vanessakharbudon · 4 months
The Habitat
The Habitat is a dream God placed on my heart in 2018.
What happens in a habitat?
It is a place where each creature grows & flourishes because of the environment. No-one runs after anybody in a micro-managerial way. The creatures are not dependant on each other in a toxic way. Their growth, nourishment & progress does not hinge on other creatures in the habitat. They grow into maturity because they are within that environment. There is a seamless balance going on.
The Habitat is something similar. Here, I am not running after people trying to micro manage their lives but the mandate is just share the Word that the Holy Spirit releases....and leave it at that.
The Word will do what it is supposed to do - give life!
In John 15...Jesus is the Tree of life...those who grow from Him bear fruit. He is the source of nourishment. He gives life to the branches, leaves, fruit. We bear fruit simply by feeding from Him.
In John 6, Jesus refers to himself as the bread of life. He multiples the food (loaves - bread!) to feed the people. Then immediately after, declares that He is the bread of life. Goes on to explain that eternal life is gained by eating his flesh and drinking His blood. He is essentially stating that He is the source of life. He is the environment we need to be in to flourish and grow. He is the One!
He is the habitat.
Therefore, each will be encouraged to know Jesus, run to Him personally.
Run to the throne not the phone!
Be God dependant - not people dependant.
This is what I see in my heart.
Fast forward to the present (2022):
Last year I had a dream where I was lying on a sick bed and couldn't get up. The Father came to my bedside and grabbed my hand. He spoke firmly: Get up. Start the Habitat.
I actually got sick this year & was lying on my bed for about a month. I would talk to my Father about healing, but He would bring up other topics. I couldn't forget that dream👆
So I told the Father, I don't know how to start the Habitat. But, I will take a step of obedience and do it in a watsapp group mode.
I know, I know...it's not really the Habitat I imagined...but this is a tiny teeny step I am taking towards that dream.
Thank you for your willingness to be here. I am so grateful and feel privileged to do this with you.
As the Lord gives me His message, I will record and post here.
If you have questions, feel free to throw them up. I will try my best to answer. If I don't know, I will find out.
This is a first for me doing something like this. Give me grace!
I do have a request: Ephesians 6:19 Ask God to *give me the right words or utterance so I can boldly and clearly explain God’s mysterious plan* or the gospel.
Thank you 💜
Please note: this is the group description to our watsapp group named The Habitat.
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vanessakharbudon · 5 months
Don’t judge a book by its cover, they say
Sure, its judged by its content
Where’s your pen at?
You’re judging me
Nah! You! Me! All of us judge all the time
We judge everything and decide what’s good and what’s not
You want an apple?
The grocer hands you an orange
You cringe. Mad. Its bad.
You paid for an apple.
The seller quips the orange identifies as an apple.
You see red. Bloody murder.
You judged the orange as not being an apple, didn’t you?
See what I did there?
Its not so hard to know right from wrong
A few complexities exist
We don’t make these anomalies the norm
Indoctrination of the generations
Dumbing down to make sheep
Flood our minds with anomalies
Till we become the anomaly
Medicate. Zombified. Mechanised.
Of indoctrination modules coupled with Big Pharma injections
And tik tok loud mouths telling you what’s what
Human 2.0
No heart
No character
No lasting value
Devoid of moral compass
Just slap on the bar code
Buy. Sell. Use and discard.
Of boys with minuscule brain cells acting all grown up
And girls in silicone blown up bodies
Still little boys all machismo air
Still plastic not fantastic girls who never grow up
Of men who don’t know how to be husbands and fathers
And bubble wrapped sugar daddy women whose CV is gold digging as a ten year plan
You don’t have to be an f-boi
Isn’t it exhausting f-gal?
OnlyFans is fast cash but down payments your soul
You run from labels terrified
It’s sinking sand the moment you started
In a world of I don’t want no labels
I know my I dos
Of victims to more than conquerors
And slave chains to fairy wings
You have a secret buried deep within you
Your will
Your life force
Its dynamite
Behold the metamorphosis of the prickly touch-me-not caterpillar to a multi-hued butterfly
Inspiration story: Metamorphosis: The word is derived from ancient Greek. It is the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. A change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one.
I love this word because it describes what happens to you when Christ comes into your life. You don’t change belief systems. You don’t change worldviews. You don’t change religions. You CHANGE DNA. Species change. You become a totally different class of being. From human to sons of God. The Holy Spirit is the best genetic engineer there is! God is interested in DNA species change. That is the goal - to be just like our Father 👑
2 Corinthians 5:16–17 “So if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new”.
#newcreation #sonsofgod #newspecies #inchrist #nolongerhuman #ofgod #metamorphosis #transformation #change
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vanessakharbudon · 5 months
In a world of hookups
I’m rooting for wedding rings
In a world of situationships
Its either you want me or you don’t
In a world of swipe everything, everyone and everywhere
I desire one
In a world of short lived flings, so cheap, no one knows the value of a soul anymore
I’m a one man woman
In a world of lying, cheating and playing games
I’m an honest to God, He’s got us, no games
That lost, confused riddle me can’t trust nobody anxiety lifestyle
Just ain’t my jam
Question: do you know what you want? Do you know who you are?
