#the oppression olympics in that scene like
fuckbrained · 2 years
i watched netflix’s “you people” and i cant ignore the antisemitism
like the part where eddie murphy’s char is really dismissive of the HOLOCAUST threw me for a loop, he was basically like “you have generational wealth so jews aren’t oppressed.” that was very yikes to me. anyway other than that its just a  midtier movie netflix made to pad its catalog, not too noteworthy, but that scene was really bothersome
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outrunningthedark · 14 days
it's gonna sound like i'm playing the oppression olympics and i'm really not trying to, but idk man, i'm starting to feel some time of way the more people behave like their queer ship not going canon/their fave character not being queer is The Worst Thing Ever when Hollywood is still allergic to letting actual disabled people play disabled roles that aren't, y'no, someone sitting in a wheelchair in the background of a scene.
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By: Batya Ungar-Sargon
Published: Nov 8, 2023
About a week after the October 7 massacre, I passed a large group of people in an airport who were waiting to check in for a flight to Cairo. One of the women ostentatiously clocked the Jewish star I wear around my neck and started whispering with her compatriots. As I walked by, she shouted at me, “Palestine will be free!” 
I chuckled as I walked to my gate, thinking, Not if Egypt has anything to say about it.
Before October 7, I would have considered this whole scene to be wildly offensive. A stranger shouting an anti-Israel slogan at me, holding me responsible for the actions of the Israeli government simply because I am a Jew. 
But in the post–October 7 world, I had a different reaction: let her scream. 
It’s uncomfortable to be barked at by strangers. It’s not pleasant to find out that your classmates will not condemn the murder of your people, or to hear thousands of them gleefully chanting the slogans of a genocidal death cult committed to your erasure from this planet. It’s unsettling to know that your peers have adopted a worldview that allows them to convince themselves that you are the bad guy, you are the privileged monster who wants babies to burn—even as they justify and celebrate the burning of Jewish babies.
It is scary to realize that the same administration that “protects” your fellow students from every perceived slight and insult will side with them against you as they literally call for your annihilation. It can be deeply isolating to open social media and see post after post calling your people the perpetrators of the exact forms of murderous violence that was done to them not three weeks earlier. And it is maddening to watch those who hate us and wish violence upon us fashion themselves as victims—even as heroes.
But that feeling you get when you are facing those things down, that quickening of your heart rate, the flush on your face, the chill down the spine—these unpleasant sensations are what courage feels like. They are the physical symptoms of a moral compass that works, the manifestations of pride in who you are, of the fact that despite millennia of calls for our murder, we’re still here. You’re still here.
Treasure those feelings. Do not cower. Do not tremble.
I’m not suggesting you put yourself in actual danger. The assaults on Jewish students at Harvard and UMass are crimes and should be prosecuted as such. On Sunday, 69-year-old Paul Kessler dared wave an Israeli flag on a Thousand Oaks street corner and died after being assaulted. His murderer should spend his life behind bars.
But the worst thing that could come out of this moment would be for Jews, especially Jews on campus, to embrace the victimhood narrative that their peers subscribe to—and that universities large and small have reified in sprawling DEI bureaucracies. That worldview is a large part of what has brought us to this moment.
So do not cast your lot as a competitor in the oppression Olympics. Instead, reject that entire way of looking at the world.
Here’s the thing: it’s good to be unpopular with a mob whose worldview has done away with the concept of right and wrong and decided, with a Nazi-like commitment to racial ideology, that you are Jewish and therefore you are white and therefore you are bad. It is good to be unpopular with people who spent the weeks after October 7 on the hunt for Jewish exaggeration, Jewish lies, Jewish crimes. It is good to be unpopular with people who cannot separate evil from power and virtue from skin color. (Unpopularity, for now, is your fate, unless you are willing to cosign your own humiliation and join the left’s token “good Jews” who advocate against Zionism from the comfort of the diaspora for plaudits from the Squad.) We don’t answer to them; we answer to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Rock of Israel and its Redeemer.
The good news is: it may not feel like it, but this country is on your side. College students are in one of vanishingly few spaces in America that sides with Hamas. Your professors will live and die in irrelevance, signing their names to their silly little letters and coming up with new jargon with which to defend terrorism while nurturing their grandiose hero complexes. Most of your peers will grow up and abandon their radical chic commitments. The progressive movement has taken a big hit, having shown its true colors to a nation that knows what is good and what is right, that can separate barbarism from civilization. 
