#the party goes to an amusement park! 🎢
howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
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ashxketchum · 1 year
Summer Ship asks for TyHil (because a) if i reblogged this i wouldn't get a single ask, b) who's stopping me lol)
🌼 Who likes to go outdoors and who prefers to stay inside?
In the summer Hilary prefers to stay inside, have late-night at-home movie dates or bake/cook together. Tyson is a beach person through and through (am I ever letting go of my surfer hc NO) and in order to get Hilary out and about, he has to make a lot of promises about doing extra chores or studying. But it's all worth it in the end when Hilary steps out in a bikini.
👙Who got a new swimsuit that the other can’t stop looking at?
Hilary 🧜🏻‍♀️ Tyson 😳
🩴Who breaks their flip flops?
Oddly enough, Hilary and Tyson finds it annoying since when they do go to the beach she just curls up in a corner with a book and doesn't move about, so how does she manage to break it every single time 🧐
🐚Who likes collecting shells?
Tyson, and then he gives the best ones to Hilary. Which isn't a great idea since she's a hoarder so by the time they're old, she just has jars and jars full of shells given to her by Tyson.
Sometimes Tyson keeps the really good finds to show to his father whenever they meet.
🌞Who handles the heat better?
Tyson, Hilary complains a lot and never lends her handheld electric fan to anyone.
⛈Who’s afraid of thunderstorms?
Also Hilary, but she wouldn't exactly be scared of it, but just that they maker her uncomfortable and she prefers not to be alone when it's happening.
🌈Who enjoys the longer days the most?
I think this would really depend on the phase of their lives. When they're in school together then both of them would love longer days because that would mean being able to spend more time in each other's company. When they're in uni or when they start working, then they just want the day to get over so they can get home and see each other again.
⭐️Who likes to look at stars?
Tyson because he has a faint memory of his father pointing out the constellations to him when he was little, Hilary also becomes interested in astronomy after Tyson mentions this. And then she becomes the person Tyson goes to with all his questions astronomical questions.
🌊Freshwater or saltwater?
Tyson would love saltwater because he likes to swim/surf in the ocean during summers, Hilary likes freshwater because she enjoys sitting by a pond on a spring morning.
🍉Which one loves watermelon? Who spits the seeds like it’s a sport? Or who hates the seeds?
They both love watermelon and they definitely compete over who can spit the seeds out faster. Every now and then Tyson lets Hilary win so he can see her celebrate unabashedly.
🫐Do they like to go berry picking? Who picks the most berries? Who eats more than they pick?
This would be something that Hilary would plan for the two of them just so they can avoid going to the beach for a day. Tyson will obviously eat more berries than he picks and then sulk when Hilary finishes off with a larger amount than him.
🥩Who’s grilling? What are they grilling?
I can see Tyson as one of those guys who're really particular about their grilling equipment and techniques. They probably bring out the grill for cookouts and beach parties so Tyson would probably choose to grill some meat.
🛶Who’s never been on a kayak/canon? Do they tip over?
Hilary's probably never been because Tyson keeps teasing her about how he will tip her over.
✈️Do they travel over the summer? Where to?
I think when they're in their 20s they'd travel during every vacation they get, especially during the summers I can see them making plans to visit Max in America, or Rei in China. But when their kids are born, they prefer to do more domestic trips and save international travels for special occasions.
🎢Are they amusement park people? If so, what’s their favorite ride?
They weren't really until they decided to have 4 kids with wildly different personalities who can only ever agree on doing one activity together, riding a roller coaster. Hilary sits this one out though.
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ruvviks · 10 months
🎁🤡🎢🤔 for ambrose & ☂️🖌️💝 + the sibling question whose emoji i can't find for berry <333
oc asks!
