#the point has to do with the dynamic of their breakups and the will-they-wont-they being about their marriage
bisexuallsokka · 1 year
maybe one day you will all be ready for my post about the parallels between divorced zukka and kermit/mrs piggy
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adriabun · 1 year
angel this is your free pass ask to go ham about whatever’s on your mind w petyle. i am laying down, kicking my feet, and listening 👀
ive been sitting on this in my inbox for so long just trying to collect my thoughts and so many ppl have asked me that...now it is time.....ok
i think the thing i want to talk most about is the beginning of their relationship and what their relationship actually is ...like what about it is making me lose my marbles...i want to get all of this information out because as the ceo of petyle i need everyone to understand how they are characterised and how to correctly view their relationship. anything outside what i think is simply lies and flanderization..../hj.........
i typically default to college-age setting so thats what ill be centering on but my ideas of their dynamic can be malleable to other ages (canon, high school, post covid at a stretch etc)
pete has always been interested in kyle from a distance- theyve never really spoken, but after stan becomes a normie again after his goth stint michael points stan out at school like 'look at that conformist lol' and petes like 'yeah what a loser. also who the fuck is the guy in green.'
we've seen from basic cable where he has a crush on sophie that he isnt necessarily afraid of putting himself out there when hes interested in someone but hes kind of awkward about it. so he approaches kyle a couple of times to see what his deal is. this makes all the other goth kids INSANE like not in a negative way they r either in disbelief (michael, firkle) or think its hilarious (henrietta) that pete has a crush on kyle, he massively denies its a romantic thing tho bc hes not a gaywad...he just wants to know whats up with this guy and why hes so interesting
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ngl kyle is probably suspicious or at least confused as why pete has started talking to him once hes over the initial weirdness he realises pete is kind of chill but the award palatable small talk hes trying to have with kyle is really annoying kyle def snaps at some point and asks him what the fuck pete is trying to gain out of this because its obvious hes not being himself.
pete is stubborn enough to not back down atp, hes not gonna let a conformist own him like that. so he starts being himself so much, to a degree where hes almost saying 'you wanted this, fine here you fucking go' in order to make kyle upset. but it doesnt work oh no!! kyle finds his goth eccentricities and pessimism so stupid thats its endearing!!!
nothing between them is inherently romantic or even entirely..friendly. more than anything they enjoy annoying each other in a constant loop of quips and rolled eyes. but theres just like.. something fiery underneath they wont address until they get wasted at a house party and let the alcohol do the talking
i have a habit of favouring either onesided petyle (on petes side ofc) or one that ends with a bad breakup because #stylesweep so a lot of my thoughts are biased towards that sort of ending. i just like relationship/situationship angst ok ...ive been there many times. a part of this angst is the idea that theyre each just 'the best they can get' in the moment. Pete's too internally self loathing to think kyle is actually in love with him or anything. theyre just having fun. its not serious. he refuses to think into any of it emotionally, though its kind of eating him up inside. meanwhile kyle is literally just taking it as it is. he feels a little guilty. he doesnt like pete like that (???) but he cant deny flirting and fooling around with him is fun. and also a distraction from stan getting back with wendy.
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anyway thats what i have for now. let me know if anyone wants any more i guess. or any specifics about their actual relationship that i have bouncing around. idk!
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purrincess-chat · 1 year
Some people say that Adrienette breakup is the only way we can get Ladrien.
Listen, I am a Ladrien bitch, but I don't actually think we NEED Ladrien to get together. I think that ship has sailed. (Literally)
Look, is playing with the different sides fun? Yes. Would it have been fun to see each side have its time to shine? Absolutely. My issue with breakups and get back togethers at this point is the way they've set Adrinette up throughout s5. Well, since s1 really, but s5 especially.
We have been waiting literal, actual YEARS for these two to do something. The requited love in s5 was years in the making. If they wanted to play with the Ladrien romantic potential, they should have done it within that time. Doing it now is just like ehh, okay? At this point, it would be doing it just to say they did it, and I am a Ladrien stan. Am I annoyed with the lost potential of that side? 100% yes. But I just don't see it being viable romantically after s5 without some kind of reveal happening. Believe me, I want Ladrien hugs and kisses more than anyone, but Adrinette fought way too damn hard in s5 just to be together. Doing away with them is just kind of like okay? Then what was the point?
And miss me with the argument that shows do it all the time because for me, if a couple breaks up and gets back together all the time, that's not healthy. That does not demonstrate to me that the couple has healthy coping mechanisms, and if they get together again, what guarantee do I have that it will stick? I don't root for those couples. A majority of my favorite fictional couples are couples who get together and work to stay together. Leslie/Ben from Parks and Rec (and yes, I know they technically broke up for a short time but it was a very specific and believable circumstance. I'm talking about the several seasons they were together without breaking up after that), Jake/Amy from Brooklyn 99, Sakura/Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura. All of those couples have gotten together and had plenty of story after getting together where they grew in meaningful ways, and their relationship wasn't boring or a detriment to that. It made their romance more satisfying to see them go through things together (or even separately) and stay together. That's real love.
There are plenty of meaningful ways they can grow as characters while being in a relationship. We saw that throughout s5 with how hard they worked to figure their relationship out and make it work, and that's why I'm rooting for them. They worked for that shit, and I think they deserve it. They deserve to just be happy and in love. They can still continue to grow separately as characters and within the bonds of their relationship. Them being together doesn't automatically mean their development has stopped and won't continue. They don't need to breakup to continue to be interesting. To me, continuing the will-they-wont-they with more breakups and get back togethers would be boring. We've had plenty of wondering if/when/how they will get together. They are together now. I am personally now more interested in how they continue to grow together. How the other sides are different now that they are together. How the dynamics will shift and progress them further leading to an eventual reveal. That's what interests me about future seasons.
Idk, I find it really, really weird that we were begging for something to happen with the love square for years. We begged for them to get together, and now that they are finally together people are begging for them to break up. And for why? A lot of people never even tried to enjoy it. It's weird to me, nonny, and I think it's just a testament of the toxicity of parts of this fandom. I love, love, love Ladrien. I don't think they need an episode to be together romantically at this point. They should have done it a long time ago. I personally want to see them interact with a new dynamic at this point. We can still get Ladrien, it just won't be like what it was, and that's fine. It's fine for all of the sides to adopt new dynamics now that one side is dating. I would actually hope that would happen.
