#the pay is great but the boss really seems lax in making sure people are trained well
hamburgirlbulge · 4 months
A girl wants to go back to bed so badly
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(They Long To Be) Close To You {1}
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Part 1- Sunflower Vol. 6
(No mention of pandemic.This starts as Harry writes Harry's house)Y/N lived a simple life. She worked and she loved what she did. She loved her family and she was happy. She didn't think she needed anything else. But one day, on a flight to a new adventure, she meets the one person she never expected to meet.
Fic warnings: mentions of past trauma, smut later, age gap (8 years), will leave warnings every chapter.
June 2020
It started in the early morning. 6:45 am to be precise. It was a chilly Gallup morning, and the balloons were going up, as they always did that early.
Leaving the house as soon as she could, starting the 20 minute drive to work like she did every day. Arriving at work with no problem, she was immediately called into her boss, Sofia's office.
"Y/N/N, could you come in here for a sec? And close the door?"
Y/N's pov
I slowly walked into Sofia's office, closing the door behind me and sitting down.
"Did I do something again?"
The older woman chuckles and shakes her head.
"No. But I wanted to talk to you. Do you remember when Alexander said we were expanding into Europe?"
I nod my head, briefly remembering the conversation.
"Well, they want you to go with a few drivers and go to London for a couple months to start up the first branch.Your position would be my current one. The company is paying for your living space and travel, you are responsible for anything else. Interested?"
Wow. That's... not what I thought she was gonna talk to me about.
"U-um yeah I'd love to! When do I leave?"
She smiles.
"At the end of the month. You'll be in charge of everything and everyone there. I know you'll do great."
I smile and thank her.
After that, the month flies fast. I pack what I need and it's shipped to my new flat and anything else goes into my mom's garage. On the day I leave, I meet the 2 drivers coming with me, Jackson and Adam, at the airport. At 4:30am.
It's already too early and I need coffee.
"You guys ready for this?"
The two men tiredly nod and we trek to our gate after checking our bags. After about 30 minutes we begin boarding our flight. The attendant scans my boarding pass and gives me a bright smile, definitely too bright for how early it is.m
"Miss, it seems you've been upgraded to first class due to availability. Enjoy your flight!"
Adam, Jackson and myself just share a look and proceed ahead. I find my seat and holy crap it's nice. They find theirs in economy and we part ways. I take my seat and pull out my iPad, briefly starting to get some work done. The plane takes off and soon we land in LAX.
The flight is a straight trip but I guess they had to pick up more people. I decide to put my work away and watch Demon Slayer instead. I pay no mind when I see from the corner of my eye, someone take the seat next to me. Jackson comes over to me to chat for a minute at that moment as well.
"Hey Y/N/N, do you have all the addresses for where we are staying? Ryan forgot to send it to us."
"Yeah. We're all in the same place, just separate units. We'll be fine."
He nods and then briefly looks at my screen.
"Really? Demon Slayer again?"
I flip him off and he laughs before he returns to his seat. After a couple minutes, the person next to me finally speaks up.
"Is it good? What you're watching?"
I take out my headphones and turn to the stranger, about to reply, when I see his face and my mouth drops.
"I-I um yeah, it is. I like it."
He smiles and holds out his hand to me.
" I'm Harry."
I smile and shake his hand.
I'm pretty sure he could tell I was shaking.
"I-I'm Y/N. I-It's nice to meet you!"
He laughs and I swear I could just die after hearing that sound.
"Y' must know who I am."
I nod and blush.
"I love your music. Always makes me feel better and brings a smile to my face."
He smiles.
" 'M glad to hear that. I love makin' music and gettin to share it. 'T means a lot t' me that it helps so many."
I nod and we talk for a bit.
I don't think I've ever actually had this meaningful of a conversation with anyone before.
"S'what are you watchin? Looks interesting."
"Oh, that? Oh it's just an anime that I like. I've seen it multiple times. I guess I just like watching it."
I giggle and he smiles, filling my stomach with butterflies.
"Would y'mind if I watched with you?"
I nod my head and hand off an AirPod to him, moving my iPad in the middle so we could both see and I hit play.
Somehow, through the flight, we finished season one and part of Mugen Train before we finally land. And I don't think I have ever been more disappointed. We both got up but before he walked away, Harry turned to me.
"I don't usually do this, but I want to see you again. Would y'want to maybe... exchange numbers? J-just as long as you promise not t'give it out...?"
Holy shit holy shit ho-ly shit.
"Y-yeah I'd love to! And I'd never do that! That's a betray of trust and that's one thing I refuse to do to anyone!"
He smiles and takes my phone, putting his number in it.
"Text me love. I would love t' get coffee with you sometime."
I smile and nod, waving him goodbye as I wait for Jackson and Adam to meet me up front. I see them come up and Jackson is grinning and wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"Shut it Miles. I don't want to hear it."
The two men laugh as we make our way out of the plane to baggage claim. I look around briefly for Harry and obviously I don't see him, causing disappointment to show on my face. I decide to pull out my phone and text him.
Y/N- Hi Harry! It's Y/N!😊
H-Couldn't wait, could you love?
Y/N-I could've! I'm just waiting at baggage claim and the two idiots I'm traveling with are teasing me!😒
H-Yeah? That's not nice. Should I come steal you away?
Y/N-Ha! As much as I would love that, I have to get the three of us settled in and dispatch them. Maybe coffee tomorrow?
H-Sounds great! I know a great place! I'll text you the address! See you tomorrow,love!
Y/N-See you tomorrow❤️
Waking up early the next morning sucked.
My alarm wakes me up at 6:30 as-per usual, but my jet lagged body did not agree with the new time zone. I had worked late, only getting to bed at about 2am, which would've been 9am my time.
I get up and take a shower, the hot water only soothing my aching bones for a short time. I dry myself off and make my way into the bedroom where my unpacked suitcases remain. I start to open them, only grabbing what I need.
I pull out a bright floral sundress, a pair of strapped sandals and the only other purse I packed.
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I quickly get dressed before doing my hair and putting on just a little bit of makeup when I hear my phone ping. I look down at it to see a text from Harry and I smile.
H- Good morning, Y/N! I can't wait to see you!Meet me at the Abbey Road Cafe. I'll be there waiting! x
I blush and finish up before grabbing my bag and leaving. It's only about a 10 minute walk to the cafe and I manage to get there without getting lost. I head inside and find Harry in the back at a table. He smiles at me and stands up and he gives me a hug.
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"You look beautiful! I'm feelin' a bit underdressed!"
Panic flashes in my eyes and he shakes his head with a small laugh.
"I'm only teasing! Really, you look amazing. Shall we get some coffee? Thought we might get some brekkie too before heading off."
I smile and follow him to the register.
"Order what you'd like. My treat!"
I frown and start to argue.
"Oh Harry, I couldn't ask you-."
He laughs and shakes his head once more.
"You didn't ask, I offered. Please?"
I sigh and nod and turn to the barista.
"May I please get a hazelnut espresso with oat milk? And.. a breakfast croissant?"
She nods and typed it in to her POS before turning to Harry, who smiles.
"A black coffee please. And a breakfast croissant as well."
She nods and he quickly pays and we stand off to the side to wait for our order.
"So, how was your first day in your office yesterday? Get settled in already?"
I sigh and only shrug.
"I suppose so. It's so nerve wracking. I was kind of thrown into this and while I'm grateful for the opportunity, it's a lot more responsibility than I had before."
He nods and gives me a small pat on the back.
"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it quick, yeah? Y' seem pretty resourceful, like you catch on quick."
I plush and grip my bag in embarrassment. We get our order and sit down at the back table, talking as we eat. We finish quickly and dispose of our trash before heading out.
"So you haven't gotten a chance to see any of the sights yet, right?"
I shake my head with a frown.
"I'll be here for a couple months so I'll have time but I would definitely like to see them."
He smiles and nods.
"I had a thought- I know the big sites and exciting.. But would you like to see some of the hidden gems of London?"
My face lights up and I nod enthusiastically.
"Please! I'd love to!"
He smiles and holds a hand out to me. I blush and hesitantly take it, butterflies filling my stomach as he laces out fingers together. We take the tube down to Little Venice and my mouth drops at the view.
"I-I've never seen anything so beautiful before..."
Harry smiles and leads me down a pathway.
"I thought we could take a kayak ride. Is that something you'd want to do?"
I nod and smile. We head over to the dock and board one of the kayaks, sitting close together.
He holds tight onto my hand as we travel down the river, making small talk.
1 Month
The next time I'm able to see Harry in person, he's walking through the doors of my office building with a plastic bag in hand and a smile on his face. My eyes widen as he walks through the dark doors and into my small office, shooting up from my chair in surprise.
"Harry! What are you doing here? Did you not see my text about lunch?"
He smiles and nods as he sits down in the chair in front of my desk, dropping my bag on the mahogany surface.
"I did. You said you had too much to do. So, I brought it to you."
He opens the bag and begins to place containers on my desk before pulling out a few bottles of water, and to my surprise, a bottle of Dr. Pepper.
"Harry... Where did you go? This looks incredible!"
He laughs and shakes his head. He walks away for a moment, to the break room I imagine, before coming back with some napkins.
"I didn't actually. Went to Whole Foods and Sainsbury's and bought the ingredients. Took maybe 2 hours? Hope it tastes good, haven't made sushi in quite a while."
He hands me a pair of chopsticks and opens the containers, my mouth watering at the sight.
"California Rolls? How did you know?"
He chuckles and he takes a roll and dips it into the cup of soy sauce he brought.
"You mentioned it the other day that you were craving some. Thought I might make some. There's also some fresh fruit and veg. Some veggie pot stickers too. Oh, and how could I forget-."
He reaches into the bag and pulls out a small blue package. Oreos.
"Thought you could use these too."
He smiles and hands them to me with a smile and I blush.
"Are you a mind reader? I was just thinking last night how much I wanted some to go with my glass of milk! You are seriously amazing."
I'm not sure if I see correctly or not, but his cheeks tint as if he was blushing, and he lets out a small laugh. We continue to eat and chat until we finish. With a light kiss to my cheek, he leaves with plans to go to dinner later in the week.
4 Months
"Harry, really. Where are we going? It's 11:30! It's almost midnight!"
He laughs as he pulls me along the dark streets of London until he stops in front of a building.
"What is-."
I raise an eyebrow at him and he just shakes his head before opening the door and pulling me inside. He heads down a hallway and reaches a door, pushing it open before pulling me inside.
"A studio? Why are we here?"
He pulls me over to the grand piano in the corner and sits me down on the bench, before sitting down next to me.
"I just finished a song for the new album. I haven't played it for anyone outside of the band.. I wanted to play you some of it."
He turns to look at me and tears swell in my eyes.
"Really? You want to play it for me. I'd love to hear it."
He smiles and scooches up close to me before turning back to the piano. He positions his hands and begins to softly play and sing.
Holdin' me back
Gravity's holdin' me back
I want you to hold out the palm of your hand
Why don't we leave it at that?
Nothin' to say
When everything gets in the way
Seems you cannot be replaced
And I'm the one who will stay, oh
In this world, it's just us
You know it's not the same as it was
In this world, it's just us
You know it's not the same as it was
As it was, as it was
You know it's not the same
He removes his fingers from the keyboard and turns his head back to me, only for a look of fear to appear on his face.
"Why are you crying? Are you okay? Do you-."
I sniffle and shake my head before wiping away my tears with the sleeves of my cardigan.
"I-I'm fine. That was just-. That was amazing Harry. You really are so talented. That wasn't even the whole song and you already have me pulled in. It's gonna be an amazing album. Album of the year, I bet!"
He blushes and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.
"That's definitely too soon to think about. But thank you love, I appreciate you saying so. Now, how about a late night snack? Then I'll take you home?"
I giggle and nod before standing up. I hold my hand out to Harry and he takes it with a smile. We walk out of the studio hand in hand in the dead of night, only our laughs echoing the streets.
7 Months
"A movie? You want to go to the cinema?"
I nod with a big smile.
"I haven't been since I left home! I thought it would be fun! Please!"
I pout and he sighs before giving me a small smile and nods. I squeal and jump into his arms, laughing as he catches me.
"What movie did you have in mind?"
I loop my arm through his as we begin to walk towards the nearest theater and I think for a minute.
"I was thinking like an action movie. Marvel if possible. Ooo! Black Widow! Black Widow is in theaters!"
Harry laughs and wraps and arm around my waist as we continue to walk.
"I guess that's the one. You really that into Marvel?"
I give him a look of shock and almost disgust.
"Sir! How many tattoos do I have?"
"And how many of them are Marvel tattoos?"
I give him a nod and he bursts out laughing, squeezing my waist as he pulls me along.
"You're too much Y/N M/N, you know that?"
I laugh and nod as we walk into the theater.
"Ohhh I'm so excited! I'm still sad over Natasha so if this doesn't save my fragile heart, I don't know what will."
He laughs and we walk in, taking our seats.
"Okay, I'll be honest, that was an amazing movie."
I leap in excitement, struggling to contain all my energy as Harry laughs at my child-like nature.
"Amazing?! More like the best movie of the year! Kick ass cast! Florence was 100% the comedic relief I needed! But ooo that scene at the end! She's going after Clint! That's crazy!"
He laughs and pulls me to his side as we walk through the night, laughing and enjoying our time together.
9 Months
It's been a couple months since I met Harry. And everyday with him is amazing. We both work quite a bit but still manage to see each other a couple times a week. Earlier in the week, I received a phone call from one of the corporate bosses.
I've been instructed to go home soon. With the hiring of more staff, I'm not needed and they want me back in my old position... And now I have to tell Harry.
I'm waiting for him at our usual spot and I see him come up to me. I stand up and meet him halfway, walking into his warm embrace.
"Missed you love."
"Missed you too."
He caresses my cheek and kisses my forehead. I can only force a small smile.
"You okay, love? You look a bit down."
"Y-yeah I'm fine. But we do need to talk."
He looks at me with concern as I lead him to our table to sit down.
"So you know how I've been telling you how well things have been going with setting up the new branch?"
He nods his head in acknowledgment.
"Well... it's done. There's new staffing and multiple drivers... so they want me back home."
We sit in silence for just a minute.
"When... When do you have to leave?"
"In 3 days...Look Harry... I don't want this to be the end of whatever this is between us. I like you. And these past couple months? You've made me feel so alive. I've never felt this way before...I know this sounds corny but I don't want this to be the end if you don't..."
He pauses for a minute before he bursts out laughing, leaving me in shock and confusion.
"How do you always seem to take the words out of my mouth?"
He pauses for another minute before continuing.
" Of course I still want to see you. I love spending time with you, Y/N. We'll work it out somehow."
He takes me out of my chair and hugs me tight. He pets my head and I start crying.
"Shhh. It's okay love. M'not letting you go that easily. You're stuck with me."
I begin to argue with him, tears falling down my cheeks as my vision blurs.
"But I'm gonna be in New Mexico! And you're still trying to write your album!"
He gives me a soft smile and shakes his head.
"You're forgetting about something though."
I just look at him in complete and utter confusion.
Those are the facts though... how could I be forgetting something?
"How often have you FaceTimed your mum just this week?"
"I don't know- probably like a good couple dozen- ohhhh! Duh!"
He laughs and hugs me tighter, resting his head against mine.
"I know it's not ideal, but we'll make it work. And I'll come visit you of course. Can't go long without my muse, now can I? I'll never get the album finished without you."
I blush and bury my head in his chest, causing him to chuckle.
"I'm know you would do an amazing job finishing it. You don't need me for inspiration Mr. 'I like to write songs about sex'."
He chuckles and lifts my head up, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
"Of course I do. I've written 2 songs already. Because of you. So I definitely need you. Stop thinking so little of yourself."
I nod, tearing up a little.
"Will you come see me off?"
He smiles and lifts me up.