But for now, remember this: to be a Jew is to refuse to kneel and refuse to bow. The stakes of standing upright have never been clearer than they are today, in this post–October 7 world. It’s good to have these people as your enemies, because the world will always have people who oppose what’s right and what’s good, and it is our destiny to fight them. Do it with pride.
"Sometimes it's better to be known for one's enemies."
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beevean · 1 year
The idea of Annette essentially telling Richter to suck up his own trauma because "Hey I've had it worse and I'm still fighting!" is so fucking putrid
Yes, racism is shit and horrible. I suppose that, from a quantitative standpoint Annette has indeed suffered more than Richter, but trying to quantify human suffering, especially of the "I watched my mother being brutally murdered in front of me at a young age" variety, in order to create "yeah X has had it worse than Y" is often fucking awful and reeks of a sense of superiority
Imagine an orphan who lost their parents during a brutal war that they witnessed with their own eyes telling another orphan who lost their parents during a simple mugging that they should suck it up because "they've had it worse", it's fucking cold, it's establishing a condition of personal superiority based on personal suffering and how one is affected by it. You're essentially telling another person that their trauma and their suffering don't matter as much as yours and, as a result, that they themselves as a person, value less.
Oh these guys wanna do Berserk? Why yes I would gladly like to see them write Casca like this, have her say that Guts has had it easy in life when compared to her because at least he's a white man, maybe tell him during their sex scene, when he starts breaking down due to his sexual abuse-related PTSD, that he should man up and suck it up because "Hey I'm a woman who everyone is trying to rape every 5 minutes and you don't hear ME bitching about it!"
It's putrid, yes. And I've already seen it justified, because well, at least Richter only saw his mom die and then that's it, Annette kept suffering after that!
Not surprising that it would be well received on Tumblr, the birthplace of oppression olympics 🙃
And Annette did all that speech to basically say that she's better than Richter. That she's stronger. That she looks down on him for being a weakling. And then proceeds to call him "useless as fuck"? Oh yeah I can see peak romance blooming in the air already. I'm reminded of Greta who listened to Alucard telling her that he killed his rapists and nearly became as bitter as his homicidial father, and her reaction was "eh I fucked a married man and angered his wife, same thing, right?". What's with these women and completely lacking in empathy towards their love interest? Is this what being a Stronk Woman entails? Oh, but interracial couple, so progressive :^)
This was not something to add in a season that basically did an any% speedrun. I can buy in a vacuum Annette being too focused on her trauma to care about others', especially the trauma of a white man who she'd see as inherently privileged, because she has been taught that they're her enemy and they all see her as inferior. I can see a character arc where she actually, legitimately moves on from her past and understand that everyone is suffering and they have more in common that differences and they all need to stick together and grow with each other. But this painfully relevant topic is just too complex to tackle in 8 episodes that are already juggling too much material. And, y'know, by this show which has the sensitivity of a steamroller.
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starkjoy · 1 year
i think i'm just feeling sad if that's okay to express here? like, the writers in the past have just, made me feel so seen and safe as a queer person. they haven't been afraid to explore, like, the ways in which 'deviant'/queer sexuality is subject to ridicule/punishment within family systems and broader cultural systems. i'm thinking about logan's repeat homophobia towards kendall (especially), roman, greg's dad, etc. and then the writer's just built up such like, profound homoerotism between tom and greg and countless other characters. and it just sort of seemed to me like they were gearing up for a really meaningful display of solidarity with queer folk? like with logan out of the way, the frontrunner of the patriarchal oppression olympics, the queer ships could have so much freedom/bandwidth to just, i don't know, live?? and instead it feels like, all of the writers gave into comp. het overnight, and now we're just getting a bunch of conwilla and tomshiv and shiv/mattson scenes as their queer-coded ships fade to the background and sink to the bottom of the sea 😣
thank you for sending this in and trusting me to share your thoughts!
while i don't want to start any major discourse since the season isn't over yet, i don't blame any fans for feeling disappointed or duped by the change of pace thus far. i don’t think succession ever set out to be some bastion of queer representation, and i highly doubt every seemingly queer-coded moment was intentional. that being said, in tomgreg and roman's case, the writers definitively used gay subtext and homoeroticism as both a plot thread and character development tactic. now it seems they’ve put those choices on the back burner, allowing the queer dynamics to rest in ambiguity while straight pairings are given more explicit attention.
