#the other morning i woke up and immediately went into full detail explaining to my mom how i could survive a zombie apocalypse
strawberrybyers · 6 months
realizing i’m so funny and talking a lot and making a million plans right now is not because i am healing for a new year new me era but because i am entering a state of ✨hypomania✨
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daandyli0n · 3 months
so. started watching a few Animatronic Restoration videos, and got a fun idea for a Fnaf au:
someone decides to try and fix up the Freddy's animatronics, and documents the full thing. ends up making paranormal content alongside their restorations because Ghosts™
they somehow even get into contact with Henry to get blueprints to figure out how to fix these guys. Henry decides "fuck it, why not?"
hell, Springtrap gets involved at some point. the second he gets involved with this, all the animatronics lose their shit, especially Fredbear. but this still happens pre-Ghost Realization.
the restorer is babysitting a bunch of ghost kids + keeping Springtrap from doing his Shenanigans™, and Henry is called repeatedly for help.
for the sake of this, we're calling the restorer "Ollie"
the progression:
"Hey, I'm fixing up these old animatronics from this old pizzeria! :D I've even gotten blueprints from the co-founder and creator!! We even have an old springlock suit from the mid-70's! It's the bear one, I think Mr. Emily called him Fredbear? Also this weird puppet thing Mr. Emily said was called Marionn. Boy, I have a lot of work to do to fix these guys up."
*finds dried blood on the inside* "Oh. Oh right, these were The Child Murder Robots™"
(very detailed, but respectful, True Crime episode where Ollie explains the MCI as they work. they try to pay their respects to the victims and their families in the video)
"Hey, Why Are The Robots Moving On Their Own"
"Oh, They're. Pretty Chill, Actually? Kinda. Fredbear is kinda iffy, but. I think he's warming up."
"Wow, Mr. Emily! How'd you make the robots so lifelike? *Henry stays silent on the other end of the line* ...Mr. Emily?"
"So. Big yellow robot bunny showed up randomly on my doorstep. Looks rotted and uh. Bloody as fuck. And the animatronics immediately became tense. Fredbear immediately tried to kill him though. So they're being kept in separate rooms for now."
"So, I've called Mr. Emily and asked him what the fuck to do, and he said to get rid of it like immediately. Alright, easy enough, I can do that-" *video cuts to Ollie sitting in a different room, blood leaking out of cuts on their face and shoulder, while there is the sounds of mechanical screeching and roaring are heard from another room in the background. they are holding their phone to their ear, breathing heavily and with a thousand yard stare* "OKAY MR. EMILY IT DIDN'T WORK, THE FUCK DO I DO NOW"
"Okay. For now we're just gonna leave the rabbit be for now. I'm gonna have to fix Fredbear's fur because apparently those two tried to kill each other while I went to call Mr. Emily."
"Hold Up, Are These Guys Haunted?" *two days later in the next video* "Oh, These Guys Are Fucking Haunted. BY CHILDREN."
*just an ENTIRE video of Ollie trying to talk to the kids. eventually learns that these are the MCI kids + Charlie and Adrian (CC)*
"Oh, the two kids inside Fredbear explains the "mood swings." Ah, that makes sense now."
*also figures out that Springtrap is possessed. By A Murderer. they have a fun time with this information /s*
*starts a video with a red mark around their neck, looking utterly exhausted, and with the sound of something clawing at a nearby door* "GUESS WHO WOKE UP TO THE ✨MURDER RABBIT✨ TRYING TO CHOKE THEM TO DEATH IN THEIR SLEEP AT 2:17 IN THE MORNING!! GUESS WHO HAS TO BE LOCKED IN THE BASEMENT AT NIGHT NOW!!"
*videos that are basically just them talking to the ghosts. sometimes they talk to Springtrap*
"So, I get a lot of comments asking me what it's like, why I keep the Corpse Rabbit around despite there being the Literal Corpse Of A Murderer in there And him trying to kill me, and about my knowledge of the Fazbear Lore™, let me answer it in this order for ya:
First, stop bringing up the "William Afton", "Bunch of dead Afton kids", and "Bite of '87" shit. I dunno what y'all mean by a lot of that, and I haven't had the time or the energy to ask Mr. Emily what any of that is supposed to mean.
Second, I explained in a previous video that I tried to bring up the corpse thing to the authorities and they didn't really do anything about it despite me reporting a Literal Corpse, so there's that.
*camera pans. Chica (Susie) is gently trying to pet Ollie's dog. Bonnie (Jeremy) is trying to play Guitar Hero, but the massive fingers are making it hard. Foxy (Fritz) is watching some sort of YouTube video on pirate facts, tail wagging. Freddy (Gabriel) is just lying on the floor and playing Toreador March as he stares at the ceiling. Fredbear (Adrian) is surrounded by plushies, and generally looks content. Marionn (Charlie) is sitting next to Freddy and fiddling with some of Ollies tools and spare parts. the camera pans back.*
*in the most affectionate voice possible* "I'm Running A Fucking Daycare Now."
that's all i've got for now :]
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Hi, it's Dream Anon ! It's been a while, more than a year I think ? But a lot has happened dream-wise.
After the last couple of asks I sent, where I dreamt about being "hired" to be an NPC in other people's dreams, I kept having those "dream filming" moments about every night. No fanfare, not even a discussion with that greek/norse "dream goddess".
Then, around two weeks later, I discovered I had a carbon monoxide leak in my house. You'd think that would be the end of it, weird dream happenings end up being from a CO leak, you fix it and it's gone... except that after a month of having no dreams at all, it started happening again.
That time, I was directly in the white void again, and the dream goddess said something along the lines of "Your presence cannot be delayed any longer" (in my native language). Then it was like a cutscene or autoscroll from a video game, I followed her through what looked like a corridor with many different "scenes" around us, I distinctly remember seeing one of a sort of mountainous plateau, going "Oh, that looks like a Ghibli background", and the scrolling stopping for a moment before resuming. After some time (felt like forever), we ended up in a study, she took a seat, and I did too. She said "the fish closes the laser", and without thinking I answered "Just a different way of dodging". She sighed again and said "Dodging is temporary, the fish or the laser will end. I liked the cake, though.", then I woke up.
While I still don't understand what the hell is up with the fish and the laser, I remember very distinctly the dream it's from, where my school cafeteria gave me cake with a bite taken out of it, and it makes things even weirder. Did this dream goddess take a bite out of my slice of cake in a dream years ago ? Does that mean anything ??
And that's not even the worse part ! I went to sleep pretty late on Friday night, and after waking up to the sunrise (something that usually doesn't happen as I'm not a morning person) and with a killer headache, my computer showed Sunday. To this day I'm not sure whether I really slept for 28 hours, or I lost all memory of my Saturday. I had no plans for that day, so no one could confirm what happened, and my internet history for that day was completely empty, but that's not completely unheard of since there are days where I don't boot up my computer at all.
This time I got worried I might actually have a tumor (it's not everyday you hear a supposed deity in your dreams say that something will end, and then discover you slept for a whole day straight) so I went to the doctor and explained everything, and the doc said something along the lines of "Don't care about the dreams, but we definitely have to check that hypersomnia out". I got the whole shebang done, ended up with a folder full of pictures of my brain, and... nothing unusual. I did learn I have a relatively large hippocampus compared to the average person, though.
Nothing major happened for months after that, every few days I'd get another dream acting as an NPC, sometimes I'd meet the dream goddess (which I've taken to calling "boss") and forget absolutely everything from those conversations. The white silhouette with antlers/lightning crown of thorns never got any more detailed, by the way.
Nothing wild has happened in real life so far either, sometimes when I see a silhouette in a bright light it makes me think about the dream goddess, but that's about it. No hallucinations yet !
Today I woke up thinking about documentation, and immediately remembered that I used to send you asks about those dreams. I stopped because my life got pretty chaotic while I was getting that CO leak fixed, and after that tumblr fell out of my recent websites and I completely forgot about it. I did keep a record, though, that's what I'm using to write this.
Anyway, glad I remembered, and especially glad I could clear up that radio silence after my last ask. Re-reading it, it kinda looked like I died after sending it.
Decided to have a look and see when the last one came in and I had to cheat to get the tag to show.
Dream anon tag
Hello, it's dream anon, here's an update : The same method I used earlier worked, although I feel like I'm becoming better at noticing the dream goddess during NPC time so maybe in a few days I won't even need it. Touching my nose every minute of every waking hour is a bit tiring, and I feel like I'm gonna develop OCD if I keep this up too long.
April 28, 2022 it's been way too long.
Glad you're good, you pop into my head on occasion and I do wonder.
Got a few people over the years that drop in for a random ask here and there, they all pop in occasionally.
Had to stop when I hit the CO leak that was spooky, I'm glad there's no permanent damage from that, and you've got a big hippo camp too, that's fun.
I'm very glad to hear you're well though, that is very good news.
And if you're up for a bit of dream fun,
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You want the Blue Stilton, that's the one that does it. 20 grams which is .706 ounces, so not much.
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carlisles-girl · 3 years
a/n: Thank you so much! I’m very excited to write for Aro, he’s one of my favourite characters, more so because of Michael Sheen’s performance. I put a slight reference to something in this, you might catch it if you know other projects Michael Sheen has been in, but you might not, and that’s alright. Hope you enjoy <3
another a/n: I did put one or two feminine terms in this work, such as ‘mia regina’ which is ‘my queen’ in Italian, so do skip over it or replace it with something else if you’d like. I love writing this type of material in the middle of my classes, it adds so much adrenaline to not get caught.
Aro Volturi With A Human Mate
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Instead of being angry and frustrated like Caius, Aro was more excited.
Like as if he was getting ready for a big party.
A human for a mate was inevitable for some vampires, of course, but Aro didn’t expect to be included in the some.
He was excited since it was rare for such high profile vampires to socialize with humans.
Aro often gushed to his brothers, excited to meet you, but also for them to meet you.
He wanted to host a ball for your welcome.
But Marcus noted that it would probably be slightly frightening for you to be in a room full of vampires.
Most of the vampires would look at you as if you were some sort of a snack.
Because it Marcus’ comment, Aro assumed it would be a greater choice to send an invitation to a tour of the castle.
Free of cost, of course.
When you had received the invitation, you were beyond excited.
An invitation to a tour of an ancient castle with endless legends, for free?
The tour was the next day, so of course you were slightly nervous.
When the tour commenced, a very pretty woman named Heidi lead the tour group.
She began to speak of secrets of the castle, as well as secret corridors and legends.
Some things a normal tour guide would most likely have no idea about.
Heidi then looked in your direction, and smiled brightly at you.
“It’s very lovely here. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
Just when she had finished her sentence, she opened the doors where there were three men sitting in thrones, and what seemed to be 4 guards.
The man who sat in the middle, greeted everyone and began speaking greatly of the castle.
He had only stopped when he motioned for your tour guide, Heidi, to come forward.
She did as told, and held her hand out towards him.
You would have thought it was to greet him, but it seemed like he was concentrated, or zoned out.
“Magnifico! I will get Demetri to escort them.” (Translation: “Magnificent! I will get Demetri to escort them.”
A man who you assumed was Demetri, walked in your direction.
“Come with me, all will be alright, rest assured. However, do not look behind you.”
You went with him, doing as he said, but immediately turned around when the rest of the tour began screaming.
“What the hell was that?!”
Demetri just grabbed your wrist and brought you upstairs.
“Just stay in here, I’ve been instructed to keep you under my eye. Aro will explain everything to you.”
“The man who sat in the middle throne.”
You nodded, and decided to sit on one of the window seats.
You wanted to ask Demetri as many questions as you wanted to, but you didn’t want to bother him, or disrupt him from his job.
When the door had opened and Demetri bid his farewells, you had turned around and saw Aro.
“You must be Y/n, correct?”
“Yeah, and you’re Aro?”
“I am, I assume you have a good amount of questions?”
You nodded, and Aro moved swiftly but smoothly towards the opposite side of the window seat.
“May I?”
“Of course.”
He sat opposite to you, and smiled slightly at you.
“There’s no need to be afraid of me, or the others. You’re the most safe you could ever be in the castle. I promise you, I will keep you safe.”
“May I ask why the rest of the tourists were screaming when I left?”
“I sense that that question should be answered later, appropriately.”
You were slightly frightened as to what the final answer would be, it could be anything.
Perhaps there was a reenactment of the past after you had been escorted, one of the tourists got pushed and the rest screamed since one of them fell, or the worst:
They were murdered.
“I feel like I already know what happened.”
“I sense that you do know, too. I will tell you everything in a moment. But for now, would you care to lend me your hand?”
You trusted Aro, though you were positive your ancestors were screaming from above or below not to trust him.
You held your hand out in front of him, and before he held your hand in his own, he asked for permission or something else.
“I want you to think of the happiest memory you have stored in your mind, I will describe it to you. I will not see anything else besides the things you want to show me, unless I have your permission.”
You thought of a memory, and then placed your hand in Aro’s palm.
He covered the back of your hand with the palm of his other hand, then he began telling you small details of your chosen memories you had even forgotten about.
When he was finished, he brought his head up from looking down, and smiled at your face of bewilderment.
“That is so cool! Is that like your superhero power?”
Aro smiled widely at your interest in his gift, and began explaining what his was.
“I have a gift, it’s called tactile telepathy. I can read everyone’s thoughts and memories with a single touch. The others in this coven have multiple different gifts, they help keep us safe.”
“So you’re all like superheroes?”
“Vampires, darling.”
After that, Aro enjoyed seeing your memories whenever you two were apart for some sort of time.
Especially say you were having a difficult time attempting to explain something to him, he would hold your hand and immediately understand what you were trying to say.
“I understand you, cara mia. I always will.”
And he was right, he understands you in every way possible.
Aro memorized your body language on how you react to different things, as well as your facial expressions.
When you’re uncomfortable with something, he will do absolutely everything in his power to make you comfortable.
Aro will burn down the entire world for you.
When it’s time for you to go to sleep, you best believe that Aro set up the most lavish and comfortable room for you.
The best and most comfortable bed, of course.
You lay down on his chest, and he brushes the hair out of your face, admiring your tired eyes looking back at him.
“Would you like for me to read to you, dearest?”
You nodded your head, and Aro would get up from wherever he was seated, swiftly retrieve a book, lay back down next to you, and begin reading.
He loved having you hold his hand while he read, it lets him see what you’re imagining the scene that he’s reading to you.
And when you fell asleep while he was reading, he would be so very content.
You curled up next to him, sound asleep on his chest.
Aro adored seeing what you were dreaming.
He loved how humans brains worked while they were sleeping, keeping your mind entertained with multiple little scenarios.
When you woke up, however, Aro would prefer to have you describe your dreams, if you remembered them.
He loved to learn more about humans, especially in the modern age.
And you loved to learn more about vampires, especially in the ancient times.
Aro would often tell you stories of each coven he encountered, his old family and friends, and his past human life.
As much as he wants you to be changed into a vampire like the rest, he can’t help but smile whenever you got slightly nervous around him, stuttering over your words, and hiding your face with your hands out of embarrassment.
He pays attention to little details about you.
Especially your eyes.
Even the shade of your eyes stops him from changing you. Your eyes wouldn’t be as unique anymore, they’d be the same red as everyone else’s.
“You have the most magnificent shade of colour in your eyes, mia regina. I simply cannot get enough of them.”
Being absolute best friends with Demetri.
But wherever Demetri was, Felix wasn’t too far behind.
You three are like a troublemaker trio, always causing trouble and pulling pranks on different members of the guard.
Never Jane or Alec, though. Unless it was a scheduled board game night or something along the lines.
Which Alec loved to take away different players senses, allowing him to cheat in the games you’d play.
He doesn’t do it all the time, though.
Marcus was a lot more welcoming towards you, perhaps more than anyone else.
Whenever Aro couldn’t, he’d show you different areas of the castle you hadn’t seen yet, and would give you wonderful pieces of advice along the way.
“Remember to stay true to yourself, never let anyone think for you.”
Aro will spoil you insanely.
If you mention a specific piece of clothing even once, you better expect that when you wake up the next morning, Aro has an elegantly wrapped package placed at the foot of your bed with a note written in fine handwriting.
“Mia amato, I have seen you speak of this article of fabric, and I have gone out of my way to make sure you have every little thing you admire. I need you to be the happiest you can possibly be. Please accept my gift, and meet me by the gardens by noon. I’ll see you then. Cordialmente, Aro.”
You two have annual walks throughout the garden, usually during golden hour. The sun still above, but setting at the same time, making it seem like Aro was made of a trillion Tiffany Yellow Diamonds.
He loved finding a flower that suited your mood for the day, and putting it behind your ear.
“My beautiful.”
You two often walked either arm in arm, or hand in hand, but sometimes you would hold him closer with your arm wrapped around his waist, your head leaning on his side or shoulder.
Often times, when the moon is visible, you would slow dance together, looking at each other with smiles on your faces, just appreciating each other’s presence.
Usually, Aro would come back into the castle around 2 in the morning, carrying your sleeping self up to your shared room, after you had fallen asleep on his shoulder while sitting in the garden.
The rest of the kings and guards would be predominantly more happy than from before you had arrived.
You had given Aro something to look forward to after trials and mountains of work, something he didn’t have for hundreds of years.
Though, Caius was still slightly jealous of you.
You had practically stolen one, if the not the most, needed member of the vampire world. Aro was nearly as focused on you than he was on trials and legislature.
He’d warm up to you eventually.
At least, you hoped.
Speaking of trials, you wanted to sit in and watch the trials, to see what it was about, and how it worked.
You knew the most of it, of course, Aro had already told you. But you wanted to see it live.
Aro was quick to say no, he didn’t want you to get hurt, or worse, killed.
He understood what would happen to him if his mate was killed, Marcus was the example. He couldn’t even bear the thought of you not being by his side.
Though, you owning the key to his heart, convinced him to let you watch, letting both Jane and Alec stay on either side of you, protecting you if anything were to go wrong.
You would usually sit on Aro’s lap, and then the throne when he had to see what was truly going on by using his gift.
Jane usually stood on the left of the throne, and Alec on the right.
Mainly since Caius sat on the throne in the left, and Jane loved to torture the criminals.
He loved the front seat view.
Constant look backs of reassurance to make sure that you’re alright.
Nearly always having your hand in his.
Forehead kisses.
Constantly bringing the back of your hand up to his lips.
Getting the absolute best care in the world, health wise especially.
When Aro proposed, it was in the bedroom the both of you share, and he was reading some poetry to you.
All was going swell, and then he got to one page.
“I can write no stately poem
As a prelude to my lay;
From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.
For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.
And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land.
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.”
At the end, you were leaned up closer to him, looking at him in awe.
He closed the book, and placed it aside gracefully, before leaning slightly closer to you. Placing his hands overs yours.
“Do you remember who wrote that, cara mia?”
“I do. That’s Oscar Wilde, right?”
“That’s right. There’s so much I want to say to you, especially in this particular moment, but I don’t think there’s enough words to express my love and affection towards you. I’ve known you for a little while, and I can feel the bond between us, and I know you can feel it, too. The universe has guided us together, and I am so very thankful for every second we have spent together, and I’m even more thankful for the rest of eternity we have. However, I am the most thankful of the fact that I have the most gorgeous human as a mate. I love you so much, anima mia. Will you do me the best thing that could ever happen to me in my thousands of years, and marry me?”
You said yes, obviously, who wouldn’t?
You leaned over to press your lips against his, as he held one side of your face with one hand, and the other hand slid a ring on your ring finger.
While Aro wanted an extremely lavish wedding, with all the diamonds in the world, you wanted something more of a homely essence.
So you compromised, and had a bit of both.
Aro invited nearly every vampire to the wedding, wanting to show you off in every way he could.
The Denali’s, Cullens, Irish coven, everyone was invited.
Except for the Romanian coven, Vladimir and Stefan. Not trusting them to be in your presence.
The wedding was held in the garden, the arch where Aro stood had your favourite flowers intertwining around it, with diamonds pressed in the centre of each individual flower.
Demetri walked you down the isle, smiling proudly when he handed you over to Aro.
Proud that his leader had finally found true love, and that one of his best friends is finally where they need to be.
After the official wedding ceremony, the rest of the night and day were spent smiling and showing off each other to the guests.
When the night ended, it was finally time for you to be changed to a vampire.
Aro sat by the bed were sitting on, making sure that you were absolutely ready to be converted to a vampire for the rest of eternity.
“Are you ready, my darling?”
You nodded your head, and Aro took one final look into your coloured eyes, attempting to remember every small detail of them.
Aro then moved your hair away from your neck, before placing his lips over where he would finally bite down and turn you immortal.
“Just say when, and I’ll see you after.”
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Kirishima, Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki and Shinsou finding Mineta in your room
Request: Bakugo, todo, kirishima, deku and hitoshi(sorry if you have a character limit I didn’t see anything about tht in ur rules) how would they react if they enter their s/os room looking for them only to find mineta going through their clothes/underwear? I just wanna see mineta suffer😌😌 thank you!! -anonymous
Ha Mineta suffering makes me happy idk why it just does.This grape’s quirk is better than brainwashing? My ASS! Anyways, I hope you enjoy and yay I’m officially back. Tonight is angst time with the Shirakumo sequel. I did something weird with that fic idk if it’s good, oh well I guess we’ll find out. LOVE Y’ALL!!!!💖💖💖
warnings: Mineta getting slapped, some swearing obvi, some fluff. 
Kirishima Eijirou
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-Baby shark was coming to grab one of his hoodies because well his closet is empty. 
-He reached your floor and was heading to your door, key in hand when he noticed that it was already open.
- “Huh maybe she forgot to lock it.”
-But then he heard a weird scratching noise coming from inside and something moving. 
-Carefully he opened the door expecting something to jump at him. 
-Boy thought he was about to be attacked by a human sized rat. 
-Not far from the truth but you know. 
-As he stepped inside he was met with a sight he wanted to bleach away. 
-There was Mineta head buried in your underwear drawer his eyes rolling back as he sniffed. 
- *GAG*
-Kirishima might have died for a few seconds as he saw Mineta going through your underwear. 
-He couldn’t understand how someone could be this nasty and perverted. 
-He snapped out of it though and grabbed Mineta from his collar dragging him out your door and into the elevator, down to Aizawa’s office and dropping him on his teacher’s doorstep. 
-Mineta was begging him not to snitch and stuff but my mans was having none of it. 
