#the person who receives the next chapter wouldn't see the rest of the fic - only the chapter before theirs if that makes sense?
i want to get a bunch of people together and do a fic-train or something similar in the tomarry and harrymort fandom where someone starts a fic and then passes it along, etc, until we reach a final person who concludes it - almost like fanfiction telephone?
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elithemiar-blog · 7 months
1,2,3 Who do you see? Chap 7 Excerpt
Wik paused outside the gate of the garage, Chay beside him wearing a pullover hoodie that he almost drowns in, but he knows that in just a few more months or closer to a year that the cloth with be a little snugger, more fitting. Just the sight of Chay instantly choosing to quickly pull on the offered item before they left gave a visceral reaction of pulling the younger into his arms and gripping the collar tight. Wik, remembering the gaze that Chay had given him, turns to him and pulls the hood up over his head, gripping the edges wanting to pull the boy in closer. "Wik." Chay whispers, hands raising to rest on Wik's forearms, pushing against them slightly. Wik nods slowly, just once, "Come on, let's get you inside." turning to guide Chay farther inside by wrapping an arm around his waist. He guides them just outside the garage and around the back, keeping close to the building, a camera that's hidden in Chay's hood provides visual coverage to Arm and his brother's inside so that they can track progress and guards on the inside. The hand not wrapped around Chay is holding tightly to his phone, too nerve wrecked to place it in his pocket, so he can read any messages the moment they are received. The only audio communication they could agree upon, a physical phone call that is meant for emergencies only. Chay stops on a dime, "Wik"
He hums in response, eyes scanning until he sees what Chay could. His Pa, with a cup of tea scanning the yard, looking calm but Wik knows that his father is constantly watching over the security cameras for any suspicious activity. "Get down." he hisses low, grip on Chay's back fisting the hoodie. One of Chay's arm wraps around Wik's waist as they kneel on the ground behind some bushes, leaning slightly into his form. Wik meets Chay's weight with his own, as he unlocks his phone to send a short report to his brothers. If he was alone, and no third personality running around, he could've easily have Chay enter the compound and then he'd follow. If Kim wouldn't be so logical in getting his stupid investigation thinking that this has their father written all over it, and Kimhant being so murdery, he could've had Chay safe in his flat with no need to go sneaking through his own childhood house. He'd be Wik, not Kimhant, not Kim…who just couldn't keep just one good thing. A few moments later, his phone vibrates with one word: Move. Slowing the soothing motion against Chay's lower back that he'd begun to keep himself calm and hoping that it's keeping Chay calm as well, he peeks over the bush back towards Korn to find Kinn in a discussion, his brother facing towards them and their father's back to them. "Let's go." Wik takes lead again, this time a little further out of reach from Chay as these next few steps may need his intervention if the guards that are stationed close to the hidden entryway. Which really only depends on if anyone has found out his secret garden door from when he was little. Either way it'd be vital to keep Chay at a distance, for a very short time. Chay though, gripped onto Wik's wrist, a memory coming to the surface, hand tightening in anxiety.
Yes, I'm still working on this monstrosity of an idea, it's plotted to chap 15 but may drop down to 11 or 12 with combining plot points.
The time travel fix-it fic is also plotted, with a plan of 4 chapters, I'm just having problems with figuring out a title.
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100lxtters · 2 years
The green armoured Daimyo
AO3 I Masterlist
Fic masterlist I Prev chap I Next chap
Boba Fett x f!reader 9.5k words War is trying to break out, the search for re-enforments is happening, but the dinner wasn't the only place were the main course was Dom! Boba Fett x sub! Reader Chapter warnings: Some slight degradation, drinking alcohol, slight choking, oral (M) receiving, face fucking, hair pulling, masturbation, fingering, we got a lot of praise in here too Mando'a translations: Kaysh mirsh solus - He's an idiot mesh'la - beautiful di'kutla - useless/stupid/worthless cyar'ika - sweetheart/darling copaanir gar chur ni - want you under me alor - leader/boss (also means chief, officer, constable but for context of this story it's only the other two)
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You didn't mean to have a nap waiting for people to return, but unfortunately you did. Naps usually gave you headaches if you fell asleep without actually being tired, so you prayed this wouldn't be the case today.
That almost confirms it to you that you need either a hobby or a way to visit Mos Espa easier and spend some time outside the Palace to entertain yourself between shifts.
Are they back yet? You wonder to yourself. Walking out your door and wandering down the corridor to try to hear if anyone was around, focusing hard. Then there it was, the slam of a cell door and Fennec's voice in the distance say ''have fun in there.''
Did they bring back a prisoner? But why? Who would they need to imprison here?
Could it be the mayor? Would they really arrest the mayor?
Does Fett even have the right to arrest people?
Now you were debating whether you should have left your room or not, unknowing if there was a possible dangerous prisoner in the Palace now.
You take a deep breath in, go to turn to leave back to your room when you hear someone coming out a door at the end of the corridor, muttering ''kaysh mirsh solus'' quietly to themselves. Then you see Lord Fett appear out of the door, with a hand resting on his head.
His head shots up and turns to you as your boots squeak on the floor after your body halted, echoing down the corridor. His helmet is back on, meaning you're unaware of how his face was expressed, not knowing if he is annoyed you're there or not.
It felt odd now knowing what he looked like under that helmet, how he actually looks, that your brain couldn't connect them being the same person.
You open your mouth to apologise for seeming to be nosey before he speaks first. ''Hello again, mesh'la'' coming towards you.
''How did your meeting with the mayor go, sir?'' You ask, ignoring your nervousness of him walking towards you.
A small scoff comes from under his helmet as he says ''never had one, he has already gone to hide with the Pykes. We've got his di'kutla majordomo locked up, probably won't be much use though.''
At least you didn't need to ask many of your earlier questions since he has just answered them for you. ''Can you do that? You know, since he is the mayor's mayjordomo'' you ask.
Fett is now in front of you, the helmet making you feel so small. ''Are you questioning my authority, little one?'' There's an annoyance in his voice, your body tenses up out of embarrassment.
''N-no sir, not at all, I-I just wasn't sure how it all worked. I'm sorry-''
Before you can carry on his fingers are resting on your chin as he presses on your lips with his thumb, shutting you up. ''Need you to shut that pretty mouth of yours, before you say something dumb'' his voice is so low now.
There was no way in telling if he was annoyed at you or not. Not knowing if you had insulted him or if he was just teasing you. Regardless you let out a heavy breath through your nose, melting under him from his touch, staring directly into the black visor.
''Seeing as I am Daimyo, I can do whatever I please if it goes against my rule. My rule being respect, and the mayor clearly has little respect for me. So I can imprison his mayjordomo to state a point to him. Do I need to explain myself further to you, or can your silly little brain take all that information in?''
Legs pressing together before you can force them not to, the slight degrading from him made your pussy clench around nothing. You nod, unable to speak as his thumb is still pressed against your lips.
He is just staring at you, you want to know what he is thinking, as you know he saw your legs press together. Wanting to know if he would ever do anything to your reactions, if he would give you want he knew you wanted.
The thumb leaves your lips, he then spins your bodies so you're facing the empty corridor towards the kitchen, with your back against his chest. His hand places on your neck, adding a slight pressure and cutting off air as his cold helmet rests next to your ear.
''Be a good girl and go do your shift, before I decide to not accept your apology.''
When his hand leaves your neck your legs move quickly to the kitchen, not daring to look back. You can hear his feet behind you, a bit of fear creeping in wondering where he was going, but then you hear him ascend the steps into the throne room.
How had you gone from your encounter with him last night where he was calling you 'eager' and clearly trying to turn you on, to you being an idiot and insulting him, but yet he was still slightly teasing you.
Maker this shift was going to be tough, your pussy was begging for attention. At least your headache didn’t stay.
You'd managed to not see Lord Fett for about two days, scared to see him out of fear of embarrassment from insulting him.
As you emerged from the kitchen from cleaning the Mods lunch dishes you see Fennec come down the corridor, heading towards the throne room. ''Haven't seen you in a few days, everything okay?'' Fennec asked with a warm smile on her face.
''Oh yeah, I guess... I'm not sure'' you reply coming towards her. She gave you a puzzled look, stopping her walk as you reach her. ''Did something happen?''
''I don't know, the other day when you brought in the mayors majordomo I bumped into Lord Fett and he told me about the arrest. I asked if he could do that as I don't really understand the politics on this planet, but I think he thought I was questioning his role and insulted him'' you answered.
Fennec stood there and took in your answer for a minute, then responded ''that man is something I'll tell you that, I'm sure he knows you never meant it in a disrespectful way. He likes loyalty, a lot, so when someone questions pretty much anything he does he doesn't respond in the best way.''
''I did try to apologise, but he kind of... stopped me'' you say and her puzzled look returns.
''Have you not spoken to him since?''
Shaking your head no, ''hence why you haven't seen me.''
''Well, I'm currently on my way up to speak to him now, do you want me to mention it to him?'' She asks, and you give it a wonder.
Her asking would make it easier for you as it was one less thing for you to worry over, but you felt it seemed weird for her to bring it up to him and not you. ''Maybe, but can you not say I spoke to you, l-like maybe just say you haven't seen me around recently or something. I don't want anything to feel.. weird.''
She nods, gives your arm a stoke and heads up towards Fett's quarters.
You felt like some weight has been lifted off your chest as you head towards your room. Thankful that Fennec has offered to clear this kind of, obviously she doesn't know that he did 'technically' accept your apology as you went to your shift that night like he told you to. Giving you that small praise beforehand.
Suddenly Drash passes the end of the corridor with her speeders keys in her hand. She spots you and says ''hi'' with a small smile on her face.
''Hey, you off to patrol again?'' You ask. The Mods have been patrolling Mos Espa recently, trying to spot any Pyke activity and trying to find the mayor. ''Not today, I was just going into town to grab some bits'' she responds. Her voice was so pretty to listen to, she had this accent that stood out so much and it was so nice to hear.
''Mind if I come with? I've been trying to figure a way to travel out of the Palace'' you ask.
She nods and gestures to follow her. When you reach the garage she hands you a pair of goggles to protect your eyes from any sand that would get into them when you zoom over the sea. You get onto the back of her speeder bike, and her hands grab yours to place them around her waist.
''Hold on'' she says before you head out the Palace.
The bike was faster than you anticipated, you weren't used to this type of transport. However it was smooth, you assume Drash and the other Mods probably modify their bikes as it would make sense, especially since they were decorated too. They probably held so much pride in their bikes.
The whole journey you keep your mouth tucked into your top to avoid sand getting into it, but your eyes are just wandering, taking in the views.
Mos Espa came into view, it felt to weird coming back here. It had been almost two weeks since you were last here, and this place felt like a stranger to you now. You wonder how much has changed, or if anything had changed at all.
''Anywhere you practically want to go?'' Drash asks as you slow down on the edge of town, pulling her goggles off her head.
''Just the markets really, but I'd like to visit the Sanctuary for a little and see Garsa'' you answer. Your stomach begins to bubble, excited to see her again.
As you're slowly driving through Mos Espa you lifted your goggles over your eyes and clipped them to the top of your pants
Drash parks up in front of the Sanctuary, meaning you were going there first. As you got off the bike you just stared at the building, wanting to know how different everything would be, wondering if anyone missed you.
You entered alone, Drash declining to come with you and staying with her bike. Everything was the same here, Max and the band was playing, droids carried drinks on their trays, your old co-workers working hard.
