#the power of discours
thequeenofsarcaasm · 5 months
All the bedroom dynamic discours got me thinking about Gojo as a character. I love Akutami for creating a character that represents so many “masculine” ideals and traits while making sure not to fall into the traps of hyper and one dimensional masculinity . Most people in the manga and in real life see him solely as “The Strongest”, which makes sense since he was introduced as such, but Gege still defies expectations with the way he characterises him. He might be the leader of a powerful and influential clan that exists in a conservative system but he’s also a flamboyant idiot with a baby face and a person who relishes in how beautiful he is. He’ll kick your ass while wearing Nobara’s skirt if he feels like it. I think he’s the type of man to fight against all types of conservative ideas. His disdain for the higher ups also stems from that. Sure he’s brutally honest, brash, struggles a little bit with empathy (especially as a teenager), strong and loves to fight but that doesn’t make him flat or one dimensional at all.
Say what you want about Gojo but he’ll never be boring.
My GOAT for real.
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empiredesimparte · 11 months
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Duc Casimir (whispers to his family): We are the empire now
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Napoléon V: Ladies and gentlemen, Your Majesties, one of the noblest obligations of power is to seek merit; one of the sweetest prerogatives is to honour it. I feel this way when I marry Empress Charlotte today, in front of you
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Napoléon V: I have learnt several lessons from this day: the unanimous acclaim that surrounds the ceremonies is a token of good fortune, which I will deploy above all for Francesim
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Napoléon V: A royal or imperial wedding gives hope of the perpetuity of the monarchical system, which is seen as the surest of guarantees. This does not prevent me from reflecting on the fate of my ancestors before me: we must not abuse the favours of fortune. Thus, a dynasty only has a chance of stability if it remains faithful to its origins, looking after only the popular interests for which it was established
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Napoléon V: Tomorrow, on our way to Notre-Dame, we shall introduce ourselves to the people and the army, and the confidence they have in me will ensure their sympathy for the one I have chosen. And you, ladies and gentlemen, Your Majesties, will, I hope, be convinced that I have been inspired by Providence
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Palais des Tuileries, 20 Prairial An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
After signing the civil register, Emperor Napoléon V gave a speech in honour of his wife and the french monarchy.
(Thanks to @nexility-sims @officalroyalsofpierreland, @theroyalthornoliachronicles, and @funkyllama for your participation!)
⚜ Traduction française
Après la signature du registre de l'Etat civil, l'Empereur Napoléon V donne un discours en l'honneur de sa nouvelle épouse, mais aussi en l'honneur de la Francesim.
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The Importance of Robespierre on Democracy: Do you know it’s Robespierre who boosts the concept of Democracy dramatically in our modern political context first? By the way, democracy is not a good word for a long period and so does Robespierre. Why not read John Dunn’s Setting the People Free to know more about it?
In the Bishop of Imola’s homily, democracy scarcely features as a load-bearing element in any serious attempt to understand politics. Even in Paine’s writings or speeches its appearance signals more a relaxation than a tautening in intellectual attention. But with Maximilien Robespierre, for the first time in modern history, democracy at last appears not merely as a passing expression of political taste but as an organizing conception of an entire vision of politics. In due course Robespierre was to become an unnerving figure even to the man who did most to launch the Revolution. (‘If M. Robespierre asks for me’, Sieyes warned his Brussels housekeeper forty years later from the depths of flu, in muddled geriatric reminiscence of the year of Terror, ‘tell him, I’m out.’) By that time Robespierre himself had been dead for well over three decades; but in the five short years between 1789 and 1794 he set his intensely personal stamp permanently upon the entire Revolution, defining its main goals with unique authority, and identifying himself ineffaceably with some of its greatest achievements and many of its most odious political techniques.
‘Democracy perishes by two excesses, the aristocracy of those who govern, or the contempt of the people for the authorities which it has itself established, a contempt in which each faction or individual reaches out for the public power, and reduces the people, through the resulting chaos, to nullity, or the power of a single man.’ (Maximilien Robespierre, Discours et rapports à la Convention (Paris: Union Générale des Éditions, 1965), 236.)
In this great and terrible address the Revolution comes into clear view, rending itself to pieces. But already, mere months before it completed the task of self-destruction, it had inscribed this old, battle-scarred, but for so long also oddly scholastic, term ineffaceably upon its standard, handing it on without apology to fellow humans across the world and far into the future. It was Robespierre above all who brought democracy back to life as a focus of political allegiance: no longer merely an elusive or blatantly implausible form of government, but a glowing and perhaps in the long run all but irresistible pole of attraction and source of power.
The democracy which Robespierre affirms is synonymous with the republic as a form of state. By 1794 it made some sense to insist that a republic, the reluctant political product of France’s turmoil, could no more be an aristocracy than it could a monarchy. That was a lesson which no one could have drawn solely from the record of history, in which very many republics, from the grandest of all (ancient Rome) to the longest lived and most politically effective of its modern successors (Venice), had been ostentatiously aristocratic. France had begun its Revolution by declaring war on aristocracy; and its efforts to re-educate its monarch into dependable enmity towards its own aristocracy had been a conspicuous failure. The quest to combine democracy with monarchy in varying proportions persisted in France itself at intervals for almost a century, with at least one notable triumph along the way in the person of Napoleon.
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ushioliddell-blog · 2 months
Ayhalo : une analyse des obstacles à.
Et me revoilà. ^^ Vous aviez hâte ? (Non). Et j'avais oublié un point pour la première partie. Heureusement que ce n'est pas une dissertation notée, c'eût été compliqué, sinon. Un point très court. Q!Bad est maso,au moins un peu, Q!Aypierre, sadique. Complémentarité <3 Bon, maintenant, on embraye, après cet oubli malencontreux dont je m'excuse.
