#the power of kogami
courtesanofdeath · 4 months
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Ginoza & Kogami
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couch-collector · 25 days
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The boys hanging out on the world's most uncomfortable chair
inspired by this post
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....I fucking hate you so much.
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straye · 2 years
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𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 : what is your place in the royal court?
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the queen. dignified in your regality, you are a beacon of reason… the true power behind the throne, you take heed of all, cautious in each move you make. some may call you callous in your calculation, but they do not know your heart.
tagged by: no one! i stole it. <;3 tagging: you!
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What about how they kiss and how they like to be kissed for the Psycho-Pass guys (you can choose which ones) Have you seen the movieWhat about how they kiss and how they like to be kissed for the Psycho-Pass guys (you can choose which ones)? Have you seen the movie??? :O Thanx!!
Psycho Pass Guys + kissing style
Shinya Kogami
Firm and direct.
Kogami isn’t really shy, or pussy foots around.
When he wants a kiss, he wants a kiss. Of course, if they are willing.
He pulls their whole body towards him and holds them close. It’s sort of a grounding thing when he can feel them against him when they kiss.
Nobuchika Ginoza
Shy and gentle.
His ‘kissing experience’ is basically non-existent before he became an Enforcer; not wanting to have to explain his father to anyone he got close to. And there isn’t much opportunity for kisses now that he’s on the other side of the fence.
Gino is meticulous. So, he wants to get it right. Unfortunately learning to kiss someone the right way is all trial & error.
He doesn’t want to hurt or scare them, and usually just lets them take the lead to teach him.
Shusei Kagari
Playful and persistent.
No one would disagree that Kagari’s love language is physical touch. He loves to hug, cuddle, be close to, and of course kiss his s/o all the time.
He’s constantly giving them little pecks on the cheek, head, or really anywhere he can get to. Sometimes multiple pecks in one go.
Like he’s storing up kisses for winter like a chipmunk or something.
Teppei Sugo
Passionate and unyielding.
Given Teppei’s usually calm, focused nature, it’s a surprise how powerful he is when he kisses, but it’s true. Perhaps his past in knowing things can slip away so easily that he wants to make sure that he takes full advantage of their moments when he kisses them.
He holds their face in his hands. Maps out their mouth with his tongue. Keeps kissing them until his lungs burn and physically must let them go.
Kisses them like every kiss might be their last, so he has to make the most of it.
Shogo Makishima
Sweet but deceptive
Shogo isn't a big kisser, in into physical touch.
He usually only kisses his s/o when he wants something or is trying to distract them from something he's done.
Like the rest of his personality he is able to manipulate them into thinking he loves them. He's good at it, and kissing. Using bits and pieces of affection to continue weaving his web of deceit and go about his plans with ease. Like a true psychopath.
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smokingasters · 10 months
A detail about the Peacebreakers in Providence. (translated + spoilers)
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overseas Research Department Field Survey Team/Peace Breaker Official activity period: 2098/04~2113/04
A unit that obtains and manipulates information useful to Japan from other countries. Its main mission is to enter other countries, gather information, carry out sabotage operations, and provide weapons and operational support to anti-government organizations who support the Japanese government. Regarding anti-government support operations, operations were carried out through domestic third-party organizations
(Example 1). It has been confirmed that it was provided to and expanded to the government and rebel forces of the former Southeast Asian Union (commonly known as SEAUN) (see corresponding data 04231 for details). Through "monitoring"derived from [...] The members were selected from among the soldiers who belonged to the Special Forces of the National Defense Force, based on the Sibyl System's advanced decisions, and from among them, those who had a particularly strong sense of national pride were selected. Establishment: Wave After its establishment, the company did some original work. Main strategies and execution records. 2099_Conflict within the Union of Southeast Asia
2111_Rebellion in the Republic of South Asia 2112_Operation Footstamp 2113_Kona Island independence group reduced cropping Involved in etc. For details, see 67721 data
In June 2118, the decision was made to dismantle the unit, and in the same month, the whereabouts of the unit commander and training staff went missing.
In October 2118, independent activity was confirmed, and it was completely destroyed. To this day, it is said that its range has expanded to include Japan, Northern Russia, and the Russian Federation. Tonami is said to have been the general manager since the company's founding.
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■ PB2098 type TUSIMA PS (Peacebreaker Armor) A powered suit that is standard equipment for the Peace Breaker Corps. It covers the head, upper body, and lower body, and is equipped with heavy armor and assist functions in each part. Increases the wearer's mobility by 1.25 times. Visibility is ensured by using cameras in front and behind the head to project images directly onto the eyes using internal scale projection sensors. It is also equipped with an infrared sensor and 3D prediction function MS2 as an option. It is possible to carry out operations without securing visibility even under conditions of poor visibility. Multi-type labeling function installed on the front of the waist
Sibyl itself is promoting conflicts to expand itself, and then denying asylum to the refugees which is why they're confined to Dejima/Kyushu. Sibyl lets MFA do the dirty work and it's obvious that Sibyl just turns a blind eye to this because it benefits their colonisation approach. I wonder what Kogami's thoughts will be when he comes to realise that his "democratisation" in Siam Reap (Psycho Pass Movie) was just a part of Sibyl's grand plan. Also Kona Island? Didn't Rutaganda and his mercenaries live on an island? The knowledge that Sibyl would let the world suffer, after having seen the true effects of it in his journey abroad and that probably every person he met or lost on his journey (including the people that Tenzing lost) was suffering due to Sibyl's duplicity. In Case 3 Novel, Frederica is investigating the Peacebreakers in Tibet-Himalaya and Garcia by extension. Honestly, Kogami Shinya seeing the horrors of war, trying to help people and then returning to become a cog in the System is a tragic enough ending for me. I guess this was the meaning of that painting in that room. (The Abyss, I assume?)
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Anyhow, I'm on my fourth rewatch (first time with subs so thank god I can follow the dialogues), and Sibyl has a knack of grinding my gears (pun intended), I've come to despise the System as much as Kogami. I'll delve into a proper review later, for now just accept my ramblings. I have 10,000 thoughts on Akane too, who in this movie punched me right in the heart, honestly I don't know how Akane-chan is so strong. I admire her grit.
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psychiccent · 2 months
Kogami not calling but VISITING Akane in S3
I think Ko visiting Akane in S3 was a powerful and symbolic gesture, and not just in the obvious ways. Consider the fact that the last phone call they had with one another ended w/ Akane hanging up on Ko. Of course, being present in a "real" sense remains consistent with his character/personality, and we have seen Kogami be more grounded/old fashioned in his approach to life and its obstacles throughout the series. Like his preference for traditional books as opposed to digital renditions or like in the manga extras, where we see Ko and the other new MFA agents all assuming their meeting w/ the CID would be physical. They even strategize on how best to infiltrate the building (I mean, what even guys? LOL Are you not INVITED and expected at this meeting or what? I CAN'T with these dorks xD). So we could assume his natural inclination in most situations is to simply show up. It could also be remnants from his life during his travels, when such luxuries like virtualized meetings were not readily available. It totally makes sense. Now, let me put on my shipper goggles.