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
ambrose generally doesn't celebrate his birthday anymore because he's getting older and he can't be bothered with that stuff. if he needs to hear about his "next milestone" or "one year closer to the grave aha xx" one more time he's going to bite someone
his daughter rei however does always get him a little present :^) she knows that he's not too fond of celebrating big so she waits until the end of the day to tell him happy birthday and give him his present. he can't ever be mad at her so it's ok :^)
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
he's not the best with technology and usually he does not care even a little bit at all, but occasionally it will get to him a little bit especially when he's working on something that could've been done a LOT earlier if he'd had the right knowledge for it. it really doesn't matter all that much and nobody is judging him for it, but he IS judging himself for it
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
ambrose is neutral about amusement parks. he hasn't been to any himself when he was younger so he's only ever experienced them as an adult on a day out with his daughter which is a vastly different experience but he is a pro at sitting on benches with his arms crossed waiting for rei to come back at some point when she's nauseous from the amount of rides she's been on so it's ok WHSJGHFJDGHDJFG
if he had to choose a favorite ride it would be any ride that is like. calm. anything that goes too fast will already give him motion sickness
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
like mentioned before, ambrose is not a star with technology and with some things it's entirely too late for him at this point. especially anything computer related would be like trying to explain rocket science to him. he managed back at arasaka because his division still used a lot of older more reliable technology but the high-tech stuff confuses the shit out of him
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
berry LOVES the rain so fucking much. xe's already super excited to be outside in general but then if it also starts raining. well. they're essentially running on nonexistent walls. it's very common for them to just disappear for a while when they're out in town with the party to jump around in puddles for a while (preferably with teacup, xyr best friend)
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
berry loves spending time with teacup, climbing trees, visiting marketplaces and going into shops to look at trinkets, drawing, digging, reading through lorelei's arcana notes, helping artyom with chemistry, and cooking! the list is probably a lot bigger but these are the main things xe can be found doing on a regular day :^)
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
berry makes new friends very easily and loves it when people show interest in what they're doing in that moment! they love talking about their interests and hobbies and if people let them ramble without complaining then they consider those people their besties basically
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings?
berry does not have any siblings :( xe does have a lot of cousins and other extended family but all of them are back in scayrius (another country) while xe is in the zaghradian empire with xyr father who's there for business. and berry is just kind of stuck with him the whole time. which is how xe ends up traveling with the party instead :^)
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kits-ships · 11 months
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epic win for the vicar (and ben.. ben is here too for the second question)
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👍 - Do they like Halloween, or do you have to force them to participate?
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delilah is far too excited for halloween to let harry sit out on the festivities. although, she doesn't have to force him! he loves handing out candy to the neighborhood kids and, if services fall on the same day as halloween, he'll hold them earlier in the day so that it doesnt mess with anyone's trick-or-treating/partying. he's also the type to disagree when older members of the congregation call halloween satanic- it's just a bit of good fun for the kids! !
he does, however, think it's a little over the top when delilah imports american sweets to england and makes the church look a lil more ✨fall festive✨, but he still goes along with it! besides, the decorations look nice and he has a fun time taste-testing new candies. they also help the little ones make halloween crafts together which is always fun + cute :3
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🎢 - Would you or have you ever taken a family trip to a haunted amusement park?
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they haven't, but i think they absolutely would; harry loves a chance to spend time with his son and delilah wants to get to know him better!! delilah also insists that it wont be scary and harry tries to put on a tough-front for his son + girlfriend, but ben ends up being the only one who isn't afraid. he's slowly walking away from a scare-actor with a chainsaw while the two adults are sweating over a fake, animatronic spider that just lunged two feet forward towards them. it would be a very humbling experience, i think.
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redemptioninterlude · 2 years
🎢 go to an amusement park - rue & kaTE
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let's go on a date meme ( accepting ) + @chmerical // kate
Won’t you come away with me? Rue’s never been stable to begin with, parties easy to come, easy to go, but when she sits in them now, she finds that there’s a ROT THERE with which she could not abide by. The drugs only do so well, only go so long, and, Kate’s here so that means they could go on forever if they wanted to, but Rue... she kinda doesn’t want them too. Able to tell where her foot feels for the ledge and where it could lead to her plummeting down, down, down into something that she could not swim out of, something that might consume her whole and spit out nothing but bones instead of a girl, and she can’t have that. Not now when she knows herself to be cared for and loved and she anchors herself into her own desire not to get lost in something that hangs like a noose about her neck, reaching instead for Kate’s hand through the thumping base of this party, her eyes finding her own, gaze intent and loaded like a gun. 
