#the quest felt like a fucking nightmare. not to mention 'all that remains'
dirt-juice · 1 year
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One Side Of The Knife! AU
What if instead of possessing her, Chucky, still fixated on the future he once thought he had “raising” Nica as his own, feels a paternal and possessive/protective kind of ownership of her. After killing her family, Chucky manipulates Nica’s trauma and strained relationship with her family and lies- he tells her he’s her biological father, twisting the story in an attempt to get Nica as part of his ever-growing group of lackeys- err, Family.
* * * * *
“Just fucking do it already.” Nica grit out, her voice wavering slightly.“Get it over with.” Stuck in her chair, the straight jacket dug into her sides as she leaned as far away as she could from the face of her nightmares.
The redheaded killer doll tilted his head, his plastic features amused. “If I wanted you dead, you’d be tits up by now. I was never gonna kill you, Nica. I came to make things right!”
Shuddering, her eyes unwillingly darted over the brutalized remains of Carlos and Dr. Foley, sparking with indignation as she fixed them back on Chucky.“You call this making things right?” she demanded incredulously.
“I never wanted you to take the fall for what I did. I just couldn’t help myself! I was just so angry at your Mom. She ruined everything!”
A breathless sob left Nica. “Stop.”
Mercilessly, her tormentor continued.“And I couldn’t stand to see how your sister- how everyone in that fucking house- treated you. They didn’t appreciate you, Nica.” He took a jerky step forward, and the helpless woman flinched. “I told you. We’re family!”
Her eyes closed, falling shut against the pain, the memories assaulting her all at once; the thunder, her sister, Alice-
* * * * *
Sprawled out on the floor of her home, Nica’s mind had felt as broken as her body. As the impossibly still alive Charles Lee Ray stalked towards her in doll form, she could only think of one question. “Why us?”
“Didn’t your mother ever mention me? I’m an old friend of the family.” the rough, sinister voice sounded bitter.
Nica shook her head, still trying to understand the human Charles’ presence in the old family videos she’d seen mere hours- but what felt like a lifetime- ago.
“I can’t say I’m surprised; most people want it kept secret when they…step outside of their marriage.” the doll taunted. “But when she decided to have you, well…” he shook his head. “I begged her to be a part of your life, promised her everything she could ever hope for. But she was a selfish bitch- selfish enough to keep her own child away from her father.”
As the weight of the words registered in her brain, nausea swirled in Nica’s gut, her head spinning. “No-” she choked out.
Oblivious to his victim’s distress, he shrugged. “I guess she had planned on Daniel taking my place.” His voice lowered into a growl. “But no one replaces me. So I did what I had to do.”
Tears blurred her vision, and she hastily blinked them away. “You’re lying.” she said, more for her own benefit and sanity.
“Why would I lie to you, Nica? Any father worth his salt would fight to be in his kid’s life. And she took that from me! From US!”
As if Nica’s world wasn’t shattering from underneath her, he told her how he’d killed Daniel, drowning him and staging it as an accident, holding her mother captive in an attempt to keep their “family” together. With growing horror, Nica listened as he apologized for stabbing Sarah through the stomach when she betrayed him, forgetting in his rage that he may not only hurt Sarah in his quest to make her pay.
“You did this to me.” She realized with a sinking sense of certainty.
“No, Nica. Your Mommy-“ he bit the word out sarcastically “-did this to me. To us. She betrayed me. Got me killed. Took your father! It took me twenty five years but believe me, it was worth the wait. Twenty five years. Since then, a lot of families have come and gone: The Barclays, the Tilly’s, but Nica, your family was always my favorite. And now, you’re the last one standing…So to speak.” He laughed. “And after all this time, we can finally be a family!”
* * * * *
Grounding herself back to the present, Nica weakly protested. “We’re not.”
The doll laughed. “Come on, Nica- didn’t you ever wonder why you never fit in with your family? Why you always wondered what your Dad was like, why you were treated differently? Your mother never accepted the fact that you were mine, that you were damaged. We were the ones she never accepted, she threw away.”
Nica did her best to ignore the thousands of instances that came to mind where she had been ignored, left out, or misunderstood. The numerous times Sarah refused to talk about Daniel or tell Nica about her father, or treated Barb as the favored sibling.
“But…you kill innocent people!” she burst out, looking around at the carnage around her.
Cackling, Chucky waved his arm around. “I wouldn’t call any of them ‘innocent’, kid. This asshole was asking for it- what kind of father would I be if I left him alive after everything he did to you? The guy was a sicko!”
Nica couldn’t really argue with that, wisely staying silent.
He continued. “I came to get you out- ya know, since it’s my fault you’re here and all.” Chucky surprised her, cutting through the straight jacket with ease. “You don’t hafta come with me, but if you don’t have anywhere else to go- if you want family again- your Old Man would be happy to make up for lost time.”
The doll awkwardly turned around with jerky movements, rendering her speechless as he left her alone in the office, giving her a choice.
The silence was suddenly oppressive, the sick, sinking realization that he was right churned in her gut; She had no family left. Her Mom, her sister, her brother-in-law were all gone. A few tears escaped as she added Alice…her poor, sweet baby, to her list of losses.
She was considered a criminal, a murderer. Her only option besides going with the murderous Good Guy Doll was to willingly stay here, drugged and restrained against her will, taken advantage of and abused, surrounded by people that thought she was crazy.
Examining her “choices”, she found she didn’t really have one.
At least if she went with him, she could possibly learn the truth, grim though it may be, about where she came from, who she was- if she belonged anywhere. He may not hurt anyone else if she was there with him, if she wasn’t in trouble or danger.
Still not believing what she was about to do, Nica took one last look at the bodies in front of her, offering a silent apology as she made her choice and wheeled her chair out of the office and after the killer doll…and into an uncertain, unknown future.
And there it is! What do you think? Let me know if you’d be interested in me continuing this little AU! Thanks to @series-thoughts for the inspo!! 😍🥰
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stardustprompts · 3 years
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the poppy war - r.f kuang   sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw :   drugs , death , murder , nsfw , prostitution mention , language
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‘take off your clothes.’
‘why would anyone drug themselves before a test?’
‘you’re about to be a very lucky girl, sweet.’
‘wow that’s great. really great. Terrific.’
‘your folks are assholes.’
‘well fuck the heavenly order of things.’
‘don’t you have actual responsibilities?’
‘I don’t want to get on _____ ‘s bad side.’
‘you would make a terrible prostitute. no charm.’
‘what is so wrong with getting married?’
‘do you want to die?’
‘everything is spilling out of my head as quickly as I put it in.’
‘please do not commit spousal homicide.’
‘give me a way out of this shithole.’
‘hello, I’m praying.’
‘I seduced him with my nubile young body. you caught me.’
‘you can’t scare me into a confession, because I’m telling the truth.’
‘and that means you’re shit at your job.’
‘if you cross them—- if they even think you’ve looked at them funny—- they can and will hurt you.’
‘it’s easy to lose a language when you never speak it.’
‘you’re offending them with your very presence.’
‘they’ll make you an outsider, because you’re not like them.’
‘no matter what they say, you deserve to be here.’
‘I’ll kill you. I will fucking kill you.’
‘I went out in the sun once. you should try it sometime.’
‘oh, you’re the one ____ hates.’
‘you’d be a prick too if your family was both rich and attractive.’
‘honestly? I think he just comes in here to get high.’
‘I think you’re flattering yourself.’
‘unless you’ve got a weapon, don’t aim for the face. the neck’s a better target.’
‘we aren’t here to be sophisticated. we’re here to fuck people up.’
‘this is the only kick you’ll ever need, really. a kick to bring down the most powerful warriors.’
‘power dictates acceptability.’
‘he hasn’t done anything to earn my respect. all he’s done is act high and mighty.’
‘you’re nothing. you shouldn’t even be here.’
‘consider me bullied and intimidated, just let me sleep.’
‘he’s playing with her. he’ll end it soon.’
‘they’re good at fighting, but not much else.’
‘spend a lot of time looking at ____’s eyes do you?’
‘a betrayal of that sort would not have been out of character.’
‘come on, you belong here too.’
‘they’re not going to get rid of me like this. not this easily.’
‘I’m calm! I’m extremely calm!’
‘you’d rather kill your own people than let the opponent’s army walk away?’
‘you don’t let an enemy walk away if they’ll certainly be a threat to you later.’
‘he can’t stop raving about you.’
‘oh, don’t pretend to be bashful. you love it.’
‘you’re a walking disaster.’
‘anyone this obstinate deserves some attention, if only to make sure you don’t become a walking hazard to everyone around you.’
‘I heard he got drunk on rice wine last week and pissed into ____’s window. he sounds awesome.’
‘it’s me, your favorite person in the whole wide world.’
‘I do not have a problem. you are making up this problem for reasons unbeknownst to me.’
‘you’re killing the mood.’
‘they were weak as shit. scrawnier than you, even.’
‘you’re a real asshole. you know that right?’
‘your state of mind is just as important as the state of your body.’
‘sometimes you must loose the string to let the arrow fly.’
‘because I want to break his stupid face.’
‘he’s the most dangerous when he’s desperate.’
‘from this point on you’re just going to be a danger to yourself and everyone around you.’
‘you’re too reckless. you hold grudges, you cultivate your rage and let it explode, and you’re careless about what you’re taught.’
‘I knew I was the only one that could help him.’
‘they honed his rage like a weapon, instead of teaching him to control it.’
‘one urinating statue for my easily entertained friend.’
‘I don’t believe in gods. but I believe in power.’
‘one might say you’ve been obsessed with ____.’
‘don’t look to your left. pretend you’re taking to me.’ / ‘I am talking to you.’
‘we’re studying very weird things.’
‘I don’t actually know what I’m getting into.’
‘here is what happened: you called a god, and the god answered.’
‘you know that if you don’t get answers now, the hunger will consume you and your mind will crack.’
‘you’ve glimpsed the other side and you can’t rest until you fill in the blanks.’
‘supernatural is a word for anything that doesn’t fit your present understanding of the world.’
‘I’m supposed to take it as true that you’re a god?’
‘I’m not a god. I am a mortal who has woken up, and there is power in awareness.’
‘are we getting high? oh, wow. we’re getting high.’
‘ah. the law. so inconvenient. so irrelevant.’
‘we are not madmen. but how can we convince anyone of this, when the rest of the world believes it so?’
‘the price of power is pain.’
‘I understand the truth of things. I know what it means to exist.’
‘prey do not question the motives of the predator. the dead do not question the living. mortals do not challenge the gods.’
‘I killed for you. I would have done anything for you.’
‘I have seen the end of things. the shape of the world has changed.’
‘war doesn’t determine who’s right. war determines who remains.’
‘it’s alright. I know what you are.’
‘I thought I was the only one left.’
