#the pin came out badly TwT
applejorka · 1 month
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Firstly, this is a blank for an pin (I have already made it). And secondly, I’m ashamed of the inscription on it, I don’t know why, I’m just embarrassed TwT.. Во первых это заготовка для значка (я его уже сделала). А во вторых мне стыдно за надпись на нём, сама не знаю почему, просто стыдно TwT..
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zhansww · 3 years
Hi. Thank you so much for replying. You gave me so much good information. I respect that you treat XZ and WY like people and not as fictional characters as I see so many people doing. I'm still reluctant to join this side of the fandom because from what I've seen so far, it's a mess. Tell me if I got this right: xfx= solo XZ fans who think WY and his team sabotaged XZ's career so he could be the top actor also hate cp fans because they support both XZ/WY. mtjj= solo WY fans.
Acknowledge that WY could be in love with XZ but think XZ doesn't care about him, hope WY moves on. They don't seem to like cp fans for not ruining XZ/WY's friendship? bjyx=cp fans. Some of them are supporters and, some of them are fetishizers. Want the solo fandoms to combine??? ( I still don't know what V/JK is) But is that the state of things?? Way more complicated than the CQL/MDZS fandom. I am enjoying your blog, your pinned post is the best introduction to the fandom imo. Are there any other analysis type blogs like yours that you could rec? Thank you. ( Sorry for the long ask)
oh my... smh your reluctance to join this part of the fandom makes you so endearing to me. If I wasn't as socially inept as I am, I'd ask you to be friends 🥺 Gonna put this all under a cut~
Let me start with the easiest thing to answer. V and Jk are two members from BTS whose relationship is shockingly real to me. I avoided writing their names or their cp name out cuz I didn't want my pinned post to show up in those searches. Unlike with ggdd, I never got the impression they'd be okay with speculations about them, though. So I don't ever feel the need to analyze or discuss about them. I just quietly believe in and support them.
You got xfx and mtjj right. Xfx is the official fan name for XZ's solo fans. Mtjj is not an official fan name, though, i.e. Yibo or his company never made it official, as far as I know. It stands for motojiejie which means motorcycle sisters, there's also mtgg = motorcycle brothers but you'll mostly see mtjj. Bxg is what ggdd's cp fans are called. It stands for BoXiaoGirls/Guys. It can also stand for baixiangguo which means "passion fruit". And there's a third meaning which I don't know but has something to do with turtles and which is why you're likely to see bxg refer to themselves as turtles. Bjyx is ggdd's main, fanmade cp name. It was coined back in April 2018, after XZ and WYB only just got confirmed as the actors who get to play WWX and LWJ. One of the rules in the bjyx supertopic on weibo is that you can't switch their "roles". And those were solely based on wang/xian but I suppose once fans realized that ggdd is actually real and their dynamic is vastly different from wang/xian, they came up with different cp names for different dynamics. There's also zsww and lsfy. (Sidenote; if I remember correctly, bjyx means “to make your special someone smile”. Zsww means “lord over a district/castle” and lsfy means “chain reaction”) And as far as I know, zsww fans are called little bandits and lsfy fans are called baby lotus. I apologize if me explaining this makes you feel weird in any way (cuz this fandom separation is dumb af) - I just wanna give you any info I have cuz you might come across some of this, at least. Anyway, the most common abbreviations you'll see; bxg = ggdd cp fans and bjyx = ggdd's cp name. There's also bjyxszd 博君一肖是真的 which means "bjyx is real" or bjyxszd 并肩于学山之巅 which means "side by side atop the snowy summit" and is a phrase that bxg use to hide the first phrase in plain sight, so to say.
I don't know what it's called but there's actually also a supertopic on weibo for XZ and WYB solo fans who believe that ggdd is real but are still only solo fans. So truthfully, you can't really generalize that. Some solo fans do believe in ggdd and are supportive but not necessarily openly. I (like to) think most solo fans are just dedicated to their idol and don't care about anything or anyone else and that's it. The rest, though... yeah, those are the obnoxious ones. Who made up ridiculous conspiracy theories about how Yibo and his company are responsible for what happened last February to gg. Or who make up theories about how XZ only got as successful as he is because he copied Yibo. They really want to believe that ggdd aren’t special to each other or that they even hate one another. So they come up with the dumbest bs to e.g. vilify XZ. Like, about a year ago, mtjj got mad at gg cuz they thought he, as dd's boyfriend, must have forced dd to sell one of his motorcycles. When Yibo uses kadian, they think he just does it to bait cp fans. But when XZ uses kadian, he's being the worst, most careless boyfriend and how tf could he put Yibo in danger like that. And yes, I've seen the same hateful mtjj spout such contradictory nonsense. It can be quite hilarious, ngl. I only follow decent solo stans so I truthfully don't know what the newest sh-t is that antis/solos have come up with.
