#the only album ive gone out of my way to listen to the entirety of (other than musicals which dont really count here) is worm food by
alex-just-vibing · 1 year
ok this is kind of out of nowhere but have you listened to nothing happens (album) by wallows. if not i think you would love it soso much. sorry if this is cringe or whatever
I haven't, no. I'll be sure to check it out tho!!
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Listed: Three Lobed Recordings
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For 20 years, Three Lobed Recordings has explored the outer reaches of psychedelic music, presenting Bardo Pond’s heaviest, most improvisatory albums, documenting the American primitive revival via recordings of Jack Rose and Daniel Bachman, listening to emanations from space-age folk troubadours like Wooden Wand, Sunburned Hand of the Man and Matt Valentine and generally pursuing the beauty of experiment, wherever it occurs. To celebrate these past two fruitful decades, label founder Cory Rayborn lists ten of the albums that define Three Lobed (and, necessarily, leaves out others equally valid and interesting). We look forward to lots more in the decades to come.
Personal Choice Cuts from the TLR Catalog (in no particular order, 9 of which might be different if you were to ask me tomorrow).
Gunn-Truscinski Duo — Ocean Parkway (2012)
Ocean Parkway by Gunn-Truscinski Duo
Every time I listen to this album, especially the title track, I feel transported. Long ago my college roommate Jon Nall articulated a test for transcendent songs, for the ones that impact you no matter how many times you hear them. He summed those all-time tracks up as the ones where the hairs on your arms uncontrollably stand up every time you hear them. While every track on this album does it for me every time, throwing me into a sort of uncontrollable head nod and body sway, I am always fully taken away by the entirety of the title track and Steve's swirling guitar build over the entire eighth minute punctuated by the ecstatic tones he hits at 9:06. Yow. The feeling I get from this album is why the label exists.
Various Artists — Eight Trails, One Path (2012)
Eight Trails, One Path by Various Artists
Record Store Day is tough. I love the attention and cash it puts into the hands of independent retailers but hate how commodified it has become over time by the powers that be / majors who see it as an excuse to pump out a bunch of junk that will end up being shelf warmers and ankle weights on those same retailers they claims to be supporting. The first few years when most of the titles were truly from and by indies it was a lot of fun. That was the feeling that led to wanting to put out an RSD title in mid-2011 (an illness I’ve since overcome). Originally conceived as a joined pair of split 7"s, it morphed into a triple 7" and then to a full length album. I wanted to showcase different approaches to solo guitar work and set out to ask a lot of my favorites. I also wanted to put together a special package which was fleshed out with help by Casey Burns on graphics, Grayson Haver Currin on words and Jeff Mueller on printing. I’m still amazed at the interlocked nature of all of the contributions to this one, from Six Organs’ spiritual sibling to “Ascent” in the form of “Stranded on Io” (a track that is a wordless tale all within itself) to the circular beauty of David Daniell’s “Housewarming” and everything else on here. I really love this record.
Tom Carter — Long Time Underground (2015)
Long Time Underground by Tom Carter
Late in 2013 I was chatting with Tom about what shape a record should take. He wanted to go to Black Dirt and get a good, clean capture of what he had been working on with Jason Meagher. TLR is always onboard with a Black Dirt election. Fast forward several months and family TLR was visiting some friends in Vermont around the same time Tom was in the area. We met up and he handed off the masters for a double LP. While we knew that the mix of Tom’s playing, Tom’s writing and Jason’s engineering was going to be magical but we had no idea of the exact form or how insanely potent the album was going to be. Damn. Seriously, just listen to this stuff and absorb that these are all single takes, no overdubs. Haunting and celebratory all at once.
Daniel Bachman — The Morning Star (2018)
The Morning Star by Daniel Bachman
It is pretty fun to watch the arc and path that Daniel’s writing, recording and performing have taken over the last 15 years. From powerhouse steamroller to the intersection of musique concrète and acoustic drone, his current location could maybe have been seen in his early recordings but you likely would have lost most of those dice rolls. The Morning Star speaks to me in so many ways but the stunning bookends of “Invocation” and “New Moon” always hit like a ton of bricks. What is amazing is how Daniel can turn these album cuts into live performances. I saw “New Moon” several times while Daniel was in the process of touring this 2016 self-titled album, always transfixed by it live — the album version loses none of that potency. On the other hand, Daniel re-created “Invocation” at the 2018 Three Lobed / WXDU Annual Ritual of Summoning to stunning effect.
The Michael Flower Band — self-titled (2008)
The Michael Flower Band by The Michael Flower Band
An audio / aural bomb blast, a kosmik rearrangement of the space/time directly around the listener. This take no prisoners statement from Mick Flower (guitar) and John Moloney (drums) is a deep slice for catalog enthusiasts. Just tune into “Balinese Falsehood” and try to not get fully lost. Years ago I described this as “biker psych for the third eye rider” and I’ll stand by that statement fully today.
Wooden Wand and the World War IV — self-titled (2013)
Wooden Wand & the World War IV by Wooden Wand & the World War IV
Picking between Wooden Wand titles is hard for this particular enthusiast but if forced I think I have to push the needle towards the intense Crazy Horse vibes of this studio corker. Surrounded by the “Briarwood” band, perhaps the most telepathic folks with whom Toth has ever played, the results are electric and transfixing. Will I kick myself tomorrow for not picking Clipper Ship? TBD...