"You really think I wouldn't? I'd never give up the chance to see you, even if it is goodbye."
He kisses my nose, making me smile.
"Let's go get you packed up, yeah?"
He grabs my bag and leaves a tip for the waiter.
"Wait, you're gonna help me pack?"
"Course I am. Gotta get my time with you while I have you. And besides, we need to finish Edens Zero, don't we?"
I chuckle and nod my head.
As excited as I am to go home to my family and my regular day to day life, I hate that I have to do it without Harry there with me. These past couple months have been amazing and he makes everything more fulfilling.
Heathrow Airport
I woke up early this morning and I'm not ready to leave. Harry came to see me off though. I take his hand and pull him off to the side.
"Something wrong love?"
I take a long deep breath.
"No... I just. I want to tell you something. I want to get it off my plate before I leave... Harry... I love you. And I know this is probably way too soon to say but- I just wanted to tell you. And I totally understand if you-."
Before I can finish, he grabs my face and kisses me. I close my eyes and focus on the feeling of his lips against mine. After a minute or so, he slowly lets go and he lets out a light chuckle.
"Sometimes... I swear... you talk so much that no one can get a word in."
I blush and bury my face in his chest until he pulls me out and places his finger under my chin, lifting my head up.
"I love you, Y/N. I mean it."
I start to tear up a little.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"Dunno, because I am an angel."
He batts his eyes at me and flashes that smile that I love so much.
"Oh hush. I try to be cheesy and you decide to be cheeky."
He chuckles and hugs me, not letting don't let go until they call for boarding for my flight home. He kisses me once more and I let the tears fall down my face.
As soon as we let go, he wipes my tears with his thumb and smiles at me.
"Promise to text me when you're home?"
I nod my head and give him one last hug before I let go, letting the tears fall.
2 Weeks Later
Things have gone back to normal for the most part. I'm back to doing my old job. It hasn't been too bad. But I miss Harry like crazy. We FaceTime at least 3 times a day and talk on the phone almost every second.
He's been singing me to sleep recently and honestly I always wake up refreshed in the morning because of it.
Right now, I'm sitting at my desk, entering orders, when I see a name flash across my phone screen. I smile and answer.
Y/N- Well hello there, handsome!
H-Hi love! What are you doing later this week?
Y/N -Oh, you know, the usual. Working and going to my sisters this weekend, at least I think so. What are you up to?
H-Oh, you know, just planning a trip to go see my favorite girl this weekend.
My eyes go wide.
He laughs.
H-Really... Mum and Gemma wanna meet you. So... they were going to come with... if that's okay...
Y/N-I'd love to meet them! But isn't it too soon? I mean we haven't even made anything official...
H- That's what I said! But according to Gem, I refuse to shut up about you so they are insisting on meeting you.
I let out a little chuckle.
Y/N- I guess if I'm meeting them, you should meet my mom and my sisters..
H-We'll be in Thursday. I'm booking hotels for mum, Gem and Jeff.
Y/N-I'm sorry... are you expecting to stay with me?
H- I mean-
I let out a loud snort.
Y/N- I'm kidding. Of course you can stay with me. But it's only one bed so you can sleep with me or on the couch. I'll ask for Friday off and see if Sofia will approve it.
H-Don't worry bout that. We'll probably sleep Friday and explore later.
Y/N-Text me your flight details and I'll come get you Thursday after I get off. I can't wait to see you!
H- Me too love. I love you
Y/N-Love you too Harry.
We hang up and I get back to work, never letting the smile leave my face for the rest of the day.
What did you guys think? Let me know!
WC 4290
Tag List
@be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran
@babyiamperfectforyou @freedomfireflies
@kaminokatiee @harrysmimi
@violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @strwbrrydaydreams
@rafaaoli @novalunosising
120 notes · View notes
enigma-im · 4 years
A Kiss To Build a Dream On
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Monster Boss x F!Worker Warnings: Blood mention, Violence, fluff, confusion of intention, gang boss, ladies go crazy for a sharp dressed man, cursing, sex, teleporting to avoid explaining
word Count: 7885
Tender isn’t a word anyone would use to describe the boss, but for her he can’t be anything but.
I roughly slam the door, grumbling to myself as I stomp towards the backrooms of the office. My fists stay firmly clenched at my sides as fire burns from within my chest. The bruises ache along my face, my cheek and eye throbbing with every beat of my heart. I shoulder check workers at I storm to my bunk at the end of the hall, not even bothering to deal with anyone's teasing today.
The door is in sight, the sweet relief of solitude isn’t enough to stifle the anger. Knowing I'm going in there to lick my wounds like some child or weakling. When I reach the peaceful silence of my own room I begin angrily wrestling off my clothes, tossing the lightly blood-splattered garments to the corner. Grabbing some clothes off the floor I march into the bathroom. Throwing on some baggy pants and a tank top, I look in the mirror.
For the first time this day, my anger steps aside. The sight of my swelling eye and split cheek is shocking. I've been hit before, it's not really new, but it's never been so startling. My cheek wound has bled enough to dribble down to my collar. The line of blood ends where my shirt was, no doubt the clothing is sporting a lovely red spot. I guess that's what happens when someone plays cheap with a jewelry covered punch. The rage boils once more till I spit in the sink.
I can't bring myself to look any longer. Rushing out into the main room I grumble once more. A tantrum in the making, I throw my fists around, I bare my teeth towards the floor, I kick at anything decorating the ground. Clothes get pushed around the room, thunking against the wall. A suitcase gets launched under the bed and a wall is hit for good measures.
As I seethe to myself I catch movement out the corner of my eye. I go stalk still, turning slowly to the poor soul who decided it would be a good time to check-in. A well dress man is inspecting a wrecked shirt, the same shirt I wore minutes before. He admires the bloodstain near the neckline, thumbing the spot with a lax face.
"Sir," I play my best pleasant voice," now is not a good time." it all comes out terse and strained but it's the best I can do. Boss hums, still looking at my shirt. It takes a few seconds before he bothers looking my way. His dark complexation almost shadows the flex of his brow when he catches sight of my beaten self. His quickly flexing jaw is just barely noticeable in the darkness of the corner.
"So it would seem," he answers smoothly. He tosses the shirt to the side without care, adjusting his hat before he steps further into the room. His intrusion is unwelcome, to say the least, and him stepping closer boils my blood even more.
"Sir," I growl," It's really not a good time." typical boss continues to ignore me, succeeding like he always does when we talk in making me grind my teeth to dust. He hums in answer again, walking till he is a few feet in front of me. His hands are clasped behind his back, his brow low as he regards me.
"I will ask this once," he starts," what happened?"
I sneer, immediately answering," Nothing, everything is fine." he responds with a tilt of his head, watching me with an almost amused look. We stare each other down, stubbornness helping me with this battle. The boss has a tendency in sticking his nose in other people's business. Which is fine for everyone else, a good trait to have a boss who takes care of his people, but it’s not fine for me. I don't want his constant attention, sticking around to rub my nose in it. He never has to say anything, his judging look is enough to knock me down a peg.
As I stew in my thoughts he reaches out and grabs my jaw. His fingers dig into my skin, demanding absolute cooperation. I know better than to move, stiffening as I fight the urge to jerk away from his scrutiny. He leans down close, looking over the cuts, tilting my head this way and that.
"Rings or knuckles," he asks casually.
My jaw pops," Rings."
He hums," Howley boys or street wolves?"
I scoff," pixie chicks." he nods, dropping my jaw in favor of using his phone. The device appears in a blink, acting like it was always there. He clicks away at the phone lazily for a short moment before poofing it away as quickly as it appeared. Without a word, he grabs my shoulder and walks me into the bathroom. Too curious, I let him guide me to sit on the toilet. I sit and watch him work near the sink, opening the medicine cabinet.
"What are you doing," I ask, tilting forward to get a better look. Before I can get a look around the mirror he shuts it.
"You have no bandages," he scoffs. The tone sounds scolding like I'm some child being talked down by a parent. I quickly catch on to what's happening, I don't much care for it.
I stand," no, get out. I'd like to be alone now to tend to my ego and I don't need you here to yell about how dumb I am." before I could walk around him towards the beds he grabs me once more and twists me back to the bathroom.
"No, sit," he shoves me towards the toilet," I am tending to you now." my anger rolls in again like the second coming of a storm. I don't need his pity or favor, I can take care of myself.
"What does it matter? It's not like you care," I pout, stewing in rumbling fury. I don't bother to stand again, knowing his great power that rivals many. He is a supervillain in his own right, a blight on society but a hero to some. I can't see him as a bad person but I know the lengths he has gone to to be where he is. You gotta crack a few eggs, you know?
I don't notice him staring down at me, too busy glaring at the wall to notice. It's not till he grabs my jaw again do I bother to pay him any mind. When our eyes meet I am startled by his depth. His face demands attention at this moment, locking me in his stare. My feelings dissipate till only alarm is left. Reprimand feels like my likely outcome. No one talks to the boss this way. He is known for his kindness as well as his ire and ire is the side I'm most likely to meet.
The boss watches me, his eyes darting between my own as his jaw clicks. I can't lie and say I'm not worried at this moment, because I am. You never know what little things will set someone off, just like I don't know what level of pain I will be receiving. Perhaps a good talking to about respect, he likes to go on and on about that. Maybe an addition to my weekly chores, that's a fair punishment. I can't think straight with his breath ghosting over my face.
It's when I'm at my wit's end does he move, pulling my face towards his. He gently presses his lips to mine, closing his eyes as he does. I stare blankly at him, stock still under his soft lips. He doesn't pry for more, leaning back shortly after in favor of looking at me. I still look straight, startled by the outcome I could have never expected. He chuckles, smiling as he shakes his head. At the cute sound, I look to him, trying my best to gauge the situation better.
"wha-," he shuts my mouth before I can ask.
"You are to remain silent while I tend to you," he states firmly. I simply nod, still too shocked to really have the energy to do anything but listen. He watches me a moment more before standing and fiddling with the sink.
The boss does as he says, tending to my wounds like a close friend. He is delicate in his touches, warning me before any intentional pain. It's weird, no other way to say it. I have no idea what's happening besides the obvious. He is cleaning up my busted face, but I don't know why.
Once he is satisfied with his chore he straightens up and walks me out of the bathroom. I stop in the middle of the room, looking up to him for guidance. He quirks a brow, just barely smiling to himself.
"If I knew a silly little kiss would stifle your anger I would have done it sooner," he chuckles. I fluster at the comment, looking away for the first time since the kiss. As I chew on my cheek, trying to sort through the tangle of thoughts and feelings, he turns me towards him. His hold is sweet, gentle, unlike before. He pets at my cheek, lightly grazing the cut with his thumb. Before I can react he is gone.
I stare dumbfounded into the room, confused above anything else. I try to sort through the event, trying to find the angle he is working. So many things go through my head till absolutely nothing makes sense.
Though one thing is for sure. This warm feeling in my chest won't go away.
The boss doesn't act differently when I see him around the facility. He is his prim and proper self, still bullying the underlings into working to their best and intimidating visitors. Though its been mere days, I feel like more is to be expected. With every passing minute, hour, day, I expect something to happen. As time goes on the feeling grows till every sighting of him makes me tense with expectation. Was this his plan? To make me tense at every turn till I'm forced to confront him less I go crazy? Or was it to keep me on my toes, perhaps I've been too lax around here and he knows the best way to keep me stressed.
Either way, it's working.
I work the cameras one night, lounging in an old rickety chair as I watch the cameras around the building. This chore is the simplest but the most tedious. No one wants watcher duty, it's an all-night endeavor. Nothing happens and god forbid you get caught slacking off when higher-ups walk by. The punishments are easily dished out around here. So staying alert and awake is for the best.
As the night goes on I can feel myself falling off, drifting in and out of rest. It gets so bad that I fall asleep dreaming I'm still working. I try to pinch myself awake, walk around a bit, but nothing works. I damn near fall off my seat when a loud clinking noise wakes me. As I startle the seat tries to roll too far back but is stopped by a sturdy hand. I snap my head up and around, disoriented above anything else. Looking to my right my eyes immediately meet all too familiar ones.
"I wasn't sleeping," I quickly shout at the boss," I was watching the cameras." I stare wide-eyed at him, hearting pumping quickly from the startling wake-up.
The boss snorts," I'm sure you were."
"yes, I was," I clear my throat," what are you doing down here?" he watches me a moment longer, his arm still clasping the back of my chair. With an amused huff, he grabs something off the table, hiding it in his fist. He holds it over my lap, waiting on me. I reach out, curious, palm awaiting.
"a gift," he answers as he drops shiny pieces into my hand. Three rings lay in my palm, all gold with obnoxiously large gems in the middle. I look at them confused, lifting one to investigate.
"what are," I look up towards the boss, the words dying off my lip. He is gone. Looking around the room for another second before I look down at the rings. The single one I'm holding looks well worn, some of the metal corroding away. The gem is annoyingly bright green with dirty specks. On closer look, I can see dried blood in the corners and grooves. The ring actually looks familiar, looking at it makes my cheek ache.
What is the boss doing with the pixie chick's ring?
I want to corner him, question his intentions with bringing the 'gifts'. It's unheard of for the boss to take souvenirs, he isn't a bragging kind of man. It's also strange for him to bring them to someone as a present. The message is clear, he hurt them for me. A man like him doesn't just give out something like this without earning it to begin with. He got those rings not with theft but other illegal means. I understand that much, what I don't get is why.
I try to hunt him down but he is always around the corner before I can get to him. Each time I swear I can see a little smile, teasing me with this weird little game of chase. Every night I go to bed without answers is like losing a battle I never wanted to have.
It's one night that the unanswered questions pick at me till my last strand of patience is frayed. I storm out of bed, throwing on a hoodie before I enter the public spaces of the compound. This late I have a guess where the boss is residing, well two guesses.
I try his quarters first, knocking first as I don't have a death wish. With no answer, I don't try to push my luck and head to his office. When I round the private hallway I see the light on, coming out from under the farthest door. I pull some last-second courage and storm down. I grab the handle and with a last confident breath, I open.
The scene before me freezes as all details sort in my brain. Two people in the room, one is obvious, the boss. The other is a worn man, bruised and beaten in a chair. I can't look away from the man as a strange fog covers his neck. A nasty gash in the center of the fog's attention, seeming to pour into the wound. The gash looks to be pulled in every direction, blood drenching the man's shirt. I know if his mouth wasn't gagged he would be screaming loud enough for the entire building to hear.
"What do you need," The boss steals my attention. I look from the tied-up man to the annoyance of the week. He doesn't look angry like I would assume, having heard horrid tales of others falling into this same mistake. I don't trust the casualness of him cleaning his hands with a dirty towel.
"Sorry, sir," I bow my head," I will meet with you when you aren't entertaining company." I offer the joke in hopes of lessening the ire he may release later. The boss snorts with a smile, shaking his head as he tosses the towel aside. Not waiting for an answer I slide back into the hall, closing the door quietly behind me.
Well, that went well enough.
In the morning I force myself to submit to this strangeness that has corrupted the boss and I's interactions. I've known of the man since I was in my mid-teens, I've worked for him since my early 20s. There is no way I truly know how the man acts in his day to day life. I know he is an ornery kind of man, though a little mischievous, and that’s the most I know of him. Perhaps this is normal. It's best not to harp on these things that are out of my control.
It takes a considerable amount of effort to ignore his presence in any room I enter. The cat and mouse game seems to have switched with me running from him. I feel like a coward, though it is a reasonable choice to just drop it. I never run from anyone, least of all some cocky villain type.
I go about my nightly routine in the bathroom, spitting into the sink before suckling water from my palm. Walking into the main room I pause looking at the well-dressed man in my room.
"Evening, sir," I say confused. At my introduction, he turns, keeping his arms clasped behind his back. He regards me with a small smirk, mostly keeping his feelings to himself.
"You wished to speak with me," he shrugs," here I am."