Of red pill masculinity
And a traumatised feminism face-off
It was never the original design
Of men and women designed in the image of their Creator
And Becoming One
The divine blueprint never changed
Paradise lost
I know, I know
But that’s why our Creator gave us redemption
Paradise regained
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vanessakharbudon · 10 months
When Tongues Wag…
Steady your heart. Hold your horses.
People will talk no matter what you do.
Even if you think you’ll be the quiet type who hides in the corner like a mouse wearing the most nondescript outfits, know that tongues will still wag about you.
Most humans get some kind of thrill bitching, gossiping and blabbing about other people. (Unresolved issues me thinks).
There is nothing you can do about it.
It would be a sad miserable weak pathetic existence if you base what you’ll wear, where you’ll go, what you’ll eat, whom to be seen with, what opinions to have, how to react in situations because you dread what people might think or say about you.
How loud you laugh or how many springs you have in your steps or how you worship or how you express yourself should be authentically you without being apologetic as to who might get triggered. You will be miserable if you are constantly worrying about being the subject of gossip. It is going to be alright and the world will go on business as usual if you find your name sneaked into people’s conversations. Their lives must be so mundane and drab if they spend a chunk of their time gossiping and thinking about you!
I think a devil may care attitude is just what you should order.
Leave them be.
Why let it get to you?
Why should what some fat or thin aunty or beer belly balding uncle with the ugly clothes trigger you and rain down on your parade?
People have free speech. They can say whatever the hell they want.
Colleagues who pretend to be your friends but run their motor mouth about you at the drop of a hat…
Neighbours who just live to know who all are coming and going into your house…
Their sons and husbands who secretly check you out every chance they get and then kickstart the rumour mills…
Their daughters and sisters who in their Watsapp groups have your screenshot posts and wag their tongues about your shenanigans…
Don’t get too cozy with who you’d think are supposed to be understanding and handholding in your religious, kith and kin, society, support groups either - Gossip Girl vibes galore🙊
The question is why get all hot and bothered about it?
Its just their incomplete, biased judgements and words about you anyway.
Do you believe what they say?
Do yourself a favour and don’t give their words any weightage.
Reject what they say about you - you should be rejecting a whole truckloaod of 💩 you believe about yourself that’s not founded on truth but on lies, propaganda, superstition, prejudices, selfish agendas - including what the crappy education system inked about you on its report card.
Flick your hair and continue being fabulous.
Flap your wings and fly as the eagle does (you should look this one up).
Bless them and help them if they require it.
💖Only what the heavenly Father says about you is the truth and should matter most to you anyway.
💖Only He who laid down His life for you should have that much say and influence over your life - not people who have a ton of 💩 in their own toilet🚽
P.S. Just don’t invite them to your wedding and baby showers, also keep them at a professional distance. Its called boundaries.
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vanessakharbudon · 11 months
Of Hook-Ups and What Not
The term hooking-up itself implies something akin to a fishing line. Hook a fish. Cut. Cook. Eat. Discard later. Next!
I hear this type of woe from young people often: 'True love doesn't exist. Old school romance is gone. It's all hook-ups and situationships now.' Yada yada yada.
Well, it maybe true for you. But not for me.
If you're going to choose a particular lifestyle that leads you to a certain outcome, then you shouldn't gripe about it. Your belief system and choices determine what you get in life.
Let's delve into the toxic self-abuse habit called hook-up culture.
Hooking up makes you habituated to infidelity. There is no intention for commitment. You have never learnt to be faithful. You have never learnt to be a one-man/one-woman person. You just want to bang everyone available. Hook-up is a fancy word for promiscuity. It chips away at your soul and character. Consequently, because of the sleeping around habit, you tire of people easily. You get drained fast. You get weary of relationships faster. Being loyal and standing against temptation in this area is not something you can handle because you have never trained yourself to be able to do so. Being faithful is a choice that you constantly make, which gets built into your personality. Jumping into bed or toilet stalls in a pub with whoever is not exactly the best character training camp.
You are so used to 'swipe left, swipe right' with people, that your brain is conditioned to think that you're missing out on 'potential candidates' even when you're with someone. You've never learnt this important principle in life: Delayed Gratification. To quote Tony Robbins: "the ability to hold out now for a better reward later is an essential life skill". For example, you eat healthy now so you can be healthy later. Saving your money instead of being a spendthrift - I'm not referring to miserliness please. The ability to delay gratification is essential to impulse control, self-regulation, or self-control. It anchors you by helping you live life with more purpose. You've developed the ability to choose wisely and to walk away from what is not good for you. You're strong enough to turn down the palm oil fake cheese refined flour pizza for something wholesome adding value and importance to your life. You have a clear conscience. You have nothing to hide. You're able to gauge with accuracy. You've learnt not to be impulsive which means stability and patience, which translates to maturity. You're reliable. That's hot 🔥😋
Imagine not having a purpose in your relationships? If your purpose is just to bang and exit, you will never have purpose in your relationships which translates to boredom and frustration. Imagine a life without purpose? Uhh! Marriage and parenting enrich your life in so many ways. It's not always about you anymore (read selfishness and happy marriage don't go together). You learn to think of someone else besides yourself. You learn to be responsible for someone who is dependant on you (Honey! Don't forget the kids!) 🙊
Hook-up culture teaches you to use people. People are not commodities to be used and discarded because you're bored. Self-aggrandizing much🤔 If you're bored with life, it means you are not using your time and energy well. Develop a hobby. Learn a trade. Sign up for pottery, or swimming, or dancing or language class. Get your interests cooking. Read books. Get involved in volunteering with NGOs to help your community. Options are aplenty. Open your eyes. Self-improvement. Grow. Learn. Mature. Get a life. Live well! This will ground you so you don't live with your head in the clouds lost in fantasies about yourself!
