#the pale orc
metalheadmilkmaid · 8 months
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boyjehanne · 1 year
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jellisdraws · 1 month
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Sneak peak of what’s coming to my Patreon tomorrow
✨ Astarion is a lil possessive ✨
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The Hobbit + Text Posts
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pileojunk · 7 months
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Thinking of HIM
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princehendir · 9 months
God film twitter would fucking hate the lotr movies if they came out today
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japo-orbo · 2 years
second pale-moon gobbos unit!
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kylejamesfilm · 2 years
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Happy Orctober! I drew this while watching the Hobbit Extended Editions for the 1st time, and I have to admit, this fella is really growing on me!
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diluc33rpm · 2 years
2/2 Where was the last place you snogged someone?
sorry i don’t speak fish and chips
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skagheart · 2 months
Who was this “swordsman?” (because of the tag)
Këkht Aräkh!
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boyjehanne · 8 months
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cut the night
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aimless-passerby · 5 months
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The fact there are goblins in lotro who look like hobbits is crazy. Mimicry game is too strong.
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lixbf · 5 months
so people actually do make deathly pale drow tavs/durges. okay. thats a choice.
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ameliathornromance · 7 months
“(Y/N), what is that?”
Your Orc Boyfriend pointed to the bundle in your arms. A small, innocent smile crept onto your lips. “I… Brought back a baby?”
You had been on a stroll, alone. Your Orc Boyfriend was stuck doing boring wood chopping work. Normally, you would read, but you had just finished reading your favourite book for the third time and there were no reading materials available for you. So, you decided to go on a walk.
It was a rather new pass time for you.
You enjoyed some alone time, away from the others and the quietness of nature. Despite finding comfort in the grunts and growls of Orcs working and thudding about the camp, there were moments when you yearned for a more subdued ambiance, particularly at night.
And so that’s how your walks began.
You knew and followed only the safest Orc routes through the countryside.
But as you walked, faint cries called to you. You had frowned. A baby, crying? Mindful of a trap, you tiptoed in the direction of the crying.
“There are dangers out in the woods. Do not stray from our regular paths.” Your Boyfriend had warned you before you left.
All kinds of things lurked in the woods, from fellow Orc camps to Witches, you could never be too cautious. Anyone would do anything to capture a lone human woman. Regardless of where she'd come from.
Your feet were silent against the moss covered ground. The cries drew closer, and closer, and that’s when you found it. A bundle held the tiniest form you’d ever seen. The baby was pasty pale, wriggling and screaming at the top of it's lungs.
You swiftly stooped and scooped up the poor thing, cradling it. “It’s okay!” You shushed. “You’re okay! I’m here, don’t worry.” Looking over your shoulder, you knew you couldn't just leave the poor thing alone out there.
So you made your way back home, baby in hand. Other Orcs gave you odd looks upon your return with the baby, but no one said anything.
The baby had calmed down by this point and appeared content to have finally received someone's attention.
Noticing that your boyfriend was still busy at work with wood chopping, you made your way back to your shared tent and waited for him to finish.
In the meantime, you wrapped up the child in animal skins and tried to think of something to feed it.
Your boyfriend came in later in the evening. And here you are now.
“It was all alone, someone left it in the forest…” you explained. Worry crept over you.
Finding food had become more challenging. Winter was about to set in. The crops were dying, animals were being herded into more secluded places.
The entire encampment fought to provide enough food and water for everyone. And now you had brought a new born.
Your Orc Boyfriend said nothing. He approached, towering above both you and the small thing in your arms. You expected him to be angry. Upset because you brought back another mouth to feed.
“And it was all alone?” He asked you. His voice rumbled through your chest. All you could manage in reply was a weak nod.
“Humans are pathetic.” Your Orc Boyfriend scoffed.
Before you could stop him, your Orc had scooped the baby up in his own arms and peered down at it. “How could they abandon something so vulnerable?”
“You’re not angry?” You asked, surprised.
“No. Even an Orc would ensure the child's safety.” He grumbled. The baby stared up at him, expressionless. Before a huge grin over took its face, hands stretched out.
Your Orc chuckled, holding a finger out for the baby to take. It did so and giggled, flexing the finger up and down with ease.
"What about food?" You asked, placing a hand on your Orc's forearm. The both of you watched the baby investigate your partners finger.
"I will deal with that. Since this is new born, I will make sure it gets the care it needs." Once the baby had lost interest in his hand, your Orc Boyfriend cupped your face. "You did the right thing, my love. I'm glad you brought it back."
