#the placenta files
placentaeater999 · 10 months
My friends. Put your lobe fins together for...
PlacentaEater's Autism Fish Paper
This is 8 pages of absolute glory (not written very academically, i wanted it to be a bit more accessible and better formated for a random ass social media thing) that took me about 5 hours to make. There might be some grammar or spelling or punctuation mistakes, idc, im having a fun time and that's what matters. This isn't the most serious paper ever written.
Thanks you all for your patience, I know this has been long awaited. I'm really excited to share this with you all. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. <3
NOTE: The longer parts have TL;DRs on them if u dont wanna spend a ton of time reading it ;)
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thoughtportal · 7 months
In March 2021, sheriffs in Etowah county, Alabama, arrested Ashley Caswell on accusations that she’d tested positive for methamphetamine while pregnant and was “endangering” her fetus.
Caswell, who was two months pregnant at the time, became one of a growing number of women imprisoned in the county in the name of protecting their “unborn children”.
But over the next seven months of incarceration for “chemical endangerment” in the Etowah county detention center (ECDC), Caswell was denied regular access to prenatal visits, even as officials were aware her pregnancy was high-risk due to her hypertension and abnormal pap smears, according to a lawsuit filed on Friday against the county and the sheriff’s department. She was also denied her prescribed psychiatric medication and slept on a thin mat on the concrete floor of the detention center for her entire pregnancy.
In October, when her water broke and she pleaded to be taken to a hospital, her lawyer says, officials told her to “sleep it off” and “wait until Monday” to deliver – two days away.
During nearly 12 hours of labor, staff gave her only Tylenol for her pain, the suit says, allegedly telling her to “stop screaming”, to “deal with the pain” and that she was “not in full labor”. Caswell lost amniotic fluid and blood and was alone and standing up in a jail shower when she ultimately delivered her child, according to the complaint and her medical records. She nearly bled to death, her lawyers say.
After she was taken to a hospital, she was diagnosed with placental abruption, a condition in which the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus and the fetus is deprived of oxygen, meaning there was a risk of stillbirth. The baby survived, but Caswell was immediately separated from her newborn.
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androgynealienfemme · 2 years
Doctors have denied an American woman on holiday in Malta a potentially life-saving abortion, despite saying her baby had a “zero chance” of survival after she was admitted to hospital with severe bleeding in her 16th week of pregnancy.
Despite an “extreme risk” of haemorrhage and infection, doctors at the Mater Dei hospital in Msida told Andrea Prudente that they would not perform a termination because of the country’s total ban on abortion.
Prudente and her husband are seeking a medical transfer from Malta to the UK, which the couple say is their only option due to the risk to her life. They claim medical staff were uncooperative in their attempts to leave and in sharing medical records with the couple’s insurance company.
“I just want to get out of here alive,” Prudente told the Guardian from her hospital room in Malta’s capital, Valletta. “I couldn’t in my wildest dreams have thought up a nightmare like this.”
Activists in Malta say the case has alarming echoes of the treatment of Savita Halappanavar, who died of sepsis in an Irish hospital in 2012 after doctors refused a request to terminate her pregnancy when she began to miscarry at 17 weeks, due to the abortion ban that was in place in Ireland then.
Malta is the only country in the EU to ban abortion under any circumstances. The only options for those seeking to end a pregnancy on the island nation are to buy illegal abortion medication online or seek a termination overseas.
Prudente, 38, was on holiday with her partner, Jay Weeldreyer, 45, on the island of Gozo on 12 June when she began bleeding heavily in the night.
Doctors in Gozo prescribed her a drug to protect against miscarriage, but two days later when they were back on Malta, the main island, Prudente’s waters broke and she was admitted to St Thomas hospital, where she was told that her placenta had become partially detached.
A follow-up ultrasound 48 hours later found there was no amniotic fluid left in her womb, and the couple were told the baby could not survive. They were also told that because of Malta’s abortion law, there was nothing doctors could do to end the pregnancy as long as the foetus had a heartbeat.
Prudente was transferred to Mater Dei hospital, where she was additionally diagnosed with a ruptured membrane and an umbilical cord that was protruding from her cervix, putting her at even greater risk of haemorrhage and infection. She also tested positive for Covid-19. She is being kept in Covid isolation and receiving antibiotics to ward off infection.
Weeldreyer said medical staff came to check for a foetal heartbeat every day.
“It’s an inconceivable form of emotional and psychological torture,” he said. “Part of me still celebrates hearing the heartbeat … and at the same time, I don’t want that heartbeat there because this is just leading to more suffering for this woman that I love.”
Lara Dimitrijevic, founder of Malta’s Women’s Rights Foundation and the lawyer representing Prudente, said the hospital only provided medical records after she intervened, which has delayed a transfer to the UK.
“It took a day for Andrea to receive her file and we are dealing with an emergency situation,” she said. “Every minute could lend itself to putting Andrea’s life in danger.”
Mater Dei hospital confirmed that it had given Prudente access to her file, but did not comment further on the case.
Prudente said the current advice from Maltese medical staff was for her to leave the hospital and wait at the couple’s hotel for the foetus’s heartbeat to stop or for Prudente to develop an infection, after which they could intervene.
“I feel like I’m being actively traumatised,” she said.
The Women’s Rights Foundation filed a judicial protest last week on behalf of 188 women, claiming the Maltese government’s blanket ban on abortion breached their right to health, privacy and equality. The foundation is now preparing to launch a case challenging the constitutional ban.
Weeldreyer said the couple had no idea that Malta had an abortion ban when they booked the holiday, intended to be a “babymoon”, where they could spend time on a Mediterranean island before the birth of their first child together.
Prudente said she was “desperate” to get off the island and receive appropriate medical care, but also wanted to raise awareness of the situation in Malta to prevent others suffering in the way that she had.
“I don’t want this to happen to more people,” she said.
This is the reality of abortion bans. This is what it leads to. Being asked to wait until you get an infection before you can terminate a dangerous pregnancy.
