#the proposal (an olicity fic)
kitkatt0430 · 2 years
2, 7, 14, 23 and 27 from salty ask please
2.) Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
KillerVibe, aka Cisco/Caitlin. I do get why it's a popular ship for those two, but I just can't. Their platonic love for each other is so lovely and I think I happened upon them right as I was feeling a bit burnt out on the 'men and women can't be just friends' trope. So these two being bffs and never a hint of anything else no matter how much they clearly loved each other?
Beautiful. Why would I want anything else for them?
Colette/Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia (which was just re-released on the latest consoles, if you haven't played it before and are looking for a new game to play... pick this game up, it's so good!!!!) - it's not enough to turn me off a fic for there to be Colette/Lloyd going on but I just... read them as having a sibling relationship. There's nothing really romantic about their interactions - honestly the only person who really says anything shippy about them is Genis. And Lloyd sounds like an exasperated older brother telling Genis to shut it when he does. Like... Colette is in many ways Lloyd's person - he does love her and he pays closer attention to her than the others do because he knows she's got a bad habit of not admitting when something is wrong. I just don't read what's there as romantic.
7.) Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Olicity. Oliver and Felicity had some really cute ship teasing going on in the early seasons. But when they actually acted on it... I can't really say they brought out the best in each other. Felicity struggled to trust Oliver but would paper over that with complaints about Oliver doing the same to her. But Oliver's issues were, at least, born out of ptsd and a lack of mental health self care. With Felicity's character, it just seemed like the writers were Flanderizing her to some degree and her character suffered a lot. Most irritatingly, Oliver grew further away from his comic book self instead of closer as was initially promised. I think their lowest point was hijacking the Westallen wedding, where Felicity made someone else's big day about her and Oliver just... went with it. But she also made a scene at the rehearsal when she'd thought Oliver was re-proposing to her and he wasn't. It was very uncomfortable to watch.
They were a lot better at dealing with other people without each other, but... *waves hands in a resigned fashion* together they were just kind of obnoxious in the end.
14.) Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I guess that depends on the part of the fandom.
Eobard Thawne was massively mishandled post S2. He should have remained a posthumus character. All his interactions with Barry's future should have been in Eobard's past. Either with Barry traveling to the past to interact with EoWells or Mattobard showing up from points in his timeline that predated killing Nora Allen. S2 set that up really nicely, but unfortunately there was no follow through and they went in a different direction.
We'll never know for certain that Iris chose Barry because she was truly in love with him and not because everyone was saying it was her destiny. Even their E2 counterparts were married. If everyone tells you that something you aren't sure you want is the best thing for you ever and you'd be foolish to not do that thing then... if you do what you've been told by everyone in your life, is it actually because you want to? Or because you think you're supposed to? The show did, finally, sort of kind of not really acknowledge this. But... S9 when they've been married since S4 was... not the time to do that.
In S3 Future Barry should have been the one with the facial scars and Savitar with the ridiculous Emo!hair.
I... actually really enjoy Zoom coming off S1 with all the parallels that Team Flash is so oblivious too. It's only because of Savitar (and not to forget the Rival and Trajectory) that I feel like the show got overloaded with too many evil speedsters in the first three seasons. There were five - that was about three too many. (That said, Zoom probably should have been the S3 villain with S2 centered on the Rogues. Give the team some breathing room after dealing with Eobard.)
23.) Unpopular character you love?
Eobard Thawne. I will complain about him being overused and misused all day if prompted, but there's a reason why I gravitate to him as a lot as the main villain in my own writing. S1 Eobard on the Flash in particular is just such a fascinating and compelling villain. And Matt's take on him over in S2 of Legends is really great. His exasperation with his co-villains makes them all such fun.
Julian Albert. He was very unlucky in love, falling for Caitlin who clearly just... was not interested in return. And very unfortunate to have whatever was going on with Savitar and 'Alchemy'. But he gave Barry a much needed coworker at the CCPD. (Barry cannot be the only CSI in the entire CCPD. He just. Cannot. But it certainly seems that way sometimes, doesn't it?) If they'd followed through with making the not-Caitlin-not-Frost character in S4 the way S3 seemed to clearly intend, then perhaps Julian might have become the new team medic? Alas, we just get a single brief mention of him in S4 and not even a proper send off for him.
27.) Least shippable character?
Hmmm... Bart since I just haven't seen enough episodes with him to get a good read for his personality at all. And since most of the characters I have seen him interact with are either his parents, his grandparents, his honorary grandfather (Jay Garrick), or members of Team Flash who are presumably honorary aunts and uncles... who would I even ship him with? Certainly not Godspeed.
Sherlock and Joan from Elementary both read as different identities under the arospec umbrella that while I ship them as a QPR together, shipping either of them romantically with anyone - including each other - just feels like it'd make them out of character. They say they love each other in canon without it being automatically romantic. (big deal to me!!!!) So they're equally least shippable to me on that show. And it bewilders me that people do ship them romantically. (Did we not watch the same show? Did people not see how aro they are and how their friendship defies amatonormativity? *heavy sigh*)
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spaztronautwriter · 5 years
The Proposal: Ch. 7 (an Olicity Fic)
Summary: When Felicity Smoak finds herself in a bind, she enlists the help of her assistant Oliver Dearden to help her keep her from being deported and losing her job. The problem is, in order to do so, they kind of have to get married…
A/N: Has it actually been almost a year since I last updated this story? ...smh. Anyway, this has been sitting in my Google docs for awhile so I figured I should probably post it. Hope you enjoy :)
Read Chapter: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
Read on AO3
True to his word, Oliver came back to find her, face buried in her laptop, at twenty to six.
“Okay, okay, just let me save,” turned into another ten minutes of work, before he was finally able to pry her away from the screen and push her into the bathroom to freshen up. It wasn’t until she caught sight of herself in the mirror, and saw the way her hair had fallen out of its usually smooth ponytail, that she realized she probably could have used the extra time preparing to see his family again. She’d figured putting it off longer was better, but now… Maybe she could fake a cold or something and get out of this whole weekend.
“Are you almost ready?” Oliver asked from right outside the bathroom door. She didn’t answer right away, busying herself with fixing her lipstick. It wasn’t much in the way of armor against the steely Moira Queen, but Oliver’s mother seemed the kind to pounce like a lion on a lamb on anyone less than perfect. Or maybe that was just Felicity’s nerves getting the best of her again. A deep sigh penetrated the wooden door and then, “It’s just dinner, Felicity. You have to eat.”
She pulled the door open slowly, shooting him a contrite look. “The human body can survive nearly three weeks without food. As long as I have water”—she gestured toward the sink behind her—“I’ll be fine for a couple of days.”
The look he gave her was the look he always gave her when she was being a smartass. One eyebrow raised, lips pursed, head tilted just slightly as if he found her both amusing and vexing at the same time. “Felicity…”
“It's weird hearing you call me by my first name.”
The look vanished instantly, confusion marring his features and furrowing his brow. “I’ve called you Felicity before.”
“Yeah, but not this often. And it’s usually only when you’re being all serious and stubborn.”
“No,” he argued, “it’s usually only when you’re being stubborn. Besides you’re acting like I’m taking you down to be executed. It’s just a family dinner.”
“A family dinner with people who hate me.”
“They don’t hate you,” he said, waving her off. “Thea was grilling me about you all day. She wants to make a good impression. Tommy, too. My mom… will come around. She’s not so bad. And my dad will probably spend the rest of the weekend trying to steal you away from Palmer, so there’s really no reason for you to go on a hunger strike in my bedroom.”
She huffed, fighting back the waves of anxiety telling her to stay where she was. But, if she did that, she knew it would only be harder to face them tomorrow. Oliver was right. Ugh, she hated it when Oliver was right.
“Fine,” she drawled, stepping out of the bathroom. “Let’s go.”
Oliver shot her the tiniest of smiles before holding out his arm. It took her a moment to realize he meant for her to thread her arm through it.
“I’m marrying a gentleman,” she said, hooking their arms together.
“Of course. You really think I grew up with my mother and didn’t learn some basic manners?”
She laughed and together they walked downstairs to the large, formal dining room where his father was already waiting, a glass of something amber in his hand.
“Where’s Mom and Thea?” Oliver asked, his tone overly polite. She could feel how tense his body had gotten at the sight of his father, but he was trying to keep things light.
“Your mother is with Raisa, doing God knows what. It’s not like that woman has ever cooked a day in her life.”
“That’s not true,” Thea said, skipping into the room with Tommy on her heels. “When I was in second grade she volunteered to be class mother and had to make snacks for the school picnic. She made cupcakes.”