I nod," yea, it's not too important now, I sorted it out myself." it’s a lie, I have nothing figured out. His instances of manipulation have named him as conniving. I don't want to be the centerpiece in such affairs.
"hm," he clicks his tongue," shame. Leaving me so curious now, how could I depart with such a tempting question resting on the edge of my mind." his smirk forms into a Cheshire grin that brings thoughts into focus. It seems I've already captured his attention, perhaps have had it all along.
"No, no, it's not anything you would need to bother with," I try to wave him off. He doesn't budge, instead, taking a few steps closer. I step equally back. He huffs in amusement, pushing onward till I'm forced to stop against a bed. He crowds me, yet keeping a platonic distance.
"I'm insulted you assume that any of your worries would be below my standings, I wish to make your life easier whenever I can," he purrs, breaking the platonic distance," Did you like your gift?" my body tenses in alarm, feelings waring as I try to remain passive.
"T-the rings," I ask.
He nods," I don't think the Pixie Chicks will be missing them, they offered them so freely." I wish to scoff at him, nearly amused at his suggestion that they would offer him anything such as their jewelry.
"They didn't seem willing to part with them before," I somehow manage to tease back. His smile grows, tilting his head as he regards me.
"Not at first," he leans toward my cheek," but after a short visit they were more than willing."
I get fuzzy the closer he gets, feeling his hot breath brush over my face. It's hard to decide the right course of action. Push him away and deal with whatever reaction he deems appropriate, or let him be and see where this is going. The second choice is hard, his nearness muddles my ideas and actions. How could I be swayed by some man nearing my personal space? His kiss beforehand was quick and unintimidating, there was no build-up. Now it feels like an anvil swaying precariously on a snapping rope.
"Why are you here," I find myself asking. I fight the urge to raise my hand to his chest and push him away, not truly knowing if I would push him away. He leans in closer, crowding me nearly on the bed. I fall back onto a hand, holding myself propped up less I wish to lay on the sheets. His grin stretches wider.
"Well, you asked for me," he answers in a deep rumble. The change in tone is startling, fogging my brain more. It's hard to think, nothing is connecting in my brain. I want to push him, but I can't. I want to crawl away, but I can't. I want to pull him closer, but…
"I mean," I swallow," what are you doing in my room?"
"because you feel safest here," he answers.
"Why should it matter if I feel safe," I watch him. He straightens slightly, looking down at me with a lax stare.
"You ask too many questions," he mumbles before pushing forward and kissing me. I gasp, falling back onto both hands. The kiss breaks for just a moment before he is falling onto his hands, framing me as he crowds me on the bed. I'm not sure what to do now, having little to no experience in this. I'm not flirty or sexy, I can't bother with things such as making out or relationships. Though now I wish I knew just a little bit.
The boss grabs me by the hips and shifts me up the bed, crawling over me as I fall to my back. He straddles a thigh, his hands coming up to frame my head. I watch him stare down at me, his mouth lightly parts with a dazed look. Before I can bother with words he takes my lips for his once more. It's surprisingly passionate, to that I'm stunned. I expected demanding from a man like him, not affectionate. I timidly return the kiss, not knowing what to do but knowing I want to do it. Before I can get into it he lifts away, though not far.
He watches me a moment, gauging my reaction. His eyes are squinted, seeming to wait for a response, a response I don't provide. I look up at him, nearly panting in this strange rush of emotions and touch.
"What are you feeling," he asks skeptically.
I lick my lips," flustered." he hums, still trying to piece together something.
"flustered is good," he nods to himself, falling back to my mouth. I startle once more, still utterly confused at the turn of the night. Yet, I can't make myself stop it. I reach up and fist his tailored jacket, not knowing if I should tug him closer. The need to touch him is strong but the anxiety of everything else lingers.
The boss stuns me more as he grabs my hand holding his clothes and slings it around his shoulder. Quickly I take hold of the shirt from this angle, indirectly pulling him closer. My other hand shyly joins the first, cupping the back of his head in a timid touch.
"Doing good," he purrs, licking at my lips as he slowly settles himself on his forearms. He expertly parts my lips, telling me to let him in. I open, clenching a fistful of hair when he invades my mouth. When I tug on the bit of hair he moans, the sound felt in my mouth, felt on my tongue. The already eager kiss ramps in excitement when his hands start to trail down my body. He simply slides his hands under my shirt, holding my waist with a warm grip. His thumbs pet at my skin but stay otherwise still.
The moment seems to stretch on for hours, my discretions melting away into heart fluttering enjoyment. He doesn't push, keeping the mood just semi-erotic. I appreciate it though I'm utterly confused. What does he think he can gain from this? Surely a man like him doesn't just kiss random staff members without having some secret motive. I'm just a grunt, nothing more and nothing less. I surely hope he doesn't think he could manipulate me into sleeping with him. No, that won't do at all.
"Sir," I mumble against his lips as I try to pull away. He trails after my mouth, only pausing mid-action.
"yes," he asks. I shift back away from him, getting a better look at his closed eyes and wet parted lips.
"We should stop," I fluster. I drop my arms from around him, using them to push myself up and away. He squints his eyes open enough to watch me lounge against the wall, feet still partially under him. Looking between my eyes he sighs, dropping his head shortly after.
"Alright," he huffs," It is late, I will be on my way now." he shifts back onto his knees, rubbing at his face before righting his hat and clothes. Next, he stands up off the bed and passes me a final glance, ready to blink away.
"wait," I surprise myself by saying," can you answer one question?"
He tilts his head," besides that question?"
"yes," I deadpan," besides that one."
He smirks, clasping his hands behind his back," alright, I think I can allow one more question." I want to snort, amused but annoyed by his words. I keep quiet.
"are you," I start, worried to continue," are you going to use me?" I look at every twitch of his face with an eagle-like focus. Every nuance is jotted down as I watch him. He simply smiles, his face projecting amused affection. He then steps forward, leaning over the bed to cup my face.
"No," he answers shortly. He strokes my cheek with his thumb, watching himself do so. With a final sigh, he blinks away, no evidence of him ever being here besides my wet lips and fluttering heart.
"damn," I fall to my side," there goes my night."
The next couple of days are a whirlwind of strange. The game of chase is completely let go in favor of a game of chicken. His attentions have gone from nothing to constant. When we are ever around each other -which is way more common as of late- he attempts to touch me in some way. Though his posture and face stay casual, if not bored, he still cups my hips and trails his fingers over my spine like he is anything but bored.
Some nights he pays a visit, kissing me senseless till he decides I'm thoroughly flustered. He tries to edge me on, even taking to teasing to further some agenda I can't even bother to figure out. Though he said he wouldn't use me I feel like a toy. He comes to me with minimal conversation and shoves his tongue down my throat. The small conversations are filled with double meanings and unsaid words. He is hinting to something and I can't figure out what. I feel like a source of entertainment, picked at till he gains whatever he needed. The stress is getting to me, I've had enough.
I wait patiently in my room, leg bouncing against the bed as I cross my arms. I'm going to confront him tonight, I'm going to get some answers. This little game has to stop less I want my heart to fall victim to some scheming. Time draws on and on till its far pass the time he visits. I reluctantly settle into bed, dread, and stress muddling my brain.
The next night I wait patiently again, knowing he doesn't go for two nights in a row. I wait and wait, looking to the clock more than necessary. It’s when its well past midnight that I call it a night. Dread and stress fade out as worry takes its place.
The day after I set out to catch sight of the boss. I search high and low, keeping to the commons places in hopes of a casual encounter. I see no hide or hair of him. As I march around the facility, doing chores, that I hear about everyone avoiding the boss. It seems the man in charge has had a bit of a temper since this morning, shutting out everyone as he sits in his office.
The idea of visiting his office is appealing, knowing it to be the best time to get answers if he is mad. Anger brings out the truth. Surely I can go visit him and ask a question or two, not risking my life in the process. Though I think lowly of his intention I think he truly has no intention of maiming me.
With that decided I casually head upstairs towards his office. I make it to the familiar hallway, feeling the instinctual dread of being there. No one wants to be in this hallway, knowing who is working just at the end. Though I come here from my own free volition it's still a habit to fear this part of the building.
I walk to the door at the end, already hearing voices halfway down. As I get closer I can hear yelling. I listen intently, hearing stomping footsteps and a thing or two being knocked over. It’s when I hear a loud thud do I pick up the pace. I stop near the door, anxiety drenching my body as curiosity keeps me up. The sound of meaty thumps can be heard before a whimper.
"You are a piece of shit," a quick thunk follows," scum of the fucking earth, and that's something coming from me." I can hear the boss talking- more like yelling- behind the door. It sounds like he is entertaining again.
"boss," someone answers weakly," I'm sorry." a deep clink comes shortly after the man's words.
"Sorry doesn't earn my trust back," the boss snarls," Sorry doesn't fucking get Bradshaw off my fucking back!" the meaty claps come shortly after, repeating in alarming frequency. I step to the door, my body repealing against the idea of opening it and interrupting the important meeting.
I know who the boss is, always have. He does some shady stuff with some shady people, I being one of them. I get what's going on in there, a lesson is being learned. It's something that is understood by all who work here, don't cross the boss. Though it seems the poor idiot in there hasn't learned that though.
I don’t hear anything for a good while. It's to be assumed that business has been taken care of. Either way, I stay put, leaning closer to the door when I hear another softer voice. I try to make out some words, being more nosy this moment than I have my entire life. The softer voice only speaks for a brief moment, followed by the Boss with another set of short words.
As I focus on the door I don't hear steps walking up behind me. Only when someone grabs my shoulders do I jump. I jerk in this person's hold, stiffening as their fingers dig into my skin. I twist to look over at them, seeing a large man with a gruff-looking face. He offers no words, instead, reaching in front of me to grab the door handle.
The gruff man guides me into the room, holding firmly onto my shoulders. I look to the room, immediately finding a man collapsed on the floor covered in swelling bruises and deep cuts. He is mostly unrecognizable, his face beaten to a pulp. If I am to assume correctly, then he is dead.
"Clean this up before he stains the floor," the boss grunts as he wipes his hands with a dirty rag.
The gruff man behind me speaks," and what would you like me to do with her?" as he asks the boss snaps around, meeting my eyes quickly. He looks to me confused, twisting completely around as he drops the rag to the table.
"I'd like you to fucking let her go," the boss growls to the man," I am the only one allowed to deal with her." the clear hostility means nothing to the man behind me. He lets go and casually shuffles to the man on the floor, hefting him over his shoulders with ease. I watch the boss look to the two, following them with his eyes till the door shuts behind me. Once the door clicks does he look to me once again.
"Hello, doll," his ire drops to the familiar ease he adopts when around me. He leans back against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest. His barely buttoned shirt wrinkles, his cuffed sleeves looking strange so far up his arms. I've never seen him so underdressed, though most would still consider his outfit formal.
"Hello," I answer guarded. I don't expect a warm welcome like this when I've been caught snooping.
"What brings you to my humble abode," he tilts his head with a small smile. It's strange to see such a night and day to his previous anger. He was screaming and beating a man into the floor. Now he is his typical charming self in a matter of seconds. I don't buy it.
"I haven't seen you in a couple days," I say, crossing my arms in the process. He gives me a once over, his smile peeling further over his cheeks.
"Miss me or something," he teases.
I scoff," or something." he chuckles, walking away from his desk to walk the room.
"Or something," he looks at the messy floor," what would that something be?" I follow him with my eyes as he skirts around me, keeping a distance. I don't bother turning around when he walks behind my back, taking the second to compose my thoughts and feelings. As of late, he has been popular in making my heart flutter like a caged bird.
"You haven't been around," I shrug," I was curious." he scoffs, seeming to understand my roundabout way of saying I've missed him. Which I guess is true, but I'd argue I want answers more than his company. Though both wouldn't be too bad.
He comes into my peripheral," I've been busy, I hope I haven't left you in need of anything in my absents."
"no," I turn away blushing," I haven't been…in need or anything. Just conflicted on some things." he hums, staying just in the corner of my eye. I can feel his eyes wandering over my body, trying to pick at every tick and twitch.
"would your confliction be related to the question you asked me the other night," he asks. I almost turn to him then, wanting to see his face, needing to see his reaction. I don't though, staring at his desk straight ahead.
"Perhaps," I answer. He huffs, his steps coming closer till I feel his heat against my back.
"do you think lowly of me," he says near my ear," do you believe I am truly a villain incapable of pure intent?"
"sometimes," I nearly whisper. I feel his sigh fan over my back. He steps closer, his front nearly touching me.
"Do you truly believe I would betray you," he asks. The question startles me, only for the reason that there is blood staining the floor beside us. "Would you betray me," he whispers against my ear. The threat feels looming as I look to the crime scene. Would I betray him if given the chance, the answer feels almost obvious.
"I don't," I huff," I don't think I could if I tried."
The boss hums approvingly, circling his arms around my hips to pull me flush to his front. His chin rests upon my shoulder, his head leaning against mine. The smell of his cologne is nearly suffocating in its intoxication. I awkwardly grab his arms, resting my hands on him.
"I don't think I could betray you if I tried," he answers similarly," you seem to have grown on me." I squeeze at his arm.
"Honestly," I ask skeptically," you truly mean me no harm, emotional or otherwise?" though he has answered this it still doesn't sit in my head, proof being demanded after every answer.
He turns and presses a shallow kiss to my neck," I could never hurt you, doll, I only wish to adore you." I turn to him, wishing above all else to believe him. He leans ever so close, his tempting kiss just in my reach.
"Prove it," I bait.
"gladly," he answers.
Quickly he has my lips captured, demanding more than ever before. His tongue takes no time delving into my mouth, circling my tongue in a sweet caress. I would have fallen if it weren't for his strong hold on my hips, instead, I keep myself propped up by him. When minimal thought comes back do I twist in his hold and tug him closer by his collar. I need his affection, crave it above all else. Thrusting my tongue into his mouth I take back some control I've lacked in these few days. He startles this time, groaning with a chuckle as I fist his hair.
"doll," he laughs into the kiss," I thought I was proving my affections here."
"then catch up," I tease, taking his mouth for mine once more. He growls, a sound I haven't really heard from him before, and lifts me. I yelp, holding tightly to his shoulders as my pelvis meets his lower stomach. His smile spread across his face as he squeezes my thighs.
"Sorry, doll, but I'm the boss here," he nips at my lips, lapping at them shortly after. His normally sweet kisses are oh so more divine now as fire is brought into the mix. My insides nearly throb with a need I've rarely ever felt before. I want him- oh god do I want him.
As we attack each other I hear a quick whoosh by my ears, my hair quickly flicking in the wind. I open my eyes enough to see out the corners that we aren't in the same room. I dislodge from him, looking around the bedroom we have teleported to.
"your room," I ask, having never been here before.
"Yes," he watches me," Is that a problem?"
I look to him with a cheeky smile," no." I continue where we left off, suckling his tongue. He walks us somewhere, the destination not particularly important in my mind. What feels more important is the insistent throbbing in my crotch. I find myself bucking into him, grinding myself into his firm stomach.
The boss rips his mouth from mine as I fall backward. I clench at his shirt, gasping when something springy shapes to my back. I drop my hands back, feeling soft sheets below me. I look up to him, quirking a brow. He shrugs, falling over me in a familiar position. Though this time he angles himself in a way I can finally feel his hardon poking me. I groan at the feeling, wanting to grab him right now.
Everything seemingly melds together, one moment I'm in his office, and next, I'm in his room. One second I have a shirt on and next, I'm laying in only my underwear. Him being left in only his hat and pants. The boss admires me for a second, the rush of erotic sensations nearly paused. His look is fierce, fire pouring from his gaze, but it still has room for affection and true admiration.
"so damn beautiful," he pets at my chest. He fondles my boob, thumbing my nipple with an all too excited gleam in his eye. "I could wreck you so easily," he ponders aloud. I reach up to his bare chest, running my fingers from his sternum down to his pants.