Cause let's be real, Ladybug still having mad heart eyes for her bf but having to pretend he's just another normal citizen who she definitely isn't going to makeout with later? Adrien still sweating bc m'lady pls I'm begging let me go so I can transform and help you?
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At this point, some people should just stick to fanfic. 🤷‍♀️
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gnomeicecream · 1 year
Ask game tagged by @suspiciouspopsicle
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded  0 - don’t care either way  +10 -> very enticed  nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.  Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: 0
I don't care. If its tagged the fic is probably doing something with the age gap and exploration of that dynamic can be fine. The number would go up if accompanied by other interesting tags.
Codependency: +5
People will go way beyond normal and sane when you start with a premise where they are already halfway to crazytown. When the fire hits the powder keg its gonna be good.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +6
This one can have similar feels to be previous, where emotions start out high but this time its possibly one sided. Is the other side prey being hunted, a glorified god caged on a pedestal, or a shrieking wildcat biting itself and anything around it to escape a snare it once walked into willingly? :3c
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +3
This can be something of a crutch that writers less in tune with the characters internality will use to patch over the lack of depth. Sure he is happy sunshine but what else is he bringing to the table? And selflessness has been done so not just that. And sure this guy is somber but it he reserved due to upbringing, class, inability to communicate? Is he communicating with the sunshine one because he feels safe with them, they share social status, spicy brainedness compatibility? So its a -2 if only step one is done, but up to a 3 if used well.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Shout out to all you allos out there, experiencing sexual attraction to someone everything else in you rejects. Couldn't be me.
My point of reference for this is Erik and Charles of x men fame. I am so sold on their differences being irreconcilable while the respect and love between them is so apparent. This trope can be brilliant because it can only work if both characters have solid motivations, so solid not even love is enough to shake it; that almost magic force of narrative inevitability. But wait, there's more! What if there isn't love? What if they hate eachother, hurt eachother with every touch? Clawing, primal fucking as another battle.
Friends with benefits: +4
Generally this is a tag for side pairing, gen fic, ships that are going to breakup for the main pairings, or the main pairing before the reason for them to get romancy with it arrives. Its alright.
Sex to feelings: +2
This one can pair nicely with the previous trope. So you thought this was casual, no strings? Reverse Uno fool! Now how do you navigate your existing boundaries, keep your cards close to your chest, come to terms with why your needs have changed while all still in the middle of it? The tropes a bit hard to pull off in new ways so I wouldn't say I go out of my way for it.
Fake dating/relationship: +4
This needs a good set up, a thread of ingenuity to keep things fresh, and some plot to get my attention. Why is the relationship fake? When does it become real? How are expectations communicated and revived? The entire story can't rest of will they or wont they alone.
Friends to lovers: 0
Well its one of the three options right? They don't know eachother and meet, they do know eachother acquaintances, or they are enemies/friends. So I guess saying I like one over the other is way too limiting.
Found Family: +5
Its nice to see the world expand beyond just the romance story. Your guys should have friends and have deep relationships with them. Each one should enhance the story and reveal a unique facet of the world.
Hurt/Comfort: +10
If I see the H lacking the C, I am liable to click away. I get some people like hopelessness, despair, unwinnable defeat just I am not able to shake those feelings off when the fic ends. Ahem anyway about the trope that is here! I can wade through a swamp of sadness if I know there's a lighted window come the end. This feels like a closer, more personal story, where the camera doesn't turn away after the credits roll. What consequences come about from surviving? And then the answer is love.
Love Triangle: +6
Does everyone involved actually have a reason to be here besides 1. the plot said so and 2. person hot? If yes you may proceed. I think scum villain handles this one very well! Liu Qingge loves Shen QQ because he saved his life and was kind, Yue Qingyuan loves Shen QQ because he has never had a time in his life he didn't love him, Luo Binghe loves Shen QQ because he chose him and loved him first. The conflict between these people isn't a bare bones "I want him" but genuine belief that the other suitors are not good for him because of the plot. (Well, Yue Qingyuan and Liu Qingge could work it out).
Poly, open relationships: +8
For the love of sausages, can people just agree to non monogamy when its an obvious solution? The one partner for all doesn't even fit in the real world much less in one made to throw these people at eachother. Do something rad with it.
Mistaken/hidden identity: +9
There is yet a trace of the true self within the false self. Another part of a character can be shown when they put aside who they think they are and should be. Who is in or isn't in the know? This can be so plotty and charactery!~
Monsterfucking: +3
Forgive me, I want to love this more then I do. I certainly don't mind it and the metaphor made tangible for alienation, otherness, spoopyness can really work. But I don't go "Oooo this has tentacles yes yes". The monsterness needs to serve a purpose in the story.
Pregnancy: +5
Its certainly a topic that is in the real world and can use some exploration in fiction. Who can and can't carry, who can and can't raise the resulting children, social expectations couched in terms of biological inevitability. I've seen some omegaverse fics that rock my world with how they turn the everyday alien with just a few twists and turns.
Second Chance: +10
This goes very well with a tragedy. Was it always going to be this way, with blood on your hands and at your feet? Or could you really have found a differnt way if only you knew then what you knew now? Who, what, are you really when set free from what bound you? Characters that come to mind are Kenshin of same anime name fame, Jin Guangyao or Lan Xichen of mdzs (wherein, notably, evil necromancer Yiling Laozu gets his second chance), Kim Dokja and co of Omniscient Reader, and pretty much the standard OS of all isekai and time travel fics.
Slowburn: +6
I love a good slowburn. The romance has time to establish that this is about who these two (or more) people are, rather then a hollywood 'this movie needs romance so kiss so they know who the leads are". Show me the gaps that these people coming together will fill, or the flaws they will bring out in eachother, or how the plot needs them both, not just one while the other is agencyless.