Ko is still feeling the aftershocks of the second reunion with Akane and their subsequent separation and it is hinted at in the exchange between Mika and Gino at the beginning of the season. During this conversation, Gino states (quite confidently) that he does NOT need to go see Akane. Gino is aware that there are elements at play here and is adamant in his support for Akane, as well as his faith in their bond. They have had years to foster their relationship with one another and it shows. Ko...not so much.
Ko and Akane's relationship has been through quite a few dynamic shifts as the series has progressed and it's been wonderful to watch it all unfold. At this point in the story, Ko may not feel as confident in his standing with Akane as the others. Their last exchange saw him being unapologetic in saving her life (Thus discarding the mission objective) and then subsequently devastated by Akane's letter to him while Ko served his time. It's safe to assume that Ko has spent the entirety of Akane's incarceration running back the events of Providence and how it all led them to this.
A mere phone call is not enough for Ko at this stage in their relationship. Throughout the series, we have seen that Kogami draws comfort from Akane, primarily by sight and sound. Hearing her voice reminded Ko of the heavy toll he'd paid in his pursuit of Makishima. Seeing her sleeping face after waking up in the hospital room set him at ease as he took a moment to simply WATCH her. This is all before Providence. After the years have gone by, and he has finally made his way back onto home turf, the only thing really stopping Ko from seeing Akane is Kogami himself and a few security clearances. If that's all there really is to it, then it comes as no suprise to anyone when the visitation scene opens up with Ko leaning up against Akane's cell door.
Ko cannot face Akane during most of their exchange in this scene, another indicator that Ko is unsure in his position in Akane's world. It won't be the first time the subject has crossed Ko's mind either. Providence's novel gave us some insight, as we see Ko think about what he is to Akane and what Akane is to him. This is just before he bites the bullet and makes that infamous call on the balcony. He is aware that there is SOMETHING between them, but I believe Ko is not ready to dive too deeply into the origins/aspects of these feelings at that time.
The ghost of the conversation Ko had with Saiga in Providence is still haunting him too, years later... So much so, that one of the first things out of his mouth once he is finally standing face to face with Akane is an apology. The atmosphere between the two is both awkward and sweet and it feels a bit like, and I'll take a moment to adjust my shipping goggles here... it feels more like an exchange between a previously estranged couple finally coming to an understanding with one another rather than two friends burying the hatchet. That's just my take on it at least.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 7 months
i recently finished rewatching psycho pass season 1 and, as always, the thoughts about makishima shogo are flowing. i think, on my first watch of the show, i didn't quite understand makishima's character or the messages that it was presenting, but i think i've got a better grasp on it now, so. here are my two cents that no one asked for.
there are two words i predominantly associate with makishima: isolation and boredom, though my main focus is on the former as i feel the latter is not true apathy but rather a byproduct of isolation. makishima is isolated because of his criminally asymptomatic nature, meaning that sibyl, the system presiding over all of japan's society in the setting of psycho pass, has no power over him. no matter what he does, no matter what kind of person he is or how many heinous deeds he commits, makishima will always be an upstanding citizen in the eyes of sibyl. in a manner of speaking, sibyl, the ultimate authority of the world he lives in, cannot "see" him, and he himself is unable to change this fact. and because makishima is isolated, cut off from the rest of the world and the people around him, in such an extreme manner, he's bored.
the rest is under the cut for length. and fair warning, this entire post is pretty much me going:
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so. in kogami's assessment of makishima, he basically likens makishima and all his actions - his manipulations of the people around him, his murders, both direct and indirect, his attempted bioterrorism - to a kid throwing a tantrum about being left out. kogami here, i believe, is in some ways projecting a part of himself onto makishima, but that's not a topic for this post. suffice to say that despite his projecting, kogami isn't entirely inaccurate. makishima is a lonely person who wants to destroy a society and a system that rejects and denies his existence and personhood. once again, in sibyl's eyes, no matter who makishima really is, it doesn't matter. all that sibyl cares about is that his crime coefficient has never exceeded regulation level, and therefore he's a model citizen. ironically, makishima is subjected to sibyl's dehumanization just as much as any other individual in psycho pass' setting. people don't matter to sibyl, who they are inside and who they are to other people don't matter to sibyl. only their crime coefficient and their psycho pass do. while, in the enforcers like kogami, the issue of sibyl's dehumanization is highlighted through the fact that many of them are not bad people at all and yet they're treated like disposable assets, in makishima's case, it's the opposite. he's a murderer and a terrorist who can kill people without blinking an eye, but sibyl doesn't care about that. sibyl doesn't care that he's not a good person, his numbers are perfect and that's all that matters. who he is doesn't matter. (though i will note that i think makishima's status as a villain is muddled by the dystopian nature of sibyl and psycho pass' setting, but we can all at least agree that he's not a good person.) it's dehumanization; it's just that for makishima, it's the opposite of the typical trajectory with which that dehumanization is applied. arguably, and as kogami states, this could be taken by some people to be a blessing - after all, yippee, i can do whatever i want since my numbers will never exceed the accepted norm - but makishima takes it as an indication of how alienated he is.
makishima tells akane that he believes the only time people's actions have worth is when they commit them of their own free will, and that he wants to see the splendor of the human soul and judge for himself whether that's a good or bad thing. i think makishima feels that he has never truly been able to interact with others due to the overarching, restricting influence of sibyl. people can't let their true desires and wishes out because it would stigmatize them in sibyl's eyes. therefore, they are not acting of their own free will, and what they do does not represent the human soul that makishima claims he wants to see. therefore he wants people to break out of those restraints and be more "honest" about who they are. however, it's also that sense of isolation that makishima feels that hinders him from truly interacting with others on the same level. this is significant because, as shown by the series, interaction between people is one of the major factors that help individuals solidify and develop their own sense of self. kogami rediscovers his idealism and his sense of right and wrong by working under akane, which is something he tells her in the second(?) episode: that he feels that, under her, he might be able to be a detective, not just a hunting dog. akane, too, in interacting with kogami and to a lesser extent, ginoza, and the other enforcers, develops a strong grasp on what she believes to be just. by the end of season 1, she has a firm understanding of her own ideals which she lacked at the beginning, in part thanks to her experiences with those around that have helped her flourish.
as i said, though, makishima is unable to really, meaningfully interact with others - at least outside of a handful of people - and so his introspection and self-understanding have been considerably hampered. makishima is a very outwardly-knowledgable person and makes no secret of it, but i don't think he knows himself very well. he receives mixed messages from the dissonance between his own actions and sibyl's assessment of him, and the confusion, for lack of a better word, is only exacerbated because he feels that he can't have relationships with others that are actually worth anything. not only does he feel alienated by the world because he's criminally asymptomatic, but he also feels alientated by everyone around him. therefore, he seeks companionship (and utility, of course, but that's not the focus of this post) in seemingly like-minded people, who also appear to, in one way or another, reject and be rejected by the society that they live in. it's to foster meaningful connection that can actually teach him something - though i don't think he's consciously aware that this is part of his motivations - because he wants to know himself. essentially, he looks for himself in other people. But these other people, his accomplices - like masatake and rikako - disappoint him and fail to give him that companionship he seeks because they are ultimately also lacking their own sense of self.