‘we have developed the power to rewrite the fabric of this world. if we don’t use it, then what’s the point?’
‘I don’t mess with that shit. it screws you up.’
‘I understand the appeal, I really do, but I like having my mind to myself.’
‘he’s a charmer. like a new puppy. you think he’s adorable until he pisses on the furniture.’
‘there’s no routine. no discipline. nothing you’re used to. am I right?’
‘so you’re the last of your kind. that’s sad.’
‘If you hold the fate of the country in your hands, if you have accepted your obligation to your people, then your life ceases to be your own.’
‘____ feared, and so he held you back.’
‘great danger is always associated with great power. the difference between the great and the mediocre is that the great are willing to take that risk.’
‘don’t ever let go on that anger. rage gives you power. caution does not.’
‘don’t give in... you’ve been so brave... but it takes more bravery to resist the power.’
‘the nature of this god is to destroy. the nature of this god is to be greedy, to never be satisfied with what he has consumed.’
‘so. screaming at rocks. is that, like, normal behavior here?’
‘fix this. prove your worth. do your fucking job or get out.’
‘I saved your life. doesn’t that make us at least a little square?!’
‘I was scared of you. and I lashed out.’
‘I thought I was better than you, and I’m not. I’m sorry.’
‘when I killed it, it felt like murder.’
‘look, I’m happy to discuss this, really, but I’m currently leaking life out three different wounds and I think I may pass out. would you give me a moment?’
‘well maybe ____ should get his head out of his ass.’
‘ ____ is more fragile than you think.’
‘look, asshole, I don’t need you to tell me what to do.’
‘they say he can read the future. shatter minds.’
‘you misunderstand the nature of our relationship. I am not your friend.’
‘he’s not human. he—- I don’t know what he is.’
‘but ___ was never allowed to be human.’
‘do you trust me?’ / ‘no. but that’s irrelevant.’
‘you don’t know what true suffering is.’
‘I have seen more than my fair share of suffering.’
‘that boy is beyond redemption. that boy is broken like the rest.’
‘I don’t want to be saved! I want power!’
‘that power will destroy everything you’ve ever loved. you will defeat your enemy, and the victory will turn to ashes in your mouth.’
‘we’ve missed something. something’s been laid out for us, but we can’t see it.’
‘fretting won’t make the dead come back to life.’
‘there was nothing human in those eyes.’
‘It was a nightmare, and I couldn’t wake up.’
‘I don’t need your pity. I need you to kill them for me.’
‘whatever it takes. swear it on your life. swear it for me.’
‘I won’t judge him. I don’t dare, because I don’t have the right. and neither do you.’
‘you asked me why I wouldn’t stop him. now you understand. you can’t stop an avenger. you can’t reason with a madman.’
‘I am afraid of what he might do in his quest for vengeance. and I am afraid that he is right.’
‘I am about to do something terrible. and you will have a choice.’
‘they give nothing to the universe, and the universe owes them nothing in return.’
‘you cannot survive my death.’
‘you’re trying to deceive me. you don’t get to deceive me.’
‘this is not the way. this path leads only to darkness.’
‘when are you going to stop being such a damn coward? what are you running from?’
‘you will turn the world to ash, and only demons will live in the rubble.’
‘you dress up your crusade with moral arguments, when in truth you would let millions die if it means you get your so-called justice.’
‘you have not cared about anything for a very long time. you are broken.’
‘I am terrified. but only because I’m starting to remember who I once was. don’t go down that path.’
‘your country is ash. you can’t bring it back with blood.’
‘I’m so sorry. I tried to warn you.’
‘you know the worst part? we’re so close to home.’
‘did you miss me? did you miss this?’
‘I just gave him some of his favorite medicine.’
‘resistance here means suffering. there is no escape. no future.’
‘you have nothing to fight for anymore’
‘what are you defending? you owe ____ nothing.’
‘we were disposable. we were tools. tell me that doesn’t make you furious.’
‘I am sick with fury.’
‘I will die on my feet. I will not die a coward. and neither will you.’
‘we could stay here. we could stay here forever. we wouldn’t have to go back.’
‘you’ll have to live with the consequences. but you’re brave ... you’re the bravest person I’ve ever met.’
‘I have lost everything I care about. I don’t want peace, I want revenge.’
‘I don’t need to sleep. I need to feel nothing.’
‘do you want forgiveness? I can’t give you that.’
‘we avenged him. he’s gone, but avenged.’
‘you have to believe that it was necessary. that it stopped something worse. and even if it wasn’t, it’s the lie we’ll tell ourselves, starting today and every day afterward.’
‘aren’t you supposed to be a seer? do you ever see anything useful?’
‘we have an enemy whom we love.’
‘I’m going to find and kill everyone responsible. you cannot stop me.’
‘oh I’m not going to stop you.’
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snoozejoon · 5 years
Too Much | Park Jimin
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pairing: park jimin x black female oc (ft. jung hoseok.. again :))
genre: angst, fluff, a whoole bunch of lovey-dovey stuff n heartbreak
warnings: mental illness (specifically bpd - borderline personality disorder), mature scenes, vulgar language and mentions of suicide and depression.
word count: 3.3k
Solace Wright just wants to remove herself from her overbearing job and find some genuine joy in her life on her own terms. She didn't exactly expect to land in South Korea to begin making an acclaimed name for herself, and she definitely didn't expect to fall so easily in love. She knows what she came to do and isn't exactly fond of having such a large distraction, but her heart softens without her permission and leads her to experience things she never imagined for herself.
Did she want this? No. Will she stay anyway? Yes.
She may have bitten off more than she can chew.
HOSEOK hated the heat. He hated L.A too. He loathed the bright, smoldering heat that made him have nightmares of lava eating away at skin before he fell asleep; accompanied by the restless sounds and people that enshroud him everywhere he seemed to turn. And if one more droplet of sweat dared to drip down his face one more time, he'd hop on the fastest plane to Korea within the next hour. 
The moment his skin made contact with the summer sun here, he immediately regretted even coming. Why his father sent him out of all the other nice, heat tolerant people he has employed at his aquarium was beyond him. Beyond him. Literally. He knew little english, despised American food, and random foreigners that couldn't mind their business, so this was the worst job his dad could possibly give him.
The only liable reason he can come up with is that his father trusted him. Which was kind of a given, seeing as he was the only child he had that considered marine biology as a career path. He was also his dad's only child, so there was that aspect too. Hoseok was being sent to one of the biggest sea life aquariums in Los Angeles to sign literally one slip of paper and shake some probably cold hands just to confirm the conversion of the aquarium into the Jung corporation, due to horrible reviews on the well-being of their sea life, and poor treatment of their customers — and employees. 
So naturally, sales dropped, and prices ran cheaper, but people never seemed to want to visit anymore. Hearing about their children's favorite killer whale dying the day after the family went to visit wasn't exactly the best look . . . at all.
His father, noting that every other company tied within the U.S simply refused to lend a helping hand, stepped in on his own. Being a businessman was his best attribute; this simple encounter alone was going to add millions to his company, evidently putting himself even more on the top of the marine world than he was already. He'd do his best to add more revenue to the aquarium under his ownership; since all of the 4 aquariums he owned in South Korea were healthily successful, he only expected the same outcome for the one here; but that would take time. A very long time.
That was great and all, but did it require a whole suit and tie ensemble? In black? He almost wants to cry, but for one: he'll for sure taste the salt in his tears and it's too hot for that, and for two: he's not trying to explain to an American the reasoning behind his tears in his kindergarten level English on this bus that was going way too fast for his liking. So no crying. He could sit and be pissed though, so that's exactly what he does.
It takes a good forty-five minutes to get to his hotel, just to fumble with his key to his room when it was handed to him, lug his too-heavy-for-a-week-stay suitcase into his room, and eventually fall into some strangely comfortable sheets and fall into the arms of a power nap. Jet-lag was yet another thing that Jung Hoseok hated, and he refused to let it hinder the pace at which he could actually leave this place. He had a big day tomorrow.
Hoseok knows that the sun is necessary for life and energy and whatever else, but waking up to it shining directly into his irises wasn't the plan. The universe just seemed to genuinely enjoy messing those up though, so who can really say that this wasn't expected anyway? The meeting was at 10, so he got up at 7, quickly regretting that decision as well; U.S time and Korean time were sworn enemies. But Hoseok prevails and tries his best: studying and trying to absorb every English word he could in the textbook he brought, he even got the mobile app so that his phone could speak to him while he fumbled with his tie. He practiced masking his accent — and evidently failed, but that's okay — and eventually said fuck it, grabbed his suitcase, and left his hotel room.
During the bus ride to the aquarium, he tries to mask his nervousness by continuing to study and attempting to make somewhat of a script for the meeting he had later. He tries to answer in his head any question that could possibly be asked — which shouldn't be many — until he's memorized just enough to get by. He's almost positive that he'll stutter more than necessary and say something incorrectly by default but he decided that was the best he could do.
After a long and almost unbearably bumpy bus ride, he finally arrived at the aquarium, and when he heard about the decrease in visitors, he didn't think it would've been this much. The aquarium was open for sure, but without looking inside, you would've thought it was during closing hours. No one was even remotely interested in the activities occurring outside; which was saying something, because it was a whopping 102 degrees today. The only people actually outside where the employees with the animals, feeding and bathing their assigned sea life.
The aquarium was huge. 2 long pillars held the building up from the sides, accompanied by the various games and activities surrounding it. An array of ticket booths stood outside as well, with less than about 15-20 pedestrians per line. Hoseok felt like he was at the entrance of a movie theater, much less a famous aquarium. Hoseok literally stops in his tracks; just standing to take it all in. admittedly, his father's aquariums were better, but this one was still something to admire. A shame, it was that it wasn't selling well. He knew his dad would fix that though.
As he entered the large building, he immediately makes eye contact with one too many sea creatures; they seem to literally stop and peer at what he's doing and silently ask why. His footsteps falter at his paranoia; was he serious right now?
Let's not make this visit longer than it has to be, Hoseok, he thinks to himself. Please don't.
Hoseok picks his head up, wipes his sweat with the sleeve of his blazer — unprofessional, but he doesn't care — and eventually just takes the jacket off. He wouldn't be forced to suffer anymore because he really couldn't feel the aquarium's supposed "air conditioning" at all. After doing this, he ignores the scrutinizing looks from the fish surrounding him, and begins his quest for the administrative's office to meet with the CEO. Not even five steps are completely taken before he's almost ran over by a woman with a box that definitely had no chance of lasting long in her hands. Way to not make this visit longer, huh?
The collision is heavy, but more so on his part; she actually remained standing, and the sound Hoseok made at his fall was too loud to simply apologize and not worry about potential injuries. 