Meg Baird & Mary Lattimore — Ghost Forests (2018)
Ghost Forests by Meg Baird and Mary Lattimore
I don’t remember when it came to me, the fact that there wasn’t a deliberately ground-up collaboration between Meg and Mary in existence. I had to ask them if that was purposeful or a gap that was truly something that we should remedy, a question where I had my fingers crossed the entire time. They were both really into the concept, it just took the triangulation of busy satellites to make all of our desires into reality. The results are as sturdy, sheltering and invisible at the edges as the album's title, facts that we are all the better for each time we wrap ourselves in this particular fabric. An all-timer.
Jack Rose — The Black Dirt Sessions (2009)
The Black Dirt Sessions by Jack Rose
I had the good luck and fortune to get to know Jack back in the Pelt days and watch his transition from that ensemble into the singular player and performer that he was for the last eight years of his too short life. Watching a Jack set was always a tiny miracle. I remember him calling me one day, telling me that he had gone to record with Jason Meagher and he had a record that he would really love for me to put out if I was interested. Not only was I most most certainly interested, but I was amazingly humbled and flattered that this friend who I also considered a modern master had recorded something specifically for me without even discussing it with me first. That level of trust was the gift and magic of Jack. If he believed in you that belief gave you all of the power you needed to make anything reality, you were suddenly bulletproof. Every track here is a stunner but “Cross the North Fork” always pulls me in, dares me to turn my attention anywhere else. Rest in power, friend.
Chuck Johnson — Crows In The Basilica (2013)
Crows In The Basilica by Chuck Johnson
Every track on this perfectly constructed and sequenced album is flawlessly beautiful but “On A Slow Passing In Ghost Town” is one of the top 10 tracks in the entire TLR catalog in my estimation. Exactingly and properly composed, performed and recorded.
Bardo Pond — Peri (2009)
Peri by Bardo Pond
The love of Bardo Pond was the seed that initially drove me to create a record label. Their single-minded determination to seek audio truth was apparent to me ages ago and so very inspirational. I ate up everything — the releases, the live shows, the live recording — and I hung on every note. The band had a lot of really, really great tunes that they had been working on between 2001 and 2003, the period between their departing Matador for ATP Records. I could never shake the power of several of the tracks from this era that sort of got abandoned to the shifts of time. After several conversations with Michael Gibbons two albums were born from that period and from some other exceptionally potent tracks. Batholith was the first of these two albums and Peri, the second. Both are so very special to me, the fruit of knowing folks needed to hear these compositions. When writing here I have to pick Peri today as it closes with “Silver Pavilion,” an all-time Bardo Pond thesis statement of sorts.
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wickymicky · 5 years
idk if my newer followers realize just how new to kpop i am
the first kpop song i heard was hi high, not counting any kpop songs i might have heard before that, cause i didnt seek out more of the genre. hi high made me seek out more of the genre, so i count that as my first serious dive into kpop. anyway that was like a week or two before butterfly came out. i dont really count that as my first comeback though because i was only dabbling at that point, and butterfly’s release didnt mean a lot to me at the time (I WOULD KILL TO RELIVE THAT FIRST WATCH NOW). so actually, i still havent seen a comeback from a group im into yet lol. the only group that put out a new song since i had listened to them was izone, but it was violeta that converted me from just someone who had heard la vie en rose into a fan of izone, so that didnt really feel like much either haha. i cant wait to experience the hype.... wejifoweijfmoiwf i think the anticipation of pressing play on a new loona or dc or rv or f9 song would kill me.............
and like, for the first couple weeks, i didnt tell anyone haha. cause i mean, you know, sometimes you stay up really late at night watching a documentary about a serial killer out of morbid curiosity, but it doesnt mean youre gonna join the fucking true crime fandom. so i wasnt sure if checking out this “loona” i’d heard so much about would lead to anything. there came a point though where i had to face the facts and admit to myself “oh, i really, really like this”. i also had to overcome the stigma or whatever lol, and realize oh actually a lot of kpop is really musically interesting and not embarrassing at all. i imagine though that it’s like getting into anime all of a sudden in your 20s, as opposed to growing up a weeb like i did, cause even though there’s a lot of really poignant and impactful anime out there, the stigma is a lot haha. 
also, this stuff is kinda out of the norm of what i normally listen to. well, actually, i would argue that it isnt, but it certainly does seem that way at a glance. i like a lot of extreme metal, punk rock, underground hiphop, etc, but i would argue that kpop has a lot of aspects that appeal to my sensibilities lol. first off, i was a diehard grimes fan until the elon musk hentai shit... when my fandom for her died hard, i guess lol. and there’s a lot of similar stuff to her music in kpop, whether its the fact that she was influenced by kpop, or it’s like with loona, where they were hugely influenced by grimes and have stated that even before “featuring” her on a song. i like stuff like purity ring, the knife/fever ray, and idk other electronic stuff too, so honestly kpop wasnt a big shock to my system, it just *seems* that way when you look at how much i love loona vs how much i love an album from the blackened death metal band behemoth called ‘the satanist’ so much that i went to see them in boston cause they were playing that album in its entirety. it was a bad show full of sweaty dudes, but that’s not important right now. but a lot of kpop, especially girl groups it seems, appeals to my electronic sensibilities haha. and you know, i wasnt expecting that. i’d heard jpop idol groups before, and i thought kpop would give me the same kind of uncomfortable leery creepy feeling i get from watching those music videos, but no, what i found was very a very immersive and deep pop sound with a ton of variety. even within groups... like not only are a lot of groups very distinct from each other, but even within the discographies of those groups, they vary a lot and play around with their sound. 