“Hate to tell you this, kiddo,” Robert said with a warm smile that was jarring compared to how he’d just been speaking with his son, “but your mother used to ship those cupcakes in from a bakery in Central City so none of the other mothers would know she didn’t make them herself.”
“What?” Thea cried, disbelief merging with amusement at this new information. “She did not!”
“She did.” Robert looked past Thea, his gaze settling on the doorway behind her, and Felicity turned to see Moira enter the room. “Honey, what was the name of that bakery in Central City?”
Moira hesitated a moment, either caught off guard by her husband’s question or annoyed by it. Felicity couldn’t quite tell. Still, Moira gave a small, if strained, smile. “DeLuca’s.”
“Oh my god.” Thea giggled, putting a hand over her mouth. “That is hilarious.”
“I love DeLuca’s,” Felicity said. “I used them to cater my friend Caitlin’s birthday party earlier this year.”
“I thought those cupcakes tasted familiar,” Oliver murmured from beside her.
She smiled up at him, remembering how he’d rolled his eyes when she’d sent him off on a mission to put together a last minute office party after Caitlin’s birthday plans had been cancelled for the sake of a project they’d been working on.
“Dinner is ready,” Moira said, pulling her back to the moment. “No reason to let it get cold.”
Oliver placed a hand on Felicity’s lower back, leading her to a chair at the far end of the table. The dining room was set exquisitely and Felicity wasn’t sure if Moira had made it up special for them or if it just always looked like this. The china was white and gold, but very classy. Expensive without being overly gaudy. Oliver pulled out her seat for her before taking his own beside her.
Within moments Raisa and another woman dressed in a matching uniform entered the room, balancing platters of food. It all smelled delicious and Felicity wanted to dig in the moment it was within arms reach, but wasn’t sure what the etiquette was. Did they say a prayer before meals? Felicity never had before, but she really knew nothing about Oliver or his family traditions. Maybe they were very religious. But then Oliver and Thea started filling their plates and reaching for the condiments so Felicity took that as leave to stuff her face. She was surprisingly hungry for someone who’d been considering a hunger strike just ten minutes ago.
Moira started off the conversation with some small talk. She mostly kept to her children, but occasionally peppered in a question for Felicity.
“ Are you enjoying your meal ?”
“ Feeling better after your na p?”
Nothing deep or even interesting, but Felicity was thankful for that. She really didn’t want to have to answer any personal questions. But, of course, her luck could only last so long. She was halfway through dinner when Thea couldn’t hold in her curiosity any longer.
“So, when did you fall in love with my dork of a brother?” she asked, spearing a green bean with her fork. Her eyes were bright and excited, despite trying to appear nonchalant.
“Oh, you know, just at work.”
“No.” Thea shook her head. “That’s what you said before. I want details!”
Felicity tensed, feeling her face grow red as she tried to think of an answer.
“We were working on the second generation Palmer Watch,” Oliver said and Felicity looked over to see him concentrating on his dinner, moving his potatoes around on the plate. “It was our first big project working together. We stayed late, like, three months in a row. I hated it at first.” He glanced up, eyes meeting hers, and dropped his fork. “She’s a total workaholic. The kind that doesn’t realize that not everyone’s life revolves around work.”
Felicity felt her face heat again, her chest pulling tight at the accusation. She hadn’t realized he had such a problem with it. She knew he didn’t love all the late nights and weekends, but she’d thought all his gruffing was mostly just complaining for complaining’s sake.
“But then,” he went on, reaching over to take her hand in his, “one night I walked into her office. It was late, like, nearly 10 o’clock.” He smiled, almost to himself. “She was chewing on a red pen, completely oblivious to the time and the fact that we were the only two people still in the building. But when she noticed me she looked up and… I just realized. At some point, I’d stopped hating staying late, because it meant I got to spend more time with her.”
It was difficult to breathe suddenly, but somehow Felicity managed a smile as Thea ooh’d and awe’d over her brother’s story.
It had slipped off his tongue so surely. As if he hadn’t even had to think about it. But that story couldn’t have been true. No, it was far more likely Oliver was just an exceptional liar. After all, he’d been lying to her about who he was since she’d met him. But it was a good story. Subtle and romantic and plausible. Still… her mind was reeling from it and she focused on finishing the remainder of her meal.
“Oliver,” Moira cut in, changing the subject, and Felicity could have kissed her if, you know, she wasn’t so terrifying. “I was having lunch with Cindy Bowen just the other day and she mentioned your old friend Carter.”
“Wouldn’t call him a friend,” Oliver murmured, causing Tommy to snicker. Thea smirked, but hid it behind her glass of water.
Moira continued on as if she hadn’t heard him. “Carter is a doctor now. He’s just published some very interesting work in cancer research. Cindy is so proud. You should give him a call while you’re in town. I’m sure he’d love to hear from you.”
“Felicity and I are actually in the middle of a big project right now,” he said. “We wanted to be here for Thea’s party, but we do have quite a bit of work—“
Robert snorted and Oliver went dead silent, turning to his father.
“What?” he asked, looking ready for a fight. Felicity could practically feel the tension coming off of him in waves.
Robert shrugged, placing his fork down. “You’re a secretary. What work could you possibly be doing? Sorting emails?”
Felicity eyes went wide and she met Thea’s across from her. The girl was grimacing.
“I’m an executive assistant,” Oliver gritted through his teeth. “I do a lot more than sort emails, Dad.”
Robert scoffed. “Your mother tells people you’re galavanting across Europe. It’s less embarrassing for her.”
“Robert!” Moira gasped.
“It’s true.”
The table settled into an awkward silence and, even as used to awkward interactions as Felicity was, this one took the cake. Beside her, Oliver sat frozen, his face twisted in anger and mortification. Moira did nothing to deny Robert’s comment, and that seemed to be Oliver’s last straw. He stood, throwing his napkin onto his plate, and left without another word.
Tommy looked after his friend, while Thea kept her eyes on her plate. Moira glared at her husband, but Robert looked unperturbed, taking a sip of his drink.
“Well, it is true,” he said.
Felicity had half a mind to tell Robert Queen just what she thought of him, but hesitated. She didn’t want to say the wrong thing and make everything even worse for Oliver, which, knowing her, she was very likely to do. So, instead, she excused herself and headed back up to their room.
She found him sitting on the bed, head hung low, back to the door. Seeing him sitting there like that, she wished she had laid into his father downstairs. Maybe she should go back down and—
“They kicked me out.”
Felicity flinched at his words. She hadn’t realized he’d noticed her come in. She closed the door behind her and stepped closer to the bed.
“My parents,” he said, his shoulders rising and falling on a deep sigh. “You wanted to know how I started working for Palmer Tech. My parents kicked me out. Cut me off. Or else I probably would have been running around Europe somewhere right now.”
Felicity wanted to comfort him, but stayed quiet, afraid that if she spoke he’d shut down. Even so, she couldn’t help but close the distance between them in an effort to let him know she was there. That she was listening.
“I was exactly what you’d expect from the spoiled son of billionaires. Self centered, lazy, privileged. Even after they cut me off I lived off friends and favors for a long time. Then the little money I had dried up, favors ran out. I applied to a few colleges—I’d already dropped out of four at that point—thinking maybe my parents would give in if I made an effort, but they didn’t. I don’t blame them. It was what I needed then. When I got accepted into CCU I didn’t really have any reason not to go, so I changed my last name to Dearden and decided to start fresh somewhere new. I rented a room from this couple, the Yamashiro's, and worked at Jitters part time. The wife, Tatsu, got so sick of me being late on the rent that she actually found me a paid internship at Palmer Tech, which led to a job as an assistant. And I was pretty good at it. Answering phones, schmoozing with people. Then I got transferred from the PR department to Applied Science and got to actually work on projects.” He sat up, straightening his shoulders, and met her gaze. “I’m proud of what I do. What we do. My parents can be embarrassed that I’m not a doctor like Carter Bowen is, but some of the projects that cross my desk… Felicity, if we could implement even a quarter of them we could change the world.”
“I know,” she said, reaching out to cup his shoulder.
“I know I’m just your assistant. It’s not the same as what you or the engineers and techs do—“
“Oliver,” she breathed, cutting him off. “Without you I’d be lost under a pile of paperwork. And you might not be an engineer or tech, but I’ve seen you talk to the board. I’ve seen you schmooze,” she teased with a grin. “You’ve probably sold more ideas than I have. I’ve always thought your talents were wasted as an assistant.”
Oliver looked at her, his brow furrowed. “You have?”
“Of course,” she said with a shake of her head. “You just… have it .”
“ It ?”
“Yeah, it .” She smiled. “You know, something about you. You win people over.”
His face softened. “No, that’s you.”