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bfpnola · 8 months
Since 2009, a group called the Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory had been trying to build a $1.5 billion Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) on top of Mauna Kea, which they said would give scientists an even better opportunity to observe the emergence of new planets, stars, and galaxies than the telescopes that are already there. But throughout history, Native Hawaiians have held sacred ceremonies on the mountain to bury their most beloved ancestors as well as the ‘iewe (placenta) and piko (umbilical cord) of their newborns—so to them the mountain is family. And tradition. And love. And that’s why many, including Mahelona, activated to protect it, setting up camp to block the access road developers would need to take to start construction.
“As Native Peoples, our land and our stories and our traditions have been ripped away from us,” she says. “And that’s because, for Western imperialism and their systems, nothing is sacred. The message of colonization is: You are not sacred, and this land is not sacred. Whatever you do to take care of yourself and your land is invalid. That’s why we’re always going to be fighting for land justice and water justice and climate justice and liberation.”
True to her word, four years later, Mahelona is continuing to fight for a variety of causes—including water justice around the Red Hill water crisis on O‘ahu and land and climate justice following the devastating Maui fires on August 8. But her way of fighting these injustices is a little different from what you might expect. Inspired by her time on Mauna Kea, Mahelona left her job as a bank accountant to become a grief worker who uses ceremonial rituals to help people process their emotions and heal. And to her, grief work is activism work; the two are inextricably linked.
🚨 want more materials like these? this resource was shared through BFP’s discord server! everyday, dozens of links and files are requested and offered by youth around the world! and every sunday, these youth get together for virtual teach-ins. if you’re interested in learning more, join us! link in our bio! 🚨
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yellowjackets 206 thoughts
no one hears anyone crying but y'all will hear these spoilers if you don't scroll past. spoilers below
precrash!taivan with their desks together during sex ed and tagteaming randy. this was the last time i was seen happy and carefree.
"youre married taissa, there's no us anymore" honestly simone is probably already done filing the papers dw honey we're good.
i know some will take tai minding into van's broke and bitchless business as a whole pot calling kettle black situation etc, BUT i'm arguing that she cares about her loved ones (nat, van) so much that she's willing to ignore the shitload of problems on her own plate to help out where she can
the dream birth sequence was so creepy from the start til end. personally, i think its either shauna placenta previaed and postpartum hemorrhaged into her obligatory near death dream/hallucination sequence. OR she just passed out and the dream was a manifestation of all her insecurities, worries and grief.
tai is seriously shauna's RIDE AND DIE. shoving the van's deer bone into her hand and giving her the Lottie special. tai LOVES shauna SO HARD.
travis you have 5 litres of blood to donate with no monthly bleeds and yet you only gave the gods THREE DROPS????? lottie dont lie to him we can BARELY see his sacrifice.
still better than ben i guess. dude just dipped and went to his mind palace
"i love you so much" "it's you and me kid" shauna i dont need a reminder of my mommy issues rn
lottie turning shauna's son into a communal baby like wdym OUR???!?!?!!?
natalie :C she has so much survivor's guilt and remorse that she genuinely believes she's an irredeemable, irreparable Very Very Bad person incapable to be loved because everything she touches hurts one way or another.
lisa and 14th gilly will remind natalie she is so capable of love and to be love. TRUST.
misty praising natalie among lottie's acolytes. she's rooting for natalie so hard. its adorable how much she loves natalie in all the weirdest ways
simone kessell you are a STAR. the lottie-psychiatrist scene MOVED MOUNTAINS
speaking of psychiatrist, that woman is not your psychiatrist. she is switching your meds, egging you on and praying on your downfall.
teen shauna's sincere, pure and unadulterated love thesis for her son versus adult shauna's nonchalantly saying why didn't callie have sex WITH A FUCKING GROWN ASS MAN PREDATOR to nullify the evidence... the wilderness really did a number on her huh
thank fuck some maternal instincts kicked in during the pornstache interrogation
day 8349 of pornstache saracusa not being dead or tortured. its honestly upsetting
nat staring at van during the milf avengers line up bc nat's just shocked to see van in the flesh ever since these two childhood bestfriends lost contact postrescue.
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scogito · 1 year
Sperma decimato, ovaie danneggiate: La "vaccinazione" Covid può compromettere la fertilità. Ciò che è stato a lungo negato come una teoria della cospirazione è ora scritto nero su bianco negli studi di prova del produttore.
...Il fatto che ora lo sappiamo è merito dei "Pfizer Files". Un gruppo di cittadini ha ottenuto con successo da un tribunale del Texas che i documenti degli studi di prova della "vaccinazione" fossero divulgati. Pfizer, in collaborazione con le autorità statunitensi, aveva cercato invano di ottenere 75 anni di segretezza. Ora è possibile leggere ciò che è realmente accaduto durante la fase di sperimentazione, ciò che l'azienda sapeva e come questo contraddica ciò che è stato detto alle persone nelle campagne di vaccinazione in tutto il mondo.
Effetti sull'organismo
I risultati più importanti delle 300.000 pagine sono stati riassunti nel libro "Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports". La coeditrice Naomi Wolf scrive nella prefazione: "La cosa più inquietante è il riconoscibile attacco a tutto campo alla capacità riproduttiva umana". La vaccinazione potrebbe causare danni in termini di numero di spermatozoi, testicoli, motilità degli spermatozoi, ovaie, cicli mestruali e placenta.
Pfizer ha riportato innumerevoli "eventi avversi" durante la serie di test con 40.000 partecipanti. Tra questi, aborti spontanei e morti al parto. La stessa azienda ha parlato anche di "disturbi riproduttivi". Ma al momento del lancio del "vaccino" non c'era nulla di tutto questo. Al contrario: le prime indicazioni di un'influenza negativa sulla fertilità sono sempre state liquidate come teorie cospirative.
Questo vale anche per gli effetti sull'organismo femminile. Nelle prime dodici settimane dopo l'inizio della "vaccinazione", le madri che allattano si sono lamentate con il produttore di paralisi parziale, mancanza di latte materno o emicrania. Nei neonati, tra i sintomi segnalati vi erano vomito, febbre e infiammazioni cutanee. Pfizer ha dovuto assumere 2.400 persone in più per far fronte alla mole di feedback, ma ha mantenuto la sua decisione: il "vaccino" deve essere somministrato anche alle donne in gravidanza e in allattamento. Le autorità preposte al rilascio delle licenze nei vari Paesi, tra cui la Svizzera, hanno approvato questa raccomandazione senza problemi.