As you head towards the bar to ask for a drink you hear your name called from that same beautiful voice that was your ex-boss. You turn around and give her a big smile, she rushes over to you and pulls you into a hug.
''Oh my, it's so lovely to see you, how are you my dear?'' Garsa asks, your arms wrapping around her. ''I'm good, how are you?''
''Doing better seeing you'' she says pulling back, her hands resting on your arms, that smile still plastered on her face.
''I missed you, I miss it here to be honest'' you say. Her smiles drops a little and her gaze changes as she asks ''are they not treating you well there? Is everything okay?''
You give her a reassuring smile and shake your head, ''no, no, that's not the case at all. I actually enjoy it there, I just miss working with others and speaking with you.'' A sigh of relief leaves her, her smiles reappears.
She heads over to the bar and gets a drink sorted for you both, then the pair of you head into the back to her office. You take a moment to look at what she is wearing, she was wearing this beautiful white dress that showed off her breasts, with white fabric wrapped around her head tails. She looked absolutely stunning.
Not that she didn't always, but it was also a rare sight for her to have her chest out. You wonder what made her feel more confident than usual.
''So, any interesting gossip?'' She asks with a smirk on her face as you both sit at her desk.
''Well, Mistress Shand doesn't seem to have a partner as there is no one she spends her time with'' you inform her and the smirk grows as she picks up her drink, ''however I can't tell if Lord Fett has an interest in me though.''
Garsa stops sipping her drink and turns to you with wide eyes, ''seriously? Please, do tell.''
You giggle at her interest, deciding to finally tell her all your encounters with Fett. Starting with the party incident to what happened earlier with Fennec. Garsa starts to understand why you were so quiet after the party, which makes you feel less guilty about her feeling bad. She seemed to agree that Fett clearly had some interest, but seemed concerned he may just be leading you on for his own entertainment, almost like you worried he was.
She also did warn you to be careful, because not only was he your boss, but also the Daimyo and an ex-bounty hunter. She seemed worried that he might screw you over, and didn't want him to hurt you by abusing his power.
It was something you needed to take into consideration if he was truly into you.
After a little while you inform her you probably should go as Drash was waiting outside, which then she suggested that she could leave her bike round the side and it would be safe here. So before you left you told Drash this and she agreed, seeing as it would be easier for her then parking it outside the markets.
''Well, I hope you have a lovely shopping day, and if I don't see you later before you head back to the Palace, then I hope everything continues to go well. I'm still so proud of you, and I hope you come to visit again soon'' Garsa says with that warm, beautiful smile on her face.
You give her another hug before departing with Drash and searching the stalls together.
The air is full of the smells of different fruits, some catching your interests and wanting to try some. You had never really bought any of them before due to not wanting to waste money, but since you didn't need to pay for your meals anymore thanks to living at the Palace why not treat yourself.
Drash is looking at a table full of necklaces holding silver trophies on them, she picks one up to show you and you examine it. It was short and had a small cone shape hanging off it. ''It would suit you'' she said quietly, her hands running back over the necklaces, finding one for herself.
You held it between your fingers, it was pretty, but would you ever need to wear it? You hadn't had a need for these types of accessories for years, maybe it was worth treating yourself more today?
So you decide to buy it, while Drash herself buys a few leather bracelets and silver rings, picking some up for the other Mods too.
It had been so long since you last looked at the stalls here, it was before Fett and Fennec arrived, as you were overworking at the Sanctuary out of fear of war kicking off. You were trying to hide there almost, it was your safest place.
Yet now you knew there was something happening with the Pykes, unsure if it would be war, and here you where. Wandering around the markets, outside the safe Palace.
Well, you knew it wasn't that safe now since the attack the other night.
''What do you think?'' Drash asks you snapping you out your thoughts, holding a black corset style top. It fitted her style so you encouraged her to get it.
It was odd how quickly you two seemed to be bonding, glad to be making some kind of friend in the Palace. Someone close to your own age too.
Time passed before you knew it and the twin suns had set.
You knew you needed to get back soon as your shift was in the next hour, so you both headed back to her bike at the Sanctuary.
As you turn the last corner you see Krrsantan standing there, facing the door of the Sanctuary, someone stood in front of him.
Your feet stilled, you were aware Fennec and Fett had freed him and at the end of the day he was just being ordered what to do, but you felt uneasy. Knowing he was just wandering free, no consequences to what happened.
But why was he here? Had he been inside the Sanctuary?
Also, who was he talking to?
Drash was still walking, clearly with no worry of the Wookie. You were still stuck in your position just watching, as she got closer you hear her say ''evening Mighty Daimyo.''
What? Fett was here?
So you finally picked up your feet and followed after her, and here he was. His helmet under his arm, clearly discussing something with Krrsantan.
''Evening ladies'' he says, his eyes moving from Drash to you as his mouth turns up in the corner into a smirk as he says directly at you ''don't you have a shift to get to?''
Once again embarrassment crawled through you. This was the first time in a few days you had seen him, and this was how he was going to act?
Again though, was it teasing or annoyance?
''We were about to head back to the Palace now sir, my bike is being stored here thanks to Madam Garsa'' Drash informed him. She then hurried off to grab her bike, so you go to follow her until your arm is in his hand, stopping you.
''I'm having a dinner meeting tonight with the other families, so I apologise in advance for the amount of dishes you'll have to deal with'' his voice is low, it brings you back down to calm, almost forgetting what happened the other day.
You just nod, trying to pull your arm away yet he doesn't let go.
''Also I wish for you to know I did accept your apology the other day, after all you did go do as you were told'' there was a look in his eye you'd not seen yet. Unsure how to describe it.
''Thank you sir'' you reply, was thanking him the right way to accept his statement? This man made it so difficult for you to speak and answer him.
He let go of your arm to turn back to the Wookie so you head into the Sanctuary to say goodbye to Garsa when you see some commotion had gone down. There was a Trandoshan laying on the ground, he was missing an arm, whilst people either helped him or stared.
Garsa had her back to you, speaking to the other Trandoshan's, ''I am deeply sorry for what happened, please know your drinks are on the house tonight.''
What happened here?
She turned around and you saw the tiredness on her face. ''Hi, I just ran in to say bye and everything, but I take it now's a bad time'' you say to her, your eyes not daring to look back at the commotion.
''You just managed to miss it. Krrsantan had a few too many drinks and deemed that man his target'' she answers in sigh, ''thankfully due to their species his arm should grow back soon.'' Krrsantan did this? He pulled that persons arm off?!
''Are you okay? Do you need any help?'' You can only imagine how traumatic that must have been to watch, and knowing she will be flooded with questions from customers all night, you just know she will get zero rest.
Her hands rise up and she says ''no, don't worry about it child. Please go home, enjoy the rest of your day, don't let this ruin your time.'' You missed this, her caring attitude. You wish you could hear it everyday.
Outside you can hear Drash pull up on her bike, meaning you had to head home.
Home? It still weird odd to refer to the Palace as your home now.
''Go, everything will be fine. I appreciate your visit today, and I hope you visit again soon, or vice versa'' she gives you that familiar warm smile.
You smile back to her and say ''I will, please take care.''
And with that it's back to normal, you on the back of Drash's speeder heading to the Palace, mentally preparing yourself for this dinner tonight.
You try to figure out how many families there would be, and how many bodyguards they'd most likely bring with them. Praying that it won't be too overwhelming as you were already tired from your day out with Drash.
Once you reach your quarters you change out your clothes, putting on the same green dress you wore for the party, adding your new necklace from today too. Even though you would be in the kitchen you decided to look at least a bit nice considering there were guests here.
Plus, it couldn't hurt if you came across Lord Fett whilst looking good. You felt so relieved that the incident with him seemed to be fixed, and that he was 'back to normal' with you.
A small smile is plastered on your face, you're so glad you got to spend the day out today. It made you feel more relaxed knowing Garsa was doing well and getting to speak to someone about the events that have happened, and her giving zero judgement.
Before you left you grabbed one of the small fruits you bought today to eat, it had a hard shell with a soft inside, it was quite sweet. Nothing really special, but you were happy you got to finally try some of them.
You're fixing your hair as you head towards the kitchen when you overhear Fennec talking to someone outside the throne room.
''Look, I understand your deal with the Trandoshan's, I get your anger. However doing it inside her building reflects poorly on us'' you hear her say. The were a few roars in response which indicates she was talking to Krrsantan about his earlier events.
''I get that, and honestly couldn't care less that you did it, but I'm trying to keep it peaceful with her'' Fennec says clearly understanding Wookie.
Keep it peaceful with her? Was she referring to Garsa?
He gives some response that you don't understand as you can't speak Wookie, then Fennec says ''no, it's got nothing to do with business deals. I have an interest of sorts with her, and don't want her to think badly of me.''
A smile tries to come onto your lips, did Fennec have an interest in Garsa? Trying to figure out what you were listening to fully.
You then hear them both head back into the throne room, and so you wait a couple of minutes before you continue your walk to the kitchen. The smell of food was already in the air, meaning the dinner was about to start.
It seemed to go well, there was one point you heard some kind of rumble and the plates shake on the table. Your guess was Fett threaten them with the rancor since the table seemed to be on top of the pit.
There had been no yelling or clear signs of disagreement which you hoped was a good sign for them.
Luckily for you it wasn't too bad with the dishes, the Mods had been worse on some days.
Unfortunately though it was getting late, you don't think you'd worked this late here yet, and you were still tired from your day out.
You let out a yawn as you hang your apron up and wash your hands.
''Hey'' Fennec suddenly appears in the doorway, startling you, ''want a drink? Don't worry it's on the house obviously, just thought you might fancy one as you have been working hard tonight.''
''Sure'' you shrug, one drink couldn't hurt plus why not relax a bit after that mess?
You follow her into the throne room, there was no one actually working on the bar currently. Then you look around, no one else was in here, just the pair of you.
Fennec stood behind the bar and asked what you wanted, so you told her to surprise you, and maker did she. It was nice, but very strong, you almost gag on it after the first sip causing her to laugh at you.
''So, how was your trip out today?'' Fennec asked as she sipping her spotchka. ''Oh, it went well, I haven't been to the markets in a long time so it was nice going and not feeling scared to spend money'' you answer.
Stomach feeling warm out of appreciation of her asking, you hoped that one day you could be close with Fennec.
''Also, thank you for earlier, for speaking to Lord Fett for me'' you added, sipping your drink.
She shrugs and says ''it was no problem really. When I mentioned to him that I hadn't really seen you his response was just 'she needs to learn more about how everything works here' and tried to make it into this whole thing, but I told him to put himself into your perspective and I guess he took the hint.''
''He did bring it up earlier, how he had accepted my apology'' you replied. Your mind wandered off thinking about how if he wanted to he could teach you a lesson or two on how everything works here, not letting you out his sight until he did.
''But anyway'' Fennec says pulling your attention back to her, mentally slapping yourself for thinking about Fett in such inappropriate ways whilst talking to his closet friend, ''next time you wish to go into town just ask me, I need a break from here sometimes. Plus there's a few places I want to visit without Boba constantly over my shoulder.''
You were glad she brought it up, since you had wanted to mention it to her a few days ago. ''That would be great, I'd like that. Could even take you to the Sanctuary, since I could get us drinks cheaper'' you say.
She nods and adds quietly ''I've been meaning to find a reason to visit it actually.''