“You make me look good,” she said, shaking off the compliment. She needed him to know that he was just as important to the company and just as good at his job.
Oliver smiled. “I think you look good all on your own.”
She snorted. “Did you just pull a me?”
But Oliver didn’t look embarrassed by his slip. He watched her for a long moment. Long enough that heat began to fill Felicity’s cheeks. She was just about to open her mouth to say God only knows what, when Oliver’s phone chimed with a text message. He sighed, slowly pulling his gaze from her while sliding his phone from his pocket. The moment his eyes left her Felicity felt like she’d just resurfaced after a long dive. She hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath.
“It’s from Tommy,” he said, reading the message. “He wants to go get a drink.”
“Sounds like a good idea. It couldn’t hurt to get out of the house for awhile.”
He shook his head, rising to stand beside her. “I can’t leave you with all this work. Despite what my dad thinks, I do know how much I contribute.”
“Oh,” Felicity said with a smirk, “was I not invited?”
Oliver’s mouth dropped open for a moment, his brows furrowing, before his lips twisted up into a surprised smile. “You want to go with us?”
She shrugged, moving to grab a jacket and her bag. “Well, seeing as how I have to put up with all of your weird family drama…” She turned back to him with a smile. “I think I deserve a drink.”
Oliver’s smile grew wider at her teasing, and something in her chest fluttered at being able to make him smile like that after everything. He rounded the bed, pocketing his phone and grabbing his wallet off the nightstand.
“Hell, you might even deserve two,” he teased back, holding the door open for her. They were on the stairs, heading down to meet Tommy, when he caught her arm. “Oh, and Felicity?”
“Yeah?” She turned to look back at him curiously and nearly tumbled backwards at how close he was. She might have, had he not had a grip on her elbow.
He leaned in, ever so slightly. “I meant what I said.”
It was soft—a whisper, really—but those five little words felt anything but as she struggled to process them. Of course, he didn’t hang around as she stood there, mouth agape, probably looking like some sort of deranged fish. He had already turned, skipping down the stairs two at a time on his way to meet his best friend. It took Felicity another moment—and a deep breath—before she managed to follow after him.
Note to self , she thought as she made her way to the door where Oliver and Tommy were waiting. Flirty Oliver is a hazard to my health .
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This Just In:
I took this week's prompt for the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon WAY too literally and I'm not even sorry
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dust2dust34 · 7 years
Imagine Oliver finding Felicity on the island. 
He catches a glimpse of gold in the distance and for a second he thinks he’s imagining things. His heart clogs his throat and he stops breathing, trepidation flooding his veins... but then she moves, and he sees her. And it’s not just her, it’s everyone. The happiness and relief that slams into him nearly knocks him over, but the way it all focuses on Felicity is damn near staggering. He shouts her name and her head whips towards him. Time freezes... but then suddenly it’s racing and they’re running toward each other. Felicity hadn’t known where he was, if he’d survived, if Chase had gotten to him first, and Oliver, god, he thought they were all dead. That hadn’t stopped him from scouring every damn inch of the burnt landscape that was Lian Yu now, not willing to rest until he knew. And now he does. 
They finally reach other and Felicity practically tackles him as he tries to catch her. But she’s injured and he’s going on about two hours of sleep over the last week and they fall to the ground in a mess of limbs. They barely notice, talking over each other, hugging each other, trying to kiss... Her lip is bruised and split open, though, and she keeps catching his lip with her teeth. It’s horribly painful and awkward, but it’s so ridiculously amazing at the same time that they start laughing. It’s as much relief as it is wonder as disbelief.
Felicity proposes, right there.
“I don’t want to lose you again,” she whispers. “I don’t want to waste anymore time. Will you marry me?”
Oliver barely gets the word ‘yes’ out before he’s kissing her, and this time it’s perfect, neither of them feeling anything but the joy of finding each other again.
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memcjo · 4 years
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The Olicity fandom wouldn’t be as fortune as we have been without the lovely Olicity stories shared with us by @smkkbert​!  Her Olicity family series and other fics has brought me many hours of reading pleasure!  Seriously, this list could go on and on so I’m just picking some of my favs~ enjoy!!
ao3 page
“Time for a story” Drabble Series ~This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances.It started as a drabble series, but developed more and more into a full domectic AU. Although some chapters are still drabble-like, there are longer storylines by now. (All chapters are also available on Tumblr)The rating as "explicit" is only because of a few drabbles that contain smut, but those are rather rare. Most of the drabbles are fluff. 403 Chapters!
We ended as lovers~ Three years ago, Felicity’s life was perfect. She was offered a job at two great companies. Her boyfriend just started his own fashion label, and they picked a perfect apartment to live in together. The more heartbroken she was when Oliver got cold feet and it all ended. Now, Felicity is coming back to Starling City, well aware that she is destined to run into her ex-boyfriend there. While old feelings revive quickly, the pain still goes deep. Besides, for some reason Oliver seems to be angry with her.
Mothers know best~ Since they have been kids, they have been best friends. Since they have been friends, their mothers wanted them to be together.After coming back from the east coast, Felicity takes over a position at Queen Consolidated, the company her best friend will soon take over from his father. Their mothers still push for them to be together, and they seem closer to that goal than ever because wedding bells are ringing. The only problem is that they both plan to get married to someone else.
There goes my life~ This series is about teenage Oliver and Felicity finding their way into being very young parents. We will see them working through issues during the pregnancy and the baby's first two to three years.
If loving you is wrong (I don’t want to be right)~ They live in a society where the Ministry for Procreation decides who you get to marry. Oliver and Nyssa have come to terms with that. Although they are married, Nyssa can secretly be with Sara, and Oliver can do whatever he wants to do. When Oliver decides to make changes, he falls madly in love with Felicity. Therefore, his life takes a pleasant turn because although they cannot publicly be together, at least they can be in secret. Things soon get complicated, though, when Felicity receives a letter that shall change her life.
14 Days of Olicity~ Fourteen fics to lead to Valentine's day - my fics for the Tumblr challenge.
Old days new hope~ Fearing she’s lost Oliver forever, Felicity inadvertently travels back in time to before the Gambit sank. Can she help Oliver avoid five years in hell, and maybe save some lives along the way? She’d often wished she could take away Oliver’s suffering, but will saving him prevent him from becoming the man she loves?What’s more: will he still love her?  A series of three stories.
More than jewelry~ This is my speculation about what might happen in 4x10.Oliver tries to deal with what has happened after he proposed to Felicity.
There are so many more on her ao3 page!  Stay home, stay safe, and enjoy some amazing fic!!
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olicitytropes · 5 years
Olicity’s ‘Holiday Tropes’ Challenge
Pick one, two, three, or however many prompts you want (this is your Wish List, after all) and write (or make fanart)! Olicity. Tropes. Holiday fics. Who says we can’t have it all? We’ll be reblogging throughout December. A collection will be posted on AO3 mid-January. This is our last holiday season with Arrow on our TV’s! Let’s make it a good one! Tag us here @olicitytropes​ when you post, use #olicityholidaytropes, and enjoy!
Happy holidays everyone!
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Holiday Things:
Snowed In
Mistletoe Kiss
Sharing Hot Cocoa
Snowball Fights
Combining Traditions
Ugly Sweaters
New Year’s Kiss
Gift Shopping
Playing Dreidel
Ice Skating
Thanksgiving Day Disaster
Buying/Decorating a Tree
Lighting the Menorah
Secret Santa and/or an Office Party
Weekend Ski Trip
Kitchen Nightmare
Holiday Miracles
Home for the Holidays
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Person A/Person B Tropes:
Person A agrees to be Person B’s date to the fancy holiday party.
Person A convinces Person B to pretend they are dating to survive a family event.
Person A is hanging mistletoe all over the place in an attempt to kiss Person B.
Person A invites Person B over for dinner with their family. Person A didn’t mention that they are Jewish.
Person A accidentally spoils the truth about Santa to the kids. Person B is not happy.
Person A falls while hanging lights and Person B has to take care of them.
Person A spills hot chocolate on Person B.
Person A keeps trying to tell Person B something important by giving them gifts each night of Hanukkah with subtle hints. Person B doesn’t catch on.
Person A slips on ice and Person B catches them.
Person A’s car breaks down in a storm and Person B is the mechanic who saves them.
Person A is a ski instructor. Person B cannot ski.
Person A gets excited over the first snowfall. Person B is smitten.
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Dialog prompts:
“Hey, no peeking!”
“What did you put in this eggnog?”
“Your hands are freezing.”
“You even make Santa hats look sexy. It’s not fair.”
“Just kiss me. Let’s get this over with.”
“Before you say anything, can you please just open it?”
