#the only one i want to see rn is the third guardians of the galaxy. to find out if quill and nebula like each other <3
gaitwae · 1 year
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eiltae · 6 years
Stun & run
N/A: I wanted to do something new so I’m trying this prompts!  First time posting my stupid stuff here, hope someone like it lol
Requests are open, but I’m just writing Peter Quill x reader rn.  Oh, my English isn’t good, I’m still practicing, so I’m sorry about any mistakes!
Pairing: Peter Quill x reader Word count: 756 Warning: none
34. “You come to my room and wake me up at 4 am, to cuddle?”
    It was late and your companions had been asleep as you were there, staring at the ceiling. The week had been very exhausting, and even though every bit of your body was in complete agony, the noises outside kept you awake. It was a thunder too high for a planet so tiny as ORF-897, where you and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy decided to take a break to rest     Earlier, you were trapped in a goddamn hole, with Peter without communication with the others and it was at least 4 hours of an endless discussion with him about who was the idiot who first fell into that trap. The answer was Peter.     The third thunder rumbled so close you swore it would have fallen on the Milano, which made you even more scared. Sure, noises of explosions and shots were loud, but you KNEW when you were going to hear them, and those thunders were unexpected, you’re not a big fan of surprises. The idea of ​​staying on that tiny planet was Peter's, so he was to blame for your sleepless night. Leaving your room foot by foot you go look for an infallible method to not hear thunders: Quill's walkman,  which you're sure he took to his room.  “He can be so selfish sometimes!”     You shrug, as you stop in front of his door, opening it without knocking. A very weak light coming from who knows where is enough for you to see your hand in front of your eyes. Another thunder, louder than the last one (that seemed more like a mini earthquake) caused you jump to his bed, screaming louder than intended, clinging tightly to Star-Lord’s sleeping body. Peter cursed, looking for his weapons as he realized who it was, he just jerked you to the side, turning on the light and jumping out of bed, looking for his pants. “You crazy! You want to fucking kill me?! What the hell are you doing here?!!”     At first you just ignored him, trying to find the walkman. With the blankets and sheets on the floor, you stopped just to admire the shirtless man trying to put on his pants while jumping on one foot. "Maybe I just wanted to cuddle with you, we’ll never know." “You come to my room and wake me up at 4 am, to cuddle?” He stared at you furiously, as if he wanted to see you fall dead right there. “You're the fucking last person I want to see in the fucking galaxy! Now get out!” “Wow, take it easy, idiot. We all know it was your fault, I mean, what happened earlier.” "Really? Did you come here to discuss this? You KNOW that you said 'let's go this way, it seems safe!'" He imitates your voice in an irritating and squeaky way. "I don't talk like this!" You laugh, and he stays serious.You jump out of bed and can see his Walkman hanging on his waist. “Get out!” Peter holds the door and stands there, pointing out. He’s face is red, maybe it's anger. "You have no idea how cute you look when you're mad, seriously." You tease, resting your hands on your waist, putting the weight of your body on your left leg. He rolls his eyes and you pass quickly by him, like a mischievous child grabbing the Walkman before Peter closes the door, smiling victoriously. “No way” He holds you. “That's mine and I'm still very pissed off with you, Y/N!” "Please, please, please." You beg. "Nope." He comes a little closer. Perhaps the only alternative was not this one, but it was worth risking.even though it would hurt a little bit on you and maybe Peter could get really angry enough to kick you out of the ship. And also, for your first time, you imagined something completely different.
You took a deep breath. Peter raised his eyebrows, twisting his mouth.
One of the escape techniques is to stun the enemy, directing his attention to something else and then run as faster as you can. 
Firmly holding the Walkman, you take a slight impulse to touch his lips, kissing Peter in a way more abrupt than you imagined, but very effective. He stood there gaping, letting you go completely without reaction. You returned to your room, happy and satisfied to finally lie down to sleep, listening to the music that Peter Quill taught you to love, thinking about that stupid kiss.
