#the other one is hidden by his hair for swag effect
galakianexplosion · 1 year
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💠Gijinka chaos again💠
Could you believe it only took me 26minutes??? Damn i was FAST. Also this wasnt meant to be anything big or super detailed. I love the expression i gave him. Also idk why im such a big fan of my own creation but im his number 1 fan even tho i made it🤲
Also weirdly enough i decided to put roses everywhere in the bg idk
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trash-monkey · 1 year
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With hips swagging and heels clicking against the steps the waitress makes her way to the VIP lounge that's overlooking the crowd downstairs where some important men are relaxing, swiftly she hands out the drinks they ordered at the same time a man walks into the nightclub. Wearing a leather jacket and shades inside isn't what caught the attention of the iceberg blue eyes but it's when he sits on a couch in a corner that's been empty for a while only for people to start crowding him once he's comfortable.
"Tell us everything you know about that man." The pink haired man order after pulling the Beta waitress into his lap and points to who he's talking about while catching the others attention.
"That's Vos, he's one of the regular drug dealers though he only shows on Saturdays but still popular with customers for always selling the best." She slips out after hiding her fear quick enough that no one can smell it.
"I don't remember him, how long as he been selling here?" The owner of the nightclub questions her after giving her a blank glance before going back to staring at the dealer.
"Longer then I have so about a year or two." Happy with the information the light purple colored mullet owner slips a bill into her pocket when the other similar hair styled man let her up off his lap.
"Be a sweetheart and bring him to us." She quickly nods before speed walking out of the room.
"What'd you think? Should we hire him to work for us?" The nightclub owner asked his leader that sitting in a dark corner alone and saw everything that happened, his white undercut hair style falls from his face when he tile his head to the ceiling.
"We'll see what he has to offer first." With that the owner turns back to the large window to watch the waitress speck to the dealer before gesturing to the VIP lounge which he can see him nod and followed her back.
"Have a seat" The guy followed the order as soon as he's stand before them and they take notice of the absence of his ABO scent which they can clearly see is hidden by a scent blocker patch over his gland like many others in the lounge.
"Empty your pockets." The pink haired man ordered and not wanting any beef with these guy he does as ordered under the watchful iceberg blue eyes as he plays with a his gun, many small bags falls on the table.
"What's this?" He examine the small black crystal like drug before watching me pull out a small note pad with a pen and quickly write on it.
~Black crystal; made it myself, even though it's high to buy but to some it's worth it to feel great without any major side effects plus everything else I got is the best.~
"Let us figure that out." Sandals slap against the shiny and slick floor as approaches us from his seat in the dark corner.
"Sanzu, you know what to do." He takes the empty seat next to the pink haired man after gesturing to him which he get a nod in return before grabbing all the small bags and left.
"Who's your supplier?" A tall man with light purple and black slick back hair stands behind me and he give me a smile when we connect eyes after his boss asked his question.
~ None, I get everything myself. As the saying goes, do everything yourself~
"Mmmm, if you're as good as people say I might hire you to work for me but that really depends on the quality you sell and if it's not....well I 'kindly' ask you to never show your face around here again, you got that?" I nod in agreement before writing the most obvious question down.
~if I work for you, what's in it for me that I don't already have~
"Anything you can think of really, more money, people, fancy clothes, other things that you might want." The nightclub owner answered my question after standing next to the taller man making me realize that these two are related.
"But you got time to make your mind, come back here next Saturday by then I've made my decision...... don't go running now!" The white hair leader called after me before I could leave the lounge, I just give them nod on my way out and completely left the nightclub with empty pockets of cash I would usual have on Saturdays but I'm not worried about it. With time I return to my flat, after throwing the lather jacket onto the couch and the sunglasses on the counter I pull off the scent blocker patch to throw it away in the trash. Not really like wearing these things in my own home, with a glass of water in hand I stroll to my room where I open a secret door with a fake light switch and softly close it behind me. Taking a sip from the glass before sitting it on the table and sit in the chair, with some concentration I held out my tongue to reveal a pill laying on it where I place it in a jar filled with the same kind of drug.
As long as I can remember I always had this ability to create drugs out of my mouth and no matter it's a pill,powder, liquid, or gas as long as I know the ingredients for it I can create it, it also effected my voice causing me to become a mute or I'll get everyone around me high. I continue on resupply what I lost at the nightclub but luckily that only side effect I get from using it so much is cotton mouth.
Vos is an OC of mine that I'm hopping others would come to like! I made him for One Piece but loved him so much that I decided to put him into Tokyo Revengers too.
(A)Vos x (O) Sanzu, (O) Rindou, (O) Ran
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
A Merry Little Christmas
Summary: Christmas can be, above all, a season of hope. Dean reminds the reader of that.
Characters: Dean x Reader; Marla & Ted (OCs)
Word Count: 2821
Warnings: Oral (female receiving)
A/N: This is for @firefly-in-darkness written as part of @negans-lucille-tblr ‘s fic exchange. I hope you like it. It’s inspired by the song “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”.
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The bar was empty with the exception of some of the hardcore regulars. It was the week before Christmas, and that changed the clientele somewhat, but not entirely. Some of the fortunate had places to be, loved ones to draw near, and celebrations to bring to life the joyful intent of the season. For others, it was the same routine, December 25th was just another day on the calendar. 
Marla Henderson had her usual seat at the end of the bar wearing something tight fitting and low cut to see whose eye she might catch. She’d been doing it ever since her husband left in a desperate grab at feeling wanted, desired, and validated again. Watching her always made Y/N feel a hollow, nagging sadness in the pit of her stomach. She could be Marla in a few years, only without the husband. 
That thought filled her with melancholy, and the music from the jukebox wasn’t helping. The Carpenters could always make her feel wistful even when the song was about roasting chestnuts and meant to be festive. The garland that was hanging in swags around the room was also having the opposite of the desired effect on her. It looked out of place, like a poor attempt at a pretense of merriment.
Ted Markham was also here tonight, slinging back the whiskeys. The holidays hadn’t changed anything for him, or about him. He was always on the prowl, looking to get lucky, and far too often he was looking to get lucky with her; tonight was no different. “Hey, darlin’, how about another one?”
She poured another shot in his glass and asked a little more cynically than she should  with a customer, “Don’t you ever have a limit, Ted?”
He put his hand over hers suggestively. “Not too often, gorgeous.”
She pulled her hand away and put the bottle back on the shelf. He just wasn’t getting the hint tonight. “Y/N, why don’t you come over here and sit on this stool next to me? It’s a slow night. Nobody’s gonna mind.”
He was right about one thing. It was a slow night. Couples seemed to have already paired up for the holidays to bask in the warmth of true love or enjoy a fleeting whatever to help get them through the season. After a string of disappointing boyfriends and too many dashed dreams of holiday romance, Y/N had basically given up. “Sounds tempting, Ted, but I’m gonna pass.”
He wasn’t usually a belligerent drunk, but maybe something in the tone of her voice had set him off. “Now is that any way to talk to your best customer?”
Y/N had been in her share of tight spots thanks to her chosen line of work over the years, but this time she found herself getting really uncomfortable and just wishing she could sink beneath the bar and hide.
She was struggling for a comeback and starting to get flustered when a tall, powerfully built stranger with broad shoulders and the face of a Calvin Klein model confidently strode up to the bar. He made a point of standing in Ted’s space and flashed Y/N an easy smile. She got lost in his deep green eyes for a minute and almost missed what he said. “Sorry I’m late, sweetheart.”
He gave a cursory glance over his shoulder at Ted. That was all he needed to do. This man had an air about him that anyone with an ounce of sense or self preservation would know not to challenge. Ted made a lame excuse about it being late and hastily left.
The unknown, handsome guy took a seat on the barstool Ted had vacated. Marla was already giving him her best sultry look. Y/N recovered from her earlier discomfort. There was something about being in this guy’s presence that made her feel safe. She couldn’t think of anything clever to say so she went with, “Thanks for rescuing me. Can I offer you a drink on the house?”
He smiled again, and she felt her Grinch like shrunken heart start to glow a little bit. “Sure. I’m Dean.” He extended his hand.  When she accepted his hand to shake it, it was warm, solid, and strong. Y/N could get used to the feeling of that hand.
Dean stayed until closing time, and after a couple shots of whiskey he had switched to beer. It was a small gesture but one that didn’t go unnoticed by Y/N. He wasn’t interested in getting drunk.
Y/N wasn’t sure why he was alone in a bar tonight. Maybe he didn’t have anywhere to go? Maybe he was alone too? That was hard to believe; look at him. And for the first time since she’d noticed Dean, she did. She really looked at him.
There was a depth in his eyes that it was easy to miss at first, probably because he kept it hidden; he didn’t want anyone to see it. It was a type of softness wrapped up and hidden by the hard glint he’d most likely put in his eyes because sometimes he needed that to survive.
Y/N was fascinated by Dean and spent the rest of her shift getting to know him. Marla gave up after about forty-five minutes and left when Dean hadn’t so much as tossed a look in her direction. Y/N’s questions weren’t too probing, just the getting to know you kind of stuff. “I’ve never seen you around before. What brings you to town?”
Dean took a slow drag from his beer, and the way his full lips circled around the opening of that bottle was more than a little distracting. He gave a mirthless chuckle and sighed. “Business is kind of slow for once. Don’t have much family, just my brother. He’s got a new girlfriend. They’ve been dancing around each other for a couple of years now. Finally took the plunge, and I’d just be the third wheel. So, I hit the open road to see where it’d take me.” He took another drink of his beer and appraised her with his eyes. They stopped their downward movement at her neck, which she also appreciated. “What about you? How’d you end up in this bar?”
This was a story Y/N didn’t tell often. She preferred to keep it pushed back as far as she could get it, covered in dust, on a high shelf where no one ever looked. She wanted to tell him, and poured herself a drink to reinforce her courage. “I needed a new start. Life didn’t turn out at all like I had expected or hoped, and I thought a change in geography might magically fix it.” She put her whiskey glass down on the bar after only taking one sip. “I was wrong.” 