"I thought you wanted to adore me," I smirk, tugging him closer by his belt. He falls to his hands, cradling my head in his arms.
"Doll, I want to do everything to you," he purrs, attacking my neck with love bites. I hum, slowly flicking off his belt and reaching into his pants. He stiffens, grunting as I grab him.
"big words from a big man," I tease, stroking his cock.
He shutters," you don't know big yet, doll. Now be a good girl and let your boss go."
I let him go, slowly sliding my hand out of his pants," yes, sir."
The boss lets out a shaky breath, dropping his head to my shoulder for a moment. My nails glide over his stomach towards his chest and back down. I allow him a second, though that's all he needs.
He sits up, pushing off his pants but keeping his boxers. I admire the tent, feeling oh so powerful at the moment. I did that, I am the one who turned him on. That thought alone makes me feel ten feet tall.
I hardly notice when his hand trails up my thigh till he hooks a finger over my underwear. He tugs them down, grinning to himself as my mound is revealed. He tosses the clothing away without a care, quickly reaching out to thumb at my lips. The subtle soft feeling of his touch is nearly enough to make me groan in anticipation. I want him to touch me, I need him to touch me. He does as I silently plead, sliding a finger between my folds. He swipes up toward my clit, massaging so smoothly.
"So wet," he purrs," so wet for me." I don't bother with words as he delves his fingers lower, poking at my entrance with great amusement. I engulf his fingers as he pushes them in, slowly pumping them in and out with a curled retreat. My legs spread further apart on their own as I relish in the lazy strokes.
"Sir," I sigh. He looks up to me, his gaze is all too alluring. My teeth grind as I fight back the urge to buck towards him. God, I need him. His head tilts so slightly as he sighs, his fingers retreat shortly after. He crawls back above me, cleaning off his fingers with his tongue as he does.
"Why must you pull me in so easily," he asks as he discards his last remaining clothing," I want nothing more than to feast upon you but your hungry looks demand more." I reach up and cup his face then adjusting his hat that he kept upon his head. His cock pokes at my crotch, gently sliding at my lips as he lightly jerks his hips.
I pap his cheek," get over it, I've been hungry all week because of you."
He scoffs," all you had to do was ask."
"like I could get the chance to with your tongue down my throat at every turn," I answer. He laughs, looking down between us to grab at himself.
"I think you could have found a way to ask if you truly wanted to," he answers absently as he pushes his tip forward. I suck in a choked breath, tense against the sudden entry. The stretch of just his tip is already fulfilling to someone so starved this past month. He bucks shallowly forward, inching himself in slowly. He soon hilts, looking back up at me with a relieved face.
"I couldn't ask when I didn't know the true intentions," I mumble as my attention is solely drawn to his filling cock. My leg hikes over his hip, pulling him closer. He drops a hand to that thigh, bouncing his hips in slow short drives.
"Well," he kisses at my cheek," do you know my intention now?" I turn to him, meeting his eyes in such a vulnerable moment. Everything I feel is lain bare, the tenderness I feel towards him shining brightly. I cup his cheek, his short bucks ceasing.
"That really depends on after," I nearly whisper. He doesn't answer, instead, pressing a deep kiss to my lips. As he claims me his hips drawback before snapping forward in a breathtaking thrust. He starts a demanding pace, taking and giving in equal parts. His cock hits deep, stoking a fire that I felt was already an inferno. I fall away from his lips, whimpering against him as he plows into me. Our hips clap as the bed squeaks. I now know what it feels like to be on the other side of the wall, not to hear but to be part of the ruckus.
The boss forces pleasure from me with every buck of his hips. I whimper and grind into him, not being able to stay still as my insides crescendo. I barely notice how silent he is, me making enough noise for the both of us. He watches me steadily fall apart, in complete rapture at my noises. A hand sneaks between us, running through my curls before resting upon my engorged clit. I seethe at the gentle prod, crying out as he starts small circles. As I shout for him does he make a sound, a gentle gasp as his lips part.
I feel burned, hot, and demanding at this moment. My insides flutter with its oncoming orgasm. I yell and scream, reaching out to pull him closer as I have no better idea. I suddenly sit on the cusp of true pleasure, my body stiffening as just a breeze could push me over. I reach for him, pulling him in for a wet kiss. He allows it, briefly, pulling away as I fall.
The boss watches me, his face contorting in near pain. His hips stutter as my insides clench him tightly. I can barely keep focus enough to watch him as I arch and writhe below. My screams stutter out till I'm left silent, panting as he continues my orgasm with his unstoppable thrusts.
"Please," I beg. Begging for him to stop, begging for him to keep going. I somehow keep focus enough to watch him, watch him sigh and grunt till his hips slap to mine with one final buck. He drops his head to my shoulder, panting against my ear as he rolls his hips. I can feel his heat, feel his cum paint my insides. I am unable to do anything but hug him close and catch my breath
It takes longer than I thought possible to come back to myself. I'm still left panting under him, only able to listen to his own ragged breathing. I pet at his sweaty back, running the ends of my nails over his shoulder. We just hold one another, lost in the bliss.
"you steal my heart, doll," he mumbles in my hair," how could I ever part from you when you sing so beautifully for me?" I chuckle, not being able to form words just yet. The boss turns us on our sides, cradling me to his chest so tenderly. He pets at my hair, burying his nose against my temple. "I fear I have stronger feelings than first intended," he whispers," I will not leave you for more than a second at a time, my heart couldn't take more than that."
"do you always get this poetic after sex," I ask. He scoffs, reaching down to grab my thigh. He pulls my leg over his hip once more, petting up towards my ass. He gives me a quick slap, jiggling my rear as he does. I yelp, squeezing him when I do. He grunts, baring his teeth. He chuckles shortly after
"only for you, love," he answers," only for you."
I sigh, sliding my hand between us to pet at his chest. I want to give those words back, as I mean them just as truly as he does. The words sit on the end of my tongue, ready to be broadcasted to the world. It takes me a moment to gain courage, still resting securely in his arms.
"I love you," I barely get out. He holds me closer, nuzzling my head.
"I love you, too," he answers in kind. I try to fight off the smile spreading across my face but it's damn near impossible. I smile to myself and close my eyes.
my intention never go as planned. i was struggling to write and i saw a cute post on villain with a soft spot for his lover. so i write a small tid bit, the part where he tends to her wounds. IT WASN’T SUPPOSE TO BE 7K WORDS! like how? i stayed up till 2am writing this. i’m just a sap, through and through.
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carynnhalen · 3 years
Club Olympus was one of Carynn’s favorite spots in Gotham to visit. Usually because security was lax and it was easy to sneak in without paying the cover fee. Maxie Zeus was doing another stint in Arkham, and that meant it would be easy to score free drinks. Carynn weaved her way through the crowd of dancing people and headed for the bar, shoving her way between a couple of frat boys who were trying to work up the courage to ask Deadshot for a photo.
The guy behind the bar sent her a nod in greeting. “Sup, Carynn. You workin’?” his name was Nick. She’d met him a few years ago when he worked in a hole in the wall bar Josie’s that was in Hells Kitchen. He was nice enough. He was one of the only guys Carynn knew that still had a mohawk, but he was nice enough. 
Carynn scrunched her nose, shaking her head. “Taking the night off,” she shouted over the music. “Needed some peace and quiet.” 
Nick laughed, setting two glasses out in front of her. “The usual?” it was a rhetorical question. Nick filled one glass to the brim with whiskey, the top shelf option tonight, and the other filled with a vodka soda. “You stay out of trouble.” he said with a wink, pushing the two glasses towards her. 
“Always do! Later, Nick.” she scooped up her drinks, expertly heading back through the crowd and up to a balcony that usually served to be a little more quiet than the rest of the club. She hadn’t really had much of a plan for her night off. Mostly she just needed to blow off some steam. Between Captain America showing up to her apartment, and her phone ringing almost non stop with calls from Bruce, things were getting a little too mysterious and heavy all at once. 
Carynn plopped down in a booth, her kicking up her booted feet up onto the table. Taking a generous sip of her vodka soda, she pulled her phone out of her jacket and unlocked the screen. More calls from Bruce. A text from Cel. A few notifications from Dante commenting on her Instagram. 
She scrolled through her contacts; Bruce (even though she kept deleting and blocking his number it still seemed to find it’s way back onto her phone), Cel, Dante, Oliver, a few numbers of work contacts...was that it? Carynn sighed, downing the rest of her drink and picking up the glass of whiskey.
“I see you still have no manners.” a voice said in Russian just before Carynn’s feet were shoved off of the table.
Carynn’s frowned, looking up from her phone. “What the fuck do you think you’re-...oh, Christ. It’s you,” she rolled her eyes at the woman that was now sliding into the booth across from her. “Shouldn’t you be off somewhere skinning a puppy or something?”
Isabel Rochev. She was the current owner of Queen Industries and a certified nutjob. She smiled sweetly at Carynn, almost like she was happy to see her. She folded her gloved hands onto the table, leaning towards Carynn with interest. The large rock that had once belonged to Oliver’s mother was almost blinding in the flickering lights above them. 
“I’ve missed you too, Carynn.” she said again in Russian, passing a glance over her shoulder quickly before looking back at the red head. “You are hard to find. Not because you’re in hiding, but because you can’t seem to sit still. I almost thought I’d have to forego my little proposition.” 
“You could tell me Keanu Reeves is downstairs waiting to use me as a chew toy. I’d still tell you to fuck off, Isabel.” Carynn said, kicking her feet back up onto the table. 
Isabel laughed a genuine laugh. Like they were good friends catching up. “Unfortunately, that is not the offer I have for you. My contacts have told me that Oliver is on his way back to Gotham. I was hoping you and I could come to an...agreement. I know you and Oliver are not in the best of places. And I know that for the right price you remove problems.” 
Carynn had to admit, this was a first. She’d never really expected anyone to offer her cash to off Oliver. And maybe, if it had been anyone else sitting across from her, she might have considered the job. “If you want him gone you should do it yourself. Nothing says girl boss like killing your sugar daddy’s son...” she frowned, tilting her head. “Was he your sugar daddy? I’ve never really understood your relationship, at least aside from him definitely being married to someone else the entire time...” 
Isabel pursed her lips. “Do not patronize me, Carynn. You and I are far more alike than you will ever admit. You know this deep down. I am offering you a solution to both of our problems.”
“I’m nothing like you,” Carynn spat. “And Oliver isn’t my problem anymore. I don’t waste time thinking about him. I have bigger shit to worry about.”
“Well, what are these problems? Perhaps I can help you. We could form a partnership. Take what belongs to us. I have come a long way since I last saw you-” Isabel looked to her right, into the crowd below them. She visibly froze, her eyes set on something. 
Carynn leaned forward, trying to follow Isabel’s gaze. She couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. The bar was a little less crowded now. Carynn could spot one of the exit doors nearby. There was someone standing next to it. She couldn’t really make him out. Long, dark hair. A leather jacket. The black mask covering his nose and mouth stood out the most, but in a place like Gotham it was definitely not the craziest thing she’d seen. 
Isabel looked over her shoulder once more, nodding quickly. A tall man, who Carynn assumed had to be Isabel’s security, stepped towards them. He looked down into the crowd, surveying the area before speaking into an earpiece. Isabel turned her attention back to Carynn, her smile more nervous now than genuine. 
“I must go. Something has come up...please, think of my offer,” she set her clutch on the table, fishing through it before pulling out a business card. “This is where you can reach me. The number is safe, don’t worry. I hope to hear from you soon, Carynn.” 
Carynn watched Isabel walk off with her security guard before sinking down further into her seat and groaning. So much for peace and quiet. She picked up the card, rolling her eyes at the idea of taking up Isabel’s offer. Another number to put in my phone, at least, Carynn thought with a sigh. 
She tossed back the rest of her drink, slipping her phone and Isabel’s card back into her pocket before sliding out of the booth. Maybe she’d go to another club, maybe she’d head home, she wasn’t sure yet. 
Carynn headed downstairs, waving at Nick before slipping out of the same exit that Isabel’s mysterious friend had been standing next to just a few moments before. Carynn didn’t really care who he was to Isabel. Maybe he was some pissed off ex boyfriend, maybe he wanted to kill her. Who could really know? Carynn just didn’t want any part of whatever shit storm Isabel was no doubt stirring up. 
The alleyway outside of the club was quiet tonight. Usually there were a few people milling around, someone puking into the dumpster or arguing about what club to hit up next. Maybe it was still too early for that. Or maybe Batman was out patrolling and had spooked them all. 
The closer she got to the mouth of the alley, Carynn realized she could hear another heartbeat. It was slow, very quiet. Maybe someone passed out in the trash? That was definitely nothing she hadn’t seen before. She slowed down a little, pulling her phone out to pretend she was busy as she approached the dumpster. 
The smell wafting from it nearly smacked her across the face. It wasn’t a bad smell. Completely the opposite. Sort of a smoky yet spicy smell that made her mouth water like in the fall when Pauli’s Diner was serving pumpkin pie. Carynn leaned forward to try and get a look at whoever it was hiding by the dumpster. 
Something hit her like freight train. 
Carynn had been completely caught off guard. Her back smacked against the brick wall, pain radiating down her spine. Her attacker’s hand was around her throat, the gloved hand making her gurgle as she struggled to breathe. Her vision blurred in and out, but she could just barely make out the man that Isabel had been watching just minutes ago. 
“How do you know Isabel? What were you discussing?” more Russian, great. This was very, very, very not good. 
His hand was like an iron clamp around her throat. She couldn’t speak even if she wanted to. Carynn reached out, swiping blindly at his face to scratch him. 
Mister tall, dark and creepy let her go with an eye roll. Carynn slouched against the wall, coughing. “Talk.” he spat. 
He had gotten the upper hand on her once, that much she could admit. That wasn’t something that would happen again. “I don’t know anything,” Carynn snapped back in English. “It’s not like we’re friends. She’s a pain in the ass...! Look, I don’t want any trouble, okay? I don’t really have much info-”
She pulled the knife she had clipped to her belt free and lunged forward. Her mystery man moved quickly, but not quickly enough. The blade pierced through his jacket, grazing his skin. 
He grabbed her throat again, slamming Carynn back into the brick wall. She’d been expecting something like that. She grabbed her knife, getting a better grip of it and kicking her feet up against his chest and using all of her weight to shove him away. 
Carynn rushed forward, Dark and Emo blocking her physical blows easily. He moved just as quickly as she did. Now that they were both fully alert, it was difficult for either of them to get a good hit in. Carynn noticed that he didn’t guard his left arm as vigorously as his right, and she saw a window of opportunity. 
She tried to bury her knife into his left bicep. It ripped through his jacket, but the sound that was almost like nails on a chalkboard made Carynn flinch and jump back from him. The blade of her knife had been almost snapped in half. “What the fuck...” she muttered, tossing the dagger aside. 
Her opponent leaned down, pulling a large, tactical knife that was strapped to his boots. He lunged towards her, Carynn throwing her arms up in front of her to block his swing. She kicked down hard at his shin, throwing him slightly off balance as he tossed the knife from one hand to his other, the blade stabbing through her jacket.
Carynn slipped down and around him, jumping onto his back. Her legs wrapped tightly around his wait, she put him into a headlock. Terminator man didn’t seem very panicked, regardless of his airway being cut off. He spun around, slamming Carynn into the wall a few times in an attempt of knocking her off of him. 
Her grip around his throat loosened, instead she decided to try and pull his mask off to get a better look at who was trying to attack her. Unfortunately that distraction left her open, and the man sunk his knife into her thigh. Carynn screamed out in pain, her opponent tossing her off of him easily.
She landed on the ground with a thud. She had to move quickly. He was stomping towards her, his hands clenched at his sides. Carynn ripped the knife from her leg with a grunt. This would definitely slow her down. She couldn’t afford to be slow. 