"Oh my God!” The woman exclaimed. “I'm so sorry-"
The box she held is safely placed on the ground before she reaches out to help pull her victim up — he hadn't even attempted getting up, but sprung up easily with her help. 
"Thanks," he grunted, noting at how soft her hands were, and peeking at her white lab coat. Her eyes were a wide mahogany, matching her skin, and her hair was kept in a high and unruly bun. He decided that he had been irritated enough since he got here, and getting angry — angrier — would only slow him down. 
"I'm fine," he inwardly grimaced at how his voice sounded, "I, uh. I think."
She kept rumbling off with apologies, because what a great way to end her last day here. 
"I'm so, so, sorry! I was just moving out from my room and you were walking in front of my office and—" she blinked rapidly, taking in his appearance and then really looking for injuries, "wait, you look important, a-are you sure you're okay?" Her hands roamed his shoulders, head, and arms before he interrupted her with an embarrassed cough.
"Um." Immediately her hands left his arms, shooting behind her back and interlocking in embarrassment. She couldn't help it, he wore more than her rent and she was not about to get sued today. He felt his cheeks grow hot at her actions; he definitely wasn't used to that. He cleared his throat, loosening the collar of his shirt — was it hot in here? Significantly hotter than usual?
Eventually finding his composure, he directed his speech to her as carefully as he could. "You are okay." Her eyes met up to his, her heart was pounding too damn hard for a Tuesday morning. "Sorry, uh, my English isn't very good — I'm Korean. I'm trying though."
Her brows rose, and Hoseok had to stop himself from thinking the worst before she spoke, "Oh really? I studied marine biology in college, with Korean as my minor, I know the language, if that's easier for you?" She reached down and struggled to pick up her box completely; but Hoseok noticed and helped her to stand.
He couldn't even completely understand what she said, but he heard Korean and easier and put two and two together. 
"Really? Yes!" he coughed, lowering his voice, "Ahem. Please. I have a meeting with your Ceo and I'm not sure how far I'll get." Pleading eyes bore into hers, trying to get his point across.
"I'm Jung Hoseok, by the way," he said, before she could reject him.
The woman's hands wrapped over the box tightly, and her lips turn to blow escaped hairs from in front of her eyes. Noting that he mentioned that Korean would be easier, she quickly remembered the honorifics. 
"Hi Hoseok. I'm Solace. So, you need a translator?" She finally settled her box firmly in her hands and looked at him expectedly.
Solace. It was a beautiful name, it swelled nicely under his tongue when he repeated it. Her Korean was good; her accent was obviously apparent, but still understandable. "Yes," Hoseok answers hurriedly, "If you're not too busy."
Solace shook her head, "No it's fine, today was my last day anyway. Let me run this box to my car really quickly and I'll be right back." Hoseok can barely respond with his gratitude before her heels find their speed and she leaves the building.
When she returned, she also had to direct him to the administrative's office as well, he didn't exactly have a directory to the aquarium. While she was showing him the way, Hoseok had the opportunity to observe the aquarium fully; dwelling on how his father could fix this, and tweak that. And that was all before they even got to an elevator.
He tried small talk too. She was granting him a favor, so the least he could do was get to know her a little. Random questions that popped into his mind, he wanted them answered. He was still in need of a distraction; nerves were never something to be messed with.
"So," he raised his voice as he stepped in the elevator beside her, "did you quit? Is- is that why it's your last day? Or -" his eyes widened with interest, "were you fired?" 
He saw her face turn to him quizzically, she couldn't possibly figure out how that was any of his business, but she let it slide. She clicked the circular 5 button for the fifth floor, and the elevator ascended upwards.
"No, not fired. I quit." she looked down at her fingers, "the reviews written about poor employee service weren't wrong."
Hoseok nodded, not exactly shocked by her answer; it only added to the things his dad could fix once he signed the contract. And maybe it was the close proximity of the elevator, but Hoseok knew the scent of a mango when he smelled it. There was something else in the air too — something tropical.
He didn't know if it was perfume or what, it just smelled amazing. So amazing that his body made decisions he probably shouldn't have; like leaning in towards the area of the smell — which was Solace. He only sacrificed a small sniff, but it was one sniff too many apparently — she tensed up immediately. Did he just? She didn't even see him do it; her attention was on the elevator door waiting to open.
Hoseok hasn't noticed her noticing him, and moved back to where he originally stood, unbothered. He realized that it was her hair that smelled as nice as it did, a dash of coconut and hibiscus scents accompanied the mango too; adding a nice, beachy smell. But Solace noticed, and didn't exactly know how to react either. Her head turned to him swiftly, an amused but weary expression residing in her eyebrow arch and smirking lips. 
“Did you just smell me?"
Hoseok — looking embarrassed as ever and face so red he almost looks sick — Seriously debates acting as if her Korean was so accented he couldn't understand her. Too late for that, of course; but the suggestion still ran through his mind. He wonders if he should just lie, claim she was hearing things, but that would get him nowhere.
"I-I'm sorry! Something just smelled really good so I just-" his ears burn even more at the sound of her small laughter, she reached her hand to cover her smile.
"It's fine," she giggled some more, "does my hair smell that good?" Hoseok releases the breath he didn't realize he was holding when the elevator finally releases an anticipated ding and the doors separate from each other.
Solace disregards Hoseok’s small yes as an answer, and gracefully leads him to the Ceo's door. A closed door with a frosted window awaited Hoseok, who just stood in front of it beside her, frozen. Solace looked to him expectantly, but halted, realizing how nervous this guy really was. When she thought about it, she'd act just like him, let the roles be reversed. So reassuringly, she placed her hand on his shoulder, waiting until he turned to her.
"I got you, Hoseok. You've got this." She smiled, and Hoseok gulped. How embarrassing, Hoseok, really.
"Thanks," he said, before lifting his hand to knock.
"You did so good!" Solace smiled at him from across the dining booth. She was right; he greeted the Ceo and his associates with ease, Solace had to help him with just a few things. And after he signed the few documents he needed to, he took her out for lunch as an expression of his gratitude. And solace never says no to free food, so she happily obliged.
He had asked her what she wanted, so she went to the nearest restaurant that had chicken and waffles; she had been craving them, and Hoseok never had them. So she was in front of him now, indulging in her delicious chicken and dipping her waffles in maple syrup alongside it. Hoseok was watching what she was doing, trying to replicate her etiquette. He blushed for the nth time that day, hearing her bellows of praise. He wasn't complaining, though.
"Thank you," he beamed. "You were a really big help, I'm happy you were there today." He finally tasted his chicken with a syrupy waffle, and Solace watches his eyes widen with astonishment — that's almost everyone's reaction to the treat. 
Solace looked knowingly back at her own plate. "I know."
After Hoseok drew himself back from waffle heaven, he asked curiously, "Wait, so where do you go now? Since it was your last day. Do you have like, a backup job? Something you're interested in?" He looked back at his plate, popping a piece of chicken in his mouth.
Solace chewed slowly, heeding his words while relishing in the simple calamity of the restaurant: the clinking plates and glasses, loud and quieted voices. This was a question she didn't necessarily have an answer to, so she silently searched for some sort of answer to tie him over.
She looked back up and him, frowning a little. "No, not really. I guess I'll just stay with my stepmom for a minute — like, literally a minute, the woman hates me — until I find something . . . else." She shied her face from Hoseok's worried gaze. She just couldn't stay at that aquarium, it payed fine enough, but damn, if it wasn't tiring.
Hoseok swallowed slowly after hearing what solace said about her job, and noting how uncomfortable she was talking about it. Great going, man. A thought crossed his mind — granted, it was a crazy, stupid thought, but a thought nonetheless — that consisted of inviting solace to her dad's aquarium back home.
He almost facepalms just for thinking it. In what world would that make sense? He finally removes it from his train of thought completely, but he sees her expression as she fell silent and looked outside the window beside her. She looked lonely, for a moment, although he was right there in front of her. He wished he couldn't relate so well. Maybe it would've kept his mouth from rambling off.
"You- you know, my dad just had a new aquarium built in the last, like six months. Since it's so new, we're a little short on employees, so if you want — since, you know you're fluent and all —" he gulps seeing her eyes widen, and her body suddenly becoming alert.
"Really?" Hoseok really wished he was kidding when he said she was fluent, just the way she said that one word made her sound like a native. "You are? I mean, it's a little far-fetched, but dammit I'll take just about anything." And he believes her, her heart had amplified it's beating, her excitement from his words noticeable like a star upon obsidian.
His face is burning roses, but his cheekbones raise in a smile; he wasn't lying, he just didn't even know she'd agree so fast — was she thinking this through at all?
No, just like your stupid ass, Hoseok.
Hoseok finds relief in the ice water that was placed next to him, he really couldn't let her down now. finally finding a voice, he breathes, "You sure about that? It might take a little while, but i'll see about getting you down there a little quicker. perks of being the director's son, heh. And you’re a nice enough girl." It was the least he could do. Literally. He won't allow himself to offer anything else.
Solace clutches her lab coat she didn't take off harshly, barely even believing his words. It would take a while, and who knows how long she'll actually be down there for? If she actually got the job? But she knew she wouldn't exactly miss being here. She wouldn't miss her stepmom, she wouldn't miss the loud, bustling people in L.A, and she definitely wouldn't miss that job. The only thing she might actually miss was these damn chicken and waffles. And she'd get to travel. The pros outweighed the cons, to her.
“It does sound nice, but where would I even stay? I’d be broke as soon as I got there," she said, sadly biting her nails.
He knew the answer a little too quickly. "I'm friends with a landlord in the heart of busan, right next to the beach. It's nice. Cheaper than most. I can’t promise anything, but maybe I could persuade him to lend you a room. If you'd like."
Music to her ears. "I'll take it."
Hello again! As I edit and prepare for the newer chapters of Fools, I decided to drop this one to hold you guys over. This is a Jimin fic, but I decided to start it off from Hoseok’s standpoint, because this is how Jimin and Solace’s stories begin, and that’s with Hoseok. At the beginning you will see the chapters fluctuate between the past and the present until they eventually meet up. I hope it’s not too confusing, but my inbox is always open if it is! As mentioned above, this story deals heavily with the themes of mental illnesses, but specifically borderline personality disorder, aka bpd. Jimin is the character with this disorder, so please be aware of that as you continue to read. I also want to point out that I absolutely do not condone romanticizing mental illnesses, so be assured that none of that will be included here. Thank you for reading, and I really hope you enjoy this!
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aliceslantern · 5 years
Beyond this Existence, chapter 16
Summary:  After Xehanort's death, Demyx finds himself unexpectedly human in Radiant Garden. With nothing but fragments of his past and a cryptic statement from Xemnas, he's left to figure out who he is. When Ienzo asks for his help with a project, the two find common ground, but the trauma and secrets in both of their pasts could tear it apart. Zemyx (Demyx/Ienzo), post-KH3 canon compliant
Read it on FF.net/ on AO3
Excerpt of an audio recording from device 5.875.32.852 (admin is registered as EVEN [surname REDACTED]. Transcription programs recognize the speaking voice of the admin as well as one other distinct voice. Transcription errors due to colloquialisms, slang, accent, muffled speech, etc. are acknowledged and will be used in further evolutions of this program.