“You killed my snowman. This was murder.”
“So much for holiday cheer.”
“I wouldn’t say latkes are your specialty...but thank you for trying.”
“This…is the best present ever.”
“You got me a present? But you hate me… What is it?”
“I’m just saying…if Santa is real…”
“We drank too much and fell asleep together. It means nothing.”
“Honey, where’s your holiday spirit?”
“I’m pretty sure I just saw her kissing Santa Claus.”
“I’m sorry for what I said when I was decorating. I don’t know what came over me.”
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General tropes (that could pair well with the holiday season):
Bed Sharing
Fake Dating
Meet Cute
Cuddling for Warmth
Enemies to Lovers
Making a Bet
Mutual Pining
First Loves
Unresolved Feelings
Coffee Shop
A Proposal
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cruzrogue · 5 years
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Helplessly Wrecked
Story summary:A very smart, passionate, woman. Worked to get her dual masters from MIT, it may have taken longer being a mother of triplets but at least she has her mother’s support. Oliver Queen still has a yacht incident and was marooned for shorter time frame on a real deserted island. He never flunked out of his Ivy League schooling and is a very sought-after bachelor. His relationships never last more than half a year and is known to throw himself into his work. His motto ‘work hard play harder’. -That is until he meets Felicity Smoak!
An olicity AU. No Arrow. Olicity kids. Slow burn.
Chapter 27 Media Buzz and Reflections
Summary: The public proposal goes without a hitch and now social media is abuzz with Oliver Queen's family. His proposal and children are trending.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for reading this fic. It is almost to it's official end. (Olicity :) love)
After that there will be add-ons to the story. I haven't decided how I will go about it. Either just add chapters are make this a two part series where the add-ons will go to another tied-fic. I'm sliding towards adding more chapter? Probably?
For anyone who like to be tagged/untagged please let me now:
@lucyyh @bri206 @memcjo @hope-for-olicity @1106angel @folly1977 @jendiaz69 @lemmyeatspeaches @it-is-jay-amaya@olicity-beliver@almondblossomme @unabashedlynerdypatrol @icannotbelieveiamhere
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hope-for-olicity · 5 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - May 10th, 2019
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. This and all previous Fabulous Olicity Fanfic posts can be found on my blog.
With the Speed of an Arrow multi-chapter Complete by @academyofshipping - Oliver Queen’s elite and silver-spoon life has taken some blows in the past few years, but he is still the carefree billionaire everyone knows of and loves. When his role in the family business is in jeopardy and he is introduced to a motley of new people, his status quo is threatened. With a changed perspective, Oliver realizes his feeling for his best friend and anchor-in-life, Felicity Smoak, may be more than just platonic. OR A modern adaption of Jane Austen’s Emma with a gender swap* and no island. *Knowing that gender is not binary https://archiveofourown.org/works/16559846/chapters/38799857
Tick Tick Boom multi-chapter WIP by @nodecaff4me - This story is loosely based on S02, starting with the appearance of the Clock King. Only this time, Tockman is not just after the money, but also after Felicity. Someone hired him to go after her. How will she and her team handle this new threat? And the even bigger question; who is after her and why? https://archiveofourown.org/works/5365172/chapters/12390371
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
Let it Out by @laxit21 - Let’s pretend that Arrow ended after Oliver was acquitted in 6x21. The Lizard and everyone connected to him all died or were erased from existence, including Black Siren. This is sad. You’ve been warned. After an unexpected tragedy, Oliver and Felicity say goodbye to someone important to both of them. https://laxit21.tumblr.com/post/184626020474/let-it-out
Conspiracy by @felicityollies - (prompt) Slade conspires with Thea of all people to get Oliver and Felicity to break their "let's take it one step at a time rule" by putting them in a situation for Oliver to propose to her again. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11915487
Blast from the Past by @felicityollies - Set in season two - Oliver’s ex comes to visit him, but has to stop by executive assistant Felicity first. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11921649
Unasked Questions by @laurabelle2930 - This one takes place during 3x20. It’s my take on what happened before we see Oliver staring out over the moon lit sands of Nanda Parbat. Warning: It’s smutty... https://archiveofourown.org/works/11927979
Want vs Need by @felicityollies - Felicity knows the difference between want versus need, but she can’t seem to let go of a beautiful jacket she saw in a department store window. She goes as far as to steal it right off the rack. A kind stranger, that happens to be the city’s mayor, steps in when she gets caught. (prompt) https://archiveofourown.org/works/11940456
Every Piece of You multi-chapter WIP by @bowsmoakandarrow - If anyone had told Felicity Smoak that she'd be a single mother right out of MIT, she would have laughed in your face. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11554779/chapters/25950957
I Do Believe In Magic by @smoakmonster - AU 5x09 flashback, in which present day Oliver Queen actually time-travels back for a short visit to see Felicity in 2012, before she became his partner, before he’s supposed to be in love with her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/2588447/chapters/20369764
Is it Too Much to Ask? (It Probably is) by @laureningall - Written for the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon prompt "Ask" Felicity knows that Oliver would do just about anything she asked of him. But what about something that was pretty silly. It was silly really, what was bothering her. Felicity works to track down a long lost team mate for some help with her unusual request. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11921043
Something Old and Someone New by CaptainBrieOnToast - Felicity decides to make a pretty drastic lifestyle change her Senior Year of high school, at first no one notices, but then some does. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11944593
You're thinking too LOUD by sssssssim - Once upon a time, metaphoricalanchor posted this thing: AU prompt: Person A is thinking sexually graphic or generally odd thoughts and suddenly panics and thinks “If you’re a mind reader, cough right now.” Person B coughs. Then, wittyfelicity had a party in the tags: #IMAGINE THIS ABOUT OLIVER AND FELICITY#LIKE FELICITY IS HAVING A DAYDREAM AND THEN HER THOUGHTS START TO GET REALLY GRAPHIC AND OLIVER PRACTICALLY CHOKES WHEN SHE SUDDENLY THINKS#THAT#CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS THOUGH#SOMEONE NEEDS TO WRITE IT ... I took it upon myself to write the thing. Smut. THING. https://archiveofourown.org/works/1414105/chapters/5204288
The Only Way to Know is to Ask by @cruzrogue - Felicity and Oliver have been living in their new home for roughly a month and after Oliver's run he meets one person that Felicity has conversed with during his outing. But they aren't the new neighbors... https://archiveofourown.org/works/11951745
Olicity One-Shot: The Rage Phase by @entersomethingcleverhere - Newsroom AU — Felicity might have been the face of Atlantic Cable News’ financial analysis, but when an ex-boyfriend takes revenge on her for breaking up with him, he tries to ruin it all for her. Oliver’s the only one she can turn to to help her get off the floor and fight back. https://entersomethingcleverhere.tumblr.com/post/164841890517/olicity-one-shot-the-rage-phase
The Fan multi-chapter WIP by @leuska - For the past couple of months, Felicity Smoak, previous child star known to the world through her alter ego Lisy the Tech Whiz, who ended her career and her growing popularity at the age of thirteen rather abruptly, has sporadically received disturbing notes and gifts in her mail. Police believe the notes to be just little tokens of appreciation by a former fan. Despite having left the spotlight over a decade ago and living in anonymity since, the fan mail keeps coming, increasing in frequency as well as intensity. Thelast drop is when Felicity receives another letter with a love note. A scary, ominous note. A note written in human blood.FBI director Amanda Waller tasks her best Agent to the case. Oliver Queen, a criminal profiler, is currently working on a special task force formed between SCPD and FBI to catch a man dubbed the Start City Slasher, who has murdered at least three young women in the past nine months. Agent Queen is not thrilled with the prospect of holding a former princess’ hand through her problem with a simple stalker while a serial killer is still at large. However, once meeting her, Oliver finds there is nothing easy or simple about Felicity Smoak as their worlds start to intertwine. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17726573/chapters/41820368
Did You Pack Enough? by @christinabeggs - Felicity preparing for trip with the two most important men in her life. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11955036
Ghost by @felicityollies - Olicity + "I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner. I love you Felicity. " post 3x09 angst https://archiveofourown.org/works/6610375/chapters/27070692
Mission Impossible by @felicityollies - Felicity gets kidnapped during an undercover OTA mission https://archiveofourown.org/works/6610375/chapters/27072189
Choose Me by @felicityollies - prompt: choose - Felicity begs Oliver not to continue his daredevil lifestyle. She wishes he would give up his street racing and choose her, but he’s adamant that his racing is for her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11034534/chapters/27176745
Choose by @wetsuiton - dialogue fic, prompt choose https://archiveofourown.org/works/11084547/chapters/27178335#main
Our Once Barren World Now Brims with Life by @overwatchandarrow - Felicity is worried Willaim won't like her. Oliver wholeheartedly disagrees. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12018810
