#the prices of taxis has become fucking insane since they took over
autonoes · 2 years
this gave me actual motion sickness
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pitubea1910 · 7 years
“Desperate to see you”
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Featuring: Harrison
 Words: 2075
Warnings: angst but some fluff at the end.
Tags: @imabloodynerd
Request: -
Notes: Hope you like it! It just came out of nowhere since it is quite how I’m feeling now so there you go! 
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This was the first time you spent so much time apart. Usually it was just a couple of weeks but this time It had already been a month without him. A month you had spent alone in your house in Kingston. You missed Tom so much, his laugh, his kisses, his cuddles, everything. But he was all across the ocean in New York filming his Spiderman movie. You couldn’t he more proud of him but that didn’t make it easier.
 “What’s wrong babe?” He asked while you two Facetimed. Usually there was no way to keep your mouth shut but that day you barely said a word.
“Mm? Nothing, I’m okay” you half smiled.
 “(Y/N) if you don’t want to tell me you don’t have to but don’t lie to me” he asked you.
 You bite your lip and looked away from the camera. He knew you way too well to trick him. You knew that. Still, you didn’t want him to know about your sadness. He had to be focused, not being worried about his needy girlfriend so you took a deep breath and faked a smile before looking back at the camera.
“Everything’s okay!” You said. “I was just thinking about some stuff I have to get done tomorrow. Sorry” you lied. “How are you? How’s the movie going?” You asked.
 Then he started talking about the scenes he had been shooting, how he tried to do all the stunts even though it could be dangerous or tiring he just loved it. The rush, the adrenaline and everything. He was so excited talking about the shooting that you didn’t have to talk much. Before you noticed he was called back on set so you two said your goodbyes and hung up. It was 3 a.m. for you, so you just went to the bathroom and to bed straight away, praying you got some sleep. 
The next few days were more of the same. Tom called you every time he had some time off between takes to catch up with you and if, for some reason, you weren't available, he would leave a text or a voicemail. He tried to sound cheerful but the truth was that he was worried about you. He had noticed the change in your attitude during the last few days, he had tried to make you talk about it but you kept on saying you were okay. He knew you were lying but being so far from there was nothing he could do.
“You okay?” Harrison asked him while they were going back to the hotel after another day of shooting. “You’ve been distracted today” he added.
“I’m fine…” Tom mumbled looking down at his phone. It was late in London so you were probably asleep but he had barely heard from you that day.
“Sure?” Harrison insisted. Tom sighed and looked at his friend.
“Something is wrong with (Y/N)” he finally said. “She’s been acting weird lately but she won’t tell me what’s wrong. She just keeps on saying that everything is okay, that she’s just tired”
“Maybe she is?” Hazz suggested.
“No. I know her better than that” Tom frowned. “I think this distance thing is starting to affect her” Harrison frowned and nodded. 
“It is affecting you as well right?” He asked. Tom chuckled sadly.
“Yeah… Damm, I miss her so much Hazz” Tom said leaning his head against the seat.
“Why don’t you take a few days off?” He asked. 
“I tried. They won’t let me at least for another month” Tom said.
“That sucks” Harrison mumbled.
“Tell me about it” Tom sighed.
 His friend patted his leg not knowing what to say or do to make him feel any better. 
On the other side of the world you were going insane. Even talking to Tom was becoming a torture knowing there was no way to reach to him, to touch him. You didn’t know what to do and you knew he just couldn’t come. His work wouldn’t allow it. You spent hours looking at flights to New York. You had to go there, you just couldn’t keep on telling him that everything was okay when you were breaking inside. The prices were crazy. Way too expensive. You did have the money but paying that amount would mean a lot of extra hours next month. Was it worth it?
Tom was going completely crazy. Even Harrison was worried about his best friend. He barely left his hotel room, just to film the movie. He wanted to do nothing, he would just stare at the phone loginly, waiting for your reply all the time, even when he knew it was 4 a.m. in London and you were completely asleep. 
“Man, this has to stop” he finally told his friend during an afternoon they had off.
“What?” Tom said looking up from his phone where Harrison could ser a photo of you.