it’s disappointing particularly in tomgreg’s case given how vital their queer-coded subplot was to the culmination of last season’s finale. i disagree with takes that are like, "if you ever thought tomgreg was going anywhere, you're stupid or haven't been paying attention." yeah, tomgreg going "canon" was never a likelihood—but i think that's moreso a testament to the realities of queer representation rather than the nature of their relationship in the show itself. that’s a whole can of worms i don’t want to open quite yet without having seen the full season.
despite what the writers may have intended, intention does not invalidate interpretation. in fact, in a business where art is made to be consumed and the art’s financial success hinges on that consumption, interpretation is just as important. don’t let anyone tell you your reading of the show is wrong, and don’t ever feel "stupid" for hoping for more, even if that’s unlikely. if the writers are going to drop crumbs, they shouldn’t be surprised fans want to follow them to a full meal.
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bending-sickle · 9 months
Fuck, marry, kill
Dean, Castiel, Crowley
Also, your Crowley headcannons! I need more Crowley in my life
*softly* you're killing me, smalls
well i can't kill dean because he's unkillable (or extremely killable but for a limited time only) and i do not want to suffer the consequences.
...or do i?
okay look.
marry crowley. paperwork means something with him, which means i can get it in writing that i won't be [Insert Endless List of Horrible Fates]. plus, fucking all day every day in new and exciting ways. and not to play light of possession but imagine the possibilities. so many different suits to experiment with.
now with the other two it's more a question of "who would i rather hunt me down with single-minded revenge for killing their babe".
i mean, it should be that, but i'm getting distracted by who would be a better one-night-stand and i gotta say, dean wins that competition.
so we're killing cas, i guess, and hopefully i make it out alive once dean figures out what's happened. (or, oh god, sam.)
as for crowley headcanons:
the torture move that finally snapped his soul into demonhood was his jaw getting ripped right off. he doesn't like to think about. (he thinks about it.)
absolutely rampant but sublimated Hell Torture ptsd
because of this, he'll fuck any way there is left to fuck except any way that feels too close to being tied down to the rack in hell. not keen on being the bottom, not happy being underneath, and i think he'd rather swim through a thrice-blessed olympic swimming pool than be tied up.
which leads us to: control. he wants it. if he can't have it, then at least he doesn't want surprises, which works well, because he's good at reading people.
his coat: secret security blanket.
do not believe a single thing that comes out of his mouth when it comes to him, personally. i don't understand why the wiki fandom takes his offhand comments as gospel, like when he said he had dr phil on speed-dial, or had "athletic calves", or has been drinking Craig whiskey since gradeschool* as if a bastard, motherless boy abandoned to the workhouse would be in school.** he likes to play loose, to make quips, and to spout bullshit because it's fun.
and a forced headcanon because the show just fucking decided to make him scottish after he'd been on screen for over a season is that his english accent is deliberately put-upon because [Insert the entire history of England's oppression of Scotland and also the prejudice of local accents vs. Received Pronunciation english]. which also means, in my headcanon, he talks to his mother in his original scottish accent every time he loses a grip of his "I Am Crowley, King of Hell" persona. especially in the face of her own accent. because lots of people who have a Public Accent and a Home Accent shift like that, especially with family (e.g. john barrowman, american accent to most, scottish at home. watch him explain it - and accent switch - here) and it just makes sense, y'know? and when he's Seriously Going Through It, he'll slip back into it. (unlike, for some bizarre reason - and tell me it's not just me - the weird american accent creeping in during his "i deserve to be loved" scene. like, mark, wtf.)
okay i'll stop now.
* some people even tried to use this info as a basic for tracking down said whiskey which...doesn't exist
** which is not to say there weren't schools (which would be dominie since there was no parish) in canisbay in the mid 1600s but...my dude was not going to school and drinking whiskey. he was starving at a workhouse trying to rub two pennies together.
(can you tell i've been researching for a fic?)
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prelude-numero-2 · 2 years
A french article about Melitina's situation which is very alarming.
English translation (made on Deepl sorry):
The grotesque situation of Staniouta, a Belarusian opponent exiled in France
At 28, the Belarusian Melitina Staniouta (14 world medals) had to leave her country for speaking out against the current government. She has found refuge in France and works in a club in Rueil-Malmaison, but is confronted with the administration and international sanctions against her country.