                     “Wanna get out of here?”
Because that’s what she needs, Kate looking back at her at first like, the fuck is up, but a hand squeezes back, and she finds a temporary respite in relief, and up they get, and out they go, as if Kate isn’t dying to see what happens when an actress goes off the rails and can’t handle the pressure like she does, but... Rue likes to think that Kate’s her friend and wouldn’t do that to her, because even if she’s beautiful and soaked through the bones with the words of FOLLOWERS AND TIKTOK TRENDS, Kate is still ever so authentically Kate, and it’s why she adores her, why they’ll go running from here and spilling into Ubers as Rue impulsively makes a stab at the amusement park and says, let’s go, as molly dissolves on her tongue and she talk talk talks about girls that nobody remembers anymore, and drama so dusted over that it might as well be ancient, because 3 years ago was like, a lifetime now, and she doesn’t know where at least half of them are anymore... 
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"We used to have this carnival at my town every year. I lived in this like, tiny place. The sorta... the sorta place where everyone knows everyone. I used to hate that, you know? Like I just wanted to disappear and I never could because I was always THAT GIRL who’s dad died, or that girl who overdosed in the summer, or that girl who gave a handjob to Kenny Jenkins in 7th and that stuff never really leaves you in small towns. Anyways. There were these two girls. Everyone wanted to be them, you know? Like. They were those girls, and one of them, she dropped molly once and had an orgasm on the fucking merry go round in front of everyone. And like. She totally threw a whole fit about it when her sister put that stuff into her play at the end of the year. It’d be funnier if it wasn’t also like, sad. We all knew she only did it because she was sad. Because the guy that she liked didn’t really love her the way that he said he did. Because we were all just sad girls looking for a way out. And it was like.... like it was just never enough, you know?”
                                             Rue Bennett, on her MOTHER FUCKING soliloquies again.
But the Uber stops and out she spills ; unstable even in her flats right now, but she’s got Kate with her and she kinda prays that Kate didn’t record any of that but she’s looped their arms together and they’re marching in like they’ve got orders and she asks, shyly, if Kate would ride merry go round with her, before throwing in that, “I promise I won’t like. Fucking get gross or anything on it.” even if they’re on the SAME DRUGS, she wants to promise her that she’s not really sad. Not really. Not the way that Cassie was, because she’s got Kate here and Kate’s just kinda.. amazing. Kind and warm and lovely all at once. “I... I dunno. I haven’t in forever. But. I’d really like to with you? I guess you got the idea all stuck in my head, o-or I did, but... whatever. Fuck! You know what I mean.” nervous hands, sweating palms. “W-would you want to?”
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therivergirl · 2 years
Lena: 💓👨‍👨‍👧🎢🍪
Violet: 🎁💝🌱🧑‍🦰
Both: 🐾
For Lena
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
She actually gets more confident around people she likes, she cracks jokes more often and only really tries to hide it (and fails miserably) around Vi and Webby. (I do not ship Weblena). Not out of embarrassment, but because she can't deal with their incessant questions. She will also get more open with someone she likes romantically quicker, but only if they are already on friendly terms.
As for showing affection, it's either genuine compliments and openness about her feelings or merciless teasing. There is no in-between with her. Also, since Lena is usually ver introverted, if she approaches someone outside her existing group of friends, that is a really good sign she likes them.
👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like?
It took some time for Lena to trust Ty and Indy fully. She believed they would start to resent her because of her magic, which she did not yet have a full grasp on when she was adopted, or because she, Vi and Webby tend to get in trouble.
But they don't. Ty and Indy love her very much and make that very clear. As for troublemaking, Violet was always prone to testing boundaries, they just also involve magic now.