“You have to see her. You have to go to London even if it’s just for two days but you can’t keep on going like this” Harrison said.
Tom frowned and looked down at his phone, he hadn't heard from you since the previous evening and he knew you were still awake. He had been texting you but it was like those texts just got lost in the air, like you weren’t getting them. It was driving him crazy. What if something happened to you? He gulped and looked at Harrison.
“You’re right” he said getting up “I have to get on the next plane to England” he added grabbing his laptop.
“What?” Harrison frowned. As much as he agreed on this idea he knew It would have awful consequences if he just disappeared from a shooting. “Tom, wait. You can’t just leave” he said.
“What?” Tom asked looking up. “You’ve just told me to go!”
“And I want you to but you just can’t disappear! You’re Spiderman!” he tried to explain.
“I’m something more important: I’m what (Y/N) needs right now” he said. Harrison knew there was nothing he could do. He had seen that look on Tom's face before and he knew there was nothing he could say to change his friend's mind.
“Okay, I’ll call the director and make something up” Harrison said, earning a thankful look from Tom. 
Meanwhile you were going insane trying to find a taxi that would tale you from JFK to Tom's hotel. You still couldn’t believe you had literally crossed the ocean to see him just for a few days but knowing you were in the same state as him and that you would be seeing him soon, made you feel better instantly. You hadn’t spoke yo him since yesterday and you were dying to but seeing him and seeing his face when you showed up at his door was more important. 
Finally you managed to find a taxi and told the driver to take you to the hotel as fast as he could. As you were heading towards the city you turned on your phone just to find it with plenty of calls and messages from your boyfriend. Biting your lip you chuckled, he was probably climbing up the walls, trying to figure out why you weren’t answering. 
It took you almost 30 minutes and almost 40$ to get to the hotel but after all there you were, standing in the middle of the hall, just minutes away from seeing Tom again. The problem was that you didn’t even know his room number. You took out your phone and was about to calle Harrison when you heard a familiar voice behind you. 
“I know, I know it’s not the best time but-“ you turned around and saw Harrison talking on the phone. Perfect timing. 
“Harrison!” You exclaimed.
He looked in your direction. The moment he realised it was really you, his eyes opened widely, he said something on the phone and hang up walking over you.
“What the fuck?” He said making you laugh. “You… you’re here!” He finally exclaimed happily before hugging you tight. “What are you doing here?”
“I needed to see Tom” you basically said. “I’ve been having a hard time lately with this distance thing and I just couldn’t keep on waiting” you smiled a little. “I’m crazy right?” You added with a blush.
“No. You’re perfect for him” he smiled widely before hugging you again. “You literally saved him” he chuckled. “Go. Room 412” he told you. 
You took the keycard he was offering you as you wondered what he meant by saving Tom. But you didn’t have time to ask anything. Tom was just there. Immediately you sneaked into an elevator quickly and pressed the 4th floor button. It looked like the slowest elevator ever but finally you were out and soon you found the room. Suddenly you felt nervous out of nowhere. Yes, you had been waiting for this since he left England but what if coming without saying anything was a mistake? 
Well, there wasn’t time to question your actions. Without thinking about it any further you slipped the card and opened the door. The first thing you saw was a suitcase on the floor full of clothes. You frowned and closed the door behind you, leaving your luggage by the door. 
“What did the director said?” You heard Tom's voice coming out of the bathroom. “Am I screwed? Fired?” He asked. You smiled a little but said nothing. Why would he be fired though? “Harrison?”
And just then his curly hair showed up, looking at the room, expecting to see Harrison there. When he found the room empty he walked out of the bathroom. You bite your lip, trying not to laugh, as you took in the view. He was shirtless, wearing just a pair of grey sweatpants that were hanging low on his hips. Completely confused, he turned around, finally facing the door and finally seeing you there. He stopped on his tracks, staring at you speechless, like he had just seen a ghost.
It wasn’t possible, you just couldn’t be there, it made no sense at all. You were in England, working and studying your máster, there was no way you could be there in New York, standing in front of him with that innocent smile that used to drive him crazy.