We meet her in Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine), where she teaches rhythmic gymnastics, the sport that made her a star in her country. Melitina Staniouta has been retired since 2016 and a 5th place at the Rio Olympic Games, but she remains first and foremost the granddaughter of a great Soviet actress who gave her native Belarus a whopping 14 world medals between 2009 and 2015 (5 silver, 9 bronze).
And it is unexpected to find her in this club in the Paris region, explaining the basics to very young gymnasts who obviously do not know what the constraints of top level are. But the young woman's situation is a terrible paradox. Forced to leave her country because she dared to speak out against the government, forced to flee Ukraine just before the invasion of Russia, supported by her Belarusian neighbour. Forced to survive in France because our administration is slow to issue her with papers and she is confronted with international sanctions against Minsk. A Kafkaesque situation, as absurd as it is oppressive.
"Sport is a school that teaches you to accept your mistakes so that you can correct them. But what mistake did I make?" Melitina Staniouta asks herself. Disillusioned. And goes back over her history. Her track record, the fact that she speaks five languages, has opened doors for her. Since 2016, she has been alternating between MasterClasses all over the world and a television programme dedicated to everything to do with outstanding sportsmen and women. I wanted to highlight everything that contributes to performance, she says. The coaches, the physiotherapists, the psychologists, but also those people behind the scenes like the caretaker of our gym who could offer me an apple from her garden just to get me to smile."
While she admits that her political consciousness has long been at half-mast, it was a rude awakening on the eve of Aleksander Lukashenko's fraudulent and disputed re-election in 2020. "If I didn't care about my country, I would have probably turned a blind eye. But I can't, I won't" she said. I have to share the violence, these horrible videos and what is happening in the 21st century in this tiny country in the centre of Europe"
At the time, the government's repression was terrible, even deadly, against the tens of thousands of Belarusians who took to the streets of Minsk. Major sportsmen and women were called to witness, the tennis player and former world number one, Victoria Azarenka, spoke of "heartbreak" but refused to say more. Other less silent voices were raised, with more than 400 athletes signing an open letter to declare the elections invalid.
Melitina Staniouta turns her Instagram account into a chronicle of police violence against civilians. "My boss saw it, and I was fired. I knew what I was risking by posting this kind of comment in Belarus. But I don't regret anything, I will never change my decision even if my parents were also punished: they lost their jobs because of me."
Of course, she first tried to find a job in Minsk. "People asked me why I didn't open a school. But it's impossible. Business is not welcome in Belarus, where almost everything is controlled by the government. There are no clubs." So Melitina Staniouta decided to leave the country. She went into exile in Kyiv, made friends there, and became sufficiently well known to start collaborating with the gym world, but also with magazines as a model.
"After 2020, the Belarusian diaspora spread to Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania. People used to say that there were more Belarusians in Kiev than in Minsk," she smiles sadly. Because in February, when war was in the air and Ukrainians were still only joking about it, wanting to believe that it would remain a threat, friends advised her to flee. "I couldn't go back to Belarus, I could have been imprisoned, killed. I booked a hotel in Barcelona until 1 March and left three days before the Russians invaded" says Melitina Staniouta.
The trouble is that she soon runs out of money, her credit card blocked. Unable to access her accounts because of international financial sanctions against Russian and Belarusian nationals. "It's a frustrating and intractable situation because I have a Belarusian passport. Everyone judges me on this passport, not on who I am, what I think, what I've done" the young woman exasperated. She decided to post a long message on her social networks to explain her situation and find a job. She received sixty offers from Australia, the United States and all over Europe. But then the administrative issue arose, as her tourist visa expired after 90 days.
"In Spain, where rhythmic gymnastics is very popular, I was able to tell my story to the media and two lawyers eventually contacted me to help me for free. They told me that I could apply for refugee status. But this application takes time, sometimes more than a year, and you are not allowed to work in the meantime for at least six months. To be honest, it sounds stupid to me, but it's the law" Melitina Staniouta agrees. Another option is explained to her, the "talent passport" that exists in the United States, the United Kingdom and… in France. A multi-annual residence permit issued in particular to artists or highly qualified people, valid for four years and renewable.