''What do you mean?'' You turn to her, rising your eyebrow.
''Just, you know'' she smiles to herself, ''just someone I wanna visit there.''
So you were right then? Was Fennec interested in Garsa like you earlier suspected?
You let out a little giggle, ''oh I see. Well I think there's someone there who wants you to visit'' you wink.
Fennec grabs her drink and takes a big chug of it, a smile still sitting on her face.
Could you do this? Setting up your old boss with one of your new bosses wasn't something you actually imagined doing, but you didn't mind helping if needed.
Out of all people Fennec could ask for help on Garsa you would be the best option.
The pair of you drink more, she complains about the Syndicates and the three families, whilst you listen and it goes over your head. She asks a bit about you, she said she already knew a decent amount about you. She knew you were from off another planet, so she asked what it was like there and why you left.
You explained to her how beautiful it was there, how it used to be so peaceful and how the community used to look out for each other. Then you told her how quickly it all changed, that once the Empire fell so did everything else. Telling her how a civil war broke out, your loved ones dying, and how unsafe it was.
This was the second ever time you had told someone what happened back home. Garsa had been the only person you had ever told.
''Oh, so that makes more sense now why you have some fighting skills'' she says, recalling when she attacked you as part of a test when you were moving in.
She promised you that you would be safe here with her and Fett, that they would protect you. She did also offer if you did ever want more training that she would help, but you declined her, you weren't really the fighting type.
It was strange, you didn't imagine she would be the supporting and comforting type, that under her assassin façade was a nice woman. A woman who clearly carried a lot of care.
Which did make sense since her job now was to protect Lord Fett and the people of Mos Espa, but still, it was a nice surpise.
''You know, I once walked in on Boba talking to himself in the mirror, practicing to introduce himself, but just in his underwear and his helmet on'' she laugh drinking her drink. You two had since moved from the depressing and oversharing drinking stage to finding everything funny stage.
You held your stomach as curled over from laughter. If you were sober you wouldn't be finding it this funny, but the alcohol in your system was convincing you this was the funniest thing you'd ever heard.
However at the same time the image of it seems so sexy, Fett wearing nothing but his helmet. Wondering if he would fuck you only wearing his helmet, causing you to readjust in your seat.
''What's so funny ladies?'' A voice emerges in the doorway.
''Just telling our friend here about you practising in your underwear and helmet'' Fennec says with a smirk on her face and her drink in her hand.
His feet get closer to the bar, you are yet to turn around so you don't know how close he is to you. ''Did you tell her about the time I found you asleep on the throne with your feet in the air and your head dangling off, nearly falling off it head first'' Fett's voice was right behind you as you giggle at the thought of Fennec sleeping in such a stupid position.
''Yours is more embarrassing'' she shrugs placing her now empty glass back down, ''but anyway, I'm going to turn in for the night, need to have a look through our contacts for re-enforcements in the morning.''
She stands up straight, completely unfazed from how much she drank, clearly able to handle her drink.
''Coming?'' She turns to you, offering her hand. You go to reply but someone else does for you ''don't worry about her, I'll take care of her and walk her back to her quarters. I want to have another word with the majordomo.''
Fennec nods, giving you a smile and then heading up the stairs to her room.
You're back to facing the bar, finishing the last of your drink. Then a pair of hands rest on your shoulders, your body is pulled back ever so slightly so your head is resting against his stomach.
He is still wearing his armour, it's cold against the back of your head, and your shoulders fall onto his soft but also tone stomach. You shut your eyes for a moment, maybe it was the alcohol but you felt so comfortable here.
''How did your meal go sir?'' You ask, focusing hard so your don't slur your words. His hands are stroking your shoulders as he replies ''I think it went well, don't think I can trust any of them with my proposal. I'd like to believe they won't betray me.''
Why would anyone dare betray him? Did they not fear him like you did?
Well, you still didn't exactly fear him. More you fear the idea of going against him.
''I wouldn't betray you'' you whisper, your mouth moving before your brain can fully catch up.
One of his hands move along to your chin, tilting your head back. Your skull was resting on his stomach, just under where the armour sat, looking directly up at him.
No helmet on.
His gaze was locked onto yours, ''I'd like to think so, princess.''
Your cheeks instantly start burning, you move your head down as the hand that was on your chin twists the stool around, so that you were now facing him. His hand returning back to your face, but this time stroking your cheek.
''Oh don't get all shy on me now'' he smirks.
Now you take notice of how close he was to you, he was towering over you, almost caging you in.
His eyes are scanning over your body, ''were you trying to catch my attention again by wearing this?''
You give him a confused look, so he leaned down so he was level with your ear. His hot breath on your ear and he says in a low voice ''I would remember the dress you wore the first time I laid my eyes on you. How it hugged your body, how breath-taking you looked in it. Do you know how good your ass looks in it?''
A heavy breath leaves your lips as he carries on.
''You have no real need to be wearing this tonight since you were working. I reckon you were hoping, begging almost, that you would see me'' the hand from your shoulder moves onto your clothed thigh, ''so that I could see you in this. Is that right cyar'ika?''
''Maybe'' you whisper. Your underwear were soaking as your pussy was dying for attention, wishing the hand on your thigh would move higher up.
That same low chuckle leaves Fett as feel his smirk against your ear.
Slowly he rises back up, a look of desire in his eyes as his eyes meet yours. The hand from your cheek trails down to your hand, tugging you slightly.
''Let's get you to bed then'' Lord Fett says.
Oh, of course, he was just teasing you like always. Why would you expect much more than that?
You tighten your hand around his gloved one, he pulls you up but you stumble a bit. Forgetting how strong the drink Fennec made you was.
Thankfully Fett catches you, giving you a small smile and saying ''don't worry, I've got you little one.''
If he hadn't been holding you then you would've fell again, his words literally making your legs weak. You look up at him and say ''sorry sir.''
''It is no bother, I'll take care of you'' he says, giving you a moment to gain your footing before heading out the throne room.
Your eyes are locked onto where your hands are still joined, he was holding it with enough strength to help keep you steady but not too strong that he was crushing your hand.
This shouldn't be as attractive as you find it, but yet you're getting aroused by it. His hand in yours, such a unique feeling.
For some reason it surprised you that he knew the way to your quarters, your brain forgetting for a moment that he was your boss and is the one who probably assigned you to this room.
The Palace was quiet, no one was around currently, but that was to be expected considering the time.
Then your quarters come into sight, and you move your free hand to get your key card when you remember that you left it in your apron.
''Shit, sorry sir, my card is in the kitchen still'' you say as you reach your room.
He then looks at you, pulling out a card from one of his many pockets on his belt and opens your room. ''This is my Palace, I have access to every room'' he informs you.
Which made sense, why wouldn't he. Your dumb intoxicated brain wasn't thinking straight. Or was it your horny brain?
So you let go of his hand and manage to make it to your room with steady footing, turning around once you're in the doorway to face him again.
''T-thank you for walking me back'' you say, your brain daring to invite him in, wanting to see how he would take care of you exactly.
Lord Fett once again gets closer to you, like always placing his fingers under your chin to force you to stare into his eyes. You pray that this time he can read your mind, wish he would take you right now.
''Copaanir gar chur ni'' he mumbles, his eyes locking onto your lips.
''I don't- I have no clue what you're saying'' you reply quietly.
A smirk appears on his mouth as he says ''what if I just showed you instead then?'' You respond with a nod. He moves you further into your room and closes the door with his foot.
Then it happens, he uses the fingers on your chin to pull your face closer to his, pressing his lips against yours. You close your eyes and allow yourself to be in this moment.
His lips were rough, but also somewhat soft at the same time. There was a slight taste of wine on them, you weren't sure what kind, but it didn't really matter.
At the same time you move one of your hands to his shoulders as he moves the fingers off your chin to hold your cheek, his other hand resting on the bottom of your back.
He nibbles on your bottom lip, pulling you further into the kiss. You try to match his pattern, but he was hungry. Then his tongue appears, asking for permission to enter and you allow it.
You were melting.
But you wanted more, you needed more.
Before you can stop it a small moan is muffled between you both, causing his hand on your back to pull you closer to him. One of his knees nudge your legs, opening them a bit so your crotch was resting against his thigh.
Then he pulls away slowly, the hand on your cheek cradling your face whilst he says ''if you wish for me to stop, tell me now and we will never speak of this.''
So you bring your hand not on his shoulder up and move his from your cheek, resting his thumb on your lips. Luckily he clicks on to what you're suggesting and pushes his gloves thumb into your mouth. You wrap your lips around it and stare at him with desire.
''You want me to carry on?''
You nod and hum against his thumb.
Was this possibly a bad decision? Maybe, but right now you needed him in any way he would let you.
His mouth then attaches to your neck, leaving wet kisses along it, slightly biting sometimes too. This caused you to moan again against his thumb and you can feel smile on your neck.
Next his thumb is out your mouth and he his back to being level with your face, the way he was staring at you was soaking your underwear.
''So I was correct, you are eager then'' Fett smirks at you, ''but just how eager?'' So you decide to show him in the best way you could think of.
Moving back slightly to remove his thigh from your legs, and then you slowly lower yourself to your knees. Resting the palm of your hands on your thighs, rising your gaze back up to him.
Completely submitting to him.
A small groan leaves him as leans down and moves a few stray hairs out your face, ''oh, what a sight.''
All worry is flushed out your body, he clearly had an interest in you and he knew you very much did for him too.
''Are you gonna let me use you? Let me ruin your body in whatever way I please?''
Legs once again pressing together and you reply ''please sir, I want you.''
You knew that it was the alcohol giving you this false confidence, you couldn't imagine yourself actually saying what you really wanted. About how badly you wanted Lord Fett to ruin you, completely claim you as his own. Be his.
''Then you best start worshipping your alor, little one'' he states before rising back up, towering over you.
So you reach your hand out towards his growing bulge, and start to pull the zip down on his pants, a pair of grey underwear peaking through the black flight suit. Under your finger tips you can feel how badly he wanted you, so you start working quicker. You reach your hand in and grope his cock through his underwear, was this actually happening?
He then decides to remove his belt, you give him a hand unbuckling the section on his thigh and then pull your focus back to his growing cock. Now it was easier to gain access to him. So you fully open his pants, and drag his underwear down to release him.
Marker, he was thick!
Now you can feel your underwear are ruined, they were drenched, and yet your mouth was practically drooling for him.
You wrap your hand around him, your fingers just unable to reach each other. Precum leaking out of him, slowly running down and meeting your fingers.
''If it gets too much tap my thigh'' he informs you, giving you some ease.
Then you lean forward and take his tip between your lips, licking the precum off his dick. He was salty and musty, different to what you had ever tasted before, but you didn't hate it.
Tongue dancing around his tip, causing his hand to rest on your hair. You took this as encouragement and pushed the rest of his length into your mouth, taking him as far as you possibly could. Your lips were being almost being tickled by the black curly hairs at the base of his dick.
Your jaw had never been so stretched from someone's cock just resting on your tongue, it wasn't causing any pain, well yet anyway.
Taking a deep breath in through your nose and start to bob your head back and forth, sliding him against your lips.
''Such a talented mouth'' he praises you as his fingers tug on your hair slightly.
The praise almost causing you to lose focus, but you just kept moving your head and taking as much of him in your mouth as you could.
You couldn't get enough, the sensation of him in your mouth was such an unique feeling. The thickness giving you no space to breath in your own mouth, and yet you enjoyed that.