“Surprise?” You finally said with a smile.
Then it hit him. It wasn’t a dream, he didn’t need help, you were there. He took the few steps necessary to get to you and then wrapped his arms around you as tight as he could, not saying a single word. You were there, he was holding you. For the first time in a long time you felt at home once again, like everything was right in the world and you were exactly where you were supposed to be. 
“You’re here” he mumbled pulling away to look down at you. 
You bite your lip and nodded still smiling. Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face, brighter than ever before and all he did was taking your face in his hands and crashing your lips together in a passionate and tender kiss. Your arms went immediately around his neck, to pull his hair and pull him closer to you. He bite your lip, sending a shiver down your spine and making you moan as you let his tongue invade your mouth. Eventually, your lungs cried for air so you forced yourself to pull away but he wouldn’t let you go. He placed his forehead against yours and sighed relieved.
“I love you so much” he whispered. You teared up a little when you heard those words and kissed him again briefly.
“And I love you” you replied. He smiled and hugged you tight, still afraid that this was just a dream. “I have a question” you asked rubbing his bare back. He hummed and kissed your shoulder before looking at you. “Where you going anywhere?”
He laughed and looked at the suitcase before picking you up and carrying you to bed where he put you down before laying down on your top. 
“Let’s just say I was desperate to see you” he said taking in your features. You were about to talk but he shut you up with a kiss. “We can talk later. Now I need you”
And you weren’t going to say no to him. 
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sanctferum · 7 years
Dangan Ronpa V3, chapter 3 free time!
Time to explore!
There’s a hidden Monokuma in Kaede’s lab. Ryoma’s lab’s been cleaned up by Monokuma, and the shower room is inaccessible because Shuichi doesn’t need to take a shower. The gym has also been cleaned up, and the inner tube in the pool has been neatly put away.
OK, the blackboards show different things in different chapters when you go into search mode. Or maybe it’s because we’re playing as Shuichi? I didn’t check them last chapter.
Monokuma knows. He knows that in order to be a Dangan Ronpa player character, an ahoge is necessary.
Another hidden Monokuma’s in the boiler room.
Oh, we can retry the escape game, huh?
Well, that didn’t work. I wonder what would even happen if we completed it successfully?
Found another Hidden Monokuma near the Kumasutra Hotel. I bet the last one is in the racing minigame again…
The casino minigames now include Mind Mine and Psyche Taxi equivalents.
Treasure Hunter Monolith: the music reminds me WAY too much of Chiaki’s execution music from DR2…
Outlaw Run: I am still very bad at this minigame. Give me Logic Dive back!
Don’t know how to unlock any category besides “Kind” for these minigames. Betting max coins didn’t work, getting an S rank didn’t work. Advancing a chapter hasn’t worked for the Hangman’s Gambit one, either.
Oh, did the exchange always sell Monopad themes?
Anyways, on to the actual free time! I’m gonna hang out with Kaito.
Kaito is still upset people are lumping Maki and Kirumi into the “murderous fiend” category. Let’s calm him down with this moon buggy model!
Kaito tell us about how astronaut training is super intense, and it’s a lot of work…but the universe is a harsh place. He’s got to be able to handle crazy situations if he wants to explore it. For the first two years of training, he learned the basic skills needed to be an astronaut – medicine, engineering, scuba diving, linguistics, survival training…pretty much everything.
There’s a training facility for astronauts at the bottom of the ocean? The most important thing for an astronaut is communication and teamwork. No one person can hope to explore space by themselves…you need a team, and you need to trust in that team. The facility at the bottom of the ocean helps people learn to work as a team. Also, as part of communication training, you have to master other languages and cultures…Kaito is fluent in Japanese, English, and Russian. He might be an idiot sometimes, but Kaito sure is incredible…
Bedtime already? I wonder if trying the escape game took up a portion of free time?
The Monokubs sure look beat up…well two of them at least. Monodam sure is harsh…
Time to train with Kaito! On our way out, we see Angie, who’s still trying to convert everyone. She claims to be prepared to work with everyone to make the Academy a paradise on Earth. Considering how well her last attempt at that went…hmmm.