La seconde partie, les enfants. Qui a l'air attendue, on dirait XD Et on continue en français, vu qu'on a commencé en francais.
Et ils en ont, des obstacles. Croyez moi. Allons y donc. Et visiblement la musique a décidé de venir accompagner mon discours. Donc on l'accueille bien fort, elle aussi. Merci.
II ) Les obstacles.
A) Le problème de clarté.
Si le Furryduo avait des soucis de communication, de manière générale, eux.....C'est tout particulièrement la clarté. Je m'explique. Ils vont se faire des allusions.....et l'autre va pas du tout comprendre les allusions. Un exemple : Q!Bad, parlant des crushing wheels comme un câlin....Comme s'il en voulait un. La réponse ? Ben....rien. il bossait sur ses machines. Et c'est QUE des trucs comme ça. Des allusions que l'autre relève pas ou peu, surtout du coté de Q!Bad (le "i'm available " qui est passé au travers des mailles du filet probablement par un soucis de trad pour le double sens ).
Ou va pas comprendre que y a des allusions du tout. Q!Bad, si on regarde par le passé, a jamais été très doué pour déceler les allusions sentimentales comme elles le sont habituellement. XD
En d'autres termes, si aucun des deux à un moment donné ne va voir l'autre en mode "Je te veux", (pas cette phrase exacte mais en mode clair sur ce qu'ils veulent ), ça bougera pas.
Et y a plus de chance que ça vienne de Q!Bad que de Q!Aypierre. Tout simplement parce que Q!Aypierre considérerait ça comme un aveu de faiblesse, d'autant plus après Q!Max. Et Q!Bad comme un jeu en mode "oh, could it be funny, let me see if you can make me fall " et Q!Aypierre détesterait s'abaisser à se montrer faible et dépendant. Ça lui ferait redoubler d'ardeur dans le jeu, mais absolument cacher ses sentiments.
Par contre, dans l'autre sens (soit Q!Bad venant à lui et le jeu ) là ça marche xD Bon, dans ma configuration Q!Aypierre finirait par perdre à terme, après un très très très très long jeu (qui finirait limite par devenir comme leur jeu de chamailleries capitalistes mais constant en redoublant d'efforts pour pas laisser l'autre indifférent ou obtenir de l'attention ) et Q!Bad triompher mais voilà. Bien aidé par visiblement la nature un peu maso et très joueuse et manipulatrice avec en même temps de l'ego de Q!Bad, et celle sadique et malgré tout empreinte de gentillesse de Q!Aypierre, mais aussi également compliqué à cause de leurs égos qui ont du mal à accepter de se laisser à leurs émotions face à quelqu'un d'autre (Q!Aypierre ) ou d'être simplement dépendant d'autres et accepter ses propres désirs et laisser quelqu'un en prendre soin (on rappelle qu'avant il était parti vivre loin de tous XD ) (Q!Bad ).
En d'autres termes, si ça devient clair, ça deviendra une bataille d'egos emplie de jeu et le jeu finira par les consumer au point de plus pouvoir se cacher derrière XD
Niveau musical, un mix entre Power and Control de Marina and the Diamonds et Jamais je n'avouerai dans Hercule XD
B) "Fuis moi, je te suis ".
J'imagine déjà vos questions avec cette phrase. Pour le coup, très lié à Q!Bad. Il cherche de l'attention, des gens pour s'entourer. Mais en même temps.....Comprend JAMAIS les allusions à ça quand elles sont réellement intéressées. (Et ça continue avec la baignoire par exemple ). Et......poursuit quand ça ne l'est plus. Donc si intéresser....Ben il le voit pas XD
Pour le coup encore une ref musicale : Il aurait suffi de la comédie musicale le Rouge et le Noir.
Q!Aypierre de son côté, laisse venir à lui, quand bien même il ait des inclinaisons. Il ne se livre et encore que sous des formes incomplètes et en se cachant derrière des blagues pour minimiser l'emprise, comme ce qu'il a fait avec le début de relation avec Q!Max, de manière à garder le contrôle sur ses émotions. Contrôle qui s'est clairement renforcé. Donc ça être long pour venir à bout du truc. Ça finira par venir, si ça se fait, car l'amour ne se contrôle pas, mais derrière va falloir continuer de prouver que l'histoire ne se répétera pas, chemin déjà à moitié fait cependant, simplement à décliner dans ce cas là ("I know you will always be there, unlike Maximus") et que c'est ok d'aimer. De l'autre coté, apprendre à voir les signaux et qu'il en a bel et bien le droit (le lore du Fallen Angel de @awdee, pour le coup melangée à la fameuse théorie déjà partagée ici qui explique sa manière d'aimer ). Mais si vous vous attendez à des fleurs (sauf pour Q!Bad qui les exigera à grand cris, et Q!Aypierre qui le fera marner avec ça, avant de les laisser chez lui discrètement ) ....Nope. attendez vous à des pranks en série, des allusions sur son goût potentiel, le jeu encore et toujours, de quoi toujours avoir et demander de l'attention, encore plus de plans machiavéliques, parce que ça fait partie de la manière d"aimer" de Q!Bad et Q!Aypierre va s'y adapter ultra vite comme il s'adapte toujours à ce que fait Q!Bad et dans le plus privé possible, après un très long moment un début de pansage de plaies et une introduction à la tendresse comme on a pu en voir vers la fin du Furryduo. En public ? Possible. Mais je doute que Q!Bad accepte facilement XD Ca aussi ça va vite tourner au jeu XD
C) Leurs blessures.