''Want to know how deep you can take me'' he mutters, ''show me.''
So you once again take a deep breath in and slowly take his full length. When he is at the back of your throat you can feel him pull tug on your hair harder, your moan muffled as it vibrated against his cock.
Never had you felt so turned on by giving someone else head before, it was new to you.
You swallow around his cock, taking him deeper into your throat and a small moan leaves his mouth.
Fuck, you wanted to hear him do that again. It was such a beautiful sound, enough for your pussy to grip around thin air.
''Hold still'' he says, his words so demanding but his voice so soft. The hand holding your hair tightens a bit and before you can react he then starts thrusting into your throat.
Trying to knock your gag reflex off, allowing your body to relax as he fucked your face.
''You look so pretty like this, with your mouth stuffed of my cock'' he tells you. You then dip your hand down between your thighs, and you may as well not have been wearing underwear anymore since they were that wet.
''That's right, touch yourself as I fuck your pretty mouth'' the grip on your hair loosening a bit.
So you do as he said and moved your underwear to the side, stroking between your soaking folds. Finding your clit with two fingers and start massaging it, whilst you allowed Lord Fett to claim your mouth.
You wish to remember this moment, the first time Fett kissed you and then fucked your mouth after.
His cock stiffens against your mouth as your moans vibrate along it, he lets out a deep groan and picks up his pace.
Tears start to fill your eyes and spit dripped down your chin, you had never felt so good before. It wasn't unbearable, feeling no need to stop as tears roll down your cheeks.
Your eyes dare to look at his, taking in his face through your half shut lids, to catch him staring right into yours. ''You enjoying this mesh'la? Enjoying your king take your mouth?''
Another muffled moan leaves you, slighting nodding in response to his question.
Your fingers are still playing with your clit, but you need more.
''Been dreaming of this, thinking of this mouth since the first time we met. I bet you've been thinking the same, probably touched yourself countless times. Don't worry, cyar'ika, from now I'll take care of it for you'' he says breathlessly.
Wishing you could answer him, but you don't wanna lose the feeling of his cock inside your mouth.
Whilst also wishing you could feel him inside your other hole, wanting his dick to fill you and be deep inside you. You imagine how much he would stretch you, how thick he would be to clench around.
Maker you needed his touch, needing him to pull you closer to your release whilst you help bring his own.
His thrusts get a quicker, causing you to choke on him a little, yet this just causes him to carry on. Above you he is mumbling curses under his breath, ''so good, such a good girl.''
Your eyes roll back before shutting, fuck you wanted him to make you cum.
The hand in your hair has tightened again as he thrusts move at a new pace, and you just allow your mouth to be abused by his cock.
''I'm gonna cum so deep in your throat princess, want you to swallow it all for me'' Fett says.
So you remove your fingers from your underwear and hold onto his thighs to brace yourself. He is fucking your mouth so uncontrollably that tears are flowing down your face, as you feel his cock stiffen up meaning he was very close.
He lets out a low moan, leaning back a little as warm salty liquid hits the back of your mouth, causing you to gag a bit, but the force on your head kept you in place.
You swallow all the cum in your mouth, then your tongue dances around the tip of his cock to carry out the last of his orgasm.
Slowly he withdraws himself from your mouth, and you let out a long breath. However missing the feeling of his cock sliding against your lips.
''You did so good for me'' he praises, stroking your head and moving your hair all out of your face as he carefully pushes it up to face him, ''now let me take care of you little one.''
He tucks himself back into his pants, then he places his hands under your arms and helps you up. You look at him, dazed still from him using your face, the taste of cum in your mouth.
Then he says ''go sit on the edge of the bed for me'' and you waste no time to obey him. Doing exactly as he said with shaky legs, him following just behind.
As you sit down he is already in front of you, parting your legs with him own, standing between them. He places his fingers on your chin as he leans down and places a kiss on your lips, defiantly able to taste himself on your lips, but it didn't seem to bother him.
His hands wander to your thighs, holding the end of your dress, pushing it higher up your thighs as he whispers against your lips ''lift'' and you do. Your dress is then slowly slid up your body.
Once it reaches your breasts he moves back and watches as he removes it from your body. As you were in a rush a bit earlier you didn't bother to find a bra so your tits were now free, right in front of him. You're now sitting in only your underwear in front of him, starting to now feel embarrassed.
Your arms go to cross over your chest before he protests, ''what are you hiding for? I want to see how perfect you look.''
So you lower your arms, allowing him to see you. Both of his hands move forward and squeeze them, his thumbs playing over your nipples, causing a quiet moan to escape you.
''Look at you, so good.''
He then leans down and pulls your nipple between his teeth, your head rolls back as you let out another quiet moan. One of his hands move down to your thighs, traveling up and stoking over your underwear.
''Cyar'ika, you really are eager. Do you want me to touch you?'' his eyes meet yours, ''want me to take care of you like I promised Fennec?''
You nod and close your eyes, but then a small smack hits your tit causing your eyes to fly open.
''I need to hear you say it, tell me what you want me to do babygirl.''
Babygirl, fuck that was a new one.
''Please touch me, take care of me. Make me cum for you Lord Fett.''
That same beautiful smirk appears as he pushes you onto your back, dragging your underwear off your legs, completely exposing you to him.
His hands trace along your body, taking you in.
''Maker, you are so perfect. I am going to ruin you one day'' he promises, and you hope he stays true to it.
You feel his hand rise up your thigh, heading towards your aching folds. Letting out a heavy breath as your body slightly shook in anticipation.
A finger traces through your folds, your body twitching in the process and you grab the sheet slightly. He lets out a low chuckle, then with two fingers starts to massage your clit. You let out a low moan, it had been too long since someone else's hands touched you like this.
''See I would edge and tease you, wanting to see how needy you are exactly, but you sucked my dick so good I think you deserve to be rewarded.''
You moan in response, then he slides one finger into your pussy.
Your back arches and he uses his other hand to push your hips back down to the bed. He is using his thumb to still massages your clit as he pumps you with his finger.
''Think you can take another one?'' He asks, and you nod.
His fingers were as thick as you imagined, he was already stretching your hole. Going deeper than your own fingers ever could, filling you in the way you wanted, in the way you needed.
However, if his fingers were this thick, you have no clue how you'd ever be able to handle his cock inside you.
He moves the hand off your hip and places it onto your breast, playing with the nipple between his fingers. Your eyes find his and your pussy clenches, the look in his eyes was enough to make you cum then and there. He was looking at you with such desire, like he really was admiring you.
Then you feel him move his fingers, ''want to know if you can take one more.''
You are about to protest, but he already pushes it in and even though it was tight and a little painful, you had never felt so good. Goosebumps cover your body, feeling overstimulated by one man.
His fingers curl, hitting that one spot impossible for you yourself to hit. Your breathing gets caught in your chest, maker you were close. If he carries on like this you'll be a mess under him in minutes.
''Is this good girl getting close is she?'' he asks in a teasing tone.
You nod and moan a bit louder than you had been. ''I want you to tell me when you're close'' Fett demands.
His hand moves to your other nipple, all the nervous in your body are standing up. The motion on your clit speeding up, pulling you closer and closer.
This feeling was something else. You had dreamt of him touching you, hell you'd masturbated over the idea of him touching you. And here you were. Just had your throat fucked and came in, then getting finger fucked to orgasm by him.
It felt like dream.
But then the pit in your stomach grew, reminding you this was in fact not a dream, and that you were so close to cumming for your boss.
Cumming in front of him, from his touch.
''I'm so close s-sir'' you whimper out.
His speed increases, your hands grip the sheets harder.
''Cum for me, cover my fingers princess'' he tells you, and that was it.
Your pussy clenches tight around him, your hips rise before he shoves them back down. Eyes shutting as darkness covers them, fireworks exploding behind your lids. You let out a loud moan and say his name.
He is still pulling and pushing his fingers inside you, however it's slower now, just working you through your orgasm.
The orgasm rushes through your whole body, cumming harder than you ever had before.
Then he slowly pulls his fingers from you, you let out a quiet whimper. Already missing the feeling.
You open your eyes and stare at him in a daze. Your mouth is completely dry, you throat tired, and your whole body exhausted.
Fett places one of his hands on the bed next to your head to balance himself and strokes your cheek with the other. ''You did so good for me'' he smiles before placing small kisses on your lips. Your heart skips a beat and your breathing halters from the praise as you press your lips against his.
After a little while he rises from you and tells you to stay there. You watch as he enters the fresher and hear water start to fill the bath. He then returns, taking his gloves and gauntlets off, and then helps you sit up.
Your legs are shaking a bit. If this is how your body is reacting to him just fingering you then maker knows what you would be like after he fucks you. Well if he ever fucked you. There was no point in getting ahead of yourself.
Without warning he lifts you up, carrying you bridal style into your fresher and placing you in the bath.
You had sobered up by this point, your brain only really catching up with you.
Fett then reaches and grabs a small towel and helps wipe the sweat off your face. It was such a soft gesture, like there was really a caring man under all that armour, more than just a powerful ruler.
''Was that all okay? With what just happened?'' he asked in such a soft voice you almost didn't recognise it.
Giving him a warm smile and replying ''yes, I enjoyed it.''
A look of relief waves across his face for a moment, like he was worried he took it too far. At the end of the day he would always have more power than you, and you think he was scared he overdid it.
''I'm glad then, now let's get you cleaned up.''
He wipes your face again, cleaning off the dried spit from your mouth and chin, and wiping around your eyes from the tears staining your cheeks. Just helping clean your body after he managed to dirty it.
After you were clean he grabbed a towel for you and gave you a hand out the bath. He hugged the towel around your shaking body, both from the sudden coolness and the adrenaline calming down from before.
Picking you back up again and carrying you to your bed, helping you dry your hair off a little on the towel before making sure you get into bed.
''Sleep well little one, don't worry about your shift in the morning, just rest'' Fett says, placing a kiss on your forehead.
''Thank you sir, have fun with the majordomo'' you say resting your head on the pillow.
He chuckles a little and shakes his head, ''oh mesh'la, that was a clear lie.''
Your face burns up realising that the was trying to get back here with you from the moment he entered the throne room. If you weren't suddenly so tired then you would've found this arousing.
''Oh, well... goodnight then Lord Fett.''
''Boba, you can call me Boba little one'' he says with a small smile on his face.
You smile back at him, ''okay, goodnight then Boba.''
''Goodnight cyar'ika.''
And with that he is gone.
Laying back on your head you smile to yourself, tonight had been something.
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GOing For All Or Nothing
Part One
Summary- 5k Ransom Drydale x Kitten. Harlan invited you to celebrate the successful book launch thanks to Ransom's hard work at Blood like Wine. Of course, you will come, but are you ready to deal with the rest of the Thrombey family? Is Ransom ready for the drama they always bring to the table?
Warnings- This is a cheater fic. Oral, female receiving. 18+ Only Blog
A/N- Thank you all for the continued support. I appreciate all your comments and reblogs, plus the continued support in wanting Ransom and Kitten to actually be together, even though they are both hot messes. I really think this might be one of my favorite chapters for these two. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics
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You waited on the stone steps to the Thrombey Estate. The doorbell had given off a traditional ringing through the house and you knew it was just a matter of time before you would be either welcomed with open arms or scowled at with unapproving glances. You fiddled with the tan knee length skirt you were wearing, having paired it off with a off the shoulder sweater in a nice maroon color, trying to dress casual but nice at the same time.