In molti casi, tuttavia, la gravidanza probabilmente non si è nemmeno verificata. I documenti che il produttore ha voluto tenere nascosti dimostrano che la fertilità maschile potrebbe risentire del "vaccino". Pfizer non ha approfondito la questione perché era "sotto pressione" e voleva accelerare lo sviluppo del "vaccino".
Vedi maternità surrogata, malati cronici e depopolamento. Non creano mai qualcosa per un solo fine.
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eva-knits12 · 1 month
OJ Simspon and Nicole Brown Simpson
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(I know thid GIF of Madea seems inappropriate, but there's a reason why I'm using it!)
Trigger warning: Domestic violence
Please contact 1-800-799-7233 if you or someone you know is in a domestic violence situation.
Cancer finally did to OJ what God couldn't do! Now, OJ is rotting in hell. If that's too harsh, then oh, well! It's where OJ belongs!
I was 14 years old when the news broke on that June day back in 1994. I was 15 years old when the verdict came back as not guilty.
Follow this:
OJ Simpson started dating Nicole Brown in 1977. She was 18 years old. He beat her the first time. The abuse NEVER stopped! She was still a teenager, and the abuse NEVER stopped.
Fast forward to 1985. They were married. She was 26 years old. She also had the couples first child, Sydney, in 1985. He made comments about her weight. She was pregnant, and weight gain is important not only for mom, but also for the baby. You have more than a baby. You have an amniotic sac and a placenta, so a mother-to-be needs calories and nutrients for a pregnancy to be normal and healthy.
The abuse NEVER stopped. No matter what she did to please him, the abuse NEVER stopped.
Fast forward to 1988, when their second child was born. The abuse NEVER stopped.
Fast forward to New Years Day, 1989. The abuse wasn't going to stop! OJ was screaming at her, threatening her, and was hitting her, to the point where the police were called. The arresting officer was forced to let him go. OJ told his friends on the LAPD that he was the victim. That is typical for any abuser!
Fast forward to 1992. Nicole files for divorce from OJ, hoping to get away from him. Her devout Catholic parents plead with her to reconcile. She does, due to parental pressure and religious pressure. Still, the abuse NEVER stops!
Fast forward to October 1993, one year after Nicole filed for and was granted a divorce. OJ stalked her while they separated, even breaking into her rented house at one point. This was not the first incident! This was one of many over the year long period.
Nicole called 911, yet again. She reported the incident yet again. He was going to "beat the shit out of her" yet again. OJ was yelling at her and making threats in the background. Yes, audio of this can be tracked down. They were reconciling, which given the past incidents, is a stupid thing to do, but this isn't unusual for anyone in a violent and toxic relationship. It has a lot to do with trauma bonding. Still, the abuse NEVER stopped.
Fast forward to January, 1994. Nicole leaves for good this time. Nicole was renting a home in Brentwood. Everything at that point was going to be about the kids and her sisters and her family. She was finally becoming free from OJ. Plans were made. Plans that included camping, going to Yosemite, to go hiking, go to Club Med, go on vacations, day trips, etc. OJ was also stalking Nicole, and the abuse NEVER stopped. The stalking NEVER stopped.
Fast forward to April, 1994. Nicole meets Ron Goldman. The two start a platonic relationship. Keep in mind that there's a ten year age gap, so a platonic relationship makes a lot of sense. Not just for Nicole, who's navigating life as a single parent, she's navigating life without her abuser for the first time in 15 years. For Ron, who was a waiter, it also made sense. The abuse and the stalking NEVER stopped.
Fast forward to June 12, 1994. Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown are stabbed multiple times by someone hiding in the bushes of Nicole's house. It was believed to be OJ's oldest son. Everyone had just come back from dinner after the daughter's dance recital. Her mother forgot her reading glasses at the Mezza Luna restaurant, so Ron brought them back. The coroner found defensive wounds on Nicole. She was almost decapitated! Ron couldn't get away, he was trying to protect Nicole by screaming "Hey!" as a way to get OJ's attention, hoping that he would run away. The abuse finally stops!
Fast forward to September 13, 1994. President Bill Clinton signs the Violence Against Women Act of 1994.
Fast forward to October 3, 1995. The trial lasts for 11 months. Now, murder trials aren't cut and dry as they are on Law and Order, they're not solved in an hour. Instead, these can take months. The verdict is read as "Not Guilty". White people were just gutted and appalled, while black people were cheering. Celebrity had EVERYTHING to do with this trial. Domestic violence victims were even cheering at the verdict, which was even more disgusting.
During all of this, there were 62 incidents of abuse that were documented by Nicole Brown Simpson. She kept diaries of the abuse. She took pictures of herself after OJ beat her. She kept her important documents, and the diaries of abuse in a safety deposit box at a local bank. (If you're in that situation, please keep your important documents in a safety deposit box, along with recorded incidents of abuse.) You can see in photos that she doesn't have any life in her, any light in her. She looks like a scared animal. The smile isn't even there. Her eyes are scared and sad.
The legal system failed her. The criminal justice failed her. Her parents were fighting for custody so that their grandchildren could be away from this monster. It would have been a matter of time before OJ started to abuse his kids with Nicole. The family court system failed the Browns and the kids.
Celebrity won. OJ got away with murder. In my opinion, OJ is a typical narcissist and a typical batterer. I watched that interview he did back in 2017 or 2018 on FOX. My opinion hasn't changed.
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aajjks · 2 months
you bite your bottom lip when jungkook mentions sana and naming your future daughter after her. if you’re an expert at pissing jungkook off then he’s an expert at getting under your skin. you begin wondering why you even laid with this man. you should’ve snuck some herbal contraceptives to prevent this blessing from happening but it’s too late now. you both are parents now, immature parents who continue to go back and forth at one another which probably made your infant son cry.
“Awww my baby… it’s okay I know mommy is being really mean right now but she’ll be fine” says jungkook to his infant son while caressing his head to soothe him. you roll your eyes at jungkook’s sly comment but instead of sassing back at him, you focus on your baby boy who slowly opens his eyes to look at his father.
it’s then that jungkook comes up with a name. a name he’s already had in mind for his future, now present, son.
“jinseoul. jeon jinseoul”
the name means ‘leader’ and you find it typical that jungkook would give him that name since he would be the heir to the throne but you like it.