Recording commences at 16:03.
--I hope you do not mind that I am recording this. I assure you any we can redact any exceedingly personal information. This is for my edification only. I would never dream of letting it fall into unsavory hands.
--Uh. Sure.
--Can you state your name and age in its entirety?
--Yeah. I’m [birth name and surname REDACTED]. I still go by Demyx. I’m twenty-two.
--That’s your name? That’s not what I thought.
--Yeah, well. It seems like I’m full of surprises. I don’t care who knows it, but it doesn’t seem to fit right anymore. You know?
--I suppose. So. Can you tell me what you remember, as far back as you can, as comfortably as you can?
--I’ll try.
These memories don’t feel like mine.
It’s weird. I guess it’s more like I’m reading a book, or watching a movie.
“It” started, if by it you mean all this Keyblade crap, when I was five. I was my parents’ only kid. We were broke. Like, squatting and going to soup kitchens broke. There were the early days, when the Foretellers--the five chosen ones or whatever--were just building their unions and preaching about their ideas in the plaza. I’m honestly not sure if they were the first wielders, but they were definitely the ones that made it a thing, That promised this as the way to seek the light.
Heartless started coming--from the future, or so they said in the square. We needed a way to defend ourselves. So they started testing people for worthiness. Kids were always easier. Less corrupt. More full of light.
More manipulable.
They said they would take the kids from more troubled circumstances, and give them what they needed to survive. In my parents’ eyes, food and a place to live. The luckier ones could stay at home. So that caused a big influx of poor people sending their kids in to be tested and trained. While some of the better off ones saw it as a sign of honor, everyone else wanted to keep their kids safe. Even the ones with Keyblades were dying.
My parents figured Heartless were better than me starving to death. So they sent me, by myself, for the test.
The older ones could pick their unions, but the real little ones like me they chose a more “organic” approach. They take you inside, and there the Foretellers are with a little table of five toys. Apparently picking one shows some intrinsic quality they’re looking for, or whatever. I got chosen to be in Ursus. And just like that, my mom and dad hugged me goodbye and left me there.
It was hard. Physically, mentally. I missed my parents. The training was grueling, and it hurt. But whenever I would cry or get upset either Master Aced or one of the older kids would tell me to be quiet. Because I was lucky. And I had a chance to be something.
But you see, Even, it doesn’t matter how lucky I was. I was still getting razzed by Heartless, getting thrown in and out of time to these worlds, getting reprimanded for bunging off quests or not getting enough lux. I got kicked out of a few parties for that. Making friends wasn’t so easy when I got a reputation for being a crybaby and a coward, even though I was six or seven.
I still tried to see my parents when I got a chance. They moved around a lot. Dad tried to get steady work a few times, but I think he had some kind of mental illness or something, and he could never be on time, or do what he was told, or get out of bed, so they lost their apartments a lot. Mom was a street musician, and she took in students sometimes, but it wasn’t enough money.
She taught me, too.
Compared to Keyblade stuff, music was so easy. I was so good at it. Knowing I wasn’t terrible at everything gave me strength to go on. I had a way to take all the bad feelings, all the nightmares, and make something beautiful out of it.
I tried to quit the union.
You wouldn’t believe the telling off Master Aced gave me. “Why was I ashamed of my heritage”. “Why wasn’t I doing my part.” “What did I think I would become otherwise, I came from the gutter.” It was devastating. Without the Keyblade, they said, I was worthless. I didn’t want to believe that was true.
As the years passed, and this all kept happening, I tried to study music on the side. That’s when I started keeping the diary. I wrote these weird avant-garde compositions, but that wasn’t enough to salve the pain. So I wrote how I felt, and if anybody found it, I’d just say it was nonsense. But nobody did, though. During that time the tensions between the unions started to grow, mostly over who was getting the most light. Kids were fighting in the streets. Killing each other’s Chirithys--that’s how I lost mine. Even the most legendary parties fell apart. People were still dying.
One of these days, when I was almost seventeen, I was going back to the dorms after another quest. Master Ava--Vulpes’s leader--stopped me. She said she’d heard about me, and I braced myself for another lecture like the ones Aced liked to give. But it was my focus on the bigger picture of my life she liked, she said. She wanted me to join a special union she was building.
The Dandelions.
The reason she built this union was because she feared there would soon be war between the others, and that war would escalate to apocalyptic proportions. Remember, we’d all been training for years at that point, we all had way overpowered magic--even me. But because we had no foresight as to anything other than collecting lux, nobody could see the consequences of fighting.
She was going to take this special union, and she was going to teach us how to escape this world altogether, just to make sure somebody survived.
I know you’re probably dying to know how we did it, but I honestly can’t remember. It was some kind of spell, for sure. I know that each of us cast it, and we were all supposed to go together. But it’s one of those things too slippery and powerful to hold onto for long. Not to mention, this travel was supposed to wipe our memories of the trauma and give us a fresh start. So she said.
The war started earlier than expected. The only reason I went to the battle was to find the other Dandelions so we could leave. But I’m not sure if I missed a memo or something. They were gone. Then again, there were so many bodies that had been just so completely fucking destroyed that they could have been some of these people.
[Audio muffled or indiscernible; external knowledge of social cues suggests emotional distress.]
People were just fucking killing each other. They… they tried to kill me, too. I remember Keyblades hitting my armor and I panicked. And I guess instinctively I cast the spell and got out. Got somewhere, or I guess some when is the better word. I ended up in the same place, just later, surrounded by all these rusting Keyblades, my memories completely cleaved and running through my fingers like sand. I remember that, feeling it all drain away like a dream.
That’s when Xemnas found me. When things started to hurt. The shock and the armor made it hard to tell, but someone had stabbed me clean through the chest.
He was nice to me, too. He said he’d been waiting for me and that I was going to be okay. He could give me purpose. My wounds would heal.
I died, and Demyx was born. Memory-free.
You know the rest.
End recording, duration--25:17.
“Goodness gracious. ” Like a child listening to their favorite story, he’d been leaning forward attentively. He’d even started recording it on his gummiphone, which Demyx initially felt was a violation of his privacy. But considering how close-lipped Vexen had always been about his experiments, he knew, if anything, his words would be safe in Even’s hands. “This is a window into our history.”
“Yours, maybe.”
“You simply must tell me more about these Foretellers. How is this organization structured? What was their training regimen like? Who was their leader--did they have a leader?”
“It's a lot to talk about." His throat was dry from talking for so long.
Even exhaled. He paused the recording. “I suppose you’re right. Of course you must be very tired. It’s been a long day.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I would say so.”
A beat of silence.
“Thank you for sharing this with me,” Even said. “I realize… it is not easy. Especially given our past relationship.”
“Like you said. Forgiveness.”
He nodded once, curtly. “Would you like something to help you sleep?”
“I think I’ll be okay. But thanks.”
“Well. Don’t get too used to it.”
Demyx looked at him. He didn’t know how else to be kind, Demyx realized. It must take immense effort. “Wake me up if anything changes with Ienzo,” he said. “Please.”
“You can be sure of it.”
The next several days, he felt utterly hollow. Demyx slept a lot. This was a sort of mental exhaustion. He was afraid to stray too far away from Ienzo’s side, but his condition remained unchanged. Guilt clung to him. He wasn’t really sure what to do with himself. He cleaned his room, which took all of ten minutes considering his lack of possessions. Did laundry. Found a couple books to read which weren’t half bad. It was a toxic combination of boredom and stagnation. At the end of the first week of this, Dilan asked him to come play cards.
“I figure you could use a bit of a diversion,” he said. He offered a smile.
“I guess I’m being pretty pathetic, huh,” Demyx said. He forced a laugh.
“Given the circumstances? No. But wallowing must be horrifically boring.”
Dilan’s quarters were even smaller than Even’s. He and Aeleus shared a sitting room and kitchenette. A faint smell of garlic lingered in the room, along with something like eucalyptus. He had a small herb garden, each one meticulously cared for. Near this was a pile of puzzle boxes.
Dilan took out a pack of cards. Demyx sat gingerly on the couch. It was less stern than the other furniture, a bit more comfortable, a soft velor that felt good to touch. He was becoming increasingly reliant on the tactile to stay grounded. He didn’t know if this was one of his myriad issues, or an effect of being overwhelmed.
Dilan crossed to a small glass cabinet. “Would you like a drink?”
“God. Yes.”
He poured them each a few fingers of whiskey into small crystal glasses. It burned when Demyx sipped it, but he liked it. “What shall we play? It’s a shame we’ve no third. I’d rather have liked to play Blackjack.”
“It’s not like I have anything to bet.”
“Too, too true.”
They settled on Hearts. Demyx didn’t know what to say to Dilan. After winning the first game, Dilan got them another drink.
“I’m not sure how I feel about your newfound reticence,” Dilan said. “It’s so odd, to see how humanity has changed you youth.”
“How so?”
“You were hardly ever so reserved. Ienzo was never so friendly. You should have heard him, chattering away to Sora. ...I’m sorry.”
“It doesn’t bother me. To hear his name. Either of them, I mean.” He felt only a shadow of the ping of anxiety he got when thinking about Sora. Of course, knowing what he knew now, it made sense that Sora’d had to strike him down. Psychically, there were bigger fish to fry.
“You’ve got a focus to you. An intensity. It’s like you’re more present.”
“I don’t feel very present.”
“Well. We’ve all received some shocks recently.”
The alcohol was making him warm and a little dizzy. Demyx wasn’t sure whether or not he liked the sensation. He slipped off his shoes and pulled his feet up under him. “Why did you become an apprentice?”
Dilan thought for a moment, shuffled his cards, and then drank down the remainder of his whiskey in one swallow. “Why indeed,” he muttered. “I was only a boy at the time, a bit younger than yourself. I needed something to do with my life. I’d always liked creating things. Building things. Ansem had passed some initiatives to make Radiant Garden a haven for the sciences. I applied to study engineering under him, and was accepted.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.” He chuckled. “Why did you choose to become a Keyblade wielder?”
“I didn’t,” Demyx said. “It chose me. I was poor. Being a wielder was pretty much the only way to survive.”
“I abhor such economies,” Dilan said sourly. “I cannot understand how some leaders will let their charges suffer for basic human rights.”
“I can’t really have a realized perspective of it. I was still a kid when I left.”
“What will you do now?”
“What will I… do?” Demyx repeated numbly. “Frankly, I didn’t think I’d get this far.”
“You and I both.”