Carynn tossed the knife. It was better to keep him from it than having it to defend herself. The Masked Douchebag bent forward to grab her ankle. Carynn kicked at him, but he easily smacked her leg away. He lifted her up, slamming her into the wall. Carynn fell face down, groaning loudly. Get up, get up, get up, she told herself. 
The sound of boots stomping towards her made her panic. She reached inside of her bra as the stranger picked her up by her jacket, pulling out the pocket knife she kept there. Before he could throw her again, she plunged the knife into his side. This time it did more damage than ruining his clothes. 
He dropped her, grunting in pain and anger. Carynn used the distraction to push herself up off the ground, rushing away towards the dumpster to put distance between them. Her leg gave out from under her, and she fell into a pile of trash bags. 
Her opponent pulled the knife from his side, once again tossing it aside and heading straight for Carynn. She scrambled backwards, freezing at the sound of a phone ringing. The two went still, looking at each other as the ringing filled the alley way. 
The man reached into his jacket, pulling a flip phone out. “We have spotted the target. Enough of whatever it is you are doing. Get to the bottom of whatever Isabel has planned.” someone said on the other line. 
“Yes sir,” the Masked Asshole said. “Send me the address. I will find her.” he closed his phone, his eyes trained on Carynn. And as quickly as the altercation had started, it was suddenly over. He turned, grabbing his knife from the ground and wiping it clean on his pants. Without looking back at her, he strolled off and out of the alley way as if nothing had happened.
Carynn let out a loud, relieved sigh and sank back into the trash bags. “Holy fuck that hurts,” she hissed out, grabbing at her thigh. Her hands were covered in warm, sticky blood. “These are my favorite pants...I’m gonna find you you goddamn bastard!” she shouted after the stranger. 
She groaned, pulling out her phone. She would heal eventually, but now there was no way she’d be able to make it home on her own. And taxi drivers didn’t like it so much when you bled all over their seats. She opened up a new message, pinging her location and typing the word help to Dante. 
“I fucking hate this city.” she sighed, leaning back to look up at the starry sky above her.
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
Favorite Secrets
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I’m on a Brock kick and I have no shame.
Keep supporting BLM! Me being the lazy ass I was, did not provide links, but here’s a post of resources that you can and should check out!
“Hey, can you get me a grande iced macchiato?” one of your coworkers asks you on your way out. Your boss wanted coffee, you wanted coffee and any reason not to be stuck in the office on such a gorgeous day, so you volunteered to do the coffee run for everyone. The word spread around your office fast, this being the fourth person to stop you on your walk out the door to tell you their order and give you money for the twelfth drink order that you were going to have to carry. 
“Gotcha. I’m putting it on my card, so I’ll Venmo you the difference?” Once you get the ok from her, you make a beeline towards the door so no one else asks you for coffee. You already weren’t sure how you were going to carry the twelve drinks the three blocks from the coffee shop back to your office. Taking out your phone to rehearse the dozen drink order in your head so you don’t sound like an idiot when you approach the counter, you shift to the Find my Friends app to see if anyone is around to help you. 
“Hey, Rach,” you say into the phone when your roommate picks up. “I need help carrying drinks to the office, would you be able to help me? You’re at the dinner across the street.” 
“Uh, yeah,” you hear her say. You can hear a familiar voice on the other end asking who it was, for her to tell her to just say, “My roommate.” It sounded almost like Brock. You two had been seeing each other for about a month now, going on dates and hanging out, but you weren’t official or anything like that just yet. As far as you were concerned, he was free to see other people, but your roommate of all people? “I just need to pay for my lunch so I’ll meet you there. Sound good?”
“Sure. See you soon.” There was no need for you to feel anything about Brock being out to lunch with your roommate. You never said anything about her being off-limits, but you would think that a guy wouldn’t date a girl and her roommate at the same time, right? 
You get into the Starbucks, the line not too long considering the lunch rush was just about over. Going over the twelve drinks in your head yet again and praying that you don’t mess anyone’s up, you zone out and find yourself staring out the window. Your attention snaps across the street to the cafe, where you see the familiar red hair of Rachel in the arms of an equally familiar broad-shouldered blonde haired boy. When they pull away, you finally make the connection. The guy on the phone with her was Brock. Why were they at lunch together? Why didn’t she tell you? And why were you freaking out over this? 
You get up to the cashier and start spitting out the orders, apologizing profusely for the long order like the millennial/gen-z cusper you were. After what seemed like too long, Rachel finally comes up to you, a weird happiness about her that you’ve only seen when she’s been out with someone she really likes. 
“Hey, love. How’d you get roped into getting a baker’s dozen coffees?”
“Just a dozen, not a baker’s dozen, thankfully. Holding thirteen coffees seems like some weird bad luck omen just waiting to ruin my life,” you joke, trying to remain calm. Do you ask her why she was with Brock, or do you play it cool? Well as cool as you can considering the marathon your mind was running after seeing Rachel with Brock. 
“You have such weird superstitions. Why do I live with you?” 
“Who else would?” you joke, earning a smack on the arm from her, “But how was lunch? Was it a treat yourself kinda day or were you meeting up with someone?” 
“Uh, just meeting up with someone from school.” She still has a smile on her face, but she won’t look you in the eye. Why was she lying? Do you tell her you know she was with Brock?
“Oh, who?” The two of you have been in school together since high school; everyone she knew, you knew. Why won’t she just tell you?
“Remember, Bailey?”
“From my history class? You hated him. Rachel, he told you your eyebrows were uneven while you were hooking up.”
“We’re in public!” she says, blushing, but still smiling, “And besides, we had a class together last semester; we just sort of forgot about that whole freshman year crap and became friends. He was back in the city, so he hit me up to grab lunch.” 
All of you hated that she was lying right to your face. You just wanted to know why? There was no reason for you to be this upset over her getting lunch with Brock; one of her friends from work was friends with one of his friends or something like that. Basically, she had a closer connection to him than you did, so why should it matter?
The barista finally calls your name with your annoyingly large coffee order, you apologizing for what was probably a fourth time over how large it was while Rachel takes two of the trays and you take one. You needed the free hand to get into your building with your ID, and you couldn’t do that with two trays of coffee. 
Rachel goes on and on about something from work, trying to change subjects so that you won’t ask anything else about lunch. Neither of you were dumb; both of you knew she was lying and neither of you wanted to admit it. 
As you get back to your office, your phone starts buzzing in your pocket with messages. Brock had sent a string of texts; two memes that he found and wanted to share with you, and then ‘any chance I can see you tonight??’ Even though you were paranoid that he was seeing your roommate, you couldn’t help but smile at the thought of seeing him. 
“Who’s got you blushing?” Rachel asks, craning her neck trying to see your phone. “Is it Brock?”
“Uh, yeah, he wants to see me tonight.” 
“What are ya gonna do?” she asks in a slightly childish voice, wiggling her eyebrows. 
You had told him that you would, asking what he was planning. “He said that it was a surprise, but dress ‘nice.’ What does that mean?” 
“Ask him how nice?”
“I don’t think he would know how to answer that question.” 
You both burst out laughing; the boys you had dated in the past had never been good at suggesting proper attire for the date, they were as vague as Brock was, or they wouldn’t even say anything at all. One guy once told you that they were taking you somewhere really special, so you wore a nicer dress. He ended up taking you to his brother’s senior day for his college lacrosse team. You haven’t seen that guy since. 
“I can help you pick something out when we get home?” Rachel suggests once you get up to your office. The swarm of people comes for their coffee, you starting to Venmo each of them for whatever change they were owed. 
“Yeah, that sounds great!” With everyone trying to figure out which coffee belonged to them, you nearly forgot that you had seen Rachel and Brock literally on a date not even half an hour before. “I’ll see you at home.” 
“What could he possibly have planned that would require me to dress ‘nice?’ And what does nice even mean? Like something that I would wear to work? Something that I would wear when we go out to the bars on a Saturday night? Something that I would go to Mass in when my parents come to town and force me to go with them?” You were freaking out over Brocks date attire suggestion. The entire rest of your day at work, you had been trying to get him to tell you more about what you were doing. All he said was that you were going to like it. Nothing more. 
But what was even worse was when you had called him on your way home from work, like you did at least once a week. You had asked him what his day had been like, and all he said was that he had practice. You knew he was at that cafe. There are only so many men in Vancouver who look like a Disney prince like he does. It had to be him with Rachel.
“It could be worse. It could have been like the lax guy.” 
“Men are so dumb,” you turn to her, a shirt in your hands. “What about this?” 
“That makes you look like a nun.” 
“Hey!” you say, throwing it at her. “Can you please actually help me instead of just sitting on my bed playing with the pillows?” Every time she was in your room, she had a habit of rearranging the pillows that were on your bed. She hated the way you had them and didn’t seem to care that you liked them that way. 
“I don’t get why you don’t like my pillow arrangement. You would spend so much more time on your bed if you had them like this instead of just the pile that you had.” She gets up and goes over to your closet, flipping through the clothing that you had. “What about this?” She pulls out one of the rompers that you got and have never worn. You loved it, you just hadn’t had a place to wear it yet. 
“Is that too nice, though?” Boys not knowing how to describe fashion was frustrating. 
“Nah, wear it, with these shoes.” She practically chucks the nude pair of sandals that you have at your head, you just barley dodging them since she wasn’t looking where she was throwing things. “Can I borrow this at some point?” she asks, pulling out your black cardigan. 
“Get out.” You push her out the door, taking the cardigan and shutting the door behind her. You lean against your door. Why didn’t you know how to ask her why she was with Brock? It was too late now; Brock was going to be at your place to pick you up in less than half an hour. Knowing Rachel, any story or explanation she would conjure up would take at least an hour for her to get through. 
‘Can’t wait to see you :)’ came up on your phone from Brock, which mean he was just about to leave his place. That also meant you had hurry the fuck up and get dressed instead of rearranging the pillows thanks to Rachel. 
But what was Rachel doing with Brock at lunch today? Should you ask him about it? But he already lied to you. You just wanted to know why they both lied. 
“Wow,” Brock says when you finally get into his car. “You’re... you look... wow.” 
You can’t help but blush at his stammering. “Thanks, you look pretty wow yourself. But where are we going?” 
“You’ll see,” he smirks, pulling away from your building.
He starts talking about something going on within the team, but you weren’t paying attention. He looked so good in his outfit; a white short sleeve button down with powder blue dress pants and brown shoes. It was admittedly a fuck boy outfit, but hey, he pulled it off. While driving, you realized your eyes were in his direction, but you weren’t actually looking at him. You were zoning out, freaking out about earlier still, the same questions running through your mind over and over again: why, why, why?
“Hey, Y/N? We’re here.” He parks his car, rushing out to help you out from the passenger side. 
“The aquarium?” you say, excited. You’ve always loved going to the aquarium since you were a little girl. The best moments in your life were always there; your parents told you that you were going to have a little brother one time when they took you, you found out your cousin got engaged while you were there on a school trip, you got your acceptance letter to your top choice university, you got the most incredible job offer while there with your fraternity for a social event. Everything good came from a day at the aquarium, no matter what aquarium it was. 
“Have you ever been to one before?” he asks, taking your hand and leading you inside.
“Anytime I go to the aquarium, something good always happens.” 
“Oof, I’ve got a lot to live up to then, don’t I?” 
“Well, that just means you tell me or do something great. So no pressure,” you joke as he leads you further into the aquarium, not stopping for anything. “Wait, but, look at the fish!” you whine like a child as he pulls you deeper into the building.
“We have time for that later, don’t worry.” You didn’t think the aquarium could actually be that big, but after walking for what seemed like forever, he finally stops. “Are you ready for this?” You nod as he leads into one last room; glass walls surrounding the entire room, fish, sharks, turtles, everything you could imagine swimming around the enclosure, with a blanket and picnic basket set up in the middle of the room. 
“What is this?”
“This is the first part of our date tonight.” 
“The first part?”
He sits you down, starting to take out the food from the basket. “Well yeah, I have a whole night planned. Here, dig in,” he hands you a container, still a little warm full of penne a la vodka, one of your favorite meals.
“Where’d you get all this?” you ask, starting to dig in, “Holy shit this is so good.” 
“I made it!”
“Seriously?” You had no idea he could cook, but damn you were glad he did. You loved spending time with him, you just wish this were more of a permanent dating thing, not him seeing your roommate behind your back and both of them lying about it. “Ok, but you have to tell me what else you have planned.” 
“Well, by the time we were finished eating, we would have enough time to get over to Lighthouse Park where we could watch the sunset together and be all corny and sappy and crap because you love sunsets, and then go to Earnest Ice Cream where they have your three favorite flavors: lavender, birthday cake, and London Fog.”
You sit there, mouth wide open in shock. You don’t remember telling him any of that, but he had planned the absolute perfect date. “How did you know? And why now?” 
“Well, I was gonna wait until the sunset to ask you, but, now that you said good things always happen at aquariums, I might as well do it now. And this is corny and cliche, but only because you love that” he starts, getting visibly nervous. He reaches out and takes your hand in his, his cheeks turning red, a smile covering his face, “Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?”
You wanted to say yes. You hadn’t been seeing anyone but him, but you weren’t sure if he was doing the same. But him asking meant that he would want to only see you right? “Can I ask you something first?” He looks slightly shocked by the lack of a real answer, but nods his head anyway, “How come I saw you with Rachel at that cafe for lunch? And then why did neither of you tell me about it?”
“Rachel lives with you. She knows you better than anyone. How else would I be able to plan the perfect date to ask you to be mine without spoiling everything? I’ve been, like, secretly meeting with her to plan everything out.” 
“You weren’t on a date with her?”
He starts laughing again, lifting you off the group so he can wrap you in a hug. “You’re the only one I want to date. You are the girl I want to be with.”
“I want to be with you too,” you tell him as he plants a kiss on your head. 
“So is that a yes?”
“Of course.” 
“I guess, though,” he says, separating himself from you just enough so he can look you in the face, “if this doesn’t work out, then I could go out with Rachel.”
You both start laughing, “Don’t push it, please.”
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|Got Me Loosin All My Cool| M|
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Pairings: Jungkook X Reader | Jimin X Reader( Smut) FT- Side Tae & Yoongi
Note: Kook is in 80% of this but he’s “new” to the dynamic...so the smut is with Jimin and the OC...not Kookie!
About- Jimin and yourself take Jungkook shopping for a new suit to wear to the “Spectrum” launch party! OH, and Jimin fucks you in the backseat of your truck in the parking garage of the mall…..
OR: You know Kookie still in that “Broke college grad” phase only being with the company barley a month, and you don’t want him to feel self-conscious at the event! You’ve also been too busy to really check in with him to see how he’s adjusting! So, you thought something like this, in a more laxed atmosphere, would be a good solution! Oh and Jimin, honestly he’s just nosey as fuck and inched himself along, like nobody really invited him he invited his damn self! Also Jungook can’t underatand why the fuck your all so damn attractive...like...why!?
Jungkook’s a sweetheart and lowkey confused and whipped for everybody
Tae’s kinda being a spoiled asshole
Yoongi’s over it!
Jimin’s being a brat, he’s not use to having to “Behave” around others, espeically while your wearing “that” dress.....
-Song Reference- COOL-  Dua lipa
WC: 6K
WARNINGS: Semi-public sex/Top OC/Power bottom Jimin/ Spit play/ Cum play/ Fingering (F receiving) Cockrings/Lube (yes ppl actually use that IRL )Dirty talk/ biting, finger sucking
FINAL NOTE: This little excerpt is the prequel to the next full-length one-shot “All Eyes On Me” which is Hoseoks official ‘Intro” if you will. The full Summary for that can be found in the Masterlist which is linked below! Also if you’re new here..this is a stand-alone one-shot within my OT7Poly AU called “7 Deep” Short version: Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with!