in masatake's case, he is able to flawlessly play the role of multiple avatars because he relies on them - made-up, virtual constructs - to give him his identity. it's precisely because he has no well-defined "self" to speak of that he can, not only emulate the original owner of the avatar, but surpass them in his ability to embody and become their avatar. due to lacking his own unique identity, he serves no purpose to makishima, so makishima kills him. when it comes to rikako, while makishima is initially interested in her because of her resentment towards sibyl, said resentment and her resulting murders are very directly tied to her father, his beliefs, and his works. as kogami puts it, she lacks originality, because what she's doing is ultimately lashing out at the world for what was done to her father, not because she has some dissatisfaction with sibyl on her own independent principles. though, an aside: i actually think rikako does have some genuine frustrations with society less related to her father's situation, but they don't hold particularly significant sway over her. maybe if they had, makishima might have at least kept her alive longer.
as for senguji, i have less of an understanding of what makishima thought of him in comparison to masatake and rikako, probably because it's a little more ambiguous about whether makishima truly and totally cut him off like he did those other two, or if he was just going for a coin toss to see of senguji could survive his games. but i digress. my approximation is that senguji, despite his platitudes about the wonders of his near-complete cyborgification(? is that a word?), is actually deeply bored and dissatisfied, in part because so much of him is mechanical. being a cyborg means that most of the prey he hunts essentially poses little threat to him, and this gap is further widened by the fact that the "hunts" take place in senguji's own territory, so to speak. they aren't actual challenges. they don't truly stimulate him, but much like makishima who knows so little about his own self, senguji doesn't realize that. makishima, of course, who is ever-attuned to the people around him, picks up on this, which is why he tampers senguji's "game" with kogami to introduce unexpected variables that enable kogami to pose a legitimate threat to senguji. and, as senguji notes, only then does it sink in that he hasn't felt truly alive in a long time. the last time he did was when he was in a war zone, in mortal danger with his friend shot dead right next to him. in the present game with kogami - someone skilled and dangerous and as much of a threat to senguji as senguji is to him, unlike all of senguji's other hunts - senguji is once again in extreme peril, and for the first time in so long, he experiences that sensation of being alive. also, note the obvious parallel of makishima, at the top of the NONA tower, thanking kogami for doing away with his boredom for a little while. i'm pretty sure this is intentional; senguji's whole deal with boredom and dissatisfaction is, just like with all of makishima's accomplices, meant as a narrative reflection of makishima.
i would also feel remiss if i didn't talk about choe gu-sung. (who i'm pretty sure is korean btw. i don't believe his nationality is ever stated, other than that he is a foreigner, but the way his name is pronounced by the other characters - "chwae goo-seong" - lends itself perfectly to korean syllables. anyway.) gu-sung is interesting because, aside from kogami, he is the only person to pretty much sustain and live through the, shall we say, conundrum of makishima's interest. makishima does not kill gu-sung; they're in league until the very end, and in fact it's during their shared plan which they conducted together that gu-sung is killed by sibyl, and makishima actually has a faint but noticeable reaction to this. it's easy to see that gu-sung is more up his alley than masatake, rikako, and senguji. notably their dynamic is also different from that of makishima and his other accomplices, because they actually have normal (semi-normal...) discussions and makishima discusses and debates literature with him in the same way that he does with kogami. makishima is maybe not totally honest or open with gu-sung, but he is genuine with him. i think this is because, from what i can tell, gu-sung is someone who does have a true, defined sense of identify, and legitimate awareness about his own self. he doesn't get much expansion and we never know anything significant about him other than that he is a foreigner, a latent criminal, and a genius hacker, but what sticks out to me is that he's open about and aware of the fact that makishima has a certain engaging effect on him. in gu-sung's words, when "i'm with him, i feel like i've gone back to my childhood". additionally, during his conversation with kagari as the latter is trying to find and arrest him, gu-sung explains his dislike for the sibyl system and the fact that it forced him to live like a hunted rat, running from corner to corner. this antipathy comes from a sincere place, and doesn't seem to be tied to anyone's opinion other than gu-sung's own. i think makishima liked that about him: his self-awareness, his understanding of his own personal resentment and dissatisfactions, and his willingness to acknowledge those things as a part of himself. gu-sung is the opposite of makishima in some ways, imo. they're both geniuses, but while makishima is more oriented toward planning and widespread manipulation, gu-sung is a specialist who is unparalleled in his particular niche. their inverse duality is even partially highlighted by their dialogue, right before they commence with their plan to plunge the town into chaos using the cymatic scan-fooling helmets. gu-sung says he is a foreigner, and i believe he also says he's grateful just to be able to live in this country, while makishima states that he was born and raised in this town. despite their differences, they share a grievance with the system, and they have united to address that grievance. it definitely says something that makishima has someone like gu-sung in his life; someone who you could look at and call his friend, regardless of what those two considered themselves to be.
...all that word vomit to say that the people makishima abandoned and killed - masatake, rikako, and probably senguji - are mirrors to his own lack of self-understanding and lack of a fixed sense of identity. meanwhile his one lasting relationship aside from kogami is with gu-sung, who stands in narrative opposition to him in the ways i described. what i'm trying to get at is that masatake and rikako definitely, and senguji maybe, don't give makishima a true look at the human soul he wants to witness - at least in his view they don't. therefore makishima, still isolated and without companionship even while in their presence, grows bored and ultimately kills them. that's where kogami comes in. kogami, i believe, satisfies makishima's desire for companionship, or at least makishima grows less isolated in his presence. unlike masatake and rikako, kogami knows himself, and i'd argue has a better grasp of himself than ever by the time he meets makishima face-to-face thanks to coming to know akane. i'm reminded especially of his conversation with masaoka right before he (kogami) leaves the public safety bureau to hunt down makishima, when he explains that his actions aren't out a sense of ideals or an intolerance for evil, but rather that this is what he wants to do, and if he doesn't end things with makishima now, he will grow to resent himself. his self-awareness and defined identity means that with kogami, makishima is not left feeling bored and dissatisfied.