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rohdutch · 6 years
I don’t know anything about movies so do it. :-D answer as many as you can from 1-60
Oh my gooooodddddd. Soph this will be my death. Okay, okay, I got this.
1. A movie you’ve seen most times in the cinema.
I’ve never seen a movie more than once in theater, but I kind of wish that I would’ve gone to see Gifted more than once bc crying in the theater is an e x p e r i e n c e.
2. Your most rewatched movie.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3. A movie you quote on a daily basis.
I just quoted Mean Girls earlier today.
4. Favorite movie soundtrack.
The Greatest Showman.
5. Top 5 films of your favorite actor and actress.
I’ll choose Sebastian Stan for this (even tho Richard Armitage is my favorite):
-the Bronze
-I, Tonya
-the Martian
-the Captain America trilogy
Meg Ryan:
-Fan Girl
-Sleepless in Seattle
-You’ve Got Mail
-City of Angels
6. Top 5 performances of your favorite actor and actress.
Seb’s are the same except replace Gone with Political Animals, his performance as TJ is iconic and I’m so sad they ended that show. Meg’s are the same too.
7. A movie storyline you wished you had actually lived.
I’ve always dreamt of being apart of the Fast & Furious movies soooo
8. A movie that reminds you of your mom.
Any of the Star Wars.
9. A movie thar reminds you of your dad.
10. Favorite movies from your childhood.
My parents didn’t care what I really watched as a kid so a lot of my favorites consist of actual kids movies and horror movies. Disney movies like Robin Hood (I loved both Disney’s version and Prince of Thieves), Mulan, Cinderella, Aladdin, Lion King 2. And then other movies like Underworld, Van Helsing, Halloween, and Resident Evil. I had a strange obsession with the third Resident Evil.
11. Favorite quote(s).
I can’t remember the exact line, but “that kid from Brooklyn who didn’t know how to walk away from a fight, I’m following him,” which Bucky says to Steve in the first Cap film. And obv any Mean Girls quote.
12. Top 5 female performances.
-Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter-Emilia Clarke in Me Before You-Helen Mirren in Winchester-Michelle Pfeiffer in Grease 2-Michelle Pfeiffer in Stardust
13. Top 5 male performances.
-Martin Freeman as Everett Ross-Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange-Sebastian Stan in the Bronze-Leonardo DiCaprio in the Departed-Jack Nicholson in the Departed
14. Favorite year for movies.
I don’t think I have a specific year? Although 2018 has been a fantastic year for movies so far. I do have a preference for movies from 90s and early 2000s.
18. An underrated actor.
A year ago I would’ve said Sebastian Stan, but he’s recently been doing a lot of big things and has like four movies he’s doing that he plays a main character in. Now I’ll shoot for Blair Redford.
19. An underrated actress.
Emilia Clarke. People need to appreciate her more.
20. An underrated director.
Taika Waititi.
21. An overrated actor.
I’ve never cared for George Clooney tbh.
22. An overrated actress.
I love her, but Scarlett Johansson.
23. An overrated director.
Woody Allen. Not even sorry.
24. A film you wish you had seen on the big screen.
Every MCU movie besides Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther. I watched Black Panther with my sister and saw Guardians at a drive-in. I had to wait to see all the others :(
25. A movie you’ve seen that you think no one else here will have heard of?
Like Sunday, Like Rain. Please watch it. It’s absolutely amazing.
26. Favorite movie characters.
Oh my gosh. Okay. Doctor Strange. Bucky Barnes. Thorin Oakenshield. Lance Tucker. Everett Ross. Jason Bourne. Owen and Deckard Shaw. There’s more, but that’s who I can think of rn.
27. A film that was better than the book.
I personally prefer the Hobbit movies over the book, but the book is great too.
28. Best Remake.
The Goodbye Girl!
29. Your first favorite actor.
I wanna say it’s Josh Hartnett? Maybe Paul Rudd?? I loved the Halloween movies as a kid and Josh was in H2O while Paul was in the Curse of Michael Myers and I loved them both. As a kid I didn’t really care much about the actors, but I’ve realized a lot of people I liked in movies as a kid are now some of my favorites.