He continued to pet the velor. He was feeling dizzier still, and heavy. “I want to be with Ienzo,” he said. “And I want to make friends. Real ones. But I don’t know where I’d fit.”
“What’s that old adage? “Be yourself?””
“Hasn’t exactly worked in the past.”
“It is a theory of mine that becoming a Nobody worsens one’s flaws and insecurities.” Dilan poured them another drink. “Our personalities devolved and repelled. Fed by darkness. Take your time. Be honest. That’s all.”
Demyx picked up the crystal cup and swirled the amber liquid around a little. “I guess.”
“What about that guitar of yours?”
“Yes. That.”
“I don’t know,” he said. “But I’ll find out.”
The next day, it sleeted. The echo of the splotches of snow piling up outside was audible within the confines of the castle. Demyx went to the library, armed with a cup of coffee. He lit a fire in the hearth. Once it was large enough to tend to itself, he sat down cross legged in front of it.
For some reason he was nervous. This was akin to stage fright. He’d much rather be worthy of Arpeggio than the stupid Keyblade.
Demyx held out his hands and pulled from within. The Keyblade appeared. He sighed. “I don’t want you,” he muttered. Let it disappear. He remembered the way the sitar had felt, the perfect weight of it, the smooth varnished wood.
Keyblade again. Demyx had to resist the urge to just toss the damn thing. He stared down at it. Traced the smooth shaft, twisted the links of the chain.
“Please,” he said to it. “I don’t want to fight. I just want--”
Not to be an idiot talking to an inanimate object?
Vanishing. Reappearing. It didn’t matter how long he thought about his Nobody memories, of all the music he’d ever made with Arpeggio. Of the fights or occasionally lack thereof.
“Are you mad at me?” Demyx asked out loud. “I didn’t ask for this to all happen.”
Hadn’t he?
Oh, we do too have hearts. Don’t be mad.
“Shut up,” he hissed at himself.
The fire popped as a log settled, startling him.
“Is it because I’m not him anymore?” he continued. “I’m still the sa-- no. I’m not.”
Demyx lay back on the plush carpet.
Remembering death was not easy. Doubly hard now that he knew it wasn’t the first time he’d been slain with Keyblades. Some of them were sharp, most blunt. You’d crush your ribs before you drew blood. Which was what happened. He rested his palm on the spot were the scars were.
Sora, Donald, Goofy. So much rage. Realization that this was a murder-suicide. He was able to pin Sora twice before the pain was too much. Before fading. Before waking up. Before Braig, with a soft smile, and a boy with silver hair, and a hot stab to the chest. What would have happened, really, if he hadn’t been turned into a vessel? What would he have done? Run away? Spent his life friendless, unloved and alone?
Without Ienzo?
He needed connections. Without them he could never hope to be whole--at least, figuratively. He had to do better. To be better. But how? Fancy displays of heroism were functionally worthless if there was no real intent behind them.
Demyx stood. Despite it all, he sort of had an idea.
The winter coat he had was warm enough, but it was not quite waterproof, and by the time he’d waded through the slop he was damp and chilly. When he reached the door of the committee’s headquarters, though, a knot of anxiety overrode his physical discomfort. Demyx stood for several moments at the door as wet snow piled on his hat, unsure of what to say. Several times he reached up to knock and withdrew his hand. He had barely placed his palm on the doorknob before it opened of its own accord.
“‘Could’ve finished War and Peace in the time it took you to make up your mind,” a middle-aged blond man said gruffly. “Come on in, kid.” He was smoking a cigarette, and its smell mixed with the ambient woodsmoke. “Don’t think we’ve formally met. I’m Cid.” He offered his hand. “Saw you unconscious, but I don’t think you remember that.”
“Not--exactly--” Demyx shook his hand.
“Let me take your jacket before you get snow everywhere.” He took the wet garments and hung them on a coat rack.
“It’s warm in here,” Demyx said, half in wonder. He was so used to the drafty castle that he’d forgotten what adequate heating felt like.
Cid raised an eyebrow. “‘Course it is.”
“It’s, um, the castle. Heating’s not very good.”
“I imagine it wouldn’t be.”
A beat passed. Demyx felt his anxiety rising and floundered for things to say.
“I’m guessing you’re here for Aerith?” Cid asked. He stubbed out the cigarette in an ashtray.
“Well. Sort of. I want to help.”
“With what,” he said blankly.
“Anything. I mean I--” Demyx could feel himself turning red.
“In the middle of winter?”
He bit his lip and looked down.
Cid chuckled. “I’m messing with you, kid. We’re always happy to have an extra pair of hands. Any of ya’ll got a sense of humor over there?”
“Let’s just say it’s been a tough week,” Demyx said.
“I’ll say. Weather’s been driving us mad. I finally kicked out Yuffie and Leon to get some peace and quiet.”
“...Er. Sorry about that.”
He shrugged. “I’m sure one or both of them will be back soon. They know a bit more about the operations stuff than I do. Why don’t you have a seat?”
Demyx perched in one of the folding chairs. Cid sat back down at a computer and began absently writing code. He wondered if he should say something. Anything. Ask questions. He kept his hands knotted in his lap.
A door he hadn’t noticed previously opened, and out came Aerith, drying her hands on a towel. “Demyx? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
“Fine--well, enough. I’m here to help.”
She crossed over a plant on the table and cut off a few of its leaves. “Can’t do a whole lot in the winter other than plan, unfortunately.”
“What are you doing with those?”
“Making medicine.” She nodded her head towards the other room. “Want to see?”
He followed her. It was a small, narrow room, with a cot up against one wall. The other wall was lined with cabinets and some counter space. A few different types of dried leaves and blooms were stuffed in the myriad little drawers. She took the leaves, scattered them into mortar. To Demyx, the mix looked like a salad more than a medicine. She crushed it down, whispered a spell, and then with an odd little device began packing it into capsules. “Pectin,” she explained. “Goes down easier than the raw leaves. And doesn’t get stuck in your throat.”  She held up the tiny pill so he could see.
“What does it do?” Demyx asked.
“Cold cure,” she said simply. “We need lots of it this time of year. And colds always change. I’m forever tweaking it.”
A memory he hadn’t fully process washed in. He’d never been the best fighter in any of his parties, often left to provide background support. The spells then he’d used had been barbaric in comparison, but at least it kept people alive.
“When did you learn how to do all this stuff?” he asked. He was feeling odd.
“Oh, ever since I was a kid,” she said. “My mom and grandma before me were healers. They sorta taught me what I know now. And I’m also teaching myself.”
“Do you think it’s possible for someone else to learn?”
She crushed more herbs. “I’m sure it is. It’s magic like anything else.”
“What about--say--me?”
Aerith turned slightly. She appraised him.
“I’ve been wanting to help people and I don’t know how. You saved me. You saved Ienzo. I can’t do science, and I’m not a good fighter. But I have a good memory.” He considered the irony of that statement. But he’d always been good at memorizing.
“It’s a long road. This isn’t something you can do halfway. People’s lives could be at stake. But you know that.” She smiled a little. Tapped her forehead. “You’ve been through a lot in your life. Seen a lot of suffering.”
“Haven’t we all,” he said dryly.
“That’s… right.” She dusted off her hands. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, or believe you can do it. But you’ve gotta have a certain kind of tenacity. An ingenuity. Tell you what. Why don’t you read some base healing theory? There’s no way Ansem doesn’t have books about it. If that doesn’t send you running for the hills, we can talk.” She winked.
Demyx nodded. “Okay. Sounds good.”
“Good luck.”
He stood.
“Was that the answer you needed?” she asked.
“I think it was.”
A week or so passed. He tried to do what Aerith said, and study. But Demyx had never been the most studious, and almost everything he learned sans the very basics he’d learned in the field. He spent these minutes and hours alternating between the text and the dictionary. Why were academics such bad writers?
Sometimes he studied near Ienzo, sometimes he didn’t. Ienzo slept and slept and slept. Demyx could feel the utter lack of presence like a missing tooth. Honestly, being around him and not being able to talk to him was nearly painful.
During one of these marathon reading sessions, Even came in to check Ienzo’s vitals, as he did several times each day. “EKG activity is still fairly limited. But improving. He must be dreaming.”
“About what?” Demyx asked.
“I’ve no idea. ...What is that?” He reached town and felt at Demyx’s temperature. “Are you quite alright?”
Demyx sighed, marked his place in the book, and shut it. “I’m studying. Sue me.”
“But why?”
He drummed his fingers on the desk. “You’re just going to make fun of me.”
“I will… not,” Even said with great restraint.
Demyx raised an eyebrow.
“I must admit I am still getting used to the new you. Tell me. I will withhold judgement.”
“I’m thinking of learning to heal. Like. The magic.” He braced himself.
Even didn’t laugh. “Really? Why is that?”
“I want to help people. And this seems like something I can actually do.” He sighed. “I hate feeling helpless. If I can help someone not feel that way, it’d be nice. You know.”
“I admit I never put much stock in such magic initially. But seeing how that woman has cared for the two of you, I’m starting to change my mind.”
“Do you think I can do it?”
Even considered this. “You had a fairly potent magical ability in the Organization. I don’t see why not.”
“You don’t think I’m too stupid?”
He scowled. “I find it stupid that you hold my opinion in such high esteem.” Then, softening. “As you said. You’re not a scientist. But that really has little to do with practical intelligence.” He picked up the tome. “I’d be glad to help you, should you so want it. These aren’t exactly light reading. It’d be convenient to have another pair of hands.” He picked up another bag of saline. “Well. If you’re so interested, I might as well teach you how to do this much.” He showed Demyx how to change the IV and how to take base vitals. “I’m hoping we won’t need to do this for too much longer. But that’s all up to him.” Even patted Ienzo’s head.
“I miss him.” He felt tears in his eyes.
“As do I,” Even said softly. “Come. Are you hungry?”
The more Demyx studied, the more his memories became clearer. In those first shocked days, it had been hard to focus on any memory for very long. Now, not so much.
He’d been a healer then, but not a very good one. He’d still been a coward. More than once someone had gotten egregiously hurt because he hadn’t been willing to step up. He’d been kicked out of multiple parties that way.
He didn’t want to be a coward. It was time to be mature; a grown up. Deal with grown up things in a grown up way. Don’t run. Face it. The hurt will be over that much faster.
For the first time, he tried to summon the Keyblade because he wanted to. But that wasn’t what happened. Instead of cool metal, there was warm, varnished wood. Familiar. Well-worn. He held the sitar tenderly. Cried a bit out of relief.
He was still, despite it all, himself.
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doodlingadventures · 6 years
Has Vol’jin been to Ny’alotha?
Buckle up people, this is a very long post, but I think I’ve cracked the code.
Sooo, what do I mean by this you’re probably asking. Or what the Hell is Ny’alotha.