but it goes further! kogami, like makishima, is someone who both rejects and is rejected by the sibyl system, the dominant power governing the society they live in. sibyl rejects kogami as a latent criminal, but kogami also proves that he denounces it right back when he chooses to go off and try to kill makishima on his own, even though sibyl wants makishima alive. in other words, makishima's solitude as a pariah is understood on a fundamental level by kogami. not only that, but kogami, like makishima, is in some ways like a kid lashing out at being excluded, which makishima comments on at the end of episode 21 in response to kogami calling him out as such. according to makishima, kogami is angry that his own suspicions regarding sasayama's death were rejected by sibyl, that his own anger about letting sasayama die was simply ignored and swept under the rug, and he was left to process it by himself. and it was an outburst of that anger that provoked him to leave everything he had at the bureau behind and truly put a target on his back, perhaps for the rest of his life, in order to confront and put an end to makishima. this mirrors kogami's judgement that makishima's actions are essentially a temper tantrum that his feelings of solitude are not even seen, much less acknowledged, by the world around him. and just like how i stated at the beginning of this now-obscenely long post that kogami was projecting a bit in his assessment of makishima, i also believe makishima is projecting a bit right back. but, again, like kogami's assessment, makishima's assessment isn't necessarily invalid or incorrect just because he has personal biases mixed up in it. his words to kogami have a degree of truth to them. in this way - both of them acting a little like kids, both of them projecting in their evaluation of the other as someone acting like a kid - they are also similar.
one more thing that i'd like to say regarding kogami and makishima is that it is stressed many times throughout the season how well kogami can put himself in makishima's shoes and replicate his thinking. while akane gains some understanding of makishima's thought processes over time and interaction, by her own admission, kogami is even better than her at gauging makishima, and this is because the two of them think alike naturally. it's why kogami has such a good nose for what's really going on behind the scenes throughout the season; because his thought processes are similar to makishima's, he can easily parse out what's up. i don't think this requires much further explanation since it's very cut and dry as another way that the two men are alike.
the final point about kogami's significance to makishima, specifically how he relates to makishima's solitude and boredom, is that makishima at his core is someone who wishes to be seen and judged. the sibyl system, and by extension society, has refused to give this to him. the person he is is not seen, much less judged, because, once again, all that matters to sibyl are his numbers. it's precisely because of this that he feels isolated and wishes to be acknowledged and judged as everyone else is; but in a vicious cycle, makishima's inability to receive that acknowledgement and judgement feeds right back into his deep sense of isolation. it's like a positive feedback loop, wherein the cause contributes to the effect and the effect contributes to the cause. however - kogami does see makishima. kogami does judge him, and he judges makishima just the same as sibyl would other murderers in the series: as someone who deserves to die. in other words, makishima is finally getting equal treatment from someone. the isolation that he experiences as a result of his perpetually clear psycho pass and his stable crime coefficient is stripped away when it comes to kogami, because kogami doesn't care about those things - he cares about who makishima is. and to him makishima is a murderer and a criminal who painfully killed one of his friends, and just like any other murderer and criminal under sibyl, is to be killed. plus, notice how makishima is typically very calm and serene when interacting with others, but grows markedly more animated and excited when interacting with kogami, be that through talking or fighting. that's the isolation and boredom that he's stewed in his entire life, evaporating in kogami's presence. ultimately, makishima's solitude is alleviated, and his desire to be seen and judged is fulfilled... because of kogami.
it's just as akane says.
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saber-of-dreams · 1 year
Psycho-Pass: Providence - A Review
Well, I just go back from seeing Providence in theaters.
Wow. What an excellent movie. So worth the price of admission and the hour drive each way.
I'll do a more in-depth analysis of the story once it releases for digital and I can re-watch it at my leisure, but I wanted to get my first thoughts down before I get to sleep.
So: Non-spoiler version first.
If you're caught up through all 3 Sinners of the System movies, this movie will be a great segue into the next part of the story. If you've already seen Season 3 and First Inspector, as others have mentioned, this will fill in a LOT of holes.
I think each of our core characters get their moments in the movie, though the lion's share certainly goes to Kogami and Akane. They have a few great conversations in this movie, and I think by the end their relationship is on the most equal footing it has ever been.
Gino also has some wonderful moments. Not a lot of them, but enough that we start to understand who he is and what he is trying to achieve. He and Ko get a few moments to work out their...differences, and by the end, although he fails in his self-appointed goal (he and Ko both), I think it places him in a way that he will grow even further in the future.
Mika took a while to grow on me, but boy has she. I really liked her in this movie. There is one interaction she had with Gino that really made me chuckle, and overall, I really liked how willing she was to step up and move beyond the box she's always put herself in.
Frederica seems very intriguing. I hope we see more of her in future projects.
It was great to get an introduction to Kei and Arata, and to understand where they tie into this story.
Overall the plot was excellent, as always. There were several twists I didn't see coming.
I also have to applaud this series again for its excellent antagonistic characters. Because, in many ways, our antagonist was correct. Providence, indeed.
This series is in a lot of ways reminiscent to me of works like Brave New World by Aldous Huxley or to some degrees Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K. Dick, which I believe have both been referenced in this series. But it isn't so much the technological parallels that strike me , as the ability of the authors to understand where society seems to be going, and then writing the story to highlight the realities such changes would bring about.
We are facing this future now. With the rise of (primitive) AI technology in recent months, we're going to have to start considering the BIG questions. And this work is a great what-if scenario of where we could end up and the long-term ramifications of such choices.
Now to the spoiler version. You know the drill.
I really liked that Ko's attention is immediately centered on Akane when everyone is walking in. And his utter willingness to throw himself in front of an explosion to save Akane (again), just really made me love these two so much. The first phone call is great, because Kogami is lying to Akane (and also possibly to himself), and she doesn't put up with his bullshit. The second one shows his utter faith and trust in her. And that letter? God I loved that letter. The parallels. I think of all of them, though, my favorite scene of theirs was in the hospital room. I do very much want this couple to end up together, but I think it is oversimplifying their relationship to want them to romantically involved. There are so many layers to who they are as individuals and to how they interact together and apart that calling them romantic interests doesn't even begin to cover the first page. That all being said, I am really excited to see where this story goes and to how these characters develop.
Saiga's death was a true gut punch for me. He is one of my favorite mentor characters, and that death scene was just...powerful.
The reveal of Akira and the truth of his and Milica's stories was also very heart-breaking. It grounds the characters left behind in reality and propels the story forward, and each of them only get a few minutes and a few dozen lines to convey everything. Great storytelling there.
The final scenes of them watching Akane shoot Kasei, and of her being incarcerated while Ko is let free at the same time...the way Akane falls to the floor sobbing while Ko declares that he will set her free? Those moments are going to live in my head rent free for a long time.
I'm tempted to go and get a premium crunchyroll membership just so that I can watch Season 3 in English dub. Doesn't look like First Inspector is done yet, but hopefully here soon.
Okay, last set of thoughts and then I'm done for the moment.
Every character, from SIbyl to Ko to Gino to Mika, to even Saiga, seemed to put Akane on a pedestal. They commend her for her clear hue, for her sense of justice and morailty, her determination, and on and on. And I think it's interesting, because even after she shoots Kasei at the end, it's clear that those feelings do not change. Akane is not perfect, but she is willing to put everything before her sense of justice, and it makes her very compellig and powerful.
I'll probably do a deeper dive on Akane and Psycho-Pass in general at a later date, but for the moment it's almost midnight and I am tired. But thank you for reading my thought-spew. I'll get to a more polished version eventually.