but anyway, this has gone on for too long
i’m still really new to all this, just a little over two months, right? i hope that doesnt make my blog like inauthentic or whatever haha. i can tell this is the kind of thing i’ll be into for a long time. even if my focus is elsewhere, like, even if in a year or so i’m really into some obscure tv show or something, and im not really listening to much music day-to-day, if i hear there’s a new loona comeback on the way you know i’m gonna pay attention to that, the same way that even though im not in a pokemon-mode rn i still pay attention to what’s going on with it. and i think its really cool to have found another form of media that’s gonna be a lifelong love i think. even if i fall off of kpop in general, the music ive found in the last two months is stuff i dont think i’ll stop loving any time soon. 
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Alaska's Christmas Extravaganza ~ Hobnob
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AN: You know, i love this time of year but people seem to really miss the true meaning of Christmas. I felt obliged to put it into context for the lovely folks at home. Lets have a look at some reviews shall we?
“The spelling was ok.”- Daily Mail
“There was a good attempt there.” -The Sunday Times
“I think i need to watch the show before getting any of this sweetie.” -My Mum
I hope Shangela reads this and finds the strength to win AS3~ Hobnob
–The scene sets in a small living room, adorned with various Christmas ornaments strung up around the mantlepiece. A crackling log fire fills the air with a certain smell akin to the time of year, and occasionally spits the odd ember onto the beige carpeted floor. An artificial tree in the far corner emits a low hum as it partially lights the dim room. Three individuals inhabit the area, sitting on a rather worn looking sofa whilst watching BBC news in ugly Christmas sweaters.–
Jinkx: Alaska you little shit.
Alaska: Hiee.
Jinkx: The nextdoor neighbours said you smothered their Christmas tree in faeces and ate their dog.
Alaska: (Gnawing at a bone) I can’t help it. Christmas is shit.
Jinkx: (Getting up and turning the telly off) You’re gonna have to go get it together before we go to my nans Christmas party on Saturday.
Alaska: If you make me go i’ll set her milky eyes on fire!
Jinkx: Jesus christ Alaska thats messed up.
Alaska: Yeah well you’re jewish. You don’t even celebrate Christmas.
Alaska: Christmas can suck my wang!!
Roxxxy: (Speaking up with a mouth full of mince pies #thickandjuicy) Sounds like you need…the spirit of Christmas.
Alaska: The spirit of Christmas?
Roxxxy: Didn’t you know? Legend says Shangela has the ability to grant unlimited holiday cheer with a single holy halleloo.
Alaska: Gay.
Roxxxy: (Sobbing, but continuing to eat) Its not gay Alaska!
Roxxxy: And you’d better find your Christmas cheer before Jinkxseses nans party.
Alaska: I don’t see it for me but ok.
Jinkx: I won’t have you ruining it like last year.
Alaska: Wasn’t that bad.
Roxxxy: You killed 5 salvation army workers with a decorative star.
Alaska: And I’d do it again!!!
Alaska: I couldn’t care less about that party. I don’t care for Christmas. Tiny Tim can contract ebola!!
Roxxxy: (Checking her casio sports watch) I’m late for the bus guys gtg. Bingo is in half an hour.
Alaska: Hmmmm…the spirit of Christmassssss🤔🤔🐍sssounds gay…
–Alaska gets up and walks to the window. The snowfall isn’t all that heavy as small flakes are illuminated by a street lamp with lewd drawings carved into the side. She could drive around to find the Shangela, except she owned a BMW, and rear wheel drive is shit in winter so she’d probably crash into some schoolboys on their way home.–
Alaska: Jinkx i need a lift.
Jinkx: I can’t, my cars in the shop.
Jinkx: you keyed the entirety of Aja’s Valentina speech on it last week.
–A shadowy figure in a Santa hat approaches the window and taps the glass with a skeletal finger.–
Ru: It’s me, God!
Ru: Wait.
Ru: It’s me, Rupaul!
Alaska: Rupaul? I thought Miss Fame set you on fire for eating meat?
Ru: (Neck rolling) My body is an illusion chiilde. My existence is merely a string of conscious decisions ive made prior to this mortal realm.
Alaska: Party.
Alaska: Please mawma. Help me find Shangela so I won’t be a cunt to my loved ones all the time.
Ru: Well…i suppose I’m all out of queens to block on twitter…
Ru: Aight lets make this quick, i have a bingo game in half an hour.
–They both get in Rupauls Toyota Camry and speed off whilst remaining under the speed limit. Road safety is important at this time of year as 70% of road collisions occur at Christmas.–
Alaska: (Shedding her skin) Where the bloody hell would Shangela be?
Ru: In todays maxi challenge, we’ll be traveling to the happiest place on earth!
Alaska: Lapland?
Ru: Close.
Ru: Scotland!
Alaska: Oh.
Alaska: (Hissing at the radio) Change the station rupaul this is making my ears bleed.