Hook-up culture due to its selfish nature does not teach you connection with the opposite sex. It has led to this toxic behaviour between the sexes. Distrust. Suspicion. Doubt. Insecurity. Dubious of each other. Mind games. You cannot see the opposite sex as anything but a thing to use to get off. You cannot grow into real authentic masculinity and feminity. You learn to only watch out for yourself and take and then some.
Hook-up culture is like fast food. Feels good for a few seconds, but leaves a bad after taste long-term. It fuels the 'I want it now!-I've got to have it now!-Now!-Now!' impulses. Much like an animal in heat. No patience. No impulse control. It's a very reactive way of living. You want to learn the difference between reaction and response. They are not the same.
After hooking-up, your dopamine rush comes down. You have that sinking feeling that doesn't really go away with every hook-up. You want to chase that rush and get high feeling again. Another person? Better body? More kinks? This? That? Swipe again on those apps. It's never ending. If it's that satisfying, why are not with that person permanently? Why are you thinking about the next conquest? Just go through people like you change clothes. Never truly satisfied with one. It leaves you lonely and frustrated. You don't want to admit this, so you put on a mask and pretend like you're living the life. Look at me! Look at me! I'm so happening! (No! You're not. Your eyes and fake smiles are a dead giveaway).
Hook-up culture lies to you. You think you can do whatever you want because you can just scram and have nothing to do with the person later. Just bang bang or slam slam...thank you mam...and out the door faster than the bullet train. On to the next boogie. Livin' la Vida Loca. Oh! What a lie! What a lie!
Hook-up by hook-up you've lost a piece of yourself and soon enough, you've morphed into an empty shell - suspicious of everybody, scared of marriage because you don't want to be tied down because 'ain't nobody out there', a là broken record of 'woe is me'. It's not working because you've got nothing left to give. You're empty.
When it's 'all about me', 'what can I get' and 'what do you bring to the table', it becomes transactional. There is no room for intimacy in such a setting. This lifestyle is not sustainable. It will crack and break sooner rather than later.
Hook-up culture is use and throw. No dealing with people. Your life. My life. Strict lines of trespassers shall be ghosted asap. There is no enmeshing. No bonding. No fruit. Not life giving. You have become used to the 'flee at the first sign of pressure' way of doing life. You fall apart at the slightest sign of tension. You cannot even manage your own impulses and appetites. How can you handle another person? Bad management of yourself really.
Hook up culture destroys you for marriage. It makes you unprepared for marriage and parenting - unmarriageable. You are not husband/wife material. You cannot handle the responsibilities of marriage. The word scares you because you have not learnt the purpose and goal of marriage.
Merely grabbing just anyone available because of whatever pressure you think you are feeling does not automatically entitle you to a good marriage. Marriage is NOT just settling down with whoever, have children you cannot handle, get bored with each other while secretly hooking-up with anyone available and getting a rush courtesy your Only Fans secret account. Issh! So many dirty secrets - should become a politician or join the CBI.
Hook-up culture makes you an addict to dopamine. You are always chasing a high. Your brain can only release a certain amount of happy hormones. A pornified hook-up lifestyle warps your brain. You are forcing your body to operate in a manner it was never meant to. There are studies and documentaries on this. It's like a drug, say cocaine or meth. You always want more till it consumes your life and destroys you.
Hook-up culture devalues your worth and reduces you to just an object that needs to get off. Human beings are not masturbation tools for just getting off because you have to scratch an itch. How sad and depressing to live like that. It creates a hypersexualised mindset that's never satisfied. Your sexuality is just one slice of your personhood and hook-up culture focuses on spinning this slice out of control.
You are designed and created to be loved by your Heavenly Father and to enjoy that kind of love and goodness. You want to be loved, give love and to belong. That's the divine nature in us.
I will never forget that moment when GOD spoke to me: 'You are worth my blood - that's how much you are worth'.
He proved it when He became bodily form and shed His blood to give us His worth, holiness and significance. God's own blood - that's how much you are worth. Someone loved you enough to become human and lay down His life for you so you can belong and be loved forever. He singled you out. Talk about real love!
Hook-up culture tells you that you have some kind of value only if you give your body away to scratch an itch and get off. Your worth is reduced to that - an itch! Hook-up culture deceives you into believing that having a high body count is something laudable. How so? How is attaching and detaching yourself to all kinds of strange people an achievement? Not being able to have roots (read unstable, disloyal, unfaithful) is not a flex.
