#the peoples blogger if u will
glitterhypnos · 2 years
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session 2 basically
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inkskinned · 1 year
what is considered "beautiful" by society is inevitably sexist, racist, ableist, classist, transphobic, and bigoted. it targets and attacks any perceived difference, and it particularly villainizes women of color while co-opting aesthetics; as if features and cultural norms can be worn as accessories.
and the scary thing! you can see all of these things, know them to be true logically, and also know that you are treated better if you are perceived as beautiful. if you have ever been treated as "ugly", you know exactly how much society reviles you if you don't manage to scamper along and perform to their rules.
and how are you supposed to balance that? do you want a nose job to fix your broken nose, or have you just recently been seeing videos about how many people look better after nose jobs. do you want to lose weight to feel good, or is it that when you lose weight people treat you better. do you want to wear this outfit, or is it just the thing that's least likely to get you harassed. do you want to get lip injections for your reasons or is your whole reason that you don't feel beautiful unless you get those lip injections?
and the definitions shift. the goals get more specific. in the way that you only become aware of your tongue when someone mentions it; parts of your body are introduced as problems. i had never heard the term "hip dip" until about a year ago - and it was in the context of how to get rid of this. i'm 30, i know this shit is invented, and yet! i still find that strange voice saying but do you think someone is going to notice?
how the fuck am i supposed to say "this is my genuine choice i am making for my body" when i also know that years of my life have been spent socializing me to accept this as my inevitable fate? how do i know i'm actually doing this out of love for my body - or am i doing it for how i want others to see me, which will be lovely enough to feel loved? how am i supposed to recover when my unhealthy habits are seen as self-discipline but if i relax i'm openly mocked for "letting time win"? how the fuck am i supposed to say "i'm doing it for me" when i'm also very aware that i'm doing it to stop myself from being teased or demeaned? is it my choice if the other option is being bullied?
we are living in a hostage negotiation - either consent to the demands or spend the rest of your life being treated like you're a despicable person.
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heich0e · 1 year
have u ever seen something so unnecessarily hateful on the internet that u just picture a little translator's note pop up in ur mind like
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twelverriver · 5 months
god 😭 when people try to tell me that there was no racism in the family of blood episodes bc "rose was a maid and kitchen staff all the time" i just need to SCREAM !!! like. the CIRCUMSTANCES OF BOTH SITUATIONS???? also rose is white and in all these situations, ten knew who she was and was nice to her all the same meanwhile martha was reduced to a maid and was constantly looked down upon & had to listen to the racist comments the white girl ten fell in love with said??? like. THESE ARE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SITUATIONS😭 god pls get a brain
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babylon5 · 2 months
this websites hatred of women and lesbians is so depressing
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tulpafcker · 7 months
im gonna be so fr why does every Raising Awareness post gotta do this shit
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we get it you wanna call someone evil. & then ur gonna complain that people dont care abt ur perspective bc ur post got like 200 notes but in reality its bc the whole thing sounds like you wanna kick peoples asses and then you end it with a guilt trip
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danggirlronpa · 9 months
YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT KIRUMI. She thinks of taking care of people as a job, and honestly I don't feel like she has that much emotional attachment to the cast in general - definitely not maternal instincts. It sort of feels like. A waitress being nice to someone and them immediately thinking that means they're flirting. It's different, obviously, but it feels like it comes from the same place almost. I don't even like Kirumi and yet I very much feel annoyed by this characterization that she's a mother-type figure. Like. Kokichi very clearly calls her "mom" to annoy her too and yet the fandom took that and ran with it. ALSO YOURE SO RIGHT ABOUT MONAKA TOO!!! She's my daughter and I love her <3 I mean obviously she did emulate Junko but like. Also of course she did?? Junko was the only person to show her kindness, even if it was only to manipulate her! Of course she'd emulate her. She is a CHILD. They love to emulate people they look up to. It really sucks that people hate her so much. Seriously, how some people talk about her is disgusting. And frightening at times...
(This anon was in response to this ask about Kirumi and this ask about Monaca!)
Kirumi is a really fascinating case because it's so unclear how much of her devotion is how she genuinely feels and how much is a deeply ingrained sense of obligation to the people around her. In a lot of ways, Kirumi and Peko overlap in that, rather than having a talent, they have become their talent - encapsulated it so fully and internalized it so deeply that it has eroded nearly any other sense of self. Kirumi cares for others because she is a maid because she cares for others.
Distance from your own agency is a big theme in the V3 characters, in a sort of riff off SDR2's themes - Angie can only convey her desires by inserting a divine component to avoid associating them with her own feelings; Tsumugi derides all of the choices she or anyone has made as meaningless because it's "fiction"; Korekiyo only conveys his traumas and motivations through the guise of his dead sister; Gonta's killing cannot even be truly attributed to him, and is instead the responsibility of another version of himself. Who is responsible for your actions, if not you? If you are manipulated into taking action, is it still your fault? Are you still responsible for its outcome? To what degree can you dissociate from your own desires before they cease to be yours entirely?
Kirumi is perhaps the epitome of this theme. Kirumi's only desire is to fulfil the desire of others. She is never, ever shown to disapprove of or have strong opinions on anything that isn't serving and helping others, with one notable exceptions. It is that she hates being called Mom.