Let’s start from the beginning; Ny’alotha is a city, or some kind of place, mentioned in game by different servants of the Old Gods. Most of the information we have of it comes from the Puzzlebox of Yogg’saron. It is named in three lines:
-In the land of Ny'alotha there is only sleep...
-In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things.
-Ny'alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes…
Also, some NPCs like Yll’gynoth and Xal’Atoh (no, I didn’t misspell Xal’atath, Xal’atoh is an axe) speak of it as a place you end in when you die. “You will rest in Ny'alotha” by Xal’atoh, and upon dying “N'Zoth... I journey... to Ny'alotha…”
Also (new) the corrupted tidesages have a death line of dialogue that says “sleep eternal in Ny’alotha”
All of this gives me the sensation that Ny’alotha is less of a place you can find beneath the ocean, as we have suspected for a long time, and more of a… different plane of reality. I think Ny’alotha is a version of Hell. Sort of.
We’ll explore this idea later, but for now I’m going to go back to Vol’jin.
In the incoming quests/scenarios for patch 8.1, when he is asked “why did you put Sylvanas in charge?” he answers.
I remember dyin’. I remember glimpsin’ da Other Side.
I was expectin’ ta see ol’ Bwonsamdi, or Shadra, or Hir'reek… any of da loa.
Dere was a presence. Somethin’ movin’ in da shadows. Somethin’ powerful.
I remember it takin’ me somewhere, but da memory of where be hidden from me. Ta keep me from sharin’ da truth…
After this, we go around asking different types of Gods of death; Bwonsamdi, The Lich King and Eyir, if they’re responsible for making Vol’jin choose Sylvanas. None of them had a hand on it, and we’re basically told that two different forces intervened in Vol’jin’s death. One almost condemned him, and the other one “saved” him, but today we are going to focus on the first one.
In the first short post I mentioned it could have been Mueh’zala, or Helya, instead of the Old Gods getting their hands in this, but… no, I’m afraid it’s Old Gods (what a surprise).
For one, Mueh’zala is still considered a Loa, so Vol’jin should have been able to recognize him? Or at least he could have described it as such, but instead of Loa he describes it as a “powerful presence”. There’s still a possibility it was him, since Vol’jin was believed to be lost in the Shadowlands, and that’s where he dwelves, but we know so little about him that I feel it’s better to focus on the Old God card.
And Helya….well, the evidence is pointing at her working with the Old Gods (knowingly or not), so there’s not much of a difference. Anyway, it was an Old God, probably N’zoth, the one that took Vol’jin “somewhere” he can no longer remember, to manipulate him.
And I think that place is Ny’alotha.
Wherever Vol’jin was taken, whatever he saw there, was something that convinced him to put Sylvanas in the Warchief’s Throne. And if it's something that he can’t remember, it is either because it was all lies, or because there was some truth in it that N’zoth didn’t want him to share. Since what Vol’jin cares about the most is the Horde, he must have been shown some sort of future where the Horde would perish if not for Sylvana’s leadership, or something of the likes... something that really fucks us over. Which the Old Gods really are taking benefits off, just look at all the chaos brought by the faction War. Worsened by Azshara’s tampering in both sides.
However, why would Ny’alotha be the place this kind of “nightmarish” visions would be shown to Vol’jin?
Well, because it has happened before.
Let’s go back to Ny’alotha being the Warcraft version of “Hell”. And I don’t mean Hell in the sense we consider the Christian Hell, a place of punishment, torture, and other horrors, but it surely has the capacity of torturing you by using your worst fears. Although it is not the in emerald nightmare, since Il'gynoth was in there when he said his line of “I journey to Ny’alotha”. It’s a realm we could consider hell, but it’s just a playground for an entity such as the Old Gods.
Where does this idea come from? TBH it’s the feeling I get from these two sentences, “In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things” and “Ny'alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes…”
But also because of the things the people that have gone there have seen.
The only way a mortal can “travel” to Ny’alotha is by dying, or being very close to death. AND if they’re invited there.  Following this line of thought, and working with the hypothesis that Ny’alotha is a place of torment and torture, I think we have been witnesses to three different characters mind/consciousness/souls being transported to Ny’alotha:
Queen Azshara (whom I think actually died in her short).
Queen Azshara.
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You probably think this the moment Queen Azshara arrived to Ny’alotha but I think otherwise.
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I think this is the moment Azshara’s mind arrived to Ny’alotha, and then was pulled out of it by N’zoth.
You see, there are a couple of visual clues here that are telling us that Azshara is actually dead.
The scene when she sees the corpses of her people attacking and blaming her, that’s her spirit in Ny’alotha, being tortured with what she fears most: the people that served her, worshiped her, adore her, turning on her, disobeying her.
And that’s when N’zoth pulls her out of it, believing she is desperate enough to accept his offer. You can see the light in her eyes is gone. Just like the eyes of the dead elves, and the light doesn’t go back to her pupils until her transformation into naga starts.
But regardless of dead or alive, N’zoth get what he wants. Sure, Azshara has the ovaries to try and get the deal on her own terms, but N’zoth still has her as a "collaborator” anyway.
And here’s when we can see the pattern? N’zoth picks the spirit of whomever he is interested in, takes it to a place (probably Ny’alotha) where they’re shown their worst fears, and these visions “break them” enough, that when N’zoth pulls them out of it they’re ready to make a deal with him. A deal that harms Azeroth, might I add.
It seems to be what happened to Vol’jin, it is definitively what happened to Azshara, and it seems to be exactly what happened to our Warchief.
Remember that short story from Cataclysm, when Sylvanas kills herself?
Let’s go over it again real quick.
Sylvanas goes atop ICC, sees that Arthas is dead but there’s another Lich King in place, she decides she is done with it all and jumps from the platform, dies impaled by the saronite spires, and, pulled from WoWpedia:
Sylvanas saw a vision of her peoples' future. Without her leadership, the bulk of the Forsaken was sacrificed by Garrosh Hellscream in a failed assault on Gilneas. At the Bulwark, Apothecary Lydon organizes a last, desperate counterattack against the invading Alliance forces. As the tide turned against them, the Forsaken threw themselves into raging fires rather than face the onslaught to come. As the vision ended, Sylvanas found herself floating in a dark void, where she knew only terror, cold, hopelessness, fear, and regret. She also ran into the ghost of Arthas and was surprised to find that all he was at this point was a frightened and lonely little boy. Looking at the man who had inflicted such torment, Sylvanas admitted that had her soul not been broken she may have actually felt pity for him despite what he had done to her. As she realized that this realm of anguish was to be her eternity, the Val'kyr appeared to her again. Led by Annhylde the Caller, they offered the Dark Lady a pact: instead of allowing Sylvanas to reside eternally in this terrifying realm, Annhylde offered to take her place if she binds herself to the remaining Val'kyr; a powerful vessel through which they can continue to exist as more than slaves, their fates intertwined. Sylvanas accepted the pact and was returned to the realm of the living surrounded by the eight remaining Val'kyr.
You could almost say that what she saw there was her worst fears. Where she expected peace and release, instead she got anguish and pain. And had it not been for this, she would have rejected the Val’kyrs a second time.
Again, this is a familiar pattern, yet, N’zoth doesn’t have control over the Val’kyrs… does he?
These Val’kyrs were supposedly at the service of the Lich King, but we have to consider that Val’kyrs were originally an invention of Odin. They’re pretty much undead guardians that handpick “worthy” souls to transport them to the Halls of Valor. That is, until Helya freed herself from Odin, which resulted in two “types” of Val’kyr. For convenience, I’m just gonna call them grey and gold Valks.
Blizzard has never addressed why Arthas had Valkyrs, or how was he capable of creating them (there’s a dungeon where he raises a Vrykul as a Valk, before we kill her), but the one thing we have for sure is that those Valks are grey, just like Helya’s, and those are the Valks Sylvanas… “inherited”.
I made a post not so long ago about Helya being the one Il'gynoth is referring to in his lines, but let’s go over it again.
Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it.
In Chronicles it is stated that Helya was something akin to an adopted daughter to Odin; she helped him with everything he needed, going so far as to lift the Halls of Valor away from Ulduar at his request (even tho it was kind of a dick move), until Odin got the idea for the Val’kyrs. He basically wanted to grab some random Vrykuls and turn then into undead guardian angels for the souls of the Vrykul he considered “worthy”, and when Helya said “don’t you fuckign dare” he killed her, raised her as the first Val’kyr, and took her free will away from her. And then she was forced to do the same to other unwilling Vrykul, transforming them.
And to cement the evidence, when she got free from Odin, she was helped by Loken, who was under the influence of Yogg’saron at that point. And, lifted directly from Chronichles.
“Helya created Helheim as an enchanted refuge for herself and the other val'kyr far below the Halls, and bound it to Azeroth's great seas (I’m having Deathwing/Neltharion related flashbacks right now)
However, the darkness that had long fested in Helya's heart transformed Helheim into a place of nightmare and shadow, and the vrykul souls who arrived in the realm were soon transformed into wraithlike kvaldir.”
I still think it’s not too far of a stretch to believe il’gynoth was talking about her.
The lord of ravens will turn the key.
For some time we believed this could have been Khadgar, but he really just turns into a raven. Odin on the other hand, has two ravens at his service, Hugin and Munin, and the real life Odin was referenced sometimes as “the Lord of Ravens” or simply “Raven God”, so I think it’s safe to assume it’s him we’re talking about.
At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming.
Helya died once, at the hands of Odin, then twice, when we were sent to “deal with her”, and by BFA we know she is still around, so…
At the hour of Helya’s third death, with her heart filled by the whispers of the Old Gods, Odin will strike her down, turning the key that will open the way for the Old Gods, and she will usher in their coming.
I want to remark the “Helheim is bound to Azeroth’s great seas” bit, and the tentacular state of her appearance, in case you’re having some doubts.
Am I saying that the Old Gods got the idea of eternal damnation into Sylvanas so that she would be desperately trying to get her hands on more Val’kyr and any other means to live eternally? Fucking over everyone else on the way? And that Helya willingly helped her in Legion, not just because it would fuck over Odin, but because it was part of a much bigger plan?
I mean, I just gave you all this evidence, but this theory is nothing new, people have been speculating that Sylvanas was under the influence of the Old Gods since that short story came out, all the way back in Cataclysm. It’s just that now we have even more hints of it (theoretically speaking), and it’s related to more events happening.
Which…Oh nooo, the Old Gods did it…. What a turn of events.
*long sigh*
This post is long enough, so I’m not going to give any opinions about the Goddanm Old Gods card or the state of the story.
But one thing I’ll say.
Blizzard you better fuckign give us Vol’jin back as a Warchief. Going through all of your bullshit deserves a reward.
Thanks for reading! Share your opinion on this insanity!