Et ils sont blessés. Très blessés. Tout les deux avec une peur de l'abandon qui leur fait faire tout et n'importe quoi. S'attacher, c'est prendre le risque d'être un jour abandonné. Encore. L'un a vu mourir toutes les personnes dont il a emmené les âmes, l'autre est littéralement dans le corps de la création qu'il a abandonné et s'est fait à son tour abandonné par l'homme qu'il aimait. Et Q!Bad ne sait PAS que théoriquement, Q!Aypierre est aussi immortel qu'il l'est.
S'attacher à un humain, qu'il pourrait perdre ? Comme le perso auquel il s'était attaché et qui est mort ? Hmm....
Et pour Q!Aypierre, se livrer, prendre le risque de se faire encore briser, se montrer vulnérable.....Hmm..
Pour Q!Bad, aimer à l'humaine, accepter qu'il puisse éprouver éventuellement certaines choses, vouloir laisser le contrôle éventuellement à quelqu'un d'autre, laisser l'autre prendre soin de lui et le voir vulnérable, être accepté tel qu'il est, ainsi que ses envies.....
Pour que ça tienne, ce sont les plaies qui devront être pansées.
D) Leurs sentiments.
Avant toute chose : il est très clair qu'ils ont une inclinaison l'un vers l'autre. Ils passeraient pas leur temps à se regarder dans les yeux, se faire des allusions, se chercher. Mais de là à sauter le grand pas....
Et quel grand pas. Il y a un spectre entre eux. Un mort qu'on refuse de voir mort. Un mort qu'on sait potentiellement capable de revenir. Un mort qu'on attend, de plus en plus silencieusement et auquel on rend hommage, presque sans s'en rendre compte quand on construit sa centrale, dans lequel on tend à attacher ses pas, comme s'il avait ouvert une voie et qu'on essaye de tout faire pour suivre ses traces, le retenir un peu avec soi. Un mort qui hante le narratif, quand bien même leur relation est morte. Un espoir de pouvoir reconstruire ce qui a été, à terme, même si cet espoir est très probablement vain.
Et ça Q!Bad en a conscience et le respecte. Il serait exactement pareil, dans le même cas, et il l'était avant la disparition totale du perso vers lequel il tendait vers une relation, avant. Le poursuivre revient à lui faire accepter qu'une page se tourne, qu'une nouvelle histoire se construit, accepter ces inclinaisons naissantes. Pas impossible, mais lent. Et un hurt and comfort quand il se rendra compte qu'il pense de moins en moins à lui, qu'il commence à oublier des détails physiques à son propos ou sa manière de rire.....
Pour Q!Bad, c'est accepter de ressentir des choses plus terriennes. Vouloir comme un humain veut et ne pas essayer de tout faire pour faire plaisir et garder avec soi. Se reposer enfin, en réalisant qu'être lui peut suffire à quelqu'un. Accepter le calme après tout ce paraitre. Accepter qu'il puisse vouloir, égoïstement, des choses et que l'autre les lui offre. Accepter d'être accepté comme il est par quelqu'un d'autre que son Père. Pour reprendre une citation d'un manga, "The Gentlemen Alliance Cross" ,"L'enfant est un ange. Dieu veille sur lui . Mais Dieu n'est pas visible, alors l'Homme se sent seul. C'est pourquoi un jour, il quitte Dieu. Pour pouvoir vivre avec d'autres humains, il renonce au paradis pour se faire aimer de la personne qu'il aime ". (Ou if I'm englufied with tenderness dans Kiki la petite sorcière - ref fournie par la mangaka à propos de la citation dans une note de début de chapitre, je cite mes sources XD ) Et c'est de ça dont il s'agira. Déjà fait une fois pour les oeufs et j'avais ressorti à l'occasion cette citation pour, mais une fois, et si la deuxième fois veut dire ne plus jamais vraiment le revoir ? Vivre avec cette peur et estimer que cet amour en vaille la peine.
Et, dans une optique très terre à terre....Accepter que Cucurucho se contente de jouer avec lui et se soucie de lui uniquement en son statut d'invité spécial et en voyant ce qu'il peut en tirer s'il le met sous son joug (désolée, pas oublier que c'est un manipulateur, et que ça doit totalement en faire partie, de son plan, le rendre dépendant de lui en profitant de sa solitude, pour en faire ce qu'il veut et son bras armé,encore une fois, je prends appui sur un post de @issialoua ).
Pour conclure, ce sera long, empli de jeux, de petites manipulations, un jeu à la "Kaguya : Love is War ", même si j'ai pas du tout lu le manga mais je connais un peu le pitch, empli de blessures à panser, de hurt and comfort et accepter d'être beaucoup plus clair. Pas impossible mais clairement pas de tout repos avec énormément de moments WTF, et drôles et des moments très doux. On n'est absolument pas dans du Fit x Pac, doux, tendre et timide, mais à l'image de leur relation actuelle.
Ça swingerait, et violent. Si ça devait se faire, préparez vous. Ça bougerait sec XD
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oscconfessions · 3 months
Dgmw I bet nickloon is a great arc yada yada, but holy shit dose it feel drawn out to me. I personally think some other characters could have used that screentime. And also they way the writers write them is so mehhhrnm. I bet it's not bad when rewatching the show but having to deal with a "will they or won't they" every single new episode just drains a person(espically when the EPS were being posted) Imo they'd be best as a arc at the start of III(premerge) because that part really misses anything going on(The only reason I gave III a chance was because 13 was rlly good at setting up stuff and I wanted more of that II2 writing).