Part of you wished it was going to be Ransom who would open the door, it would be nice to see a friendly face welcome you in. But his beemer wasn't yet parked out front.
Instead when the door opened, it was Fran and from her expression you couldn't get a reading on what was going on inside.
“The family is in the sitting room.” She said briskly while you stepped in and shrugged off your jacket to hang up among the others.
“Thanks Fran '' You said to the housekeeper, who bustled off back towards the depths of the house, in the complete opposite direction of where the commotion was coming from.
The closer you got you started to hear voices coming from the other room.
“Your son had a hooker in the office.” Came the whiny tone of Walt. “Just disgusting behavior at our business.”
“Dad’s business Walt.” The sharp tone of Linda came next and you grimaced a bit. Ransom's mom was never a fan of you, where his father Richard always made up for that in a rather annoying and inappropriate way. “And I doubt it was all that bad.”
She wouldn't even defend her son from the wrongful accusations.
“Unprofessional. Thankfully no one saw her.” Walt snorted and you heard his wife cooing to him in a soothing manner. She always reminded you of a twitty bird, flitting around after her husband, always drawn up tight and afraid to use her voice for anything that really mattered.
You stepped into the room awkwardly right when Richard boomed out as if he was proud of Ransom. “Walt, quit being jealous of my boy. Just because yours does nothing but fuck around on his phone.”
“At least Jacob doesn't-”
He was cut off when Linda caught sight of you. The woman was half sitting on an arm of a chair near Richard when she straightened, hawk like eyes assessing you standing in the entrance. “What are you doing here?”
Your chin lifted a bit as you took your card and flicked it up for her to see. “I came to congratulate Harlan on his newest book.”
Linda gave a cold smile while she clicked her heels against the hardwood floor. “Well I will be sure to give it to Dad, he hasn't been feeling well and this is really just a family only engagement so…” She went to grasp the card from your hands, but you put it out of her reach, flashing an equally cool smile back to her.
“I would rather give it in person.”
“Well like I said before, this is really for the family, his family…”
“Grandpa invited her.” Snapped an equally sharp voice from behind you, Ransom breezing into the room as if he had been there all along. But you could tell from the pink in his cheeks and the tip of his nose he had just come from outside. “But you should have been aware of that Mother, Grandpa always invites Y/N.”
She snapped her mouth shut, giving you another once over before she dismissed you with a turn of her heels, returning back to the rest of the group gathered to join in on the small talk going on.
“Hey, glad you made it.” Ransom’s demeanor changed when he turned towards you, his typical don't give a fuck attitude softening and he gave you a friendly hug, till you were turned away from the group and he gave you a squeeze on your ass through your skirt, making you squeak a tad in his neck.
“Behave…” You warned with a whisper before stepping back a bit. “Well when you get an invite from Harlan, how can I say no?”
The gleeful look on Ransom’s face was hard to miss, lifting his hands in front of him in a mock surrender for you. “You look good Y/N, I hope they didn't give you too hard of a time.”
You glanced back at his family, who was once more in some heated debate over nonsense. Walt kept giving sideways glances towards the two of you. It seemed the only one missing out of here today was Meg, which you were sad to see. He was one of the few members you liked even though Ransom always acted like she was a nuisance. “Nah, nothing I wasn't ready for. Linda did seem genuinely surprised to see me.”
“Ah well that might be because I didn't tell her you were coming.”
You rolled your eyes at him, knowing he did it purely out of enjoyment. Harlan and Marta made their way downstairs then, Harlan's children immediately turned their attention to the patriarch of the family, but he brushed them off so he could greet everyone.
When he bypassed Linda and came over to you and Ransom, even you could see that she was fuming.
“Y/N, Dear… it's been far too long.” He took your hand, covering it with his other one and giving a light squeeze. Harlan always showed his affection in small touches and embraces. You returned the gesture affectionately and held up the card.
“I heard that another successful book was launched, Mr.Thrombey.”
“Harlan Dear, and yes… with Ransoms help, probably the best one I have had in years.” He praised and while Ransom was giving a nonchalant shrug, you bumped him lightly with your shoulder.
“Ransom, that's incredible. You didn't tell me about that.”
“Well it wasn't all Ransom.” Walt cleared his throat, hovering on the edge of the group. You scowled at Walt and felt Ransom kinda pull back a bit, closing himself off. It was enough to make you snap at the older man.
“I'm sure you were a big help Walt, I mean you have been working at Blood like Wine since we were kids, but this year it finally picked up once Ransom joined… but do fill us in on all that you did to get this project off the ground.“ you shrugged it off like it was nothing, taking an offered drink from Fran who was coming around with champagne. Walt started sputtering to defend himself when Harlan cleared his throat, a demand of everyone's attention.
“Actually Walt, this time it was Ransom.” Harlan made it clear. “If it wasn't for all the hours he spent promoting this story as well as the personal online pages he is running, this book wouldn't have made such a stir that it has. I'm afraid the old fashion way we did things Walt is dying out. So the fresh outlook from Ransom was just what Blood Like Wine needed and he did it in a way that wouldn't cheapen it, like if we sold it to be made into a straight to streaming app film.” Harlan turned towards Ransom to clasp him on the shoulder. “Marta showed me everything on her laptop that you put together, engaging in conversations about my previous works and having me answer fan questions. I'm really impressed and I knew you were just the man to add to the team.”
You beamed for Ransom, who seemed almost in shock himself, sputtering a “Thank you Grandpa.” to Harlan. Probably a first for Ransom to be so acknowledged for something positive he had done.
Linda was sure to plaster a fake smile, wedging herself to Ransom's side with an awkward side hug that Ransom shrugged away from. “Well I always knew my boy had it in him for something good.”
“Please don't overextend yourself Mother…” Ransom snarked out towards Linda.
“Can’t I express how proud I am of my son? Jesus Ransom.”
The fakeness of this family made you cringe. Harlan took a glance at you and beckoned you closer. “What you got there Dear?”
“Oh…” You held it up. “A card, for you of course. This is your get together after all.”
He hooked his arm through yours, leading you away. “Well, let's go to my office to open it.” He said, an obvious dismissal to the rest of them when he closed his door to his office area. The quiet was nice, making you breathe a sigh of relief.
“I know they are a lot… sometimes they mean well.” Harlan made his way to a chair near a low burning fire and settled in. You followed along behind, admiring the rows of books but once in a while you glanced over your shoulder towards the door. You felt bad that you had abandoned Ransom with the rest of them.
“Trust me, he will be fine in that den of jackals.” Harlan sighed out as he watched your movements.
“Am I that obvious?” You chuckled gently while handing him the card and settling in the chair near him.
“That you care for my grandson? Yes. Even though you try to hide it away.” Harlan stated matter of factly while he opened the card and read the inside, giving a hum of pleasure at your words. “Thank you, you know it's often the things that others might see as small that mean the most.” He set the card on display on his side table.
“I will always care for Ransom, Harlan. He was a lot of my firsts, my first kiss, boyfriend, love and heartbreak. I’m just glad we stayed friends through it all.”
Bushy brows lifted hearing your words. “I know my grandson Y/N, he doesn't just include anyone in his life for the long term. You mean alot to him to.”
The warmth that curled in your chest hearing that made you glance down at your lap and whisper softly. “I know he does. He doesn't say it outright but it's that unsaid thing between us.”
“Well, the boy is hard headed sometimes. He hates admitting he has what he thinks is a weakness.” Harlan pondered out loud. “But he talks about you with me, I can tell you make him happy within himself. He misses you when you are in Connecticut.”
You squirmed a bit at this, it was starting to feel more real. You wondered just how divulgent Ransom was about what was going on between the two of you. “I have a life in Connecticut Harlan. A career, a home…I’m happy there.”
Harlan gave a nod. “Well my Dear, if you are happy there, that is what matters right?” He gave a genuine smile.
“Yeah, that is what matters.” You said gently, starting to wonder why it sounded like you were lying.
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In the other room, Ransom broke away from the gaggle of his relatives to plop in a nearby seat. When Harlan's door was shut, you didn't bother him typically. Although he wondered what the two of you were talking about.
Ransom wasn't allowed peace though, his father wandered over with hands in his pockets. “So son… Good for you.” He grinned cheekily as he sat nearby, long legs stretching out before him. Ransom was shaken from his thoughts at the odd comment from Richard.
“Cut the shit, Richard.” Ransom narrowed his eyes at him, knowing that his father wasn't one to extend genuine kindness. Richard huffed with a puffed chest.
“I can't congratulate my boy? Your mother is right about you.” he gave a wave of his hand at Ransom. “Always so cynical.”
Ransom gave a shrug as he turned his attention back to the door, ignoring Richard once more till his tone became that annoying sound, one where he was trying to be authoritative and fatherly.
A roll of his eyes and Ransom gave a pinch to the bridge of his nose to quell the already rising annoyance he felt. He dropped his hand and turned back to Richard. “Father.” sarcasm dripped in defense to hide how annoyed he was at the moment.
“Don't take that tone with me, I was saying how proud I was of you… bringing a hooker into the office, that's a real Drysdale move.”
It sunk in what Richard was talking about, not for Ransom's actual accomplishments, but thinking he had done something so shallow as buying a hooker. Or that YOU were a hooker. Not that anyone knew it was you who he was with, it was nobody’s business but his, but it really caused anger to rise sharply in the man. He was a lot of things, but that wasn't one of them. “Who told you all that?” Ransom knew though. Walt running his fucking mouth about shit that didn't concern him.
“Walt of course, jealous fuck wished he had the balls to do something like that. Instead, he pretends Donna is what gets him off and that they are such a happy family.”
Ransom pushed up from his seat… Jacob, who had been silent nearby on his phone, subtly turned on his recorder, knowing his cousin was about to cause a scene. “Father… eat shit.”
Richard stuttered in surprise, pushing up from his seat to yell out in anger. Ransom turned to head towards the office, as he passed his uncle and mother, he cocked a finger at his mother. “Eat shit…”
“Ransom!” She exclaimed and Ransom looked his uncle up and down as his wife rushed to his side.
“Walt! This kind of language can’t be used in front of Jacob.”
“He can eat shit to Donna… and Walt, definitely eat shit.” He snarled out before pushing the door open and leaving them all behind. Jacob from his seat turned his camera to face him.
“Welcome to my messed-up family.” He stated before looking through his various apps to decide where to post it.
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In the office you looked up to see Ransom storming into the office, Harlan turning partially in his seat to see his grandson. “Ahh, I was wondering when you would join us, Ransom.” Harlan settled back in his chair but you moved to a stand noticing how upset he seemed.
“Hey… Ransom, are you okay?” You paused him with a touch to his chest, feeling the way his chest was heaving under his heavy wool sweater, his features pinched a bit while he worked on controlling them.
“Fucking fantastic.” He glanced around the room. “Just left the rest of those bastards something new to bitch about among themselves. What are you two doing in here?”
Here Harlan stirred, pushing to a stand. “Ah well I was just about to ask Y/N to a game of GO, but as you just reminded me, I do have a gathering I'm supposed to be a part of.” He once more patted Ransom's shoulder in passing. “How about you teach Y/N how to play GO? So I can challenge her next time.”
Then he left the two of you alone in this large office. You tugged on Ransom's shirt slightly to turn his attention towards you. “Hey, are you really okay? I can feel you shaking.” Your hand ran against his chest and he drew in a deep breath to steady his nerves.