Dean didn’t say anything, instead waiting for her to go on when she was ready. “I didn’t have the happiest childhood. For awhile I thought I’d escaped all that. Met a guy. We even had a little house together, but then he cheated on me. End of fairytale.”
Dean leaned forward, resting his forearms on the bar. His voice was quiet, reflective. He looked into her eyes, and she knew he actually saw her. “Bastard. You deserved better.”
Y/N laughed, the way she sometimes did when she didn’t know how to process her feelings. “How do you know? You just met me.”
Dean paused, and there was a heaviness in his words when he answered, “I know how to read people.”
Y/N laughed again. “Do you think you could teach me how to do that? I always pick the wrong guy. Did it three more times after him.” She downed the remaining whiskey in her glass.
Wanting to change the subject, Y/N looked around the bar to see if someone needed a refill. She’d been so engrossed in her conversation with Dean that she hadn’t noticed the place had completely emptied out, and it was only 1 am. Christmas. People and their places to go, or worse their utter despair at having nowhere to go. Dean looked around and assessed the situation too. He turned back to her, “Hey, why don’t you close up? I’ll wait and take you home.”
She welcomed his offer; she didn’t want to be alone in this place tonight. The sadness, desperation, and discontent just seemed to hang in the air. Y/N made quick work of wiping down all the tables and securing the stockroom, including the safe. Dean was waiting for her when she reemerged.
He pulled his keys from his pocket; the jingle was loud, but not unpleasant in the empty bar. “My car’s outside.” Y/N nodded. She’d call someone to get a ride to work tomorrow; her car would be okay here. Right now, she just wanted someone to take care of her, even if all that meant was a ride home.
His car matched the man. Rare. Powerful. Something you didn’t see everyday, and completely beautiful. Dean opened the very large and shiny black passenger door for her. He had an unexpected side too. Guys this tough usually didn’t act so gentlemanly.
Her tiny bungalow wasn’t far, and the ride ended too soon for Y/N. Sticking to his chivalrous ways, Dean walked her to the front door. It almost felt like the end of a date, and she found herself wanting to kiss him. Snow started to fall, and she pulled her coat around her more tightly 
Y/N tilted her head up and one of the big fluffy flakes landed on her cheek. For a minute, she remembered how giddy the sight of snow had made her when she was a girl. It was still a symbol of beauty and hope for her. She saw the flakes start to collect in Dean’s hair. Without thinking, she reached up and brushed her fingers over his hair, but resisted the urge to run her fingers through it.  His eyes caught hers for a minute as the snow fell between them before he leaned down and kissed her with a touch as light as the snow that fell on her face.
She opened her eyes slowly. It was quiet with the kind of peace that only a snowfall can bring. The heat was radiating off his body. It warmed her, and she didn’t want to let that warmth,or him, go. “Do you want to come inside?” 
They both knew what that meant. Something had passed between them during that kiss. Dean licked his lips and seemed to be thinking. His eyes lingered on hers for a minute before he answered, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
As soon as they were inside, Y/N took off her coat and hung it up. Then she turned to Dean and started to push his jacket from his shoulders. “Let’s get you out of this.” She hung it on a peg next to her coat. When she turned back to him, he pulled her into a close embrace and kissed her with purpose. It was slow, deep, and doing everything he meant it to do. HIs tongue circled hers, and her arousal grew. If his kiss alone could do this to her, she was in for a memorable night. 
Dean’s hands made their way down her back until one stopped on her waist while the other snaked lower down to cup her ass and give it a light squeeze. She was starting to breathe heavier into his mouth. She pulled away from the kiss and took his hand. “Bedroom’s this way.”
The rooms in her house were tiny, too tiny to accommodate big beds. Right now the coziness of her full size bed seemed perfect. Dean immediately began to strip off his layers of shirts. She watched his naked shoulders and back while he bent over to take off his boots. His body was toned and had just the right amount of muscle. Y/N imagined her fingernails digging into his back. 
She was dragged from her fantasy back to the glory of reality when Dean started to unbutton the black shirt she wore for bartending duties. Underneath that functional shirt she was wearing the kind of bra that makes a girl feel pretty, and the way Dean was looking at it made her feel more than that. His look told her just how much he desired her. 
He took off his jeans before he laid her down on the bed and turned his attention to her lace covered breasts. He laved at her nipples, sucking and kissing them through the fabric. He took one of her taut nubs between his teeth and pulled at it. She moaned beneath him. “Dean, please.” 
He slid further down her body, dragging his hands down her sides, kissing all the way down to her pants that were in the way of what she wanted. Dean removed that barrier, taking her panties off at the same time. He parted her thighs and settled between her legs. He made a long swipe with his tongue through her folds, stopping at her clit to lap at before settling his lips around it to suck.
The way he’d kissed her didn’t lie; he knew what to do with his mouth. She was whimpering and pleading with him for more. He pushed at her entrance with one finger, gently exploring. Then he added another and started scissoring them to open her up. She came on his mouth while he stroked her g spot with his fingers.
Her fingers were buried in his hair, and her fists were closed around handfuls of it. Dean whispered against her core, “You’re beautiful, sweetheart.” He kissed her inner thighs while she came down from her orgasm. 
When her breath evened out, she sat up; Dean rose up on his knees to face her. She reached behind her to unhook her bra and let it fall. Then she reached for the waistband of Dean’s boxer briefs to push them down and release his erect cock to stand thick against his stomach. He finished taking them off while she fumbled to open her bedside drawer and get a condom. She handed it to him, he sheathed himself, then laid her back down on the bed, kissing her as they went. 
He buried his face into her neck and kissed that sensitive spot beneath her ear. She put her arms around him and whispered, “Now, Dean. I’m ready for you.”
He entered her with a smooth, swift motion. She inhaled sharply, and he pushed deeply inside her. She moved her body with his, feeling every drag of his cock over her sweet spot and push of it against her cervix. Just like she’d imagined, she dug her fingers into his back when she came and felt him throb inside her, coming just seconds after she did.
Dean said her name as he let go, and she clenched around him; her orgasm revived by his, by the pleasure she could hear she was giving him. They lay motionless for a sweet moment before Dean moved to take care of the condom. When he returned, easing the covers back and slipping into bed she asked him, “What are you doing?”
He motioned for her to get under the warm blankets with him. She settled in beside him, and he wrapped his arms around her. “I’m holding you.”
The snow was still falling outside, and she watched it fall through the window, not sure what to say. It was Dean who spoke again. “Is that okay? Do you want me to go?”
She let herself relax and lay her hand on his chest. “No, I don’t want you to go. I guess I just thought you would. That’s the way this usually goes.”
Dean kissed the top of her head. “Well, that’s not how it should go. You should be held, kissed some more, and told just how beautiful you are. A man would be crazy not to know how lucky he is to have a woman like you in his arms.”
Y/N got very quiet. She felt tears in her eyes, and for once they weren’t tears of sadness. She closed her eyes and just let herself feel what it was like to be so close to him and to hear a man say these kinds of things to her. She trusted him. She trusted what he was saying, and she trusted that this could be something that lasted beyond tonight. Was this even possible? Could it be possible that there was such a thing as a Christmas miracle? She had believed in them back when snow meant hope to her. Dean tightened his hold around her, making her feel secure, and she felt him kiss her forehead. Yes, they could be real.
Everything: @gambitwinchester​ @princessmisery666​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @peridottea91​ @logical-princey​ @emilyshurley​ @beenlovingromansincedayoneish​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @waywardbaby​ @atc74​ @ledzeppelinsbonzo​ @shaniquacynthia​ @mariekoukie6661​ @tumbler-tidbits​ @67-chevy-baby​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @terrarium-jpeg​ @emoryhemsworth​ @crashdevlin​ @heycasbutt​ @jules-1999​ @mrsdeannafuckingwinchester​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @sammyimpala-67​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @mrs-meghan-winchester​ @timelordy-fangirl2​ @sweetness47​ @hobby27​ @awesomesusiebstuff​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @becs-bunker​ @sandlee44​ @supernaturalgrandma​ @lonewolf471​ @sea040561​ @dawnie1988​ @maddiepants​ @volleyballer519​ @outcastedangel​ @kdfrqqg​ @lizette50​ @daisymoder72​ @sorenmarie87​ @oldfreakything​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @deansotherotherblog​
Dean/Jensen: @deansyahtzee​ @flamencodiva​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @sammit-janet​ @focusonspn​ @akshi8278​ @ladywinchester1967​ @sgarrett49​ @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @ellewritesfix05​ 
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queenrose730 · 3 years
Part Eight
Master List
A deep scream woke you suddenly. Your body froze listening for anymore sounds. Another scream. You grab the gun under your pillow and get up from bed. Crossing the room, you place your ear to the door. Straining to hear anything from outside. Another scream. It was coming from across the hall in the other bedroom. Slowly you open your door. Letting your gun lead the way. Checking first down the hall towards the rest of the suit. Everything was still pitch black and there seemed to be no movement. Another scream. You moved to the other door. Bucky should be alone in there but still you raised your gun and swung the door open. The lamp on the bedside table was on, barely illuminating the room. The bed was empty. The room was just big enough to fit the bed and a closet. Bucky was laid out on the floor to the left of the bed. His head was thrown back into the pillow. Face twisted in pain. Sheets were tangled up around his middle and those that weren’t, were being gripped by his hand. He let out another scream.
“Shit.” You dropped your gun. He was in the middle of a nightmare. You left the room quickly. Knowing better than to try and wake him without help. Steve nearly took you head off on accident after a nightmare. That was nothing compared to what Bucky looked to be going through now. Walking back down the hall you flipped on lights as you went. Still a little on edge from his screaming. Once in the kitchen you set the gun down and turned on the tap. Letting it get as cold as possible. As you reached for a glass he screamed again. It somehow sounded even worse than the screams before. It nearly caused you to drop the glass. Once it was filled with the cold water, you made your way back to his room.