Heck the shorter arc could symbolize something like "II2 is near it's end and mephone dosen't want to go back." And also I'd aruge it's resolution and everything else makes it not Worth being a full season arc. Like yeah Nickel's opinion on Balloon changes and that's well handeled, but it feels so nothing after seeing the two of them go back and forth for all of III second half. You get so desenscized to it, unless you have loved these characters all of III and want to see them together there's really nothing else in there.
Like Take bot's arc from the first half of III, dose it have flaws (yep) But was/is it enjoyed by most of the Fandom (YEAH!). Why? Because the arc dosen't draw itself out. Shit I'd aruge in the way the III writers were writing Bot's arc deserved more screentime then Nickel and Balloons(OR at least the arc deserved better time management. Like I said it's not perfect either). And I know Fandom liking something dosen't make it better/gooder then others. But I feel like a enjoyable arc should be able to reach more people then just Nickloon shippers, espically if it's gonna be this long.
Also mabye I dislike it because every single post about it is romatnic, Idk why but even before balloon was a canon aro(I'M NOT OPENING THAT CAN OD DISCOURE) I just coudln't see them together. So every single post about the arc having that isn't analises being Nickloon is just meh..(Plus I just don't really care for it in genral, it's not my thing but if you like it power to you)
ALSO no, I'm not saying compelx relationships bad, I'm just saying I PERSONALLY feel like the arc is drawn out. And no I'm not some 7 year old with a bad attention span. I'd forgive how long it takes if the writers did something else with them other then having "Will they or won't they" which I personally found obnoxius.
If you think it adds onto their characters and think the lenght of this arc and "Will they or won't they" is a improtant and good part of the nickloon soup that's A Okay
(Sorry for getting really annyoing in the last to paragraphs it's just I've noticed people on here like to act like someone, dislking the arc they like means their a idiot, because apparently you need to like something if people say it's "objectivly well writeen" even if it just dosen't vibe with you)
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txttletale · 1 year
i swear thbis is the last fucking post i will make about this discoures because im back home now so i can start being normal and nicecore and chillpilled again BUT. to be clear. i am very very open to hearing criticisms of the damages of nuclear power, of the harm that nuclear power causes to people when it’s implemented within a capitalist system that incentivizes extraction and exploitation at all costs. however im not open to hearing it on my post about how nuclear power is better in all those regards than oil and coal power. because then its missing the opint a bit innit lads
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Speech held by Claire Lacombe at the National Assembly [sic] July 25 1792
French, artist and without a place, that is who I am. However, legislators, what should be the object of my despair fills my soul with the purest joy. Unable to come to the aid of my country, which you have declared in danger, by pecuniary sacrifices, I come to pay homage to it in person. Born with the courage of a Roman and the hatred of tyrants, I would be happy to contribute to their destruction. Perish to the last despot! Intrigans, vile slaves of Nero and Caligula, may I annihilate you all! and you mothers of families whom I would blame for leaving your children to follow my example, while I do my duty by fighting the enemies of the fatherland, fulfill yours by inculcating in your children the feelings that every Frenchman must have at birth, the love of freedom and the horror of despots. Never lose sight of the fact that without the virtues of Veturia, Rome would have been deprived of the great Coriolanus.
Legislators, you have declared the fatherland in danger, but that is not enough: dismiss from their powers those who alone have given rise to this danger and have sworn the destruction of France. Can you leave at the head of our armies this perfidious Catiline, excusable only in the eyes of those whose infamous projects he wanted to serve? What are you waiting for to launch the decree of indictment against him? Will you wait for the enemies, to whom he daily delivers our towns, to arrive in the senate to destroy it with ax and fire? You have only to keep a culpable silence for a few more days, and soon you will see them in your enclosure. There is still time, legislators, raise yourselves to the height which belongs to you; appoint leaders in whom we can give our confidence; say one word, one word and the enemies will disappear.
Signed. F. Lacombe
Response from the president: Madame, more made to soften tyrants than to fight them, you offer to bear arms for freedom. The National Assembly applauds your patriotism, and grants you the honors of its session.