Ru: Oh? But this is the latest hit off my smashing Christmas album, ‘The beggining of the realness glamazonian peanut walk-the rumix.’
Alaska: Well turn it off. Its upsetting Jinkxes nan.
–The pair of them turn around to see Jinkxes nan having a Christmas seizure.–
Ru: If you don’t like it Alaska, get out. I don’t have to put up with tomfuckery. I’m God!
Ru: Wait.
Ru: No yes thats right.
–Alaska ejects the CD and throws it outside at a schoolboy. She takes a CD from her bra and pops it in as one of her many compelling songs begins to play.–
Alaska: Anus now available at your closest pound world.
Ru: Get out.
–Alaska is thrown out the car into a pile of snow.–
Alaska: Fuck you Rupaul you saggy bastard!!
Ru: See you at all stars 17 lad.
Ru: (Neck rolling) Oh you…forgot this.
–Rupaul throws Jinkxes nan into the pile of snow and speeds off.– Alaska: Shit.
–Alaska spots a warm glow in the distance. On further inspection it’s a humble pub. She approaches it, stepping over Jinkxes nan along the way. Once inside she spots a booth of old geezers.–
Alaska: Mrs. Kasha Davis? Tempest Dujour? Why you here?
Mrs. Kasha Davis: Us old folk have a hard time finding a place to stay during winter, and you know what they say!
Alaska: There’s always time for a cocktail?
Mrs. Kasha Davis: No. Mrs. Kasha Davis: (Tearing up) I have no grasp of my drinking problem and I’m sadder than I’ve ever been help me please.
Alaska: Lol hiee.
Tempest: Your aura is jacked. What’s troubling you?
Alaska: I need to find Shangela. Legend says a single halleloo can light a soul on fire with Christma-
Tempest: Dont talk to me about legend you lanky shit. I invented that story.
Tempest: Besides, that’s just a myth i created.
Alaska: But why Tempest?
Tempest: To get those kids off my danm lawn!
Charlie: (Raising her pint) Here here!
Alaska: Then that means…I’m doomed to hate Christmas forever…
Mrs. Kasha Davis: Yeah looks like it.
Alaska: I think I’ll go watch the Sherlock Christmas special.
Alaska: Thanks for literally nothing.
–Alaska hangs her head and pushes a pint glass off the table sadly :( She begins to exit the pub.–
Charlie: Wait!!! You have passed the test.
Alaska: (Turning back around) Pardon?
Charlie: Most people prefer the Doctor Who Christmas special, but the Sherlock Christmas special is far superior. You have passed the test.
–The seniors huddle together and whisper amongst themselves before turning back to Alaska.–
Tempest: Shangela is in fact real.
Tempest: We were only goofing you before because you’re sort of a dick.
Alaska: So Shangela is in the happiest place on earth Scotland?
Mrs. Kasha Davis: (Guffawing) Dont be silly.
Mrs. Kasha Davis: Scotland doesn’t exist. Shangela lives in Sheffield, up in the block of flats behind Lidl.
Tempest: I hear the Lidl fruit cake is very good this year.
Mrs. Kasha Davis: Yes Ive heard that too.
Tempest: Mmm very good.
Charlie: Bit too dense for me. Gives me diarrhoea.
–They all look around to Alaska who’s disappeared.–
Tempest: Shit.
–Around an hour later and Alaska finds herself outside a large council estate. She travels up the flight of stairs to a door with a Christmas wreath. She rips it off the door and knocks. A Christmas present rolls out the door and Shangela pops out.–
Shangela: Haleoo?
Alaska: Hiee are you…
Alaska: (Looking down at her hand) Shanjello?
Shangela: Maybe i am. maybe i arent.
Shangela: I just huffed an entire tube of paint i genuinely don’t know anymore.
Alaska: This entire holiday is aids.
Alaska: I got frostbite on the way up and i left Jinkxes nan to die in a pile of snow.
Alaska: I need some Christmas spirit.
Shangela: (Taking out a fat blunt and taking a massive chong) Listen here you lanky shit.
Shangela: Many before you have tried, and most have failed.
Shangela: Just like on drag race, consequence for failure…is death.
Alaska: I’m not sure that’s correct.
Shangela: Yeah sorry its the drugs.
Shangela: Alright go get me some Lidl fruit cake and i’ll give you my sweet Christmas goo.
Alaska: Ok but i never want to hear the phrase ‘sweet Christmas goo’ ever again.
Alaska: Biee
Shangela: (Waving and grinning) No problem giant purple rat.
Shangela: Is the sky melting?
–Alaska makes her way inside Lidl and grabs a big ol fruit cake. At the counter she couldn’t help but feeling she knew the cashier dressed up in a reindeer costume. She pushes a schoolboy over and places her baked Christmas goods on the counter along with a litre bottle of tizer which was only a quid insane bargain.–
Raja: 3 quid mate.
Alaska: Raja??? You work in Lidl???
Raja: Aye.
Raja: You know how it is. Crippling debt and all that.
Raja: Turns out 75,000 pounds goes quickly if you spend it all on grey hair dye.
Alaska: I didn’t ask but ok, werk.
Raja: What are you doing here? You hate Christmas and seasonal foods.
Alaska: it’s not for me, Shangela is exchanging Cake for Christmas spirit.