A still precarious situation
"I had written a long email to the French embassy in Spain to explain who I was, what I was going through, my wish to get this talent passport. At first they told me that I had to go back to Belarus, to the French embassy there, which I can't do. So I insisted and they finally told me that, yes, I was in the category of 'exceptional' people. That made me happy, because I wanted to find a legal opportunity. So I was given a temporary visa for three months while I applied for a residence permit at the prefecture. This is what I did when I arrived in Nanterre at the end of March. I provided the documents, all the diplomas… But I'm still waiting. For seven months now, I've had this pink paper, this provisional residence permit which proves that the process has started. And I can work. But that's all."
Hosted by a club official, Melitina Staniouta came up against the administration. She worries about the progress of her file and is systematically rebuffed by the Prefecture. "They tell me to wait until I receive a text message" she despairs. Worse still, she has scoured Paris looking for a bank that would accept her application, because she needs to open an account to receive her salary. But I don't have the right passport, nor the right residence permit" she says with exasperation. I only have cash, I can't rent a flat. But I have money, a flat, a car… But in Belarus. I feel so frustrated. I have never cried in my life, because a sportsman doesn't cry. But now… I don't ask for anything, just to be able to work and live decently"
Proudly, Melitina Staniouta intends to fend for herself, to find her own solutions. But she is aware on a daily basis of the infernal spiral that is damaging her. By choosing the talent passport, I thought I would speed things up, but I was probably wrong," she says bitterly. I feel like I'm wasting my time. The prefecture asks me not to apply so often, but it's my life. And I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel"
She hesitates for a moment, smiles sadly: "In Rio, the conditions were really rotten, we lived in our windowless rooms with cockroaches, huge Brazilian cockroaches. A real nightmare. I promised myself that I would do everything to never go through that again, to always have a choice. Six years later… I take care of myself, not to get sick, because I don't have social security. I'm not complaining, I'm adapting, I've learnt French, I'm doing my best for the club that took me in… But I don't see any prospects."
Article written by Céline Nony, 1/11/22
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blawoarts · 25 days
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The Trailblazing Sculptor Shaping the African Diaspora... Artwork by Alison Saar, Sculptor. IG: @alison_saar www.alisonsaar.com Alison Saar, an eminent sculptor, mixed-media, and installation artist, has carved her way through the contemporary art world with her evocative works that delve into themes of the African diaspora, spirituality, and black female identity. Born in 1956 to acclaimed artists Betye and Richard Saar, her upbringing amidst the flourishing art scene in Los Angeles and an early exposure to African American and African diaspora art fostered her unique artistic vision. Saar's artistic career has been shaped by the influences of significant artists like her mother, Betye Saar, John T. Riddle Jr., and Samella Lewis. Her artwork, characterized by the use of found objects and an evocative play of materials, resonates with a deep understanding of the histories and cultures she draws inspiration from. Saar's powerful sculptures and installations, such as "Topsy Turvy" and "Weight," highlight her ability to capture the complexity of the black experience, often imbued with themes of resilience and defiance. Her ongoing "Coup" series is a testament to her remarkable sculpting prowess, featuring wooden figures donning gas cans and weaponry, symbolizing the struggle for liberation and resistance against oppression. Beyond the United States, Saar's influence as a leading black sculptor is evident in her participation in international exhibitions like the 5th Biennial of African Contemporary Art in Senegal and the 2022 Sydney Biennale. Most recently, Saar's immense talent and cultural influence have been recognized by her commission to create a public sculpture for the Paris 2024 Olympics. The artwork, titled "Victory," honors the contributions of African American soldiers who fought in World War II. Saar's continuous exploration of black history and the diaspora has solidified her standing as a key figure in contemporary art, making her an inspiration for many emerging artists.
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taissaswifelowkey · 1 month
okay so you know about that weird ginny and georgia scene where hunter and ginny just yells derogatory things and stereotypes at each other??? and at some point hunter is like “oppression olympics, let’s go” 💀💀 i feel like this might have been the writers' choice at (horribly, badly) explaining how “everyone just wants to fight and be oppressed”. now that is not my point of view at all. it was sooooo tone deaf and unnecessary?? all jokes aside bc the memes were funny ngl 😭😭😭 but the show itself feels like riverdale with extra steps
acc they should have a crossover im so serious rn
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shankhachil · 2 years
oh for sure ik that merchant of venice all around is important, i’ve done all poems pretty well my point was especially for prose and slightly mov too. but like 2020 and 2022 paper both had the quality of mercy speech, so im ruling the chances of that out for sure (but they can imclude something else from courtroom bc casket or courtroom scene is 100% guaranteed) but also all summer in a day and olympic and abou ben adhem was in 2022 paper (acc to shaalaa) and 2020 march paper ALSO had abou ben adhem so i think if it ame consecutively we can rule the chances of that out. match girl and sibia were also in 2020 so now i am just deeply confused but thank u for that. the reason i asked sample paper specifically was bc most people refer to that the day before the board exam to see exactly what its like and hence they probably wont repeat but thanks tbh !!