Source: Discours prononcé à la barre de l’Assemblée nationale [sic], par Madame Lacombe, le 25 juillet 1792, l’an 4 de la liberté
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maaarine · 1 year
Bibliography: books posted on this blog in 2023
Mariana ALESSANDRI (2023): Night Vision: Seeing Ourselves Through Dark Moods
Pierre BOURDIEU (1998): Masculine Domination
Michael CUNNINGHAM (1998): The Hours
Simone DE BEAUVOIR (1949): The Second Sex
Andrea DWORKIN (1981): Pornography: Men Possessing Women
Andrea DWORKIN (1983): Right-Wing Women
Silvia FEDERICI (2012): Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle
Antony FREDRIKSSON (2022): A Phenomenology of Attention and the Unfamiliar: Encounters with the Unknown
Manon GARCIA (2021): We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women’s Lives 
Sarah HENDRICKX (2015): Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age
Walter ISAACSON (2023): Elon Musk
John KAAG (2020): Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life
Naomi KLEIN (2023): Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World
Ferenc KÖTELES (2021): Body Sensations: The Conscious Aspects of Interoception
Diane LAMOUREUX et Francis DUPUIS-DERI (2015): Les antiféminismes : analyse d'un discours réactionnaire
Michael GRAZIANO (2019): Rethinking Consciousness: A Scientific Theory of Subjective Experience
Kati MARTON (2021): The Chancellor: The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel
Karl MARX (1932): Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
Greer KIRSHENBAUM (2023): The Nurture Revolution: Grow Your Baby's Brain and Transform Their Mental Health through the Art of Nurtured Parenting
Kate MANNE (2017): Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny
Gabor MATE (2022): The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture
Susan MATTER (2019): The Slow Moon Climbs: The Science, History, and Meaning of Menopause
Kevin MITCHELL (2023): Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will
Siddhartha MUKHERJEE (2022): The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human
Emily NAGOSKI (2015): Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life
Carole PATEMAN (1988): The Sexual Contract
Annie Murphy PAUL (2021): The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain
Matthew PERRY (2022): Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir
Devon PRICE (2022): Unmasking Autism
Hartmut ROSA (2018): Resonance: A Sociology of Our Relationship to the World
Martin SELIGMAN (1975): Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death
Miguel A. SEPULVEDA-PEDRO (2023): Enactive Cognition in Place
Mary Ann SIEGHART (2021): The Authority Gap: Why Women are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and what We Can Do about it
Timothy SNYDER (2018): The Road to Unfreedom
Gloria STEINEM (1992): Revolution from Within
John STOLTENBERG (1993): The End of Manhood: A Book for Men of Conscience
Liv STRÖMQUIST (2014): Fruit of Knowledge
Michael TOMASELLO (2022): The Evolution of Agency: Behavioral Organization from Lizards to Humans
Yanis VAROUFAKIS (2023): Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism
Peter VERMEULEN (2009): Autism as Context Blindness
Peter VERMEULEN (2022): Autism and The Predictive Brain: Absolute Thinking in a Relative World
Jane WARD (2015): Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men
Jane WARD (2020): The Tragedy of Heterosexuality
Niobe WAY (2011): Deep Secrets: Boys’ Friendships and the Crisis of Connection
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kitthecrab · 11 months
regarding ur one leftie post (im saying this on anon cuz im shy and i like hearing others opinions)
so how would a state function in post revolution to help the people? and i know you mentioned the state would gradually disappear over time with education and planning, but how would people be sure or even trustworthy of it slowly disappearing? And what does a democratic state post revolution serve? And how would people prevent it from becoming authoritarian?
those are my only questions, you dont actually have to answer any of them you can just delete this ask, im just wondering because i read your post and thought it was kinda interesting and had some additional questions, and i hope this doesn't come off as discours-ey or rude :')
Totally chill!
Q: so how would a state function in post revolution to help the people?
A: I think that the state would manage trade, organize the (unfortunately necessary) military to protect from capitalist countries and support revolutions in other countries, organize schools, suppress fascists and capitalists, etc. etc.
PS: also (because i think it varies from person to person) I think that suppression of fascists and capitalists would include anti-fascist organizing being supported by the state, holding politicians to a high standard, and having anti-fascism and leftist concepts being taught in school.
Q: and i know you mentioned the state would gradually disappear over time with education and planning, but how would people be sure or even trustworthy of it slowly disappearing?
A: (I need to think on this more but so far) I think that there would be some kind of document or law that would have goals or things to manage for the state to follow. There would also be courses, subjects, and organizations dedicated to helping communities build up mutual aid networks and self-sustaining communities.
PS: I think also part of the dissolving of the state is breaking the state into smaller, more local pieces.
Q: What does a democratic state post revolution serve?
A: (see Q1) and I think the state being democratic will help so we can have different issues addressed, make sure power cant be (as) corrupted, make sure that the people (not like the US...) can be politicians and solve the problems they see, and make sure that things are in order but still prevent corruption.
Q: And how would people prevent it from becoming authoritarian?
A: Democracy, local organizing, having ways to make sure the government will listen to the people, holding the state accountable, teaching (and making sure) that if the government isn't listening to you then you can agitate organize and take action, and making sure the people have power (guns, unions, organized action, comities specifically designated to listening and making sure that the people's concerns and issues are heard and acted on.
Hope this helps!!! I love questions and am always happy to answer!! (also as a shy person totally makes sense :) )
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noscorpsaladerive · 2 years
Musical "Elisabeth” at Festival Bruxellons - "Plus rien n’arrête les ombres (Die Schatten werden länger)"
Kaplyn as Death, Lander van Nuffelen as Rudolf
Attempt at a lyric transcription and translation under the cut
Thank you to @fitzrove for her help!