I'll tell you what's a flex. Having the ability to make it work so damn good with one person - no cheating - no abuse - no toxicity - no lies - just the two of you building a life together and getting down with God's plan - now that's a flex!
If someone thinks that you are not worthy enough to be pursued, loved and respected to be unveiled and celebrated till after marriage, then that person is not going to value you and love you as your heavenly Father does. There's only one type of love that is forever and is unbreakable - His kind of love.
If you have to hook-up outside of marriage then you're actually saying you know better than God who created this beautiful, wonderful, exciting way of connection for two people that's intended to bond them to each other. Now.This.Is.A.Good.Thing! (Read it slow with the punctuation in mind).
Ask yourself honestly: How is hooking-up working out for you?
#hookupculture #Promiscuity
#delayedgratification #godsdesignformarriage #waitinguntilmarriage #GodsPlan
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vanessakharbudon · 1 year
When You Can Just Be...:
Enjoy your own company...
Go to the movies alone...
Go shopping alone...
Enjoy a long walk with just your fine self...
Read a book and get so lost in the pages where you feel you're part of the story...
You no longer hunt for friends...
You are at peace by yourself...
You are able to let people be - even family and best friends...
You are well able to have a blast all by yourself because you actually like your own company.
I think that's a powerful place to be.
You are now needy and clingy (I own it) of Heavenly Father that you raise up one almost perfectly tweezed eyebrow in a whiff if you think your time and connection with Him will get hindered because of XY and Z.
You realise that you would rather forgo an "Ishmael" (Lesson learnt from Abraham. We don't need to make the same mistake he did. Bless his heart).
You now require Him bringing your divine connections because you would rather have "Isaac" connections than...let's leave this sentence unwritten - not that people are bad. Of course not! It's just that not all are for you and you are not for them!
You have been given a glimpse of "Isaac" and everything else pales in comparison.
Now, you won't relent.
You cannot settle because if you did, you would'nt be content.
Adam was with God when He took His first breath. So was Eve.
Moses was with God in the desert and on the mountain top.
Paul was in the desert of Arabia with only God as his mentor.
Jesus aka the 2nd Adam was with God when He arose from the dead the Resurrected Christ.
This tells me there's something about being alone with God...
Magic happens.
Galaxies spring up.
Stars collide.
Earths get recreated.
Light dispels darkness.
Peace descends upon the storm.
Joy bursts in the midst of soul crushing agony. Death hastens away.
Life is birthed: a holy hush: the new creation.
The regeneration of a dead spirit.
The breath of God in man.
The Father in me. I in the Father. We are One. No-one can snatch me out of His heart and hand.
When you reach this summit: you can be a blessing because you seek to give not take.
P.S. Be aware not everyone is ready to receive, so let them be. Go on your merry way.
A friend once quipped: I don't know how to be.
This got me thinking: Can you "just be"?
Being vis-a-vis Doing - not the same thing at all.
You can be in a room full of people yet feel so restless and disconnected on the inside.
It's not about doing...but BEING...
The calm within...
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vanessakharbudon · 1 year
XX and XY
Male and Female
Warning ⚠️
Before you throw your stones at me, read the entire piece and think for yourself without hiding behind what your company of useless friends think about something.
We need to talk about this as it is very important to the foundations of society. I am concerned about the radicalisation around the whole sex/gender idealogy. It is an attempt to erase the differences between men and women.
Ask yourself how has this idealogy helped you especially in your dealings with each other. Being a lonely bitter drunk in your 30s is not a price to be won.
No matter how many surgeries you have or pills you pop, if your mind is not healed, you will still be back at square one - the suicidal rates as per current data don't drop because you made external changes. When you are broken in your soul, it means you are sick on the inside. No amount of injections, surgery and pills can heal you. Your soul needs to get well first.
Slapping on a pancake make-up face, frolicking in a dress, flip flopping in heels, acting like a bimbo with exaggerated mannerisms of drag caricature and labelling that a woman is a grievous disservice to womankind. It is trying to appropriate womanhood albeit by displaying fickle airhead whimsical demeanour. To add insult to injury, demand that this kind be treated in the same way, at par, on the same level as that of biological women.
Do trans women deserve human rights?
Obviously! It's a no brainer.
On that note...especially before June...
Trans women are not women. They are trans. NOT THE SAME.
Are they deserving of love and opportunities?
Absolutely yes!!! But that does not mean they get to come into women spaces and demand to be treated as women. That's appropriation (since this word is being thrown around a lot) and wrong.
You are born with either XY or XX.
If your corpse is dug up 100 years from now, there will only be XY or XX to help with identification - male or female. You will be identified as one or the other. No archeologist, forensic pathologist, doctor or x-ray machine will ask the corpse for its pronouns and preferred sex first.
Does nature throw up anomalies?
These intersex anomalies fall within the two binaries of male and female. Anomalies do not become the norm.
I do want to point out that chopping off healthy organs does not count as anomalies. Anomalies in your genitalia occur in nature because of a malfunctioning in the genetic code - not via the surgeon's knife or injections.
The XY and XX chromosomes are embedded in our genetic code. Even intersex people are born with either one and usually have one type of genitalia being more prominent.
➡️Remember that even the slightest change in one of our 46 chromosomes causes an anomaly which results in sickness and disease.