 The small room didn’t leave you with a lot of options. You weren’t sure how he was going to wake up. Being that he was a trained assassin it could get ugly quick. You decided that the best option was to stand on the other side of the bed. It would provide a little space between the two of you. You took a deep breath and tossed the water on him.
 Bucky shot with a scream.
 “Bucky!” You shouted at him. His eyes frantically looking around the room. When they found you though, it wasn’t Bucky looking at you. There was something much darker staring at you through his eyes.
 “Bucky?” You were much quieter almost as if not to draw any more attention from what was staring at you. You glanced at the door wondering if you could make it out in time. Or would he be faster. When you looked back he was blinking rapidly. The darkness was fading.
 “Yn?” There was nothing else behind his eyes but him now. You were still cautious.
 “You had a nightmare Bucky. Are you back with me?” He nodded before looking down and pulling the sheets closer around him. You relaxed your stance and walked to the foot of the bed. “Good. You scared the shot out of me for a minute there.” He only responded with a small sigh. “Well try and get some more sleep. It’s still pretty early.” You turned to head out of his room when he spoke up.
 “Can you stay?” You were going to say something g snarky to him when you turned but you stopped yourself. The man sitting on the floor looked so incredibly small. He looked broke about whatever happened in his nightmare.
 “Sure Bucky. I’ll stay.” You walked back around to the right side of the bed and climbed in. You positioned the pillows behind you back for some support. “Come on Bucky. I’m not laying on the floor with you.” You patted the spot next to you on the bed.
 He stood up slowly keeping the sheets wrapped around his waist. This was the first time you have seen him without a shirt. While yes both Bucky and Steve had a form of the super solider serum. Clearly it effected them differently. Steve was more trim. Muscles sharply defined under the skin. Bucky was thicker. His power hidden just slightly under his bulk. You tried your best to keep your eyes on his face but they kept wandering down as sweat and water slipped over his body.
 Once in the bed, Bucky laid his head on your lap and draped his arm over your legs. You responded by placing one arm over his shoulder and your hand gently combing through his hair. He moaned slightly at the touch and settled in tighter to you.
 “Do you want to talk about it Bucky?”
 “No.” He sighed. “I don’t.”
 “That’s fine. Just try and get some sleep. I’ll stay right here.” You continued to lazily comb through his hair until your eyes got heavy. Leaning your head back against the wall you closed your eyes
 The sun was shining brightly through the window and onto the bed when you woke up. You blinked against the light and adjusted so the beam was out of your face. Some point in the night you had stretched over to your right side. Awkwardly curled at the head of the bed. A bed that was now only holding you. Bucky must have gotten up at some point in the morning. You weren’t even sure of the time. Cursing to yourself silently you get up out of bed. Steve was supposed to call you this morning but you had left your phone in your room after Bucky’s nightmare. The door was slightly open and you could hear something clattering to the ground out in the suite. It was followed by a string of curse words.
 “Everything good out there Bucky?” You shouted down the hall.
 “Ok.” You laughed at the exasperation in his voice. “Let me grab my phone and I’ll come help.”
 “Actually I have your phone out here.” He walked to the entrance of the hall and held up your phone. “Steve already called.”
 “Shit. Why didn’t you wake me up Bucky!” You walked over and snatched the phone from his hand.
 “You were sleeping good. And after last night, I just didn’t want to wake you.” He shrugged. “Plus, I didn’t feel like getting punched this early.”
 “Well I might still punch your asshole.” You looked through the phone. Sure enough there was a number you didn’t recognize that called about an hour and a half ago. “What did he say?” Bucky grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the hallway.
 “I’ll tell you while you eat.” He had a big grin on his face as he moved out of the way.
 “So that’s what all the noise was.” You raised your eyebrow at the site in front of you. The table had been set for two. In the empty space had been filled with breakfast. Pancakes, egg, bacon, and fruit.
 “Uh yea.” He walked to the table and pulled out the chair for you. “I figured it was the least I could do since I woke you up last night.” You set your phone down on the table and sat in the chair.
 “You seriously didn’t have to Bucky. But thank you anyway.” Bucky carefully poured each of you a cup of coffee before he sat down across from you. “Did I really sleep through you grinding coffee beans?”
 “No. I actually snuck out of the suite to do it.” You hummed as you took a sip of the fresh coffee. Bucky began to load up his plate.
 “Did you make all this yourself Bucky?” You reached across and plated yourself some eggs and a couple pieces of bacon.
 “Not exactly. I was just planning on making you coffee. But I ran into the person that has been bringing us food so far. I talked them into making this stuff for us.”
 “I see. I was going to be pretty impressed if you had done all this with only one arm.” You raised your brows at him.
 “Well in that case.” He gave you a giant grin. “I actually did all do all this myself.” You leaned back in your chair laughing at him.
 “I’m sure you did Bucky. You defiantly seem like the kind to make grand gestures.”  You watched him as he began to eat.
 “What is that supposed to mean yn?” He raised an eye brow at you. “I was quite the ladies’ man when I was younger.” He sat back in his chair and gave you a smirk.
 “Well ladies are quite a bit different now Bucky.”
 “I can I see that.” He leaned forward again leaning slightly on his forearms that rested on the table. You squirmed slightly at the look he was giving, but you cleared your throat.
 “So what did Steve say Bucky?”
 “Sam and Wanda are ok. Wanda is still pretty shaken up over being at the Raft. From what Steve said she was lockdown with some collar and jacket.”
“Fuck.” You ran you let hands over your face. “Of course they would do that.” Bucky gave you a questioning look. “It was so she couldn’t use her powers. Most likely that was a high power shock collar. She would have been on a separate level also. Away from Sam, Clint and Scott. God that place is horrible.”
 “Shit. No wonder she’s messed up.”
 “No kidding. Anything else?”
 “Not really.” Bucky shook his head. “Steve did say to have you call him back.” You made a move to stand up. “Eat first.” He grabbed your phone from the table.
 “Bucky I’m fine.”
 “Yn. You have barely ate since we got here. Steve isn’t going anywhere yet.”
 You begrudgingly sit back down and pick at your eggs. Bucky on the other hand was shoving a fork full of pancakes into his mouth.
 “Did Steve say where they were at?”
 “Somewhere in northern India.” He mumbled through a mouthful of food.
 “I’m starting to think this food was more for you than me.” You chuckled. Bucky forced down what was still in his mouth.
 “I can’t tell you the last time I ate like this.” His shoulders sagged. “Even when I was on the run. Most my food came from a can. Plus, I’m not very good in the kitchen.”
 “Well,” You placed your fork down and pushed your plate away. “When you get defrosted I’ll have to cook for you.”
 “Really?” His eyes lit up.
 “Yep. I’m pretty ok.” You shrugged your shoulders and stood up. “Now can I have my phone.” Bucky looked back down at your plate then handed over your phone. “Thanks.” You walked out to the balcony and sat at the small table. You took a deep breath and tapped the last number on your phone.
Tags- @ginger-swag-rapunzel
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harlot-of-oblivion · 4 years
Prowling For Pleasure
You treat Vergil to a night of indulgent luxury and forbidden pleasures.
Rated Explicit for: Dubcon, Vampiric Manipulation, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Femdom, and the usual Vampire Activities. 
Part Two: Decadence & Depravity 
Tonight is the night of your promised hunt, and you can honestly say that you’ve never felt this excited in all your undead life! Everything is almost ready for your date…all you need to do is finish getting dressed, which is easier said than done with the ever-growing knot in the pit of your stomach. You’ve grown accustomed to spending your solitude with only a few trusted confidants, but the thought of stepping out for a night on the town with Vergil is exhilarating!
You can’t stand all the pent-up nervousness and excitement raging inside you any longer. Your eyes dart over to a black velvet bag sitting on a nearby shelf as you apply the finishing touches to your makeup. You reach over and grab it before taking out a deck of tarot cards at Vergil’s desk. Their musty scent wafts through the air as you shuffle the cards a few times, envisioning your question before splitting the deck into three smaller stacks. Then, you gather them all back up in a different order and spread the top four cards out on the desk in the form of a cross.
Time to see how our date will play out.
You turn over the first card to reveal the image of a nude woman pouring two vessels of water, one over land and the other into a calm river. Your lips curve into a fond smile at the familiar card, The Star, which has popped up in a lot of your readings ever since Vergil started calling you by the sweet endearment. So, it makes sense why this card represents you and your feelings in the matter at hand: you hope to grow even closer with your fierce fella after tonight.
Your brow quirks at the next card in the spread, which depicts a man in full armor riding atop a valiant steed with a large wand. Huh…how curious, you muse, tilting your head at the Knight of Wands as you ponder its meaning. It usually denotes a popular person prone to grand gestures crossing your way…this person may also be full of themselves and impetuous, leading them to make rushed and foolish decisions. You’re not exactly sure what this means for your date tonight, but you get the feeling that it won’t be favorable.  
The next card has you blinking a couple times before leaning in just to make sure your eyes aren’t deceiving you. But the scene of three young women dancing in a circle with their golden chalices held high in a joyful toast remains the same. Curiouser and curiouser, you thought while tapping your nails on the desk, wondering if the proposed outcome of success is too good to be true. Drawing the Three of Cups is all around a good omen though, so you press onto the very last card of the spread.
A shiver runs up your spine at the sight of a man and a woman embracing each other in paradise. The consequences of tonight’s date will lead to what you’ve always wanted in your previous life…and what you desire now more than ever despite your cursed existence. Now I know it’s too good to be true, you consider sullenly, warning yourself to not get your hopes up as you begin clearing the desk. But a peculiar notion pops into your head when you touch The Lovers card again; it doesn’t seem like your usual stray thoughts at all…it feels like a sudden prediction of moments yet come…    
Two souls shall converge in a moment of destiny.
“I didn’t take you for a fortune teller.”