-When Aizawa opened the door he was met with a really really angry Kirishima pointing at Mineta. 
- “Can I beat him up without getting in trouble?”
- “What did he do?”
- “Something inappropriate to Y/N’s clothes” 
-Baby had a blush on his face as he said that, too embarrassed to go into detail.
-Aizawa just looked at the grape and nodded, turning around and locking his door pretending that this agreement never happened. 
-You had gone out searching for your boyfriend when you realized that he was gone for too long. 
-You found him outside with Mineta, using the grape as a basketball. 
-When he saw you, baby forced Mineta to apologize and dragged you to the mall for some new underwear. 
-He wouldn’t tell you exactly why you needed new undies but it wasn’t hard to put two and two together. 
- *GAG*
Midoriya Izuku
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-Okay this one pulled a +4 uno card on Mineta because he woke up to him going through your things. 
-He was staying over that night, sneaking in from your balcony and having an impromptu sleep over. 
-He sleeps better when he has you in his arms mainly because he knows that you’re safe and sound. 
-So it’s almost routine. 
-He woke up when he heard a weird whisper in his sleep. 
-You would sleep talk from time to time saying all types of weird crap. 
-He swore that it was the cutest sight in the world. 
-But when he woke up you were just clinging to him, your face buried in the crook of his neck nuzzling into him even further as he pulled away slightly to look around. 
-He thought he saw nothing at first but then he saw the silhouette near your door and he went into full protector mode. 
-After placing you gently on the pillow, he pulled the covers over your shoulder and stepped onto the floor, sneaking his way to your wardrobe. 
-Opening it up, green lightning already springing to life around his eyes he came face to face with...... Mineta.
-Not only that but in his hands was one of your bras. 
-The grape just stared at your boyfriend for a solid minute before giving him your bra. 
-Now I think that Izuku is very protective over his girlfriend so this type of violation of privacy really ticked him off. 
-He grabbed Mineta by the collar and much like Kirishima he dragged him to Aizawa only he just left him there. 
- “If I see you in my girlfriend’s room again I won’t be this calm about it.”
-Aizawa ignored the fact that it was past curfew and Izuku was in your room and focused more on the student who broke into your room. 
-Izuku calmly returned to your room and brought you flush to his chest. 
-You stirred slightly, gripping his sweatshirt as you nuzzled into his neck. 
-Leaving a kiss on your forehead he tried to fall asleep, deciding not to tell you about Mineta just yet. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Ha ha he finna die.
-Prepare a funeral yall.
-I swear how he is not dead the moment Katsuki sees him in your room idek man. 
-Katsuki is already furious at everything and seeing someone creeping around your stuff made him livid. 
- “What the fuck do you think you are doin???”
-Mineta recognizes his voice immediately and mentally wrote his will.
-This boy hasn’t sprinted out of a room faster in his life. 
-In his escape Katsuki saw what he was looking at and the moment his eyes met with that pretty bra and panties you were wearing the other day his vein popped out of his forehead. 
-The whole campus heard his yelling and all the teachers became on alert. 
-Legit thought that they were under attack. 
-But once they reached the 1-A dorms they saw Bakugou being held down by Kirishima, Deku and Todoroki while you and a bunch of the girls were circled around Mineta. 
-At first they thought you were checking on him but then they saw the furious glares you were throwing his way accompanied by a few quirks being activated and that’s where they stepped in. 
-Prying all of you away from the grape they managed to get the basic story out of him before stepping aside and asking Sero to wrap him up. 
-Katsuki calmed down only when you started talking to him and telling him that everything was alright. 
-Of course when everyone was asleep Katsuki and Kirishima went to Mineta’s room and beat the shit out of him.
-A punishment for this time and a warning for the future. 
-Boy thought he was gonna die. 
-And he will the next time he pulled a stunt like this. 
Todoroki Shouto
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-Goes into fucking creepy mode. 
-The temperature drops and almost freezes the right side of your room while the left side starts burning up. 
-At first he didn’t understand what he was doing in YOUR room. 
-Who gave him a key and why was he going through your laundry basket. 
-It hit him when he heard sniffing and oh boy. 
-Oh boy oh boy. 
-He gets that cold ass stare and he nearly growls. 
-His voice is so commanding as he starts threatening the grape. 
-No one and I mean no one fucks with his girl like that. 
-That’s pure harassment, 
-Legit you have never heard Todo curse like this before. 
-Mineta is trembling on the spot, tears streaming down his face as Todo is towering over him.
-It’s the only time he is grateful that he has that menacing aura that his father has. 
-He’s livid. 
-Would have burned him on the spot if you haven’t intervened. 
-Prying Todo from his spot in front of Mineta, you placed him on your bed before going to Mineta who was apologizing WHILE eyeing you up and giving him one hell of a slap and kicking him out of your room. 
- “I guess I’m throwing these out....”
-Todoroki gave you a little kiss before bringing you into a hug. 
- “Don’t worry, I’ll buy you new ones.”
Shinsou HItoshi
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-Sleepover time again. 
-He can sleep with you around. 
-So you were in the bathroom doing your skin routine while he was playing on his switch when he heard the door open. 
-At first he thought it was just you getting out of the bathroom but then he heard muttering, something about “a hot little piece” and “what she wears to sleep” and he knew that wasn’t you. 
-Shutting off his switch he sat perfectly still as Mineta walked into your room and straight to your drawers. 
-Opening them, Hitoshi saw the grape’s mouth water as he grabbed a pair of your panties. 
-Now Hitoshi rarely uses his quirk to manipulate someone outside of class but this was a special occasion. 
-Letting out a very ominous chuckle, Mineta turned around slowly letting out a terrified hey which was all Hitoshi needed. 
-Commanding him to walk out of your room, he made him go outside in the cold and lay down on the grass.....naked. 
-Until morning. 
-He told you what he saw of course and you made a mental note to change the lock. 
-The next morning the indeed found Mineta in the front yard butt naked sleeping on the grass. 
-Aizawa was not amused and he knew who made this possible. 
-Now you and Hitoshi have to explain what happened last night and why Hitsohi was in your dorm past curfew. 
-Oh boy. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez-mangetsu​ @bemorefiction​
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leascorner · 3 years
j.b.b. | Marley
Summary: Eventually, Bucky gave his deepest secrets away and you let him know yours. Her name was Marley.
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x single mom!reader
Warnings: Mention of past and present relationships, parenting, mention of food
Word Count: 3.7k
a/n: This is my first story posted on here. I’ve been writting for +12 years now but for the last couple of years, I couldn't finish a single story. Turns out Bucky Barnes was all I needed to get over my massive writer’s block. Feedback is greatly appreciated. (Also, english is not my native language so if you spot any grammar mistake, please let me know!)
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It all began with his friend, Sam.
On a night they were out for drinks, he had made it his mission to find someone for Bucky. Someone or anyone for the matter. He talked to everyone in the bar that night, while Bucky drank his beer, sitting at the counter. When it was clear enough that nobody there that night would keep grumpy Bucky company, Sam turned his attention on the dating app his friend had downloaded on his phone some weeks ago. He probably went through a dozen of profiles, sometimes showing the phone screen to Bucky, to what he would just respond by rolling his eyes and drinking some more beer.
That was until Sam showed him your profile. Bucky stared a second longer to the picture displayed on his phone screen than for the others. He couldn't tell what that was: the smile on your lips, the wrinkles at the side of your eyes or simply your eyes; but he couldn't get his eyes off it. Sam immediately started typing a message for you to what Bucky obviously protested. He did not need company because he was just fine on his own.
Despite his super-soldier abilities, he wasn't quick enough to take the phone from his friend's hands. The smile that appeared on Sam’s face annoyed Bucky even more. "What are you afraid of, though guy?" Sam had asked and Bucky eventually backed off, letting him do whatever he was planning on doing. There was no point in stopping Sam. He knew you wouldn't be interested anyway... To be honest, who would be? Bucky got his phone back along with a smirk from his friend. There was no answer after that, and Sam eventually found another topic to annoy the heck out of Bucky.
When he woke up the next morning, your reply notification was patiently waiting for him. For a second, he thought of deleting it, without having a look first. What did he have to lose? Gathering his courage, he opened it. Your words were as genuine as your smile and it made him grin like an idiot, though he made a mental note to later murder Sam for his poor choice of pick-up line. It took him the whole morning to be able to type an answer and another afternoon to press the ‘send’ button. It was the first text of many. Eventually, a lot of texts turned into calls; that turned into meeting up in your favorite French bakery; that turned into movies and restaurant dates.
    This was nearly one year and a half ago.
Your relationship with Bucky was cautious and steady. He liked how you would give him his space, but still being right there for him. He liked that you let him stare at you in total awe or that you always had small kind thoughts for him like when you made his eggs the way he preferred in the morning and that everything was so simple - obvious even - by your side. Eventually, Bucky gave his deepest secrets away and you let him know yours.
Her name was Marley.
If Bucky was being honest, finding out you had a two and a half years-old daughter was quite the shock. Not that he couldn't have seen that coming; you would always make plans, your handbag was always full of snacks and hand wipes and for some reason, you would never be available between five and eight p.m. That was also what he liked about you. The stability.
The idea of being involved in a relationship with somebody that already had a child did scare him off. If he decided to continue the relationship, it would not only be a matter of breaking your heart in the process – and well, maybe his too - but breaking a child's heart too. And that more than anything, he was refusing to assume the responsibility, but he owed you that much. You knew his deepest secrets and still, you didn't run away from him. Worse, you trusted him to be around your child.
You both had a lot of discussions about him meeting Marley - Bucky even seek advice to Sam. And as for the rest of your relationship, you took it slow. It started with Bucky showing up to your Sunday walk in Central Park, feeding up the ducks and sharing snacks. You also spent some time at the carnival where he would watch you two on the carousel – sometimes joining the ride too - and he would help Marley win at pick a duck or buy her popcorn. Eventually, he would spend more time with the two of you. It started with spending at least one evening per week at your place, making dinner while watching you playing with Marley in the living room. One evening turned into two, three, five evenings per week. He still could step out if he needed. You still could spend time with your daughter where he wasn't there. You still spent time just the two of you, when Marley was asleep at night or he would take you on date nights. The routine you three put in place was nice, but Bucky wasn't planning on taking Marley’s dad place. God, he would never see himself as a dad and Marley already had one - though in Bucky's opinion, he would not be awarded father-of-the-year.
    Today, Bucky was picking Marley up from daycare.
He had done it a million times already, but this time was a little bit different. He was doing it on his own. The babysitter stood you up and you were stuck in an endless one-day meeting. You had called in utter panic, asking him to pick Marley up from daycare and taking care of her until you would be home. He had assured you he would do it and it would be fine. Now that he was standing in front of the building, he was doubting himself. He didn't know if he could do it on his own.
Another shaky sigh and Bucky entered the building. The childcare workers greeted him when he showed up at Marley's room. She was sat at one of these tiny tables making some kind of collage crafts. He planned on waiting for her to finish, just staring like he always did, before announcing himself, but Marley spotted him the second his figure appeared at the door.
"Bucky!" Marley cried out, leaving everything behind and running towards him.
"Hey Mar-Mar," he smiled. She always seemed happy to see him and Bucky wondered if she would eventually grow tired of him being always around.
After they hugged each other, Marley was called to put away her crafts and Bucky encouraged her to go do it. In the meantime, he collected her stuff - her panda backpack, shoes, and coat - so he could get her ready to leave. And he did just that when she got back to him.
"We are taking the train home. I'mna carrying you, is that okay?"
She wrapped her little arms around his neck in response and he lifted her up from the floor. After sharing goodbye to the childcare workers, they were heading home.
    On their way to the station, Marley explained in every detail what she had done at daycare that day; Bucky was listening carefully, sometimes asking questions - Carol, she is the one with the curly hair, right? Was Mark mean to you again? - but mostly he was just nodding along. They made it to the station just in time to take the 5:17 p.m. train. It was rush hour and Bucky mindfully chose to hop on one of the cars at the end of the train - the ones he knew would be the less busy at this time of the day. He had only seven stops, so he didn't sit and stood against one of the train windows. By that time, Marley had finished reporting on her day, and she was just watching around, smiling at anyone she would make eye contact with.
After the second stop, her eyes caught the sight of the dog tag around Bucky's neck. She fiddled it through his T-shirt, probably wondering what that was, before taken it out to have a closer look. In her tiny hands, the metal tag seemed to be huge. She looked up at Bucky, with bright eyes and he swore, he would do anything for these eyes.
"What is that?"
"Uh- " Bucky wasn't sure how to explain it in a way a three-years old would understand. "-Every soldier has one. It uh- has my name on it and some other information."
"Is it if you get lost?" she asked, her little eyebrows raised high on her forehead. She did understand a lot of the world around her for her age. "Mommy put a card with her name and her phone number in my bag."
"Yeah, it's something like that."
Marley smiled at him and returned her attention on the letters’ reliefs on the metal. By the fourth stop, she was resting her head on his shoulder while he was still firmly (but not too much) holding her with his left arm. She kept holding his dog tag in her tiny fist and was patiently waiting.
"She is very sweet," the old lady sat on the seat in front of them said to him before leaving the train.
He nodded shyly and looked back at the little girl in his arms. Marley looked so much like you. Her face had still some baby features, she just turned three after all, but she had the same nose and her eyes had the same color as yours. They were the same piercing eyes that when they’d look at him, he felt like they could read his soul. And she did not just look like you. She had also some of your habits and personality traits. She would always be smiling to people she didn’t know. She was always saying ‘thank you’ or ‘sorry’. She was obsessed with any kind of animal; the Sundays walks would last forever if she could pet all the dogs she encountered.
The rest of the ride was quiet, and Bucky got off the train on the seventh stop as planned. At the station, people turned on them as they passed. Maybe this was an odd sight: a man in combat boots, dark jeans, and a black leather jacket, carrying a small child in his arms. Especially knowing the kid in question was wearing white leggings, a red fluffy coat, and a stuffed panda backpack. Bucky didn't mind and continued his way to your place.
    Marley stayed quiet for the five minutes’ walk to your place, but once Bucky had turned on your street, she wriggled to be freed of his hold. Once her feet touched the ground, she directly ran towards a car parked not far away. She squatted down and started clicking her tongue. A ginger cat immediately came out from underneath the car.
"Careful," Bucky called out. He knew it was not recommended interacting with stray cat as they could be sick with all sorts of disease. And to be fair, it got him a little worried the cat was getting this close to Marley. He could already see her getting bitten by the cat, getting rabies, and losing her arm, or worse: dying.
"That's Gus, he lives at number 7," she said pointing at the building they stopped in front. It had the number written on it.
Gus started rubbing itself against Marley's shins and she gently petted his back. The cat then went to rub on Bucky's combat boots, also greeting him even though they never encountered before. And it continued his way to the building's porch, where it lazily lay down.
"Mommy said we could have a cat when we get a house."
"I've got a cat," Bucky stated and Marley cried out in excitement. She asked him about a hundred questions. What was its name? What was it looking like? Was it friendly? Was it sleeping in his bed with him at night? Bucky never failed to answer one of her questions and they talked about that until they made it in front of your apartment door.
    Marley was already on her way to her room when Bucky turned around after locking the door. She had removed her shoes and coat on her own and left them behind without putting them away like you would always request it.
"Uh-uh, we go wash your hands first, okay?"
After that was done, she ran to her room for good this time. Bucky went back to the living room and focused on what he could do to help you. He knew you would get home exhausted from your day at work and he did not want to have you do all the chores you usually did. It was the least he could do.
Somehow, your place was always tidier than his, and he lived on his own. In the kitchen, he found breakfast dishes in the sink and the dishwasher full of the dishes that had been cleaned the night before. That was where he would get started. He put away the dishes easily; he had been around your kitchen a lot those last months and he knew exactly where everything was. He even knew where you were hiding away the chocolate and candies; somewhere Marley didn't have access to.
"Hey Bucky, can I have snacks?"
A look at the watch sitting on his right wrist, she had still a good hour and a half before dinner and he replied positively. He wiped his hands on the dish towel resting on his shoulder and took one of these bamboo sectioned plates he just washed. He was reaching out to the first cupboards in front of him when it suddenly appeared to him, he had no idea what he could give her.
"What does your mom usually give you?" He asked Marley, turning back to her.
Marley shrugged. "Carrots and hummus." And Bucky swore this kid was eating healthier that he ever had.
He started by the fridge, looking for anything he could give to Marley. Thankfully, she wasn't a picky eater so it would be easy for him. Tonight's dinner was in it, along with some vegetables and fruits. He chose grapes because it was the only food, he could see himself eating at that time of the day.
"Grapes and uh-" he looked at the cupboards right next to the fridge "- crackers?"
Marley nodded. Bucky prepared it all on her plate, making sure there was just enough for her to be full but not too much so she would still eat dinner, and handed it to her. She carried it carefully to the living room, Bucky following behind. She had laid out all her crayons on the coffee table next to her Paw Patrol coloring book. He knew about this cartoon because it was the only one Marley ever wanted to watch, she was literally obsessed with it, and she did make him watch some episodes with her. He knew that, when she was playing alone in her room, she would usually pretend she was saving the world with them.
Bucky sat on the carpet, next to Marley, stealing one grape from her plate. She threw him a death glance but offered him some more if he would help with the coloring. He happily complied.
    Before dinner was normally bath time. Thankfully, you had said over the phone you would deal with that in the morning. For some reason, Marley did not like baths. A little bit of water in her eyes or ears was too much for her to handle and he wasn't sure he could deal with her being so upset on his own.
He still got her changed in her pajamas - she obviously chose the one with the dalmatian puppy from Paw Patrol you had agreed on buying a few weeks ago; washed her face with a cotton pad and some cleansing lotion, brushed her hair and tried the best he could to tie them in a low ponytail. You would normally braid them for the night, but this was not something Bucky mastered at all - he made a mental note to watch some tutorials on YouTube to learn though.
"Will you and mommy get married?" Marley asked out of nowhere while Bucky was carrying her back to the kitchen to have dinner.
"I don't know," he said, confused. "Why do you ask?"
"I prefer you over my real daddy," Marley admitted. And it broke his heart. Bucky knew how her dad forgot about her third birthday and missed most of his custody days lately. He didn't really understand how somebody could have a child and knowingly decide not take care of them anymore.
The child in his arm was so precious. It amazed him every day how much she could comprehend of the world around her. She was smart, creative, kind. She knew what she wanted, would be very stubborn about it and would do anything to get it – you always said you didn’t understand where she got her fierce mind and Bucky laughed every time because he knew exactly from whom she had gotten it: you. You did such a good job raising her on your own. He also knew you would always choose her over him, and he had to admit, it made him fall in love even more with you.
"Even if I'd marry your mom, I still wouldn't be your daddy officially."
"To me, you would," Marley concluded as if it was as simple as that.
Living with you two permanently. Marrying you. Bucky never thought of it. He liked how this relationship was working: the kindness, the trust, the love. He loved the movie dates with you, the Sundays walks, and the evening just the three of you. He loved how simple it all was and how it made him just happy. Happiest he had been in a long time. And he wondered if he wanted more. The way his heart was fluttering in his chest made him realized, he did. He didn't know if he was ready though.
    Back to the kitchen, he put her down on her seat before getting the casserole of potato gratin out of the oven. He put a small portion in her plate, next to some chopped carrots and apple sauce he already prepared. He put it down in front of her and sat next to her.
"Will you eat with mommy?"
"Yeah, is that alright?"
She nodded, rubbing her eyes. They had stayed coloring her books a little too long and it was nearly her bedtime. Smiling softly, he encouraged her to eat. She did while asking some more questions on his cat in between each mouthful. How old is it? Why did you name it Alpine? Has mummy already met it? Do you think she'll like me? Turned out this little one never run out of question.
After dinner, Bucky gave her a small portion of chocolate from the special cupboard and they agreed it would be their little secret. Then, he carried her to the bathroom to brush her tiny teeth. It was started to be late for her and she was clearly fighting against sleep, the lack of it upsetting her.
"I want to see mommy," she cried, lips trembling and eyes full of tears.
"I know Mar-Mar, she'll get there soon," Bucky tried to comfort her. You hadn't text yet, meaning you weren't on your way still. He knew Marley would be asleep before you got home. "We can read a book in your bed while we wait for her, yeah?"
Marley nodded and let Bucky carry her to her bed. She had her head rested on his right shoulder the whole time. She crawled under the covers the moment her body was dropped off on the bed. She let Bucky choose the bedtime story and he chose the one he knew she liked so much.
He laid beside her gently and she immediately reached out closer to him. He wrapped his right arm around her, and her hands somehow found his dog tag again. A small kiss on her forehead and Bucky started reading the book in his left hand. Marley was listening carefully, helping him by turning the page.
At the end of the story, she was fast asleep against him, his dog tag still in her tiny fist. Bucky did not dare moving, afraid he would wake her up if he did. He observed the small child against him and listened to her soft breathes. She looked so peaceful and it made him thought of the way she had welcomed him into her life. Just like you, she had taken him as a whole; with his trauma, his insecurities, his quietness, and his staring habits. And now, she had him wrapped around his little finger. He knew deep in his guts he wouldn't let anything happen to you or your daughter. He realized that now. That made him think some more: maybe he was ready after all. And this time, he would not let happiness slip away from him.
  Bucky stayed like that until twenty minutes later, when you showed up on your daughter’s room doorstep. You looked exhausted yet still radiant. A smile had formed on your lips at the sight in front of you. It made you melt right on the spot.
"Hey," Bucky greeted you softly.
You came closer, walking on your tiptoes, careful of not waking up your daughter. You laid besides them, kissing your daughter little fist, and tucked yet another strand of hair behind her ear. You looked back at Bucky, who was intensely staring at you. His left arm was already wrapped around your shoulders, bringing you close. You kissed his jaw, making him smile gently. "Thank you for taking care of her. Did it go okay?"
"More than okay." He kissed your forehead while you snuggled closer to him. His heart could burst of the feeling of having you two near him forever.
He wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 years
reading the crossover headcanons for TOH was amazing!
i wanted to request a crossover with TOH and Steven Universe if possible! (also with Hunter x Reader) You can decide between reader being half-gem, like Steven, or fully gem! If you can't or don't want to, that's okay! Aand I really love your headcanons! You make them long and detailed! It's truly amazing.