“hmm…i think i like it. i think he likes it too, huh jinseoul?” you coo as your son continues to look at his father with eyes that look very familiar.
*knock* *knock*
“your highness? we are ready to wash the prince. have you come up with a name?” interrupts dr. lee who returns with a new pair of gloves on his hands, clothes, paperwork, and a blade to cut the placenta.
“yes, the king named him jinseoul. jeon jinseoul” you say with a smile as you hand dr. lee your son. “a beautiful name for a beautiful child. congratulations” he says as he cuts the placenta and hands jinseoul off to a nurse that will clean and clothe your son.
“it’s okay, queen y/n. he’s in good hands. here, let’s take of your first shall we? it seems your vaginal area was split”
“my WHAT?!” you panic. “but it doesn’t feel split?!”
“calm down, your highness. it’ll be quick”
while jungkook files the paperwork for jinseoul and whatever else he does, dr. lee finishes sewing the split area and helps you walk to the washroom to clean yourself. when you return after refreshing yourself, you find your son sleeping soundly in a bassinet close to your bed swaddled in a blanket with a blue hat on his head and a pacifier in his mouth.
“aww~ look at you. you’re so…you’re so tiny” you whisper as you waddle to get in bed but find it hard because of the pain.
“and i’m in so much pain” you whine “there’s no way i’m having another child after this”
The next week has been filled with nothing but bliss.
And now that your prince is one week old, Jungkook has decided to throw a whole celebratory dinner. You didn’t want it- but then again have you ever agreed with jungkook on anything?
So, as he visits you in your chamber- he has no idea why are you are staying here but maybe it’s because you need to heal- so he is not too mad. “Where is my son??” He announces his own presence and you look at him all startled.
And soon- jungkook finds himself all dazed, because just look at you.
That dress is definitely magnificent but you’re the one who’s wearing the dress and the Purple crown on your head is only adding onto your beauty.
How are you so beautiful he can understand and there is no way in hell that he can actually find words to describe how beautiful you are.
“Wow yn… look at you… beyond gorgeous.” He breathes out, you’ve got his heart beating like a 14-year-old, who has just seen a girl for the first time. Weird way to put it but that’s exactly how he feels right now, even though it’s really specific and creepy.
You are busy scolding him, but he doesn’t really care because he cannot really hear anything right now-that isn’t until he is interrupted by the cooing coming from the bassinet.
“Oh sorry Seoul.. daddy was busy admiring mommy‘s beauty..” he giggles, and he has been obsessed with his child ever since he’s been born and you cannot blame him because you’ve given him the most adorable little baby ever.
Without asking for your permission because he doesn’t think that he needs it so he goes to pick up with jinseoul from his golden bassinet.
Of course it’s golden. Literally.
He’s so small, but the baby immediately cuddles into his father’s hard chest, probably because he can recognize jungkooks now familiar scent.
“Look at him- my baby is the most handsome baby in the world.” Jinseoul is also wrapped up in beautiful silk, Jungkook is not looking too bad either because he’s got a golden robe on.
This is the best day in his life. Of course he’s going to look a little over the top.
“Come on mommy- are you ready now? I think you’re more than perfect so let’s join the officials for dinner!”
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Michelle Madden, 18 (USA)
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18-year-old Michelle (known as Shelly to her family) was a student at Mobile College in Mobile, Alabama. She had epilepsy and was taking medication to manage it, but was otherwise perfectly healthy.
When Michelle found out that she was pregnant, she was told that her epilepsy medication would “probably” cause birth defects. (It is unknown if any tests were ever run to see if there actually were any birth defects at all.) The teenager went with a friend to the Family Planning Medical Center, which was actually an abortion facility. The facility later claimed to have given Michelle counseling, but she was on the operating table only 15 minutes after she walked through the door.
That same day, Michelle’s parents were preparing to go to Mississippi to spend Thanksgiving with a family member. They got a call from Michelle’s roommate telling them that their daughter was sick.
“We didn’t think anything of it. We told her we were going to come the next day to pick her up,” Michelle’s mother told the Mobile Press Register.
But before they even left the house, the house mother at the dorm called, asking if Michelle had abnormal periods and saying that she had a strange mark on her face. Again, the parents weren’t particularly worried.
But when they arrived at the dorm, they found out that Michelle wasn’t there. She was in the hospital having emergency surgery.
When doctors operated on Michelle, they found a leg bone, two pieces of her baby’s skull and some placenta left inside of her uterus. The surgery to save her life was too late. Sepsis already set in from the rotting pieces of the corpse, and Michelle died three days after she was admitted.
Michelle’s parents sued the abortionist and his facility. A judge awarded 10 million dollars to the grieving family, but Evans appealed on the grounds that this would “devastate him financially” because his malpractice insurance would only cover $1 million.
Michelle’s parents agreed to settle for $5 million with the insurance company paying the entire amount. Not content with that, Evans then sued his malpractice insurance company for not having settled with the family for $1 million prior to the trial, claiming that he had been subjected to “emotional distress, humiliation, damage to his reputation, and loss of business” — such “emotional distress”, he asserted, was “so severe that no reasonable person could be expected to endure it.” (Apparently the lawsuit was what caused Evans such distress and not the unnecessary deaths of a teenage girl who had trusted him and her defenseless unborn baby.)
Michelle’s parents told the news about the horrifying treatment their daughter had endured in the final days of her life as well as the complete lack of parental consent. “Two weeks before, she crushed her finger and had to have it X-rayed at the hospital.” said her mother. “We had to ensure the hospital we would send them the signed release to have her hand X-rayed.” Yet Michelle underwent a dangerous unnecessary surgery without her family’s consent or notification.
Mrs. Madden gave a message in the newspaper after her daughter and grandchild were killed in the hopes that it would spare others from sharing Michelle’s fate: “Too many young girls out there are picking up the phone book and looking for abortion clinics saying, Here's a quick easy way out of it and nobody has to know. I think people see it as an easy out, but there are other options that are safer.”
Michelle and her baby deserved better. Even if Michelle’s baby might have had disabilities, there was no reason for anyone to pressure her into an abortion— no reason except ableism and greed.