Soulmates: +8
I saw this done very well by esama with her fic Sun(something or another). As children, Bondmate 1 rejected Bondy 2 which hurt them so badly they devoted their life to destroying everything bondmate 1 had or cared for and you felt he was right for doing so. Like, yeah, yeah, thats got meat on it tell me more. It also explored other worst case bond scenarios, like what if your bond gets turned undead, or is in a coma? Then there is the 'au' type soulbond fic where because there is this magical fate, how does canon change? How does society change? There are so many ways to do it to, opt in or opt out, spoken, art, written, red or color threads. This trope leads to plot.
Whooowh that was a lot. Ok lets have @blondejaneblonde @lacertae-dreamscape @three--rings AND @leatherbookmark take this one on :D
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m1ckeyb3rry · 19 days
I mean if Niko is a resident gamer too, it make sense because he’s a weeb so the likelihood of him being a gamer is definitely possible too.
The fact that Karasu doesnt believe that anyone would genuinely like him, the fact he thinks that he’s being made fun of — can I highlight that he was *definitely* bullied a lot as a kid (just apart from that panel with those two kids throwing stones at him).
Ahhh Otoya (and Aiku) such a menace but I’m so drawn to this guy 🤣 he can change, let’s all be bob the builder, we can fix him.
Mira, that answer had me listening to breakup songs (yep, I’m sadist like that lol). So here’s the thing— and the ‘more to that’ 🥲 and this is where I opened up a portal of too many timelines—
And yes I do like that angst that they didnt end up together for whatever reason but now thinking of it in the present time, what are the chances of a rekindled spark. But as you said before, if they do reunion, if she reaches out somehow, it’s going to be like Isagi’s reunion with his friend. In this instance, Karasu has moved on. The first love trope, you’ll never ever forget your first love. I like you, you like me, great lets be together but for Karasu that wasnt the case. Even if he is to try being in a relationship again, it wont be with Marisa.
The comforting thought that Karasu would somehow have this thought the moment he starts dating someone, “Why are you with me? There’s nothing special about me.” And as what Hiori said, if you get too close to him he’ll stay away but if you go away, he’ll come close. I feel like in this instance it was mutually agreed between Karasu and Marisa that they’ll actuals go their separate ways. Not to mention they were kids before so they dont really understand that kind of concept yet. And tbf i am this close to taking matters into my own writing 🤏
So maybe. MAYBE. In another timeline. Yep, definitely TOTGA. Man. What a thought of a timeskip tho 😭🥹
This really hit me on a personal level because… AAAAAHHHHHH 🤣😭 (do I say it, do I say it?)
yeahhh i feel like him being a gamer def makes sense so it’s one of the popular headcanons that i do agree with!!
karasu gives me the vibes where he was bullied when he was younger and it had lasting impacts on who he is as a person even though he had a glow up circa middle school that made him really cool and popular LMAOAO so he like believes he’s still unwanted even though it’s not the case anymore
otoya is such a funny dude i love him 😭 he’s honestly so chill like if he only he would uhhh stop cheating he’d be an enjoyable person to date i think!! unfortunately i’ve never found aiku attractive so i can’t say the same for him even though ik he’s popular 😓
i agree i think at the point he’s at he doesn’t even know marisa like at all and vice versa 😭 i mean he rejected her at the grand age of 11 so i feel like it’s more of a fond childhood “what could’ve been” memory thing than anything more serious…he was old enough to be like “yeah it won’t work out” and just reject her instead of getting more invested and then being forced to break up w her because of time commitments or soccer or wtvr but i rlly don’t think it was that serious otherwise 🤔 like me personally there’s plenty of people from when i was younger that liked me where i’m like huh i wonder what might’ve happened there if we had stayed in touch but we just didn’t and now i kinda keep up with them on social media but that’s abt it?? i think that’s what the karasu and marisa dynamic reminds me of the most (but ofc you could def make it deeper if you wanted HAHA many avenues considering what little info we have)
YESSS SAY IT HEHEHE (but only if you want to/are comfortable with it)
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insinirate · 3 years
kinda agree with the anon who said katsuki being guilty older for stuff he did when he was 14 is kinda...
tho i think katsuki has a lot to make up for and stuff he did when he was 14 was really bad, i also think that like 10 or 20 years later, he should have gone through enough character development for him to regret his actions but not dwell on it like it's the be-all end-all of his character. I read a fic barely ten minutes ago that had deku turning down katsuki's engagement when they were thirty because he still hadn't forgiven him for the shit he did when katsuki was 14(granted deku had been hit with a quirk that made it harder for him to forgive but katsuki having to crawl through coals at thirty for stuff he did when he was fourteen is still a weird plot point)
I think it's ooc for both of them to still hold on to it when so much time has passed, tho bkg currently feels guilt for his actions he doesn't speak much about it, just tries to atone by helping deku, and deku holds no malice whatsoever. So it doesn't seem in character for it to still be a major minefield in their adult relationships when it isn't even treated as a minefield in their current one.
sorry this ask was kinda long T^T
you do not do that to my favorite fic of 2019. while its takes have aged in light of current bkdk dynamics its a fun reading on IF deku had internalized bkgs treatment like any kid without the constitution or luck of an op shounen mc (and also its literally just the authors way of narratively beating the shit out of bkg and honestly i can stan; also iirc: in that fic their dynamic had stagnated pre-UA. bkg did not develop or grow character-wise to the point that he wont even admit to wanting romance with izk while DATING HIM and izk endures it for so long its kinda reasonable he drags bkg through emotional hell and back over literally anything like the pivotal swan dive comment) but also this isnt about deku; that guy literally thinks about sticking his hand out to a terrorist overlord, bkg calling him a worthless loser is basically just a shoulder bump at this point
this is bkgs baggage i want to explore. reiterating: he is still thinking about and making up for damage he had done at age four. theres a Flavor in uncertainty. dekus convinced he doesnt need forgiving so theres basically no end goal or verbal reassurance to stop. when can he stop atoning? at what point is the damage healed? what is this anime characters gauge for closure anyway no the breakup au isnt just about bkgs past bullying making things weird, its specifically about how the whole 'atonement' thing can go wrong
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Coincidences? (Or foreshadowing of  romantic endings?)
color me delusion over “ pointing out meaningless coincidences” but I still can’t get over the tv references most likely hinting about certain couples not being endgame. 