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psychopasss4 · 3 months
When Kogami carries Akane in Bridal style...analysis 🤭
In the "Psycho-Pass" series, the instances where Shinya Kogami carries Akane Tsunemori in a bridal style can be loaded with symbolic meaning and character development insights. Here are several layers of analysis:
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Protective Instinct and Trust: - In Protective Instinct: Kogami's actions can be seen as an embodiment of his protective nature towards Akane. As her senior and a former Enforcer, Kogami feels a strong sense of responsibility to protect Akane, who, despite her strength and determination, is still relatively inexperienced in the dangerous world they navigate. -In Trust: Akane allowing Kogami to carry her signifies a deep level of trust. In a world where trust is scarce, their mutual reliance underscores the bond they've developed through their shared experiences.
Power Dynamics and Vulnerability: -In Power Dynamics: Kogami's physical act of carrying Akane can symbolize the shifting power dynamics between them. While Akane often holds an authoritative role as an Inspector, moments of vulnerability highlight the reciprocal nature of their relationship, where Kogami's strength compensates for her physical weakness. -In Vulnerability: These moments also serve to humanize Akane, portraying her not just as a stoic figure of authority, but as a human being capable of vulnerability and in need of support.
Symbol of Partnership and Equality -In Partnership: Carrying Akane in a bridal style can be symbolic of their partnership. It underscores their complementary skills and mutual dependence, reinforcing the idea that they are stronger together. -In Equality: Despite the physical act suggesting Kogami's strength, it doesn't diminish Akane's competence or authority. Instead, it highlights their equal partnership, where each supports the other in different ways.
Romantic Undertones: -In Subtle Romance: The bridal carry is often used in media to signify romantic tension or connection. While "Psycho-Pass" doesn't overtly focus on romance between Kogami and Akane, these moments can be seen as subtle nods to the deep, albeit complex, emotional connection between them. -In Unspoken Feelings: These scenes may hint at unspoken feelings, a mutual respect, and a bond that transcends mere professional interaction, adding layers of emotional depth to their relationship.
Narrative Function: -In Visual Storytelling: From a storytelling perspective, such scenes are visually impactful and memorable, reinforcing the dramatic tension and emotional stakes of the narrative. -In Character Development: These moments are pivotal for character development, offering insights into Kogami's protective nature and Akane's resilience. They also serve to deepen the viewer's understanding of their dynamic and the evolving nature of their relationship.
Summary: Shinya Kogami carrying Akane Tsunemori in a bridal style is rich with symbolic meaning. It conveys themes of protection, trust, vulnerability, partnership, and potentially romantic undertones, all of which contribute to the complex character dynamics and emotional depth of the "Psycho-Pass" series.
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whatsyourcolor · 1 year
Here’s the thing I don’t think Akane got replaced as the good boss Kougami could work for.The timing was right when Kougami got scouted by Frederica(which I don’t think Frederica did alone because she’s also a special investigator.Same rank as Kougami..She probably was interested since Saiga’s lessons sure but she needed approval from way higher ups in foreign ministry).Nobody in MWPSB had the power to bring back someone in sibyl’s kill list.Moreover they only need obedient enforcers.Not someone like Kougami.MoFA needed his unique skill set and gave him a good deal(I suspect he wanted to come back too).He took it.That’s pretty much all there is to it.Also Frederica is very loyal to Shogo Yabuki(I assume she got promoted to occupy this post after ppp?)MoFA means a lot to her(like unit 1 of MWPSB does to Akane).She is also very competent.Kougami,Gino and Sugo seem to have good workplace dynamic with her.(also I can tell they like her as both a boss and a person from their interactions in the pp3)Here’s the thing I think Gino saying “Our chief is so cool.Just like a female kougami”is more like Gino fanboying over her because he thinks she’s very cool?That doesn’t mean their romantic compatibility.More like they are both cool people(they are obviously) and have similar interests..They also have mutual respect going by ppp and pp3.(I do think Frederica understands Kougami’s predicament at least to a degree).Now I am not saying they can’t be a good ship,they definitely can but so far there’s nothing to suggest it’s romantic?As far as canon goes she’s competent(like Akane and Mika),loyal to MoFA and a good boss.And we should leave it at that.(Personal opinion she’s just so beautiful she doesn’t even look human😛It’s so hard to get past her beauty because why does she have to be so pretty for? She’s already competent🥲)
Yeah, I hope you didn't think I was bashing on Frederica. I'm just not that curious about her. She's good at her job and she's not a jerk. She's competent and beautiful, but that doesn't pull me emotionally to her or makes her as good a character as the holy trio.
Kogami is cool and hot and handsome, but he has an irreparable flaw that he sees and is unable to fix himself. Ginoza has remorse, regret, nostalgia for his father and he's lonely. Akane fights with the system and has paid with blood for opposing it when she could just sell out. All these people have things moving them from inside in all directions. There's doubt, introspection, internal struggle, bad decisions, trust put in the wrong people, pain. They tried their best with what they had and they fail. Kogami failed to feel like he avenged Sasayama and is hounded by the ghost of the man he killed. Akane failed to protect Kogami. Gino failed to tell those he cares about that he loves them until is too late.
Heck, even Mika is more interesting to me. Imagine knowing your friends got killed by a psycho and the killer got away. You'd be pissed at hell too at the incompetence of the police and you'd think you will change things from inside only to end up messing up and causing a terrible tragedy. You become the thing you hate. It's beautiful.
As for the Hanagami ship...(yeah, I just named it like that lol)... I don't know. I don't really see it. Maybe a fic would get me into it? I don't know.
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pearlsephoni · 1 year
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Shinkane (Akane/Kogami)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: In their line of work, certain sacrifices are always to be expected. That doesn't make preparing for them any easier.
A/N: Written for @shinkaneweek Day 2: timely preparation for future eventualities. c/w for discussions of death and grief. Further author's notes can be found on AO3.
It was a beautiful night. Kogami was back from a mission, letting them pass an evening cooking and working on separate casework, before Akane abandoned her chair in favor of slouching over his shoulders, her whole body jostling from his soft chuckles as she leaned against his back.
Now they were on the couch, her legs draped over his, reading different books and occasionally breaking the silence to read out a quote, whether it was striking or ridiculous or funny. Her heartbeat was steady, calm, matching the rhythm of his thumb as he drew arcs along the inside of her bare ankle. The soft light of the floor lamp was all that illuminated their books, letting the rest of the apartment be washed by the silvery moon and bright neon lights of the city.
It was domestic, comfortable, perfect. Akane hated to ruin it.
She gave herself until the end of her chapter, then slid her bookmark into place and slowly shut her book. She felt the weight of Kogami’s eyes flickering towards her, even though she was looking away to set the book aside. But he didn’t say anything, simply slid his own bookmark into place and placed the book on the coffee table, before turning his focus completely on her. A silent signal that he was ready.
“Yes, Inspector?”
She grimaced at the teasing note in his response. “Shinya.”
“Yes, Akane?”