Five Times Felicity Finds the Ring multi-chapter Complete by @anthfan - Five part series. Each chapter shows a different way Felicity finds out about the ring in the bowl. Chapters are standalone. https://archiveofourown.org/works/5184392/chapters/11944589
The Voyage to You multi-chapter WIP by @obibalwin - Felicity Smoak didn’t want a complicated life. She enjoyed helping people as a nurse at Starling City General Hospital and spending time with her best friend Sara. When a John Doe arrives on the fifth floor of thehospital, she finds herself being dragged into a world of mysterious oaths and visions. The only thing she can hope is to stay strong enough to resist the man who has traveled to find her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16596788/chapters/38895977
I Can't Let Her Die multi-chapter WIP by @originalhybridloverfics - Future Oliver seeks present day Oliver help to save Felicity. Chapter 1 https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/183625037894/i-cant-let-her-die Chapter 2 https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/184191980224/i-cant-let-her-die-ch2 Chapter 3 https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/184665869079/i-cant-let-her-die-ch3
Forget Me Not multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity was presumed dead after The Gambit was shipwrecked and she went missing. As the one year anniversary of her death approaches, a miracle happens and she is found. Just when Oliver thinks the universe has given them a second chance, he learns Felicity barely remembers him and the memories of their love together are gone entirely. Oliver and Felicity’s journey after they reunite prove to be a tough road ahead, and then they learn that Felicity’s accident may have had a more sinister motive behind it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/18392291/chapters/43556987
Providence multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated - Will Queen has struggled in silence in the year since he was shot. But when a shadowy crime lord known as Domino targets the only woman Will’s ever truly loved, fate forces him to confront his demons in ways he never could have imagined… Whether he wants to or not. Amelia Prescott has fought to take control of her life since learning two years ago that her personal and professional worlds were manipulated by others. But nothing can prepare her for just how hard she'll have to fight to set her own course, especially when her heart belongs to a damaged man and a crime lord threatens her every professional move... And her life. Destiny brings them together, but as chaos reigns and personal demons haunt Will and Amelia both, it may also threaten to tear them apart. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17919056/chapters/42308753
Hard To Find Love multi-chapter WIP by Mellowyellowdiamonds - Through a tragic twist of fate Felicity finds herself left with an orphaned young William Clayton. Keeping her promise to her friend, Felicity raises William diligently, loving him as if he were her own child, only to have Moira Queen storm into their lives several years later demanding custody of her grandson. Locked in a war with Moira Queen, things get complicated when Felicity finds herself developing unwanted feelings for William's biological father, Oliver Queen. At the same time she must try to manage her meddling 13 year old son, who has it in his head that if Felicity would just cooperate and fall for his father, everything would be right in the world. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15941786/chapters/37173917
Ivy Town to Star City by @geneshaven - Oliver's thoughts as he and Felicity take the limo from Ivy Town to Star City https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/184709636599/ivy-town-to-star-city
Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
Our Version of Events multi-chapter WIP by @machawicket and @geneeste - Action star Ollie Queen is trying to clean up his image and land parts that require him to do more than appear shirtless while fighting stuntmen. Pop star Felicity Smoak wants to be seen as an adult in time for the release of her new, grittier album. And talent manager John Diggle’s got an idea about what coverage of Oliver and Felicity’s brand new (and totally fake) romance could do for them both. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8025382/chapters/18375349
Thank God You're Alive by @alexiablackbriar13 - that olicity reunion scene in 7x21, slightly re-vamped with more hugs and kisses and concern because c'mon arrow... https://archiveofourown.org/works/18749404
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue for Olicity trope-tastic award: Fake Marriage - This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride… https://archiveofourown.org/works/15025697/chapters/34832747
// @emmaamelia95 // @mel-loves-all // @oliverfel4 // @green-arrows-of-karamel // @coal000 // @miriam1779 // @memcjo// @captainolicitysbedroom // @tdgal1 // @spaztronautwriter // @lalawo1// @quiveringbunny // @wrongshipper // @thebookjumper // @vaelisamaza // @myhauntedblacksoul // @lovelycssefan // @laurabelle2930 // @laxit21 //
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Happy Saturday!!! So this is me thanking awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work. ♥️ I want to recommend spectacular fanfic stories I read this week! ♥️ They are posted in the order I read them. This is something that I want to continue moving forward, and all posts will be tagged #saturday spectacular fic rec
| ONE | (Oliver The Footballer) by @someonesaidcake | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Felicity Smoak had a plan; to save enough money to kick her monotonous job and start up the company of her dreams. She made good plans, solid plans, attainable plans. 
He was never part of her plan. 
His name was Oliver Queen, the reclusive Brazilian football star with a broken smile and a story to tell.
He'd never planned on her either.
Surprise Children by @icannotbelieveiamhere | Arrow | One-shot
Summary:  Oliver has just let William leave with his grandparents. He wants to protect William and keep an eye on his son but he needs help from an old friend in Central City. Felicity is acting strangely after her phone call.
His Girl Wednesday by BlueBayou | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Missing her interview for a position in the IT department of QC, Felicity Smoak meets Oliver Queen, son of the CEO and future CEO himself. Only Oliver doesn’t take the company as seriously as he should and after yet another fiasco with his assistant, his mother decides to take matter into her own hands and select one with more qualifications than long legs and deep cleavage. In an effort to get her off his back, he pretends he already hired one: the blonde nerdy girl he met a few minutes ago.
Or when Arrow and Ugly Betty crash in my head (except we all know Felicity could never be ugly). It is mostly Arrow, I borrow a few plot ideas/characters from Ugly Betty.
The Cuff Links by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary:  On the day of Robert and Oliver's funeral Moira gave Tommy a pair of Robert's cuff links that were always intended for Oliver. Tommy finds the perfect occasion to fulfill Robert's original intentions.
Workouts and Babbles by ElasticMonk | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Oliver comes to the rescue of one cute blonde at his gym just as Felicity stumbles upon one handsome mayor at her gym. They both have something in common, but will it bring them happiness?
He's Just The Nanny by @oliversmuse | Arrow | Completed
Summary:  Oliver Queen has been working as a Nanny for the last 5 years when suddenly the family he is working for is transferred to another city. Open for a new assignment he is sent to the home of Smoak Technologies CEO Felicity Smoak and is hired on the spot to watch her three year old daughter, Ellie. As the weeks pass, feelings start to develop and things get complicated and Felicity and Oliver learn very quickly how love can change everything.
The Proposal by @spaztronautwriter | Arrow | WIP
Summary:  When Felicity Smoak finds herself in a bind, she enlists the help of her assistant Oliver Dearden to help keep her from being deported and losing her job. The problem is, in order to do so, they kind of have to get married...
The What If Harassment Alternative by portlandborn | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | WIP
Summary:  What would have happened to Peraltiago And our intrepid detectives, if Amy had reported her mentor captains ugly behaviors?
"Time for a story" Drabble Series by @smkkbert | Arrow | WIP
Summary: This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances.
It started as a drabble series, but developed more and more into a full domectic AU. Although some chapters are still drabble-like, there are longer storylines by now.
Do you remember by @smkkbert | Arrow | WIP
Summary:  Eight years after Oliver and Felicity became teenage parents, they have everything they could have ever hoped for and more. They have a good life in a nice house. Their marriage is happy, and a second baby is on its way. The calm they have settled in is interrupted abruptly when a stalker starts terrorizing Felicity.
Arrow Out of Context by @smoaking-greenarrow | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Collection of prompts using Arrow quotes.
Airplanes, Coffee and Deadlines by @hope-for-olicity | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Felicity begins working at a national newspaper where she has always dreamed of working. On her first day, she meets a very interesting photojournalist. The two will eventually work together but sparks fly immediately.
The Ravager by @laxit21 & mewmew666 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Slade Wilson's plan for revenge against Oliver took time, money and no shortage of lives to pull together. His plan didn't anticipate Felicity Smoak. How will his plan change now that his lost-lost daughter is working with the very man he's trying to destroy?
Artemis by @laxit21 & mewmew666 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When the Queen's Gambit sank, two people were stranded on Lian Yu. Five years later, four came back.
The Daughter That Was Left Behind by @laxit21 &  mewmew666 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Before the Gambit, Oliver Queen met QC intern Felicity Smoak. When he boarded the Gambit, he left something behind. Now, five long years later someone is waiting for him.