Raja: (Gasping) That idea is a boot from me. Shangela is a very vengeful and evil spirit!
Raven: (From across the room working another counter) WHAT.
Raja: (Turning back to Alaska) Would you like a bag for an extra 5p?
Alaska: Vengeful spirit? What are you on about?
Raja: Well, back on our season there happened to be a Christmas challenge…
Raja: All was going well. The room was full of seasonal cheer! That was all until a large box was rolled out and we were all proper gagged.
Raja: Shangela popped out of the box after being eliminated from last season. She was ready to snatch the crown by any means necessary.
Raja: As it turns out she did so badly in the challenge, she landed herself in the bottom 2 once again.
Raja: Fuelled by her hatred for tulle fabric and Mimi Imfurst, she managed to stay in the competition. But at a cost…
Raja: Ever since, she’s hated Christmas! And steals the souls of those who cannot bring her Christmas cake!!
Alaska: (Hands over the money) Sounds fake.
Alaska: See you at Jinkxes nans party!
Raja: Bye.
Raja: Daft cunt…
–Back outside Shangela’s door, Alaska knocks three times. Did she have anything to worry about? Was Raja’s warning true?–
Shangela: Haleoo?
Alaska: I brought you fruit cake.
Shangela: Who are you?
Alaska: We met 10 minutes ago.
Shangela: Ah! Giant purple rat!
–Alaska hands over the cake and Shangela observes it for a moment.–
Shangela: This…this i-is not Christmas fruit cake…
Alaska: Oh man really? Haa i must’ve picked up partytime gyozas by accident my bad.
Shangela: (Fists trembling as she goes red) YOU HAVE MADE A TERRIBLE MISTAKE..
Alaska: Omf the look on your face right now…priceless.
Alaska: Hey what’s your wifi password?
Shangela: IM-IM.
–Shangela begins to transform as she morphs into a disgusting snowman creature. Finally she lets out a blood curdling screech and lunges at Alaska.–
Alaska: (Dodging Shangela’s punch) Hmm i think Raja may of been on to something…
Alaska: I’d better get out of here huh.
–Alaska begins to boot it down the stairs, Shangela hot on her heels, throwing glasses of Absolut cocktails at her. Alaska’s lanky knees give way as she clatters to the floor. She was at the mercy of Shangela, who towered over her menacingly.–
Alaska: (Cowering and shaking in fear) IM SO CONFUSED IS THIS A REFERENCE TO SOMETHING?
–Suddenly a Toyota Camry screeches to a halt. The door opens and it’s Rupaul!–
Ru: Alaska! Get in!
–Alaska picks herself off the floor and hops in the car. They speed away as Shangela runs after them, her snowman body gaining power in the heavy snow.–
Alaska: Rupaul? Why did you come back?
Ru: Ive been listening to Anus!
Ru: I relate a lot to the message of nails.
–Shangela lets out another roaring halleloo as she continues to throw acid cocktails. Alaska cooks up an idea stew.–
Alaska: Ru! Drive back to Jinkxes house!
Ru: What? Why? She’ll destroy the place!
Alaska: Trust mawma.
–When they arrive at Jinkxes house Ru does a sick tailspin and stops in the driveway. They leg it inside as a confused Jinkx is setting out party foods and drinks.–
Jinkx: What? Yeah it’s my nans favourite.
Alaska: Your nan is dead Jinkx!
Alaska: Go get the fucking cake!!
Jinkx: Wait what?
Alaska: No time to explain go grab the cake!!
Jinkx: Did you say my nan-
Alaska: Jinkx really gurl priorities. Get the fucking cake.
–Jinkx goes into the kitchen and comes back with the baked goods in hand. Alaska hurries to the front door and swings it open to find a now 50 ft tall Shangela running towards the house. She readies her throwing arm into Shangela’s agape mouth and takes aim.–
Alaska: Merry Christmas.
Alaska: motherfucker.
–She throws it with her massively lanky arms as it lands in Shangela’s throat. Shangela munches for a bit before nodding her head and returning to her original size.–
Shangela: Bloody good cake that. Aight you’ve earned your Christmas spirit Alaska.
Alaska: Thanks.
Alaska: But you know, i don’t think i need it.
Alaska: I’ve learnt that Christmas isn’t about Holiday spirit, or even our loved ones.
Alaska: It’s about food. I get it now.
Ru: Good job chiiilde. You figured it out.
Ru: Looks like my work here, (Winks) is done.
Alaska: But where will you go?
Ru: Wherever I’m needed.
Ru: Plus i hear Michelle got in trouble with the feds for smuggling coke in her boobs, so i’d better go help her out.
Alaska: Bieeeee.
–People start arriving for the Christmas party. Tempest Dujour, Mrs. Kasha Davis, Charlie Hides, Raja, Raven and even Roxxxy take their places at the table and begin to chow down on the delicious munchies. Just before Alaska goes inside Shangela lets out a small cough.–
Shangela: Hey, I’m sorry about earlier. You’ve taught me the true meaning of Christmas, and I’m forever grateful for that henny.
Alaska: You know…there is an extra place at the table since we killed Jinkxes nan…
Alaska: Want to join us?
Shangela: Well, i am out of paint to huff…
Shangela: You know what? Halleloo i do!!