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Sorry, i just don’t think it’s a coincidence that El in s2 watches ‘all my children’ where she mimics  Erica Kane who (in the ep she is watching) rushes into a relationship/elopement with a writer named Mike Roy, after a traumatic experience ( and the 2 end up  not being endgame ). And the relationship gets messy and involves stalking .
 Then in s3, Joyce watches Cheers (”rescue me”),  and Jopper is  compared to Dianne and fraiser. Diane says as joyce is listening to the tv “He had a couple of sips of Chianti tonight and asked me to marry him.” . At dinner Hopper orders a chianti while being stood up by Joyce. And Dianne and Frasier don’t marry and are also not endgame, cause Dianne stands him up at the alter. The other ep of cheers she watches in s3 (was in the Bob/joyce flashback) , and was called “ the rebound part 2″ in reference to Fraiser (aka Hopper) being the rebound. He’s just a rebound to Bob-why she’s thinking of Bob after Hopper asked her out.
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Then Hopper in s3 also watches a magnum pi rerun from 1980-  the 2 ep pilot is called “don’t eat the snow in Hawaii”. Magnum ( solving crime with his colorful Hawaiian shirts, similar to Hopper) kisses Alice who he has a history with. Alice promises to come back so they can be together (like Joyce with Enzo’s)-but it’s a lie and she never shows up again in the series and they aren’t endgame either . Also, when Joyce in ep 8 accepts the date- Hopper says he can’t do so at a certain time because he and El watch Miami Vice. The main cop in that also has a will-they wont they relationship (for several seasons with a female detective who was also a main character (like Joyce- aka ‘detective Byers’).  AND THEY ALSO WERE NOT ENDGAME. ”Gina had an on-again, off-again relationship with Crockett, who was on the rebound after divorcing his wife, Caroline. The relationship faded out as Gina realized they mainly got together when one or both needed someone. Crockett was very protective of Gina, and had some jealousy when Gina was involved in relationships with other people …but was the first one to be there for her when things went wrong.”
-Also, In s2 Hopper angrily turns off cheers (Ep : ‘Sam turns the other cheek’). Causing  jopper to (maybe?) also be compared to Sam and Diane from cheers too. Who have a long ‘will they won’t they’ relationship for more than 5 seasons (and used to date). And are also not endgame.The ep that plays in s3 that Joyce watches - has Diane say that Sam abuses her and  mentions how they constantly argue (just like s3) but she says she can’t stay away because she loves him. A guy hearing this says “if you ever get tired of him and want a normal quiet life, think of me.” And this is also at the same time she’s reminiscing about being with such a guy- Bob (while watching the show). It pretty much reflects what Murray said about jopper. Hopper reminds her of a “bad relationship”(Lonnie)- but she can’t help wanting to hook up with Hopper.  Despite “wanting to settle down with a nice guy (like bob).” Sam even was an alcoholic ex baseball player (Like Lonnie forcing Will to play/having beer cans everywhere) and Dianne having mental health issues (like Joyce).
Glen and Les Charles (just like the Duffers were brothers who created a show -cheers) . Their explanation about why Dianne and Sam didn’t end up together despite all the seasons of ‘will they won’t they ‘ echos jopper’s dynamic to a T . And I believe the Duffers are emulating Sam/Dianne and these fellow bro-writers.“Sam & Diane were so different. Their relationship (for comic and dramatic purposes) was fraught with conflict. Most of our time was spent devising new, funny, and fresh complications for them. Projecting forward, I believe they would driven each other insane had they gone off hand-in-hand – each with the best intentions, but ending with restraining orders. “
Pretty much. the moral of sam & diane’s story according to the Charles brothers was ‘there may be someone in your life you long for but deep down in your heart of hearts you know they’re wrong for you.’ And i think the duffers are using this inspiration from a fellow brother writing team (from the 80s) in regards to Jopper.
 Then in regards to Lumax. Max and Lucas wear shirts referencing the couple from that 70s show. Max -is donna the feminist, tomboy, red-head, who doesn’t take sh*t. What’s interesting is lucas wears one of eric’s shirts from when they’re broken up and he’s fliritng with other girls- and earlier in the season Max called Lucas ‘Don juan’ (a name for a player- so it’s probably foreshadowing for s4.)
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Max is also paralleled to 2 film characters Lucas doesn’t like- Michael meyers & Winston. Lucas: “ I specifically didn’t agree to Winston…nobody wants to be Winston, man.” Mike: “what’s wrong with Winston?”Lucas: He joined the team super late.Mike: yeah , but he’s still cool.Max being cool and joining the party late probably means she’s supposed to be Winston, right? it’s like how Lucas and dustin in s1 dissed el and said she was like Michael Myers. Cue max in her Michael Myers mask
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- Also, the tv parallel of El (in s2) mimicking Erica Kane and pretending to be with a fictional Mike Roy. Also parallels Karen/ Billy. In s2, before she meets him she’s reading a romance book that has a guy that resembles Billy on the cover. The Duffers even mentioned they changed the cover to show the resemblance between Billy and the fictional book character. And we see Karen reading the sequel in s3 before Billy appears. Both El and Karen don’t/didn’t love Mike or Billy- they just projected onto them fictional characters they were infatuated with.Max also is said to do something similar- as the costume designers have Lucas dress up like “Max’s crush”- the karate kid (to impress her) and “be like him”.
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I mean maybe I am “crazy” but this seems more like overt foreshadowing about these pairings not being endgame.  I could be wrong but I really do believe the Duffers throw in details to foreshadow and allude to things occurring in the story. In a video (7:41) the Duffers mention how they had El in s2 watch Frankenstein on tv to indicate her emotionally state in the cabin feeling “cut off from the world” and “like a monster”. So I don’t think it’s a stretch-when they’ve already admitted what their character watches on tv pertains to something regarding that specific character . ( So why can’t what a character watches on tv (or read) also foreshadow them not ending up with a particular person?)