“I, ah…I’ve been assigned a new case.” His brows furrowed, but again, he didn’t say anything. “My assignment comes straight from Kasei.”
Now those brows raised, but still no response. “It’s…known to be dangerous. The Division assigned to it lost one of their Inspectors, so—”
There was nothing light in Kogami’s voice now. It was all steel, perfectly matching the sharp edge of his gray gaze. Akane flinched, as though she could feel the edge of his words, but she powered through. “I wanted to tell you, in case something happens to me—”
“Akane, no.”
“I’ve set my journal to respond to your fingerprint—”
“—and all of my most important codes and passwords will be in there, behind some other—”
“Stop it—”
“—I’m sure you’ll be able to find your way around—”
The barked word seemed to echo around the room and bounce between the couple as they stared, wide-eyed, at each other. “Stop,” Kogami repeated, voice softer with appeal. “Don’t tell me you’re planning on…on…”
“It’s not like I’ll have much say in the matter,” Akane muttered with a humorless scoff. “I’m not sure how closely you’ve been following the new reports, but his victims don’t exactly volunteer.”
“You’ve survived worse cases. You’ve outwitted smarter murderers. You fought and you won.” He met her gaze and held it, his glinting eyes cutting straight through her walls as quickly and efficiently as ever. “You’re going to keep fighting, right?”
Indignation sparked up Akane’s spine and lifted her chin. “Of course I am.”
“Then what’s with the preparations?”
“There is more than one way to be prepared.” A wry grin pulled at her lips. “I’m not in the interest of leaving you with nothing more than a note this time.”
Her words were closely followed by a small yelp of surprise from a sudden pinch at her ankle. “Good,” Kogami huffed, fingers already soothing her reddened skin. “But I’d rather you didn’t leave me at all.”
“Now now,” Akane tutted, scooting closer until she could rest her chin on his shoulder, “don’t be greedy.”
“Why not?” He gently shrugged her away and turned to face her again. “You already know I’m selfish. Why shouldn’t I want more of the one good thing in my life?”
Kogami always loved to play at being cold and collected, only ever showing the spark remaining in him when caught in combat. He let down those walls around her, but she was still unprepared for his sudden, simple, achingly-vulnerable statements of his love for her. “You have your team,” she protested weakly. Her fingers ran through his messy hair, brushing it out of his face in a well-worn gesture. “You have Tenzing, somewhere in the world. You have others who care about you.”
“Not like you.”
“Not like me,” she relented. Her hand drifted from his hair to rest against his cheek. “You’re listed as my next of kin, so…if anything does happen”—her fingers lightly pressed to his lips, holding back his protests—“you’ll gain possession of my things, apart from a few things I’ll leave for some others.” It was her turn to let a teasing note slip into her words, despite the morbid topic. “Think of it as my way of paying it forward. I had to clean up your things, so it’s only fair for you to return the favor, don’t you think?”
“Oh, you think you’re so funny.”
“A little bit, yeah.” She was ready for his nip at her fingers, though she couldn’t help giggling at the glancing pressure.
He caught her hand before she could pull it away, weaving their fingers together and staring intently at all the lines where their skin met. Then, he murmured, “Me, too.”
“You’re my next of kin, too.” When he looked up at her, his expression was newly-solemn. “You and Gino. Though unlike you, I’m not planning on making either of you face those responsibilities for a while, so…wish me luck.”
Akane simply hummed in response before snuggling in closer and nuzzling into the curve of his neck. When he spoke again, she felt more than heard his soft words. “...I don’t know if I could survive it.”
“Grieving you.” Akane fell still, but she didn’t pull away, letting him wrap his arms tighter around her. “Sometimes I…I think I’ve grown numb to grief, after everyone we’ve lost. But then I imagine grieving you, and I…” A slow breath shook out of him before he could continue. “I feel hopeless just imagining it, Akane. You’re the color in my life, and I…I can’t go back to black and white.”
“Well, I’ve already grieved you once,” Akane murmured, words slightly muffled in his skin. “I don’t think I could survive grieving you again.”
“Hm…that’s no good. We both have to die eventually.”
“Maybe we’ll just have to go together…in a grand, fiery explosion!”
“An explosion? Haven’t we had enough excitement in life? Can’t we go peacefully in our sleep, holding each other?”
“My goodness, you’re such a romantic.” Laughing, Akane pulled back just enough to press a sweet kiss to his cheek. “Like you’d ever get tired of excitement.”
He grinned when their eyes met, a warm, fond little thing, only to melt away the longer he stared at her. “Promise me you’ll fight to live,” he suddenly murmured, hand rising to her cheek. “I want more time with you.”
“Of course I will. These are just precautions, Shinya, nothing more. I promise.”
When he leaned in for another kiss, he was quicker to lick into her mouth, and Akane welcomed him. She let him guide her to straddle his lap, let him slide fingers into her hair and arch her neck for his lips, let him press her close until their bodies were flush against each other. For all her teasing and scolding, Akane was just as greedy as he was, at the end of the day. And for all her intention to fight, the future was still unpredictable. This time with Kogami was a precious thing, and dammit, she was going to relish it with everything she was worth.
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bastardblvd · 1 year
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the ten most dunkable slimeballs as decided by the people of grimetown. redeem your tickets by voting for the slimeball you want to dunk – the slimeball with the most votes by the end of the poll goes in the tank! ヘ(。□°)ヘ
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Do you believe im Ko-Chan und Akane-Chan supremacy?
I’m sorry for the late reply. I’ve been up to my ears in work lately and I needed some time as English is not my mother tongue. I hope I understood your question correctly. If by "supremacy" you mean do I believe in Shinkane then my answer is yes, of course. I guess my blog betrays my true feelings for this ship ;)
I’m very excited about Providence and would like to use this opportunity to express my thoughts and expectations. I must admit that I’m out of practice when it comes to writing, but this is my first Ask and I want to make an effort. I really enjoyed writing about this ship in the past and I’m still in love with their dynamics. Hopefully the muse hasn’t left me yet.
From what I saw in the trailer, it looks as if Akane and Kogami will once again work together as a team and solve a case that will bring to light another mystery of the Sibyl System. We’ve been waiting quite a long time for this to happen, but it remains to be seen whether their relationship will also develop in a romantic way. I really hope so, even though Shiotani keeps emphazising that PP is not a Shoujo anime. The authors will probably just drop a few breadcrumbs here and there and we’ll have to read between the lines to understand the personal motivations and relationships of our characters – but who knows?
I think Akane and Kogami’s relationship is very complex and it's always fun to watch them work together and mature. Despite their different opinions and occasional disputes, their actions were always proof of how deeply these two care for each other. Not only have they always tried to protect the other from physical harm/death but also they have always supported each other mentally in times of doubt. There’s mutual trust and respect. And there’s this insanely powerful connection between them, this spark they can ignite in each other, even if they're miles apart. Kogami was subject to Akane’s influence while he was living abroad in war zones. His firm belief in her righteousness and the fact that his revenge led him into exile made him reflect more closely on moral duties. On the other hand, Akane developed this peculiar habit of lighting Spinels that helped her solve cases in Tokyo. There’s also this bittersweet scene in the PP movie where Akane finds a paperback of Proust: she immediately associates it with Kogami, takes it home and therefore withholds evidence. The authors have taken great pains to avoid the stereotypical portrayal of romance but the message gets across anyway if you pay attention.