Crossover Headcanons | SU x TOH [Hunter x Gem//Hybrid!Reader]
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thank you for requesting, anon
These are written with a gender neutral reader in mind and have a general chronology from the reader’s last moments in little homeworld until they end up with Hunter, so apologies if this gets long!
Note : this is the first time I’ve written for the SU canon, so I’m not as experienced with that universe. Also my portrayal of these characters is still pretty rocky, so I may rework this in the future.
The first few months you spent in Little Homeworld had felt almost like a dream come to life; freedom to be yourself and explore a world full of organic life without the restrictions placed on you by the diamonds? It was fantastic! However, that feeling of unrestricted feeling soon started to grow stale as you realise that the growth of the small colony had already started to stagnate—and that not all humans were welcoming of intergalactic immigrants like your kind.
So to ease your mind you opted to take the warp to the next star system over—craving that same sense of excitement that you had during the gem war
Simply standing on the warp again was enough to get your blood pumping with a reignited vigour for exploration
A feeling so palpable that you failed to notice the array of spindly cracks that spanned the surface of the device, and the way that a sickly dull light pulsated beneath your feet (the sight accompanied by a warning hum far too low for you to notice)
Though you couldn’t ignore the way the warp didn’t immediately go off like usual, nor could you neglect the searing pain that spread through your veins and constricted your throat; leaving you in so much pain that you couldn’t even move or scream before your vision was engulfed in a glitching, sickeningly bright light
It must have been several hours later when you woke up, based on how high the sun was in the sky… was the sky that red before?
Your head was pounding and although your vision was blurry, yet you couldn’t ignore how different your surroundings were from the earth you were used to
The sky was a faint red and the ground beneath your feet was dusted with deep maroon grass—it was soft and warm under your fingertips but with how much organic matter there was you knew that this wasn’t a colony
Hell, you didn’t even arrive on a warp on this end, so either you had been transported to somewhere else because a malfunction (unusual, but likely) or someone had taken you from the receiving warp and dropped you off in the middle of a clearing (far less likely)
Suddenly struck with worry, you sat up and moved your clothes to get a good look at your gem, letting out a relieved sigh when you saw it undamaged (clearly you’d landed where you woke up as most organics would have tried to remove it from your body before dumping you)
Realising that you were mostly safe you slowly rose to your feet and decided to explore your new environment, hand hovering near your gem in case you needed to defend yourself from whatever creatures had made their home here—trying to make yourself appear as small, quiet and unnoticeable as possible as you went
However, your efforts seemed to be in vein as you were quickly greeted by an excitable and loud human girl who practically screamed her welcome to you
You were torn between fleeing and fighting her when she offered her hand and introduced herself as “Luz the human”, her demeanour quite closely mirroring what you’d heard about Steven when he was younger from his mothers—it was almost endearing how much she tried to hold in her joy at seeing another “human”. You almost didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth as she walked you back to her home.
You were accosted at the door by an organic tube with an owl’s face that quickly and gleefully introduced itself as Hooty—the creepy, but rather friendly, house demon
Luz made an effort to hastily brush him off and hurry you both inside where you met with the other two inhabitants of the home as well as Luz’s “awesome girlfriend”, Amity.
Eda, an older witch with grey hair that hardly suited her age, greeted you with muted suspicion, not even taking her eyes off of you as she addressed the human at your side—seemingly unsure of your motives but trusting herself to be stronger than you (if her grip on her staff was anything to go by)
King, however, was much more brazen and blatant in his distrust of you, stomping over and pointing an accusing claw up at you as he threatened you in every way he could muster (even if all that got him was a halfhearted coo from you that left the creature more frustrated and downtrodden than before)
The guest, Amity, meanwhile, looked over at you with disinterest before she caught a glimpse of your (colour) gem peeking out from your clothing—immediately pointing it out and questioning you about it, much to your chagrin
This inevitably led to a very long and semi-complicated conversation discussing the intricacies of your species and how, no, you’re technically not a human
No you weren’t trying to deceive Luz, either, you just felt too awkward to correct her
But when all was said and done (and you were all out of steam after a several hour session of intense questioning and frustration at miscommunications) they seemed much more relaxed around you—even willing to let you stay with them, at Luz’s request, so long as you pulled your weight around the house and helped to keep them safe
And, really, how hard could that be? You fought in an intergalactic war so taking out a few organics should be a piece of cake (as Steven would say)
After spending a few weeks in this strange new world you had come to realise one specific thing; it wasn’t easy. It was, in fact, the exact opposite.
If you had to bubble one more guard you were going to scream
What had they done to make this Emperor hate them so much?
It felt as though half of your time was spent bubbling, blocking or disabling people that had made their way to the Owl House—and the rest was spent painstakingly explaining your abilities and species to Amity, Lilith and Luz
Granted, that wasn’t the most stressful part of your stay
That was hands down the stresses that came with visits from Luz’s friends from Hexside: the endlessly kind and protective Willow and the ever-curious and annoyingly quick witted Gus
That being said, you did appreciate their enthusiasm to learn about and accommodate you—even if the look Willow gave you when you spoke about the empire’s treatment of organic life did leave you rather shaken
So what little free time you had was spent learning about the local culture and sharing your experiences with them
Training with Amity and Eda
Helping Willow with her plants in whatever way you can based on your gem
Creating gem clones to help Gus perfect his illusions even further
Teaching Lilith and Luz about your abilities as well as those of your fellow gems, even helping the latter learn to write using gem glyphs
It was heartwarming to see others so passionate about your home, even if their insistence on pushing you to your limits could be rather frustrating (especially early in the mornings when your patience ran thin)
However, the longer you spent there the more members of the Emperor’s Coven (amongst others) you ended up coming across. One particularly memorable instance occurred when you were escorting a fretting Amity through Bonesborough with the twins (who’s presence you had grown rather fond of as their visits became more frequent).
Ed had dragged Em back to the library a good few minutes ago, leaving you and Amity to your own decides as you weaved in and out of the foot traffic—only to stop completely when the youngest Blight suddenly froze before grabbing your hand and darting off to an adjacent alleyway
As you went to protest, she promptly clamped one hand over your mouth and gestured rather violently for you to stay quiet before nodding towards a figure just a bit away from you
From the golden mask and white cloak you knew they were a member of the Emperor’s Coven—but you’d seen them before, on the posters littered around the city, each exploring passersby to join their coven
Golden Guard
That was a definite threat
So you passed the girl a spare cloak and did what you could to mask your own appearance before carefully making your way back home, shopping be damned—one hand over your gem just in case he happened to notice you
Though thankfully he didn’t
Not that it stopped you from filing him away as someone to be wary of anyway; he was the emperor’s right hand man, after all, so there was no such thing as being “too cautious”
And for a while that’s exactly what it was, not that you saw much of him that is, but from what you’d been told about Luz and Amity’s run ins with him you were glad to have never seen him face-to-face. If you had, you were almost certain he wouldn’t come out unscathed—teenage protege or not.
So with all that in mind, the last that you were expecting to see on a relatively peaceful Saturday evening was the unmasked Golden Guard practically unconscious and leaning on Luz and Eda for support as they burst through the door
Completely ignoring Hooty as usual as they carefully laid him down on the seat beside you (after you’d hurriedly gotten up, that is)
He looked to be in an awful state, with his visible skin bloodied, bruised and scarred whilst his usually pristine uniform was tattered and caked in dirt and what seemed to be even more of his blood
Seeming to notice your distress, Eda briefly addressed you and her sister before sending you all off to gather supplies (or heal if your gem allowed it)
“The kid’s been through a lot, but he’s with us now. Trust me, I wouldn’t have carried him all this way if I had any doubts about it.”
And that was that
It took Hunter (as he introduced himself) over a week to even be able to get out of bed and walk around unassisted—and whilst he actively avoided speaking about what had happened to him, you had a feeling that Belos was somehow involved
Though things were still rather tense for a month or so after he arrived, no matter how hard Luz tried to integrate him (and no matter how polite and welcoming Willow and Gus tried to be)
And you didn’t even want to recall the shouting match that occurred when Amity saw him in the living room with Luz….
It seemed as though he was just more content to shut himself away with L’il Rascal and only interact with Luz and Eda; the former to learn from her and the latter because she wouldn’t let him get away with anything but
That wasn’t even mentioning the palpable tension between him and Lilith (she would only say that it was from their time in the coven—and Luz suspected he’d annoyed her a bit too much—but nothing else would come of it)
But the others were worried about him, so you were sent in as a neutral party to talk with him about… things. You weren’t really told what and you didn’t have the time to ask.
Initially he was incredibly closed off and would only address you briefly, barely even acknowledging your presence as he gave his full attention to the scattered papers on his desk, each depicting a different spell and each ever so slightly off
So, as gently as you could you took the quill from him and drew a simple glyph on a spare scalp of paper, carefully leading him through the motions before leaning back and activating the spell (and smiling at his much more openly interested expression)
That then sparked a deep conversation about different types of magic—specifically wild magic and glyphs—as you shared what you knew about the topic with one another, every so often breaking off into laughter or patient silence as he’d run across the room to show you his notes or books he’d found
Naturally this would lead to him asking you about where you came from and you discussing your origins with him
The Diamond Authority
The gem war
The Crystal Gems
He was incredibly easy to talk to as he listened with a genuine intensity to what you said, nodding along and even asking well thought out questions about your world where appropriate
Depending on how close you were, he may even ask to see your gem and ask about its purpose
If you let him touch it, he’d be so very gentle, almost treating you as though you were made of glass—maybe even sketching it down and noting down your abilities and weaknesses in his personal notebook and apologising if it was weird
This mutual interest in magic and your shared experiences of either having to conform to a specific role your whole life [full gem reader] or feeling out of place and weaker because of your shortcomings [half gem reader] would be the basis of your friendship turned relationship. The transition between the two would be so incredibly seamless and slow that you wouldn’t even notice it happening—one moment you two were best friends sparring and the next you were hiding your blushing face in his neck as he hugs you and apologises for hitting you a bit too hard with his magic.
Your relationship would be sweet and slow and genuine
Hunter is new to receiving any kind of affection, so you’d probably have to teach him a thing or two—but he’d learn quite quickly so don’t worry
He’d spend hours studying your culture and language just to write you notes or offer you affirmations in ways unique to your culture, even calling you “my (Y/n)” after a while
Likewise, the first time you called him “my Hunter” he was left red in the face for the rest of the day (he loved it, though, so don’t stop)
But the moment someone makes a teasing remark about how soft he’s gotten (usually one of the Blight siblings or his own younger sister figure, Luz), Hunter will partially revert to being cold in public (whilst still being affectionate and openly touch starved in private)
In short, your relationship with him would be built on a foundation of mutual trust, affection and understanding that sprouted from friendship and honest conversations about your passions and pasts
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itsdanii · 3 years
Hi!! I love how you did the Asahi and his wife and the pregnancy imagine! Its soooo cutee!!
I was wondering if you could do reader telling Iwaizumi she's pregnant after he and the team win the Olympics? Just fluffy fluffines ahahah
Welcome Home
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Hey, bub. Thank you so much for requesting! Im so glad that you're enjoying my works, its such an honor♥️ As requested, here's a fluffy iwaizumi finding out his wife is pregnant. Enjoy and stay hydrated!
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genre: fluff
warnings: nothing but iwaizumi being super soft with his wife
ft. iwaizumi hajime
coming home has never been better
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You found out you're pregnant a few weeks ago but unlike telling your husband like a normal wife would, you kept it hidden because you wanted to think of doing something special when you finally tell him.
But it seemed as if coming up with something creative wasn't an easy task because here you are now, 3 weeks into your pregnancy yet still have no idea on what to do.
You were slowly growing frustrated. At one point, you even thought of just dropping the bomb on Iwaizumi but when you realized how close the Olympic match was already, you decided to hold yourself back knowing that there's a huge possibility he won't be able to focus.
As you scrolled through the internet, your lips curled up as a certain idea caught your attention. You took your phone to check your calendar and grinned as you saw that you have just enough days to prepare for everything.
Two days later, you've got everything you needed and placed them inside a box, excitement bubbling up inside you as you imagined the look on Iwaizumi's face when he sees your little surprise. You even added a red ribbon to make it more pleasing in the eyes before placing it on the bedside table.
Tomorrow, your husband will be coming home from their victorious match during the olympics.
As if sensing your longing, your phone vibrated at an upcoming call, your face instantly lightening up at seeing the familiar name of your husband flashing through the screen.
"Hello, hubbie," you greeted with a smile.
"Hey, angel. Sorry, were you about to sleep?"
You almost laughed at how fast a frown formed on his face when he said that. It was obvious in his voice that he was exhausted yet throughout the whole duration of his busy schedule, not once did you hear him utter a simple complain.
"Yes, but I miss you so it's alright, Haji."
From there, the two of you started talking about your day with Hajime speaking more than you as he explained detail by detail the things that happened in the court and how the team won.
Noticing the way your eyes were fluttering, your husband paused from talking and waited for a couple of seconds to confirm his suspicions. Upon seeing your eyes completely closing and your hand almost dropping the phone, he smiled softly at your cuteness.
"Why don't you go to sleep already? You know I can see your eyes dropping, right?" Hajime said from the other side.
You instantly opened your eyes at that. "But we want to hear your voice more," you answered sleepily, unaware of the tiny slip up that had managed to escape your lips.
Luckily for you, Iwaizumi took your slip up as an indication of how sleepy you are already.
"Mhm, but you can barely speak without slurring your words. I'll be home tomorrow already and then we can talk as much as you want to. Does that sound good?"
You pouted slightly before nodding, knowing full well that he was right. Plus, staying up too late isn't good for a pregnant woman.
"Goodnight, angel. I love you."
"Night, Haji. Love you too." You smiled at the screen sleepily before finally ending the call.
Just like what Iwaizumi said, you headed straight to sleep with a hand on your lower belly, the idea of soon being in the arms of your husband helping you relax as you let yourself fall asleep.
When morning came, you woke up early, too excited for the arrival of Iwaizumi and how he's going to react with the news.
It was almost 11 in the morning when the front door finally opened, Iwaizumi's exhausted look greeting you as soon as he entered.
He placed his bags down before meeting you halfway in the living room, his arms instantly wrapping around your waist to pull you into him. Iwaizumi then buried his head to the crook of your neck, breathing you in for a few moments before finally kissing your lips.
You pulled away from the passionate kiss breathlessly, half lidded eyes staring up at your husband as you took in his features.
"I'm home," he whispered with his forehead resting against yours and his lips still ghosting over your own.
"Welcome home, Haji." You gave him one last peck before pulling away, giggling as Iwaizumi let out a small whine of complain.
"I bought you a welcome home gift," you said as you signaled him to sit on the couch. "Wait here."
As you went to get the box, Iwaizumi couldn't help but smile. He basically just arrived and here you are, already spoiling him and showering him with your affection.
You settled yourself on his lap, body facing sideways with the box resting on top of your legs. Handing him the gift, you smiled excitedly as he took it from you. "Hope you like it, hubbie."
You watched him slowly unwrap the ribbon, his eyes glancing at you for a brief second before opening the box.
Iwaizumi's eyesbrow shot up as he stared at the small fabric inside. It resembled his former highschool jersey but this one was a onesie version, the bold lettering of his surname present on the back with the same number.
You stared at him as he took the onesie in fascination and you couldn't stop yourself from giggling as you basically watched the wheels spinning inside his head.
"Babe?" Iwaizumi said as he turned his attention on you, a hopeful look present on his face.
You simply hummed at him and titled on your head a little to the side.
"I-" Iwaizumi paused for a moment and looked down at the box once again, finally taking notice of the small card inside. He took the piece of paper and his eyes immediately watered at what was written on it.
Welcome home, daddy.
"Are you...are you pregnant?" he asked expectantly, eyes skimming over your features before it dropped down to your covered belly.
The moment you muttered a simple "Yes," Iwaizumi instantly stood up, his hands holding your legs to keep you from falling.
The action caused you to let out a small squeal before you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Oh, Haji. Don't cry," you cooed as you saw tears streaming down your husband's face. You wiped his tears with your hand before placing a kiss on his lips.
"I'm gonna be a dad," he whispered before placing you down on your feet, one arm settling on the small of your back, refusing to let go.
"Yes, you are," you said with a loving tone before resting your head on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat making you close your eyes as you relish the feeling of finally being in his arms.
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likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♥️
a/n: i want iwaizumi, 27, athletic trainer, to embrace me with his big, strong arms 😌 dont we all?
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 13 “When She Finally Leaves” [Episode List] Dana spends the whole day at Dave’s place. When the girl leaves, Tim, who’s now Dave’s roommate, finds out how much gas a man can hold in just to not look gross in front of a girl.
When She Finally Leaves
In the last few weeks I’ve been spending more and more nights at Dave’s place, whether because I needed a place to work, write my essays, or simply to spend some quality time watching bad films and drinking beer. It was Dave himself to ask me to “marry him” (as he jokingly put it), basically becoming official roommates, which also meant dividing our tasks and obviously splitting the rent.
And honestly we were having a great time. We both had jobs, fortunately, which were not much but they did pay taxes for now and it was overall a great experience. Friend or not, Dave is an excellent roommate, being pretty good at cooking and organising chores; the same could be said for me actually, though in some cases we have our own preferences; for example Dave prefers cooking (the fact that I’m bad at it it’s purely coincidental) so we agreed I’ll be the one doing the dishes.
We also had our buds crashing over what is now *our* place a couple of times, which resulted in more bad films and beer, or even nerd stuff such as gaming together. Of course however, the person who most often came over is obviously Dana, Dave’s girlfriend. She’s pretty cool though we don’t really hang out with her when Dave’s not around, though as I said she’s pretty easy-going.
Tonight we’ve been watching a trash movie. Yes, the three of us. Don’t worry, I was a welcome addition today. Dave would usually just tell me to leave for a few hours if sex was on the table (sometimes literally on the table, the one where we eat our food…) as we respect each others enough to just be straightforward whenever we needed some privacy. Tonight however it was just chilling like three friends hanging out together (knowing however that Dave would just give me a signal should things get more heated up you know).
We were in the living room. I was on an armchair, working on my laptop, despite the poor wi-fi. On the long wide couch beside me, Dave and Dana chilling and watching the movie with more attention than me, my bud’s left arm around his girlfriend, sometimes making remarks on how bad it was. We all had a can of beer, because of course we did.
The couple brought some takeouts for dinner, some fast-food a few blocks from here (Dana’s idea, actually, which we were both thankful for). Dave, chilling next to Dana, was wearing his signature casual outfit: a grey shirt and pair of dark blue loose jeans, details that my gay-ass eyes immediately noticed and more than once stared at.
“Oh wow the helicopter just blew up I’m speechless.” Dave said, sarcastically.
“A Subversive Masterpiece: that’s what they were going for when they wrote this.” Dana added, and they both chuckled.
I also did my fair share of sarcastic remarks though work got most of my attention, even though it was nothing urgent, just me trying to get some stuff done as fast as possible.
“Did the shark just wink at him?” my bro commented.
“They’re best friends now.” his girlfriend explained. What a great film.
After 15 more minutes the movie ended with the three of us clapping at a shot of a man and a shark exchanging a look of gratitude to each other, as the Sun set into the never-ending ocean. Drugs played a big role into the making of this move I’m 100% sure.
“Well, that was enlightening, but I gotta head back home. The Uber’s almost here.” Dana said, as she got up and reached for her purse and some other stuff.
“You’re really sure about that? Come on, stay here for the night.” Dave suggested. “I taught Tim to play dead. We can throw food at him.” he then joked.
“I can also bring you the newspaper upstairs, tomorrow morning.” I played along.
Dana chuckled in response. “I’m sure you’ll win the next contest you two, but I gotta wake up super early tomorrow.”
The couple walked towards the front door. The entrance was next to the living room, a few steps behind the couch. Dave and I sometimes darkly joked that any assassin could easily ambush us because whenever we’re on the couch anyone could sneak into the house behind us, with enough care (we then prefer to drink about it).
“Call me when you get home.” Dave said and the two shared a quick kiss.
In the meantime I moved on the bigger (and more comfortable) couch, more or less in Dana’s spot, as I also have better wi-fi reception there. I left my laptop on the small table in front of me because apparently all of my laptops have to be shitty and take some time to even the most basic stuff. As I inspected the wi-fi icon flashing on the screen, I heard Dave shutting the door and walking back to the couch. After a few steps his tall figure was already towering over me.
“Yeah the reception is pretty bad lately.” he commented, and then collapsed next to me.
Only a few seconds and he already had that well-known smirk drawn on his face; he then quickly adjusted his position. He completely laid down, extended his demin-clad legs, with his left one resting on the back of the couch, ending right behind my neck. In a moment, Dave ended up showing off his loose, almost-sagging jeans-clad ass directly next to me, as his legs trapped me into a gentle yet strong grip. Seeing both that “wall” made of jeans and my bro’s smirk at the same time was a sight I never truly got used to. He was just lying there, next to me, with his ass pointed at me, as if it was one big prank, even though he knew exactly how much I enjoyed that.
“Bro you’re ready?” he asked, still sporting that smirk.
When even Dave goes as far as asking me if I’m ready, then I knew that the fart was going to be gargantuan. And I realized why: Dana has been with us and my bro the entire day, so it’s possible that Dave just held all of his gas in for hours. We all experienced this, then when the girl leaves, men get to “relax”. Other than that, Dave had tons of beer and junk food. I stared at that denim butt, for the first time almost scared of what my bud was capable of; I knew a fart was coming, and I knew it was going to be big.
But what Dave said next really once again confirmed how chill he is around me.
“Believe me: you might want to get closer for this one.” he said, laughing a bit.
He sported weirdly reassuring smile, Dave’s millionth attempt at saying “It’s ok, Tim.” as he probably noticed now nervous I became when he assumed that pose.
The teasing bastard then went full bully on me and simply reached for my head with his long right arm and gently pulled me down, as if I was bowing to that still silent denim-clad ass. I just heard him laugh like an idiot, as it usually happens. Despite my head being down and in front of that ass, I could still see Dave’s face and that smirk. He raised his eyebrows and half-closed his eyes as he started pushing, but he didn’t need to put all that effort into ripping that blast.