–And so everyone gathered around for this most festive of holidays, rejoicing and eating those mini sausage rolls that taste better cold. Roxxxy’s bingo game went well, the old folks had a place to stay, Jinkx was sobbing into the tablecloth, and most importantly, Alaska had found out the true meaning of Christmas. Merry Christmas to one and all reading this, and i hope you go to Lidl for your shopping this festive season. Halleloo.–
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Suggestion O’Clock
As February ends and March begins, here’s a reflection of some things I’ve been listening to and watching. Everybody needs suggestions, take them as you need.
Music: I am a firm believer in Spotify’s Discover Weekly playlists which automatically update themselves based on your listening patterns and what not. The BEST place to go for some handpicked tunes. However, here are a few I’ve come to love the past month.
• The Neighbourhood’s Hard To Imagine EP: Unlike the last three works they’ve put out, Hard To Imagine is something all it’s own. Very far from I Love You and Wiped Out!, HTI is full of songs that definitely reach outside of the usual boundaries they’d set for themselves. Though I am not a fan of the EP in its entirety, there are a few songs that make it worthwhile. ‘Void’ being in the top spot with that one lyric, “Wonder how I got by this week, only touched you once.” Just feels so smooth. Following in no definite order are Scary Love, Nervous (which dropped 5 days ago), You Get Me So High, and Roll Call. Honorable mention to 24/7 and Sadderdaze- both catchy, but in a way that will get old really fast. If there’s such a thing as dishonorable mention, Dust takes that. I could have gone the whole album without that.
• Sufjan Stevens- Visions of Gideon: Top Spot for WEEKS in the category of “Songs That Will Ruin My Day”. This is one of the most gutwrenching songs for me. So pretty, so smooth, so full of feeling. Sufjan is an artist that has definitely made more waves since the Call Me By Your Name soundtrack’s Oscar nomination he got for “Mystery of Love.” I hate to say that the Academy was wrong, but picking that over Visions of Gideon was nothing but wrong. Seriously, listen to this and tell me you didn’t cry.
• Viola Beach- Call You Up: The song I want to montage videos of myself dancing on a beach at sunset with a bottle of wine to. Definitely that annoying indie sounding voice, but it works for this. Lyrics you’d find in the diary of young people in some summer love. “I’ll call you up in the middle of the night in hopes that you want to hear from me. I just wanna know if you’re feeling alright.” It’s just so CATCHY you just gotta sway your head and hips and close your eyes when you sing it. Has a beachy feel. One of those in the middle sort of songs. Not a breakup song, not a love song. Takes a seat on the harshly drawn middle line. Just give it a listen, I can’t stop playing it in my car because it’s impossible to not sing along to.
• Manchester Orchestra- Colly Strings. I don’t know what they are, but I know this song makes me perform power house vocals in the shower. Definitely something the singer wrote to be specific to himself, but still vague enough to feel like it relates. Simple, heavily lyric focused, not technically impressive at all. Just really plain, but I love it. Listen to this on drives home. “CONFESSEDLY, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE LOVED YOU AND GOD, I MEAN IT. GOD, I MEAN IT. I HOPE THAT I MEAN IT. CAUSE LIKE DIANE YOUNG, IDOLS GET THE BEST OF ME. WELL, DONT STOP CALLING- YOURE THE REASON I LOVE LOSING SLEEP.” a... slammer. A true indie king. Strange that I’ve never liked Manchester Orchestra’s other songs.
• The Last Shadow Puppets- Miracle Aligner: IN CASE YOU ARENT AWARE, Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys is the front man of this band. Basically, its Arctic Monkeys music under a different band name. TLSP had Sweet Dreams, Tennessee which I learned about a summer or so ago and loved. How I never found Miracle Aligner baffles me. It’s got that same AM vibe that most of Alex Turner’s work does. Feels a bit like a background song for a 60’s feel good family show. This one’s upbeat for his fashion, but I dig it. Alex Turner is the man I’ve always wanted to meet. I cannot believe he is real. I’ve been convinced he’s sincerely an enigma.
• From the Dining Table- Harry Styles: OKAY, I know it‘s overdue. I didn’t give much listen to Harry’s album because it mimics so many British rock classics so closely that I just.. I didn’t want to. And I’m the biggest one direction stan alive. Sometimes, I cringe at the lyrics. Aside from that, it’s a song I’d fall asleep to and that’s why I like it. It’s something I would sing to put someone to sleep. After a minute and a half we can stop the song because the third verse/bridge/ whatever is so close to resembling Over the Rainbow in my head. Just throw it on your playlist if you’ve not already. I’m sure almost everyone has.
• Jamie T- Magnolia Melancholia: I AM SO MANY THINGS AFTER THIS SONG. First off, Jamie T has been around for a few years, and I’ve always liked some of his stuff. Don’t You Find, and Zombie were two that I definitely was like, huh, this is new. He’s one of those British singers that really actually sounds British. Most of it’s a little more spoken than sung. Anyway, outside of this- magnolia melancholia is very different compared to his other music. Almost similar to Dont You Find, but it’s the only thing close. The song is sincerely just so impactful to me because of the lyrics, but I think it’s a good song overall to have. Like I said, different. “Nice to meet ya, boy, I know your mama knows. I fell in love with her seven thousand summer ago. I was a runner, boy,” just something I think he stripped from my diary and made his own. Definitely really excited to have seen his name come back on my screen and feel something so personal and nostalgic. Really think he’s an underrated artist.