“Lawsuit is filed against abortion clinic,” Mobile Press Register 6/6/91
“Parents Finally get to tell daughter’s story,” Mobile Press Register, 6/16/91
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Evans vs. Mutual Assurance
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placentaeater999 · 11 months
What do you think about sturgeon fish and do you have a favorite species
I think sturgeons are fucking incredible. Coming in around the late cretaceous and still being here relatively unchanged is fuckin awesome. Evolutionarily speaking theyre fuckin crazy i love them. They have similar anatomy to sharks despite being something completely different, and instead of getting rid of their big bony scutes in flavor of more flexible scales like most fishes nowadays, they are out here like ehehe armor.
2000000/10 fish
Favorite species is probably Acipenser stellatus (Starry Sturgeon)
They just look so cool 👍
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struggles-and-prose · 8 months
🩺 My "Not So" Beautiful Heart 🫀
I might have mentioned it before, but I suffer from congenital heart defects. And yes, defects as in plural lol. As I study a lot of medicine, I've also studied Cardiology to better understand my heart. It's quite interesting if you ask me.
This... ˅˅˅
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... is a normal heart. Yes, I drew this lol.
And this... ˅˅˅
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...is my heart.
Now, some of these issues have been fixed, obviously. But which ones? I'm not sure lol. On my medical file, it says ASD and PDA, but the other 2, I'm not sure. Look, I may be a huge nerd, but I don't understand everything lol. But hey, I'm 31, so that must mean that most of it is fixed XD.
So, let's look at them one at a time shall we.
🤎 Patent Arterial Duct (PDA):
PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus or Patent Arterial Duct) is a heart defect that can develop not long after birth. It affects the way blood flows through a baby’s lungs.
It occurs when the opening between the aorta (artery that carries blood to the body) and the pulmonary artery (artery that carries blood to the lungs) doesn't close as it should.
This causes too much blood to flow into the baby's lungs. While a baby develops in the womb, an opening between the aorta and pulmonary artery (ductus arteriosus) allows blood to go straight to the body. Blood doesn't need to go to the lungs first, because the mother supplies the baby with oxygenated blood through the placenta. The ductus arteriosus should close on its own a few days after birth. When it doesn't, a small connection may not be problematic, but a larger one can cause a range of symptoms and require closure.
Symptoms of PDA depend on the size of the opening:
Fast or hard breathing
Frequent respiratory infections
Heart murmur (Fun to hear through a stethoscope lol)
Poor weight gain
Trouble feeding or tiredness while feeding
There's 2 treatments for PDA, usually done with catheterization or surgery, depending on the severity:
1) Cardiac catheterization:
They make a small incision near a large blood vessel in the leg (usually in the groin) and insert a catheter into it, which threads up to the PDA. They then slide a coil through the catheter and into the PDA to close it.
2) Patent ductus arteriosus surgery (This is what I had):
Open heart surgery is usually more risky than cardiac catheterization and requires a longer recovery time. During this procedure, they make an incision in the chest to then close the connection with stitches or small metal clips.
Left untreated, PDA may cause complications such as:
Heart failure
Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary hypertension
The outlook after PDA treatment for children who have no other heart conditions (which is so not my case XD) is excellent. Most, go on to lead full, healthy lives with no restrictions on activities. They may require yearly checkups with a cardiologist to make sure everything is fine. Children who had PDA treatment may, in very rare cases, require a second surgery if the hole opens up again.
🖤Atrial septal defect (ASD) Secundum:
ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) is a hole in the heart between the 2 upper chambers (atria). This increases the amount of blood that flows through the lungs.
There's 4 types of ASD:
Secundum (This is what I had): Most common type of ASD, it occurs in the middle of the wall between the upper heart chambers (atrial septum).
Primum: Affects the lower part of the atrial septum and might occur with other congenital heart defects.
Sinus venosus: Rare type of ASD, usually occurs in the upper part of the wall separating the heart chambers.
Coronary sinus: Rare type where part of the wall between the coronary sinus and the left upper heart chamber (left atrium) is missing.
Symptoms of ASD can begin in adulthood (They caught mine at birth though):
Dyspnea (especially when exercising)
Swelling of legs, feet or abdomen
Heart murmur
Treatment for ASD depends on the condition and how much extra blood the ASD allows. Most ASDs can be closed using a cardiac catheterization procedure.
Left untreated, ASD may cause complications such as:
Right-sided heart failure
Early death
Pulmonary hypertension
Eisenmenger syndrome
🤍Pulmonary Stenosis:
Pulmonary stenosis is a narrowing of the pulmonary valve. The greater the narrowing, the harder the right ventricle (lower right heart chamber) works to pump blood to the lungs. The increased pressure causes the right ventricle to become thick.
Symptoms of Pulmonary stenosis depend on how much blood flow is blocked:
Heart murmur
Dyspnea (especially when esercising)
Chest pain
If you have mild pulmonary stenosis without symptoms, you may only need yearly checkups.
If it moderate or severe however, you may need a heart procedure or heart surgery. The type of procedure or surgery done depends on your overall health and the appearance of your pulmonary valve:
1) Balloon Valvuloplasty (This is what I had):
They inserts a catheter (flexible tube) with a balloon on the tip into an artery, usually in the groin. X-rays help guide the catheter to the narrowed valve in the heart. The balloon inflates, making the valve opening larger. The balloon is deflated. The catheter and balloon are removed. This procedure may improve blood flow through the heart and reduce pulmonary stenosis symptoms. But the valve could narrow again. Some need valve repair or replacement in the future.
2) Pulmonary valve replacement:
A open-heart surgery or a catheter procedure may be done to replace the pulmonary valve. If there are other heart problems, the surgeon may repair those during the same surgery.
Left untreated, pulmonary stenosis may cause complications such as:
Infective Endocarditis
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Heart failure
Swelling of the legs, feet and abdomen
Pregnancy complications (hard during labor)
💜RV Hypoplasia:
RV (Right Ventricule) Hypoplasia is a rare conginital heart defect characterized by underdevelopment of the right ventricle. This causes inadequate blood flow to the lungs.