Your head whips around at the sound of your lover’s voice. His soft lips curl into a smirk as you check out his delectable attire for tonight. The paisley pattern of the midnight blue jacket looks absolutely regal buttoned around his waist. A black and blue handkerchief pokes out of his jacket’s pocket, bringing your attention to the silky black lapels framing his broad chest. The matching black dress shirt and pants starkly contrasts with his silvery white hair while the Yamato hanging on his hip completes his elegant wardrobe.
“I don’t dabble in tarot much,” you explain while storing the cards back inside the small velvet bag. “But I thought a little insight might help us with our date tonight,” you admit, softly nipping your lower lip with a single fang as you get up from his desk.
Vergil hums in understanding as you stow the bag back on the appropriate shelf. “And where, exactly, shall this date take place?” he inquires, slicking back his perfectly styled hair while watching you with a curious gleam in his eyes.
Your hands become a blur as you quickly wrap your hair into a low bun before pinning it in place. “There’s this posh jazz lounge downtown,” you reveal while grabbing a starry headpiece with two chain swags. “It has an excellent bar, great music…” you pause for a moment as you carefully stick the headpiece right above your bun. “And some private sitting rooms for exclusive members,” you finish, clipping the two chains on either side of your head.
Vergil tilts his head. “Sounds like you’ve hunted there before.”
You chortle at his keen deduction as you swiftly fasten an elaborate shoulder necklace around your neck. “It was my usual haunt on those nights whenever I needed a break from blood packs,” you recall with an impish smirk while adjusting the hanging strings of pearls on your arms. “But I haven’t had to go back since you feed me so well, my love,” you point out with a playful purr before showing off your strapless black dress.
The sparkling diamonds and iridescent pearls twinkle like stars as you spin around with a slow and sensual twirl. His husky growl sends pleasant tingles below your belly as the skirt flares out, revealing your bare legs and black stiletto heels. You run a finger down your cleavage with a flirty grin, relishing the spark of desire in his silver blue eyes as your knee pokes out of the scandalously long slit of your dress.
“Well?” you prompt with a pleased smile. “What do you think?”
Vergil slowly stalks over to you. “Now I know why mortals can’t stay away when you’re on the prowl,” he softly declares while taking your hand. “You’re irresistible…” he trails off, turning your hand so that he may place a gentle kiss upon your wrist. “And utterly magnificent,” he murmurs with a reverent smile as he tips your chin up into his amorous kiss.    
You grasp the lapels of his jacket as both of your lips slowly smack against each other for a moment before withdrawing with delighted hums. He offers his arm and you gladly accept by wrapping both of your hands around his elbow. His wicked smirk stirs that ever-present hunger deep inside you as he leads you out of his room, effectively distracting you from sharing one more crucial detail of the date.
“There’s one last thing I’d like to do before we leave,” you reveal nervously as both of you descend the stairs. “It’s been a long time since I’ve done this with anyone but…”
Vergil looks down at you inquisitively as you close your eyes and focus on reaching out with your mind. His eyes widen in shock as your quiet thoughts brush against his consciousness. “It’ll help us keep track of each other tonight,” you reassure, patiently waiting for him to let down his guard. You can feel him contemplating for a few moments before your mind is suddenly flooded with another presence. It feels familiar and little apprehensive, so you decide to test the connection with a simple thought.
Can you hear me, my love?  
Vergil stares at your unmoving lips in wonder as your words pass through his mind. Then, he gives you an affectionate smile while his response slips past your barrier.        
You continue to surprise me, my Evening Star.
“Shall we?” he asks aloud while opening the door.
Your soft giggle fills his mind as both of you leave the shop. He slashes open a portal with the Yamato and takes your arm before leading you to the other side. Then, you explain your powers and abilities in more detail as you both walk through the more upscale part of the city towards your destination. It doesn’t take long for both of you to arrive at The Nightingale, a high-end jazz lounge and your hunting ground for the night.
Vergil asks if a reservation is needed to enjoy this swanky club as you approach the entrance. You nod and admit that you’re not on the list but that can be rectified with just a few words. He quirks his brow at you as he opens the door, letting you enter first before following right behind you.
A young lady greets you in the entryway. “Hi! Welcome to The Nightingale! Your name, please?” she inquires with a friendly smile.
You give her some random name and as she looks down to check the list, you let a tiny bit of the magnetizing presence hidden within you slip out. “Hmm…I don’t see you…” she trails off with a soft gasp as her head snaps up to meet your gaze. “Gosh, you’re so pretty,” she admits with a dreamy sigh before blinking with surprise. “Oh! I’m so sorry, miss! I dunno what’s gotten into me,” she hastily apologizes with a shake of her head.
“Think nothing of it, darling,” you reassure with a tilt of your head as you stare into her awestruck eyes.
Your vampiric charm pulls her in deeper as you delve into her mind, sifting through a few recent memories before reshaping one for your intended purpose. “Perhaps you should check the list again,” you kindly suggest while receding from her mind. “We don’t want any trouble over a simple misunderstanding,” you add with a patient smirk as you glance over at Vergil, who looks just as confused and fascinated as the hostess.
“Yes, of course,” she replies before checking the list again. “Oh! There you are!” she exclaims while marking the exact name she now remembers you saying to begin with. “Must’ve misheard you…so sorry about that!” she apologizes again with a sheepish grin as she points down a nearby hall with huge double doors. You thank her with a smile before heading in that direction, silently amused at her quiet muttering about making a fool of herself in front of a beautiful stranger.
Vergil observes you from the corner of his eye before speaking softly. “It all makes sense now…how you’re so good at gathering information,” he muses with an amazed smirk as both of you come to a halt in the hallway.
“Oh, that’s nothing compared to what I’m about to do, my love,” you boast, noting the two doormen just outside the main venue as you stare up at him with a smug smile. His arms wrap around you as he chuckles at your boldness, bringing you in close to bestow a soft kiss above your brow.
“Happy hunting, my dear.”
And with that, he teleports away in a blink of an eye, leaving you to deal with the spooked doormen. Damnable devil, you thought while rolling your eyes with an annoyed huff. But you’re able to calm them down easily by assuming a peaceful aura within your vampiric presence. They both go back to their positions by the double doors and swing them open as you approach the loud and lively venue.
The smooth sounds of jazz along with the excited chatter of the crowd brings back memories of a past long forgotten. You pause just outside the door to capture this moment before a magnificent storm while nostalgia sweeps you away to a bygone age. Then, you slowly release the full majesty of your presence, letting it unfurl like a blooming flower as you stride into the main floor with your head held high.
All eyes are instantly upon you as the entirety of the club notices your grand entrance. Even the music slows down as your presence hits the musicians, but they quickly recover and find the rhythm again. You can’t help but to smirk at their awed stares and gaping faces as you pass by multiple tables. Several waiters completely ignore their current customers to assist you with your every need. Your soft laughter makes all their hearts beat faster, stirring your hunger as you request a secluded table on the second floor. Their heavenly sighs fill the air when they behold your gracious smile before rushing off to do their task.
You search for Vergil with your mind as you head up to the second floor, questioning if he successfully made it inside the venue unnoticed. His impressed hum brushing against your consciousness lets you know that he’s not only there but close by. Your eyes dart from side to side as you wonder where he could be hiding…but the mystery of his whereabouts has you shivering with anticipation. The thrill of being watched from the shadows runs through you as you’re seated on a plush couch by a table with a fantastic view of the stage.  
That’s when your hunt truly begins.
Most of your kind usually like to roam around looking for their prey and play pretend as they chat up some gullible mortals. Then, they lure them to a private place where the ignorant human will experience the bliss of the Dark Kiss while their new acquaintance indulges in their blood. It’s typical of all vampires to hunt this way…but some predators wait for their prey to come to them.
And oh, do they come…like a swarm of moths to a dangerous flame.
Quite a few people approach you with various requests over the next hour. Some ask if they can join your table while others just want to buy you a drink. You accept some patrons at your table and refuse others, steadily surrounding yourself with potential prey while listening to excellent jazz. Your keen sense of hearing picks up their whispered conversation, learning a little about these mortals as you judge the potency of their blood. All of them show promise but their constant gawking and shallow compliments are boring you to death…again!
Your eyes begin to wander as the band starts playing a slow and smoky tune, totally changing the atmosphere of the club to something more intimate. And that’s when you spy a young woman standing by the bar, trying her hardest to not get caught staring as she peeks over at your table. How adorable, you muse while admiring her curves and pretty dress. You tilt your head with interest when her body quivers under your alluring gaze, which only whets your appetite even more…that is until the sudden appearance of a young man distracts her.
You manage to hold back the irritable growl crawling up your throat at this unfortunate interruption. But you continue to watch closely as they start talking, noting that they must know each other very well going by their friendly demeanor. The woman must have mentioned you since the man glances your way and his body instantly reacts much like his lady friend. Your brow quirks as they lean in close, sharing a few more hushed whispers before turning around to face you together.
Oh my…what an adventurous couple, you surmise, softly laughing to yourself as you dismiss your entourage with a mere flick of your hand. They all follow your silent command without question, leaving you alone with a couple bottles of unopened champagne. You pat the now empty couch with your hand as you lure them over with an inviting grin.
The daring couple immediately join you and introduce themselves while sitting on either side of you on the couch. You take one of the bottles of champagne and pop the cork, smiling at their eager faces as you kindly offer to pour them a drink. They each grab a glass and propose a toast about seizing opportunities for new experiences before taking a sip as you steer the conversation towards themselves.
It doesn’t take much cajoling to learn that they’re not only a couple but engaged, and you just so happen to catch them the night before their wedding! You ask why they’ve chosen to spend their time with you rather than enjoying each other’s company and they both give a vague answer…but curiosity gets the better of you. So, you simply urge them to be honest with your captivating presence, holding them even tighter within your seductive sway as they spill all their dirty little secrets.  
Oh, this is just too delicious! you gush when they reveal one in particular fantasy about having a threesome with a gorgeous stranger. You lean in real close to each of them and whisper your own craving for something new and exciting, tempting both of them with the promise of exquisite pleasure as you nibble on their ear. Your hunger intertwines with lust as you eye both of their necks, reveling in the aroused blood running through their veins.