it is self oppression lmao i cant see my asks or messages or notifs and i dont have a dash so it kind of is helping :/ but also i still scroll ur and some other mutuals blog frequently lmao
I hate abou ben adhem <3333 fucking bitch ass
I’m like 80% sure that All Summer in a Day will come tbh. And the other question will be one of My Greatest Olympic Prize or Angel in Disguise. Idk it’s the message that’s important so the four marker will be like, explain why Jesse Owens and Luz Long’s friendship was the greatest Olympic Prize or like who was the real angel in disguise in the story.
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tinyvampire · 2 years
the whole anti-hero scale fiasco is pissing me the hell off. taylor swift had an eating disorder. that’s what that scene is about. for fucks sake people.
“but she’s skinny but she’s skinny” and???? fucking and??????? EDs don’t discriminate. doesn’t matter what your starting weight is. what are y’all, the fucking wii fit?? anybody could develop one. acting like people can’t suffer from EDs or body dysmorphia if they’re skinny bc ‘yOu’Re NoT oPpReSsEd iF yOu’Re sKiNnY’ is just about the dumbest take i’ve heard all month. go back to twitter with that idiocy. not everything is about the oppression olympics. some forms of human suffering have absolutely nothing do with anybody but yourself & your own mind/body! if you can believe it! good lord.
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feisties · 4 years
i have so many mixed feelings about ginny and georgia and i need to tell someone so im telling all of you
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iheartbookbran · 2 years
*sighs into my microphone*
I swear those cold takes about Rhaenyra being so much more privileged than Alicent, and never having to struggle against the patriarchy are so unserious asdfghjfda, and they rely solely on playing the suffering olympics game that is so old and tired in the asoiaf fandom. I mean the exact same thing happened with Sansa and Arya (and later Dany) and people need to stop making such horrible accusations under the pretense of defending their fave while trying to appear progressive.
I can’t believe that I have to say this but no, Rhaenyra is not inherently more “privileged” than Alicent. Both women are at the very top of the social ladder, one as the queen and the other as the crown princess. The difference being that Alicent lives her life in a very conservative and by-the-rules way, and is miserable for it. Meanwhile Rhaenyra breaks those rules and finds momentarily satisfaction for it, but her every action is dissected and harshly judged by the court and she therefore can’t really find peace or happiness. Just because Alicent doesn’t realize at the start of the story just how much power she’s actually able to wield doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
And btw, it is true that Rhaenyra can experience relatively more freedom because her father, Viserys, allows it to her. But this is not really that closely connected to her Targaryen status, or being a dragon rider, despite what some people might claim. Targaryen women are still subjected to the same expectations and oppression as any other (noble) woman of the realm. If her father wanted Rhaenyra to conform to what a woman of their context was expected to do then he could have, case on point Jaehaerys never had any qualms in forcing his daughters to do his bidding to the point it ended up killing some of them.
This kind of thinking also conveniently absolves Otto Hightower, Alicent’s own father, of responsibility for her fate. He, the second most powerful man of the kingdom at the time, chose to place Alicent into the king’s path knowing full well what the consequences for his actions might be. Viserys is of course just as culpable for marrying Alicent but if it hadn’t been him, any other man high enough to satisfy Otto’s ambitions would’ve taken his place and Alicent would’ve ended up trapped and unhappy anyways. This can’t possibly be a Targaryen-man problem because last time I checked, they didn’t invent the patriarchy.
Like, it’s very difficult to watch that scene in which Alicent is being marital r*ped by Viserys and not feel a ton of compassion for her but I struggle to understand how Rhaenyra should be blamed or resented for not sharing the same fate as Alicent, specially when it was by sheer luck that she managed to avoid it. I mean let’s not forget it was Viserys himself who killed Rhaenyra’s mother in his quest to have a male heir. She’s dependent on Viserys’ good will to keep her status, so how is that a good thing?