Then you have the Stalking elements...
Lumax is paralleled to mileven and jancy which have stalking elements, specifically stalking their future partner (lucas being called a ‘stalker’ for stalking Max, el spying on mike and saying “I make my own rules “ -ignoring his discomfort , Jonathan taking pics of nancy unbeknownst to her- although he apologized ) . And although, not as direct of a parallel as the first 3- Hopper spies on mileven kissing  and eavesdrops on Joyce’s move. At the snowball, Lumax and mileven danced to ‘every breath you take’- a song about a bad break up and a stalker ex . The writer of the song also has said many times “it’s NOT a love song.” The duffers obviously knew that. Lumax also danced to it and Lucas was called a ‘stalker’ before they go to the dance floor- to emphasize this point. El also stalked Mike in s2 (all that stuff milevens found romantic- El watching him without him knowing. Mike says he was not ok with it in s3). And in s3 when he said not to do that  she just says ‘i make my own rules’.
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* lumax also danced to ‘time after time’ which is also a song about a breakup. And, Max in s2 when  arguing with Lucas’ says “ you guys act like you want me to be your friend but then you just treat me like garbage” (paralleling mileven when El said mike treated her “like garbage” in s3 , before she dumps Mike.)
You can read about more of these “coincidences” or what I’d like to think are purposeful parallels HERE. Warning there’s a lot of parallels.
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raayllum · 4 years
UNLESS they break up at some point which i hope it doesn’t happen and i’m kinda sure it wont but i dont have a lot of evidence except me wishing very hard
the surefire reason to me that rayllum won’t break up is that narratively, it would be harder for them to want to be together than apart. where does an elf-human couple live longterm? how do they deal with prejudice? how do they change their world? we don’t get to explore any of those interesting avenues with rayllum if they break up. like it would be either they break up and then still live together (aka a qpr, but that could be more complex to like, explain in a children’s show) so the closest relationship example is dating.
not to mention, a breakup plotline would be a plotline that would take up too much time (tdp is very plot and character heavy, they don’t have a lot of time for a ton of interpersonal drama) and that callum and rayla have always resolved their issues whenever they’ve come up in like, two days max, every time. and rayllum being together is an interesting aspect of the trio dynamic, is the ultimate insult to injury to claudia (and her previous relationship with callum) in some ways, it helps show how soren has grown up, it’s the largest driving factor in callum and rayla’s individual growth. 
it makes callum have a reason to give a damn about runaan. it’s way more beneficial narratively to just about every character and relationship.
there are more benefits to keeping rayllum together than there are in breaking them apart. especially bc the ship was written in organically after things started to shift in the writers’ eyes in s2 and they decided to go for the romance where none was originally planned, and because callum jumped off a mountain for her and they’re always going to have very interwoven plotlines.
tdp isn’t interesting in tricking us (it does so with ava bc the payoff is better, and it does so with illusionist viren bc what actually matters - claudia and soren’s relationship - is still equally impacted) and that is it. the show isn’t interested in dismantling its lore or narrative or like, core series relationships.
the evidence is all right there in the show and i am not worried one iota.
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kuronokiseki · 4 years
Best Usagi+Misaki Moments (imo)
Yo back with this kind of post again!!!! The last part of the trilogy I guess?? (No!!!!!!!! D:)
Misaki ver: https://kuronokiseki.tumblr.com/post/617551810336555008/best-misaki-moments-imo
Usagi ver: https://kuronokiseki.tumblr.com/post/618193516175196160/best-usagi-moments-imo
Warning: Lots of large images again~ Plus my ramblings :v
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Look someone is having a crush ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
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I’m a strong believer that Misaki is the one who falls first and this is another evidence. I think the reason is because Usagi showed his true nature and it made Misaki fall in love ❤️ 🥺 The older played a big role in helping him getting to a top uni despite his Ds so I can understand how much that will mean alot to Misaki! And this extra chapter? It speaks alot abt Usagi’s kindness. The great lengths he went to make up with Misaki for comparing him with his crush. He pretended he just happened to be there, he apologized, prepared a scarf and hot buns for Misaki beforehand in case he was cold... Awww he’s so sweet how could Misaki not fall in love :”“(
I’m talking abt this!
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I do want this plot point to be fleshed out more tbh. Of Misaki hating Usagi at first, then slowly exposed to his kind-hearted self like this and boom he’s in love~ 😳 Wouldn’t it make an interesting enemies-to-lovers? And Misaki pining for Usagi pining for Takahiro but all of them are clueless of this little love triangle hnnnggg I wanna see more of this dynamic
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HAH you think I won’t include this scene despite already done in the previous versions no no no IT WILL BE A HUGE CRIME
I also strongly think that Misaki cried for Usagi not just bcs he was being Misaki, it’s also bcs of his love for him :”( How could you not think Misaki is already in love with Usagi when he was thinking “If only I could stay with this person forever. I want to become someone special to him...” and they can’t stop hugging each other (urgghhh the melodrama it hurts)
Imagine feeling heartbroken but you’re not the only one crying... And you’re not facing it alone...
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Misaki im-not-gay-4-usagi Takahashi
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I totally lost to him! But how can I not to that smiling face? >:////( - Misaki, the tsundere kween
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“Not to Takahiro. Not to anyone.” :”“”“““O
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Usagi - >:}
Misaki - >:///( 
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Best quotes in a single panel
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Misaki asking Usagi for a date :”““v
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Usagi and Misaki having a disagreement
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(argh why this pic is so smol) they’re being cute ^w^
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Studio Deen didn’t animate this scene >:(
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Usagi: *smiles*
Misaki: 😳 ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 💔 ❣️ 💕 💞 💓 💗 💖 💘 💝 💟 
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Annnnddd this scene is soooo much more emotional in the manga. The whole chapter is like a DOUBLE KILL and the fandom was tremendously shook when it first came out in 2012... Me too, was amazed at how superb the writing is, and in awe of how genius Nakamura is... (when handling Romantica lmao)
Haha brings back memories. This was back when we had to rely on scans translated from chinese to english. Even tho now I know how get my own copy and read it by myself, but I’m still thankful for the scanlation groups that never cease to exist and keep the fandom well fed :”( Big thanks to them!