Semper Fidelis by @oliversmuse | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Oliver Queen is a member of the Bravo Squad, a team that specializes in search and rescue, covert infantry and translating foreign documents. He is known as one of the best and even though he is one of the youngest recruits he advances quickly. While serving he meets Lance Corporal Felicity Smoak, a young woman with skills in hand to hand combat. Despite the fact they butt heads they fall in love and soon start to talk about a future together. However, when her plane disappears on a mission in China and she is presumed dead, Bravo Squad searches frantically for her, only to find her plane and her bloody dog tags. Five years later Oliver runs into "Megan" at a coffee shop near that gym he has been running with his friends. She has lost her memory from the plane accident but has had dreams of Oliver and the Bravo Squad. With the help of his friends and team mates, can he help her reclaim her past and fall for him once again?
Daughter of the Demon by @laxit21 & mewmew666 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: What if in 1988 while traveling through Las Vegas Ra's al Ghul bumps into a nice waitress named Donna Smoak and they have one-night stand together? A little bundle of joy named Felicity Smoak is the result. In 2014, the Demon Head becomes aware of his youngest daughter's existence.
Felicity of Themiscyra by @laxit21 & mewmew666 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Years ago, Donna Smoak left the island of Themiscyra and her sister Queen Hippolyta behind to live in man's world. She never told Felicity the truth about where she came from. As a result of the Undertaking, Felicity discovers some of her Amazonian abilities and makes an interesting new friend: Diana Prince.
I Scream But No Sound Comes out by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Oliver returns from Lian Yu after five years, he comes back different. What happened there damaged more than just his body. How will his friends and family deal with this new Oliver? 
And So the Adventure Begins by @mindramblingsfics | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Felicity spent her first year of college focused solely on her studies. In year two, with the convincing of her best friends Iris and Sara, she lets her hair down a bit. Oliver spent his first year partying with his wingman Tommy and living up to the status that came with his last name. He realizes he should buckle down focus on the most important part: actual school. Oliver and Felicity meet, and even though they are on different ends of the spectrum, they don't realize that they can each bring out hidden parts of one another. 
Emerald Archer Martial Arts by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: In May 2019, a tired Oliver Queen and four months pregnant Felicity Smoak retire from their vigilante duties and move to the redwood forest town of Bloomfield with their son William, to raise their family in peace.
Along the journey, they build their own successful companies, increase the size of the Smoak-Queen clan by a couple more, train their kids in self-defense, and live out a blissful existence.
This is the story of 7 years of their happiness and family antics, after 7 years of crime-fighting and hardship to save their city.
Providence by @so-caffeinated | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Will Queen has struggled in silence in the year since he was shot. But when a shadowy crime lord known as Domino targets the only woman Will’s ever truly loved, fate forces him to confront his demons in ways he never could have imagined… Whether he wants to or not.
Amelia Prescott has fought to take control of her life since learning two years ago that her personal and professional worlds were manipulated by others. But nothing can prepare her for just how hard she'll have to fight to set her own course, especially when her heart belongs to a damaged man and a crime lord threatens her every professional move... And her life.
Destiny brings them together, but as chaos reigns and personal demons haunt Will and Amelia both, it may also threaten to tear them apart.
I wear high heels (she wears sneakers) by @mogirl97 | Supergirl | WIP
Summary: “Lena. It’s not just about football.” Kara waved her hands around emphatically, “It’s about school spirit and hanging out with your friends—“ Lena didn’t want to bring up the fact that she didn’t have any friends to hang out with. “—and watching me obliterate a bunch of guys’ egos and going out for celebratory Big Belly Burger afterwards.” ~A Supercorp High School AU~
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theweekinarrowfic · 5 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, October 6-12, 2019
NOTE:  I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org/
Need more Arrow in your life?  Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
The Rest of Our Lives by Cdngirl_85 (2/2, 08 Oct 2019) - Oliver is trying to figure out how he can propose to Felicity, every idea he's had hasn't worked out for him. Tommy gives him an idea and with some help he figures out the perfect idea to ask the love of his life to marry him
Ring Finger by melicitysmoak (6/6, 12 Oct 2019) - Five times someone notices Felicity's ring finger and ponders on her relationship with Oliver Queen with hope or regret, and the one time it truly matters most (inspired by the Olicity stolen shot of SA and EBR during an Arrow shoot for 6x07 in the old post office building in downtown Vancouver).
Other Ships/Characters
I'll never forget you by Leana_olicityy Mia-centric, 3/3, 07 Oct 2019) - Mia is upset after one more fight with her mom. At 15, she wants to get away from the monotonous life in Bloomfield, she's dreaming of a normal childhood, with both of her parents but the choices they've made make that impossible. However, a green notebook she come across gives her something she has been seeking her whole life.
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spaztronautwriter · 6 years
The Proposal: Ch. 6 (an Olicity fic)
Summary: When Felicity Smoak finds herself in a bind, she enlists the help of her assistant Oliver Dearden to help her keep her from being deported and losing her job. The problem is, in order to do so, they kind of have to get married…
A/N: Remember when I was trying to update this every week? Haha, good times. Well it’s not the next chapter of The Donor but at least I finished something today.
Read Chapter: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
Read on AO3
Oliver silently led her upstairs to his bedroom. It was a long, awkward walk, but Felicity was too jittery to try to make conversation herself.
She’d just kissed her assistant. And, yeah, sure. She was the one who decided to marry him for a green card, but that was a more theoretical concept. It wasn’t real. It hadn’t been real until she’d felt his lips close over hers, soft but insistent and leaving her dazed in front of his entire family. She hadn’t had a kiss like that in years. Oh, who was she kidding. She hadn’t ever had a kiss like that. She couldn’t seem to stop running the tip of her tongue over her lips in an attempt to chase away the tingles Oliver had left behind.
“Here it is,” Oliver said, opening a door and she hurried inside, careful not to bump into him.
It was a large room, bigger than any bedroom Felicity had ever seen before. It was nearly as big as Felicity’s entire apartment. And, of course, there was only one bed. She’d known there would be, but she’d been trying not to think too hard about what their sleeping situation would look like. They’d cross that bridge when they came to it. She turned, noticing an open door that led to, what she assumed was, the bathroom. She pushed the door wider, flicking on the lights.
“Wow,” she said, spinning on her heel to take in the space. “I think I saw this place on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous once.”
Oliver paid her no mind, just rolled his eyes, then moved across the room to a bar cart that sat near a gorgeous bay window. He poured two glasses of what was probably very expensive whiskey, handing one to her.
“Sorry. No tequila,” he said, avoiding her eyes. Or maybe she was avoiding his.
She hated whiskey. That didn’t stop her from practically guzzling half the glass. The bite of it slid down the back of her throat, but she was just glad to have a distraction from the tingling in her lips. Oliver, meanwhile, was sipping his drink casually, like a normal human being.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Felicity said, over the rim of her glass. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Oliver watched her for a long, uncomfortable moment; eyebrows raised, lips pursed in a half amused, half irritated smirk. “We just kissed, Felicity,” he informed her as if she wasn’t already extremely aware. “I thought maybe you might have some feelings about that.”
Sighing, she brought her other hand up, fingering the glass as she turned towards the bed. “If my feelings are it was awkward and I’d rather not talk about it, then yeah.”
His eyes ran over her, and, even facing away from him, she couldn’t help but feel he was seeing more than she was comfortable with. “Well,” he said eventually. “You really sold it, at least. Pretty sure my family won’t have any suspicions after that.”
“Good,” she said, taking another sip of whiskey before setting it down on the nightstand. “Maybe we won’t have to do it again.” Her eyes widened when she realized what she’d said and she whipped around to face him. “Kiss! I meant kiss, not it, like… you know.”
He grinned at her accidental innuendo, but otherwise left it alone. “We’ll probably have to kiss occasionally. Married people do that sometimes.”
“I know that,” she snapped, her frustration with herself rising. Because she really hadn't thought this plan through. She hadn’t given herself the time, the board hadn’t. Closing her eyes, she shook her head. “I’m sorry. This is just… it’s a lot.”
“It was your idea.” It wasn’t judgmental or anything, but Felicity still felt embarrassment rush through her veins, tinting her cheeks, at his words.
“Your parents clearly don’t like me,” she said, hanging her head.
“That’s not true.” She looked up to see him move towards her. He sat on the edge of the bed, then patted the space beside him. She hesitated, but eventually joined him. “My dad likes you,” he went on. “It’s me he’s not a fan of.”
Felicity snorted. “I noticed that.”
Oliver sighed and looked down at his hands. He rubbed his finger and thumb together, a nervous tick she’d noticed back when they first began working together.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really,” he said, with a small shake of his head. “My mom, though.” He glanced up at her, a tiny smirk lifting the corner of his lips. “My mom doesn’t like you.”