La Mort / Death : Il est temps d’ouvrir la danse De priser ce lourd silence Souviens-toi, oui, souviens-toi Une minuit* dans ta jeunesse Je t’ai fait cette promesse Que pour toi, je serai là
Roldolphe : Tu es toujours là dans mon cœur Mon ami, des jours terribles Toi seul me rassure quand j’ai peur
La Mort / Death : Appelle, et me voilà
Les deux / Both : Plus rien n’arrête les ombres Mais les gens sont tous aveugles et sourds Ils suivent dans la pénombre Des joueurs de flûte au grand discours Plus rien n’arrête les ombres Ce sont elles qui très Bientôt vaincront le jour
Roldolphe : Dans ce monde qui agonise Qui nous tue ou nous divise Je n’ai plus la moindre piste Tu vois bien, je peux rien faire
La Mort / Death : J’en ai peur, le plus à plaindre Et celui qui seul est faible Vois pas tu la vie s’éteindre
Roldolphe : Je vis là, la mort dans l’âme
Les deux / Both : Plus rien n’arrête les ombres Et leurs cris perçants déchirent le soir Errant dans les décombres Les humains perdus ne savent qui croire Plus rien n’arrête les ombres Nous serons bientôt plongés dans la nuit noire
La Mort / Death : Qu’est-ce qui te retient ? C’est le moment d’agir Prends le pouvoir Entre dans l’Histoire L’Histoire
Les deux / Both : Plus rien n’arrête les ombres L’impensable est prévu pour demain Quand tu parais si sombre Qui peut encore défaire nos liens ? Plus rien n’arrête les ombres L’Empereur Roldolphe est face à son destin
*”Une minuit” has been changed to “autrefois” for the stage version
Death: It is time to open the dance To savor this heavy silence Remember, yes, remember One midnight in your youth I made you this promise That I will be there for you
Rudolf: You are always here in my heart My friend, terrible days Only you comfort me when I’m scared
Death: Call and I’ll be there
Both: Nothing stops the shadows anymore But people are all blind and deaf In darkness they follow Flute players with fancy speeches Nothing stops the shadows anymore They’re the ones who shall Very soon conquer the day
Rudolf: In this dying world That kills us or divides us I don’t have a way forward You see, I can do nothing
Death: I was scared of that, the most to complain [about] And the one who on his own is weak Do you not see, life is fading away
Rudolf: I live there, with a heavy heart*
Both: Nothing stops the shadows anymore And their piercing cries destroy the night Wandering in the ruins Lost humans don’t know who to believe Nothing stops the shadows anymore Soon we’ll be plunged into the black night
Death: What’s holding you back? It’s the moment to act Take power Make history
Rudolf: History
Both: Nothing stops the shadows anymore The unthinkable is scheduled for tomorrow When you seem so serious Who could undo our ties? Nothing stops the shadows anymore Emperor Rudolf is facing his destiny
*”la mort dans l’âme” figuratively means “heavy heart[ed]” but literally means “death in my soul”, which seems important to note given the context 😂
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Sorry to be party pooper when you were theorising and having fun, but I think I need to vent.
Anyway, we all can agree that this fandom has recently gotten a very toxic discours/discussion environment which just sucks. I mostly blame the writers for this, mostly because of ep 5. Not only did this add to obvious power imbalance between loustat, but also did make POC and especially black audiences understandable very uncomfortable. Not only possibly by the relationship (that is supposed to be endgame!) but also of Lestat (a future “hero” of the story).
As a white person I obviously cannot comprehend what it must have felt to see that from a racial standpoint, but it was very upsetting to see from my point of view alone.
Now, there are of course debates on if that scene were “out of character” for Lesta or not…I am still debating over that. (I mean, show!Lestat is a bit different from book!Lestat after all?)
What I find most frustrating about ep 5 is just “did they not think?!”. No but really, what did they think that was going to look like? How people would react and feel? Like??? How??? They didn’t at least have to make the DV so severe and brutal, especially when they have such powerful dynamics to portray. Right?
Idk. Maybe I am just salty because I really just recently joins this fandom (for real) that I thought would be chill and a safe place for many people and meanings discussions…and then there is this black cloud that didn’t have to be here in the first place. I feel frustrated for everyone😕
... I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated by all of it. *hugs*
Still - welcome to the fandom?! 💕
*sighs* So this is difficult. I can understand the frustration, I knew when I watched this would hit the fan, so to speak.
BUT. I have talked about it, too, several times, how this episode served other purposes (imho). In this post there's two articles linked by Linda Codega, which I recommend reading. I can link more posts by @showmey0urfangs and others on this, too, if you're interested.
The show... puts its finger into wounds, and worries them. Lestat does abuse. Lestat does rape. Lestat does force-feed. Lestat chops off digits. Canonically. He doesn't do that to Louis, canonically. Which is, imho, exactly the point.
By making it happen to Louis, and in this way, it forces us to look. By using certain imagery it gets waaaaaay beyond our comfort zone. On purpose.
However, in the context of the story(!) and here's the catch to it all - we do not know if it happened. It's a tale, and one deliberately torn apart in the end. Throwaway lines of episode 1 come back, to suddenly make sense and hint at the truth. Continuity errors and the very way people are held build parallels. I'm saying it again, this show does details, and it does not serve to conflate the issues imho.
And one thing re the writers and what they say: Imagine you're doing those big arcs, with full knowledge of the Chronicles, and the way you want to shake the narrative up... and then the season gets split. And you get asked why you did episode 5 the way you did. And you cannot say anything re the reveal in episode 7. You cannot say anything re what's to come in season 2, what you've been planning for (now) episode 12. You cannot say anything in regards to the parallels you've set up, or what Armand did (or not). Your viewership is mostly unaware of what's in the books (there was a poll the other day, like only 20%? have read a few books?!), as the reactions to Louis / Armand have plainly shown imho.
So what do you say?
This is not to defend them btw. I do think some of the answers especially by Rolin were... well. (And the missing content warning is its own fuck up.) But I also think that this is something that has to be factored in as well. Because of course they do not wish to give their game away.
Imagine if people (I am included here) are correct with episode 5, that the latter half of that "fight" was a modified memory, because something like this happened between Armand and Lestat, but not Lestat and Louis. As a writer, getting asked re the cloud gift... what could you say? You couldn't say "well, we're building a parallel for the big showdown in season 2, when Armand throws Lestat off a tower and later Armand is thrown off a roof by Lestat". And you cannot say "well, there's this scene in TVL, which will be in season 3, where Armand force-feeds on Lestat, and Lestat then beats him to a pulp and drags him by the throat". You just cannot say that, because it would the give the game away, at least to those who do not know the books?
And yes, I am aware that this is (book-canon based) speculation, and that we'll see.
But given the setup of the interview in Dubai you cannot even trust that part of the tale :)) Much less what is narrated. Which makes the OOC discussion void imho. We haven't seen the real Lestat, the real Louis, or the real Armand yet.