(Sneak peek)
Jungkook’s happy I guess almost surprisingly so, I mean yeah Yoongi and yourself seemed cool in the interview, and when he did is work interview the vibe was chill. But let’s get real, we all know shit always seems better than it actually is in the interviews!
For one he honestly wasn’t expecting to be given such free reign already which is also why he’s happy as hell he didn’t listen to his roommate’s Mark and Ten and lie on his resume. Granted, everything still had to go through Yoongi first but he wasn’t just... I don’t know editing thumbnails like he thought he was actually doing real work. He’s been here barely a month and he already has reels he can add to his portfolio! Learning new tips and tricks, believe it or not, even through his internships he’s learned that some people are stingy when it comes to sharing knowledge. Yoongi however was far from that, thankfully he was well aware that just because you teach someone your “secrets” doesn’t mean you’re essentially replacing yourself! What makes you good at your job isn’t just how it’s done its how you do it!
If only Kookie could stop internally fangirling over Yoongi his life would be a little easier! He’d seen hundreds of your companies films before and being the production major he is..of course, he’d watch it the first time to jack off..then the second time he’d find himself just as if not even more turned on for the production quality. That’s something Onyx is always praised for..”Aesthetically pleasing porn”. Every morning, Yoongi would sit him down and show him something new and for the first time he finally understands what people mean when they say that someones mind is..attractive! Not Yoongi himself though, because that’s his boss and that would be weird but like his brain, ya know? Yoongi’s brian is sexy in a broboss way...I don’t know just go with it!
Anyway, Kook’s current project was actually one of his favorites so far because it was forcing him to actually challenge himself! This was something actually requested by Hoseok, who he learned was 26, the head of marketing, always bouncing around like he’s had 6 expresso shots and somehow manages to make streetwear look professional…. But anyway the task is creating trailers for films that are pc enough to not be blocked on platforms like IG but spicy enough to get ppl to wanna watch the full thing. Making a climax without the actual climax if you know what I mean. So he’d have to sit there and watch the films, try not to get hard and wanna jack off while watching said films...then take notes and screencaps of the best moments and compile them together without showing “too much”. He’s never been so thankful that he could wear sweatpants to work….because…..yeah it was hard..literally and figuratively hard...but like I said he’s happy and can pay his bills so that’s cool too!
Don’t get me wrong he still feels a little out of place at times and surprisingly enough not for the reason he expected! Two months shy of his 21st bday he assumed he’d feel a type of way because he’s the youngest but that’s not the case! Hell, they went to Nobu for lunch last week and Jin actually slid him his drunk so he wasn’t the only one not drinking!  Flashing him a cheeky little wink and whispering “Don’t tell mom” in reference to you once Kook looked back at him like a deer in headlights! It seems as though they care more about his talent than his age which is the way it should be because he knows he’s good at what he dose!
However, Onyx is kinda like those offices you see on TV, the kind he never thought where real, behind closed doors the environment is far from pc! It’s not a normal morning unless somebodies cursing out there computers! This morning he swore Taehyung told Jimin he had a shrimp dick…… There’s “that’s what she said” jokes being thrown out left and right, people cracking jokes on one another. And it’s not that he feels uncomfortable by any means again he’s a 20 y/o kid from LA it’s just ...he’s new...ya know? So he doesn’t know if he’s “allowed” to do that! So in the meantime, he just spends his days laughing until his chest hurts!
But besides that everybody’s chill , he’s still trying to learn people, regardless of how laxed the office is everybody’s busy as all hell especially Namjoon and yourself! The two of you are actually his biggest mystery, he’s never thought of marriage being something that he’d want. He’s always heard that people change, and shit gets boring, but even in a work environment that’s far from the vibe he gets from the two of you! You actually make marriage seem exciting, worth it, like a gift, not a task…..
Something else that he can’t truly wrap his head around is that your his boss, like legitimately his boss! Somebody that looks like you,I mean fuck your not even 30, you sway around the office in your little dresses and designer heels! Always dolled up hell sometimes he questions if he’s the one in some upscale porno! Actually, not just you all of you why the fuck are all of you so effortlessly attractive and put together?! To make it even worse you all know your shit too! Two days ago for example Kook went to Yoongi to ask if there was a certain way he wanted the ending credits to come into frame, and instead of Yoongi responding you did! Using terminology that had him ready to run home and pull out his “Intro to production” text box! Shit don’t make any Goodman sense...even Yoongi sitting in his office looking like he could be in one of the films he’s editing and no, god no why is he thinking this about his higher-ups?! No, no, nope try again Jeon!
However, now that we’re on this topic, there is one person that he can’t quite wrap his head around...I mean yeah he’s nice but he just seems more reserved around Jungkook than everyone else. Which is odd considering he’s the one Kook meet first, he’s actually the one that encouraged him to even submit his resume, to begin with! What makes it even odder is Yoongi and yourself actually told him that Tae was the most outgoing...it’s not that Jungkook nessercally thinks Tae dislikes him it’s just ...I don’t know, I don’t know…I guess he was just...warmer when the two of them met at Starbucks then he is now that they actually work together!
...And I guess that’s why he almost shit himself when his phone rang and the incoming name rang though as….”Taehyung Kim”...he kinda hoped he pocket dialed him and would just hand up! But wait, I guess you can’t really do that from a landline can you?? Fuckkkkkk
“I know technologies come a long way Kook, but phones don’t answer themselves ya know…” Eyes fluttering over to see Yoongi smirking at him, tone blatantly amused as he flipped through a file he had in his hands.It’s like he could sense how nervous he is too “Don’t worry about Tae, he’s more bark than he is bite, he’s literally a puppy dressed in Gucci…” Flicking his chin in the direction of the phone with a reassuring smile.
With a timid nod and shaky fingers Jungkook picks up  the call on the final ring “H-hello??”
“Jungkook? Can you come to my office in the next 5 or so minutes?” His tone wasn’t rude by any means but it also wasn’t the most inviting. Eyes fluttering overly timidly in Yoongis direction because he knew Tae was loud enough that the elder could hear and he smiled fondly, nodding in approval. Arms crossed firm against his chest, head cocked to the side, eyes squinting slightly from under his black baseball cap, as if he was now purposely trying to hear the conversation.
“Umm, yeah, yeah of course…” God, why does he sound like he’s still going through puberty right now!? Voice fluttering ina and out of an octave!
Tae just hangs up, no goodbye ...promoting Yoongi to roll his eyes, with an exasperated sigh...Jungkook just sits there for a moment, not too sure what to do!
“You’re free to go, Seok dosen’t need these until Friday and your deifiently far enough along, a little time away from your desk wont hurt! Oh, just save your stuff first though! The systems moving slow as fuck and I’m about ready to break my damn computer so I’ll probably do a system reboot while you’re gone!”
Jungkook nods timidly, swallowing so hard he’s sure Yoongi heard it, fingers scattering to do as Yoongis instructed, he literally feels like he’s going to throw up! Why does Tae make him so nervous? I mean no offense but Tae isn’t even his boss why is he more freaked out of Taehyung than is actual boss!
He hears a heavy sigh fall from behind him, as Yoongi invites himself to take a seat, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder ‘First off, you’re doing fucking great, and I mean that, so step back...and breath...” Squeezing his shoulder slightly, tone calm yet stable enough to ground the younger! 
 “Second, I’m ordering lunch from that coney up the street, Hyungs treat” He watches Jungkook go to open his mouth in protest and Yoongi just groans, loud and obnoxious, eyes fluttering to the back of his head more times than he can count!
“Don’t even try and give me that “Your not hungry bullshit” Eyes narrowing in the youngers direction challangingly “So let’s try this again, what do you want? And yes Tae can wait I already texted him and told him so you’re fine! Now go to google and pull up Leo’s menu and lets order lu-”
“Yonngggggiiiii!!!’ Whines through the studio, which only promps the man in question to slowly sink into his chair as if he was trying to make himself dissapear! And before Jungkook can even make heads or tails as to what’s happening...a pair of skin-tight leather pants, a florial silk shirt, that was sitting so low it mideswell not even be buttoned, flashy shades and windswept pastel pink hair comes strutting in... Looking like something straight out of Vouge so again he asks why the fuck does everybody look like this!?
Not even botherng to ask if he’s interupted anything, just flinging his arms around the production manager’s neck, propping his chin on top of his head,
“I need like...20 headshots edited...in the next half hour” Jungkook watched Yoongi go completely ridgit a scowl on his face as he tried to pull away but the casting manager only held on tigher “...and before you kill me even though I drunk some of it this Amerciano is for you soooo, I feel like I’ve made it worth or while, please and thank you! ” Smiling so big his eyes dispered into his face it took everything in him not to coo and swoon all at the same damn time!
Jimin fucking Park......
That’s all she wrote for now, don’t know the post date yet, I’ve written up wo when they actually go to the mall so it’s like halfway done.....
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littletayyswriting · 5 years
Title: The Sun Still Waits Here (With the Moon and Stars Beside It) (5/?)
Author: LittleTayy
Rating: Mature
Characters: Marisa Coulter, Lord Asriel, Lyra Belacqua, Ma Costa
Summary: Marisa and Lord Asriel certainly try their best. They love their daughter. But Lyra Belacqua is undoubtedly her parents’ child.
( Snippets of an AU story, set in our modern world. )
AN: This is based off the TV Show.
This chapter does involve a child death. If this triggers or offends you, this may not be the chapter for you. Please read on carefully. 
Read On: AO3
Chapter Four
for all the stars in the world, yours sadly burnt out first
Lyra is nearly seven and simply thinks her mother is getting fat, like the cook down in their kitchen or the administration lady at her school. She would never actually say that to her mother though; her mother is always scolding her about being rude . So, she is surprised when her mother pulls her close to cuddle her in bed, a hand resting on the slightly pudgy swell of her belly.
“Lyra,” her Mother starts, turning to look her in the eye, her free hand playing with Lyra’s still long strands. “Do you know what pregnant means?” she continues and there’s a hesitant, hopeful look in her eye.
Lyra shakes her head, no. Because she doesn’t. She frowns, eyes dropping from her mother’s face down to the hand she’s rubbing along her belly. She has a feeling it might be something to do with Mother getting fat. She’s not sure she wants to know.
Marisa chuckles lightly, watching her young daughter for a moment. She wished Lyra was a little bit older, she was at an awkward age to explain this to. Especially when Marisa knew this would no doubt set off questions about where babies came from and Marisa certainly didn’t want to have those conversations with Lyra just yet.
But Lyra was going to be a big sister and though her child could be a brat, she had a feeling her daughter would take to the role.
“Well, pregnant means that I’m going to have a baby,” Marisa told her, once Lyra’s eyes had moved back up to look at hers and not her stomach. “You’re going to be a big sister, Lyra. Isn’t that exciting?” Marisa continued, trying to coax out the excited response from her daughter that she was finding it hard to muster for herself.
Lyra’s brows furrowed and her face scrunched in confusion at her Mother’s words. “Where you goin’ to get a baby ?” She asked, head tilting up to look at her mother curiously.
“Oh, darling,” Marisa laughs, taking one of Lyra’s little hands and guiding it towards her growing stomach. “The baby is growing inside of me. See? Soon they’ll get bigger and bigger and start moving around. You were a very wiggly baby,” Marisa told her, still smiling widely.
Her daughter’s eyes go wide and her mouth drops open, face aghast at her words. “Was I inside ya?”
“Of course,” Marisa soothes. “Mother’s grow their babies inside them, to keep them safe until they’re born,” she tells her, pulling her into a hug.
She rubs her back and presses kisses to her forehead, asking her if she has anymore questions and if she wants to sleep in Mother’s bed for the night. Lyra says yes, she’s never thought about where baby’s come from before and if she came from her Mother, then sharing her bed seemed only natural. Besides that, Mother and Father’s bed was big and comfortable and had such soft pillows and blankets; Lyra always liked it better when she got to share a bed with Mother.
The weeks go by and Mother’s stomach grows and Father is home more and Lyra still isn’t sure how she feels about it all. Her father pays much more attention to her mother now, especially when she is feeling sick. Some nights she tries to snuggle her way into her parent’s bed, between them but Father always sends her firmly off to bed in her own room and it makes her so angry she wishes he would just go away on one of his trips.
She is sulky and agitated except when it’s just her and Mother.
Marisa, however, seems to enjoy Asriel doting on her while she’s pregnant. Her feelings, when she’d first found out she was pregnant were conflicted. She’d been making strides in her work and she’d worried that her pregnant state would undermine her authority and her respect. It was Asriel that had comforted her and reminded her that she was brilliant, that pregnant or not, she was essentially the boss and that it was her initial work that her subordinates were working on.
The stroking to her ego did wonders. Asriel knew her, inside and out and having him around for this pregnancy was something Marisa found herself enjoying. She’d realised that this was what they’d both missed out on while she’d been pregnant with Lyra and was surprised by how happy she was that they were both getting the chance to be there, a second time around.
Marisa worried though, that Lyra wouldn’t take to her sibling.
“Lyra, darling, come here a moment,” Marisa calls, as she see’s her daughter darting about outside, playing with the stray cat they can’t seem to get rid of. Asriel has no mind to rid the property of the stray, despite Marisa’s continued assertions that it could be diseased and that it could pass something onto Lyra. She knows it’s a reach but really, it wasn’t like she was asking for a lot. She had half a mind to just kill it herself and get rid of it.
“I’m playing!” Lyra whines, through the open patio doors as Marisa watches her on the well looked after lawn. The young girl isn’t even looking at Marisa, too occupied playing with that stupid cat.
“Lyra, now ,” Marisa asserts. She doesn’t want to have a fight. She’d been planning a nice activity for the day, if only Lyra would just listen .
Her seven year old huffs and turns to her as if she is a teenager and not still a child. Scarily, Marisa can see a young version of herself in the girl and she isn’t sure whether to be horrified or proud. She settles a little on both as she watches her daughter come closer; she’d much rather her not be as reckless as her father. If that meant being a little more like her, then Marisa didn’t see a problem with that.
“Yes?” Lyra replies, arms crossing and eyes boring up into her Mother’s. Marisa is silently grateful that Asriel isn’t around to see this, for Lyra’s attitude is all Marisa and she knows he would not stop his endless teasing if he saw.
Still, Lyra is the child and she is her Mother. This attitude would not do, but Marisa takes a deep breath, a hand closing into a tight fist and then releasing. Lyra is seven , there is no point in starting a whole ordeal over a little bit of attitude. So instead, she curbs her natural instinct and smiles down at her daughter.
“How would you like to come see the baby with me today?” Marisa asks, tone light as she makes the suggestion to her daughter. She can see the confusion on her child’s face.
“See the baby?” Lyra echoes, suddenly supremely curious, her young eyes flicking down to her mother’s round belly and back up to her eyes again.
“Mhm. You and I can go to the doctors and they can show us the baby on a machine. We can even find out if you’ll have a baby brother or sister,” Marisa enticed, words lilting and pleasant as she spoke.  
“They can do that?” Lyra asks in wonder, eyes wide as she gazes up at her mother. Marisa grins, nodding her head and ushering the child into the house.
“Yes, they can. Science and medicine can do...glorious things,” Marisa tells her as she directs her towards the bathroom. Lyra doesn’t even have to ask why, she knows her mother wants her to wash her hands after playing with that cat. She does so quickly, even though she’s still bubbling over with curiosity instead.
Marisa is thinking, of course, not of the wonders of modern medicine but of her scientific research that is on the pinnacle of being fully realised and of the project she is developing. Growing a child is wondrous but what she’s trying to do, what she’s creating with her work, is going to be spectacular.
Marisa had dressed Lyra in a sweet little pinafore dress and tights, hair done in a simple ponytail for their day out together. She’d tried to wrap a ribbon around Lyra’s hair but her daughter had refused and Marisa relented, though she couldn’t help pouting a little, as childish as she knew it was. The ribbon would’ve tied the whole little outfit together cutely but she was starting to realise that Lyra was very much a young girl that was her own person.