It’s like the fart was barely contained in the first place: it immediately exploded with a loud sound right into my face. Dave closed his eyes and kept his smirk as the blast probably surprised him as well. It was low-pitched and dry, a completely natural gas-eruption that sounded like an engine. The stench was unbearable, a mixture of beer and junk food, surprise to no one.
While farting, Dave adjusted his position as bit, spreading his legs bit more, with my face getting almost planted into that denim-clad butt as he effortlessly kept ripping that immense flatulence. Hours and hours of gas being erupted as if I was in front of a dormant volcano that just woke up. And I feared that “hours” was what he was going for ‘cause after 20 seconds the fart didn’t even lose power.
Dave still had this smirk drawn on his face and occasionally stared down at me as he completely destroyed my face and nose with his incredible farting skills, skills that constantly let me speechless, fetish or not. He was the fart master, a showoff with a manly talent that I could only bow to and endure in the hop-
“Sorry, I forgot my house keys.”
The fart immediately stopped and it all went silent: It was Dana.
Dave turned his head to his girlfriend, greeting her with the stupidest smile you can think of.
“Oh stay there no worries, they’re right here.” I heard Dana say as she reached for keys, probably hanging right next to the door, my face still almost planted in my friend’s denim ass. That felt surreal.
I completely froze (not that I could move) but I knew that she couldn’t see me (just like I couldn’t see her) as I was lying down. All she could see from where she was standing was Dave’s head and his right leg resting on the back of the couch, since the entrance was behind our couch.
I was terrified, while Dave was doing his best not laugh like an idiot.
“What’s so funny?” Dana asked, laughing a bit herself, definitely noticing her boyfriend being weird.
My teasing bro quickly glanced down at me, almost losing it (and still holding holding the fart in, which didn’t stop the smell from burning my nostrils).
“N-nothing’” he stuttered. That’s it, he was gonna laugh like an idiot.
“Okay” I heard Dana, not really convinced of the boyfriend’s answer though.
There was a moment of awkward silence and then we heard a car honk, thank goodness.
“Oh… it’s my Uber. Bye!” the girl said, quickly leaving the house and shutting the door behind her.
Another moment of silence followed, Dave still staring at the entrance. I was shaking, I was legitimately scared that someone was gonna find out, which was weird given the hotness I was experiencing in that moment, even without the fart being ripped.
“Ok… where were we?” Dave asked, turning back to me, with a smirk. “Oh yeah!”
And he effortlessly resumed farting, just as loud, proud and powerful as it was before the interruption, directly into my face. The terror I experienced moments before was blown away by that incredibly blast and me being rock-hard, as it usually happens when Dave showoffs his gassy talent around me, or on me.
Dozens of seconds passed and at this point Dave just played along. He nodded at me, faking a serious expression, as if he was listening to something actually interesting instead of his own loud fart still going on strong; after about ten more seconds he checked the time on his wrist-watch and acted surprised, then stared down at me as if he wanted to say “damn that is long!”. We both however actually lost the track of time and he simply relaxed as if I wasn’t even in front of his ass, all while the fart was still being blasted in my face.
Dave then reached for my head again and gently pushed it inches closer to his roaring ass, and I felt the vibrations of his rip all over my face: it was literally an earthquake.
How long was it lasting? More than 1 minute perhaps? How much gas can a man hold in? Dave certainly was pushing for a record. All I knew is that I felt privileged witnessing that, even though I was beyond being a mere witness since no particle of gas missed my eyes and nostrils.
However (finally, actually), the fart seemingly started to lose power, the once-continuous sound starting to “stutter” and turning more into a fast series of loud farts, fired back-to-back. The show (because that’s what it was: a show) ended with a loud, 5 seconds blast, and Dave’s laughter.
I slowly got up, sweaty, my nose burning, with a startled look to which my bro reacted with another immature cackle. I was now sitting next to him as I was before, and looked back at my bud, who in the meantime re-adjusted his pose. He was still lying down, still kind of showing off his loose-sagging ass, but in a less “menacing” way: now he was just chilling.
“When’s Dana coming over again?” I joked. I mustered all the courage I had left to say that. I was impressed by the fact that I could still speak considering that all of my blood probably flooded my boner at that point.
Dave laughed at that lame joke, thank goodness. “As if I need Dana to blast you like this.”
He raised one leg, again showing off his sagging denim ass in my direction. He quickly sucked some air in and after a few moments and weird noises a loud 6 seconds fart erupted. For his standards, that’s basically a weak one.
My friend just casually joking and bragging about facefarting me and then farting on command to prove it made me lose it, as I felt my boner… dampening. He didn’t notice it but he knew that I had a hard-on, that’s for sure.
I didn’t want to just rush into the bathroom so I just stared at my laptop, still on the table, in front of me: the wi-fi signal was stronger than ever. I jokingly like to think that Dave’s blast was so powerful it actually influenced the signal somehow and improved it.
I turned to my bud, still lying on his side of the couch, just checking his phone and being… casually hot.
“Thanks man.” I said, not for the wi-fi though.
He lowered his phone, revealing a blank reaction “Really?” he said, rolling his eyes, with a bored expression. “Stop being cringe and do the dishes.”
Fuck, I totally forgot about those. We had takeout food but we still used some of our dishes. I immediately got up and rushed to the kitchen, hoping that Dave was distracted by his phone enough to not notice by boner through my sweatpants.
Once in the kitchen, a place that wasn’t tainted by Dave’s gas, my nostrils could still feel my bro’s fart-stench. That’s how soaked up in his gas I was. Even my ears needed some time to adjust to the silence, now that I didn’t have a deafening fart being ripped right into my skull. 
And I just knew that this wasn’t the last time this was gonna happen. I’m Dave’s roommate, and being roomies means we have to divide our tasks: he’s the farter, I’m the sniffer.
End of Episode 13
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 23
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Detailed violence, weapons, fighting, and bloodshed
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When you woke up the next morning, it was to light shining through your curtains and to a shiver running it’s way up your spine. Groaning, you sat up onto your forearms, blinking your eyes open and that’s when you saw Yoongi.
He was standing in front of the full length mirror that sat in one corner of your bedroom, strapping a piece of padded chest armor onto himself. He was dressed head to toe in black, even down to the heavy black rings that littered his fingers. His shirt was long-sleeved, he had on long and thick pants, and the black combat boots on his feet were laced up tightly. He even had leg protectors strapped onto his calves. 
“Hey,” you called out and he turned to look over his shoulder, a gentle smile coming onto his features when he saw you, still completely bare from last night and the blankets on your bed were the only things covering you up. 
“Hi,” he replied, turning around and pacing over to the bed, sitting on the edge closest to you. “It snowed last night.”
“Did it?” You asked and after he nodded, you looked over at one of your windows and indeed, saw the steady fall of snow. “Great, just another thing for me to worry about.”
“I put on extra layers, relax,” he chuckled. 
“That’s one thing that I’m not going to be able to do today,” you huffed in reply. “Have you eaten?”
“I was just about to, after I finished getting ready,” he said. “I was having trouble putting this on.” He held up his hands and it was then that you noticed the roll of black, cotton hand wraps in his grip. 
“Let me get dressed and I’ll help you,” you promised him and with that, the two of you went your separate ways. After washing up and getting dressed a simple sweater and dark jeans, you walked out of your bedroom and down the hall into your kitchen, where Yoongi was eating galbi with a side of kimchi. 
“Here, move,” you said as you walked up to him and before he could reply, you were moving his arm out of the way so that you could sit yourself down in his lap. Grabbing the tape that was now sitting on the table, you unwrapped it and grabbed his left hand to start rolling it onto his fingers.
“You alright?” He questioned after swallowing a bite and you just shrugged.
“Better than last night but still worried,” you whispered. “Still scared.”
“I know,” he sighed before opening his mouth for another bite of food. The two of you continued on like that, you making sure that his hand was wrapped properly while he continued to eat his food while watching you. Once he was done eating, that was when you moved onto his right hand.
“Where are you gonna be today?” He asked you suddenly and you kept your gaze on his hand as you answered him.
“In the infirmary,” you replied. “Knowing Seo-hyun, there’s probably gonna be a lot of injuries so I’ll have my hands full dealing with those as they make their way back here.”
“You’re gonna be handling all that alone?” 
“No, Tae and Jimin are gonna be there with me too, as well as some other pack members,” you said. “A lot of people here are somewhat medically certified, so it’ll free me up to deal with more...serious injuries.”
“And what about Hyorin and Jin?”
“They’re both gonna have their hands full reassuring families today, no doubt,” you murmured. “Especially Hyo, with her being Pack Omega. People are gonna look to her for guidance today while Joon’s gone.”
“Should she be doing that though?” Yoongi wondered “I mean, she just gave birth a week ago.”
“As her physician, trust me when I say that I wish she would stay in bed,” you huffed. “But she has responsibilities.”
“Damn,” Yoongi muttered and you just sighed heavily as you wrapped his hand one last time before pressing it down. 
“All done,” you announced and he raised his hands up, inspecting them.
“Thanks,” he smiled. “I had no idea how to do that shit myself.”
“Well, I’ve had a lot of practice,” you responded. “During the first war, I used to do my own and do Joon’s too because he’d be too shaky.”
“Namjoon, shaky?” He chuckled. “He always seems like a wall of steel.”
“Seems hard to believe I know, but he’s only like that because he feels like he has to be,” you said. “Comes along with the territory of being Pack Alpha.”
“I guess,” Yoongi replied and just then, a loud horn sounded throughout the territory. Yoongi felt your body freeze and he felt his heart break because you both knew what it meant. “Well, that’s me.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, standing up off of his lap and allowing him to stand up. The two of you walked over to the front door then, where Yoongi turned around to look at you as he grabbed your hands in his. 
“I want you to be safe and take care of yourself today,” he told you seriously as he rubbed your wrists with his thumbs, scenting you. “I know that you’re the Pack Physician, but you don’t have to be Superwoman.”
“I’ll try,” you agreed easily, feeling comforted by the fresh water scent that was falling over you. “You remember what you promised me.”
“I will, I promise,” he swore, letting go of your hands and setting his hands on your cheeks. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whimpered, gasping lightly when he kissed you passionately. You reached down and set your hands on his abdomen, clutching onto the padding that he was wearing in an effort to pull him closer to you. Just as you felt his tongue prod at your mouth and you were about to open your mouth for him, the loud horn from a few minutes earlier sounded again. 
“Be safe,” you whispered against his lips.
“You too,” he murmured, pressing one last kiss to your lips before turning around and swiftly walking out of the door. As soon as the door clicked shut and you could hear the sounds of his boots walking down the front steps, a harsh sob slipped from your lips as tears began to rush down your face.
You had been trying to stay strong for Yoongi and you knew that he wouldn’t have left if he saw you crying like this, which is exactly why you waited until now to do so as you walked over to the couch to allow yourself a few minutes to be upset. 
However, about a minute later, you heard a knock at your front door. Furrowing your eyebrows, you got up and wiped at your face while you walked over to the door, making sure that you were somewhat under control again before you pulled it open. 
“Joon?” You said in confusion, the loud horn going off once again in the background. “What are you doing here? You have to go.”
“I know, but it didn’t feel right to leave without coming to talk to you first,” he huffed as he pushed past you to walk inside. You shut the door behind him, turning around to face him afterwards. 
“Talk to me about what?”
“The succession law,” he said and you immediately shook your head because you knew where he was going with this already. 
“Joon, no,” you stated firmly. 
“Y/N-ah, I need to know that if anything happens to me, the pack will be ok,” he said
“And you know that if anything were to happen to you, Hyo would takeover,” you shot back.
“Hyo only took the title and the responsibility that comes with it because she loves me and wanted to be with me,” he explained. “And while she’s amazing at it, we talked it out and we’d both be more comfortable with you taking over if worst came to worst.”
“Why me?” You questioned lamely. 
“You know why Y/N-ah,” he smiled softly. “You were born for it and as much as you try to fight that, you know it as well as I do.”
“Joon, I don’t know,” you sighed.
“Y/N-ah, you know that I wouldn’t even ask if it weren’t serious,” he pointed out and you just looked at him because he was right. For Namjoon to even come to you and basically admit that there was a genuine concern that he wouldn’t make it today, then it was indeed serious. 
“Alright, I’ll do it,” you relented. 
“Thank you,” he grinned. “I just have one more request.”
“If anything happens to me, look out for Hyo and the girls?” He asked and your eyes widened. 
“Joon, if there’s something that you’re not telling me,” you began but he shook his head.
“I’m not going out there hoping to be killed but it’s Seo-hyun Y/N-ah,” he spat. “You’ve seen what he did to Eomma and Appa, Hobi’s mom, hell even to Yoongi. He hates me and he will not hesitate to kill me if he gets the chance.”
“So then don’t give him the chance!”
“I’m not going to but things happen in war that you don’t expect all the time,” he explained. “If I fall, Seo-hyun is going to go for Hyo and the girls and you know how the old laws work.” Dating back to the old days, if packs were taken over, their Pack Leader was often killed and their mate, if they had one, was either forced to mate with the new Pack Leader or killed because of their association to the former Pack Leader. Children often suffered the same fate, which is why you could understand why Namjoon was worried. 
“I’ll protect them,” you promised. “You have my word.”
“Thank you,” he sighed in relief, and the horn sounded again outside. “Alright, I have to go but I love you, ok?”
“I love you too, so much,” you whimpered as you rushed forward and threw your arms around him in a tight hug. He hugged you back as well, chuckling lightly as he set his hand on the back of your head.
“My strong baby sister,” he whispered. “You got this.”
“You too,” you replied quietly as you unwrapped yourself from around him. He placed a quick kiss on your forehead and just like Yoongi, he hurried out of the door. As you watched him go, you found yourself murmuring a silent prayer to the ancestors asking them to watch over two of the most important people in your life. 
“There you are!” Hobi exclaimed and Yoongi turned his head to watch Namjoon jog over to meet them. They were currently in a pasture that had been cleared out especially for this war, and it was only about a mile away from the territory of the Kim Pack. 
“Sorry, I had to tie up some loose ends,” Namjoon sighed as he began to stretch. “Is everyone here?”
“All 50 of us, present and accounted for,” Hobi nodded. 
“Good,” Namjoon smiled before looking at Yoongi. “How you feeling?”
“I’m ok,” he replied slowly. “A little nervous though.”
“I was too my first time out,” Namjoon said. “Don’t worry though, your instincts will kick in when someone comes at you.”
“Thanks, I guess,” Yoongi muttered. All of a sudden, the sounds of whooping and hollering began to get closer and everyone went on defense mode.
“Alright everyone, get ready,” Namjoon commanded in a deep tone and everyone feel into a single line, stretching all the way across the field. As the opposing pack got closer, Yoongi was able to see Seo-hyun and he wasn’t at all shocked to see a smirk on the son-of-a-bitch’s face.
“Remember everyone, be smart,” Namjoon shouted. “And may the ancestors protect us.”
“Well, well, well,” Seo-hyun shouted as he stopped right in front of Namjoon. “I see that you actually showed up. Are you sure that you still want to do this little pup, or do you want to rethink my previous offer?”
“I said that you’d have to kill me, and I meant that,” Namjoon stated firmly. “So do your best.”
“Oh, this is going to be fun,” he grinned before running towards Namjoon, Namjoon and the rest of the Kim Pack immediately reacting and drawing their weapons. 
“God damnit, they’re getting creamed out there,” Jimin muttered as he sewed up a wound on an Alpha named Ki-tae’s leg. 
“Tell me about it,” you huffed as you cut into an Omega named Yumi’s shirt, exposing a large stab wound next to her belly button. Ki-tae and Yumi were only two of what were easily 20 pack members who had been to see you at the infirmary already, and the war had only been going on for an hour. 
“Send me back out there once you’re done,” Ki-tae told Jimin and Jimin shook his head.
“You can’t go back out there, you’re gonna break these stiches,” Jimin said. 
“I don’t care, they need me!” He exclaimed and Jimin looked over at you for help.
“If he wants to go, let him,” you sighed, the gauze that you had been pressing against Yumi’s stomach doing nothing to stop the bleeding. “They clearly need the help.”
“Fine,” Jimin whispered. 
“Yumi, I’m gonna need you to bite down on this,” you murmured as you grabbed a thick towel and handed it to her.
“Why?” She questioned wearily. “You gave me something for the pain, right?”
“I did but this is a deep wound and it’s gonna hurt like hell,” you warned her. “There are some things that not even pain meds can stop.”
“Fine,” she whispered, sticking the towel into her mouth while you gathered a fresh needle and thread, preparing it to sew her up. While you did so, Taehyung burst into the room, making both you and Jimin look over at him. 
“Guys, there’s something that you need to know,” Taehyung announced.
“What? What is it?” Jimin wondered.
“Remember how Baekhyun was one of the first ones to come in?” Taehyung asked and you both nodded your heads. “Well, he just came back not too long ago complaining of more pain and he seemed really insistent on it so I checked him out and look at what I found.” He held up his fingers, several smalls spikes clutched in between them. 
“Those were inside of him?” Jimin gasped and Taehyung nodded.
“Seo-hyun’s pack altered their weapons to cause more damage and I don’t even think any of our fighters can even tell,” Taehyung explained. Your eyes widened at that because if Seo-hyun was doing that, then there was really no telling what was going to happen out there today. A loud gasp of pain from Yumi brought your attention back to her and you realized that she probably had spikes inside of her as well. 
“You’re gonna want another towel,” you told her regretfully and she whined in protest and pain. 
“We’re getting creamed out here!” Hobi exclaimed as he pushed an Alpha from Seo-hyun’s pack away from him, punching him in the jaw when the man tried to run back up to him. 
“I’m fighting along with you Hob-ah, I can tell,” Namjoon grunted as he used his knife to stab a man in the neck, pushing him down to the ground afterwards. As the two of them continued fighting, Yoongi and Jungkook were a few feet away from them, standing back to back as they fought off a pair of Omegas.
“This is so weird,” Jungkook grumbled as he hit the female Omega in the stomach, effectively knocking her onto her ass. “I’ve never hit a girl before.”
“Well, they’re trying to kill us so you might wanna get over that!” Yoongi huffed, narrowly dodging the knife that the male Omega he was fighting swung in his direction. Grabbing their wrist, Yoongi twisted it until the Omega cried out in pain before sweeping his foot out and knocking them down onto the ground. He then got on top of them, bringing his fist down against their face and effectively knocking the man out cold. 
“I know his pack is strong but they’re taking us out a little too quickly,” Yoongi muttered as he watched Jungkook sink his knife into the female’s that he was fighting chest, making sure that she was no longer breathing before getting up.
“I’m gonna assume that this is why,” Jungkook sighed as he picked up the blade that the female Omega had been wielding, and Yoongi saw the small spikes sticking out of it. 
“They altered their weapons,” Yoongi gasped. “Damn, that’s low.”
“At this rate, we’re gonna need a fucking miracle,” Jungkook surmised. Just as the words left his mouth, there were loud sounds of hollering that came from off of the battlefield. Everyone kind of stopped in their tracks to see what was coming and over the horizon, there appeared a large group of people.
“Holy shit,” Jungkook gasped. 
“Who are they?” Yoongi wondered.
“They’re one of our brother packs, the Ims,” Jungkook told him. 
“Looks like you spoke that miracle up kid,” Yoongi smiled. Seeing the Ims run onto the battlefield only served to piss off Seo-hyun’s pack because all of them began to fight with renewed vigor. 
Yoongi ended up by himself in one corner of the battlefield, fighting off two Alphas who were honestly trying to give him a run for his money. As he did so, he managed to look over to his left and saw a sight that had his eyes widening.
Hobi was fighting a Beta, but he was on his back on the ground as he and the Beta struggled over a knife. Normally, Yoongi wouldn’t have blinked twice at them but the fact that Hobi was on his back made him nervous. It was a commonly known fact that if a wolf got knocked onto his back, he was done for. Yoongi figured that Hobi could hold his own, given the fact that he knew how amazing of a fighter Hobi was but when he saw the Beta punch Hobi in the face and almost knock him out, he knew he had to do something.
Abruptly using his knife to stab one of the Alphas in the arm and then using his elbow of that same arm to smash it against the other Alpha’s face, he waited to make sure both of them were out for the count before running over to Hobi. Without even thinking, Yoongi pulled another knife from his waistband and plunged it into the side of the Beta’s neck, killing him. 
“Holy fuck,” Hobi huffed as he grabbed onto Yoongi’s outstretched hand to help him get up from the ground. “Thanks.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Yoongi shrugged before running off again. Before he could get far though, he heard the loudest and nastiest snarl that he was pretty sure he had ever heard in his life. When he looked for the source of the sound, his blood ran cold when he saw Seo-hyun.
“I told you pup, you didn’t want to do this with me!” He growled, using his hand to punch Namjoon dead in the face. Namjoon fell onto the ground and he didn’t make a move to get up, instead rolling onto his side as he coughed up blood. 
“You wanted to die a noble death, then I am going to make that happen!” Seo-hyun shouted as he whipped out a knife and before he could plunge it into Namjoon, Yoongi sprinted towards them and kicked it out of his hands. Seo-hyun turned to look at him, an evil smirk coming onto his face.
“Oh, here’s my weak little Prime Alpha, trying to save his new Pack Alpha,” Seo-hyun cooed. 
“You wanna see if I’m still weak?” Yoongi asked him. “Try me.”
“I’ll kill you.”
“If you get the opportunity,” Yoongi shrugged. Seo-hyun then let out a sudden shout of rage before rushing towards Yoongi. Luckily, Yoongi anticipated it and moved out of the way, causing Seo-hyun to stumble and Yoongi swung his leg out which caused him to fall down onto the ground. 
“Am I still weak, you pathetic asshole?” Yoongi questioned before getting on top of Seo-hyun and delivering several quick punches to his face. 
“You’ll always be weak to me pup,” Seo-hyun grinned as he grabbed Yoongi’s shirt, attempting to throw him off of his body. “Just like your uncle and parents were.” As soon as those words registered in Yoongi’s mind, he pulled another knife from around his thigh and held it against Seo-hyun’s throat.
“My uncle was great and so were my parents,” Yoongi seethed. “Of course, you couldn’t see past your own bloodlust.”
“If that’s what you want to call getting shit done, then so be it,” Seo-hyun spat. “Weakness runs in your blood and it was the fatal flaw for your family and it will be for you too.”
“I’m the one holding a knife to your neck, remember?” Yoongi pointed out, pressing the tip a little harder against his skin. 