Providence will very likely focus on their professional teamwork. Still, it will be exciting to see how they approach each other after all this time – and not just because of their mutual attraction that seems to become clearer with each new story. They both have matured on their individual journey, and they both have changed. Akane has gotten quite tough and she is more committed than ever to changing the Sibyl System and society for the better. She still rejects violence and strictly adheres to the law. While Kogami admires her for it, these are qualities which he himself does not possess. After he killed Makishima, Kogami had to survive for a long time in a lawless world and he wandered around there without any real goals. I had the impression that he hated his new life and eventually got weary. Akane's sense of justice has always been the magnetic north of his compass, so if there was someone who could provide him with a sense of purpose again it would be her – or some task associated with her. I really hope that he’s willing to get his life back on track this time.
(-Did you come back to fight violence with violence?
- I’m just doing what needs to be done. I don’t have any regrets.)
The phone call probably occurs at the beginning of the movie and I bet you that it was Kogami trying to get in touch with Akane for the first time. The atmosphere is tense and it provides a good starting point for the hero’s journey. One of the basic dramaturgical recipes in PP has always been Akane and Kogami pursuing the same goal while favouring different approaches. Personally, I think this is due to the different realities of their lives and individual experiences. As an enforcer and mercenary, Kogami was always in a position of powerlessness and only violence could help him change a situation. Akane, on the other hand, was able to seek peaceful solutions because of her relationship with the system by either slapping Sibyl’s wrist or negotiating deals. Moreover, it seems as if Akane has worked her way up on the job ladder since she is now shown as a supervising inspector. Kogami is still in the dark about Sibyl’s true nature or Akane’s dangerous ties to the system, so I think we’re looking forward to some kind of collision here.
Kogami seems a bit depressed during the conversation and the falling rain enhances the impression. It’s unrealistic to expect that he could immediately reconnect with his friends after all this time but man, does he have to be so bad at making conversation or saying sorry? He’s lying through his teeth when he says that he doesn’t regret anything. He’s full of regrets but as always his pride prevents him from being honest. I have long suspected that PP actually stands for "pride and prejudice" as Kogami seems to have no idea how to handle his own wants and needs or Akane’s newly acquired toughness. But you don’t have to be a profiler to know the reason why Akane acts so business-like and tough: she seems to protect herself emotionally because she didn’t do so in the past and therefore got her heart broken.
Kogami should have known that Akane won’t be thrilled to bits. She probably worries whether or not Kogami was only allowed to return to Japan to do the "dirty work" for Sibyl. We know from SS that Akane doesn’t trust Frederika or Foreign Affairs. There’s a lot of competition between their ministries and the SAD is a brand new unit whose mission is still unclear. You can’t blame Akane for being suspicious and wondering what to make of this. However, given the development of his character, I think Kogami won’t let himself be used for fights he doesn't believe in ever again. But I'm not so naive as to think that he suddenly stops doing what he always does (fighting fire with fire or whatever the fate of Kei’s brother may be) and be good, especially when he comes under emotional pressure or has to defend his idealism. Akane knows that he can’t help it. Of course she knows.
 (-The next time you violate the law, I will stop you no matter what.
-Even so, I’ll believe in you who strives for righteousness.)
I think Akane says that more to herself. She must have realized that his return has the potential to become a great burden for her. She has a soft spot for Kogami and she knows it. She has proven more than once that she is willing to put herself in jeopardy for him and as much as she despises his illegal actions, she has never held him accountable. At the present time, she would have to use a dominator or arrest him. Both options would put Kogami at the mercy of the Sibyl System and that’s exactly what she has always wanted to avoid. Now that he’s back, she must be afraid that Sibyl may only spare his life as long as he complies and makes himself useful. Kogami created chaos in everything he did and the system is notoriously unforgiving. But not Akane. She has always tried to protect Kogami either by letting him go or by warding off an overly harsh judgement. Considering that, it’s kind of crazy that he of all people always emphasizes Akane’s sense of justice. Objectively speaking, she let a murderer go because she has feelings for him and knew that Sibyl would execute him. That’s why Kogami looks so pathetic every time he begs for condemnation. He must know that he’ll never get it from her.
Anyway, a collaboration between the PSB and SAD seems to be under way and they will probably meet regularly in the future. Keeping Sibyl in check and ensuring justice is Akane’s second full-time job. She has enough on her plate already and she certainly doesn’t want to babysit Kogami, who she knows will neglect his duties whenever he feels like it. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get to see Kogami disobeying Frederika’s orders in Providence just so he can support Akane and follow the path of her "righteousness". As always, he’ll wreak havoc on the mission and his life will probably hang by a thread again causing a distraction for Akane who will then be compelled to save him from one of Sibyl’s crazy minions. She’ll go to jail for this, but we all know she will forgive him in the end. I can’t wait to see something like that in Providence. These two are practically made for each other. Try and convince me otherwise!
(-Will you come with me?
-Even if you told me not to, I will follow you.)
Be still my beating heart. I’ve always believed that Akane and Kogami are more than just colleagues. The romantic subplot has always been there given that Japanese culture is based on subtlety. Japanese people love to beat around the bush. Admittedly, Akane’s girlish demeanour in PP1 gave the impression that it might only be a one-sided and immature crush, but once Akane began to mature as a result of the Makishima case, their romance gained momentum. I’m glad she never broke the habit of looking at Kogami with dreamy wide eyes. It’s quite adorable and reminiscent of their early days as inspector and subordinate.
Some people think that Kogami only recognizes his younger self in Akane and that for him their relationship is merely platonic. His idealization of Akane raises questions, though. It’s clear that he has irrevocably changed and will never go back to his old self. I don’t even think he wants to. He respects Akane as his equal but considers her sense of justice superior to his or anyone else’s. In the PP movie, we witnessed how carefully he weighted every word she said when they talked on the balcony at night. He shielded her from the explosion without a second thought and the first thing he did when the camp was under attack was to help her escape. He always treats Akane with extreme care and priority. And if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know, bear in mind that Kogami refers to Akane as her in the novel – as if he were sanctifying her. His character is not easily understood but I think it’s obvious that he has feelings for Akane. And from what I saw in FI and the new trailer, it seems that he no longer wants to hide them.