It wasn’t something Marisa liked to contemplate really, the fact that her child was no longer young and pliable anymore. She’d often wondered, in the quiet of the night, if that was why she’d let herself fall pregnant again. For years she’d been against another child but she couldn’t help feeling Lyra’s growing independence had in some way played a part in her lax use of contraception. She’d spent the last five years successfully avoiding pregnancy scares.
Had she secretly wanted another child? She didn’t think so. But here she was, almost six months pregnant after swearing that she’d only have one child.
The thought had grown, just as the baby had. It was a little unsettling to think she had done this to herself, instead of it being the accident she told herself it was. Another baby would grow, just as Lyra had and she knew that she couldn’t keep having children when the other’s started being their own little people. Two would have to be it for them and as she and Lyra strode into the obstetricians office, she wondered if she could convince Asriel to get a vasectomy.
Glancing down at Lyra as they sat in the waiting room, she couldn’t help but notice the girl looked equal parts curious and afraid. Suddenly, Marisa had the thought that maybe this hadn’t been a great way to spend a day with Lyra but it was far too late to do anything about it now.
“Is everyone here gonna have a baby?” Lyra whispered, her mouth right next to Marisa’s ear as she kneeled on her chair, hands around her arm.
Marisa wished she’d thought to bring along the iPad, something to distract her child. Though that didn’t usually last in keeping Lyra entertained for long, it would’ve done for the moment. The baby was kicking and she needed to use the bathroom; it was one of the things she hated so passionately about these appointments.
“Most of them, yes,” Marisa replied, after taking a breath, trying to calm herself. Her uncomfortableness didn’t mean she should snap at her daughter. In fact, she should be happy her child was so curious. “This is a special doctors for people that are going to have babies,” she continued, smiling tiredly at her child.
Lyra rested back on her heels, face screwed up as she glanced around the waiting room. “They ain’t all look like they havin’ babies,” she stated plainly, glancing back up at Marisa as if she wasn’t telling the truth.
Thankfully, Marisa was saved from having to form a reply by the nurse calling out her name. She stood gracefully, which was a feat considering the child she was growing and took Lyra’s hand, smiling sweetly as the nurse as they followed her. As they entered the empty examine room, she directed Lyra to sit and to not distract the doctor or nurse as she sat up on the exam table. She was glad she’d opted for the ensemble she had that morning as she pulled the blouse out from the skirt she was wearing, knowing it’d be easy to arrange again once they were done.
Her doctor came in then and they chatted amicably for several moments, though Marisa wished the woman would just get on with it. Lyra spoke politely as Marisa introduced her and she was supremely pleased by the manners her daughter exhibited. Which wasn’t always the case when it came to Lyra.
The gel was cool on her swollen stomach but Marisa didn’t flinch. She’d learnt long ago never to let it show when things got to her and now it was simply an ingrained reaction. She relaxed back, turning her head to look at Lyra, lips twisting upwards at the curious expression on her child’s face.
She could feel the transducer on her stomach and then looked back towards the doctor and the screen. Her doctor spoke, assuring her everything looked good and the baby was progressing as she took notes and measurements. Then she turned, smiling at Marisa and then glancing towards Lyra.
“Would you like to know the sex of the baby?” The doctor asked, moving the transducer wand across her stomach to find the right position.
“Yes,” Marisa replied clearly, nodding. She extended a hand out to Lyra then, who was starting to fidget, and beckoned her forward. “Lyra. The Doctors going to tell us if the baby is a boy or a girl now. Come look.”
At her mother’s words, Lyra looked a little more interested, bolting up off her seat and coming to stand by her mother. She pressed against the exam table, watching her mother and the doctor and the screen. “I can’t see it?” Lyra asked, head tilted and brows furrowed in confusion.
The doctor chuckled then and Marisa frowned. She didn’t like her laughing at her child.
“On the screen, darling. This,” she gestured to the wand as it pressed against her stomach, “can see inside my stomach. There’s the baby,” Marisa explained, leaning forward a little as she used a hand to point towards the screen, fingers outlining the shape of the baby.
Lyra’s face was staring intently then at the screen, pressing against Marisa as she tried to get a better look. “Cool,” she whispered softly. She turned to look at her mother, then towards the doctor, as if waiting for the doctor to start talking.
The doctor for her part, had to smile, seeing the same expression on both mother and daughter’s faces. It was unsettling in a way and she quickly turned back to the screen, moving the transducer a little to get a better look.
“Well, by all accounts, you’ll be having another little girl. You’ll have a baby sister,” the doctor told them, directing her last words towards Lyra, smiling brightly at the pair.
“Another girl?” Marisa breathed, eyes wide. She’d expected a boy, she’d had a feeling since she’d found out she was pregnant that the baby would be a boy. The thought had never even crossed her mind that she would have another daughter.
“Yes. Would you like some photos?”
Marisa nodded, still a little stunned. “Please. Thank you,” Marisa replied, taking the wipe the doctor handed to her and cleaning the gel off of her round stomach.
She sat up, pulling her blouse back down over her stomach and shifting so her legs rested over the edge of the bed. Lyra stood, fidgeting against the bed watching with interest as the doctor turned away and began printing out copies of the photos. Marisa stood, smiling down at Lyra as she reached over to pick up her hand bag, her other hand smoothing over Lyra’s head and hair as they stood and waited.
It was only another moment as Lyra rocked eagerly against her mother, before the doctor turned with the photos in hand. She popped them into an envelope and scrawled a name and date across the front. The doctor handed them over then and Marisa thanked her before turning, taking Lyra’s hand and leading her out of the room.
Lyra bounded along beside her mother, wanting to look at the photos to see if she could pick out her baby sister. But Marisa had already put them in her hand bag. Lyra wanted to ask about her baby sister but she wasn’t quite sure what, luckily Marisa started to speak as they left the doctors office.
“Are you hungry Lyra? Shall we go to lunch and then go shopping?” Marisa asked, looking eagerly down at her daughter.
“Yes, please,” Lyra breathed enthusiastically, nodding eagerly as she followed her mother. They were in London, a place Lyra had only been once and she barely remembered that last time. Her mother hailed a cab and ushered Lyra into it first before stepping behind her, giving the driver the name of a restaurant only.
Marisa watched as Lyra looked out the window, seeming enthralled and intrigued by all the sights. She wondered if they should bring Lyra to London more, get her out of the country and around new things. She had a feeling Lyra would like London. A hand rubbed over her growing stomach and Marisa decided that once the baby was born and a few months old, that they should spend the weekend here in London as a family.
In fact, once the baby was a few years old, Marisa couldn’t help but imagine that she and Asriel could take them on a trip abroad somewhere. Most probably Europe, nowhere too far away considering their youngest daughter would most likely still be a toddler. They had never taken Lyra on any trips like that and she realises now that, that was probably a mistake.
She’d bring it up with Asriel once they got home. She doubted he’d be happy by any mention of a vacation, even if it was a moment for the future but she was sure she could persuade him.
The cab pulled up outside the restaurant and Marisa paid the fair with a sweet smile, stepping out of the cab and pulling Lyra along with her. Lunch was fancy but not too fancy that it was unfortunate to eat there with a child; it wasn’t a place Marisa had gone often but she knew it was child friendly at least. Afterwards, she and Lyra strolled down Bond and Oxford Streets and through Covent Gardens and into Harrods.
They didn’t buy much for themselves, surprisingly. Though Marisa insisted on some new clothes for Lyra. Eventually they’d ended up in a boutique baby clothes store and Lyra’s excitement at the little baby dresses and pink booties had overwhelmed her. By the time they’d gotten back to their countryside estate, they’d each had several bags on their hands and Asriel had beaten them home.
It had been a wonderful bonding day for the both of them and Marisa realised she was as excited for the new baby as Lyra was.
Lyra hears the scream, the cry coming from the room her mother was giving birth in, as a nurse enters the room. Her brows furrow and she glances up at Mrs. Costa, whose face looks worried in a way that it hadn’t been in the whole time they’d been there. Father is away at Oxford, once again and it’s just been Lyra and her mother and Lyra doesn’t know how, but she knows something is wrong. Mrs. Costa reaches to pull her close but Lyra is fast and darts into the room quickly, stopping short just in front of the door at the scene she is bearing witness to.
There is blood and there is her mother, crying unrestrainedly in anguish. Is mother hurt? Is she dying? Lyra’s breath speeds up, her heart pounding; her eyes sweep the room and land on a woman hovering over a silent, blue baby.
Her mother is still crying, still hysterical, though Lyra can just make out the garbled, choked sobs. “No...no! She can’t be! Make her breathe...don’t stop! You let my child die! ”
And it’s then, that Lyra realises her baby sister is dead.
She doesn’t know what takes her over but quicker than lightening, she’s by the table her dead sister is placed upon, staring at the still, silent baby. She thinks, maybe if she begs, if she can get the nurse to make her baby sister okay, her mother will stop crying.
“Fix her! You’re a doctor, ain’t ya?” She begs the nurse, who looks stunned and unsure how to deal with the young girl whose mother is howling in pain at the loss of her child.
The nurse shakes her head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart…”
Lyra hits out at her then, pushing at her and yelling and forgetting herself until she feels a pair of familiar arms wrapping around her waist and lifting her up and away. She fights the hold, tears streaming down her face until she realises it’s Mrs. Costa holding her. They’re out of the room now but Lyra can still hear her mother crying out in her mind and wraps her arms and legs around Mrs. Costa in a tight hold as they sink down onto the seats outside the room.
She doesn’t quite understand why she’s crying but Mrs. Costa is holding her tightly, whispering to her and stroking her hair just like her mother does and it’s so comforting Lyra relaxes into the touch. She’s barely crying, though her cheeks are still wet and eyes still red rimmed, when she hears her father running down the hallway of the hospital, asking Mrs. Costa what happened. Lyra turns, glad to see her father, in such an emotional and traumatic time but he simply brushes off her hands, barely looking at her as he strides into the room.
Lyra cuddles into Mrs. Costa, still on her lap and arms wrapped tightly around her when her father eventually steps out of the room, in what feels like hours later. Lyra can’t hear her mother crying anymore and she worries for a moment, breath caught in her throat if she’s dead too. But, as she looks up at her father, he looks tired and sad; if Mother had died, he’d be tearing the place apart in anger.
“She shouldn’t have been here. Take her home,” Father snaps, after a long moment, his eyes finally focusing on his young daughter.
She whines a little, in Mrs. Costa’s hold but the hard look she receives from her father is enough to quiet her. Instead, she let’s Mrs. Costa lead her tired little body down the hallway and out of the hospital. They are quiet as they arrive home to the Manor and Mrs. Costa puts her to bed.
She clings to her blonde Nanny’s hand, looking up at her with pleading eyes. “Can you stay Mrs. Costa? Please?” she whispers quietly, lips trembling.
“Of course, Lyra. Of course,” Mrs. Costa replies, settling down beside Lyra and holding her tight.
It is two days before Marisa leaves the hospital. Asriel had not allowed Lyra to visit her mother in that time and now Lyra was a mess of nervous energy and unsure how to greet her mother. Asriel had explained, in his brief way, what had happened and that her baby sister hadn’t survived.
The explanation left Lyra unsatisfied and so instead, she asked Mrs. Costa. Her Nanny looked uncomfortable at the question but she explained much better then her father had. Mrs. Costa told her that she should be sweet and gentle with her mother, that her mother would be very sad that they would not have her baby sister around. She explained that losing a child could be utterly heartbreaking, even if the child was only a baby. She said that mother would still love her very much.
Lyra had nodded intently at the words and determined she would be good for her mother. She hugged her tightly and had hot chocolate with her in her bed, keeping her mother company as she recovered.
The first funeral Lyra ever attended was that of her baby sisters. It was held a week after her mother arrived home. It was a small, quiet affair; just Marisa, Asriel and Lyra and a priest reading a blessing as the baby was buried in the family cemetery on the west side of the Estate.
Lyra watched as her mother tried not to cry in her pretty black dress and as her father clutched her mother’s hand tightly, as if attempting to keep her from floating away. Lyra held her mother’s other hand until her father thanked the priest and all three adults turned away, heading back towards the Manor. Lyra watched them for a moment, moving away from the freshly made grave before turning back to it, eyes trained on the gravestone.
She stepped closer, tracing the name of her dead sister with a finger, before pressing a kiss to the gravestone.
Madisyn Celeste Belacqua
She’d been the one to pick her baby sisters name.
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the-energon-hole · 7 years
Maybe a hc for when the bayverse bots (Op,' 'Bee, 'Hide, 'Ratch, and maybe Jazz) have to deal w their small human friend falling asleep in their cab (who is, unfortunately, an extremely heavy sleeper)??? 💟 Thank u bunches, I love your writing!!!
Optimus Prime
-It was a normal problem that you had- you were a restless kind of person, and being on a military base that is always on high alert never really helped. It was hard for you to fall asleep at times, it has always been that way ever since you were a kid as insomnia apparently runs in your family. Sleeping medication never really helped either, and that was one of the reasons you got a car with the most comfortable seats you could- if there was one thing that always worked, it was a nice long car ride in the middle of an empty space with nothing but wide open space around you.
-Before you could make it to your car parked in an enclosed garage, you ran into the big boss bot- Optimus Prime. It was still a little overwhelming being in the presence of such a great and powerful leader, he was probably the nicest alien in the world, but he was so much bigger than you it is sometimes intimidating. Well, most people were taller than you, but that was beside the point- as most people will never reach the radiance and grace that this big bot gives off with such ease. He really was a sight to be beheld, and you were one of the lucky humans that was allowed to interact with him on more than a weekly basis, most people only get to experience him on television- and those broadcasts do him no justice at all.
-Once you addressed each other with a simple greeting, he asked the obvious question that was on his mind when he noticed you walking around in the middle of the night. Once you explained you inability to sleep and your simple solution, he made you an offer you would have never dreamed of receiving- he offered to take you for a ride in his alt-mode. How could you refuse? The two of you were out driving in the middle of the abandoned area outside of the base, enjoying some light conversations when Optimus took notice you began to doze off in the passenger side of his cab. Once he drove back you were out cold, he assumed it must come with not getting enough sleep- he didn’t have the spark to wake you up, s he just let you sleep there until you would be ready to awaken in the next few hours when roll call would happen.
-You had such a long day working around all of these soldiers and politicians, you were hoping that your room that was a little far away from the soldier barracks would be your sanctuary. There your bed was supposed to be an escape from your busy everyday life , but right now it was starting to feel more and more like a hard rock prison you couldn’t escape. You can lay there all night, wide awake yet  extremely tired, but your body and mind just can’t seem to stop racing from all the information you were supposed to retain and memorize. Sometimes you hated your job, as important as it was, you just wished you could take some kind of vacation- go somewhere and just sleep.
-After a few hours of just staring at a wall, you began to grow a little restless and wanted to do something that might help tire you out physically more. Maybe you can go to the gym on the base? No way, those people never wipe down the equipment when they are done. You could go for a walk? In the middle of podunk nowhere with nothing to look at and potentially getting lost… Driving? That could work- driving was a great way to zone out while making great miles, you also couldn’t really get lost driving- just follow a road you’ll end up somewhere. That was almost a romantic thought to you, just hop in your car and drive until you end up in a whole ‘nother life- to bad that would never happen.
-You were so zoned out that you ran body first into an obstacle that just appeared in front of you on the way to your car, you heard a little dink as you hit something metal rather hard, and you let out a groan in pain. You hear a radio voice saying “Oops!”, and you knew immediately it was that bot Bumblebee- not paying attention to where he was walking. To be fair, neither were you, it could have ended badly for the both of you. Exchanging greetings, you can’t recall what happened after that, because in a sleepy haze you must have agreed to go for a ride with Bee- not that that was a bad thing or anything. It’s just an odd thing; one minute you were standing on base talking to the bot, and the next you were in his cab taking a ride down the road to somewhere different. He didn’t mind that you fell asleep halfway towards “somewhere else” he was just excited for you to wake up and be in a different place, you described it as romantic? He could relate to that.