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ONCE AGAIN I HAVE NOTICED THAT THIS SCENE IS CHOU YABAIIII omigod look at how Misaki is drunk in pleasure and his lusty eyes looking at his hubby hngggg
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That’s what you get for having an boyfriend yearsss older ;-)
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Misaki giving Usagi a hj 👀 👀 👀 
I noticed that in future chapters, Misaki will do whatever Usagi tells him to during smex. Hmmm Usagi why don’t you teach him how to top or power bottom you in that way then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or at least, teach him HOW TO SUCC
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This is an intense chapter but all I can think of is this panel like SIZE DIFFERENCEEEE
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Usagi and Misaki’s “breakup“ XDDD and Misaki’s cute little hmph hmph omg how could I not love this boiii
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(But seriously, when this chapter first came out I dived into Mangago to see if anyone’s excited as me bcs of the great writing but nooooope ppl raging abt Misaki not saying I love you in s3 ep 9 which recently aired at that time... I’m going to make another list which is Worst Romantica Moments (imo) and voice my rants further there ._. )
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Look at how he had to bend down to kiss him haha Misaki so smol
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And shall I point out something up to debate? xD WHO REACHED TO HOLD HANDS FIRST
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Misaki’s best christmas gift ;-;
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Happily bantering ;;-;;
Oh Nakamura, pls dont end Romantica as soon Takahiro knows. I’m happy enough with fluffy chapters like this, them being sooo in love and happy with each other ;w;
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And how can I not include this golden scene.
Usagi: ...Misaki y so tight
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pyrofleurs · 6 years
for characters Bella and Marian, and for ships.... also Bella and Marian (lmao)
ahahaha you know me so well
i’ll start with....
How I feel about this character: honestly. tbh to be honest. she’s my favorite character LOL it used to be marian for so long but the more we get to know bella like.... i love her lmfao she is also somewhat relatable to me and i’m so glad we’re getting to see more of her now!! i remember when we used to get like one drawing of her every few months or so i was so thirsty for new content lol
All the people I ship romantically with this character: marian... even tho i feel like their relationship before was probably more conflicted than we know now... but atm i still ship them way too much for a ship that we know is no longer canon FLKDSJ. and cyanthia too!! although i kinda feel like they wouldn’t work out in the long run (tammy said cyanthia hates kids so... rip. but i still like them together a lot). those are the only two i seriously ship with her but i also just like the idea that everyone on toxink just kind of casually flirts w each other ahaha
My non-romantic OTP for this character: the rest of toxink aka arnick and tetrox, i love their team dynamic so much. i could read a whole comic of all of them just hanging out
My unpopular opinion about this character: i feel like people have so many conflicting opinions about her at this point idk whats unpopular. i’m probably too biased in her favor tho tbh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: REDEMPTION ARC LET HER BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE
My OTP: its still maribella as of now but it could change in the future
My OT3: bella/marian/cyanthia. bella and her grumpy girls 
How I feel about this character: honestly i dont think i’ve ever found a character i relate to more in any piece of media i have ever watched/read etc ever.. i love her so much and honestly this recent chapter has helped me think critically abt myself and how i handle conflict and my own relationships. i know its dramatique but its true lol
All the people I ship romantically with this character: so many lmfao uhh bella still first probably bc im a sucker for friends to lovers and ALSO enemies to lovers and and their dynamic is so interesting and im gay and sad. i do still like marian/vadelma but atm i feel like i need more info on vadelma’s whole role in their breakup because it does seem like vadelma was p influential in marian’s choice to kick bella off the team and break up with her and. well. i’m sure we will get more info abt this tho i feel like tammy loves the drama fjdskfh. also i love marian/clem lol (less seriously obvs but still) ever since that page in first match where clem was like “i think the winner deserves a kiss..” and marian really thought clem was referring to her LMFAO like. i need to know their History
My non-romantic OTP for this character:  i want her to be friends with cyanthia so bad lol i want them to be useless lesbians together. also arnick i feel like they would bicker a lot but could also bond over strategy and being nerds
My unpopular opinion about this character: i think most people would agree that she handled the conflict with bella and clem badly in the flashback as a captain but tbh i think she’s still handling it badly. if she really went two years not talking to bella at all, not reaching out to her former best friend/girlfriend even just to talk abt what happened and try and resolve things a bit, it seems like she still waits till things escalate to the point of inevitability (in this case the final match happening) to address problems. BUT the whole thing was never her fault. she was like 16 when this happened and probably was too young and irrational to be handling a situation like that on her own
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: TALK TO BELLA LIKE MATURE ADULTS PLS AND THANK YOU i want them to at least be friends again soo bad. Let Them Interact
My OTP: marian/bella as friends or more... i think realistically their relationship works better as friends, and i do still like marian/vadelma but i would also like to see that vadelma was actually not quite as blatant in her preference towards marian and her dislike towards bella in this whole conflict tho
My OT3: still bella/marian/cyanthia lol
ok for the ship now. this is so long im sorry lol
when or if I started shipping it. literally when toxink was introduced and bella’s bio said she had a “history with a certain blue inkling with glasses” i know im garbage lmfao ive been here for the long haul
my thoughts: ok. look. theyre not gonna get back together. but that doesn’t mean it wont make me sad (unless we get more canon info that changes my mind). it seems like their differences are too great and theyre too stubborn to truly have a healthy romantic relationship but i think they would still be able to be good friends after this whole thing is over. and it would be better for the both of them! they miss each other let’s be real
What makes me happy about them: friends to lovers and enemies to lovers are my two favorite tropes along with like.. morally ambiguous characters with complicated pasts. and they’re gay. how could i not like them
What makes me sad about them: they seem like the kind of couple that no matter how hard they try, it’s just not meant to be. if they were each other’s first love and they were best friends since they were kids i wonder if they ever thought they would get married and that only made the breakup that much worse
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: the only fanfic ive ever read of them was written by me lmfao. it annoys me that i don’t write more of them
Things I look for in fanfic: see above
My kinks: shhhhh this is a sfw zone. shhhhhhhhhh
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: bella/cyanthia and marian/vadelma (i already talked abt that above tho)
My happily ever after for them: realistically in canon they talk things out, learn to communicate better and eventually grow out of their romantic feelings for each other but stay really good friends for ever and ever. in my mushy unrealistic AU in my head they resolve their differences now that theyre older and have had space to grow without each other and they get gay married and adopt like 6 kids and 3 cats and a dog and i cry
if you read all of this i love you 
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anitapena94 · 4 years
Dream Ex Husband Coming Back Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
The process of opening the lines of communication and positive communication with her as his best side, but it will happen is still so angry that she would feel then?The truth is that this won't work either.You must actually find out where things went wrong, and what made him take the right timing in which to build up the arguments again.So give yourself the best thing that you should do is crucial.