"Even if you told me not to, I will follow you". Kogami can be absolutely stubborn and persistent. He has already proven that in PP1 when he was chasing after Makishima. He was far too busy and selfish to be considerate of other people’s feelings back then and he didn’t let Akane’s warning get through to him. He had to learn the hard way. There’s something about this snipped that reminds me of Natsume Soseki’s "The moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?" to which the answer is: "I can die happy." Both are confessions of love. By saying that he would follow Akane unconditionally, Kogami reveals his real motives for the first time. And no, I don’t think he’s doing that as atonement for his crimes. He has undergone a transformation in SS which allows him to stop running away and "take responsibility". He had strayed far from the straight and narrow and it added to his loneliness and made him unhappy. Frederika recognized that. She must also have recognized that Kogami feels drawn to Akane and that he has found hope through his encounter with Tenzing. So, wherever their path may lead, I think he’s willing to die for Akane and become a happy man.
And as far as Akane is concerned: Kogami has always been the person she trusted the most and I really hope he becomes Akane’s ally. I’d love to see her laugh and find some happiness in this crazy world. She has secluded herself from friends and family over the course of the series and she absolutely needs someone to open up to plus a shoulder to lean on. She should no longer be a lonesome queen. Providence could be a first step in that direction and whatever happens between them as colleagues, friends or lovers, I expect it to be very important for their character arc. Kogami will probably learn to hold back and try to see the world through Akane’s eyes. And since we already know that Akane will end up in jail, it would be interesting to see if her policy might change in the future. Will she lose her influence over Sibyl? Will she be able to hold on to her non-violent way of life if it means she can no longer ensure justice and create change in the system? A system that won’t stop its Machiavellian practices and has begun to spread its tentacles all over the world? In PP3 Akane says something akin to "justice must be enforced, even if it disrupts a peaceful society." It doesn't sound vindictive or bitter, just reasonable.
The system despises both Akane and Kogami. They have demonstrated time and again that they would rather act according to their own principles than blindly follow orders. This is not in the interest of an authoritarian system. We learned in SS that Akane is being observed by the higher-ups since SEAUn. My gut feeling is that we should probably not trust Atsushi Shindou who has been portrayed as a Sibyl enthusiast in PP3 and who seems to have practiced strange mind manipulation techniques as an inspector. But what do I know? However, I’m pretty sure that the authors won’t be able to avoid showing the romantic side of their relationship in PP4. After the ending of FI it would come across as very artificial and forced.
Gosh, this answer has developed into a novel! I don’t know if you enjoyed my rambling analysis but I’ve always loved this little fandom and it feels good to be back! I want to thank steoh @mochidoodle for the translation of the trailer which I have quoted above in brackets.
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latentillusion · 11 months
happy oc-tober!
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i'm not an artist, so please accept this neka of my oc and ginoza. 🥹 i'm starting off with ⭐️ backstory week ⭐️ (just keep in mind i'm still developing this gal. 😭)
5: RELATIONSHIPS (who is important to your OC? do they have a partner? do they have a best friend? are they close to their family?)
her partner is our lovely, occasionally prickly but always caring, ginoza! for now, i think she and gino already liked each other for a long time, but (probably) didn't get together until after his demotion. they've always cared a lot about each other, even when dating wasn't an option.
she's really close to her brother. she looked up to kogami a lot when they were younger and she misses hanging out with him now. (she sees him much less frequently!) for a long time, her brother was the most important person to her and because she knew how seriously he took his work, she was willing to abandon her career to help him after his demotion.
she still keeps in touch with her celebrity colleagues! they like to check in on her. rather than a best friend, she has a core group of friends with them.
6: SYMBOL (what imagery do you associate with your oc? are there any colours, flowers, animals or concepts that symbolize them?)
ooooo, i'm not sure! she loves glamorous things, so maybe a beautiful pair of heels. her favorite color is purple! 💜
7: PERSONALITY (how does your OC behave? what are their positive traits? what are their negative traits? are they extroverted or introverted?)
she looks like a cool beauty to strangers, but she's actually quite exuberant. she loves laughing! she loves teasing people. she's also pretty level-headed.
buuuut sometimes she acts spoiled and impatient. and more than once, she's had to grit her teeth and flash a fake smile when she's obviously annoyed. idk, i think a lot of traits are both negative and positive. she's sometimes naive, sometimes stubborn.
she cares a lot about people. she hates it when people abuse their power, she hates bullies, and she's not afraid to show those people their place. i'd say she's naturally charming (which she partially owes to her pretty face, for sure), so she's the type to gracefully diss a person and leave them dazed. 🤣 when she's with gino, though, she sticks to him like a koala. she LOVES being extra affectionate with him. she's also a master at using puppy dog eyes (🥺) to get what she wants (e.g. cuddles)
8: PAST (what was your OC like as a child? where did they grow up? are there any significant moments from their past that shaped who they are?)
she loved attention and using her imagination, so imagine one-girl plays that she subjected her family to sit through. she also preferred playing calmly indoors (like drawing), but would be dragged out to play by her brother.
9: FUTURE (does your OC have a goal they're working towards? what will your OC look like when they get older? do you have a planned ending for their story?)
this, i haven't fully hashed out yet! i think by the time she steps down as an inspector, she's built enough clout to be invited as an occasional consultant on cases. even though it's been years, she also still has a good public image so she wants to leverage that somehow. i think as long as she's still helping people, she'll be happy.
every now and then, she thinks about acting though, but mostly as a fond memory. those days are long gone.
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mariagalleriax · 11 months
Koichi Azusawa
I keep asking myself if I like this character. For a week or so, I was obsessed with him because he was so damn silly and I have an affinity to be drawn towards delusional characters like him. But taking a step back, I had to ask myself, "What did Azusawa really contribute to the narrative?"
I see a lot of criticism regarding him being a weak antagonist written in a way to mirror Makishima's qualities. But I didn't really get that from him either. Makishima wanted to return to a pre-dystopian world and did not want to participate in the current system, whereas Azusawa chose to ascend to the top by whatever means necessary.
Makishima desired Anarchy and the state of nature. Kamui wanted remedy for the lack of recognition of from Sybil. Wang wanted to amass power in SEAUn. Rodion and Guillermo were just your average villain with the desire to leave as much of the world in chaos as possible. I can't say much about Tonami, I need to re-watch providence to understand him better.
I think that I enjoyed Azusawa because unlike the rest of the villains in the series, he was motivated by boredom and the desire to play a game. {Edit: After a few hours I realized that, no. This is not true, Makishima was definitely playing a similar game with Kogami and the PSB. But his ultimate motives had significantly larger weight than Azusawa's..} We could see through his lenses that there wasn't a very heavy conviction that he held besides enacting some form of revenge against Arata's father. I thoroughly believe that he was fronting about that too. Every scene with him in it felt as though he was making another move on the chess board. When he alluded to Arata being a nut that he needed to crack, everything is an entertainment puzzle to him.
Even the temper tantrum he threw at the end felt akin to a child losing a board game. Which then forces you to ask yourself, "what incentive would Arata have to preserve the life of a man that trivializes every last part of life, down to the lives of others?"
A more benevolent continuation of Akane's justice against a man with no qualms about the world or what happens in it. Only motivated to become a victor and stand at the top of it all, observing everyone like pawns.
This is not a unique or compelling character, but I still enjoyed him. He was a decent narrative foil for Arata, and definitely an important agent in Kei's development.
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