We haven't seen anything objectively true yet. Except maybe Daniel's apartment in the beginning^^.
Feel free to come in and rant at anytime :)) But... personally... I think there is much, much more to it than the DV discussion alone, or the OOC discussion alone. And if that is actually true... then we're watching the show of the decade unfold. A true piece of art. And art... can be challenging.
Still. Said that before, too - I could do with less toxicity in the fandom, too. Especially on these so important and difficult subjects. I would prefer we could discuss them in a productive manner. But maybe that will only need ... time and perspective, (right, Louis)^^.
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empiredesimparte · 2 years
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State Opening of Parliament and Emperor Napoléon IV's second government
GREAT DECIPHERING. Emperor Napoléon IV opens his speech to the Parliament with congratulations: the Simpartist party wins a large majority! In the evening, the results gave the imperialist party about 73% of the French votes. The Emperor noted that "confidence in the French institutions had been restored" thanks to a "great work of reconciliation". According to His Majesty, the Empire is therefore "the democratic solution of the Francesim".
Finally, His Imperial Majesty shares his priorities for the new legislative year, which he will largely entrust to his Prime Minister. On the agenda: the economy, public services, industrial and employment laws, but also national dignity by strengthening the army and funding French research and universities.
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It was the Grand Master of the Empire, the official communication officer of the Tuileries Palace, who announced the results of the legislative elections live on the first French television channel. The very strong victory of the Emperor's party promises great stability for the nation. Behind him, the Tiers Parti, a far-right republican party. Finally, the Socialists won a small victory, obtaining more seats. The remaining ecologists and communists obtained a very small percentage, as they did not wish to ally themselves with the socialists.
As a reminder, the imperialist party is itself composed of two allied tendencies: the moderates and the conservatives. The conservatives won the most seats in this election. This should allow the Emperor and his second government more room for manoeuvre in terms of reform.
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Above. Official portrait of the second government of Emperor Napoléon IV, the Charlemagne de Maupas government. At the Château de Versailles, the Council of Ministers' room.
What powers does the Emperor have now?
Unlike many other monarchical systems, the Emperor of Francesim has active power, both executive, legislative and judicial. The Emperor is not only a symbol of the nation's leader but a true political leader with a wide range of powers of action. He is therefore not bound to a certain neutrality, although this may be observed regularly by political tradition. In theory, His Imperial Majesty does not need Parliament to pass laws. Nevertheless, again as a matter of political custom, Emperor Napoléon IV made sure to present all his bills to the Corps Législatif. To obtain a majority in Parliament is for the Emperor the assurance :
To see imperial laws less debated, and therefore to be able to legislate more without democratic censorship.
That his political government, which is responsible for its actions unlike the Emperor, will not be censured or removed by legislative vote.
GRAND DECRYPTAGE. L'Empereur Napoléon IV ouvre son discours au Parlement par des félicitations : le parti Simpartiste remporte largement la majorité ! Dans la soirée, les résultats ont totalisé au parti impérialiste environ 73% des votes des français. L'Empereur constate que "la confiance en les institutions françaises a été ramenée" grâce à un "grand travail de réconciliation". Selon Sa Majesté, l'Empire est donc "la solution démocratique de la Francesim".
Enfin, Sa Majesté Impériale partage ses priorités pour la nouvelle année législative, qu'il confiera en grande partie à son premier ministre. Au programme : économie, services publics, lois industrielles et de l'emploi, mais aussi la dignité nationale par le renforcement de l'armée et le financement de la recherche et des universités françaises.
C'est le Grand Maître de l'Empire, chargé de communication officiel du palais des Tuileries, qui a dévoilé en direct les résultats des législatives sur la première chaîne de télévision française. La très forte victoire du parti de l'Empereur promet une grande stabilité pour la nation. Derrière lui, le Tiers Parti, un parti d'extrême droite républicain. Enfin, les socialistes obtiennent une petite victoire, obtenant davantage de sièges. Les écologistes et les communistes restant obtiennent un très faible pourcentage, n'ayant pas souhaité s'allier aux socialistes.
Pour rappel, le parti impérialiste est lui-même composé de deux tendances alliées : les modérés et les conservateurs. Ce sont les conservateurs qui ont obtenu le plus de sièges pour ce scrutin. Ce qui devrait permettre à l'Empereur et son second gouvernement plus de manoeuvres en matière de réforme.
Contrairement à beaucoup d'autres systèmes monarchiques, l'Empereur de Francesim possède un pouvoir actif, à la fois exécutif, législatif et judiciaire. L'Empereur n'est pas seulement un symbole de chef de la nation mais un véritable dirigeant politique avec une large palette de pouvoirs d'action. Il n'est donc pas tenu à une certaine neutralité, bien qu'elle peut être observée régulièrement par tradition politique. En théorie, Sa Majesté Impériale n'a pas besoin du Parlement pour passer des lois. Néanmoins, toujours par coutume politique, l'Empereur Napoléon IV a veillé à présenter tous ses projets de lois au Corps Législatif. Obtenir une majorité au Parlement, c'est pour l'Empereur l'assurance :
De voir les lois impériales moins débattues, et donc de pouvoir davantage légiférer sans censure démocratique.
Que son gouvernement politique, qui est responsable de ses actions contrairement à l'Empereur, ne soit pas censuré ou destitué par vote législatif.