“And if you were gonna use it, you would’ve done it already before I had the chance to do this,” Seo-hyun smiled, pulling out a knife of his own and plunging it into Yoongi’s chest, piercing straight through the armor that Yoongi had on. 
Yoongi gasped, his body leaning over to the right before he rolled off of Seo-hyun and onto the ground. As he did so though, he managed to cut across Seo-hyun’s throat which caused him to bleed profusely. Yoongi groaned loudly, clutching onto his chest with one hand as he looked over at Seo-hyun, who was pawing at his throat and that was when he noticed the knife in between the two of them.
Mustering up every inch of strength that he could, he attempted to drag himself over to the knife. Seo-hyun saw him and tried to do the same, although he appeared to be moving considerably slower than Yoongi was.
“I have to...get it,” Yoongi thought to himself. “I promised....Y/N-ah.” 
However, despite how hard he was trying, Yoongi felt the world around him growing darker and he figured that everything would be ok if he just stopped and rested his eyes for a little while. So that’s what he did; he let his body fall onto the ground with a soft thud before letting his eyes slide shut. 
Then suddenly, a loud Bang rang out into the air and then.....everything was silent.
Tag List: @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit @min-yus @cheysjimin @to-the-joon-and-back @jaiuneamesolitaiire @icycoldbeanieweanies @barbikatherine
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Shattered Hearts // Luke Patterson
Summary: The teenage years are supposed to the best time of life but not when fate has other plans for Sunset Curve. Not feeling well reader stays home while Luke prepares for the performance of his life at The Orpheum. Shit hits the fan hard and the fallout ensues.
Warnings: Swearing, death, hospital, cancer (type is not detailed) angst, and fluff.
Words: 2.3k
Requested: @lolychu​
A/N: I didn’t go into detail about the kind of cancer because I didn’t want to, I want it to be as general as it could. I’ve never gone through it or had someone close go through it so it could be wrong and I apologize for that. Broken heart syndrome is REAL by the way.
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Los Angeles, 1995
There are articles of some medical mysteries that can’t fully be scientifically explained, such as when someone dies in excellent health following the death of a loved one. The scientific term is takotsubo cardiomyopathy, but the world knows it merely by Broken Heart Syndrome. It was a day that was supposed to be the greatest of your teenage years, but the day couldn’t have gone any worse.
First, you woke up with an incredibly high fever and newfound bruises. Pain in a wrist out of nowhere but you wrote it off. You had plans, and illness wasn’t scheduled for the day. Your boyfriend and his band had gotten their big break, well their almost big break. Today was the day Sunset Curve would perform at The Orpheum, and you were gonna be backstage cheering them on.
Luke made his appearance at your house in the morning before early rehearsal, and you managed to convince him you were feeling okay. He went on to their studio, and your mother drove you to the hospital in fear.
Life was an asshole. While you waited for test results pale against the hospital sheets, an ambulance rolled in. Carrying three bodies that would go to the morgue for positive confirmation of death. You wouldn’t know for a full day, Luke’s parents too grief-stricken to call you and that’s okay. 
“Mom?” You asked as her form caved in on the floor near your hospital bed, “Mom!”
Her eyes filled with so much pain brought you fear and concern. With a struggle, she came closer to hold your hand tightly and spoke brokenly the fate that would snatch you.
“Baby, you don’t have the flu.”
“That’s good? So just meds and we can go home?” You asked heart clenching as her eyes closed tight and you knew whatever the doctor had told her after pulling her out of the room wasn’t good.
Couldn’t be good with the slump in her shoulders, the pain in her eyes and the guilt coating her every word. Mom wasn’t a housewife; she wasn’t a flower in need of protection, but she never kept something from you. Always said it straight and as it is.
“Sweetheart, they’re gonna move you to another ward.” You knew deep in your heart the news had to be the worst because Mom wasn’t telling you the whole story. Finally, she broke down, “The doctors got the results back as soon as they could. The fever, the bruises, and the broken wrist have a reason. You have cancer.”
Cancer. A word that sealed your fate. It left you reeling in shock. It shattered your dream with just one single name. Couldn’t be seen but made its presence known. The coming hour was spent with the specialist detailing the type and a tentative treatment plan he wanted to initiate immediately.
A nurse escorted your mother out as the orderlies and nurses prepped you to be moved to a new room. Knowing you were in good hands, your mom walked to the main doors for fresh air only to be astounded at the sight of Mitch and Emily Patterson. Equally shocked, they came together.
“Emily?” Your mom spoke, looking carefully at the parents of your boyfriend. She wondered how the Patterson’s had found out, “Did someone call you?”
“No.” Emily spoke with a numb voice. Your mom took a step back, understanding that one could only react that way for one thing. Something had happened to the Patterson teenager.
 “Luke isn’t here, is he?” Your mom asked, turning to look up at the tall building of the hospital, “Y/N, hasn’t had a phone. She only found out, but Luke hasn’t been with you-“
“The cops came,” Mitch spoke tucking his upset wife into his arms. He was equally as grief-stricken and bitter, but he had to be calm for his wife. They wouldn’t get anywhere if one of them couldn’t get answers.
Your mom gasped, “No.”
“I always knew that band-“Emily’s own sob cut her words off as her knees threatened to buckle. Your mom helped lead Emily into the emergency room before she jogged off to join you but not before turning to the Patterson parents.
“We’ll meet up. Discuss why we’re all here.” 
Being told you had cancer and then informed your boyfriend died all in one night was the most painful thing you had to live through. It was weeks of screaming, invasive procedures and therapy sessions. Your father came from his business trip to Dubai as soon as he could and didn’t leave your side.
A painful six months rolled with cancer stealing your hopes and a fucking bad hotdog taking your dreams away. Nothing made you curious. Nothing felt worth living for.
Not the realistic watercolour tattoo your parents let you get of Luke’s blue guitar you loved so much. It seemed to have a terminally sick child made it practically impossible to say no to, so you got a tattoo of your favourite lyrics of Sunset Curve.
In pretty font, it said ‘When all the days felt black and white. Those were the best shades of my life’ just like it said in Now or Never. One of your favourite songs, you got the privilege of watching Luke create.
“Mom, can I have a popsicle?” You asked from your bed. Eyes barely open as she nodded off her chair, “My mouth is dry.”
“Of course.” She nodded, leaving the room with a kiss on your forehead. Both of you mumbling I love you just in case. You felt like your clock was close to the end, so every word had meaning.
It was a good day so far; you hadn’t had to press for more pain medication like the last couple of weeks. You had managed to turn to stare out the window at the pretty sky. Your eyes fluttered shut completely content that this was it.
Your mom returned to a room with doctors and nurses trying to resuscitate you with your father screaming. No one could figure out if it was the cancer or the broken heart syndrome that killed you first. Your death was a double blow to Luke’s parents the most, along with Reggie and Alex’s own parents. 
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Los Angeles, 2020
So much had changed since you died in 1995. Phones had changed, and buildings were torn down. You changed as well too. In relief physically, you had changed from the gaunt, skinny, pale patient to the girl you had been before the diagnosis.
Your hair now looked as healthy as it had been before you had cancer and you weren’t gaunt looking. You were looked just like you did a few months before you got diagnosed and you hoped so since you were dead. It would have sucked to be dead and beyond ugly.
“Do you think she went on to have a family?”
You kept your attention on the waves crashing the beach content to watch the waves doing the same movement they had since the beginning. You paid no attention to the group walking by. Not until one tripped over you landing in an awkward heap.
“Ouch!” The voice hissed. Your eyes flicked down to Reginald fucking Hastings’s blue eyes in pure shock. You scrambled away from the teenager with a sharp scream that pierced the ghoul group.
“Jesus.” You grumbled pushing the little sand that had stuck somehow to your body made of air.
“Oh my god. I think I just summoned Luke’s girlfriend.” Reggie hissed towards the equally astounded members of former Sunset Curve and current Julie and the Phantoms bandmates.
“No, you idiot we’re dead.” You spoke, taking a deep breath in, “After not seeing you for five years I thought you passed on. I’ve been travelling around America and Canada. Something felt like I needed to come home.”
“When did you die?” Alex questioned sadly when you were quiet. His sad blue eyes unable to leave your expressive face, he hoped somehow you had lived to your 90s and died to come back youthful.
“It’s wasn’t harm-“
“No, Luke. I don’t think I’ll ever positively know what happened, but the night you guys died my life ended as well.” You revealed sitting back, letting the three boys join you for an intriguing story to them. Luke wasn’t hesitant in grasping your hand in his, “Funny enough your bodies were being unloaded in the morgue while I was being told by my Mom, I had cancer. The battle was hard but short.”
“Our love story was destined to be tragic, whether it be cancer or a hotdog.” You told the teenage guitarist to experience in the afterlife to be gentle about it. The three boys flinched from the indifference, “Have you visited your parents yet? My parents are home for a few weeks.”
“My neighbourhood was torn down. Alex doesn’t know about his and-“ 
“-I’ve seen my folks once so far.” Luke finished playing with your fingers, “You say our love story was tragic, I say it would be tragic if we hadn’t had the chance in life that we did.”
You nodded your head, “Where have you guys been?”
All three boys took their chaotic turn in describing their last meal to Reggie tripping over you with the belief of walking through you. They were in a band with a lifer who made them visible to the public when playing music together. You told them that your parents would choose a destination from your dream travel journal; you would follow them on the adventures.
Slowly you met Julie who put up a distance as she acclimated to having the girlfriend of her crush around always. Julie couldn’t help the feeling of jealously when Luke focused on the teen ghost girl. She couldn’t even hate you! You were so lovely and welcoming to the girl with respect for boundaries, in fact, you were exactly the girl she would have been friends with. Julie loved Flynn, but she could be over the top and dramatic sometimes.
“Good rehearsal. I’ll meet you outside.” Luke spoke, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. You nodded before walking through the white, painted barn doors.
Everything put away properly; Luke was quick to meet up with his girlfriend for their date. Alex noticed the stare by Julie. He had seen it for the past few weeks since you were introduced to the passionate musician with a beautiful voice.
“I’m really sorry, Julie.” Alex softly told the sad Puerto Rican girl yearning to hug the teenager but alas his ghostly body couldn’t allow it.
“Did I have an honest chance before she came back?” Julie asked. Her doe brown eyes bringing Reggie’s attention to the conversation at hand. 
“No.” Reggie answered this time solemn with his blue eyes holding no mirth or childlike glee, “Luke’s been in love with her for years. She’s his all or nothing.”
“I didn’t have a chance between them, and I don’t want you between them either. It’s not a nice place to be even if I was mutually breaking up with his as well.” Alex soothed the live girl yearning to physically comfort her but alas that damn hotdog ruined everything.
“Luke also said when the first big payment came, he would marry her. He wanted to give her the wedding of her dreams.” Reggie unintentionally rubbed the salt in Julie’s wound on the topic of her tragic love story.
Julie learnt to deal with the pain of seeing Luke, so in love and happier than before you had reconnected. In her fashion, she had hidden a new box for her thoughts that was so well hidden the boys would never find it. It was filled with papers that progressively got less romance angst.
“I’m just saying,” Alex spoke, raising his hands in the air after another one of Luke’s emotional rants on the loss of things in death. Such as marrying you.
“Dude, we’re dead, and our ghost connections happen to either be our band, Willie or a very questionable sketchy vintage magician.” Luke snapped slouching on his couch sulking as you were spending time with your family no matter how oblivious they were to your presence.
“I’m ordained.” Willie supplied sitting next to the blonde drummer who had easily swayed from Caleb to the good side again. At the group’s looks of disbelief, he continued, “I was bored! Took some art classes too. It won’t be the average wedding, but you could still call each other spouse.”
“I can check local clubs for wedding dresses. Flynn can easily put together music and Alex can find a venue.” Julie piped up, avoiding the sympathetic look from Reggie, who still thought the teenager had feelings for his bandmate. She no longer did. 
“You can use one of your rings on a chain as well. Maybe hold off on getting a ring until we get money from the band.” Reggie gave his input, earning himself a proud expression from Alex; an expression the drummer rarely was able to give his friend.
“I guess I’m proposing.” Luke beamed already thinking of ways to make his proposal special, not like being ghosts wasn’t already impressive enough. 
It wasn’t the ideal wedding, but it honestly didn’t matter as long as the two of you were able to vow yourself to each other. It no longer mattered on the details other than you two.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15​ @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​ @ssprayberrythings​​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @zukoshonourr​ @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch​ @kcd15​ @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl​ @all-in-fangirl​ @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown​
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wizkiddx · 3 years
worst case scenario part 5
finally!! so sorry its been an age to anyone still here but lives been interesting atm so....  also this really feels a bit rambley and the ending is deff underdeveloped but I just kind of wanted this done tbh x 
[previous part] [part 1] 
warnings:  hospitals - ICU, ventilation that sort of stuff, just a lot of ANGST post a difficult birth - please don't read if this could be upsetting for you, and my inbox is always open if u wanna chat :) 
In a complete 360 degree flip from earlier that day, after leaving the hospital Tom had become obsessively attached to Aurora. They’d got back to his parents place in Tom’s car; Aurora in the carseat Y/n and Tom had ready in their car door for her arrival. Clearly his parents had already pre-warned his brothers, who had thankfully already gone over to Tom and Y/n’s - collecting the Moses basket amongst other items Harry had been listed off from his mother. 
Apart from explaining a little behind her name to his parents on the journey back, Tom had spoken very little, choosing to keep himself to himself - physically stationing himself beside the Moses basket the whole time. Of course, there had been a bit of light conversation and almost procedural passing round of Aurora between all her uncles and grandparents, which Tom had kept a wether eye on - but ultimately not engaged. 
He also knew that physically his body was failing him. Although eating a little of the lasagne Sam had made for everyone, he could only stomach a minuscule amount, which did little to boost his energy levels. It felt as though sleeping was the enemy, because he was neither ready to leap into the car if the phone went; or to hear the smallest sound from the wicker basket, suggesting something was wrong. So as much as he tried to fight it, before even nine o’clock he began to dose off on the familiar couch of his parents sitting room - occasionally jerking himself awake before loosing the fight once again.
Nikki had tried to gently push him to take a break in the spare bedroom, which had been Tom’s before he’d moved out, but was unsuccessful - every time he retaliated with a stern shake of his head, while checking his phone just in case he’d missed a notification. Eventually Nikki relented, later in the evening both her and Dom retiring to bed; once Sam had agreed to stick around downstairs till a bit later - as a chef he worked till late in the nights, so even on his days off like today, his sleep schedule was just a little fucked. 
Left alone with his new little niece and now pretty firmly asleep brother, Sam draped a blanket over the latter just in time for Aurora to start fussing in the need of a bottle. His mum had explained how to do everything, how to mix the formula and heat it up, so after scooping up the little wriggling girl in the hope his brother wouldn’t get disturbed, Sam dealt with her. To be honest no matter how clueless and useless he felt, Aurora was just so cute - if a little wrinkly and alien looking, but in a good way. This was the first baby any of them had had, so the first time Sam experienced this instant connection and love for the little being that was his niece or nephew. It was terrifying, lifting the bottle against her lips for the first time, but then it just sort of seemed to work. She was incredibly smart for less than 24 hours old, instantly latching on, like she had done for Haz at the hospital. 
That gave Sam a little confidence in his ability as an uncle, giving himself a satisfied nod while swaying from the kitchen to move back into the living room. It was just a preference to be within reach of Tom… just in case. His poor brother still hadn’t moved, slumped against the corner of the sofa, leaning toward the now empty Moses basket. Normally, Sam seeing his supposed heart throb of a brother looking as rough as he did now - double chin, mouth hanging slightly open, deep sunken eyes - he would’ve taken a photo to blackmail him with. Now though, it was just desperately sad, seeing his brother like this, hand still clutching his phone tightly above the blanket. 
Rather hoping the calm would last for a while, Sam successfully finished off feeding Aurora; winded and then put her down to sleep again just in time. Because, perhaps expectedly, Tom’s phone began to blare off the default iPhone ringtone making Tom jump and throw the device across the room as he awoke with a start. Sam ran to grab it off the floor, mainly with the hope of turning it off before Aurora was awoken too - knowing that it was best tonight to tackle one thing at a time. 
And so he immediately swiped to answer the call, not even registering who the call was from, much rather just wanting the noise to stop. 
“Sam? It’s Harrison” Tom had jumped up from his seat hovering beside Sam with petrified look. It took barely seconds for Tom to snatch the phone back, launching questions down the receiver. 
“Slow down would you? Y/n is fine I was just phoning to check in.”
“Oh er yeh… um sorry I just… just thought…”
“It’s the other way mate. Nurse says she’s starting to get there cos first she moved her arm a bit when we pinched her shoulder and then I just called because she started to like gag and now the ventilator thing is gone.”
“I think she’s breathing by herself? Like she’s got an oxygen mask instead of the tubes down her throat.” Clearly Harrison was not, by any means, a medical expert. 
“They said she would have the ventilator for a few days at least.”
“I guess Y/n got bored? To be fair she couldn’t ever sit still.”
“I’m coming to you.”
“Tom it’s nearly midnight, I was supposed to be kicked out at 10. Just come back in the morning, they won’t let you in I’m pretty certain.”
“What if she wakes up!”
“Then they’ll call you! She’s getting better Tom you should be try and relax for like a second.”
“FUCK OFF HAZ! If she wakes up all alone and terrified then-“
“I’m not going to having a screaming match on the phone with you. I think we both know you wanting to come is more for you than for Y/n, because Y/n would want you to be looking after Aurora.”
Again guilt tripping using the newborn. Harsh but effective. Stopping Tom’s anger dead in it’s tracks.
“Look I can put the nurse on for her to tell you they won’t let you in and they’ll call if anything happens - but you already know that.”
“Yeh sorry fine … I know don’t bother.”
“Okay… I’m was gonna head back to my place and I know you’ve probably got your mum begging to fuss over Aurora but if-“
“Can you come?”
“Didn’t need to ask mate.”
And that’s how the night went. Until Harrison arrived at the Holland family home, Tom had spent the time pacing back and forth, blatantly ignoring the pleas of Sam just to sit down. Once he arrived though, going through all the updates in a lot more detail Tom seemed, for the first time, optimistic. By no means could you call him relaxed or happy - but compared to the rollercoaster that had been the last 24 hours, Harrison thought that was more than enough. Aurora had started fussing again at 1 but by the time it had turned into a full blown scream at Tom, Sam already had the bottle ready. It took a little bit of encouragement and promise that Tom would be able to feed her but actually, she instantly latched on, settled in her Dad’s hold while guzzling down the contents of the bottle. 
After a bit of winding she ended up falling asleep on her dads chest, only when he felt himself start to flag did Tom place her back in the basket. Harrison and him ended up crashing on the sofas, Sam retiring to his own room. Phone still tightly clutched in Tom’s grip.
The first thing Y/n became properly aware of was this intense heaviness all over her body. It felt as though her limbs were all composed completely of lead, meaning as much as she was just craving rolling over, it was as though her own body was holding her down. A very alien feeling that unsettled her slightly, trying to shake of the misty feeling in her head to work it all out. It took a while to drag herself out of the depths of sleep, to the point where background noise slowly faded in - an alien beeping as well as distant shuffling making her heart thump with unease. Finally, perhaps most distressingly , her eyes felt glued shut. Not because they were heavy, in the way someone extremely sleep deprived cant keep their eyes open; rather stiff like they hadn’t been used in so long they’d rusted over or something. 
The feeling  was quite horrific and isolating- as though she were locked into her body without an escape in sight. Whilst trying to calm her racing thoughts, Y/n chose to focus completely on the one thing she could do. She could listen. She listened to the beeps, focusing on the type of sound, the way it chimed so regularly; and it’s form. It was familiar, for that she was sure but for now at least she couldn’t place it. 
It felt like an investigation, trying with all her might to try and workout what the fuck was going on. To put it mildly. 
The most useful clue though, a breakthrough if you will, is when a voice sounded - clear and familiar. 
“Excuse me nurse?” It was Nikki. For sure. It was a clue, but didnt seem to make a hell of a lot of sense. Y/n was so focused on why the hell Nikki was apparently watching her sleep unconscious, she completely missed the reference to the nurse. As in hospital. As in Y/n was in hospital. “… I’m just going to swap out for my sons friend.”
“Harrison?” That voice seemed new and unfamiliar.
“Yes, he won’t be a second I’m sure.”
What was Harrison doing here too? 
It was all very confusing and hurt Y/n’s brain to try and unpick. Gradually then, everything sort of melted away, diving back into the darkness.
The next time Y/n woke up things were different. This time she woke up like she would at any time of day. She woke up and her eyes followed suit. Not particularly easily, since as soon as they cracked open she was almost blinded by brilliant white lights, it taking a build up of willpower before she tried it again - bracing for the pain. 
By now she knew something was wrong. She remembered all these patchy and hazy periods. All full of confusion and disorientation but with different voices keeping her at least semi calm. Familiar voices, all too often laced with such emotion. Especially Tom’s. She couldn’t remember what he had said, nor had she probably been able to understand it at the time - what stuck was the tone. The sadness, the hopelessness , the emptiness. 
It was scary. But it made her want to help. Made her want to open her eyes. 
After wincing at the dazzling white surroundings, Y/n blinked her eyes quickly, in an attempt to get them to adjust quicker. She saw an unfamiliar ceiling, one that was tiled in a similar way to her old school canteen. There was a  weird pressure round her mouth, eyes quickly darting down to see edges of a clear mask pressed up against the bridge of her nose. That wasn’t it though, the further she looked the more her eyes panned down this pale blue blanket, following the outline of her legs to the bottom raised edge of the bed. The hospital bed. 
Her hospital bed. 
As much as she wanted to jump up in panic; physically right now that was an impossibility. So instead, Y/n focused on trying to gleam as much information from the situation. It took a hell of a lot of effort, her muscles literally stiff and ridgid with disuse but with a small groan her neck eventually agreed to follow orders. Just a small tilt to the left and suddenly Y/n felt so much more less panicked. Everything was that bit less scary because there was Tom. 
Admittedly he didn’t look amazing, or even not bad. Tom was sat with his back pressed against the side of chair, so his body faced her. Had he not looked so ruined, Y/n would’ve laughed at the side of his face squashed into the back of the seat. But he did look horrific, for lack of a better word. His brown eyes were locked shut, but also looked puffy and red, while dark at the same time - as though he’d been attempting to gouge his own eyes out prior. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks, hence why he had appeared to have collapsed in the arm chair. At least though , he wasn’t in a hospital bed himself.