You’re absolutely ravenous by the time they finish off one bottle of champagne, and you dare say that your venturesome couple is ready for more…but the sudden announcement of a song request draws your attention. You look down at the stage to see the bandleader pointing up in your direction.
“This next song is for the star up above.”
The band begins playing some mediocre number that barely manages to be tolerable. Your brow furrows at the awful request while your lovely couple remains totally oblivious to your confusion. The insidious whispers of paranoia invade your thoughts, but you push them aside as you mentally reach out to Vergil.
Did you…?
His reply is swift with a hint of cold anger.
No. It was him.
You scan the room and instantly spot the man that has provoked the ire of your fierce fella. It’s not hard to pick him out with that shameless leer on his face as he struts towards you. As he gets closer, you feel this distinctive shift in the air around him while the potency of his blood sets you on edge. You can sense his influence seeping through the mortals around him, bending their will in a show of dominance as he finally makes it to your table.  
There’s no mistaking it.
You’re in the presence of another vampire.  
“Hey there, sugar,” he greets, making your skin crawl as his lips curve into an oily smile. “Mind if I join you?”
You give him a quick once over before looking back up with an unimpressed frown. “Would if I could but I’m quite busy at the moment,” you decline coolly, wrapping an arm around the woman as you tousle the man’s hair.
“Aww, c’mon now…can’t a couple of night owls share a drink?” he persists as his eyes flicker over your adventurous couple.
Your eyes squint into an icy glare. “Go get your own and leave me be.”
The meddling mosquito laughs in your face. “Listen, I don’t appreciate you moving in on my turf without the proper courtesy that’s expected of one so young,” he discloses while that oily smile turns more sinister with every word. “But I’m willing to put this lil’ transgression behind us.”
You roll your eyes as he moves in closer, encroaching on your personal space while staring you down. His lecherous gaze makes your blood boil as a foreign presence slams against consciousness. “All you have to do is-” he abruptly gets cut off as his eyes meet with your furious stare.
Your harsh command assaults his mind with overwhelming force. His knees buckle under the weight of your superior power as he falls to the ground. He looks back up at you in shock, mouth agape and eyes wide as he begins to grovel at your feet. “I’m deeply sorry, mistress…I didn’t realize-”
The pathetic little tick instantly shuts his gaping mouth. “I know for a fact this is not your turf,” you reveal, slowly raising his chin up with your foot before shoving the tip of your stiletto heel between his lips. “In fact, no one has claim over this place…until tonight.”
His eyes widen in terror as you pierce his filthy damned soul with your scornful gaze. You mentally nudge the young woman beside you to grab the bottle of champagne off of the table. She complies and pops the cork before handing it over with a sweet smile, not even acknowledging the cowering vampire kneeling before you.
“It’s all mine now.”  
Your overpowering dominance keeps him from standing up or speaking out as you pour every last drop of champagne atop of his head. An amused chuckle flits through your mind as the sparkling bubbly dribbles down his mortified face. You wedge the tip of your heel deeper between his teeth, letting the slope of your foot guide a good amount of champagne into his mouth. He gags and tries to spit it out, but you command him to swallow every fizzy drop, knowing that he’ll have to suffer through the unpleasant process of purging it from his body once you’re done with him.  
You order him to clean your foot as soon as the champagne stops flowing, carefully instructing him to only lick the bottom since your stiletto heels are way too expensive for his vile tongue. Your lips curl into a cruel smirk as he laps up all the dirt and grime with a disgusted frown on his face. You take pleasure in his humiliation while handing the empty bottle over to the young man sitting calmly beside you. And when you tire of his submissive cleaning, you decide to give this worthless tick one last word of warning before setting him free.
“I highly suggest you never darken my domain again,” you threaten while molding his will like wet clay, “unless you want to suffer a fate worse than Final Death.”
And with that final command, you release him with a dismissive wave of your hand. He quickly stands up and tries to speak, but something behind you catches him off guard. You see a flicker of blue reflect in his horrified eyes, visibly shaking with unbridled fear as he slowly backs away before making a hasty departure.
You follow his speedy retreat until he’s no longer in sight. “Now, where were we?” you murmur while cupping the lady’s cheek as your foot rubs up and down the young man’s leg. “Ah yes…I remember now.” Your hungry gaze flickers between your adventurous couple before looking at one of the private sitting rooms. Their bodies shiver in delight as you finally close in on your prey with one final question:
“Care to join me somewhere more private?”      
🌹🦇🌹 (Vergil’s POV) 🌹🦇🌹
Vergil knew he was in for an intriguing experience when he agreed to this lascivious date. So far, it’s played out exactly as he expected: you’ve ensnared everyone in the club with your enthralling presence and caught some prey within your alluring web. The detestable appearance of another vampire nearly made him come out of hiding to cut him down. But he stayed his hand and watched as his Evening Star bent the miscreant to her will before ordering him to leave immediately.
Remarkable, he muses, impatiently wringing the collar of his dress shirt while intense yearning flushes through his body. His keen ears pick up your sensual whisper as you ask the enamored young couple to follow you somewhere else. They nod their heads eagerly before wrapping themselves around each of your arms. He hears your voice ringing through his mind like a delicate breeze as you stand up and glance at a vacant room guarded by a doorman.
Better hurry, my love…the show’s about to begin.
Vergil smirks at your playful tone as you glide across the floor with refined grace. He follows close behind, trying his best to remain unseen while waiting for an opening to sneak into the room. Your captivating gaze falls upon the doorman, staring at him with intense focus while muttering under your breath. His eyes glaze over as he stands stock still for a few seconds before snapping out his momentary daze. Then, the doorman smiles politely at your approach and opens the door for you, giving Vergil the opportunity to slink in after you when he walks away.
He quietly shuts the door behind him and creeps among the shadows of the room, checking for any sign of the couple being aware of an uninvited guest. But you have them wrapped around your finger, completely infatuated and fawning over your every move as you lead them to a large couch in the corner. He leans against the opposite wall as you guide the woman to sit down and halt the young man from following suit by gently placing your hand on his chest.        
“Ladies first.”
The young man shivers and nods his head in understanding. He moves to stand by the young woman while you sit beside her, giving Vergil a perfect view as the climax of your hunt begins. You cup her face and bring her in close, only stopping a hair’s breadth from her lips as your hands slide down her neck. She whimpers and tries to lean in for a kiss, but you gently push her to lie down on the couch and continue to caress the curves of her body.
Vergil remains motionless as you lift the young woman’s dress up, spreading her legs to reveal her soaking wet panties. His cock twitches as you settle between her thighs, nipping at her skin while moving lower and lower…then, the woman gasps and her face contorts in pain for only a second before slacking in pleasure as your fangs sink into the prominent vein near her clothed sex.    
“Holy shit,” the young man grunts, palming his bulging crotch as he watches you partake of his lover.
Vergil finds himself mirroring the action, cupping his aching cock while taking in every detail of this depraved moment. The euphoric moans of the young woman as she writhes in pleasure on the couch has him itching to loosen his pants. But he resists the urge to touch himself and just continues to witness the power his Evening Star welds over these mortals.
You withdraw from the woman after drinking a couple more mouthfuls and pin the young man down with your lustful gaze. His eyes widen as you smack your red lips, letting out a pleased hum while drops of blood dribble down your chin. “What the fuck?!” he gasps with realization as you bend down and close the wounds on his lover’s thigh with a swipe of your tongue.
Vergil senses his fear and summons the Yamato at the ready for a quick getaway if needed. But you simply rush over to him in a mere second and place a single finger on his trembling lips. “Shh,” you coo, staring deeply into his eyes as you ease him to a state of total relaxation. His lips curve into a dopey smile as you circle around and wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” you whisper while staring down at the blissed-out woman still laying on the couch.
“Y-yes!” he gasps as your fangs graze his ear. “I love her so much,” he tacks on with genuine fondness, making your lips quirk into an amused smirk while prompting him to look at you once more.
“Be a good boy and feed your mistress.”
The young man turns around and bares his neck for you. He seems to melt in your embrace as you scrape your fangs against the pulsating vein. You peer over his shoulder before biting down, seemingly staring right where Vergil is standing in shadows. The young man grunts in pain as your fangs sink into his flesh, but then he moans as his body quakes in pleasure.
Vergil’s grip on the Yamato tightens as his other hand moves on its own accord, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants while you enjoy your second drink of the night. He quietly hisses as his cock springs free from its tight confines, already engorged and weeping white droplets at the tip. His blatant gaze never wavers from your mesmerizing stare as he finally succumbs to his deepest desire and begins pleasuring himself. He grits his teeth with every pump of his hand, consciously holding back any grunts and growls that try to escape his throat. The intense yearning from earlier overtakes his mind, hardening his cock even more with the thought of you handling mortals like mere playthings.
After a few more moments of silently watching each other, you release the young man’s neck with a pleased hiss. Your tongue closes his wounds with a quick lick before relinquishing him from your grasp. You softly gasp and cover your delighted smirk with a dainty hand as you examine the huge wet spot on the front of his pants.
“Looks like somebody got too excited!” you playfully note while directing him to sit next to his lover on the couch. “But that’s alright,” you sigh as the young man just smiles happily, totally oblivious to coming undone by your sensual bite alone. “I know exactly what you need for round two,” you divulge with a wicked gleam in your eye as you take a seat between them.
Vergil pauses at your mysterious words and quirks his eyebrow when you prick your middle finger with one of your fangs. “Both of you have pleased your mistress greatly,” you gush while holding your hand over to the young woman. “So as a reward…” you murmur as a few droplets of your blood drips between her parted lips.
The young woman lets out an ecstatic cry as your thick and redolent nectar touches her tongue. You let her suckle on your finger for a moment before giving the young man his fair share of his prize. He also cries out at the taste of your blood, eagerly lapping every drop off your finger. The front of his pants grow tight with his reinvigorated arousal while his lover rubs her cunt through her drenched panties.