Symptoms of RV Hypoplasia include:
Right-to-left shunt
PFO (Patent foramen ovale)
RAE (Right atrial enlargement)
Right ventricular failure
Heart murmur
Tricuspid regurgitation
Abnormal atrioventricular conduction
Bidirectional shunt
Congestive heart failure
Muscular ventricular septal defect
Pedal edema
Right bundle branch block
I can't seem to find the treatments for RV Hypoplasia and I've been searching for about 2 hours now lol. This is by far, the most complicated one that I've failed multiple times to understand lol. When I write “RV Hypoplasia” on Google, it shows me other diseases that are somewhat similar, but without knowing exactly what it is, I can't tell for sure if they changed its name after all these years. I'm assuming they did, but which one, I don't know. The one that is most similar so far is Isolated Right Ventricular Hypoplasia. The symptoms I listed are of Isolated Right Ventricular Hypoplasia.
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this somehow. Cardiology is one of my favorite fields of study in medicine and regardless of these disease, I've managed to live a semi normal life.
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veritanascoste · 9 months
Traduzione del video sopra
Raccogliere l'intero della persona: raccogliere lo stampo dei piedi di neonato per collegarlo "all'entità del nuovo nato" per poter poi consegnarla all'archivio del Vaticano tramite il servizio postale, generando un codice identificativo seriale. Lo stesso procedere avviene in caso di morte. Il certificatore di morte avviene assieme al pagamento in valuta monetaria nell'archivio vaticano. Ma i soldi arrivano solo quando la morte avviene prima dei 75 anni. La stampa serve adesso e per sempre come un sigillo sovrapposta da un francobollo da 1pound. Il file di ogni essere vivente e morto è conservato da migliaia di anni negli archivi Vaticani. In questi archivi troviamo trilioni di documenti che lo provano. Contengono la tua data di nascita e morte, l'impronta dei piedi, placenta secca e molto di più. Tutte le tue precedenti incarnazioni, i tuoi nomi e così via sono conservate ed elaborate dentro le mura vaticane. Al momento i dati della nostre esistenze sono elaborati dalla Big Tech. Il numero sul tuo certificato di nascita è utilizzato come un bond nel mercato mondiale delle merci. Il valore, la quantità di soldi è stata stimata in base alla tua età e alla tua occupazione. Che tu muoia per un incidende, per malattia o in guerra, il Vaticano riceve il relativo pagamento dalla fazione che ha causato la tua dipartita. Se sei un'anima di qualche interesse, gli operatori sono in grado di rintracciare nomi e luoghi indietro nel tempo. Ovviamente il tuo nome legale porta al tracciamento dei tuoi compagni, spose/i, parenti, presenti e passati.
Tramite il "Cestui que act" del 1666 sei per sempre proprietà della corporazione del Vaticano, come lo sei adesso!!! Tutti i futuri movimenti e azioni portati avanti da audaci esseri umani non possono cambiare questo. Tutti i fatti saranno ignorati. Fino a quando continuerai a partecipare in un contratto, come la patente di guida, conto bancario, assicurazione, contratto d'impiego ecc. sarai trattato come un'entità morta e il tuo sudore sarà loro. Ci sono trucchi e trappole per ogni porta che apri nella tua vita. Che tu entri in una farmacia, in ufficio pubblico, in un porto o in una stazione di polizia.. che tu entri in un tribunale o in ufficio governativo, sei un pacco con un numero seriale, non più buon essere umano. L'unico modo possibile per essere vivo è governare il tuo vascello umano come il legittimo proprietario sotto la legge del mare!
Cambiare proprietà alla tua anima non è semplice, richiede tecnologia e coraggio
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limerent-object · 1 year
Baby Tally
Pennebaker Hospital has a billboard on the edge of Hardisburg not unlike the one for the Pennsylvania Powerball. You’re familiar with the big, glowing, digital clock numerals displaying the current jackpot; remotely connected to a sprawling system of gas stations and corner stores pulling and ripping tickets off of reels like toilet paper. Lawrence Pennebaker thought the lottery was a devil’s vice, but in 1997 he decided that the hospital could use a counter of its own, and contracted the same company, Lamar Commercial Enterprises, to make a billboard tallying the number of babies born in his maternity wing since the start of the new year. He wrote it off as a business expense while opining about his own lack of grandchildren.
Laura Tennley knew nothing of this history as she commuted daily between Hardisburgh and McCullough, gazing idly at the billboard in traffic when the 99 backed-up in the hazy suburban rush hour. The pleather steering wheel dug into her stomach and the thought of adjusting her seat led inevitably to her husband, Tom, growing more frantic all the time that she was still driving at all. “The baby is due any day, now” rung through her head at compulsive intermission: when reaching into the back of the fridge at the grocery store for milk, when catching her arm on the sharp edge of the filing cabinet as she had done a million times at work, and, of course, every time she drove by the Pennebaker Hospital Baby-tally Billboard on I-99W.
The image of a blonde, blue-eyed baby with its mouth agape in projected surprise appeared to rest its fat, little sausage-cased hand atop the digital counter while gawking at the camera. Laura loved the way the child’s eyes seemed to stare far beyond the lens, the photographer, or even the intended audience on the other side. She vaguely felt it was looking out on the horizon. Out beyond the 99, beyond commuters restlessly flipping dials on their radio and thinking about dinner and tomorrow. When the work day was especially slow, her mind would wander back to the enormous yellow digits. How quickly would the number flip when Sasha was born? In her mind’s eye she saw her baby crowning and a nurse in the corner of the delivery room frantically removing her latex gloves, lifting a plexiglass cover, and slamming her palm down on a big, red button. Someone sitting in traffic would watch 54 turn to 55 and laugh. Or quietly shake their head. Or stare cow-eyed into the distance and wonder who would be voted off of Survivor that evening.
The afternoon Sasha was born and her umbilical cord snipped, the attending picked up her bloody, placentaed person and toted her away–but Laura’s body kept heaving. Sweat dripped from her eyebrows into the corners of her mouth and one of the nurses informed her that her labor was not yet over. After fifteen minutes past eternity, another child was born, but only half there: two pounds, no fingers, vague indentations where eyes would… should have been. The doctor wrapped the unexpected twin in gauze, her mouth a flat line. “We must have missed the other one on the ultrasounds. I’ll look into the sonograms from natal care as soon as we get you cleaned up, ok?” As Laura stared up at the ceiling, she felt a vague grief pulling at the edges of her hazy, epiduraled consciousness. The 54 turned to 55 and the decimal dropped, rounded down.