That was Y/n’s pleasure. 
Her next job was to get her neck muscles to pull her head to the other side. It was a slow wincing gesture, yet she was so aware of another presence that needed to be addressed too. But actually it was 3 people.
Right at the back, a nurse sat on a little spinny chair, scribbling something down in a file of papers but to be quite honest that wasn’t were Y/n’s focus zeroed in on. Instead on Harrison who was sat in chair mirroring Tom, except instead of being passed out asleep he was cradling a baby. Her baby. 
Y/n literally felt her heart in her throat at that point, eye widening almost comically. That was her baby - it must be? The monitors all started to loose their regularity as Y/n threw an uncoordinated limb to that side of the bed- already having realised her throat was way too scratchy to try to say anything comprehensible. 
Immediately that got the attention of both the nurse, who immediately leapt up and called for support, as well as Harrison - who looked like he was seeing a ghost. 
“Oh my-Y/n-?” Luckily he kept the baby safe in his arms rather than dropping her in shock, whilst Y/n kept her eyes locked onto the bundle in his arms. Nodding down, she tried to remove the mask (actually just very slightly knocking it to one side) and attempted to ask of the baby. Her throat, being inhumanly dry and scratchy, didn’t really work but Haz still got the message, scoffing in amazement. 
“Aurora… here’s your mummy.” Harrisons voice was quiet and wavering as he delicately held Aurora against Y/n’s collar bone, the babies little tuft of har tickingling her chin. Now Y/n was crying with happiness, looking up at Haz’s icy blue eyes and questioning her name. Harrison confirmed with another disbelieving whisper, whilst the arm that wasn’t still holding Aurora clasped Y/n’s hand with a death grip. “Tom’s choice.”
The mention of him had both of them shift their gaze across the room to Tom’s chair. Even with all the developments, Tom still seemed completely unaware, fast asleep with the side of his face squished against the back of the chair making his lips slightly askew. Y/n were acutely aware of the small congregation of doctors that had accumulated in the corner of the bay but they seemed to be respectfully waiting before they would prod and poke. Haz went to call Tom’s name, before he could though, Y/n squeezed his arm and minutely shook her head. That wasn’t what the blue eyes boy had been expecting, causing Haz to unfold and bring Aurora back up to his chest as he quirked his eyebrows at her.  
She didnt need to be filled in on the situation to know exactly what was happening. She had no idea why she was in the hospital bed; how long it had been since she’d given birth - but she knew all she needed to. From Harrisons unbelievably shocked face; and from the state of Tom - it hadn’t been good. Her fiancé looked almost ghostly, it seemed evident that he needed her. First then, she gestured to Haz for some water, which after a panicked look to the nurse; then from the nurse to various doctors; she was eventually given permission. 
After somewhat alleviating the sandpaper feeling in her throat, Y/n then croakily asked for a bit of privacy. Right now the doctors all were gawking, Harrison assumed it to be because they’d all led him and Tom to believe she wouldn’t wake up for a while- and even then she was supposed to barely be awake, not able to talk and drink or anything of the sort. With an ecstatic nod Harrison, shuffled out - while doing so prompting the medical people to draw the curtains completely shut round the bay.  
Already Y/n had tears welling up in her eyes, purely because she hated seeing him like this. He just looked so broken and shattered which honestly felt worlds worse than the labour she’d gone through. Her whole body still hurt, stiff and achy for reasons yet to be explained to Y/n. None of that mattered though, as she strained her arm out to the side in order to gently reach his knee that was folded up and sticking out awkwardly at an angle. After swallowing one again, Y/n squeezed round the joint and tried to shake it slightly. Instantly the man jumped up in his seat, heavy eyes blinking quickly and repeatedly as he tried to adjust to the room. 
Being so sleep deprived and stressed out, Tom’s brain was not working normally, instead with a delayed haze as he apparently skipped over Y/n in the bed, rather surveying the the closed curtains and Harrison’s now empty chair. As he was lifting himself to sit more normally up, uncurling from the armchair, was when he noticed the hand on his knee. Breath caught in his chest, Tom instinctively bit his lip as his eyes gradually traced up the hand, to the forearm, up to the shoulder. It felt like a fever dream, as though all it would take is for him to move and she’d slip away again. But there were her green eyes, gleaming in a way that literally lifted a weight from his shoulders. Her smile was tired and a little confused, but so her - after spending days of just seeing all her features lax, Tom swore that it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
Only when Y/n finally croaked out a small ‘hi’ did Tom gain awareness of his body, or rather control of it, enough to leap up and leave over the bed - cradling her face in both his palms. Like a psycho he stared intently, swapping his focus from her left to her right eye like a madman. 
“Your-I-I” He was trying to speak, trying to communicate all the thoughts and regrets of things he wished he’d said to her all at once. Weakly she reached up to fully remove the oxygen mask, dragging It down to below her chin, before squeezing his wrists in comfort. Only then did Tom notice the small puddle that had collected on her cheek, which made him realise he was absolutely bawling. 
“You ‘kay?” Her voice was like sandpaper but everything about her was so completely Y/n and it was just giving Tom this unreal wave of euphoria. Physically incapable of replying, the brunette just scoffed, leaning over the bed even more so he could press his forehead on hers. He was laughing too, the fact she was asking him that seemed so preposterous, given all the tubes and wires attached to her at the moment. It took Y/n squeezing his wrist harder again to make him lean back a little, searching her eyes with his. She seemed so worried; seemed so full of concern - only then did Tom consider quite how much he’d ‘let himself go’ the past couple of days. 
It had been two days since Aurora was born, only 48 hours. But the transformation was mad, none more so than mentally. 48 hours had quite literally changed everything for Tom; changed life forever and himself too. It was showing in his unshaven face, with unwashed  greasy hair, everything just looking ‘tired’.
“‘m just really glad your awake.” It was so honest and sincere it did have Y/n wondering what had happened and for how long. What had she put her fiancé through?
“How long?”
“The worst two and a half days of my life… I got you now though, yeh?” Tom whispered wetly, while stroking the side of her cheek - wiping both his and her tears away.
The doctors and nurses then came in, podding and poking Y/n like no tomorrow while Harrison and Tom stood back a little - excitedly grinning at each other and the sleepy girl Haz was cradling, before Tom stole her off him. There was a momentary sick-to-his-stomach feeling after some of the professionals had cleared, seeing her eyes shut again felt like everything was crashing around him. Thankfully though, one of doctors noticed the look of despair on his face, explaining to the two men that she was just asleep normally. That although sh’ed spent along time unconscious, waking from a medical coma is in itself exhausting. 
After the initial excitement of Y/n waking the next couple of days were pretty samey. She’d been moved down to a normal ward, no longer needed all the incessant bleeping machines but still had to stay in hospital. Tom found it tricky too, he just always felt he needed to be by her side ‘just in case’. In fact, it had been a source of a bit of tension between him and his fiancé - she could see how exhausted he was from looking after Aurora, plus the stress of being in the hospital for hours a day with her. As Y/n got better and more switched on to the state of him, she realised it was inevitable he’d crash at some point.
But after a week and a half in hospital - comprising of a baby, emergency surgery, 3 days on intensive care, followed by 8 on the ward - Y/n was discharged. Nikki and Dom moved in to Y/n and Tom’s place, to provide care support both for Aurora; and Y/n for the rest of her recovery; and secretly Tom for everything he’d been through. 
She was still order on bed rest due to her surgical scars, so Tom and Nikki helped to set her up in the master bedroom as soon as they got in. Of course, everyone was aware of Toms odd mood that day. Until then the only thing he wanted was to get his fiancé back at home with him but now she was over the threshold his excitement and joy appeared to have been zapped out of him. In fact, he’d barely uttered more than a couple sentences. So once Y/n was properly comfortable and Dom had brought Aurora and the cot into the room, Tom’s parents quickly made themselves scarce. 
Tom hadn’t stopped, finding some reason to rummage around in the chest of drawers m while Y/n chewed at her bottom lip, watching him. 
“Tom?” All she got in response was a light hum. “Tom please will you come and sit down for a minute?”
“I just need to-“
“Tom!” Her exclamation finally properly got Tom to listen, jumping round to face her. “Please... please will you just stop for a second?” Y/n’s eyes felt as though they were boring holes in his skull. Really, Tom knew he’d be forced into this at some point because he couldn’t avoid Y/n. She had some power of mind reading over him. So with a defeated nod and sagging shoulders Tom rounded the bed, weaving between his side and Auroras cot - where she was sleeping soundly. 
A silence overcame the room as he heavily planted himself on his side of the bed, mirroring Y/n’s posture leant against the headboard. 
“I think we need to have an honest conversation T.”
“If you want.” Nothing about his reply was the picture of enthusiasm, causing Y/n to hesitate a little. 
“Look I am so beyond grateful for everything you’ve done while I was in hospital... and it doesn’t take a genius to tell you’ve worked yourself half to death-“
“I’m fine-“
“Don’t lie to me. I know you’re trying to protect me but please... will you just talk to me? Honestly?” 
His reply this time wasn’t completely unforeseeable but it still shocked Y/n quite how quickly it happened, especially almost unprovoked. Because that’s all it took for Tom to break, for the past 2 weeks to get their vengance, for all the repressed emotion to escape. 
He was crying- well more accurately sobbing- into his hands, his back quaking. Naturally Y/n reached out to pull him into her side, suppressing the groan of pain as she moved a little too much for her abdomen to handle. “I’m here T. I got you and I’m not going anywhere m‘kay?” 
And that’s how they stayed, for at least 10 minutes, with Tom crying into her shoulder as Y/n rubbed up and down his back. Eventually though, everything did calm down and Tom repositioned himself to lean his head on her shoulder just facing forward and focusing on playing with her fingers, lacing them fingers with his. 
In all the time since she’d woken up, Y/n was yet to broach the subject of their babies name yet. She sensed it was a sensitive topic to say the least, so had thought it best to wait till they were properly alone - not in a ward of 6 strangers where the only privacy came in flimsy blue curtains. 
“So…. Aurora huh? Thought it was too airy-fairy, head-in-the-clouds for you?”  Smiling lightly, both of them were transported back to the pregnancy when they spent hours and hours bickering over names. Aurora had always been Y/n’s favourite but to Tom thought it was more a name for a hippy kid who went around clad in tie dye and bandanas. 
“Still is a bit...but I needed a bit of a miracle and Iceland was in my head. Plus I sort of accidentally word vomited while shouting at Haz, for being nice to me.” Iceland as in when Tom had proposed under the aurora borealis in the freezing sky - when Y/n had agreed, promised even, to be with him forever.
“But you like it?”
“Of course... mother always knows best after all.”
“I think it suits her too. One of your best choices to date, listening to me.” Y/n mused, earning herself a very delicate but still playful elbow in the side before the room drifted back to a much more comfortable silence. 
“We’re gonna get through this you know? Me, you and her, we’re together in this... I’m sorry I wasn’t in the beginning and I’m sorry I hurt you but now? I promise you got me and I’m not going anywhere…” Y/n needed to say it and needed Tom to properly listen. “ ...literally, I still cant walk properly.” Tom chuckled wetly at that, which made Y/n feel a lot better too. 
To be completely honest, Tom was still hurt and he knew it’d take some mending to move past everything. By no means did he blame Y/n in anyway but just the fact he was left alone and abandoned - well, it was the worst time in his life. The way Y/n understood that and had apologised to him - if completely unnecessarily- meant everything. Meant she would help him to heal... whilst he helped her too. 
“Can we just go to sleep? I need to wake up beside you in our bed not at tiny hospital one.” It was only 3 in the afternoon but because of Y/n’s medicine she was constantly drowsy and Tom? Tom was still in this permanent state of exhaustion. So it wasn’t so much of a weird request as it was on the face of it. With a nod, Y/n shuffled down on the bed a bit more resting her head against the top of Tom’s. It was exactly what they both needed, just a bit of peace with each other. 
That lasted all of 5 minutes before Aurora woke and started to scream. 
Life had most definitely changed. Especially for Tom. Because even though he was he was mentally and physically exhausted,  he only appreciated his daughters screams whole heartedly... because Y/n was there groaning with a tired smile too. They were in this together. 
 I really hope the ending didnt disappoint too much, im aware its rushed as hell, but thank you for getting this far! And I hope maybe this series has done a teeny tiny bit to normalise not everything in pregnancy and child birth being perfect - that there is morbidity and mortality associated. Obviously this is all fictional (esp the amazingly quick recovery and lack of neurological/other impairments) and not medically accurate in the slightest !!
my inbox is always open :) t x
Tagging : @whitewolf51 
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Chan: Homewrecker (Part Six)
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Characters: Chan x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, it’s basically all angst i’m sorry lmao
Word count: 1,741
Summary: Chan caught your attention as soon as your eyes met across the market. Something about him drew you to him, and you knew you were meant to be. However, you were already taken and arranged to be married on your next birthday, so you could never be together.
a/n: things in bold are in english
Previous | Next | Homewrecker Masterlist
Rin frowned as she stared at her alpha. He was just reading a book at the kitchen table while she stood at the counter and just watched him, the frown not necessarily intentional, but it appeared because of her thoughts.
“Do you want something or are you going to continue to stare at me until you burn a hole in my head?” Jiung wondered, not looking up from his book.
She was well aware the older wolf knew she was there and had been watching him silently, she just wasn’t sure what to say to him. Whenever she tried to bring up what was bothering her, he just brushed it off and said everything would be fine. Rin absolutely loved Jiung, but she didn’t like how positive he always was. It was going to get him in trouble one day.
“I still feel like Eunjin’s getting closer to us whenever she screams,” Rin stated for at least the tenth time since meeting with Seungcheol’s pack. It had only been two days since then, but both nights, the pack had woken up to Eunjin screaming in the distance -- and Rin was sure it was getting louder each time. “I don’t like this feeling I’m getting, Ji.”
“Her screams were never an issue to you before, and now they are? She was in our house before, Corinne,” he reminded the younger girl with a chuckle, setting his book down on the table and turning his attention to her. “I’m telling you, everything will be okay. That probably has nothing to do with us.”
Rin grimaced at his use of her full name before making a face at him. But despite being playful with the alpha, she still felt immense worry that going into town with Seungcheol’s pack was a bad idea. She understood the pack’s promise to always help others in need, but she’d also heard the horror stories of how doing that had gone wrong for them. She was the newest member of the pack even though she wasn’t the youngest -- Jiung and Chanseong had found her on a trip to Australia  where she’d fled to from New Zealand -- so she didn’t have to go through the loss the pack had faced. But she’d heard they used to have so many more of them, and they’d all died from either trying to help other packs, or from very unfortunate accidents -- like Rika’s mate. And she feared that Jiung’s positive and helpful mindset was going to cause even more causalities, especially with them having to go into town to help. 
But, knowing Jiung would continue to wave away her concerns until she ultimately gave up again, Rin didn’t say another word about it.
Things were normal that morning in the house as Chan returned home. Only a few of the pack were awake -- he wasn’t sure why some of the pack woke at the crack of dawn, but at least it meant that there was usually breakfast for him when he got home --  but Soonyoung wasn’t in the kitchen waiting up for him like usual.
“He probably went into town again,” Junhui shrugged when Chan had asked about it. “He’s not in his room, so that’s my best bet.”
“Why’re you even awake, anyway?” the youngest wondered.
Jun sighed as he continued making his own breakfast, mumbling, “Stupid fucking birds...”
The pup opted to not comment on Junhui’s odd reoccurring nightmare and just ate his breakfast before going upstairs to sleep. He didn’t really sleep much when he was with you -- he might doze off a bit, but it wasn’t enough to make him feel rested -- so he often went up to his room after eating breakfast.
However, his slumber was cut short by an ear-piercing scream so loud that he only recalled one time when he heard it: when Eunjin had first seen Joshua. Chan immediately clamped his hands over his ears and let out a howl at the pain, curling into a ball under his blankets. It felt like it lasted forever, and even when it was over, it still rang painfully in his ears.
Feeling disoriented, Chan stumbled out of bed and made his way downstairs. He could hear the pack was absolutely silent, but he wasn’t sure why until he rounded the corner to the living room.
Eunjin had just passed through the doorway to the living room, frozen where she stood. The pack was all staring wide-eyed at her, but Chan was unable to see where she was looking since her back was to him. He walked forward and peered around her, following her gaze.
His heart dropped into his stomach.
Even though the whole pack was staring at her in horror, her eyes were locked with Hansol’s. The wolf seemed more surprised than afraid, staring back and blinking every so often without saying anything or moving a muscle. 
What broke the silence was Jooyeon whispering, “Is Hansol gonna die?”
The alpha blinked, broken from his horrified trance. The banshee was screaming in the face of one of his pack, and that struck fear straight through him. What was he supposed to do about that? What was he supposed to think?
He shook his head, softly replying, “I... I don’t know.”
Eunjin described it as ‘a bad feeling’. 
“I can’t tell what’s going to happen, I just get a feeling,” was all she was able to explain. But she clearly felt bad for shaking up the pack, quickly adding, “It might not be him dying! He might just...c-cause it...?”
That didn’t really make anybody feel better, but they felt bad for the poor girl. She couldn’t control it.
But with the date of your birthday quickly arriving, the pack was terrified of what was to come, and they had a feeling that Eunjin’s scream had to do with that. Ever since they made the plan with Jiung and his pack, Eunjin had been going out into the woods more and more often. As if the pack wasn’t stressed enough, now they had to worry about tracking down a banshee in the middle of the forest at night.
With only a few days left to work out the rest of the details of the plan, Jiung was going to go back to Seungcheol’s with Hanbin, Chanseong, and Rika while Kyung, Baekhan, and Jaesang went to scope out the town a little bit. Chan was growing more and more anxious as days went by, unable to think about anything else but you and getting you out of there. He knew it was dangerous and risky, but he was also excited that there was a chance of giving you a better life than what you had. It was scary, but it was a risk he knew he had to take.
However, as the countdown to the rescue mission grew shorter, Joshua seemed to grow more and more grumpy. He was even more irritable than normal, and more often than not, he wasn’t even at the house.
“I don’t know what’s up with him lately,” Jeonghan sighed, running his slender fingers through his hair. “He won’t talk to anyone, either.”
“I think I know what it might be,” Seungkwan offered, knowing Joshua wasn’t even around to hear them. “Well, Eunjin might.”
The pack was surprised. The girl who caused the most confusion that morning might have some answers for something else.
She just looked at him silently as the pack looked between the pair. But she seemed too nervous to speak up, so Seungkwan patted her hands he held in his and spoke for her.
“I think the voice she hears a lot is Lilly,” he admitted. Eunjin looked down at her lap, eyebrows furrowed. “She’s been telling me what it says, and she said it sounds female. She’s been saying things like ‘what if it’s like last time’ and, um... Love, what was the other thing?”
“‘He doesn’t want to leave me,’“ she recited, still staring at her lap.
“Right,” he nodded, “so I think he’s going to visit her grave everyday.”
“Why would he have to leave--?”
Soonyoung’s eyes opened as the realization hit him, cutting off Chan’s question, “Because we’ll have to move away.”
The pack fell silent, suddenly feeling heartache for their brother. Joshua was getting irritable because he was upset. All he had to be close to Lilly was the place they buried her which wasn’t too far from the house. But after all of this, they’d have to move farther away to the house Jiung had showed them. They’d be farther away from Lilly, and that made Josh upset.
“Let’s just cut him some slack for a while,” Jihoon spoke up.
Thankfully, a knock at the door broke the somber atmosphere. Jiung had arrived with his pack, so Seungcheol called for them to come in. The small group walked down the hallway and rounded the corner to the living room.
Eunjin looked up.
The next thing he knew, Chan was slapping his hands over his ears, doubling over from the pain. Had his eyes not been squeezed shut, he would’ve seen the rest of his pack -- including the mates -- and Jiung’s pack doing the same as Eunjin’s shriek made their ears feel like they were bleeding.
Once it was over, both packs slowly uncovered their ears and looked up at Eunjin. The banshee was standing up from her spot on the couch between Seungkwan and Seungcheol, staring with her lips parted and her blue eyes wide like she had with Hansol.
This time, she was staring at the other alpha.
At the edge of town, the small group finally composed themselves after hearing the awful scream. It was in the distance, but far too close for comfort. And it was in the direction of Seungcheol’s, which none of them liked one bit.
“What do you think that was?” Jaesang asked, looking to Kyung for answers.
Not wanting to worry the younger wolves, she just sighed and shook her head, “It’s fine, let’s go.”
‘Kyung, aren’t you worried?’ she heard the telepathic pup in her head, and knew Jaesang could hear him, too.
“No, Baek,” she promised, even though it was a lie.
Kyung walked into town with Baekhan and Jaesang flanking her, muttering to herself, “He better not be getting us into more trouble than we can handle, or I’ll kill him myself.”
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
No longer Twins
Tom Holland x Twin!Sister
Summary: Tom’s twin sister took her own life and Tom is having a difficult time with the news.
Warnings: suicide talk, reader death, angst, depression, anxiety, bullying mentioned, cyber bullying mentioned, insecurities
A/n: I apologize to anyone this may upset. I had a request and this idea popped into my head. I am in no way trying to make anything sound better or worse than it is and I am in no way trying to romanticize serious issues. Majority of how this story is written is based on my own experiences. Everyone deals with things in their own way so please do not attack me if something is different.
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It had one week since he got the awful phone call that turned his life upside down. It had been 6 days since he returned back to his home in London that didn’t feel the same. It had been 2 days since they put your body to rest.
Tom still didn’t understand how you got to that point. A point to take your own life. He has even read the note you left him over and over. He just doesn’t understand.
He sat in your room in the house he shared with you for the last 3 years. A room you would never return to. Pictures of the two of you scattered the room. Pictures of you and your other brothers and your parents.
Tom has only left this room to go to the bathroom. He hasn’t changed his clothes. He hasn’t showered. He just sat on the floor near your desk just staring at all your stuff. On again off again crying. He’s barely slept since he got the call.
Tom was in Atlanta, Georgia filming a movie. It was the middle of the night in London and early evening in Atlanta and he was wondering why his dad was calling him. His dad should know he was doing night shoots this week.