When it comes to bxg... yes, there are a lot of supporters but also way too many who seem to be unable to separate ggdd from novel!wang/xian. They so badly want only bjyx - that dynamic - to be real that they constantly feel the need to "change reality" to make it happen by e.g. misgendering gg, drawing him smaller than dd and/or more feminine, making assumptions about him and his character that are simply untrue but fit their preferred dynamic so they keep spreading those assumptions. They way they view XZ is wrong and beyond disrespectful and yet, they call themselves fans. I genuinely hope you'll never even have to see any thing of the sort. I don't actually know anything about bxg, wanting to combine the solo fandoms xD I guess, ideally that would be desirable but I wonder if that's even possible.
Thank you so much for liking my pinned post... That and a lot of the posts that I linked in it are what I keep hoping may make more people believe in and support ggdd and it makes me so so glad that it could be of use to you! About recs, I could recommend you some twt accounts or on here, gif makers and fanartists that I like and follow but I don't follow any ggdd blogs that make a lot of text posts. And just to be clear, I don't make many text posts myself either. I stay away from rumors (unless they become more than that) and from stalker info and from all the reaching, too. You might find it interesting, I don't know, but me, I see no point, mulling over any and every minute connection between ggdd that may or may not even be real. It gets too invasive or ridiculous imo. I actually also stay away from all that recent behind the scenes footage of ggdd because I highly disapprove of the way it was acquired. I only comment on things about them that I consider reasonable and possibly noteworthy and that preferably come from the men themselves. And occasionally, I gush about how cute and perfect they are together. Sorry I can't be more helpful with this last question >.<
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damienthepious · 4 years
would you do the fic commentary thing on that part from ch2 of thorns where arum starts talking about human poetry? the part that starts “Poet, and Arum repeats the word with too much glee and not enough mockery.” because I am,, so in love with that whole bit
[Pick a short passage from any fanfic I’ve written and send it to me, and I’ll give you the equivalent of a DVD commentary on that snippet]
TwT oh thank you i have been so desperate to talk about fic today, you’re my hero. so. thorns.
[Poet, the knight says. // Poet, and Arum repeats the word with too much glee and not enough mockery.] This was!! one of the first parts of this whole fic I wrote!!! I am obsessed with the duels let’s be real. also OwO Arum likes poetry hhhhhhhhh
[Arum enjoys poetry, though not the kind that monsters tend to produce, as he discovered quite accidentally during his research on flower symbolism. Perhaps he dove too deep in that vein, but he does not regret that choice.] Arum... alright so Arum is thorough, I feel like we’ve seen that a couple of times in canon by now, testing and testing to sleeplessness, his attempts at more rigorous science in LotFT... I like to think he’s thorough in his research, too. And he wanted, very very badly, to figure these dreams the FUCK out. My assumption was, if he was digging into flower symbolism to try to figure out the significance of his flowers, that would pretty easily lead him towards poetry. Y’know. Starting with examples of how such symbolism was used, spiraling off from there.......
[Most monster poetry is too easy, too indulgent- saying exactly what you want to say in a poem is boring, by Arum’s estimation.] SO. Monster society is built upon doing exactly what you want as a way to make the universe happy. Which i imagine would result in some hella freewheelin’ free verse, and form poetry basically never. And honestly, I doubt Arum is entirely correct, I’m sure there are plenty of skillful monster poets, but i figure that the kinds of monsters who send their poetry around to chill in other monster’s collections are probably pretty full of themselves in a way that would grate on Arum.
[He would never admit as much aloud, but human poetry is wildly superior.] “He would never admit it out loud” could be Arum’s fucking THEME. SONG. But yes. You ever read something and it just- pins you and makes your breath catch and you realize that the author has used a form so skillfully that the entire piece is elevated by the challenge rather than impeded? yeah. that.
[The restraint of it, the challenge of using the language so deftly and precisely; a skillful human poet can provoke a rather intense satisfaction.] could i have written that in a way that came off less.... hm. sensually? maybe. maybe. we all make choices. Also Arum is sleep deprived, and he probably wouldn’t be thinking that deeply about this if he were better rested and if he wasn’t already trying to clamp down on how much he likes Damien’s voice and word choice...
[However, feeling charmed by the profession of this human is terrifically unhelpful, and embarrassing besides.] WE ARE DUELING, ARUM. AND YOU SHOULDN’T LIKE A HUMAN. GET IT TOGETHER.
[“Delicate as- honeysuckle,” he says, too distracted to mind his tongue, and the dream rushes back to him in a flurry of petals and nectar a half-second too late.] poet brought him to symbolism brought him back to the flowers, and Damien already felt bright and yellow, already reminded him of honey, and the connection just- leaps
Oops. The dreams have a face now. One of two, darling, hang on to your cape.
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