⚠️When we play around with biology, shit happens. Ask the GMO cartel and the Wuhan unit.
If you're spinning on the woke ideology axis, the definitions for the following have not been laid out. To truly stand for something, you need to know what you're standing for.
So, I ask along with millions of us who want to know:
🏹What is a woman?
🏹What is a man?
🏹What is sex?
🏹What is gender?
🏹What are the differences?
🤔If there are none, then we can scrap away women's rights, women's health, women's spaces and all other women centric agencies.
Personal observation:
Why is it that men who want to become women go overboard with their dresses, heels, makeup and mannerisms in what falls within bimbo female behaviour?
A big majority of women do not dress nor do they slap on a kilo of make-up on their faces.
An observable phenomenon here: those men trying to become women, proceed to dress and act in what is considered to be female characteristics. The same pattern is noticed in women trying to become men.
It is observed that the changes made are still within the paradigm of the traditional male-female scope of behaviour.
Isn't this reinforcing what we all know to be a biological fact? Male and female only options?
No matter how hard one tries to be "other than", their physiological structure along with their behaviour still displays either one of the heteronormative mould. It is rather self-defeating to try and defy biology.
Why only top and bottom surgeries? Specifically only the two options that nature provides.
This gender reassignment surgery has only two options: male or female. Contradictory much? Gender is not the same as sex. Then why offer only two options? Why only alter the parts that are specifically male and female?
If being a woman or a man is just a feeling - i.e. "I feel like...", then surgery is not needed. One does not need surgery that mutilates a healthy body only in those specific regions of the body that actually differentiate between the two sexes.
Very binary if you ask me🤔
How do you help someone who is afflicted with anorexia, alcoholism, or drug addiction? Do you give in to their fantasies?
We know that they need mental help not diet pills, a bottle nor cocaine.
Why can't we treat people afflicted with gender dysphoria/body dysmorphia similarly?
How are irreversible procedures within the scope of care?
Chopping off healthy parts of the body falls within compassion?
Purposely "concealing" the full extent and side effects of these procedures by presenting only the unicorns and rainbows is deception (read lies).
Do these patients understand that their bone density will get affected, and not in a good way?
Have they been made aware that they can only get the outside genitalia changed and that too it won't function as well as the one nature gave them?
⚠️One such example of post surgery effects: daily dilation. Biological women don't need to dilate themselves. The synthetic one does not self lubricate.
No-one can give you eggs, sperm, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and functioning male nuts. Nope. Go and ask these doctor/activists for the reality.
Isn't this cruel - Dr Mengele style Frankenstein experiments with no well founded data to actually show the decline in suicide rates and the long-term effectiveness of these procedures?
Opps! Big Pharma found another way to get a generation dependant on medication and therapy 🤑🤑🤑 Plus get a chunk of people sterilized (that's what happens when you get bottom surgery - and no puberty blockers and the surgeries are not reversible. Ask the detransitioners who are suffering from the side effects and who will do so for life).
Ask yourself:-
Why are there laws that do not allow you to drive a car till you're 18?
Would you trust a 5 or a 16 year old who identifies as a pilot to actually sit in the cockpit and pilot the aircraft?
➡️Children should be encouraged and disciplined to do well in their education, so they can be financially independent as adults while being emotionally stable and mature.
A medicated zombie is dependant, making them easy to manipulate and control.
Compassion is not handing diet pills to the anorexic nor a case of vodka to the alcoholic.
Care and compassion is affirming and reaffirming the truth of how loved, valued and wonderful a person simply is just because the glorious heavenly Father made them in His image - and He does not make mistakes.
➡️They should be encouraged to get mental help and not be pushed into the operation theatre. They should be told the truth, not "made to feel better" by agreeing with their delusions.
🤔Would you help an anorexic patient by agreeing with their delusions? Would you push them to get liposuction?
⚠️Woke ideology actually screams into people's minds that something is wrong with them - specifically their skin colour, their race, their sex/gender is wrong.
⏩It attacks a person's identity. It does not offer permanent solutions to heal the soul and mind where the problem is rooted in. Mutilating your body will not heal your unwell mind.⏪
💜For those struggling with gender dysphoria/ body dysmorphia: you are loved and valued by your heavenly Father. Your body is not a mistake. If you think something is off with your body, those are lies the enemy of your soul has spoken to you. ➡️Don't believe those lies about who you really are - a beloved child of God made in His image 👑👸🏻🤴🏻
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vanessakharbudon · 1 year
When Feminism Falls from Grace...
Brace yourselves, rant coming.
I never thought in a million years that I would cringe to be associated with Feminism - specifically it's modern adaptation.
Hold the stones. Hear me out.
Why was Feminism founded?
Why was there a need for such a movement? Go back into the annals of history and see for yourself why. I am not going to spell it out for you.
👉In a nutshell, women needed (and still do) a voice, a clarion call against oppression, tyranny and enslavement. Women couldn't even get a decent education, forget voting.
We have come a long way.
🤡Fastrack to 2023: I see a clown feminism. A feminism that's against womanhood. A feminism that cannot even answer "what is a woman" without sounding like a demented peahen.