Shuichi shows up to the usual training spot, but Kaito is nowhere to be f-
Oh. There he is, dragging Maki behind him. Well, I guess we’re all training together, huh?
Kaito kept ringing her doorbell till Maki answered. Then he dragged her here.
Maki thinks the whole idea is stupid and heads back to her room. Kaito tries to convince her to stay by…Kaito. Kaito, that’s stupid. You aren’t the hero of this story, and Maki isn’t gonna be willing to be your sidekick.
Kaito does say that from his perspective he might be the hero, but from our perspectives, we each are the hero of our own stories.
Maki knows from experience that this will all end in tears. But Kaito calls her out on the what he believes is the real reason she isn’t interacting with anyone. She’s afraid. She’s running away, when she should be standing tall and fighting.
Maki is getting pissed. Kaito, this is…
…going to work out well after all. Maki agrees to train, just so Kaito will stop bugging her about it.
And now. 100 pushups! Shuichi’s body is in hell, Kaito is going along…Maki is almost done. You don’t become an assassin by being out of shape.
Kaito tells her to show up for training tomorrow too. Maki ignores him and walks away.
Ah, so it ties back into what he was saying in the free time event. Teamwork…if you see someone who is weak, you help them become strong. Someone is suffering? You can’t just walk away. Kaito mentions that Shuichi and Maki’s cases are a bit different. Back to the rest of the pushups.
Monokuma Theater ti-
…Monodam Theater time.
He’s wearing a leather jacket and Kamina shades.
Morning announcement. Everyone will gather in the gym to get along, huh? Assembling in the gym is usually a rather bad thing. I’m not sure what to expect.
Kiyo mentions how he overslept, but is usually up by 6 AM and ready to go at 7:30 AM. A half hour to get ready? Is it because of his uniform? Kaito is also around but not going to the gym yet. He’s gonna make sure Maki comes with him to the gym, since everyone needs to show up. If someone doesn’t, who knows what could happen.
Outside, Himiko is complaining about having to go to the gym so early in the morning. Shuichi is apprehensive about all this, and Himiko mentions a student council meeting. What? Oh. Oh boy. Angie wants to throw a party…Atua decreed it would be a pool party?
Monokuma shows up. Looking awful still, huh? Is he gonna tempt us to peek on the girls’ pool party? Is this the scene that the Man’s Desire Gun or whatever unlocks?
Monokuma just stares at us until we randomly have a fantasy come up in our mind. A Man’s Fantasy, to be specific. Oh boy. Shuichi finds himself unable to resist it. Swimsuits…a zany-yet-romantic scene…yet, on the other hand, if anyone saw him, Tenko would beat him half to death twice…oh well, if such is the price we must pay…
Inside the Academy now…Keebo’s also worried about the sudden summons. Another motive, most likely. Keebo is determined to stop anyone from killing, no matter what!
In the gym, which again, has been cleaned up post-trial, we find everyone else. Miu talks about the computer on the 4th floor…the specs are insane…
Keebo is jealous of the computer. Godammit, I know Miu was being super suggestive at you, but…come on. You’re basically a computer yourself, anyways.
Kokichi is unnerved by Maki’s presence, and immediately begins trying to ruin the fragile atmosphere. Then Gonta shows up. He’s about to tell us something serious about the courtyard, possibly something that will help us make sense of “horse a”? Then the Monokubs show up before he can finish his sentence.
Monodam has a motive, all right. A motive to get along?
Tsumigi and Keebo…I’m getting the feeling Angie brainwashed them into her Atua cult too…Himiko was already in, but, um…
The motive will inspire fear like never before…forcing the Ultimates to unite to fight against it. Monotaro and Monophanie prepare to present, on Monodam’s behalf, the motive! It’s…a transfer student. What?
Resurrect one of the four people who’ve died so far…? How? Using the computer? Are we gonna resurrect Kaede? Or perhaps Kirumi, since she’s important to the world? Rantaro, so we might learn his talent? Ryoma…probably wouldn’t care to be resurrected. Anyways, what the fuck, and also, that’s the meaning behind the chapter title.