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jobrookekarev · 2 years
Caught By Surprise
Chapter Four of Six: We're Not Going Anywhere
Words: 1,308
Summary: Alex comes home to see that Jo has unexpectedly delivered their baby girl on the bathroom floor. Neither of them had any idea that she was pregnant before this and now they’ve suddenly become parents.
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson.
Characters: Alex Karev, and Jo Wilson.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Birth, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Baby, Medical Procedures, Angst, Fluff, Family Feels, Baby Hats.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
He wasn't sure if it was the loss of adrenaline or the fact that he was focused solely on the little girl in his arms, but he barely remembered the walk up to the postpartum ward. When they got there the room was empty and several nurses were prepping it. Amelia ushered him into a chair next to the window and the open space where the bed was supposed to be. He was so exhausted he felt like he could fall asleep, but still, he waited. Amelia stayed with him and Charlotte and he was grateful not to be alone.
Soon enough the door to the room opened and several nurses brought in the bed. Alex sat up in anticipation of Jo’s arrival. Meredith was right by her side and she smiled at him as she helped Carina wheel the bed into place. Finally, Jo was next to him. There were several IVs with blood transfusions and monitors attached to her and she was propped up on several pillows. She was alive, they both were. Jo looked exhausted, but when she turned to look at him, she gave him a smile and reached out to him. Alex stood up as he came closer to her and her eyes looked down at their baby girl.
“That's my baby,” Jo whispered, her voice betraying her tiredness despite her smile as she reached out to them. 
“It is,” Meredith said, smiling back at her.
“Let’s let baby and Mama spend some time together, but then I want you to rest Jo,” Carina said as she set Jo with a look, but she just smiled at him and Charlotte.
Carina motioned for Alex to come over with Charlotte as she and Meredith pulled back Jo’s blankets and the hospital gown they had dressed her in. Alex unwrapped Charlotte before Meredith stepped back and he reached out to place Charlotte on Jo’s chest. Jo kissed Charlotte’s head before her arms curled around her baby who snuggled up on her chest. One of the nurses put a warm blanket around both of them, and Alex made sure it was tucked in around them. 
Despite the fatigue in her body, Jo looked up at him and smiled a big and happy smile. It was the same smile she had the day they went to Gas Works Park last year and he couldn't help but smile as well. He felt the happiness swell in his chest and he felt pure excitement in this moment because of the beautiful family he now had. 
Jo looked back down at Charlotte, running her fingers over her forehead and memorizing her daughter's face. She continued to smile and whisper things to their daughter that he couldn’t hear. Meredith sat down on the chair next to them as the rest of the staff filed out. Carina came over to him and got his attention for a second.
“Jo has lost a lot of blood. There was a piece of the placenta left inside of her, which I was able to retrieve and we treated the hemorrhage with a balloon tamponade which I will take out later. On top of that, she had a third-degree tear which I stitched up. We've given her several transfusions and she is on some pain meds. But for a woman who gave birth, expectedly in a bathroom with no previous medical care, Jo did very well and I expect her to make a full recovery.” 
Alex nodded as he looked at Jo and Charlotte happy and healthy together before looking at Carina and Meredith. “I can’t thank you two enough.”
“Yes, thank you,” Jo said, looking back at them. 
Meredith just nodded and Carina gave him a smile. “Of course. Congratulations, you two.” 
Carina smiled before they looked down at Charlotte who fussed and turned her head, opening her mouth and Alex knew she was hungry. “Jo, do you want to try to nurse her or should we get a bottle?”
“Do I even have milk?” Jo asked in astonishment as she looked down at Charlotte. 
“You had a baby Jo, chances are you have some colostrum for her,” Meredith said with a smile and a shake of her head. 
Jo looks up at him and he can see the exhaustion in her eyes. Alex moved to sit next to her on the bed, putting one arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder. 
“I'm so tired,” Jo whispered, her eyes drooping, although she continued to stare down at Charlotte. “Can we try later?”
“Of course, breastfeeding can be very challenging, so I'll give the two of you some formula and bottles for now and if you want to try again let me know and I'll have the lactation consultant come by as well,” Carina said giving Jo's leg at a gentle squeeze before she got up. “Now you should get some rest and I will check on you later.” 
Meredith got up as well but lingered and clasped her hands together. “Okay, I'm going to run home and grab a few things for you two and drop them off later. As for baby things, I don't want either of you to worry. I'll make sure you have everything you need. ”
“Thank you, Mer,” Alex said to her with a smile. He knew she would take care of everything so he could focus on Jo and Charlotte. 
Meredith just smiled and gave one last look at Charlotte before leaving them alone. 
Jo sighed and took a deep breath before letting it out. “Dear God Alex, we don't even have diapers. I didn't even know I was pregnant and now we have this beautiful baby. We have a whole baby and were nowhere near prepared for her!” 
“I know,” Alex said, looking down at her. “But hey, they have a ton of baby stuff on the Peds ward. We'll just go and take whatever we want and Meredith is gonna help us take care of the rest. Right now we have everything we need, so don't worry about it.”
Jo nodded and transferred Charlotte into his arms. Charlotte was asleep and content as he swaddled her again before placing her in the bassinet for a moment. Jo was so tired that she couldn't even manage the buttons on her gown, but Alex didn't mind doing them for her. After tucking her in, he put the bed into a reclined position so she could sleep. He then moved the chair as close to the bed as he could before He looked back at Charlotte. He could let her keep sleeping in the bassinet, but it felt so new to have her that he couldn't help but pick her up again and just hold her. Jo looked over at them, looking drowsy, but she reached her hand out to him. He instantly grabbed her hand, giving her fingers to squeeze, while careful of her IV. Jo's eyes fluttered, but she still watched them.
“Go to sleep Jo,” Alex whispered to her, watching as she fought to stay awake.
“But I just met her. I've barely spent any time with her and I want to get to know her more,” Jo said, staring at Charlotte intently, her eyes trailing over every little detail of her face.
He knew how she felt, he had spent the most time with Charlotte and it didn't feel fair to Jo that Jo hadn’t. Still, he knew she was tired and needed to rest.
“We have a whole lifetime with her ahead of us. She'll be here when you wake up and you can hold her for as long as you want, right now you need to rest and recover.” Alex whispered to her and gave her fingers a squeeze.