Films: Of course, it’s March when I’m writing this, so the Oscars have come and gone. However, Oscar nominees or not- these are the films I’ve seen, loved, and suggest.
• The Shape of Water- Winner of Best Picture, The Shape of Water is obviously something you look at and say, “Hm, I should probably see that.” TSOW is insanely creative, but there should be nothing less expected from its director. Following a black woman, gay man, and a mute woman’s romance with an amphibian man- it’s definitely up there in terms of diversity. In short, the feel of the film and its tenderness paired with intrinsic visual detail is stimulating in a multitude of ways. You leave the theater feeling something.
• Black Panther- I would literally pay the first person who reads this and hasn’t seen Black Panther $20. I’m pretty sure it’s like... the top grossing movie ever at this point. If you don’t care for superhero movies, just go for the complete bad-assery. And Michael B Jordan. Who I don’t think is a great actor, but I do find him almost as gorgeous as Lupita.
• Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri: Another Oscar nominee. Frances McDormand who plays the lead took home best actress while supporting actor went to her co star Sam Rockwell. Really, in all honesty, the thing that I think about when I explain the film is the character arc they gave San Rockwell’s character. Watching this man grow and change throughout the film was impressive both in the acting and the writing.
• Atonement- Look, I’m just asking you to go on Netflix and add this to your Watch List for an afternoon when you’re laying in bed and want to cry. James McAvoy and Natalie Portman, a heart wrenching love story during war time, but still far more than that.
• The Warriors- We Love A Good 70/80’s film, and this is what that was. Based around gangs and a journey back home, this is full of companionship, unity, wit, and lots and lots of leather vests. (prime)
• Wonderstruck- Ultimately a feel good film that is unlike any other. Complex story line, wonderful depiction, just creative and free. Feels so sweet to see something so pure.
• Captain Fantastic- okay, everything I’ve deemed “creative” is subpar when it comes to Captain Fantastic. Surrounding the theme of family, mental illness, and exclusion- the film depicts a family living off grid with their dad after losing their mother to depression, the following days are full of humorous and heartfelt feats as they attempt to attend their mothers funeral despite the grandfathers wishes. The complete disconnect between the modern world and the world this family lives in puts them at no sort of disadvantage, and the theme of unity and pride of where you come from shines through.
• Blade Runner 2049- Rewatched it. Felt so happy to have my eyes glued to a screen. Genuinely equivalent to being induced into a coma because you’re not leaving your seat. And if you haven’t seen the original Blade Runner- do yourself and Harrison Ford a favor.
• Honorable Mention to Lady Bird, CMBYN, Dunkirk, Phantom Thread, and The Florida Project all of which will be included in an “Oscars in Review” post I have queued for next week
As far as music and movies go, that is a slight look into some of the things February and March have brought thus far. For every time Lauren needs a suggestion, I feel as though it’s necessary to compile a list for whoever else may need it.
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longlistshort · 5 years
Silver Jews- Random Rules
I first heard about David Berman and his band Silver Jews a while ago, as they were one of those bands you heard about if you were a Pavement fan. But sadly, I never got around to listening to them until now.
Stephen Malkmus and David Berman went to the University of Virginia and later moved together to Hoboken, New Jersey. There Malkmus, along with their other roommate Bob Nastanovich, played with additional bandmates as Pavement, and together with Berman they formed the Silver Jews, although Berman soon remained the only constant member of the band.
When I discovered that David Berman had passed away and read the many quotes from his songs posted online by friends and fans, I finally spent some time listening to his music. There are just so many great lines in these songs. For instance, from Random Rules, posted above- “In 1984, I was hospitalized for approaching perfection/ Slowly screwing my way across Europe, they had to make a correction”. It’s a funny opener and the whole song is filled with quotable lyrics. Towards the end are the lyrics “I asked the painter why the roads are colored black/ He said, ‘Steve, it’s because people leave/And no highway will bring them back’.” So many of his songs are like this, the humor mixed with the pathos.
Silver Jews disbanded in 2009 and Berman quit making music for awhile. In 2011 he started a blog. In May, ten years after he stopped making music, he released the album Purple Mountains. The lyrics to the songs on this album, including the one below, are poignant, made even more so after his death. In a recent interview with Exclaim!, he discusses each song off that album.
Purple Mountains- All My Happiness Is Gone (song starts 2:06)
He also wrote poetry, and this poem, from his book Actual Air, is just so incredible I’m presenting it in its entirety (via poemhunter).
Self- Portrait at 28
I know it's a bad title but I'm giving it to myself as a gift on a day nearly canceled by sunlight when the entire hill is approaching the ideal of Virginia brochured with goldenrod and loblolly and I think "at least I have not woken up with a bloody knife in my hand" by then having absently wandered one hundred yards from the house while still seated in this chair with my eyes closed. It is a certain hill the one I imagine when I hear the word "hill" and if the apocalypse turns out to be a world-wide nervous breakdown if our five billion minds collapse at once well I'd call that a surprise ending and this hill would still be beautiful a place I wouldn't mind dying alone or with you.