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spdrabblebomb · 7 years
SP Drabble Bomb - Beginnings Entry
Submitted by @p-aurisan
SP Drabble Bomb - Beginnings
NOTE: Crossover drabble. Features the story of Fire Emblem Heroes. Also features Mika’s askblog, Ask Tweek and Cats.
SECOND NOTE: WARNING! If you follow the blog asktweekncats, there are MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for events yet to happen. So if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read!
“Stop living in the past, Tweek. Start something new here, with us.”
When Tweek managed to uncover the story of lies, delusions, anger and trickery, he started to lose his own sanity and thought that he had screwed up. It was a heavy burden to bear and he was still not admitting it. Its like he wanted to go out and end everything personally, like trying to have tendencies to kill himself. All of his best friends, Craig, Token, Clyde.. all lied to him. Even Pip and Kyle knew this kind of pain and they are convincing Tweek to stop hurting himself.
“Tweek, you can’t stay like this.. stay calm.. forget about them..”
“I can’t, Kyle! You know how we were deceived! I should have never adopted them.. I shouldn’t.. I shouldn’t..”
“Tweek, please, listen to Kyle! I had the same reaction when Damien did the same but killing ourselves will not solve anything!”
“Pip, you don’t understand.. this lie.. parade of lies, I was played with it for the longest goddamn time! Craig.. Clyde.. Token.. they played me like a fucking puppet longer than any of you!”
“Tweek, wait.. Tweek!”
“Kyle, its no use.. let Tweek have some time to relax. He’ll calm down sooner or later.”
That night time, Tweek was still awake from the horrors his best friends had ever done to him. He still wanted to move on from it no matter the cost, but it scarred him. Its like a nightmare.. a long and unforgiving one at that. He trembles in his bed, hoping for a way to escape from this situation. Kyle and Pip already slept at this time at his place, they had to tend to him until he feels better from what happened.
However, it didn’t take long until a so-called miracle had to appear right before his eyes. Its as if he is summoned by someone in another world, in order to start all over again and forget the lies. He accepted to go into the light, and no matter what happens, it is his choice to make. He finally bid farewell to the friends that, no, they are not friends to him any more.. except for Kyle and Pip who understood him.
Upon arrival into this world, Tweek was greeted by a female commander in red hair. He had to pick up a white ancient relic-it seems important somehow.
“Hello there. So you are the summoner that came by the portal, yes?”
“Me-me? A summoner? Well, if that’s what you wanna call me, yeah..”
“I see, so the ritual worked greatly then! Well, you were summoned here because you have to help us.”
“W-what can I do to help.. miss.. what’s your name again?”
“My name is Anna. I’m the commander of the Order of Heroes.”
“Nice to meet you, Anna. I’m Tweek.. Tweek Tweak.”
“Its great to meet you too, summoner Tweek.”
Before the two continued their conversation, one of Anna’s allies approaches and they appear to be under attack.
“Anna, I’d hate to interrupt but.. the Emblians, they’re attacking!”
“Damn it. We have to talk later, Tweek. Let’s get moving now!”
“O-okay! Right behind you, Anna.”
The three, with Anna’s right-hand man helping out, heads over to a battlefield. Emblian soldiers are barging on their way to invade Askr, Anna’s home kingdom. With no time to lose, Anna immediately asks Tweek to use the relic he has under his possession.
“Tweek, do you know that relic you have in your hand there?”
“No, I just got it.”
“Alright, I’ll keep this short. That relic is how I got you here. But me and Alfonse, yes, the man with blue hair, we can’t take these soldiers alone. You need to summon someone out of that thing.”
“A-agh.. okay. This thing looks like a gun. I’ll try my best.”
“Its worth a shot, you know. If Anna trusts you with that thing then surely you can use it right.”
Tweek nods, and points to a clear area with the relic. He suddenly got it to work, and summons a hero to help. Five eyes have condensed itself to a light and someone in the portal came by. A man with a bow and arrow, and a stunningly handsome face with silver hair. This man is actually known as Virion.
“Hello there, Summoner. Do you need any help?”
“No way, you got that right on the first time Tweek!”
“Thanks, Anna. Maybe this thing sounds so easy to use.”
“Okay, its nice that you got it working but we need your help to lead us in this fight, Tweek.”
“Alfonse’s right. Go ahead and show us what you can do as a tactician.”
“O-okay. I’ll do my best for you guys.”
And so it began. Tweek’s first ever fight in this new world. Its like he forgot all moment of despair and sadness here that he suffered from his friends that lied to him. Apparently so, he does not want to go back to where all the lies started, so he’ll do his best to help Anna and Alfonse whenever he can.
There were only two soldiers for now, perfect time to practice. Tweek observes the battle field like a board game, and Anna, Alfonse and Virion are his pieces at the board. Its basically like how he plays a board game, even if its complex for someone like him.
The first turn begins and Tweek does his thing. He did manage to read how this fight will work, elements, weapons, stats, and so on. All of this is beneficial for him in order to make sure everyone on his side is alive. In this turn, he did a simple strategy to try out. He plans to bait the enemies. After his phase, the enemies move closely to Tweek’s units.
On the second turn, enemies are already close to Tweek’s units, and he goes in for the kill. Anna takes care of one while Alfonse and Virion took out the other. The battle was over and Tweek did it, really good too for a first try.
“Well, you did awesomely out there Tweek!”
“Yeah, that was quite the strategy you used out there. I’m impressed.”
“A-actually, it feels like I know how to do this.. its like a board game so I can at least use what I learned here.”
“Whatever you did, it works nonetheless. For now, let’s get a move on, we need to meet up with Sharena too.”
“Alfonse’s right. Sharena’s still busy patrolling. Hope she didn’t run into trouble.”
“Then we gotta move, quickly. Tweek, Anna, let’s go.”
The group headed over to where Sharena was last seen. She was fighting by herself upon arrival, and there were four soldiers this time, the whole shebang. Its as if whoever is commanding them is going in full force to defeat what remains of Askr there is left.
“Sharena, you aren’t alone here you know!”
“Anna? Alfonse? Its about damn time, haha.. I can’t hold on for much longer here.. and who is that?”
“That’s Tweek, our summoner I called in. He can help.”
“Hi, Sharena.. yes, I’m here to help.”
“Oh thank you so much, Tweek! Alright, so we have four soldiers aiming for the castle.. our castle. Can you help us?”
“Sharena, Tweek already has agreed to help.”
“Oh, really? Damn, I’m always late for this, Alfonse. Anywho, let’s go and take care of these guys.”
“Tweek, remember what you did last time. Do the same here and we’ll get our castle free from invaders.”
“O-okay, Anna.. I’ll do my best.”
Tweek did the exact same thing he did before. He led the Order of Heroes perfectly in this fight and every enemy soldier is eliminated, he’s already getting the hang of how things work here.. and it made him forget that horrible path of lies. After victory is assured, the group already headed in the castle, and debriefed Tweek of what’s going on. There was no time for praise, and its time Tweek needs to know his role here in this new world.
The briefing is that the soldiers they fought were Emblians, who wanted to conquer Askr, their home. The story goes on, along with the mentions of Princess Veronica who is leading them to make it so. She has taken heroes under the contract to fight Askr’s protectors, and realizing they needed a summoner who is capable to do so, Tweek came into play. Tweek didn’t understand it, but he knows what he has to do: stop Princess Veronica from controlling the heroes and invading Askr.
After briefing time, Tweek summons more heroes to come for their cause. He needed more of them if they ever want to end the war Veronica started in peace. With eyes he earned throughout the battles he fought, he finally got the needed team he can ever rely on-more so than ever than those three cats that deceived him.
When time came for a break, Tweek now shares his story with the heroes.
“So.. what was it like in your world, Tweek? Can you tell us about it?”
“Its quite modern. We have comfortable houses, cars that well, take us around like horses, then there’s my friends who are great people and well.. its just a small mountain town, nothing much really.”
“Quite interesting to see someone from the modern world indeed.”
“I bet it sounds like a cool place!”
“Anna, Sharena, its not at this time.. trust me.”
“Why? What’s going on over there? We can help!”
“My home is in a mess right now. I was deceived by my best friends.. I was lied to.. all of those bad horrible shit that got to me. It feels like I wanted to end myself, but I am glad I didn’t.”
“My god.. what the heck?”
“Language, Takumi.. sorry about that, Tweek. Please go on.”
“Thanks, Chrom. So I was saying.. three of my best friends lie to me.. my fellow pals.. Kyle and Pip, we were all deceived and lied to. I wanted to go away and forget all the lies.. but when you all summoned me here.. it felt like a miracle. This place.. I-I wanted to start new here.. begin a quest to forget everything I experienced back there.”
“But.. I can’t let go of my past. I can’t forget these lies. Its like.. they are going to haunt me forever.”
“You’re not going to remember them longer, Tweek. You have a purpose to forget all this.”
“Yeah, Alfonse’s right. If you can do your best here like what you are doing right now, you can move on.”
“Sharena.. Alfonse.. thank you. But I know they’ll come for me.. they will get me back.”
“Not when we’re alive. We’ll take care of them for you.”
“Whoa, whoa there Raven, we’re not gonna kill them.. just send them back and leave me be. I don’t want this to make things worse already as it seems. Damn it. I can’t seem to forget my horrible past of lies.”
“Tweek, every hero will understand you right here. If you want them gone but not dead, we can do that. I’ll swear to it.”
“Thank you so much, Alfonse. I have a feeling they’ll come here soon..”
As the chat continues, everyone felt worried for Tweek, as he is the important person here. If they ever try and get him back, the heroes will stop them. Craig, Clyde, Token, they won’t get close to him now here. Though, Anna wanted to tell Tweek something.
“Stop living in the past, Tweek. Start something new here, with us.”
“Anna.. I will do so right now. At least here, there’s something to fight for.”
“Yeah, you don’t have to give up. Not when you have a group of heroes.. no, best friends right here to help now.”
“I can truly consider you and everyone else best friends, Anna. Thank you for everything.”
And thus, Tweek has finally begun his quest to save Askr from Embla. Granted, there may be more battles to come, but this is what he chose, to start and do something worth fighting and going for, away from those that lied to him. But apparently, he didn’t want to leave Kyle and Pip who cares for him way more than ever now.. and as such, sent them a letter. Tweek summons a gate to his home and leaves a letter on his bed. Turns out Kyle and Pip were about to wake up and he had to leave this one to know that they don’t have to worry about him.
The letter reads..