The Necronomicon? We’ve got a copy of that?
Once resurrected, we can welcome the student back, or, if we want to, kill them off again immediately. They’ll be part of the game again, in other words. Thanks for telling us that, Monotaro.
Monodam has no such thanks. Monotaro blames his exposition of killing on old habits.
Monodam instructs Monophanie to punish Monotaro…this is a complete reversal, the students are being spared and it’s Monotaro and Monophanie who are in deep shit. Monotaro doesn’t want to be punished by Monophanie, since he mocks for dumb shit all the time. Monophanie, remembering those times, decides sure, she’ll do it. Then the Kubs leave.
How can anyone believe that the dead can be resurrected? Well, Kiyo thinks that not believing it to because it’s scientifically impossible is folly in and of itself.
Funeral ceremonies…like the one we saw of ourselves…
Sending the dead to the next world. HMMM.
Kiyo believes souls are real…but they can’t be reached once the person is dead. Resurrecting the dead is impossible.
Angie believes it isn’t so strange, though. It’s not so much bringing the dead back to life as returning the dead to us…the difference is, the crime scenes were cleaned up perfectly. Perhaps the dead…had their deaths faked by Monokuma or themselves? In which case, they’re alive? Could the bodies have been fakes? If Monokuma and the Exisals can exist, is it possible for realistic corpses to?
Shuichi wants all this to be true, but he can’t believe it really is. To do so would be to turn away from the truth.
Gonta brings up that if the students were alive, they’d have to be here somewhere. Maybe one of them wrote “horse a” in the courtyard. He was gonna tell us something about the courtyard. Was it that the message is now longer?
“Twnm I”?
I see. The horse message wasn’t meant to be read  from top to bottom. It was meant to be read from left to right. TH, WOR, SE, N, I, MA…?
And the Monokubs left the Necronomicon here for us. It’s definitely a motive…but what kind? Maybe it’s a motive like this: we ignore it and the four people who are still alive somehow die for real? Angie is very appreciative of Gonta’s story…she goes over and hugs him…is she…she’s trying to get him to believe in Atua. Soon she’ll have brainwashed like half the survivors.
A gentle grandma? Isn’t Atua a handsome man? Himiko says Atua’s appearance depends on who’s looking. Kokichi thinks that sure is suspiciously convenient. Angie invites Gonta to the student council that Himiko mentioned. Apparently it’s part of Angie’s plan to stop the killing game. Keebo, Himiko, Tenko, Tsumugi, and Angie all met up and agreed to make the Ultimate Academy Student Council. Angie came up with the idea, and is Student Council President. Which means Atua is the one really in charge. Of course. Kokichi declares them brainwashed…Kiyo agrees. The Ultimate Academy, under the conditions of the killing game, is the perfect breeding grounds for a cult. And this has all the markings of a cult. Keebo, Tenko, and Tsumugi, and now Gonta, have been taken in by this nonsense…Tenko even put aside her love for Himiko to give her love to Atua instead.
Maki points out how clear of a trap the resurrection ritual is…but it’s to no avail. The Student Council members are beyond the reach of logic or reason. Meanwhile, Kaito’s been really quiet this whole time, and I’m somewhat worried about him.
But there’s no time to be worried…we need to head to the pool and spy on the girls, pronto!
Two girls wearing only bikini bottoms. One girl wearing pantaloons. And Tenko, fully in the nude. Enjoy the view, Shuichi, I guess? (Or, you could just ask Miu to flash you? Where is she anyways? Was she not invited? Guess not, student council girls only)
Himiko would rather conserve her MP than use them to grow her boobs as big as Tenko’s. She’s awfully jealous. Tenko reassures her that Himiko’s boobs may be small, but they’re nicely shaped. Angie, meanwhile, is trying to grope Tsumugi’s boobs. Shuichi witness it all and immediately remembers that this is morally wrong and stupid. Too late, dude. Too late.
Afterwards we return to our room. Time to go hang out with people! Not sure who, though…Himiko, maybe. Next time!
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