A feminism that has not healed from the bitterness of the past, and has now morphed into ruthless, brazen, uncouth screeching hawks that hate men.
In this blind hatred, modern feminism has come full circle: the patriarchy they hate so much, flaunts itself in this space in make-up, skirts and a high heel avatar labelling us women as bleeders, pregnant people, birthers, uterus holders and such demeaning labels, making a mockery and taking away the special significance of womanhood. All the while, feminists applaud this nonsense while striving to cancel the voices of women who will not kowtow to this clown show.
Case in point: I don't see biological women winning in men's sports, or even participating in men's events like Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia & so on.
Feminists are real dumb if they don't see the slow eradication of women, or, are they so bitter that they believe they're sticking it to the patriarchy by accepting a biological man in a dress and make-up, pirouetting exaggerated "California bimbo" traits in a faux squeaky voice as a woman?
Feminism can't answer the question "what is a woman?" It can't define the difference between men and women.Yet, vehemently declare that a biological man is a woman if he just says he is! So being a woman is reduced to feelings?🙄
I see such a contradictory stance.
Feminism screams frantically that womanhood has zero biological foundation because it is a social construct, yet celebrate the "bimbo-fication" of men who wear pancake make-up, dresses, heels, get top or bottom surgery, which by the way, all the doctors can do is insert silicon, and, surgically create a cavity - that's it! Nothing else. You don't get ovaries, a uterus, mammary glands, your XY chromosomes cannot change to XX, you don't menstruate, you cannot get pregnant and give birth.
If it's a social construct, why get the gender transition surgery? Why fixate on the very organs that differentiate men from women? Why not change all your organs? Why only top or bottom?
Feminism refuses to accept that men and women are different, but seem obsessed with hormones, surgeries and traits that pinpoint the differences!! 🙄
If a woman wants to transition to a man, you'd have to pump her with testosterone. There's no denying this procedure. Who has testosterone in abundance naturally?🤔 Apply the same procedure to men who seek oestrogen.
If masculinity and femininity are social constructs, then lines and boundaries between men and women will cease. Men can do whatever they want against women. Just identity as women, enter washrooms and changing rooms, expose themselves and assault women. After all, they were just changing. I don't see women in any rush to enter men's washrooms or men's sports!
😢Womanhood is ceasing to be special and uniquely woman. Men are not learning to be gentlemen and to treat women with honour.
😓Women think they can do what the f-bois and contemptible players do - call a slutty lifestyle as freedom. Pump themselves with birth control pills and when their bodies are whacked up because their hormones are out of sync, get even more medication!
It feels better - to numb yourself.
I understand the self-denial and cognitive dissonance.It feels too disempowering to accept that men and women are uniquely different in many ways.
This is a lie designed to perpetuate the hatred and suspicion between the two genders. Fuel the ideological war. Keep it going. As long as Big Pharma mints more money. Yes! It has ties to Big Pharma. Imagine that! Get a generation to mutilate themselves, they'll be on anti-depressants and prescription drugs for life.
Have you calculated the ka-ching 🤑ka-ching💸 of injections, surgeries and therapy?
🤑The China v!rus was a money game changer. Big Pharma learnt money minting - v!rus style. Also, it was a cake walk in the way the masses could be conditioned and manipulated.
Since v!rus business has stalled for now, gender v!rus can be manufactured and amplified. A vulnerable body (what with all the synthetic hormones and meds) can easily get infected with the next contagion 🙊
Oops! Big Pharma did it again. It played with your minds. You got lost in its games. Oh baby baby! It's all about the money you see.
👉At this point I want to categorically state that I have no problem with the trans community. You can do whatever you choose with yourself. Educational, job opportunities galore. Peace ✌️🕊️🕊️🕊️
👉The problem is when the space of womanhood gets transgressed and trespassed with feminism supporting this. Haven't we all seen those signs in people's properties: Trespassers will be prosecuted?
Feminists foam and froth at the mouth if they hear transwomen are not women - they're not. Scream like a raging demoniac about abortion rights. Prance about in ugly pink hats - using pink as your theme colour?! Very stereotypical of your fighting style 🙄
Looks like feminism is overly concerned about getting a promiscuous lifestyle accepted by all and sundry.
If feminism's main goal is to walk in the very same shoes of toxic patriarchy which oppressed and enslaved women; throw all class, grace, honour, a refined mind with high moral character out the window in order to hop from bed to bed, pumping one's body with pills and screech for abortion on demand, then no thank you. I want NO part of this kind of feminism.
Feminism's eerie silence around the plight of Afghan and Iranian women has not gone unnoticed. Isn't this privilege and entitlement when women get to leave Ukraine and the men are not allowed to?
Why acquiesce to men staying back to fight in wars? Why aren't there mandatory enrollment of women in jobs like Electrical Powerline Installers/Repairers, Crane and Tower Operators, Sound & Lighting Technicians, Firefighters, Construction, Oil rigs, Roofers, Logging Workers, Electricians, Truck driver, Waste/garbage collector, Miner, Driver/sales workers, Ironworker, Taxi/Bus driver, Lineworker, Mechanic, Heavy equipment operator, Delivery worker, Guard/security and the like?