Obviously you can argue that it was wrong of Rhaenyra to lie to Alicent about what happened with Criston Cole and Daemon, but it’s also worth noting that A) Rhaenyra was under no obligation to share information about her sexuality to anyone she didn’t want to, and B) she lied precisely because she knew that telling the truth could have repercussions for her if Otto ever found out, and that he would not hesitate to use that information to brand her as “damaged goods” and push for Aegon to be heir instead. Of course Rhaenyra wanted Otto out of the picture, but that doesn’t mean that the next logical leap would be for her to want to kill her half-siblings, Otto just manipulated the situation to make it seem as such to Alicent.
This line of thinking becomes even more outrageous when you remember that Rhaenyra’s greatest sins are actually like… *checks notes* having pre-marital sex and *checks more notes* choosing the men she has children with? I guess??? And it’s not as if Alicent’s own son Aegon doesn’t have sex with anything that moves while being married and his own wife very much not approving of his cheating. His claim to the throne isn’t gonna be put into question over it though but tell me more about how Rhaenyra has “male privilege” or whatever lmao.
The fact that Rhaenyra’s actor, Emma, as a nonbinary person, has talked about how they identify in Rhaenyra’s own experience and relationship with gender, only to then see some fans claim that Rhaenyra doesn’t struggle at all with her womanhood and is privileged in comparison to Alicent is so funny and also sad. I dare y’all to think of a single afab person irl who doesn’t conform within the gender norm and who also doesn’t face any kind of backlash from society as a result of it, I’ll wait.
Like, I hate to break it to you guys but neither of these women are really winning under the patriarchy long term speaking, and trying to say otherwise is dumb af and frankly quite misogynistic. Be real.
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mutt-the-punk · 2 years
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My nAme is River, I'm a scemo (Scene & emo)person who luvs new friends (Including you!! <33)
I use tUmblr as a kewl (cool) & fUn way 2 find new friendz and to find peOple whom have the same interEsts as mE (Interests later listed)
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Oh no.. your computer has a virus! I'll help you out but you gotta listen first.
Dni: Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, Ablelist, pro overturning of Roe V Wade, -12,+21, Andrew Tate watchers, Msi supporters, falling in reverse supporters (basic Dni), Cringe culture, mean, rude, anti tone tagsif you are &/or support any of the following:
* racist, anti-black, against blm, support alm/blue lives matter, against police abolition & acab. xenophobic, antisemitic, islamophobic, nazi, zionist, assadist. don't support land back. alt-right.
* pro-life, anti-abortion. map, nomap. use/say slurs you can't reclaim. aren't critical of interests.
* romanticize or glorify abuse, and/or mental illness. trauma invalidation. think [emotional] neglect isn't a form of abuse.
if you are &/or support any of the following queerphobic beliefs:
* radfem, terf, swerf. transmed, truscum. against neopronouns, against xenogenders. against lesbians who use pronouns outside of she/her, and gays who use pronouns outside of he/him.
* fetishize mlm, fetishize wlw. think mlm are inherently 'less oppressed' by society, oppression olympics in general.
* believe aroace people aren't inherently lgbtq. mistreat transhets due to them being het. think polyamory is inherently sexual, think you can't cheat on your partners in polyam relationships.
* think bisexuality is the 'default' to being mspec, think pansexuality is biphobic, think trans people aren't included in bisexuality. treat pan/omni/ply/etc. as micro-labels under bisexuality.
if you are &/or support any of the following radinclus beliefs:
* pro-ship, anti-anti, pro-fic. think fiction has no effect on reality. pro-para (pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc.).*
* mspec 'lesbians', mspec 'gays', and mspec 'straights'. lesboys, turigirls, 'male lesbians', 'gay women'.
* transabled*; endogenic, xeno-origin, any non-traumagenic 'systems' are included. 'systems' caused by disorders outside of DID or OSDD-1, like 'bpd systems', you get the gist; think you can have any trauma disorder without the trauma.
* this doesn't mean the support for the people with disorders that cause these thoughts and feelings. this means the anti-recovery sentiment of identifying as 'pro-paraphilia' & transabled- whether or not you have said disorders- and the worsening of symptoms.
if you are &/or support any of the following ableist beliefs:
*accuse people of faking their disability, also known as fakeclaiming. exclude the experiences of physically disabled people when talking about ableism. dismiss the experiences of chronically ill people due to the fluctuation of severity in symptoms.
* think allistics can say the r slur, think the infinity symbol is for all neurodivergent people rather than just autistics. against informed self diagnosis.