“Just my family being fucking pricks.” He muttered while you let your arms circle him loosely. The gesture made him close his eyes and sink into it a bit, his own hands tracing up your back and circling the back of your neck to lift your face up to meet him. “Saying shit they know nothing about.”
You smiled a bit and lifted to your toes to press your lips to his in a sweet manner. “Fuck ‘em Ransom, I’m proud of you and more so Harlan is proud of you.”
You two were really some of the only ones he genuinely cared about, tilting his head to press another sweet kiss to your forehead with a hum. “Thank you Kitten.”
You let him stay like that for a few moments, Ransom was so rarely asking for comfort like this, usually he pushed anyone away who wanted to offer it, the only other times he was like this was just after sex when he would go quiet and seek out just holding onto you. It was still a new side of him for you, nothing he did till after you had been gone for a couple years.
“Harlan suggested you teach me GO?” You offered him, trying to keep the atmosphere calm for Ransom while he was processing his feelings.
“Sure, it's one of his favorites.” Ransom pulled away, his hand drawing down yours and leading you back to the two seats near the crackling fireplace adding to the calm laid back atmosphere this office gave. Ransom let you go to pull the chairs closer together and you pulled a coffee table between the two. From the many shelves lining around the office, he pulled out a board and baggie to dump them on the table. The black and white stones scattered across the board.
“So the goal is to claim larger territories while enclosing your opponent in. The more areas you obtain the better, till you win.”
You are still separating the stones with a shrug. “Seems easy enough.”
Ransom gave a laugh, the crystalline blues in his eyes twinkling as he started to warm back up, enjoying himself. “What I said when Grandad started teaching me. It’s harder than it looks.”
You settled back into your chair, waving your hand at the board. “So show me.”
He was right, it was a bit harder than he made it out to be, but of course, Ransom was experienced, picking up what your attempts were to cage him in and extend his stones in other intricate designs till it was too late, he had you captured.
“Damn it!” You remarked the second time when he did it again, blowing air out of your nose. “Okay, this is harder than I thought.”
“Yeah, it is Kitten.” He started to separate the stones again, glancing up at you. “How about we raise the stakes a little, Hm?”
Glancing at him, you dragged your teeth against your bottom lip thinking. This was Ransom and you knew he wouldn't play fair to get what he wanted. “What are the stakes?”
“If I win… You have to stay a weekend at my place. Uninterrupted Kitten. No checking your phone, no discussion of Connecticut.” No mentions of Neil.
That really wasn't asking for a lot, since you wanted to do just that.
“And if I win?”
“What do you want?” He asked genuinely, you felt that there was more to this question than the subject at hand. It reminded you of Harlans before ‘Are you happy?’
You gathered your stones and cleared your throat. “Are you working on anything personal? Writing for yourself?���
Ransom pulled up a bit, shutting off from you a moment as he assessed what you were asking from him. “Maybe…”
“If I win, would you let me read your manuscript?” You laid what you were wanting on the table and held out your hand to officially shake on it. He reached across the table and gave a firm shake, letting go to gather his stones.
Ransom couldn't believe how this was playing out. You wanted to stay with him, more than a quickie, more than a fuck and run, and it was really settling in his mind what you were asking for. He had not let anyone see what he was actually working on in his free time. He grew up around writers, meeting some of the most famous authors produced all his life through his grandfather's influence.
But he never saw himself as one, or nearly good enough to do it. But a couple years ago he had a pestering thought in his mind, it happened right after you left and he let himself go with it. Now it was almost finished and by some chance, you seemed to know and wanted to read it.
That scared him a bit because what if he really was worthless at it as so many times he had been reminded of. But you agreed to his terms, he could agree to yours.
“Yes, if you win… you can read it if that's really what you want. It’s nothing special.”
You hummed as you studied the board. “Ransom, I highly doubt that.”
Ransom laid the first stone down. Tugging his teeth against his bottom lip while he glanced at you to go.
You dropped from his gaze back to the board, trying to figure out what he was thinking about. You suspected he must have written something even if he never talked about it. At times you caught him taking notes on his phone in bed when he thought you were asleep, or jot something down and stuff the paper in his pocket.
Not to mention the influence he had from Harlan, Ransom frequently helped him with editing. You moved your stone in place, the clicks on the wood board going faster and faster, each one of you now striving to beat the other.
When Ransom was focused like this, his hands folded against his mouth as calculated eyes scanned the stones, his jaw tensing as he weighed his options. Fuck it was a turn on. You had seen him study you that way, weighing how best to make you scream his name.
You couldn't help the extra hitch in your breath, your heart picking up speed. “You gonna move Drysdale?” you taunted a bit, hoping that it would distract him, allow you to win.
Ransom bit the inside of his cheek, this time around you weren't messing around. He could only hope you wouldn't figure out what he was trying to do or he was going to be trapped, not that he was complaining. But he really wanted that weekend with you. Finally, he laid that stone down, pushing back to let you take your turn.
“You know that weekend is mine, Kitten.” He smirked across the board at you, once more dragging perfect white teeth against a plump peach pink lip of his. You returned and made your move once you saw where he was headed, cutting him off and making him cuss.
“And that manuscript is mine Handsome.” You purred at him, very much earning your nickname.
Now the board was nearly full and the more you two studied it, the more it was obvious that there simply isn't another move to be had.
A stalemate.
“Umm, looks like I got that manuscript Ransom.” You grinned in realization.
“Hmm, looks like I got that weekend Kitten.” He challenged back, pushing the board and coffee table away while eye fucking you enough to make you squirm in the plush seat. You weren't quite ready to concede to him, so you gave a slight pop of the shoulder.
“I don't know, we never actually laid out the terms to a stalemate.”
Ransom moved to a stand to approach you, leaning over and grasping your chin to look at him. “If you want the manuscript, then I'll get my weekend Kitten.” He licked over your lips and moved to a kneel in front of you, his hands sliding up your legs to grasp the back of your knees and drag you forward slightly.
“Umm, you think you can get me to give into those terms?” You challenged, spreading your thighs a bit for him as he knelt up closer, grasping the band of your panties under your skirt.
“Lift your ass and find out Kitten.” He waited, allowing you the chance to back out if you didn't want him. But fuck you did. Your hips arched up and he yanked your panties down and pulled them off your ankles, leaving you bare assed in the seat, your skirt flipped up. “New terms, I get you to cum in five minutes, we both get what we want.” In his pockets went your panties, knowing you wouldn't be getting those back today, or ever.
“Challenge accepted.” You squeaked out when he lifted one stocking leg and started to kiss along the inside while laying it over his shoulder. He nipped and sucked on the tender flesh dragging his way towards your aching core that you now wiggle your hips to get comfy, falling back against the chair's back while you pushed your hands through his dark hair to grasp onto, he was so close. You could actually feel the hot puffs of breath he was taking when his nose brushed in the patch of curls to sniff you, kissing you tenderly right there.
It was sweet but not where you wanted him. “Gonna make you feel so good, Kitten, then we will see who won this game.”
“If I get to feel that good Ransom, it will have been me. So either way, I'm the real winner here.” You scratched lightly at his scalp, tensing when you felt his fingers spread aroused folds so he could see you pulsing with need, that way your arousal leaked for him, glistening wetness all for him to devour.
“Maybe that is all I wanted all along.” He muttered softly before dragging his tongue wide through you, flicking it over your clit to make you jolt in place, tug at his hair with a low moan. “Make you feel so fucking good that you need more of this.” Another lap through your slick, a swallow as it coated his tongue and suck on your clit was madenly gentle and made your nerves twitch as it became engorged. His hands molded to your thighs, once in a while he would run a finger through the band on your stockings, humming against your clit till you arched further into his face at the sensation.
“These are really fucking hot Kitten. You should wear stockings more often.”
You wriggled your hips slightly while he sucked on your folds, pulling and teasing you now as heavy palms fell to the inside of your thighs and spread them wide, making them fall off his shoulders and hook them onto the arms of the chair. “Fuck- Ransom.” Your back arched slightly, your body quivering in anticipation as he lapped quickly at your hole to collect your weeping slick before forcing his tongue into you. Your hands wrenched on his hair, pressing his face against you while he ate you out.
You did your best to muffle the mewls pouring out of you, the gasps of his name, and the curses that he unlocked. You dared think that Walt would be sneaky enough to press his ear to the door, wriggle the handle trying to catch the two of you in the act.
That thought alone gave you a rush and Ransom growled against your cunt, eyes lifted to study you as you dragged a hand from his hair to press against a breast, squeezing and twisting it till you arched in the seat, grinding yourself in his face.
Pulling away, his smooth face glistening with your arousal all over his chin and making his lips look swollen from how he used them on you. Fingers delved into you, curling to stroke your sweet spot that left you pleading for him as you rocked your hips.
“Come on Kitten, tell me what you are thinking about.” He nipped the top of your mound, traveling up to your belly, dragging your shirt up. His heavier weight pressed you into the chair while he dragged your bra down to free your breast and tease your nipples with expert precision.
“Fuck just like that.” You wrapped a hand around the back of his head while he worked you to the brink of breaking.
“Told you you would feel good Kitten.” A harsh bite would leave a mark on your breast, but you didn't care right now. It left you whimpering. “Now tell me.”
“I was- fuck, I have to cum Ransom.” You whined out when another rush of your arousal escaped around his plunging fingers.
“Tell me and you can.”
How were you supposed to form words when your throat just wanted to moan, but somehow you spit the words out in a rushed plea. “I was thinking about getting caught.”
That left Ransom chuckling at you, smirking as you started to fall apart for him. “That so Kitten, you are so wet because you are thinking about someone walking in on us, hear those sweet little cries you give as you ride my fingers like it’s my thick cock stretching you.”
You could barely handle it, your ruts against his hand starting to falter as that heated tension riddling you started to come undone. “Y-yes…”
“You really are a dirty cock thirsty Kitten.” Ransom purred as he jerked your face to his, kissing you dirty, his lips crashing to yours as his cunt soaked tongue pushed into your mouth.
It was enough to bring you to your peak, your cunt tightened around his stroking fingers and you squealed against him while your whole body went rigid against his before you lost the will to hold yourself close and you sagged in his hold.
Ransom let your limp body sink into the chair, kissing down your neck while you shook in aftershocks. Pulling his fingers from your drenched core, he sucked them off, looking at you as he sat back to admire the state he left you in.
“Damn Kitten…” He muttered as he pulled your panties from his pocket and wiped them against you to clean you up a bit. “You are so fucking hot.” He stuffed them back in his pocket and ran his hands up your bare thighs as he pulled to a stand, hovering down to kiss your lips for that needy little pathetic whine you would give him.
“Ransom? Are you and Y/N coming out? Your grandfather is getting ready to retire for the night.” came a soft knock at the door from Marta which made you still against him. Ransom broke his kiss from you, his nose running against yours before he answered.
“Yup, be there in a minute, just gotta clean up the board game.”
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pilyarquitect · 4 years
Getafix’s mistake - Chapter 5. Reunions
Hello everyone! Here I bring you a new chapter of this Asterix fic, I truly hope you’ll all like it. I think the title says everything you need to know, or what it can be guessed it’ll happen here.  😊
Well, I’d like to give a special thanks to Drummergirl for helping me editing this story. I’m really, really, really grateful to her, she’s awesome!
Okay after say all this, here you have the fifth chapter of this story, I hope you all will like it!