“To Pip Pirrup and Kyle Broflovski. If you read this, I am in another world now, fighting and doing my best as a tactician. I am finally free of my negative thoughts from Craig, Clyde and Token, who ruined my life with lies and deception. I plan to work together with new friends, but I will always keep you both in my thoughts. I can go back here freely, so don’t worry about me gone. Please, fight on for me, and everyone else who our so-called best friend cats have made lies to. For if we continue to drown ourselves in our lies, they will win. You are both right about this.. and I’m glad I listened after for so long. I will start a new beginning right here. May we see each other again soon. -Tweek Tweak”
Tweek’s new story is about to begin, rewritten and foretold as a true hero instead of someone who gives up after getting lied to for months. If he ever sees those who lied to him, there will be hell to pay..
Craig, Clyde and Token made it to Askr after they heard Tweek went there. A random portal appeared in the park in the town, and these three went in there to find him. After hearing the stories Kyle and Pip mentioned about Tweek’s adventures as a summoner, these three decided to settle things with him once and for all. Sure, they lied to Tweek, but now, they want to make things right.
“So this is that Askr kingdom they were mentioning about. Sure does look big.”
“Yeah, but we’re not here to go sightseeing. We are here for Tweek.”
“Craig’s right. Apparently I heard Kyle and Pip talk about a castle where he is, its best to go there first.”
“Will he still trust us though? I get the feeling Tweek would abandon us after the lies we did to him.”
“Clyde, shut the fuck up. Let’s not mention these to him. If we do, he won’t forgive us for sure.”
“Shit.. you’re right Craig. Sorry.”
The trio headed over to the castle where Tweek and his heroes are resting. It was already night time, and Tweek is on patrol. Craig and the others can already see the castle and hopefully find Tweek and convince him. But its not that simple for them, as Tweek has a burning passion of hatred against them and he hasn’t moved on completely.
“This must be the place.”
“Looks like it. So where do we start looking?”
“Outside. We must not alert anyone.”
However, as Token looks around, he changed his tone. He saw Tweek right there at the perimeter of the castle, with someone else.
“Well we don’t have to look around, Craig and Clyde.”
“Why is that?”
“I see Tweek over there patrolling with someone else.”
“What? Let me look.. oh shit, that’s him!”
“Clyde, shut your mouth, we’ll get caught!” Craig hits Clyde’s head.
“Ow, Craig, you don’t have to do that.”
“Well you nearly blew up our fucking cover, Clyde!” Craig whispered angrily.
“So what should we do now?”
“Heh.. I got an idea. We can still transform to our cat forms. That should get us to him closely.”
“One problem, Craig. That person Tweek is with. Guy’s got a bow and arrow and we don’t want to get shot, especially in our knees..”
“Then we scurry along quickly when that guy’s not noticing, that’s all.”
“Fine.. let’s get this over with.”
Craig, Clyde and Token transformed to their cat forms. It was the best way to make sure they don’t get caught as they head over to him. They have to stop meowing too.. Tweek still recognizes them. Right after transformation, the three cats ran a lot, avoiding other patrolling heroes as they get closer to the castle.
Meanwhile, Tweek and Takumi are still patrolling on the same spot Craig and his pals found him with. He is about to have a bad time.. as his memories of the lies came back to him.
“Ugh.. stop your lies.. I want.. to forget all this.”
“Summoner Tweek, what’s wrong?”
“Takumi.. listen to me.. the people that lied to me.. they are.. close by!”
“Oh damn it. Do you want me to call Anna and the others?”
“No, Takumi, we can’t let everyone be involved.. we have to do this together. You are the only person that I trust the most at this time. Get your trusty bow ready..”
“As you say then. I’ll stay close with you.”
“Thank you, Takumi.”
Tweek and Takumi are on high alert now after Tweek’s gut feelings were sparking. As the night patrol continues however, his gut feelings are really getting to him as his premonition about the three friends who lied to him is true. Craig, Clyde and Token are coming for him to take him back.
When Craig, Clyde and Token are actually in the castle perimeter now, they didn’t expect to see Takumi and Tweek at high alert. This made things worse for them because they knew Tweek was prepared the moment they set foot near the castle. Now they have to think of something else.
“Fuck, they know! What do we do now?”
“Look, we need to take care of that archer Tweek’s with. Its hard to get close to him if that guy is Tweek’s bodyguard.”
“Not to mention his horrible fashion style. Look at him, he’s got a robe! And bad long hair!”
“Clyde, shut up dammit!”
“Craig, me and Clyde will take care of that archer. You go for Tweek, since he knows you more than we do.”
Craig nods in agreement. “Stay safe, and don’t get hit.”
“We won’t. Stay safe out there, this place protects Tweek from us.”
The three cats move out, and they had no choice but to break the no meowing rule to bait Takumi away from Tweek. They headed over to the place where the two are on high alert. They all hid in a bush, ready to do their thing. The bush is right behind a tree, in front of both Tweek and Takumi’s eyes at the moment. Immediately, Token and Clyde meowed.
“Those meows.. I knew it!”
“I hear them too. Tweek, tell me what to do.”
“Aim at where they come from.. now!”
“Alright.. if this is the source of your problems this is a chance to get rid of them for good, Tweek.”
“Yeah.. thank you for being with me, Takumi.”
Takumi aims arrows at the source of the meows, but none of the cats got hit.. the arrows struck the tree where the cats are hiding from. He goes in to get a closer look and see where they are, but as he arrived at the bush, a black cat and a ragamuffin ambushed Takumi, leaving Tweek open. Craig scurries over, switches to human form and approaches Tweek.
“Get these cats off of me!! They’re scratching my robes! Damn it, that brown cat stole Fujin Yumi, get it from that thing!”
“Takumi, no! Alright.. I’ll get that bow off of-wha.. Craig?”
Craig stops Tweek from chasing Clyde and getting Takumi’s Fujin Yumi back. He wants to talk to him.. right from his heart.
“Tweek.. that’s really you right?”
“What the fuck do you want.. Craig.. or should I say.. the person that lied to me for so long?”
“I just want to talk to you, Tweek..”
“What else is there to talk about, Craig? You all lied to me. You won’t ever get to touch me again!”
“Look.. we all miss you, we’re not lying this time. We’re sorry we did this to you, okay..”
“Sorry? That’s it? That is not enough to heal these scars you gave to me.. you and Clyde and Token did that struck me for a long time..”
“We’re here to make things right, Tweek.. not make things worse. Kyle.. Pip, they miss you.”
“Can you stop lying, Craig? I sent them letters for fuck’s sake! They will miss me, but they accepted me for this decision.”
“South Park is not the same without you, Tweek.”
“It was never the same.. because of you.. all of you.. who had to lie and lie all the goddamn time as cats! I should have listened.. to Butters.”
“Tweek, we just wanted to tell you to move on.. we’re not here to make things worse. We’re not here to hurt you even more.. we are here to know you still trust us..”
“No, not anymore. Butters suffered because of you. Pip had to go to therapy because of Damien.. Kyle had to hurt himself for a day, don’t you see what have you done? All of this.. is your fault.. all of you so-called cats are the cause of all this.”
“We have changed, Tweek. We did for weeks. Now with you not around, its just not the same.. why were you forced to work for these? You don’t even know these people.”
“Because.. Anna and everyone else gave me a chance to start anew. You wouldn’t understand. She and everyone else, even Takumi, that guy Token and Clyde scratched.. gave me all that I need to forget you. After I did join them, you are nothing to me.. all three of you.”
“Tweek.. you.. bastard.. is this all that you had to say to us? We came here just to bring you back.. don’t say that we came here to this godforsaken place just to make things worse!”
“I do think.. yes, you are making things worse. You and those two assholes did it just by coming here.. tell them Craig. Get them off of Takumi right now.”
“Ugh.. Token.. Clyde.. stop it. Let the archer go.”
Token and Clyde stopped tormenting Takumi and gave back his bow. He won’t like it after seeing his Fujin Yumi in cat slobber. He’s already pissed off about it. They approached Tweek and gathered with Craig, also turning to human form.
“Now that you’re all here.. I want you to follow this simple request.” Tweek spoke kindly to them to make them understand this. “Leave this castle, and never show yourselves here. Ever again.”
“Tweek, you can’t fucking do this!”
“Don’t make me command Takumi to kill you all right there on the fucking spot, Craig!” Tweek beams angrily.
“I’d be happy to do that right now.. you three have no idea what you are getting into.”
“What now, Craig..” Token trembles. “We can’t stay here any longer or we’ll die. That archer is about to shoot on us and the other patrols will come at any minute!”
“You’d better listen to Token.. at least he’s still smart.”
“Fine.. Tweek, you win. But know this. You have started a mess that you ever didn’t realize..” Craig sighs. “Token, Clyde.. let’s go.”
The three left the castle, disheartened and lonely. Tweek was happy they heeded his warning, because he never wants to see them again for they were the cause of everything negative that happened to him.
“So these were the people that ruined your previous life. I would have struck an arrow at their heads gladly if you wanted.”
“Its fine, Takumi. If I do that, it will make things worse. I hope they would go back and understand. Let’s get back to patrolling.”
After a day later, Craig and pals regrouped in a safe place, becasue they didn’t go home. Not without Tweek. They still cling on to him, enough that they have to stay in Askr.
“What are we gonna do now? Tweek is not listening to us.”
“We have to keep trying, Clyde. We just have to. We won’t give up hope on Tweek.”
“Craig’s right. We won’t go back home until Tweek comes with us.”
“But that won’t be happening, you two. This war Tweek is in, the heroes, it will take a long time until everything is resolved..”
“Then we need another way to get to him.”
Then, at this point, someone approaches. This person overheard their conversation and knowing this can be an advantage, she joined in to give them an offer. Princess Veronica decided that its time Tweek returns with his friends back home.. for good.
“Perhaps I can help you all get your friend back.”
“Wha-who are you? What do you want from us?”
“I have nothing to take from you, rather, I want to help you all get your friend back. There is no malice in this, I promise.”
Craig and the others were tempted for this. Veronica knows that they wanted Tweek back so much. And considering that if they return home with Tweek, the summoner will leave Anna’s Order of Heroes for good, finally defeating Askr and rule over it. Craig, Token and Clyde thought about whether to accept the offer or not, because there are no other options left for them to take Tweek back. In the end, they accepted.
“Okay.. we’ll accept your offer. May we know who you are at the very least?”
“Thank you for accepting my offer. My name.. is Princess Veronica.. but you can just call me Veronica. Welcome to the Emblian Empire.”
“I am Craig Tucker. This is Clyde Donovan and that is Token Black. We’ll agree to join you if that means we take Tweek back.”
“Consider it done. I will work together with you three to get him back.”
After this offer came by, Tweek’s battle against the Emblian Empire will get even worse. With the three joining Princess Veronica’s side, it seems that this will make the most disheartening battle he will have to face in this world.. stronger than all the lies he faced back home.
Woah, this was a really wild ride start to finish. I love seeing the many different stories you guys have woven together! Though I’m not really familiar with some of the crossover materials at play, I was still kept interested in the plot and curious where it was leading. Thank you for writing!
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