Your heart swelled with pride, "thank you."
"We shall raise it to be a strong and powerful warrior!" Your Orc grinned, tusks jutting out of his bottom lip. He raised the baby high in the air, it let out a shriek of delight.
You sighed as your Orc returned to cooing at the baby. You truly had a wonderful boyfriend, didn't you?
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(Open Rp) Alternate Love Story in "The Fox princess and the Monkey King"
Long Ago, In the Kingdom Of Sakutopia Ruled by The Kind and Compassionate Emperor Of the Celestial world Connected in Every beautiful Kingdoms.. including The Jade Palace.. but There's One Land that was Forbidden and the New parts of hell was Known as "The Shadowland" Home of the great Shishagami who is a ruler of this Barrens of Decay, No one dared to go there because the entrance was Guarded by the Great Orc who will Attack anyone that tried to go in or Going out. Then There was a Kingdom Nearing this Waste land was Known as the Dark Kingdom Home of the Demonic Bats and Decay itself.. His name is "Koumori" The Son of the Great Shishagami and He was Known as the "Bat King", He's been Watching The beautiful Kingdom with his crystal ball hating all the beauties and Living until he Spotted The Princess Of the Sakutopia Name "Saphira Lorraina Fox" The daughter Of the emperor himself, He began to Fell in love with that beauty and he wanted her as a Trophy wife, His queen. He decided to Plan to marry his Daughter and taking over the kingdom Turning the celestial Realm into Darkness and decay, Then the Next day The Bat King arrives at the palace as the Emperor Demands an explaination why the bat King enters the kingdom uninvited Himself, Then The Bat king Told The emperor that He wanted a hand In marriage to His daughter.. The Emperor was furious and Shouted," You will Never Marry My daughter! She Sees you that your Not worthy for her hand! Begone you Vile Demon! Your Not Welcome to my kingdom!" The Bat King was Seething in rage..and Then He said," Fine but mark My words Your Majesty, Your Daughter will be Mine Either she Likes it or not! She Will be My Queen!" Then The Bat King Vanished from the kingdom.. The emperor was Worried about Saphira's Safety and Now, She is in Danger and So, He began to sent His daughter to the Jade palace where the Jade Emperor will Protect her Until the Bat king is being dealt with.. Before Saphira Head to the golden Carriage, her Father Stopped and handed her a Jaded Box, he said," My dear Daughter,, if the bat King is coming after you and ambush you.. You must go to the Human world and go to the Peach Flower Mountain, remember I told you about the Monkey king?" "Yes Father, you told me all about it..including his Life, the peaches, everything else. Why?" She asked.. then her Father answers," There you will find him.. He'll protect you from The Bat king." Then he hugged His daughter goodbye with tears running down on his cheeks. When Saphira got into the Golden Carriage and took off heading Down to the Jade palace but suddenly The Army of the Demonic Bats Ambushed them.. Then the Coach knew this would happen, So he summon the Portal to the human world and went through it..as the Portal Closed, Saphira Change into her Human Form.
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Her hair is White as snow, Her eyes is Blue as a sapphire Sea and her skin is Pale as a moonlight.. While the carriage was taken her to the lovely area..it stopped by the docks and she comes out..and got in..and little does she know..she notice the beautiful Butterfly with a monkey face on the wings as she smiles, She knew that this Butterfly is rare to find it but little does she knows that this butterfly is the monkey king watching over her..When suddenly..She hears the bats screeching from the new portal..as she landed on sure and saw the mountains..and she began to run like hell..and saw the path to the top of the mountain.. Then She began grabbed her horse when it got out from the boat..she rides up there and made it to the cave.. she enters it..and sees the bolder is closed to be protected…The army of demon bats retreat after failing to enter the cave..The Bat king is Not Happy about it..So he Decided to Change into His Human form and Hides in the Big City waiting for her to Come to the city.. Meanwhile Saphira Saw the Ruines on the wall showing the life of the monkey King, every place turns gold as it shows it until she sees the monkey king and she said, "You there!" She sees him running and began to chase after him.. and when he stops and she said, "Wait I-" when she touched it..it went passed her.. and the gold faded as She gasp.. Then The Small Monkey face Butterfly appeared and She said, " I Should've Swore He was here.." Then Suddenly.. She sees the Monkey Face Butterfly Landed on the back of her hand and She looked at it and saw the golden eyes..and then The Butterfly said….
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