30. Your first favorite actress.
Like I said, loved the Halloween movies. Jamie Lee Curtis. Also Milla Jovavich.
31. Favorite animated film.
I will always, with my entire heart, love Lion King 2. I still have the VHS tape.
32. Your most anticipated films.
Ocean’s 8. Robin Hood. Solo. Ant-Man and the Wasp. Incredibles 2. I wasn’t that into Venom, but after seeing the trailer, I’m pumped.
33. Last movie that disappointed you.
The Apparition was made a while back, but i didn’t watch it til recent and I really didn’t like it whatsoever.
34. Last movie that surpassed your expectations.
Like the Apparition, Dance of the Dead was made a while ago, but I watched it about two months back and oh. My. God. It was glorious. Watch it. It’ll be worth it.
37. Share an unpopular film opinion you have.
I love romance and I don’t mind seeing it in movies that don’t necessarily need it. I mean, of course I draw the line somewhere, but for example, Kili and Tauriel’s romance in the films? I know it wasn’t in the book, and a lot of people didn’t like it, but I loved it.
38. Favorite Oscar win/speech.
This is a tie between two speeches that happened right after one another at the 2017 Oscars. Gael García Bernal’s speech before presenting an award, and the Zootopia directors’ speech when they came up to accept that award. It’s truly a wonderful thing and I remember watching it and being so grateful for people like them.
39. Biggest Oscar snub(s).
Literally. Every. Time. Leonardo. DiCaprio. Lost.
40. Who do you think is overdue for another Oscar nomination/win?
Tom Hanks.
41. How many movies have you seen (rough estimation)?
Close to 1,000, I’d think.
42. A movie that made you go ‘wtf was that’.
The Apparition and The Shape of Water. At least The Shape of Water was actually good 👀👀
43. A film that scarred you.
Oh my god, I don’t know the name, but it was something that was on tv at like 2 am when I slept in the living room one time as a kid and it terrified me. It was something about werewolves and made me question my love of werewolves for days.
44. Most movies watched in a single day.
I once watched 7 of the Fast & Furious movies in one day.
45. A film that always makes you cry.
Gifted. I cried three times when I saw it in theaters and I cry every time I rewatch it.
46. A film that always makes you laugh.
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
47. Movies that you think everyone should watch (not necessarily your favorites).
The Jason Bourne series. 10 Things I Hate About You. Blended. Back to School.
48. A movie that took you a couple viewings to appreciate.
Princess & the Frog. Now it’s one of my favorite Disney movies.
49. A book that you want to see adapted to the big screen.
Either I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson or Stalking Jack The Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco.
50. A book you really, really, really don’t want to see made into a film.
I love the third Percy Jackson book so so much, and I’d kill to see that scene where they’re all on Apollo’s sun chariot on the big screen, but if it turned out like the other two Percy Jackson movies I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself.
54. Favorite coming-of-age film.
Like Sunday, Like Rain.
55. Favorite superhero film.
The first Captain America just bc it’s nostalgic for both me and those characters, and Doctor Strange. I love the Winter Soldier too so I might as well include it.
57. Movies you know you should watch, but can’t bring yourself to do it?
Thor: Ragnarok. That’s the only one I’m absolutely sure that I need to watch.
58. Favorite genres.
I’m a big rom-com and action geek tbh.
59. Least favorite genres.
Not a huge fan of paranormal type horrors, but once in a while I’ll find one I like (like Winchester).
60. Biggest movie pet peeve.
I’m not too picky, I guess? I just don’t like when they don’t give enough details so the story doesn’t make sense or they mess up and the facts don’t match up.
Yep. It’s official. Sophia, I’m dead.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
April Study Plan Updates
noticing myself falling into that rabbit hole of ‘studying too many languages, gonna neglect progress in all!’ 
or the similar ‘using too many resources, gonna neglect making progress in any!’
suddenly felt like refreshing my french (which future me, that study plan would be: french comprhensible input youtube videos and shadowing, reading Le Francais Par Le Method Nature and finishing it, then optionally finishing some french books). but realistically i do NOT have time right now. improving that would be a “do i need it” and then do all that for a few months straight.