I see a demand for women only in fancy jobs. Shouldn't feminists be the first to line up in the jobs listed above including war duty in Afghanistan and Ukraine? At least put your sanctimonius pontificating to good use.
Walk the talk. The yaking is annoying.
End of rant.
I couldn't just stay silent when the arena of womanhood gets assaulted. The definition of womankind does not change because of wokism, and certainly not to make a small section of the woke crowd happy 🙄
Woman is equally made in the image of God. Our Creator is the One who sets the meaning and purpose of womankind.
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vanessakharbudon · 2 years
It's Time to HEAL!
If you don't heal and come out of childhood trauma, you will grow into adulthood but only in body - you will remain a wounded hurt boy/girl living out of traumatic responses. Immaturity issues that keep you from being matured. 🤔
You might have "cut off" ✂️or run away 🏃‍♀️ from home or the source of the hurt, but running away does not mean you got delivered nor are you healed. You will become in so many ways like the person you hate or who hurt you.
Have you ever vowed as a child "I will never be like my mom or dad" only to manifest the same behavioural patterns or traits as an adult?🤔
The only way generational curses, or whatever dark repetitive behaviour you carry will be broken, is when you are rooted and grounded in Christ - who is LIFE (divine life, God kind of life). This is a daily ongoing growth in Him.
It is not a matter of 'I got saved 10 years ago and I'm fine, perfect!' Nope!
This is not an altar call one moment in time thingy and you're all sorted.
If it is, why are you still messed up? Why you're still behaving the way you do? We might not see our issues, but people have to live with us! 🤔
It is a lifetime relationship where Christ is increasing in every area of your life - especially those hurt wounded traumatic areas you don't want to accept are there. They're there!
Denial is not going to make them go away. They will repeat and pass down the line unless you decide enough is enough!
Curses and soul/mental trauma are rooted out only when you accept the problem, and instead of trying to "fix it" or "do something about it", you surrender to your Heavenly Father and receive His healing Love in those very areas of affliction. Your Father wants to heal those shameful, painful areas you want to bury! It takes a bit of time for Christ to be established in your soul/mind.
This is not about salvation.
Your spirit gets saved instantly. The work that begins - and this is the co-labouring part - is these messed up, afflicted, traumatised areas in your soul, mind and emotions. This is where Christ needs to take over with His resurrection life.
In the very area you have been hurt the most - where it's empty, dark and void, there your Heavenly Father wants to create a "garden of Eden" teeming with LIFE.
From death to resurrection life.
From the domain of darkness to the Kingdom of Light.
Allow the Holy Spirit to confront you.
Allow Him to reveal the areas that need refining and pruning.
Is it a happy feel good season? Oh no! It's not!
There will be tears. It's part of the Romans 8:17, 1 Corinthians 5:31 death to self process.
What do you mean death?
Sounds scary.
Actually it's death to those very areas that have no Life, no joy and no peace. Those areas that are hurting you in the long run. Like pride, ego, jealousy, unforgiveness, strife, lust, greed, gossip, revenge, selfishness, trauma, soul wounds, mental issues, etc.
Did you know that most sicknesses are psychosomatic? Heal the soul, heal the body.
Our heavenly Father is interested in His children becoming whole so we actually resemble our eldest brother Jesus Christ - the firstborn from the dead - Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:18.
What are you waiting for?
Be HEALED in Jesus name 💜💚💙💖
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vanessakharbudon · 2 years
Of being dumbed down
And not knowing it
Autopsies on your brain
And you never felt it
They got you implanted
Doing what they wanted
So caught up in the webs of jazzy tech
You think you're cool
But you've been dumbed down
No one is born stupid
You come with brains and all
Like muscle, it needs to be worked on
Being superficial
Merely floating by
Skimming the surface of the deep
Yes the DEEP...
Pearls buried inside hard oyester shells
The bottom of the ocean
Who has scoped it out?
Do you smell the treasure trove undisturbed at the bottom of the seas?
You'd have to wade further out into the deep
If you're content with the sands on the seashore
You'll never know the secrets of the deep
If you think life consists only in the humdrum of Tik tok, makeup tutorials and edited pics of your six-pack and tatas...
I shall leave you there in the shallow comfort you deem is life
Sayonara mister
I shall not disturb your smoke hued alcohol induced hubris
Your stained cushions and dirty bathroom tiles make it easy for me to be a runaway
Nah! Its those stains
I can't unsee
Adieu! Farewell!
A life chock-a-block of lipsticks and flashy cars, chasing skirts and frisky romps
...I can't breathe
My heart skips at the music the birds sing so sweetly as they perch on tree branches
The beat of the bass in the foaming waterfalls
The endless patterns woven by stars decked out on black velvet canopy
The stories sung by ruins and pyramids
Oh those I would kill for!
Tales my grandmother regaled me with as I sat with her munching on my after school snacks
The music in the clubs is but for a fleeting momentIt dies down
Thump! Thump!
Beat after beat
I tire of it - 15 mins tops
But that cacophony of sounds
Sounds so delightful
They call to those who have ears to hear
Only the discerning vibe with the melodies
Not all will catch the tune...
...I cannot pretend I didn't...