I am trying to get at something and I want to talk very plainly to you so that we are both comforted by the honesty. You see there is a window by my desk I stare out when I am stuck though the outdoors has rarely inspired me to write and I don't know why I keep staring at it. My childhood hasn't made good material either mostly being a mulch of white minutes with a few stand out moments, popping tar bubbles on the driveway in the summer a certain amount of pride at school everytime they called it "our sun" and playing football when the only play was "go out long" are what stand out now. If squeezed for more information I can remember old clock radios with flipping metal numbers and an entree called Surf and Turf. As a way of getting in touch with my origins every night I set the alarm clock for the time I was born so that waking up becomes a historical reenactment and the first thing I do is take a reading of the day and try to flow with it like when you're riding a mechanical bull and you strain to learn the pattern quickly so you don't inadverantly resist it.
II two I can't remember being born and no one else can remember it either even the doctor who I met years later at a cocktail party. It's one of the little disappointments that makes you think about getting away going to Holly Springs or Coral Gables and taking a room on the square with a landlady whose hands are scored by disinfectant, telling the people you meet that you are from Alaska, and listen to what they have to say about Alaska until you have learned much more about Alaska than you ever will about Holly Springs or Coral Gables. Sometimes I am buying a newspaper in a strange city and think "I am about to learn what it's like to live here." Oftentimes there is a news item about the complaints of homeowners who live beside the airport and I realize that I read an article on this subject nearly once a year and always receive the same image. I am in bed late at night in my house near the airport listening to the jets fly overhead a strange wife sleeping beside me. In my mind, the bedroom is an amalgamation of various cold medicine commercial sets (there is always a box of tissue on the nightstand). I know these recurring news articles are clues, flaws in the design though I haven't figured out how to string them together yet, but I've begun to notice that the same people are dying over and over again, for instance Minnie Pearl who died this year for the fourth time in four years.
III three Today is the first day of Lent and once again I'm not really sure what it is. How many more years will I let pass before I take the trouble to ask someone? It reminds of this morning when you were getting ready for work. I was sitting by the space heater numbly watching you dress and when you asked why I never wear a robe I had so many good reasons I didn't know where to begin. If you were cool in high school you didn't ask too many questions. You could tell who'd been to last night's big metal concert by the new t-shirts in the hallway. You didn't have to ask and that's what cool was: the ability to deduct to know without asking. And the pressure to simulate coolness means not asking when you don't know, which is why kids grow ever more stupid. A yearbook's endpages, filled with promises to stay in touch, stand as proof of the uselessness of a teenager's promise. Not like I'm dying for a letter from the class stoner ten years on but... Do you remember the way the girls would call out "love you!" conveniently leaving out the "I" as if they didn't want to commit to their own declarations. I agree that the "I" is a pretty heavy concept and hope you won't get uncomfortable if I should go into some deeper stuff here.
IV four There are things I've given up on like recording funny answering machine messages. It's part of growing older and the human race as a group has matured along the same lines. It seems our comedy dates the quickest. If you laugh out loud at Shakespeare's jokes I hope you won't be insulted if I say you're trying too hard. Even sketches from the original Saturday Night Live seem slow-witted and obvious now. It's just that our advances are irrepressible. Nowadays little kids can't even set up lemonade stands. It makes people too self-conscious about the past, though try explaining that to a kid. I'm not saying it should be this way. All this new technology will eventually give us new feelings that will never completely displace the old ones leaving everyone feeling quite nervous and split in two. We will travel to Mars even as folks on Earth are still ripping open potato chip bags with their teeth. Why? I don't have the time or intelligence to make all the connections like my friend Gordon (this is a true story) who grew up in Braintree Massachusetts and had never pictured a brain snagged in a tree until I brought it up. He'd never broken the name down to its parts. By then it was too late. He had moved to Coral Gables.
V five The hill out my window is still looking beautiful suffused in a kind of gold national park light and it seems to say, I'm sorry the world could not possibly use another poem about Orpheus but I'm available if you're not working on a self-portrait or anything. I'm watching my dog have nightmares, twitching and whining on the office floor and I try to imagine what beast has cornered him in the meadow where his dreams are set. I'm just letting the day be what it is: a place for a large number of things to gather and interact -- not even a place but an occasion a reality for real things. Friends warned me not to get too psychedelic or religious with this piece: "They won't accept it if it's too psychedelic or religious," but these are valid topics and I'm the one with the dog twitching on the floor possibly dreaming of me that part of me that would beat a dog for no good reason no reason that a dog could see. I am trying to get at something so simple that I have to talk plainly so the words don't disfigure it and if it turns out that what I say is untrue then at least let it be harmless like a leaky boat in the reeds that is bothering no one. VI six I can't trust the accuracy of my own memories, many of them having blended with sentimental telephone and margarine commercials plainly ruined by Madison Avenue though no one seems to call the advertising world "Madison Avenue" anymore. Have they moved? Let's get an update on this. But first I have some business to take care of. I walked out to the hill behind our house which looks positively Alaskan today and it would be easier to explain this if I had a picture to show you but I was with our young dog and he was running through the tall grass like running through the tall grass is all of life together until a bird calls or he finds a beer can and that thing fills all the space in his head. You see, his mind can only hold one thought at a time and when he finally hears me call his name he looks up and cocks his head and for a single moment my voice is everything: Self-portrait at 28.
There is only so much time to read, listen to, and see all the wonderful things people have created. David Berman made work well worth spending some of that precious time on.
Rest in Peace.
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