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daisyachain · 11 months
combine TMA complaints hour with the discours du jour to get: for all the soppy shippy nonsense that came out of the season 5 debacle (the debacle being season 5 existing), the point of TMA is not in fact love. The point of TMA inasfar as it was any good is that no aspect of human existence is safe from exploitation, and even the ‘purest’ instincts can and will be twisted by The Powers to extract from The Masses. The relationships in TMA are good because they backfire so badly. John’s friendship with Sasha leads him to act alone as if it’s a personal grievance and not you know the invasion of his workplace by eldritch entities. Tim’s friendship with John causes him to take everything that happens personally and die. John’s friendship with Martin leads him to walk straight into the mousetrap after that ambulatory piece of cheese. Characters of the week move in with their parents out of love and are trapped. Sure, human connection is a temporary balm, but it doesn’t matter when it’s used against you in the end
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nicolasbaudoin · 5 days
La littérature jeunesse, continent sans frontières ? | Assises de la littérature jeunesse
Depuis 2017, les professionnels du livre pour la jeunesse se réunissent tous les deux ans lors des Assises de la littérature jeunesse. Cette année, pour la 4e édition, maisons d’édition, auteurs, traducteurs, journalistes, médiateurs du livre ou encore enseignants se retrouveront autour d’une question : la littérature jeunesse, continent sans frontières ? En partenariat avec le Syndicat national de l’édition, avec le soutien de La Sofia. 00:00 Introduction par la Présidente de la BnF, Laurence Engel, et Louis Delas (Vice-président du Syndicat national de l'édition) 14:32 Conférence inaugurale de Clémentine Beauvais, autrice et traductrice 32:46 Table Ronde 1 – Les métiers de l’international avec Laura Karayotov (agent littéraire), Bernard Friot (traducteur), Isabelle Darthy (responsable de cession de droits, L’école des loisirs), Laurence Leclercq (responsable de cession de droits BD Jeunesse, Delcourt) - Modération par Nicolas Roche (Directeur général, BIEF) 2:04:00 Mathilde Lévêque, professeure à l’Université Sorbonne Paris Nord 2:22:57 Table Ronde 2 – La littérature jeunesse au défi du numérique, avec Anne-Sophie Steinlein, (Directrice des opérations, YouScribe), Michael Stora (psychologue et psychanalyste, expert des mondes numériques), Jeanne Seignol (journaliste et booktubeuse) - Modération par Laurent Carpentier (journaliste, Le Monde) 3:14:54 Lecture à voix haute par Souleymane (finaliste Île-de-France 2023 des Petits champions de la lecture) 3:21:51 Intervention vidéo de Dorottya Rédai (Présidente de l’association hongroise LGBT LABRISZ, éditrice du recueil de contes inclusifs Brune-Feuille, le prince se marie et autres contes inclusifs) 4:48:03 Intervention de Praline Gay-Para, (conteuse) « Les contes qui traversent les frontières » 4:54:59 Table Ronde 3 – Les enjeux de la coopération internationale, avec Christine Cornet, (attachée Livres et débat d’idées au ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères), Hasmig Chahinian (chargée de mission internationale au CNLJ, responsable d’IBBY France), Laurence Faron (directrice des éditions Talents Hauts et co-Présidente du groupe Jeunesse du SNE), Christine Morault (cofondatrice et directrice éditoriale des éditions MeMo), Modération par Florence Salanouve (directrice de la valorisation à l’ENSSIB) 6:53:40 Table Ronde 4 – La littérature jeunesse, vecteur de soft power, avec Cédric Pilot (producteur, Mediawan), Louis Barchon (rédacteur en chef de la revue Lecture Jeune), Valérie Salamm (co-fondatrice Folie d'Encre), Modération par Lloyd Chéry, (journaliste et rédacteur en chef adjoint de Métal Hurlant) 7:52:23 Discours de clôture par Laurence Faron et Cécile Térouanne (co-présidentes du groupe Jeunesse au SNE) Plus d'informations : https://www.bnf.fr/fr/agenda/assises-... Programme détaillé : https://www.sne.fr/evenement_sne/assi...
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bremont · 15 days
(via (5) NATO Escalation with Russia Cross Talk - YouTube)
Facts are that Russian leaders have won the game thanks to Washington DVD psychological stupidity Europe & Israel helped on the affair following Washington CIA blindness they allow the FED 📲DEB 🏦🗽 civilization to totally collapse which indirectly will benefit EUROPE 🛡️⚔️ as Washington ceases to exist as a super-idiocy- power 🍾🥂 Europe returns to his Renaissance 🍮 Shakespeare ✍️ Modern 🎨🖼️🎶 middle 💓👒 ages with Nobility 🎀⚖️ Wisdom now that they have learned the lesson💎⌚.. the problem now are the monkeys 🐒 on the white house with nuclear weapons ☢️ the chaves Maduro ⛪ religion Venezuela ✝️ upside down revolution American citizens are the ones now that have to act to dislodge the 📲 Oligarchy 📡🐦‍⬛ that has enslaved them hoping to implant chips on their brains 🧠 since 1776/1913/ avoid a nuclear exchange that Washington will lose 🛸🌎 the war was plan before it existed same as 1967 borders for Israel 🕎 2011 Libya/ 2014 Premier discours du Maïdan / Ukraine failure 1968. 🚀 2001 Space Odyssey End of the American 🎥 AIPAC 📽️ holly 💲 hock 🐦‍⬛ Roman EMPIRE as it Begun it ends 🔭🚬📺 Americans shall be free for ever after 👽😇
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wordofthehour · 1 month
Word of The Hour: speech
English: speech 1. the faculty of uttering articulate sounds or words 2. the faculty of expressing thoughts by words or articulate sounds 3. the power of speaking ------------ - French: un discours - German: die Rede - Hindi: भाषण - Italian: discorso - Portuguese: fala - Spanish: habla, discurso ------------ Report an incorrect translation @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
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