. Redbull had a penchant of being sticky, never being able to let go. Even Max was at the corner, more broad shouldered and relaxed and finally grown into himself than the fearless kid he'd been entering Formula One with everything to prove. A World Champion title does that to you, Sebastian would know.
"Yeah, yeah, you switch me out for a younger, hotter piece of ass and then it's let's bring the old wife back." Sebastian teases, patting Christian's back.
"You never forget your first." Christian tells him meaningfully, but the hand on his ass does undercut the emotional significance a tad. Sebastian grins for the photos, then some more as champagne is uncorked and staff cheers. He shakes hands with faces old and new, a teasing joke with Max about being in golden shoes; it's a welcome that is warm, warmer than the $40 million of Ferrari, or anything Lawrence Stroll had to offer.
Seb drinks in it, knowing how it's all for the last time. The last time he'll be signing for a team, the last season of Formula One. When he looks back, he wants to have no regrets. He stares at the wall of trophies, can see his name on quite a few; returning to the bull insignia was not something he thought was possible. Pictures of him at pivotal moments of his career, memories burned into him and memories he'd forgotten.
It's a bit like coming home from college and realizing your childhood bedroom has been converted into a hobby room. You can still trace the walls for the scribbles you left and the torn up posters, but that is all that's left of you, now different, bigger, outgrown. This isn't his home anymore, but it once was.
The love, however, is always there.
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