Felicity glared. “Yeah, I noticed that, too.”
He laughed, and some of the tension dissipated. Enough that Felicity felt more like herself.
“Don’t worry, she doesn’t like anybody. And I’m pretty sure she’s mostly mad at me for not introducing you sooner. And for not coming home more often. And for not keeping in touch more.” He shrugged. “She’ll be alright once you get to know her.”
“Yeah, except for the fact that I’m literally using her son for a green card. She’s going to hate me for eternity. Even after we’re divorced.”
He grinned. “Probably.”
“That is not helpful, Oliver,” she said, swatting his shoulder.
“Tommy and Thea like you, at least. As long as you have their approval my mom will come around. Besides, you won’t have to see her much after this weekend.”
She sighed, falling back on the bed. “I didn’t think this plan through, did I?”
“You really didn’t,” he teased, “but it’s too late now. We have to make the best of it. And that will mean making nice with my parents for the weekend and occasionally having to kiss one another.”
“Ugh,” she groaned, throwing an arm over her eyes.
“Ugh?” Oliver repeated incredulously. The bed dipped next to her and she looked over to see him leaning back on one arm beside her. “You thought that kiss was ugh?”
“I mean, if the circumstances had been different and you weren’t my assistant and hadn’t kissed me in front of your entire family then... maybe it would have been better.” She did her best to ignore the heat rising in her cheeks and the fact that she was lying through her teeth. That kiss had been anything but ugh. The fact that she would be expected to kiss him again without completely embarrassing herself was the part she wasn’t happy about.
Oliver just smirked down at her like he could see right through her lies. That’s when she realized the position they were in; her lying on her back across his bed with him leaning down beside her, nearly hovering over her. His smirk faded and she guessed he was realizing it, too. He’d just started to sit up when there was a knock on the door and Thea’s muffled voice broke the silence.
“Ollie, Mom says dinner’s at six. Do you guys want to hang with me and Tommy till then or are you too busy?”
Felicity could hear the innuendo in Thea’s tone and it honestly just made things so much worse.
“You should go,” she said, sitting up and putting some distance between them.
“Are you sure?” Oliver’s expression was wary, but she could tell he wanted to go. She was suddenly aware that he hadn’t seen his sister in a while and it was, at the very least, partially her fault for not allowing him more time off.
“Yeah,” she said waving him off. “I still have a bunch of paperwork to go over before Monday. Go on, tell them I’m tired or something. I’ll be down in time for dinner.”
He nodded and stood up, but said, “I can stay and help if you need me—“
“Oliver, go,” she said, hopping up and walking over to her suitcase which someone had oh so helpfully left beside the closet door. “Hang out with your sister while you can, because I’m probably going to keep you pretty busy for the rest of the night.”
It took her a moment to register what she said, and once she did she slammed her eyes shut. She always managed to find the very worst way to say things, but somehow she was still mortified every single time. She turned just in time to catch Oliver’s amused smile before he turned for the door.
“I’ll be back up to get you for dinner that way you don’t forget and starve.”
She scoffed as he left, just as a matter of principle, but he wasn’t exactly wrong. On a good day she could get lost in her work for hours. Today she was trying decide if she could get away with burying herself in it the rest of the weekend.
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Wanted to do something with the fact that Thea knew about Oliver’s plan to propose in season 4. Hope you enjoy!
(Let me know if you would like to be added to or removed from my Arrow fic tag list)
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callistawolf · 7 years
fic update: “twelve hours” (Olicity, rated E) ch 13/15
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twelve hours, a fic by callistawolf Chapters: 13/15 (5,087 words this chapter, 73,940 total so far) Fandom: Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Cooper Seldon, John Diggle, Thea Queen Additional Tags: mentions of Cooper/Felicity, Romance, Angst, Smut, Alternate Universe, Alternative Universe - No Island, Boss/Employee Relationship, Consensual Infidelity, inspired by the film Indecent Proposal, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Themes of prostitution, Unhealthy Relationships, Messy, Manipulation, Vaginal Fingering, Semi-Public Sex, Burgers in Limos, charity galas, Formalwear, Domination, oral sex, anal play, anal sex Summary: Felicity Smoak has a plan for her life that includes living on the straight and narrow until she and her live-in boyfriend, Cooper Seldon, can finally begin their joint tech company like they’ve planned for years. She’s content in her life, such as it is, until she meets the CEO of the company she works at one day. And then a series of events brings him further into her life and  relationship with Cooper. All it takes is twelve hours to throw everything into question and Felicity’s neat, ordered life isn’t so neat and ordered anymore.
Chapter Summary: As things in Felicity's professional life settle down, her personal life reminds her that it will not be ignored... Oliver hasn't given up on her yet... and neither has Oliver's biggest champion. 
Author’s Note: Hello, friends! It was a big, long week last week. Or was that just me? I always seem to forget how chaotic December is until I'm actually living it. It feels like it's been months since I updated this, not days. Then again, it doesn't help that in that time I've posted like a bazillion "and so this is Christmas" updates... Okay maybe that's exaggerating. But here we are! Chapter thirteen is pivotal and you'll soon see why. And just let me apologize in advance.... 
Big shoutout to the ladies on Twitter and especially @lexiblackbriar for her posters (and enthusiasm) for this story! 
You can read this chapter on Ao3.
“I’m done playing nice,” his voice said and Felicity froze before turning around to face him.
“Thank you for the flowers,” was all she could think of to say in reply.
“Oh, so you got those?” he asked, a sarcastic lift to his eyebrows. He was smiling though, telling her that he wasn’t actually angry. Still, she got to her feet and backed away towards the rear of her cubicle.
“Curtis told me to let you know that I got them, but I just… I wasn’t ready.”
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smoaking-greenarrow · 6 years
Olicity Trope-tastic Awards: ‘Holidays’ Official Rec
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Luckily our lovely fanfic writers enjoy fluffy things like hot chocolate and snowy snuggles during the holiday season, and not so many limo shootings and gas chambers. Let’s get this HOLIDAY party started! Here we go!
Awards Time!!
@smoaking-greenarrow‘s recs:
it's the most wonderful time of the year by finaljoy
Words: 84,133 // Chapters: 20/20
Lying to her family about having a boyfriend seemed like a good idea to Felicity at the time. Hiring an escort to fake being her boyfriend seemed like less of a good idea, but Oliver was a reasonable fit and she didn't have time to think of anything else, so with an escort she went. Besides, it would only be for Thanksgiving.
**Award: Fangirl Worthy** ( @blondeeoneexox found this fic and told me to start reading it. We’ve been “did you get to the part!?”-ing ever since)
Felicity’s Love Language by @dreamergal859
Oliver manages to figure out what Felicity’s love language is and spends their Valentine’s Day date making sure she feels loved.
**Award: An Attentive Oliver to Melt Your Heart**
The Holiday Party by @hope-for-olicity
Words: 4,239 // Chapters: 1/1
Oliver invites Felicity to his family's first Christmas Party since he's returned from the island.
**Award: Cutest Two Dorks in Love**
Haunted Houses Bring Us Together by @smoakedup
Oliver, Felicity, and a few other familiar faces are brave enough to take a walk through Starling’s scariest haunted house.
**Award: Best Arrowverse Halloween**
Olicity Fanfic Countdown to Christmas by @mogirl97
Words: 39,847 // Chapters: 9/9
One-shots from my Olicity Fanfic Countdown to Christmas on tumblr
**Award: The Holiday Collection You Need in Your Life**
An Unexpected Encounter by @hope-for-olicity
Words: 11,245 // Chapters: 4/4
An Olicity holiday AU about a big city librarian returning to her small town for the holidays and having an unexpected encounter. I so hope you enjoy!
**Award: Magical Holiday Feels**
The Christmas Con by @spaztronautwriter
Words: 16,676 // Chapters: 4/?
In order to convince his parents and his ex that he’s changed, Oliver Queen hires a stranger to be his girlfriend for the holidays. Felicity Smoak is as far from his type as possible, with her dark hair and attitude problem, but a bottle of hair dye and a new wardrobe—not to mention the money he’s promised—can do wonders, and if he plays his cards right this whole thing might actually work.
**Award: Most Lovable Felicity**
@blondeeoneexox‘s recs:
Best Christmas EVER by @hope-for-olicity
Words: 2,215 // Chapters: 1/1
Part 13 of Mary's Teacher
Felicity and Oliver exchange Christmas gifts.
**Award: Sweetest Christmas**
2 + 2 Equals a Family by @mogirl97
Words: 145,512 // Chapters: 24/?
When Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak both reach for the last Lego Batman set on the shelf at the same time one December night while holiday present shopping for their kids, they have no idea that their chance encounter is going to change their lives.