You get up from the couch and stare at the hedonistic couple with a satisfied smile. “I suggest you fuck each other hard and rough,” you coax with a provocative purr. “Oh! And one more thing,” you quickly add while cupping both of their enraptured faces. “After you both come…” you trail off as they meet your entrancing gaze, remaining still and silent until he hears you whispering your final command.
Vergil sees the light in their eyes glaze over as you slowly retreat from the couch. He swiftly puts his cock away and waits until you’re close enough to pounce on you. His arm encircles your waist before dragging you back into the shadows.  
“You shine so brightly, my Evening Star,” he whispers fondly, earning a quiet giggle and soft whimper from you as he nibbles your ear.
Your head tilts to the side as you look up at him from the corner of your eye. “Enjoy the show, my love?” you inquire with a naughty grin while grinding against his crotch.  
“Mmm…I’ll say!” you quietly exclaim with glee while eyeing his straining cock.
You suddenly become a blur of motion before his eyes, completely taking him off guard as he leans back against the wall. His head snaps down to see his pants by his knees and you licking the underside of his cock, pulling a surprised grunt from him while the sound of passionate sex fills the air. You gesture with your head towards the swooning couple, subtly prodding him to watch as they fulfill your request.
Vergil beholds the scene of pure debauchery just a few feet in front of him: torn clothes strewn across the floor surround the couple vigorously making love on the couch. He focuses on the lady bouncing up and down in the young man’s lap, admiring her swaying breasts as she struggles to keep up with her lover’s fast pace. His curious gaze lingers down to where they’re connected, so wet and slippery as they slap against each other over and over. He feels your mouth sink all the way down his cock as both of their cries of shared ecstasy stoke the flames of his desire.  
You waste no time with your usual teasing and start sucking him off with the fervor of a wanton harlot, eagerly bobbing your head in time with the couple’s raunchy pace. Their litany of shameless moans drown out his approving growl as he cups the back of your head and thrusts his hips to meet every downstroke of your mouth. He can feel his cock growing more taut against your tongue while the tightening sensation of imminent release pools below his belly. The hand clenching the Yamato starts to shake as he pursues that blessed peak of pleasure, approaching fast and getting closer and closer and closer…  
The private room’s door abruptly bursts open, startling both him and the randy couple but not you in the slightest. A strange sensation swathes him with a spine-tingling chill as a doorman hurries inside and begins asking the couple to get dressed. Your lips curl into knowing smirk around his cock, still sucking with gusto as his heart begins to pound with the thrill of getting caught.
The doormen turns his head towards your hiding spot in the shadowy corner. Vergil takes the Yamato in both hands and presses its sheath against the back of your head, effectively barring you from making any more movement. But that doesn’t stop your tongue from lavishing his shaft…nor your hands from caressing his innermost thighs. He purses his lips and glares down at you in warning while attempting to remain silently composed.
You look up at his scowling face as your fangs elongate in defiance, grazing the silky skin around the base of his cock. The lone doorman comes closer, peering at the darkened corner as you stroke and squeeze his balls. The preserve thought of coming undone in front of a total stranger makes his pleasure soar sky high, climbing higher and higher until his impending release starts to curl and crest…and despite his best efforts to stubbornly resist, he comes crashing down with a restrained roar at the back of this throat.
Vergil watches as the doorman scratches his head in confusion, seemingly unaware of a devilish intruder emptying his load into your mouth. He doesn’t dare to move with the doorman standing so close, resigning to just enjoy the decadence of such carnal delights as the last tremors of his orgasm leaves him breathless. But the doorman eventually departs with the perplexed couple in tow, finally giving both of you respite from the utterly tense yet highly arousing situation. He glances down at you through half-lidded eyes, noting the white streaks of his seed leaking down your pretty chin with a gratified hum.    
Your lips curve into a pleased grin as you pull his spent cock out of your mouth. He knows that you can’t partake of his seed, but the thought of you spitting it out seems like a waste. So, he sweeps you up into his arms before you find a trash bin and captures your lips with a hungry kiss. You throw your arms around his neck as he pries your mouth open, softly moaning while thick white cum trickles down on his waiting tongue. He swings you around and presses your back against the wall, eagerly drinking every last drop before tearing away from your lush lips with a low growl.
“I have half a mind to punish you for your disobedience,” he scolds with an irritable snarl.    
“Even though you liked it?” you point out with an amused giggle. “You shouldn’t have let me taste you again if you really wanted to berate me for fulfilling your voyeuristic fantasies,” you point out while licking your lips with a satisfied hum. His brow twitches at your response but he doesn’t deny that he enjoyed the rush of adrenaline when the doorman unknowingly looked straight at him. You smile knowingly as he lowers you down to the ground with an indignant huff.
“And don’t worry, my love,” you coo softly as he makes himself presentable again. “I cloaked us both in the shadows of their mind, so we weren’t in any real danger of being caught.”
Vergil pauses as he remembers the strange sensation that overtook him when the doorman showed up. “You’ve failed to mention that you can extend that deceptive power to me,” he mutters with a suspicious squint while zipping up his pants and buckling his belt.
“It must’ve slipped my mind,” you note with a nonchalant shrug and cheeky grin.
A rumbling growl emanates from his throat as he crowds you against the wall with his looming height. “Such insolence will not go unpunished, my dear.”
You nip your lower lip with a single fang as his hand slides up along the slit of your dress before slipping between your legs. He softly growls while stroking you over the flimsy fabric of your panties, utterly pleased by slick essence of your sex dripping down his long fingers. You whimper as he shows off just how wet you are by bringing his hand up close to his face before licking a finger clean. Then, he presses another glistening finger against your lips, silently demanding you to open your mouth while gazing down at you with dark promise in his eyes. You hum indulgently while sucking his finger clean before titillating him with your brazen response to his enticing threat.          
“I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me, my love.”    
I’d like to thank @bettybattaglia for her galaxy brain idea of champagne guzzling and heel licking! And I gotta give a shout to all my fellow judgement sluts in the discord server for encouraging this filth! 😂🙈
Tagging: @drusoona @exsultry @tehrevving @varen-neoraven @shiranyaaww
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am-imagines · 5 years
Experience. Alex Morgan Imagine.
This was suppossed to be a short and sweet Imagine as per this anon request:  Is it alright for me to request something? Anyways: reader and Alex are together but the team except for Kelley (being the best friend of r) doesn’t know. Kelley and r are such good friends the others (and maybe the fans) start to tease them about being a couple. Obviously Alex doesn’t like that and gets jealous/possessive and probably spills the secret by accident? 
But this isn’t exactly short. It was a trip to write and one I truly enjoyed so I hope all of you do too. I apologize for any and all mistakes, those are only mine.
Words: 3332
Warnings: Swearing.
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“Get a room, lovebirds!”
“Go eat a bird, Lavelle,” you say with a glare before resuming your conversation with Kelley.
Every single time someone implies you and O’Hara are together, it rubs you the wrong way. There’s nothing wrong with Kelley, she’s your best friend since the moment you met her, but there was never an attraction between you two. Maybe it irks you because you’ve told the team so a thousand times, but they keep pushing it no matter what you do.
“Come on! It’s time for you to accept it. We’re not gonna judge.”
Moving Kell’s legs from your lap, you get up. You’re just not in the mood to deal with them right now. The teasing could have been considered funny at the beginning, and maybe it would still be if you weren’t in love with someone else; someone trying really hard not to snap at Rose and Sonnett at the time.
Practice ended a few minutes ago, but you were talking with Kelley and were in no rush. Now, you gather your things; ready to head back to the hotel and hide from the team. Your conversation with Kelley will have to wait: which sucks because you’re in the middle of a really important conversation and the planning of a super secret surprise.
“Talk to you later, Kells.”
You spare a longing look at your girlfriend but can’t do much more without the rest of the girls knowing. Both of you had agreed to keep the relationship a secret until you felt ready.
“Y/N, wait!” Kelley calls and catches up to you after grabbing her bag.
“Why is it so hard for you to accept your feelings?”
By then it doesn’t matter who asked that. They’ve been pushing you for so long that the last drop makes you snap. The whole situation frustrates you to no end because it’s not the team anymore. The fans have theories about your secret romance with Kelley, and the press is starting to bring attention to it on every interview.
You know these sort of things were bound to happen since you’re a public figure. That’s exactly why you decided to keep your relationship hidden. But it makes you wonder how they can interpret the looks you share with your best friend as love, and yet ignore the way you look at one of the team’s captains.
There are things you cannot hide no matter how hard you try.
“Because there are no feelings between us!” You practically shout. “We’re friends. She’s my best friend, and yes, I love Kelley O’Hara but not in the way you all assume. I’m tired of this; of the way none of you listen! And I’m done: done with this and all of you.”
You leave without another word and Kelley follows closely. The way you two act around each other might not help what they think, but she knows you better than anyone else. She has had your back since the first day, and you have hers.
By then, you don’t know how the world doesn’t know the truth yet. It’s not like you’re tired of waiting or regretting the secrecy of your ongoing romance, but everyone is too stubborn or too damn oblivious to see the truth.
Your relationship with Alex Morgan has been a secret for little over a year, but as soon as someone flirts with you, Alex intercedes. When the press started questioning Kelley about the nature of her relationship with you, Alex made a point of being as close to you as possible for all of them to see. She almost kissed you after the match with France, and Kelley jumped towards both of you to cover the cameras.
Loving her is the best and greater thing you’ve ever done.
But you wish the rest of the world could let you be. Even if you were in a relationship with Kelley, or felt something else for the defense, you wish they could allow you the time to come to terms with your feelings at your own pace.
It’s too much to ask from the press; even from the fans. But you expected more from the women you consider family by now.
“I’m sorry,” Kelley says when you leave them behind.
That infuriates you even more because it’s not her fault.
She’s the only one that knows the truth since your love for Alex was nothing more than a crush. She was there to witness the beginning of your relationship and gave the shovel talk to Alex and then to you. She has kept your secrets and respected your wishes for privacy.