The relationship between Lena and her dads is very open, she can come to them with any problem she has without fear of judgment. Both also grow extremely protective of her. It does not matter that Indy is rather nervous in danger and his fighting skills are at a level of a fencing enthusiast who has not picked up a sword for a decade, he would throw hands with Magica herself if Lena was in trouble. The same goes for Ty.
She gets along with Ty a tiny bit better because they have similar sense of humour and taste in music. The two of them joke that they are the "cool" members of the family and tease Vi and Indy about being nerds, but it's all in good fun.
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favourite ride?
Lena likes amusement parks and she likes any high-adrenaline rides, though, ever since she learned how to use her magic to fly, roller coasters can be a tad disappointing.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
Not great. She can follow a simple recipe, but usually, if she is baking, it amounts to using cupcake mix or cake mix to make something.
Indy is a stress-baker and has tried to teach her to bake multiple times but she just doesn't have enough interest to learn.
For Violet
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
She feels great about her birthday especially as it's one of the days in the year when a big part of the extended family gathers around. She does like to point out that the people who deserve celebration are her parents-her dads, but also her aunt Amathyst who is actually her bio mum as she was a surrogate to Indy and Ty-because they are the ones that actually did all the work that lead to her birth.
In terms of others' birthdays, she likes celebrating them as well, as long as it's not too big or a too-loud party. her favourite to celebrate is Lena's "birthday" (Lena celebrates her birthday on the day Webby and Vi brought her back), as it allows her to show her sister how much she is cared for.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
People showing interest in her more obscure interests is a really good way. Also, letting her just enjoy her book or whatever she is doing and existing with her in comfortable silence.
Getting her any magic-related item is another thing she would appreciate.
🌱- Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Plant killer. While Vi is usually really meticulous about tasks that require routine, for some reason unclear even to her, she tends to forget to water the plants and it's just not going for her.
She even managed to kill a cactus. Lena proclaimed her to be an unredeemable plant killer after this.
Lena is not much better plan mum, but she has magic so, ever since Lena moved in, they have some plants in their room, though they all glow weirdly blue and purple from magic, but they just think the plants look even cooler this way.
Vi's inability to keep a plant alive can actually be a source of frustration for her because that is one badge she knows she will never manage to get.
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
No to both, though she wishess to dye her hair in the future. Or rather, she'd like to have some fun highlights or streaks in her hair.
Since Ty is a barber he takes care of everyone's hair in the family. He also learned how to work with long hair once Vi came out as trans and started growing her hair long as a part of social transition.
🐾 - Do they have any pets?
They have their glowing plants, which sometimes start levitating around the house.
Their house is also haunted. Right before adopting Lena, ty and Indy were planning on getting a bigger house. They found one, and it was weirdly cheap, because of the ghost living in the attack. Lena and Vi managed to communicate with him, the Sabrewings were the first family that was not literally thrown out of the house during an interview with a real estate agent who was so relieved to get rid of that house after years, that he actually gave them an additional discount.
So while they don't really have pets, they do have unpredictable, crazy plants and a ghost who likes to be fed caramel popcorn and candy corn.
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bobapplesimblr · 2 years
Atlas 🎁🤡🤔 Kenneth 🌱🎢🎲, please 😊
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
He likes celebrating other people's birthdays, but doesn't care very much about his own. He never had any big parties growing up. A small cake and a hangout session with Kenn.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
He once broke a guitar string on stage at a school concert, it was not his fault but he still feels really embarassed by it to this day!
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
How forecast works. It baffles him that there's a way to predict the weather, but at this point he has no interest on asking how. He just goes with it.
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
He has a bit of a green thumb, nothing crazy but still pretty good! He hasn't tried keeping plants many times, but the times he has had a real plant to take care of they were very well cared for!
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
He frickin LOVES amusement parks. His favorite rides are the spooky ones, like anything halloween or horror themed, he's on it as fast as possible! Which doesn't sit great with Atlas-
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
☕ - Coffee or tea?
Tea, absolutely. A nice cup of tea after a long day of selling artwork is all he needs to unwind.
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
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