The villagers were gathered around Vitalstatistix's cabin, waiting patiently – some more than others – for their chief to tell them why they had gathered them all there.
During the wait, which was taking a little while, Cacofonix emerged from the crowd saying:
"I’ve composed a new ode that will help us wait –"
He couldn’t finish speaking, because at that moment a fish thrown by Unhygienix hit his face directly, causing the bard to fall to the ground. As soon as he got up, he glared angrily at the launcher, turned his back on him and murmured:
"Ignorant… they don't understand my talent."
Just then, Vitalstatistix came out of his cabin and his bearers raised him on his shield. The village chief looked at everyone around him, and gloomily began to speak:
"My friends, I’ve summoned you here to ask for your help. I fear that… I fear that one of our own… one of our best friends… is in great danger. I need your help to look for him.”
"By all the gods! Who is he, oh Vitalstatistix?” one of the villagers asked.
"It’s Asterix." a voice answered from behind the crowd.
They all turned to see the one who had spoken, who turned out to be none other than Obelix. He was standing next to the old druid with a face of deep sadness, but also extreme determination.
"Asterix may be in danger. We’ve got to go and find him." continued the red-haired Gaul.
"Obelix’s right. We must leave immediately," added Getafix.
"That's just what I was going to say," said the village chief.
The concern for the blond Gaul soon became palpable among everyone present. Even the day itself seemed to have grown gloomier after receiving the harsh news.
"Then what are we waiting for?" said one of the villagers.
"Yes, by Belenos, let's not waste time," added another.
"True by Tutatis, we must hurry!" said a third.
Getafix intervened at that time, saying:
"Everyone calm down. It’s true we must go as soon as possible to look for Asterix, but before going, take some magic potion. You may need it."
As soon as he said this, all the villagers went to the druid's house to take a drink of potion and thus be able to immediately go out to find their missing friend. Everyone carried sadness and concern on their faces, but also deep determination. They would find Asterix, no matter what it cost. They wouldn’t abandon one of their own to an uncertain fate. Especially the village’s warrior, since he had done much for them. He had saved them countless times from grave dangers that had on multiple occasions threatened the survival of the village.
Yes, Asterix had always been there for them at all times, although the other inhabitants didn’t want his help since they thought they could solve their problems alone or they just didn’t want to recognize that what the blond Gaul did was for the well-being of all. A man like Asterix, despite his short stature, was someone for whom everyone had deep admiration and respect. No, none of them would allow anything to happen to him, not if they could avoid it.
Obelix was becoming increasingly concerned. They had searched for what seemed like hours, and there was still no sign of Asterix anywhere. The great Gaul was following his faithful pet, Dogmatix, who without lifting his nose was sniffing every section of the ground, looking for any trace of the blond warrior.
Suddenly, the small animal raised his ears and sniffed more intensely in a specific area of the forest. Then raised his head and howled indicating he had found a trail to follow.
When Obelix saw his puppy howl, his mind filled with hope. Now they were closer to finding Asterix. He could almost see himself talking to his best friend again, but any illusion the great Gaul had at that moment was truncated when he saw Dogmatix suddenly began to growl, indicating he detected enemy odors in addition to that of the blond Gaul.
Obelix's heart filled with fear imagining all the possible scenarios of his best friend in enemy hands, so he immediately shouted:
"Come on, Dogmatix! Let's not waste time! Take me to Asterix, quickly!"
Obeying his owner, the puppy began to run, following the trail that would lead them to his friend.
The other villagers saw Obelix and Dogmatix running and they soon guessed what that meant, so they instantly joined the race after the small animal. If their friend was in danger, they would rescue him soon, and in the process, they would make the Romans or whoever who dared to attack one of their own pay.
As they advanced, they realized that they were getting closer and closer to Totorum's camp. That could only mean Asterix was there.
Obelix was in the lead, knowing Asterix was almost certainly behind the doors now in front of him, his brow furrowed almost reflexively and his determination stronger than ever. If the Romans had done something to his best friend, they would regret it. He would personally assure it.
The two soldiers who guarded the camp’s entrance immediately turned pale when they saw the wave of Gauls coming over them. And although they tried alert the rest of the guards, they didn’t have time to do it. All the Gaul villagers rushed in a breakneck speed against the doors and entered the campground.
Obelix followed Dogmatix while sending all the soldiers who appeared before his eyes flying. The little dog then entered a tent. The great Gaul stopped dead when he reached the tent’s entrance. Although the menhir dealer wanted to come in and see how his friend was, he also feared the state he was going to find him in. His heart rate flurrying, his breathing became a little shallow, and his legs trembled slightly from the uncertainty that now filled his mind. Was it really a good idea for him to come in alone? If Asterix was wounded, he wouldn’t be the best candidate to help him. Just thinking his best friend might be hurt made Obelix's heart clench and a new wave of fear flooded his senses.
Finally, the desire to know what had happened was stronger than any fear that could occupy his mind. For that reason, Obelix took a deep breath, and with trembling hands, slowly removed the cloth that covered the entrance to the tent. When he had done so, he looked inside and saw a boy who was smiling because Dogmatix was licking his face enthusiastically, tickling him with each lick. When the little boy noticed the presence of someone else in space, he looked with frightened eyes at the newcomer, but his expression changed when he saw he wasn’t a Roman… at least, that's what Obelix supposed.
The boy looked at the great Gaul for a few seconds and then asked:
"Are you Mr. Obeliscoidix?"
At that moment the world around Obelix completely collapsed. The great Gaul hoped to find Asterix unscathed and completely safe, as he had been only a few hours ago, before Asterix went alone into the forest. But he’d never have imagined finding him in such a state, as when he was a child and believing Obelix himself was actually his father, Obeliscoidix. How to deal with such a situation?
"Getafix!" little Asterix yelled again "By Tutatis, I'm so glad to see you, oh druid."
Obelix then turned his eyes to Getafix, who had insisted on joining the search for the blond warrior. The druid, for his part, widened his eyes when he saw Asterix’s state. He certainly would never have expected his potion to produce such effect. The great Gaul looked again at his best friend and realized the eyes of the little Gaul had begun to shine with unshed tears. This caused Obelix to come out of his trance and rush to where Asterix was. He tore off the rope that kept his friend's leg attached to the tent pole. Then he also tore off the ropes that held the blond Gaul’s hands together, trying, in both actions, to be as gentle as possible with the child.
Finally, when Asterix was completely free, Obelix wrapped him in his arms and cradled him protectively.
For the menhir dealer, seeing his best friend, someone he considered his brother, on the verge of crying, caused him deep sadness. At these moments his heart was a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand he felt rage… rage against what had happened to Asterix… rage because the Romans had caught him; on the other hand he felt disappointment… disappointment with himself for not having been with Asterix when everything happened; but above all, he was afraid… afraid that Asterix would stay like this forever… afraid of what might have happened if they hadn't found him.
On the other hand, Obelix couldn’t imagine the fear that Asterix must have felt in this state, alone and being a captive of the Romans. Who wouldn't feel that way just being a child?
This situation brought to his memory the moment when his gluttony made his own body shrink, though he kept his mind intact. That didn’t deprive him of feeling alone and helpless when he was captured by the Romans. Although by far, the worst moment of all from that adventure was the moment he felt completely helpless, because he wasn’t going to be able to stop Asterix being thrown into the sea full of sharks. Fortunately, at that time, the red-haired Gaul regained his size and strength, so he managed to save Asterix before it was too late.
Since then, Obelix had promised himself he would never allow anything to happen to his friend, but now, in this situation… he had failed his promise, and the little Gaul was paying the consequences. If only he had hurried up and distributed the menhirs earlier, he would have gone with Asterix to the forest and none of this would have happened.
Obelix was deep in thought, so he was startled when a hand landed on his shoulder. Looking at the owner, he met the sympathetic gaze of Getafix.
"Obelix, please, I understand how you feel, but you need to let me see Asterix to see if he has suffered any damage." the druid smiled affectionately "It’ll only take a moment, you’ll see."
The red-haired Gaul lowered his gaze to the boy who was lying in his arms. Asterix was crying slightly, although he seemed happy to be with someone of Gaul origin and not Roman. Still hesitant, Obelix slowly lowered Asterix to ground level. Once there, the little boy ran into the druid’s arms.
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Getafix hugged the Gaul boy while he buried his face in the druid's beard and cried. Between his sobs Asterix said:
"Oh Getafix… I-I was a-afraid, ve-very afraid…”
"Asterix, it’s all over, everything has already ended." the old druid tried to reassure him. He bent down to his level and helped the boy maintain eye contact with him.
"Come on Asterix, tell me what happened."
"The b-bad ma-man said h-he was going to ta-take me to Ro-Rome to f-force a-all the vi-village to s-surrender." said the little Gaul between sobs.
Getafix put his hands on Asterix's shoulders and spoke to him with reassuring words:
“Asterix, this won’t happen. It’s over. You have nothing to fear. We're here and we'll take you back home, I promise. But first I need you to do something for me, okay?”
The Gaul looked at his druid with a little surprise, and even with tears in his eyes, but nodded anyway.
"What do you need, oh druid?" he asked as he wiped away his tears.
"What I need is for you to tell me if something hurts, it’s very important."
Asterix stared at the ground while thinking for a moment. When he looked up again, he said sincerely:
"Right now, nothing hurts Getafix, but when I woke up a while ago everything hurt. Especially my head and… here." he put the palm of his hand on his chest.
The village druid looked where the boy indicated. His expression relaxed and smiling he spoke again:
"It's okay little one, just one more thing. What’s the las-?"
"I want to go home with my parents." said the little Gaul with new tears in his eyes. He wanted to get out of that place as soon as possible. He wanted to go back to the village and, above all, he didn’t want to go to Rome. So, the sooner they left, the less likely they were to take him to Rome.
"Yes, we’re leaving soon, but I need-" Getafix tried to say, but again he was interrupted by the blond Gaul.
"No, I want to go home now… please Getafix." Asterix pleaded.
"Okay, let's go." the druid finally surrendered. He knew from experience Asterix as a child had been a very, very stubborn boy, and opposing him wasn’t always a good idea.
Obelix had been silent the whole time. As soon as he heard his friend say the Romans intended to take him to Rome, a veil of rage covered his mind. This was the last straw! This time the Romans had gone too far. His hands were clenched into fists, and they trembled with the anger he was barely able to contain. Everything around him seemed to have vanished, he was alone with his thoughts…
"… -lix?"
The red-haired Gaul blinked up at his druid with Asterix in his arms and looking at him with concern.
"Obelix, are you alright?" Getafix spoke again.
"What? Oh yes, yes, druid, it's just…”
"I understand," said Getafix, guessing what was happening in the great Gaul’s heart, "but now we must return to the village, for the sake of Asterix."
Obelix looked down at the little Gaul, who had fallen asleep in Getafix's arms. The menhir dealer couldn’t help but smile seeing his best friend asleep soundly. But he realized that, although asleep, the boy still let out a sob from time to time. This was like a thorn digging into Obelix's heart. In a low and soft voice, he said:
"Getafix… do you…. do you mind if I take him?"
Getafix smiled and replied:
"I don’t see why not. Here, take him carefully so he doesn’t wake up."
And then he spread his arms allowing the great Gaul to pick up his best friend and cradle him in his lap. Little Asterix moved for a moment to better position himself in Obelix's arms. He seemed to be very comfortable in his temporary bed, so Obelix smiled again seeing Asterix was now sleeping peacefully and he had stopped sobbing. To Obelix this seemed almost like a sign that his best friend was still able to recognize him despite his current state.