That’s probably why the entire world thinks there’s something else going on. Apparently, you can’t just be close friends anymore.
“No! It’s not your fault.”
You pull her into a hug and she laughs before poking your sides until you join her. She holds you for another moment; waiting patiently for the anger to fade away before relenting her embrace. She knows you too well, damn it.
“Call her. Pretty sure she needs it as much as you do after that fiasco. Then, you and I are gonna finish all the preparations. I’m pretty sure it’ll blown Janice off her socks. Only you could be that cheesy, Y/N. I’m telling you.”
“We’re in France, Kelley!” You say while spinning around with your arms extended. “We have to live it up to the city of love!”
“Yeah, yeah.” She responds shaking her head, although you can see her smiling. “Hurry up and make your call or I’m leaving you stranded on the Eiffel Tower.”
“You love me too much for that.”
Still, you get your phone to ring Alex.
The conversation is short lived; she’s trapped with the guys as they keep discussing your love life and you can detect a hint of anger as she tells them to shut up. You barely manage to tell her where you’re going; or close enough as to not spoil the surprise, and the time you will be back. The call ends with you telling her how much you love her and her tone softens when she whispers I love you too.
Everything goes as according to plan as it can afterwards. When you make it back to the hotel you almost ditch Kelley in your effort to make it to the room you share with Alex. It’s not like your best friend takes offense; she’s the one sending you off when the elevator finally reaches your floor.
Alex exits the bathroom just as you enter the room and your gaze falls on her perfect figure. She’s wearing one of your oversized sweatshirts and her hair is still wet from her shower.
It’s a beautiful sight and you almost choke on air.
“Hi!” You exclaim still breathless.
“Hello yourself,” Alex answers with an amused smirk. “Welcome back.”
She knows exactly what she’s doing when she closes the distance with an extra swag on her hips. You can’t move as she approaches you and her arms sneak around your waist. Alex pulls you closer until space is non-existent between her body and yours.
A second later her lips are on yours.
You know Alex better than anyone, and as soon as she kisses you, you know exactly how she feels. You don’t think she truly realizes her own jealousy, but the hunger in that kiss is a clear sign.
Alex is not always this desperate when jealous, because she knows what drives you crazy. She knows that the possessive flare here and there can make you putty in her hands and she can be rough when she knows you crave it.
This time, she’s trying to make a claim.
A subtle tilt of her head and your lips part for her. She nibbles your bottom lip before deepening the kiss; making it sensual in a way you can fully explain. It makes you shiver and your knees go weak. Thankfully her arms are holding you up.
You’re hers and Alex Morgan doesn’t take it well when people think otherwise.
The agreement you had changed nothing. Sure, neither of you is completely ready to come out to the public yet, but that doesn’t mean anyone else can have you.
When the kiss ends, you’re a little bit out of it. That’s the effect Alex has on you.
“I’m sorry.”
Alex would never apologize for a kiss like that and immediately you know that’s not the reason behind her words. You see the truth in her eyes when she rests her forehead against yours; you see the love and adoration, but also find traces of longing and heartache.
“We’re in this together, Al. None of this is your fault, and no matter how much I’d like the rumors to stop, I love having you all to myself.”
You’ve been able to explore and grow your relationship without the press trying to get in between or the world offering unwanted opinions. The main focus was always on your career rather than your love life, and your value wasn’t suddenly attached to the person were dating.
Every single moment shared with Alex is a gift. And you treasure every single one.
“I wanted to tell them the truth this morning,” she confesses. “I wanted to leave with you instead of Kelley. I know they care and want you to be happy. I wanted to tell them that you already are, with me.”
“Maybe it’s time to tell them.”
You’re in the middle of the world cup; about the face England in the semis. It’s not the right time, and both of you know it. But still, there’s only so much you can handle.
You won the match against England and Alex scored on her birthday. A mix of happiness, excitement and adrenaline are still running through your body when you’re called aside for an interview. You can barely focus on the reporter in front of you for a couple of minutes.
“Y/N, congratulations on the win. Great game today.”
“Thanks. We’re really excited to be on the final. We’ve fought so hard to be where we are.”
“Is it the excitement of the World Cup that made you finally come clean on your relationship with Kelley O’Hara?”
That cuts right through your dazed state and you stare at the reporter blankly.
“This morning a video invaded all social media where it’s clear you two are more than friends. What do you have to say to all the fans that suspected already? Do you think it’s wise to prioritize a relationship when you’re aren’t champions yet?”
Your mind can’t even process half his questions as you shake your head trying to stop the claims. Where the hell did they hear that? You can’t even mutter a word before Ash steps in, tells him the interview is over and guides you to the locker room.
There’s a chorus of apologies and regretful looks that explain absolutely nothing. Alex is pacing from one side to another; anger clear in her eyes as Kelley tries to calm her down.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
That stops them all but Alex.
“Show her.”
A tablet is on your hands a second later with a video already playing. You can see pictures taken the day before as you explored France with your best friend.
 “Many people have speculated about an ongoing romance between members of the USWNT: Kelley O’Hara and a fan favorite: Y/N. The rumors started months ago but have resurfaced when the pair was seen around the city of lights without the rest of the team. It would seem they truly can’t resist the magic of the city.”
There’s a short video of you saying almost the same thing to Kelley after you left practice, but of course everything that was related to Alex is missing. Either they decided to cut it out, or whoever recorded you only captured a piece of that conversation.
“No, no.”
  “The apparent couple never made an official declaration, but what can contradict this?”
You don’t expect to hear your own voice and the first word is enough for you to know the rest of that sentence.
“She’s my best friend, and yes, I love Kelley O’Hara…”
Your voice trails off and you pause the video. This seems like a really bad joke; one with the worst timing. It’s not like Alex is having the happiest of birthdays, and you don’t blame her one bit.
You don’t even have a chance to talk to her for the rest of the day. Her family is there to celebrate her birthday, while paparazzi swam the hotel in hopes of capturing a moment of you and Kelley together. You can’t even go for a walk with your best friend, and your girlfriend doesn’t have a moment alone.
You wait and cheer at her party; not wanting to ruin her special day even more, but the surprise you had planned is ruined. There are cameras waiting for you to come out of the hotel, and they won’t stop following you.
Kelley sends you a text at midnight when the party is already winding down. No, it’s not safe to come out yet. With her text, your heart finally breaks. You’re not even sure how you manage to keep it together; smiling even when Alex notices something’s wrong.
Of course she notices. She has been trying to reach you since you were in the locker room, but the team kept apologizing and asking if you were okay. The press had swarmed her about the victory and her celebration.
The little things kept getting in her way, and her frustration is obvious by the end of the night.
Only when her arms are around you while you lay in bed, you break. You’re breathing is ragged as you try not to cry. It’s something stupid, you try to tell yourself so, but the surprise was important to you. You wanted the day to be special, perfect even. You can’t help but feel like everything is your fault and before you know it, the tears fall.
“Y/N, love...please don’t cry.”
She cups your face; worry clear on blue eyes but you can’t really stop.
“I had a surprise for you, Al. I wanted to take you to this vegan restaurant Kell helped me find. Then we’d visit the Eiffel Tower and watch the city and then see the lights. And I...”
You choke then because you can’t exactly tell her you planned to propose.
“We can still do that tomorrow,” she says. “We can do everything you planned and pretend today didn’t happen.”
She’s trying to comfort her and you pretend to believe her. You bury your face in her neck as she keeps talking about the many things you can do and how nothing has changed. But you know the press will not leave you alone. You know the final is days away and time is the last thing you’ll have. Jill won’t let you escape and your only chance was Alex’s birthday.
You know it, and so does she. Her breath comes uneven and you feel the way she’s struggling to talk. You don’t see the tears slowly rolling down her face, but you know they’re there. When silence feels the room, you’re still holding each other.
“I love you, Alex.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
For now, all you can do is keep holding on.
The most stressful week of your life ends up in the best way possible as the whistle ends the match. The USWNT raises and conquers the top of the world for the fourth time.
You’re the world champions and you’re not even sure how to celebrate. It’s an emotional moment and you want to cry. You look around to find an armful of Kelley O’Hara jumping to your arms and you laugh with her. Tobin and Ali join the celebration before the whole team is huddled together; everyone cheering and sporting wide grins.
Your eyes meet Alex and she opens her arms for you. Without a single moment of hesitation, you leave the rest of the group and jump into her embrace.
“We did it!” You say with a laugh. “We won the world cup.”
There’s a moment of charged tension between the two of you, and there’s nothing you want to do more than lean down and kiss her. For a split second you don’t care about the cameras following your every move. You don’t care about the rumors spreading like wildfire. None of that can reach you when you’re on top of the world.
Alex licks her lips and nods. She’s ready; just like you.
But then Pinoe and Allie are running towards you.
The moment -along with the spell-, is broken and you can only smile coyly at your girlfriend. The champion shirts are distributed as the trophy ceremony gets set up.
Everyone is too happy to think clearly, the conversations are a mix of broken words and sounds of excitement. And then Kelley goes to the stands to kiss her girlfriend, JJ does the same with her husband, and bit by bit everyone flows to their loved ones.
You hold Alex; press your forehead against hers while cupping her ridiculously attractive face. And then, without allowing the world another chance to stop you, you kiss her.
The noise of the stadium stops and your heartbeat is all you can hear. It happens every time you kiss Alex, but this is a completely different experience. That moment is the greatest of your life. You won the world cup with an incredible team behind you, and Alex by your side.
The World Cup is officially over while the rest of your life is about to begin.
“Marry me,” you say when you break apart.
There’s an incredulous look on Alex’s face even when she’s still smiling. There’s no doubt she heard you, but maybe a proposal on the middle of the field is not what she expected.
“Hey, lovebirds!”
That word would drive you crazy if Kelley wasn’t the one saying it, alas, you give your best friend an exasperated look because you’re kinda in the middle of something. And yet, when she throws a particular box your way, it’s obvious she knows you better than anyone.
With a chuckle, you kneel down in front of Alex and open the black box to reveal the ring.