* think people with cluster b personality disorders are inherently abusive, or that people with DID, schizophrenia, psychosis, ASPD, etc. are dangerous or violent. 'narcissistic abuse' truther.
* misuse mental health terms, like naricissistic, psycho[path], psychotic, delusional, schizo, etc., especially in a derogatory fashion.
If you are any of those, I can't help you! Srry, not srry..
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There we are, I just changed your computers oil out!....
Your computer doesn't take oil? Oopsies..
Wellll while you're contacting tech support, let's talk about a few of the things I like!
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Interests: Monster high (Mh), My little pony (mlp), Invader zim (Iv), Ruby gloom (Rb), Waffles (no really, I love them), Tone tags, Swag new friends, Slushies (SO YUMMY!!)
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My favorite characters: Derpy (mlp), Gir (Iv), Discord (mlp) Draculara (Mh), Ruby Gloom (Rb), Skelita (Mh), Sarah Scare (Mh), Clawdeen (Mh), Lagoona (Mh), Bender (Futurama), Ghoulia (Mh), and a few OthErz
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Other: My dms are open but I don't respond often, my notifications are off.
I luv 2015
I REALLLY like neon (Mainly Green & Pink)
I watch REPOSTED Shane Dawson vidz, Markiplier, and Brandon Ferris!!!
LVL 14
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You managed to get on the tech support line but you're on hold? Hm.... let's play my favorite song!!
You finally got ahold of them? SWAG! Well I've gotta go, byeeee
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netherworldpost · 3 years
Thanks for always posting and reposting the some like it hot bit. I loved that movie and specifically that scene so much and relike it everytime you repost it. Love the commentary too because SAME EMOTIONAL HAT. <3
There is a sharp undercurrent in the online queer experience that some folks use to pull each other down and it's maddening for a handful of levels.
For one, blatant propaganda is being regurgitated. The rainbow of queer experience gets segmented and "I may be gay but at least I'm not ---". Or "--- is not queer enough to match my oppression."
For another, this prevailing idea of trauma olympics. "You must be this damaged to accept this label."
Some folks are in pain and deal with this by causing pain in others.
Looping back to the propaganda, some folks are struggling with their own identity and are finding information in spaces overwhelmed with hate.
Some folks are doing it for online attention and/or money.
Some folks are just mean. There isn't a deeper explanation, they are just rude and/or horrid people who happen to be LGBTQ+.
There are more reasons. Infinite.
"I respect you. Do you respect me?" This is how I start. It prevents a lot of problems.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
On the oppression Olympics of it all Pollen fans remind me of those white girls in my school who would bully me for my hair or make jokes because my dad is black like asking if he was in a gang or absent shit like that. And then I would call them out and they would cry and talk about how they were 20 pounds overweight and they didn’t have as much money as the white it girls of the school. Like they were miserable because Heather thought they were a loser so they thought yeah let me be racist. Of course not all of them but they give that vibe
Joan 🖤 let me tell you I SCREAMED when I first got this ask because 1) HOLY SHIT THAT'S EXACTLY THE VIBE and 2) I'm SO sorry you had to deal with that, it sounds SO fucking awful. It's really fucking stupid that those girls felt powerless against Heather so they took out on you?? The fuck??
I had a similar bully like that she wasn't white but was lighter than me and hella popular because she was a softball star (typical popular athlete bullshit happened in my school too) and it was kind of nice that the whole class was protective of her getting fatphobic comments from other people in other grades but girlie was still a shithead to anyone who wasn't popular. She particularly wasn't racist to me (her bestie was tho but she was an asswipe that happened to be skinny and light skinned jdjkdfhd) but called me Triple-A cos I had tiny boobs early puberty - WELL LOOK AT ME NOW MANDY ,,, anyways this was a weird tangent. Thank you for sharing that with me and again I'm so sorry.
If we're directly comparing, it's the way most Pennywise stans will fill our ask boxes calling Marina slurs and (this is also white!Kate stans/Kate haters) bashing Kate for being 'boxed-faced', Simone for being stiff in her scenes and generally being racist just to bring them down in order to uplift their white fave racist. Like I'm sorry Penalty is such a dickhead now and no one in the other parts of the fandom and GA likes her but you don't have to bring the others down to make yourself feel better.
Hope you're doing okay now Joan 🖤 and that you're thriving better than those assholes from school!
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