“Hello?” Tom answered.
“Tom bud.” Dom sighed. “It’s Y/N. Son. She uh... She passed away tonight.” Dom was trying to control his emotions. Trying to be strong for his son.
Tom went silent. Couldn’t breathe. His heart felt like it stopped beating. His sister. His best friend. His other half since birth was dead. Tom choked on air as he fell to his knees. The whole crew went quiet as they watched the actor react to the news. Harrison ran over to Tom to make sure he was okay.
“Tom? Tom, what’s wrong?” Harrison said looking at the distraught man in front of him. Harrison heard Dom’s voice yelling ‘Tom’ through the phone. Harrison grabbed the phone.
“Dom? Is everything okay?” He asked his best friend’s dad.
“Haz, Y/N passed away tonight. Is there any way you can help Tom get back to London as soon as possible?” Dom asked. Hating to put Harrison in this position. Harrison also froze at the news, but he had to be there for Tom. He immediately went into action.
“Of course. We will be on the next flight out. I will talk to the director and producer to put this movie on hold for now.” Harrison said. “I will text you details when I have them.” Dom agreed and then hung up.
Tom and you were always close. As twins were. The two of you were attached at the hip for the most part. You went to school together. You lived together. When Tom didn’t take you with him to film a movie or go on a press tour with him, you were texting nonstop and face timing every night.
Tom didn’t understand how he missed the pain that you were in. He knew you battled depression and anxiety, but never thought it was this bad. As Tom sat there leaning against the wall with his legs stretched out, he saw a book under your bed. It was the only thing under it. He crawled over to it and pulled it out and then leaned against the bed. When he opened it, he saw your handwriting.
Dear Diary,
Man that sounds stupid. But I guess it’ll work for now. I just don’t know who to talk to. I can’t talk to Tom because he’s busy with his own life. I know if I talked to him about everything he would help me, but he’s busy dealing with his own problems. You see Diary, Spider-Man isn’t going to be in the MCU anymore. Tom is taking it hard. He loves the character and the story line. He’s also dealing with his fans being mean to him and people he cares about. I just don’t want to add to his plate. I love him too much to make him carry my burden too.
Diary, I just want this all to stop. All the hate. All the mean words. Every time I build myself up, someone is there to tear me down. I can’t win. I just need a win. I need people to leave me alone. Not pick at my insecurities. I get it online all the time from people I don’t know. I get it from people I do know here in this town. I try to ignore them, but it’s hard to ignore them when they are only speaking the words you say to yourself in the mirror.
I just want the pain to go away. I want the ache in my chest to stop. The voices in my head to stop. I just want to be normal. I want to be happy. Am I not worthy enough to be happy. Was I only put on this earth to make other people happy?
Tom couldn’t read anymore after that. His sister had been struggling for over a year without telling anyone. He feels bad reading her diary, but this is giving him insight into why he doesn’t get to see his sister anymore. Why he doesn’t get to hear voice or her laugh anymore. Why he will never get to give her a hug anymore.
Tom started crying again. He curled into a ball on the floor next to your bed and cried. He felt arms wrap around his body and pull him closer to theirs.
“Sshh Tom. It’s okay. Let it out. I’ve got you.” Nikki whispered as she ran her hands through Tom’s hair trying to console her oldest child.
“Mum I just don’t get it. Why? Why did she have to leave? Why couldn’t she just talk to me? Why did she have to leave me mum? I can’t live without her. I don’t know how to live without her.” Tom cried.
“I don’t know baby. I don’t know. See the bright side of this tragedy. She is no longer in pain.” Nikki said as she silently cried for her only daughter. “She will always be with you Tom. She will always be in your heart and watching over you. Don’t forget she loved you the most. More than anyone else in this world.”
Tom laid in his mum’s arms until he fell asleep. Nikki gently laid a pillow under his head as she stood up and left him on the ground. He grabbed a blanket from your closet and covered him up. Nikki sighed as she saw the pain her son was dealing with. Pain she was feeling as well.
The next morning, Tom woke up to the smell of you and bad body odor. He jumped up quickly as he looked around the empty room. He saw that a blanket was over him and his head had been laying on a pillow. Tom decided to get up and take a shower. As he stood up, he picked up your diary. Something he wanted to keep reading to get more understanding. As he stood up straight with the book he saw an envelope fall out with his name on it. He opened it and started reading.
You are my brother. My best friend. The one that has been with me since creation. We have been together since the womb. I want to tell you I love you. I know I wrote you a note with the others. Ones that were generalized and apologetic and sort of explained why I did what I did.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m leaving you in this world without your twin. But I just can’t take the pain anymore. I need to be set free. I have felt like I’ve been imprisoned in my own mind for many many years. I have tried to get help. Tried to get these thoughts away, but it never works. Whenever it did, it was just for a little while.
I have written you so many notes. Many you will read, many you won’t see because I threw them away. If you found this one, just know I’m not mad at you for reading my diary. If you haven’t read it yet, just know there’s a lot about you. About how proud I am to be called your sister. How proud I am that you found something you love and that you are good at.
I want you to keep being the amazing human being you are. I will be looking over you with a smile on my face. I will do my best to protect you from heaven. I don’t know when you found this letter, hopefully it is before the box arrives, but there will be a box arriving soon. It is full of letters with words just for you. Letters I wrote for moments and things you may need your sisters advice.
I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to be there for you in those moments. I love you so much Tommy. Please don’t ever forget that. I just want you to be happy and loving like you have always been.
Love you always,
Tom silently cried as he read your note. Finally starting to realize, maybe you are at peace. He wasn’t happy with it. Knowing you planned this so well you had time to write multiple letters to him. But after reading a short bit of your diary, he knew he couldn’t ever stay mad at you. He looked at the letter and realized there were dry tear stains on the paper. Tears you cried as you wrote him.
As Tom walked to his room. He vowed that day that he would live for you. He would make sure your name lived on. He vowed he would help people who suffered and fought like you. Especially the ones who felt they were fighting a losing battle.
He would never move on from you, but he would move on from the pain.
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tsukikento · 3 years
Empathetic Chapter 14
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you’re in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family’s past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This piece will feature some angst and reference to an abusive parent, if you are ever worried about other tw’s feel free to send me an ask and I will let you know. There will also be fluff, slight angst, pining, and slowburn.
A/N: I’m glad I was able to get another chapter out before school starts for me. Anyways, please let me know what you guys think! I love hearing your thoughts and feelings on the story!
You woke up on Sunday with a small pit in your stomach.
It only grew bigger as the day continued.
However, it started small. Just a little bit of nerves for your training sessions today. Except, you did not have much time to think about these anxieties because you woke up to an email from Kobayashi.
You went in yesterday to try on the costume, it fits quite well. You loved the style he was able to encapsulate as well as the functionality it allowed. Once he pinned it in a few places and adjust some things, he bid you farewell.
He said his intern, who was a student at U.A., would make the adjustments that day and be able to give it to you for one more look over in the morning. Additionally, this student would be the person you would be contacting if you ever needed any adjustments.
The email, which also had this student in it, detailed where you two would meet up to do any final adjustments if there was anything after the adjustments made yesterday.
The meeting time was set for 10:00 in the morning and it was currently 7:00, giving you ample time to go on a quick run, shower, and eat something.
Although your morning run was usually an opportunity for you to relax, you ended up feeling more nervous than anything. It was during this run that you were able to finally think about your fight against Bakugou.
You were sure in your abilities and skill with your quirk, enough so that you knew you would be safe. However, you also knew that Bakugou has been waiting for weeks for this rematch. If he won, he would surely gloat. If he lost, he would look like an angry Pomeranian as he demanded another fight.
Additionally, this anger would surely pour-over and affect the fight in a way that could be unsafe.
You felt the pit in your stomach grow just a bit more as you turned up your music and increased your running speed in an attempt to calm down.
By the time you finished running and took a shower, you barely had an appetite. The nerves in your stomach were making the idea of a meal seem disgusting and vile. Despite this, you knew you needed to eat something and forced yourself to drink a protein shake and a piece of toast with jam.
Hopefully not having an empty stomach will help my nerves, you thought as you munched on the toast.
Once the clock inched close enough to 10:00, you made your way to the support team’s school building.
Even though it was the weekend, the building was loud and bustling. Students were running through the halls and rooms with metal in their hands. Cautiously, walked through the building to find a specific room where your new costume designer would be.
Once there, you noticed only one other person in the room.
“Iwasaki Kou-san?” You asked while taking in their outfit and style. Their hair was straight, with some strands falling in front of their face. The rest was pulled back into a white hair tie. The dark color of his hair had hints of blue throughout when hit by the light correctly. With that in mind, it was difficult to identify the hair as one solid shade. However, the most noticeable things about him were his deep eyes and thick eyebrows that made him stand out despite no one else being there.
He was nowhere near as fit as the heroes you surrounded yourself with. However, the black t-shirt he had on shaped his form in a quite flattering way.
You stopped your eyes from wandering lower and you instead looked at his surroundings. He was currently tinkering with something, but you weren’t quite sure what it was. On a mannequin behind him was your hero costume, laying limply across the much too small body.
“Yeah,” He casually replied, the smile forming on his lips was kind, inviting, and yet held a mysteriousness that you couldn’t decipher. “Are you Y/L/N-san?” His voice was soft.
You gulped down and nodded, stepping further into the room.
“Perfect,” He took off the thick gloves that covered your hands and wiped the soot off them with a white cloth he kept tucked into his pants. He then held out his now clean hand to shake your own.
You gently took his own, his calloused hands sending shivers up your spine.
Why do I feel so calm and yet so nervous? You questioned as you forced yourself to smile.
“Shall we get started?” He asked.
“Sure!” You excitedly agreed.
Iwasaki immediately moved to the mannequin and unzipped your uniform. Gently, he handed you the fabric. “You can go into that room there to change,” He explained, pointing to a door on the other side of the classroom. “I’ll pull out all the extra items while you change.
You entered the small room to see that it looked quite like a typical changing room. A small ledge to sit on or hold items, a body-length mirror, and a few hooks to hold items.
The tight bodysuit was a deep blue that looked almost black. Sort of like Kou’s hair, you thought as you pulled it on. Throughout the suit were detailed of neon yellow. As Kobayashi explained to you before, the details were the only stylist and were a way to incorporate your family’s colors without being too cheesy. The arms of the suit stopped just after your shoulder to allow for mobility. The legs, additionally, stopped quickly. You had a small metal waist set that could hold swords and expand to protect vital organs. Your pants stopped midthigh.
You remember specifically telling Kobayashi-san that you wanted skin exposed so you could use your quirk when people touch you, without having a hard to manage skirt.
Once you zipped up your suit, you made your way back into the main classroom.
Iwasaki smiled at you once he saw you.
He was currently surrounded by a variety of dark blues and neon yellows that stood out at all your support items.
He handed you the boots to your suit first.
“I tinkered with the boots a bit, but you shouldn’t notice much difference,” Iwasaki explained. “I was just trying to make them lighter.”
You nodded and you took your time to attach them. The boots stopped under your calf, but straps ran up your leg to attach to a knee cap.
“I’m sure Kobayashi-sensei told you, but the straps are to help prevent injuries from any awkward movements or excessive running. The boots and straps will help you to run faster, but it won’t be by too much so you can get used to the boost. If you want, you can also attach weights to them while you train so that you move faster in the field with the weights off.” He paused for a moment before adding, “Oh and the blade feature on your other boots is the same with these.”
You silently nodded, much too focused on putting everything on correctly.
You then attached the compact shoulder pads to your costume.
You the attached metal cuffs to your wrist that you also assembled to help prevent injuries on your hands or arms. It would also help add weight and power to any punches you would have to throw.
Last but certainly not least were your ear and eye protectors.
Kobayashi brilliantly designed your ear attachments with three different functions. When needed, you could use the ear attachments like your earbuds and prevent you from hearing thoughts. The second function was to increase your hearing distance. Although he was unable to increase your hearing distance for thoughts, he was able to help even out the differences. Now you could hear people from as far as 100 ft without needing to take out the earbuds that help prevent you from hearing thoughts. You were also able to zero in on certain sounds if needed. The final function was a simple Bluetooth addition in case you needed to communicate with other heroes on the field.
“Your ear attachments are cool, but I’m really excited to make them better for you,” Kou smiled calmly and brightly at you. “I want to make them perfect because half of your quirk is so based around your ears.”
Appreciatively, you smiled at the boy. “That’s very nice, thank you.”
Iwasaki sheepishly waved you off, “It’s my pleasure! I became a support student for a reason. If I’m able to figure anything out, I might even make it my final analysis and creation project.”
“Are you a third-year?” You asked.
“Yeah,” The boy blushed lightly and scratched at the back of his head, “I am.”
You simply nodded before attaching the shield to your earpiece that protected your eyes.
You then moved over to look at yourself in the full-body mirror.
I look amazing.
“You like it?” Iwasaki asked, interrupting yourself from going on an analytical tangent for each piece of the costume.
“I love it,” You explained, smiling brightly at yourself.
“I’m glad,” He paused briefly. “I saw your original sketches and I was worried you would hate it. Kobayashi-sensei didn’t tell me how much you two collaborated together, so I didn’t know.
You nodded as you looked at the dark black dots on your left shoulder pad. It wasn’t too noticeable from far away, but you could see it up close against the dark blue.
“Yeah,” You started, “He basically lectured me in a face call and told me I needed to think more about my quirk and what would be best for me, rather than what I thought was cool.” You thought over your next words carefully, “I’m still glad a have a place for my swords. And I have my own black shoulder strap for my biggest sword.”
“Thanks,” Kou said, “I actually thought of the metal sword holder and shield expansion feature.”
“Really?” You inquired.
“Yeah,” He ensured, a smile brightening up his face. “But you should also show me the shoulder strap. Maybe I can make it better or make a new one that will help with weight and comfort.”
“You wouldn’t mind?”
“You seem to keep forgetting this is literally my job,” He laughed. It sounded beautiful. “My third year is all about helping students and only asking my professors or intern leader for help when I need it.”
You nodded in understanding before adding. “Maybe I will. I’ll make sure to email you about it.”
“Of course,” Kou agreed. “And do you have any other adjustments you want now?”
“No, not really,” You explained, a bright smile plastered across your face.
“Then I guess you are all set if you want to change back,” Iwasaki spoke while slipping on his gloves again.
“Perfect, I’ll be right back then.” You grabbed your suitcase and went back into the small changing room to take off all your support items and costume. When done, you stepped back out, bid Kou a farewell, and left.
You walked back to the dorm with your suitcase, a little bit happier than you expected. The costume fit perfectly at this point, and you were excited to move forward with OOO in all other possible upgrades you could make. Although it wasn’t what you initially envisioned and sketched out when you first met Kobayashi, all the changes he made, with your approval, made the costume much better and more modern.
You reminisced about your first meeting with the designer, where he asked you what kind of hero you wanted to be, a sentiment that OOO was clearly upholding.
After discovery and debate, the new costume that was drawn up fit you much better than you could expect.
It wasn’t until you got back to the dorm that the pit in your stomach reared its ugly head.
The first thing you saw when you opened the large door was a sleepy Bakugou, clearly just woken up.
He was yawning, a small cup of coffee in his hands, and his hair seemed to be more of a mess than usual.
Once he opened his eyes again, he immediately found your own eyes. Although the living room and dining table were crowded with about five other people, he immediately made his way to you.
“You got your hero costume?” He asked. There wasn’t any malicious tinge to his voice, but the gruff sound of his natural voice mixed with the deepness from just waking up made your stomach queasy.
You had half a mind to just run into the bathroom and make yourself puke. However, you swallowed your nerves and nodded, hoping you didn’t look like too much of a fool.
“Maybe we should wear our costumes for our training today,” He smirked at your before eyeing your suitcase that had the number 21 printed on it. “I have a few support items I would love to try out on you.”
The idea sent a shiver up your spine, something that wouldn’t normally happen. Bakugou makes me way too nervous, you thought as you debated over what to make next. In hope of lightening up to conversation a little bit, you asked, “Oh, did Iwasaki make new support items for you too?”
“Iwasaki?” Bakugou spat back, obviously offended. “Not only would I never let that weirdo touch my equipment, but I’m also offended you didn’t realize I made them myself.”
“Iwasaki isn’t weird,” You countered, practically laughing. “He was so nice!”
Bakugou scoffed and looked away from you. “Whatever, I would just rather tinker with my own shit than have him do it. He seems too perfect, that smile of his is so weird.”
Despite still being nervous about the fight, you found yourself laughing at Bakugou’s explanation. “Too perfect?” You spoke in-between laughs. “You really can be funny sometimes, Bakugou—”
You stopped yourself from using an honorific. Not sure if he would prefer a more formal ‘san’ or a friendlier ‘kun’.
Although he clearly noticed your pause and debate on which one to use, he simply glossed over it and replied with an “I am not funny! I am being serious!” The blond groaned in frustration before adding. “You know what? Let’s wear our costumes, and we will actually see how well Iwa-shitty did.”
“Iwasaki barely did anything to my costume,” You reasoned, “He only adjusted a few things, the work is still mostly Kobayashi-san’s.”
“Whatever,” He gruffly replied, “Just bring your damn suitcase so we can change in the lockers beforehand.”
“Whatever your say, Bakugou,” You replied, quietly laughing to yourself at his small and childish fit.
The blond walked away from you without another word, leaving you by yourself with some free time.
The first thing you did was make your way to the kitchen to prepare yourself something to eat. Since it was approaching lunchtime anyway, Iida and Uraraka we currently preparing themselves some food.
“No internship today?” You asked them, remembering seeing each of them go out to internships before.
“Nope!” Uraraka gingerly explained, “We aren’t allowed to have internships on Saturday and Sunday because they want us to have enough time for school.”
“Today is our day off,” Iida added as you watched him mix something in a small, Styrofoam container.
When you got closer, a rank and vile smelled filled your nose. You immediately knew it was coming from the container and backed up while covering your nose.
You had no intention to insult their food preferences, especially because you weren’t from here, but Uraraka immediately noticed your reaction and laughed.
“You’ve never seen natto?” She asked.
You shook your head, not wanting to speak in fear that you would get a bigger sniff of the food.
Iida looked back to see your face. “Sorry,” He spoke.
“No! Don’t worry!” You replied, wanting to be as nice as you could.
Uraraka laughed again. “Natto is fermented soybeans. It might smell weird and the texture is slimy, but it tastes so good in rice, especially with mustard and fish sauce.”
You nodded while peaking over to get a look at the slimy brown beans.
“Do you want to try it?” Iida asked you, turning so you could see his portion of rice and beans.
“Umm,” You mumbled, not sure what to say. You didn’t want to take his food, and you definitely didn’t know if you would like it.
“You should,” Uraraka encouraged. “We can give you just a bit to taste.” She pulled out a bowl from the cabinet and scooped a little of her portion into the bowl. “Even if you don’t like it, you’ll have to get used to it. It’s a cheap, easy, and healthy meal so everyone here eats it often.”
Hesitantly, you grabbed the small bowl and chopsticks she offered you.
“Don’t smell it, “Iida began “Just eat it.”
Listening to Iida, you stopped yourself from smelling the bowl and shoved it into your mouth. Despite 80% of the dish being rice only, the flavor of the natto was most prevalent. You chewed quickly, not sure if it was the type of dish to savor.
You closed your eyes, swallowed the bite, and looked back to your two classmates.
“It looked like you hated it,” Uraraka laughed while munching on her own bowl.
“No,” You countered, “It’s okay. I’m just not used to it.” You got the rest of the rice and bean in-between your chopsticks and finished your bowl. “Thank you for letting my try.”
“No problem,” Iida and Uraraka replied together before they took their leave from the kitchen to seat at the large dining table.
You then scoured the fridge and cupboards for a suitable lunch and settled on fried rice leftovers from dinner the night before. You heated up a bowl and took it upstairs to eat.
Time passed slowly as you worked on homework and had videos playing in the background. Eventually, then the clock read 10 to 3:00pm, you got up from your seat and changed into comfortable workout clothes. You grabbed your suitcase, a large water container, and two different swords before making your way downstairs.
When you got to the front door, Bakugou was already waiting, dressed in comfortable workout clothes. His own suitcase was in his hand as well as two large looking grenades and water.
You didn’t bother even asking what the grenades were for as Bakugou simply waited for you to slip on other shoes.
You followed Bakugou out the door silently. “We’ll start with stretches and then change into our costumes,” Bakugou explained. “I rented out a fourth of the cityscape so we will have plenty of room to move around.”
“Okay,” You replied, “Although I might need some time to warm up with my hero costume because it just got finished today.”
“It can’t be that different, can it?” Bakugou inquired.
“It’s completely different, “You explained. “My older hero uniform was so ugly; it didn’t help my quirk at all and just matched with my family’s theme.”
“Your family has a theme?” He questioned while barking out a laugh. “That’s so cringy.”
“Yeah,” You mumbled, “But it is important to my mom and common in the United States.”
Bakugou simply hummed in response and he brought you to a small field. It was right next to the building that held changing rooms, making it ideal for your short warm-up.
“Do you want to warm up together?” You asked him.
“It’s up to you,” Bakugou replied before setting down his things and beginning his warm-up. It mainly consisted of basic stretches every person typically does.
Following his lead, you dropped your belongings to the side and moved to take off your earbuds.
“You’re taking them off now,” Bakugou asked.
You turned to see him looking at you and replied, “Yeah, is that a problem?”
“Uhh,” Bakugou fumbled, “No, I guess not.”
Ignoring his weird comment, you simply put away the earbuds. I’ll just hear any weird thoughts he has anyway.
What first filled your mind, however, was Bakugou thinking:
Don’t think weird thoughts, don’t think weird thoughts.
You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at his thoughts which immediately drew his attention.
“What?” He spat out.
“Nothing,” You replied after your laughter died down. I don’t need to tell him about how weird he is being, you told yourself and you began your own stretch routine.
You also needed to warm up your quirk, something you did by focusing on different thoughts around you. Because Bakugou was so close to you, his thoughts we most noticeable. However, it was important to see how far you could take your quirk, so you focused as best your could on different thoughts from people different distances away.
Eventually, when your body felt nice and stretched, you wanted to move on to a jog. After letting Bakugou know, you jogged a few laps around the field while he sprinted to build up a sweat.