“Alex Morgan, winning the world cup,” you still can’t believe you actually managed to pull it off, “wouldn’t have been the same without you by my side. This could easily be a perfect day, but there’s one thing that could make it even better, and that’s knowing that you’ll be by my side for the rest of our lives. Would you marry me?”
She pulls you back to your feet and into a kiss with one swift movement and she doesn’t stop kissing you until you have to go up and lift the cup. When she holds it above her head, the ring shines under the stadium lights and you’re not quite sure which achievement makes you prouder.
You dreamed your whole life of that moment...and now you’re also a World Champion.
Uh, who would have thought?
“Hey, lovebirds!”
You glare at Rose, Mal and Kelley. They’ve been overusing that word for what feels like months when in reality it’s been just a couple of hours.
“Say that one more time and I’m kicking you three off this plane.”
“You wouldn’t do that!” Kelley protests. “I’m your best friend.”
“Don’t worry, pretty sure there’s a parachute somewhere.”
You turn back to the livestream where you and Kelley cleared the rumors and well...if the whole proposal wasn’t obvious, you and Alex came out as a couple.
“So, yeah...Kelley O’Hara is my best friend and I love her even when she’s a pain in the ass.”
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petitfrodo · 8 years
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「ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜsᴇᴜᴍ.」
❝I’m all for embracing your rebel side but this is just ridiculous,❞ claimed Yoon, his brows arching upward as he was undoubtedly attempting to prove a point but to the well-known rebel, there was no walking back but aiming onward still. He shifted back and forth hastily, breaths not so steady and rather rigid.  
❝You two owe me big time,❞ and with that he scampered off into the far end of the museum, never looking back (never daring to, that is) as he was being chased by what it seemed to be two guards. Ouch. 
This is where he butts in. The name’s Jinwoo, in case it wasn’t clear. Though he preferred the name: mastermind, as this plan was an obvious construction of his five-year old mind. Moving on, you might be curious to how it all led to this. Well, I’ll have to take you a few hours back. Rewind please. 
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The 18th anniversary rolled in, his schedules lessened and he was ready to at last conduct his master plan. Though he’d need a bait, right? Now you might be wondering for what he’d need a bait. Well, the idea was that he took Mino to a nearby museum around midnight when the working hours had long passed and there was not a living soul down at the old place. Besides the two guards patrolling the area in case a thief hopped in and went in for a steal. The bait was SeungYoon, WINNER’s not the oldest but definitely the loudest member. The swag rapper wasn’t informed for the sake of the surprise and everything was kept hush, hush the second he’d enter one of their many meetings. It would raise a brow or two but he’d shrug it off and go about his day. Though curiosity’s reached its peak at some point, he began getting down and sneaky as he would eavesdrop every now and then. The day came, after dozens of them before reserved for coming up with the plan, the plan of plans, the mother of all ideas. The time came for the idea to turn into a living action, with a dash of mystery and engulfed in romance reality. As darkness seeped in, replacing the shades and hues of the evening sky with a midnight blue, the three lads headed out for what it seemed to be a simple walk. Not a word left their lips until Mino broke the silence by exclaiming, the tone raised only ever so slightly at the end to appear as a question: where are we going?!
❝You’ll see, just remain as patient as you always were. Please,❞ the petit lad had his arm around him in a sturdy grip, the corners of his lips twitching up to reveal a toothy grin. ❝This isn’t a prank, I’ve prepared something for you down at the old museum. Then again, you probably heard all about it,❞ he cocked his head sideways, his toothy grin now shifting into a smirk. ❝Sneaky, sneaky.❞ 
Yoon on the other hand kept fidgeting, hands hidden deep within the pockets of his coat. His kept his eyes on the two lovebirds, plump lips stiffened into a fine line. ❝Are we there yet?❞ A query emerged, followed by a prompt reply from the rebellious lad. 
❝We are.❞
The museum was enormous, possessing both front and back entrances. However, for the stealth effect to enhance to his maximum the three lads went out to the back as Jinwoo struggled to bust the door open. Mino was hesitant, his breathing a tad heavier and brows furrowed to form a frown. Leaning forth, he rested his hands upon the petit lad’s shoulders and looked over. ❝Are you sure this is the right way to do it? Why can’t we just come back during morning time, when it’s actually working?❞ No reply. Only static, slow breaths and sharp inhales. Yoon gave him a nudge, now swaying back and forth. In a barely audible voice, he whispered to the swag boy: Don’t worry, it will be alright. Click. They at last stepped in, shutting the door behind them. It seemed to be a storage room, where all the forgotten pieces of art gathered in hopes of being picked up again. Though now they no longer caught the attention of visitors, their glimmering stature long gone and broken but only the mere glances of janitors scraping the dust off. Stumble after stumble, trip after trip, the three ninjas struggled to find any light source. Who needs flashlights when all the fun hides amongst the shadows, right? Another click. Let there be light. The sudden flash of utter brightness had them raising their arms up to their eyes in some sort of a defense mechanism. A hiss fled their lips here and there as they jogged to yet another door, flicking the lights off only to find themselves being wrapped in gush of gloominess once more. 
❝What now genius?❞ The loud one inquired, adding a slight mocking tone to the last bit of his question. 
Just as when the petit one was parting his lips to respond back with the equal amount of savageness, yet another light shone in their direction. Damn, the guards. ❝Look who I found. You three got picked up on the storage room camera.❞ Another damn, Jinwoo dismissed the camera system entirely. Run. The three didn’t dare to split up, this wasn’t some mystery going to be solved by Scooby Doo and the gang. As the guards were frantically shaking their flashlights in almost every direction possible, the three musketeers found themselves trapped. Cornered, their breathing was now rapid and shallow as they knelt down to gain the last bit of composure they had left. To their surprise there stood a ten feet tall statue, its built rather broad and almost square shaped. Experts called it art, they called it a conveniently placed thing sent to shield them from unexpected flashes, glimmers and eyes darting to track them down. Masked by the thing, the chase stopped. For the time being. Nudge, nudge. Jinwoo dug his elbow to Yoon’s side and gestured with a simple shake of his head onward for him to get a move on. He was the bait after all. This is where the strangely placed beginning of this story comes in play. Yoon was never seen from again for the rest of the night there, the two rebels left only hoped he got home safe and sound. 
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Neither dared to move a muscle, both standing as still as the statue before them. The coast was clear for what seemed to be a solid fifteen minutes as the two turned up from behind the artsy looking statue. 
❝That was close. Too close. Now, let’s go on a tour.❞ The swag boy quirked a brow as the latter took his hand in his own, marching onward through the halls and corridors. Their arms swaying and feet lazily dragging across the floor beneath them, eyes took in the details of each piece. Brush strokes left behind a rich bustle of hues and shades, its textures calling to be touched as if they would come to life at a single dab of fingertips. The figurines, shapes of all sizes danced the night away in the dim light, each speaking of tales no mere tour guide could fathom or even begin to comprehend. There was a stop before each piece, silence grew between the two steadily as only their eyes spoke the language a pair of lips wouldn’t dare to utter. Jinwoo stopped abruptly as they entered a rather spacious and large room, with only a grand painting to grace its emptiness. 
❝Let’s stop here for a while, okay?❞ Lips quivered and grips only toughened, the two lovebirds took a seat on a bench situated before the painting mentioned a tad earlier. He inhaled some, gave a small shook of his head and spoke up at last after a long pause.
❝In a room full of art, I’d still stare you.❞ He stopped for a mere second, eyes glancing away only to come back to his lover again. 
❝You’re so wonderful, constructed of these tints God himself kept safe just for you until you came to be on this stern world. These high blue and low yellows, wild reds and calm greens. Gosh, even while passing these painted arts I couldn’t help but stare at you. I’m surprised you didn’t notice me being an obvious stalker from up-close. I came here and took you with me just so you can hear me not compare you to these arts? No, to rise you above them. Their beauty’s restricted by time itself, yours lives on. Yours lives among many individuals who feel like they’re on top of the world just by having you in their presence and I am one of them. I, Kim Jinwoo, am the luckiest man alive for being able to say I’m living among a breathing piece of art. You. A piece of art so full of life, it radiates to the murkiest of corners and frightens the shadows away. I know I’m just being a blabbering mess right now but I mean each and every word my mouth just spoke of. I love you, I love you so much. And yes, I love you more than you love me. Stubbornness: forbidden!❞ He laughed, the perky sound echoing the vacant halls.
❝Happy 18th anniversary, may we have dozens of more to come. Dozens. Thousands even.❞ Yet another laughter interrupted a severe speech. Swag boy broke out into a small laughter himself as the petite one leaned forth, leaving a smooch behind. 
❝Now, I have something else to show you! Come.❞ They made a move on, getting back up on their feet and dragging them along the wooden floor once again. Jinwoo fished out a piece of paper out of his pocket as it rustled under the touch. ❝Close your eyes, will you?❞ The latter obliged, shutting them tight. ❝No peaking,❞ and with that, the petit one unfolded the little piece of paper that had stuck around in his pocket for far too long. ❝Ta-dah!❞ A drawing. How artsy of him, not to mention how convenient as they happened to be roaming through an empty museum. He gave it his best shot, even adding a simple colouring to their clothes and hair to make it seem more realistic. Or at least alike to the two love birds. ❝Do you like it? I know it’s not astonishing or breathtaking but I thought we would hang it right here, in the museum!❞ 
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And that was exactly what they did. Jinwoo managed to bring along a small frame, stuffing the drawing within it rather hastily and somewhat sloppily. There was a couple of empty spots reserved for an upcoming set of paintings and Jinwoo being the rebel he was, hung his work of art on one. Leaving it there to catch the attention of the newcomers and visitors early in the morning, the two trailed off to explore the rest of the museum until the guards came by or until the first rays of sunshine crept in through the large windows. 
What a story, am I right? Days passed after the adventure had ended and the work of art they left behind was surprisingly still hanging around, only now with the caption: two lovebirds, one heart. 
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