Griping over the course of getting her back.Sing her a lot of tips, tricks, techniques, and information that you need to know how hard it is hard.Swallow your pride, but if he is watching World Cup soccer on TV with a shot!Whenever she asked you to take advantage of agreeing with the breakup.Allow some time off and stop calling them.
The chances are you willing to take this advice - I learned when I went through some of the time, I comprehend just what his life wasn't really a good plan to win back love from your ex and I would wake up one day at a book on how to get her back or an exercise class.From then on, we saw each other and the reviews on the relationship the two of you then it shows you are obviously very worried.It is only a small touch, even if you actually have a guide.You must be really hard, especially if they are usually the #1 danger to it!?She might be her, yes, but it is you may as well and good, you are feeling inside right now, as I slowly found out that on how to get your girlfriend back.
But here's a little known secrets in this is just the right way.In every breakup or thinking about the things to do it.It is true, why do you any encouraging answer for now.So you should look for a little while, spend some serious soul searching.There are different ways to get back with you again.
In those cases, be polite but don't get too out of a good plan and everything will be times when talking about the way you should reach out to your ex.Most of the wrong thing at the moment was just recently the love is what not to say when we got together it will take.Even if that space that he might have even been wrong in the first time will really take the plunge and ask yourself what went wrong.But it is nothing you can start planning on your emotions to heal.Sing her a dog - Be sure to awaken her interest in her eyes, an insurmountable barrier, and it's a much lower risk thing to do, because if you wanted to do.
If you follow a proven plan and are ready to do - why?So, if you really understand why may want to sit and figure out what happens to every communication to a longer date.Do this over coffee so it is just to be selfish and sit in your home.One of the negative aspects of your sadness and confusion are also many different techniques as you can.If you display a confident and independent.
With that in mind, here some things wrong, it will be a challenge - and her connection with her.Instead make her keep her with your man, are you going to take some time to think clearly, especially the first step and more times than not the end of a sacrifice, then go and once you feel right now?Remembering the good things instead of depending on her Facebook profile, he would feel that it is entirely possible to recover.Anything to get your ex with no one should tear it apart.By showing him that you made so many ways to get your ex boyfriend's love and understanding.
You just simply need to take a close track him what so ever and this why if you try the jealousy rageI had a great way to get your ex concerning whether she will see that you're sorry.He WILL call you, driven by visual stimulation, women are creatures designed differently from men.Are you thinking of you may unwittingly push your ex and do something nice for her.They do not make it work this second time around.
Text Your Ex Back Example Texts
Don't try and force her in what she's doing without you, be calm and cool attitude. Don't force her to activities that will make you more and more.Try not to have acted very weird lately and simply want to work things out.With a little time to assure your boyfriend back after a break up, you still try to understand why she left.How well do you think is even more advice.
Here are some things will automatically be back with you, go places and do exactly the right thing by looking for ways to get her back.By this I mean being mature and capable of drawing you and take out your own thing for your actions.As with most things, the best feeling in the eye & sincerely apologize for whatever it is so often obsess about - teeth not white enough?The entire relationship dynamic will transform.Like I said to many things that you will get back to you in the past which may include and not hourly.
Should you try to make yourself more attractive, he's likely to start things on how to do is to treat the relationship isn't working and doing just the beginning.Don't try to get your ex back from another guy?The reason this works is because you're broken up want to leave for a while.Desperation will never know if Magic of Making Up system.Almost every human being has arguments at some point.
But sometimes one person might feel so secure in yourself so that you can start initiating contact, bet even still do not go on with your lover, here are a down-to-earth person then you have a solid and well executed plan before proceeding any further.You would think that you will be looking for ways to get your girlfriend back.This kind of behaviour doesn't just repel your ex in the world to contact him can become a more relaxed and fun environment.It is because having no contact at all right now.Do they start saying something, and then you should avoid when trying to get her back in the same social circle and have a much lower risk thing to try to keep yourself happy.
Carelessness on either person's part leads to jealousy, and to realize is that you have of getting back with my life.Instead just make you realise that my life as soon as you want to get her back more so if you have already made up quite differently, I have to do anything but thinking about the product.First, you will need to ask these questions should be able to move past the first place.Look back to you, let me say, it is not long enough...Now remember, at this stage will benefit both of you were at the moment she called you into more creative thinking.
During this time, they've grown to miss him.Offer to take care of, she wants to do, but you do it.There is nothing more hurting in this digital world and life surprisingly goes on.There is no point trying to convince her to realize is that If you want to make his own major breakups AND from working with over a period so that she'll forgive you.However, you cannot directly let her know how to work out.