Chinese is mostly on track but I’m really whittling down what I’m doing because it’s become sort of chaotic:
Chinese study plan:
1. Read anything (priority is ONLY hanshe on Pleco app, or Guardian print novel - I do not have time for anything else. My goal right now is to be at hanshe chapter 80 by the end of the month, and to get to the end of the Sundial arc in guardian because that’s how much I’ve read of the english translation so far) 2. Listen to Chinese Spoonfed Audio, shadowing when I can (I am over 1/3 through I CAN finish it, I’m putting Listening Reading off until later because that is so time intensive I need to finish at LEAST one thing I’m reading before I can carve out time. This is ultimately lower priority, but I do NOT want to see myself start from scratch again on this, and do not want to L-R method or listen to other audio until I’ve went through this).
Anything else is OPTIONAL rn I do not have time. The 2 optional activities I’m prioritizing: 
a. Watching Two Souls in One, shadowing when desired (although any show would be fine but it would be nice to Not abandon a show lol) b. go through my hanzi characters book, SPECIFICALLY practice writing and make mnemonics to remember the TONES. saying the hanzi pronunciation out loud when i write. (While this is optional I would like to do it for several hundred freaking common hanzi because like... firstly, I’m studying japanese again and Definitively knowing the hanzi pronunciation and tone and comparing it would allow me to review/test that better as i see the japanese readings - and help me keep them firmly separate as HANZI WITH SOLIDLY AUDIBLE TONE versus japanese readings. Because right now a LOT of hanzi i ‘partly’ know i know the initial-final-meaning of and can recognize in reading and tend to just sub-vocalize when i read with no-tone or a tentative guess, and all those ‘partly known’ i really do not want to get mixed up with japanese. Thankfully it is pretty hard to confuse shou3 and te 手, or zu2 and ashi  足, because the japanese words sound pretty firmly japanese pronunciations and those hanzi are pretty hard imprinted in my head with their pronunciation in chinese already. But that may not always be the case! And my writing in chinese is like 0% skills and I think writing would help them them stick in my head when it comes to a lot of the ‘partly’ learned once I have more vague recognition of. Also again just... I know mnemonics have worked for me to remember tones but then I just stopped doing it when I went reading heavy. And knowing hanzi but not their tone is a huge weak spot, so sitting down and forcing myself to write it out will help it stick. I imagine this will be a longer term project of a few months, but it only takes like 5-10 free minutes in a day to do several so I should try when I feel like it. 
Japanese goals:
1. continue through nukemarine’s memrise courses. No excuses mejo if you feel you need to ‘prepare’ then just continue the vocab courses instead of the grammar. 2. continue reading Tae Kim’s grammar guide (when you can focus - I would ideally like to see myself finish the first 2 sections since I’m almost done with section 1).
a. listen to some lets plays (I just looked up a bunch of persona lps -3-)/
*I really do not need to do optional anything rn. I want to read - I need more freaking vocabulary! (Parasite Eve, the Galaxy Train, those are down the road when reading is something less intensive). I already KNOW at the end of the month when Nier Replicant comes my ass will be playing that game in english and japanese. I already know right after that my psp’s coming and my ass will be playing crisis core. I will get some ‘immersion’/practice in soon. But I’d really like to just... grind through the nukemarine courses as MUCH as possible while I still have the very rare ability to do flashcards fast. (I go through periods where I can do 100-300 flashcards a day, and then suddenly it takes me 1 hour to do 5-10 cards and i give up again). Last time I studied japanese (for 2.5 years ;-;) I did NOT make it this far through the nukemarine courses. Poor past mejo really dove in fucking blind into japanese games with like 500 words maybe from genki and maybe 200 from nukemarine’s courses and just TRIED. Wild. I’m not doing anything that hard again lol. Present mejo would like to get at MINIMUM 1000 words in before I try that again this time around. I’m about 300 through the 1000 first words (and 300 through the grammar deck which has some extra words, and through 500 kanji but tbh kanji meanings are much less horrific now that i know some chinese to help me remember and associate). So I’ve got like... until the end of April to study 700 more! If I keep doing 40-200 a day that should be doable. 