Once ready, you made your way into the changing rooms with all your belongings. Bakugou followed shortly behind you.
The second you put it on, you could feel the differences in your hero costume. You felt lighter despite having more on. You took a small lap around the locker room to test your speed. You then tested your earpieces that covered your ears completely. Once satisfied, you attached a dagger to the metal plate around your waist. You brought your largest and heaviest sword today. First, to test out how it works with your costume so you could bring it to Kou with any needed adjustments, and two, to intimidate Bakugou.
No one in your class yet had seen your work with knives, daggers, and swords, making it a surprising advantage if need be. You took another moment to stretch in your hero uniform before exiting the room and meeting back up with Bakugou who was facing away from you and stretching.
Immediately, your eyes found him and stared at his hero costume. It was mainly black, with touches of orange and green. From the first view, it was scary. However, you noticed intricate pieces that made it seem detailed and well thought out. However, what was most interesting to you was how it fit on him.
You would hit yourself if you weren’t so distracted ogling his free arms. They looked much bigger than you had ever seen on him. And yet, they also seemed like the perfect size. He must do a lot of weightlifting, you thought as your eyes then traveled to his waist. It was covered in black cloth, making it impossible to see his abs, but his thin waist was enough to see.
He looks so hot, your thoughts. You were unable to place every piece of his hero costume that made him this attractive, but his arms and waist were the main ones. You gulped down the lump in your throat as you watched him bend over to touch his toes
“Holy shit,” You accidentally spoke aloud.
Immediately, the blond shot up and turned to look at you. “What did you s—?” He began to question before stopping halfway through.
Holy shit, his thoughts similarly echoed yours.
You looked down, very aware that your cheeks were flaring a deep red. Although it definitely boosted your ego to hear him react to your costume like that, it sent waves of anxiety through you. He knows I can hear his thoughts. Why isn’t he stopping himself, you questioned as he thoughtfully admired the way your leg straps hugged your bare thighs.
“Are you ready?” You asked, breaking the thick silence, and hoping to distract him.
You weren’t sure how to feel. On one hand, it felt amazing to hear his thoughts. It was clear he found you attractive. However, that did not mean he liked you as more than a friend, classmate, or whatever he actually thought. You nervously shuffled from one foot to the other and Bakugou shook his head.
You fucking creep, he thought.
“Yeah,” He mumbled. His voice was raspy, and he immediately grabbed his water from the ground and chugged a good portion. He then picked up all his items and you silently followed him to the cityscape.
Both of you were stuck in your own thoughts. You debated whether or not this situation was a good thing or a bad thing. I’ll definitely have to talk to Ashido and Hagakure later. And Bakugou was currently wondering over if you heard him.
What are those things are her ears? Can she hear me with them? Maybe she can’t… I could ask her what they are. No, that’s too obvious!
“So,” You eventually began after Bakugou signed in on a sheet of paper that hung at the entrance of the cityscape. “Are you wanting to do a ruled match? Or are you wanting to do a bad guy versus good guy things?” You were trying to break the awkward silence, hoping that fighting would distract you both from the nerves you were feeling.
“A match,” He simply replied. His voice wavered more than it typically would, however, it evened out more and more as he continued to talk. “It will end when the other person admits defeat or is too injured to play.”
“Oof, that sounds intense,” You jokingly replied. You needed to give this match your all. Bakugou was a competitor and should be treated as a stepping stone for you to improve your quirk usage. Hopefully, Bakugou's thoughts and actions were slow enough for you to interpret and prevent them. That would be the key factor in who won today.
Bakugou laughed in response. The typical bark of a laugh that you had become too quickly acquainted to. “Yeah, well you better be ready.”
You two took your time making it to your designated area and choosing a spot to store your suitcases and waters. Once done, Bakugou put on the grenades he had been carrying onto his forearms.
“What do those do?” You innocently asked.
“I’m not telling you, they’re a surprise for later.”
Similarly, to how Bakugou would, you scoffed at his reply. “That was so cringy,” You added.
In response, Bakugou rolled his eyes and let out a simple, “Whatever.”
You genuinely smiled while you watch him finish securing the large grenades to his forearms.
I wonder what his first attacks will be, you thought. Those grenades can’t be his first attack. It must be something that builds up energy. Smirking, you thought of a way to make his motives clear.
“What’s your first attack against me going to be?” You asked him.
The blond whipped his head around and looked at you with squinted eyes. “Like I would ever tell you.” Don’t think about how you plan to worsen her hearing, you heard him think.
You tried your best not to react to him revealing his thoughts and simply frowned. “I guess it was worth a try.”
Bakugou didn’t bother replying and simply faced you. “Ready?” He asked as he cracked his knuckles and neck.
You simply shrugged, trying your best to look casual. I need to get away from him before he can explode out my eardrums. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” You nonchalantly responded.
You waited for a beat, just enough time to move before Bakugou. Luckily, the straps on your legs helped greatly to increase your speed. It made you feel lighter and helped smooth out your movements enough to save a decent amount of time. You were out of Bakugou’s eyesight in a flash, leaving him baffled. She’s faster than I remember. By the time he recovered enough to chase after you, you had turn multiple corners and climbed up a fire escape attached to one of the skyscrapers.
Bakugou launched himself into the sky to move faster He was clearly looking to attack quickly instead of surprise you. You used the sharp and retractable blades attached to your shoes to smash a window, timing the shattering glass sounds to the sound of his explosions.
You moved into the building, hoping he would be unable to see the shattered glass with him moving so quickly. Inside the building, you drew your dagger, just in case he found you. I’ll throw it at him if need be, you thought and you began moving higher and higher up the floors.
As Bakugou soared through the sky, he found himself analyzing the ground more than anything else. After searching a decent distance, he realized something must be off. She can’t be on the ground if I can see her from here, you hear him think. He then landed on one of the taller buildings and looked around.
I didn’t see any climbing materials on her costume unless those straps are detachable? Bakugou thought over each piece of your costume, noting whether or not they could be used to climb up buildings. He began jumping from building to building, looking for a signal.
And that’s when he saw it.
Shattered glass on the grated ground of a fire escape, teetering from side to side as if recently moved and threatening to fall a floor below.
Excitedly, Bakugou pounced on the building and peered into the room. She isn’t on this floor anymore, he noted while debating to go down or up. I’ll find you soon, he thought as he searched below first. It took him approximately 10 seconds to realize you didn’t move lower down the building. He quickly moved higher and higher, searching through the windows on each floor in hopes of seeing a flash of dark blue and yellow.
She must be on the staircase, he thought after being unable to find you. That’s the only place without windows, he reasoned before debating whether to move into the staircase himself or go to the roof where he presumed you were going to be.
His thoughts were clear to you and did not affect your plan in the slightest. With ease, you made your way to the roof. You didn’t want to tire yourself out too much. You opened the clunky door only to be hit with a gust of wind. This school must be rich to be able to simulate gusts of wind, you thought as you spotted the large fans that were scattered across the walls of this cityscape.
You perched yourself on the metal box that was warm enough to help against the wind.
Now it is just a waiting game, you thought as you simply listened to Bakugou’s thoughts.
Eventually, and predictably, he showed up through the same door you came into. You had positioned yourself behind where he would show up so he initially didn’t see you.
Quietly, you looked around the small building and watched as he peered across the sky.
There’s no way she could have gotten off from here unless she climbed down.
You put away your dagger and de-sheathed your large sword. It was chunky and sharp with a wide and heavy handle to keep it sturdy. Before Bakugou could turn or hear you, you pushed forward and kicked the blond with the bottom of your heavy boot.
He stumbled but did not fall to the floor. You held up your sword, using it to extend your arm. As soon as Bakugou turned to look at you, his neck was greeted by the sharp sword only inches away. He didn’t move for a moment, but quickly recovered and sent a blast your way. Now within a small distance, he sent off multiple small explosions. Not only did you cower to get away from his explosion, but the small explosions made it difficult to hear his thoughts.
You pushed forward despite your nerves to the boy and used the flat edge of your sword to hit him. Not sharp enough to harm him, but still a force to be reckoned with. Additionally, the thin sharp edge that was intended for use may seep in enough from the pressure to give him a small cut.
He shot back instantly, and a small amount of blood dripped from his arm. He was breathing heavily, as were you. Although he was not attacking in this moment, he still set off explosions to impede upon your quirk. You didn’t know Bakugou’s fighting style well, but you knew enough. From what you were able to pick up, you knew he intended to go for hand-to-hand combat.
Idiot, you thought while widening your stance and bending at the kneed to prepare yourself. The 50-foot distance between the two of you closed quickly as he pounced on you. Smoothly, you were able to dodge and keep a good distance with your sword and sharp blades on your shoes.
“You really should listen to my mom’s defensive lectures,” You commented. “Playing an offensive role will only get you so far.” You mocked him, watching his eyebrows turn down in anger and his thoughts rush with the idea of just fucking hit her.
You moved out of the way for each of his attacks, only feeling the heat of an explosion or the brush of his fingertips.
When the time was right, you held your sword with only one hand and pushed forward to grab onto his arm. You twisted it before he could react to make sure he could not send an explosion your way. Currently, you were positioned so your right hand held onto his left forearm. His body was twisted so his back was to your right shoulder. The blond twisted his head to look at you and continued to send off explosions to hopefully distract you.
With every explosion, you felt a pulse through his veins, and you held tightly. He groaned in pain at the action, making you realize that his wrist was a weak spot for him. “Oh, so do you have these protect your forearms and wrists?” You asked, gesturing to the large grenades.
His emotions and thoughts made his arms clear. Not just that, you idiot.
“I am not an idiot,” You replied, feigning offense.
Bakugou scoffed in reply and you laughed back at him.
“I’m winning right now, you know?” You spat back, “I wouldn’t scoff at me when I could end this battle right here.”
“Oh yeah?” Bakugou encouraged, “How?”
“Like this…sleep.” You immediately put him to sleep, something he wasn’t expected. You could tell from his thoughts that he wasn’t thinking much about this part of your quirk. Once asleep, you thought over what to do next.
You dragged his heavy body to the edge of the building, wondering if he would wake up in time to save himself if you threw him off.
I don’t think I should risk it, you thought.
Sighing, you pulled him away from the roof, pushed him farther into sleep and let go. You sat down on the ledge and waited a few minutes for the blond to wake up. You pat yourself on the back for getting him to sleep for so long and casually waited for the time to end.
It took a total of 15 minutes for the blond to finally beginning rising. Another minute for him to realize where he was. He looked up at you with a quizzical face.
“If this wasn’t training and you were a real villain, I would have thrown you off this building,” You explained. “I think I win.”
“Like hell you do,” Bakugou groggily replied while getting up. He moved into a fighting stance and you stayed put. “Are you going to get up?” He yelled at you.
You hummed, debating what to do next. “I don’t feel like it,” You replied, knowing full well how much it would irritate him.
“Then I’ll send you off the roof with an explosion,” He spat back.
“No,” You calmly replied, “I don’t think you will.”
“And why is that?” He asked.
You smirked at the boy. “Because,” You began while letting go of the ledge with your hands and leaning back, “Of this.” Once you finished those words, your body fell back and off the building. You positioned your body as safely as you could.
Obviously, this was a dangerous tactic. It was something you would never do in the field. However, you needed to have fun every now and then and Bakugou was so easy to tease. You knew he had a fast enough reaction time to get you. That was proved correct when you saw his body shoot off the side of the building.
Explosion after explosion was set off until you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist.
You looked down and saw you were about 10 feet to the ground. Bakugou reached out and grabbed onto a fire escape. “Jump down,” Bakugou spoke, his voice low.
His arm slipped away from you as you prepared yourself to fall to the ground. Your shoes, which could absorb shock, helped to make the jump easy and comfortable. Bakugou followed you, dropping a few feet away.
You stood silently as the blond stared at you before practically running up to you.
“What is wrong with you?” He demanded while holding onto your arms and shaking you.
Because of the large gloves on his hands, you weren’t able to feel his emotions. However, you were fairly certain he was worried.
You felt bad.
You felt really bad.
His eyes held more worry than you had seen from him and his thoughts had been rushing so much during these past thirty seconds that it gave you a headache. You were sure he had one too.
“I’m sorry,” You bashfully replied. “I wanted to shock you.”
“Yeah, well you did that perfectly,” He replied. He groaned while looking over your body, wanting to see if you got hurt.
“I’m not hurt,” You mumbled, pulling away from him because of how nervous his staring made you feel.
He reluctantly let go of you and let you step away.
“I didn’t mean to worry you so much,” You commented, stopping there because you weren’t sure whether or not to say sorry. That might be too far, you thought.
Bakugou stiffened immediately. It was clear those words made him nervous.
Worry? You heard him think. Fuck, I am worried. I shouldn’t be worried. I shouldn’t be worried. But I am.
Bakugou scoffed, “I have to worry for stupid idiots like you.” Why am I so worried about her? I wouldn’t be this worried about anyone else.
You simply nodded, not wanting to remind him that you could hear his thoughts. “So,” You began after a short pause, “Are we done for today?”
“After the heart attack you gave me today?” He rhetorically questioned, “Yeah, we are done for today.”
Once again, you nodded and followed Bakugou as he began walking to where you left your bags.
“Next time,” He began as your items came into sight, “Let’s just rent out part of the gym and work on hand-to-hand combat. That way,” He turned to look at you, “You can’t pull any dumb tricks.” He paused for a moment, “Also so you don’t fucking cut me with your sword again.”
“Oh!” You exclaimed, moving closer to the blond to look at his cut. “I forgot!”
Once you got to your item, you opened your suitcase and pulled out rubbing alcohol, a couple of band aids, and a Japanese brand for Neosporin.
“Here,” You began, showing the small first aid kit, “Let me clean it.”
Bakugou reluctantly sat down and allowed you to scoot close to him. You rinsed your hands off by pouring some of your water onto them before grabbing a cotton ball and also putting water onto it. You used the wet cotton ball to clean the blood around the cut, some of it was already dry. You then took another cotton ball and put a small amount of alcohol onto it.
Carefully, you ran the cotton ball over the small cut on his arm. Bakugou took a sharp breath in because of the stinging but stayed still as you cleaned it. You pulled it away and looked up at the blond. Your hands had been holding your arm still, allowing you to feel just how nervous he was.
Unfortunately, because of your quirk, you felt the exact same feelings as him. You tried your best to resist any obvious reactions and let go of his arm, so you were no longer being bombarded with nervousness.
When you looked up at him, you saw pink on his cheeks, and you weren’t sure if it was from the training or the anxiety he felt as you took care of him. Additionally, you were fairly certain you also had a blush because of your empathetic abilities. He looked into your eyes for a moment before you tore your own away and went to grab the ointment.
Cautiously, you spread a small amount onto the cut. You then took a few band-aids and spread them across his arms to cover the wound.
“Thanks,” Bakugou quietly spoke once you finished and started putting away the items.
“No problem,” You simply replied before grabbing your water and taking a swig.
Silently, the two of you grabbed your things and made your way to the lockers. The school provided showers in the locker room and well as all the necessary toiletries to help prevent kids from easily stinking up their dorms. Considering your run today and all the hard work you did, you decided a shower before going back to the dorms would be best.
“You don’t have to wait up for me,” You spoke as you two arrived at the lockers. “I’m going to shower.”
Bakugou hummed in response and entered his respective room. You casually and efficiently changed, washed your body, and put on your workout clothes again. They weren’t smelly from only stretching so it wasn’t bad to wear them.
You pushed your dry hair back, put in your earbuds, and grabbed all your things to make your way out of the locker room.
When you exited, you immediately saw Bakugou, who was leaning against a rail on his phone. His items were placed next to him and his left hand was shoved into the pocket of his sweatpants.
“Took you long enough,” He mumbled while looking at you. “You didn’t even wash your hair, what took you forever?”
“I told you not to wait for me,” You replied, “It is your fault for waiting.”
Bakugou scoffed and grabbed his things. “Whatever,” He mumbled before beginning to walk back to the dorms. “I wanted to talk to you about dinner tomorrow,” He explained, “And I didn’t want to text your later.”
“Wow,” You replied in a dry voice, “You sure do know how to make someone feel special.”
“Shut up idiot,” He spat back. You could once again see pink on his cheeks but chose to ignore it. “Anyways,” He began again, “Meet me in the kitchen at four. Sero will be there at five. I want to see how well you can cook.”
“What are we making?” You asked.
“Rice with umeboshi, miso soup, salad, some other shit,” Bakugou replied. “It’s a lot. I know in America that dishes aren’t broken up as much so I will show you everything tomorrow.”
You nodded, “Thanks. I appreciate you trying to help teach me.”
“Yeah, well I will kick you out just as fast if you suck,” He replied.
You looked to Bakugou and saw the teasing smirk on his face. You laughed at his comment which was soon followed by a few snickers from the blond himself.
By the time you and Bakugou arrived home, the conversation died down. Silently, the two of you filled up your waters and walked upstairs to your respective rooms.
“See ya,” Bakugou lazily spoke before heading into his own room and leaving you to yourself.
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warriorrazor · 3 years
Alright ya’ll we got some more content and context for the Spooky Family AU!
((And here’s some context for the context!))
This’ll be explaining how Lila came to learn about Pump being neglected by his father. I wanted this to be more of a summary, but I got a little too into it and it’s basically a drabble/mini story now (I even made some lil doodles to go along with it!) I had fun with it, but I’ll put a tl;dr at the end if y’all find it a bit too wordy.
Also quick warning, this post will most likely be darker than the other things I’ve posted about this AU so far! There are some parts that go more into the details of the kind of abuse Pump has been facing.
Since it’s a bit long, the story begins under the read more:
Lila started suspecting something when she noticed Pump getting noticeably skinnier and clinging onto her a lot. She became even more suspicious when she heard him mention to Skid that he doesn’t have many toys and that he doesn’t remember the last time he visited the doctor’s.
However, Lila didn’t want to assume anything. She had never even met Pump’s parents, and Pump always seemed to be in high spirits for the most part, just like Skid. The most she felt she could do was make sure Pump had fun whenever he came over.
That was until one fateful night.
Pump hadn’t had anything to eat for five days. He would always wait until his father would give him a meal to eat, usually once or twice a day. Some days his father would forget... or maybe he just didn’t care. Pump didn’t quite know at this point. He didn’t want to sneak food though, he was afraid his father would yell at him, or shove him away. Pump didn’t exactly know what neglect was, he only knew that he felt very, very alone. He would often find himself wondering, is this normal?
Pump couldn’t fall asleep, he was too hungry. He sat in his bed only surrounded by the darkness of his room. He thought about Skid and his mother Lila, and how she would always give him plenty to eat when he was there. He never felt hungry, upset, or lonely when he was there. He wished there was something he could do...
Thankfully, there was. The Eyes of the Universe, who had taken quite a liking to Pump, could sense his distress. He sent Pump a message in the form of uncovering a buried memory. Pump suddenly remembered a fleeting moment of when Lila sat next to him, patted his head, and told him that if he ever felt sad, alone, or unsafe, he would always be welcome at her home.
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This sudden vivid memory was the boost Pump needed. He threw his covers off, ran out of his dirty room, snuck down the stairs, and dashed out the door. It was the middle of winter, but Pump didn’t think to bring a coat, or anything for that matter. His only thought was to make it to Skid’s house, the place of comfort, safety, and belonging.
Lila was sleeping soundly when she was suddenly roused by a loud banging coming from the door downstairs. Thinking it was probably a group of child pranksters, she covered her head with a pillow and waited for them to get bored and go away... except they didn’t. Now thoroughly pissed, Lila stomped downstairs and made her way to the front door. The banging had suddenly stopped. Curious, Lila took a peek into the peephole and saw... Pump? Feeling her heart drop, she opened the door to see him looking at her with wide eyes. He was shivering from the cold and tears were streaming down his cheeks. He ran over to her and wrapped his shaky arms around her. Lila hugged him back tightly, stroking the poor boy’s back.
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She scooped him up and took him inside. Pump told her how he hadn’t eaten for a while (he couldn’t remember exactly how long), so she cooked him up a full course meal right then and there, in the middle of the night. Pump was afraid Lila would send him back home, but instead she carried him upstairs and tucked him into her bed. He clung to her arm as he slept, now full and safe.
Lila knew she absolutely had to do something. With all the time she and Pump had spent together, he was like a second son to her. She wasn’t about to let Pump continue suffering. She woke up early in the morning, snuck out of bed without waking Pump, and immediately called CPS to report child neglect. She then proceeded to fight tooth and nail to gain custody of Pump (which was of course difficult because she is not a family member), but she does her research and takes every step possible. Pump’s father doesn’t make it easy. While he does neglect Pump, he’s still not giving up his son without a fight. But Lila is ready. She filled out all the paperwork necessary, she underwent a home study, she hired a lawyer and discussed everything that she needed to do and what evidence she needed to provide. She went to court completely and entirely prepared in every way. Though it was a long and grueling process, in the end the decision was made that Lila could gain custody of Pump. She almost cried of joy right then and there in the courtroom.
Now fully knowing what Pump has been through, Lila often punches herself for not acting sooner. But now that Pump is a part of the family, Lila tries her best to make up for this by giving Pump all the love and support she can.
Sometimes a child may become jealous if another child is doted on by their parents. Not Skid. In fact, he is incredibly happy that Pump is his brother, and he knows that Lila has more than enough love for the both of them. Seeing Lila care for his best friend and now new brother brightens his day.
Lila suspects something is up with Pump since he’s become noticeably more skinner, clingy, mentioning things like not remembering the last time he went to the doctors, etc. Her suspicions are correct, and one night Pump is lying in his bed starving since his father hadn’t given him anything to eat for five days. Pump runs to Skid’s house and Lila feeds him and provides him comfort. Now knowing his situation, Lila fights for custody of him. She succeeds, and Pump is now a part of the family.
Thank you so much for reading! At first I wasn’t quite sure how in-depth I wanted this AU to be, but receiving so many kind comments and ideas has helped me to flesh out this AU more than I thought I could! As always, feel free to add any comments/questions/asks/additions you may have, they’re super appreciated and help me so much with my writing and world building!
Now that I’ve written this out, I think I’d like to work on some doodles (maybe even minicomics) of this AU, especially because some really awesome people have come up with really great ideas and scenarios that can take place. Like seriously, y’all are so big brained, I love and very much appreciate all the ideas that have been offered for this AU.
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