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vanessakharbudon · 2 years
Of jealous tendencies
And sick games that come out of it
Jealousy is like the sting of a scorpion...
Where you sting yourself in the end...
Ask yourself why are you jealous of them🤔
Jealousy creates these filters in your mind giving you distorted perspectives.It blurs your vision, thus you cannot see clearly and your thinking capacity gets clouded. Your mind creates these scenarios that paint the person you're jealous of as the villain.
Jealousy reveals the inferiority complex within yourself. You believe you don't have what this person has, so you get jealous. You see the person as a competition and a threat.
If you're in denial at this point, why are you mentally foaming in the mouth at the mention of their name?
Instead why not ask the person you're jealous of how they got there 🧐?
If you're jealous of their shoes, just ask them where they got the pair from🙄?
If it's their friendly nature and you're an introvert, well there's no need to get jealous of their popularity! Ask them to show you how to come out of your shell and to introduce you to some of their friends🤗
If it's a work thingy, ask them how they did it, that you want to learn and if they could show you the ropes🧐
Scenario: "Your hair looks amazing. Hopefully you'll point me to your salon?"
Ask them to talk about the very thing you're jealous of.
Celebrate with them and laugh.
I love laughter. It truly is the best medicine.
People who frown when they can laugh orbit on a different place 🤷🏻‍♀️
There will always be someone prettier, more intelligent, talented, richer, seemingly better than you in some area or another. This is a fact of life. Grow up!
If you give in to jealousy, your inferiority issues will compound. You have closed the door to an opportunity for inner healing.
Plus, the frothing-at-the-mouth-evil-eyed look will not do you any favours 🙄 Cringe!
👉Communicate. Choose to be better.
If you can tie up the loose ends, and sweep away the dust, what are you waiting for? Swallow your pride! You're not Henry Cavill in Superman 🙄
Its ugly to have jealousy and suspicion fester inside. You give off a bad vibe. You resort to playing games. You end up in dirty politics, spinning sick games of betrayal, espionage and counter espionage. You become petty and self-aggrandizing - extremely self-centered. They live in the dog eat dog world. Hardened and manipulative, wouldn't think twice of stabbing another in the back to get ahead. To the world though you can put on an act (example: our desi politicians).
No wonder your hit song is: "can't trust nobody. I'm so lonely. I have no friends".
By 40, you'll be plagued by all kinds of BP fluctuations, lowered immunity, anxiety issues, alcoholism, you'll have worn yourself out to back pain that doesn't go away, tormenting stress leading to all types of migraines.
You hate everyone but smile in public.
Oh! But the pretense!
The masks 🎭 fall off eventually...
The make-up washes off...
The manicured nails turn into gnarly claws 🦞
The narratives crumble ...
Lies get swallowed up by the TRUTH
Eventually you will get stung by yourself scorpion prince/princess 😞
Sheesh! All this terribly knotted mental gymnastics 🪢
You look constipated 🤢
If you really understood that you are deeply loved by your Heavenly Father who has given you His kingdom, you will be free of jealousy. There would be no need to be jealous of another. A jealous person is one who is afflicted with an orphan spirit and who doesn't know how loved they are by their heavenly Father. Your heavenly Father will give you the best! You cannot lose anything!
0 notes
vanessakharbudon · 2 years
Of cheap trinkets easily available on every street corner
And the going rate of hook-ups and hoes
If you don't know your own worth and value
Then neither will he/she
Of juggling two, three, four pairs of hoomans
And playing these games: "Oh! It's just harmless fun"
But why so sad, lonely and bitter at the end of the game, you juggler?
You juggle that bitter aftertaste that lingers on your tongue
With the feeling of being used wrapped around your heart
And those dirty, sweaty, haunting memories jiggling in your mind
Of rumpled bedsheets
And the pairs of legs tangled within those folds
Your cribbing about the lack of... in the very people tangled on those bedsheets with you is a broken record at this point
A generation of cheap cigarette sex and alcoholic liaisons wonders and whines a tad much about: "true love being non-existent and yada yada yada..."
Of course you will never on the walk of shame
It's trying too hard
Take a rest
Your soul badly needs one
Ever heard of the Gordian Knot?
You're so knotted in soul ties
Your soul looks like one
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vanessakharbudon · 2 years
Regret: Is a prison that keeps us locked in the past. Whenever you go through that movie reel of what ifs, could haves, should haves, why me's...
You spiral into depression villeIt's sinking sand alert
By the time you reach the end of that movie You are filled with bitterness, sorrow and anger towards life, yourself and even God
All out of faith
It's bitter regret
You're in the flesh season 6
Adamic mode on
It's the same reel all over again, albeit draped in different scenarios
This is one time loop limbo you mustn't remain in...
Recognise: That regret as deep as the abyss you feel surrounding you is not your identity
It must not define you
Give it no power over you
Trauma, pain, betrayal, abuse and thorns that prick the soles of our feet are NOT WHO WE ARE
The solution: Choose to wake up to the truth that your heavenly Father loves you
He wants to give you His power to overcome everything adamic so you can be like Him - like Father like son/daughter
He can give you new memories
Being His beloved son is who you are
Forget the new chapter - pen a new book
After all, it's a new you!
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