-It was something the two of you do as a way to escape from the others in the base, it’s not that you hated being around those people, it’s just tiring seeing the same people 24 hours 7 days a week. It felt like every week the world was ending and they all had to come together as a team to take out some kind of bad guy. It was exhausting and you both, frankly, needed a break. Ironhide felt the same way about it, he was a loyal Autobot soldier through and through, but he was far from the regality of a prime- he had his own mental limitations, and he was glad the two of you were able to get away every once in awhile to just drive and forget about all the bad shit that was happening.
-The soldiers now stopped trying to make you two stay on base on these days, because with or without their permission you were gone quicker than they were able to track you down. You two always came back within the next 24 hours or so, meaning Optimus didn’t care too much that Ironhide needed time to himself to rejuvenate and relax his mind-the same can’t be said about your superiors, each one of them hates it when you sneak off to do something they don’t know about. You are justified though, because you have never once missed one of their deadlines or sherked nay kind of task they have given you. They can be mad all they wanted, you and ‘Hide, you needed this.
-The old soldier thought that it was nice, when you fell asleep in the passenger seat of his cab- even though you slept like a rock and sounded like a fog horn when you snored. You placed so much trust in his old frame that he felt proud that he still had enough gentleness in his spark to have a friend like you. Most see him as some kind crazy monster, and really he was, but he wasn’t like that 24/7- and he was glad to share those softer moments with you, even if he would threaten your life if you so much as breathed a word about it to anyone, especially if you said anything to Lennox.
-You were a little bit more meek and softer than some of the other specialized talent that the humans kept on the base, something the others liked to refer to as “an easy target”- a theoretical punching bag if one prefered. It’s not like you didn’t have any friends or anything, people seemed to like you very much so, it’s just you had a preference to keep silent and laugh along rather than correct people about their misconceptions pertaining to you or your personality.You didn’t seem to mind what the others liked to tease about, and you would tease them right back but Ratchet go tthe feeling those werent as personal as some of the things said to you- it was just no enigma as to why you preferred the company of a  bunch of alien robot life from outer space than that of your own species.
-You enjoyed everyone’s company a lot, but sometimes even you would get overwhelmed at everyone’s friendly quips and jokes at your expense. You had patiences it was true, but in reality, everyone had a breaking point- even the most softest and kindest of us all. Ratchet could relate- he became a medic in order to help his fellow bots and to be a positive influence on those who had it worse than he did, it was probably why you two were so close and could relate to each other so well. It was nice having a friend who was so similar in nature- and it helped the others around the base become more comfortable with the alien presences as well, as sometimes new soldiers and workers get a little jumpy when coming face to face with the towering machines for the very first time. You almost had a heart attack meeting Optimus Prime for the first time- he was so much bigger than all the others it was kind of intimidating, looking back on that day you can laugh about it now.
-You and Ratch were on your way back from a simple supply run, which for some reason had to happen so late in the night that if not for his headlights you wouldn’t be able to see the road in front of you. It gave you a chance to have a break from the others around the base, and it gave Ratchet a chance to safely stretch his struts without worrying about getting ambushed by Decepticons, he would avoid physical conflict if he could. He took note of your relaxed vitals and your lax body language- and let you snooze soundly while he drove back to the base, he was glad you were a hard sleeper as these back roads weren’t the best thing to drive on for relaxing. Evolutionarily, sleeping heavily isn’t the best strategic ability for survival, but as long as he was around he was sure you wouldn’t have anything to worry about. 
-You just seemed to be able to get along with anyone- including those from an entirely different planet that had a big difference in culture and identity. It’s what you do best- which is why you were most likely picked for this kind of job, your ability to bend and compromise when a situation got tough, which isn’t a skill many can boast about having. It’s probably why Jazz and you got along so well, you were both laid back individuals who were able to roll with the punches and maintain a clear and level head when it comes to what is expected of you and what you will do in order to complete a mission. Also Jazz was more willing to participate in human cultural events and knowledge a little bit more than the rest of his team, he found humans and their creativity to be just as exciting as you found them and their ability to transform into automobiles and aircrafts.
-It was always fun to have an outing with the bots, especially ones where you get to show them what other humans beyond those who live on the base behave like. It was nice to just sit in Jazz’s cab while he would ask certain questions about people as they would walk by, while you answered to the best of your ability whole always reminding him that humans come in so many variations it’s hard to categorize them into neat little labels. People watching had always been a fun thing for you to do- and sharing such a small and pivotal part of human nature it was interesting to see their reactions. All the other bots thought it was rather “stupid” to put it mildly, they didn’t get just sitting and watching normal people do mundane things, but Jazz got it- it was a way to reconnect with the normal everyday people that they were fighting so hard to protect.
-Once everyone went back to the base, it was just you and Jazz for a very long time- ad he didn’t notice your light snoring until long after the humans had vacated the area for the night and the streets were empty and quiet. He noticed how comfortable and serene you looked- and decided against trying to wake you up, he knows how much work you have to do to try and broker peace between all the battling red tape and politicians and decided this might be a good way for you to actually sleep. He was convinced in that moment that if any human can unite them, it was going to be you- and he felt proud that he knew someone so strong yet unspoiled by cynical and bitter ideology.
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Close To You(Harry Styles x oc)
It started in the early morning. 6:45 am to be precise. It was a chilly Albuquerque morning, and the balloons were going up, as they always did that early. Leaving the house as soon as she could, starting the 20 minute drive to work like she did every day. Arriving at work with no problem, she was immediately called into her boss, Sofia's office.
"Em, could you come in here for a sec? And close the door?"
Emily's pov
I slowly walked into Sofia's office, closing the door and sitting down.
"Did I do something again?"
The older woman chuckles and shakes her head.
"No. But I wanted to talk to you. Do you remember when Christopher said we were expanding into Europe?"
I nod my head, briefly remembering the conversation.
"Well, they want you and a few drivers to go to London for a couple months to start up. Your position would be my current one. The company is paying for your living space and travel, you are responsible for anything else. Interested?"
Wow. That's... not what I thought she was gonna talk to me about.
"U-um yeah I'd love to! When do I leave?"
She smiles.
"At the end of the month. You'll be in charge of everything and everyone there. I know you'll do great."
I smile and thank her. After that, the month flys fast. I pack what I need and it's shipped to my new flat and anything else goes into my mom's garage. On the day I leave, I meet the 2 drivers coming with me, Jackson and Adam, at the airport. At 4:30am. It's already too early and I need coffee.
"You guys ready for this?"
The two men tiredly nod and we trek to our gate after checking our bags. After about 30 minutes we begin boarding our flight. The attendant scans my boarding pass.
"Miss, it seems you've been upgraded to first class due to availability. Enjoy your flight!"
Adam, Jackson and myself just share a look and proceed ahead. I find my seat and holy crap it's nice. They find theirs in economy and we part ways. I take my seat and pull out my iPad, briefly starting to get some work done. The plane takes off and soon we land in LAX. The flight is a straight trip but I guess they had to pick up more people. I decide to put my work away and watch Demon Slayer instead. I pay no mind when I see from the corner of my eye, someone take the seat next to me. Jackson comes over to me to chat for a minute at that moment as well.
"Hey Em, do you have all the addresses for where we are staying? Ryan forgot to send it to us."
"Yeah. We're all in the same place, just separate units. We'll be fine."
He nods and briefly looks at my screen.
"Really? Demon Slayer again?"
I flip him off and he laughs and returns to his seat. After a couple minutes, the person next to her speaks up.
"Is it good? What you're watching?"
I take out my headphones and turn to the stranger, about to reply, when I see his face and my mouth drops.
"I-I um yeah it is. I-I like it."
He smiles and holds out his hand to me.
" 'M Harry."
I smile and shake his had. I'm pretty sure he could tell I was shaking.
"I-I'm Emily. I-it's nice to meet you!"
He laughs and I swear I could just die after hearing that sound.
"Y'must know who I am."
I nod and blush.
"I love your music. Always makes me feel better and brings a smile to my face."
He smiles.
" 'M glad to hear that. Love makin music and gettin to share it. Means a lot t'me that it helps s'many."
I nod and we talk for a bit. I don't think I've ever actually had this meaningful of a conversation with anyone before.
"S'what are you watchin? Looks interesting."
"Oh um that? Oh it's just an anime that I like. I've seen it multiple times. I guess I just like watching it."
I giggle and he smiles, filling my stomach with butterflies.
"Would y'mind if I watched with you?"
I nod my head and hand off an AirPod to him, moving my iPad in the middle so we could both see and I hit play. Somehow, through the flight, we finished season one and part of Mugen Train before we finally land. And I don't think I have ever been more disappointed. We both got up but before he walked away, Harry turned to me.
"I don't usually do this, but I want to see you again. Would y'want to maybe... exchange numbers? J-just as long as you promise not t'give it out...?"
"Y-yeah I'd love to! And I'd never do that! That's a betray of trust and that's one thing I refuse to do to anyone!"
He smiles and takes my phone, putting his number in it.
"Text me love. Would love t'get coffee with you sometime." I smile and nod, waving him goodbye as I wait for Jackson and Adam to meet me up front. I see them come up and Jackson is grinning and wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"Shut it Miles. I don't want to hear it."
The two men laugh as we make our way out of the plane to baggage claim. I look around briefly for Harry and obviously I don't see him, causing disappointment to show on my face. So I decide to pull out my phone to text him.
E- Hi Harry! It's Emily!😊
H-Couldn't wait could y'love?😉
E-I  could've! I'm just waiting at baggage claim and the two idiots I'm traveling with are teasing me!😒
H-Yeah? S'not nice. Should I come steal you away?
E-Ha! As much as I would love that, I have to get the three of us settled in and dispatch them. Maybe coffee tomorrow?
H-Sounds great! I know a great place! I'll text you the address😊 See you tomorrow love
E-See you tomorrow❤️
It's been a couple months since I met Harry. And everyday with him is amazing. We both work quite a bit but still manage to see each other a couple times a week. But unfortunately... I'm going home soon. With the hiring of more staff, I'm not needed and they want me to come home. And now I have to tell Harry. I'm waiting for him at our usual spot and I see him come up to me. I stand up and meet him halfway, walking into his warm embrace.
"Missed you love."
"Missed you too."
He caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead. I forced a small smile.
"Y'okay love? Look a little down."
"Y-yeah I'm fine. But we do need to talk."
He looks at me with concern as I lead him to our table and we sit down.
"So you know how I've been telling you how well things have been going with setting up the new branch?"
He nods his head in acknowledgment.
"Well... it's done. There's new staffing and multiple drivers... so they want me back home."
We sit in silence for just a minute.
"When... when d'you leave?"
"In 3 days...Look Harry... I don't want this to be the end of whatever this is between us. I like you. And these past couple months? You made me feel so alive. I've never felt this way before. I know this sounds corny but I don't want this to be the end of you don't..."
He pauses for a minute and bursts out laughing. I look at him in confusion.
"How do you always seem to take the words out of my mouth?"
He pauses for another minute.
" 'course I still want t'see you. I love spending time w'you. We'll work it out somehow."
He takes me out of my chair and hugs me tight. He pets my head and I start crying.
"Shhh. It's okay love. M'not lettin you go that easily. You're stuck with me."
"But I'm gonna be in New Mexico! And you're still trying to write your album!"
"You're forgetting about something though."
I just look at him in complete and utter confusion. Those are the facts though... how could I be forgetting something?
"How often have you FaceTimed y'mum while you've been here?"
"I don't know- probably like a good couple dozen- ohhhh! Duh!"
He laughs and hugs me tighter.
"Know it's not ideal but we'll make it work. And I'll come visit you o'course. Can't go long without my muse, now can I? Never get the album finished without you." I blush and bury my head in his chest, causing him to chuckle.
"I'm know you would do an amazing job finishing it. You don't need me for inspiration Mr. I like to write songs about sex."
He chuckles and lifts my head up, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
"Course I do. I've written 2 songs already. Because of you. So I definitely need you. So stop thinkin so little o'yourself."
I nod, tearing up a little.
"Will you come see me off?"
He smiles and lifts me up.
"Really think I wouldn't? I'd never give up the chance t'see you, even if it is goodbye."
He kisses my nose, making me smile.
"Let's go get you packed up, yeah?" He grabs my bag and leaves a tip for the waiter.
"Wait you're gonna help me pack?"
"Course I am. Gotta get my time with you while I have you. And besides, we need to finish Edens Zero, don't we?"
I chuckle and nod my head. As excited as I am to go home to my family and my regular day to day life, I hate that I have to do it without Harry there with me. These past couple months have been amazing and he makes everything more fulfilling.
I woke up early this morning and I'm not ready to leave. Harry came to see me off though. I grab his hand and pull him off to the side.
"Something wrong love?"
I take a long deep breath.
"No... I just. I want to tell you something. I want to get it off my plate before I leave... Harry... I love you. And I know this is probably way too soon to say but- I just wanted to tell you. And I totally understand if you-"
Before I can finish, he grabs my face and kisses me. I close my eyes and focus on the feeling of his lips against mine. After a minute or so, he slowly lets go. He lets out a chuckle.
"Sometimes... I swear... you talk s'much that no one can get a word in."
I blush and bury my face in his chest until he pulls me out and places his finger under my chin, lifting my head up.
"I love you, Emily. I mean it."
I start to tear up a little.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"Dunno, because I am an angel."
He batts his eyes at me and flashes that smile that I love so much.
"Oh hush. I try to be cheesy and you decide to be cheeky."
He chuckles and hugs up and we don't let go until they call for boarding for my flight home. He kisses me once more and I let the tears fall down my face. As soon as we let go, he wipes my tears with his thumb and smiles at me.
"Promise y'text me when you're home?"
I nod my head and give him one last hug and I let go, letting the tears fall.
Things have gone back to normal for the most part. I'm back to doing my old job. It hasn't been too bad. But I miss Harry like crazy. We FaceTime at least 3 times a day and talk on the phone almost every second. He's been singing me to sleep recently and honestly I always wake up refreshed in the morning because of it.
Right now, I'm sitting at my desk, entering orders, when I see a name flash across my phone screen. I smile and answer.
E- Well hello there handsome
H-Hi love! What're y'doing later this week?
E-Oh, you know, the usual. Working and going to my sisters this weekend I think. What are you up to?
H-Oh, you know, just planning a trip to go see my favorite girl this weekend.
My eyes go wide.
He laughs.
H-Mhm... Mum and Gemma wanna meet you. So... they were gonna come with... if that's okay...
E-I-I'd love to meet them! But isn't it too soon? I mean we haven't even made anything official...
H- That's what I said! But according to Gem, I refuse to shut up about you so they are insisting on meeting you.
I let out a little chuckle.
E- I guess if I'm meeting them, you should meet my mom and my sisters... well... some of them.
H-We'll be in Thursday. I'm booking hotels for mum, Gem and Jeff.
E-I'm sorry... are you expecting to stay with me?
H- I mean-
I let out a loud snort.
E- I'm kidding. Of course you can stay with me. But it's only a one bed so you can sleep with me or on the couch. I'll ask for Friday off and see if Sofia will approve it.
H-Don't worry bout that. We'll probably sleep Friday and explore later.
E-text me your flight details and I'll come get you Thursday after I get off. I can't wait to see you!
H- Me too love. I love you
E-Love you too Harry.
We hang up and I get back to work, never letting the smile leave my face for the rest of the day.
Special thanks to @puffpasstea for encouraging me to write this! Ily!😭
What did you guys think? Let me know!
You can also read this story on my Wattpad! I update on there first!
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