“Will you stay here with her and not leave me,” Jo asked, her eyes flickering up to his.
“We're not going anywhere, I promise,” Alex reassured her before he smiled down at Charlotte. 
Jo nodded before finally closing her eyes. It all fell quiet as he watched her fall asleep before he looked down at the baby in his arms. His daughter, his and Jo's little girl. Jo was alive and their daughter was perfect, it was more than he could have ever asked for.
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A Guide to Obtaining a Court-Ordered Paternity Test
In today's world, the need for clarity regarding paternity is more significant than ever. Whether for legal reasons, personal peace of mind, or child support matters, obtaining a court-ordered paternity test can provide the answers individuals seek. This guide aims to walk you through the entire process, from understanding the basics to navigating the legal procedures involved.
Understanding Paternity Testing
What is a Paternity Test?
A paternity test is a scientific procedure used to determine whether a man is the biological father of a child. It involves comparing the child's DNA with that of the alleged father to assess genetic similarities.
How Does a Paternity Test Work?
Paternity tests typically involve collecting DNA samples from the child, the alleged father, and sometimes the mother. These samples are then analyzed to identify genetic markers shared between the child and the alleged father, confirming or excluding paternity with a high degree of accuracy.
Types of Paternity Tests
Invasive Prenatal Testing: Conducted during pregnancy, this test involves collecting samples from the amniotic fluid or placenta.
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): A relatively new method that analyzes fetal DNA present in the mother's bloodstream.
Postnatal Testing: Done after the child is born, this method involves collecting samples using cheek swabs or blood tests.
Importance of Court-Ordered Paternity Tests
While there are various paternity testing options available, court-ordered tests hold legal weight and are often necessary for matters such as child custody, visitation rights, and child support disputes.
Initiating the Process
Consulting Legal Counsel
Before proceeding with a court-ordered paternity test, it's crucial to seek guidance from legal counsel specializing in family law. They can provide valuable insights into the legal implications and procedures involved in paternity testing.
Filing a Petition
To obtain a court-ordered paternity test, one must file a petition with the appropriate court. The petition should outline the reasons for seeking the test and provide any relevant supporting evidence.
Serving Legal Notices
Once the petition is filed, legal notices must be served to all parties involved, including the alleged father and, if applicable, the mother of the child. This ensures that everyone is aware of the pending paternity proceedings.
The Paternity Testing Process
DNA Sample Collection
Upon court approval, DNA samples will be collected from the child, alleged father, and any other relevant parties. This is typically done using cheek swabs or blood tests conducted by a certified DNA testing facility.
Laboratory Analysis
The collected DNA samples are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Highly trained technicians use advanced techniques to compare the genetic markers and determine paternity with a high degree of accuracy.
Legal Documentation
Once the test results are available, they are compiled into an official report. This report is then submitted to the court as evidence in the paternity case.
Understanding the Results
Confirmed Paternity
If the test results confirm paternity, legal proceedings may proceed accordingly. This could involve establishing parental rights, arranging child support payments, or updating birth certificates.
Disputed Paternity
In cases where paternity is disputed, further legal action may be necessary. This could include additional testing, mediation, or court hearings to resolve the matter.
Read more: How to get a Court Ordered Paternity Test
Can I request a paternity test without going to court?
Yes, there are private paternity testing options available. However, court-ordered tests hold more legal weight in matters of custody and support.
How long does it take to get paternity test results?
The turnaround time varies but typically ranges from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the testing facility's workload.
What happens if the alleged father refuses to take the test?
The court may compel the alleged father to take the test through legal means, such as issuing a court order.
Are court-ordered paternity tests always accurate?
While no test is 100% foolproof, court-ordered paternity tests are highly accurate when conducted by reputable laboratories.
Can paternity tests be used for immigration purposes?
Yes, DNA testing can be used to establish biological relationships for immigration purposes, but specific procedures and requirements apply.
Is paternity testing covered by insurance?
In most cases, paternity testing is considered a non-medical procedure and is not covered by health insurance.
Navigating the process of obtaining a court-ordered paternity test can be complex, but with the right guidance and understanding, it becomes more manageable. By following the steps outlined in this guide and seeking legal advice when needed, individuals can gain clarity and resolution in matters of paternity.
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bulacanwantedsuspects · 3 months
Woman dies after being refused by 6 hospitals | Philstar.com
MANILA, Philippines — A woman who gave birth died of blood loss on Friday after being turned away by six hospitals.
Jan Christian Bulatao, a resident of Barangay 183, yesterday told The STAR of the grueling five-hour ordeal with his wife as they looked for a hospital to admit her after she gave birth in their Caloocan home.
Bulatao’s wife needed an operation to remove the placenta from her uterus. 
While they were admitted by the North Caloocan Doctors Hospital, they were referred to the nearby Commonwealth Hospital and Medical Center because the Caloocan hospital does not have a supply of blood, Bulatao said.
The private hospital also turned them away due to a lack of rooms and the cases of coronavirus disease 2019 there, he added.
They had to go all the way to the Far Eastern University (FEU) Hospital in Fairview, where they were reportedly asked to give a downpayment of P30,000. 
“They even charged us for the parking,” Bulatao said.
Under the anti-hospital deposit law, hospitals are prohibited from refusing and demanding downpayment from patients.
Bulatao said they were also asked to pay P4,000 for the personal protective equipment to be worn by the FEU Hospital staff.
They went to the Bermudez Polymedic Hospital in Caloocan but were told the hospital has no equipment for the operation. 
They went all the way to San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, but the Skyline Hospital and Medical Center and Grace General Hospital did not have an obstetrician available.
When they arrived at the San Jose del Monte General Hospital - the only hospital not to turn them away - his wife was declared dead on arrival.
“The hospitals had a lot of reasons for not admitting my wife. Some hospitals did not even check my wife’s vital signs,” Bulatao said.
“I also blame myself. I did not have the cash when the FEU Hospital asked for a downpayment. The trip from the FEU Hospital to Bulacan took two hours. My wife lost a lot of blood,” he added.
He hoped the government would help his family in filing a complaint against the hospitals that refused to assist his wife during the enhanced community quarantine.
President Duterte has warned hospitals against turning away patients during the quarantine.
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