I just know myself and the instant this ability to flashcard focus leaves I will not go back to it for months, and also the instant I get back into playing video games a Lot in japanese I will abandon any other structured study... at least for a while. Last time I did it for like 4 months, it was pretty hard, and then I just kinda just stopped studying. Phenomenal. I’m hoping if i know a BIT more words I’ll be less likely to just abandon things. We’ll see. 
LATER (end of month?)
b. play some games ovo)/
**Longer term, I’ve been desperately getting the urge to read through my Japanese Sentence Patterns book, my Japanese in 30 Hours book. Also to go through the Japanese Audio Lessons. HOWEVER. I think a few things need to happen first. First, I need to finish at least maybe 7-8 of nukemarine’s courses - I do not want to be doing them AND a textbook/another course, I would like to do them one at a time. Second, I need to finish reading Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide - that is why I want to get done all the nukemarine courses that coincide with it, and read through it that far, at least. I cannot read 2 textbooks at once, I WILL abandon one and probably finish neither. Third, I need to finish Chinese Spoonfed Audio - I know myself and I absolutely can’t focus on multiple audio prioritized activities in a study plan. I can’t listen to the DeFrancis audio and get Through it, I can’t do the Japanese Audio Lessons. In fact Japanese Audio Lessons I might ‘only’ do because it would slip in as a nice replacement activity when I finish Chinese Spoonfed Audio. An audio I can listen to while walking/working out/chilling. 
KEY overall goals:
Chinese: I want to finish a novel (Guardian hi baby), which has been the goal since day 1. 
After that: I want to work on audio comprehension (so Listening-Reading), shadowing (can do it in l-r or with any audio), and SOLIDLY knowing the hanzi I partially know (so probably continue through my hanzi books - I should consider using my Alan Hoenig book again tbh).
Japanese: I want to finish 7-8 nukemarine courses, and try playing video games again. 
After that: playing video games, looking up words, having fun! (And MUCH later, when there’s time - read the textbooks I have. Then even Later... try diving into reading whenever I feel ready to do that...or whenever the mood randomly strikes).
**The bolded goals I plan to actually do this April-May (guardian I may only finish section 1 but hey its a solid portion). “After that” goals are my next concrete things I want to do. 
just personal goal notes below
Personal goals:
1. Workout everyday (actually 5-6 days a week cause I think breaks can be good, but I’m aiming for every so when I inevitably skip one that’s the break day lol). 50 crunches, 70 pushups, at least 15 minutes cardio. I’ve been sticking to it pretty well! Hardest part is just... I hate being sweaty a lot -.- Also I’m fairly sure eventually I am going to need to add more specific time for bodyweight workouts (probably 20 minutes minimum) if I want to get any results similar at all to back when I went to the gym (which was like 12 minutes HIIT then 8 minutes cool down cardio like walking, 10 minutes warm up with pushups/crunches and stretches, 30ish minutes just weight machines, some cooldown stretches and/or walking). I want to do a few specific muscle workouts but like god baby steps, i need to consistently just work out at the MINIMUM before i add stuff because i will absolutely quit if it gets complicated or time consuming. ‘any cardio’ is very flexible so i will actually do it. (also hopefully that means when i switch To a specific thing like ‘do this for a week or 2′ because i’m consistent with working out so i can move into consistent in ONE specific workout, i will be able to stick to it). 
2. Eat low carb, low sodium (apparently -.- ). Try to get my bloating to stop getting so bad constantly, try to make my stomach stop hurting for a consistent amount of time. I would like to get it feeling good for a week or 2 straight before I eat something that hurts it again (and next time I hurt it I have got to do a one-off thing then be nice to it again :c ). I got too cocky last time. I know I hate how boring it all tastes i know but i need to just do it long enough for it to help. 
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