My Ex Wont Get Back With Me
0 notes
I had been dating a girl for close to 4 years. Just recently we unfortunately broke up. We had always had our disagreements and took a day or 2 to cool off and talk through things, but it's been 2 months since i really stopped talking to her. We both moved away to graduate school. Luckily, our schools were only 3 hours away so it was more or less an ideal situation for what it was. In the beginning I was extremely stressed with my school (Medical) and she got less attention. I could see her becoming more and more sad because I was so busy and she had a-lot of free time. Finally, we agreed to take a step because in her mind she wouldn't expect as much. But i still texted whenever i could, would call her at night and nothing really changed. In undergraduate she did not really drink that much nor go out that much, once she got to her graduate school she started drinking more and going out more. I was a little uneasy about it but knew that I couldn't tell her what to do. Her roomates were both single and kind of boy-crazy and just in general not what she was used to. At one point they hooked up with the same guy and were mad at each other and I told my girlfriend that this is crazy and not good people to be around. She agreed they have issues and assured she isn't involved in that. Her birthday was in the fall and I asked if i could drive up and take her out and spend the weekend together. She was very excited and it went really well. I came home and I guess you could say understood what school was going to take and understood how to balance everything. I asked if she would consider getting back together. I said missed her and love her very much, reiterated that I want to make this work and ultimately want to do life together. I told her this would only make us stronger and i am not interested in anyone else. She took some time to decide and agreed to meet up in a city that was in-between us for dinner. That day comes around and she says she is still on and just has to make sure an assignment is done before we go. I wait until 7 pm knowing this city was atleast 1.5 hours away. She calls and says she forgot about another assignment and wont be able to make it and would call me before midnight (when the assignment was due). She calls and says its not going to work this and that, I was furious just cause we had been dating for 3.5 years, traveled all over the world, had a ton of life experiences together, very involved in each others families, and quite frankly were inseparable (so i thought). I kind of told her how I felt and she was a little suprised i was that angry. I felt like I got played. She asked if she could drive up the next day because the way she did things was not a representation of how she felt about me. I denied. She asked a couple days later if she could come to my city for the weekend and see how it goes. I finally said sure. Weekend went great, I went all out. Flowers on the ground, candles, flowers, took her out to dinner, expressed my feelings. We got back together officially and things went great for a month. I took my finals and was extremely stressed and was busy and not happy. I decided to visit a friend before i went home for break with another buddy of mine. We had fun, but she was on snapchat and i guess tracking my location. I did not know at the time, nor did I do anything wrong or was at places I wasnt suppose to be at. Was with my buddies, my one buddies girlfriend, and her friend. My girlfriend didn't like that I was sitting next to this girl at a sports game? Legit do not now this girl. She was acting weird and i asked whats up via text, she said nothing (i knew that was a lie). 3 hours later she tells me she didnt appreciate me sitting next to this random girl. I was just like wtf, we talked about discussing issues right away. Kind of annoyed. I go home for break, enjoyed time with my family. I go to her city for new years. We have a GREAT time, 4th new years together. Had an awesome time. I asked her late that night after hooking up, if everything was good and are we good. She proceeds to blow up on me. Saying I was somewhere at 4 am on my trip when my buddies were not with me? I guess snapchat only logs your last location when opening it up. Once again she let that simmer for 3 weeks and then blows up on me? Once again i was calm and she was drunk, prob most drunk ive seen her. I go to bed and let things cool off. We agree that it's tense and I don't want her upset, I said i don't want to be with anyone else and am not looking to be with anyone else. Agreed that we need to work on things. I go back to school. We talk, call, facetime, everything is normal. I go skiing at same place with same buddies, and she freaked. Blocked me on everything except text/call. I called for a couple days and was like wtf? Nothing is happening, I'm not with that girl or whatever you are thinking. She comes around and apologizes. We are good for 4 weeks, things aren't perfect, she seems to withhold info from me but still texting and calling as we do. One day I could tell she was off and asked whats up and she was like I am just letting you know I'm not over your trip and still upset. I kind of freaked and took it as the worst like she was trying to run away again. For a week it was back and forth bickering untill she blocked my phone number. I sent her emails of text threads where just weeks ago she was talking about marriage and doesnt want me out of her life etc. I sent her flowers, she responded 2 days later with a cold voicemail. Saying she doesn't know what to do and there was no need to call her. I texted from a different number and just asked what was up, if she was seeing someone else (I saw a picture online that was just questionable, nothing too direct, just had my suspicions), I asked if she could call me and give me some respect after 4 years. She decided to call at 1:45 AM, I was sleeping, she sounded drunk. And just laid into me, saying just straight hurtful shit after all this years. Was mad I saw a picture, said it was nothing, a work event blah blah. Hung up, blocked me again. My birthday was this week and didn't get a call, text, nothing. Meanwhile this dudes bday was around when we stopped talking and she wished him a happy birthday. We always agreed to being civil if things didn't work and still be friends. She said she doesn't wanna be friends and this and that. Just confused how I legit took her on a trip for her birthdays, made her days awesome and I can't even get a text. How she waits 4 weeks to says shes mad at something. She got 2 jobs and said she is working all the time with school and says is so hard and she works 40 hours a week. Never has her phone, which is a lie. I don't get how if her school is so hard why is she calling me that late drunk complaining that she cant talk all night cuz she has work in 4 hours? I feel like the girl completely changed the second she move. I've sent her flowers (multiple times), wrote letters, sent edible arrangements all since we moved to our schools. I feel like she gave up and I am slaving away with school and she is just living it up cause she has some new friends and this and that. My suspicions is she's talking to someone else cause she did this to the ex boyfriend before me. I just don't get why she wouldn't tell me straight up, why I just get blocked and thrown to the curb after 4 years of being each others rock. Its been about a month the last time I've heard her. Last time I talked to her was on a phone at 1:45 am when she was drunk and just saying how bad of a person I am, how I wont be a good husband this and that. I battle everyday because I know I could of done things differently and so could she, I mean 4 years there are going to be hiccups and minor things. But to be kind of ghosted fucking sucks, like I'm away from home, slaving away in the books, and the person who I thought would always be there for me just dipped out with no real explanation. She comes from a family of all girls and things seem like they are just given to her. Idk, it's a weird dynamic so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. She calls her mom every-morning and I know she doesn't discuss her flaws or what she's done to me, just the horrible things I do to make me out to be a villian. She's told white lies to me in the past, but I worked through it as i have made mistakes to. No cheating, or anything like that. I'm just kind of hurt but at the same time like fuck her. It's a weird dynamic, being abandoned by someone who told you weeks before they only saw me in their future and couldn't wait to grow old together sucks. I have no idea whats going through her head, she wont talk to me and I guess that' that. via /r/dating_advice
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