**Award: Best Meet Cute**
That's Christmas to me by @smkkbert
Words: 15,949 // Chapters: 1/1
Six significant Christmas moments for single dad Oliver Queen and his neighbor-turning-more Felicity Smoak - Five times Oliver’s Christmas was a little messed up and the one time it was really perfect.
**Award: Best Olicity Proposal**
Unexpected gifts by @wherethereissmoak
Words: 2,016 // Chapters: 1/1
Shortly after the loss of Oliver during his duel with Ra's al Ghul, Felicity is not in the mood to celebrate Hanukkah or any other holidays. But someone didn't get the memo, because random gifts keep appearing, which lead her to an unexpected surprise!
**Award: Best Reunion Speech**
(Special shoutout to @blondeeoneexox for filling in while @memcjo is on vacation:) I think we will keep you, please!)
@it-was-a-red-heeler‘s recs:
Mine at Midnight by @smoaking-greenarrow
Words: 59,839 // Chapters: 10/?
Oliver and Felicity have a tendency to run into each other every New Year's Eve.
**Award: Best...Wait For It...Payoff!**
@hope-for-olicity‘s recs:
Let Your Heart Be Light by @callistawolf
Words: 60,649 // Chapters: 15/15
Oliver Queen is a billionaire former-playboy and he needs a girlfriend to bring to the family's mountain cabin for Christmas. So he asks Felicity Smoak, a woman he knows from his company. She's just a friend, but she's also the only friend he has who he can trust with the ruse. Complications arise when he realizes that maybe what he thought he wanted isn't what he wants at all. More than that, he starts to wonder if maybe the perfect answer to all his problems wasn't in front of him all this time.
**Award: Best Christmatized Friends to Lovers**
The Christmas Wish by @beemichelle7
Oliver and Felicity make Christmas Wishes on the night of their first Christmas together.
**Award: Best Christmas Wish Gone Wrong**
Christmas in Star City by lizzie21
Words: 17,189 // Chapters: 6/6
Felicity Smoak is a movie star who's come to Star City to shoot her new movie. Only problem, Mayor Oliver Queen isn't keen on the movie ruining his Christmas. The two of them get closer, but will Felicity's life get in the way of happily ever after? This is based off Hallmark's Christmas in Homestead and adapted for the Arrowverse.
**Award: Best Hollywood Meets Small Town Christmas**
A Tree Full of Hope by @ @vaelisamaza
**Award: Keeps Your Heart Toasty Warm for the Holidays**
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thebookjumper · 6 years
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Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon - Week 4: Closed Door.
Hello, everyone!  I know - I’m SO far behind.  I’m trying to play catch up over the next week or so.  Thank you for all your support these past few weeks - that’s why this fandom is the absolute best.   We had some awesome submissions for this prompt - so everyone should go check them out!
The fics for this week are:
(In no particular order)
On The Other Side by @geneshaven - Rating: Not Rated - Oliver comes home.
Open and Closed Doors by @hope-for-olicity - Rating: General Audiences - Felicity remembers all the open and closed doors throughout her relationship with Oliver.
Hidden Talents - Chapter 2: When One Door Closes Open A Window For Fresh Air by @laureningall - Rating: Teen and Up - Oliver is well on his way to taking over his family company after closing the door on his former playboy lifestyle. His new role would mean more trips to Palmer Technologies and he hoped, a chance to meet up with Felicity Smoak once again. He would bet that she was just breath of fresh air his life needed.
Kingdom Come - Chapter 2: Love Is An Open Door by @dmichellewrites - Rating: Explicit - Superheroes in a farmhouse combine with intriguing reunions.
Closeted Confessions (Made in a Bathroom) by @thatmasquedgirl - Rating: Mature - Oliver and Felicity come clean. Literally. They both take showers. More Pineapple Investigations, this time involving a towel, two confessions, and an awkward entrance.
Come, Tell Me How You Live - Chapter 4: Closed Door by @smewhereelse - Rating: Teen and Up - Oliver gets locked out, Felicity to the rescue.
Through a Closed Door by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Rating: General Audiences - An alternate way for Felicity to have found out about Oliver's plan to propose.
I'm Glue, Baby - Chapter 3: Save Your Heart by @felicityollies - Rating: Explicit - Oliver has hidden himself away from the world. He’s closed the door on his heart to keep himself from getting hurt. After everything that happened on Lian Yu and in Jurassic World who could blame him. But when his ex-girlfriend, Felicity, comes to ask him to help save the last remaining dinosaurs on the island, including his beloved raptor, Blue, he has some important decisions to make.
Lie(s?) No More by @mindramblingsfics - Rating: Mature - Life is great and then it's turned upside down. Oliver Queen thought he had a kush security job for the CIA, while spending time with the woman he loved, Felicity Smoak. The moment Oliver came across some key information, he was soon wrapped up in things way above his pay grade. To keep Felicity safe, he was forced to come clean about his real career previously keeping her in the dark. Ultimately, he sacrificed their relationship to keep her safe. After a year apart, they cross paths again.
A Queen - Chapter 4: The Queen's Shadow by @missyriver - Rating: Teen and Up - It's been six weeks since the attack; Felicity and Oliver are moving on with their lives. He is watching, waiting and soon he'll make his move from the shadows.
audere est facere, olicity by @effie214 - Rating: Not Rated - He dared, so they do, too. For six years, a man in a hood led a movement to try and save their city. Now it’s their turn to save him.
Don’t forget to let me know if I missed yours somehow - I try my best, but I’m only human.  If I did, let me know and I’ll send it back around!
@missyriver @almondblossomme @spaztronautwriter @wherethereissmoak @felicityollies @cainc3 @wanhani @dust2dust34 @cruzrogue @hope-for-olicity @babblekween @dmichellewrites @callistawolf @the-queenfamily @angelalafan @bokayjunkie @moonbebesworld @scu11y22 @jamyjan @crankyandbitchy @geniewithwifi @smoakingskye @some1foundme @xxlissaxxx @nerdyandturdy @imusuallyobsessed @leonie1988 @miriam1779 @diggo26 @amphoteros @tdgal1 @jedichick04 @walker-oliciter @squidbillybritt @green-arrows-of-karamel @uhhmanderrmitch @smoakmonster @ourwritinginvein @spacemomnephmoreau @gypsyfire1066 @creativelylisa @sharingmyworld @laurabelle2930 @overwatchandarrow @pennedbyv @dinzbinz @jlr1224 @crazycrystal10 @ccdimples88 @perfectlittlesoul @mariposablue9 @quiveringbunny @thearrowandhisgirlwednesday @mammashof @1106angel @onceuponanolicity @fallingmeleth @mel-loves-all @releaseurinhibitions @thatmasquedgirl @babblingblondegenius @bitchwhwifi @olicitysmoaky @lover4eternity @a-w-mouse @rynflo @charlinert @laureningall @madhaj @arrowfan437 @obibaldwin @smewhereelse @memcjo @pleasantfanandstudent @chachurka @truemyth @jemmaacarters @ivorykeys09 @mshellbrat @smoaking-greenarrow @greensmoak00 @bowsmoakandarrow @deathanddignitybedamned  @mje-thomas @lunaqueen-45 @lemmyeatspeaches  @onceuponanolicity @folly1977 @it-was-a-red-heeler @sovvannight @cinfos  @smoakmonster @lageniuswannabe @hollywoodkats @lovelycssefan @flowerandsunshine @wedoitallthetime @allimariexf   @ivorykeys09  @xghost-fox-goddesssx @erika-amber @jennonthewire @swordandarrow @devotedolicityfan @24karatgem @theshipsfirstmate @fellicityqueen @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl @effie214
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olicitytropes · 5 years
Seasons 4 and 5
Accepting nominations for seasons 4 and 5 now! 
For the next two weeks, we’ll be reading fics set in season 4. Please send us your favorite Ivy Town adventures, proposal goodness, Damien Darhk fun, limo shooting torture, breakup pain, magic fixes, and baby mama drama rewrites. Just kidding! (but not really. Those rewrites would be fab, send ‘em on over here).
The rec list for Season 4 will be posted on July 15th, please try to get nominations and submissions in before then (using your best judgment of how long it may take one of our members to read the fic) so we can give you a very thoughtful, very lovely award ;)
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(angsttttt ^)
Anyway! You can also send us Season 5 fics at this time, too! Submissions for those will be due July 29th. (Time to write something new perhaps? *winkwink*) What season 5 lacked in Olicity, fanfiction made up for. Give us your best Adrian Chase meddling, mutual pining, island exploding, bunker sexing favorites!!
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(angstttttt ^)
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