And that's FASCINATING!! What a barrier to build when your life is built around caring for people!! Is some part of her, deep down, uncomfortable with this guise she's built for herself? Does she genuinely believe in a separation between professional and personal distinctions, and simply has eroded the personal section to such a degree that it only comes up here? What part of the implication does she dislike? That she is maternal? That she is accountable for her charge's actions? That she is the person in a position of power in the relationship? Does she have conflicting feelings about motherhood? About family? Why? What circumstances led to this lifestyle she leads? How does this inform what we know about her past?
There's so much going on here! It's her only boundary! It's the biggest insight we have beyond her elaborate mask! It's a crack in an otherwise perfect shield!
And then people just ignore that because they want to give Kokichi a funny mother figure!!!!
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olliecoded · 2 years
stop misgendering people u don't like
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meezer · 16 hours
so tired of the tedium and hurt and discomfort of daily life but my summer plans are keeping me powering through it all with a smile on my face. I imagine this is what heroin feels like
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
being into crochet also means you have to be able to sew and do embroidery on a very basic level which means i have tried multiple times to pick up both crafts and neither have really stuck
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
V mild vent
and low self worth will have people airing those fears/concerns to you (me) local non education having retail n unemployment local dirtbag (honourary). like o_o yeah man i think probably it will be fine. sorry. do u want to write an essay about a work of ficiton with me?
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teresabeadle5 · 2 months
"Today, don't forget to show yourself some love"
"Today, don't forget to show yourself some love" by Nikki Heron Via Flickr: *Spring Fever Set* Showcasing 1 out of a set of 12 poses from B(u)Y ME Poses for the Arcade Event. There are 12 to collect with 2 being the rare. This one shown is number 4 and the hat is included. Flowerfield and props included with corresponding poses. This event is open now and running through to the March 31, 2024. TP to the event and for your convenience B(u)Y Me Mainstore B(u)Y Me Marketplace Store B(u)Y Me Flickr Page (see the full set of the poses here) B(u)Y Me linktr.ee Taken @Elvion Thankyou in advance for your support, faves, comments and awards! I do appreciate you all 💖
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eulchu · 3 months
Do you see a world where you would ever watch them again
regardless of the outcome right now i think i would've rebranded no matter what. being in this fandom has been both the most awesome and the most miserable thing that's happened to me in the past few years and ive taken it voluntarily for just as long, but you have to draw the line somewhere where you can't take one more controversy, and i think for me it's time to go no hard feelings. i might watch in the future, casually, depending on how this goes down, but i think my business with the active side of the fandom outside of YouTube is mostly over<3
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You can make the most obviously sarcastic satirical hyperbole ludicrous post on this site and the second it leaves the inner circle suddenly it’s like nobody has ever seen someone say something unserious in their lives. They’re in the notes screaming at a brick wall cuz they couldn’t understand like no despite what my post said I don’t actually believe that people who’s favorite Ben and Jerry’s flavor is cherry garcia should die by firing squad. And I feel like we both knew that if I’m honest
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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we are united in a common cause on this ✨#blessed✨ day
#hi bots why do you keep liking my lxl posts lmaooooo they aren’t even good mans#n o t that any of my posts are even good to begin with but… my lxl posts are the worst of the worst o k#i mean. they’re p much bot bait at this point.. well! at least the bots like ‘em fruity too~~~~~#though. speaking of this hellsite.. does anyone else get annoyed when the dumb app makes you follow people you’ve never heard of?#like i can never tell if someone i’m following has changed their url or if they’re someone the ‘site possessed my account to follow#like… well… backstory time: i originally made this account to browse the ship tags for a c e r t a i n ship from a c e r t a i n fandom#back when the year was still somewhere in the 2010s i think.. then i lost interest in the ship and the fandom (rip 狛 x 日 y’all the ogs)#and then i deleted the app without having ever followed any accounts. but when i next logged in a few years later. m a n.#i was following some account that i’d never even heard of lmao. like whoaaaaa who you#the account seemed to have been abandoned though.. but they made some really pretty non-fandom art i think…#idk i just thought about it bc i keep seeing accounts i don’t recognise on my dash and i m just like w h o y o u 👁️🫦👁️#i feel kinda bad when i see posts from the accounts that use this site like an actual blog y’know..#like there you are; using the site like it was probably meant to be used.#while im just here making shitposts and the occasional tl for a small-ish fandom#hm. i think i could make t h e most boring blog ever if i ever tried to be a blogger lmao#like i once made a w o r d p r e s s jokeblog that had nothing but a post about kale chips on it… i think#i wonder if that site is still up though… can’t rem if i deleted it or something… o h w e l l#o h c o w. what point was i trying to make again? i forgor—#though. speaking of cows. ‘cow’ (in a c e r t a i n c h i n e s e d i a l e c t) was allegedly my brother’s first word as a kid#and yeah. it was directed at yours truly. (sadge) to think that my bro learned how to talk just to insult me..#brothers amirite? (truly sadge……..)#it is suiyoubi my dudes
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babylon5 · 1 year
some people on here are so fucking vile to beginning writers especially younger ones and i hate it. contrary to popular opinion no one exits the womb with a perfect understanding of creative writing (actually the concept of this is highly subjective anyway but!!) or grammatical structures. it takes Time to build these things!!!! i love being a hater but when you're hating on, like, traumatized teenagers writing about icarus or whatever because they don't know how else to put what they're going through into words, that's just being an asshole i think lol
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