When they had made sure Asterix was comfortable, they left the tent, picking up all the Gaul warrior’s belongings, especially the canteen. Getafix was glad to see the canteen still contained enough potion inside. If he could study its contents carefully, he would probably find a cure to return the blond Gaul to his original state.
Once outside, druid, Gaul and puppy met with the other Gauls, who had finished with the "cleaning" task.
The moment the other villagers saw Obelix arrive with little Asterix in his arms, a collective gasp was heard from them all. Vitalstatistix looked from his position on the shield to the boy and asked:
"Getafix, is he… is he really Asterix?"
"I am afraid so Vitalstatistix." replied the druid.
"Oh, by all the gods!"
"Shhh, I recommend keeping quiet and going back to the village, I wouldn’t like Asterix to wake up here again." Getafix spoke again.
"Okay, but… you can fix this, right, druid?" Fulliautomatix asked, who like everyone else was worried Asterix would stay in that state forever.
"I hope so, Fulliautomatix, I hope so."
After the old druid's last words, all the men started on the way back to their homes. None of them wanted little Asterix to wake up again in that place. He had already suffered enough.
Overanxius was excited – practically elated. His inspection of the rest of the camps had been quite satisfactory. Now the time had come to return to the capital of the Empire, taking with him the little Gaul prisoner. Caesar would be proud of him and sure he’d reward him for his performance in Armorica and for making the indomitable village finally bow to Rome’s power. The gods had been benevolent to him.
The senator was about to arrive at Totorum camp and then realized the watchtowers he had seen before were now gone. This is very strange, thought the envoy from Rome, what could have happened? Then an overwhelming sense of restlessness seized his being, so with a whip to their horses, he made them pick up their pace to reach his destination as soon as possible.
When the camp appeared before his eyes, the vision was one of complete desolation, chaos, and destruction. This couldn't be the same camp he had been in just a few hours ago! He drove his carriage into the compound, only to find none of the tents were still standing and all the legionaries were scattered on the ground, many of them still unconscious. He got out of his means of transport and went straight to where Caius Marsupialus was. His face was red with anger. He shouted to the Centurion:
"By Jupiter! Can I know what happened here?”
"The Gauls happened," replied Caius Marsupialus.
The Roman senator turned even redder than he already was and looked around as though he were searching for something. Almost dreading the answer he was going to receive, he asked:
"And where is the prisoner, if you know?"
"They took him," was all the Centurion replied.
"How?! By Neptune! And you did nothing to prevent it?!”
"How were we supposed to stop them? The Gauls possess their magic potion that gives them superhuman strength. We are no match for them when they take it,” protested Caius Marsupialus.
Overanxius didn’t know how to contain his anger. All his plans, his desire for glory, had collapsed in a moment.
"And how did the Gauls know that we were holding that child here?" he asked again.
"We don’t know. We only know that they all came at once. They’ve destroyed everything and… they took the child." explained one of the legionaries defending his superior.
"It seems like it was the dog," said another of the legionaries.
"A dog? What dog?" the Roman senator inquired again.
"A small white puppy that always goes with the chubby Gaul, the best friend of the Gaul we had here as a prisoner." explained the legionary.
"So, in your opinion, that dog led all the Gauls here," Overanxius conjectured.
"It’s more than likely. It isn’t the first time something similar has happened," Caius Marsupialus said.
"Okay, okay…" Overanxius closed his eyes and massaged his head in an attempt to ease the sudden headache he now felt.
He opened his eyes again and said angrily:
"Do as you like, but I want that Gaul again!"
Welp, this is the fifth chapter. I'll be honest, I felt bad for Obelix when Asterix called him Obeliscoidix. He hoped to find his friend save and sound, but it happened exctly in that way. Poor Obelix... and what bad news for Overanxius, to know his prisoner had been recued, and the Roman camp now seemed a battle field. Well, things never happen as expected 😉 
Okay, after say that, I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I also would like to thank to all the people who’d read this story and: @elianemariane17 @theholypencil @alyxox02​ @lilacivories​ @coconuttyglittersmurf​ for their likes
See you in the next chapter 😉
I forgot to say this chapter includes a piece of art made by the awesome artist @zeragii I hope you liked it!
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bleepblopbloop56 · 5 years
The Murder in the Dressing Room
Chapter 6: Blood and Tears
Warnings:abusive deceit, murder mention, throwing up, some stalker-like things
Specail thanks to @pathos-logical this fic is litterally our baby im not even kidding, weve both poured alot into this.
Also on ao3
"Logan? Logan, slow down- what are you saying?" Emile had just put Patton to bed after a long day of playing in the park, eating more ice cream than Logan probably would've allowed, and binging cartoons. As long as you kept Patton nearly constantly busy, he wouldn't cry for his dada too often, and overall it seemed like he was having fun. He knew Logan took being separated from Patton about as well as Patton did, so he hadn’t been surprised from the call that came almost as soon as Patton had gone to sleep. He’d expected for Logan to immediately ask about how Patton was doing when he picked up, but instead he'd been greeted with nearly incoherent panic from his brother.
"Logan- Logan, you're scaring me," he cut in, knowing it would get Logan to stop speaking. "Deep breaths, and when you can talk, start again,” he said firmly, not giving him a chance to try to continue. He heard an audible gulp of air over the line. Emile could instinctively tell Logan was still panicking, but there was barely a pause as Logan started to talk again.
"Virgil," Logan choked out "He- he's been murdered, I… I need you to keep Patton for a while longer." He forcefully kept his breathing as steadily as he could, hands shaking. He was standing in the hallway to his apartment, trying to rationalize what he’d seen there.
At first he’d almost thought it was some sick prank, simply because Virgil didn't look like the others did. The first two victims had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest, the crime scenes left a blood-splattered, sickening sight. But Virgil would seem to be merely asleep if it weren’t for the blood trickling from his throat onto Logan's pillow. It wasn't until he had checked for Virgil’s pulse for the fourth time and found nothing there he’d believed he was gone. Touching a body before pictures were taken and a medical examiner was in sight was a big no-no, but he didn't care about any of that. 
"Murdered?" Picani gasped, stepping into his own room away from Patton resting on the couch. "Logan, are you okay?”
Logan rarely took deaths this hard- he had become desensitized after seeing so much of it in his profession. And yet these three murders had stripped away his usual professional sense of detachment from him. Like they hit too close to home to keep a straight face.
Logan sunk to the ground, voice shuddering. "Emile, what would've happened if you didn't take Patton away? What if he was in the house, or if I picked him up from daycare before I came home?" He was rambling now, clutching the phone with both hands to keep it steady. A police officer walked by, and Logan kept his eyes on the ground.
"That didn't happen, Logan. He's safe, he's here with me," Emile said softly. He had known Virgil well, but now wasn't the time to break down in front of his little brother.
"Will you check?" Logan whispered. It was irrational, he knew that Emile would never lie to him and that his kid was safe and sound, but…
Emile paused for a second before softening. "Of course I will, Logan," he whispered, strolling into the living room and looking at the sleeping child snuggling a Tweety Bird plushie nearly as big as he was on Logan’s spare crib. "He's safe, Logan. Everything's going to be fine." 
Logan wanted to say "no it's not," he wanted to say "I haven't heard from Roman in two days and I don't know if he's safe," he wanted to say his life was rapidly dissolving into a bloodbath of innocent lives who had nothing to do with any of the pain and suffering this murderer was causing. But he just stayed silent, sniffling and trying to keep his breathing even.
"I know," he said finally, nodding despite knowing Emile couldn't see him. Remy stuck his head out into the hallway, motioning for him to come in the room before popping back through the doorway. "Emile, I need to go… Tell Patton I love him when he gets up, okay?" 
It wasn't that Roman didn't want to return any of Logan's calls, it was that he couldn't. Successively losing his friend and then his brother, so quickly and in such a gruesome way to boot, had left him practically incapable of leaving bed. He had rented a room in some shitty hotel to avoid having to move in with anyone again, although with his luck whoever the murderer was would just burn down the entire fucking hotel after locking all the doors.
Roman couldn't stop feeling like it was all his fault, and he guessed it was in a way. Someone was after him. He only wished that they'd just kill him and be done with it, not grossly terrorize his friends and family. 
He wished Logan was here. He knew he'd come if he was asked, but he didn't want to make him a target… Roman wished things were back like they used to be. The days when he was the only person who could get Logan to dance around the bedroom in boxers and a t-shirt, music from his phone blaring some slow song Logan didn't recognize. The days he'd sleep over at Logan's and laugh off the glares from his roommate about their lack of shirts. He missed the times like snowball fights outside the apartment and how the snow would get stuck in Logan’s hair and complement the flush on his face.
Roman missed the days before the young man with a scar on his face had tempted him away with the promise of money and love and the perfect life, before Ethan had convinced Roman to leave Logan for him. He'd phrased it like forbidden love, Romeo and Juliet, when really all it was was the biggest mistake of his life. 
He'd tried, he really had, to make it work with Dee. He'd accepted his early proposal. He'd done everything he once did with Logan with Dee and ignored the ache in his heart. Ignored the blackmailing and threats Dee would spit any time he so much as thought about Logan. Ignored how Dee had told Roman to quit his job, to stop talking his to friends, to focus on him and him alone… 
His phone buzzed again. It was probably another message from Logan asking where he was.
He pulled himself up by the headboard and grabbed the half-empty water bottle on the nightstand, chugging it all and tossing it on the floor. He glanced over at his phone just in time to see 3 new messages flashing before fading into darkness. 
Logan: Where are you? How are you feeling after all of this? I know this must be hard on you. 
Logan: Roman? I would appreciate a response soon. Now is not the time to be "playing hard to get," as Remy says.
Logan: Roman, although a text might not be the best way to figuratively "break the news," it seems my roomate Virgil has become the next victim… Please call me when you are able.
Roman felt his bottom lip begin to tremble. Even locking himself away from everyone wouldn't keep them safe. He felt like his entire chest was caving in on himself, that awful feeling of being so anxious and scared he needed to puke rising in his stomach and chest. 
He dropped his phone and ran to the bathroom, nearly bruising his knees as he collapsed in front of the toilet. But the nausea would only come back stronger when Roman saw the next messages he'd just received.
Dee😘😘: *sent a photo* 
Dee😘😘: uh oh! :(
When Roman clicked the notifications with trembling fingers, a photo of Roman and Logan kissing against Logan's car would light up his screen, the bad angle and quality unable to hide how Logan's hands were under Roman's shirt and how Roman was pulling Logan's face into his… 
And Roman's stomach would sink, all the pieces slotting together into one, horrible, picture.
The murder in the dressing room taglist:
@cataclysm-al @theteenagetrickster @intrurality-fusion @katie-the-noble-fangirl @whizzie72 @grayson-22 @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @winterwonderland7669 @missieluvsmurder @sign-from-god-complex @dragonindigo245 @angryfanboyscreaming @ninja-wizard101 @sombraookami @crystalistrappedintheinternet @imtooaromanticforthis @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @dragon-hair @satanblessi @spookilyfingergunsoutofexistence @skruffy901 @selectivereality @nonbeenary-enbee @imbasicallyshakespear @cats-vetal-miking-vomit @incoherentfangirl @oofmood @nonbianary-pineapple @royalnerd829 @unicornlogansanders
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